This is unofficial snmpd 5.4.4 deb package for ubuntu 16.04
Small backround: I discovered that with net-snmp 5.7.x deb package some apps give timeout. Like supermicro5. It's a bug or limitation. Havent had time to lookup. I hope maintainers of net-snmp can do this themself in near future
After troubleshooting found that 5.4.4 is working just fine. Taken from official net-snmp 5.4.4 source.
Official 5.4.3 ubuntu package can't be installed working normal way since so much old packages dependency. This package is built with 16.04 lts updated libs dependencies.
Be sure to uninstall current snmpd pls make proper backups of conf if needed
This package needs following packages from deb repos: libsnmp-perl libsnmp30 python-netsnmp libsnmp-base libsnmp-perl perl-modules snmp-mibs-downloader
Download snmpd-5.4.4.deb
Install dpkg -i snmpd-5.4.4.deb