This is a plugin for Minion that run a check for Ticketbleed (CVE-2016-9244) vulnerability on F5 TLS layer. The test can either runs as a go script or an linux binary. The script is improved from [](this site)
Clone the project with git clone
Then in the project repertory, you can install the plugin by running the following command in the minion-schedule-plugin repository (with the virtual environment activated if needed): by the command
python develop
Once you have installed your go environment, in the directory of the plugin, run
go build ticketbuild.go
and specify the path to the created binary in the plan configuration.
"configuration": {
"report_dir": "/tmp/artifacts/",
"ticket_path": "/home/user/minion/minion-ticket-bleed-plugin/ticketbleed"
"description": "Check vulnerabity of TicketBleed for F5",
"plugin_name": "minion.plugins.ticket_bleed_plugin.TicketBleedPlugin"
Most of the options are not mandatory and have default values.
: directory where the reports will be saved. By default, the path used is/tmp/artifacts
: path of the binary that will run the scan