Cranky is a fixtures replacement inspired by the excellent Factory Girl but with easier syntax and no external dependencies, it will work straight out of the box with rails 10.
In short use this if you want to quickly and naturally create factory methods that you feel 100% in control of.
First install the gem...
gem install cranky
Or with bundler...
# Gemfile
gem "cranky"
Then in your spec_helper.rb ...
# spec_helper.rb
require "cranky"
require "factories/my_factories"
The above assumes that you have created your factory methods in a file called my_factories.rb in the spec/factories directory. You can create as many different factory files as you want, just require them in the same way.
The API to use in your tests is:
crank(:user) # Build a user instance without saving
crank!(:user) # Build and save a user instance
crank(:user, :name => "Ian") # Override a default attribute value
crank(:user_attrs) # Return a set of valid attributes rather than the object
Alternatively the Factory Girl syntax also works and therefore Cranky can drop into tests already written for that framework... # Build a user instance without saving
Factory.create(:user) # Build and save a user instance, :name => "Ian") # Override a default attribute value
Factory.attributes_for(:user) # Return a set of valid attributes rather than the object
Or if you're coming from Machinist, you can make your Cranky factories drop into your existing tests by setting up make and make! methods as shown here.
Cranky has a nice debug option (rails only) to warn you when your factory is broken, recommend you do this for your first spec...
describe User do
it "should have a working factory" do
# This will raise an error and report the validation errors should they occur
Factory.debug(:user).should be_valid
Cranky allows you to build factories via std Ruby methods, like this...
# factories/my_factories.rb
class Cranky::Factory # Your factory must reopen Cranky::Factory
# Simple factory method to create a user instance, you would call this via crank(:user)
def user
# Define attributes via a hash, generate the values any way you want
define :name => "Jimmy",
:email => "jimmy#{n}", # An 'n' counter method is available to help make things unique
:role => "pleb",
:address => default_address # Call your own helper methods to wire up your associations
# Easily create variations via the inherit helper, callable via crank(:admin)
def admin
inherit(:user, :role => "admin")
# Return a default address if it already exists, or call the address factory to make one
def default_address
@default_address ||= create(:address)
# Alternatively loose the DSL altogether and define the factory yourself, still callable via crank(:address)
def address
a =
a.street = "192 Broadway" = options[:city] || "New York" # You can get any caller overrides via the options hash
a # Only rule is that the method must return the generated object
This is where Cranky really shines, if you can create Ruby methods you can pretty much create your factories without having to refer to the syntax documentation ever again.
The only rules are:
- Your factory must reopen the Cranky::Factory class
- Your factory method must return the object you wanted to create (or an array containing a collection of them)
- You can access the overrides passed in via
. (not really a rule!)
So for example to create a simple user factory...
# factories/my_factories.rb
class Cranky::Factory
# Simple factory method to create a user instance, you would call this via crank(:user)
def user do |u| = options[:name] || "Jimmy" # Use the passed in name if present, or the default
u.nickname = fetch(:nickname, 'Silencer') # Use the passed in nickname if present, or the default = fetch(:phone, 'phoneless') # Use the passed in phone if present, or the default = fetch(:email) { "jimmy#{n}" } # Give each user a unique email address
u.role = fetch(:role, 'pleb')
Now of course you are working in straight Ruby here, so you can extend this any way you want as long as you follow the above rules.
For example here it is with the capability to automatically create a default address association...
# factories/my_factories.rb
class Cranky::Factory
# Return the default address if it already exists, or call the address factory to make one
def default_address
@default_address ||= create(:address)
def user do |u| = fetch(:name, "Jimmy") = fetch(:email) { "jimmy#{n}" }
u.role = fetch(:role, "pleb")
u.address = fetch(:address) { default_address }
# Create the address factory in the same way
Quite often the database will be cleared between tests but the instance variable in the factory will not necessarily be reset which could lead to problems if the tests check for the associated record in the database. So a nice tip is to implement default associations like this (assuming you're using Rails)...
