A Redis client implementation for Node.js which runs atop Google V8.
This project lets you access a Redis instance using server-side JavaScript.
Node.js does not block on I/O operations.
This means that while a typical Redis client might have code that accesses a Redis server in a blocking call, Node.js-based code cannot.
Typical Redis client (e.g. Python):
foo = client.get('counter')
This Node.js-based Redis client:
var sys = require("sys");
var redis = require("./redis");
var client = new redis.Client();
function learn_to_count () {
client.incr('counter').addCallback(function (value) {
sys.puts("counter is now " + value);
Running this example, we'd see:
$ node counter-example.js
counter is now 1
$ node counter-example.js
counter is now 2
$ node counter-example.js
counter is now 3
That is, you must supply a callback function that is called when Redis returns, even if Redis queries are extremely fast.
A potential upside to this slightly awkward requirement is that you can enjoy the benefits of pipelining many Redis queries in a non-blocking way. Redis returns replies for requests in the order received.
See the test.js file as a good example of this.
- The full Redis 1.0 command specification is supported.
- All tests pass using Redis 1.02 and Node.js v0.1.18-18-gdc093ef.
- See the TODO file for known issues.
To test:
- fire up redis-server on (the default)
- install node.js
- run
node test.js
Brian Hammond, Fictorial (brian at fictorial dot com)
Copyright (C) 2009 Fictorial LLC
See LICENSE (it's MIT; go nuts).