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+ Symbol of the Government of Canada - Symbole du Gouvernement du Canada
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+ Symbole du Gouvernement du Canada - Symbol of the Government of Canada
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ */
+ Global variables for GCWeb
+ */
+Left menu variables
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ */
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
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+ background-color: #f2dede; }
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+ background-color: #ebcccc; }
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+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > th,
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+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > td {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
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+ border: 0; }
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+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child {
+ border-left: 0; }
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+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child {
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+ fieldset[disabled]
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+ cursor: pointer; }
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+.radio + .radio,
+.checkbox + .checkbox {
+ margin-top: -5px; }
+.checkbox-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ .radio-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio-inline,
+ .checkbox-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox-inline {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+.radio-inline + .radio-inline,
+.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+.form-control-static {
+ min-height: 39px;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ padding-bottom: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .form-control-static.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn, .form-control-static.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+select.input-sm, .input-group-sm > select.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+textarea.input-sm, .input-group-sm > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-sm > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+.form-group-sm select.form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.form-group-sm textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-sm select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control-static {
+ height: 33px;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ padding: 6px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5; }
+.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+select.input-lg, .input-group-lg > select.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+textarea.input-lg, .input-group-lg > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-lg > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+.form-group-lg select.form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.form-group-lg textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-lg select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control-static {
+ height: 46px;
+ min-height: 41px;
+ padding: 11px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333; }
+.has-feedback {
+ position: relative; }
+ .has-feedback .form-control {
+ padding-right: 46.25px; }
+.form-control-feedback {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ display: block;
+ width: 37px;
+ height: 37px;
+ line-height: 37px;
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none; }
+.input-lg + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-lg + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-lg .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 46px;
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.input-sm + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-sm + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-sm .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 33px;
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.has-success .help-block,
+.has-success .control-label,
+.has-success .radio,
+.has-success .checkbox,
+.has-success .radio-inline,
+.has-success .checkbox-inline,
+.has-success.radio label,
+.has-success.checkbox label,
+.has-success.radio-inline label,
+.has-success.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control {
+ border-color: #3c763d;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-success .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #2b542c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168; }
+.has-success .input-group-addon {
+ color: #3c763d;
+ background-color: #dff0d8;
+ border-color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-warning .help-block,
+.has-warning .control-label,
+.has-warning .radio,
+.has-warning .checkbox,
+.has-warning .radio-inline,
+.has-warning .checkbox-inline,
+.has-warning.radio label,
+.has-warning.checkbox label,
+.has-warning.radio-inline label,
+.has-warning.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control {
+ border-color: #8a6d3b;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-warning .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66512c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b; }
+.has-warning .input-group-addon {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3;
+ border-color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-error .help-block,
+.has-error .control-label,
+.has-error .radio,
+.has-error .checkbox,
+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control {
+ border-color: #a94442;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-error .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #843534;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483; }
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 28px; }
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; }
+.help-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ color: #737373; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-inline .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .form-inline .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .form-inline .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio,
+ .form-inline .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio label,
+ .form-inline .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+ min-height: 34px; }
+.form-horizontal .form-group {
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
+ .form-horizontal .form-group:before, .form-horizontal .form-group:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .form-horizontal .form-group:after {
+ clear: both; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .control-label {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ text-align: right; } }
+.form-horizontal .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ right: 15px; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-lg .control-label {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ font-size: 18px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-sm .control-label {
+ padding-top: 6px;
+ font-size: 14px; } }
+.btn {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-align: center;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ -ms-touch-action: manipulation;
+ touch-action: manipulation;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+ .btn:focus, .btn.focus, .btn:active:focus, .btn:active.focus, .btn.active:focus, .btn.active.focus {
+ outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+ .btn:hover, .btn:focus, .btn.focus {
+ color: #335075;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .btn:active, .btn.active {
+ background-image: none;
+ outline: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125); }
+ .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled],
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ opacity: 0.65;
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+ box-shadow: none; }
+fieldset[disabled] a.btn {
+ pointer-events: none; }
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+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #dcdee1; }
+ .btn-default:focus, .btn-default.focus {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ border-color: #989da6; }
+ .btn-default:hover {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
+ .btn-default:active, .btn-default.active,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
+ .btn-default:active:hover, .btn-default:active:focus, .btn-default:active.focus, .btn-default.active:hover, .btn-default.active:focus, .btn-default.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #bbbfc5;
+ border-color: #989da6; }
+ .btn-default.disabled:hover, .btn-default.disabled:focus, .btn-default.disabled.focus, .btn-default[disabled]:hover, .btn-default[disabled]:focus, .btn-default[disabled].focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-default.focus {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #dcdee1; }
+ .btn-default .badge {
+ color: #eaebed;
+ background-color: #335075; }
+.btn-primary {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #143c5f; }
+ .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-primary:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary.active,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active:hover, .btn-primary:active:focus, .btn-primary:active.focus, .btn-primary.active:hover, .btn-primary.active:focus, .btn-primary.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #16446c;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-primary.disabled:hover, .btn-primary.disabled:focus, .btn-primary.disabled.focus, .btn-primary[disabled]:hover, .btn-primary[disabled]:focus, .btn-primary[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary:focus,
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+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #143c5f; }
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+ color: #2572b4;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.btn-success {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1b6c1c;
+ border-color: #071a07; }
+ .btn-success:focus, .btn-success.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:active, .btn-success.active,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:active:hover, .btn-success:active:focus, .btn-success:active.focus, .btn-success.active:hover, .btn-success.active:focus, .btn-success.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #0a270a;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success.disabled:hover, .btn-success.disabled:focus, .btn-success.disabled.focus, .btn-success[disabled]:hover, .btn-success[disabled]:focus, .btn-success[disabled].focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-success.focus {
+ background-color: #1b6c1c;
+ border-color: #071a07; }
+ .btn-success .badge {
+ color: #1b6c1c;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.btn-info {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #4d4d4d;
+ border-color: #1a1a1a; }
+ .btn-info:focus, .btn-info.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:active, .btn-info.active,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:active:hover, .btn-info:active:focus, .btn-info:active.focus, .btn-info.active:hover, .btn-info.active:focus, .btn-info.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #222222;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info.disabled:hover, .btn-info.disabled:focus, .btn-info.disabled.focus, .btn-info[disabled]:hover, .btn-info[disabled]:focus, .btn-info[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-info:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-info.focus {
+ background-color: #4d4d4d;
+ border-color: #1a1a1a; }
+ .btn-info .badge {
+ color: #4d4d4d;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.btn-warning {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #f2d40d;
+ border-color: #917f08; }
+ .btn-warning:focus, .btn-warning.focus {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ border-color: #181501; }
+ .btn-warning:hover {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ border-color: #574c05; }
+ .btn-warning:active, .btn-warning.active,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #574c05; }
+ .btn-warning:active:hover, .btn-warning:active:focus, .btn-warning:active.focus, .btn-warning.active:hover, .btn-warning.active:focus, .btn-warning.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #a08c09;
+ border-color: #181501; }
+ .btn-warning.disabled:hover, .btn-warning.disabled:focus, .btn-warning.disabled.focus, .btn-warning[disabled]:hover, .btn-warning[disabled]:focus, .btn-warning[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning.focus {
+ background-color: #f2d40d;
+ border-color: #917f08; }
+ .btn-warning .badge {
+ color: #f2d40d;
+ background-color: #000; }
+.btn-danger {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #bc3331;
+ border-color: #6b1d1c; }
+ .btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ border-color: #060202; }
+ .btn-danger:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ border-color: #3b100f; }
+ .btn-danger:active, .btn-danger.active,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #3b100f; }
+ .btn-danger:active:hover, .btn-danger:active:focus, .btn-danger:active.focus, .btn-danger.active:hover, .btn-danger.active:focus, .btn-danger.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #77201f;
+ border-color: #060202; }
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:focus,
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+ background-color: #bc3331;
+ border-color: #6b1d1c; }
+ .btn-danger .badge {
+ color: #bc3331;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #295376;
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+ border-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #0535d2;
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+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ padding: 10px 16px;
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+ line-height: 1.3333333;
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+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
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+ padding: 1px 5px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
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+ margin-top: 5px; }
+input[type="button"].btn-block {
+ width: 100%; }
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+ transition-property: height, visibility;
+ -webkit-transition-duration: 0.35s;
+ transition-duration: 0.35s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease;
+ transition-timing-function: ease; }
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+ display: inline-block;
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+ position: relative; }
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+ outline: 0; }
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+ position: absolute;
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+ display: none;
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+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
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+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175);
+ box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175); }
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+ left: auto; }
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+ height: 1px;
+ margin: 10.5px 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ background-color: #e5e5e5; }
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+ display: block;
+ padding: 3px 20px;
+ clear: both;
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+ color: #333333;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
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+ color: #262626;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #f5f5f5; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ outline: 0; }
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+ color: #6f6f6f; }
+.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: none;
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false); }
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+ display: block; }
+.open > a {
+ outline: 0; }
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+ display: block;
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+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #6f6f6f;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
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+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ z-index: 990; }
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+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+.dropup .caret,
+.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown .caret {
+ content: "";
+ border-top: 0;
+ border-bottom: 4px dashed;
+ border-bottom: 4px solid \9; }
+.dropup .dropdown-menu,
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+ top: auto;
+ bottom: 100%;
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+ left: auto; }
+ .navbar-right .dropdown-menu-left {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; } }
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+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
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+ position: relative;
+ float: left; }
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+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:hover,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:active,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn.active {
+ z-index: 2; }
+.btn-group .btn + .btn,
+.btn-group .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group .btn-group + .btn,
+.btn-group .btn-group + .btn-group {
+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ margin-left: -5px; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
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+ clear: both; }
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+ .btn-toolbar .btn-group,
+ .btn-toolbar .input-group {
+ float: left; }
+ .btn-toolbar > .btn,
+ .btn-toolbar > .btn-group,
+ .btn-toolbar > .input-group {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
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+ border-radius: 0; }
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+ margin-left: 0; }
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child),
+.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle:not(:first-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group {
+ float: left; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .btn:last-child,
+.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .dropdown-toggle {
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active,
+.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {
+ outline: 0; }
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+ padding-right: 8px;
+ padding-left: 8px; }
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+ padding-right: 12px;
+ padding-left: 12px; }
+.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125); }
+ .btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle.btn-link {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+.btn .caret {
+ margin-left: 0; }
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+ border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+ border-bottom-width: 0; }
+.dropup .btn-lg .caret, .dropup .btn-group-lg > .btn .caret {
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ display: block;
+ float: none;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:after {
+ clear: both; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ float: none; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn-group {
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:first-child:not(:last-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .btn:last-child,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .dropdown-toggle {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0; }
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+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+ table-layout: fixed;
+ border-collapse: separate; }
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+ display: table-cell;
+ float: none;
+ width: 1%; }
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+ width: 100%; }
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+ left: auto; }
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="radio"],
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+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ pointer-events: none; }
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+ position: relative;
+ display: table;
+ border-collapse: separate; }
+ .input-group[class*="col-"] {
+ float: none;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
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+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 2;
+ float: left;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .input-group .form-control:focus {
+ z-index: 3; }
+.input-group .form-control {
+ display: table-cell; }
+ .input-group-addon:not(:first-child):not(:last-child),
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+ .input-group .form-control:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
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+ width: 1%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
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+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 1;
+ color: #555555;
+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #eeeeee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .input-group-addon.input-sm,
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+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .input-group-addon.btn {
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+ .input-group-addon.input-lg,
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+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .input-group-addon.btn {
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+ .input-group-addon input[type="radio"],
+ .input-group-addon input[type="checkbox"] {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.input-group .form-control:first-child,
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+.input-group-btn:first-child > .dropdown-toggle,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.input-group-addon:first-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+.input-group .form-control:last-child,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .dropdown-toggle,
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.input-group-addon:last-child {
+ border-left: 0; }
+.input-group-btn {
+ position: relative;
+ font-size: 0;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ position: relative; }
+ .input-group-btn > .btn + .btn {
+ margin-left: -1px; }
+ .input-group-btn > .btn:hover, .input-group-btn > .btn:focus, .input-group-btn > .btn:active {
+ z-index: 2; }
+ .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn,
+ .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group {
+ margin-right: -1px; }
+ .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,
+ .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group {
+ z-index: 2;
+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+.container > .navbar-collapse,
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+ .container > .navbar-collapse,
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+ text-decoration: none; }
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+ display: block; }
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+ margin-left: -15px; } }
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+ margin-bottom: 8px;
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+ background-image: none;
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+ display: none; } }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
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+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-btn,
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+ width: auto; }
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+ width: 100%; }
+ .navbar-form .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio label,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .navbar-form .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-form .form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ .navbar-form .form-group:last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0; } }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-form {
+ width: auto;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; } }
+.navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
+ margin-top: 0;
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+ border-top-right-radius: 0; }
+.navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
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+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.navbar-btn {
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
+ .navbar-btn.btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > .navbar-btn.btn {
+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px; }
+ .navbar-btn.btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > .navbar-btn.btn {
+ margin-top: 14px;
+ margin-bottom: 14px; }
+.navbar-text {
+ margin-top: 13.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 13.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-text {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-left: 15px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-left {
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+ .navbar-right {
+ float: right !important;
+ margin-right: -15px; }
+ .navbar-right ~ .navbar-right {
+ margin-right: 0; } }
+.navbar-default {
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand {
+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #5e5d5d;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-text {
+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #777; }
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+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {
+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
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+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #333;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #ccc;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #888; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-default .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-link {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #ccc; }
+.navbar-inverse {
+ background-color: #222;
+ border-color: #090808; }
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+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #959595; }
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+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-header {
+ border-color: #090808; }
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+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #101010; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover, .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #444; }
+.breadcrumb {
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+ display: inline-block; }
+ .breadcrumb > li + li:before {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ color: #ccc;
+ content: "/ "; }
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+ .pagination > li > a,
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+ color: #335075;
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+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdee1; }
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+ .pagination > li:first-child > span {
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+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > li:last-child > a,
+ .pagination > li:last-child > span {
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+ .pagination > .active > span:hover,
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+ .pagination > .disabled > a,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a:hover,
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+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: #fff;
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+ text-align: center;
+ list-style: none; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
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+ clear: both; }
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+ display: inline; }
+ .pager li > a,
+ .pager li > span {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 5px 14px;
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdee1;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
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+ .pager li > a:focus {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #d4d6da; }
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+ .pager .next > span {
+ float: right; }
+ .pager .previous > a,
+ .pager .previous > span {
+ float: left; }
+ .pager .disabled > a,
+ .pager .disabled > a:hover,
+ .pager .disabled > a:focus,
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+ color: #6f6f6f;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: #eaebed; }
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+ vertical-align: baseline;
+ border-radius: .25em; }
+ .label:empty {
+ display: none; }
+ .btn .label {
+ position: relative;
+ top: -1px; }
+a.label:hover, a.label:focus {
+ color: #fff;
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+ cursor: pointer; }
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+ background-color: #1c578a; }
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+ background-color: #114311; }
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+ background-color: #4d4d4d; }
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+ background-color: #343333; }
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+ background-color: #f2d40d; }
+ .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus {
+ background-color: #c2aa0a; }
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+ background-color: #bc3331; }
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+ background-color: #942826; }
+.badge {
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+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ background-color: #6f6f6f;
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+ .badge:empty {
+ display: none; }
+ .btn .badge {
+ position: relative;
+ top: -1px; }
+ .btn-xs .badge, .btn-group-xs > .btn .badge,
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+ top: 0;
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+ color: #295376;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ float: right; }
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+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .nav-pills > li > a > .badge {
+ margin-left: 3px; }
+a.badge:hover, a.badge:focus {
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+ padding-bottom: 30px;
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ border-top-color: #d5d5d5; }
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+ transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out; }
+ .thumbnail > img,
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+a.thumbnail.active {
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+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .alert h4 {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ color: inherit; }
+ .alert .alert-link {
+ font-weight: bold; }
+ .alert > p,
+ .alert > ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .alert > p + p {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+.alert-dismissible {
+ padding-right: 35px; }
+ .alert-dismissable .close,
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+ position: relative;
+ top: -2px;
+ right: -21px;
+ color: inherit; }
+.alert-success {
+ color: #3c763d;
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+ border-color: #d6e9c6; }
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+ border-top-color: #c9e2b3; }
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+ color: #2b542c; }
+.alert-info {
+ color: #31708f;
+ background-color: #d9edf7;
+ border-color: #bce8f1; }
+ .alert-info hr {
+ border-top-color: #a6e1ec; }
+ .alert-info .alert-link {
+ color: #245269; }
+.alert-warning {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3;
+ border-color: #faebcc; }
+ .alert-warning hr {
+ border-top-color: #f7e1b5; }
+ .alert-warning .alert-link {
+ color: #66512c; }
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+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #ebccd1; }
+ .alert-danger hr {
+ border-top-color: #e4b9c0; }
+ .alert-danger .alert-link {
+ color: #843534; }
+@-webkit-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
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+ background-position: 40px 0; }
+ to {
+ background-position: 0 0; } }
+@keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
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+ background-position: 40px 0; }
+ to {
+ background-position: 0 0; } }
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+ height: 23px;
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+ -webkit-transition: width 0.6s ease;
+ transition: width 0.6s ease; }
+.progress-striped .progress-bar,
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+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
+ background-size: 40px 40px; }
+.progress.active .progress-bar,
+.progress-bar.active {
+ -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
+ animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite; }
+.progress-bar-success {
+ background-color: #1b6c1c; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-success {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-info {
+ background-color: #4d4d4d; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-info {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-warning {
+ background-color: #f2d40d; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-warning {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-danger {
+ background-color: #bc3331; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-danger {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
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+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th,
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+ opacity: 0.5; }
+.modal-header {
+ padding: 15px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
+ .modal-header:before, .modal-header:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .modal-header:after {
+ clear: both; }
+.modal-header .close {
+ margin-top: -2px; }
+.modal-title {
+ margin: 0;
+ line-height: 1.4375; }
+.modal-body {
+ position: relative;
+ padding: 15px; }
+.modal-footer {
+ padding: 15px;
+ text-align: right;
+ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
+ .modal-footer:before, .modal-footer:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .modal-footer:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ .modal-footer .btn + .btn {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .modal-footer .btn-group .btn + .btn {
+ margin-left: -1px; }
+ .modal-footer .btn-block + .btn-block {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.modal-scrollbar-measure {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -9999px;
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 50px;
+ overflow: scroll; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .modal-dialog {
+ width: 600px;
+ margin: 30px auto; }
+ .modal-content {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+ box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); }
+ .modal-sm {
+ width: 300px; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .modal-lg {
+ width: 900px; } }
+.tooltip {
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1070;
+ display: block;
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+ line-break: auto;
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+ text-align: start;
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+ text-shadow: none;
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+ word-break: normal;
+ word-spacing: normal;
+ word-wrap: normal;
+ white-space: normal;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=0);
+ opacity: 0; }
+ .tooltip.in {
+ filter: alpha(opacity=90);
+ opacity: 0.9; }
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+ padding: 5px 0;
+ margin-top: -3px; }
+ .tooltip.right {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ margin-left: 3px; }
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+ padding: 5px 0;
+ margin-top: 3px; }
+ .tooltip.left {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ margin-left: -3px; }
+ .tooltip.top .tooltip-arrow {
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+ border-top-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.top-left .tooltip-arrow {
+ right: 5px;
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin-bottom: -5px;
+ border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+ border-top-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.top-right .tooltip-arrow {
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: -5px;
+ border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+ border-top-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.right .tooltip-arrow {
+ top: 50%;
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: -5px;
+ border-width: 5px 5px 5px 0;
+ border-right-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.left .tooltip-arrow {
+ top: 50%;
+ right: 0;
+ margin-top: -5px;
+ border-width: 5px 0 5px 5px;
+ border-left-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.bottom .tooltip-arrow {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px;
+ border-bottom-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.bottom-left .tooltip-arrow {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 5px;
+ margin-top: -5px;
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px;
+ border-bottom-color: #000; }
+ .tooltip.bottom-right .tooltip-arrow {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 5px;
+ margin-top: -5px;
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px;
+ border-bottom-color: #000; }
+.tooltip-inner {
+ max-width: 200px;
+ padding: 3px 8px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
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+ border-radius: 4px; }
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+ position: absolute;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ border-color: transparent;
+ border-style: solid; }
+.popover {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
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+ display: none;
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+ word-break: normal;
+ word-spacing: normal;
+ word-wrap: normal;
+ white-space: normal;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }
+ .popover.top {
+ margin-top: -10px; }
+ .popover.right {
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+ .popover.bottom {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ .popover.left {
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .popover > .arrow {
+ border-width: 11px; }
+ .popover > .arrow, .popover > .arrow:after {
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ border-color: transparent;
+ border-style: solid; }
+ .popover > .arrow:after {
+ content: "";
+ border-width: 10px; }
+ .popover.top > .arrow {
+ bottom: -11px;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -11px;
+ border-top-color: #999999;
+ border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
+ border-bottom-width: 0; }
+ .popover.top > .arrow:after {
+ bottom: 1px;
+ margin-left: -10px;
+ content: " ";
+ border-top-color: #fff;
+ border-bottom-width: 0; }
+ .popover.right > .arrow {
+ top: 50%;
+ left: -11px;
+ margin-top: -11px;
+ border-right-color: #999999;
+ border-right-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
+ border-left-width: 0; }
+ .popover.right > .arrow:after {
+ bottom: -10px;
+ left: 1px;
+ content: " ";
+ border-right-color: #fff;
+ border-left-width: 0; }
+ .popover.bottom > .arrow {
+ top: -11px;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -11px;
+ border-top-width: 0;
+ border-bottom-color: #999999;
+ border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }
+ .popover.bottom > .arrow:after {
+ top: 1px;
+ margin-left: -10px;
+ content: " ";
+ border-top-width: 0;
+ border-bottom-color: #fff; }
+ .popover.left > .arrow {
+ top: 50%;
+ right: -11px;
+ margin-top: -11px;
+ border-right-width: 0;
+ border-left-color: #999999;
+ border-left-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }
+ .popover.left > .arrow:after {
+ right: 1px;
+ bottom: -10px;
+ content: " ";
+ border-right-width: 0;
+ border-left-color: #fff; }
+.popover-title {
+ padding: 8px 14px;
+ margin: 0;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ background-color: #f7f7f7;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;
+ border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; }
+.popover-content {
+ padding: 9px 14px; }
+.carousel {
+ position: relative; }
+.carousel-inner {
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item {
+ position: relative;
+ display: none;
+ -webkit-transition: 0.6s ease-in-out left;
+ transition: 0.6s ease-in-out left; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item > img,
+ .carousel-inner > .item > a > img {
+ display: block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ line-height: 1; }
+ @media all and (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) {
+ .carousel-inner > .item {
+ -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ transition: -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-perspective: 1000px;
+ perspective: 1000px; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item.next, .carousel-inner > .item.active.right {
+ -webkit-transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item.prev, .carousel-inner > .item.active.left {
+ -webkit-transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item.next.left, .carousel-inner > .item.prev.right, .carousel-inner > .item.active {
+ -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+ left: 0; } }
+ .carousel-inner > .active,
+ .carousel-inner > .next,
+ .carousel-inner > .prev {
+ display: block; }
+ .carousel-inner > .active {
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .next,
+ .carousel-inner > .prev {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .next {
+ left: 100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .prev {
+ left: -100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .next.left,
+ .carousel-inner > .prev.right {
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .active.left {
+ left: -100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .active.right {
+ left: 100%; }
+.carousel-control {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 15%;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ filter: alpha(opacity=50);
+ opacity: 0.5; }
+ .carousel-control.left {
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001)));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#80000000', endColorstr='#00000000', GradientType=1);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x; }
+ .carousel-control.right {
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00000000', endColorstr='#80000000', GradientType=1);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x; }
+ .carousel-control:hover, .carousel-control:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ outline: 0;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=90);
+ opacity: 0.9; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ z-index: 5;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left {
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-next,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ right: 50%;
+ margin-right: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ font-family: serif;
+ line-height: 1; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev:before {
+ content: "\2039"; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-next:before {
+ content: "\203a"; }
+.carousel-indicators {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 10px;
+ left: 50%;
+ z-index: 15;
+ width: 60%;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ margin-left: -30%;
+ text-align: center;
+ list-style: none; }
+ .carousel-indicators li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-indent: -999px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-color: #000 \9;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border: 1px solid #fff;
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+ .carousel-indicators .active {
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ margin: 0;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.carousel-caption {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15%;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ left: 15%;
+ z-index: 10;
+ padding-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }
+ .carousel-caption .btn {
+ text-shadow: none; }
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 30px;
+ height: 30px;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ font-size: 30px; }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev {
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ margin-right: -10px; }
+ .carousel-caption {
+ right: 20%;
+ left: 20%;
+ padding-bottom: 30px; }
+ .carousel-indicators {
+ bottom: 20px; } }
+.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.clearfix:after {
+ clear: both; }
+.center-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ margin-left: auto; }
+.pull-right {
+ float: right !important; }
+.pull-left {
+ float: left !important; }
+.hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.show {
+ display: block !important; }
+.invisible {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.text-hide {
+ font: 0/0 a;
+ color: transparent;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+.hidden {
+ display: none !important; }
+.affix {
+ position: fixed; }
+@-ms-viewport {
+ width: device-width; }
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+ display: none !important; }
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+ display: none !important; }
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+ display: none !important; }
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+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-xs {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-xs {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-xs,
+ td.visible-xs {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
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+ .visible-xs-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
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+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-sm {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-sm {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-sm,
+ td.visible-sm {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-md {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-md {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-md,
+ td.visible-md {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-lg {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-lg {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-lg,
+ td.visible-lg {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .hidden-xs {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .hidden-sm {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .hidden-md {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .hidden-lg {
+ display: none !important; } }
+.visible-print {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media print {
+ .visible-print {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-print {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-print {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-print,
+ td.visible-print {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+.visible-print-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
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+ display: none !important; }
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+ display: inline !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media print {
+ .hidden-print {
+ display: none !important; } }
+ @title: Bootstrap overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+ * Link colour and decoration
+ */
+a.btn, .nav a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+a {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ a:visited {
+ color: #7834bc; }
+ a:not([href]) {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ a:not([href]):hover, a:not([href]):focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ outline: none;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.btn-default:visited {
+ color: #335075; }
+.btn-primary:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-success:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-info:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-warning:visited {
+ color: #000; }
+.btn-danger:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dt,
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dd {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .dl-horizontal dd {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
+ margin-left: 160px;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt + dd {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #333333; }
+.nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #295376; }
+.nav-pills > li.active > a:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-default .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #777; } }
+.navbar-default .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-inverse .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; } }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+ * Abbreviations with title attributes
+ * Workaround for abbreviations with titles using solid underlines in IE11/Edge in Bootstrap 3.4.0 (via normalize.css 4.0.1-8.0.1):
+ * - Use a dotted underline in browsers that support it (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, etc...)
+ * - Fallback on a dotted bottom border in browsers that don't support it (e.g. IE11, Edge, etc...)
+ * Source: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/pull/738#issuecomment-387549760
+ * Created by: @mattbrundage
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+@supports ((-webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted) or (text-decoration: underline dotted)) {
+ abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration-skip-ink: none; } }
+ * Override the design of alerts and labels
+ */
+.alert, .label {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px; }
+.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 1.2em;
+ margin-top: auto; }
+ .alert > :first-child:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ position: absolute; }
+.alert > strong:first-child,
+.alert > em:first-child,
+.alert > span:first-child {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, .label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, .label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, .label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger {
+ color: #000; }
+.label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active {
+ background: #eee;
+ border-color: #acacac; }
+.label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active {
+ background: #e8f2f4;
+ border-color: #083c6c; }
+.label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, details.alert.alert-success, details.alert.alert-success[open] {
+ background: #d8eeca;
+ border-color: #278400; }
+.alert-success > :first-child:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+.label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, details.alert.alert-info, details.alert.alert-info[open] {
+ background: #d7faff;
+ border-color: #269abc; }
+.alert-info > :first-child:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+.label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning[open] {
+ background: #f9f4d4;
+ border-color: #f90; }
+.alert-warning > :first-child:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+.label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger[open] {
+ background: #f3e9e8;
+ border-color: #d3080c; }
+.alert-danger > :first-child:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+ * Heading top margins
+ */
+.h1, h2,
+.h2, h3,
+.h3, h4,
+.h4, h5,
+.h5, h6,
+.h6 {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.h1, h2,
+.h2 {
+ margin-top: 38px; }
+h3, .h3 {
+ margin-top: 32px; }
+h4, .h4 {
+ margin-top: 26px; }
+h5, .h5 {
+ margin-top: 23px; }
+h6, .h6 {
+ margin-top: 21px; }
+ * Code
+ */
+code {
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * Adding space for definition list items
+ */
+dt {
+ margin-bottom: 3px; }
+dd {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ * Firefox-safe line height on input[type="reset|button|submit"]
+ */
+input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] {
+ height: 37px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 46px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 33px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 25px; }
+ * Blockquote font size
+ */
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 16px; }
+ * Form control width
+ *
+ * Default should be representative of the expected length of input.
+ * Full width should be only for cases when the expected length of input is
+ * greater than the available width.
+ * height:37px; rule of Bootstrap was overwritten by height: auto; first
+ * then a min-height specified, in order to address the issue #8492. July 2019.
+ */
+input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit] {
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 37px; }
+.form-control {
+ height: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ width: auto; }
+ * Explicit labels for checkbox and radio button inputs
+ *
+ * Allow the use of horizontal explicit labels instead of the default implicit
+ * labelling pattern for checkbox and radio button inputs provided by Bootstrap.
+ */
+.form-inline .label-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline label {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ padding-left: 2px; }
+ * Fieldset/legend border position
+ *
+ * Bootstrap puts the border below the legend which creates a visual
+ * separation between the legend and the fields to which it relates. Putting
+ * the border above eliminates that visual separation. Putting it on the
+ * fieldset element instead ensures that all fieldsets will have a separation
+ * even when no legend is used.
+ */
+legend {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ float: left; }
+fieldset[disabled] .btn, .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled] {
+ border-style: solid; }
+fieldset {
+ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ /*
+ * Allows fieldSet/legend to have a bottom border under legend title
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/7766
+ */
+ /*
+ * Fieldset/legend as a label for a group of checkboxes or radio buttons
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/5797
+ */ }
+ fieldset:first-child {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm legend {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ float: none;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp {
+ border-top: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp legend {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ * Pagination
+ * * Add left/right arrows to previous/next buttons
+ * * Increase size of the pagination buttons
+ * * Prevent contrast ratio issues on active placeholder links
+ */
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before, .pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:after {
+ content: " ";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: .1em; }
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before {
+ content: "\e091";
+ margin-right: .5em; }
+.pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+.pagination > li > a,
+.pager > li > a {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ padding: 10px 16px; }
+.pagination > li.active > a,
+.pager > li.active > a {
+ cursor: default; }
+.pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+.pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.pager > li > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.pager > li > a:hover, .pager > li > a:focus,
+.pager > li > span:hover,
+.pager > li > span:focus {
+ border-color: #bbbfc5;
+ color: #335075; }
+.pagination > .active {
+ color: #fff; }
+ * Use button border style 'outset' to give buttons depth, except when disabled
+ */
+.btn {
+ border-style: outset;
+ /*
+ * These two property overrides should be recommended upstream to
+ * Bootstrap as a fix for button wrapping (see wet-boew/wet-boew#4454)
+ */
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 36px;
+ min-width: 36px;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * btn-xs should be equal to btn-sm in >v4.0.*
+.btn-group-xs .btn,
+.btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ min-height: 0; }
+ * Right-to-left support
+ */
+[dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ [dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+[dir=rtl] details.alert {
+ padding-right: 45px; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert:before {
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > * {
+ margin-right: .7em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-right: .4em; }
+[dir=rtl] .list-unstyled {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination > li,
+[dir=rtl] .pager > li {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+ [dir=rtl] .pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+caption {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center; }
+mark {
+ background-color: #ff0;
+ color: #000;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW
+ */
+/* Padding */
+.p-0 {
+ padding: 0 !important; }
+.pl-2 .px-2 {
+ padding-left: 5px !important; }
+.px-2 {
+ padding-right: 5px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-top: 30px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-bottom: 30px !important; }
+/* Stretched link */
+.stretched-link:after {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: "";
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ z-index: 1; }
+ @title: Bootstrap IE8-specific overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+.lt-ie9 .pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.lt-ie9 .pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before {
+ content: none;
+ margin-right: -1px; }
+.lt-ie9 .dl-horizontal dt {
+ white-space: normal; }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Bootstrap IE8-specific print overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+ .lt-ie9 abbr[title]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li > span,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li > span {
+ cursor: hand; }
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li.active > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li.active > span,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li.active > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li.active > span {
+ cursor: default; } }
+/* WET Core */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ Global placeholders
+ */
+.wb-invisible, .wb-inv, .wb-show-onfocus, .wb-sl, #wb-lng h2, #wb-glb-mn h2, #wb-srch h2, #wb-srch label, #wb-sm h2, #wb-bc h2, #wb-sec h2, #wb-info h2, #mb-pnl h3, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul, .wb-fnote dt, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl label {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px; }
+.wb-show-onfocus:focus, .wb-sl:focus, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ height: inherit;
+ margin: inherit;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ position: static;
+ width: inherit; }
+.pager.disabled, .pagination > li.disabled,
+.pager > li.disabled, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:after, #wb-bc li:first-child:before, [dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:first-child:before, #mb-pnl .modal-body h2, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled .sorting-icons:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-menu .sm.open li, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > details, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-disable .mfp-hide, .wb-disable #wb-srch, .wb-disable #wb-sm, .wb-disable #wb-sec, .wb-disable #wb-info, .wb-disable .wb-overlay {
+ display: block !important; }
+.wb-menu .menu > li a, .wb-menu .menu > li a:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a:focus, .wb-menu .active > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100px; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ z-index: 1; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+@keyframes spin {
+ from {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+ transform: rotate(0); }
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
+ transform: rotate(360deg); } }
+/* TODO: Use bootstratp placeholder when nested extends are supproted */
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 3.5em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/*! WET-BOEW Core and Plugins */
+ @title: Accessibility Additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+#wb-tphp {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.wb-slc {
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ top: 10px;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 3; }
+.wb-sl {
+ padding: 5px;
+ z-index: 501; }
+.wb-disable #wb-tphp {
+ background: #fff; }
+.wb-disable .wb-slc {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ background: none;
+ color: #295376;
+ display: block !important;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:hover, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:focus {
+ color: #0535d2; }
+.wb-disable #wb-dtmd {
+ float: none !important; }
+q:before, q:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ @title: Breadcrumb CSS
+ */
+#wb-bc ol {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+#wb-bc li {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ #wb-bc li:before {
+ color: #333;
+ content: ">";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 0.7em; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:before {
+ content: "<";
+ display: inline-block; }
+ @title: Language selector
+ */
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl:after {
+ clear: both;
+ content: "";
+ display: table; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-horiz .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-vert .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl .wb-lng-lnk {
+ float: right; }
+#wb-so {
+ text-align: right; }
+ #wb-so .row {
+ padding: 1em 0 0; }
+ @title: Ellipsis
+ */
+.wb-elps {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+* Based upon jQuery Mobile Transitions (https://jquerymobile.com)
+* Copyright 2010, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+* Released under the MIT license.
+* https://jquery.org/license
+.pop.in, .fade.in, .fade.reverse.out {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.pop.out, .fade.out, .fade.reverse.in {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.csstransitions .out {
+ display: block !important; }
+.pop {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%; }
+ .pop.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: popin;
+ animation-name: popin;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .pop.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 100ms;
+ animation-duration: 100ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ .pop.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .pop.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: popout;
+ animation-name: popout;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+@-webkit-keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+@keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+.fade {
+ -webkit-transition: all 0 ease 0;
+ transition: all 0 ease 0; }
+ .fade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .fade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 125ms;
+ animation-duration: 125ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ z-index: -1; }
+ .fade.out.noheight {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ max-height: 0; }
+ .fade.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout; }
+ .fade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+@keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+.slide.out, .slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slide.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slide.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+.slide.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromleft;
+ animation-name: slideinfromleft; }
+/* keyframes for slidein from sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+/* keyframes for slideout to sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+.slidefade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+.slidefade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 200ms;
+ animation-duration: 200ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); }
+.slidefade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+/* slide up/down */
+.slidevert.out, .slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slidevert.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slidevert.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+.slidevert.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfrombottom;
+ animation-name: slideinfrombottom; }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+ @title: Proximity CSS
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.opct-100 {
+ opacity: 1; }
+.opct-90 {
+ opacity: .9; }
+.opct-80 {
+ opacity: .8; }
+.opct-70 {
+ opacity: .7; }
+.opct-60 {
+ opacity: .6; }
+.opct-50 {
+ opacity: .5; }
+.opct-40 {
+ opacity: .4; }
+.opct-30 {
+ opacity: .3; }
+.opct-20 {
+ opacity: .2; }
+.opct-10 {
+ opacity: .1; }
+ * Removes bold from elements
+ */
+.fnt-nrml {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=clmn-] {
+ list-style: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=clmn-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+.pstn-bttm-lg {
+ margin: 0; }
+.pstn-lft-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+.pstn-rght-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+.pstn-tp-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+.pstn-bttm-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+.mrgn-lft-0 {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.mrgn-lft-sm {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.mrgn-lft-md {
+ margin-left: 15px; }
+.mrgn-lft-lg {
+ margin-left: 30px; }
+.mrgn-lft-xl {
+ margin-left: 50px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-0 {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.mrgn-bttm-sm {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-md {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-lg {
+ margin-bottom: 30px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-xl {
+ margin-bottom: 50px; }
+.mrgn-tp-0 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mrgn-tp-sm {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+.mrgn-tp-md {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+.mrgn-tp-lg {
+ margin-top: 30px; }
+.mrgn-tp-xl {
+ margin-top: 50px; }
+.mrgn-rght-0 {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+.mrgn-rght-sm {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.mrgn-rght-md {
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+.mrgn-rght-lg {
+ margin-right: 30px; }
+.mrgn-rght-xl {
+ margin-right: 50px; }
+.brdr-lft, .brdr-rght, .brdr-tp, .brdr-bttm {
+ border: solid 0 #ccc; }
+.brdr-lft {
+ border-left-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-rght {
+ border-right-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-tp {
+ border-top-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-bttm {
+ border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-0 {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+.brdr-rds-0 {
+ border-radius: 0 !important; }
+.tbl-gridify thead,
+.tbl-gridify tfoot {
+ display: none; }
+.tbl-gridify tbody,
+.tbl-gridify td,
+.tbl-gridify td {
+ display: block; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=colcount-] {
+ list-style-position: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled {
+ list-style: none outside none;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled li {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.colcount-xxs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+.colcount-xxs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+.colcount-xxs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+.full-width {
+ width: 100%; }
+ @title: List CSS
+ */
+.lst-lwr-alph {
+ list-style-type: lower-alpha; }
+.lst-upr-alph {
+ list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
+.lst-lwr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: lower-roman; }
+.lst-upr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: upper-roman; }
+.lst-num {
+ list-style-type: decimal; }
+.lst-none {
+ list-style-type: none; }
+.lst-spcd > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.lst-spcd ul,
+.lst-spcd ol {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ @title: Form additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+input.required[type="checkbox"]:before, label.required strong.required,
+legend.required strong.required,
+.checkbox.required strong.required,
+input[type="checkbox"].required strong.required {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+input[type="checkbox"].required:before {
+ content: "* ";
+ margin-left: -0.665em; }
+[dir=rtl] label.required:before,
+[dir=rtl] legend.required:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -0.665em; }
+ @title: Details/summary CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ summary:hover, summary:focus {
+ background: #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ summary > :first-child {
+ display: inline; }
+details {
+ padding-left: 1.1em;
+ padding-right: 1.1em; }
+ details > summary {
+ margin-left: -1.1em;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 1em; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ color: #000;
+ height: inherit;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-top: -.5em;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 10em;
+ z-index: 5; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:focus, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+.wb-calevt-cal {
+ width: 19em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days .cal-evt {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-evt-lnk {
+ display: block;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal.cal-cnt-fluid {
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-clndr td > a {
+ display: block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-clndr th abbr, .wb-clndr td > time, .wb-clndr td > a, .wb-clndr td div {
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 20% 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day, .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day a,
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day div {
+ color: #000; }
+.wb-clndr {
+ background: #fff;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-nav {
+ background: #333;
+ padding: .5em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr .form-group {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 10px 14px; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn {
+ background: none;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn[disabled] {
+ color: #ccc; }
+ .wb-clndr option[disabled] {
+ color: #aaa; }
+ .wb-clndr table {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr th {
+ background: #555;
+ border: 1px solid #333; }
+ .wb-clndr th abbr {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr td > time {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td a:hover, .wb-clndr td a:focus {
+ background: #333;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day {
+ background: #ccc;
+ font-weight: bolder; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+figure .pieLabel {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: solid #000 1px;
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 1px; }
+details.alert, details.alert[open] {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px;
+ padding-left: 45px;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ details.alert:before, details.alert[open]:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 24px;
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ margin-top: -3px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 15px; }
+ details.alert summary, details.alert[open] summary {
+ border-width: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ padding-left: 5px; }
+ details.alert summary:focus, details.alert summary:hover, details.alert[open] summary:focus, details.alert[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ details.alert summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert summary:focus h6, details.alert summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert summary:hover h6, details.alert[open] summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h6, details.alert[open] summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h6 {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details.alert > *, details.alert[open] > * {
+ margin-left: .7em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child, details.alert[open] > :first-child {
+ margin-left: .2em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child:before, details.alert[open] > :first-child:before {
+ color: #000;
+ content: ""; }
+ details.alert.alert-success:before, details.alert[open].alert-success:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+ details.alert.alert-info:before, details.alert[open].alert-info:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+ details.alert.alert-warning:before, details.alert[open].alert-warning:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+ details.alert.alert-danger:before, details.alert[open].alert-danger:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary {
+ margin-left: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BA\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert[open] > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BC\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details[dir="rtl"] details.alert > summary {
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Dismissable content container
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-container {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ display: table;
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ padding: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-dismissable-container .mfp-close {
+ color: #555;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: static; }
+ * Dismissable content wrapper
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-wrapper {
+ display: table-cell;
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.hght-inhrt {
+ min-height: inherit; }
+.wb-fltr-out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.fn-lnk:hover, .fn-lnk:focus, .wb-fnote dd:focus .fn-rtn a, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:hover, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:focus {
+ background-color: #555;
+ border-color: #555;
+ color: #fff !important; }
+.fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 1px 10px 2px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.wb-fnote h2, .wb-fnote dd > ul:first-child,
+.wb-fnote dd > ol:first-child, .wb-fnote table:first-child {
+ margin-top: 0.375em; }
+.fn-lnk {
+ line-height: 1.15;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.wb-fnote {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px 0;
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ .wb-fnote h2 {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dl {
+ margin: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ margin: 0.375em 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-fnote dd:focus {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border-color: #555; }
+ .wb-fnote dd > ul,
+ .wb-fnote dd > ol {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 0 0 3.875em;
+ padding: 0 0.375em 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote p:first-child {
+ margin-top: .11em;
+ padding-top: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote ul,
+ .wb-fnote ol {
+ margin-bottom: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote table {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0.375em;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 3.5em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+/* Right to left (RTL) SCSS */
+[dir="rtl"] sup .fn-lnk {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 3.875em 0 0; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error,
+.wb-frm label strong.error, .wb-frmvld legend .error,
+.wb-frm legend .error {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error .label,
+.wb-frm label strong.error .label, .wb-frmvld legend .error .label,
+.wb-frm legend .error .label {
+ font-size: 100%;
+ white-space: normal; }
+.wb-server-error {
+ display: block !important;
+ font-size: 100% !important;
+ text-align: left !important;
+ white-space: normal !important; }
+.css-implicite-input {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+/* Magnific Popup CSS */
+.mfp-bg {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1042;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: fixed;
+ background: #0b0b0b;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=80); }
+.mfp-wrap {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1043;
+ position: fixed;
+ outline: none !important;
+ -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }
+.mfp-container {
+ text-align: center;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ padding: 0 8px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.mfp-container:before {
+ content: '';
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.mfp-align-top .mfp-container:before {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-content {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ text-align: left;
+ z-index: 1045; }
+.mfp-inline-holder .mfp-content,
+.mfp-ajax-holder .mfp-content {
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-ajax-cur {
+ cursor: progress; }
+.mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-out;
+ cursor: zoom-out; }
+.mfp-zoom {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
+ cursor: zoom-in; }
+.mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content {
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.mfp-loading.mfp-figure {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.mfp-preloader {
+ color: #CCC;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ width: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-top: -0.8em;
+ left: 8px;
+ right: 8px;
+ z-index: 1044; }
+ .mfp-preloader a {
+ color: #CCC; }
+ .mfp-preloader a:hover {
+ color: #FFF; }
+.mfp-s-ready .mfp-preloader {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-s-error .mfp-content {
+ display: none; }
+button.mfp-close, button.mfp-arrow {
+ overflow: visible;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ display: block;
+ outline: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ z-index: 1046;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0; }
+.mfp-close {
+ width: 44px;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ padding: 0 0 18px 10px;
+ color: #FFF;
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace; }
+ .mfp-close:hover, .mfp-close:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-close:active {
+ top: 1px; }
+.mfp-close-btn-in .mfp-close {
+ color: #333; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-close,
+.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ color: #FFF;
+ right: -6px;
+ text-align: right;
+ padding-right: 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ color: #CCC;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.mfp-arrow {
+ position: absolute;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ margin: 0;
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -55px;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 90px;
+ height: 110px;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
+ .mfp-arrow:active {
+ margin-top: -54px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:hover, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-arrow:before, .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ margin-top: 35px;
+ margin-left: 35px;
+ border: medium inset transparent; }
+ .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ border-top-width: 13px;
+ border-bottom-width: 13px;
+ top: 8px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:before,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b {
+ border-top-width: 21px;
+ border-bottom-width: 21px;
+ opacity: 0.7; }
+.mfp-arrow-left {
+ left: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-a {
+ border-right: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 31px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-b {
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ border-right: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-arrow-right {
+ right: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-a {
+ border-left: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 39px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-b {
+ border-left: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-iframe-holder {
+ padding-top: 40px;
+ padding-bottom: 40px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
+ line-height: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 900px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ top: -40px; }
+.mfp-iframe-scaler {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-top: 56.25%; }
+ .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #000; }
+/* Main image in popup */
+img.mfp-img {
+ width: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ display: block;
+ line-height: 0;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding: 40px 0 40px;
+ margin: 0 auto; }
+/* The shadow behind the image */
+.mfp-figure {
+ line-height: 0; }
+ .mfp-figure:after {
+ content: '';
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 40px;
+ bottom: 40px;
+ display: block;
+ right: 0;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ z-index: -1;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #444; }
+ .mfp-figure small {
+ color: #BDBDBD;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 14px; }
+ .mfp-figure figure {
+ margin: 0; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar {
+ margin-top: -36px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-title {
+ text-align: left;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ color: #F3F3F3;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ padding-right: 36px; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-content {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.mfp-gallery .mfp-image-holder .mfp-figure {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+@media screen and (max-width: 800px) and (orientation: landscape), screen and (max-height: 300px) {
+ /**
+ * Remove all paddings around the image on small screen
+ */
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-image-holder {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile img.mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure:after {
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure small {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ top: auto;
+ padding: 3px 5px;
+ position: fixed;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar:empty {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-counter {
+ right: 5px;
+ top: 3px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ width: 35px;
+ height: 35px;
+ line-height: 35px;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ position: fixed;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 0; } }
+@media all and (max-width: 900px) {
+ .mfp-arrow {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.75);
+ transform: scale(0.75); }
+ .mfp-arrow-left {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 0;
+ transform-origin: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 100%;
+ transform-origin: 100%; }
+ .mfp-container {
+ padding-left: 6px;
+ padding-right: 6px; } }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ width: 600px;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -300px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-container {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-content {
+ padding-top: 44px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.mfp-close:focus, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ outline: 1px dotted #fff;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+body.wb-modal > #wb-tphp,
+body.wb-modal > header,
+body.wb-modal > main,
+body.wb-modal > footer, body.wb-modal summary {
+ visibility: hidden !important; }
+.lbx-hide-gal li {
+ display: none;
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ .lbx-hide-gal li:first-child {
+ display: block; }
+body.wb-modal .modal-dialog summary {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+.modal-dialog {
+ left: auto;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+.modal-content {
+ background: transparent; }
+.modal-body {
+ background: #fff; }
+.modal-footer {
+ background: #fff;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mfp-gallery .modal-body {
+ padding: 20px 30px; }
+.mfp-close {
+ cursor: pointer !important;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ /* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */ }
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-title {
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 75%; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-counter {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ text-align: right;
+ width: 25%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Menu Sass
+ */
+.expicon {
+ font-size: .7em;
+ margin: 0 -.35em 0 .7em; }
+.wb-menu .sm {
+ display: none;
+ max-height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open {
+ display: inline;
+ max-height: 1000px;
+ min-width: 12.5em;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-transform: none;
+ top: auto;
+ z-index: 500; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: left; }
+ .wb-menu .sm details > * {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+.wb-menu .menu {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 1em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:focus {
+ cursor: default; }
+.wb-menu .sm-open .expicon {
+ z-index: -1; }
+.wb-menu details, .wb-menu details[open] {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-menu details summary, .wb-menu details[open] summary {
+ border: 0;
+ color: inherit; }
+ .wb-menu details summary:focus, .wb-menu details summary:hover, .wb-menu details[open] summary:focus, .wb-menu details[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+#mb-pnl nav a.wb-navcurr, #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr {
+ outline: 1px solid; }
+#mb-pnl nav a.wb-navcurr:focus, #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr:focus {
+ outline-style: dotted; }
+#mb-pnl .srch-pnl, #mb-pnl nav {
+ padding: 10px 20px 8px; }
+#mb-pnl .srch-pnl form {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+#mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ padding: 7px 15px 0;
+ text-align: right; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li {
+ line-height: normal;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li a {
+ padding: 5px; }
+#mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 1.27em; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect .list-group {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect a {
+ margin: 0 0 0 -6px; }
+#mb-pnl nav .mb-menu > li {
+ padding: 10px 0 2px; }
+#mb-pnl nav a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -6px;
+ padding: 0 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+#mb-pnl nav summary {
+ padding-left: 3px; }
+ #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr:focus {
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+#mb-pnl details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+#mb-pnl details ul {
+ padding-left: 1.2em; }
+#mb-pnl details details {
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -1.28em; }
+.wb-disable #wb-glb-mn {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-disable #wb-sm .menu {
+ background: #0e4164; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .menu {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ [dir=rtl] .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: right; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: right; }
+[dir=rtl] .expicon {
+ margin: 0 .7em 0 -.35em; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 1.27em; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav a {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -6px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav summary {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -3px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 3px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl details ul {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: .7em; }
+ Multimedia Player Code
+ */
+.wb-mltmd.audio .lastpnl, .wb-mltmd.youtube.cc_on .wb-mm-cc {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .btn:focus, .wb-mm-ctrls progress:focus, .wb-mm-ctrls input:focus[type=range] {
+ outline: 1px solid #4aafff; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-bar, .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-range {
+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
+.xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl, .xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+.wb-mltmd video, .wb-mltmd object,
+.wb-mltmd iframe {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-mm-cc {
+ max-height: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+.wb-mm-cc:before, .wb-mm-cc div {
+ display: table-cell;
+ height: 3em;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mltmd {
+ display: block;
+ position: relative;
+ /*
+ Light Skinning of mediacontrols
+ */ }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 65px;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.playing .errmsg {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display {
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-mltmd.audio object {
+ position: absolute; }
+ .wb-mltmd video {
+ height: auto;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mltmd.cc_on .wb-mm-cc {
+ display: table;
+ height: 4em;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-mltmd.cc_on .cc:after {
+ border-bottom: 3px solid #4aafff;
+ content: " ";
+ display: block;
+ margin-left: -2px;
+ width: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt .wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd .wb-share {
+ text-align: right; }
+.wb-mm-cc {
+ background-color: #000;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ -webkit-transition: all .26s ease;
+ transition: all .26s ease;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-cc:before {
+ content: " "; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl, .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl, .wb-mm-ctrls .tline {
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #3e3e3e;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: table;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ /* Progress Bar */
+ /* Slider polyfill styles */ }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0 !important;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 130%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 13em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 3em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .tline .wb-mm-tmln-crrnt:after {
+ content: " / ";
+ padding: 0 .5em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly {
+ padding: 0 1em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly p {
+ display: inline; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly,
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-prgrss {
+ display: table-cell;
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+ /* Important Thing */
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+ /* Prevent Webkit/Blink browsers from defaulting to a -2px outline offset. */
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay base
+ */
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+ * Overlay styles
+ */
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+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black;
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+ * Overlay parts
+ */
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+ color: #fff;
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+ background-color: #000;
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+[dir=rtl] .mfp-close {
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+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+/* SPAN elements with the classes below are added by prettyprint. */
+/* plain text */
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
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+ top: -1000px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+ width: 32px;
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+ margin-right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .email:before {
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+* Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+* wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+.provisional.wb-steps {
+ counter-reset: fieldset_counter; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .wb-tggle-fildst > legend:before {
+ content: counter(fieldset_counter) ". ";
+ counter-increment: fieldset_counter; }
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+ color: #1c578a; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .wb-tggle-fildst > legend.wb-steps-error {
+ color: #942826; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .steps-wrapper {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #c0c0c0; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .subfields {
+ border: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ */
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+ background-color: #eee; }
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+ background-color: #f5f5f5; }
+table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd, table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.display tbody tr > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.display tbody tr > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.display tbody tr > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.stripe tbody tr.odd, table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even > .sorting_1 {
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+ color: #757575; }
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+ display: inline-block; }
+ * Table styles
+ */
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+ * Control feature layout
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 0; }
+.wb-tabs {
+ /**
+ * Default, minimal, shared style
+ */
+ /* For backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1 */
+ /**
+ * Style 1 - Basic carousel style
+ */
+ /**
+ * Style 2 - Slider-like carousel style
+ */ }
+ .wb-tabs details[open] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0; }
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+ left: -10px;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: center; }
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+ cursor: default;
+ padding-bottom: 1px;
+ z-index: 2; }
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+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 4px 0 0 0;
+ cursor: default;
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+ cursor: default; }
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+ bottom: 1em;
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+ position: static; }
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+ margin-right: 5px; }
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+ background: none;
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+ top: .55em; }
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+ cursor: default; }
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+ margin-top: .4em;
+ padding: 8px 10px 4px; }
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+ outline-offset: 0; }
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+ position: static;
+ width: auto; }
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+ background: transparent; }
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+ display: list-item !important; }
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+ display: list-item !important; }
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+ visibility: visible; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ animation: none;
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ opacity: 1;
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+ transform: none; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+ text-indent: 0 !important; }
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+ display: block; }
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+ width: 100% !important; }
+.wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px;
+ position: relative; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
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+ * GeoMap
+ */
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+/* OL3 */
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+ padding: 10px; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ top: 3px; }
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+ top: .5em; }
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+ .ol-control {
+ display: none; } }
+.ol-control button {
+ background-color: white;
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.14em;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 1.5em;
+ line-height: .4em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: none;
+ padding: 0; }
+.ol-zoom-extent button {
+ line-height: 1.4em; }
+ol-geolocate button {
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-compass {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ will-change: transform; }
+.ol-touch .ol-control button {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button:focus, .ol-control button:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-in {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
+ border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-out {
+ border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; }
+.ol-attribution {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ line-height: .75em;
+ max-width: calc(80% - 1.3em);
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: right; }
+.ol-attribution ul {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: .15em .25em;
+ text-shadow: 0 0 2px #fff; }
+.ol-attribution li {
+ display: inline;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ list-style: none; }
+ .ol-attribution li :after {
+ content: " "; }
+ .ol-attribution li :last-child:after {
+ content: ""; }
+.ol-attribution img {
+ max-height: 2em;
+ max-width: inherit; }
+.ol-attribution a {
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-attribution a:visited, .ol-attribution a:active {
+ color: #333; }
+.ol-attribution button, .ol-attribution ul {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-collapsed ul {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only ul {
+ display: block; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ line-height: .75em;
+ right: 0; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only {
+ background: 0 0;
+ bottom: .4em;
+ height: 1.1em;
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible img {
+ margin-top: -.2em;
+ max-height: 1.6em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only button, .ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-box {
+ border: 2px solid #2572b4;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-dragbox {
+ border: 2px solid #ff0033;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-overviewmap {
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 0 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap button {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map {
+ border: 1px solid #7b98bc;
+ height: 150px;
+ margin: 2px;
+ width: 150px; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) button {
+ bottom: 1px;
+ left: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-collapsed .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
+.ol-overviewmap-box {
+ border: 2px dotted rgba(0, 60, 136, 0.7); }
+.geomap-help-btn {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+.geomap-help-btn:focus, .geomap-help-btn:hover {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.geomap-help-btn button {
+ background-color: #333;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ color: #fff; }
+.ol-touch .geomap-help-btn {
+ display: none; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ padding: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+ .geomap-help-dialog a.btn {
+ color: #333;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 44px; }
+.geomap-help-dialog:hover {
+ background-color: white; }
+.tooltip-txt::after {
+ border-color: silver transparent transparent transparent;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ content: " ";
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%; }
+.tooltip-txt {
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ background: silver;
+ border: solid 1px silver;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ color: #333333;
+ cursor: default;
+ filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ font-size: .80em;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -60px;
+ padding: 5px 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 120px; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ max-height: 15em; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 50; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: solid 1px #ccc;
+ border-top: 0;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a {
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 5px 5px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:hover, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:focus {
+ background: #666;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a span.glyphicon {
+ color: #ccc;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.glyphicon-spin {
+ -webkit-animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear;
+ animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear; }
+@-webkit-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+@keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+.skeleton-lgnd-1 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-2 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin: 20px 0 20px 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-3 {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ width: 15px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-zebra-col-hover .wb-group-summary col.table-hover, .table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover td,
+.table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover th {
+ background-color: #fafaff; }
+.wb-cell-layout {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.wb-cell-key, .wb-cell-desc {
+ font-style: italic; }
+.wb-zebra > colgroup + colgroup {
+ border-left: 2px solid #ddd; }
+.wb-group-summary {
+ background-color: #f0f2f4; }
+.wb-zebra-col-hover col.table-hover {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.feeds-cont.waiting:after, .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 50px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 50px; }
+.feeds-cont.waiting {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ background: url("../../wet-boew/assets/loading.png") center center no-repeat;
+ background-size: 30px 30px;
+ z-index: 2; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ z-index: 1; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:before {
+ content: "["; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:after {
+ content: "]"; }
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+datalist {
+ display: none; }
+ @title: Details/summary polyfill pre-Modernizr CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ display: list-item !important;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-closed;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+details:not([open]) details summary, details .out details summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+details {
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details summary {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ color: #295376;
+ padding: 5px 15px; }
+ details summary:focus, details summary:hover {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: #0535d2;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details summary:focus {
+ outline-style: dotted;
+ outline-width: 1px; }
+ details[open] {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-open;
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ details:not([open]) > details,
+ details:not([open]) > * {
+ display: none; }
+ details.alert:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.tabpanels > details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.wb-disable details {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-disable details > *:not(summary) {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.datepicker-format {
+ display: none; }
+.picker-overlay {
+ width: 19em; }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views
+ */
+ .mathml body > div > math,
+ .no-mathml body > div > math, .nojs-show, .wb-disable .nojs-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /* Hide MathML check */
+ #wb-dtmd {
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ #wb-dtmd dt,
+ #wb-dtmd dd {
+ display: inline;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .nowrap {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .wb-disable .nojs-show {
+ display: block !important; }
+ .col-xs-auto, .col-sm-auto, .col-md-auto, .col-lg-auto {
+ min-height: 1px;
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px; }
+ .col-xs-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+ .typ, .atn, .dec, .var {
+ color: #606; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #660; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #2f6d2f; }
+ /* string content - from #080 */
+ /* a keyword - from #008 */
+ .kwd {
+ color: #024b6e; }
+ /* a comment */
+ .com {
+ color: #800; }
+ /* a type name */
+ /* a literal value */
+ .lit {
+ color: #066; }
+ /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
+ /* a markup tag name - from #008 */
+ .tag {
+ color: #125b7e; }
+ /* a markup attribute name */
+ /* a markup attribute value - from #080 */
+ /* a declaration */
+ /* a variable name */
+ /* a function name */
+ .fun {
+ color: #f00; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Screen-only styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.wb-init {
+ padding-bottom: 4.375em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.exclude-controls {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+/* Extra-small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info {
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: left;
+ text-align: left;
+ width: 100%; }
+ [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: right;
+ text-align: right; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Mobile-friendly styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #ccc solid 1px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details:last-of-type, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[style], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[style] {
+ min-height: 0 !important; }
+ .wb-tabs > details > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details > summary {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.tabs-acc > ul {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Medium view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Extra-small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 300px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info:after {
+ content: "|";
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ padding: 0 .25em; } }
+/* Small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .col-sm-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline:last-child {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW - Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Margin */
+ .mb-sm-5 {
+ margin-bottom: 50px !important; }
+ /* Padding */
+ .p-sm-3 {
+ padding: 15px !important; }
+ .px-sm-3 {
+ padding-left: 15px !important;
+ padding-right: 15px !important; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-sm-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-sm-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-sm-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 80%; } }
+/* Medium view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ [dir=rtl] main.col-md-push-3 {
+ left: auto; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-sec.col-md-pull-9 {
+ right: auto; }
+ .col-md-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-md-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-md-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-md-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #details-flickr,
+ #details-youtube {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */ }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a {
+ border-color: #666;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a:focus::before {
+ content: "";
+ height: calc(100% - 6px);
+ left: 0;
+ margin: 2px;
+ outline: inherit;
+ outline-color: #FFF;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: calc(100% - 4px); }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] img {
+ opacity: .5;
+ width: 140px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[class="active"] img {
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.tab-count, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Large view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-lg {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-lg {
+ clear: right; }
+ .col-lg-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-lg-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-lg-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-lg-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 60%; } }
+/* Extra-extra-small view */
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 65%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length {
+ width: 100%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv a {
+ padding: 10px 0 10px .4em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt a {
+ padding: 10px 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.tab-count {
+ font-size: .9em;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause {
+ margin-right: 2%; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.3em;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding: 12px 10px 7px; } }
+/* Extra-small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-sm {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-sm {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Medium view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-md {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-md {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xl-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xl-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xl-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; } }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .pg-brk-aft {
+ page-break-after: always; }
+ a[href]:after {
+ content: none; }
+ #wb-tphp {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ @title: Breadcrumb print CSS overrides
+ */
+ #wb-bc .breadcrumb {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #wb-bc a[href]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ overflow: visible; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ .wb-geomap-detail, .olControlMousePosition, .olControlPanZoomBar {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .mfp-wrap,
+ .mfp-container {
+ position: static; }
+ .mfp-arrow,
+ .mfp-close {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /*
+ Multimedia Player Code (print view)
+ */
+ .wb-mm-ctrls,
+ .wb-mm-ovrly {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main > *, .wb-modal main > * {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-overlay-dlg main .mfp-content, .wb-modal main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-modal main .mfp-content {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-overlay.open {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-overlay.open.no-print {
+ display: none; }
+ .mfp-content:before, .wb-overlay.open:before {
+ content: attr(data-pgtitle);
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 34px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Use higher contrast and text-weight for printable form. */
+ .kwd, .typ, .tag {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ .kwd, .tag {
+ color: #006; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #060; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #440; }
+ .typ, .atn {
+ color: #404; }
+ .com {
+ color: #600;
+ font-style: italic; }
+ .lit {
+ color: #044; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"], .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > div.out, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details.out .tgl-panel, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details > summary[aria-expanded="false"] + .tgl-panel {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tabpanel"], .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tabpanel"] {
+ margin-bottom: .5em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figure, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure {
+ page-break-inside: avoid; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figcaption, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figcaption {
+ border: 1px solid #000; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ display: block !important;
+ opacity: 1 !important;
+ overflow: visible !important;
+ position: static !important;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] figcaption {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].noheight {
+ max-height: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > .tabpanels {
+ overflow: visible !important; } }
+/*! WET-BOEW Core and Plugins */
+ @title: IE8-specific details/summary CSS
+ */
+.lt-ie9 details {
+ padding-left: 1.1em; }
+ .lt-ie9 details > summary {
+ margin-left: -1.1em; }
+.lt-ie9 [dir=rtl] details {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 1.1em; }
+ .lt-ie9 [dir=rtl] details > summary {
+ margin-left: 0 !important;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.lt-ie9 .olControlZoom a:hover, .lt-ie9 .olControlZoom a:focus {
+ background: #130085; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.lt-ie9 .mfp-close {
+ cursor: hand !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay base
+ */
+.lt-ie9 .wb-panel-r, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ border-left: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9 .wb-panel-l, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9 .wb-bar-t {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9 .wb-bar-b {
+ border-top: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ border-right: 0; }
+.lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ border-left: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons, .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before {
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings"; }
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting,
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc,
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc {
+ cursor: hand; }
+.lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper {
+ zoom: 1; }
+ .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button {
+ cursor: hand; }
+ .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+ .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_scroll div.dataTables_scrollBody {
+ margin-top: -1px; }
+.lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button {
+ cursor: hand; }
+ .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.lt-ie9 details {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ .lt-ie9 details > details,
+ .lt-ie9 details > * {
+ display: none; }
+ .lt-ie9 details[open] {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .lt-ie9 details[open] > details,
+ .lt-ie9 details[open] > * {
+ display: block !important; }
+ .lt-ie9 details.alert {
+ visibility: visible; }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .lt-ie9 .wb-fnote dd, .lt-ie9 .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ display: block; }
+ .lt-ie9 .wb-fnote p {
+ display: inline-block; } }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views - Splash page
+ */
+ #gcwu-sig,
+ #wmms {
+ height: 2em; }
+ #wmms {
+ float: right; }
+ header {
+ margin-top: 1.2em; } }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-theme-srv.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-theme-srv.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15dcf7917
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ *//*!
