If you're using the bin/vendors
method to manage your vendor libraries, add the following entries to the deps in the root of your project file:
If it is the first Genemu bundle you install in your Symfony 2 project, you
need to add the Genemu
namespace to your autoloader:
// app/autoload.php
'Genemu' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles'
// ...
To start using the bundle, initialize the bundle in your Kernel. This
file is usually located at app/AppKernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Genemu\Bundle\DoctrineExtraBundle\GenemuDoctrineExtraBundle(),
To create Bundle, Controller, Method and View, intilialize fixtures in your database.
./app/console doctrine:database:create
./app/console doctrine:schema:create
Initialize doctrine fixtures for this service
./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
This command save in your database all Bundles, Controllers, Methods and Views
./app/console router:fixtures:update
./app/console assets:install
resource: GenemuDoctrineExtraBundle:Routing
type: doctrine
Url to routing manager is http:://yoursite/routing