- module/data: check flipped day/year
- main/misc: 🆕 main
- main/translate: date format filters
- block/clean: wp scripts updated
- block/compact: wp scripts updated
- main/archives: move to date objects
- main/date: better checks for timestamps
- main/links: getting partials from date object on permalinks
- main/plugin: more woocommerce hooks
- main/search: support for term queries
- main/translate: filter for formatting ordinal/words numbers
- main/translate: sanitize locale method
- main/wordpress: translate hooks revised
- module/date: check if date already is an object
- module/translate: avoid formatting non-numbers
- main/admin: disabling conversion on woo-commerce order edit page
- main/adminbar: js clock revised
- main/bbpress: avoid double convertion of numbers
- main/calendar: bailing if no posttypes
- main/calendar: core css class for the table
- main/calendar: internal callback for building links
- main/calendar: moving tfoot after tbody complying with html 5.1
- main/date: 🆕 switch to object conversion
- main/date:
⚠️ fixed early returning - main/date: accept objects on conversions
- main/date: constant for disabling conversion
- main/date: filter translate numbers by format
- main/date: mini sanitizing string from inputs
- main/date: proper parsing of the inputs
- main/date: tidy up from/to object methods
- main/datetime: accepting datetime immutable
- main/datetime: alternative method for leap years
- main/datetime: avoid sanitizing timezones when not needed
- main/datetime: bailing if cannot make datetime object
- main/datetime: late check for timezone constant
- main/datetime: make datetime object method
- main/format: account for single time part formats
- main/format: using strict comparison on arrays
- main/picker:
⚠️ date picker disabled for now! - main/picker: correct handling rtl styles
- main/picker: default format from options
- main/picker: defaults as separate method
- main/picker: extend from module core
- main/picker: separate method for enqueue styles
- main/picker: set calendar as defaults
- main/plugins: country locale for woocommerce
- main/plugins: initial support for woocommerce numbers
- main/plugins: moving bp/bb filters
- main/search: account for extra space inside parentheses
- main/shortcodes: 🆕 today in persian/hijri shortcodes
- main/timezone: using core method for timezone string
- main/utilities: correct handling rtl styles
- main/utilities: get locale in iso 639
- main/wordpress:
⚠️ fixed override today in hijri - main/wordpress: only translate chars on the title
- main/admin: check for options before converting dates on media grid view
- main/wordpress: early check for iso formats on i18n dates
- main/wordpress: support for new
- main/admin: 🆕 persian date on media grid view
- main/buddypress: retry bp filters
- main/links: convert query on admin
- main/modulecore: initial api for blocks
- main/shortcodes: 🆕 clean/compact block types
- main/shortcodes: css class attr
- main/translate: avoid constants on params
- main/translate: legacy format for strings with entities
- main/translate: more args on number format filter
- main/translate: support for old filters
- main/translate: using php number format
- main/wordpress: rename params for date_i18n
- main/widgets: seperate widgets
- 🆙 min php 5.6.20
- module/format: gettext filters deprecated
- module/shortcodes: disable minify html for clean archives
- module/translate: check types on numbers
- module/translate: late check for constant
- main/admin: data calendar type on inputs
- main/links: avoid using % sign on title parts
- module/archives: proper handling titles
- module/archives: return instead of printing row template in clean list
- module/archives: strip inline styles from compact table
- module/calendar: next/prev data key for year/month
- module/calendar: prep titles as title attr
- module/calendar: skip empty data calendar
- module/core: checking for wp is installing disabled
- module/format: check for more formats
- module/links: correct query to check for dates
- module/links: proper hooking filters
- module/shortcodes: cache key based on filtered args
- module/shortcodes: passing context into the clean archives
- module/shortcodes: ttl as atts and can be filtered
- module/timeago: 🆙 1.6.5
- module/timezone: get object helper
- module/translate: support for precent sign
- module/utilities: prep title/desc helpers
- module/wordpress: navigation help for placeholders
- main/core: postpone timezone/locale constants
- main/admin: hide settings in rest
- main/plugin: check for min php before bootstrap
- main/format: correct override string
- main/timeago: localized numbers only in persian
- main/core: bp/bbp include moved early
- main/date: skip conversion on time only formats
- main/format: more overrides
- main/wordpress: more core filters
- main/archives: refactoring methods
- main/core: postpone language loading after plugins
- main/shortcodes: 🆕
- main/core: early load textdomain
- main/adminbar: clock on last
- main/format: check rtl for monthday
- main/calendar: passing args into link builder
- main/calendar: more html data attributes
- main/format: custom date formats filter
- main/wordpress: new filter for attachment caption
- lib/datetime: rethinking misc methods
- core/html: correct class for links
- main/admin: correct end time
- main/calendar: 🆕 rewrite!