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *//*!
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ *//*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */html{font-family:sans-serif;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,menu,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}a{background-color:transparent}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}abbr[title]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline dotted}b,strong{font-weight:700}dfn{font-style:italic}h1{margin:.67em 0}mark{background:#ff0}sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-.5em}sub{bottom:-.25em}img{border:0}svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}hr{-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;height:0}pre{overflow:auto}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-size:1em}button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{color:inherit;font:inherit;margin:0}button{overflow:visible}button,select{text-transform:none}button,html input[type=button],input[type=reset],input[type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}button[disabled],html input[disabled]{cursor:default}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{border:0;padding:0}input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto}input[type=search]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,input[type=search]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none}textarea{overflow:auto}optgroup{font-weight:700}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}td,th{padding:0}/*! Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css */
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ Global variables for GCWeb
+ */
+Left menu variables
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ */
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
+/*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */
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+ text-align: left; }
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+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 23px; }
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+ padding: 8px;
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+ .table > caption + thead > tr:first-child > td,
+ .table > colgroup + thead > tr:first-child > th,
+ .table > colgroup + thead > tr:first-child > td,
+ .table > thead:first-child > tr:first-child > th,
+ .table > thead:first-child > tr:first-child > td {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ .table > tbody + tbody {
+ border-top: 2px solid #ddd; }
+ .table .table {
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+.table-condensed > tfoot > tr > td {
+ padding: 5px; }
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+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
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+ .table-bordered > thead > tr > td,
+ .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th,
+ .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td,
+ .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th,
+ .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ .table-bordered > thead > tr > th,
+ .table-bordered > thead > tr > td {
+ border-bottom-width: 2px; }
+.table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5; }
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+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.active,
+.table > thead > tr > th.active,
+.table > thead > tr.active > td,
+.table > thead > tr.active > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.active,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.active,
+.table > tbody > tr.active > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.active > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.active,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.active,
+.table > tfoot > tr.active > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.active > th {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.active:hover,
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+.table-hover > tbody > tr.active:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .active,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.active:hover > th {
+ background-color: #e3e3e3; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.success,
+.table > thead > tr > th.success,
+.table > thead > tr.success > td,
+.table > thead > tr.success > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.success,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.success,
+.table > tbody > tr.success > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.success > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.success,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.success,
+.table > tfoot > tr.success > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.success > th {
+ background-color: #dff0d8; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.success:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.success:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.success:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .success,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.success:hover > th {
+ background-color: #d0e9c6; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.info,
+.table > thead > tr > th.info,
+.table > thead > tr.info > td,
+.table > thead > tr.info > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.info,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.info,
+.table > tbody > tr.info > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.info > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.info,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.info,
+.table > tfoot > tr.info > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.info > th {
+ background-color: #d9edf7; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.info:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.info:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.info:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .info,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.info:hover > th {
+ background-color: #c4e3f3; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.warning,
+.table > thead > tr > th.warning,
+.table > thead > tr.warning > td,
+.table > thead > tr.warning > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.warning,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.warning,
+.table > tbody > tr.warning > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.warning > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.warning,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.warning,
+.table > tfoot > tr.warning > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.warning > th {
+ background-color: #fcf8e3; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.warning:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.warning:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.warning:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .warning,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.warning:hover > th {
+ background-color: #faf2cc; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.danger,
+.table > thead > tr > th.danger,
+.table > thead > tr.danger > td,
+.table > thead > tr.danger > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.danger,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.danger,
+.table > tbody > tr.danger > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.danger > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.danger,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.danger,
+.table > tfoot > tr.danger > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.danger > th {
+ background-color: #f2dede; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.danger:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.danger:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.danger:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .danger,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.danger:hover > th {
+ background-color: #ebcccc; }
+.table-responsive {
+ min-height: .01%;
+ overflow-x: auto; }
+ @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ .table-responsive {
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 17.25px;
+ overflow-y: hidden;
+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ .table-responsive > .table {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > td {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered {
+ border: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child {
+ border-left: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td {
+ border-bottom: 0; } }
+fieldset {
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+legend {
+ display: block;
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+ padding: 0;
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+ font-size: 24px;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ color: #333333;
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
+label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+input[type="search"] {
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+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ appearance: none; }
+input[type="checkbox"] {
+ margin: 4px 0 0;
+ margin-top: 1px \9;
+ line-height: normal; }
+ input[type="radio"][disabled], input[type="radio"].disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] input[type="radio"],
+ input[type="checkbox"][disabled],
+ input[type="checkbox"].disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ input[type="checkbox"] {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+input[type="file"] {
+ display: block; }
+input[type="range"] {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
+select[size] {
+ height: auto; }
+input[type="checkbox"]:focus {
+ outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+output {
+ display: block;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #555555; }
+.form-control {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 37px;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #555555;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s; }
+ .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66afe9;
+ outline: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6); }
+ .form-control::-moz-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important;
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .form-control:-ms-input-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+ .form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+ .form-control::-ms-expand {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+ .form-control[disabled], .form-control[readonly],
+ fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ background-color: #eeeeee;
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .form-control[disabled],
+ fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+textarea.form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
+ input[type="date"].form-control,
+ input[type="time"].form-control,
+ input[type="datetime-local"].form-control,
+ input[type="month"].form-control {
+ line-height: 37px; }
+ input[type="date"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
+ input[type="month"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 33px; }
+ input[type="date"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
+ input[type="month"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 46px; } }
+.form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.checkbox {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ .radio.disabled label,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio label,
+ .checkbox.disabled label,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox label {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+ .radio label,
+ .checkbox label {
+ min-height: 23px;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+.radio input[type="radio"],
+.radio-inline input[type="radio"],
+.checkbox input[type="checkbox"],
+.checkbox-inline input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ margin-top: 4px \9;
+ margin-left: -20px; }
+.radio + .radio,
+.checkbox + .checkbox {
+ margin-top: -5px; }
+.checkbox-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ .radio-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio-inline,
+ .checkbox-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox-inline {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+.radio-inline + .radio-inline,
+.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+.form-control-static {
+ min-height: 39px;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ padding-bottom: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .form-control-static.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn, .form-control-static.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+select.input-sm, .input-group-sm > select.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+textarea.input-sm, .input-group-sm > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-sm > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+.form-group-sm select.form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.form-group-sm textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-sm select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control-static {
+ height: 33px;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ padding: 6px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5; }
+.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+select.input-lg, .input-group-lg > select.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+textarea.input-lg, .input-group-lg > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-lg > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+.form-group-lg select.form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.form-group-lg textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-lg select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control-static {
+ height: 46px;
+ min-height: 41px;
+ padding: 11px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333; }
+.has-feedback {
+ position: relative; }
+ .has-feedback .form-control {
+ padding-right: 46.25px; }
+.form-control-feedback {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ display: block;
+ width: 37px;
+ height: 37px;
+ line-height: 37px;
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none; }
+.input-lg + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-lg + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-lg .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 46px;
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
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+.input-group-sm + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-sm .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 33px;
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.has-success .help-block,
+.has-success .control-label,
+.has-success .radio,
+.has-success .checkbox,
+.has-success .radio-inline,
+.has-success .checkbox-inline,
+.has-success.radio label,
+.has-success.checkbox label,
+.has-success.radio-inline label,
+.has-success.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control {
+ border-color: #3c763d;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-success .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #2b542c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168; }
+.has-success .input-group-addon {
+ color: #3c763d;
+ background-color: #dff0d8;
+ border-color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-warning .help-block,
+.has-warning .control-label,
+.has-warning .radio,
+.has-warning .checkbox,
+.has-warning .radio-inline,
+.has-warning .checkbox-inline,
+.has-warning.radio label,
+.has-warning.checkbox label,
+.has-warning.radio-inline label,
+.has-warning.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control {
+ border-color: #8a6d3b;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-warning .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66512c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b; }
+.has-warning .input-group-addon {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3;
+ border-color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-error .help-block,
+.has-error .control-label,
+.has-error .radio,
+.has-error .checkbox,
+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control {
+ border-color: #a94442;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-error .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #843534;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483; }
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 28px; }
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; }
+.help-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ color: #737373; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-inline .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .form-inline .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .form-inline .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio,
+ .form-inline .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio label,
+ .form-inline .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+ min-height: 34px; }
+.form-horizontal .form-group {
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .form-horizontal .form-group:after {
+ clear: both; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .control-label {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ text-align: right; } }
+.form-horizontal .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ right: 15px; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-lg .control-label {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ font-size: 18px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-sm .control-label {
+ padding-top: 6px;
+ font-size: 14px; } }
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+ touch-action: manipulation;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ border-radius: 4px;
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+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
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+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
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+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #bbbfc5;
+ border-color: #989da6; }
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+ background-color: #335075; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #143c5f; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: black; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary.active,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active:hover, .btn-primary:active:focus, .btn-primary:active.focus, .btn-primary.active:hover, .btn-primary.active:focus, .btn-primary.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #16446c;
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+ color: #2572b4;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1b6c1c;
+ border-color: #071a07; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:active, .btn-success.active,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:active:hover, .btn-success:active:focus, .btn-success:active.focus, .btn-success.active:hover, .btn-success.active:focus, .btn-success.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #0a270a;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success.disabled:hover, .btn-success.disabled:focus, .btn-success.disabled.focus, .btn-success[disabled]:hover, .btn-success[disabled]:focus, .btn-success[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:focus,
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+ background-color: #1b6c1c;
+ border-color: #071a07; }
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+ color: #1b6c1c;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #4d4d4d;
+ border-color: #1a1a1a; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:active, .btn-info.active,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:active:hover, .btn-info:active:focus, .btn-info:active.focus, .btn-info.active:hover, .btn-info.active:focus, .btn-info.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #222222;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info.disabled:hover, .btn-info.disabled:focus, .btn-info.disabled.focus, .btn-info[disabled]:hover, .btn-info[disabled]:focus, .btn-info[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-info:focus,
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+ border-color: #1a1a1a; }
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+ color: #4d4d4d;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #f2d40d;
+ border-color: #917f08; }
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+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ border-color: #181501; }
+ .btn-warning:hover {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ border-color: #574c05; }
+ .btn-warning:active, .btn-warning.active,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #574c05; }
+ .btn-warning:active:hover, .btn-warning:active:focus, .btn-warning:active.focus, .btn-warning.active:hover, .btn-warning.active:focus, .btn-warning.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #a08c09;
+ border-color: #181501; }
+ .btn-warning.disabled:hover, .btn-warning.disabled:focus, .btn-warning.disabled.focus, .btn-warning[disabled]:hover, .btn-warning[disabled]:focus, .btn-warning[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning.focus {
+ background-color: #f2d40d;
+ border-color: #917f08; }
+ .btn-warning .badge {
+ color: #f2d40d;
+ background-color: #000; }
+.btn-danger {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #bc3331;
+ border-color: #6b1d1c; }
+ .btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ border-color: #060202; }
+ .btn-danger:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ border-color: #3b100f; }
+ .btn-danger:active, .btn-danger.active,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #3b100f; }
+ .btn-danger:active:hover, .btn-danger:active:focus, .btn-danger:active.focus, .btn-danger.active:hover, .btn-danger.active:focus, .btn-danger.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #77201f;
+ border-color: #060202; }
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger.focus {
+ background-color: #bc3331;
+ border-color: #6b1d1c; }
+ .btn-danger .badge {
+ color: #bc3331;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #295376;
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ border-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #0535d2;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-link:hover,
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+ color: #6f6f6f;
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+ padding: 10px 16px;
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+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+.btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > .btn {
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+.btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ padding: 1px 5px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
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+ margin-top: 5px; }
+input[type="button"].btn-block {
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+ transition: opacity 0.15s linear; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ transition-property: height, visibility;
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+ transition-duration: 0.35s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease;
+ transition-timing-function: ease; }
+.caret {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
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+ border-left: 4px solid transparent; }
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+ outline: 0; }
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+ box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175); }
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+ left: auto; }
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+ text-decoration: none;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: none;
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false); }
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+ display: block; }
+.open > a {
+ outline: 0; }
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+ position: fixed;
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+ content: "";
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+ border-bottom: 4px dashed;
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+ top: auto;
+ bottom: 100%;
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+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .btn-group > .btn,
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+ position: relative;
+ float: left; }
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+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:hover,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus,
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+ z-index: 2; }
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+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ margin-left: -5px; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
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+ clear: both; }
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+ .btn-toolbar .btn-group,
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+ float: left; }
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+ .btn-toolbar > .btn-group,
+ .btn-toolbar > .input-group {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
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+ border-radius: 0; }
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+.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle:not(:first-child) {
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+ float: left; }
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+ border-radius: 0; }
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+ padding-left: 12px; }
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ border-width: 0 5px 5px; }
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+ display: block;
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+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%; }
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+ clear: both; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ float: none; }
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+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn,
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+ margin-top: -1px;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:first-child:not(:last-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
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+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child) {
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+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .btn:last-child,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .dropdown-toggle {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0; }
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+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+ table-layout: fixed;
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+ width: 1%; }
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+ width: 100%; }
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+ left: auto; }
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="checkbox"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ pointer-events: none; }
+.input-group {
+ position: relative;
+ display: table;
+ border-collapse: separate; }
+ .input-group[class*="col-"] {
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+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
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+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 2;
+ float: left;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .input-group .form-control:focus {
+ z-index: 3; }
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+ display: table-cell; }
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+ .input-group .form-control:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
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+ width: 1%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
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+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 1;
+ color: #555555;
+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #eeeeee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
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+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+ .input-group-addon.input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .input-group-addon.btn {
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+ .input-group-addon input[type="radio"],
+ .input-group-addon input[type="checkbox"] {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.input-group .form-control:first-child,
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+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .dropdown-toggle,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.input-group-addon:first-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+.input-group .form-control:last-child,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .dropdown-toggle,
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.input-group-addon:last-child {
+ border-left: 0; }
+.input-group-btn {
+ position: relative;
+ font-size: 0;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ position: relative; }
+ .input-group-btn > .btn + .btn {
+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ z-index: 2; }
+ .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn,
+ .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group {
+ margin-right: -1px; }
+ .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,
+ .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group {
+ z-index: 2;
+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a:hover,
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+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
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+ .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a:hover,
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+ display: none; }
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+ display: block; }
+.nav-tabs .dropdown-menu {
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+ position: relative;
+ min-height: 50px;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ border: 1px solid transparent; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .navbar:after {
+ clear: both; }
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+ border-radius: 4px; } }
+.navbar-header:before, .navbar-header:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.navbar-header:after {
+ clear: both; }
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+ float: left; } }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
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+ clear: both; }
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+ overflow-y: auto; }
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ overflow: visible !important; }
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+ .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse,
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+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; } }
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+ left: 0;
+ z-index: 1030; }
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+ top: 0;
+ border-width: 0 0 1px; }
+.navbar-fixed-bottom {
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ border-width: 1px 0 0; }
+.container > .navbar-header,
+.container > .navbar-collapse,
+.container-fluid > .navbar-header,
+.container-fluid > .navbar-collapse {
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .container > .navbar-header,
+ .container > .navbar-collapse,
+ .container-fluid > .navbar-header,
+ .container-fluid > .navbar-collapse {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ margin-left: 0; } }
+.navbar-static-top {
+ z-index: 1000;
+ border-width: 0 0 1px; }
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+ height: 50px;
+ padding: 13.5px 15px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+ .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-brand:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .navbar-brand > img {
+ display: block; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar > .container .navbar-brand,
+ .navbar > .container-fluid .navbar-brand {
+ margin-left: -15px; } }
+.navbar-toggle {
+ position: relative;
+ float: right;
+ padding: 9px 10px;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-top: 8px;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
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+ outline: 0; }
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+ display: block;
+ width: 22px;
+ height: 2px;
+ border-radius: 1px; }
+ .navbar-toggle .icon-bar + .icon-bar {
+ margin-top: 4px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-toggle {
+ display: none; } }
+.navbar-nav {
+ margin: 6.75px -15px; }
+ .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {
+ position: static;
+ float: none;
+ width: auto;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ padding: 5px 15px 5px 25px; }
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+ line-height: 23px; }
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+ background-image: none; } }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
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+ float: left;
+ margin: 0; }
+ .navbar-nav > li {
+ float: left; }
+ .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ padding-top: 13.5px;
+ padding-bottom: 13.5px; } }
+.navbar-form {
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+ margin-left: -15px;
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+ border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-form .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .navbar-form .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .navbar-form .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio label,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .navbar-form .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-form .form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ .navbar-form .form-group:last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0; } }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-form {
+ width: auto;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ border: 0;
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+ box-shadow: none; } }
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+ margin-top: 0;
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+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.navbar-btn {
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
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+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px; }
+ .navbar-btn.btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > .navbar-btn.btn {
+ margin-top: 14px;
+ margin-bottom: 14px; }
+.navbar-text {
+ margin-top: 13.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 13.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-text {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-left: 15px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-left {
+ float: left !important; }
+ .navbar-right {
+ float: right !important;
+ margin-right: -15px; }
+ .navbar-right ~ .navbar-right {
+ margin-right: 0; } }
+.navbar-default {
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #5e5d5d;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #333;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #ccc;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ color: #333;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #ccc;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #888; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-default .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #ccc; }
+.navbar-inverse {
+ background-color: #222;
+ border-color: #090808; }
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+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
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+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
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+ border-color: #090808; }
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+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
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+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #101010; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link {
+ color: #959595; }
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+ transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out; }
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ .alert > p + p {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
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+ color: #245269; }
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+ color: #843534; }
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+ transition: width 0.6s ease; }
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+ background-size: 40px 40px; }
+.progress.active .progress-bar,
+.progress-bar.active {
+ -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
+ animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite; }
+.progress-bar-success {
+ background-color: #1b6c1c; }
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+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-info {
+ background-color: #4d4d4d; }
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+.progress-bar-warning {
+ background-color: #f2d40d; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-warning {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-danger {
+ background-color: #bc3331; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-danger {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
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+ color: #fff;
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+ button.list-group-item-info.active:hover,
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+button.list-group-item-warning {
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ button.list-group-item-warning:focus {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #faf2cc; }
+ a.list-group-item-warning.active, a.list-group-item-warning.active:hover, a.list-group-item-warning.active:focus,
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+ button.list-group-item-warning.active:hover,
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+ color: #fff;
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+ color: #a94442; }
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #ebcccc; }
+ a.list-group-item-danger.active, a.list-group-item-danger.active:hover, a.list-group-item-danger.active:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active:hover,
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+ color: #fff;
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
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+.panel > .panel-body + .table,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child,
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+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item {
+ position: relative;
+ display: none;
+ -webkit-transition: 0.6s ease-in-out left;
+ transition: 0.6s ease-in-out left; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item > img,
+ .carousel-inner > .item > a > img {
+ display: block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ line-height: 1; }
+ @media all and (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) {
+ .carousel-inner > .item {
+ -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ transition: -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
+ -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
+ backface-visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-perspective: 1000px;
+ perspective: 1000px; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item.next, .carousel-inner > .item.active.right {
+ -webkit-transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(100%, 0, 0);
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item.prev, .carousel-inner > .item.active.left {
+ -webkit-transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .item.next.left, .carousel-inner > .item.prev.right, .carousel-inner > .item.active {
+ -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+ transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
+ left: 0; } }
+ .carousel-inner > .active,
+ .carousel-inner > .next,
+ .carousel-inner > .prev {
+ display: block; }
+ .carousel-inner > .active {
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .next,
+ .carousel-inner > .prev {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .next {
+ left: 100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .prev {
+ left: -100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .next.left,
+ .carousel-inner > .prev.right {
+ left: 0; }
+ .carousel-inner > .active.left {
+ left: -100%; }
+ .carousel-inner > .active.right {
+ left: 100%; }
+.carousel-control {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 15%;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ filter: alpha(opacity=50);
+ opacity: 0.5; }
+ .carousel-control.left {
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001)));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#80000000', endColorstr='#00000000', GradientType=1);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x; }
+ .carousel-control.right {
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00000000', endColorstr='#80000000', GradientType=1);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x; }
+ .carousel-control:hover, .carousel-control:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ outline: 0;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=90);
+ opacity: 0.9; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ z-index: 5;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left {
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-next,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ right: 50%;
+ margin-right: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ font-family: serif;
+ line-height: 1; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev:before {
+ content: "\2039"; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-next:before {
+ content: "\203a"; }
+.carousel-indicators {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 10px;
+ left: 50%;
+ z-index: 15;
+ width: 60%;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ margin-left: -30%;
+ text-align: center;
+ list-style: none; }
+ .carousel-indicators li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-indent: -999px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-color: #000 \9;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border: 1px solid #fff;
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+ .carousel-indicators .active {
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ margin: 0;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.carousel-caption {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15%;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ left: 15%;
+ z-index: 10;
+ padding-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }
+ .carousel-caption .btn {
+ text-shadow: none; }
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 30px;
+ height: 30px;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ font-size: 30px; }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev {
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ margin-right: -10px; }
+ .carousel-caption {
+ right: 20%;
+ left: 20%;
+ padding-bottom: 30px; }
+ .carousel-indicators {
+ bottom: 20px; } }
+.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.clearfix:after {
+ clear: both; }
+.center-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ margin-left: auto; }
+.pull-right {
+ float: right !important; }
+.pull-left {
+ float: left !important; }
+.hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.show {
+ display: block !important; }
+.invisible {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.text-hide {
+ font: 0/0 a;
+ color: transparent;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+.hidden {
+ display: none !important; }
+.affix {
+ position: fixed; }
+@-ms-viewport {
+ width: device-width; }
+.visible-xs {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-sm {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-md {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-lg {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-xs {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-xs {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-xs,
+ td.visible-xs {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-sm {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-sm {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-sm,
+ td.visible-sm {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-md {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-md {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-md,
+ td.visible-md {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-lg {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-lg {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-lg,
+ td.visible-lg {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .hidden-xs {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .hidden-sm {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .hidden-md {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .hidden-lg {
+ display: none !important; } }
+.visible-print {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media print {
+ .visible-print {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-print {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-print {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-print,
+ td.visible-print {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+.visible-print-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media print {
+ .hidden-print {
+ display: none !important; } }
+ @title: Bootstrap overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+ * Link colour and decoration
+ */
+a.btn, .nav a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+a {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ a:visited {
+ color: #7834bc; }
+ a:not([href]) {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ a:not([href]):hover, a:not([href]):focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ outline: none;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.btn-default:visited {
+ color: #335075; }
+.btn-primary:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-success:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-info:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-warning:visited {
+ color: #000; }
+.btn-danger:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dt,
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dd {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .dl-horizontal dd {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
+ margin-left: 160px;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt + dd {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #333333; }
+.nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #295376; }
+.nav-pills > li.active > a:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-default .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #777; } }
+.navbar-default .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-inverse .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; } }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+ * Abbreviations with title attributes
+ * Workaround for abbreviations with titles using solid underlines in IE11/Edge in Bootstrap 3.4.0 (via normalize.css 4.0.1-8.0.1):
+ * - Use a dotted underline in browsers that support it (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, etc...)
+ * - Fallback on a dotted bottom border in browsers that don't support it (e.g. IE11, Edge, etc...)
+ * Source: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/pull/738#issuecomment-387549760
+ * Created by: @mattbrundage
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+@supports ((-webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted) or (text-decoration: underline dotted)) {
+ abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration-skip-ink: none; } }
+ * Override the design of alerts and labels
+ */
+.alert, .label {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px; }
+.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 1.2em;
+ margin-top: auto; }
+ .alert > :first-child:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ position: absolute; }
+.alert > strong:first-child,
+.alert > em:first-child,
+.alert > span:first-child {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, .label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, .label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, .label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger {
+ color: #000; }
+.label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active {
+ background: #eee;
+ border-color: #acacac; }
+.label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active {
+ background: #e8f2f4;
+ border-color: #083c6c; }
+.label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, details.alert.alert-success, details.alert.alert-success[open] {
+ background: #d8eeca;
+ border-color: #278400; }
+.alert-success > :first-child:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+.label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, details.alert.alert-info, details.alert.alert-info[open] {
+ background: #d7faff;
+ border-color: #269abc; }
+.alert-info > :first-child:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+.label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning[open] {
+ background: #f9f4d4;
+ border-color: #f90; }
+.alert-warning > :first-child:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+.label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger[open] {
+ background: #f3e9e8;
+ border-color: #d3080c; }
+.alert-danger > :first-child:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+ * Heading top margins
+ */
+.h1, h2,
+.h2, h3,
+.h3, h4,
+.h4, h5,
+.h5, h6,
+.h6 {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.h1, h2,
+.h2 {
+ margin-top: 38px; }
+h3, .h3 {
+ margin-top: 32px; }
+h4, .h4 {
+ margin-top: 26px; }
+h5, .h5 {
+ margin-top: 23px; }
+h6, .h6 {
+ margin-top: 21px; }
+ * Code
+ */
+code {
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * Adding space for definition list items
+ */
+dt {
+ margin-bottom: 3px; }
+dd {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ * Firefox-safe line height on input[type="reset|button|submit"]
+ */
+input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] {
+ height: 37px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 46px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 33px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 25px; }
+ * Blockquote font size
+ */
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 16px; }
+ * Form control width
+ *
+ * Default should be representative of the expected length of input.
+ * Full width should be only for cases when the expected length of input is
+ * greater than the available width.
+ * height:37px; rule of Bootstrap was overwritten by height: auto; first
+ * then a min-height specified, in order to address the issue #8492. July 2019.
+ */
+input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit] {
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 37px; }
+.form-control {
+ height: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ width: auto; }
+ * Explicit labels for checkbox and radio button inputs
+ *
+ * Allow the use of horizontal explicit labels instead of the default implicit
+ * labelling pattern for checkbox and radio button inputs provided by Bootstrap.
+ */
+.form-inline .label-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline label {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ padding-left: 2px; }
+ * Fieldset/legend border position
+ *
+ * Bootstrap puts the border below the legend which creates a visual
+ * separation between the legend and the fields to which it relates. Putting
+ * the border above eliminates that visual separation. Putting it on the
+ * fieldset element instead ensures that all fieldsets will have a separation
+ * even when no legend is used.
+ */
+legend {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ float: left; }
+fieldset[disabled] .btn, .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled] {
+ border-style: solid; }
+fieldset {
+ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ /*
+ * Allows fieldSet/legend to have a bottom border under legend title
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/7766
+ */
+ /*
+ * Fieldset/legend as a label for a group of checkboxes or radio buttons
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/5797
+ */ }
+ fieldset:first-child {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm legend {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ float: none;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp {
+ border-top: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp legend {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ * Pagination
+ * * Add left/right arrows to previous/next buttons
+ * * Increase size of the pagination buttons
+ * * Prevent contrast ratio issues on active placeholder links
+ */
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before, .pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:after {
+ content: " ";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: .1em; }
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before {
+ content: "\e091";
+ margin-right: .5em; }
+.pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+.pagination > li > a,
+.pager > li > a {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ padding: 10px 16px; }
+.pagination > li.active > a,
+.pager > li.active > a {
+ cursor: default; }
+.pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+.pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.pager > li > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.pager > li > a:hover, .pager > li > a:focus,
+.pager > li > span:hover,
+.pager > li > span:focus {
+ border-color: #bbbfc5;
+ color: #335075; }
+.pagination > .active {
+ color: #fff; }
+ * Use button border style 'outset' to give buttons depth, except when disabled
+ */
+.btn {
+ border-style: outset;
+ /*
+ * These two property overrides should be recommended upstream to
+ * Bootstrap as a fix for button wrapping (see wet-boew/wet-boew#4454)
+ */
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 36px;
+ min-width: 36px;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * btn-xs should be equal to btn-sm in >v4.0.*
+.btn-group-xs .btn,
+.btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ min-height: 0; }
+ * Right-to-left support
+ */
+[dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ [dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+[dir=rtl] details.alert {
+ padding-right: 45px; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert:before {
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > * {
+ margin-right: .7em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-right: .4em; }
+[dir=rtl] .list-unstyled {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination > li,
+[dir=rtl] .pager > li {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+ [dir=rtl] .pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+caption {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center; }
+mark {
+ background-color: #ff0;
+ color: #000;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW
+ */
+/* Padding */
+.p-0 {
+ padding: 0 !important; }
+.pl-2 .px-2 {
+ padding-left: 5px !important; }
+.px-2 {
+ padding-right: 5px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-top: 30px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-bottom: 30px !important; }
+/* Stretched link */
+.stretched-link:after {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: "";
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ z-index: 1; }
+ @title: Bootstrap IE8-specific overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+.lt-ie9 .pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.lt-ie9 .pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before {
+ content: none;
+ margin-right: -1px; }
+.lt-ie9 .dl-horizontal dt {
+ white-space: normal; }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Bootstrap IE8-specific print overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+ .lt-ie9 abbr[title]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li > span,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li > span {
+ cursor: hand; }
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li.active > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pagination > li.active > span,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li.active > a,
+ .lt-ie9 .pager > li.active > span {
+ cursor: default; } }
+/* WET Core */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ Global placeholders
+ */
+.wb-invisible, .wb-inv, .wb-show-onfocus, .wb-sl, #wb-lng h2, #wb-glb-mn h2, #wb-srch h2, #wb-srch label, #wb-sm h2, #wb-bc h2, #wb-sec h2, #wb-info h2, #mb-pnl h3, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul, .wb-fnote dt, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl label {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px; }
+.wb-show-onfocus:focus, .wb-sl:focus, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ height: inherit;
+ margin: inherit;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ position: static;
+ width: inherit; }
+.pager.disabled, .pagination > li.disabled,
+.pager > li.disabled, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:after, #wb-bc li:first-child:before, [dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:first-child:before, #mb-pnl .modal-body h2, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled .sorting-icons:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-menu .sm.open li, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > details, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-disable .mfp-hide, .wb-disable #wb-srch, .wb-disable #wb-sm, .wb-disable #wb-sec, .wb-disable #wb-info, .wb-disable .wb-overlay {
+ display: block !important; }
+.wb-menu .menu > li a, .wb-menu .menu > li a:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a:focus, .wb-menu .active > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100px; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ z-index: 1; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+@keyframes spin {
+ from {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+ transform: rotate(0); }
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
+ transform: rotate(360deg); } }
+/* TODO: Use bootstratp placeholder when nested extends are supproted */
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 3.5em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/*! WET-BOEW Core and Plugins */
+ @title: Accessibility Additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+#wb-tphp {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.wb-slc {
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ top: 10px;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 3; }
+.wb-sl {
+ padding: 5px;
+ z-index: 501; }
+.wb-disable #wb-tphp {
+ background: #fff; }
+.wb-disable .wb-slc {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ background: none;
+ color: #295376;
+ display: block !important;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:hover, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:focus {
+ color: #0535d2; }
+.wb-disable #wb-dtmd {
+ float: none !important; }
+q:before, q:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ @title: Breadcrumb CSS
+ */
+#wb-bc ol {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+#wb-bc li {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ #wb-bc li:before {
+ color: #333;
+ content: ">";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 0.7em; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:before {
+ content: "<";
+ display: inline-block; }
+ @title: Language selector
+ */
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl:after {
+ clear: both;
+ content: "";
+ display: table; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-horiz .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-vert .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl .wb-lng-lnk {
+ float: right; }
+#wb-so {
+ text-align: right; }
+ #wb-so .row {
+ padding: 1em 0 0; }
+ @title: Ellipsis
+ */
+.wb-elps {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+* Based upon jQuery Mobile Transitions (https://jquerymobile.com)
+* Copyright 2010, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+* Released under the MIT license.
+* https://jquery.org/license
+.pop.in, .fade.in, .fade.reverse.out {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.pop.out, .fade.out, .fade.reverse.in {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.csstransitions .out {
+ display: block !important; }
+.pop {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%; }
+ .pop.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: popin;
+ animation-name: popin;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .pop.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 100ms;
+ animation-duration: 100ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ .pop.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .pop.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: popout;
+ animation-name: popout;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+@-webkit-keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+@keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+.fade {
+ -webkit-transition: all 0 ease 0;
+ transition: all 0 ease 0; }
+ .fade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .fade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 125ms;
+ animation-duration: 125ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ z-index: -1; }
+ .fade.out.noheight {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ max-height: 0; }
+ .fade.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout; }
+ .fade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+@keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+.slide.out, .slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slide.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slide.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+.slide.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromleft;
+ animation-name: slideinfromleft; }
+/* keyframes for slidein from sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+/* keyframes for slideout to sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+.slidefade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+.slidefade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 200ms;
+ animation-duration: 200ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); }
+.slidefade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+/* slide up/down */
+.slidevert.out, .slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slidevert.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slidevert.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+.slidevert.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfrombottom;
+ animation-name: slideinfrombottom; }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+ @title: Proximity CSS
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.opct-100 {
+ opacity: 1; }
+.opct-90 {
+ opacity: .9; }
+.opct-80 {
+ opacity: .8; }
+.opct-70 {
+ opacity: .7; }
+.opct-60 {
+ opacity: .6; }
+.opct-50 {
+ opacity: .5; }
+.opct-40 {
+ opacity: .4; }
+.opct-30 {
+ opacity: .3; }
+.opct-20 {
+ opacity: .2; }
+.opct-10 {
+ opacity: .1; }
+ * Removes bold from elements
+ */
+.fnt-nrml {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=clmn-] {
+ list-style: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=clmn-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+.pstn-bttm-lg {
+ margin: 0; }
+.pstn-lft-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+.pstn-rght-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+.pstn-tp-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+.pstn-bttm-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+.mrgn-lft-0 {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.mrgn-lft-sm {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.mrgn-lft-md {
+ margin-left: 15px; }
+.mrgn-lft-lg {
+ margin-left: 30px; }
+.mrgn-lft-xl {
+ margin-left: 50px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-0 {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.mrgn-bttm-sm {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-md {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-lg {
+ margin-bottom: 30px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-xl {
+ margin-bottom: 50px; }
+.mrgn-tp-0 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mrgn-tp-sm {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+.mrgn-tp-md {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+.mrgn-tp-lg {
+ margin-top: 30px; }
+.mrgn-tp-xl {
+ margin-top: 50px; }
+.mrgn-rght-0 {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+.mrgn-rght-sm {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.mrgn-rght-md {
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+.mrgn-rght-lg {
+ margin-right: 30px; }
+.mrgn-rght-xl {
+ margin-right: 50px; }
+.brdr-lft, .brdr-rght, .brdr-tp, .brdr-bttm {
+ border: solid 0 #ccc; }
+.brdr-lft {
+ border-left-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-rght {
+ border-right-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-tp {
+ border-top-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-bttm {
+ border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-0 {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+.brdr-rds-0 {
+ border-radius: 0 !important; }
+.tbl-gridify thead,
+.tbl-gridify tfoot {
+ display: none; }
+.tbl-gridify tbody,
+.tbl-gridify td,
+.tbl-gridify td {
+ display: block; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=colcount-] {
+ list-style-position: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled {
+ list-style: none outside none;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled li {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.colcount-xxs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+.colcount-xxs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+.colcount-xxs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+.full-width {
+ width: 100%; }
+ @title: List CSS
+ */
+.lst-lwr-alph {
+ list-style-type: lower-alpha; }
+.lst-upr-alph {
+ list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
+.lst-lwr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: lower-roman; }
+.lst-upr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: upper-roman; }
+.lst-num {
+ list-style-type: decimal; }
+.lst-none {
+ list-style-type: none; }
+.lst-spcd > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.lst-spcd ul,
+.lst-spcd ol {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ @title: Form additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+input.required[type="checkbox"]:before, label.required strong.required,
+legend.required strong.required,
+.checkbox.required strong.required,
+input[type="checkbox"].required strong.required {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+input[type="checkbox"].required:before {
+ content: "* ";
+ margin-left: -0.665em; }
+[dir=rtl] label.required:before,
+[dir=rtl] legend.required:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -0.665em; }
+ @title: Details/summary CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ summary:hover, summary:focus {
+ background: #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ summary > :first-child {
+ display: inline; }
+details {
+ padding-left: 1.1em;
+ padding-right: 1.1em; }
+ details > summary {
+ margin-left: -1.1em;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 1em; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ color: #000;
+ height: inherit;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-top: -.5em;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 10em;
+ z-index: 5; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:focus, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+.wb-calevt-cal {
+ width: 19em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days .cal-evt {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-evt-lnk {
+ display: block;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal.cal-cnt-fluid {
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-clndr td > a {
+ display: block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-clndr th abbr, .wb-clndr td > time, .wb-clndr td > a, .wb-clndr td div {
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 20% 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day, .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day a,
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day div {
+ color: #000; }
+.wb-clndr {
+ background: #fff;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-nav {
+ background: #333;
+ padding: .5em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr .form-group {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 10px 14px; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn {
+ background: none;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn[disabled] {
+ color: #ccc; }
+ .wb-clndr option[disabled] {
+ color: #aaa; }
+ .wb-clndr table {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr th {
+ background: #555;
+ border: 1px solid #333; }
+ .wb-clndr th abbr {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr td > time {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td a:hover, .wb-clndr td a:focus {
+ background: #333;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day {
+ background: #ccc;
+ font-weight: bolder; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+figure .pieLabel {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: solid #000 1px;
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 1px; }
+details.alert, details.alert[open] {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px;
+ padding-left: 45px;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ details.alert:before, details.alert[open]:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 24px;
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ margin-top: -3px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 15px; }
+ details.alert summary, details.alert[open] summary {
+ border-width: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ padding-left: 5px; }
+ details.alert summary:focus, details.alert summary:hover, details.alert[open] summary:focus, details.alert[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ details.alert summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert summary:focus h6, details.alert summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert summary:hover h6, details.alert[open] summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h6, details.alert[open] summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h6 {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details.alert > *, details.alert[open] > * {
+ margin-left: .7em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child, details.alert[open] > :first-child {
+ margin-left: .2em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child:before, details.alert[open] > :first-child:before {
+ color: #000;
+ content: ""; }
+ details.alert.alert-success:before, details.alert[open].alert-success:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+ details.alert.alert-info:before, details.alert[open].alert-info:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+ details.alert.alert-warning:before, details.alert[open].alert-warning:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+ details.alert.alert-danger:before, details.alert[open].alert-danger:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary {
+ margin-left: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BA\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert[open] > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BC\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details[dir="rtl"] details.alert > summary {
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Dismissable content container
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-container {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ display: table;
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ padding: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-dismissable-container .mfp-close {
+ color: #555;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: static; }
+ * Dismissable content wrapper
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-wrapper {
+ display: table-cell;
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.hght-inhrt {
+ min-height: inherit; }
+.wb-fltr-out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.fn-lnk:hover, .fn-lnk:focus, .wb-fnote dd:focus .fn-rtn a, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:hover, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:focus {
+ background-color: #555;
+ border-color: #555;
+ color: #fff !important; }
+.fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 1px 10px 2px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.wb-fnote h2, .wb-fnote dd > ul:first-child,
+.wb-fnote dd > ol:first-child, .wb-fnote table:first-child {
+ margin-top: 0.375em; }
+.fn-lnk {
+ line-height: 1.15;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.wb-fnote {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px 0;
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ .wb-fnote h2 {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dl {
+ margin: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ margin: 0.375em 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-fnote dd:focus {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border-color: #555; }
+ .wb-fnote dd > ul,
+ .wb-fnote dd > ol {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 0 0 3.875em;
+ padding: 0 0.375em 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote p:first-child {
+ margin-top: .11em;
+ padding-top: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote ul,
+ .wb-fnote ol {
+ margin-bottom: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote table {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0.375em;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 3.5em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+/* Right to left (RTL) SCSS */
+[dir="rtl"] sup .fn-lnk {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 3.875em 0 0; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error,
+.wb-frm label strong.error, .wb-frmvld legend .error,
+.wb-frm legend .error {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error .label,
+.wb-frm label strong.error .label, .wb-frmvld legend .error .label,
+.wb-frm legend .error .label {
+ font-size: 100%;
+ white-space: normal; }
+.wb-server-error {
+ display: block !important;
+ font-size: 100% !important;
+ text-align: left !important;
+ white-space: normal !important; }
+.css-implicite-input {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+/* Magnific Popup CSS */
+.mfp-bg {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1042;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: fixed;
+ background: #0b0b0b;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=80); }
+.mfp-wrap {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1043;
+ position: fixed;
+ outline: none !important;
+ -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }
+.mfp-container {
+ text-align: center;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ padding: 0 8px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.mfp-container:before {
+ content: '';
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.mfp-align-top .mfp-container:before {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-content {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ text-align: left;
+ z-index: 1045; }
+.mfp-inline-holder .mfp-content,
+.mfp-ajax-holder .mfp-content {
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-ajax-cur {
+ cursor: progress; }
+.mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-out;
+ cursor: zoom-out; }
+.mfp-zoom {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
+ cursor: zoom-in; }
+.mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content {
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.mfp-loading.mfp-figure {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.mfp-preloader {
+ color: #CCC;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ width: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-top: -0.8em;
+ left: 8px;
+ right: 8px;
+ z-index: 1044; }
+ .mfp-preloader a {
+ color: #CCC; }
+ .mfp-preloader a:hover {
+ color: #FFF; }
+.mfp-s-ready .mfp-preloader {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-s-error .mfp-content {
+ display: none; }
+button.mfp-close, button.mfp-arrow {
+ overflow: visible;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ display: block;
+ outline: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ z-index: 1046;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0; }
+.mfp-close {
+ width: 44px;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ padding: 0 0 18px 10px;
+ color: #FFF;
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace; }
+ .mfp-close:hover, .mfp-close:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-close:active {
+ top: 1px; }
+.mfp-close-btn-in .mfp-close {
+ color: #333; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-close,
+.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ color: #FFF;
+ right: -6px;
+ text-align: right;
+ padding-right: 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ color: #CCC;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.mfp-arrow {
+ position: absolute;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ margin: 0;
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -55px;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 90px;
+ height: 110px;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
+ .mfp-arrow:active {
+ margin-top: -54px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:hover, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-arrow:before, .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ margin-top: 35px;
+ margin-left: 35px;
+ border: medium inset transparent; }
+ .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ border-top-width: 13px;
+ border-bottom-width: 13px;
+ top: 8px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:before,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b {
+ border-top-width: 21px;
+ border-bottom-width: 21px;
+ opacity: 0.7; }
+.mfp-arrow-left {
+ left: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-a {
+ border-right: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 31px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-b {
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ border-right: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-arrow-right {
+ right: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-a {
+ border-left: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 39px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-b {
+ border-left: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-iframe-holder {
+ padding-top: 40px;
+ padding-bottom: 40px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
+ line-height: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 900px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ top: -40px; }
+.mfp-iframe-scaler {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-top: 56.25%; }
+ .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #000; }
+/* Main image in popup */
+img.mfp-img {
+ width: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ display: block;
+ line-height: 0;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding: 40px 0 40px;
+ margin: 0 auto; }
+/* The shadow behind the image */
+.mfp-figure {
+ line-height: 0; }
+ .mfp-figure:after {
+ content: '';
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 40px;
+ bottom: 40px;
+ display: block;
+ right: 0;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ z-index: -1;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #444; }
+ .mfp-figure small {
+ color: #BDBDBD;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 14px; }
+ .mfp-figure figure {
+ margin: 0; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar {
+ margin-top: -36px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-title {
+ text-align: left;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ color: #F3F3F3;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ padding-right: 36px; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-content {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.mfp-gallery .mfp-image-holder .mfp-figure {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+@media screen and (max-width: 800px) and (orientation: landscape), screen and (max-height: 300px) {
+ /**
+ * Remove all paddings around the image on small screen
+ */
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-image-holder {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile img.mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure:after {
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure small {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ top: auto;
+ padding: 3px 5px;
+ position: fixed;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar:empty {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-counter {
+ right: 5px;
+ top: 3px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ width: 35px;
+ height: 35px;
+ line-height: 35px;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ position: fixed;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 0; } }
+@media all and (max-width: 900px) {
+ .mfp-arrow {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.75);
+ transform: scale(0.75); }
+ .mfp-arrow-left {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 0;
+ transform-origin: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 100%;
+ transform-origin: 100%; }
+ .mfp-container {
+ padding-left: 6px;
+ padding-right: 6px; } }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ width: 600px;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -300px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-container {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-content {
+ padding-top: 44px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.mfp-close:focus, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ outline: 1px dotted #fff;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+body.wb-modal > #wb-tphp,
+body.wb-modal > header,
+body.wb-modal > main,
+body.wb-modal > footer, body.wb-modal summary {
+ visibility: hidden !important; }
+.lbx-hide-gal li {
+ display: none;
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ .lbx-hide-gal li:first-child {
+ display: block; }
+body.wb-modal .modal-dialog summary {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+.modal-dialog {
+ left: auto;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+.modal-content {
+ background: transparent; }
+.modal-body {
+ background: #fff; }
+.modal-footer {
+ background: #fff;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mfp-gallery .modal-body {
+ padding: 20px 30px; }
+.mfp-close {
+ cursor: pointer !important;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ /* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */ }
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-title {
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 75%; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-counter {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ text-align: right;
+ width: 25%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Menu Sass
+ */
+.expicon {
+ font-size: .7em;
+ margin: 0 -.35em 0 .7em; }
+.wb-menu .sm {
+ display: none;
+ max-height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open {
+ display: inline;
+ max-height: 1000px;
+ min-width: 12.5em;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-transform: none;
+ top: auto;
+ z-index: 500; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: left; }
+ .wb-menu .sm details > * {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+.wb-menu .menu {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 1em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:focus {
+ cursor: default; }
+.wb-menu .sm-open .expicon {
+ z-index: -1; }
+.wb-menu details, .wb-menu details[open] {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
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+ border: 0;
+ color: inherit; }
+ .wb-menu details summary:focus, .wb-menu details summary:hover, .wb-menu details[open] summary:focus, .wb-menu details[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+#mb-pnl nav a.wb-navcurr, #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr {
+ outline: 1px solid; }
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+ outline-style: dotted; }
+#mb-pnl .srch-pnl, #mb-pnl nav {
+ padding: 10px 20px 8px; }
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+ white-space: nowrap; }
+#mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ padding: 7px 15px 0;
+ text-align: right; }
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+ margin-bottom: 0; }
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+ line-height: normal;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li a {
+ padding: 5px; }
+#mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 1.27em; }
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+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect a {
+ margin: 0 0 0 -6px; }
+#mb-pnl nav .mb-menu > li {
+ padding: 10px 0 2px; }
+#mb-pnl nav a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -6px;
+ padding: 0 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+#mb-pnl nav summary {
+ padding-left: 3px; }
+ #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr:focus {
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+#mb-pnl details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+#mb-pnl details ul {
+ padding-left: 1.2em; }
+#mb-pnl details details {
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -1.28em; }
+.wb-disable #wb-glb-mn {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-disable #wb-sm .menu {
+ background: #0e4164; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .menu {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ [dir=rtl] .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: right; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: right; }
+[dir=rtl] .expicon {
+ margin: 0 .7em 0 -.35em; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 1.27em; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav a {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -6px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav summary {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -3px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 3px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl details ul {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: .7em; }
+ Multimedia Player Code
+ */
+.wb-mltmd.audio .lastpnl, .wb-mltmd.youtube.cc_on .wb-mm-cc {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .btn:focus, .wb-mm-ctrls progress:focus, .wb-mm-ctrls input:focus[type=range] {
+ outline: 1px solid #4aafff; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-bar, .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-range {
+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
+.xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl, .xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+.wb-mltmd video, .wb-mltmd object,
+.wb-mltmd iframe {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-mm-cc {
+ max-height: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+.wb-mm-cc:before, .wb-mm-cc div {
+ display: table-cell;
+ height: 3em;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mltmd {
+ display: block;
+ position: relative;
+ /*
+ Light Skinning of mediacontrols
+ */ }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 65px;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.playing .errmsg {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display {
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-mltmd.audio object {
+ position: absolute; }
+ .wb-mltmd video {
+ height: auto;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mltmd.cc_on .wb-mm-cc {
+ display: table;
+ height: 4em;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-mltmd.cc_on .cc:after {
+ border-bottom: 3px solid #4aafff;
+ content: " ";
+ display: block;
+ margin-left: -2px;
+ width: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt .wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd .wb-share {
+ text-align: right; }
+.wb-mm-cc {
+ background-color: #000;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ -webkit-transition: all .26s ease;
+ transition: all .26s ease;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-cc:before {
+ content: " "; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl, .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl, .wb-mm-ctrls .tline {
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #3e3e3e;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: table;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ /* Progress Bar */
+ /* Slider polyfill styles */ }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0 !important;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 130%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 13em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 3em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .tline .wb-mm-tmln-crrnt:after {
+ content: " / ";
+ padding: 0 .5em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly {
+ padding: 0 1em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly p {
+ display: inline; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly,
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-prgrss {
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress {
+ /* Important Thing */
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: #fff;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ border: 7px solid #3e3e3e;
+ border-radius: 14px;
+ color: #176ca7;
+ display: block;
+ height: 30px;
+ left: 0;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress.wb-progress-inited {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-webkit-progress-bar {
+ background: #fff; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-webkit-progress-value {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ border-radius: 7px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-moz-progress-bar {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ border-radius: 7px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .progress {
+ height: 22px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range] {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 2.5em;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 7em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]:focus {
+ /* Prevent Webkit/Blink browsers from defaulting to a -2px outline offset. */
+ outline-offset: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+ background: #aaa;
+ height: 4px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ margin-top: -9px;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-moz-range-track {
+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-track {
+ border: 0;
+ color: transparent;
+ height: 4px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper {
+ background: #aaa; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-fill-lower {
+ background: #aaa; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-thumb {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider {
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 7em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-handle {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ width: 10px; }
+.xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly {
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: -2em;
+ position: absolute; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay base
+ */
+.wb-overlay {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ display: none;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ z-index: 1050; }
+ .wb-overlay.wb-inview {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-overlay.open {
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: fixed; }
+.wb-panel-l, .wb-panel-r {
+ height: 100%;
+ max-width: 90%;
+ top: 0; }
+.wb-bar-t, .wb-bar-b {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ max-height: 90%;
+ min-width: 100%; }
+.wb-popup-mid {
+ max-height: 90%;
+ max-width: 90%; }
+ * Overlay styles
+ */
+.wb-panel-l {
+ left: 0; }
+.wb-panel-r {
+ right: 0; }
+.wb-bar-t {
+ top: 0; }
+.wb-bar-b {
+ bottom: 0; }
+.wb-popup-mid {
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 90%; }
+.wb-popup-full {
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.mfp-bg {
+ opacity: .97; }
+.wb-overlay-dlg .overlay-bg {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black; }
+ * Overlay parts
+ */
+.overlay-def {
+ overflow-y: auto; }
+ .overlay-def header {
+ background-color: #2e5274;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 0 44px 0 1em; }
+ .overlay-def .modal-title {
+ font-size: 1.15em;
+ padding: 10px 0; }
+ .overlay-def.wb-bar-t, .overlay-def.wb-bar-b {
+ background-color: #000; }
+ .overlay-def.wb-bar-t header, .overlay-def.wb-bar-b header {
+ background-color: #000; }
+ .overlay-def .mfp-close {
+ color: #fff; }
+.hidden-hd .modal-body {
+ padding-top: 50px; }
+.hidden-hd .overlay-close:not(.btn) {
+ background-color: #000;
+ border-radius: 999px;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ margin-right: 20px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 1em; }
+[dir=rtl] .mfp-close {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ left: auto;
+ right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .overlay-def header {
+ padding: 0 1em 0 44px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+/* SPAN elements with the classes below are added by prettyprint. */
+/* plain text */
+.pln {
+ color: #000; }
+pre.prettyprint {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #707070;
+ font-size: 95%;
+ padding: 8px;
+ /* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */ }
+ pre.prettyprint.linenums {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 40px 0 0 #fbfbfc inset, 41px 0 0 #eee inset;
+ box-shadow: 40px 0 0 #fbfbfc inset, 41px 0 0 #eee inset; }
+ol.linenums {
+ margin: 0 !important; }
+ ol.linenums li {
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; }
+/* Right to left (RTL) CSS */
+[dir="rtl"] pre.prettyprint {
+ direction: ltr; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+#wb-rsz {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -1000px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.shr-opn span {
+ padding-right: .2em; }
+.shr-pg .shr-lnk {
+ font-size: 115%;
+ line-height: 32px;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ min-height: 32px;
+ text-align: left;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .shr-pg .shr-lnk:before {
+ content: " ";
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 32px;
+ margin-right: .6em;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .bitly:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+* Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+* wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ */
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+ * Table styles
+ */
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+ * Control feature layout
+ */
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+.wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.nxt a .glyphicon {
+ font-size: 1.75em;
+ height: 1.75em;
+ line-height: 1.75em;
+ margin: auto 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 1.75em; }
+.wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a:focus, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a:hover, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.nxt a:focus, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.nxt a:hover {
+ background: transparent; }
+.wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a:focus .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a:hover .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.nxt a:focus .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.nxt a:hover .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.plypause a:focus, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.plypause a:hover {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+.wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.active a, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li:focus a, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li:hover a {
+ border-top: 0;
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+.wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li, .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li a, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.control, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.control {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figcaption p, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figcaption p {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ padding: 6px 12px; }
+ .wb-tabs > details > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details > summary {
+ margin: -6px -12px;
+ padding: 6px 12px; }
+.csstransitions .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].out {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 0; }
+.wb-tabs {
+ /**
+ * Default, minimal, shared style
+ */
+ /* For backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1 */
+ /**
+ * Style 1 - Basic carousel style
+ */
+ /**
+ * Style 2 - Slider-like carousel style
+ */ }
+ .wb-tabs details[open] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > .tabpanels {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] {
+ border-spacing: 10px 0;
+ display: table;
+ list-style: none;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li {
+ background: #ebf2fc;
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ color: #000;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: table-cell;
+ left: -10px;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li a {
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 10px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li:focus, .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li:hover {
+ background: #ccc;
+ background: rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.9); }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.active {
+ background: #fff;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ cursor: default;
+ padding-bottom: 1px;
+ z-index: 2; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.active a {
+ border-color: #666;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 4px 0 0 0;
+ cursor: default;
+ padding-top: 6px; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count {
+ line-height: normal; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count > div {
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count .curr-count {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:focus, .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:hover {
+ background: transparent;
+ cursor: default; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"].generated li {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ top: 1px; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"].allow-wrap {
+ border-spacing: 0;
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"].allow-wrap li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ left: auto; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ overflow-x: auto;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 1; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] {
+ bottom: 1em;
+ left: 1em;
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.prv {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count {
+ background: none;
+ border: 0;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ padding: 0 .1em;
+ top: .55em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count.active, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:focus, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:hover {
+ cursor: default; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ background: #eee; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] {
+ bottom: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a {
+ padding-left: 1em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.plypause {
+ background: none;
+ border: 0;
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding: 2px 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ margin-right: .65em;
+ margin-top: .4em;
+ padding: 8px 10px 4px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] a:focus {
+ outline-offset: 0; }
+.wb-disable.csstransitions .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].out {
+ position: static;
+ width: auto; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ background: transparent; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs .out {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ -webkit-animation: none;
+ animation: none;
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ opacity: 1;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-disable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ text-indent: 0 !important; }
+.wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-twitter iframe[style] {
+ width: 100% !important; }
+.wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px;
+ position: relative; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.ol-overlay-container {
+ z-index: 1000; }
+.ol-popup {
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ background-color: white;
+ border: 1px solid #cccccc;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ bottom: 12px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
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+ font-size: .75em;
+ left: -50px;
+ min-width: 250px;
+ padding: 15px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-popup:after, .ol-popup:before {
+ border: solid transparent;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
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+ top: 100%;
+ width: 0; }
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+ border-top-color: white;
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+ left: 48px;
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+ border-width: 11px;
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+ color: #333;
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+ font-size: 24px;
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+ line-height: 28px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
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+ top: 0;
+ width: 28px; }
+.ol-popup-closer:link, .ol-popup-closer:visited, .ol-popup-closer:hover, .ol-popup-closer:active {
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.popup-content h5 {
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+ margin: -5px 0px 5px 0px;
+ padding-bottom: 3px; }
+.popup-content table th, .popup-content table td {
+ padding: 2px; }
+ * GeoMap
+ */
+.wb-geomap-map {
+ outline: 1px solid #ccc;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-geomap-map.active {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ outline-color: #66afe9; }
+.geomap-legend-detail {
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+.geomap-legend-element {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ width: 100%; }
+.geomap-legend-symbol {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.geomap-legend-symbol-text {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.geomap-clear-format {
+ clear: both; }
+.geomap-legend-label {
+ display: inline; }
+.geomap-lgnd-layer {
+ margin-bottom: 10px !important;
+ margin-top: 0px !important; }
+.geomap-lgnd > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
+.geomap-geoloc {
+ background: transparent;
+ left: .25em;
+ top: .25em; }
+ .geomap-geoloc input[type="text"] {
+ border-color: #fff;
+ border-radius: 2px;
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+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ width: 100%; }
+.geomap-aoi legend {
+ border: 0;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+.geomap-aoi button.geomap-geoloc-aoi-btn {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15px;
+ top: auto; }
+.geoloc-progress {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #333;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 1em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/* OL3 */
+.ol-geolocate {
+ bottom: 8em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-geolocate {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: .5em; }
+.ol-mouse-position {
+ background: #fff;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ bottom: 3em;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ left: .6666em;
+ min-width: 100px;
+ padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ will-change: contents, width; }
+.ol-mouse-position:before {
+ content: "\e062";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-right: 3px; }
+.ol-mouse-position-inner {
+ padding: 10px; }
+.ol-mouse-position:empty {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-touch .ol-mouse-position {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-scale-line {
+ background: #fff;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-touch .ol-scale-line {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-scale-line-inner {
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ border-top: none;
+ color: #000;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-align: center;
+ will-change: contents, width; }
+.ol-overlay-container {
+ will-change: left, right, top, bottom; }
+.ol-unsupported {
+ display: none; }
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+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.ol-control {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-control:hover {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); }
+.ol-zoom {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-zoom {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-rotate {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: 3.25em;
+ -webkit-transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear;
+ transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear; }
+.ol-rotate.ol-hidden {
+ opacity: 0;
+ -webkit-transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear .25s;
+ transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear .25s;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.ol-zoom-extent {
+ bottom: 6em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-zoom-extent {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-zoom-extent span.glyphicon {
+ top: 3px; }
+.ol-full-screen {
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+@media print {
+ .ol-control {
+ display: none; } }
+.ol-control button {
+ background-color: white;
+ border: none;
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+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.14em;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 1.5em;
+ line-height: .4em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: none;
+ padding: 0; }
+.ol-zoom-extent button {
+ line-height: 1.4em; }
+ol-geolocate button {
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-compass {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ will-change: transform; }
+.ol-touch .ol-control button {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button:focus, .ol-control button:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-in {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
+ border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-out {
+ border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; }
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+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
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+ color: #333; }
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+ display: inline-block; }
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+ display: none; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only ul {
+ display: block; }
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+ height: 1.1em;
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+ margin-top: -.2em;
+ max-height: 1.6em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only button, .ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
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+ border: 2px solid #2572b4;
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+ box-sizing: border-box; }
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+ border: 2px solid #ff0033;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-overviewmap {
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 0 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap button {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map {
+ border: 1px solid #7b98bc;
+ height: 150px;
+ margin: 2px;
+ width: 150px; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) button {
+ bottom: 1px;
+ left: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-collapsed .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
+.ol-overviewmap-box {
+ border: 2px dotted rgba(0, 60, 136, 0.7); }
+.geomap-help-btn {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+.geomap-help-btn:focus, .geomap-help-btn:hover {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.geomap-help-btn button {
+ background-color: #333;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ color: #fff; }
+.ol-touch .geomap-help-btn {
+ display: none; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ padding: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+ .geomap-help-dialog a.btn {
+ color: #333;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 44px; }
+.geomap-help-dialog:hover {
+ background-color: white; }
+.tooltip-txt::after {
+ border-color: silver transparent transparent transparent;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ content: " ";
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%; }
+.tooltip-txt {
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ background: silver;
+ border: solid 1px silver;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ color: #333333;
+ cursor: default;
+ filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ font-size: .80em;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -60px;
+ padding: 5px 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 120px; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ max-height: 15em; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 50; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: solid 1px #ccc;
+ border-top: 0;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
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+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 5px 5px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:hover, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:focus {
+ background: #666;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a span.glyphicon {
+ color: #ccc;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.glyphicon-spin {
+ -webkit-animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear;
+ animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear; }
+@-webkit-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+@keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+.skeleton-lgnd-1 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-2 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin: 20px 0 20px 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-3 {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ width: 15px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-zebra-col-hover .wb-group-summary col.table-hover, .table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover td,
+.table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover th {
+ background-color: #fafaff; }
+.wb-cell-layout {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.wb-cell-key, .wb-cell-desc {
+ font-style: italic; }
+.wb-zebra > colgroup + colgroup {
+ border-left: 2px solid #ddd; }
+.wb-group-summary {
+ background-color: #f0f2f4; }
+.wb-zebra-col-hover col.table-hover {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.feeds-cont.waiting:after, .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 50px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 50px; }
+.feeds-cont.waiting {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ background: url("../../wet-boew/assets/loading.png") center center no-repeat;
+ background-size: 30px 30px;
+ z-index: 2; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ z-index: 1; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:before {
+ content: "["; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:after {
+ content: "]"; }
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+datalist {
+ display: none; }
+ @title: Details/summary polyfill pre-Modernizr CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ display: list-item !important;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-closed;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+details:not([open]) details summary, details .out details summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+details {
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details summary {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ color: #295376;
+ padding: 5px 15px; }
+ details summary:focus, details summary:hover {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: #0535d2;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details summary:focus {
+ outline-style: dotted;
+ outline-width: 1px; }
+ details[open] {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-open;
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ details:not([open]) > details,
+ details:not([open]) > * {
+ display: none; }
+ details.alert:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.tabpanels > details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.wb-disable details {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-disable details > *:not(summary) {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.datepicker-format {
+ display: none; }
+.picker-overlay {
+ width: 19em; }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views
+ */
+ .mathml body > div > math,
+ .no-mathml body > div > math, .nojs-show, .wb-disable .nojs-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /* Hide MathML check */
+ #wb-dtmd {
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ #wb-dtmd dt,
+ #wb-dtmd dd {
+ display: inline;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .nowrap {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .wb-disable .nojs-show {
+ display: block !important; }
+ .col-xs-auto, .col-sm-auto, .col-md-auto, .col-lg-auto {
+ min-height: 1px;
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px; }
+ .col-xs-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+ .typ, .atn, .dec, .var {
+ color: #606; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #660; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #2f6d2f; }
+ /* string content - from #080 */
+ /* a keyword - from #008 */
+ .kwd {
+ color: #024b6e; }
+ /* a comment */
+ .com {
+ color: #800; }
+ /* a type name */
+ /* a literal value */
+ .lit {
+ color: #066; }
+ /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
+ /* a markup tag name - from #008 */
+ .tag {
+ color: #125b7e; }
+ /* a markup attribute name */
+ /* a markup attribute value - from #080 */
+ /* a declaration */
+ /* a variable name */
+ /* a function name */
+ .fun {
+ color: #f00; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Screen-only styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.wb-init {
+ padding-bottom: 4.375em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.exclude-controls {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+/* Extra-small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info {
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: left;
+ text-align: left;
+ width: 100%; }
+ [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: right;
+ text-align: right; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Mobile-friendly styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #ccc solid 1px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details:last-of-type, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[style], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[style] {
+ min-height: 0 !important; }
+ .wb-tabs > details > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details > summary {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.tabs-acc > ul {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Medium view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Extra-small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 300px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info:after {
+ content: "|";
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ padding: 0 .25em; } }
+/* Small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .col-sm-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline:last-child {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW - Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Margin */
+ .mb-sm-5 {
+ margin-bottom: 50px !important; }
+ /* Padding */
+ .p-sm-3 {
+ padding: 15px !important; }
+ .px-sm-3 {
+ padding-left: 15px !important;
+ padding-right: 15px !important; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-sm-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-sm-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-sm-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 80%; } }
+/* Medium view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ [dir=rtl] main.col-md-push-3 {
+ left: auto; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-sec.col-md-pull-9 {
+ right: auto; }
+ .col-md-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-md-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-md-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-md-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #details-flickr,
+ #details-youtube {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */ }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a {
+ border-color: #666;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a:focus::before {
+ content: "";
+ height: calc(100% - 6px);
+ left: 0;
+ margin: 2px;
+ outline: inherit;
+ outline-color: #FFF;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: calc(100% - 4px); }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] img {
+ opacity: .5;
+ width: 140px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[class="active"] img {
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.tab-count, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Large view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-lg {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-lg {
+ clear: right; }
+ .col-lg-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-lg-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-lg-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-lg-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 60%; } }
+/* Extra-extra-small view */
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 65%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length {
+ width: 100%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv a {
+ padding: 10px 0 10px .4em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt a {
+ padding: 10px 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.tab-count {
+ font-size: .9em;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause {
+ margin-right: 2%; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.3em;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding: 12px 10px 7px; } }
+/* Extra-small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-sm {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-sm {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Medium view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-md {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-md {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xl-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xl-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xl-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; } }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .pg-brk-aft {
+ page-break-after: always; }
+ a[href]:after {
+ content: none; }
+ #wb-tphp {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ @title: Breadcrumb print CSS overrides
+ */
+ #wb-bc .breadcrumb {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #wb-bc a[href]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ overflow: visible; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ .wb-geomap-detail, .olControlMousePosition, .olControlPanZoomBar {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .mfp-wrap,
+ .mfp-container {
+ position: static; }
+ .mfp-arrow,
+ .mfp-close {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /*
+ Multimedia Player Code (print view)
+ */
+ .wb-mm-ctrls,
+ .wb-mm-ovrly {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main > *, .wb-modal main > * {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-overlay-dlg main .mfp-content, .wb-modal main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-modal main .mfp-content {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-overlay.open {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-overlay.open.no-print {
+ display: none; }
+ .mfp-content:before, .wb-overlay.open:before {
+ content: attr(data-pgtitle);
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 34px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Use higher contrast and text-weight for printable form. */
+ .kwd, .typ, .tag {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ .kwd, .tag {
+ color: #006; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #060; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #440; }
+ .typ, .atn {
+ color: #404; }
+ .com {
+ color: #600;
+ font-style: italic; }
+ .lit {
+ color: #044; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"], .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > div.out, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details.out .tgl-panel, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details > summary[aria-expanded="false"] + .tgl-panel {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tabpanel"], .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tabpanel"] {
+ margin-bottom: .5em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figure, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure {
+ page-break-inside: avoid; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figcaption, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figcaption {
+ border: 1px solid #000; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ display: block !important;
+ opacity: 1 !important;
+ overflow: visible !important;
+ position: static !important;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] figcaption {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].noheight {
+ max-height: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > .tabpanels {
+ overflow: visible !important; } }
+/*! WET-BOEW Core and Plugins */
+ @title: IE8-specific details/summary CSS
+ */
+.lt-ie9 details {
+ padding-left: 1.1em; }
+ .lt-ie9 details > summary {
+ margin-left: -1.1em; }
+.lt-ie9 [dir=rtl] details {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 1.1em; }
+ .lt-ie9 [dir=rtl] details > summary {
+ margin-left: 0 !important;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.lt-ie9 .olControlZoom a:hover, .lt-ie9 .olControlZoom a:focus {
+ background: #130085; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.lt-ie9 .mfp-close {
+ cursor: hand !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay base
+ */
+.lt-ie9 .wb-panel-r, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ border-left: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9 .wb-panel-l, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9 .wb-bar-t {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9 .wb-bar-b {
+ border-top: 1px solid #999; }
+.lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ border-right: 0; }
+.lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ border-left: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons, .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after, .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before {
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings"; }
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting,
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc,
+.lt-ie9 table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc {
+ cursor: hand; }
+.lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper {
+ zoom: 1; }
+ .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button {
+ cursor: hand; }
+ .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+ .lt-ie9 .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_scroll div.dataTables_scrollBody {
+ margin-top: -1px; }
+.lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button {
+ cursor: hand; }
+ .lt-ie9[dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.lt-ie9 details {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ .lt-ie9 details > details,
+ .lt-ie9 details > * {
+ display: none; }
+ .lt-ie9 details[open] {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .lt-ie9 details[open] > details,
+ .lt-ie9 details[open] > * {
+ display: block !important; }
+ .lt-ie9 details.alert {
+ visibility: visible; }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .lt-ie9 .wb-fnote dd, .lt-ie9 .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ display: block; }
+ .lt-ie9 .wb-fnote p {
+ display: inline-block; } }
+ * GCWeb Theme
+ */
+ Global Default Body styling
+.pagedetails .row div:first-child a, .pagedetails .row div:first-child details, .pagedetails div + .wb-share-inited {
+ margin-top: .5em; }
+html {
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; }
+main {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ line-height: 1.65em; }
+ main .pagedetails {
+ font-size: 16px; }
+ main .glyphicon {
+ top: 2px; }
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 1em; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main h2,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h2 {
+ max-width: 33ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main h3,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h3 {
+ max-width: 50ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main h4,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h4 {
+ max-width: 59ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main li,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd li {
+ max-width: 63ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main p, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main h5, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main h6, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main dt, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main dd,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd p,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h5,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h6,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd dt,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd dd {
+ max-width: 65ch; }
+a {
+ color: #284162; }
+ a img.thumbnail:hover {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999; }
+ a.no-undrln {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+*[placeholder] {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+/* Theme base styles */
+.h1, h2,
+.h2, h3,
+.h3, h4,
+.h4, h5,
+.h5, h6,
+.h6, .home .home-most-requested li {
+ font-family: Lato, sans-serif; }
+h1 {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #af3c43;
+ margin-bottom: .2em;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ padding-bottom: .2em; }
+.gc-srvinfo p, .gc-drmt p {
+ font-size: 17px;
+ line-height: 1.5em; }
+.gc-srvinfo h3, .gc-srvinfo h4, .gc-srvinfo h5, .gc-srvinfo h6, .gc-drmt h3, .gc-drmt h4, .gc-drmt h5, .gc-drmt h6 {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ margin-top: 23px; }
+h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3, h4, .h4, h5, .h5, h6, .h6 {
+ -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;
+ font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;
+ font-weight: 600; }
+.h6 {
+ border: 0; }
+/* Exclude temporary the form element from the font update, keep same style as before
+ * - Rational: More testing and various adjustment need to be completed before to apply it
+ */
+:not(#wb-srch) form, .checkbox, .checkbox-inline, .radio, .radio-inline, form .btn:not(.btn-call-to-action) {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+form .btn:not(.btn-call-to-action), .form-control {
+ padding: 6px 12px; }
+legend {
+ line-height: 1.65em; }
+/* Force GCWeb release 4.0.29 font style
+ *
+ * This undo the font style introduced with gcweb v5 new look
+ *
+ * - Rational: This is to help the adoption of the new desing by allowing adopter to use
+ * a special CSS class on content like the one optimized for a desktop at 100% view port
+ * Example of content: high profile pages, campaign, application, .....
