ODK JavaRosa v2.13.0
- Updated documentation (#375)
- Joe Flack @joeflack4 (@PMA-2020)
- Add substring-before() and substring-after() XPath functions (#393)
- Dr. Gareth S. Bestor @tiritea
- Add parse errors/warnings to the FormDef so that they can be checked
- Guillermo Gutiérrez @ggalmazor (Nafundi)
- PRs should have information to help with testing and docs (#396)
- Yaw Anokwa @yanokwa (Nafundi)
- Add XPath translate() function (#395)
- Dr. Gareth S. Bestor @tiritea
- Add group-with-ref form tests (#402)
- Kevin Cooper @cooperka (Sassafras)
- Fix repeatable substitutions
- Grzegorz Orczykowski @grzesiek2010 (Nafundi)
- Avoid infinite recursion while deriving URIs with the ResourceManager
- Guillermo Gutiérrez @ggalmazor (Nafundi)
- Issue 390 external instances (#394)
- Dave Briccetti @dcbriccetti (Nafundi)