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glguy committed Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 7f7bfba commit 272ced4
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 34 deletions.
68 changes: 34 additions & 34 deletions solutions/src/2024/16.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,13 +56,12 @@ Maintainer : [email protected]
module Main (main) where

import Advent (getInputArray)
import Advent.Coord (Coord, north, east, south, west, turnRight, turnLeft)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, assocs, amap, (!))
import Advent.Coord (north, east, south, west, turnRight, turnLeft)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (assocs, amap, (!))
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.IntMap qualified as IntMap
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Advent.Search (fillN)

Expand All @@ -82,47 +81,48 @@ main =
,(1000, Map.fromList [((start, north), []), ((start, south), [])])
,(2000, Map.singleton (start, west) [])]

(cost, preds) = shortestPath open end Map.empty q0
step (p,v) = [(1001, (p', v')) | let v' = turnRight v, let p' = p + v', open ! p']
++ [(1001, (p', v')) | let v' = turnLeft v, let p' = p + v', open ! p']
++ [( 1, (p', v )) | let p' = p + v , open ! p']
isEnd (p, _) = p == end

(cost, preds) = shortestPath step isEnd q0
= fst
$ fillN (preds Map.!)
[(end,v) | v <- [north, east, south, west], Map.member (end, v) preds]

print cost
print (length shortestPathNodes)
print (length nodesOnShortestPaths)

-- | Mapping from a node to the predecessors of that node on the shortest path to that node
type Predecessors = Map (Coord, Coord) [(Coord, Coord)]
type Predecessors a = Map a [a]

-- | Main loop for a shortest-path implementation that computes the cost of the shortest path
shortestPath ::
UArray Coord Bool {- ^ grid marking open spaces -} ->
Coord {- ^ target coordinate -} ->
Predecessors {- ^ finalized optimal predecessors -} ->
IntMap Predecessors {- ^ cost to candidate predecessor additions -} ->
(Int, Predecessors) {- ^ cost of shortest path to end and predecessors of all shortest paths -}
shortestPath open end seen q =
case IntMap.minViewWithKey q of
Nothing -> error "no solution"
Just ((cost, states), q1)
| done -> (cost, seen')
| otherwise -> shortestPath open end seen' q2
-- remove all the states at this cost that we've seen at a lower cost
states' = Map.difference states seen
Ord a =>
(a -> [(Int, a)]) {- ^ successors of a node -} ->
(a -> Bool) {- ^ predicate for the destination -} ->
IntMap (Predecessors a) {- ^ cost to candidate predecessor additions -} ->
(Int, Predecessors a) {- ^ cost of shortest path to end and predecessors of all shortest paths -}
shortestPath = go Map.empty
go seen step isEnd q =
case IntMap.minViewWithKey q of
Nothing -> error "no solution"
Just ((cost, states), q1)
| done -> (cost, seen')
| otherwise -> go seen' step isEnd q2
-- remove all the states at this cost that we've seen at a lower cost
states' = Map.difference states seen

-- look for states that have reached the target
done = any (\(p,_) -> p == end) (Map.keys states')
-- look for states that have reached the target
done = any isEnd (Map.keys states')

-- mark all the new states at this cost as seen so we don't revisit them again
seen' = Map.union seen states'
-- mark all the new states at this cost as seen so we don't revisit them again
seen' = Map.union seen states'

-- queue up all the successor states to be visited in the future
q2 = foldl (\m (k,v) -> IntMap.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) k v m) q1
[ (cost + amt, Map.singleton next [cur])
| cur@(p, v) <- Map.keys states'
, (amt, next)
<- [(1001, (p', v')) | let v' = turnRight v, let p' = p + v', open ! p']
++ [(1001, (p', v')) | let v' = turnLeft v, let p' = p + v', open ! p']
++ [( 1, (p', v )) | let p' = p + v , open ! p']
-- queue up all the successor states to be visited in the future
q2 = foldl (\m (k,v) -> IntMap.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) k v m) q1
[(cost + amt, Map.singleton next [cur]) | cur <- Map.keys states', (amt, next) <- step cur]

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