- View the Github Repo
This application is a Node CLI application that takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each each employee. This application is made using inquirer package to prompt questions about important information about employees. Classes of Employee, Manager, Engineer and Intern were created. Each employee added by a user on the command line are made to be instances of either of these created classes depending on whether the employee added is a manager, an engineer or an intern. Since testing is a key piece in making a code maintainable, unit tests were made on all important pieces of codes.
- Installation Instructions
- How To Use The App
- Contributing Guidelines
- Test Information
- License
- Questions
- You are free to fork and use it. But make sure all dependencies are installed.
- 'npm i' will install all the dependencies
- go to the command line
- be on the right directory and run 'node app.js'
- answer each question prompted to you at the command line
- add as many team members as you want
- when you reach at the point where you don't have team members to add - say 'no'
- html file will the summary of all entered team members will be created in the 'output' folder
- Watch the video
- a snap shot of the html created may look like this
- contact me on the email provided below
- after installing 'just' pacjage as a devDependecy
- run 'npm run test' at the command line
Should you have any questions about this project,
- Yu can reach me through email: [email protected]
- Or visit my Github Profile for more information.