+ *
+ * This CSS are going to be removed in a future version
+ * Using this CSS hack should be temporary and be used to get some time to adapt the content
+ * as per the new font size parameter
+ *
+ */
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h1 {
+ margin-top: 1.25em; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h1,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h1 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 34px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h2,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h2 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 26px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h3,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h3 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 22px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h4,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h4 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 18px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h5,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h5 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h6,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h6 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .glyphicon {
+ top: 1px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 main,
+main.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375em; }
+main .force-style-gcweb-4-0-29,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+ * END - Force GCWeb release 4.0.29 font style
+ *
+ */
+form .btn.btn-lg, form .btn-group-lg > .btn,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn.btn-lg,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn-group-lg > .btn {
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+form .btn.btn-sm, form .btn-group-sm > .btn,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn.btn-sm,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn-group-sm > .btn {
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+form .btn.btn-xs, form .btn-group-xs > .btn,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn.btn-xs,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ padding: 1px 5px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+aside.site-related h2 {
+ font-size: 28px;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+aside.features {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#eaebed), to(#eaebed));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eaebed 0%, #eaebed 100%);
+ padding-bottom: 1.5em; }
+ aside.features h2 {
+ border: 0; }
+ aside.features figcaption {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin-top: 3px; }
+ aside.features .thumbnail {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ padding: 10px 10px 0; }
+ aside.features .thumbnail img {
+ border: solid 1px #eee;
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.home {
+ /* Home page banner
+ *
+ * Reference in:
+ * - components/_screen-xxs-max
+ * - components/_screen-xs-min-to-screen-xs-max
+ * - components/_screen-md-min-to-screen-md-max
+ * - components/_screen-md-max
+ * - components/_screen-lg-min
+ */
+ /* Home page Most requested section
+ *
+ * Reference in:
+ * - views/_screen-sm-max
+ */
+ /* Home page your gov
+ *
+ * Reference in:
+ * - views/_screen-sm-max
+ */ }
+ .home h1 {
+ border-bottom-width: 4px;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ .home h2 {
+ font-size: 1.2em; }
+ .home .header-rwd {
+ margin: 2em 0px; }
+ .home .home-most-requested li {
+ font-size: 17px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ line-height: 26px;
+ margin-top: 0px; }
+ .home .home-your-gov {
+ background-image: url(https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/canada/carousel/bkg-home-yourgov.jpg), url(../assets/bkg-home-yourgov.jpg);
+ background-position: right center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: 35%; }
+/* Heading with links inside of rows */
+.departments a h2,
+.departments a h3,
+.departments a h4,
+.priorities a h2,
+.priorities a h3,
+.priorities a h4 {
+ font-size: 20px; }
+.sect-lnks h2 a,
+.sect-lnks h3 a,
+.sect-lnks h4 a {
+ font-size: 20px; }
+/* Deprecated as v4.0.28 */
+.gc-nttvs {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc; }
+ * Feature
+ *
+ * Deprecated as v4.0.28
+ * - style applied for: h2, h3, h4
+ * - class .gc-nttvs
+ */
+.gc-prtts a,
+.gc-nttvs a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .gc-prtts a h2,
+ .gc-prtts a h3,
+ .gc-prtts a h4,
+ .gc-prtts a figcaption,
+ .gc-nttvs a h2,
+ .gc-nttvs a h3,
+ .gc-nttvs a h4,
+ .gc-nttvs a figcaption {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 23px;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gc-prtts a p:last-child,
+ .gc-nttvs a p:last-child {
+ color: black; }
+.gc-nws a h2,
+.gc-nws a h3,
+.gc-nws a h4 {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+/* Summaries styled as default buttons */
+details[open] > summary.btn-default {
+ border: 1px outset #dcdee1;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+ * List responsive style
+ *
+ * It has variant defined for some specific views
+ * - views/_screen-lg-min
+ * - views/_screen-xs-max
+ */
+.list-responsive > li {
+ float: left;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 50%; }
+ .list-responsive > li:nth-child(2n+2) {
+ clear: right; }
+.list-responsive:before, .list-responsive:after {
+ content: " ";
+ display: table; }
+.list-responsive:after {
+ clear: both; }
+/* Double space list items
+ Might worth to publish it upstream here instead: https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/blob/master/src/base/lists/_base.scss#L30
+ */
+.lst-spcd-2 > li {
+ margin-bottom: 20px; }
+.lst-spcd-2 ul,
+.lst-spcd-2 ol {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+/* Style only the figcaption as the link */
+a.figcaption {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ a.figcaption:not([class*="text-"]) * :not(figcaption) {
+ color: #333333; }
+ a.figcaption figure > *:not(blockquote):not(img):not(table):not(div) {
+ margin-left: .8ch;
+ margin-right: .8ch; }
+ a.figcaption figcaption {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+/* Thumbnail Treatments */
+.thumbnail {
+ background: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #eee;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ padding: 5px; }
+ .thumbnail:hover img {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999; }
+.pagedetails {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ .pagedetails.row details {
+ margin-bottom: .25em;
+ margin-left: 1.1em;
+ margin-right: 1.1em; }
+ .pagedetails .datemod {
+ padding-bottom: 7px;
+ padding-top: 7px; }
+ .pagedetails .datemod #wb-dtmd {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ .pagedetails .well {
+ margin-left: -1.1em;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ .pagedetails details {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+h1, .h1 {
+ font-size: 1.9em; }
+h2, .h2 {
+ font-size: 1.8em; }
+h3, .h3 {
+ font-size: 1.2em; }
+h4, .h4 {
+ font-size: 1.1em; }
+h5, .h5 {
+ font-size: 1em; }
+h6, .h6 {
+ font-size: .95em;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+#archived-bnr {
+ background-color: #fd0; }
+ #archived-bnr p {
+ margin: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+ #archived-bnr a {
+ color: #000;
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ padding: .75em 44px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #archived-bnr a:hover, #archived-bnr a:focus {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #archived-bnr .overlay-close {
+ color: #000; }
+ Banner
+ */
+header {
+ position: relative; }
+ header .brand {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+ header .brand a {
+ display: block;
+ height: auto;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ width: auto; }
+ header .brand a:after {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: "";
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0; }
+ header .brand img,
+ header .brand object {
+ height: auto;
+ max-height: 40px; }
+ header .brand img {
+ margin-bottom: .375em; }
+ * Mobile Chevron
+ */
+#wb-glb-mn {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul {
+ min-width: 150px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn {
+ background: #26374a;
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: right;
+ height: 2.75em; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn li {
+ display: block;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn li a {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.9em;
+ padding: 5px 20px 0 0; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn span .glyphicon-th-list {
+ padding-left: 12px;
+ top: 0; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before {
+ border-bottom: 1.375em solid transparent;
+ border-left: .6875em solid #f8f8f8;
+ border-top: 1.375em solid transparent;
+ content: " ";
+ display: block;
+ float: left;
+ height: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 0; }
+/* IE Tweaks */
+.lt-ie9 header .brand a {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.lt-ie9 header .brand img {
+ height: 40px; }
+[dir=rtl] header .brand {
+ float: right; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn {
+ padding-left: 1.5em;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn span .glyphicon-th-list {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 11px solid #f8f8f8;
+ float: right; }
+/* Home page banner */
+#hme-banner {
+ background-image: url(../assets/your-gov2.jpg);
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
+ height: auto;
+ padding-top: 1.25%;
+ width: 100%; }
+#hme-banner-bg {
+ background-color: #002b92;
+ color: #fff;
+ margin-left: 5%;
+ min-height: 150px;
+ padding: 8px;
+ width: 225px; }
+h2.hme-banner-bg {
+ border: none; }
+ WET button overwrites
+ */
+body .btn-primary {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border-color: #26374a; }
+.btn {
+ font-family: Lato, sans-serif; }
+/* Call-to-action button style - new with GCWeb v5 */
+.btn-call-to-action {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #318000;
+ border-color: #458259;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ margin-bottom: 25px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ padding: .58em 1em;
+ text-shadow: 1px 2px #333; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:focus, .btn-call-to-action.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1d4d00;
+ border-color: #192f20; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1d4d00;
+ border-color: #305a3e; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:active, .btn-call-to-action.active,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1d4d00;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #305a3e; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:active:hover, .btn-call-to-action:active:focus, .btn-call-to-action:active.focus, .btn-call-to-action.active:hover, .btn-call-to-action.active:focus, .btn-call-to-action.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #102900;
+ border-color: #192f20; }
+ .btn-call-to-action.disabled:hover, .btn-call-to-action.disabled:focus, .btn-call-to-action.disabled.focus, .btn-call-to-action[disabled]:hover, .btn-call-to-action[disabled]:focus, .btn-call-to-action[disabled].focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-call-to-action:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-call-to-action:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-call-to-action.focus {
+ background-color: #318000;
+ border-color: #458259; }
+ .btn-call-to-action .badge {
+ color: #318000;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.btn-call-to-action:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+input.btn.btn-call-to-action {
+ padding-bottom: 2em; }
+ * Equal Heights overrides
+ */
+.sect-lnks {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+ Details Summary Styling
+.dshbrd .cntrls li {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+.dshbrd .cntrls a {
+ background: #eee;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 7px 5px; }
+.dshbrd > details {
+ display: inline;
+ left: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0; }
+ .dshbrd > details > summary {
+ font-size: 0;
+ max-height: 0; }
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "gcweb";
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ src: url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.woff") format("woff"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.ttf") format("truetype"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.svg#gcweb") format("svg"); }
+.icn-sig-fr:before, .cndwrdmrk:before, .cndwrdmrk:after {
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
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+ display: block;
+ font-family: "gcweb";
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-variant: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ line-height: 1;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ text-transform: none;
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+ transform: rotate(0); }
+header .brand {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+ header .brand a {
+ position: relative;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.icn-sig-fr {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ padding: .7em 0 .5em; }
+ .icn-sig-en:before,
+ .icn-sig-fr:before {
+ position: relative; }
+:root .icn-sig-en:before,
+.icn-sig-fr:before {
+ left: -10em; }
+.icn-sig-en:before {
+ content: "\f102"; }
+.icn-sig-fr:before {
+ content: "\f103"; }
+.cndwrdmrk {
+ font-size: 3.5em;
+ min-width: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .cndwrdmrk:before, .cndwrdmrk:after {
+ display: inline;
+ position: relative; }
+ .cndwrdmrk:before {
+ color: #000;
+ content: "\f100"; }
+ .cndwrdmrk:after {
+ color: #f00;
+ content: "\f101";
+ left: -1em; }
+ Site information
+#wb-info {
+ background: #e1e4e7;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 5; }
+ #wb-info a {
+ font-size: .875em;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-info a.wb-navcurr {
+ font-weight: 800; }
+ #wb-info .brand {
+ background: #f8f8f8;
+ line-height: 30px; }
+ #wb-info .brand object,
+ #wb-info .brand img {
+ height: 40px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ width: auto; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:before {
+ content: "\2022";
+ margin-right: 0.7em; }
+ #wb-info .landscape {
+ background: #26374a url(../assets/landscape.png) no-repeat right bottom; }
+ #wb-info .landscape a {
+ color: #fff; }
+ #wb-info .landscape a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg {
+ line-height: 90px; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg a {
+ color: #000; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg a span {
+ margin-left: 25px; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg a:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-info nav {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative; }
+ #wb-info nav li {
+ margin-bottom: .75em; }
+[dir=rtl] footer .brand .text-right {
+ text-align: left; }
+[dir=rtl] footer .tofpg {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] footer .tofpg a span {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 10px; }
+ * Helper Classes
+ */
+.margin-bottom-none {
+ margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+.margin-bottom-small {
+ margin-bottom: .25em !important; }
+.margin-top-large {
+ margin-top: 1.5em !important; }
+.margin-top-medium {
+ margin-top: .75em !important; }
+#triangle-up {
+ border-bottom: 10px solid #fff;
+ border-left: 5px solid transparent;
+ border-right: 5px solid transparent;
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0; }
+#wb-lng {
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+ #wb-lng li {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-lng {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-lng ul {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ * Main content area
+ */
+main {
+ position: relative; }
+ main .subtitle {
+ color: #555;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ main .departments .learnmore {
+ padding: 3em 0; }
+ main .priorities {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ main .priorities .thumbnail {
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ padding: 1em; }
+ main .gc-rms-lngth img {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: solid 1px #e1e4e7;
+ padding: 18px; }
+ * Overlay-specific overrides
+ */
+.overlay-def header {
+ background: #26374a; }
+/* Profile on page-type-navigation pages
+ * was: ".secondary" which are now deprecated */
+.secondary .profile .thumbnail, .page-type-nav .profile .thumbnail {
+ margin-top: 1.25em; }
+ * Search
+ */
+.srchbox {
+ padding-top: 1em; }
+ #wb-srch input,
+ #wb-srch button,
+ .srchbox input,
+ .srchbox button {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+ #wb-srch button,
+ .srchbox button {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #26374a solid 1px;
+ font-size: 17px; }
+ #wb-srch button:hover, #wb-srch button:focus, #wb-srch button:active,
+ .srchbox button:hover,
+ .srchbox button:focus,
+ .srchbox button:active {
+ background: #444; }
+ #wb-srch .glyphicon,
+ .srchbox .glyphicon {
+ top: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ #wb-srch input,
+ .srchbox input {
+ border-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ color: #555;
+ margin-right: -4px;
+ min-width: 246px;
+ position: relative; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-srch {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-srch input {
+ margin-left: -4px;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+.page-type-search label {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+.page-type-search .current, .page-type-search .current label {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.page-type-search .location {
+ color: #006621;
+ padding-left: 0px; }
+ .page-type-search .location li {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .page-type-search .location li + li:before {
+ content: "> "; }
+ .page-type-search .location cite {
+ font-style: normal; }
+.page-type-search .context-labels {
+ font-size: .8em;
+ list-style: none;
+ padding-left: 0px; }
+ .page-type-search .context-labels li {
+ background-color: #5e738b;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ padding: 0 5px; }
+.page-type-search .results > section {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #000;
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ padding-bottom: 1.5em; }
+.page-type-search .label li {
+ background-color: #5e738b;
+ color: white;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px; }
+.page-type-search .expand-collapse-buttons {
+ color: white;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px; }
+.page-type-search cite a {
+ color: #006621;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.page-type-search .search-description {
+ line-height: 34px;
+ padding-bottom: 8px;
+ padding-top: 8px; }
+ Secondary Navigation
+#wb-sec h3 a:hover, #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item.wb-navcurr, #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item[href]:hover, #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item[href]:focus, #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group .list-group-item.wb-navcurr {
+ background-color: #243850;
+ color: #fff; }
+#wb-sec {
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 2em; }
+ #wb-sec h3 {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-bottom: 5px solid #26374a;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ margin: 15px 0 1px;
+ padding: 15px; }
+ #wb-sec h3 a {
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ margin: -15px;
+ padding: 15px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ color: #555;
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item.wb-navcurr {
+ cursor: text; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item.wb-navcurr[href]:hover {
+ background-color: #26374a; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group-item {
+ background-color: #e6e5e5;
+ color: black;
+ padding-left: 1.8em; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group .list-group-item {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group .list-group-item.wb-navcurr {
+ cursor: text; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group-item {
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 1.8em; }
+ * Share/feedback-specific overrides
+ */
+a.shr-opn, a.shr-opn:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.pagedetails.text-right .shr-pg {
+ text-align: left; }
+ * Site menu
+ */
+/* Special style for the home page - GCWeb v5 (gcweb-menu) */
+.home .gcweb-menu {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #284162;
+ margin-left: 0px; }
+.home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-color: #fff;
+ color: #284162; }
+ .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover {
+ background-color: #444;
+ color: #fff; }
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * GCWeb v5 (gcweb-menu)
+ *
+ */
+.gcweb-menu {
+ /*
+ * Level 0 - button menu
+ */
+ border-top: 3px solid #38414d;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ /*
+ * Level 1
+ */
+ /*
+ * Level 2
+ */
+ /* The rest of items */
+ /* First menu item (represent the home link */
+ /* Undo for lower level */
+ /* SubSubMenu (MostRequested) for more iteroperability, use CSS class */
+ /* Grid of the submenu panel */ }
+ .gcweb-menu .container {
+ padding: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 1px solid #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ padding: .5em 1em;
+ text-transform: uppercase; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=true] {
+ background-color: #444;
+ border-color: #444;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px dotted #555;
+ color: #333; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=false] + [role=menu] {
+ display: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=true] + [role=menu] {
+ z-index: 9999; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] {
+ background-color: #444;
+ color: #fff;
+ list-style: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li {
+ border-left: #444 solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:first-child {
+ border-top: #444 solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:last-child {
+ border-bottom: #444 solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li [role=menu] > li {
+ border: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem] {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 14px 30px;
+ width: 360px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem]:visited {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #555;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu li:last-child [role=menuitem] {
+ border-bottom: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem][aria-expanded=true] + [role=menu] [role=menuitem]:focus,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem][aria-expanded=true] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ color: #333; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-top: #eee solid 1px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ color: #000;
+ left: 360px;
+ margin-bottom: 25px;
+ min-height: 815px;
+ padding: 0px 39px 24px 39px;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 810px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ border-top: none;
+ min-height: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem] {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ color: #000;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ left: auto;
+ top: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li [role=menuitem] {
+ color: #284162;
+ padding: 6px 0;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li [role=menuitem]:hover {
+ color: #0535d2; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ font-size: 32px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menu] {
+ list-style: disc;
+ padding-top: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: 45%; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child {
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ left: 400px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 4.5em; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ left: auto;
+ position: relative;
+ top: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] {
+ position: static; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=false] + [role=menu] {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li {
+ float: left;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 50%; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(2n+2) {
+ clear: right; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(2n+3) {
+ clear: left; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li a {
+ width: auto; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu]:before, .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu]:after {
+ content: " ";
+ display: table; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu]:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ *
+ * GCWeb v5 (gcweb-menu) - END
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ */
+/* GCWeb version 1.0 megamenu */
+#wb-sm {
+ background: #26374a; }
+ #wb-sm .menu {
+ display: table;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #222;
+ width: 100%; }
+ #wb-sm .menu .active,
+ #wb-sm .menu .selected,
+ #wb-sm .menu .wb-navcurr {
+ background: #243850 !important;
+ color: #fff !important; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li {
+ border-left: 1px solid #999;
+ display: table-cell;
+ float: none; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li:last-child {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li a {
+ color: #fff; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li a:hover, #wb-sm .menu > li a:focus {
+ background: #243850 !important;
+ text-shadow: none; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open {
+ background: #ccc;
+ border-bottom: 5px solid #243850; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li a,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary {
+ color: #444;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ text-shadow: none; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li a:hover, #wb-sm .sm.open li a:focus, #wb-sm .sm.open li a:active,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary:hover,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary:focus,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary:active {
+ background: #243850;
+ color: #fff; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open .slflnk a {
+ background: #bbb; }
+ #wb-sm .sm .row {
+ background: transparent; }
+ #wb-sm .sm .row a {
+ color: #6e6e6e; }
+.wb-disable #wb-sm .nvbar {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Mobile panel
+ */
+#mb-pnl {
+ background: url("");
+ background-position: 15px 0;
+ background-repeat: repeat-y;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl a[href$="#wb-cont"] {
+ display: none !important; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-header {
+ background: #2e5274;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #2e5274;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), -3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ box-shadow: 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), -3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ color: #fff;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ padding: 0 44px 0 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: left;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 1em;
+ z-index: 1045; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-header:before {
+ border-bottom: 1.45em solid #2e5274;
+ border-left: 1em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border-top: 1.45em solid #2e5274;
+ content: "";
+ left: -1em;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-header h2 {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-top: 1px;
+ padding: 9px; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body {
+ background: #0e4164;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 5em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: -3em; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body summary {
+ color: #fff; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body summary:hover, #mb-pnl .modal-body summary:focus {
+ background: transparent;
+ color: #fff; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body a {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body ul {
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body li {
+ line-height: 2;
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-footer {
+ background: #0e4164; }
+ #mb-pnl .mfp-close {
+ top: .55em; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 0;
+ border-color: #26374a;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button:hover, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button:focus, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button:active {
+ background: #243850; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form input {
+ background-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ color: #555;
+ margin-right: -4px;
+ position: relative; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .btn {
+ line-height: 1.65;
+ margin-top: -1px; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group {
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 15px;
+ width: 75%; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group.submit {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ width: 15%; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ padding-right: 30px;
+ text-align: right; }
+ #mb-pnl .sm-pnl {
+ background: #0e4164;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl .info-pnl {
+ background: #193451;
+ border-top: 2px solid #061e38;
+ color: #325375 !important;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl .active > a {
+ font-weight: 800; }
+ #mb-pnl .sec-pnl {
+ background: #cdd4da !important;
+ display: none !important;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl .sec-pnl a,
+ #mb-pnl .sec-pnl summary {
+ color: #2e5576 !important; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-sm .menu > li {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl {
+ background: transparent;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 15px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group {
+ float: right;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group input {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -4px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group.submit {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .modal-header {
+ text-align: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .modal-header:before {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 1em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ left: auto;
+ right: -1em; }
+ Social Media Icons
+.followus .foursquare, .followus .youtube, .followus .twitter, .followus .flickr, .followus .facebook, .followus .pinterest, .followus .linkedin, .followus .instagram, .followus .googleplus, .followus .reddit, .followus .rss, .followus .periscope, .followus .email {
+ background-position: center center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ display: inline;
+ min-height: 27px;
+ min-width: 27px;
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: text-bottom; }
+.followus .foursquare, .icon.foursquare {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .youtube, .icon.youtube {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .twitter, .icon.twitter {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .flickr, .icon.flickr {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .facebook, .icon.facebook {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .pinterest, .icon.pinterest {
+.followus .linkedin, .icon.linkedin {
+.followus .instagram, .icon.instagram {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .googleplus, .icon.googleplus {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .reddit, .icon.reddit {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .rss, .icon.rss {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .periscope {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .email {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.shr-pg a {
+ background-image: none; }
+.followus {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding: 10px 5px; }
+ .followus h2 {
+ display: inline;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .followus ul {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .followus ul li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 5px 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .followus ul li a {
+ border: solid 2px #eaebed;
+ padding: 10px 17px; }
+ .followus ul li a:hover, .followus ul li a:focus, .followus ul li a:active {
+ border: solid 2px #0535d2; }
+ .followus .youtube {
+ min-width: 38px; }
+ .followus .googleplus {
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: 35px 35px; }
+.icon {
+ background-position: left center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ display: inline-block;
+ min-height: 32px;
+ min-width: 32px;
+ padding-left: 35px; }
+ .icon.youtube {
+ padding-left: 45px; }
+ .icon.googleplus {
+ height: 45px;
+ padding-left: 48px; }
+ Github addition Widget Format
+.fd-wdgt.panel {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+.fd-wdgt .panel-heading {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
+.fd-wdgt .panel-body {
+ max-height: 25em;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding: 0; }
+.fd-wdgt .media {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding: 15px 15px 0 5px;
+ position: relative; }
+ .fd-wdgt .media:first-child {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ .fd-wdgt .media p {
+ font-size: .9em; }
+.fd-wdgt .panel-title {
+ padding-right: 30px; }
+ .fd-wdgt .panel-title .icon {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 5px;
+ top: 5px; }
+.fd-wdgt .feeds-date {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: none !important;
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+ .fd-wdgt .feeds-date:before {
+ content: ""; }
+ .fd-wdgt .feeds-date:after {
+ content: ""; }
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+ display: block;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ padding: 15px 10px 5px; }
+/* IE Tweaks */
+.lt-ie9 .fd-wdgt .panel-title {
+ padding-right: 30px; }
+ .lt-ie9 .fd-wdgt .panel-title .icon {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+.blog article .col-md-3,
+.blog article .col-md-9 {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: none;
+ margin-right: -4px;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.zbra section.brdr-tp:nth-child(odd) {
+ background: #eee; }
+.zbra section.brdr-tp .row {
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ margin-right: -5px; }
+ * Pagination
+ */
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+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ font-size: 2em; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-left {
+ float: left;
+ margin: -4px 0 0 -32px; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ float: right;
+ margin: -4px -32px 0 0; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ list-style: none outside none; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li a {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 15px 40px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li a:hover {
+ background-color: #eaebed; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li a .pgntn-lbl {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 27px;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ special badges
+.badge.badge-dept {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 2em;
+ margin: 20px 10px 0; }
+* Table of Content styles for document navigation
+.toc li {
+ display: inline;
+ font-size: .85em;
+ /* Expected 17px with 20px base font */ }
+ .toc li .list-group-item:focus, .toc li .list-group-item:hover {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .toc li .list-group-item.active, .toc li .list-group-item.active:focus, .toc li .list-group-item.active:hover {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ cursor: auto;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ z-index: 2; }
+.carousel-s1 .wb-mltmd,
+.carousel-s2 .wb-mltmd {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.carousel-s1 .wb-mltmd,
+.carousel-s2 .wb-mltmd {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ * Social media centre
+ */
+/* Re-usable rules */
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-name, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-platforms, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link-container, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-name, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-platforms, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-links, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-shortdescription,
+#mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department {
+ border: 0;
+ display: block; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-compressed, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-hidden, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-expanded {
+ display: none;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-expanded, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-compressed {
+ display: block;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions {
+ /* Layout of fields */ }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: top left, top left, bottom left, top right;
+ background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat-x, repeat-y;
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 100%; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 50%; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 33.333%; } }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr .product-department {
+ height: 3em;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-listing {
+ border: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-record {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-record:target {
+ height: auto !important; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language,
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link-container {
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 6px 12px !important;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-transform: none !important;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link:hover, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+#social-media-centre_wrapper .datatables_wrapper {
+ margin-bottom: 3em; }
+#social-media-centre_wrapper .product-listing {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ #social-media-centre_wrapper .product-listing td {
+ padding: 8px; }
+ * Mobile centre
+ */
+/* Re-usable rules */
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-name, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-platforms, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link-container, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-name, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-platforms, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-links, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-shortdescription,
+#mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department {
+ border: 0;
+ display: block; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-compressed, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-hidden, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-expanded {
+ display: none;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-expanded, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-compressed {
+ display: block;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: top left, top left, bottom left, top right;
+ background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat-x, repeat-y;
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ min-height: 20em;
+ padding: 5px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 100%; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 50%; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 33.333%; } }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-platforms span {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target {
+ height: auto !important;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-longdescription {
+ float: none; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-link-container {
+ border: 0;
+ float: none; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:hover {
+ background-color: #e8e8e8;
+ border-color: #d6d6d6;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre tr,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre tr {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #999 !important;
+ border-top: 1px solid #999 !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links {
+ float: left !important;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department {
+ width: 96% !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms {
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links {
+ clear: left;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .record-close,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .record-close {
+ display: none !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-container {
+ border: none !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-list li,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-list li {
+ display: inline;
+ float: left; }
+#mobile-centre_wrapper {
+ /* Layout of fields */
+ /* Expand/collapse record functionality */
+ /* Data visibility */ }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record:target {
+ height: auto !important; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record:hover {
+ background-color: #e8e8e8;
+ border-color: #d6d6d6;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-icon {
+ border: 0;
+ float: left;
+ height: 48px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 3px;
+ padding-right: 3px;
+ width: 48px; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-shortdescription,
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription {
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link-list {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link-container {
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 6px 12px !important;
+ text-align: left;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-transform: none !important;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link:hover, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-expand {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-expand:hover, #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-expand:focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-close {
+ float: right; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-listing {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-listing td {
+ padding: 8px; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record {
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ max-width: 47%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record:target {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department,
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-links {
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ width: 30%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription {
+ float: right;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ width: 67%; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record {
+ max-width: 31.5%; } }
+ * Error page
+ */
+.glyphicon-error {
+ color: #96323a;
+ font-size: 400%; }
+ * Campaign
+ */
+.infostripe .btn-cnt {
+ bottom: 5px;
+ padding-right: 30px;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 100%; }
+.infostripe .col-md-6 {
+ min-height: 830px !important;
+ vertical-align: top; }
+#anti_infographic_4.modal-dialog {
+ width: 50%; }
+.secondary .infostripe .h1, .page-type-nav .infostripe .h1 {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+.secondary .infostripe.dbl .h1, .page-type-nav .infostripe.dbl .h1 {
+ min-height: 3.1em; }
+.secondary .infostripe.trpl .h1, .page-type-nav .infostripe.trpl .h1 {
+ min-height: 4em; }
+[lang=fr] .infostripe .col-md-6 {
+ min-height: 870px !important; }
+.gc-prtts.dbl .h5 {
+ min-height: 2.2em; }
+.cmpgn-sctns a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns a:hover strong, .cmpgn-sctns a:focus strong, .cmpgn-sctns a:active strong {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.cmpgn-sctns strong {
+ display: block; }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ @title: Search all screen views
+ */
+ #wb-srch .submit {
+ float: right; }
+ #wb-srch-sub {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-srch.submit {
+ float: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-srch-sub {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views
+ */
+ .overlay-def .modal-header {
+ background: #2e5274; }
+ .wb-sl {
+ background: #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ .wb-sl:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-sl:hover {
+ background-color: #444;
+ color: #fff; }
+ /*
+ * Carousel-specific overrides
+ */
+ .prm-flpr {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ margin-top: 1px; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause {
+ font-size: 1.3em; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ margin-top: .15em; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure figcaption {
+ font-size: 1.3em; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure figcaption a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure figcaption a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.tab-count .curr-count, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt a .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv a .glyphicon {
+ font-size: 1.65em; }
+ /*
+ * Priorities (Government of Canada activities and initiatives) (all screen views)
+ */
+ .gc-nttvs a:active h3,
+ .gc-nttvs a:active img, .gc-nttvs a:focus h3,
+ .gc-nttvs a:focus img {
+ outline: thin dotted; }
+ .gc-nttvs h3 {
+ float: left;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gc-nttvs img {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 100%; }
+ .gc-nttvs p {
+ clear: both; }
+ [dir=rtl] .gc-nttvs h3 {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .gc-nttvs img {
+ float: right;
+ margin-left: 100%;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ /* Deprecated as v4.0.28 */ }
+/* Extra-small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Make a simple list multi-column and responsive (overide _defaults.scss) */
+ .list-responsive > li {
+ clear: right;
+ width: 100%; }
+ /*
+ Banner (small view and under)
+ */
+ header .brand a {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn li a {
+ font-size: 1.7em; } }
+/* Small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ h1, .h1 {
+ font-size: 1.7em;
+ margin-top: .75em; }
+ h2, .h2 {
+ font-size: 1.6em; }
+ .gc-srvinfo p, .gc-drmt p {
+ font-size: 19px; }
+ .home .home-most-requested li {
+ font-size: 19px; }
+ .home .home-your-gov {
+ background-image: none; }
+ /*
+ Banner (small view and under)
+ */
+ header .brand a {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ /*
+ Details Summary Styling (small view and under)
+ .dshbrd details {
+ display: block; }
+ .dshbrd details summary {
+ background: #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ max-height: 999px;
+ padding: 1em; }
+ .dshbrd details .cntnt {
+ border: 1px solid #26374a;
+ padding: 15px; }
+ /*
+ @title: Search small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-srch {
+ width: 100%; }
+ #wb-srch .form-group {
+ display: inline-block; } }
+/* Medium view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Site menu (medium view and under)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Accessibility tweak for menu based overlapping at lowest desktop setting (text size 200%)
+ */
+ #wb-sm .menu {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li:last-child {
+ border-right: 0; } }
+/* Large view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Medium view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ Social Media Icons Medium View and over
+ /*
+ @title: Search medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 0.7em; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:first-child:before {
+ content: none; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ float: right; } }
+/* Large view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Make a simple list multi-column and responsive (overide _defaults.scss) */
+ .list-responsive > li {
+ width: 25%; }
+ .list-responsive > li:nth-child(4n+4) {
+ clear: right; }
+ /*
+ * Equal Heights overrides (large view and over)
+ */
+ .sect-lnks {
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ width: 31.7%; }
+ main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 31.2%; }
+ .lt-ie9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 30%; }
+ .lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 30%; } }
+/* Extra-extra-small view */
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Embedding a Fluid Survey */
+ .gc-fld-srvy-container {
+ padding-bottom: 100%; }
+ #wb-srch input {
+ border-right: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+ max-width: 246px; }
+ /*
+ Banner (extra-extra-small view)
+ */
+ header .brand, #wb-glb-mn {
+ float: none !important;
+ width: auto !important; }
+ header .brand object,
+ header .brand img {
+ max-height: 25px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul {
+ width: 100%; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn {
+ margin-left: auto; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before {
+ border: 0; }
+ /*
+ * Site information (extra-extra-small view)
+ */
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ -webkit-column-count: 1;
+ -moz-column-count: 1;
+ column-count: 1; }
+ #wb-info .brand object,
+ #wb-info .brand img {
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg {
+ line-height: 60px; }
+ /*
+ Carousel (extra-extra-small view)
+ */
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li .plypause a {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li .tab-count {
+ height: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ width: 0; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li .tab-count .curr-count {
+ font-size: 1em; } }
+/* Extra-small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-srch input {
+ max-width: 200px;
+ min-width: 150px; } }
+/* Small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Search Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-srch {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; } }
+/* Medium view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Equal Heights overrides (medium view)
+ */
+ .sect-lnks {
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ width: 48.1%; }
+ main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 47.5%; }
+ .lt-ie9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 47%; }
+ .lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 46%; } }
+/* Large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .features, #wb-lng, #wb-glb-mn,
+ #wb-srch,
+ #wb-sm, #wb-info, .tofpg, .gcweb-menu, #wb-sec, .pagedetails details, .pagedetails .btn, .followus {
+ display: none !important; }
+ header .brand {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ h1 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ /*
+ Site information (print view)
+ /*
+ Site menu (print view)
+ .jumbotron.pagebrand figcaption {
+ position: static; }
+ /*
+ * Priorities (Government of Canada activities and initiatives) (print view)
+ */
+ .gc-nttvs {
+ display: none; }
+ /* Deprecated as v4.0.28 */
+ /*
+ Search (print view)
+ */
+ /*
+ Secondary menu (print view)
+ /*
+ * Share/feedback-specific overrides (print view)
+ */
+ /*
+ Social Media Icons Print view
+*/ }
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new file mode 100644
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *//*!
