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chore: tsup compilation
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gentlementlegen committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent 23b7350 commit 471cca0
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Showing 6 changed files with 112 additions and 15 deletions.
Binary file modified bun.lockb
Binary file not shown.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
"version": "2.1.5",
"private": false,
"description": "The kernel for UbiquityOS.",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"main": "dist/src/functions/*.js",
"main": "dist/*.js",
"typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
Expand All @@ -14,6 +13,7 @@
"engines": {
"node": ">=20.10.0"
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"dev": "run-p worker proxy",
"predev": "tsx predev.ts",
Expand All @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
"setup": "tsx ./scripts/setup.ts",
"start": "func start",
"prestart": "bun run build",
"build": "tsc",
"prebuild": "rimraf dist"
"build": "tsup",
"prebuild": "rimraf dist"
"keywords": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-check-file": "2.8.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "5.1.3",
"eslint-plugin-sonarjs": "1.0.3",
"glob": "^11.0.0",
"husky": "9.1.6",
"jest": "29.7.0",
"jest-junit": "16.0.0",
Expand All @@ -106,6 +107,7 @@
"toml": "3.0.0",
"tomlify-j0.4": "3.0.0",
"ts-node": "^10.9.2",
"tsup": "^8.3.5",
"tsx": "4.16.2",
"typescript": "5.6.3",
"typescript-eslint": "7.16.0",
Expand Down
89 changes: 87 additions & 2 deletions src/app.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,91 @@
import { Hono } from "hono";
import { Hono, HonoRequest } from "hono";
import { Env, envSchema } from "./github/types/env";
import { Value } from "@sinclair/typebox/value";
import { WebhookEventName } from "@octokit/webhooks-types";
import { emitterEventNames } from "@octokit/webhooks";
import OpenAI from "openai";
import { GitHubEventHandler } from "./github/github-event-handler";
import { EmptyStore } from "./github/utils/kv-store";
import { bindHandlers } from "./github/handlers";
const app = new Hono();

app.get("/", (c) => c.text("Hello Azure Functions!"));
function validateEnv(env: Env): void {
if (!Value.Check(envSchema, env)) {
const errors = [...Value.Errors(envSchema, env)];
console.error("Invalid environment variables", errors);
throw new Error("Invalid environment variables");

export function getEventName(request: HonoRequest): WebhookEventName {
const eventName = request.header("x-github-event");
if (!eventName || !emitterEventNames.includes(eventName as WebhookEventName)) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported or missing "x-github-event" header value: ${eventName}`);
return eventName as WebhookEventName;

export function getSignature(request: HonoRequest): string {
const signatureSha256 = request.header("x-hub-signature-256");
if (!signatureSha256) {
throw new Error(`Missing "x-hub-signature-256" header`);
return signatureSha256;

export function getId(request: HonoRequest): string {
const id = request.header("x-github-delivery");
if (!id) {
throw new Error(`Missing "x-github-delivery" header`);
return id;

function handleUncaughtError(error: unknown) {
let status = 500;
let errorMessage = "An uncaught error occurred";
if (error instanceof AggregateError) {
const err = error.errors[0];
errorMessage = err.message ? `${}: ${err.message}` : `Error: ${errorMessage}`;
status = typeof err.status !== "undefined" ? err.status : 500;
} else {
errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? `${}: ${error.message}` : `Error: ${error}`;
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: errorMessage }), { status: status, headers: { "content-type": "application/json" } });

app.get("/", async (c) => {
try {
const env = c.env as Env;
const request = c.req;
const eventName = getEventName(request);
const signatureSha256 = getSignature(request);
const id = getId(request);
const openAiClient = new OpenAI({
apiKey: env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
const eventHandler = new GitHubEventHandler({
environment: env.ENVIRONMENT,
webhookSecret: env.APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET,
appId: env.APP_ID,
privateKey: env.APP_PRIVATE_KEY,
pluginChainState: new EmptyStore(),
await eventHandler.webhooks.verifyAndReceive({
name: eventName,
payload: await request.text(),
signature: signatureSha256,
} catch (error) {
return handleUncaughtError(error);

return c.text("OK");

export default app;
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/worker.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,31 +48,31 @@ function handleUncaughtError(error: unknown) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: errorMessage }), { status: status, headers: { "content-type": "application/json" } });

function validateEnv(env: Env): void {
export function validateEnv(env: Env): void {
if (!Value.Check(envSchema, env)) {
const errors = [...Value.Errors(envSchema, env)];
console.error("Invalid environment variables", errors);
throw new Error("Invalid environment variables");

function getEventName(request: Request): WebhookEventName {
export function getEventName(request: Request): WebhookEventName {
const eventName = request.headers.get("x-github-event");
if (!eventName || !emitterEventNames.includes(eventName as WebhookEventName)) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported or missing "x-github-event" header value: ${eventName}`);
return eventName as WebhookEventName;

function getSignature(request: Request): string {
export function getSignature(request: Request): string {
const signatureSha256 = request.headers.get("x-hub-signature-256");
if (!signatureSha256) {
throw new Error(`Missing "x-hub-signature-256" header`);
return signatureSha256;

function getId(request: Request): string {
export function getId(request: Request): string {
const id = request.headers.get("x-github-delivery");
if (!id) {
throw new Error(`Missing "x-github-delivery" header`);
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions tsconfig.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
// "disableReferencedProjectLoad": true, /* Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript. */

/* Language and Environment */
"target": "es2021" /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */,
"lib": ["es2021"] /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */,
"target": "ES2022" /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */,
"lib": ["ES2022"] /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */,
// "jsx": "react" /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */,
// "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enable experimental support for TC39 stage 2 draft decorators. */
// "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */
Expand All @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
// "useDefineForClassFields": true, /* Emit ECMAScript-standard-compliant class fields. */

/* Modules */
"module": "commonjs" /* Specify what module code is generated. */,
"module": "ES2022" /* Specify what module code is generated. */,
// "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root folder within your source files. */
"moduleResolution": "node" /* Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier. */,
"moduleResolution": "Bundler" /* Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier. */,
// "baseUrl": "./", /* Specify the base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */
// "paths": {}, /* Specify a set of entries that re-map imports to additional lookup locations. */
// "rootDirs": [], /* Allow multiple folders to be treated as one when resolving modules. */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
// "preserveValueImports": true, /* Preserve unused imported values in the JavaScript output that would otherwise be removed. */

/* Interop Constraints */
"isolatedModules": true /* Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports. */,
//"isolatedModules": true /* Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports. */,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true /* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */,
"esModuleInterop": true /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables `allowSyntheticDefaultImports` for type compatibility. */,
// "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Disable resolving symlinks to their realpath. This correlates to the same flag in node. */
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tsup.config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import { defineConfig } from "tsup";

export default defineConfig({
entry: ["src/functions/*.ts"],
splitting: false,
sourcemap: false,
clean: true,
format: ["esm"],
minify: true,

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