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1. Getting started

Giacomo Marchioro edited this page May 10, 2022 · 3 revisions

Creating a IIIF type and populating it

The best method to get started is to have a look at Cookbook and find the relative example in the example folder of pyIIIFpres project. It is easy to modify the provided example and design interactively a manifest that suits your need.

Change the base URL (in the newer version the final slash is required).

from IIIFpres import iiifpapi3
iiifpapi3.BASE_URL = ""
manifest = iiifpapi3.Manifest()

When setting the ID use the extendbase_url for appending the BASE_URL:


The ID will be:

The inspect method can give you a quick view of the Required and Suggested fields.


Most of the add_ methods return a handler that can be used for modifying the object.

cnv = manifest.add_canvastoitems()

Using inspect() on the handler will return only the hints for populating it. Inspecting nested objects in the terminal could be painful. .show_errors_in_browser() opens a browser tab, showing the required and recommended fields.

Don't forget that each class has also the method .__dict__. For instance manifest.__dict__ returns a compact representation of the manifest showing only the types of the items and the ID of the items.


Save a IIIF object

Use .json_save() on the root element to save the JSON file.


Or .json_dumps() for dumping it as string.
