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glguy committed Dec 26, 2023
1 parent 06c396d commit 9cb2180
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 28 deletions.
60 changes: 32 additions & 28 deletions solutions/src/2023/25.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# Language QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# Language QuasiQuotes, BangPatterns #-}
Module : Main
Description : Day 25 solution
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,16 +45,18 @@ module Main (main) where
import Advent (format, ordNub)
import Advent.Tokenize (autoTokenize)
import Data.Graph.Inductive (Gr, UGr, insert, match, size, labNodes, edges, nmap, mkUGraph, noNodes)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import System.Random

main :: IO ()
main =
do input <- [format|2023 25 (%s:( %s)*%n)*|]
let g = nmap (const 1) (simpleGraph (autoTokenize input))
loop =
do g' <- fastmincut g
if size g' == 3 then pure g' else loop
g' <- loop
loop gen =
case fastmincut g gen of
(g', gen')
| size g' == 3 -> (g', gen')
| otherwise -> loop gen'
g' <- getStdRandom loop
print (product [sz | (_, sz) <- labNodes g'])

-- Transform the input format into an fgl unlabeled graph
Expand All @@ -66,30 +67,33 @@ simpleGraph input =
[(k,v) | (k,vs) <- input, v <- vs]

-- Karger–Stein algorithm (specialized to find mincuts of size 3)
fastmincut :: Gr Int e -> IO (Gr Int e)
fastmincut g
| n <= 6 = contract 2 g
fastmincut :: Gr Int e -> StdGen -> (Gr Int e, StdGen)
fastmincut g gen
| n <= 6 = contract 2 g gen
| otherwise =
do let t = ceiling (1 + fromIntegral n / sqrt 2 :: Double)
attempt = fastmincut =<< contract t g
g' <- attempt
if size g' == 3 then pure g' else attempt
case rec gen of
(g', gen') | size g' == 3 -> (g', gen')
| otherwise -> rec gen'
n = noNodes g
n = noNodes g
t = ceiling (1 + fromIntegral n / sqrt 2 :: Double)
rec = uncurry fastmincut . contract t g

-- Karger algorithm parameterized by stop condition
contract :: Int -> Gr Int e -> IO (Gr Int e)
contract t g
| noNodes g <= t = pure g
| otherwise =
do (l, r) <- pick (edges g)
let (Just (li, _, szl, lo), g1) = match l g
(Just (ri, _, szr, ro), g2) = match r g1
adj = [a | a@(_,n) <- li ++ lo, n /= r] ++ ri ++ ro
contract t (insert ([], l, szl + szr, adj) g2)
contract :: RandomGen g => Int -> Gr Int e -> g -> (Gr Int e, g)
contract t g gen
| noNodes g > t
, ((l, r), gen') <- pick (edges g) gen
, (Just (li, _, !szl, lo), g1) <- match l g
, (Just (ri, _, !szr, ro), g2) <- match r g1
, let adj = [a | a <- li ++ lo, snd a /= r] ++ ri ++ ro
, let g3 = insert ([], l, szl + szr, adj) g2
= contract t g3 gen'

| otherwise = (g, gen)

-- Selet a random element from a list
pick :: [a] -> IO a
pick xs =
do i <- randomRIO (0, length xs - 1)
pure $! xs !! i
pick :: RandomGen g => [a] -> g -> (a, g)
pick xs gen =
case randomR (0, length xs - 1) gen of
(i, gen') -> (xs !! i, gen')

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