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Easy way to create a chain of animation.

func drunkAnimation() {        
    let headbanging = 🧠.rotate(degree: 360, duration: 0.1)
    let stumble = (🚶.move(position: CGPoint(x: -10, y: 0), duration: 0.5) 
        + 🚶.move(position: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 0), duration: 0.5)) * 10
    let puke = (🤢.sizing(scale: (100, 100), duration: 0.4) 
        + 🤢.sizing(scale: (0.1, 0.1), duration: 0.2)) * 10
    let drunk = (headbanging | stumble | puke) * Int.max


iOS 10.0+



pod 'AnimationSeries'

Or add AnimationSeries.framework file to the project you want to use. (Check "copy items if needed")

Why AnimationSeries?

Using repetitive animation in an iOS project is not easy.
For example, to write an animation code that repeats a blinking of a view three times:

    private func blinkView3times() {
        func appear(_ v: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, completed: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
                v.alpha = 1.0
            }, completion: completed)
        func disappear(_ v: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, completed: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
                v.alpha = 0.0
            }, completion: completed)
        func blink(_ v: UIView, duration: TimeInterval, completed: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
            disappear(v, duration: 1.0, completed: { _ in
                appear(v, duration: 1.0, completed: completed)
        blink(mView, duration: 1.0, completed: { _ in
            blink(self.mView, duration: 1.0, completed: { _ in
                blink(self.mView, duration: 1.0, completed: nil)

What if you have to blink the view 100 times? This way is not cool.. Or you could solve the problem by giving a delay to each animation in a loop. But it is cumbersome to calculate.

We can use AnimationSeries to solve the problem more intuitively.

    private func blinkView100times() {
        let blink = myView.disappear(duration: 1.0) + myView.appear(duration: 1.0)
        let anim = blink * 100

How is it? Does this look more intuitive and simple?
AnimationSeries was made under the same difficulties as above. With this you can make the view animation easier.

The Basics

There are default animations declared in this project at view extension.(.appear, .disappear, .discolor, .move, .rotate, sizing)
These animation functions could be connected using the + (sequential connection) and * (repetition) operators.

Single animation

One of the following animations returns a AnimationSeries instance. Call the start function to start the animation. By setting the complete callback, you can get the end callback of the animation.

/// view.alpha -> 1.0 with flat parameters
    public func appear(duration: TimeInterval, delay: TimeInterval = 0.0, options: UIView.AnimationOptions = [], _ complete:   CompleteCallback? = nil) -> AnimationSeries {
        let anim = Appear(self, params:  ViewAnimation.Parameter(duration, delay: delay, options: options), complete)
        return anim
    /// view.alpha -> 1.0 with AnimationParameter
    public func appear(_ params:  ViewAnimation.Parameter, _ complete: CompleteCallback? = nil) -> AnimationSeries {
        return self.appear(duration: params.duration, delay: params.delay, options: params.options, complete)

(AnimationParameter is a struct that contains time, delay, and options.)

Combine animations

AnimationSeries instances can be combined with other AnimationSeries instances using the + operator.
Combined instances return a new AnimationSeries.
Call the start method of a new instance to start a series of animations. Similarly, setting a new instance's animationDidFinish callback allows you to get a callback that is called after all animation has finished.
(If you set a CompleteCallback to a single AnimationSeries, you can get a callback when it ends.)

    private func startInitialAnim() {
        let anim = animView.sizing(scale: (40, 40), duration: 0) + animView.sizing(scale: (0.6, 0.6), duration: 1.6, { _ in
            print("shrink(single animation) end.")
        }) + animView.sizing(scale: (1.0, 1.0), duration: 0.3)

        anim.animationDidFinish = { [weak anim] in
            print("Intial animation(animation series) end. -> release point")

Parallel animation

If you want certain animations to start at the same time, Connect the animations with the | operator

    let drunk = (headbanging | stumble | puke) * Int.max

Loop animation

AnimationSeries instances can be repeated using the * operator.

    let series = view.discolor(to: .orange, duration: 1) + view.discolor(to: .yellow, duration: 1) + view.discolor(to: .green, duration: 1) + view.discolor(to: .blue, duration: 1) + view.discolor(to: .purple, duration: 1)

    let repeating = series * 10

Clear Animation

You can use the clear function to stop the animation.(Additional work is required to return the view to its original appearance.)

    private func clearCurrentAnimation() {
        self.currentAnimations.forEach{ $0.clear() }

    private func initializeView() {
        animView.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: 0)
        animView.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.0, y: 1.0)
        animView.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: 0)
        animView.alpha = 1.0
        animView.backgroundColor = .red

Memory Issue

When a AnimationSeries instance is created by using the + or * operators, AnimationSeries instances participating in the series are kept in static memory to prevent them from making circular references or to prevent them from being released from memory before the operation.

After an animation end, it is highly recommended to release from memory as follows. (AnimationSeries.clear function also do release memory)

    let anim = self.view.disappear(duration: 1, delay: 0.0, options: .curveLinear, {  _ in
        // When the animation finishes, the completeCallback will be called.
        print("disappear animation end")

    // single animation flushing
    anim.animationDidFinish = { [weak anim] in
        // animationDidFinish closure is used to connect with the following animation(recurable) instance.
        // If no animation is linked behind, you can flush it from the static memory when this closure is called.

    let series = (self.view.disappear(duration: 1) + self.view.appear(duration: 1)) * 10
    series.animationDidFinish = { [weak series] in
        // animationDidFinish closure of the series is called when the animation ends.
        // In this case, release the series from the static memory.


All AnimationSeries instances are not restartable after clear is called.
It is also a reference type, so it is not copied.

    private func wrongUsage() {
        // wrong: blink will not be copied
        let blink = animView.disappear(duration: 1) + animView.appear(duration: 1)
        let blinks3Times = blink + blink + blink


You can create a class that inherits AnimationSeries to define the animation you want. Or add an animation to the extension of the view.

    import UIKit
    import AnimationSeries

    extension UIView {
        public func move(path: [(CGPoint, ViewAnimation.Parameter)]) -> AnimationSeries? {
            guard !path.isEmpty else { return nil }
            var sender: AnimationSeries!
            path.forEach { tp in
                if sender == nil {
                sender = self.move(position: tp.0, params: tp.1) + self.move(position: tp.0, params: ViewAnimation.Parameter(0.0))
                    sender = sender + self.move(position: tp.0, params: tp.1)
            return sender


    private func customMoveAnimation() {
        let params = ViewAnimation.Parameter(0.2)
        let paths = (0..<10).reduce(into: [(CGPoint, ViewAnimation.Parameter)](), { ary, n in
            ary.append((CGPoint(x: ary.count + 10, y: 0), params))
        let anim = animView.move(path: paths)
        anim?.animationDidFinish = { [weak anim] in
            print("moving all end..")