- Based on github.com/fatih/pool Conn Pool Currently
- Suppprt JsonRpc and GobRpc(golang default rpc) Currently
Install the package with:
go get github.com/gcy3y/rpc_conn_pool_golang
Please vendor the package with one of the releases: https://github.com/gcy3y/rpc_conn_pool_golang/releases.
branch is development branch and will contain always the latest changes.
create a factory() to be used with rpc pool
factory := func() (net.Conn, error) {
return net.DialTimeout("tcp", 801, time.Second*time.Duration(5))
create a new json rpc pool with an initial capacity of 1000 and maximum capacity of 10000. The factory will create 10000 initial rpc connections and put it into the pool. rpc type can be "json" or "gob" or "", "" means gob rpc
rpc_pool, err := NewRpcConnPool("json", 1000, 10000, factory)
now you can get a rpc connection from the pool, if there is no connection available it will create a new one via the factory function.
rpc_conn, err := p.Get()
now you can get use this rpc connection call rpc method
err = rpc_conn.Call("HelloWorld.Hello", struct{}{}, &response)
do something with conn and put it back to the pool by closing the rpc connection (this doesn't close the underlying rpc connection instead it's putting it back to the pool).
close the underlying rpc connection instead of returning it to pool
close pool any time you want, this closes all the rpc connections inside a pool
currently available connections in the rpc pool
current_len := rpc_pool.Len()
The MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE for more details