Singularity container for DIVAnd
, the interpolation tool (
The container installs the last stable release of Julia
, DIVAnd and other required Julia packages.
- Install singularity:
After checking out the source, the singularity container can be build using:
rm -f DIVAnd.sif; sudo singularity build DIVAnd.sif Singularity
The first command is only needed if you already had the .sif
file in your system.
The build operation lasts severall minutes due to the download and installation of languages and libraries.
There are two possibilities to get the container
- go to,
- choose the lastest commit,
- go to artefact,
- download and unzip the image file.
singularity pull --arch amd64 library://gher-uliege/divand/divand-singularity:v0-1-0
There are two ways to run the container:
singularity run DIVAnd.sif
This gives access to a Julia terminal, where commands and scripts can be executed.
singularity run DIVAnd.sif my_script.jl
(where my_script.jl
has to be substitued by the correct file name).
The development of this container has been made possible thanks to PHIDIAS project (2019-2022).
The PHIDIAS project has received funding from the European Union's Connecting Europe Facility under grant agreement n° INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1810854.