This is a ros architecture to exploit open-source human pose-estimation to teleoperate robots trought uper-body movements. the movements used in this assignment are:
- rise_hand
- reach_floor
- wave this is the scheme of the high level architectue:
Recognize gestures is devolped based on opencv and Mediapipe, it allows the robot to detect the correct movment of the person based on the angles of the landmarks. the script of this node is
once the gesture is correctly detected, a specific trajectory is send to the robot controller by the node, the trajectories are hard-coded in the yaml file tiago_motion.yaml.
1- Install Ubnutu 18.04 with ROS and TIAGO, by following this documentation installation
2- clone the repository
git clone
3- source your workspace
source ./devel/setup.bash
4- run roscore
5- Build the workspace
catkin build -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=0 -j $(expr `nproc` / 2)
5- run the Gazebo simulation of Tiago
roslaunch tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true robot:=steel world:=empty
6- run the first node Gesture detector, this will open the camera of your computer, and show you the landmarks
cd /home/<username>/tiago_public_ws/Software-Architecture-Assignment/src/tiago_tutorials/tiago_trajectory_controller/src/
rosrun tiago_trajectory_controller
7- run the second node, this node send the desired trajectory to tiago after a correct detection of the gesture
cd /home/<username>/tiago_public_ws/Software-Architecture-Assignment/src/play_motion/play_motion/scripts/
rosrun play_motion
8- The communication between and is done through publish/subscribe the topic name is /webcam_coordinates, if you want to check the published messages you can run this command (this is not mondatory)
rostopic echo /webcam_coordinates