- View the Github Repo
- View the Deployed Heroku link
This application is a progressive web application (PWA). The app works both online and offline. It is also installable as a native app on any platfrom be it android, ios or desktop. For this to happen the app uses PWA technologies such as service-workers, manifest.json and index DB from a browser. If the user uses older brower that doesn't support PWA technologies, the app still works as a regular web app. With this app, a user can enter transactions (both deposit and expenses) with or without good internet connection. That capability makes it perform like a native app. The app displays all transactions in a table as well as in gragh.
- Installation Instructions
- How To Use The App
- Contributing Guidelines
- Test Information
- License
- Questions
- fork and use it.
- Don't forget to install all the modules this app depends on.
- npm i -> will install all the dependecies
- Install it like a native app in your machine by clicking the + sign on the url bar on desktop or clicking install app on your phone.
- If you fork it, launch the app on the terminal - using (npm start) or launch it on heroku using the provided heroku link.
- The app will display, all the transacton in table and graph. It also shows the total budger you have.
- Enter your deposit's name and amount and click Add Funds
- Enter your expenses's name and amount and click Subtract Funds
Here is a screen shot of the main page
- contact me on the email provided below
- No test specified
Should you have any questions about this project,
- you can reach me through email: [email protected]
- or visit my Github Profile for more information.