A thorough Checklist of Shopify concepts every developer should know in the order they should learn them
Know how to create a development environment. 1
Understand the limitations of a development store including the use of the Bogus Payment Gateway. 2
Know how to utilize ThemeKit to sync your local development theme with the Shopify sandbox store. 3,4
Know about the 100 Variant limit and 3 option limit. 2
Know what options exist to accomidate the 100 variant limit. 3
Understand the basics of liquid including tags and filters. 1
Know of the Shopify liquid cheatsheet. 4
Know of the Snippets Library. 5
- Know the routes object why it's important for multi-lingual stores. [1]
Know how to leverage translations keys and the
| t
liquid filter for Shopify translations. 1 -
Know how to avoid escaping html through the use of
translation keys. 2 -
Know where in the Shopify admin a merchant can directly make translation updates. 3
Understand how multi-lingual translations operate. 4
Understand how to develop themes to support multi-lingual stores. 5
- Understand how to create and leverage alternative templates. 1
Know what a metafield is. 1
Know what the metafield object is. 2
Understand when and how to use private metafields. 5
Understand creating and using tags. 1
Understand the valid formats of a tag. 2
Understand the limitations of a tag. Such as a maximum of 250 tags per product.
Know how to leverage product tags for collection filtering and the limitations. 3
- Understand when to use a Shopify Tag vs a Metafield. 1
Understand what a line item property is. 1
Understand how to surface line item properties as custom inputs in a theme. 2
Know how to hide line item properties from the customer in checkout using the
prefix. 3
- Understand the basics of Ruby. 1
- Understand what Shopify scripts are and how to use them. 2, 3
- Know the Shopify Scripts API. 4
- Know the limitations of Script such as not being able to add products and lack of API. 5
- Know about the unofficial Shopify Scripts generator. 6
- Know the differences between different types of apps (Private vs Unlisted vs Public). 1
- Understand Shopify's API Versioning scheme and quarterly release/deprecation cycle. 1
- Understand how Shopify rate limits the REST and Graphql Admin APIS. 1
- Know that Shopify Plus stores have double the rate limits. 1
- Know that the popular
library respects rate limiting and allows for configuration. 1
- Know how to rotate credentials and why it's important. 1
- Know that access tokens should be encrypted at rest.
- Know that all API requests should be verified via session before taking actions on behalf of a user.
- Know that all user input should be cleaned and verified before saving to DB.
- Shopify API Node - #1 package to connect to Shopify's REST API via NodeJS.
- Shopify Quilt - Collection of official Shopify Javascript packages.
- Admin-graphql-api-utilities - Super useful package when interacting with the Storefront and Admin Graphql libraries.
- Polaris React - Shopify's official component library to create apps consistent with Shopify's UI/UX.
- App-bridge-react - Shopify's library for creating embedded apps that interact with Shopify such as showing modals, alerts, etc.
- Know about the developer changelog which is where Shopify announces developer facing changes and features. 1