The default localisation plugin for gengojs
This module is a "plugified" version of Tokei for gengo.js.
See documentation or see Tokei.
An example usage with options is:
var gengo = require('gengojs');
var localize = require('gengojs-default-header');
/* In whatever framework you are using: */
// I'll use express for an example
// but it shouldn't matter
var app = require('express')();
// Specify the type
// of option to modify
/* options */
The default localize is already included in gengojs so you should not have to require it.
from Tokei
For more documentation, visit the Tokei.
class- Should return the current locale.
Not Applicable
Feel free to contribute or even fork the project. This plugin has been
written in ES6 and can be seen under lib/index.js
. If you would like
to contribute to the localization library, visit
Tokei's GitHub page.