- main/date: passing calendar into make time
- main/date: new method as getdate
- main/format: not overriding start of the week
- main/links: less calls to make date for archives links
- main/links: check for dep function
- main/links: using helper for string positions
- main/picker: stabilizing enqueue method
- main/shortcodes: minify & caching expensive results
- main/strings: abbreviations for months
- main/strings: hijri month names updated
- main/strings:
⚠️ correct order of week days - main/timeago: 🆕 support for jquery-timeago
- main/timezone: timestamp conversion method
- main/wordpress: moved wordpress methods here
- main/archives:
⚠️ fixed fatal: correct class for strip clauses - main/archives: 🆕 new compact archives
- main/archives: 🆕 new clean archives
- main/archives: attempt on get method
- main/date: first/last supports multiple posttypes
- main/date: first/last option for password protected
- main/date: additional wrappers for make time method
- main/date: days in month array as a method
- main/date: wrapper for to without number translations
- main/translate: 🆕 filtering attachment data
- main/format: giving up string replacements!
- main/shortcodes: 🆕 new module
- main/date: same wrapper method for all supporting calendars
- main/datetime: sanitize timezone/calendar
- main/datetime: support for datetime object
- main/format: diffrent format for rtl in gMember strings
- main/timezone:
⚠️ fixed fatal upon no timezone string available
- main/admin: support months dropdown for attachments
- main/format: static caching the l10n overrides
- main/wordpress: check for date token in menu items before
- main/picker: PersianDate updated to 0.7.1
- main/picker: English digits for non fa locale
- main/links:
⚠️ fixed fatal for protected method
- all: new core classes
- build/gulp: setting up
- main: plugin file constant
- main: textdomain moved in init func
- main/core: not registering admin only modules
- main/admin: using helper for first~last of the month
- main/admin: using helper for posttype months dropdown
- main/admin: screen reader label for months dropdown
- main/admin: using current screen filter for restrictions
- main/adminbar: rewriting adminbar clock
- main/links: revising strip date clauses
- main/links: revising day/month/year/post link conversions
- main/translate: more generic filters
- main/translate: fixed static method notices
- main/wordpress: filters for translating modified date/time, see
- main/wordpress: filter document title
- main/worpress: check for post before conversion
- main/search: better handling arabic char/numbers
- main/strings: no need for the numeric keys
- main/format: rechecking overrides
- main/format: filtering gMember formats
- main/date: first~last posttype helper
- main/buddypress: removing old filters
- main/picker: 🙏 new date picker
- strings: last x month helper, inspired from Month Dropdown in PHP
- form: new module
- moved to Semantic Versioning
- buddypress: more filters
- strings: am/pm formatting
- strings: fewer calls using static variables
- strings: sanitize calendar helper
- format: more iso filtering
- strings: initial day of the week
- calendar: correct day of the week columns
- all: using exception on not loading the modules
- strings: fixed notice on day of the week
- format: more iso filtering
- archives: add support for post type
- widgets: updated to WP4.4
- strings: correct order of the day of the week
- strings: hijri days of the week
- complete rewrite
- using localized widget instead of the WP's
- providing localized version of P2's
- correct order of day of the week strings
- seperating changelog into CHANGES.md
- support for GitHub Updater
- date picker style for MP6 admin
- archives widget updated as wp core 4.1
- correct way of handling javascript enqueues
- cleanup the code
- first public release