This project aims at making websites easier to manage. We at DSC BVP Pune noticed that many DSC's have outdated websites or do not even have an existing website. In order to solve this issue, we came up with a solution where maintainers could easily manage their websites using a mobile app. The template used is GDG-X Aura template built by Vrijraj Singh.
- The Website is built completely using Vue.js, and the data is fetched from Firestore.
- Firestore is a real-time cloud-based database with updates data dynamically.
- This Website can be used as a template by other Student Clubs.
- Easy to maintain and also be done by a non-technical member.
- Firestore provides solutions for storage issues.
- Fork the repository and clone it locally.
- Install extra dependencies:
npm install
- Add the firebase configurations of your project here
- Open manifest.json file and update chapter details accordingly.
- Open index.html file and update:
- meta description tag for search engines to display the given content
- meta keywords tag for search engines to be able to rank the given page correctly
- Script tag for Google Analytics to be able to see correct analysis.
- For running website locally:
npm run serve
oryarn serve
- For the production:
npm run build
oryarn build
and then a directory calleddist
will be created having the build files
Create a Firestore Database, and add the following security rules to the database, to add authentication for only specific people to be able to update details on Firestore:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read;
allow create, write, update, delete: if"dscchapteremailaddress[@]gmail[.]com");
Enable the Firebase Storage, and add the following security rules to the database, to add authentication for only specific people to be able to add / update media to the storage bucket:
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read;
allow write, create, delete, update: if"dscchapteremailaddress[@]gmail[.]com");
- Install Firebase CLI:
npm i -g firebase-tools
- Create Firebase account and login into Firebase CLI:
firebase login
- Open Terminal/Powershell in your directory.
- Now type firebase login command in your Terminal/Powershell.
- Type
firebase init
- Select the project by using the arrow keys.
- Then Select the Firebase Hosting by using the Spacebar and arrow key.
- Type
- A
will be created. - Run on localhost:
firebase serve
ornpm run serve
- Update
"hosting": {
"public": "dist",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [ {
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
} ],
"headers": [
"source": "**/*.@(eot|otf|ttf|ttc|woff|font.css)",
"headers": [
"key": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
"value": "*"
"source": "**/*.@(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)",
"headers": [ {
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "max-age=31557600"
} ]
- Build and deploy by running:
firebase deploy
ornpm run deploy
oryarn deploy
Hi, there! If you liked this project and are using it for your DSC's community then kindly fill this usage info issue and submit it. We'll love to hear your feedback!
Awesome! Contributions of all kinds are greatly appreciated. To help smoothen the process we have a few non-exhaustive guidelines to follow which should get you going in no time.
- Feel free to use GitHub issues for questions, bug reports, and feature requests
- Use the search feature to check for an existing issue
- Include as much information as possible and provide any relevant resources (Eg. screenshots)
- For bug reports ensure you have a reproducible test case
- A pull request with a breaking test would be super preferable here but isn't required
- Squash commits
- Lint your code with eslint (config provided)
- Include relevant test updates/additions
- If you have any issues, feel free to hit us up at [email protected]
- You can also put up queries on GitHub issues here
This website is a clone of the GDG-X Aura template build by Vrijraj Singh.