Azure provider for Kuby.
In Kuby parlance, a "provider" is an adapter that enables Kuby to deploy apps to a specific cloud provider. In this case, we're talking about Microsoft's Azure, specifically their managed Kubernetes offering.
All providers adhere to a specific interface, meaning you can swap out one provider for another without having to change your code.
Enable the Azure provider like so:
Kuby.define('MyApp') do
environment(:production) do
kubernetes do
provider :azure do
# Visible in the subscription overview.
subscription_id 'my-subscription-id'
# Visible in Azure Active Directory.
tenant_id 'my-tenant-id'
# These must be configured in Azure Active Directory -> App
# Registrations. It's easiest to generate a client id and
# secret for the service principal.
client_id 'my-client-id'
client_secret 'my-client-secret'
# Your cluster should have been created inside a resource group.
# Put its name here.
resource_group_name 'my-resource-group-name'
# The name of your cluster.
resource_name 'my-resource-name'
Once configured, you should be able to run all the Kuby rake tasks as you would with any provider.
Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
- Cameron C. Dutro: