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Jon Brisbin edited this page Aug 27, 2013 · 8 revisions

Usage Guide

Creating an Environment

An Environment is aware of active "profiles" (the default profile is named "default"). The default environment properties reader will look for properties files in the classpath at location META-INF/reactor/ and, if the system property is set to a comma-separated list of profile names, the properties reader will look for a META-INF/reactor/$ file for each profile referenced.

The Environment maintains references to the Dispatchers created from the profile’s properties file. In the default configuration, only one Environment instance is needed per JVM to keep the number of threads used by the Dispatchers relatively small.

final Environment env = new Environment();

Pass a reference to this Enivronment when creating components that require a Dispatcher.

// Reactors are created using a ReactorSpec obtained via factory method
Reactor r = Reactors.reactor().env(env).get();

Handling Events

To assign a handler for a specific Event, a Selector is required to do the matching.

reactor.on($("topic"), new Consumer<Event<Message>>() { ... });
// if you don't like the $, use the `object()` method
reactor.on(Selectors.object("topic"), new Consumer<Event<Message>>() { ... });

To notify the Reactor of an available Event, call the notify() method:

Message msg = msgService.nextMessage();
reactor.notify("topic", Event.wrap(msg));

Several types of built-in Selectors are available to match by Object, Class, RegEx, or URI template.

It’s common in Reactor application to publish errors by the exception class. To handle errors this way, use the ClassSelector.

// T() is a static helper function on the Selectors object to create a ClassSelector
reactor.on(T(IllegalArgumentException.class), new Consumer<Event<IllegalArgumentException>>() { ... });

Errors will be published using the exception class type as the key:

try {
  // do something that might generate an exception
} catch (Throwable t) {
  reactor.notify(t.getClass(), Event.wrap(t));

Topic selection can be done with regular expressions.

// R() is a static helper function on the Selectors object to create a RegexSelector
reactor.on(R("topic.([a-z0-9]+)"), new Consumer<Event<Message>>() { ... });
// ...or...
reactor.on(Selectors.regex("topic.([a-z0-9]+)"), new Consumer<Event<Message>>() { ... });

URI template selection can be done with URI templates.

// U() is a static helper method on the Selectors object to create a UriTemplateSelector
reactor.on(U("/topic/{name}"), new Consumer<Event<Message>>() {
  public void accept(Event<Message> ev) {
    String name = ev.getHeaders().get("name");
// ...or...
reactor.on(Selectors.uri("/topic/{name}"), new Consumer<Event<Message>>() { ... });

Event Routing

Reactors send events to Consumers based on the EventRouter in use. By default, no Consumers are filtered out of the selection, which means all Consumers subscribed to a given Selector will be invoked. There are a couple built-in filters provide round-robin and random filtering of Consumers so that if multiple Consumers are subscribed to the same Selector, they will not all be invoked (as is the case with the default PassThroughFilter) but a single Consumer will be selected in a round-robin Selector. Similarly, using a RandomFilter will randomly select a Consumer.