-> snmp/ -> etc lib mibs sbin var
snmp/etc/ snmpd-smartctl-connector snmpd.conf < extend pass with OID to script callout
hk-bash.sh < bourne shell functions script
snmpd-connector-lib.sh < connector
snmp/sbin/ snmpd-smartctl-connector update-smartctl-cache
snmp/mibs/ SMARTCTL-MIB.txt < MIB definations SMARTCTL-PLUS-MIB.txt < MIB def.
zabbix_templates/ Template_Supermicro_Superdoctor5_SNMP_LLD.xml < custom zabbix template what has also superdoctor5 other functions
Template_Smartmontools_SNMP.xml < single file for disk status only
Supermicro_OS_standard_plus_HW.xml < main template file what links templates together
Bundled mibs and sh: smartctlmon.tar (does not include zabbix template files).
- Copy dir/files to /opt/smartctlmon/
- Enable SNMPD conf. Look at file example
- Run first time script update-smartctl-cache and add it to crontab 10 minutes interval
- For zabbix import template files
import order should be: Template_Supermicro_Superdoctor5_SNMP_LLD.xml -> then Template_Smartmontools_SNMP.xml -> Supermicro_OS_standard_plus_HW.xml
snmptranslate -Tp SMARTCTL-MIB::smartCtlTable snmpwalk -c "replacewithcommunityname" -v2c localhost .