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ *//*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */
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+@media screen and (min-width:992px){#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li{display:inline-block;float:left;margin-right:.7em}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:first-child:before{content:none}[dir=rtl] #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li{float:right}}
+@media screen and (min-width:1200px){.list-responsive>li{width:25%}.list-responsive>li:nth-child(4n+4){clear:right}.sect-lnks{margin-right:15px;width:31.7%}main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks{width:31.2%}.lt-ie9 .sect-lnks,.lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks{width:30%}}
+@media screen and (max-width:479px){.gc-fld-srvy-container{padding-bottom:100%}#wb-srch input{border-right:1px solid #e0e0e0;max-width:246px}#wb-glb-mn,header .brand{float:none!important;width:auto!important}header .brand img,header .brand object{max-height:25px}#wb-glb-mn ul{width:100%}#wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn{margin-left:auto}#wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before{border:0}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul{-webkit-column-count:1;-moz-column-count:1;column-count:1}#wb-info .brand img,#wb-info .brand object{height:25px;margin-top:15px;max-width:100%;padding-right:10px}#wb-info .tofpg{line-height:60px}.prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role=tablist] li .plypause a{font-size:1em;vertical-align:middle}.prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role=tablist] li .tab-count{height:0;visibility:hidden;width:0}.prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role=tablist] li .tab-count .curr-count{font-size:1em}}
+@media screen and (min-width:480px) and (max-width:767px){#wb-srch input{max-width:200px;min-width:150px}}
+@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px){#wb-srch{margin-bottom:15px}}
+@media screen and (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px){.sect-lnks{margin-right:15px;width:48.1%}main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks{width:47.5%}.lt-ie9 .sect-lnks{width:47%}.lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks{width:46%}}
+@media print{#wb-glb-mn,#wb-info,#wb-lng,#wb-sec,#wb-sm,#wb-srch,.features,.followus,.gcweb-menu,.pagedetails .btn,.pagedetails details,.tofpg{display:none!important}header .brand{margin-bottom:0}h1{margin-top:0}.jumbotron.pagebrand figcaption{position:static}.gc-nttvs{display:none}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-wet-boew.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-wet-boew.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaba3ab72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-wet-boew.css
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/*! Deprecated */
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-wet-boew.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-wet-boew.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b929e964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/ie8-wet-boew.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ *//*! Deprecated */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages-ie.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages-ie.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65ec98d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages-ie.css
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+.splash .sp-bx img {
+ height: 20px;
+ width: 214px; }
+ @media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx img {
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%; } }
+.splash .sp-bx .btn {
+ min-width: 75px; }
+ @media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx .btn {
+ min-width: 100px; } }
+.splash .sp-bx-bt img {
+ height: 20px;
+ width: 82px; }
+ @media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx-bt img {
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%; } }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages-ie.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages-ie.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36d8bad23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages-ie.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */.splash .sp-bx img{height:20px;width:214px}@media (min-width:992px){.splash .sp-bx img{height:100%;width:100%}}.splash .sp-bx .btn{min-width:75px}@media (min-width:992px){.splash .sp-bx .btn{min-width:100px}}.splash .sp-bx-bt img{height:20px;width:82px}@media (min-width:992px){.splash .sp-bx-bt img{height:100%;width:100%}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d54c9dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages.css
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ Global variables for GCWeb
+ */
+Left menu variables
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.splash object,
+.splash img {
+ height: auto;
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.splash img {
+ margin-bottom: .375em; }
+.splash #bg {
+ height: 200%;
+ left: -50%;
+ position: fixed;
+ top: -50%;
+ width: 200%; }
+ .splash #bg img {
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ min-height: 50%;
+ min-width: 50%;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0; }
+.splash .sp-bx {
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+ padding: 30px 30px 19px; }
+ .splash .sp-bx .btn {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ margin: 35px 0 14px;
+ min-width: 110px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx .btn {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ margin: 35px 0 14px;
+ min-width: 110px; } }
+ @media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx .btn {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ margin: 35px 0 14px;
+ min-width: 138px;
+ padding: .5em 1.5em; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx .btn {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ box-shadow: 0 4px #ddd;
+ margin: 35px 0 14px;
+ min-width: 138px;
+ padding: .5em 1.5em; } }
+.splash .glyphicon {
+ color: #9e9e9e;
+ font-size: 5px;
+ top: -3px; }
+.splash .sp-lk:link, .splash .sp-lk:visited {
+ color: #335075;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.splash .sp-lk:hover, .splash .sp-lk:active {
+ color: #335075;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.splash .sp-hb {
+ margin: 50px auto;
+ width: 300px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .splash .sp-hb {
+ margin: 50px auto;
+ width: 300px; } }
+ @media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .splash .sp-hb {
+ margin: 175px auto;
+ width: 500px; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .splash .sp-hb {
+ margin: 175px auto;
+ width: 500px; } }
+.splash .sp-bx-bt {
+ background-color: #e1e4e7;
+ padding: 30px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx-bt {
+ background-color: #e1e4e7;
+ padding: 30px; } }
+ @media (min-width: 992px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx-bt {
+ background-color: #e1e4e7;
+ padding: 30px 30px 13px; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .splash .sp-bx-bt {
+ background-color: #e1e4e7;
+ padding: 30px 30px 13px; } }
+.error .box {
+ background-color: #e1e4e7;
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+ margin-top: 30px;
+ padding: 30px; }
+.error .h1 {
+ border: medium none;
+ font-size: 27px;
+ margin-bottom: .2em;
+ padding-bottom: .2em; }
+ .error .h1 img {
+ margin-right: 10px; }
+.error .srchbox .form-inline {
+ margin: 14px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .error .srchbox .form-inline .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .error .srchbox .form-inline .navbar-form {
+ width: 100%; }
+.error .srchbox .form-group {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.error .srchbox input {
+ background-color: fff;
+ border-color: #fff currentColor #fff #fff;
+ -o-border-image: none;
+ border-image: none;
+ border-style: solid none solid solid;
+ border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;
+ color: #333;
+ display: inline-block; }
+.error .srchbox button {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.error .tofpg {
+ line-height: 2em;
+ margin-top: 18px; }
+ .error .tofpg span {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+.xxsmallview .error .h1 img {
+ margin-bottom: 35px; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab42d7f30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/messages.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */.splash img,.splash object{height:auto;max-width:100%}.splash img{margin-bottom:.375em}.splash #bg{height:200%;left:-50%;position:fixed;top:-50%;width:200%}.splash #bg img{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;min-height:50%;min-width:50%;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.splash .sp-bx{background-color:#f8f8f8;padding:30px 30px 19px}.splash .sp-bx .btn{-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;margin:35px 0 14px;min-width:110px}@media (min-width:768px){.splash .sp-bx .btn{-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;margin:35px 0 14px;min-width:110px}}@media (min-width:992px){.splash .sp-bx .btn{-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;margin:35px 0 14px;min-width:138px;padding:.5em 1.5em}}@media (min-width:1200px){.splash .sp-bx .btn{-webkit-box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;box-shadow:0 4px #ddd;margin:35px 0 14px;min-width:138px;padding:.5em 1.5em}}.splash .glyphicon{color:#9e9e9e;font-size:5px;top:-3px}.splash .sp-lk:link,.splash .sp-lk:visited{color:#335075;text-decoration:none}.splash .sp-lk:active,.splash .sp-lk:hover{color:#335075;text-decoration:underline}.splash .sp-hb{margin:50px auto;width:300px}@media (min-width:768px){.splash .sp-hb{margin:50px auto;width:300px}}@media (min-width:992px){.splash .sp-hb{margin:175px auto;width:500px}}@media (min-width:1200px){.splash .sp-hb{margin:175px auto;width:500px}}.splash .sp-bx-bt{background-color:#e1e4e7;padding:30px}@media (min-width:768px){.splash .sp-bx-bt{background-color:#e1e4e7;padding:30px}}@media (min-width:992px){.splash .sp-bx-bt{background-color:#e1e4e7;padding:30px 30px 13px}}@media (min-width:1200px){.splash .sp-bx-bt{background-color:#e1e4e7;padding:30px 30px 13px}}.error .box{background-color:#e1e4e7;margin-bottom:30px;margin-top:30px;padding:30px}.error .h1{border:medium none;font-size:27px;margin-bottom:.2em;padding-bottom:.2em}.error .h1 img{margin-right:10px}.error .srchbox .form-inline{margin:14px;white-space:nowrap}.error .srchbox .form-inline .form-control,.error .srchbox .form-inline .navbar-form{width:100%}.error .srchbox .form-group{display:inline-block}.error .srchbox input{background-color:fff;border-color:#fff currentColor #fff #fff;-o-border-image:none;border-image:none;border-style:solid none solid solid;border-width:1px 0 1px 1px;color:#333;display:inline-block}.error .srchbox button{display:inline-block}.error .tofpg{line-height:2em;margin-top:18px}.error .tofpg span{margin-left:0;margin-right:15px}.xxsmallview .error .h1 img{margin-bottom:35px}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/small-component.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/small-component.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c4ba51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/small-component.css
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ * Global small component style
+ *
+ * Use this style sheet to define style for small component
+ */
+ * Redacted inline text style
+ */
+.redacted {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-break: anywhere;
+ overflow-wrap: break-word;
+ word-break: break-all;
+ word-wrap: break-word; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/small-component.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/small-component.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7251a2049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/small-component.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */.redacted{display:inline-block;line-break:anywhere;overflow-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme-srv.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme-srv.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95df36bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme-srv.css
@@ -0,0 +1,10583 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ */
+ Global variables for GCWeb
+ */
+Left menu variables
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ */
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
+/*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */
+html {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
+ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; }
+body {
+ margin: 0; }
+summary {
+ display: block; }
+video {
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: baseline; }
+audio:not([controls]) {
+ display: none;
+ height: 0; }
+template {
+ display: none; }
+a {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+a:hover {
+ outline: 0; }
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration: underline dotted; }
+strong {
+ font-weight: bold; }
+dfn {
+ font-style: italic; }
+h1 {
+ font-size: 2em;
+ margin: 0.67em 0; }
+mark {
+ background: #ff0;
+ color: #000; }
+small {
+ font-size: 80%; }
+sup {
+ font-size: 75%;
+ line-height: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: baseline; }
+sup {
+ top: -0.5em; }
+sub {
+ bottom: -0.25em; }
+img {
+ border: 0; }
+svg:not(:root) {
+ overflow: hidden; }
+figure {
+ margin: 1em 40px; }
+hr {
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ height: 0; }
+pre {
+ overflow: auto; }
+samp {
+ font-family: monospace, monospace;
+ font-size: 1em; }
+textarea {
+ color: inherit;
+ font: inherit;
+ margin: 0; }
+button {
+ overflow: visible; }
+select {
+ text-transform: none; }
+html input[type="button"],
+input[type="submit"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: button;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+html input[disabled] {
+ cursor: default; }
+input::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+input {
+ line-height: normal; }
+input[type="radio"] {
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding: 0; }
+input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
+ height: auto; }
+input[type="search"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: textfield;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box; }
+input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
+ -webkit-appearance: none; }
+fieldset {
+ border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
+ margin: 0 2px;
+ padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; }
+legend {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+textarea {
+ overflow: auto; }
+optgroup {
+ font-weight: bold; }
+table {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ border-spacing: 0; }
+th {
+ padding: 0; }
+/*! Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css */
+@media print {
+ *,
+ *:before,
+ *:after {
+ color: #000 !important;
+ text-shadow: none !important;
+ background: transparent !important;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
+ box-shadow: none !important; }
+ a,
+ a:visited {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ a[href]:after {
+ content: " (" attr(href) ")"; }
+ abbr[title]:after {
+ content: " (" attr(title) ")"; }
+ a[href^="#"]:after,
+ a[href^="javascript:"]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ pre,
+ blockquote {
+ border: 1px solid #999;
+ page-break-inside: avoid; }
+ thead {
+ display: table-header-group; }
+ tr,
+ img {
+ page-break-inside: avoid; }
+ img {
+ max-width: 100% !important; }
+ p,
+ h2,
+ h3 {
+ orphans: 3;
+ widows: 3; }
+ h2,
+ h3 {
+ page-break-after: avoid; }
+ .navbar {
+ display: none; }
+ .btn > .caret,
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+.table > thead > tr.active > td,
+.table > thead > tr.active > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.active,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.active,
+.table > tbody > tr.active > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.active > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.active,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.active,
+.table > tfoot > tr.active > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.active > th {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.active:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.active:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.active:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .active,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.active:hover > th {
+ background-color: #e3e3e3; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.success,
+.table > thead > tr > th.success,
+.table > thead > tr.success > td,
+.table > thead > tr.success > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.success,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.success,
+.table > tbody > tr.success > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.success > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.success,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.success,
+.table > tfoot > tr.success > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.success > th {
+ background-color: #dff0d8; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.success:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.success:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.success:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .success,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.success:hover > th {
+ background-color: #d0e9c6; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.info,
+.table > thead > tr > th.info,
+.table > thead > tr.info > td,
+.table > thead > tr.info > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.info,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.info,
+.table > tbody > tr.info > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.info > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.info,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.info,
+.table > tfoot > tr.info > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.info > th {
+ background-color: #d9edf7; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.info:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.info:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.info:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .info,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.info:hover > th {
+ background-color: #c4e3f3; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.warning,
+.table > thead > tr > th.warning,
+.table > thead > tr.warning > td,
+.table > thead > tr.warning > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.warning,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.warning,
+.table > tbody > tr.warning > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.warning > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.warning,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.warning,
+.table > tfoot > tr.warning > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.warning > th {
+ background-color: #fcf8e3; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.warning:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.warning:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.warning:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .warning,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.warning:hover > th {
+ background-color: #faf2cc; }
+.table > thead > tr > td.danger,
+.table > thead > tr > th.danger,
+.table > thead > tr.danger > td,
+.table > thead > tr.danger > th,
+.table > tbody > tr > td.danger,
+.table > tbody > tr > th.danger,
+.table > tbody > tr.danger > td,
+.table > tbody > tr.danger > th,
+.table > tfoot > tr > td.danger,
+.table > tfoot > tr > th.danger,
+.table > tfoot > tr.danger > td,
+.table > tfoot > tr.danger > th {
+ background-color: #f2dede; }
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > td.danger:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr > th.danger:hover,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.danger:hover > td,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr:hover > .danger,
+.table-hover > tbody > tr.danger:hover > th {
+ background-color: #ebcccc; }
+.table-responsive {
+ min-height: .01%;
+ overflow-x: auto; }
+ @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
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+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 17.25px;
+ overflow-y: hidden;
+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ .table-responsive > .table {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > td {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered {
+ border: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child {
+ border-left: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td {
+ border-bottom: 0; } }
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+ line-height: inherit;
+ color: #333333;
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
+label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ font-weight: 700; }
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+ box-sizing: border-box;
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+ appearance: none; }
+input[type="checkbox"] {
+ margin: 4px 0 0;
+ margin-top: 1px \9;
+ line-height: normal; }
+ input[type="radio"][disabled], input[type="radio"].disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] input[type="radio"],
+ input[type="checkbox"][disabled],
+ input[type="checkbox"].disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ input[type="checkbox"] {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+input[type="file"] {
+ display: block; }
+input[type="range"] {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
+select[size] {
+ height: auto; }
+input[type="checkbox"]:focus {
+ outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+output {
+ display: block;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #555555; }
+.form-control {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 37px;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #555555;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s; }
+ .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66afe9;
+ outline: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6); }
+ .form-control::-moz-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important;
+ opacity: 1; }
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+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
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+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+ .form-control::-ms-expand {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+ .form-control[disabled], .form-control[readonly],
+ fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ background-color: #eeeeee;
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .form-control[disabled],
+ fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+textarea.form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
+ input[type="date"].form-control,
+ input[type="time"].form-control,
+ input[type="datetime-local"].form-control,
+ input[type="month"].form-control {
+ line-height: 37px; }
+ input[type="date"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
+ input[type="month"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 33px; }
+ input[type="date"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
+ input[type="month"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 46px; } }
+.form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.checkbox {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ .radio.disabled label,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio label,
+ .checkbox.disabled label,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox label {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+ .radio label,
+ .checkbox label {
+ min-height: 23px;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+.radio input[type="radio"],
+.radio-inline input[type="radio"],
+.checkbox input[type="checkbox"],
+.checkbox-inline input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ margin-top: 4px \9;
+ margin-left: -20px; }
+.radio + .radio,
+.checkbox + .checkbox {
+ margin-top: -5px; }
+.checkbox-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ .radio-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio-inline,
+ .checkbox-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox-inline {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+.radio-inline + .radio-inline,
+.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+.form-control-static {
+ min-height: 39px;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ padding-bottom: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .form-control-static.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn, .form-control-static.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+select.input-sm, .input-group-sm > select.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+textarea.input-sm, .input-group-sm > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-sm > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+.form-group-sm select.form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.form-group-sm textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-sm select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control-static {
+ height: 33px;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ padding: 6px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5; }
+.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+select.input-lg, .input-group-lg > select.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+textarea.input-lg, .input-group-lg > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-lg > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+.form-group-lg select.form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.form-group-lg textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-lg select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control-static {
+ height: 46px;
+ min-height: 41px;
+ padding: 11px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333; }
+.has-feedback {
+ position: relative; }
+ .has-feedback .form-control {
+ padding-right: 46.25px; }
+.form-control-feedback {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ display: block;
+ width: 37px;
+ height: 37px;
+ line-height: 37px;
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none; }
+.input-lg + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-lg + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-lg .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 46px;
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.input-sm + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-sm + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-sm .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 33px;
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.has-success .help-block,
+.has-success .control-label,
+.has-success .radio,
+.has-success .checkbox,
+.has-success .radio-inline,
+.has-success .checkbox-inline,
+.has-success.radio label,
+.has-success.checkbox label,
+.has-success.radio-inline label,
+.has-success.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control {
+ border-color: #3c763d;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-success .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #2b542c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168; }
+.has-success .input-group-addon {
+ color: #3c763d;
+ background-color: #dff0d8;
+ border-color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-warning .help-block,
+.has-warning .control-label,
+.has-warning .radio,
+.has-warning .checkbox,
+.has-warning .radio-inline,
+.has-warning .checkbox-inline,
+.has-warning.radio label,
+.has-warning.checkbox label,
+.has-warning.radio-inline label,
+.has-warning.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control {
+ border-color: #8a6d3b;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-warning .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66512c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b; }
+.has-warning .input-group-addon {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3;
+ border-color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-error .help-block,
+.has-error .control-label,
+.has-error .radio,
+.has-error .checkbox,
+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control {
+ border-color: #a94442;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-error .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #843534;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483; }
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 28px; }
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; }
+.help-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ color: #737373; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-inline .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .form-inline .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .form-inline .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio,
+ .form-inline .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio label,
+ .form-inline .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+ min-height: 34px; }
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+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
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+ display: table;
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+ font-size: 14px; } }
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+ touch-action: manipulation;
+ cursor: pointer;
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+ border: 1px solid transparent;
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+ color: #335075;
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+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle.focus {
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+ color: #fff;
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+ border-color: #143c5f; }
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+ border-color: black; }
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+ color: #fff;
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+ border-color: #091c2d; }
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+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active:hover, .btn-primary:active:focus, .btn-primary:active.focus, .btn-primary.active:hover, .btn-primary.active:focus, .btn-primary.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
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+ color: #fff;
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+ border-color: #071a07; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:active, .btn-success.active,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:active:hover, .btn-success:active:focus, .btn-success:active.focus, .btn-success.active:hover, .btn-success.active:focus, .btn-success.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-success.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #0a270a;
+ border-color: black; }
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:focus,
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+ border-color: #071a07; }
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+ color: #1b6c1c;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #4d4d4d;
+ border-color: #1a1a1a; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:active, .btn-info.active,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #343333;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info:active:hover, .btn-info:active:focus, .btn-info:active.focus, .btn-info.active:hover, .btn-info.active:focus, .btn-info.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-info.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #222222;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-info.disabled:hover, .btn-info.disabled:focus, .btn-info.disabled.focus, .btn-info[disabled]:hover, .btn-info[disabled]:focus, .btn-info[disabled].focus,
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+ border-color: #1a1a1a; }
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+ color: #4d4d4d;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #000;
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+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ border-color: #181501; }
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+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ border-color: #574c05; }
+ .btn-warning:active, .btn-warning.active,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #c2aa0a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #574c05; }
+ .btn-warning:active:hover, .btn-warning:active:focus, .btn-warning:active.focus, .btn-warning.active:hover, .btn-warning.active:focus, .btn-warning.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-warning.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #000;
+ background-color: #a08c09;
+ border-color: #181501; }
+ .btn-warning.disabled:hover, .btn-warning.disabled:focus, .btn-warning.disabled.focus, .btn-warning[disabled]:hover, .btn-warning[disabled]:focus, .btn-warning[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning:focus,
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+ background-color: #f2d40d;
+ border-color: #917f08; }
+ .btn-warning .badge {
+ color: #f2d40d;
+ background-color: #000; }
+.btn-danger {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #bc3331;
+ border-color: #6b1d1c; }
+ .btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ border-color: #060202; }
+ .btn-danger:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ border-color: #3b100f; }
+ .btn-danger:active, .btn-danger.active,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #942826;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #3b100f; }
+ .btn-danger:active:hover, .btn-danger:active:focus, .btn-danger:active.focus, .btn-danger.active:hover, .btn-danger.active:focus, .btn-danger.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #77201f;
+ border-color: #060202; }
+ .btn-danger.disabled:hover, .btn-danger.disabled:focus, .btn-danger.disabled.focus, .btn-danger[disabled]:hover, .btn-danger[disabled]:focus, .btn-danger[disabled].focus,
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger.focus {
+ background-color: #bc3331;
+ border-color: #6b1d1c; }
+ .btn-danger .badge {
+ color: #bc3331;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ color: #295376;
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ border-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #0535d2;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-link:hover,
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+ color: #6f6f6f;
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+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
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+.btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > .btn {
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+.btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ padding: 1px 5px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
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+ margin-top: 5px; }
+input[type="button"].btn-block {
+ width: 100%; }
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+ transition: opacity 0.15s linear; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ display: block; }
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+ display: table-row; }
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+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
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+ transition-property: height, visibility;
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+ transition-duration: 0.35s;
+ -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease;
+ transition-timing-function: ease; }
+.caret {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
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+ border-top: 4px solid \9;
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+ border-left: 4px solid transparent; }
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+ position: relative; }
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+ outline: 0; }
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+ position: absolute;
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+ left: 0;
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+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175);
+ box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175); }
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+ left: auto; }
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+ height: 1px;
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+ background-color: #e5e5e5; }
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+ display: block;
+ padding: 3px 20px;
+ clear: both;
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+ color: #333333;
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+ color: #262626;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #f5f5f5; }
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+ color: #fff;
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+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ outline: 0; }
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+ color: #6f6f6f; }
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+ text-decoration: none;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: none;
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false); }
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+ display: block; }
+.open > a {
+ outline: 0; }
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+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
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+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
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+ content: "";
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+ border-bottom: 4px dashed;
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+ top: auto;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 2px; }
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+ left: auto; }
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+ left: 0;
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+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .btn-group > .btn,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn {
+ position: relative;
+ float: left; }
+ .btn-group > .btn:hover, .btn-group > .btn:focus, .btn-group > .btn:active, .btn-group > .btn.active,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:hover,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn:active,
+ .btn-group-vertical > .btn.active {
+ z-index: 2; }
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+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ margin-left: -5px; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .btn-toolbar:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ .btn-toolbar .btn,
+ .btn-toolbar .btn-group,
+ .btn-toolbar .input-group {
+ float: left; }
+ .btn-toolbar > .btn,
+ .btn-toolbar > .btn-group,
+ .btn-toolbar > .input-group {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.btn-group > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn:first-child {
+ margin-left: 0; }
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+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child),
+.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle:not(:first-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group {
+ float: left; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .btn:last-child,
+.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .dropdown-toggle {
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active,
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+ outline: 0; }
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+ padding-right: 8px;
+ padding-left: 8px; }
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+ padding-right: 12px;
+ padding-left: 12px; }
+.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125); }
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+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+.btn .caret {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.btn-lg .caret, .btn-group-lg > .btn .caret {
+ border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+ border-bottom-width: 0; }
+.dropup .btn-lg .caret, .dropup .btn-group-lg > .btn .caret {
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ display: block;
+ float: none;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:after {
+ clear: both; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ float: none; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn-group {
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:first-child:not(:last-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child) {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .btn:last-child,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) > .dropdown-toggle {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0; }
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+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+ table-layout: fixed;
+ border-collapse: separate; }
+ .btn-group-justified > .btn,
+ .btn-group-justified > .btn-group {
+ display: table-cell;
+ float: none;
+ width: 1%; }
+ .btn-group-justified > .btn-group .btn {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .btn-group-justified > .btn-group .dropdown-menu {
+ left: auto; }
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="checkbox"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ pointer-events: none; }
+.input-group {
+ position: relative;
+ display: table;
+ border-collapse: separate; }
+ .input-group[class*="col-"] {
+ float: none;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
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+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 2;
+ float: left;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .input-group .form-control:focus {
+ z-index: 3; }
+.input-group .form-control {
+ display: table-cell; }
+ .input-group-addon:not(:first-child):not(:last-child),
+ .input-group-btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child),
+ .input-group .form-control:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {
+ border-radius: 0; }
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+ width: 1%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
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+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
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+ line-height: 1;
+ color: #555555;
+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #eeeeee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .input-group-addon.input-sm,
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+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
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+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .input-group-addon.btn {
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+ .input-group-addon input[type="radio"],
+ .input-group-addon input[type="checkbox"] {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.input-group .form-control:first-child,
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+.input-group-btn:first-child > .dropdown-toggle,
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+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+.input-group-addon:first-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+.input-group .form-control:last-child,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group > .btn,
+.input-group-btn:last-child > .dropdown-toggle,
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child),
+.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
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+ border-left: 0; }
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+ position: relative;
+ font-size: 0;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ position: relative; }
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+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ z-index: 2; }
+ .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn,
+ .input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group {
+ margin-right: -1px; }
+ .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,
+ .input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group {
+ z-index: 2;
+ margin-left: -1px; }
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+ cursor: default;
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+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
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+ display: block; }
+.nav-tabs .dropdown-menu {
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+ position: relative;
+ min-height: 50px;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ border: 1px solid transparent; }
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .navbar:after {
+ clear: both; }
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+ border-radius: 4px; } }
+.navbar-header:before, .navbar-header:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.navbar-header:after {
+ clear: both; }
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+ float: left; } }
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
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+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
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+ clear: both; }
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+ overflow-y: auto; }
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ overflow: visible !important; }
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+ .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse,
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+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; } }
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+ left: 0;
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+ border-width: 0 0 1px; }
+.navbar-fixed-bottom {
+ bottom: 0;
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+.container > .navbar-header,
+.container > .navbar-collapse,
+.container-fluid > .navbar-header,
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+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
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+ .container > .navbar-collapse,
+ .container-fluid > .navbar-header,
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+ margin-left: 0; } }
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+ border-width: 0 0 1px; }
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+ height: 50px;
+ padding: 13.5px 15px;
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+ line-height: 23px; }
+ .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-brand:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .navbar-brand > img {
+ display: block; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar > .container .navbar-brand,
+ .navbar > .container-fluid .navbar-brand {
+ margin-left: -15px; } }
+.navbar-toggle {
+ position: relative;
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+ padding: 9px 10px;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-top: 8px;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
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+ outline: 0; }
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+ display: block;
+ width: 22px;
+ height: 2px;
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+ margin-top: 4px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
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+ display: none; } }
+.navbar-nav {
+ margin: 6.75px -15px; }
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+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
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+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
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+ position: static;
+ float: none;
+ width: auto;
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+ box-shadow: none; }
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+ padding: 5px 15px 5px 25px; }
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+ line-height: 23px; }
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+ background-image: none; } }
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+ margin: 0; }
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+ float: left; }
+ .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ padding-top: 13.5px;
+ padding-bottom: 13.5px; } }
+.navbar-form {
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+ margin-left: -15px;
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+ border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
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+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-form .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .navbar-form .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .navbar-form .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio label,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .navbar-form .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
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+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ .navbar-form .form-group:last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0; } }
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+ width: auto;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ border: 0;
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+ box-shadow: none; } }
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+ margin-top: 0;
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+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.navbar-btn {
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
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+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px; }
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+ margin-top: 14px;
+ margin-bottom: 14px; }
+.navbar-text {
+ margin-top: 13.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 13.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-text {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-left: 15px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-left {
+ float: left !important; }
+ .navbar-right {
+ float: right !important;
+ margin-right: -15px; }
+ .navbar-right ~ .navbar-right {
+ margin-right: 0; } }
+.navbar-default {
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #5e5d5d;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #777; }
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+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #777; }
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+ color: #333;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #ccc;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #ddd; }
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+ background-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #888; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-collapse,
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+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #ccc; }
+.navbar-inverse {
+ background-color: #222;
+ border-color: #090808; }
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+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-text {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
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+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
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+ border-color: #090808; }
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+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #101010; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover, .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #444; }
+.breadcrumb {
+ padding: 8px 15px;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ list-style: none;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .breadcrumb > li {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .breadcrumb > li + li:before {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ color: #ccc;
+ content: "/ "; }
+ .breadcrumb > .active {
+ color: #6f6f6f; }
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+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ margin: 23px 0;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > li {
+ display: inline; }
+ .pagination > li > a,
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+ position: relative;
+ float: left;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
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+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #335075;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdee1; }
+ .pagination > li > a:hover, .pagination > li > a:focus,
+ .pagination > li > span:hover,
+ .pagination > li > span:focus {
+ z-index: 2;
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #d4d6da;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
+ .pagination > li:first-child > a,
+ .pagination > li:first-child > span {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > li:last-child > a,
+ .pagination > li:last-child > span {
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > .active > a, .pagination > .active > a:hover, .pagination > .active > a:focus,
+ .pagination > .active > span,
+ .pagination > .active > span:hover,
+ .pagination > .active > span:focus {
+ z-index: 3;
+ color: #fff;
+ cursor: default;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #2572b4; }
+ .pagination > .disabled > span,
+ .pagination > .disabled > span:hover,
+ .pagination > .disabled > span:focus,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a:hover,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a:focus {
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+ .alert > p + p {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
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+ color: #245269; }
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+ color: #843534; }
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+ transition: width 0.6s ease; }
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+ background-size: 40px 40px; }
+.progress.active .progress-bar,
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+ -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
+ animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite; }
+.progress-bar-success {
+ background-color: #1b6c1c; }
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+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
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+ background-color: #4d4d4d; }
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+.progress-bar-warning {
+ background-color: #f2d40d; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-warning {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-danger {
+ background-color: #bc3331; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-danger {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
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+ background-color: #d0e9c6; }
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+ color: #fff;
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+ button.list-group-item-info.active,
+ button.list-group-item-info.active:hover,
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+ color: #fff;
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+button.list-group-item-warning {
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ color: #8a6d3b;
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+ a.list-group-item-warning.active, a.list-group-item-warning.active:hover, a.list-group-item-warning.active:focus,
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+ color: #fff;
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+ color: #a94442;
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+ color: #a94442; }
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+ color: inherit; }
+ a.list-group-item-danger:hover, a.list-group-item-danger:focus,
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+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #ebcccc; }
+ a.list-group-item-danger.active, a.list-group-item-danger.active:hover, a.list-group-item-danger.active:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active:hover,
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+ color: #fff;
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+ border-color: #a94442; }
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ border-width: 1px 0;
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+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child,
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+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child,
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+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ filter: alpha(opacity=50);
+ opacity: 0.5; }
+ .carousel-control.left {
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001)));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#80000000', endColorstr='#00000000', GradientType=1);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x; }
+ .carousel-control.right {
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001)), to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0001) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 100%);
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#00000000', endColorstr='#80000000', GradientType=1);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x; }
+ .carousel-control:hover, .carousel-control:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ outline: 0;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=90);
+ opacity: 0.9; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ z-index: 5;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left {
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-next,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ right: 50%;
+ margin-right: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ font-family: serif;
+ line-height: 1; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev:before {
+ content: "\2039"; }
+ .carousel-control .icon-next:before {
+ content: "\203a"; }
+.carousel-indicators {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 10px;
+ left: 50%;
+ z-index: 15;
+ width: 60%;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ margin-left: -30%;
+ text-align: center;
+ list-style: none; }
+ .carousel-indicators li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-indent: -999px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-color: #000 \9;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border: 1px solid #fff;
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+ .carousel-indicators .active {
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ margin: 0;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.carousel-caption {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15%;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ left: 15%;
+ z-index: 10;
+ padding-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); }
+ .carousel-caption .btn {
+ text-shadow: none; }
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 30px;
+ height: 30px;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ font-size: 30px; }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev {
+ margin-left: -10px; }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ margin-right: -10px; }
+ .carousel-caption {
+ right: 20%;
+ left: 20%;
+ padding-bottom: 30px; }
+ .carousel-indicators {
+ bottom: 20px; } }
+.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.clearfix:after {
+ clear: both; }
+.center-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ margin-left: auto; }
+.pull-right {
+ float: right !important; }
+.pull-left {
+ float: left !important; }
+.hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.show {
+ display: block !important; }
+.invisible {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.text-hide {
+ font: 0/0 a;
+ color: transparent;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+.hidden {
+ display: none !important; }
+.affix {
+ position: fixed; }
+@-ms-viewport {
+ width: device-width; }
+.visible-xs {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-sm {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-md {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-lg {
+ display: none !important; }
+.visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-xs {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-xs {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-xs,
+ td.visible-xs {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-sm {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-sm {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-sm,
+ td.visible-sm {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-md {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-md {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-md,
+ td.visible-md {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-lg {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-lg {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-lg,
+ td.visible-lg {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .hidden-xs {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .hidden-sm {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .hidden-md {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .hidden-lg {
+ display: none !important; } }
+.visible-print {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media print {
+ .visible-print {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-print {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-print {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-print,
+ td.visible-print {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+.visible-print-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media print {
+ .hidden-print {
+ display: none !important; } }
+ @title: Bootstrap overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+ * Link colour and decoration
+ */
+a.btn, .nav a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+a {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ a:visited {
+ color: #7834bc; }
+ a:not([href]) {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ a:not([href]):hover, a:not([href]):focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ outline: none;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.btn-default:visited {
+ color: #335075; }
+.btn-primary:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-success:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-info:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-warning:visited {
+ color: #000; }
+.btn-danger:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dt,
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dd {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .dl-horizontal dd {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
+ margin-left: 160px;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt + dd {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #333333; }
+.nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #295376; }
+.nav-pills > li.active > a:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-default .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #777; } }
+.navbar-default .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-inverse .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; } }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+ * Abbreviations with title attributes
+ * Workaround for abbreviations with titles using solid underlines in IE11/Edge in Bootstrap 3.4.0 (via normalize.css 4.0.1-8.0.1):
+ * - Use a dotted underline in browsers that support it (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, etc...)
+ * - Fallback on a dotted bottom border in browsers that don't support it (e.g. IE11, Edge, etc...)
+ * Source: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/pull/738#issuecomment-387549760
+ * Created by: @mattbrundage
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+@supports ((-webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted) or (text-decoration: underline dotted)) {
+ abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration-skip-ink: none; } }
+ * Override the design of alerts and labels
+ */
+.alert, .label {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px; }
+.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 1.2em;
+ margin-top: auto; }
+ .alert > :first-child:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ position: absolute; }
+.alert > strong:first-child,
+.alert > em:first-child,
+.alert > span:first-child {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, .label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, .label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, .label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger {
+ color: #000; }
+.label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active {
+ background: #eee;
+ border-color: #acacac; }
+.label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active {
+ background: #e8f2f4;
+ border-color: #083c6c; }
+.label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, details.alert.alert-success, details.alert.alert-success[open] {
+ background: #d8eeca;
+ border-color: #278400; }
+.alert-success > :first-child:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+.label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, details.alert.alert-info, details.alert.alert-info[open] {
+ background: #d7faff;
+ border-color: #269abc; }
+.alert-info > :first-child:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+.label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning[open] {
+ background: #f9f4d4;
+ border-color: #f90; }
+.alert-warning > :first-child:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+.label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger[open] {
+ background: #f3e9e8;
+ border-color: #d3080c; }
+.alert-danger > :first-child:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+ * Heading top margins
+ */
+.h1, h2,
+.h2, h3,
+.h3, h4,
+.h4, h5,
+.h5, h6,
+.h6 {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.h1, h2,
+.h2 {
+ margin-top: 38px; }
+h3, .h3 {
+ margin-top: 32px; }
+h4, .h4 {
+ margin-top: 26px; }
+h5, .h5 {
+ margin-top: 23px; }
+h6, .h6 {
+ margin-top: 21px; }
+ * Code
+ */
+code {
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * Adding space for definition list items
+ */
+dt {
+ margin-bottom: 3px; }
+dd {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ * Firefox-safe line height on input[type="reset|button|submit"]
+ */
+input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] {
+ height: 37px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 46px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 33px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 25px; }
+ * Blockquote font size
+ */
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 16px; }
+ * Form control width
+ *
+ * Default should be representative of the expected length of input.
+ * Full width should be only for cases when the expected length of input is
+ * greater than the available width.
+ * height:37px; rule of Bootstrap was overwritten by height: auto; first
+ * then a min-height specified, in order to address the issue #8492. July 2019.
+ */
+input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit] {
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 37px; }
+.form-control {
+ height: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ width: auto; }
+ * Explicit labels for checkbox and radio button inputs
+ *
+ * Allow the use of horizontal explicit labels instead of the default implicit
+ * labelling pattern for checkbox and radio button inputs provided by Bootstrap.
+ */
+.form-inline .label-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline label {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ padding-left: 2px; }
+ * Fieldset/legend border position
+ *
+ * Bootstrap puts the border below the legend which creates a visual
+ * separation between the legend and the fields to which it relates. Putting
+ * the border above eliminates that visual separation. Putting it on the
+ * fieldset element instead ensures that all fieldsets will have a separation
+ * even when no legend is used.
+ */
+legend {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ float: left; }
+fieldset[disabled] .btn, .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled] {
+ border-style: solid; }
+fieldset {
+ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ /*
+ * Allows fieldSet/legend to have a bottom border under legend title
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/7766
+ */
+ /*
+ * Fieldset/legend as a label for a group of checkboxes or radio buttons
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/5797
+ */ }
+ fieldset:first-child {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm legend {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ float: none;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp {
+ border-top: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp legend {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ * Pagination
+ * * Add left/right arrows to previous/next buttons
+ * * Increase size of the pagination buttons
+ * * Prevent contrast ratio issues on active placeholder links
+ */
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before, .pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:after {
+ content: " ";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: .1em; }
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before {
+ content: "\e091";
+ margin-right: .5em; }
+.pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+.pagination > li > a,
+.pager > li > a {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ padding: 10px 16px; }
+.pagination > li.active > a,
+.pager > li.active > a {
+ cursor: default; }
+.pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+.pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.pager > li > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.pager > li > a:hover, .pager > li > a:focus,
+.pager > li > span:hover,
+.pager > li > span:focus {
+ border-color: #bbbfc5;
+ color: #335075; }
+.pagination > .active {
+ color: #fff; }
+ * Use button border style 'outset' to give buttons depth, except when disabled
+ */
+.btn {
+ border-style: outset;
+ /*
+ * These two property overrides should be recommended upstream to
+ * Bootstrap as a fix for button wrapping (see wet-boew/wet-boew#4454)
+ */
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 36px;
+ min-width: 36px;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * btn-xs should be equal to btn-sm in >v4.0.*
+.btn-group-xs .btn,
+.btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ min-height: 0; }
+ * Right-to-left support
+ */
+[dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ [dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+[dir=rtl] details.alert {
+ padding-right: 45px; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert:before {
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > * {
+ margin-right: .7em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-right: .4em; }
+[dir=rtl] .list-unstyled {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination > li,
+[dir=rtl] .pager > li {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+ [dir=rtl] .pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+caption {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center; }
+mark {
+ background-color: #ff0;
+ color: #000;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW
+ */
+/* Padding */
+.p-0 {
+ padding: 0 !important; }
+.pl-2 .px-2 {
+ padding-left: 5px !important; }
+.px-2 {
+ padding-right: 5px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-top: 30px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-bottom: 30px !important; }
+/* Stretched link */
+.stretched-link:after {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: "";
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ z-index: 1; }
+/* WET Core */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ Global placeholders
+ */
+.wb-invisible, .wb-inv, .wb-show-onfocus, .wb-sl, #wb-lng h2, #wb-glb-mn h2, #wb-srch h2, #wb-srch label, #wb-sm h2, #wb-bc h2, #wb-sec h2, #wb-info h2, #mb-pnl h3, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul, .wb-fnote dt, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl label {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px; }
+.wb-show-onfocus:focus, .wb-sl:focus, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ height: inherit;
+ margin: inherit;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ position: static;
+ width: inherit; }
+.pager.disabled, .pagination > li.disabled,
+.pager > li.disabled, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:after, #wb-bc li:first-child:before, [dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:first-child:before, #mb-pnl .modal-body h2, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled .sorting-icons:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-menu .sm.open li, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > details, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-disable .mfp-hide, .wb-disable #wb-srch, .wb-disable #wb-sm, .wb-disable #wb-sec, .wb-disable #wb-info, .wb-disable .wb-overlay {
+ display: block !important; }
+.wb-menu .menu > li a, .wb-menu .menu > li a:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a:focus, .wb-menu .active > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100px; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ z-index: 1; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+@keyframes spin {
+ from {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+ transform: rotate(0); }
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
+ transform: rotate(360deg); } }
+/* TODO: Use bootstratp placeholder when nested extends are supproted */
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 3.5em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/*! WET-BOEW Core and Plugins */
+ @title: Accessibility Additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+#wb-tphp {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.wb-slc {
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ top: 10px;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 3; }
+.wb-sl {
+ padding: 5px;
+ z-index: 501; }
+.wb-disable #wb-tphp {
+ background: #fff; }
+.wb-disable .wb-slc {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ background: none;
+ color: #295376;
+ display: block !important;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:hover, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:focus {
+ color: #0535d2; }
+.wb-disable #wb-dtmd {
+ float: none !important; }
+q:before, q:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ @title: Breadcrumb CSS
+ */
+#wb-bc ol {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+#wb-bc li {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ #wb-bc li:before {
+ color: #333;
+ content: ">";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 0.7em; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:before {
+ content: "<";
+ display: inline-block; }
+ @title: Language selector
+ */
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl:after {
+ clear: both;
+ content: "";
+ display: table; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-horiz .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-vert .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl .wb-lng-lnk {
+ float: right; }
+#wb-so {
+ text-align: right; }
+ #wb-so .row {
+ padding: 1em 0 0; }
+ @title: Ellipsis
+ */
+.wb-elps {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+* Based upon jQuery Mobile Transitions (https://jquerymobile.com)
+* Copyright 2010, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+* Released under the MIT license.
+* https://jquery.org/license
+.pop.in, .fade.in, .fade.reverse.out {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.pop.out, .fade.out, .fade.reverse.in {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.csstransitions .out {
+ display: block !important; }
+.pop {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%; }
+ .pop.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: popin;
+ animation-name: popin;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .pop.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 100ms;
+ animation-duration: 100ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ .pop.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .pop.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: popout;
+ animation-name: popout;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+@-webkit-keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+@keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+.fade {
+ -webkit-transition: all 0 ease 0;
+ transition: all 0 ease 0; }
+ .fade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .fade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 125ms;
+ animation-duration: 125ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ z-index: -1; }
+ .fade.out.noheight {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ max-height: 0; }
+ .fade.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout; }
+ .fade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+@keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+.slide.out, .slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slide.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slide.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+.slide.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromleft;
+ animation-name: slideinfromleft; }
+/* keyframes for slidein from sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+/* keyframes for slideout to sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+.slidefade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+.slidefade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 200ms;
+ animation-duration: 200ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); }
+.slidefade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+/* slide up/down */
+.slidevert.out, .slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slidevert.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slidevert.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+.slidevert.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfrombottom;
+ animation-name: slideinfrombottom; }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+ @title: Proximity CSS
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.opct-100 {
+ opacity: 1; }
+.opct-90 {
+ opacity: .9; }
+.opct-80 {
+ opacity: .8; }
+.opct-70 {
+ opacity: .7; }
+.opct-60 {
+ opacity: .6; }
+.opct-50 {
+ opacity: .5; }
+.opct-40 {
+ opacity: .4; }
+.opct-30 {
+ opacity: .3; }
+.opct-20 {
+ opacity: .2; }
+.opct-10 {
+ opacity: .1; }
+ * Removes bold from elements
+ */
+.fnt-nrml {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=clmn-] {
+ list-style: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=clmn-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+.pstn-bttm-lg {
+ margin: 0; }
+.pstn-lft-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+.pstn-rght-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+.pstn-tp-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+.pstn-bttm-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+.mrgn-lft-0 {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.mrgn-lft-sm {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.mrgn-lft-md {
+ margin-left: 15px; }
+.mrgn-lft-lg {
+ margin-left: 30px; }
+.mrgn-lft-xl {
+ margin-left: 50px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-0 {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.mrgn-bttm-sm {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-md {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-lg {
+ margin-bottom: 30px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-xl {
+ margin-bottom: 50px; }
+.mrgn-tp-0 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mrgn-tp-sm {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+.mrgn-tp-md {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+.mrgn-tp-lg {
+ margin-top: 30px; }
+.mrgn-tp-xl {
+ margin-top: 50px; }
+.mrgn-rght-0 {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+.mrgn-rght-sm {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.mrgn-rght-md {
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+.mrgn-rght-lg {
+ margin-right: 30px; }
+.mrgn-rght-xl {
+ margin-right: 50px; }
+.brdr-lft, .brdr-rght, .brdr-tp, .brdr-bttm {
+ border: solid 0 #ccc; }
+.brdr-lft {
+ border-left-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-rght {
+ border-right-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-tp {
+ border-top-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-bttm {
+ border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-0 {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+.brdr-rds-0 {
+ border-radius: 0 !important; }
+.tbl-gridify thead,
+.tbl-gridify tfoot {
+ display: none; }
+.tbl-gridify tbody,
+.tbl-gridify td,
+.tbl-gridify td {
+ display: block; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=colcount-] {
+ list-style-position: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled {
+ list-style: none outside none;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled li {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.colcount-xxs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+.colcount-xxs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+.colcount-xxs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+.full-width {
+ width: 100%; }
+ @title: List CSS
+ */
+.lst-lwr-alph {
+ list-style-type: lower-alpha; }
+.lst-upr-alph {
+ list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
+.lst-lwr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: lower-roman; }
+.lst-upr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: upper-roman; }
+.lst-num {
+ list-style-type: decimal; }
+.lst-none {
+ list-style-type: none; }
+.lst-spcd > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.lst-spcd ul,
+.lst-spcd ol {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ @title: Form additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+input.required[type="checkbox"]:before, label.required strong.required,
+legend.required strong.required,
+.checkbox.required strong.required,
+input[type="checkbox"].required strong.required {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+input[type="checkbox"].required:before {
+ content: "* ";
+ margin-left: -0.665em; }
+[dir=rtl] label.required:before,
+[dir=rtl] legend.required:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -0.665em; }
+ @title: Details/summary CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ summary:hover, summary:focus {
+ background: #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ summary > :first-child {
+ display: inline; }
+details {
+ padding-left: 1.1em;
+ padding-right: 1.1em; }
+ details > summary {
+ margin-left: -1.1em;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 1em; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ color: #000;
+ height: inherit;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-top: -.5em;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 10em;
+ z-index: 5; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:focus, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+.wb-calevt-cal {
+ width: 19em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days .cal-evt {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-evt-lnk {
+ display: block;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal.cal-cnt-fluid {
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-clndr td > a {
+ display: block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-clndr th abbr, .wb-clndr td > time, .wb-clndr td > a, .wb-clndr td div {
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 20% 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day, .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day a,
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day div {
+ color: #000; }
+.wb-clndr {
+ background: #fff;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-nav {
+ background: #333;
+ padding: .5em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr .form-group {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 10px 14px; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn {
+ background: none;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn[disabled] {
+ color: #ccc; }
+ .wb-clndr option[disabled] {
+ color: #aaa; }
+ .wb-clndr table {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr th {
+ background: #555;
+ border: 1px solid #333; }
+ .wb-clndr th abbr {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr td > time {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td a:hover, .wb-clndr td a:focus {
+ background: #333;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day {
+ background: #ccc;
+ font-weight: bolder; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+figure .pieLabel {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: solid #000 1px;
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 1px; }
+details.alert, details.alert[open] {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px;
+ padding-left: 45px;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ details.alert:before, details.alert[open]:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 24px;
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ margin-top: -3px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 15px; }
+ details.alert summary, details.alert[open] summary {
+ border-width: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ padding-left: 5px; }
+ details.alert summary:focus, details.alert summary:hover, details.alert[open] summary:focus, details.alert[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ details.alert summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert summary:focus h6, details.alert summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert summary:hover h6, details.alert[open] summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h6, details.alert[open] summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h6 {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details.alert > *, details.alert[open] > * {
+ margin-left: .7em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child, details.alert[open] > :first-child {
+ margin-left: .2em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child:before, details.alert[open] > :first-child:before {
+ color: #000;
+ content: ""; }
+ details.alert.alert-success:before, details.alert[open].alert-success:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+ details.alert.alert-info:before, details.alert[open].alert-info:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+ details.alert.alert-warning:before, details.alert[open].alert-warning:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+ details.alert.alert-danger:before, details.alert[open].alert-danger:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary {
+ margin-left: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BA\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert[open] > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BC\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details[dir="rtl"] details.alert > summary {
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Dismissable content container
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-container {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ display: table;
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ padding: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-dismissable-container .mfp-close {
+ color: #555;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: static; }
+ * Dismissable content wrapper
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-wrapper {
+ display: table-cell;
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.hght-inhrt {
+ min-height: inherit; }
+.wb-fltr-out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.fn-lnk:hover, .fn-lnk:focus, .wb-fnote dd:focus .fn-rtn a, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:hover, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:focus {
+ background-color: #555;
+ border-color: #555;
+ color: #fff !important; }
+.fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 1px 10px 2px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.wb-fnote h2, .wb-fnote dd > ul:first-child,
+.wb-fnote dd > ol:first-child, .wb-fnote table:first-child {
+ margin-top: 0.375em; }
+.fn-lnk {
+ line-height: 1.15;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.wb-fnote {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px 0;
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ .wb-fnote h2 {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dl {
+ margin: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ margin: 0.375em 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-fnote dd:focus {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border-color: #555; }
+ .wb-fnote dd > ul,
+ .wb-fnote dd > ol {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 0 0 3.875em;
+ padding: 0 0.375em 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote p:first-child {
+ margin-top: .11em;
+ padding-top: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote ul,
+ .wb-fnote ol {
+ margin-bottom: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote table {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0.375em;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 3.5em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+/* Right to left (RTL) SCSS */
+[dir="rtl"] sup .fn-lnk {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 3.875em 0 0; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error,
+.wb-frm label strong.error, .wb-frmvld legend .error,
+.wb-frm legend .error {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error .label,
+.wb-frm label strong.error .label, .wb-frmvld legend .error .label,
+.wb-frm legend .error .label {
+ font-size: 100%;
+ white-space: normal; }
+.wb-server-error {
+ display: block !important;
+ font-size: 100% !important;
+ text-align: left !important;
+ white-space: normal !important; }
+.css-implicite-input {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+/* Magnific Popup CSS */
+.mfp-bg {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1042;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: fixed;
+ background: #0b0b0b;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=80); }
+.mfp-wrap {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1043;
+ position: fixed;
+ outline: none !important;
+ -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }
+.mfp-container {
+ text-align: center;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ padding: 0 8px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.mfp-container:before {
+ content: '';
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.mfp-align-top .mfp-container:before {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-content {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ text-align: left;
+ z-index: 1045; }
+.mfp-inline-holder .mfp-content,
+.mfp-ajax-holder .mfp-content {
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-ajax-cur {
+ cursor: progress; }
+.mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-out;
+ cursor: zoom-out; }
+.mfp-zoom {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
+ cursor: zoom-in; }
+.mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content {
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.mfp-loading.mfp-figure {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.mfp-preloader {
+ color: #CCC;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ width: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-top: -0.8em;
+ left: 8px;
+ right: 8px;
+ z-index: 1044; }
+ .mfp-preloader a {
+ color: #CCC; }
+ .mfp-preloader a:hover {
+ color: #FFF; }
+.mfp-s-ready .mfp-preloader {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-s-error .mfp-content {
+ display: none; }
+button.mfp-close, button.mfp-arrow {
+ overflow: visible;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ display: block;
+ outline: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ z-index: 1046;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0; }
+.mfp-close {
+ width: 44px;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ padding: 0 0 18px 10px;
+ color: #FFF;
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace; }
+ .mfp-close:hover, .mfp-close:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-close:active {
+ top: 1px; }
+.mfp-close-btn-in .mfp-close {
+ color: #333; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-close,
+.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ color: #FFF;
+ right: -6px;
+ text-align: right;
+ padding-right: 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ color: #CCC;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.mfp-arrow {
+ position: absolute;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ margin: 0;
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -55px;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 90px;
+ height: 110px;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
+ .mfp-arrow:active {
+ margin-top: -54px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:hover, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-arrow:before, .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ margin-top: 35px;
+ margin-left: 35px;
+ border: medium inset transparent; }
+ .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ border-top-width: 13px;
+ border-bottom-width: 13px;
+ top: 8px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:before,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b {
+ border-top-width: 21px;
+ border-bottom-width: 21px;
+ opacity: 0.7; }
+.mfp-arrow-left {
+ left: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-a {
+ border-right: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 31px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-b {
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ border-right: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-arrow-right {
+ right: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-a {
+ border-left: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 39px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-b {
+ border-left: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-iframe-holder {
+ padding-top: 40px;
+ padding-bottom: 40px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
+ line-height: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 900px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ top: -40px; }
+.mfp-iframe-scaler {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-top: 56.25%; }
+ .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #000; }
+/* Main image in popup */
+img.mfp-img {
+ width: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ display: block;
+ line-height: 0;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding: 40px 0 40px;
+ margin: 0 auto; }
+/* The shadow behind the image */
+.mfp-figure {
+ line-height: 0; }
+ .mfp-figure:after {
+ content: '';
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 40px;
+ bottom: 40px;
+ display: block;
+ right: 0;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ z-index: -1;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #444; }
+ .mfp-figure small {
+ color: #BDBDBD;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 14px; }
+ .mfp-figure figure {
+ margin: 0; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar {
+ margin-top: -36px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-title {
+ text-align: left;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ color: #F3F3F3;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ padding-right: 36px; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-content {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.mfp-gallery .mfp-image-holder .mfp-figure {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+@media screen and (max-width: 800px) and (orientation: landscape), screen and (max-height: 300px) {
+ /**
+ * Remove all paddings around the image on small screen
+ */
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-image-holder {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile img.mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure:after {
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure small {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ top: auto;
+ padding: 3px 5px;
+ position: fixed;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar:empty {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-counter {
+ right: 5px;
+ top: 3px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ width: 35px;
+ height: 35px;
+ line-height: 35px;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ position: fixed;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 0; } }
+@media all and (max-width: 900px) {
+ .mfp-arrow {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.75);
+ transform: scale(0.75); }
+ .mfp-arrow-left {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 0;
+ transform-origin: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 100%;
+ transform-origin: 100%; }
+ .mfp-container {
+ padding-left: 6px;
+ padding-right: 6px; } }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ width: 600px;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -300px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-container {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-content {
+ padding-top: 44px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.mfp-close:focus, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ outline: 1px dotted #fff;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+body.wb-modal > #wb-tphp,
+body.wb-modal > header,
+body.wb-modal > main,
+body.wb-modal > footer, body.wb-modal summary {
+ visibility: hidden !important; }
+.lbx-hide-gal li {
+ display: none;
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ .lbx-hide-gal li:first-child {
+ display: block; }
+body.wb-modal .modal-dialog summary {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+.modal-dialog {
+ left: auto;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+.modal-content {
+ background: transparent; }
+.modal-body {
+ background: #fff; }
+.modal-footer {
+ background: #fff;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mfp-gallery .modal-body {
+ padding: 20px 30px; }
+.mfp-close {
+ cursor: pointer !important;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ /* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */ }
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-title {
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 75%; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-counter {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ text-align: right;
+ width: 25%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Menu Sass
+ */
+.expicon {
+ font-size: .7em;
+ margin: 0 -.35em 0 .7em; }
+.wb-menu .sm {
+ display: none;
+ max-height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open {
+ display: inline;
+ max-height: 1000px;
+ min-width: 12.5em;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-transform: none;
+ top: auto;
+ z-index: 500; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: left; }
+ .wb-menu .sm details > * {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+.wb-menu .menu {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
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+ display: block;
+ padding: 1em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:focus {
+ cursor: default; }
+.wb-menu .sm-open .expicon {
+ z-index: -1; }
+.wb-menu details, .wb-menu details[open] {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
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+ border: 0;
+ color: inherit; }
+ .wb-menu details summary:focus, .wb-menu details summary:hover, .wb-menu details[open] summary:focus, .wb-menu details[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
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+ outline: 1px solid; }
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+ outline-style: dotted; }
+#mb-pnl .srch-pnl, #mb-pnl nav {
+ padding: 10px 20px 8px; }
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+ white-space: nowrap; }
+#mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ padding: 7px 15px 0;
+ text-align: right; }
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+ margin-bottom: 0; }
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+ line-height: normal;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 0; }
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+ padding: 5px; }
+#mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 1.27em; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect .list-group {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect a {
+ margin: 0 0 0 -6px; }
+#mb-pnl nav .mb-menu > li {
+ padding: 10px 0 2px; }
+#mb-pnl nav a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -6px;
+ padding: 0 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+#mb-pnl nav summary {
+ padding-left: 3px; }
+ #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr:focus {
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+#mb-pnl details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+#mb-pnl details ul {
+ padding-left: 1.2em; }
+#mb-pnl details details {
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -1.28em; }
+.wb-disable #wb-glb-mn {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-disable #wb-sm .menu {
+ background: #0e4164; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .menu {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ [dir=rtl] .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: right; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: right; }
+[dir=rtl] .expicon {
+ margin: 0 .7em 0 -.35em; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 1.27em; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav a {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -6px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl nav summary {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -3px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 3px; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl details ul {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: .7em; }
+ Multimedia Player Code
+ */
+.wb-mltmd.audio .lastpnl, .wb-mltmd.youtube.cc_on .wb-mm-cc {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .btn:focus, .wb-mm-ctrls progress:focus, .wb-mm-ctrls input:focus[type=range] {
+ outline: 1px solid #4aafff; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-bar, .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-range {
+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
+.xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl, .xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+.wb-mltmd video, .wb-mltmd object,
+.wb-mltmd iframe {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-mm-cc {
+ max-height: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+.wb-mm-cc:before, .wb-mm-cc div {
+ display: table-cell;
+ height: 3em;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mltmd {
+ display: block;
+ position: relative;
+ /*
+ Light Skinning of mediacontrols
+ */ }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 65px;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.playing .errmsg {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display {
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-mltmd.audio object {
+ position: absolute; }
+ .wb-mltmd video {
+ height: auto;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mltmd.cc_on .wb-mm-cc {
+ display: table;
+ height: 4em;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-mltmd.cc_on .cc:after {
+ border-bottom: 3px solid #4aafff;
+ content: " ";
+ display: block;
+ margin-left: -2px;
+ width: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt .wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd.skn-lt .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ color: #000; }
+ .wb-mltmd .wb-share {
+ text-align: right; }
+.wb-mm-cc {
+ background-color: #000;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ -webkit-transition: all .26s ease;
+ transition: all .26s ease;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-cc:before {
+ content: " "; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl, .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl, .wb-mm-ctrls .tline {
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #3e3e3e;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: table;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ /* Progress Bar */
+ /* Slider polyfill styles */ }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0 !important;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 130%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 13em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 3em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .tline .wb-mm-tmln-crrnt:after {
+ content: " / ";
+ padding: 0 .5em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly {
+ padding: 0 1em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly p {
+ display: inline; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly,
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-prgrss {
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress {
+ /* Important Thing */
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: #fff;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ border: 7px solid #3e3e3e;
+ border-radius: 14px;
+ color: #176ca7;
+ display: block;
+ height: 30px;
+ left: 0;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress.wb-progress-inited {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-webkit-progress-bar {
+ background: #fff; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-webkit-progress-value {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ border-radius: 7px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-moz-progress-bar {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ border-radius: 7px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .progress {
+ height: 22px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range] {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 2.5em;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 7em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]:focus {
+ /* Prevent Webkit/Blink browsers from defaulting to a -2px outline offset. */
+ outline-offset: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+ background: #aaa;
+ height: 4px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ margin-top: -9px;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-moz-range-track {
+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-track {
+ border: 0;
+ color: transparent;
+ height: 4px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper {
+ background: #aaa; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-fill-lower {
+ background: #aaa; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-thumb {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider {
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 7em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-handle {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ width: 10px; }
+.xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly {
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: -2em;
+ position: absolute; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay base
+ */
+.wb-overlay {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ display: none;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ z-index: 1050; }
+ .wb-overlay.wb-inview {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-overlay.open {
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: fixed; }
+.wb-panel-l, .wb-panel-r {
+ height: 100%;
+ max-width: 90%;
+ top: 0; }
+.wb-bar-t, .wb-bar-b {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ max-height: 90%;
+ min-width: 100%; }
+.wb-popup-mid {
+ max-height: 90%;
+ max-width: 90%; }
+ * Overlay styles
+ */
+.wb-panel-l {
+ left: 0; }
+.wb-panel-r {
+ right: 0; }
+.wb-bar-t {
+ top: 0; }
+.wb-bar-b {
+ bottom: 0; }
+.wb-popup-mid {
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 90%; }
+.wb-popup-full {
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.mfp-bg {
+ opacity: .97; }
+.wb-overlay-dlg .overlay-bg {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black; }
+ * Overlay parts
+ */
+.overlay-def {
+ overflow-y: auto; }
+ .overlay-def header {
+ background-color: #2e5274;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 0 44px 0 1em; }
+ .overlay-def .modal-title {
+ font-size: 1.15em;
+ padding: 10px 0; }
+ .overlay-def.wb-bar-t, .overlay-def.wb-bar-b {
+ background-color: #000; }
+ .overlay-def.wb-bar-t header, .overlay-def.wb-bar-b header {
+ background-color: #000; }
+ .overlay-def .mfp-close {
+ color: #fff; }
+.hidden-hd .modal-body {
+ padding-top: 50px; }
+.hidden-hd .overlay-close:not(.btn) {
+ background-color: #000;
+ border-radius: 999px;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ margin-right: 20px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 1em; }
+[dir=rtl] .mfp-close {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ left: auto;
+ right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .overlay-def header {
+ padding: 0 1em 0 44px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+/* SPAN elements with the classes below are added by prettyprint. */
+/* plain text */
+.pln {
+ color: #000; }
+pre.prettyprint {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #707070;
+ font-size: 95%;
+ padding: 8px;
+ /* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */ }
+ pre.prettyprint.linenums {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 40px 0 0 #fbfbfc inset, 41px 0 0 #eee inset;
+ box-shadow: 40px 0 0 #fbfbfc inset, 41px 0 0 #eee inset; }
+ol.linenums {
+ margin: 0 !important; }
+ ol.linenums li {
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff; }
+/* Right to left (RTL) CSS */
+[dir="rtl"] pre.prettyprint {
+ direction: ltr; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+#wb-rsz {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -1000px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.shr-opn span {
+ padding-right: .2em; }
+.shr-pg .shr-lnk {
+ font-size: 115%;
+ line-height: 32px;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ min-height: 32px;
+ text-align: left;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .shr-pg .shr-lnk:before {
+ content: " ";
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 32px;
+ margin-right: .6em;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .bitly:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .blogger:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .diigo:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .facebook:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .feed:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .gmail:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .linkedin:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px -64px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .myspace:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px -64px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .pinterest:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px -64px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .reddit:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -96px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .tinyurl:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -96px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .tumblr:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -96px -64px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .twitter:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px -96px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .whatsapp:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px -96px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .yahoomail:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px -96px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .shr-dscl {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+.shr-pg .email:before {
+ content: "\2709";
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 32px;
+ margin-right: .3em; }
+.shr-pg .shr-pg {
+ text-align: left; }
+.shr-pg ul {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 10px;
+ padding: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .shr-opn span {
+ padding-left: .2em;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .shr-pg {
+ text-align: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .shr-pg .shr-lnk {
+ text-align: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .shr-pg .shr-lnk:before {
+ margin-left: .4em;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .email:before {
+ margin-left: .6em;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+* Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+* wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+.provisional.wb-steps {
+ counter-reset: fieldset_counter; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .wb-tggle-fildst > legend:before {
+ content: counter(fieldset_counter) ". ";
+ counter-increment: fieldset_counter; }
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+ color: #1c578a; }
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+ color: #942826; }
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+ border-bottom: 1px solid #c0c0c0; }
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+ border: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ */
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+ color: #757575; }
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+ display: inline-block; }
+ * Table styles
+ */
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+ margin: 0 auto;
+ width: 100% !important; }
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+ white-space: nowrap; }
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+ content: "\e093";
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+ * Control feature layout
+ */
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+[dir=rtl] table.dataTable thead .sorting,
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+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: .5em; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-tabs [role="tablist"].allow-wrap li, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
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+ background: transparent; }
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+.csstransitions .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].out {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 0; }
+.wb-tabs {
+ /**
+ * Default, minimal, shared style
+ */
+ /* For backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1 */
+ /**
+ * Style 1 - Basic carousel style
+ */
+ /**
+ * Style 2 - Slider-like carousel style
+ */ }
+ .wb-tabs details[open] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0; }
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+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
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+ background: #ebf2fc;
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+ text-align: center; }
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+ background: #fff;
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+ cursor: default;
+ padding-bottom: 1px;
+ z-index: 2; }
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+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 4px 0 0 0;
+ cursor: default;
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+ line-height: normal; }
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+ position: relative;
+ top: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count .curr-count {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:focus, .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:hover {
+ background: transparent;
+ cursor: default; }
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+ border-bottom: 0;
+ top: 1px; }
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+ display: block; }
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+ display: inline-block;
+ left: auto; }
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+ z-index: 1; }
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+ border-top: 0; }
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+ bottom: 1em;
+ left: 1em;
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.prv {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count {
+ background: none;
+ border: 0;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ padding: 0 .1em;
+ top: .55em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count.active, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:focus, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li.tab-count:hover {
+ cursor: default; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ background: #eee; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] {
+ bottom: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.prv a {
+ padding-left: 1em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.plypause {
+ background: none;
+ border: 0;
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding: 2px 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ margin-right: .65em;
+ margin-top: .4em;
+ padding: 8px 10px 4px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] a:focus {
+ outline-offset: 0; }
+.wb-disable.csstransitions .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].out {
+ position: static;
+ width: auto; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ background: transparent; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs .out {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-disable .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ -webkit-animation: none;
+ animation: none;
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ opacity: 1;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-disable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ text-indent: 0 !important; }
+.wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-twitter iframe[style] {
+ width: 100% !important; }
+.wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px;
+ position: relative; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+.ol-overlay-container {
+ z-index: 1000; }
+.ol-popup {
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
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+ border: 1px solid #cccccc;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ bottom: 12px;
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+ left: -50px;
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+ padding: 15px;
+ position: absolute; }
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+ content: " ";
+ height: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
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+.ol-popup:before {
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+ border-width: 11px;
+ left: 48px;
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+ color: #333;
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+ font-size: 24px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 28px;
+ line-height: 28px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
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+ top: 0;
+ width: 28px; }
+.ol-popup-closer:link, .ol-popup-closer:visited, .ol-popup-closer:hover, .ol-popup-closer:active {
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.popup-content h5 {
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+.popup-content table th, .popup-content table td {
+ padding: 2px; }
+ * GeoMap
+ */
+.wb-geomap-map {
+ outline: 1px solid #ccc;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-geomap-map.active {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ outline-color: #66afe9; }
+.geomap-legend-detail {
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+.geomap-legend-element {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ width: 100%; }
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+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.geomap-legend-symbol-text {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.geomap-clear-format {
+ clear: both; }
+.geomap-legend-label {
+ display: inline; }
+.geomap-lgnd-layer {
+ margin-bottom: 10px !important;
+ margin-top: 0px !important; }
+.geomap-lgnd > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
+.geomap-geoloc {
+ background: transparent;
+ left: .25em;
+ top: .25em; }
+ .geomap-geoloc input[type="text"] {
+ border-color: #fff;
+ border-radius: 2px;
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+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ width: 100%; }
+.geomap-aoi legend {
+ border: 0;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+.geomap-aoi button.geomap-geoloc-aoi-btn {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15px;
+ top: auto; }
+.geoloc-progress {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #333;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 1em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/* OL3 */
+.ol-geolocate {
+ bottom: 8em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-geolocate {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: .5em; }
+.ol-mouse-position {
+ background: #fff;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ bottom: 3em;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ left: .6666em;
+ min-width: 100px;
+ padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ will-change: contents, width; }
+.ol-mouse-position:before {
+ content: "\e062";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-right: 3px; }
+.ol-mouse-position-inner {
+ padding: 10px; }
+.ol-mouse-position:empty {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-touch .ol-mouse-position {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-scale-line {
+ background: #fff;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-touch .ol-scale-line {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-scale-line-inner {
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ border-top: none;
+ color: #000;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-align: center;
+ will-change: contents, width; }
+.ol-overlay-container {
+ will-change: left, right, top, bottom; }
+.ol-unsupported {
+ display: none; }
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+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.ol-control {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-control:hover {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); }
+.ol-zoom {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-zoom {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-rotate {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: 3.25em;
+ -webkit-transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear;
+ transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear; }
+.ol-rotate.ol-hidden {
+ opacity: 0;
+ -webkit-transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear .25s;
+ transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear .25s;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.ol-zoom-extent {
+ bottom: 6em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-zoom-extent {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-zoom-extent span.glyphicon {
+ top: 3px; }
+.ol-full-screen {
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+@media print {
+ .ol-control {
+ display: none; } }
+.ol-control button {
+ background-color: white;
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.14em;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 1.5em;
+ line-height: .4em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: none;
+ padding: 0; }
+.ol-zoom-extent button {
+ line-height: 1.4em; }
+ol-geolocate button {
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-compass {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ will-change: transform; }
+.ol-touch .ol-control button {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button:focus, .ol-control button:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-in {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
+ border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-out {
+ border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; }
+.ol-attribution {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ line-height: .75em;
+ max-width: calc(80% - 1.3em);
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: right; }
+.ol-attribution ul {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: .75em;
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+ padding: .15em .25em;
+ text-shadow: 0 0 2px #fff; }
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+ display: inline;
+ line-height: inherit;
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+ content: " "; }
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+ content: ""; }
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+ max-height: 2em;
+ max-width: inherit; }
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+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-attribution a:visited, .ol-attribution a:active {
+ color: #333; }
+.ol-attribution button, .ol-attribution ul {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-collapsed ul {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only ul {
+ display: block; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ line-height: .75em;
+ right: 0; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only {
+ background: 0 0;
+ bottom: .4em;
+ height: 1.1em;
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible img {
+ margin-top: -.2em;
+ max-height: 1.6em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only button, .ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-box {
+ border: 2px solid #2572b4;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-dragbox {
+ border: 2px solid #ff0033;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-overviewmap {
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 0 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap button {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map {
+ border: 1px solid #7b98bc;
+ height: 150px;
+ margin: 2px;
+ width: 150px; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) button {
+ bottom: 1px;
+ left: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-collapsed .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
+.ol-overviewmap-box {
+ border: 2px dotted rgba(0, 60, 136, 0.7); }
+.geomap-help-btn {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+.geomap-help-btn:focus, .geomap-help-btn:hover {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.geomap-help-btn button {
+ background-color: #333;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ color: #fff; }
+.ol-touch .geomap-help-btn {
+ display: none; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ padding: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+ .geomap-help-dialog a.btn {
+ color: #333;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 44px; }
+.geomap-help-dialog:hover {
+ background-color: white; }
+.tooltip-txt::after {
+ border-color: silver transparent transparent transparent;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ content: " ";
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%; }
+.tooltip-txt {
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ background: silver;
+ border: solid 1px silver;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ color: #333333;
+ cursor: default;
+ filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ font-size: .80em;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -60px;
+ padding: 5px 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 120px; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ max-height: 15em; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 50; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: solid 1px #ccc;
+ border-top: 0;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a {
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 5px 5px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:hover, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:focus {
+ background: #666;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a span.glyphicon {
+ color: #ccc;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.glyphicon-spin {
+ -webkit-animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear;
+ animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear; }
+@-webkit-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+@keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+.skeleton-lgnd-1 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-2 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin: 20px 0 20px 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-3 {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ width: 15px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-zebra-col-hover .wb-group-summary col.table-hover, .table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover td,
+.table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover th {
+ background-color: #fafaff; }
+.wb-cell-layout {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.wb-cell-key, .wb-cell-desc {
+ font-style: italic; }
+.wb-zebra > colgroup + colgroup {
+ border-left: 2px solid #ddd; }
+.wb-group-summary {
+ background-color: #f0f2f4; }
+.wb-zebra-col-hover col.table-hover {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.feeds-cont.waiting:after, .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 50px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 50px; }
+.feeds-cont.waiting {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ background: url("../../wet-boew/assets/loading.png") center center no-repeat;
+ background-size: 30px 30px;
+ z-index: 2; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ z-index: 1; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:before {
+ content: "["; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:after {
+ content: "]"; }
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+datalist {
+ display: none; }
+ @title: Details/summary polyfill pre-Modernizr CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ display: list-item !important;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-closed;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+details:not([open]) details summary, details .out details summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+details {
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details summary {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ color: #295376;
+ padding: 5px 15px; }
+ details summary:focus, details summary:hover {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: #0535d2;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details summary:focus {
+ outline-style: dotted;
+ outline-width: 1px; }
+ details[open] {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-open;
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ details:not([open]) > details,
+ details:not([open]) > * {
+ display: none; }
+ details.alert:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.tabpanels > details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.wb-disable details {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-disable details > *:not(summary) {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.datepicker-format {
+ display: none; }
+.picker-overlay {
+ width: 19em; }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views
+ */
+ .mathml body > div > math,
+ .no-mathml body > div > math, .nojs-show, .wb-disable .nojs-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /* Hide MathML check */
+ #wb-dtmd {
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ #wb-dtmd dt,
+ #wb-dtmd dd {
+ display: inline;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .nowrap {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .wb-disable .nojs-show {
+ display: block !important; }
+ .col-xs-auto, .col-sm-auto, .col-md-auto, .col-lg-auto {
+ min-height: 1px;
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px; }
+ .col-xs-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+ .typ, .atn, .dec, .var {
+ color: #606; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #660; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #2f6d2f; }
+ /* string content - from #080 */
+ /* a keyword - from #008 */
+ .kwd {
+ color: #024b6e; }
+ /* a comment */
+ .com {
+ color: #800; }
+ /* a type name */
+ /* a literal value */
+ .lit {
+ color: #066; }
+ /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
+ /* a markup tag name - from #008 */
+ .tag {
+ color: #125b7e; }
+ /* a markup attribute name */
+ /* a markup attribute value - from #080 */
+ /* a declaration */
+ /* a variable name */
+ /* a function name */
+ .fun {
+ color: #f00; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Screen-only styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.wb-init {
+ padding-bottom: 4.375em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.exclude-controls {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+/* Extra-small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info {
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: left;
+ text-align: left;
+ width: 100%; }
+ [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: right;
+ text-align: right; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Mobile-friendly styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #ccc solid 1px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details:last-of-type, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[style], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[style] {
+ min-height: 0 !important; }
+ .wb-tabs > details > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details > summary {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.tabs-acc > ul {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Medium view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Extra-small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 300px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info:after {
+ content: "|";
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ padding: 0 .25em; } }
+/* Small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .col-sm-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline:last-child {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW - Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Margin */
+ .mb-sm-5 {
+ margin-bottom: 50px !important; }
+ /* Padding */
+ .p-sm-3 {
+ padding: 15px !important; }
+ .px-sm-3 {
+ padding-left: 15px !important;
+ padding-right: 15px !important; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-sm-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-sm-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-sm-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 80%; } }
+/* Medium view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ [dir=rtl] main.col-md-push-3 {
+ left: auto; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-sec.col-md-pull-9 {
+ right: auto; }
+ .col-md-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-md-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-md-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-md-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #details-flickr,
+ #details-youtube {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */ }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a {
+ border-color: #666;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a:focus::before {
+ content: "";
+ height: calc(100% - 6px);
+ left: 0;
+ margin: 2px;
+ outline: inherit;
+ outline-color: #FFF;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: calc(100% - 4px); }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] img {
+ opacity: .5;
+ width: 140px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[class="active"] img {
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.tab-count, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Large view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-lg {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-lg {
+ clear: right; }
+ .col-lg-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-lg-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-lg-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-lg-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 60%; } }
+/* Extra-extra-small view */
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 65%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length {
+ width: 100%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv a {
+ padding: 10px 0 10px .4em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt a {
+ padding: 10px 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.tab-count {
+ font-size: .9em;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause {
+ margin-right: 2%; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.3em;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding: 12px 10px 7px; } }
+/* Extra-small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-sm {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-sm {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Medium view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-md {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-md {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xl-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xl-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xl-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; } }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .pg-brk-aft {
+ page-break-after: always; }
+ a[href]:after {
+ content: none; }
+ #wb-tphp {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ @title: Breadcrumb print CSS overrides
+ */
+ #wb-bc .breadcrumb {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #wb-bc a[href]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ overflow: visible; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ .wb-geomap-detail, .olControlMousePosition, .olControlPanZoomBar {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .mfp-wrap,
+ .mfp-container {
+ position: static; }
+ .mfp-arrow,
+ .mfp-close {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /*
+ Multimedia Player Code (print view)
+ */
+ .wb-mm-ctrls,
+ .wb-mm-ovrly {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main > *, .wb-modal main > * {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-overlay-dlg main .mfp-content, .wb-modal main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-modal main .mfp-content {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-overlay.open {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-overlay.open.no-print {
+ display: none; }
+ .mfp-content:before, .wb-overlay.open:before {
+ content: attr(data-pgtitle);
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 34px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Use higher contrast and text-weight for printable form. */
+ .kwd, .typ, .tag {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ .kwd, .tag {
+ color: #006; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #060; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #440; }
+ .typ, .atn {
+ color: #404; }
+ .com {
+ color: #600;
+ font-style: italic; }
+ .lit {
+ color: #044; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"], .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > div.out, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details.out .tgl-panel, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details > summary[aria-expanded="false"] + .tgl-panel {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tabpanel"], .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tabpanel"] {
+ margin-bottom: .5em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figure, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure {
+ page-break-inside: avoid; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figcaption, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figcaption {
+ border: 1px solid #000; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ display: block !important;
+ opacity: 1 !important;
+ overflow: visible !important;
+ position: static !important;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] figcaption {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].noheight {
+ max-height: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > .tabpanels {
+ overflow: visible !important; } }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views - Splash page
+ */
+ #gcwu-sig,
+ #wmms {
+ height: 2em; }
+ #wmms {
+ float: right; }
+ header {
+ margin-top: 1.2em; } }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme-srv.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme-srv.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00e6ab25f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme-srv.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ *//*!
