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Use dragen 4.0.3, demux setting change, remove strand bias filter, and other updates

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@dufeiyu dufeiyu released this 21 Jun 07:05
· 21 commits to main since this release
  1. Use dragen version 4.0.3
  2. Change dragen demux setting to trim 1 base from 5' and 2 bases from 3'
  3. Remove StrandBias filter
  4. Add "--qc-coverage-ignore-overlaps true" to dragen align command
  5. Add "-F x" to the bcftools merge command of MyeloseqHDAnalysis.wdl to preserves 'PASS' filter if one of the merged files has 'PASS'
  6. Several updates for (refer to
  7. application.conf and WDL workflow updates to be compatible for dragen-3 and dragen-4