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Asia Mendelevich edited this page Feb 14, 2020 · 17 revisions


QCumber is a set of R tools for quantification of allelic imbalance and differential allele-specific expression. For each sample, QCumber compares data from two or more technical replicate RNA-seq libraries to calculate Quality Correction Constant (QCC) and then uses it to correct for allelic imbalance overdispersion. QCumber analysis starts with a table of allelic counts per gene, calculated from RNA-seq data using any analysis pipeline such as ASEReadCounter*.

To install this package in R: devtools::install_github("gimelbrantlab/QCumber")

For quick start, see walk-throughs:

For detailed information see Documentatio. For context help in R session, you can use ?function notation.

Detailed description of statistical analysis implemented in QCumber can be found in: Mendelevich A.*, Vinogradova S.*, Gupta S., Mironov A., Sunyaev S., Gimelbrant A. "Unexpected variability of allelic imbalance estimates from RNA sequencing". bioRxiv link