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *//*!
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ *
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ *
+ */
+ Global variables for GCWeb
+ */
+Left menu variables
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ */
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
+/*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */
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+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td {
+ border-bottom: 0; } }
+fieldset {
+ min-width: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ border: 0; }
+legend {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ font-size: 24px;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ color: #333333;
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
+label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+input[type="search"] {
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ appearance: none; }
+input[type="checkbox"] {
+ margin: 4px 0 0;
+ margin-top: 1px \9;
+ line-height: normal; }
+ input[type="radio"][disabled], input[type="radio"].disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] input[type="radio"],
+ input[type="checkbox"][disabled],
+ input[type="checkbox"].disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ input[type="checkbox"] {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+input[type="file"] {
+ display: block; }
+input[type="range"] {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%; }
+select[size] {
+ height: auto; }
+input[type="checkbox"]:focus {
+ outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+output {
+ display: block;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #555555; }
+.form-control {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 37px;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #555555;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ -webkit-transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s;
+ transition: border-color ease-in-out 0.15s, box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s, -webkit-box-shadow ease-in-out 0.15s; }
+ .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66afe9;
+ outline: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6); }
+ .form-control::-moz-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important;
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .form-control:-ms-input-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+ .form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+ .form-control::-ms-expand {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0; }
+ .form-control[disabled], .form-control[readonly],
+ fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ background-color: #eeeeee;
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .form-control[disabled],
+ fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+textarea.form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
+ input[type="date"].form-control,
+ input[type="time"].form-control,
+ input[type="datetime-local"].form-control,
+ input[type="month"].form-control {
+ line-height: 37px; }
+ input[type="date"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
+ input[type="month"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="month"],
+ .input-group-sm
+ input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 33px; }
+ input[type="date"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
+ input[type="month"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="month"],
+ .input-group-lg
+ input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 46px; } }
+.form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.checkbox {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ .radio.disabled label,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio label,
+ .checkbox.disabled label,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox label {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+ .radio label,
+ .checkbox label {
+ min-height: 23px;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+.radio input[type="radio"],
+.radio-inline input[type="radio"],
+.checkbox input[type="checkbox"],
+.checkbox-inline input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ margin-top: 4px \9;
+ margin-left: -20px; }
+.radio + .radio,
+.checkbox + .checkbox {
+ margin-top: -5px; }
+.checkbox-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ .radio-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled] .radio-inline,
+ .checkbox-inline.disabled,
+ fieldset[disabled]
+ .checkbox-inline {
+ cursor: not-allowed; }
+.radio-inline + .radio-inline,
+.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+.form-control-static {
+ min-height: 39px;
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ padding-bottom: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .form-control-static.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-lg > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn, .form-control-static.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.form-control,
+ .input-group-sm > .form-control-static.input-group-addon,
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .form-control-static.btn {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+.input-sm, .input-group-sm > .form-control,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+select.input-sm, .input-group-sm > select.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+textarea.input-sm, .input-group-sm > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-sm > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-sm > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+.form-group-sm select.form-control {
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.form-group-sm textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-sm select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-sm .form-control-static {
+ height: 33px;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ padding: 6px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5; }
+.input-lg, .input-group-lg > .form-control,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+select.input-lg, .input-group-lg > select.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+textarea.input-lg, .input-group-lg > textarea.form-control,
+.input-group-lg > textarea.input-group-addon,
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > textarea.btn,
+.input-group-lg > select.form-control[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > select.input-group-addon[multiple],
+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > select.btn[multiple] {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+.form-group-lg select.form-control {
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.form-group-lg textarea.form-control,
+.form-group-lg select[multiple].form-control {
+ height: auto; }
+.form-group-lg .form-control-static {
+ height: 46px;
+ min-height: 41px;
+ padding: 11px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333; }
+.has-feedback {
+ position: relative; }
+ .has-feedback .form-control {
+ padding-right: 46.25px; }
+.form-control-feedback {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ display: block;
+ width: 37px;
+ height: 37px;
+ line-height: 37px;
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none; }
+.input-lg + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-lg + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-lg .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 46px;
+ height: 46px;
+ line-height: 46px; }
+.input-sm + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .form-control + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .input-group-addon + .form-control-feedback, .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn + .form-control-feedback,
+.input-group-sm + .form-control-feedback,
+.form-group-sm .form-control + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 33px;
+ height: 33px;
+ line-height: 33px; }
+.has-success .help-block,
+.has-success .control-label,
+.has-success .radio,
+.has-success .checkbox,
+.has-success .radio-inline,
+.has-success .checkbox-inline,
+.has-success.radio label,
+.has-success.checkbox label,
+.has-success.radio-inline label,
+.has-success.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control {
+ border-color: #3c763d;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-success .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #2b542c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #67b168; }
+.has-success .input-group-addon {
+ color: #3c763d;
+ background-color: #dff0d8;
+ border-color: #3c763d; }
+.has-success .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #3c763d; }
+.has-warning .help-block,
+.has-warning .control-label,
+.has-warning .radio,
+.has-warning .checkbox,
+.has-warning .radio-inline,
+.has-warning .checkbox-inline,
+.has-warning.radio label,
+.has-warning.checkbox label,
+.has-warning.radio-inline label,
+.has-warning.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control {
+ border-color: #8a6d3b;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-warning .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #66512c;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #c0a16b; }
+.has-warning .input-group-addon {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3;
+ border-color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-warning .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+.has-error .help-block,
+.has-error .control-label,
+.has-error .radio,
+.has-error .checkbox,
+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control {
+ border-color: #a94442;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); }
+ .has-error .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #843534;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483;
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 6px #ce8483; }
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #a94442; }
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #a94442; }
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 28px; }
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; }
+.help-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ color: #737373; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-inline .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .form-inline .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .form-inline .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio,
+ .form-inline .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .radio label,
+ .form-inline .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+ min-height: 34px; }
+.form-horizontal .form-group {
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
+ .form-horizontal .form-group:before, .form-horizontal .form-group:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .form-horizontal .form-group:after {
+ clear: both; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .control-label {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ text-align: right; } }
+.form-horizontal .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ right: 15px; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-lg .control-label {
+ padding-top: 11px;
+ font-size: 18px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-sm .control-label {
+ padding-top: 6px;
+ font-size: 14px; } }
+.btn {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ text-align: center;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ -ms-touch-action: manipulation;
+ touch-action: manipulation;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+ .btn:focus, .btn.focus, .btn:active:focus, .btn:active.focus, .btn.active:focus, .btn.active.focus {
+ outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+ .btn:hover, .btn:focus, .btn.focus {
+ color: #335075;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .btn:active, .btn.active {
+ background-image: none;
+ outline: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125); }
+ .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled],
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+fieldset[disabled] a.btn {
+ pointer-events: none; }
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+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #dcdee1; }
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+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ border-color: #989da6; }
+ .btn-default:hover {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
+ .btn-default:active, .btn-default.active,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
+ .btn-default:active:hover, .btn-default:active:focus, .btn-default:active.focus, .btn-default.active:hover, .btn-default.active:focus, .btn-default.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-default.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #bbbfc5;
+ border-color: #989da6; }
+ .btn-default.disabled:hover, .btn-default.disabled:focus, .btn-default.disabled.focus, .btn-default[disabled]:hover, .btn-default[disabled]:focus, .btn-default[disabled].focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-default.focus {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #dcdee1; }
+ .btn-default .badge {
+ color: #eaebed;
+ background-color: #335075; }
+.btn-primary {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #143c5f; }
+ .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-primary:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active, .btn-primary.active,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #091c2d; }
+ .btn-primary:active:hover, .btn-primary:active:focus, .btn-primary:active.focus, .btn-primary.active:hover, .btn-primary.active:focus, .btn-primary.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-primary.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #16446c;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-primary.disabled:hover, .btn-primary.disabled:focus, .btn-primary.disabled.focus, .btn-primary[disabled]:hover, .btn-primary[disabled]:focus, .btn-primary[disabled].focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary.focus {
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #143c5f; }
+ .btn-primary .badge {
+ color: #2572b4;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.btn-success {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1b6c1c;
+ border-color: #071a07; }
+ .btn-success:focus, .btn-success.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
+ .btn-success:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #114311;
+ border-color: black; }
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+ .open > .btn-danger.dropdown-toggle:focus,
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+ .nav-tabs-justified > .active > a:hover,
+ .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a:hover,
+ .nav-tabs-justified > .active > a:focus,
+ .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a:focus {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
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+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
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+ .nav-tabs-justified > .active > a:hover,
+ .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a:hover,
+ .nav-tabs-justified > .active > a:focus,
+ .nav-tabs.nav-justified > .active > a:focus {
+ border-bottom-color: #fff; } }
+.tab-content > .tab-pane {
+ display: none; }
+.tab-content > .active {
+ display: block; }
+.nav-tabs .dropdown-menu {
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0; }
+.navbar {
+ position: relative;
+ min-height: 50px;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ border: 1px solid transparent; }
+ .navbar:before, .navbar:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .navbar:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar {
+ border-radius: 4px; } }
+.navbar-header:before, .navbar-header:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+.navbar-header:after {
+ clear: both; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-header {
+ float: left; } }
+.navbar-collapse {
+ padding-right: 15px;
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ overflow-x: visible;
+ border-top: 1px solid transparent;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }
+ .navbar-collapse:before, .navbar-collapse:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .navbar-collapse:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ .navbar-collapse.in {
+ overflow-y: auto; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-collapse {
+ width: auto;
+ border-top: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+ .navbar-collapse.collapse {
+ display: block !important;
+ height: auto !important;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ overflow: visible !important; }
+ .navbar-collapse.in {
+ overflow-y: visible; }
+ .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-static-top .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-left: 0; } }
+.navbar-fixed-bottom {
+ position: fixed;
+ right: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ z-index: 1030; }
+ .navbar-fixed-top .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
+ max-height: 340px; }
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+ .navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-collapse {
+ max-height: 200px; } }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-fixed-top,
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+ border-radius: 0; } }
+.navbar-fixed-top {
+ top: 0;
+ border-width: 0 0 1px; }
+.navbar-fixed-bottom {
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ border-width: 1px 0 0; }
+.container > .navbar-header,
+.container > .navbar-collapse,
+.container-fluid > .navbar-header,
+.container-fluid > .navbar-collapse {
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .container > .navbar-header,
+ .container > .navbar-collapse,
+ .container-fluid > .navbar-header,
+ .container-fluid > .navbar-collapse {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ margin-left: 0; } }
+.navbar-static-top {
+ z-index: 1000;
+ border-width: 0 0 1px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
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+ border-radius: 0; } }
+.navbar-brand {
+ float: left;
+ height: 50px;
+ padding: 13.5px 15px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+ .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-brand:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .navbar-brand > img {
+ display: block; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar > .container .navbar-brand,
+ .navbar > .container-fluid .navbar-brand {
+ margin-left: -15px; } }
+.navbar-toggle {
+ position: relative;
+ float: right;
+ padding: 9px 10px;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-top: 8px;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: none;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ outline: 0; }
+ .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ display: block;
+ width: 22px;
+ height: 2px;
+ border-radius: 1px; }
+ .navbar-toggle .icon-bar + .icon-bar {
+ margin-top: 4px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-toggle {
+ display: none; } }
+.navbar-nav {
+ margin: 6.75px -15px; }
+ .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu {
+ position: static;
+ float: none;
+ width: auto;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+ .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a,
+ .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .dropdown-header {
+ padding: 5px 15px 5px 25px; }
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+ line-height: 23px; }
+ .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ background-image: none; } }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-nav {
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0; }
+ .navbar-nav > li {
+ float: left; }
+ .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ padding-top: 13.5px;
+ padding-bottom: 13.5px; } }
+.navbar-form {
+ padding: 10px 15px;
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ margin-left: -15px;
+ border-top: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-form .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .navbar-form .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .navbar-form .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto; }
+ .navbar-form .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .navbar-form .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .navbar-form .radio label,
+ .navbar-form .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .navbar-form .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .navbar-form .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0; } }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-form .form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ .navbar-form .form-group:last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0; } }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-form {
+ width: auto;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; } }
+.navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0; }
+.navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0; }
+.navbar-btn {
+ margin-top: 6.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 6.5px; }
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+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px; }
+ .navbar-btn.btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > .navbar-btn.btn {
+ margin-top: 14px;
+ margin-bottom: 14px; }
+.navbar-text {
+ margin-top: 13.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 13.5px; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-text {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ margin-left: 15px; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar-left {
+ float: left !important; }
+ .navbar-right {
+ float: right !important;
+ margin-right: -15px; }
+ .navbar-right ~ .navbar-right {
+ margin-right: 0; } }
+.navbar-default {
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #5e5d5d;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-text {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
+ color: #333;
+ background-color: transparent; }
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+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
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+ color: #ccc;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {
+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ color: #333;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #555;
+ background-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #ccc;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #ddd; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #888; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-default .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #e7e7e7; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-link {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link {
+ color: #777; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #333; }
+ .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-default .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-default .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #ccc; }
+.navbar-inverse {
+ background-color: #222;
+ border-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-brand:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-text {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > .open > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ @media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-header {
+ border-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu .divider {
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: transparent; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #090808; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #444;
+ background-color: transparent; } }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle {
+ border-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:hover, .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle:focus {
+ background-color: #333; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-collapse,
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-form {
+ border-color: #101010; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .navbar-link:hover {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link {
+ color: #959595; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover, .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+ .navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:hover, .navbar-inverse .btn-link[disabled]:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .navbar-inverse .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #444; }
+.breadcrumb {
+ padding: 8px 15px;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ list-style: none;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .breadcrumb > li {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .breadcrumb > li + li:before {
+ padding: 0 5px;
+ color: #ccc;
+ content: "/ "; }
+ .breadcrumb > .active {
+ color: #6f6f6f; }
+.pagination {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ margin: 23px 0;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > li {
+ display: inline; }
+ .pagination > li > a,
+ .pagination > li > span {
+ position: relative;
+ float: left;
+ padding: 10px 14px;
+ margin-left: -1px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ color: #335075;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdee1; }
+ .pagination > li > a:hover, .pagination > li > a:focus,
+ .pagination > li > span:hover,
+ .pagination > li > span:focus {
+ z-index: 2;
+ color: #335075;
+ background-color: #d4d6da;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5; }
+ .pagination > li:first-child > a,
+ .pagination > li:first-child > span {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > li:last-child > a,
+ .pagination > li:last-child > span {
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+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+ .pagination > .active > a, .pagination > .active > a:hover, .pagination > .active > a:focus,
+ .pagination > .active > span,
+ .pagination > .active > span:hover,
+ .pagination > .active > span:focus {
+ z-index: 3;
+ color: #fff;
+ cursor: default;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ border-color: #2572b4; }
+ .pagination > .disabled > span,
+ .pagination > .disabled > span:hover,
+ .pagination > .disabled > span:focus,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a:hover,
+ .pagination > .disabled > a:focus {
+ color: #6f6f6f;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-color: #ddd; }
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+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333; }
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+ border-top-left-radius: 6px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 6px; }
+.pagination-lg > li:last-child > a,
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+ border-top-right-radius: 6px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 6px; }
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+ padding: 5px 10px;
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+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; }
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+ margin: 23px 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ list-style: none; }
+ .pager:before, .pager:after {
+ display: table;
+ content: " "; }
+ .pager:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ .pager li {
+ display: inline; }
+ .pager li > a,
+ .pager li > span {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 5px 14px;
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border: 1px solid #dcdee1;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
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+ .pager li > a:focus {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ background-color: #d4d6da; }
+ .pager .next > a,
+ .pager .next > span {
+ float: right; }
+ .pager .previous > a,
+ .pager .previous > span {
+ float: left; }
+ .pager .disabled > a,
+ .pager .disabled > a:hover,
+ .pager .disabled > a:focus,
+ .pager .disabled > span {
+ color: #6f6f6f;
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: #eaebed; }
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+ vertical-align: baseline;
+ border-radius: .25em; }
+ .label:empty {
+ display: none; }
+ .btn .label {
+ position: relative;
+ top: -1px; }
+a.label:hover, a.label:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ cursor: pointer; }
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+ background-color: #565555; }
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+ background-color: #1c578a; }
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+ background-color: #114311; }
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+ background-color: #4d4d4d; }
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+ background-color: #343333; }
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+ background-color: #c2aa0a; }
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+ background-color: #bc3331; }
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+ background-color: #942826; }
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+ text-align: center;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ background-color: #6f6f6f;
+ border-radius: 10px; }
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+ display: none; }
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+ position: relative;
+ top: -1px; }
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+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ float: right; }
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+ margin-right: 5px; }
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+ margin-left: 3px; }
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ margin-bottom: 15px;
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+ font-weight: 200; }
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+ border-top-color: #d5d5d5; }
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+ border-radius: 6px; }
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+ max-width: 100%; }
+ @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ .jumbotron {
+ padding-top: 48px;
+ padding-bottom: 48px; }
+ .container .jumbotron,
+ .container-fluid .jumbotron {
+ padding-right: 60px;
+ padding-left: 60px; }
+ .jumbotron h1,
+ .jumbotron .h1 {
+ font-size: 72px; } }
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+ display: block;
+ padding: 4px;
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+ line-height: 1.4375;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out;
+ transition: border 0.2s ease-in-out; }
+ .thumbnail > img,
+ .thumbnail a > img {
+ display: block;
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+ height: auto;
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+ margin-left: auto; }
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+ padding: 9px;
+ color: #333333; }
+a.thumbnail.active {
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+ padding: 15px;
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+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ .alert h4 {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ color: inherit; }
+ .alert .alert-link {
+ font-weight: bold; }
+ .alert > p,
+ .alert > ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .alert > p + p {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
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+ padding-right: 35px; }
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+ position: relative;
+ top: -2px;
+ right: -21px;
+ color: inherit; }
+.alert-success {
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+ background-color: #dff0d8;
+ border-color: #d6e9c6; }
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+ border-top-color: #c9e2b3; }
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+ color: #2b542c; }
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+ background-color: #d9edf7;
+ border-color: #bce8f1; }
+ .alert-info hr {
+ border-top-color: #a6e1ec; }
+ .alert-info .alert-link {
+ color: #245269; }
+.alert-warning {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3;
+ border-color: #faebcc; }
+ .alert-warning hr {
+ border-top-color: #f7e1b5; }
+ .alert-warning .alert-link {
+ color: #66512c; }
+.alert-danger {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #ebccd1; }
+ .alert-danger hr {
+ border-top-color: #e4b9c0; }
+ .alert-danger .alert-link {
+ color: #843534; }
+@-webkit-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
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+ background-position: 40px 0; }
+ to {
+ background-position: 0 0; } }
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+ background-position: 40px 0; }
+ to {
+ background-position: 0 0; } }
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+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); }
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+ height: 100%;
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+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #2572b4;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
+ -webkit-transition: width 0.6s ease;
+ transition: width 0.6s ease; }
+.progress-striped .progress-bar,
+.progress-bar-striped {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent);
+ background-size: 40px 40px; }
+.progress.active .progress-bar,
+.progress-bar.active {
+ -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite;
+ animation: progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite; }
+.progress-bar-success {
+ background-color: #1b6c1c; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-success {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-info {
+ background-color: #4d4d4d; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-info {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-warning {
+ background-color: #f2d40d; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-warning {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
+.progress-bar-danger {
+ background-color: #bc3331; }
+ .progress-striped .progress-bar-danger {
+ background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15) 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); }
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+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
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+ margin-bottom: -1px;
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+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
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+ color: #6f6f6f; }
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+ z-index: 2;
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+ .list-group-item.active:hover .list-group-item-heading > .small, .list-group-item.active:focus .list-group-item-heading,
+ .list-group-item.active:focus .list-group-item-heading > small,
+ .list-group-item.active:focus .list-group-item-heading > .small {
+ color: inherit; }
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+button.list-group-item {
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+ color: #555;
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+ background-color: #f5f5f5; }
+button.list-group-item {
+ width: 100%;
+ text-align: left; }
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+ color: #3c763d;
+ background-color: #dff0d8; }
+button.list-group-item-success {
+ color: #3c763d; }
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+ color: inherit; }
+ a.list-group-item-success:hover, a.list-group-item-success:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-success:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-success:focus {
+ color: #3c763d;
+ background-color: #d0e9c6; }
+ a.list-group-item-success.active, a.list-group-item-success.active:hover, a.list-group-item-success.active:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-success.active,
+ button.list-group-item-success.active:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-success.active:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #3c763d;
+ border-color: #3c763d; }
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+ color: #31708f;
+ background-color: #d9edf7; }
+button.list-group-item-info {
+ color: #31708f; }
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+ color: inherit; }
+ a.list-group-item-info:hover, a.list-group-item-info:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-info:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-info:focus {
+ color: #31708f;
+ background-color: #c4e3f3; }
+ a.list-group-item-info.active, a.list-group-item-info.active:hover, a.list-group-item-info.active:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-info.active,
+ button.list-group-item-info.active:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-info.active:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #31708f;
+ border-color: #31708f; }
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+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #fcf8e3; }
+button.list-group-item-warning {
+ color: #8a6d3b; }
+ a.list-group-item-warning .list-group-item-heading,
+ button.list-group-item-warning .list-group-item-heading {
+ color: inherit; }
+ a.list-group-item-warning:hover, a.list-group-item-warning:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-warning:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-warning:focus {
+ color: #8a6d3b;
+ background-color: #faf2cc; }
+ a.list-group-item-warning.active, a.list-group-item-warning.active:hover, a.list-group-item-warning.active:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-warning.active,
+ button.list-group-item-warning.active:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-warning.active:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #8a6d3b;
+ border-color: #8a6d3b; }
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+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede; }
+button.list-group-item-danger {
+ color: #a94442; }
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+ button.list-group-item-danger .list-group-item-heading {
+ color: inherit; }
+ a.list-group-item-danger:hover, a.list-group-item-danger:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-danger:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-danger:focus {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #ebcccc; }
+ a.list-group-item-danger.active, a.list-group-item-danger.active:hover, a.list-group-item-danger.active:focus,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active:hover,
+ button.list-group-item-danger.active:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #a94442;
+ border-color: #a94442; }
+.list-group-item-heading {
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+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
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+ border: 1px solid transparent;
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+ box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); }
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+ display: table;
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+ clear: both; }
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+ padding: 10px 15px;
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ color: inherit; }
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+ color: inherit; }
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+ margin-bottom: 0; }
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+ .panel > .panel-collapse > .list-group .list-group-item {
+ border-width: 1px 0;
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+ .panel > .list-group:first-child .list-group-item:first-child,
+ .panel > .panel-collapse > .list-group:first-child .list-group-item:first-child {
+ border-top: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 3px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 3px; }
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+ .panel > .panel-collapse > .list-group:last-child .list-group-item:last-child {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; }
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+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
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+ padding-right: 15px;
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+ .panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child,
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+ .panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:first-child {
+ border-top-left-radius: 3px; }
+ .panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > thead:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th:last-child {
+ border-top-right-radius: 3px; }
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+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; }
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:first-child {
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; }
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tbody:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child > tfoot:last-child > tr:last-child th:last-child {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; }
+.panel > .panel-body + .table,
+.panel > .panel-body + .table-responsive,
+.panel > .table + .panel-body,
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+ border-top: 1px solid #ddd; }
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+.panel > .table > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td {
+ border-top: 0; }
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+ border: 0; }
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+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:first-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:first-child {
+ border-left: 0; }
+ .panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr > td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr > td:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > th:last-child,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr > td:last-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+ .panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > td,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > th,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > td,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > th,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > td,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > thead > tr:first-child > th,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > td,
+ .panel > .table-responsive > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:first-child > th {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > td,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tbody > tr:last-child > th,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > td,
+ .panel > .table-bordered > tfoot > tr:last-child > th,
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+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-sm {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-sm {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-sm,
+ td.visible-sm {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-md {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-md {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-md,
+ td.visible-md {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-lg {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-lg {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-lg,
+ td.visible-lg {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .hidden-xs {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .hidden-sm {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .hidden-md {
+ display: none !important; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .hidden-lg {
+ display: none !important; } }
+.visible-print {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media print {
+ .visible-print {
+ display: block !important; }
+ table.visible-print {
+ display: table !important; }
+ tr.visible-print {
+ display: table-row !important; }
+ th.visible-print,
+ td.visible-print {
+ display: table-cell !important; } }
+.visible-print-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-block {
+ display: block !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline {
+ display: inline !important; } }
+.visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: none !important; }
+ @media print {
+ .visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important; } }
+@media print {
+ .hidden-print {
+ display: none !important; } }
+ @title: Bootstrap overrides for WET-BOEW
+ */
+ * Link colour and decoration
+ */
+a.btn, .nav a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+a {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ a:visited {
+ color: #7834bc; }
+ a:not([href]) {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ a:not([href]):hover, a:not([href]):focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ outline: none;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.btn-default:visited {
+ color: #335075; }
+.btn-primary:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-success:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-info:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.btn-warning:visited {
+ color: #000; }
+.btn-danger:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dt,
+ .dl-horizontal.brdr-0 dd {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;
+ text-align: left;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .dl-horizontal dd {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
+ margin-left: 160px;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 0; }
+ .dl-horizontal dt + dd {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #333333; }
+.nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #295376; }
+.nav-pills > li.active > a:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-default .open .dropdown-menu > li > a {
+ color: #777; } }
+.navbar-default .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #777; }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-nav > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .navbar-inverse .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:visited {
+ color: #959595; } }
+.navbar-inverse .navbar-link:visited {
+ color: #959595; }
+ * Abbreviations with title attributes
+ * Workaround for abbreviations with titles using solid underlines in IE11/Edge in Bootstrap 3.4.0 (via normalize.css 4.0.1-8.0.1):
+ * - Use a dotted underline in browsers that support it (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, etc...)
+ * - Fallback on a dotted bottom border in browsers that don't support it (e.g. IE11, Edge, etc...)
+ * Source: https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/pull/738#issuecomment-387549760
+ * Created by: @mattbrundage
+ */
+abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+@supports ((-webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted) or (text-decoration: underline dotted)) {
+ abbr[title] {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration: underline dotted;
+ text-decoration-skip-ink: none; } }
+ * Override the design of alerts and labels
+ */
+.alert, .label {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px; }
+.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 1.2em;
+ margin-top: auto; }
+ .alert > :first-child:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ position: absolute; }
+.alert > strong:first-child,
+.alert > em:first-child,
+.alert > span:first-child {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, .label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, .label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, .label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger {
+ color: #000; }
+.label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.label-default, .label-default[href]:hover, .label-default[href]:focus, .label-default[href]:active {
+ background: #eee;
+ border-color: #acacac; }
+.label-primary, .label-primary[href]:hover, .label-primary[href]:focus, .label-primary[href]:active {
+ background: #e8f2f4;
+ border-color: #083c6c; }
+.label-success, .label-success[href]:hover, .label-success[href]:focus, .label-success[href]:active, .alert-success, details.alert.alert-success, details.alert.alert-success[open] {
+ background: #d8eeca;
+ border-color: #278400; }
+.alert-success > :first-child:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+.label-info, .label-info[href]:hover, .label-info[href]:focus, .label-info[href]:active, .alert-info, details.alert.alert-info, details.alert.alert-info[open] {
+ background: #d7faff;
+ border-color: #269abc; }
+.alert-info > :first-child:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+.label-warning, .label-warning[href]:hover, .label-warning[href]:focus, .label-warning[href]:active, .alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning, details.alert.alert-warning[open] {
+ background: #f9f4d4;
+ border-color: #f90; }
+.alert-warning > :first-child:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+.label-danger, .label-danger[href]:hover, .label-danger[href]:focus, .label-danger[href]:active, .alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger, details.alert.alert-danger[open] {
+ background: #f3e9e8;
+ border-color: #d3080c; }
+.alert-danger > :first-child:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+ * Heading top margins
+ */
+.h1, h2,
+.h2, h3,
+.h3, h4,
+.h4, h5,
+.h5, h6,
+.h6 {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.h1, h2,
+.h2 {
+ margin-top: 38px; }
+h3, .h3 {
+ margin-top: 32px; }
+h4, .h4 {
+ margin-top: 26px; }
+h5, .h5 {
+ margin-top: 23px; }
+h6, .h6 {
+ margin-top: 21px; }
+ * Code
+ */
+code {
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * Adding space for definition list items
+ */
+dt {
+ margin-bottom: 3px; }
+dd {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ * Firefox-safe line height on input[type="reset|button|submit"]
+ */
+input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] {
+ height: 37px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-lg, .btn-group-lg > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-lg, .input-group-lg > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 46px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="reset"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="reset"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="button"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="button"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-sm, .btn-group-sm > input.btn[type="submit"], input[type="submit"].input-sm, .input-group-sm > input.form-control[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > input.input-group-addon[type="submit"],
+ .input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 33px; }
+ input[type="reset"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="reset"], input[type="button"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="button"], input[type="submit"].btn-xs, .btn-group-xs > input.btn[type="submit"] {
+ height: 25px; }
+ * Blockquote font size
+ */
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 16px; }
+ * Form control width
+ *
+ * Default should be representative of the expected length of input.
+ * Full width should be only for cases when the expected length of input is
+ * greater than the available width.
+ * height:37px; rule of Bootstrap was overwritten by height: auto; first
+ * then a min-height specified, in order to address the issue #8492. July 2019.
+ */
+input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit] {
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 37px; }
+.form-control {
+ height: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ min-height: 37px;
+ width: auto; }
+ * Explicit labels for checkbox and radio button inputs
+ *
+ * Allow the use of horizontal explicit labels instead of the default implicit
+ * labelling pattern for checkbox and radio button inputs provided by Bootstrap.
+ */
+.form-inline .label-inline {
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline label {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ padding-left: 2px; }
+ * Fieldset/legend border position
+ *
+ * Bootstrap puts the border below the legend which creates a visual
+ * separation between the legend and the fields to which it relates. Putting
+ * the border above eliminates that visual separation. Putting it on the
+ * fieldset element instead ensures that all fieldsets will have a separation
+ * even when no legend is used.
+ */
+legend {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ float: left; }
+fieldset[disabled] .btn, .btn.disabled, .btn[disabled] {
+ border-style: solid; }
+fieldset {
+ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ /*
+ * Allows fieldSet/legend to have a bottom border under legend title
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/7766
+ */
+ /*
+ * Fieldset/legend as a label for a group of checkboxes or radio buttons
+ * https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues/5797
+ */ }
+ fieldset:first-child {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.legend-brdr-bttm legend {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
+ float: none;
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp {
+ border-top: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+ fieldset.chkbxrdio-grp legend {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ * Pagination
+ * * Add left/right arrows to previous/next buttons
+ * * Increase size of the pagination buttons
+ * * Prevent contrast ratio issues on active placeholder links
+ */
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before, .pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons:after {
+ content: " ";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-weight: 400;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: .1em; }
+.pagination > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before,
+.pager > li:first-child [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:before, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:before {
+ content: "\e091";
+ margin-right: .5em; }
+.pagination > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after,
+.pager > li:last-child [rel="next"]:after, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:after {
+ content: "\e092";
+ margin-left: .5em; }
+.pagination > li > a,
+.pager > li > a {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ padding: 10px 16px; }
+.pagination > li.active > a,
+.pager > li.active > a {
+ cursor: default; }
+.pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+.pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; }
+.pager > li > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.pager > li > a:hover, .pager > li > a:focus,
+.pager > li > span:hover,
+.pager > li > span:focus {
+ border-color: #bbbfc5;
+ color: #335075; }
+.pagination > .active {
+ color: #fff; }
+ * Use button border style 'outset' to give buttons depth, except when disabled
+ */
+.btn {
+ border-style: outset;
+ /*
+ * These two property overrides should be recommended upstream to
+ * Bootstrap as a fix for button wrapping (see wet-boew/wet-boew#4454)
+ */
+ height: auto;
+ min-height: 36px;
+ min-width: 36px;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ * btn-xs should be equal to btn-sm in >v4.0.*
+.btn-group-xs .btn,
+.btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ min-height: 0; }
+ * Right-to-left support
+ */
+[dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ [dir=rtl] .alert > :first-child:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+[dir=rtl] details.alert {
+ padding-right: 45px; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert:before {
+ margin-right: -1.3em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > * {
+ margin-right: .7em; }
+ [dir=rtl] details.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-right: .4em; }
+[dir=rtl] .list-unstyled {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"],
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"] {
+ border-top-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .pagination > li,
+[dir=rtl] .pager > li {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .pagination > li.disabled + li > a,
+ [dir=rtl] .pager > li.disabled + li > a {
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+caption {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center; }
+mark {
+ background-color: #ff0;
+ color: #000;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW
+ */
+/* Padding */
+.p-0 {
+ padding: 0 !important; }
+.pl-2 .px-2 {
+ padding-left: 5px !important; }
+.px-2 {
+ padding-right: 5px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-top: 30px !important; }
+.py-4 {
+ padding-bottom: 30px !important; }
+/* Stretched link */
+.stretched-link:after {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: "";
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ z-index: 1; }
+/* WET Core */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ Global placeholders
+ */
+.wb-invisible, .wb-inv, .wb-show-onfocus, .wb-sl, #wb-lng h2, #wb-glb-mn h2, #wb-srch h2, #wb-srch label, #wb-sm h2, #wb-bc h2, #wb-sec h2, #wb-info h2, #mb-pnl h3, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul, .wb-fnote dt, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl label {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px; }
+.wb-show-onfocus:focus, .wb-sl:focus, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ height: inherit;
+ margin: inherit;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ position: static;
+ width: inherit; }
+.pager.disabled, .pagination > li.disabled,
+.pager > li.disabled, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="prev"]:before,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="prev"]:before, [dir=rtl] .pagination [rel="next"]:after,
+[dir=rtl] .pager [rel="next"]:after, #wb-bc li:first-child:before, [dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:first-child:before, #mb-pnl .modal-body h2, table.dataTable thead .sorting-icons, table.dataTable thead .sorting_asc_disabled .sorting-icons:before, table.dataTable thead .sorting_desc_disabled .sorting-icons:after, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.previous:before, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.next:after, [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.disabled, .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tablist"] > li, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] > li {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-menu .sm.open li, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > details, .wb-disable .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-disable .mfp-hide, .wb-disable #wb-srch, .wb-disable #wb-sm, .wb-disable #wb-sec, .wb-disable #wb-info, .wb-disable .wb-overlay {
+ display: block !important; }
+.wb-menu .menu > li a, .wb-menu .menu > li a:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a:focus, .wb-menu .active > a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after, .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100px; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:after {
+ z-index: 1; }
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:before, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:before, .geomap-progress:before, .wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 10px; }
+@keyframes spin {
+ from {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+ transform: rotate(0); }
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
+ transform: rotate(360deg); } }
+/* TODO: Use bootstratp placeholder when nested extends are supproted */
+.wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display:after, .wb-enable .wb-twitter .twitter-timeline:after, .geomap-progress:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #fff;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 3.5em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/*! WET-BOEW Core and Plugins */
+ @title: Accessibility Additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+#wb-tphp {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.wb-slc {
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ top: 10px;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 3; }
+.wb-sl {
+ padding: 5px;
+ z-index: 501; }
+.wb-disable #wb-tphp {
+ background: #fff; }
+.wb-disable .wb-slc {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl {
+ background: none;
+ color: #295376;
+ display: block !important;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:hover, .wb-disable .wb-slc .wb-sl:focus {
+ color: #0535d2; }
+.wb-disable #wb-dtmd {
+ float: none !important; }
+q:before, q:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ @title: Breadcrumb CSS
+ */
+#wb-bc ol {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+#wb-bc li {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ #wb-bc li:before {
+ color: #333;
+ content: ">";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 0.7em; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-bc li:before {
+ content: "<";
+ display: inline-block; }
+ @title: Language selector
+ */
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl:after {
+ clear: both;
+ content: "";
+ display: table; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-horiz .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-vert .wb-lng-lnk {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-lng-lnks-rtl .wb-lng-lnk {
+ float: right; }
+#wb-so {
+ text-align: right; }
+ #wb-so .row {
+ padding: 1em 0 0; }
+ @title: Ellipsis
+ */
+.wb-elps {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+* Based upon jQuery Mobile Transitions (https://jquerymobile.com)
+* Copyright 2010, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
+* Released under the MIT license.
+* https://jquery.org/license
+.pop.in, .fade.in, .fade.reverse.out {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.pop.out, .fade.out, .fade.reverse.in {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.csstransitions .out {
+ display: block !important; }
+.pop {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 50% 50%;
+ transform-origin: 50% 50%; }
+ .pop.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: popin;
+ animation-name: popin;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .pop.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 100ms;
+ animation-duration: 100ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ .pop.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .pop.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: popout;
+ animation-name: popout;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+@-webkit-keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@keyframes popin {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+@keyframes popout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1);
+ transform: scale(1); }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);
+ transform: scale(0.8); } }
+.fade {
+ -webkit-transition: all 0 ease 0;
+ transition: all 0 ease 0; }
+ .fade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+ .fade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 125ms;
+ animation-duration: 125ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout;
+ z-index: -1; }
+ .fade.out.noheight {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ animation-name: fadeoutnoheight;
+ max-height: 0; }
+ .fade.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadeout;
+ animation-name: fadeout; }
+ .fade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein; }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@keyframes fadein {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes fadeout {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+@keyframes fadeoutnoheight {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ visibility: visible;
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 99.9999% {
+ max-height: 100%; }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ max-height: 0; } }
+.slide.out, .slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slide.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slide.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ animation-name: slideinfromright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slide.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+.slide.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromleft;
+ animation-name: slideinfromleft; }
+/* keyframes for slidein from sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); } }
+/* keyframes for slideout to sides */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoleft {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttoright {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+.slidefade.out {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 225ms;
+ animation-duration: 225ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ animation-name: slideouttoleft;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
+ transform: translateX(-100%); }
+.slidefade.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 200ms;
+ animation-duration: 200ms;
+ -webkit-animation-name: fadein;
+ animation-name: fadein;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
+ transform: translateX(0); }
+.slidefade.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ animation-name: slideouttoright;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
+ transform: translateX(100%); }
+/* slide up/down */
+.slidevert.out, .slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 350ms;
+ animation-duration: 350ms;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out; }
+.slidevert.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ animation-name: slideouttobottom;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.slidevert.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ animation-name: slideinfromtop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+.slidevert.reverse.out {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ animation-name: slideouttotop;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+.slidevert.reverse.in {
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideinfrombottom;
+ animation-name: slideinfrombottom; }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfromtop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttotop {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%);
+ transform: translateY(-100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@keyframes slideinfrombottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+@keyframes slideouttobottom {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
+ transform: translateY(0);
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 99% {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
+ transform: translateY(100%);
+ visibility: hidden; } }
+ @title: Proximity CSS
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.opct-100 {
+ opacity: 1; }
+.opct-90 {
+ opacity: .9; }
+.opct-80 {
+ opacity: .8; }
+.opct-70 {
+ opacity: .7; }
+.opct-60 {
+ opacity: .6; }
+.opct-50 {
+ opacity: .5; }
+.opct-40 {
+ opacity: .4; }
+.opct-30 {
+ opacity: .3; }
+.opct-20 {
+ opacity: .2; }
+.opct-10 {
+ opacity: .1; }
+ * Removes bold from elements
+ */
+.fnt-nrml {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=clmn-] {
+ list-style: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=clmn-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+.pstn-bttm-lg {
+ margin: 0; }
+.pstn-lft-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+.pstn-rght-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+.pstn-tp-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+.pstn-bttm-xs {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+.mrgn-lft-0 {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.mrgn-lft-sm {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.mrgn-lft-md {
+ margin-left: 15px; }
+.mrgn-lft-lg {
+ margin-left: 30px; }
+.mrgn-lft-xl {
+ margin-left: 50px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-0 {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.mrgn-bttm-sm {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-md {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-lg {
+ margin-bottom: 30px; }
+.mrgn-bttm-xl {
+ margin-bottom: 50px; }
+.mrgn-tp-0 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mrgn-tp-sm {
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+.mrgn-tp-md {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+.mrgn-tp-lg {
+ margin-top: 30px; }
+.mrgn-tp-xl {
+ margin-top: 50px; }
+.mrgn-rght-0 {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+.mrgn-rght-sm {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.mrgn-rght-md {
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+.mrgn-rght-lg {
+ margin-right: 30px; }
+.mrgn-rght-xl {
+ margin-right: 50px; }
+.brdr-lft, .brdr-rght, .brdr-tp, .brdr-bttm {
+ border: solid 0 #ccc; }
+.brdr-lft {
+ border-left-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-rght {
+ border-right-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-tp {
+ border-top-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-bttm {
+ border-bottom-width: 1px; }
+.brdr-0 {
+ border: 0 !important; }
+.brdr-rds-0 {
+ border-radius: 0 !important; }
+.tbl-gridify thead,
+.tbl-gridify tfoot {
+ display: none; }
+.tbl-gridify tbody,
+.tbl-gridify td,
+.tbl-gridify td {
+ display: block; }
+ * Fix for missing bullets in Chrome and Safari
+ */
+[class*=colcount-] {
+ list-style-position: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-] > li {
+ margin-left: 1.3em; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled {
+ list-style: none outside none;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ [class*=colcount-].list-unstyled li {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+.colcount-xxs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+.colcount-xxs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+.colcount-xxs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+.full-width {
+ width: 100%; }
+ @title: List CSS
+ */
+.lst-lwr-alph {
+ list-style-type: lower-alpha; }
+.lst-upr-alph {
+ list-style-type: upper-alpha; }
+.lst-lwr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: lower-roman; }
+.lst-upr-rmn {
+ list-style-type: upper-roman; }
+.lst-num {
+ list-style-type: decimal; }
+.lst-none {
+ list-style-type: none; }
+.lst-spcd > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.lst-spcd ul,
+.lst-spcd ol {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ @title: Form additions to WET-BOEW
+ */
+input.required[type="checkbox"]:before, label.required strong.required,
+legend.required strong.required,
+.checkbox.required strong.required,
+input[type="checkbox"].required strong.required {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+input[type="checkbox"].required:before {
+ content: "* ";
+ margin-left: -0.665em; }
+[dir=rtl] label.required:before,
+[dir=rtl] legend.required:before {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: -0.665em; }
+ @title: Details/summary CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ summary:hover, summary:focus {
+ background: #ddd;
+ color: #000; }
+ summary > :first-child {
+ display: inline; }
+details {
+ padding-left: 1.1em;
+ padding-right: 1.1em; }
+ details > summary {
+ margin-left: -1.1em;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ details[open] {
+ padding-bottom: 1em; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
+ clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);
+ color: #000;
+ height: inherit;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 0;
+ margin-top: -.5em;
+ overflow: inherit;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 10em;
+ z-index: 5; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:hover, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td ul.ev-details a:focus, .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days td:hover ul a:focus {
+ color: #fff; }
+.wb-calevt-cal {
+ width: 19em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-days .cal-evt {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal .cal-evt-lnk {
+ display: block;
+ padding: .5em; }
+ .wb-calevt-cal.cal-cnt-fluid {
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-clndr td > a {
+ display: block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-clndr th abbr, .wb-clndr td > time, .wb-clndr td > a, .wb-clndr td div {
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 20% 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day, .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day a,
+.wb-clndr .cal-curr-day div {
+ color: #000; }
+.wb-clndr {
+ background: #fff;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-nav {
+ background: #333;
+ padding: .5em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr .form-group {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 10px 14px; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn {
+ background: none;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .btn[disabled] {
+ color: #ccc; }
+ .wb-clndr option[disabled] {
+ color: #aaa; }
+ .wb-clndr table {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-clndr th {
+ background: #555;
+ border: 1px solid #333; }
+ .wb-clndr th abbr {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #aaa;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-clndr td > time {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-clndr td a:hover, .wb-clndr td a:focus {
+ background: #333;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-clndr .cal-curr-day {
+ background: #ccc;
+ font-weight: bolder; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+figure .pieLabel {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: solid #000 1px;
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 1px; }
+details.alert, details.alert[open] {
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-width: 0 0 0 4px;
+ padding-left: 45px;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ details.alert:before, details.alert[open]:before {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 24px;
+ margin-left: -1.3em;
+ margin-top: -3px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 15px; }
+ details.alert summary, details.alert[open] summary {
+ border-width: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ padding-left: 5px; }
+ details.alert summary:focus, details.alert summary:hover, details.alert[open] summary:focus, details.alert[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ details.alert summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert summary:focus h6, details.alert summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert summary:hover h6, details.alert[open] summary:focus h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:focus h6, details.alert[open] summary:hover h2,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h3,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h4,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h5,
+ details.alert[open] summary:hover h6 {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details.alert > *, details.alert[open] > * {
+ margin-left: .7em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child, details.alert[open] > :first-child {
+ margin-left: .2em; }
+ details.alert > :first-child:before, details.alert[open] > :first-child:before {
+ color: #000;
+ content: ""; }
+ details.alert.alert-success:before, details.alert[open].alert-success:before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: "\e084"; }
+ details.alert.alert-info:before, details.alert[open].alert-info:before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: "\e086"; }
+ details.alert.alert-warning:before, details.alert[open].alert-warning:before {
+ color: #f90;
+ content: "\e107"; }
+ details.alert.alert-danger:before, details.alert[open].alert-danger:before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: "\e101"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary {
+ margin-left: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-enable.no-details details.alert > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BA\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details details.alert[open] > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BC\a0"; }
+.wb-enable.no-details[dir="rtl"] details.alert > summary {
+ margin-right: 1.2em; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Dismissable content container
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-container {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ display: table;
+ margin: 10px 0;
+ padding: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-dismissable-container .mfp-close {
+ color: #555;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: static; }
+ * Dismissable content wrapper
+ */
+.wb-dismissable-wrapper {
+ display: table-cell;
+ width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.hght-inhrt {
+ min-height: inherit; }
+.wb-fltr-out {
+ display: none !important; }
+.wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.fn-lnk:hover, .fn-lnk:focus, .wb-fnote dd:focus .fn-rtn a, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:hover, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a:focus {
+ background-color: #555;
+ border-color: #555;
+ color: #fff !important; }
+.fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 1px 10px 2px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.wb-fnote h2, .wb-fnote dd > ul:first-child,
+.wb-fnote dd > ol:first-child, .wb-fnote table:first-child {
+ margin-top: 0.375em; }
+.fn-lnk {
+ line-height: 1.15;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+.wb-fnote {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px 0;
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ .wb-fnote h2 {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dl {
+ margin: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ margin: 0.375em 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-fnote dd:focus {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ border-color: #555; }
+ .wb-fnote dd > ul,
+ .wb-fnote dd > ol {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 0 0 3.875em;
+ padding: 0 0.375em 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote p:first-child {
+ margin-top: .11em;
+ padding-top: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote ul,
+ .wb-fnote ol {
+ margin-bottom: 0.375em; }
+ .wb-fnote table {
+ margin: 0 0.375em 0.375em 4.25em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0.375em;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 3.5em; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+/* Right to left (RTL) SCSS */
+[dir="rtl"] sup .fn-lnk {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote p {
+ margin: 0 3.875em 0 0; }
+[dir="rtl"] .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error,
+.wb-frm label strong.error, .wb-frmvld legend .error,
+.wb-frm legend .error {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-frmvld label strong.error .label,
+.wb-frm label strong.error .label, .wb-frmvld legend .error .label,
+.wb-frm legend .error .label {
+ font-size: 100%;
+ white-space: normal; }
+.wb-server-error {
+ display: block !important;
+ font-size: 100% !important;
+ text-align: left !important;
+ white-space: normal !important; }
+.css-implicite-input {
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-top: 5px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+/* Magnific Popup CSS */
+.mfp-bg {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1042;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: fixed;
+ background: #0b0b0b;
+ opacity: 0.8;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=80); }
+.mfp-wrap {
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1043;
+ position: fixed;
+ outline: none !important;
+ -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }
+.mfp-container {
+ text-align: center;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ padding: 0 8px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.mfp-container:before {
+ content: '';
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.mfp-align-top .mfp-container:before {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-content {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ text-align: left;
+ z-index: 1045; }
+.mfp-inline-holder .mfp-content,
+.mfp-ajax-holder .mfp-content {
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-ajax-cur {
+ cursor: progress; }
+.mfp-zoom-out-cur, .mfp-zoom-out-cur .mfp-image-holder .mfp-close {
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-out;
+ cursor: zoom-out; }
+.mfp-zoom {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
+ cursor: zoom-in; }
+.mfp-auto-cursor .mfp-content {
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.mfp-loading.mfp-figure {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+.mfp-preloader {
+ color: #CCC;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ width: auto;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin-top: -0.8em;
+ left: 8px;
+ right: 8px;
+ z-index: 1044; }
+ .mfp-preloader a {
+ color: #CCC; }
+ .mfp-preloader a:hover {
+ color: #FFF; }
+.mfp-s-ready .mfp-preloader {
+ display: none; }
+.mfp-s-error .mfp-content {
+ display: none; }
+button.mfp-close, button.mfp-arrow {
+ overflow: visible;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ display: block;
+ outline: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ z-index: 1046;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none; }
+button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0; }
+.mfp-close {
+ width: 44px;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-align: center;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ padding: 0 0 18px 10px;
+ color: #FFF;
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace; }
+ .mfp-close:hover, .mfp-close:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-close:active {
+ top: 1px; }
+.mfp-close-btn-in .mfp-close {
+ color: #333; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-close,
+.mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ color: #FFF;
+ right: -6px;
+ text-align: right;
+ padding-right: 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.mfp-counter {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ color: #CCC;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.mfp-arrow {
+ position: absolute;
+ opacity: 0.65;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ margin: 0;
+ top: 50%;
+ margin-top: -55px;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 90px;
+ height: 110px;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
+ .mfp-arrow:active {
+ margin-top: -54px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:hover, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
+ .mfp-arrow:before, .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ content: '';
+ display: block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ margin-top: 35px;
+ margin-left: 35px;
+ border: medium inset transparent; }
+ .mfp-arrow:after,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-a {
+ border-top-width: 13px;
+ border-bottom-width: 13px;
+ top: 8px; }
+ .mfp-arrow:before,
+ .mfp-arrow .mfp-b {
+ border-top-width: 21px;
+ border-bottom-width: 21px;
+ opacity: 0.7; }
+.mfp-arrow-left {
+ left: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-a {
+ border-right: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 31px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-left:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-left .mfp-b {
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ border-right: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-arrow-right {
+ right: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:after,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-a {
+ border-left: 17px solid #FFF;
+ margin-left: 39px; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right:before,
+ .mfp-arrow-right .mfp-b {
+ border-left: 27px solid #3F3F3F; }
+.mfp-iframe-holder {
+ padding-top: 40px;
+ padding-bottom: 40px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-content {
+ line-height: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 900px; }
+ .mfp-iframe-holder .mfp-close {
+ top: -40px; }
+.mfp-iframe-scaler {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding-top: 56.25%; }
+ .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {
+ position: absolute;
+ display: block;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #000; }
+/* Main image in popup */
+img.mfp-img {
+ width: auto;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+ display: block;
+ line-height: 0;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding: 40px 0 40px;
+ margin: 0 auto; }
+/* The shadow behind the image */
+.mfp-figure {
+ line-height: 0; }
+ .mfp-figure:after {
+ content: '';
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 40px;
+ bottom: 40px;
+ display: block;
+ right: 0;
+ width: auto;
+ height: auto;
+ z-index: -1;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ background: #444; }
+ .mfp-figure small {
+ color: #BDBDBD;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 14px; }
+ .mfp-figure figure {
+ margin: 0; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar {
+ margin-top: -36px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ cursor: auto; }
+.mfp-title {
+ text-align: left;
+ line-height: 18px;
+ color: #F3F3F3;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ padding-right: 36px; }
+.mfp-image-holder .mfp-content {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.mfp-gallery .mfp-image-holder .mfp-figure {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+@media screen and (max-width: 800px) and (orientation: landscape), screen and (max-height: 300px) {
+ /**
+ * Remove all paddings around the image on small screen
+ */
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-image-holder {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile img.mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure:after {
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-figure small {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ bottom: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ top: auto;
+ padding: 3px 5px;
+ position: fixed;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-bottom-bar:empty {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-counter {
+ right: 5px;
+ top: 3px; }
+ .mfp-img-mobile .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ width: 35px;
+ height: 35px;
+ line-height: 35px;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ position: fixed;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 0; } }
+@media all and (max-width: 900px) {
+ .mfp-arrow {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.75);
+ transform: scale(0.75); }
+ .mfp-arrow-left {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 0;
+ transform-origin: 0; }
+ .mfp-arrow-right {
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 100%;
+ transform-origin: 100%; }
+ .mfp-container {
+ padding-left: 6px;
+ padding-right: 6px; } }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-img {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-bottom-bar {
+ width: 600px;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -300px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-container {
+ padding: 0; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-content {
+ padding-top: 44px; }
+.mfp-ie7 .mfp-close {
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.mfp-close:focus, .mfp-arrow:focus {
+ outline: 1px dotted #fff;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+body.wb-modal > #wb-tphp,
+body.wb-modal > header,
+body.wb-modal > main,
+body.wb-modal > footer, body.wb-modal summary {
+ visibility: hidden !important; }
+.lbx-hide-gal li {
+ display: none;
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ .lbx-hide-gal li:first-child {
+ display: block; }
+body.wb-modal .modal-dialog summary {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+.modal-dialog {
+ left: auto;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+.modal-content {
+ background: transparent; }
+.modal-body {
+ background: #fff; }
+.modal-footer {
+ background: #fff;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.mfp-gallery .modal-body {
+ padding: 20px 30px; }
+.mfp-close {
+ cursor: pointer !important;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ /* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */ }
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+/* Should fix upstream in Magnific Popup rather than overriding in WET */
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-title {
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 75%; }
+.mfp-bottom-bar .mfp-counter {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ text-align: right;
+ width: 25%; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Menu Sass
+ */
+.expicon {
+ font-size: .7em;
+ margin: 0 -.35em 0 .7em; }
+.wb-menu .sm {
+ display: none;
+ max-height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open {
+ display: inline;
+ max-height: 1000px;
+ min-width: 12.5em;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-transform: none;
+ top: auto;
+ z-index: 500; }
+ .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
+ text-align: left; }
+ .wb-menu .sm details > * {
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+.wb-menu .menu {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li {
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 1em;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:hover, .wb-menu .menu > li a[aria-haspopup]:focus {
+ cursor: default; }
+.wb-menu .sm-open .expicon {
+ z-index: -1; }
+.wb-menu details, .wb-menu details[open] {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-menu details summary, .wb-menu details[open] summary {
+ border: 0;
+ color: inherit; }
+ .wb-menu details summary:focus, .wb-menu details summary:hover, .wb-menu details[open] summary:focus, .wb-menu details[open] summary:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+#mb-pnl nav a.wb-navcurr, #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr {
+ outline: 1px solid; }
+#mb-pnl nav a.wb-navcurr:focus, #mb-pnl nav summary.wb-navcurr:focus {
+ outline-style: dotted; }
+#mb-pnl .srch-pnl, #mb-pnl nav {
+ padding: 10px 20px 8px; }
+#mb-pnl .srch-pnl form {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+#mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ padding: 7px 15px 0;
+ text-align: right; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li {
+ line-height: normal;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr li a {
+ padding: 5px; }
+#mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect {
+ padding-left: 1.27em; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect .list-group {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl nav ul li.no-sect a {
+ margin: 0 0 0 -6px; }
+#mb-pnl nav .mb-menu > li {
+ padding: 10px 0 2px; }
+#mb-pnl nav a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 6px 0 6px -6px;
+ padding: 0 6px;
+ width: 100%; }
+#mb-pnl nav summary {
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+ background: #0e4164; }
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+[dir=rtl] .wb-menu .sm.open li a {
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+ margin: 0 .7em 0 -.35em; }
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+ padding-right: .7em; }
+ Multimedia Player Code
+ */
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+ display: none; }
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+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
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+ padding-top: 2em; }
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+ display: block;
+ position: relative;
+ /*
+ Light Skinning of mediacontrols
+ */ }
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+ cursor: pointer;
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+ color: #fff;
+ content: "";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 65px;
+ text-align: center; }
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+ display: none; }
+ .wb-mltmd.video.waiting .display {
+ position: relative; }
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+ display: block; }
+ .wb-mltmd.audio object {
+ position: absolute; }
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+ height: auto;
+ width: 100%; }
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+ display: table;
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+ color: #000; }
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+ background: #fff;
+ color: #000; }
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+ background: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ color: #000; }
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+ text-align: right; }
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+ background-color: #000;
+ color: #fff;
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+ -webkit-transition: all .26s ease;
+ transition: all .26s ease;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-cc:before {
+ content: " "; }
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+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls {
+ background: #3e3e3e;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: table;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ /* Progress Bar */
+ /* Slider polyfill styles */ }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .btn {
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
+ border-top-right-radius: 0 !important;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 130%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .frstpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 13em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .lastpnl {
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 3em; }
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+ content: " / ";
+ padding: 0 .5em; }
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+ padding: 0 1em; }
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+ display: inline; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly,
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+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress {
+ /* Important Thing */
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: #fff;
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+ border: 7px solid #3e3e3e;
+ border-radius: 14px;
+ color: #176ca7;
+ display: block;
+ height: 30px;
+ left: 0;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress.wb-progress-inited {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-webkit-progress-bar {
+ background: #fff; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-webkit-progress-value {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ border-radius: 7px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls progress::-moz-progress-bar {
+ background: #176ca7;
+ border-radius: 7px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .progress {
+ height: 22px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range] {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 2.5em;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 7em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]:focus {
+ /* Prevent Webkit/Blink browsers from defaulting to a -2px outline offset. */
+ outline-offset: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {
+ background: #aaa;
+ height: 4px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ margin-top: -9px;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-moz-range-track {
+ background: #aaa;
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-track {
+ border: 0;
+ color: transparent;
+ height: 4px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-fill-upper {
+ background: #aaa; }
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+ background: #aaa; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls input[type=range]::-ms-thumb {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ width: 10px; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider {
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 7em; }
+ .wb-mm-ctrls .fd-slider-handle {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #707070;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+ width: 10px; }
+.xxsmallview .wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly {
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: -2em;
+ position: absolute; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay base
+ */
+.wb-overlay {
+ background-clip: border-box;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ display: none;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
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+ display: block; }
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+ display: inline-block;
+ position: fixed; }
+.wb-panel-l, .wb-panel-r {
+ height: 100%;
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+ left: 0;
+ max-height: 90%;
+ min-width: 100%; }
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+ max-height: 90%;
+ max-width: 90%; }
+ * Overlay styles
+ */
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+ right: 0; }
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+ top: 0; }
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+ bottom: 0; }
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+ left: 0;
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+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 90%; }
+.wb-popup-full {
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
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+ opacity: .97; }
+.wb-overlay-dlg .overlay-bg {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 1000px 1000px black; }
+ * Overlay parts
+ */
+.overlay-def {
+ overflow-y: auto; }
+ .overlay-def header {
+ background-color: #2e5274;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 0 44px 0 1em; }
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+ font-size: 1.15em;
+ padding: 10px 0; }
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+ background-color: #000; }
+ .overlay-def.wb-bar-t header, .overlay-def.wb-bar-b header {
+ background-color: #000; }
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+ color: #fff; }
+.hidden-hd .modal-body {
+ padding-top: 50px; }
+.hidden-hd .overlay-close:not(.btn) {
+ background-color: #000;
+ border-radius: 999px;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ margin-right: 20px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 1em; }
+[dir=rtl] .mfp-close {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-l {
+ left: auto;
+ right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .wb-panel-r {
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .overlay-def header {
+ padding: 0 1em 0 44px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+/* SPAN elements with the classes below are added by prettyprint. */
+/* plain text */
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+[dir="rtl"] pre.prettyprint {
+ direction: ltr; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+#wb-rsz {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -1000px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.shr-opn span {
+ padding-right: .2em; }
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+ line-height: 32px;
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ min-height: 32px;
+ text-align: left;
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+ content: " ";
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 32px;
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+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .diigo:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px 0px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px -64px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
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+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
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+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -96px -32px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -96px -64px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: 0px -96px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
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+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -32px -96px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .yahoomail:before {
+ background-image: url(../../wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png);
+ background-position: -64px -96px;
+ width: 32px;
+ height: 32px; }
+.shr-pg .shr-dscl {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
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+ content: "\2709";
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 32px;
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+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 10px;
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+[dir=rtl] .shr-opn span {
+ padding-left: .2em;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] .shr-pg {
+ text-align: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .shr-pg .shr-lnk {
+ text-align: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .shr-pg .shr-lnk:before {
+ margin-left: .4em;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+[dir=rtl] .email:before {
+ margin-left: .6em;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+* Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+* wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+.provisional.wb-steps {
+ counter-reset: fieldset_counter; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .wb-tggle-fildst > legend:before {
+ content: counter(fieldset_counter) ". ";
+ counter-increment: fieldset_counter; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .wb-tggle-fildst > legend.wb-steps-active {
+ color: #1c578a; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .wb-tggle-fildst > legend.wb-steps-error {
+ color: #942826; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .steps-wrapper {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #c0c0c0; }
+ .provisional.wb-steps .subfields {
+ border: 0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ */
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+ clear: both; }
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+ background-color: #acbad4; }
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+ * Table styles
+ */
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+ * Control feature layout
+ */
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+.wb-tabs {
+ /**
+ * Default, minimal, shared style
+ */
+ /* For backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1 */
+ /**
+ * Style 1 - Basic carousel style
+ */
+ /**
+ * Style 2 - Slider-like carousel style
+ */ }
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+ display: list-item !important; }
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+ transform: none; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
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+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace;
+ font-size: 24px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 28px;
+ line-height: 28px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 28px; }
+.ol-popup-closer:link, .ol-popup-closer:visited, .ol-popup-closer:hover, .ol-popup-closer:active {
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.popup-content h5 {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
+ color: #999;
+ font-size: 1.0em;
+ margin: -5px 0px 5px 0px;
+ padding-bottom: 3px; }
+.popup-content table th, .popup-content table td {
+ padding: 2px; }
+ * GeoMap
+ */
+.wb-geomap-map {
+ outline: 1px solid #ccc;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative; }
+ .wb-geomap-map.active {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075), 0 0 8px rgba(102, 175, 233, 0.6);
+ outline-color: #66afe9; }
+.geomap-legend-detail {
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+.geomap-legend-element {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ width: 100%; }
+.geomap-legend-symbol {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.geomap-legend-symbol-text {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.geomap-clear-format {
+ clear: both; }
+.geomap-legend-label {
+ display: inline; }
+.geomap-lgnd-layer {
+ margin-bottom: 10px !important;
+ margin-top: 0px !important; }
+.geomap-lgnd > :last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0px !important; }
+.geomap-geoloc {
+ background: transparent;
+ left: .25em;
+ top: .25em; }
+ .geomap-geoloc input[type="text"] {
+ border-color: #fff;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ width: 100%; }
+.geomap-aoi legend {
+ border: 0;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+.geomap-aoi button.geomap-geoloc-aoi-btn {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15px;
+ top: auto; }
+.geoloc-progress {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 500ms;
+ animation-duration: 500ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ color: #333;
+ content: "\e031";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 1em;
+ height: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.03;
+ width: 1em;
+ z-index: 2; }
+/* OL3 */
+.ol-geolocate {
+ bottom: 8em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-geolocate {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: .5em; }
+.ol-mouse-position {
+ background: #fff;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ bottom: 3em;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ left: .6666em;
+ min-width: 100px;
+ padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ will-change: contents, width; }
+.ol-mouse-position:before {
+ content: "\e062";
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ margin-right: 3px; }
+.ol-mouse-position-inner {
+ padding: 10px; }
+.ol-mouse-position:empty {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-touch .ol-mouse-position {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-scale-line {
+ background: #fff;
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-touch .ol-scale-line {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-scale-line-inner {
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ border-top: none;
+ color: #000;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-align: center;
+ will-change: contents, width; }
+.ol-overlay-container {
+ will-change: left, right, top, bottom; }
+.ol-unsupported {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-viewport .ol-unselectable {
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.ol-control {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-control:hover {
+ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); }
+.ol-zoom {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-zoom {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-rotate {
+ bottom: 1.5em;
+ right: 3.25em;
+ -webkit-transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear;
+ transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear; }
+.ol-rotate.ol-hidden {
+ opacity: 0;
+ -webkit-transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear .25s;
+ transition: opacity .25s linear, visibility 0s linear .25s;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.ol-zoom-extent {
+ bottom: 6em;
+ right: 1em; }
+.ol-touch .ol-zoom-extent {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-zoom-extent span.glyphicon {
+ top: 3px; }
+.ol-full-screen {
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+@media print {
+ .ol-control {
+ display: none; } }
+.ol-control button {
+ background-color: white;
+ border: none;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px #999;
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.14em;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 1.5em;
+ line-height: .4em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ width: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border: none;
+ padding: 0; }
+.ol-zoom-extent button {
+ line-height: 1.4em; }
+ol-geolocate button {
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-compass {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ will-change: transform; }
+.ol-touch .ol-control button {
+ font-size: 1.5em; }
+.ol-control button:focus, .ol-control button:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-in {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #999;
+ border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; }
+.ol-zoom .ol-zoom-out {
+ border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px; }
+.ol-attribution {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+ border-radius: 2px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ line-height: .75em;
+ max-width: calc(80% - 1.3em);
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: right; }
+.ol-attribution ul {
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: .75em;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: .15em .25em;
+ text-shadow: 0 0 2px #fff; }
+.ol-attribution li {
+ display: inline;
+ line-height: inherit;
+ list-style: none; }
+ .ol-attribution li :after {
+ content: " "; }
+ .ol-attribution li :last-child:after {
+ content: ""; }
+.ol-attribution img {
+ max-height: 2em;
+ max-width: inherit; }
+.ol-attribution a {
+ color: #333;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.ol-attribution a:visited, .ol-attribution a:active {
+ color: #333; }
+.ol-attribution button, .ol-attribution ul {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-collapsed ul {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only ul {
+ display: block; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ height: 1.3em;
+ line-height: .75em;
+ right: 0; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only {
+ background: 0 0;
+ bottom: .4em;
+ height: 1.1em;
+ line-height: 1em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible img {
+ margin-top: -.2em;
+ max-height: 1.6em; }
+.ol-attribution.ol-logo-only button, .ol-attribution.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-box {
+ border: 2px solid #2572b4;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-dragbox {
+ border: 2px solid #ff0033;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
+.ol-overviewmap {
+ bottom: .5em;
+ left: .5em; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible {
+ border-radius: 0 4px 0 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ left: 0; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap button {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.ol-overviewmap .ol-overviewmap-map {
+ border: 1px solid #7b98bc;
+ height: 150px;
+ margin: 2px;
+ width: 150px; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) button {
+ bottom: 1px;
+ left: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+.ol-overviewmap.ol-collapsed .ol-overviewmap-map, .ol-overviewmap.ol-uncollapsible button {
+ display: none; }
+.ol-overviewmap:not(.ol-collapsed) {
+ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); }
+.ol-overviewmap-box {
+ border: 2px dotted rgba(0, 60, 136, 0.7); }
+.geomap-help-btn {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ right: .5em;
+ top: .5em; }
+.geomap-help-btn:focus, .geomap-help-btn:hover {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.geomap-help-btn button {
+ background-color: #333;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ color: #fff; }
+.ol-touch .geomap-help-btn {
+ display: none; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ padding: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+.geomap-help-dialog {
+ background-color: white;
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 10px;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+ .geomap-help-dialog a.btn {
+ color: #333;
+ font-family: Arial, Baskerville, monospace;
+ font-size: 28px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 44px;
+ line-height: 44px;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 44px; }
+.geomap-help-dialog:hover {
+ background-color: white; }
+.tooltip-txt::after {
+ border-color: silver transparent transparent transparent;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ content: " ";
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%; }
+.tooltip-txt {
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ background: silver;
+ border: solid 1px silver;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ bottom: 100%;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+ color: #333333;
+ cursor: default;
+ filter: drop-shadow(0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
+ font-size: .80em;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -60px;
+ padding: 5px 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 120px; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ max-height: 15em; }
+.wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ left: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 50; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: solid 1px #ccc;
+ border-top: 0;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al li:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a {
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 5px 5px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:hover, .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a:focus {
+ background: #666;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .wb-geomap-geoloc-al-cnt .wb-geomap-geoloc-al a span.glyphicon {
+ color: #ccc;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+.glyphicon-spin {
+ -webkit-animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear;
+ animation: spin 1000ms infinite linear; }
+@-webkit-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+@keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg); } }
+.skeleton-lgnd-1 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 10px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-2 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin: 20px 0 20px 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.skeleton-lgnd-3 {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-left: 25px;
+ width: 15px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-zebra-col-hover .wb-group-summary col.table-hover, .table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover td,
+.table-hover .wb-group-summary tr:hover th {
+ background-color: #fafaff; }
+.wb-cell-layout {
+ background-color: transparent; }
+.wb-cell-key, .wb-cell-desc {
+ font-style: italic; }
+.wb-zebra > colgroup + colgroup {
+ border-left: 2px solid #ddd; }
+.wb-group-summary {
+ background-color: #f0f2f4; }
+.wb-zebra-col-hover col.table-hover {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.feeds-cont.waiting:after, .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: " ";
+ height: 50px;
+ left: 0;
+ margin: auto;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 50px; }
+.feeds-cont.waiting {
+ min-height: 100px;
+ min-width: 100px; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:after {
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ animation-duration: 1000ms;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+ -webkit-animation-name: spin;
+ animation-name: spin;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
+ animation-timing-function: linear;
+ background: url("../../wet-boew/assets/loading.png") center center no-repeat;
+ background-size: 30px 30px;
+ z-index: 2; }
+ .feeds-cont.waiting:before {
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ z-index: 1; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:before {
+ content: "["; }
+.feeds-cont .feeds-date:after {
+ content: "]"; }
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+datalist {
+ display: none; }
+ @title: Details/summary polyfill pre-Modernizr CSS
+ */
+summary {
+ display: list-item !important;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-closed;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+details:not([open]) details summary, details .out details summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+details {
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details summary {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ color: #295376;
+ padding: 5px 15px; }
+ details summary:focus, details summary:hover {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ color: #0535d2;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ details summary:focus {
+ outline-style: dotted;
+ outline-width: 1px; }
+ details[open] {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px; }
+ details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ list-style-type: disclosure-open;
+ margin-bottom: .25em; }
+ details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ details:not([open]) > details,
+ details:not([open]) > * {
+ display: none; }
+ details.alert:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.tabpanels > details:not([open]) {
+ visibility: visible; }
+.wb-disable details {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-disable details > *:not(summary) {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.datepicker-format {
+ display: none; }
+.picker-overlay {
+ width: 19em; }
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views
+ */
+ .mathml body > div > math,
+ .no-mathml body > div > math, .nojs-show, .wb-disable .nojs-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /* Hide MathML check */
+ #wb-dtmd {
+ margin: 2em 0 0; }
+ #wb-dtmd dt,
+ #wb-dtmd dd {
+ display: inline;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .nowrap {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+ .wb-disable .nojs-show {
+ display: block !important; }
+ .col-xs-auto, .col-sm-auto, .col-md-auto, .col-lg-auto {
+ min-height: 1px;
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px; }
+ .col-xs-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */
+ .typ, .atn, .dec, .var {
+ color: #606; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #660; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #2f6d2f; }
+ /* string content - from #080 */
+ /* a keyword - from #008 */
+ .kwd {
+ color: #024b6e; }
+ /* a comment */
+ .com {
+ color: #800; }
+ /* a type name */
+ /* a literal value */
+ .lit {
+ color: #066; }
+ /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
+ /* a markup tag name - from #008 */
+ .tag {
+ color: #125b7e; }
+ /* a markup attribute name */
+ /* a markup attribute value - from #080 */
+ /* a declaration */
+ /* a variable name */
+ /* a function name */
+ .fun {
+ color: #f00; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Screen-only styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.wb-init {
+ padding-bottom: 4.375em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.exclude-controls {
+ padding-bottom: 0; } }
+/* Extra-small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info {
+ padding-bottom: 5px; }
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: left;
+ text-align: left;
+ width: 100%; }
+ [dir=rtl] .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_filter {
+ float: right;
+ text-align: right; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Mobile-friendly styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #ccc solid 1px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details:last-of-type, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details:last-of-type {
+ border-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[style], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[style] {
+ min-height: 0 !important; }
+ .wb-tabs > details > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details > summary {
+ border: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.tabs-acc > ul {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Medium view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Extra-small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xs-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xs-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xs-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 300px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_info:after {
+ content: "|";
+ font-size: 1.2em;
+ line-height: 1em;
+ padding: 0 .25em; } }
+/* Small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .col-sm-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ .form-inline .label-inline:last-child {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ @title: Bootstrap 4 suplemental style for WET-BOEW - Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Margin */
+ .mb-sm-5 {
+ margin-bottom: 50px !important; }
+ /* Padding */
+ .p-sm-3 {
+ padding: 15px !important; }
+ .px-sm-3 {
+ padding-left: 15px !important;
+ padding-right: 15px !important; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Small view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-sm-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-sm-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-sm-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-sm {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 80%; } }
+/* Medium view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ [dir=rtl] main.col-md-push-3 {
+ left: auto; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-sec.col-md-pull-9 {
+ right: auto; }
+ .col-md-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-md-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-md-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-md-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-md {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #details-flickr,
+ #details-youtube {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ border-color: #ccc;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open], .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */ }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a {
+ border-color: #666;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.active a:focus::before {
+ content: "";
+ height: calc(100% - 6px);
+ left: 0;
+ margin: 2px;
+ outline: inherit;
+ outline-color: #FFF;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: calc(100% - 4px); }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[role="presentation"] img {
+ opacity: .5;
+ width: 140px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li[class="active"] img {
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.tab-count, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2.show-thumbs [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ display: none; } }
+/* Large view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-lg {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-lg {
+ clear: right; }
+ .col-lg-auto {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-lg-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-lg-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-lg-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; }
+ .pstn-lft-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ right: auto; }
+ .pstn-rght-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ left: auto; }
+ .pstn-tp-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: auto; }
+ .pstn-bttm-lg {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ top: auto; }
+ .wb-filter .input-group {
+ max-width: 60%; } }
+/* Extra-extra-small view */
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ #mb-pnl {
+ min-width: 65%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_length {
+ width: 100%; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv {
+ margin-left: 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv a {
+ padding: 10px 0 10px .4em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt a {
+ padding: 10px 0; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.tab-count {
+ font-size: .9em;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause {
+ margin-right: 2%; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.3em;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ padding: 12px 10px 7px; } }
+/* Extra-small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-sm {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-sm {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Medium view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ .clr-lft-md {
+ clear: left; }
+ .clr-rght-md {
+ clear: right; } }
+/* Large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Proximity CSS - Medium view and over
+ */
+ .colcount-xl-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ .colcount-xl-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ -moz-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3; }
+ .colcount-xl-4 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 4;
+ -moz-column-count: 4;
+ column-count: 4; } }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .pg-brk-aft {
+ page-break-after: always; }
+ a[href]:after {
+ content: none; }
+ #wb-tphp {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ @title: Breadcrumb print CSS overrides
+ */
+ #wb-bc .breadcrumb {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ #wb-bc a[href]:after {
+ content: ""; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .fn-lnk, .wb-fnote .fn-rtn a {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ .wb-fnote dd {
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-fnote .fn-rtn {
+ overflow: visible; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ .wb-geomap-detail, .olControlMousePosition, .olControlPanZoomBar {
+ visibility: hidden; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ .mfp-wrap,
+ .mfp-container {
+ position: static; }
+ .mfp-arrow,
+ .mfp-close {
+ display: none !important; }
+ /*
+ Multimedia Player Code (print view)
+ */
+ .wb-mm-ctrls,
+ .wb-mm-ovrly {
+ display: none; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main > *, .wb-modal main > * {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-overlay-dlg main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-overlay-dlg main .mfp-content, .wb-modal main .wb-overlay.open, .wb-modal main .mfp-content {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-overlay.open {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-overlay.open.no-print {
+ display: none; }
+ .mfp-content:before, .wb-overlay.open:before {
+ content: attr(data-pgtitle);
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 34px; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /* Use higher contrast and text-weight for printable form. */
+ .kwd, .typ, .tag {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ .kwd, .tag {
+ color: #006; }
+ .str, .atv {
+ color: #060; }
+ .pun, .opn, .clo {
+ color: #440; }
+ .typ, .atn {
+ color: #404; }
+ .com {
+ color: #600;
+ font-style: italic; }
+ .lit {
+ color: #044; }
+ /*
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ /**
+ * Print styles
+ */
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"], .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > div.out, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details.out .tgl-panel, .wb-tabs.print-active > .tabpanels > details > summary[aria-expanded="false"] + .tgl-panel {
+ display: none !important; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 [role="tabpanel"], .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tabpanel"] {
+ margin-bottom: .5em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figure, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure {
+ page-break-inside: avoid; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s1 figcaption, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figcaption {
+ border: 1px solid #000; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ display: block !important;
+ opacity: 1 !important;
+ overflow: visible !important;
+ position: static !important;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none;
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] figcaption {
+ position: static; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"].noheight {
+ max-height: none; }
+ .wb-tabs > .tabpanels {
+ overflow: visible !important; } }
+/* GCWeb Independant Component */
+ * Global small component style
+ *
+ * Use this style sheet to define style for small component
+ */
+ * Redacted inline text style
+ */
+.redacted {
+ display: inline-block;
+ line-break: anywhere;
+ overflow-wrap: break-word;
+ word-break: break-all;
+ word-wrap: break-word; }
+ * GCWeb Theme
+ */
+ Global Default Body styling
+.pagedetails .row div:first-child a, .pagedetails .row div:first-child details, .pagedetails div + .wb-share-inited {
+ margin-top: .5em; }
+html {
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; }
+main {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ line-height: 1.65em; }
+ main .pagedetails {
+ font-size: 16px; }
+ main .glyphicon {
+ top: 2px; }
+blockquote {
+ font-size: 1em; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main h2,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h2 {
+ max-width: 33ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main h3,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h3 {
+ max-width: 50ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main h4,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h4 {
+ max-width: 59ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main li,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd li {
+ max-width: 63ch; }
+.cnt-wdth-lmtd main p, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main h5, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main h6, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main dt, .cnt-wdth-lmtd main dd,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd p,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h5,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd h6,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd dt,
+main .cnt-wdth-lmtd dd {
+ max-width: 65ch; }
+a {
+ color: #284162; }
+ a img.thumbnail:hover {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999; }
+ a.no-undrln {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+*[placeholder] {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important; }
+/* Theme base styles */
+.h1, h2,
+.h2, h3,
+.h3, h4,
+.h4, h5,
+.h5, h6,
+.h6, .home .home-most-requested li {
+ font-family: Lato, sans-serif; }
+h1 {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #af3c43;
+ margin-bottom: .2em;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ padding-bottom: .2em; }
+.gc-srvinfo p, .gc-drmt p {
+ font-size: 17px;
+ line-height: 1.5em; }
+.gc-srvinfo h3, .gc-srvinfo h4, .gc-srvinfo h5, .gc-srvinfo h6, .gc-drmt h3, .gc-drmt h4, .gc-drmt h5, .gc-drmt h6 {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ margin-top: 23px; }
+h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3, h4, .h4, h5, .h5, h6, .h6 {
+ -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;
+ font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;
+ font-weight: 600; }
+.h6 {
+ border: 0; }
+/* Exclude temporary the form element from the font update, keep same style as before
+ * - Rational: More testing and various adjustment need to be completed before to apply it
+ */
+:not(#wb-srch) form, .checkbox, .checkbox-inline, .radio, .radio-inline, form .btn:not(.btn-call-to-action) {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+form .btn:not(.btn-call-to-action), .form-control {
+ padding: 6px 12px; }
+legend {
+ line-height: 1.65em; }
+/* Force GCWeb release 4.0.29 font style
+ *
+ * This undo the font style introduced with gcweb v5 new look
+ *
+ * - Rational: This is to help the adoption of the new desing by allowing adopter to use
+ * a special CSS class on content like the one optimized for a desktop at 100% view port
+ * Example of content: high profile pages, campaign, application, .....
