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Add operator support to format
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glguy committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 5683ae2 commit c7ddfb3
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Showing 2 changed files with 57 additions and 14 deletions.
50 changes: 49 additions & 1 deletion common/src/Advent/Format/Types.hs
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Expand Up @@ -188,5 +188,53 @@ enumCases nameStr =
case con of
NormalC name []
| Just str <- stripPrefix nameStr (nameBase name) ->
pure (name, str)
case str of
'_' : symbolName ->
do symbol <- processSymbolName symbolName
pure (name, symbol)
_ -> pure (name, str)
_ -> fail ("Unsupported constructor: " ++ show con)

processSymbolName :: String -> Q String
processSymbolName str =
case break ('_' ==) str of
(name, rest) ->
case lookup name symbolNames of
Nothing -> fail ("Unknown symbol name: " ++ name)
Just symbol ->
case rest of
[] -> pure [symbol]
_:str' -> (symbol:) <$> processSymbolName str'

symbolNames :: [(String, Char)]
symbolNames =
[ ("LT", '<')
, ("GT", '>')
, ("EQ", '=')
, ("BANG", '!')
, ("AT" , '@')
, ("HASH", '#')
, ("DOLLAR", '$')
, ("PERCENT", '%')
, ("CARET", '^')
, ("AMPERSAND", '&')
, ("STAR", '*')
, ("PIPE", '|')
, ("LPAREN", '(')
, ("RPAREN", ')')
, ("LBRACE", '{')
, ("RBRACE", '}')
, ("LBRACK", '[')
, ("RBRACK", ']')
, ("COLON", ':')
, ("SEMI", ';')
, ("QUESTION", '?')
, ("SLASH", '/')
, ("BACKSLASH", '\\')
, ("UNDERSCORE", '_')
, ("DASH", '-')
, ("DOT", '.')
, ("COMMA", ',')
, ("PLUS", '+')
, ("TILDE", '~')
21 changes: 8 additions & 13 deletions solutions/src/2023/19.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ data Part a = Part a a a a
-- | 'V' is an index into a field of a 'Part'
data V = Vx | Vm | Va | Vs

data O = O_LT | O_GT

-- | 'Ints' is a range of 'Int' with an inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound.
type Ints = Box' 1

-- | Workflow rule determine an action to take based on parameter value.
data Rule
= LessThan V Int String -- ^ Action when variable less-than bound
| GreaterThan V Int String -- ^ Action when variable greater-than bound
-- | A rule is a part field, an operator, a bound, and a jump target
type Rule = (V, O, Int, String)


Expand All @@ -63,18 +63,13 @@ stageTH
-- 127517902575337
main :: IO ()
main =
do (workflows_, parts_) <- [format|2023 19 (%a+{((@V(<|>)!%d:%a+),)*%a+}%n)*%n({x=%d,m=%d,a=%d,s=%d}%n)*|]
let workflows = Map.fromList [(k, (map toRule rs, e)) | (k, rs, e) <- workflows_]
do (workflows_, parts_) <- [format|2023 19 (%a+{((@V@O%d:%a+),)*%a+}%n)*%n({x=%d,m=%d,a=%d,s=%d}%n)*|]
let workflows = Map.fromList [(k, (rs, e)) | (k, rs, e) <- workflows_]
parts = [Part x m a s | (x, m, a, s) <- parts_]
print (sum [sum p | p <- parts, accepted workflows p])
let full = 1 :> 4001
print (acceptedCount workflows (Part full full full full))

-- | Convert parsed syntax to semantic representation
toRule :: (V, String, Int, String) -> Rule
toRule (v, ">", n, lbl) = GreaterThan v n lbl
toRule (v, _ , n, lbl) = LessThan v n lbl

-- | Predicate for parts that will be accepted by the workflow.
accepted :: Map String ([Rule], String) -> Part Int -> Bool
accepted workflows xmas = 0 /= acceptedCount workflows (fmap one xmas)
Expand All @@ -89,13 +84,13 @@ acceptedCount workflows = jump "in"
jump "R" = const 0
jump ((workflows Map.!) -> (rs, el)) = foldr rule (jump el) rs

rule (GreaterThan var n tgt) continue p =
rule (var, O_GT, n, tgt) continue p =
case split (n + 1) (lkp p var) of
(lo, hi) ->
maybe 0 (continue . set p var) lo +
maybe 0 (jump tgt . set p var) hi

rule (LessThan var n tgt) continue p =
rule (var, O_LT, n, tgt) continue p =
case split n (lkp p var) of
(lo, hi) ->
maybe 0 (jump tgt . set p var) lo +
Expand Down

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