# Return the default address if it already exists, or call the address factory to make one
def default_address
# If the default address exists, but has been cleared from the database...
@default_address = nil if @default_address && !Address.exists?(
@default_address ||= create(:address)
You can pass additional arguments to your factories via the overrides hash...
crank(:user, :new_address => true)
def user do |u| = fetch(:name, "Jimmy") = fetch(:email) { "jimmy#{n}" }
u.role = fetch(:role, "pleb")
u.address = options[:new_address] ? create(:address) : default_address
You can use traits...
crank(:user, traits: [:admin, :manager])
def user do |u| = fetch(:name, "Jimmy") = fetch(:email) { "jimmy#{n}" }
u.role = fetch(:role, "pleb")
u.address = options[:new_address] ? create(:address) : default_address
def apply_trait_admin_to_user(user)
# the 'options' method is available here
user.roles << :admin
def apply_trait_manager_to_user(user)
# the 'options' method is available here
user.roles << :manager
You can create collections...
def users_collection { build(:user) }
You can inject code using callbacks...
# factories/my_factories.rb
class Cranky::Factory
def user
define name: 'Jimmy'
def after_build_user(user)
# the 'options' method is available here
def before_create_user(user)
# the 'options' method is available here
def after_create_user(user)
# the 'options' method is available here
Cranky allows for linting known factories:
creates each factory and catches any exceptions raised during the creation process. Cranky::Linter::InvalidFactoryError
is raised with a list of factories (and corresponding exceptions) for factories which could not be created.
Recommended usage of Factory.lint!
is to run this in a task before your test suite is executed. Running it in a before(:suite)
, will negatively impact the performance of your tests when running single tests.
Example Rake task:
# lib/tasks/cranky.rake
namespace :cranky do
desc "Verify that all factories are valid"
task lint: :environment do
if Rails.env.test?
system("bundle exec rake cranky:lint RAILS_ENV='test'")
After calling Factory.lint!
, you'll likely want to clear out the database, as records will most likely be created. The provided example above uses the database_cleaner gem to clear out the database; be sure to add the gem to your Gemfile under the appropriate groups.
You can lint factories selectively by passing only factories you want linted:
factories_to_lint = Factory.factory_names.reject do |name|
name =~ /^old_/
Factory.lint! factories_to_lint
This would lint all factories that aren't prefixed with old_
Traits can also be linted. This option verifies that each and every trait of a factory generates a valid object on its own. This is turned on by passing traits: true to the lint method:
Factory.lint! traits: true
This can also be combined with other arguments:
Factory.lint! factories_to_lint, traits: true
Of course its nice to get some help...
Most of your factories are likely to simply define a list of mimimum attribute values, use the define helper for this.
# The user factory re-written using the define helper
def user
define :name => "Jimmy",
:email => "jimmy#{n}",
:role => "pleb",
:address => default_address
Note that you don't have to worry about handling the overrides here, they will be applied automatically if present, just define the defaults.
The define argument is just a regular hash, you have complete freedom to choose how to generate the values to be passed into it.
If you like you can generate attributes with a block:
def user
define :name => "Jimmy",
:email => -> { |u| "#{}" },
:role => "pleb",
:address => default_address
The define method will return the object, you can grab this for additional manipulation as you would expect...
def user
u = define :name => "Jimmy",
:email => "jimmy#{n}",
:role => "pleb",
:address => default_address
u # Remember to return it at the end
If for any reason you want to have your factory method named differently from the model it instantiates you can pass in a :class attribute to the define method...
# Called via crank(:jimmy)
def jimmy
u = define :class => :user,
:name => "Jimmy",
:email => "jimmy#{n}",
:role => "pleb",
:address => default_address
You can inherit from other factories via the inherit method. So for example to create an admin user you might do...
# Called via crank(:admin)
def admin
inherit(:user, :role => "admin") # Pass in any attribute overrides you want
If you want to generate unique attributes you can call the n method which will automatically increment the next time it is called.
Note that every time n is called it will increment, it does not implement a unique counter per attribute.
Clear all instance variables in the factory. This may be useful to run between tests depending on your factory logic...
before(:each) do
Sometimes it is useful to be warned that your factory is generating invalid instances (although quite often your tests may intentionally generate invalid instances, so use this with care). By turning on debug the Factory will raise an error if the generated instance is invalid...
Factory.debug(:user) # A replacement for, with validation errors enabled
Factory.debug!(:user) # Likewise for Factory.create
Note that this relies on the instance having a valid? method, so in practice this may only work with models that include ActiveModel::Validations.
Returns the attributes that would be applied by a given factory method...
valid_attributes = Factory.attributes_for(:user)
Requires that the instance has an attributes method, so again may only work under Rails.
Want any? Feel free to let me know.
Cranky was inspired by factory_girl and miniskirt.
Thanks to both.