+ *
+ * This CSS are going to be removed in a future version
+ * Using this CSS hack should be temporary and be used to get some time to adapt the content
+ * as per the new font size parameter
+ *
+ */
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h1 {
+ margin-top: 1.25em; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h1,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h1 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 34px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h2,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h2 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 26px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h3,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h3 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 22px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h4,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h4 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 18px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h5,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h5 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 h6,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .h6 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .glyphicon {
+ top: 1px; }
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 main,
+main.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375em; }
+main .force-style-gcweb-4-0-29,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn {
+ font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 23px; }
+ * END - Force GCWeb release 4.0.29 font style
+ *
+ */
+form .btn.btn-lg, form .btn-group-lg > .btn,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn.btn-lg,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn-group-lg > .btn {
+ padding: 10px 16px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.3333333;
+ border-radius: 6px; }
+form .btn.btn-sm, form .btn-group-sm > .btn,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn.btn-sm,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn-group-sm > .btn {
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+form .btn.btn-xs, form .btn-group-xs > .btn,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn.btn-xs,
+.force-style-gcweb-4-0-29 .btn-group-xs > .btn {
+ padding: 1px 5px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 1.5;
+ border-radius: 3px; }
+aside.site-related h2 {
+ font-size: 28px;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+aside.features {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#eaebed), to(#eaebed));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eaebed 0%, #eaebed 100%);
+ padding-bottom: 1.5em; }
+ aside.features h2 {
+ border: 0; }
+ aside.features figcaption {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin-top: 3px; }
+ aside.features .thumbnail {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ padding: 10px 10px 0; }
+ aside.features .thumbnail img {
+ border: solid 1px #eee;
+ max-width: 100%; }
+.home {
+ /* Home page banner
+ *
+ * Reference in:
+ * - components/_screen-xxs-max
+ * - components/_screen-xs-min-to-screen-xs-max
+ * - components/_screen-md-min-to-screen-md-max
+ * - components/_screen-md-max
+ * - components/_screen-lg-min
+ */
+ /* Home page Most requested section
+ *
+ * Reference in:
+ * - views/_screen-sm-max
+ */
+ /* Home page your gov
+ *
+ * Reference in:
+ * - views/_screen-sm-max
+ */ }
+ .home h1 {
+ border-bottom-width: 4px;
+ font-weight: 500;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ .home h2 {
+ font-size: 1.2em; }
+ .home .header-rwd {
+ margin: 2em 0px; }
+ .home .home-most-requested li {
+ font-size: 17px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ line-height: 26px;
+ margin-top: 0px; }
+ .home .home-your-gov {
+ background-image: url(https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/canada/carousel/bkg-home-yourgov.jpg), url(../assets/bkg-home-yourgov.jpg);
+ background-position: right center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: 35%; }
+/* Heading with links inside of rows */
+.departments a h2,
+.departments a h3,
+.departments a h4,
+.priorities a h2,
+.priorities a h3,
+.priorities a h4 {
+ font-size: 20px; }
+.sect-lnks h2 a,
+.sect-lnks h3 a,
+.sect-lnks h4 a {
+ font-size: 20px; }
+/* Deprecated as v4.0.28 */
+.gc-nttvs {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ccc; }
+ * Feature
+ *
+ * Deprecated as v4.0.28
+ * - style applied for: h2, h3, h4
+ * - class .gc-nttvs
+ */
+.gc-prtts a,
+.gc-nttvs a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .gc-prtts a h2,
+ .gc-prtts a h3,
+ .gc-prtts a h4,
+ .gc-prtts a figcaption,
+ .gc-nttvs a h2,
+ .gc-nttvs a h3,
+ .gc-nttvs a h4,
+ .gc-nttvs a figcaption {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 23px;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gc-prtts a p:last-child,
+ .gc-nttvs a p:last-child {
+ color: black; }
+.gc-nws a h2,
+.gc-nws a h3,
+.gc-nws a h4 {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+/* Summaries styled as default buttons */
+details[open] > summary.btn-default {
+ border: 1px outset #dcdee1;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; }
+ * List responsive style
+ *
+ * It has variant defined for some specific views
+ * - views/_screen-lg-min
+ * - views/_screen-xs-max
+ */
+.list-responsive > li {
+ float: left;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 50%; }
+ .list-responsive > li:nth-child(2n+2) {
+ clear: right; }
+.list-responsive:before, .list-responsive:after {
+ content: " ";
+ display: table; }
+.list-responsive:after {
+ clear: both; }
+/* Double space list items
+ Might worth to publish it upstream here instead: https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/blob/master/src/base/lists/_base.scss#L30
+ */
+.lst-spcd-2 > li {
+ margin-bottom: 20px; }
+.lst-spcd-2 ul,
+.lst-spcd-2 ol {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+/* Style only the figcaption as the link */
+a.figcaption {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ a.figcaption:not([class*="text-"]) * :not(figcaption) {
+ color: #333333; }
+ a.figcaption figure > *:not(blockquote):not(img):not(table):not(div) {
+ margin-left: .8ch;
+ margin-right: .8ch; }
+ a.figcaption figcaption {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+/* Thumbnail Treatments */
+.thumbnail {
+ background: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #eee;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ padding: 5px; }
+ .thumbnail:hover img {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999;
+ box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999; }
+.pagedetails {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ .pagedetails.row details {
+ margin-bottom: .25em;
+ margin-left: 1.1em;
+ margin-right: 1.1em; }
+ .pagedetails .datemod {
+ padding-bottom: 7px;
+ padding-top: 7px; }
+ .pagedetails .datemod #wb-dtmd {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ .pagedetails .well {
+ margin-left: -1.1em;
+ margin-right: -1.1em; }
+ .pagedetails details {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+h1, .h1 {
+ font-size: 1.9em; }
+h2, .h2 {
+ font-size: 1.8em; }
+h3, .h3 {
+ font-size: 1.2em; }
+h4, .h4 {
+ font-size: 1.1em; }
+h5, .h5 {
+ font-size: 1em; }
+h6, .h6 {
+ font-size: .95em;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ * wet-boew plugin CSS overrides
+ */
+.wb-mltmd {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display::after {
+ line-height: 1.5em; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly p {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.dataTables_wrapper .top {
+ font-size: 17px; }
+.dataTables_wrapper .top [type=search] {
+ max-width: 205px; }
+#archived-bnr {
+ background-color: #fd0; }
+ #archived-bnr p {
+ margin: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
+ #archived-bnr a {
+ color: #000;
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ padding: .75em 44px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #archived-bnr a:hover, #archived-bnr a:focus {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #archived-bnr .overlay-close {
+ color: #000; }
+ Banner
+ */
+header {
+ position: relative; }
+ header .brand {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+ header .brand a {
+ display: block;
+ height: auto;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ width: auto; }
+ header .brand a:after {
+ bottom: 0;
+ content: "";
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0; }
+ header .brand img,
+ header .brand object {
+ height: auto;
+ max-height: 40px; }
+ header .brand img {
+ margin-bottom: .375em; }
+ * Mobile Chevron
+ */
+#wb-glb-mn {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul {
+ min-width: 150px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn {
+ background: #26374a;
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: right;
+ height: 2.75em; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn li {
+ display: block;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn li a {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 1.9em;
+ padding: 5px 20px 0 0; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn span .glyphicon-th-list {
+ padding-left: 12px;
+ top: 0; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before {
+ border-bottom: 1.375em solid transparent;
+ border-left: .6875em solid #f8f8f8;
+ border-top: 1.375em solid transparent;
+ content: " ";
+ display: block;
+ float: left;
+ height: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 0; }
+/* IE Tweaks */
+.lt-ie9 header .brand a {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.lt-ie9 header .brand img {
+ height: 40px; }
+[dir=rtl] header .brand {
+ float: right; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn {
+ padding-left: 1.5em;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn span .glyphicon-th-list {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 11px solid #f8f8f8;
+ float: right; }
+/* Home page banner */
+#hme-banner {
+ background-image: url(../assets/your-gov2.jpg);
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: cover;
+ height: auto;
+ padding-top: 1.25%;
+ width: 100%; }
+#hme-banner-bg {
+ background-color: #002b92;
+ color: #fff;
+ margin-left: 5%;
+ min-height: 150px;
+ padding: 8px;
+ width: 225px; }
+h2.hme-banner-bg {
+ border: none; }
+ WET button overwrites
+ */
+body .btn-primary {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border-color: #26374a; }
+.btn {
+ font-family: Lato, sans-serif; }
+/* Call-to-action button style - new with GCWeb v5 */
+.btn-call-to-action {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #318000;
+ border-color: #458259;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ margin-bottom: 25px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ padding: .58em 1em;
+ text-shadow: 1px 2px #333; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:focus, .btn-call-to-action.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1d4d00;
+ border-color: #192f20; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:hover {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1d4d00;
+ border-color: #305a3e; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:active, .btn-call-to-action.active,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #1d4d00;
+ background-image: none;
+ border-color: #305a3e; }
+ .btn-call-to-action:active:hover, .btn-call-to-action:active:focus, .btn-call-to-action:active.focus, .btn-call-to-action.active:hover, .btn-call-to-action.active:focus, .btn-call-to-action.active.focus,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle:hover,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle:focus,
+ .open > .btn-call-to-action.dropdown-toggle.focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: #102900;
+ border-color: #192f20; }
+ .btn-call-to-action.disabled:hover, .btn-call-to-action.disabled:focus, .btn-call-to-action.disabled.focus, .btn-call-to-action[disabled]:hover, .btn-call-to-action[disabled]:focus, .btn-call-to-action[disabled].focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-call-to-action:hover,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-call-to-action:focus,
+ fieldset[disabled] .btn-call-to-action.focus {
+ background-color: #318000;
+ border-color: #458259; }
+ .btn-call-to-action .badge {
+ color: #318000;
+ background-color: #fff; }
+.btn-call-to-action:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+input.btn.btn-call-to-action {
+ padding-bottom: 2em; }
+ WET breadcrumb overwrites
+ for: GCWeb v5
+ */
+.gcweb-menu ~ #wb-bc ol {
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ padding-left: 0px;
+ padding-right: 0px; }
+#wb-bc li:before {
+ position: relative;
+ top: -2px; }
+#wb-bc li:first-child a {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+#wb-bc a {
+ padding: 5px 10px; }
+ * Equal Heights overrides
+ */
+.sect-lnks {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%; }
+ Details Summary Styling
+.dshbrd .cntrls li {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+.dshbrd .cntrls a {
+ background: #eee;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #000;
+ padding: 7px 5px; }
+.dshbrd > details {
+ display: inline;
+ left: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0; }
+ .dshbrd > details > summary {
+ font-size: 0;
+ max-height: 0; }
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "gcweb";
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ src: url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.woff") format("woff"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.ttf") format("truetype"), url("../fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.svg#gcweb") format("svg"); }
+.icn-sig-fr:before, .cndwrdmrk:before, .cndwrdmrk:after {
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ -webkit-text-stroke: 1px transparent;
+ display: block;
+ font-family: "gcweb";
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-variant: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ line-height: 1;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ text-transform: none;
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
+ transform: rotate(0); }
+header .brand {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+ header .brand a {
+ position: relative;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.icn-sig-fr {
+ color: #fff;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ padding: .7em 0 .5em; }
+ .icn-sig-en:before,
+ .icn-sig-fr:before {
+ position: relative; }
+:root .icn-sig-en:before,
+.icn-sig-fr:before {
+ left: -10em; }
+.icn-sig-en:before {
+ content: "\f102"; }
+.icn-sig-fr:before {
+ content: "\f103"; }
+.cndwrdmrk {
+ font-size: 3.5em;
+ min-width: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .cndwrdmrk:before, .cndwrdmrk:after {
+ display: inline;
+ position: relative; }
+ .cndwrdmrk:before {
+ color: #000;
+ content: "\f100"; }
+ .cndwrdmrk:after {
+ color: #f00;
+ content: "\f101";
+ left: -1em; }
+ Site information
+#wb-info {
+ background: #e1e4e7;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 5; }
+ #wb-info a {
+ font-size: .875em;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-info a.wb-navcurr {
+ font-weight: 800; }
+ #wb-info .brand {
+ background: #f8f8f8;
+ line-height: 30px; }
+ #wb-info .brand object,
+ #wb-info .brand img {
+ height: 40px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ width: auto; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:before {
+ content: "\2022";
+ margin-right: 0.7em; }
+ #wb-info .landscape {
+ background: #26374a url(../assets/landscape.png) no-repeat right bottom; }
+ #wb-info .landscape a {
+ color: #fff; }
+ #wb-info .landscape a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg {
+ line-height: 90px; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg a {
+ color: #000; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg a span {
+ margin-left: 25px; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg a:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-info nav {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative; }
+ #wb-info nav li {
+ margin-bottom: .75em; }
+[dir=rtl] footer .brand .text-right {
+ text-align: left; }
+[dir=rtl] footer .tofpg {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] footer .tofpg a span {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 10px; }
+ * Helper Classes
+ */
+.margin-bottom-none {
+ margin-bottom: 0 !important; }
+.margin-bottom-small {
+ margin-bottom: .25em !important; }
+.margin-top-large {
+ margin-top: 1.5em !important; }
+.margin-top-medium {
+ margin-top: .75em !important; }
+#triangle-up {
+ border-bottom: 10px solid #fff;
+ border-left: 5px solid transparent;
+ border-right: 5px solid transparent;
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0; }
+#wb-lng {
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+ #wb-lng li {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-lng {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-lng ul {
+ padding-right: 0; }
+ * Main content area
+ */
+main {
+ position: relative; }
+ main .subtitle {
+ color: #555;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ main .departments .learnmore {
+ padding: 3em 0; }
+ main .priorities {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ main .priorities .thumbnail {
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ padding: 1em; }
+ main .gc-rms-lngth img {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: solid 1px #e1e4e7;
+ padding: 18px; }
+ * Overlay-specific overrides
+ */
+.overlay-def header {
+ background: #26374a; }
+/* Profile on page-type-navigation pages
+ * was: ".secondary" which are now deprecated */
+.secondary .profile .thumbnail, .page-type-nav .profile .thumbnail {
+ margin-top: 1.25em; }
+ * Search
+ */
+.srchbox {
+ padding-top: 1em; }
+ #wb-srch input,
+ #wb-srch button,
+ .srchbox input,
+ .srchbox button {
+ border-radius: 0; }
+ #wb-srch button,
+ .srchbox button {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #26374a solid 1px;
+ font-size: 17px; }
+ #wb-srch button:hover, #wb-srch button:focus, #wb-srch button:active,
+ .srchbox button:hover,
+ .srchbox button:focus,
+ .srchbox button:active {
+ background: #444; }
+ #wb-srch .glyphicon,
+ .srchbox .glyphicon {
+ top: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ #wb-srch input,
+ .srchbox input {
+ border-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ color: #555;
+ margin-right: -4px;
+ min-width: 246px;
+ position: relative; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-srch {
+ text-align: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-srch input {
+ margin-left: -4px;
+ margin-right: auto; }
+.page-type-search label {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+.page-type-search .current, .page-type-search .current label {
+ font-weight: 700; }
+.page-type-search .location {
+ color: #006621;
+ padding-left: 0px; }
+ .page-type-search .location li {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ .page-type-search .location li + li:before {
+ content: "> "; }
+ .page-type-search .location cite {
+ font-style: normal; }
+.page-type-search .context-labels {
+ font-size: .8em;
+ list-style: none;
+ padding-left: 0px; }
+ .page-type-search .context-labels li {
+ background-color: #5e738b;
+ color: #fff;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ margin-bottom: 1px;
+ padding: 0 5px; }
+.page-type-search .results > section {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #000;
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ padding-bottom: 1.5em; }
+.page-type-search .label li {
+ background-color: #5e738b;
+ color: white;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px; }
+.page-type-search .expand-collapse-buttons {
+ color: white;
+ font-size: .8em;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px; }
+.page-type-search cite a {
+ color: #006621;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.page-type-search .search-description {
+ line-height: 34px;
+ padding-bottom: 8px;
+ padding-top: 8px; }
+ Secondary Navigation
+#wb-sec h3 a:hover, #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item.wb-navcurr, #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item[href]:hover, #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item[href]:focus, #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group .list-group-item.wb-navcurr {
+ background-color: #243850;
+ color: #fff; }
+#wb-sec {
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 2em; }
+ #wb-sec h3 {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-bottom: 5px solid #26374a;
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ margin: 15px 0 1px;
+ padding: 15px; }
+ #wb-sec h3 a {
+ color: #333;
+ display: block;
+ margin: -15px;
+ padding: 15px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ color: #555;
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item.wb-navcurr {
+ cursor: text; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group a.list-group-item.wb-navcurr[href]:hover {
+ background-color: #26374a; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group-item {
+ background-color: #e6e5e5;
+ color: black;
+ padding-left: 1.8em; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group .list-group-item {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+ #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group .list-group-item.wb-navcurr {
+ cursor: text; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-sec .list-group .list-group .list-group-item {
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 1.8em; }
+ * Share/feedback-specific overrides
+ */
+a.shr-opn, a.shr-opn:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+.pagedetails.text-right .shr-pg {
+ text-align: left; }
+ * Site menu
+ */
+/* Special style for the home page - GCWeb v5 (gcweb-menu) */
+.home .gcweb-menu {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
+ color: #284162;
+ margin-left: 0px; }
+.home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-color: #fff;
+ color: #284162; }
+ .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover {
+ background-color: #444;
+ color: #fff; }
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ *
+ * GCWeb v5 (gcweb-menu)
+ *
+ */
+.gcweb-menu {
+ /*
+ * Level 0 - button menu
+ */
+ border-top: 3px solid #38414d;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ /*
+ * Level 1
+ */
+ /*
+ * Level 2
+ */
+ /* The rest of items */
+ /* First menu item (represent the home link */
+ /* Undo for lower level */
+ /* SubSubMenu (MostRequested) for more iteroperability, use CSS class */
+ /* Grid of the submenu panel */ }
+ .gcweb-menu .container {
+ padding: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 1px solid #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ padding: .5em 1em;
+ text-transform: uppercase; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=true] {
+ background-color: #444;
+ border-color: #444;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px dotted #555;
+ color: #333; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=false] + [role=menu] {
+ display: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=true] + [role=menu] {
+ z-index: 9999; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] {
+ background-color: #444;
+ color: #fff;
+ list-style: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li {
+ border-left: #444 solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:first-child {
+ border-top: #444 solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:last-child {
+ border-bottom: #444 solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li [role=menu] > li {
+ border: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem] {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 14px 30px;
+ width: 360px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem]:visited {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #555;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu li:last-child [role=menuitem] {
+ border-bottom: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem][aria-expanded=true] + [role=menu] [role=menuitem]:focus,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem][aria-expanded=true] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ color: #333; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-top: #eee solid 1px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
+ color: #000;
+ left: 360px;
+ margin-bottom: 25px;
+ min-height: 815px;
+ padding: 0px 39px 24px 39px;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 810px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ border-top: none;
+ min-height: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem] {
+ border-bottom: none;
+ color: #000;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ left: auto;
+ top: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li [role=menuitem] {
+ color: #284162;
+ padding: 6px 0;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li [role=menuitem]:hover {
+ color: #0535d2; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ font-size: 32px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menu] {
+ list-style: disc;
+ padding-top: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: 45%; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child {
+ margin-bottom: 1.5em;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ left: 400px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 4.5em; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ left: auto;
+ position: relative;
+ top: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] {
+ position: static; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=false] + [role=menu] {
+ display: block; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li {
+ float: left;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 50%; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(2n+2) {
+ clear: right; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(2n+3) {
+ clear: left; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li a {
+ width: auto; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu]:before, .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu]:after {
+ content: " ";
+ display: table; }
+.wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu]:after {
+ clear: both; }
+ *
+ * GCWeb v5 (gcweb-menu) - END
+ *
+ * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ */
+/* GCWeb version 1.0 megamenu */
+#wb-sm {
+ background: #26374a; }
+ #wb-sm .menu {
+ display: table;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #222;
+ width: 100%; }
+ #wb-sm .menu .active,
+ #wb-sm .menu .selected,
+ #wb-sm .menu .wb-navcurr {
+ background: #243850 !important;
+ color: #fff !important; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li {
+ border-left: 1px solid #999;
+ display: table-cell;
+ float: none; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li:last-child {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li a {
+ color: #fff; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li a:hover, #wb-sm .menu > li a:focus {
+ background: #243850 !important;
+ text-shadow: none; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open {
+ background: #ccc;
+ border-bottom: 5px solid #243850; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li a,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary {
+ color: #444;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ text-shadow: none; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li a:hover, #wb-sm .sm.open li a:focus, #wb-sm .sm.open li a:active,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary:hover,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary:focus,
+ #wb-sm .sm.open li summary:active {
+ background: #243850;
+ color: #fff; }
+ #wb-sm .sm.open .slflnk a {
+ background: #bbb; }
+ #wb-sm .sm .row {
+ background: transparent; }
+ #wb-sm .sm .row a {
+ color: #6e6e6e; }
+.wb-disable #wb-sm .nvbar {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Mobile panel
+ */
+#mb-pnl {
+ background: url("");
+ background-position: 15px 0;
+ background-repeat: repeat-y;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl a[href$="#wb-cont"] {
+ display: none !important; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-header {
+ background: #2e5274;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #2e5274;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), -3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ box-shadow: 0 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), -3px 3px 3px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+ color: #fff;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ padding: 0 44px 0 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: left;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 1em;
+ z-index: 1045; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-header:before {
+ border-bottom: 1.45em solid #2e5274;
+ border-left: 1em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border-top: 1.45em solid #2e5274;
+ content: "";
+ left: -1em;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-header h2 {
+ border: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-top: 1px;
+ padding: 9px; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body {
+ background: #0e4164;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 5em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: -3em; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body summary {
+ color: #fff; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body summary:hover, #mb-pnl .modal-body summary:focus {
+ background: transparent;
+ color: #fff; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body a {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body ul {
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-body li {
+ line-height: 2;
+ list-style-type: none; }
+ #mb-pnl .modal-footer {
+ background: #0e4164; }
+ #mb-pnl .mfp-close {
+ top: .55em; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 0;
+ border-color: #26374a;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ position: relative; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button:hover, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button:focus, #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form button:active {
+ background: #243850; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl form input {
+ background-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-style: solid;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ color: #555;
+ margin-right: -4px;
+ position: relative; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .btn {
+ line-height: 1.65;
+ margin-top: -1px; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group {
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 15px;
+ width: 75%; }
+ #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group.submit {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ width: 15%; }
+ #mb-pnl .lng-ofr {
+ padding-right: 30px;
+ text-align: right; }
+ #mb-pnl .sm-pnl {
+ background: #0e4164;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl .info-pnl {
+ background: #193451;
+ border-top: 2px solid #061e38;
+ color: #325375 !important;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl .active > a {
+ font-weight: 800; }
+ #mb-pnl .sec-pnl {
+ background: #cdd4da !important;
+ display: none !important;
+ padding-left: 15px; }
+ #mb-pnl .sec-pnl a,
+ #mb-pnl .sec-pnl summary {
+ color: #2e5576 !important; }
+[dir=rtl] #wb-sm .menu > li {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+[dir=rtl] #mb-pnl {
+ background: transparent;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 15px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group {
+ float: right;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group input {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: -4px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .srch-pnl .form-group.submit {
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .modal-header {
+ text-align: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] #mb-pnl .modal-header:before {
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 1em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ left: auto;
+ right: -1em; }
+ Social Media Icons
+.followus .foursquare, .followus .youtube, .followus .twitter, .followus .flickr, .followus .facebook, .followus .pinterest, .followus .linkedin, .followus .instagram, .followus .googleplus, .followus .reddit, .followus .rss, .followus .periscope, .followus .email {
+ background-position: center center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ display: inline;
+ min-height: 27px;
+ min-width: 27px;
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: text-bottom; }
+.followus .foursquare, .icon.foursquare {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .youtube, .icon.youtube {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .twitter, .icon.twitter {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .flickr, .icon.flickr {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .facebook, .icon.facebook {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .pinterest, .icon.pinterest {
+.followus .linkedin, .icon.linkedin {
+.followus .instagram, .icon.instagram {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .googleplus, .icon.googleplus {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .reddit, .icon.reddit {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .rss, .icon.rss {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .periscope {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.followus .email {
+ background-image: url(""); }
+.shr-pg a {
+ background-image: none; }
+.followus {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding: 10px 5px; }
+ .followus h2 {
+ display: inline;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ .followus ul {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ .followus ul li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 5px 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .followus ul li a {
+ border: solid 2px #eaebed;
+ padding: 10px 17px; }
+ .followus ul li a:hover, .followus ul li a:focus, .followus ul li a:active {
+ border: solid 2px #0535d2; }
+ .followus .youtube {
+ min-width: 38px; }
+ .followus .googleplus {
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: 35px 35px; }
+.icon {
+ background-position: left center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ display: inline-block;
+ min-height: 32px;
+ min-width: 32px;
+ padding-left: 35px; }
+ .icon.youtube {
+ padding-left: 45px; }
+ .icon.googleplus {
+ height: 45px;
+ padding-left: 48px; }
+ Github addition Widget Format
+.fd-wdgt.panel {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0; }
+.fd-wdgt .panel-heading {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
+.fd-wdgt .panel-body {
+ max-height: 25em;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding: 0; }
+.fd-wdgt .media {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding: 15px 15px 0 5px;
+ position: relative; }
+ .fd-wdgt .media:first-child {
+ border-top: 0; }
+ .fd-wdgt .media p {
+ font-size: .9em; }
+.fd-wdgt .panel-title {
+ padding-right: 30px; }
+ .fd-wdgt .panel-title .icon {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 5px;
+ top: 5px; }
+.fd-wdgt .feeds-date {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: none !important;
+ padding-top: 10px; }
+ .fd-wdgt .feeds-date:before {
+ content: ""; }
+ .fd-wdgt .feeds-date:after {
+ content: ""; }
+.fd-wdgt .media-body img {
+ display: block;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+ padding: 15px 10px 5px; }
+/* IE Tweaks */
+.lt-ie9 .fd-wdgt .panel-title {
+ padding-right: 30px; }
+ .lt-ie9 .fd-wdgt .panel-title .icon {
+ padding-left: 0; }
+.blog article .col-md-3,
+.blog article .col-md-9 {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: none;
+ margin-right: -4px;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.zbra section.brdr-tp:nth-child(odd) {
+ background: #eee; }
+.zbra section.brdr-tp .row {
+ margin-left: -5px;
+ margin-right: -5px; }
+ * Pagination
+ */
+.pagntn-prv-nxt {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ font-size: 2em; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-left {
+ float: left;
+ margin: -4px 0 0 -32px; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ float: right;
+ margin: -4px -32px 0 0; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ list-style: none outside none; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li a {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 15px 40px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li a:hover {
+ background-color: #eaebed; }
+ .pagntn-prv-nxt li a .pgntn-lbl {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 27px;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+ special badges
+.badge.badge-dept {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ color: #333;
+ font-size: 2em;
+ margin: 20px 10px 0; }
+* Table of Content styles for document navigation
+.toc li {
+ display: inline;
+ font-size: .85em;
+ /* Expected 17px with 20px base font */ }
+ .toc li .list-group-item:focus, .toc li .list-group-item:hover {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .toc li .list-group-item.active, .toc li .list-group-item.active:focus, .toc li .list-group-item.active:hover {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ cursor: auto;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ z-index: 2; }
+.carousel-s1 .wb-mltmd,
+.carousel-s2 .wb-mltmd {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ * Social media centre
+ */
+/* Re-usable rules */
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-name, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-platforms, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link-container, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-name, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-platforms, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-links, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-shortdescription,
+#mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department {
+ border: 0;
+ display: block; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-compressed, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-hidden, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-expanded {
+ display: none;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-expanded, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-compressed {
+ display: block;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions {
+ /* Layout of fields */ }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ background-origin: content-box;
+ background-position: top left, top left, bottom left, top right;
+ background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat-x, repeat-y;
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 100%; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 50%; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 33.333%; } }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #social-media-centre tbody tr .product-department {
+ height: 3em;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-listing {
+ border: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-record {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-record:target {
+ height: auto !important; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language,
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link-container {
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 6px 12px !important;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-transform: none !important;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link:hover, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+#social-media-centre_wrapper .datatables_wrapper {
+ margin-bottom: 3em; }
+#social-media-centre_wrapper .product-listing {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ #social-media-centre_wrapper .product-listing td {
+ padding: 8px; }
+ * Mobile centre
+ */
+/* Re-usable rules */
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-name, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-platforms, .backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-language,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions .product-link-container, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-name, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-platforms, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-links, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-shortdescription,
+#mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department {
+ border: 0;
+ display: block; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-compressed, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-hidden, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-expanded {
+ display: none;
+ visibility: hidden; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target td.product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-department, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .record-close, #mobile-centre_wrapper :target .product-data-expanded, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-data-compressed {
+ display: block;
+ visibility: visible; }
+.backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody {
+ padding-top: 2em; }
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+ background-clip: content-box;
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+ background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat-x, repeat-y;
+ border: 0;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ min-height: 20em;
+ padding: 5px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 100%; }
+ @media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 50%; } }
+ @media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr {
+ width: 33.333%; } }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr .product-platforms span {
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target {
+ height: auto !important;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-longdescription {
+ float: none; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:target .product-link-container {
+ border: 0;
+ float: none; }
+ .backgroundsize.csstransitions #mobile-centre tbody tr:hover {
+ background-color: #e8e8e8;
+ border-color: #d6d6d6;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre tr,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre tr {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #999 !important;
+ border-top: 1px solid #999 !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links {
+ float: left !important;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department {
+ width: 96% !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-name {
+ padding-bottom: 0; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms {
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-platforms,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-longdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-department,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-links {
+ clear: left;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .record-close,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-shortdescription,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .record-close {
+ display: none !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-container,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-container {
+ border: none !important; }
+.no-backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-list li,
+.backgroundsize.no-csstransitions #mobile-centre .product-link-list li {
+ display: inline;
+ float: left; }
+#mobile-centre_wrapper {
+ /* Layout of fields */
+ /* Expand/collapse record functionality */
+ /* Data visibility */ }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record:target {
+ height: auto !important; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record:hover {
+ background-color: #e8e8e8;
+ border-color: #d6d6d6;
+ cursor: pointer; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-icon {
+ border: 0;
+ float: left;
+ height: 48px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 3px;
+ padding-right: 3px;
+ width: 48px; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-shortdescription,
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription {
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 1em; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link-list {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ padding-left: 0; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link-container {
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 6px 12px !important;
+ text-align: left;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ text-transform: none !important;
+ white-space: normal; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link:hover, #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-link:focus {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-expand {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-expand:hover, #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-expand:focus {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .record-close {
+ float: right; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-listing {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-listing td {
+ padding: 8px; }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record {
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ max-width: 47%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record:target {
+ max-width: 100%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-department,
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-links {
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ width: 30%; }
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-longdescription {
+ float: right;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ width: 67%; } }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ #mobile-centre_wrapper .product-record {
+ max-width: 31.5%; } }
+ * Error page
+ */
+.glyphicon-error {
+ color: #96323a;
+ font-size: 400%; }
+ * Campaign
+ */
+.infostripe .btn-cnt {
+ bottom: 5px;
+ padding-right: 30px;
+ position: absolute;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 100%; }
+.infostripe .col-md-6 {
+ min-height: 830px !important;
+ vertical-align: top; }
+#anti_infographic_4.modal-dialog {
+ width: 50%; }
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+ font-size: 1.5em; }
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+ min-height: 3.1em; }
+.secondary .infostripe.trpl .h1, .page-type-nav .infostripe.trpl .h1 {
+ min-height: 4em; }
+[lang=fr] .infostripe .col-md-6 {
+ min-height: 870px !important; }
+.gc-prtts.dbl .h5 {
+ min-height: 2.2em; }
+.cmpgn-sctns a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns a:hover strong, .cmpgn-sctns a:focus strong, .cmpgn-sctns a:active strong {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+.cmpgn-sctns strong {
+ display: block; }
+ * Components styles
+ */
+.gc-dwnld .gc-dwnld-txt {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gc-dwnld .gc-dwnld-txt:hover {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .gc-dwnld .gc-dwnld-txt span {
+ display: block; }
+.gc-dwnld .gc-dwnld-img {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.gc-dwnld p {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.gc-stp-stp {
+ border-bottom: solid 1px #ccc;
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+.text-white, a.text-white:visited {
+ color: #fff; }
+a.text-white:hover, a.text-white:focus {
+ color: #b3ffff; }
+.bg-dark {
+ background-color: #343a40; }
+button.bg-dark:hover, button.bg-dark:focus {
+ background-color: #1d2124; }
+ * Well header responsive
+ */
+.well.header-rwd {
+ width: 100%; }
+* Template pages styles
+.whtwedo p {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin-bottom: 30px;
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+.whtwedo ul > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.lnkbx > ul > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.lnkbx dl a {
+ overflow-wrap: break-word;
+ word-break: break-all;
+ word-wrap: break-word; }
+.lnkbx dl dt {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.lnkbx dl dd {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.gc-byline {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin-bottom: 30px; }
+ * Corporate information on Institution and Organization pages
+.gc-crprt ul:nth-child(1) {
+ list-style: outside none none;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0; }
+ .gc-crprt ul:nth-child(1) > li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.gc-crprt h3 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+.gc-crprt .col-md-8 .col-md-4 {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ * Institution pages
+ */
+.gc-instttn .gc-rms-lngth img,
+.gc-orgnztn .gc-rms-lngth img {
+ margin-bottom: 30px; }
+ * Theme template
+ */
+.gc-theme .profile {
+ margin-bottom: 25px; }
+ * Service template
+ */
+.gc-cntct-lst dl dt,
+.gc-cntct-lst dl dd,
+.lnkbx dl dt,
+.lnkbx dl dd {
+ border: 0; }
+ * Advance Service template
+ */
+.gc-advnc-srvc .col-md-8 h2:first-child {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ * Archived template banner
+ */
+.gc-archv {
+ background-color: #ffd700 !important;
+ padding: 25px 50px; }
+ .gc-archv h2 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ .gc-archv .mfp-close.overlay-close {
+ color: #000; }
+/* Report a problem Thank you message */
+.gc-rprt-prblm-thnk {
+ padding-bottom: 25px; }
+/* Report a problem temporary fix for toggle : GH issue #1336 */
+.gc-rprt-prblm-frm.gc-rprt-prblm-tggl.show {
+ display: none !important; }
+/* Embedding a Fluid Survey */
+.gc-fld-srvy-container {
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ padding-bottom: 70%;
+ position: relative; }
+.gc-fld-srvy-mbd {
+ border: 0;
+ height: 100%;
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ zoom: 1; }
+/* Hide RAP textarea and Other : GH issue #1336 */
+.gc-rprt-prblm-frm .form-group {
+ display: none !important; }
+.gc-rprt-prblm-frm label[for=problem6] {
+ display: none !important; }
+* News styles
+* News filtered table
+table.nws-tbl td {
+ display: block; }
+table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-ttl,
+table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-desc {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-date,
+table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-dept,
+table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-type {
+ color: #555;
+ letter-spacing: .01em; }
+table.nws-tbl tbody tr {
+ background-color: #fff; }
+table.nws-tbl > tbody > tr > td,
+table.nws-tbl > tbody > tr > th,
+table.nws-tbl > tfoot > tr > td,
+table.nws-tbl > tfoot > tr > th,
+table.nws-tbl > thead > tr > td,
+table.nws-tbl > thead > tr > th {
+ border-top: 0;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ padding-top: 0; }
+.table-columnfloat th:first-child {
+ float: left; }
+.table-columnfloat td:nth-of-type(1) {
+ clear: left;
+ float: left; }
+.table-columnfloat thead th:nth-child(2) {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px; }
+.table-columnfloat th:first-child, .table-columnfloat td:nth-of-type(1) {
+ border: none; }
+.table-columnfloat tr, .table-columnfloat th:not(:first-of-type), .table-columnfloat td {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ * Provisional feature
+ */
+ Global Provisional styling
+ - Provisional CSSspecific for view port are defined in the "views/[view port]" theme CSS
+.provisional.alert-info > :first-child::before, .provisional.alert-success > :first-child::before, .provisional.alert-warning > :first-child::before, .provisional.alert-danger > :first-child::before {
+ color: inherit;
+ content: none; }
+.provisional, .experimental {
+ /* ------------
+ * Background color
+ *
+ */
+ /* ------------
+ * Background image for heading
+ *
+ */
+ /* ------------
+ * Utility
+ *
+ */
+ /* ------------
+ * Theme color
+ *
+ */
+ /* Pink day - One day event in April
+ * (with a contrast conforming to Level AAA)
+ */
+ /* -------
+ * Dark theme
+ */ }
+ .provisional .bg-darker, .experimental .bg-darker {
+ background-color: #000; }
+ .provisional .bg-darker.well.header-rwd h1, .experimental .bg-darker.well.header-rwd h1 {
+ border-bottom-color: #6f6f6f; }
+ .provisional .bg-gctheme, .experimental .bg-gctheme {
+ background-color: #355688; }
+ .provisional .bg-gctheme.well.header-rwd, .experimental .bg-gctheme.well.header-rwd {
+ background-color: #26374a; }
+ .provisional .bg-pnkDy, .experimental .bg-pnkDy {
+ background-color: #AD005F; }
+ .provisional .bg-pnkDy.well.header-rwd, .experimental .bg-pnkDy.well.header-rwd {
+ background-color: #570030; }
+ .provisional .bg-img-hdng, .experimental .bg-img-hdng {
+ background-image: url("../assets/x-blue-line.png");
+ background-position: right bottom;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ min-height: 60px;
+ padding-bottom: 35px;
+ padding-right: 80px; }
+ .provisional .bg-cover, .provisional.bg-cover, .experimental .bg-cover, .experimental.bg-cover {
+ background-size: cover; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true],
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme #wb-srch button,
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .srchbox button, .experimental.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true],
+ .experimental.pnkDy-theme #wb-srch button,
+ .experimental.pnkDy-theme .srchbox button {
+ background-color: #AD005F;
+ border-color: #AD005F; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus, .provisional.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover,
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme #wb-srch button:focus, .provisional.pnkDy-theme #wb-srch button:hover,
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .srchbox button:focus, .provisional.pnkDy-theme .srchbox button:hover, .experimental.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus, .experimental.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover,
+ .experimental.pnkDy-theme #wb-srch button:focus, .experimental.pnkDy-theme #wb-srch button:hover,
+ .experimental.pnkDy-theme .srchbox button:focus, .experimental.pnkDy-theme .srchbox button:hover {
+ background-color: #570030;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu,
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu, .experimental.pnkDy-theme .gcweb-menu,
+ .experimental.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu {
+ border-top-color: #AD005F; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true], .experimental.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+ border-color: #ffffff; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true], .experimental.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ color: #AD005F; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus,
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover, .experimental.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus,
+ .experimental.pnkDy-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover {
+ background-color: #AD005F;
+ border-color: #AD005F;
+ color: #ffffff; }
+ .provisional.pnkDy-theme #wb-info .landscape, .experimental.pnkDy-theme #wb-info .landscape {
+ background-color: #AD005F; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true],
+ .provisional.dark-theme #wb-srch button,
+ .provisional.dark-theme .srchbox button, .experimental.dark-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true],
+ .experimental.dark-theme #wb-srch button,
+ .experimental.dark-theme .srchbox button {
+ background-color: #000;
+ border-color: #000;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus, .provisional.dark-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover,
+ .provisional.dark-theme #wb-srch button:focus, .provisional.dark-theme #wb-srch button:hover,
+ .provisional.dark-theme .srchbox button:focus, .provisional.dark-theme .srchbox button:hover, .experimental.dark-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus, .experimental.dark-theme .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover,
+ .experimental.dark-theme #wb-srch button:focus, .experimental.dark-theme #wb-srch button:hover,
+ .experimental.dark-theme .srchbox button:focus, .experimental.dark-theme .srchbox button:hover {
+ background-color: #000;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme .gcweb-menu,
+ .provisional.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu, .experimental.dark-theme .gcweb-menu,
+ .experimental.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu {
+ border-top-color: #000; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true], .experimental.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border-color: #fff; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true], .experimental.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ color: #000; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus,
+ .provisional.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover, .experimental.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:focus,
+ .experimental.dark-theme .home .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true]:hover {
+ background-color: #000;
+ border-color: #000;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .provisional.dark-theme #wb-info .landscape, .experimental.dark-theme #wb-info .landscape {
+ background-color: #000;
+ color: #fff; }
+.provisional {
+ /* -------
+ * Alerts
+ *
+ */
+ /* -------
+ * Checkboxes and radio buttons - Provisional styling to have bigger inputs controls
+ * for checkboxes and radio buttons.
