Download the latest Android SDK
Apache Maven 3.1.1 or higher is required!
git clone [email protected]:wsdjeg/maven-android-sdk-deployer.git
cd maven-android-sdk-deployer
mvn install
or you can use mvn install -P 4.1(5.0 e.g.)
As a result you should find the android.jar and maps.jar and a number of other libraries in your users local repository (~/.m2/repository/) and you can therefore use the following dependencies in your project
by this command mvn clean intall
you will package this project into ~/.m2/repository/com/github/alorma/gitskarios-core/ . also you can find there are two package in this dir,apklib and jar,apklib contains all the necessary src res and so on,jar contains all the classes,you need to use different scope for these two package.
compile 'com.github.alorma:gitskarios-core:2.1.0'
for example you can use this lib by adding these two dependencies into your pom.xml