Installs syntax and snippets for Cucumber features and the Gherkin language.
Source files with the .feature
extension will automatically have syntax colouring applied. Otherwise select the Gherkin
option from the Language Mode menu to apply colouring.
Code snippets can be inserted as with other languages (e.g. Ctrl+Space and typing a prefix). The following are included:
- Featuresc
- Scenario headingsce
- Scenariosco
- Scenario Outlinesteps
- Multiline stepsgiv
- Given stepwhe
- When stepthe
- Then step
- You will need to install Visual Studio Code 0.10.0 or higher.
- From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX) select Install Extension, choose Cucumber and reload Visual Studio Code.
- the line comments keyboard shortcut is not working
- Goto/peek step definition from a step in .feature file
This extension uses the TextMate Syntax and Snippet definitions for Cucumber from this project. This extenion is provided thanks to the efforts of the contributors there.
Please contribute by posting issues or pull requests on the extension's github repo
This extension was built by Steve Purves ([email protected])