+ */ }
+ .provisional.icon-warning-light,
+ .provisional .icon-warning-light {
+ color: #DF7200; }
+ .provisional.alert {
+ background-clip: content-box;
+ background-color: inherit;
+ border-left: 6px solid #000;
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ padding: 0 0 0 15px; }
+ .provisional.alert > p, .provisional.alert > ul, .provisional.alert > ol {
+ margin-bottom: 0px; }
+ .provisional.alert > * {
+ margin-left: 15px; }
+ .provisional.alert details {
+ margin-left: .5em;
+ padding-top: 15px; }
+ .provisional.alert > :first-child:not(details) {
+ margin-top: auto;
+ padding-top: 15px; }
+ .provisional.alert > :last-child {
+ padding-bottom: 25px; }
+ .provisional.alert::before {
+ font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
+ font-size: 26px;
+ line-height: 2.3em;
+ margin-left: -1.27em;
+ padding: 2px;
+ position: absolute; }
+ .provisional.alert > :first-child {
+ margin-left: 15px; }
+ .provisional.alert-info {
+ border-color: #269abc;
+ -o-border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #269abc 16px, #269abc 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #269abc 48px, #269abc 48px) 1 100%;
+ border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #269abc 16px, #269abc 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #269abc 48px, #269abc 48px) 1 100%; }
+ .provisional.alert-info::before {
+ color: #269abc;
+ content: ""; }
+ .provisional.alert-success {
+ border-color: #278400;
+ -o-border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #278400 16px, #278400 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #278400 48px, #278400 48px) 1 100%;
+ border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #278400 16px, #278400 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #278400 48px, #278400 48px) 1 100%; }
+ .provisional.alert-success::before {
+ color: #278400;
+ content: ""; }
+ .provisional.alert-warning {
+ border-color: #ee7100;
+ -o-border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ee7100 16px, #ee7100 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #ee7100 48px, #ee7100 48px) 1 100%;
+ border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ee7100 16px, #ee7100 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #ee7100 48px, #ee7100 48px) 1 100%; }
+ .provisional.alert-warning::before {
+ color: #ee7100;
+ content: ""; }
+ .provisional.alert-danger {
+ border-color: #d3080c;
+ -o-border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d3080c 16px, #d3080c 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #d3080c 48px, #d3080c 48px) 1 100%;
+ border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d3080c 16px, #d3080c 16px, transparent 16px, transparent 48px, #d3080c 48px, #d3080c 48px) 1 100%; }
+ .provisional.alert-danger::before {
+ color: #d3080c;
+ content: ""; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio label {
+ /* (0,1,1) */
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ line-height: 2; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio legend {
+ /* (0,2,2) */
+ float: none;
+ font-size: 22px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"],
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"] {
+ /* (0,2,0) */
+ border: 0;
+ clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
+ height: 1px;
+ margin: -1px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 1px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"][disabled] + label,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"].disabled + label,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"][disabled] + label,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"].disabled + label {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ opacity: .5; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"] + label,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"] + label {
+ /* (0,2,1) */
+ display: block;
+ margin-left: 36px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"] + label::before,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"] + label::before {
+ /* (0,2,2) */
+ border: 4px solid #fff;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #000;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #000;
+ content: "";
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 36px;
+ left: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 36px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"] + label:hover::before,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"] + label:hover::before {
+ /* (0,3,1) */
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#e6e5e5), color-stop(50%, white));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #e6e5e5, white 50%); }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"]:focus + label::before,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"]:focus + label::before {
+ /* (0,3,2) */
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #000, 0 0 8px 4px #3b99fc;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #000, 0 0 8px 4px #3b99fc; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"] + label::before {
+ /* (0,2,2) */
+ border-radius: 50%; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="radio"]:checked + label::before {
+ /* (0,3,2) */
+ background: #444; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label::after {
+ /* (0,3,2) */
+ border-color: #333;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px 0;
+ content: "";
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 26px;
+ left: 12px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 2px;
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
+ transform: rotate(45deg);
+ width: 13px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"].checkbox-small + label,
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"].checkbox-small + label + ul {
+ font-size: 17px;
+ min-height: 23px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"].checkbox-small + label::before {
+ height: 24px;
+ left: 6px;
+ top: 4px;
+ width: 24px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio input[type="checkbox"].checkbox-small:checked + label::after {
+ border-width: 0 3px 3px 0;
+ height: 16px;
+ left: 14px;
+ top: 6px;
+ width: 9px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio.form-inline .label-inline {
+ padding-right: 20px; }
+ .provisional.wb-chckbxrdio.form-inline .label-inline label {
+ padding-left: 10px; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * Chat wizard - Provisional CSS
+ *
+ * ++++++++
+ * This is a Provisional CSS, once stabilized it's include should be done from the theme.scss instead of _provisional.scss
+ * ++++++++
+ *
+ */
+/* Animations */
+@-webkit-keyframes slideInFromRight {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0, 1);
+ transform: scale(0, 1); }
+ 95% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0, 1);
+ transform: scale(0, 1); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); } }
+@keyframes slideInFromRight {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0, 1);
+ transform: scale(0, 1); }
+ 95% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0, 1);
+ transform: scale(0, 1); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes pulseIn {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); }
+ 15% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1.15, 1.15);
+ transform: scale(1.15, 1.15); }
+ 30% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); }
+ 65% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1.3, 1.3);
+ transform: scale(1.3, 1.3); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); } }
+@keyframes pulseIn {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); }
+ 15% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1.15, 1.15);
+ transform: scale(1.15, 1.15); }
+ 30% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); }
+ 65% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1.3, 1.3);
+ transform: scale(1.3, 1.3); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1);
+ transform: scale(1, 1); } }
+@-webkit-keyframes grow {
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0);
+ transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0); } }
+@keyframes grow {
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0);
+ transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0); } }
+.trans-left {
+ -webkit-animation-delay: 0s;
+ animation-delay: 0s;
+ -webkit-animation-duration: 5s;
+ animation-duration: 5s;
+ -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;
+ animation-iteration-count: 1;
+ -webkit-animation-name: slideInFromRight;
+ animation-name: slideInFromRight;
+ -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ animation-timing-function: ease-out;
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 50%;
+ transform-origin: 100% 50%;
+ will-change: scroll-position; }
+.trans-pulse {
+ -webkit-animation: .5s linear 3.5s 1 pulseIn, .5s linear 15s 1 pulseIn, .5s linear 30s 1 pulseIn;
+ animation: .5s linear 3.5s 1 pulseIn, .5s linear 15s 1 pulseIn, .5s linear 30s 1 pulseIn;
+ will-change: transform; }
+.loader-typing {
+ bottom: 30%;
+ height: 6px;
+ left: 30px;
+ position: absolute;
+ -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
+ transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
+ width: 26px; }
+.loader-dot {
+ -webkit-animation: grow .5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
+ animation: grow .5s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
+ background-color: #444;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ height: 6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 6px;
+ will-change: transform; }
+.loader-dot.dot1 {
+ left: 0;
+ -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 50%;
+ transform-origin: 100% 50%; }
+.loader-dot.dot2 {
+ -webkit-animation-delay: .1s;
+ animation-delay: .1s;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -3px;
+ -webkit-transform: scale(0.99);
+ transform: scale(0.99); }
+.loader-dot.dot3 {
+ -webkit-animation-delay: .2s;
+ animation-delay: .2s;
+ right: 0; }
+/* Chat wizard Bubble */
+.wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap {
+ bottom: 30px;
+ height: 60px;
+ position: fixed;
+ right: 30px;
+ width: 60px;
+ z-index: 1049; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap p {
+ background: #335075;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 25px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 25px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ min-height: 50px;
+ padding: 5px 37.5px 5px 27.5px;
+ position: relative;
+ right: 195px;
+ top: 5px;
+ width: 225px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap p .notif-close {
+ background: #333;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 19px;
+ height: 1.25em;
+ line-height: 21px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 92.5%;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 1.25em; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap .notif {
+ cursor: pointer; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap .bubble {
+ background: #fff url("../assets/default-avatar.png") center no-repeat;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
+ height: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-indent: -9999px;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 1048; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap .bubble:focus {
+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); }
+.wb-chtwzrd-btn-extrnl + .wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap {
+ display: none !important; }
+/* Chat Wizard */
+.wb-disable .wb-chtwzrd.hidden {
+ display: block !important; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ display: none;
+ font-size: .9em;
+ min-height: 200px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: fixed;
+ right: 20px;
+ width: 25%;
+ z-index: 1050; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .header {
+ max-height: 70px;
+ min-height: 39px;
+ padding-right: 84px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .header .title {
+ -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
+ -webkit-line-clamp: 2;
+ display: -webkit-box;
+ font-size: 19px;
+ line-height: 1.35;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ padding: 6px 0;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .minimize, .wb-chtwzrd-container .reset {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+ color: #fff;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=65);
+ font-size: 1em;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ height: 40px;
+ line-height: 41px;
+ margin: 0;
+ opacity: .65;
+ overflow: visible;
+ padding: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 40px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .reset {
+ right: 42px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .minimize:focus, .wb-chtwzrd-container .reset:focus {
+ opacity: 1;
+ outline: 1px dotted #fff;
+ outline-offset: -2px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .conversation {
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ max-height: 45vh;
+ min-height: 200px;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .history {
+ padding-top: 15px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .history::before {
+ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(20%, #fff), to(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)));
+ background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 20%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);
+ content: "";
+ height: 40px;
+ left: 0;
+ pointer-events: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 1054; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .controls {
+ height: 75px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .inputs-zone fieldset:first-child {
+ border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .inputs-zone ul:last-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .choices input[type=radio]:checked + span {
+ color: #333; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container h4,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container legend,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container h4 .question a {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ line-height: 1.4375; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .question,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .message,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container label,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .question {
+ border-radius: 15px;
+ color: #5a5a5a;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ padding: 8px 12px;
+ width: auto; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .question {
+ background-color: #efefef;
+ min-width: 60px;
+ position: relative; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .message:focus {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #666;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 4px #666; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .message,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container label {
+ background-color: #ddd; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .message {
+ margin-right: 15px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container label {
+ border: 1px solid #c1c1c1;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding: 6px 10px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .avatar,
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .question {
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .avatar {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ background-image: url("../assets/default-avatar.png");
+ background-position: center;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-size: 25px;
+ height: 30px;
+ width: 30px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container .basic-link {
+ min-height: inherit; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-mrgn {
+ margin-top: 80px; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-container legend:focus {
+ outline: 1px dotted #666; }
+/* Chat wizard inline (full-screen) */
+.wb-chtwzrd-contained {
+ bottom: 0;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ margin: 30px auto;
+ position: static;
+ right: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-contained .conversation {
+ max-height: 70vh; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-contained .minimize {
+ display: none; }
+.wb-chtwzrd-contained .reset {
+ right: 0; }
+/* Chat wizard Media queries */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .wb-chtwzrd-container {
+ width: 35%; } }
+@media screen and (max-width: 992px) {
+ .wb-chtwzrd-container {
+ width: 45%; } }
+@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
+ .wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap {
+ right: 10px; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-container {
+ bottom: 0;
+ height: 100%;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-container .body {
+ -webkit-box-direction: normal;
+ -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
+ display: -webkit-box;
+ display: -ms-flexbox;
+ display: flex;
+ -ms-flex-direction: column;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ flex-wrap: nowrap;
+ height: 100%;
+ padding-bottom: 75px;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-container .conversation {
+ -ms-flex-positive: 1;
+ -webkit-box-flex: 1;
+ flex-grow: 1;
+ max-height: none;
+ min-height: 2em; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-container .controls {
+ -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+ flex-shrink: 0;
+ height: 75px; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-noscroll {
+ overflow: hidden !important; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-bubble-wrap p .notif-close {
+ font-size: 2em;
+ height: 35px;
+ line-height: 1.1em;
+ right: 90%;
+ width: 35px; }
+ .wb-chtwzrd-contained .body {
+ padding-bottom: 10px; } }
+ * GCWeb custom iumplementation
+ *
+ * Copy and rename the folder "variant-default" to "variant".
+ * - the "variant" folder should not GIT conflict with your custom implementation when updating to the latest gcweb
+ */
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Default SCSS
+ */
+ Views
+ */
+/* All screen views */
+@media screen {
+ /*
+ @title: Search all screen views
+ */
+ #wb-srch .submit {
+ float: right; }
+ #wb-srch-sub {
+ margin-left: 5px; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-srch.submit {
+ float: left; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-srch-sub {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
+ /*
+ @title: All screen views
+ */
+ .overlay-def .modal-header {
+ background: #2e5274; }
+ .wb-sl {
+ background: #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-weight: 700; }
+ .wb-sl:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-sl:hover {
+ background-color: #444;
+ color: #fff; }
+ /*
+ * Carousel-specific overrides
+ */
+ .prm-flpr {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ margin-top: 1px; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause {
+ font-size: 1.3em; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ margin-top: .15em; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure figcaption {
+ font-size: 1.3em; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure figcaption a {
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 figure figcaption a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.tab-count .curr-count, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.plypause a {
+ font-size: 1.2em; }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.nxt a .glyphicon, .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li.prv a .glyphicon {
+ font-size: 1.65em; }
+ /*
+ * Priorities (Government of Canada activities and initiatives) (all screen views)
+ */
+ .gc-nttvs a:active h3,
+ .gc-nttvs a:active img, .gc-nttvs a:focus h3,
+ .gc-nttvs a:focus img {
+ outline: thin dotted; }
+ .gc-nttvs h3 {
+ float: left;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gc-nttvs img {
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 100%; }
+ .gc-nttvs p {
+ clear: both; }
+ [dir=rtl] .gc-nttvs h3 {
+ float: right; }
+ [dir=rtl] .gc-nttvs img {
+ float: right;
+ margin-left: 100%;
+ margin-right: 0; }
+ /* Deprecated as v4.0.28 */
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: All screen views
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Make a simple list multi-column and responsive (overide _defaults.scss) */
+ .list-responsive > li {
+ clear: right;
+ width: 100%; }
+ /*
+ Banner (small view and under)
+ */
+ header .brand a {
+ margin-top: 15px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn li a {
+ font-size: 1.7em; }
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Well header responsive
+ */
+ [class*=col-] .well.header-rwd[class*=pstn-] {
+ left: 15px;
+ right: 15px;
+ width: inherit; }
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ margin-left: 15px !important; }
+ /*
+ Pagination
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ .pager {
+ margin-bottom: 50px; }
+ /*
+ * Share/feedback-specific overrides (extra-small view and under)
+ */
+ .pagedetails .pull-right {
+ float: none !important; }
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ .toc li {
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .toc li .list-group-item {
+ border-bottom: 0;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ padding: 4px 10px; }
+ .toc li:last-child .list-group-item {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
+ /*
+ Campaign
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ .cmpgn-sctns {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns li {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns .h4 {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ padding-top: 15px; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns .sctn-desc {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Extra-small view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ h1, .h1 {
+ font-size: 1.7em;
+ margin-top: .75em; }
+ h2, .h2 {
+ font-size: 1.6em; }
+ .gc-srvinfo p, .gc-drmt p {
+ font-size: 19px; }
+ .home .home-most-requested li {
+ font-size: 19px; }
+ .home .home-your-gov {
+ background-image: none; }
+ /*
+ Banner (small view and under)
+ */
+ header .brand a {
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ /*
+ Details Summary Styling (small view and under)
+ .dshbrd details {
+ display: block; }
+ .dshbrd details summary {
+ background: #26374a;
+ color: #fff;
+ font-size: 1em;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ max-height: 999px;
+ padding: 1em; }
+ .dshbrd details .cntnt {
+ border: 1px solid #26374a;
+ padding: 15px; }
+ /*
+ @title: Search small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-srch {
+ width: 100%; }
+ #wb-srch .form-group {
+ display: inline-block; }
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ -moz-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: .2em; }
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ .gcweb-menu {
+ /*
+ * Mobile - first level
+ */
+ /*
+ * Mobile - Second level
+ */
+ /* Reset the style set by the panel */
+ /* Arrow for menu item with submenu */
+ /* Menu text style */
+ /* Mobile - Third level */ }
+ .gcweb-menu .container {
+ padding: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] {
+ position: static; }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true] {
+ margin-left: calc( 50% - 360px);
+ /* 360px is half the container, minus the padding */ }
+ .gcweb-menu button[aria-haspopup=true][aria-expanded=true] + [role=menu] {
+ border-right: #eee solid 1px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menuitem] {
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] {
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ border-top: none;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ min-height: auto;
+ padding: 0;
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu button:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gcweb-menu button + [role=menu] [role="menuitem"][aria-expanded=false]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu button + [role=menu] [role="menuitem"][aria-expanded=false]:focus {
+ background: transparent;
+ color: #fff; }
+ .gcweb-menu button + [role=menu] [role=menu] [role="menuitem"][aria-expanded=false]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu button + [role=menu] [role=menu] [role="menuitem"][aria-expanded=false]:focus {
+ color: #000; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child {
+ margin-bottom: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li [role=menuitem] {
+ padding-bottom: 14px;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 30px;
+ padding-top: 14px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] li {
+ margin-left: 65px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menuitem] {
+ padding-left: 65px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] li:first-child,
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ margin-left: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-haspopup]:not(button)::before,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=treegrid] > [role=row] > [role=rowheader]::before {
+ content: "\25BA\a0"; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-haspopup][aria-expanded=true]:not(button)::before,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=treegrid] > [role=row][aria-expanded=true] > [role=rowheader]::before {
+ content: "\25BC\a0"; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
+ color: #000; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem] {
+ color: #284162;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem]:focus,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem]:focus,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menuitem]:hover,
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menuitem]:focus {
+ color: #000;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:first-child [role=menuitem],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menuitem] {
+ background-color: #e1e1e1; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ left: auto;
+ position: static;
+ top: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menu] {
+ list-style: none; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true] + [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ background-color: #e1e1e1; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ margin-left: 100px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [aria-expanded=true]:not(button) + [role=menu] li:last-child [role=menu] [role=menuitem] {
+ padding-left: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: auto; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Small view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Medium view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Home page style
+ *
+ * Set a responsive with for the h1 in the Well header responsive
+ */
+ .home .well.header-rwd h1 {
+ width: 55%; }
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Site menu (medium view and under)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Accessibility tweak for menu based overlapping at lowest desktop setting (text size 200%)
+ */
+ #wb-sm .menu {
+ border-right: 1px solid #999; }
+ #wb-sm .menu > li:last-child {
+ border-right: 0; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Medium view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view and under */
+@media screen and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Large view and under (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Extra-small view and over (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Well header responsive
+ */
+ .well.header-rwd {
+ width: 75%; }
+ /*
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ table.nws-tbl td {
+ display: inline;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+ table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-dept,
+ table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-type {
+ border-left: solid 1px #666; }
+ table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-ttl,
+ table.nws-tbl .nws-tbl-desc {
+ display: block; }
+ /*
+ Campaign
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .cmpgn-img {
+ min-height: 117px; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns {
+ margin-top: -10%; }
+ .cmpgn-sctns img {
+ width: 40%; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Small view and over (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Medium view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ Social Media Icons Medium View and over
+ /*
+ @title: Search medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: 0.7em; }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:first-child:before {
+ content: none; }
+ [dir=rtl] #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ float: right; }
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ .gcweb-menu {
+ /* SubSubMenu (MostRequested) keep it black
+ *
+ * Todo: check to use this CSS selector: [data-keep-expanded=md-min][role=menuitem][aria-haspopup=true]
+ */ }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem][aria-haspopup=true],
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem][aria-haspopup=true]:hover {
+ color: #000;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li {
+ float: left;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+ width: 30%; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(3n+3) {
+ clear: right; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(3n+4) {
+ clear: left; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(2n+2) {
+ clear: none; }
+ .wb-disable .gcweb-menu [role=menu] > li:nth-child(2n+3) {
+ clear: none; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Medium view and over (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view and over */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Well header responsive
+ */
+ .well.header-rwd {
+ width: 50%; }
+ /*
+ * Home page style
+ *
+ * Set a responsive with for the h1 in the Well header responsive
+ */
+ .home .well.header-rwd h1 {
+ width: 50%; }
+ /*
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Make a simple list multi-column and responsive (overide _defaults.scss) */
+ .list-responsive > li {
+ width: 25%; }
+ .list-responsive > li:nth-child(4n+4) {
+ clear: right; }
+ /*
+ * Equal Heights overrides (large view and over)
+ */
+ .sect-lnks {
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ width: 31.7%; }
+ main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 31.2%; }
+ .lt-ie9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 30%; }
+ .lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 30%; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Large view and over (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-extra-small view */
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Home page style
+ *
+ * Set a responsive with for the h1 in the Well header responsive
+ */
+ .home .well.header-rwd h1 {
+ width: 80%; }
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /* Embedding a Fluid Survey */
+ .gc-fld-srvy-container {
+ padding-bottom: 100%; }
+ #wb-srch input {
+ border-right: 1px solid #e0e0e0;
+ max-width: 246px; }
+ /*
+ Banner (extra-extra-small view)
+ */
+ header .brand, #wb-glb-mn {
+ float: none !important;
+ width: auto !important; }
+ header .brand object,
+ header .brand img {
+ max-height: 25px; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul {
+ width: 100%; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn {
+ margin-left: auto; }
+ #wb-glb-mn ul.chvrn:before {
+ border: 0; }
+ /*
+ * Site information (extra-extra-small view)
+ */
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ -webkit-column-count: 1;
+ -moz-column-count: 1;
+ column-count: 1; }
+ #wb-info .brand object,
+ #wb-info .brand img {
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ padding-right: 10px; }
+ #wb-info .tofpg {
+ line-height: 60px; }
+ /*
+ Carousel (extra-extra-small view)
+ */
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li .plypause a {
+ font-size: 1em;
+ vertical-align: middle; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li .tab-count {
+ height: 0;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ width: 0; }
+ .prm-flpr .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 [role="tablist"] li .tab-count .curr-count {
+ font-size: 1em; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Extra-extra-small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-srch input {
+ max-width: 200px;
+ min-width: 150px; }
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Home page style
+ *
+ * Set a responsive with for the h1 in the Well header responsive
+ */
+ .home .well.header-rwd h1 {
+ width: 59%; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Extra-small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Small view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ @title: Search Small view and under (screen only)
+ */
+ #wb-srch {
+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
+ /*
+ Campaign
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */
+ .cmpgn-sctns {
+ word-wrap: break-word; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Small view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Medium view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Home page style
+ *
+ * Set a responsive with for the h1 in the Well header responsive
+ */
+ .home .well.header-rwd h1 {
+ width: 58.3%; }
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Equal Heights overrides (medium view)
+ */
+ .sect-lnks {
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ width: 48.1%; }
+ main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 47.5%; }
+ .lt-ie9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 47%; }
+ .lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks {
+ width: 46%; }
+ /*
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */
+ .gcweb-menu {
+ /*
+ * Tablet mode
+ *
+ * (Grid of the submenu panel)
+ */ }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li {
+ width: 100%; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ left: auto;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ position: relative;
+ top: auto; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child {
+ margin-top: 0px; }
+ .gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] {
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ padding-bottom: 0px;
+ position: relative; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Medium view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1599px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Extra-large view */
+@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
+ /*
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Extra-large view (screen only)
+ */ }
+/* Print view */
+@media print {
+ /*
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .features, #wb-lng, #wb-glb-mn,
+ #wb-srch,
+ #wb-sm, #wb-info, .tofpg, .gcweb-menu, #wb-sec, .pagedetails details, .pagedetails .btn, .followus {
+ display: none !important; }
+ header .brand {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ h1 {
+ margin-top: 0; }
+ /*
+ Site information (print view)
+ /*
+ Site menu (print view)
+ /*
+ * Priorities (Government of Canada activities and initiatives) (print view)
+ */
+ .gc-nttvs {
+ display: none; }
+ /* Deprecated as v4.0.28 */
+ .jumbotron.pagebrand figcaption {
+ position: static; }
+ /*
+ Search (print view)
+ */
+ /*
+ Secondary menu (print view)
+ /*
+ * Share/feedback-specific overrides (print view)
+ */
+ /*
+ Social Media Icons Print view
+ /*
+ Campaign
+ @title: Print view
+ */
+ .cmpgn-sctns {
+ margin-top: 20px; }
+ /*
+ Variant - GCWeb custom implementation
+ @title: Print view
+ */ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5296da04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * GLYPHICONS Halflings for Twitter Bootstrap by GLYPHICONS.com | Licensed under https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *//*!
+ * Bootstrap v3.4.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2019 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ *//*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext);@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext);html{font-family:sans-serif;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,menu,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}a{background-color:transparent}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}abbr[title]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline dotted}b,strong{font-weight:700}dfn{font-style:italic}h1{margin:.67em 0}mark{background:#ff0}sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-.5em}sub{bottom:-.25em}img{border:0}svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}hr{-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;height:0}pre{overflow:auto}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-size:1em}button,input,optgroup,select,textarea{color:inherit;font:inherit;margin:0}button{overflow:visible}button,select{text-transform:none}button,html input[type=button],input[type=reset],input[type=submit]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}button[disabled],html input[disabled]{cursor:default}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{border:0;padding:0}input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button{height:auto}input[type=search]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,input[type=search]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none}textarea{overflow:auto}optgroup{font-weight:700}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}td,th{padding:0}/*! 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input{max-width:200px;min-width:150px}.home .well.header-rwd h1{width:59%}}@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:991px){#wb-srch{margin-bottom:15px}.cmpgn-sctns{word-wrap:break-word}}@media screen and (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1199px){.home .well.header-rwd h1{width:58.3%}.sect-lnks{margin-right:15px;width:48.1%}main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks{width:47.5%}.lt-ie9 .sect-lnks{width:47%}.lt-ie9 main.col-md-9 .sect-lnks{width:46%}.gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li{width:100%}.gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child{left:auto;margin-top:1em;position:relative;top:auto}.gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu] li:last-child{margin-top:0}.gcweb-menu [role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menu]{margin-bottom:0;padding-bottom:0;position:relative}}@media print{#wb-glb-mn,#wb-info,#wb-lng,#wb-sec,#wb-sm,#wb-srch,.features,.followus,.gcweb-menu,.pagedetails .btn,.pagedetails details,.tofpg{display:none!important}header .brand{margin-bottom:0}h1{margin-top:0}.gc-nttvs{display:none}.jumbotron.pagebrand figcaption{position:static}.cmpgn-sctns{margin-top:20px}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew-overrides.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew-overrides.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dff16c6e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew-overrides.css
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ * wet-boew plugin CSS overrides
+ */
+.wb-mltmd {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-top: 10px; }
+.display::after {
+ line-height: 1.5em; }
+.wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly p {
+ white-space: nowrap; }
+.dataTables_wrapper .top {
+ font-size: 17px; }
+.dataTables_wrapper .top [type=search] {
+ max-width: 205px; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew-overrides.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew-overrides.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad70ed12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew-overrides.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */.wb-mltmd{margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:10px}.wb-mltmd.video:not(.playing):not(.waiting) .display::after{line-height:1.5em}.wb-mm-ctrls .wb-mm-txtonly p{white-space:nowrap}.dataTables_wrapper .top{font-size:17px}.dataTables_wrapper .top [type=search]{max-width:205px}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaba3ab72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew.css
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/*! Deprecated */
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew.min.css b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..281b1da36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/css/wet-boew.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ *//*! Deprecated */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8b20b081
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.eot differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.svg b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5782b6f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+Created by FontForge 20120731 at Sun Nov 3 21:25:00 2013
+ By Mario Bonito
+Created by Mario Bonito with FontForge 2.0 (http://fontforge.sf.net)
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.ttf b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74f30d3ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.ttf differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.woff b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.woff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd6b2bd63
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/fonts/gcweb_0c4a4eb7974d0a7287c93c02965f9b3f.woff differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/js/theme.js b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/js/theme.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ff8497fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/js/theme.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5058 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Action Manager
+ * @overview API that coordinate actions with other wet-boew plugin
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, wb, document ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ componentName = "wb-actionmng",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ selectorPreset = "[data-" + componentName + "]",
+ runCssFlag = componentName + "Rn",
+ initEvent = "wb-init." + componentName,
+ actionEvent = componentName + selector,
+ postponePreActions = { },
+ postponeActions = { },
+ groupPostAction = { },
+ actionMngEvent = [
+ "mapfilter",
+ "tocsv",
+ "loadJSON",
+ "patch",
+ "ajax",
+ "addClass",
+ "removeClass",
+ "tblfilter",
+ "withInput",
+ "run"
+ ].join( "." + actionEvent + " " ) + "." + actionEvent,
+ patchDefault = {
+ op: "move",
+ path: "{base}",
+ from: "{base}/{qval}"
+ },
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm,
+ actions, i, i_len, i_cache, i_trggrp;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ actions = wb.getData( $elm, componentName );
+ if ( actions ) {
+ if ( !$.isArray( actions ) ) {
+ actions = [ actions ];
+ }
+ i_len = actions.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = actions[ i ];
+ i_trggrp = i_cache.trggroup;
+ if ( i_trggrp && i_cache.action ) {
+ addDelayedAction( i_trggrp, groupPostAction, i_cache );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ },
+ addDelayedAction = function( k, a, o ) {
+ if ( !a[ k ] ) {
+ a[ k ] = [ ];
+ }
+ a[ k ].push( o );
+ },
+ executePostAction = function( $elm, k, a ) {
+ var actions, i_cache, i_action;
+ actions = a[ k ];
+ while ( ( i_cache = actions.shift() ) ) {
+ i_action = i_cache.action;
+ if ( !i_action ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( i_action + "." + actionEvent, i_cache );
+ delete i_cache.action;
+ }
+ },
+ patchAct = function( event, data ) {
+ // Prepare patches operation for execution by the json-manager
+ var source = data.source,
+ ops = data.patches,
+ isCumulative = !!data.cumulative;
+ if ( !ops ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !$.isArray( ops ) ) {
+ ops = [ ops ];
+ }
+ $( source ).trigger( {
+ type: "patches.wb-jsonmanager",
+ patches: ops,
+ fpath: data.fpath,
+ filter: data.filter || [],
+ filternot: data.filternot || [],
+ cumulative: isCumulative // Ensure the patches would remain as any other future update.
+ } );
+ },
+ ajaxAct = function( event, data ) {
+ var $container, containerID, ajxType;
+ if ( !data.container ) {
+ containerID = wb.getId();
+ $container = $( "
" );
+ $( event.target ).after( $container );
+ } else {
+ $container = $( data.container );
+ }
+ if ( data.trigger ) {
+ $container.attr( "data-trigger-wet", "true" );
+ }
+ ajxType = data.type ? data.type : "replace";
+ $container.attr( "data-ajax-" + ajxType, data.url );
+ $container.one( "wb-contentupdated", function( event, data ) {
+ var updtElm = event.currentTarget,
+ trigger = updtElm.getAttribute( "data-trigger-wet" );
+ updtElm.removeAttribute( "data-ajax-" + data[ "ajax-type" ] );
+ if ( trigger ) {
+ $( updtElm )
+ .find( wb.allSelectors )
+ .addClass( "wb-init" )
+ .filter( ":not(#" + updtElm.id + " .wb-init .wb-init)" )
+ .trigger( "timerpoke.wb" );
+ updtElm.removeAttribute( "data-trigger-wet" );
+ }
+ } );
+ $container.trigger( "wb-update.wb-data-ajax" );
+ },
+ addClassAct = function( event, data ) {
+ var $elm = $( data.source || event.target );
+ if ( !data.class ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $elm.addClass( data.class );
+ },
+ remClassAct = function( event, data ) {
+ var $elm = $( data.source || event.target );
+ if ( !data.class ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $elm.removeClass( data.class );
+ },
+ tblflrAct = function( event, data ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $source = $( data.source || elm ),
+ $datatable,
+ column = data.column,
+ colInt = parseInt( column, 10 ),
+ regex = !!data.regex,
+ smart = ( !data.smart ) ? true : !!data.smart,
+ caseinsen = ( !data.caseinsen ) ? true : !!data.caseinsen;
+ if ( $source.get( 0 ).nodeName !== "TABLE" ) {
+ throw "Table filtering can only applied on table";
+ }
+ $datatable = $source.dataTable( { "retrieve": true } ).api();
+ column = ( colInt === true ) ? colInt : column;
+ $datatable.column( column ).search( data.value, regex, smart, caseinsen ).draw();
+ },
+ geomapAOIAct = function( event, data ) {
+ var $source = $( data.source || event.target ),
+ map = $source.get( 0 ).geomap,
+ tpFilter = data.filter,
+ value = data.value;
+ // if aoi => There will be 4 coordinate space separated (Sequence: N E S W)
+ if ( tpFilter === "aoi" ) {
+ map.zoomAOI( value );
+ }
+ // if layer => The layer name
+ if ( tpFilter === "layer" ) {
+ map.showLayer( value, true );
+ }
+ },
+ // @source => jQuery selector to an HTML table
+ // @fname => Filename to save the csv
+ tblToCSV = function( source, fname ) {
+ var $table = $( source ),
+ table = $table.get( 0 ),
+ isDataTable = table.classList.contains( "wb-tables" ),
+ csvText = "",
+ fileName = fname || ( table.caption || "table" ) + ".csv",
+ rows = table.rows,
+ i, rows_len = rows.length,
+ j, columns_len = rows[ 0 ].cells.length,
+ $datatable;
+ // Is a table enhanced with the datatable plugin?
+ if ( isDataTable ) {
+ $datatable = $table.dataTable( { "retrieve": true } ).api();
+ rows_len = $datatable.rows()[ 0 ].length;
+ // Need to add the first row, because the header are not included in the list of rows returned by the datatable plugin.
+ for ( j = 0; j < columns_len; j = j + 1 ) {
+ cellCSVText = rows[ 0 ].cells[ j ].textContent;
+ cellCSVText = cellCSVText.replace( /\"/g, "\"\"" );
+ if ( j ) {
+ csvText = csvText + ",\"" + cellCSVText + "\"";
+ } else {
+ csvText = csvText + "\"" + cellCSVText + "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ csvText = csvText + "\n";
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < rows_len; i = i + 1 ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < columns_len; j = j + 1 ) {
+ var cellCSVText;
+ if ( isDataTable ) {
+ // I would like to use ".node()" instead of ".data()" but it is not possible to get the referencied
+ // node because it don't exist if the table have multiple pages.
+ cellCSVText = $datatable.cell( i, j, { "page": "all" } ).data();
+ // If the content of the cell is HTML, the content will be parsed through a document fragment to extract
+ // it's textContent equivalent value
+ if ( cellCSVText.indexOf( "<" ) !== -1 ) {
+ var div = document.createElement( "div" );
+ div.innerHTML = cellCSVText;
+ cellCSVText = div.textContent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cellCSVText = rows[ i ].cells[ j ].textContent;
+ }
+ cellCSVText = cellCSVText.replace( /\"/g, "\"\"" );
+ cellCSVText = cellCSVText + "\"";
+ if ( j ) {
+ csvText = csvText + ",\"" + cellCSVText;
+ } else {
+ csvText = csvText + "\"" + cellCSVText;
+ }
+ }
+ csvText = csvText + "\n";
+ }
+ wb.download( new Blob( [ csvText ], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" } ), fileName );
+ },
+ loadJSON = function( data ) {
+ // All the options need to be documented
+ // * url -> URL of the JSON file to load
+ // * nocache -> related to JSON-fetch, see similar
+ // * nocachekey -> related to JSON-fetch, see similar
+ // * source -> JQuery selector of with has a JSON-MANAGER
+ var source = data.source,
+ fileUrl = data.url;
+ // Add a flag to the JSON-Manager to put in a reload mode to avoid conflict with patches
+ $( source ).attr( "data-wb-jsonmanager-reload", "" );
+ // Trigger a JSON load on the source
+ $( source ).trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetch.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ url: fileUrl,
+ nocache: data.nocache,
+ nocachekey: data.nocachekey
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ // From a user input or a predefined input, apply some tranformation to the command prior to execute it
+ // This functionality was already in the URL mapping and was moved here to be reused by any user input
+ withInput = function( event, data ) {
+ // * data.srcInput; // ex. jQuery Selector pointing to an input
+ // If cValue is specified (like from the URL mapping), the second parameter is ignored
+ var cValue = data.cValue || $( data.srcInput ).val() || "",
+ settingQuery = data,
+ dontTriggerWET = data.dntwb, // do not trigger WET
+ elm = event.target;
+// Test is actions is an array, in false this action must be rejected. The docs should contains that info too.
+ executePreRenderAction( elm.id, cValue, settingQuery.actions, dontTriggerWET );
+ },
+ executePreRenderAction = function( elmID, cValue, actions, dontTriggerWET ) {
+ var i, i_len, i_cache, cache_action,
+ regMatchValue,
+ pattern, cValueParsed,
+ defaultValue;
+ if ( !$.isArray( actions ) ) {
+ actions = [ actions ];
+ } else {
+ actions = $.extend( [], actions );
+ }
+ // Fix any action that was defined as query dependent
+ i_len = actions.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = actions[ i ];
+ cache_action = i_cache.action;
+ if ( !cache_action ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ regMatchValue = i_cache.match;
+ defaultValue = i_cache.default;
+ cValueParsed = false;
+ // Abort if we try to match and there is no default set
+ if ( regMatchValue && !defaultValue ) {
+ throw "'match' and 'default' property need to be set";
+ }
+ // Validate the value if it match the regular expression / string pattern.
+ if ( !!defaultValue && cValue.length && typeof regMatchValue === "string" ) {
+ try {
+ pattern = new RegExp( regMatchValue );
+ cValueParsed = pattern.exec( cValue );
+ // Fall back on default if no match found
+ cValueParsed = !!cValueParsed ? cValueParsed : defaultValue;
+ } catch ( e ) { }
+ } else if ( !cValueParsed && !!defaultValue && !cValue ) {
+ cValueParsed = defaultValue;
+ }
+ if ( !i_cache.qval && cValueParsed ) {
+ i_cache.qval = cValueParsed;
+ }
+ switch ( cache_action ) {
+ case "patch":
+ var ops = i_cache.patches,
+ basePntr = i_cache.base || "/";
+ if ( !ops ) {
+ ops = [ patchDefault ];
+ i_cache.cumulative = true;
+ }
+ if ( !$.isArray( ops ) ) {
+ ops = [ ops ];
+ }
+ ops = patchFixArray( ops, i_cache.qval, basePntr );
+ i_cache.patches = ops;
+ break;
+ case "ajax":
+ if ( i_cache.trigger && dontTriggerWET ) {
+ i_cache.trigger = false;
+ }
+ i_cache.url = replaceMappingKeys( i_cache.url, i_cache.qval );
+ break;
+ case "tblfilter":
+ i_cache.value = replaceMappingKeys( i_cache.value, i_cache.qval );
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Just do the action as defined.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Postpone the action to be executed after the "withInput" action
+ addDelayedAction( elmID, postponeActions, i_cache );
+ }
+ },
+ patchFixArray = function( patchArray, val, basePointer ) {
+ var i, i_len = patchArray.length, i_cache,
+ patchesFixed = [], patch_cache;
+ if ( !basePointer ) {
+ basePointer = "/";
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = patchArray[ i ];
+ patch_cache = $.extend( { }, i_cache );
+ if ( i_cache.path ) {
+ patch_cache.path = replaceMappingKeys( i_cache.path, val, basePointer );
+ }
+ if ( i_cache.from ) {
+ patch_cache.from = replaceMappingKeys( i_cache.from, val, basePointer );
+ }
+ if ( i_cache.value ) {
+ patch_cache.value = replaceMappingKeys( i_cache.value, val, basePointer );
+ }
+ patchesFixed.push( patch_cache );
+ }
+ return patchesFixed;
+ },
+ replaceMappingKeys = function( search, val, basePointer ) {
+ if ( !val ) {
+ return search;
+ }
+ if ( !basePointer ) {
+ return search.replace( /\{qval\}/, val );
+ } else {
+ return search.replace( /\{qval\}/, val ).replace( /\{base\}/, basePointer );
+ }
+ },
+ runAct = function( event, data ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ grpAction = groupPostAction[ data.trggroup ],
+ i, i_len, i_cache, i_action;
+ if ( grpAction && !$elm.hasClass( runCssFlag ) ) {
+ $elm.addClass( runCssFlag );
+ i_len = grpAction.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = grpAction[ i ];
+ i_action = i_cache.action;
+ if ( !i_action ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( i_action + "." + actionEvent, i_cache );
+ }
+ $elm.removeClass( runCssFlag );
+ }
+ };
+// Main entry to submit wet-boew plugin actions
+// It will be only executed once per event chain
+$document.on( "do." + actionEvent, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.element || event.target,
+ $elm, elmID = elm.id,
+ actions = event.actions || [ ],
+ i, i_len, i_cache,
+ i_action, i_target, i_trggrp;
+ // Filter out any events triggered by descendants
+ if ( ( elm === event.target || event.currentTarget === event.target ) && elm.className.indexOf( componentName ) === -1 ) {
+ if ( !$.isArray( actions ) ) {
+ actions = [ actions ];
+ }
+ i_len = actions.length;
+ // Add a CSS selector to trigger action Events
+ if ( i_len ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.addClass( componentName );
+ }
+ // For this elements, check if we do not have some postponed pre action to execute.
+ if ( elmID && postponePreActions[ elmID ] ) {
+ executePostAction( $elm, elmID, postponePreActions );
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = actions[ i ];
+ i_action = i_cache.action;
+ if ( !i_action ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ i_target = i_cache.target;
+ if ( i_target ) {
+ if ( !i_cache.trgbefore ) {
+ addDelayedAction( i_target, postponeActions, i_cache );
+ } else {
+ addDelayedAction( i_target, postponePreActions, i_cache );
+ }
+ // If the target are in a group
+ i_trggrp = i_cache.trggroup;
+ if ( i_trggrp ) {
+ addDelayedAction( i_trggrp, groupPostAction, i_cache );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $elm.trigger( i_action + "." + actionEvent, i_cache );
+ }
+ }
+ // For this elements, check if we do not have some postponed action to execute.
+ if ( elmID && postponeActions[ elmID ] ) {
+ executePostAction( $elm, elmID, postponeActions );
+ }
+ $( event.target ).removeClass( componentName );
+ }
+} );
+//Remove any action for grouped postponed action
+$document.on( "clean." + actionEvent, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.element || event.target,
+ targetGroup = event.trggroup,
+ actionsGrp, i_cache;
+ // Filter out any events triggered by descendants
+ if ( elm === event.target || event.currentTarget === event.target ) {
+ if ( targetGroup && groupPostAction[ targetGroup ] ) {
+ actionsGrp = groupPostAction[ targetGroup ];
+ while ( ( i_cache = actionsGrp.shift() ) ) {
+ delete i_cache.action;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( actionMngEvent, selector, function( event, data ) {
+ var eventType = event.type;
+ if ( actionEvent === event.namespace ) {
+ switch ( eventType ) {
+ case "run":
+ runAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "tblfilter":
+ tblflrAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "addClass":
+ addClassAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "removeClass":
+ remClassAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "ajax":
+ ajaxAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "patch":
+ patchAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "mapfilter":
+ geomapAOIAct( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "tocsv":
+ tblToCSV( data.source, data.filename );
+ break;
+ case "loadJSON":
+ loadJSON( data );
+ break;
+ case "withInput":
+ withInput( event, data );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selectorPreset, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selectorPreset );
+} )( jQuery, wb, document );
+ * @title WET-BOEW Set background image
+ * @overview to be replaced by CSS 4: background-image:attr(data-bgimg, url)
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ componentName = "wb-bgimg",
+ selector = ".provisional[data-bgimg], .experimental[data-bgimg]",
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector );
+ if ( elm ) {
+ //to be replaced by CSS 4: background-image:attr(data-bgimg, url)
+ elm.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + elm.dataset.bgimg + ")";
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $( elm ), componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb wb-init." + componentName, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW Chat Wizard plugin container
+ * @overview Plugin used to translate a form into a conversational form, hence a Chat Wizard
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @gormfrank
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-chtwzrd",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ replacement = componentName + "-replace",
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ datainput = {},
+ timeValues = {},
+ waitingForAnswer,
+ formType,
+ isInline,
+ isNotif,
+ redirurl,
+ first,
+ intro,
+ current,
+ waitTimeout,
+ inputsTimeout,
+ sendButton,
+ i18nDict = {
+ en: {
+ "chtwzrd-send": "Send reply and continue ",
+ "chtwzrd-reset": "Restart from the beginning",
+ "chtwzrd-toggle": "Switch to wizard",
+ "chtwzrd-notification": "Close chat notification",
+ "chtwzrd-open": "Open chat wizard",
+ "chtwzrd-minimize": "Minimize chat wizard",
+ "chtwzrd-history": "Conversation history",
+ "chtwzrd-reply": "Reply",
+ "chtwzrd-controls": "Controls",
+ "chtwzrd-toggle-basic": "Switch to basic form",
+ "chtwzrd-waiting": "Waiting for message",
+ "chtwzrd-answer": "You have answered:"
+ },
+ fr: {
+ "chtwzrd-send": "Envoyer la réponse et continuer ",
+ "chtwzrd-reset": "Recommencer depuis le début",
+ "chtwzrd-toggle": "Basculer vers l'assistant",
+ "chtwzrd-notification": "Fermer la notification de discussion",
+ "chtwzrd-open": "Ouvrir l'assistant de discussion",
+ "chtwzrd-minimize": "Réduire l'assistant de discussion",
+ "chtwzrd-history": "Historique de discussion",
+ "chtwzrd-reply": "Répondre",
+ "chtwzrd-controls": "Contrôles",
+ "chtwzrd-toggle-basic": "Basculer vers le formulaire",
+ "chtwzrd-waiting": "En attente d'un message",
+ "chtwzrd-answer": "Vous avez répondu :"
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ fireChtwzrd( $elm );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepare initiation depending on the input type, wether it's JSON or a form
+ * @method fireChtwzrd
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the wizard will be appended
+ */
+ fireChtwzrd = function( $selector ) {
+ // Grab JSON File, parse and create
+ if ( $selector.data( componentName + "-src" ) ) {
+ var data = $selector.data( componentName + "-src" );
+ $.getJSON( data, function( json ) {
+ datainput = json;
+ buildBasicForm( $selector, datainput );
+ initiateChtwzrd( $selector );
+ } );
+ // Start from a form on the page
+ } else {
+ datainput = convertToObject( $selector );
+ initiateChtwzrd( $selector );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initiate chat wizard experience
+ * @method initiateChtwzrd
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the wizard will be appended
+ */
+ initiateChtwzrd = function( $selector ) {
+ // Check for local storage if we need to show notification
+ isNotif = localStorage.getItem( "wb-chtwzrd-notif" );
+ // Prevent on load flick and identify basic form
+ $selector.removeClass( "hidden wb-inv" ).addClass( componentName + "-basic" );
+ // Initiate default values
+ timeValues = {
+ shortDelay: 500,
+ mediumDelay: 750,
+ longDelay: 1250,
+ xLongDelay: 2000,
+ xxLongDelay: 2500
+ };
+ waitingForAnswer = false;
+ first = datainput.header.first;
+ intro = ( datainput.header.instructions ? datainput.header.instructions : "" );
+ redirurl = datainput.header.defaultDestination;
+ current = datainput.questions[ first ];
+ formType = datainput.header.formType ? datainput.header.formType : "dynamic";
+ isInline = datainput.header.inline ? true : false;
+ // Initiate dictionary
+ i18nDict = i18nDict[ $( "html" ).attr( "lang" ) || "en" ];
+ i18nDict = {
+ send: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-send" ],
+ reset: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-reset" ],
+ toggle: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-toggle" ],
+ notification: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-notification" ],
+ trigger: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-open" ],
+ minimize: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-minimize" ],
+ conversation: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-history" ],
+ reply: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-reply" ],
+ controls: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-controls" ],
+ toggleBasic: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-toggle-basic" ],
+ waiting: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-waiting" ],
+ answer: i18nDict[ "chtwzrd-answer" ]
+ };
+ // Build chat wizard
+ buildChtwzrd( $selector, datainput.header.title );
+ // All the commonly used elements
+ var $basic = $( selector + "-basic" ),
+ $bubble = $( selector + "-bubble-wrap" ),
+ $externalBtn = $( selector + "-btn" ),
+ $container = $( selector + "-container" ),
+ $form = $( ".body", $container ),
+ $conversation = $( ".history", $container ),
+ $minimize = $( ".minimize", $container ),
+ $reset = $( ".reset", $container ),
+ $basiclink = $( ".basic-link", $container ),
+ $focusedBeforechtwzrd,
+ $firstTabStop = $reset,
+ $lastTabStop = $basiclink;
+ // Initiate basic form
+ initiateBasicForm( $basic );
+ // Initiate chat wizard bubble
+ initiateBubble( $bubble );
+ // Initiate chat wizard external btn
+ initiateExternalButton( $externalBtn );
+ // Show basic form and hide chat wizard
+ $basiclink.on( "click", function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var $legendFocus = $( "legend:first", $basic );
+ $legendFocus.attr( "tabindex", "0" );
+ $conversation.attr( "aria-live", "" );
+ toggleExperience( $basic, "form" );
+ $container.stop().hide();
+ $basic.stop().show( function() {
+ $legendFocus.focus();
+ $legendFocus.removeAttr( "tabindex" );
+ } );
+ $( "body" ).removeClass( componentName + "-noscroll" );
+ } );
+ // Show chat wizard and hide basic form
+ $( selector + "-link" ).on( "click", function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $basic.stop().hide();
+ $focusedBeforechtwzrd = $( ":focus" );
+ if ( !$( this ).hasClass( componentName + "-bubble" ) ) {
+ toggleExperience( $container, "wizard" );
+ }
+ $( ".bubble", $bubble ).removeClass( "trans-pulse" );
+ $( "p", $bubble ).hide().removeClass( "trans-left" );
+ $container.stop().show();
+ $bubble.stop().hide();
+ $externalBtn.prop( "disabled", true );
+ if ( !isInline ) {
+ $( "body" ).addClass( componentName + "-noscroll" );
+ }
+ if ( $conversation.length ) {
+ $( ".conversation", $container ).scrollTop( $conversation[ 0 ].scrollHeight );
+ }
+ if ( !waitingForAnswer ) {
+ appendInteraction( $form );
+ }
+ // Do not show notification on next load
+ localStorage.setItem( "wb-chtwzrd-notif", 1 );
+ } );
+ // External btn event handler
+ $( selector + "-btn" ).on( "click", function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $externalBtn.prop( "disabled", true );
+ $basic.stop().hide();
+ $focusedBeforechtwzrd = $( ":focus" );
+ toggleExperience( $container, "wizard" );
+ $container.stop().show();
+ $bubble.stop().hide();
+ $container.find( ":focusable" ).first().focus();
+ if ( !isInline ) {
+ $( "body" ).addClass( componentName + "-noscroll" );
+ }
+ if ( $conversation.length ) {
+ $( ".conversation", $container ).scrollTop( $conversation[ 0 ].scrollHeight );
+ }
+ if ( !waitingForAnswer ) {
+ appendInteraction( $form );
+ }
+ } );
+ // If inline, do not trap user with keyboard
+ if ( isInline ) {
+ $( selector + "-link" ).click();
+ } else {
+ // Listen for and trap the keyboard
+ $container.on( "keydown", function( event ) {
+ // Check for TAB key press, cycle through
+ if ( event.keyCode === 9 ) {
+ if ( event.shiftKey ) {
+ if ( $firstTabStop.is( ":focus" ) ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $lastTabStop.focus();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( $lastTabStop.is( ":focus" ) ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $firstTabStop.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ESCAPE, close
+ if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) {
+ $minimize.click();
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ // On chat button pressed: append answer, and on submit: redirect
+ $document.on( "click", selector + "-container .btn-send", function( event ) {
+ if ( $( this ).attr( "type" ) !== "submit" ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var $choiceselected = $( "input:checked", $form );
+ if ( !$choiceselected.length ) {
+ $choiceselected = $( "input:first", $form );
+ $choiceselected.attr( "checked", true );
+ }
+ appendReply( $form, cookAnswerObj( $choiceselected ), false );
+ }
+ } );
+ // On chat reset button pressed: toggle experience to wizard
+ $reset.on( "click", function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ toggleExperience( $( selector + "-container" ), "wizard" );
+ } );
+ // Minimize chat wizard
+ $minimize.on( "click", function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $container.stop().hide();
+ $externalBtn.prop( "disabled", false );
+ $bubble.stop().show();
+ $( "body" ).removeClass( componentName + "-noscroll" );
+ // Set focus back to element that had it before the modal was opened
+ $focusedBeforechtwzrd.focus();
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initiate basic form
+ * @method initiateBasicForm
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the basic form will be appended
+ */
+ initiateBasicForm = function( $selector ) {
+ var $basicForm = $( "form", $selector ),
+ $allQuestions = $( "fieldset", $selector ),
+ $firstQuestion = $allQuestions.first();
+ if ( formType === "dynamic" ) {
+ $firstQuestion.addClass( componentName + "-first-q" );
+ $allQuestions.not( selector + "-first-q" ).hide();
+ }
+ // Hide and restart fresh on reload
+ $selector.hide();
+ $( "input", $basicForm ).prop( "checked", false );
+ // Add link to chat from the basic form
+ $basicForm.append( "" + i18nDict.toggle + " " );
+ // On input change in the basic form
+ $( "input", $basicForm ).on( "change", function() {
+ var answerData = cookAnswerObj( $( this ) ),
+ $qNext = $( "#" + answerData.qNext, $basicForm );
+ // Dynamically append next question on checked
+ if ( formType === "dynamic" ) {
+ var $fieldset = $( this ).closest( "fieldset" );
+ if ( $qNext.is( ":hidden" ) || $fieldset.next().attr( "id" ) !== $qNext.attr( "id" ) || answerData.qNext === "none" ) {
+ $fieldset.nextAll( "fieldset" ).hide().find( "input" ).prop( "checked", false );
+ }
+ if ( answerData.qNext !== "none" ) {
+ $( "#" + answerData.qNext ).show();
+ }
+ if ( answerData.url !== "" ) {
+ $basicForm.attr( "action", answerData.url );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initiate chat wizard bubble
+ * @method initiateBubble
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element which is the actual bubble
+ */
+ initiateBubble = function( $selector ) {
+ var $footer = $( "#wb-info" ),
+ $link = $( selector + "-link", $selector );
+ // Change to custom avatar if provided
+ if ( datainput.header.avatar ) {
+ $link.css( "background-image", "url(" + datainput.header.avatar + ")" );
+ }
+ // Hide basic form on load, show chat bubble instead
+ $selector.fadeIn( "slow" );
+ // Add some white space over the footer for the bubble to sit
+ $footer.addClass( componentName + "-mrgn" );
+ // Ensure that the bubble does not go passed the footer
+ if ( $footer.length ) {
+ // Keep the bubble sticky while scrolling Y until user reaches the footer
+ var stickyUntilFooter = function( $element ) {
+ // Equals to bubble default bottom value in CSS
+ var bottomY = 30;
+ if ( $( window ).scrollTop() >= $( document ).outerHeight() - $( window ).outerHeight() - $footer.outerHeight() ) {
+ $element.css( {
+ bottom: ( $footer.outerHeight() - ( $( document ).outerHeight() - $( window ).outerHeight() - $( window ).scrollTop() ) + bottomY )
+ } );
+ } else {
+ $element.css( {
+ bottom: bottomY
+ } );
+ }
+ };
+ // Correct bubble positionning on load, on resize an on Y scroll if necessary
+ stickyUntilFooter( $selector );
+ $( window ).on( "resize scroll", function() {
+ stickyUntilFooter( $selector );
+ } );
+ }
+ // Open Chat from the notification message
+ $( ".notif", $selector ).on( "click", function() {
+ $link.click();
+ } );
+ // Close notification aside bubble
+ $( ".notif-close", $selector ).on( "click", function( event ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $( this ).parent().hide();
+ $selector.focus();
+ // Do not show notification on next load
+ localStorage.setItem( "wb-chtwzrd-notif", 1 );
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Initiate chat wizard external button
+ * @method initiateExternalButton
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element which is the actual external button
+ */
+ initiateExternalButton = function( $selector ) {
+ $selector.attr( "aria-controls", componentName + "-container" );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Convert Data attributes from the form and return a Javascript Object
+ * @method convertToObject
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Basic from which the wizard will be created
+ * @returns {Object} Data used by the wizard for the experience
+ */
+ convertToObject = function( $selector ) {
+ var $form = $( "form", $selector ),
+ $title = $( "h2", $selector ).first(),
+ $intro = $( "p:not(" + selector + "-greetings):not(" + selector + "-farewell)", $form ).first(),
+ btnClassName = "btn-former-send",
+ header = {},
+ questions = {},
+ $questions = $( "fieldset", $selector );
+ header = ( typeof $selector.data( componentName ) !== undefined && $selector.data( componentName ) ? $selector.data( componentName ) : {} );
+ header.inline = $selector.hasClass( "wb-chtwzrd-inline" );
+ header.avatar = $selector.data( componentName + "-avatar" );
+ header.defaultDestination = $form.attr( "action" );
+ header.name = $form.attr( "name" );
+ header.method = $form.attr( "method" );
+ header.form = {};
+ header.form.title = $title.html();
+ header.title = replaceForWizard( $title, header.form.title );
+ header.greetings = $( "p" + selector + "-greetings", $form ).html();
+ header.farewell = $( "p" + selector + "-farewell", $form ).html();
+ header.form.sendButton = ( $( "input[type=submit]", $form ).length ? $( "input[type=submit]", $form ).addClass( btnClassName ).val() : $( "button[type=submit]", $form ).addClass( btnClassName ).html() );
+ header.sendButton = replaceForWizard( $( "." + btnClassName, $form ), header.form.sendButton );
+ if ( $intro.length ) {
+ header.form.instructions = $intro.html();
+ header.instructions = replaceForWizard( $intro, header.form.instructions );
+ }
+ header.first = header.first || $questions.first().attr( "id" );
+ $questions.each( function() {
+ var $this = $( this ),
+ $label = $( "legend", $this ),
+ $choices = $( "label", $this ),
+ questionID = this.id,
+ qInput = ( $( "input[type=radio]", $this ).length ? "radio" : "checkbox" ),
+ choices = [],
+ qName = "",
+ theQuestion = {};
+ $choices.each( function( index ) {
+ var $choice = $( "input", $( this ) ),
+ choice = {},
+ name = $choice.attr( "name" ),
+ action = $choice.data( componentName + "-url" ),
+ textval = $choice.siblings( "span:not(.no-" + componentName + ")" ).html();
+ if ( !index ) {
+ qName = name;
+ }
+ choice.content = textval;
+ choice.value = $choice.val();
+ choice.next = $choice.data( componentName + "-next" );
+ if ( typeof action !== undefined && action ) {
+ choice.url = action;
+ }
+ choices.push( choice );
+ } );
+ theQuestion.name = qName;
+ theQuestion.input = qInput;
+ theQuestion.formLabel = $label.html();
+ theQuestion.label = replaceForWizard( $label, theQuestion.formLabel );
+ theQuestion.choices = choices;
+ questions[ questionID ] = theQuestion;
+ } );
+ return {
+ header: header,
+ questions: questions
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Build the chat wizard skeleton
+ * @method buildChtwzrd
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the wizard will be appended
+ * @param {String} title The title of the wizard window, as well as the notification
+ */
+ buildChtwzrd = function( $selector, title ) {
+ $selector.after( "" );
+ $selector.next( selector + "-bubble-wrap" ).after( "" );
+ var $container = $( selector + "-container" );
+ $container.append(
+ "" );
+ $container.append( "" );
+ var $form = $( ".body", $container );
+ $form.append( "" + i18nDict.conversation + "
" );
+ $form.append(
+ "" +
+ i18nDict.controls + " " );
+ $form.attr( "name", datainput.header.name + "-chat" );
+ $form.attr( "method", datainput.header.method );
+ sendButton = $( ".btn-send ", $form ).html();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Build Basic Form from JSON
+ * @method buildBasicForm
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the form will be appended
+ * @param {Object} data Data used by the form to build itself
+ */
+ buildBasicForm = function( $selector, data ) {
+ $selector.html( "" );
+ var h2 = "" + data.header.title + " ",
+ intro = "" + data.header.instructions + "
+ btn = ">" + data.header.sendButton + "";
+ if ( typeof data.header.form.title !== undefined ) {
+ h2 = "" + data.header.form.title + " ";
+ }
+ $selector.append( h2 + "" );
+ var $basicForm = $( "form", $selector );
+ if ( typeof data.header.form.instructions !== undefined ) {
+ intro = "" + data.header.form.instructions + "
+ }
+ $basicForm.append( "" + data.header.greetings + "
" + intro );
+ $.each( data.questions, function( key, value ) {
+ var randID = wb.getId(),
+ legend = "" + value.label + " ";
+ if ( typeof value.formLabel !== undefined && value.formLabel ) {
+ legend = "" + value.formLabel + " ";
+ }
+ $basicForm.append( "" + legend + " " );
+ var $thisQ = $( "." + randID, $basicForm );
+ $.each( value.choices, function( index, ivalue ) {
+ randID = wb.getId();
+ $( "ul", $thisQ ).append( " " + ivalue.content + " " );
+ $( "#" + randID, $thisQ ).attr( "data-" + componentName + "-next", ivalue.next );
+ if ( typeof ivalue.url !== undefined && ivalue.url ) {
+ $( "#" + randID, $thisQ ).attr( "data-" + componentName + "-url", ivalue.url );
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+ if ( typeof data.header.form.sendButton !== undefined ) {
+ btn = " data-" + replacement + "='" + data.header.sendButton + "'>" + data.header.form.sendButton + "";
+ }
+ $basicForm.append( "" + data.header.farewell + "
<" + markup + " class='mrgn-tp-0 mrgn-bttm-0'> " + markup + ">
" );
+ var $lastQuestion = $( ".question:last", $dropSpot );
+ // Faking delay and type time
+ waitingBot( $lastQuestion );
+ // Determine waiting time length
+ var waitDelay = timeValues.longDelay;
+ if ( isInline && first !== "" ) {
+ waitDelay = timeValues.xLongDelay;
+ } else if ( first === "" && intro !== "" ) {
+ waitDelay = timeValues.xxLongDelay;
+ }
+ waitTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
+ if ( first !== "" ) {
+ // Show greetings on first occurence
+ $lastQuestion.html( datainput.header.greetings );
+ first = "";
+ appendInteraction( $selector );
+ } else if ( intro !== "" ) {
+ // If intro is provided, show it before the first question
+ $lastQuestion.html( intro );
+ intro = "";
+ appendInteraction( $selector );
+ } else if ( current === "last" ) {
+ // If it is the last question, then change the button to submit the form
+ $lastQuestion.html( datainput.header.farewell );
+ $btnnext.attr( "type", "submit" ).prop( "disabled", false ).html( datainput.header.sendButton + " " );
+ $selector.attr( "action", redirurl );
+ } else {
+ // On every other occurences, append the question and its possible answers
+ $lastQuestion.html( current.label );
+ current.input = "radio";
+ inputsTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
+ $inputsSpot.append( "" + current.label + " " );
+ for ( var i = 0; i < current.choices.length; i++ ) {
+ var iQuestion = current.choices[ i ];
+ $( ".choices", $inputsSpot ).append( " " + iQuestion.content + " " );
+ }
+ $btnnext.prop( "disabled", false );
+ // Reposition viewport to where the action is
+ var tresholdHeight = $chtwzrdConvo[ 0 ].scrollHeight,
+ $reply = $( ".reply", $selector );
+ if ( $reply.length && ( $reply.outerHeight() + $lastQuestion.outerHeight() > $chtwzrdConvo.innerHeight() ) ) {
+ tresholdHeight = $dropSpot[ 0 ].scrollHeight - $lastQuestion.outerHeight() - 42;
+ }
+ $chtwzrdConvo.scrollTop( tresholdHeight );
+ }, timeValues.mediumDelay );
+ }
+ $chtwzrdConvo.scrollTop( $chtwzrdConvo[ 0 ].scrollHeight );
+ }, waitDelay );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add reply from human and calls next question
+ * @method appendReply
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the answer will be appended
+ * @param {Object} answerObj The answer selected and cooked
+ */
+ appendReply = function( $selector, answerObj ) {
+ var randID = wb.getId(),
+ $dropSpot = $( ".history", $selector );
+ $dropSpot.append( "" + i18nDict.answer + " " + answerObj.value + "
" );
+ // Append hidden input for information to carry over on submit
+ $( ".form-params", $selector ).append( " " );
+ waitingForAnswer = false;
+ if ( answerObj.url !== "" ) {
+ redirurl = answerObj.url;
+ }
+ // Find next question
+ var next = answerObj.qNext,
+ $reply = $( "#" + randID, $dropSpot );
+ if ( next === "none" ) {
+ current = "last";
+ } else {
+ current = datainput.questions[ next ];
+ }
+ $( ".btn-send", $selector ).prop( "disabled", true );
+ $reply.attr( "tabindex", "0" );
+ // Clear the inputs zone after an intuitive delay
+ waitTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
+ $( ".inputs-zone", $selector ).remove( "fieldset" );
+ $reply.focus();
+ $reply.removeAttr( "tabindex" );
+ appendInteraction( $selector );
+ }, timeValues.shortDelay );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Waiting for the bot to type animation
+ * @method waitingBot
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the typing loader will be appended
+ */
+ waitingBot = function( $selector ) {
+ $selector.html( " " );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Take the replacement as value if provided
+ * @method replaceForWizard
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element would potentially be replaced
+ * @param {String} formerValue Original value to replace
+ * @returns {String} Value that will be used, either replaced or not
+ */
+ replaceForWizard = function( $selector, formerValue ) {
+ // Data attribute for value replacement
+ var r = $selector.data( replacement );
+ return ( typeof r !== undefined && r ? r : formerValue );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Cooks an answer object that is suitable for all parties
+ * @method cookAnswerObj
+ * @param {jQuery DOM element} $selector Element to which the typing loader will be appended
+ * @returns {Object} A cooked answer
+ */
+ cookAnswerObj = function( $selector ) {
+ var next = $selector.data( componentName + "-next" );
+ var url = $selector.data( componentName + "-url" );
+ return {
+ qNext: next,
+ name: $selector.attr( "name" ),
+ val: $selector.val(),
+ url: ( typeof url !== undefined && url ? url : "" ),
+ value: $selector.next().html()
+ };
+ };
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector + ".provisional", init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW Data Json [data-json-after], [data-json-append],
+ * [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith] and [data-wb-json]
+ * @overview Insert content extracted from JSON file.
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+/*global jsonpointer */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-data-json",
+ shortName = "wb-json",
+ selectors = [
+ "[data-json-after]",
+ "[data-json-append]",
+ "[data-json-before]",
+ "[data-json-prepend]",
+ "[data-json-replace]",
+ "[data-json-replacewith]",
+ "[data-" + shortName + "]"
+ ],
+ allowJsonTypes = [ "after", "append", "before", "prepend", "val" ],
+ allowAttrNames = /(href|src|data-*|pattern|min|max|step|low|high)/,
+ allowPropNames = /(checked|selected|disabled|required|readonly|multiple|hidden)/,
+ selectorsLength = selectors.length,
+ selector = selectors.join( "," ),
+ initEvent = "wb-init." + componentName,
+ updateEvent = "wb-update." + componentName,
+ contentUpdatedEvent = "wb-contentupdated",
+ dataQueue = componentName + "-queue",
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ s,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered this handler
+ * @param {string} ajaxType The type of JSON operation, either after, append, before or replace
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ var jsonCoreTypes = [
+ "before",
+ "replace",
+ "replacewith",
+ "after",
+ "append",
+ "prepend"
+ ],
+ jsonType, jsondata,
+ i, i_len = jsonCoreTypes.length, i_cache,
+ lstCall = [],
+ url;
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ jsonType = jsonCoreTypes[ i ];
+ url = elm.getAttribute( "data-json-" + jsonType );
+ if ( url !== null ) {
+ lstCall.push( {
+ type: jsonType,
+ url: url
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ jsondata = wb.getData( $elm, shortName );
+ if ( jsondata && jsondata.url ) {
+ lstCall.push( jsondata );
+ } else if ( jsondata && $.isArray( jsondata ) ) {
+ i_len = jsondata.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ lstCall.push( jsondata[ i ] );
+ }
+ }
+ // Save it to the dataJSON object.
+ $elm.data( dataQueue, lstCall );
+ i_len = lstCall.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = lstCall[ i ];
+ loadJSON( elm, i_cache.url, i, i_cache.nocache, i_cache.nocachekey );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loadJSON = function( elm, url, refId, nocache, nocachekey ) {
+ var $elm = $( elm ),
+ fetchObj = {
+ url: url,
+ refId: refId,
+ nocache: nocache,
+ nocachekey: nocachekey
+ },
+ settings = window[ componentName ],
+ urlParts;
+ // Detect CORS requests
+ if ( settings && ( url.substr( 0, 4 ) === "http" || url.substr( 0, 2 ) === "//" ) ) {
+ urlParts = wb.getUrlParts( url );
+ if ( ( wb.pageUrlParts.protocol !== urlParts.protocol || wb.pageUrlParts.host !== urlParts.host ) && ( !Modernizr.cors || settings.forceCorsFallback ) ) {
+ if ( typeof settings.corsFallback === "function" ) {
+ fetchObj.dataType = "jsonp";
+ fetchObj.jsonp = "callback";
+ fetchObj = settings.corsFallback( fetchObj );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetch.wb",
+ fetch: fetchObj
+ } );
+ },
+ // Manage JSON value After the json data has been fetched. This function can deal with array.
+ jsonFetched = function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ lstCall = $elm.data( dataQueue ),
+ fetchObj = event.fetch,
+ itmSettings = lstCall[ fetchObj.refId ],
+ jsonType = itmSettings.type,
+ attrname = itmSettings.prop || itmSettings.attr,
+ showEmpty = itmSettings.showempty,
+ content = fetchObj.response,
+ typeOfContent = typeof content,
+ jQueryCaching;
+ if ( showEmpty || typeOfContent !== "undefined" ) {
+ if ( showEmpty && typeOfContent === "undefined" ) {
+ content = "";
+ }
+ //Prevents the force caching of nested resources
+ jQueryCaching = jQuery.ajaxSettings.cache;
+ jQuery.ajaxSettings.cache = true;
+ // "replace" and "replaceWith" doesn't map to a jQuery function
+ if ( !jsonType ) {
+ jsonType = "template";
+ applyTemplate( elm, itmSettings, content );
+ // Trigger wet
+ if ( itmSettings.trigger ) {
+ $elm
+ .find( wb.allSelectors )
+ .addClass( "wb-init" )
+ .filter( ":not(#" + elm.id + " .wb-init .wb-init)" )
+ .trigger( "timerpoke.wb" );
+ }
+ } else if ( jsonType === "replace" ) {
+ $elm.html( content );
+ } else if ( jsonType === "replacewith" ) {
+ $elm.replaceWith( content );
+ } else if ( jsonType === "addclass" ) {
+ $elm.addClass( content );
+ } else if ( jsonType === "removeclass" ) {
+ $elm.removeClass( content );
+ } else if ( jsonType === "prop" && attrname && allowPropNames.test( attrname ) ) {
+ $elm.prop( attrname, content );
+ } else if ( jsonType === "attr" && attrname && allowAttrNames.test( attrname ) ) {
+ $elm.attr( attrname, content );
+ } else if ( typeof $elm[ jsonType ] === "function" && allowJsonTypes.indexOf( jsonType ) !== -1 ) {
+ $elm[ jsonType ]( content );
+ } else {
+ throw componentName + " do not support type: " + jsonType;
+ }
+ //Resets the initial jQuery caching setting
+ jQuery.ajaxSettings.cache = jQueryCaching;
+ $elm.trigger( contentUpdatedEvent, { "json-type": jsonType, "content": content } );
+ }
+ },
+ // Apply the template as per the configuration
+ applyTemplate = function( elm, settings, content ) {
+ var mapping = settings.mapping || [ {} ],
+ mapping_len,
+ filterTrueness = settings.filter || [],
+ filterFaslseness = settings.filternot || [],
+ queryAll = settings.queryall,
+ i, i_len, i_cache,
+ j, j_cache, j_cache_attr,
+ basePntr,
+ clone, selElements,
+ cached_node,
+ cached_textContent,
+ cached_value,
+ selectorToClone = settings.tobeclone,
+ elmClass = elm.className,
+ elmAppendTo = elm,
+ dataTable,
+ template = settings.source ? document.querySelector( settings.source ) : elm.querySelector( "template" );
+ if ( !$.isArray( content ) ) {
+ if ( typeof content !== "object" ) {
+ content = [ content ];
+ } else {
+ content = $.map( content, function( val, index ) {
+ if ( typeof val === "object" && !$.isArray( val ) ) {
+ if ( !val[ "@id" ] ) {
+ val[ "@id" ] = index;
+ }
+ } else {
+ val = {
+ "@id": index,
+ "@value": val
+ };
+ }
+ return [ val ];
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ i_len = content.length;
+ if ( !$.isArray( mapping ) ) {
+ mapping = [ mapping ];
+ }
+ mapping_len = mapping.length;
+ // Special support for adding row to a wb-table
+ // Condition must be meet:
+ // * The element need to be a table
+ // * Data-table need to be initialized
+ // * The mapping need to be an array of string
+ if ( elm.tagName === "TABLE" && mapping && elmClass.indexOf( "wb-tables-inited" ) !== -1 && typeof mapping[ 0 ] === "string" ) {
+ dataTable = $( elm ).dataTable( { "retrieve": true } ).api();
+ for ( i = 0; i < i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = content[ i ];
+ if ( filterPassJSON( i_cache, filterTrueness, filterFaslseness ) ) {
+ basePntr = "/" + i;
+ cached_value = [];
+ for ( j = 0; j < mapping_len; j += 1 ) {
+ cached_value.push( jsonpointer.get( content, basePntr + mapping[ j ] ) );
+ }
+ dataTable.row.add( cached_value );
+ }
+ }
+ dataTable.draw();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !template ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Needed when executing sub-template that wasn't polyfill, like in IE11
+ if ( !template.content ) {
+ wb.tmplPolyfill( template );
+ }
+ if ( settings.appendto ) {
+ elmAppendTo = $( settings.appendto ).get( 0 );
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = content[ i ];
+ if ( filterPassJSON( i_cache, filterTrueness, filterFaslseness ) ) {
+ basePntr = "/" + i;
+ if ( !selectorToClone ) {
+ clone = template.content.cloneNode( true );
+ } else {
+ clone = template.content.querySelector( selectorToClone ).cloneNode( true );
+ }
+ if ( queryAll ) {
+ selElements = clone.querySelectorAll( queryAll );
+ }
+ for ( j = 0; j < mapping_len || j === 0; j += 1 ) {
+ j_cache = mapping[ j ];
+ // Get the node used to insert content
+ if ( selElements ) {
+ cached_node = selElements[ j ];
+ } else if ( j_cache.selector ) {
+ cached_node = clone.querySelector( j_cache.selector );
+ } else {
+ cached_node = clone;
+ }
+ j_cache_attr = j_cache.attr;
+ if ( j_cache_attr ) {
+ if ( !cached_node.hasAttribute( j_cache_attr ) ) {
+ cached_node.setAttribute( j_cache_attr, "" );
+ }
+ cached_node = cached_node.getAttributeNode( j_cache_attr );
+ }
+ // Get the value
+ if ( typeof i_cache === "string" ) {
+ cached_value = i_cache;
+ } else if ( typeof j_cache === "string" ) {
+ cached_value = jsonpointer.get( content, basePntr + j_cache );
+ } else {
+ cached_value = jsonpointer.get( content, basePntr + j_cache.value );
+ }
+ // Placeholder text replacement if any
+ if ( j_cache.placeholder ) {
+ cached_textContent = cached_node.textContent || "";
+ cached_value = cached_textContent.replace( j_cache.placeholder, cached_value );
+ }
+ // Set the value to the node
+ if ( $.isArray( cached_value ) ) {
+ applyTemplate( cached_node, j_cache, cached_value );
+ } else if ( j_cache.isHTML ) {
+ cached_node.innerHTML = cached_value;
+ } else {
+ cached_node.textContent = cached_value;
+ }
+ }
+ elmAppendTo.appendChild( clone );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Filtering a JSON
+ // Return true if trueness && falseness
+ // Return false if !( trueness && falseness )
+ // trueness and falseness is an array of { "path": "", "value": "" } object
+ filterPassJSON = function( obj, trueness, falseness ) {
+ var i, i_cache,
+ trueness_len = trueness.length,
+ falseness_len = falseness.length,
+ compareResult = false,
+ isEqual;
+ if ( trueness_len || falseness_len ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < trueness_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = trueness[ i ];
+ isEqual = _equalsJSON( jsonpointer.get( obj, i_cache.path ), i_cache.value );
+ if ( i_cache.optional ) {
+ compareResult = compareResult || isEqual;
+ } else if ( !isEqual ) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ compareResult = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( trueness_len && !compareResult ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < falseness_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = falseness[ i ];
+ isEqual = _equalsJSON( jsonpointer.get( obj, i_cache.path ), i_cache.value );
+ if ( isEqual && !i_cache.optional || isEqual && i_cache.optional ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ //
+ _equalsJSON = function( a, b ) {
+ switch ( typeof a ) {
+ case "undefined":
+ return false;
+ case "boolean":
+ case "string":
+ case "number":
+ return a === b;
+ case "object":
+ if ( a === null ) {
+ return b === null;
+ }
+ if ( $.isArray( a ) ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( b ) || a.length !== b.length ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( !_equalsJSON( a[ i ], b[ i ] ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var bKeys = _objectKeys( b ),
+ bLength = bKeys.length;
+ if ( _objectKeys( a ).length !== bLength ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0; i < bLength; i++ ) {
+ if ( !_equalsJSON( a[ i ], b[ i ] ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ _objectKeys = function( obj ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( obj ) ) {
+ var keys = new Array( obj.length );
+ for ( var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++ ) {
+ keys[ k ] = "" + k;
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
+ if ( Object.keys ) {
+ return Object.keys( obj );
+ }
+ var keys = [];
+ for ( var i in obj ) {
+ if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {
+ keys.push( i );
+ }
+ }
+ return keys;
+ },
+ // Manage JSON value After the json data has been fetched
+ jsonUpdate = function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ lstCall = $elm.data( dataQueue ),
+ refId = lstCall.length,
+ wbJsonConfig = event[ "wb-json" ];
+ if ( !( wbJsonConfig.url && ( wbJsonConfig.type || wbJsonConfig.source ) ) ) {
+ throw "Data JSON update not configured properly";
+ }
+ lstCall.push( wbJsonConfig );
+ $elm.data( dataQueue, lstCall );
+ loadJSON( elm, wbJsonConfig.url, refId );
+ };
+$document.on( "json-failed.wb", selector, function( ) {
+ throw "Bad JSON Fetched from url in " + componentName;
+} );
+// Load template polyfill
+Modernizr.load( {
+ test: ( "content" in document.createElement( "template" ) ),
+ nope: "site!deps/template" + wb.getMode() + ".js"
+} );
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent + " " + updateEvent + " json-fetched.wb", selector, function( event ) {
+ if ( event.currentTarget === event.target ) {
+ switch ( event.type ) {
+ case "timerpoke":
+ case "wb-init":
+ init( event );
+ break;
+ case "wb-update":
+ jsonUpdate( event );
+ break;
+ default:
+ jsonFetched( event );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} );
+// Add the timerpoke to initialize the plugin
+for ( s = 0; s !== selectorsLength; s += 1 ) {
+ wb.add( selectors[ s ] );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW Template polyfill
+ * @overview The element hold elements for Javascript and templating usage. Based on code from http://ironlasso.com/template-tag-polyfill-for-internet-explorer/
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, document, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the polyfill - meaning that they will be initialized once per page.
+ * This polyfill is mostly used to support element in IE11
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-template",
+ selector = "template",
+ initEvent = "wb-init." + componentName,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ /**
+ * @method polyfill
+ * @param {DOM element} element that we need to apply the polyfill
+ */
+ polyfill = function( elm ) {
+ if ( elm.content ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var elPlate = elm,
+ qContent,
+ docContent;
+ qContent = elPlate.childNodes;
+ docContent = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ while ( qContent[ 0 ] ) {
+ docContent.appendChild( qContent[ 0 ] );
+ }
+ elPlate.content = docContent;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector );
+ if ( elm ) {
+ polyfill( elm );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $( elm ), componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Make it available of when template element is needed on the fly, like subtemplate support in IE11
+wb.tmplPolyfill = polyfill;
+// Bind the events of the polyfill
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the polyfill
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, document, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW URL mapping
+ * @overview Execute pre-configured action based on url query string
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-doaction",
+ selector = "a[data-" + componentName + "],button[data-" + componentName + "]",
+ runActions = "do.wb-actionmng",
+ $document = wb.doc;
+$document.on( "click", selector, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // Get the selector when click on a child of it, like click on a figure wrapped in a anchor with doaction.
+ if ( event.currentTarget !== event.target ) {
+ $elm = $elm.parentsUntil( "main", selector );
+ elm = $elm[ 0 ];
+ }
+ // Ensure that we only execute for anchor and button
+ if ( elm.nodeName === "BUTTON" || elm.nodeName === "A" ) {
+ if ( !elm.id ) {
+ elm.id = wb.getId();
+ }
+ if ( wb.isReady ) {
+ // Execute actions if any.
+ $elm.trigger( {
+ type: runActions,
+ actions: wb.getData( $elm, componentName )
+ } );
+ } else {
+ // Execution of the action after WET will be ready
+ $document.one( "wb-ready.wb", function( ) {
+ $elm.trigger( {
+ type: runActions,
+ actions: wb.getData( $elm, componentName )
+ } );
+ } );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+} );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW Field Flow
+ * @overview Transform a basic list into a selectable list.
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, document, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var componentName = "wb-fieldflow",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ formComponent = componentName + "-form",
+ subComponentName = componentName + "-sub",
+ crtlSelectClass = componentName + "-init",
+ crtlSelectSelector = "." + crtlSelectClass,
+ basenameInput = componentName + wb.getId(),
+ basenameInputSelector = "[name^=" + basenameInput + "]",
+ labelClass = componentName + "-label",
+ headerClass = componentName + "-header",
+ selectorForm = "." + formComponent,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ drawEvent = "draw" + selector,
+ actionEvent = "action" + selector,
+ submitEvent = "submit" + selector,
+ submitedEvent = "submited" + selector,
+ readyEvent = "ready" + selector,
+ cleanEvent = "clean" + selector,
+ resetActionEvent = "reset" + selector,
+ createCtrlEvent = "createctrl" + selector,
+ registerJQData = componentName + "-register", // Data that contain all the component registered (to the form element and component), used for executing action upon submit
+ registerHdnFld = componentName + "-hdnfld",
+ configData = componentName + "-config",
+ pushJQData = componentName + "-push",
+ submitJQData = componentName + "-submit", // List of action to perform upon form submission
+ actionData = componentName + "-action", // temp for code transition
+ originData = componentName + "-origin", // To carry the plugin origin ID, any implementation of "createCtrlEvent" must set that option.
+ sourceDataAttr = "data-" + componentName + "-source",
+ flagOptValueData = componentName + "-flagoptvalue",
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ defaults = {
+ toggle: {
+ stateOn: "visible", // For toggle plugin
+ stateOff: "hidden" // For toggle plugin
+ },
+ i18n:
+ {
+ "en": {
+ btn: "Continue", // Action button
+ defaultsel: "Make your selection...", // text use for the first empty select
+ required: "required"// text for the required label
+ },
+ "fr": {
+ btn: "Allez",
+ defaultsel: "Sélectionnez dans la liste...", // text use for the first empty select
+ required: "obligatoire" // text for the required label
+ }
+ },
+ action: "ajax",
+ prop: "url"
+ },
+ fieldflowActionsEvents = [
+ [
+ "redir",
+ "query",
+ "ajax",
+ "addClass",
+ "removeClass",
+ "removeClass",
+ "append",
+ "tblfilter",
+ "toggle"
+ ].join( "." + actionEvent + " " ) + "." + actionEvent,
+ [
+ "ajax",
+ "toggle",
+ "redir",
+ "addClass",
+ "removeClass"
+ ].join( "." + submitEvent + " " ) + "." + submitEvent,
+ [
+ "tblfilter",
+ componentName
+ ].join( "." + drawEvent + " " ) + "." + drawEvent,
+ [
+ "select",
+ "checkbox",
+ "radio"
+ ].join( "." + createCtrlEvent + " " ) + "." + createCtrlEvent
+ ].join( " " ),
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm, elmId,
+ wbDataElm,
+ config,
+ i18n;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ elmId = elm.id;
+ // Set default i18n information
+ if ( defaults.i18n[ wb.lang ] ) {
+ defaults.i18n = defaults.i18n[ wb.lang ];
+ }
+ // Extend this data with the contextual default
+ wbDataElm = wb.getData( $elm, componentName );
+ if ( wbDataElm && wbDataElm.i18n ) {
+ wbDataElm.i18n = $.extend( {}, defaults.i18n, wbDataElm.i18n );
+ }
+ config = $.extend( {}, defaults, wbDataElm );
+ if ( config.defaultIfNone && !$.isArray( config.defaultIfNone ) ) {
+ config.defaultIfNone = [ config.defaultIfNone ];
+ }
+ // Set the data to the component, if other event need to have access to it.
+ $elm.data( configData, config );
+ i18n = config.i18n;
+ // Add startWith function (ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Objets_globaux/String/startsWith)
+ if ( !String.prototype.startsWith ) {
+ String.prototype.startsWith = function( searchString, position ) {
+ position = position || 0;
+ return this.substr( position, searchString.length ) === searchString;
+ };
+ }
+ // Transform the list into a select, use the first paragrap content for the label, and extract for i18n the name of the button action.
+ var bodyID = wb.getId(),
+ stdOut,
+ formElm, $form;
+ if ( config.noForm ) {
+ stdOut = "";
+ // Need to add the class="formComponent" to the div that wrap the form element.
+ formElm = elm.parentElement;
+ while ( formElm.nodeName !== "FORM" ) {
+ formElm = formElm.parentElement;
+ }
+ $( formElm.parentElement ).addClass( formComponent );
+ } else {
+ stdOut = "";
+ }
+ $elm.addClass( "hidden" );
+ stdOut = $( stdOut );
+ $elm.after( stdOut );
+ if ( !config.noForm ) {
+ formElm = stdOut.find( "form" );
+ stdOut.trigger( "wb-init.wb-frmvld" );
+ }
+ $form = $( formElm );
+ // Register this plugin within the form, this is to manage form submission
+ pushData( $form, registerJQData, elmId );
+ if ( !config.outputctnrid ) { // Output container ID
+ config.outputctnrid = bodyID;
+ }
+ if ( !config.source ) {
+ config.source = elm; // We assume th container have the source
+ }
+ if ( !config.srctype ) {
+ config.srctype = componentName;
+ }
+ config.inline = !!config.inline;
+ // Trigger the drop down loading
+ $elm.trigger( config.srctype + "." + drawEvent, config );
+ // Do requested DOM manipulation
+ if ( config.unhideelm ) {
+ $( config.unhideelm ).removeClass( "hidden" );
+ }
+ if ( config.hideelm ) {
+ $( config.hideelm ).addClass( "hidden" );
+ }
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ if ( config.ext ) {
+ config.form = $form.get( 0 );
+ $elm.trigger( config.ext + "." + readyEvent, config );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ pushData = function( $elm, prop, data, reset ) {
+ var dtCache = $elm.data( prop );
+ if ( !dtCache || reset ) {
+ dtCache = [];
+ }
+ dtCache.push( data );
+ return $elm.data( prop, dtCache );
+ },
+ subRedir = function( event, data ) {
+ var form = data.form,
+ url = data.url;
+ if ( url ) {
+ form.setAttribute( "action", url );
+ }
+ },
+ actQuery = function( event, data ) {
+ var $selectElm = data.$selElm,
+ fieldName = data.name,
+ fieldValue = data.value;
+ if ( fieldName ) {
+ data.provEvt.setAttribute( "name", fieldName );
+ }
+ if ( fieldValue ) {
+ $selectElm.val( fieldValue );
+ }
+ // Add a flag to know the option value was inserted
+ $selectElm.attr( "data-" + flagOptValueData, flagOptValueData );
+ },
+ actAjax = function( event, data ) {
+ var provEvt = data.provEvt,
+ $container;
+ if ( !data.live ) {
+ data.preventSubmit = true;
+ pushData( $( provEvt ), submitJQData, data );
+ } else {
+ if ( !data.container ) {
+ // Create the container next to component
+ $container = $( "
" );
+ $( provEvt.parentNode ).append( $container );
+ data.container = $container.get( 0 );
+ }
+ $( event.target ).trigger( "ajax." + submitEvent, data );
+ }
+ },
+ subAjax = function( event, data ) {
+ var $container, containerID, ajxType,
+ cleanSelector = data.clean;
+ if ( !data.container ) {
+ containerID = wb.getId();
+ $container = $( "
" );
+ $( data.form ).append( $container );
+ cleanSelector = "#" + containerID;
+ } else {
+ $container = $( data.container );
+ }
+ if ( cleanSelector ) {
+ $( data.origin ).one( cleanEvent, function( ) {
+ $( cleanSelector ).empty();
+ } );
+ }
+ if ( data.trigger ) {
+ $container.attr( "data-trigger-wet", "true" );
+ }
+ ajxType = data.type ? data.type : "replace";
+ $container.attr( "data-ajax-" + ajxType, data.url );
+ $container.one( "wb-contentupdated", function( event, data ) {
+ var updtElm = event.currentTarget,
+ trigger = updtElm.getAttribute( "data-trigger-wet" );
+ updtElm.removeAttribute( "data-ajax-" + data[ "ajax-type" ] );
+ if ( trigger ) {
+ $( updtElm )
+ .find( wb.allSelectors )
+ .addClass( "wb-init" )
+ .filter( ":not(#" + updtElm.id + " .wb-init .wb-init)" )
+ .trigger( "timerpoke.wb" );
+ updtElm.removeAttribute( "data-trigger-wet" );
+ }
+ } );
+ $container.trigger( "wb-update.wb-data-ajax" );
+ },
+ subToggle = function( event, data ) {
+ var $origin = $( data.origin ),
+ config = $( event.target ).data( configData ),
+ toggleOpts = data.toggle;
+ // For simple toggle call syntax
+ if ( toggleOpts && typeof toggleOpts === "string" ) {
+ toggleOpts = { selector: toggleOpts };
+ }
+ toggleOpts = $.extend( {}, toggleOpts, config.toggle );
+ // Doing an add and remove "wb-toggle" class in order to avoid the click event added by toggle plugin
+ $origin.addClass( "wb-toggle" );
+ $origin.trigger( "toggle.wb-toggle", toggleOpts );
+ // Set the cleaning task
+ toggleOpts.type = "off";
+ $origin.one( cleanEvent, function( ) {
+ $origin.addClass( "wb-toggle" );
+ $origin.trigger( "toggle.wb-toggle", toggleOpts );
+ $origin.removeClass( "wb-toggle" );
+ } );
+ },
+ actAppend = function( event, data ) {
+ if ( event.namespace === actionEvent ) {
+ var srctype = data.srctype ? data.srctype : componentName;
+ data.container = data.provEvt.parentNode.id;
+ if ( !data.source ) {
+ throw "A source is required to append a field flow control.";
+ }
+ $( event.currentTarget ).trigger( srctype + "." + drawEvent, data );
+ }
+ },
+ actTblFilter = function( event, data ) {
+ if ( event.namespace === actionEvent ) {
+ var sourceSelector = data.source,
+ $datatable = $( sourceSelector ).dataTable( { "retrieve": true } ).api(),
+ $dtSelectedColumn,
+ column = data.column,
+ colInt = parseInt( column, 10 ),
+ regex = !!data.regex,
+ smart = ( !data.smart ) ? true : !!data.smart,
+ caseinsen = ( !data.caseinsen ) ? true : !!data.caseinsen;
+ column = ( colInt === true ) ? colInt : column;
+ $dtSelectedColumn = $datatable.column( column );
+ $dtSelectedColumn.search( data.value, regex, smart, caseinsen ).draw();
+ // Add a clean up task
+ $( data.provEvt ).one( cleanEvent, function( ) {
+ $dtSelectedColumn.search( "" ).draw();
+ } );
+ }
+ },
+ drwTblFilter = function( event, data ) {
+ if ( event.namespace === drawEvent ) {
+ var selColumn = data.column, // (integer/datatable column selector)
+ csvExtract = data.csvextract, // (true|false) assume items are in CSV format instead of being inside "li" elements
+ $column,
+ sourceSelector = data.source,
+ $source = $( sourceSelector ),
+ $datatable,
+ arrData, $listItem,
+ i, i_len,
+ j, j_len,
+ items = [ ],
+ cur_itm,
+ prefLabel = data.label,
+ defaultSelectedLabel = data.defaultselectedlabel,
+ lblselector = data.lblselector,
+ filterSequence = data.fltrseq ? data.fltrseq : [ ],
+ limit = data.limit ? data.limit : 10,
+ firstFilterSeq,
+ actionItm, filterItm,
+ renderas;
+ // Check if the datatable has been loaded, if not we will wait until it is.
+ if ( !$source.hasClass( "wb-tables-inited" ) ) {
+ $source.one( "wb-ready.wb-tables", function() {
+ $( event.target ).trigger( "tblfilter." + drawEvent, data );
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ $datatable = $source.dataTable( { "retrieve": true } ).api();
+ if ( $datatable.rows( { "search": "applied" } ).data().length <= limit ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ renderas = data.renderas ? data.renderas : "select"; // Default it will render as select
+ if ( !selColumn && filterSequence.length ) {
+ cur_itm = filterSequence.shift();
+ if ( !cur_itm.column ) {
+ throw "Column is undefined in the filter sequence";
+ }
+ selColumn = cur_itm.column;
+ csvExtract = cur_itm.csvextract;
+ defaultSelectedLabel = cur_itm.defaultselectedlabel;
+ prefLabel = cur_itm.label;
+ lblselector = cur_itm.lblselector;
+ }
+ $column = $datatable.column( selColumn, { "search": "applied" } );
+ // Get the items
+ if ( csvExtract ) {
+ arrData = $column.data();
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = arrData.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ items = items.concat( arrData[ i ].split( "," ) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ arrData = $column.nodes();
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = arrData.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ $listItem = $( arrData[ i ] ).find( "li" );
+ for ( j = 0, j_len = $listItem.length; j !== j_len; j += 1 ) {
+ items.push( $( $listItem[ j ] ).text() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ items = items.sort().filter( function( item, pos, ary ) {
+ return !pos || item !== ary[ pos - 1 ];
+ } );
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ itemsToCreate = [ ],
+ pushAction = data.actions ? data.actions : [ ];
+ if ( filterSequence.length ) {
+ firstFilterSeq = filterSequence[ 0 ];
+ filterItm = {
+ action: "append",
+ srctype: "tblfilter",
+ source: sourceSelector,
+ renderas: firstFilterSeq.renderas ? firstFilterSeq.renderas : renderas,
+ fltrseq: filterSequence,
+ limit: limit
+ };
+ }
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = items.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ cur_itm = items[ i ];
+ actionItm = {
+ label: cur_itm,
+ actions: [
+ { // Set an action upon item selection
+ action: "tblfilter",
+ source: sourceSelector,
+ column: selColumn,
+ value: cur_itm
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ if ( filterItm ) {
+ actionItm.actions.push( filterItm );
+ }
+ itemsToCreate.push( actionItm );
+ }
+ if ( !prefLabel ) {
+ prefLabel = $column.header().textContent;
+ }
+ if ( !data.outputctnrid ) {
+ data.outputctnrid = data.provEvt.parentElement.id;
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( renderas + "." + createCtrlEvent, {
+ actions: pushAction,
+ source: $source.get( 0 ),
+ outputctnrid: data.outputctnrid,
+ label: prefLabel,
+ defaultselectedlabel: defaultSelectedLabel,
+ lblselector: lblselector,
+ items: itemsToCreate,
+ inline: data.inline
+ } );
+ }
+ },
+ drwFieldflow = function( event, data ) {
+ if ( event.namespace === drawEvent ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ wbDataElm,
+ $source = $( data.source ),
+ source = $source.get( 0 ),
+ $labelExplicit, $firstChild,
+ labelSelector = data.lblselector || "." + labelClass,
+ labelTxt,
+ itmSelector = data.itmselector || "ul:first() > li", $items,
+ actions,
+ renderas;
+ // Extend if it is a sub-component
+ if ( $source.hasClass( subComponentName ) ) {
+ wbDataElm = wb.getData( $source, componentName );
+ $source.data( configData, wbDataElm );
+ data = $.extend( {}, data, wbDataElm );
+ }
+ actions = data.actions || [ ];
+ renderas = data.renderas ? data.renderas : "select"; // Default it will render as select
+ // Check if the first node is a div and contain the label.
+ if ( !source.id ) {
+ source.id = wb.getId();
+ }
+ $firstChild = $source.children().first();
+ if ( !$firstChild.hasClass( headerClass ) ) {
+ // Only use what defined as the label, nothing else
+ $labelExplicit = $firstChild.find( labelSelector );
+ if ( $labelExplicit.length ) {
+ labelTxt = $labelExplicit.html();
+ } else {
+ labelTxt = $source.find( "> p" ).html();
+ }
+ labelSelector = null; // unset the label selector because it not needed for the control creation
+ } else {
+ labelTxt = $firstChild.html();
+ itmSelector = "." + headerClass + " + " + itmSelector;
+ }
+ $items = getItemsData( $source.find( itmSelector ) );
+ if ( !data.outputctnrid ) {
+ data.outputctnrid = data.provEvt.parentElement.id;
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( renderas + "." + createCtrlEvent, {
+ actions: actions,
+ source: source,
+ attributes: data.attributes,
+ outputctnrid: data.outputctnrid,
+ label: labelTxt,
+ lblselector: labelSelector,
+ defaultselectedlabel: data.defaultselectedlabel,
+ required: !!!data.isoptional,
+ noreqlabel: data.noreqlabel,
+ items: $items,
+ inline: data.inline
+ } );
+ }
+ },
+ ctrlSelect = function( event, data ) {
+ var bodyId = data.outputctnrid,
+ $body = $( "#" + bodyId ),
+ actions = data.actions,
+ lblselector = data.lblselector,
+ isReq = !!data.required,
+ useReqLabel = !!!data.noreqlabel,
+ items = data.items,
+ elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ source = data.source,
+ attributes = data.attributes,
+ i18n = $elm.data( configData ).i18n,
+ autoID = wb.getId(),
+ labelPrefix = "(" + i18n.required + ")";
+ }
+ labelPrefix += ">";
+ labelSuffix += " ";
+ if ( !lblselector ) {
+ $out = $( labelPrefix + data.label + labelSuffix );
+ } else {
+ $out = $( "" + data.label + "
" );
+ $tmpLabel = $out.find( lblselector );
+ $tmpLabel.html( labelPrefix + $tmpLabel.html() + labelSuffix );
+ }
+ // Create the select
+ selectOut = "" + defaultSelectedLabel + " ";
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = items.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ cur_itm = items[ i ];
+ if ( !cur_itm.group ) {
+ selectOut += buildSelectOption( cur_itm );
+ } else {
+ // We have a group of sub-items, the cur_itm are a group
+ selectOut += "";
+ j_len = cur_itm.group.length;
+ for ( j = 0; j !== j_len; j += 1 ) {
+ selectOut += buildSelectOption( cur_itm.group[ j ] );
+ }
+ selectOut += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ selectOut += " ";
+ $selectOut = $( selectOut );
+ $body.append( $out ).append( $selectOut );
+ // Set post action if any
+ if ( actions && actions.length > 0 ) {
+ $selectOut.data( pushJQData, actions );
+ }
+ // Register this control
+ pushData( $elm, registerJQData, autoID );
+ },
+ ctrlChkbxRad = function( event, data ) {
+ var bodyId = data.outputctnrid,
+ actions = data.actions,
+ lblselector = data.lblselector,
+ isReq = !!data.required,
+ useReqLabel = !!!data.noreqlabel,
+ items = data.items,
+ elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ source = data.source,
+ i18n = $elm.data( configData ).i18n,
+ attributes = data.attributes,
+ ctrlID = wb.getId(),
+ fieldsetPrefix = "" );
+ // Create the legend
+ if ( isReq && useReqLabel ) {
+ fieldsetPrefix += " class='required'";
+ fieldsetSuffix += " (" + i18n.required + ") ";
+ }
+ fieldsetPrefix += ">";
+ fieldsetSuffix += " ";
+ if ( !lblselector ) {
+ $out.append( $( fieldsetPrefix + data.label + fieldsetSuffix ) );
+ } else {
+ $cloneLbl = $( "" + data.label + "
" );
+ $tmpLabel = $cloneLbl.find( lblselector );
+ $out.append( ( fieldsetPrefix + $tmpLabel.html() + fieldsetSuffix ) )
+ .append( $tmpLabel.nextAll() );
+ $prevContent = $tmpLabel.prevAll();
+ }
+ // Create radio
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = items.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ cur_itm = items[ i ];
+ if ( !cur_itm.group ) {
+ radCheckOut += buildCheckboxRadio( cur_itm, fieldName, typeRadCheck, isInline, isReq );
+ } else {
+ // We have a group of sub-items, the cur_itm are a group
+ radCheckOut += "" + cur_itm.label + "
+ j_len = cur_itm.group.length;
+ for ( j = 0; j !== j_len; j += 1 ) {
+ radCheckOut += buildCheckboxRadio( cur_itm.group[ j ], fieldName, typeRadCheck, isInline, isReq );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $out.append( radCheckOut );
+ $( "#" + bodyId ).append( $out );
+ if ( $prevContent ) {
+ $out.before( $prevContent );
+ }
+ // Set post action if any
+ if ( actions && actions.length > 0 ) {
+ $out.data( pushJQData, actions );
+ }
+ // Register this control
+ pushData( $elm, registerJQData, ctrlID );
+ },
+ getItemsData = function( $items, preventRecusive ) {
+ var arrItems = $items.get(),
+ i, i_len = arrItems.length, itmCached,
+ itmLabel, itmValue, grpItem,
+ j, j_len, childNodes, firstNode, childNode, $childNode, childNodeID,
+ parsedItms = [],
+ actions;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ itmCached = arrItems[ i ];
+ itmValue = "";
+ grpItem = null;
+ itmLabel = "";
+ firstNode = itmCached.firstChild;
+ childNodes = itmCached.childNodes;
+ j_len = childNodes.length;
+ if ( !firstNode ) {
+ throw "You have a markup error, There may be an empyt elements in your list.";
+ }
+ actions = [];
+ // Is firstNode an anchor?
+ if ( firstNode.nodeName === "A" ) {
+ itmValue = firstNode.getAttribute( "href" );
+ itmLabel = $( firstNode ).html();
+ j_len = 1; // Force following elements to be ignored
+ actions.push( {
+ action: "redir",
+ url: itmValue
+ } );
+ }
+ // Iterate until we have found the labelClass or or element with subSelector or end of the array
+ for ( j = 1; j !== j_len; j += 1 ) {
+ childNode = childNodes[ j ];
+ $childNode = $( childNode );
+ // Sub plugin
+ if ( $childNode.hasClass( subComponentName ) ) {
+ childNodeID = childNode.id || wb.getId();
+ childNode.id = childNodeID;
+ itmValue = componentName + "-" + childNodeID;
+ actions.push( {
+ action: "append",
+ srctype: componentName,
+ source: "#" + childNodeID
+ } );
+ break;
+ }
+ // Grouping
+ if ( childNode.nodeName === "UL" ) {
+ if ( preventRecusive ) {
+ throw "Recursive error, please check your code";
+ }
+ grpItem = getItemsData( $childNode.children(), true );
+ }
+ // Explicit label to use
+ if ( $childNode.hasClass( labelClass ) ) {
+ itmLabel = $childNode.html();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !itmLabel ) {
+ itmLabel = firstNode.nodeValue;
+ }
+ // Set an id on the element
+ if ( !itmCached.id ) {
+ itmCached.id = wb.getId();
+ }
+ // Return the item parsed
+ parsedItms.push( {
+ "bind": itmCached.id,
+ "label": itmLabel,
+ "actions": actions,
+ "group": grpItem
+ } );
+ }
+ return parsedItms;
+ },
+ buildSelectOption = function( data ) {
+ var label = data.label,
+ out = "" + label + " ";
+ return out;
+ },
+ buildDataAttribute = function( data ) {
+ var out = "",
+ dataFieldflow = {};
+ dataFieldflow.bind = data.bind || "";
+ dataFieldflow.actions = data.actions || [ ];
+ out += " data-" + componentName + "='" + JSON.stringify( dataFieldflow ) + "'";
+ return out;
+ },
+ buildCheckboxRadio = function( data, fieldName, inputType, isInline, isReq ) {
+ var label = data.label,
+ fieldID = wb.getId(),
+ inline = isInline ? "-inline" : "",
+ out = " for='" + fieldID + "'> " + label + " ";
+ if ( !isInline ) {
+ out += "";
+ }
+ return out;
+ };
+$document.on( resetActionEvent, selector + ", ." + subComponentName, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm,
+ settings,
+ settingsReset,
+ resetAction = [],
+ i, i_len, i_cache, action, isLive;
+ if ( elm === event.currentTarget ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ settings = $elm.data( configData );
+ if ( settings && settings.reset ) {
+ settingsReset = settings.reset;
+ if ( $.isArray( settingsReset ) ) {
+ resetAction = settingsReset;
+ } else {
+ resetAction.push( settingsReset );
+ }
+ i_len = resetAction.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = resetAction[ i ];
+ action = i_cache.action;
+ if ( action ) {
+ isLive = i_cache.live;
+ if ( isLive !== false ) {
+ i_cache.live = true;
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( action + "." + actionEvent, i_cache );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} );
+// Load content after the user have choosen an option
+$document.on( "change", selectorForm + " " + crtlSelectSelector, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ selCurrentElm, cacheAction,
+ i, i_len, dtCached, dtCachedTarget,
+ itmToClean = $elm.nextAll(), itm, idxItem,
+ $orgin = $( "#" + elm.getAttribute( "data-" + originData ) ),
+ $source = $( "#" + elm.getAttribute( sourceDataAttr ) ),
+ lstIdRegistered = $orgin.data( registerJQData ),
+ $optSel = $elm.find( ":checked", $elm ),
+ form = $elm.get( 0 ).form;
+ //
+ // 1. Cleaning
+ //
+ i_len = itmToClean.length;
+ if ( i_len ) {
+ for ( i = i_len; i !== 0; i -= 1 ) {
+ itm = itmToClean[ i ];
+ if ( itm ) {
+ idxItem = lstIdRegistered.indexOf( itm.id );
+ if ( idxItem > -1 ) {
+ lstIdRegistered.splice( idxItem, 1 );
+ }
+ $( "#" + itm.getAttribute( sourceDataAttr ) ).trigger( resetActionEvent ).trigger( cleanEvent );
+ $( itm ).trigger( cleanEvent );
+ }
+ }
+ $orgin.data( registerJQData, lstIdRegistered );
+ itmToClean.remove();
+ }
+ $source.trigger( resetActionEvent ).trigger( cleanEvent );
+ $elm.trigger( cleanEvent );
+ // Remove any action that is pending for form submission
+ $elm.data( submitJQData, [] );
+ //
+ // 2. Get defined actions
+ //
+ var actions = [],
+ settings, settingsSrc, selFieldFlowData,
+ actionAttr,
+ defaultAction,
+ defaultProp,
+ baseAction,
+ nowActions = [],
+ postActions = [], postAction_len,
+ bindTo,
+ bindToElm;
+ // From the component, default action
+ settings = $orgin.data( configData );
+ settingsSrc = $source.data( configData );
+ if ( settingsSrc && settings ) {
+ settings = $.extend( {}, settings, settingsSrc );
+ }
+ if ( $optSel.length && $optSel.val() && settings && settings.default ) {
+ cacheAction = settings.default;
+ if ( $.isArray( cacheAction ) ) {
+ actions = cacheAction;
+ } else {
+ actions.push( cacheAction );
+ }
+ }
+ defaultAction = settings.action;
+ defaultProp = settings.prop;
+ actionData = settings.actionData || {};
+ // From the component, action pushed for later
+ cacheAction = $elm.data( pushJQData );
+ if ( cacheAction ) {
+ actions = actions.concat( cacheAction );
+ }
+ // For each the binded elements that are selected
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = $optSel.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ selCurrentElm = $optSel.get( i );
+ selFieldFlowData = wb.getData( selCurrentElm, componentName );
+ if ( selFieldFlowData ) {
+ bindTo = selFieldFlowData.bind;
+ actions = actions.concat( selFieldFlowData.actions );
+ if ( bindTo ) {
+ // Retreive action set on the binded element
+ bindToElm = document.getElementById( bindTo );
+ actionAttr = bindToElm.getAttribute( "data-" + componentName );
+ if ( actionAttr ) {
+ if ( actionAttr.startsWith( "{" ) || actionAttr.startsWith( "[" ) ) {
+ try {
+ cacheAction = JSON.parse( actionAttr );
+ } catch ( error ) {
+ $.error( "Bad JSON object " + actionAttr );
+ }
+ if ( !$.isArray( cacheAction ) ) {
+ cacheAction = [ cacheAction ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ cacheAction = {};
+ cacheAction.action = defaultAction;
+ cacheAction[ defaultProp ] = actionAttr;
+ cacheAction = $.extend( true, {}, actionData, cacheAction );
+ cacheAction = [ cacheAction ];
+ }
+ actions = actions.concat( cacheAction );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If there is no action, do nothing
+ if ( !actions.length ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ //
+ // 3. Sort action
+ // array1 = Action to be executed now
+ // array2 = Action to be postponed for later use
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = actions.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ dtCached = actions[ i ];
+ dtCachedTarget = dtCached.target;
+ if ( !dtCachedTarget || dtCachedTarget === bindTo ) {
+ nowActions.push( dtCached );
+ } else {
+ postActions.push( dtCached );
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // 4. Execute action for the current item
+ //
+ baseAction = settings.base || {};
+ postAction_len = postActions.length;
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = nowActions.length; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ dtCached = $.extend( {}, baseAction, nowActions[ i ] );
+ dtCached.origin = $source.get( 0 );
+ dtCached.provEvt = elm;
+ dtCached.$selElm = $optSel;
+ dtCached.form = form;
+ if ( postAction_len ) {
+ dtCached.actions = postActions;
+ }
+ $orgin.trigger( dtCached.action + "." + actionEvent, dtCached );
+ }
+ return true;
+} );
+// Load content after the user have choosen an option
+$document.on( "submit", selectorForm + " form", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ wbFieldFlowRegistered = $elm.data( registerJQData ),
+ wbRegisteredHidden = $elm.data( registerHdnFld ) || [],
+ $hdnField,
+ i, i_len = wbFieldFlowRegistered ? wbFieldFlowRegistered.length : 0,
+ $wbFieldFlow, fieldOrigin,
+ lstFieldFlowPostEvent = [],
+ componentRegistered, $componentRegistered, $origin, lstOrigin = [],
+ settings,
+ j, j_len,
+ m, m_len, m_cache,
+ actions,
+ preventSubmit = false, lastProvEvt;
+ // Run the cleaning on the current items
+ if ( i_len ) {
+ $wbFieldFlow = $( "#" + wbFieldFlowRegistered[ i_len - 1 ] );
+ fieldOrigin = $wbFieldFlow.data( registerJQData );
+ $( "#" + fieldOrigin[ fieldOrigin.length - 1 ] ).trigger( cleanEvent );
+ $wbFieldFlow.trigger( cleanEvent );
+ }
+ // For each wb-fieldflow component, execute submiting task.
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ $wbFieldFlow = $( "#" + wbFieldFlowRegistered[ i ] );
+ componentRegistered = $wbFieldFlow.data( registerJQData );
+ j_len = componentRegistered.length;
+ for ( j = 0; j !== j_len; j += 1 ) {
+ $componentRegistered = $( "#" + componentRegistered[ j ] );
+ $origin = $( "#" + $componentRegistered.data( originData ) );
+ lstOrigin.push( $origin );
+ settings = $origin.data( configData );
+ actions = $componentRegistered.data( submitJQData );
+ // If there is If None setting
+ if ( !actions && settings.defaultIfNone ) {
+ actions = settings.defaultIfNone;
+ for ( m = 0, m_len = actions.length; m !== m_len; m += 1 ) {
+ m_cache = actions[ m ];
+ m_cache.origin = $origin.get( 0 );
+ m_cache.$selElm = $origin.prev().find( "input, select" ).eq( 0 );
+ m_cache.provEvt = m_cache.$selElm.get( 0 );
+ m_cache.form = elm;
+ $origin.trigger( m_cache.action + "." + actionEvent, m_cache );
+ }
+ actions = $componentRegistered.data( submitJQData );
+ }
+ if ( actions ) {
+ for ( m = 0, m_len = actions.length; m !== m_len; m += 1 ) {
+ m_cache = actions[ m ];
+ m_cache.form = elm;
+ $wbFieldFlow.trigger( m_cache.action + "." + submitEvent, m_cache );
+ lstFieldFlowPostEvent.push( {
+ $elm: $wbFieldFlow,
+ data: m_cache
+ } );
+ preventSubmit = preventSubmit || m_cache.preventSubmit;
+ lastProvEvt = m_cache.provEvt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Before to submit, remove jj-down accessesory control
+ if ( !preventSubmit ) {
+ $elm.find( basenameInputSelector ).removeAttr( "name" );
+ // Fix an issue when clicking back with the mouse
+ i_len = wbRegisteredHidden.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ $( wbRegisteredHidden[ i ] ).remove();
+ }
+ wbRegisteredHidden = [];
+ // Check the form action, if there is query string, do split it and create hidden field for submission
+ // The following is may be simply caused by a cross-server security issue generated by the browser itself
+ var frmAction, idxQueryDelimiter,
+ queryString, cacheParam, cacheName,
+ items, params;
+ frmAction = $elm.attr( "action" );
+ if ( frmAction ) {
+ idxQueryDelimiter = frmAction.indexOf( "?" );
+ if ( idxQueryDelimiter > 0 ) {
+ // Split the query string and create hidden input.
+ queryString = frmAction.substring( idxQueryDelimiter + 1 );
+ params = queryString.split( "&" );
+ i_len = params.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ cacheParam = params[ i ];
+ cacheName = cacheParam;
+ if ( cacheParam.indexOf( "=" ) > 0 ) {
+ items = cacheParam.split( "=", 2 );
+ cacheName = items[ 0 ];
+ cacheParam = items[ 1 ];
+ }
+ $hdnField = $( " " );
+ $elm.append( $hdnField );
+ wbRegisteredHidden.push( $hdnField.get( 0 ) );
+ }
+ $elm.data( registerHdnFld, wbRegisteredHidden );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add global action
+ i_len = lstOrigin.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ $origin = lstOrigin[ i ];
+ settings = $origin.data( configData );
+ if ( settings.action ) {
+ lstFieldFlowPostEvent.push( {
+ $elm: $origin,
+ data: settings
+ } );
+ }
+ }
+ i_len = lstFieldFlowPostEvent.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ m_cache = lstFieldFlowPostEvent[ i ];
+ m_cache.data.lastProvEvt = lastProvEvt;
+ m_cache.$elm.trigger( m_cache.data.action + "." + submitedEvent, m_cache.data );
+ }
+ if ( preventSubmit ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if ( event.stopPropagation ) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ } else {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( "keyup", selectorForm + " select", function( Ev ) {
+ // Add the fix for the on change event - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126379
+ if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( "Gecko" ) !== -1 ) {
+ // prevent tab, alt, ctrl keys from fireing the event
+ if ( Ev.keyCode && ( Ev.keyCode === 1 || Ev.keyCode === 9 || Ev.keyCode === 16 || Ev.altKey || Ev.ctrlKey ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $( Ev.target ).trigger( "change" );
+ return true;
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( fieldflowActionsEvents, selector, function( event, data ) {
+ var eventType = event.type;
+ switch ( event.namespace ) {
+ case drawEvent:
+ switch ( eventType ) {
+ case componentName:
+ drwFieldflow( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "tblfilter":
+ drwTblFilter( event, data );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case createCtrlEvent:
+ switch ( eventType ) {
+ case "select":
+ ctrlSelect( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "checkbox":
+ data.typeRadCheck = "checkbox";
+ ctrlChkbxRad( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "radio":
+ data.typeRadCheck = "radio";
+ ctrlChkbxRad( event, data );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case actionEvent:
+ switch ( eventType ) {
+ case "append":
+ actAppend( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "redir":
+ pushData( $( data.provEvt ), submitJQData, data, true );
+ break;
+ case "ajax":
+ actAjax( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "tblfilter":
+ actTblFilter( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "toggle":
+ if ( data.live ) {
+ subToggle( event, data );
+ } else {
+ data.preventSubmit = true;
+ pushData( $( data.provEvt ), submitJQData, data );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "addClass":
+ if ( !data.source || !data.class ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( data.live ) {
+ $( data.source ).addClass( data.class );
+ } else {
+ data.preventSubmit = true;
+ pushData( $( data.provEvt ), submitJQData, data );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "removeClass":
+ if ( !data.source || !data.class ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( data.live ) {
+ $( data.source ).removeClass( data.class );
+ } else {
+ data.preventSubmit = true;
+ pushData( $( data.provEvt ), submitJQData, data );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "query":
+ actQuery( event, data );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case submitEvent:
+ switch ( eventType ) {
+ case "redir":
+ subRedir( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "ajax":
+ subAjax( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "toggle":
+ subToggle( event, data );
+ break;
+ case "addClass":
+ $( data.source ).addClass( data.class );
+ break;
+ case "removeClass":
+ $( data.source ).removeClass( data.class );
+ break;
+ case "query":
+ actQuery( event, data );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, function( event ) {
+ switch ( event.type ) {
+ case "timerpoke":
+ case "wb-init":
+ init( event );
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Since we are working with events we want to ensure that we are being passive about our control,
+ * so returning true allows for events to always continue
+ */
+ return true;
+} );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, document, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW JSON Fetch [ json-fetch ]
+ * @overview Load and filter data from a JSON file
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+/*global jsonpointer */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ component = "json-fetch",
+ fetchEvent = component + ".wb",
+ jsonCache = { },
+ jsonCacheBacklog = { },
+ completeJsonFetch = function( callerId, refId, response, status, xhr, selector ) {
+ if ( !window.jsonpointer ) {
+ // JSON pointer library is loaded but not executed in memory yet, we need to wait a tick before to continue
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ completeJsonFetch( callerId, refId, response, status, xhr, selector );
+ }, 100 );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( selector ) {
+ response = jsonpointer.get( response, selector );
+ }
+ $( "#" + callerId ).trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetched.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ response: response,
+ status: status,
+ xhr: xhr,
+ refId: refId
+ }
+ }, this );
+ };
+// Event binding
+$document.on( fetchEvent, function( event ) {
+ var caller = event.element || event.target,
+ fetchOpts = event.fetch,
+ urlParts = fetchOpts.url.split( "#" ),
+ url = urlParts[ 0 ],
+ fetchNoCache = fetchOpts.nocache,
+ fetchNoCacheKey = fetchOpts.nocachekey || wb.cacheBustKey || "wbCacheBust",
+ fetchNoCacheValue,
+ fetchCacheURL,
+ hashPart,
+ datasetName,
+ selector = urlParts[ 1 ] || false,
+ callerId, refId = fetchOpts.refId,
+ cachedResponse;
+ // Filter out any events triggered by descendants
+ if ( caller === event.target || event.currentTarget === event.target ) {
+ if ( !caller.id ) {
+ caller.id = wb.getId();
+ }
+ callerId = caller.id;
+ if ( selector ) {
+ // If a Dataset Name exist let it managed by wb-jsonpatch plugin
+ hashPart = selector.split( "/" );
+ datasetName = hashPart[ 0 ];
+ // A dataset name must start with "[" character, if it is a letter, then follow JSON Schema (to be implemented)
+ if ( datasetName.charCodeAt( 0 ) === 91 ) {
+ // Let the wb-jsonpatch plugin to manage it
+ $( "#" + callerId ).trigger( {
+ type: "postpone.wb-jsonmanager",
+ postpone: {
+ callerId: callerId,
+ refId: refId,
+ dsname: datasetName,
+ selector: selector.substring( datasetName.length )
+ }
+ } );
+ return;
+ }
+ fetchOpts.url = url;
+ }
+ if ( fetchNoCache ) {
+ if ( fetchNoCache === "nocache" ) {
+ fetchNoCacheValue = wb.guid();
+ } else {
+ fetchNoCacheValue = wb.sessionGUID();
+ }
+ fetchCacheURL = fetchNoCacheKey + "=" + fetchNoCacheValue;
+ if ( url.indexOf( "?" ) !== -1 ) {
+ url = url + "&" + fetchCacheURL;
+ } else {
+ url = url + "?" + fetchCacheURL;
+ }
+ fetchOpts.url = url;
+ }
+ Modernizr.load( {
+ load: "site!deps/jsonpointer" + wb.getMode() + ".js",
+ complete: function() {
+ if ( !fetchOpts.nocache ) {
+ cachedResponse = jsonCache[ url ];
+ if ( cachedResponse ) {
+ completeJsonFetch( callerId, refId, cachedResponse, "success", undefined, selector );
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if ( !jsonCacheBacklog[ url ] ) {
+ jsonCacheBacklog[ url ] = [ ];
+ } else {
+ jsonCacheBacklog[ url ].push( {
+ "callerId": callerId,
+ "refId": refId,
+ "selector": selector
+ } );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $.ajax( fetchOpts )
+ .done( function( response, status, xhr ) {
+ var i, i_len, i_cache, backlog;
+ if ( !fetchOpts.nocache ) {
+ try {
+ jsonCache[ url ] = response;
+ } catch ( error ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ completeJsonFetch( callerId, refId, response, status, xhr, selector );
+ if ( jsonCacheBacklog[ url ] ) {
+ backlog = jsonCacheBacklog[ url ];
+ i_len = backlog.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = backlog[ i ];
+ completeJsonFetch( i_cache.callerId, i_cache.refId, response, status, xhr, i_cache.selector );
+ }
+ }
+ } )
+ .fail( function( xhr, status, error ) {
+ $( "#" + callerId ).trigger( {
+ type: "json-failed.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ xhr: xhr,
+ status: status,
+ error: error,
+ refId: refId
+ }
+ }, this );
+ }, this );
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW JSON Manager
+ * @overview Manage JSON dataset, execute JSON patch operation.
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+/*global jsonpointer, jsonpatch */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-jsonmanager",
+ selector = "[data-" + componentName + "]",
+ initEvent = "wb-init." + componentName,
+ postponeEvent = "postpone." + componentName,
+ patchesEvent = "patches." + componentName,
+ jsonFailedClass = "jsonfail",
+ reloadFlag = "data-" + componentName + "-reload",
+ dsNameRegistered = [],
+ datasetCache = {},
+ datasetCacheSettings = {},
+ dsDelayed = {},
+ dsPostponePatches = {},
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ defaults = {
+ ops: [
+ {
+ name: "wb-count",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var countme = obj[ key ],
+ len = 0, i_len, i,
+ filter = this.filter || [ ],
+ filternot = this.filternot || [ ];
+ if ( !$.isArray( filter ) ) {
+ filter = [ filter ];
+ }
+ if ( !$.isArray( filternot ) ) {
+ filternot = [ filternot ];
+ }
+ if ( ( filter.length || filternot.length ) && $.isArray( countme ) ) {
+ // Iterate in obj[key] / item and check if is true for the given path is any.
+ i_len = countme.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i = i + 1 ) {
+ if ( filterPassJSON( countme[ i ], filter, filternot ) ) {
+ len = len + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( $.isArray( countme ) ) {
+ len = countme.length;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: len }
+ ] );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-first",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var currObj = obj[ key ];
+ if ( !$.isArray( currObj ) || currObj.length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: currObj[ 0 ] }
+ ] );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-last",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var currObj = obj[ key ];
+ if ( !$.isArray( currObj ) || currObj.length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: currObj[ currObj.length - 1 ] }
+ ] );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-nbtolocal",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var val = obj[ key ],
+ loc = this.locale || window.wb.lang,
+ suffix = this.suffix || "",
+ prefix = this.prefix || "";
+ if ( typeof val === "string" ) {
+ val = parseFloat( val );
+ if ( isNaN( val ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "replace", path: this.path, value: prefix + val.toLocaleString( loc ) + suffix }
+ ] );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-toDateISO",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ if ( !this.set ) {
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "replace", path: this.path, value: wb.date.toDateISO( obj[ key ] ) }
+ ] );
+ } else {
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: wb.date.toDateISO( obj[ key ] ) }
+ ] );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-toDateTimeISO",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ if ( !this.set ) {
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "replace", path: this.path, value: wb.date.toDateISO( obj[ key ], true ) }
+ ] );
+ } else {
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: wb.date.toDateISO( obj[ key ], true ) }
+ ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ opsArray: [
+ {
+ name: "wb-toDateISO",
+ fn: function( arr ) {
+ var setval = this.set,
+ pathval = this.path,
+ i, i_len = arr.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( setval ) {
+ jsonpatch.apply( arr, [
+ { op: "wb-toDateISO", set: "/" + i + setval, path: "/" + i + pathval }
+ ] );
+ } else {
+ jsonpatch.apply( arr, [
+ { op: "wb-toDateISO", path: "/" + i + pathval }
+ ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-toDateTimeISO",
+ fn: function( arr ) {
+ var setval = this.set,
+ pathval = this.path,
+ i, i_len = arr.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( setval ) {
+ jsonpatch.apply( arr, [
+ { op: "wb-toDateTimeISO", set: "/" + i + setval, path: "/" + i + pathval }
+ ] );
+ } else {
+ jsonpatch.apply( arr, [
+ { op: "wb-toDateTimeISO", path: "/" + i + pathval }
+ ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ opsRoot: [],
+ settings: { }
+ },
+ // Add debug information after the JSON manager element
+ debugPrintOut = function( $elm, name, json, patches ) {
+ $elm.after( "JSON Manager Debug (" + name + ")
JSON: " + JSON.stringify( json ) + "
Patches: " + JSON.stringify( patches ) + "
" );
+ },
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm,
+ jsSettings = window[ componentName ] || { },
+ ops, opsArray, opsRoot,
+ i, i_len, i_cache,
+ url, dsName;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // Load handlebars
+ Modernizr.load( {
+ // For loading multiple dependencies
+ load: "site!deps/json-patch" + wb.getMode() + ".js",
+ testReady: function() {
+ return window.jsonpatch;
+ },
+ complete: function() {
+ var elmData = wb.getData( $elm, componentName );
+ if ( !defaults.registered ) {
+ ops = defaults.ops.concat( jsSettings.ops || [ ] );
+ opsArray = defaults.opsArray.concat( jsSettings.opsArray || [ ] );
+ opsRoot = defaults.opsRoot.concat( jsSettings.opsRoot || [ ] );
+ if ( ops.length ) {
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = ops.length; i !== i_len; i++ ) {
+ i_cache = ops[ i ];
+ jsonpatch.registerOps( i_cache.name, i_cache.fn );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( opsArray.length ) {
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = opsArray.length; i !== i_len; i++ ) {
+ i_cache = opsArray[ i ];
+ jsonpatch.registerOpsArray( i_cache.name, i_cache.fn );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( opsRoot.length ) {
+ for ( i = 0, i_len = opsRoot.length; i !== i_len; i++ ) {
+ i_cache = opsRoot[ i ];
+ jsonpatch.registerOpsRoot( i_cache.name, i_cache.fn );
+ }
+ }
+ defaults.settings = $.extend( {}, defaults.settings, jsSettings.settings || {} );
+ defaults.registered = true;
+ }
+ dsName = elmData.name;
+ if ( !dsName || dsName in dsNameRegistered ) {
+ throw "Dataset name must be unique";
+ }
+ dsNameRegistered.push( dsName );
+ url = elmData.url;
+ if ( url ) {
+ // Fetch the JSON
+ $elm.trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetch.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ url: url,
+ nocache: elmData.nocache,
+ nocachekey: elmData.nocachekey
+ }
+ } );
+ // If the URL is a dataset, make it ready
+ if ( url.charCodeAt( 0 ) === 35 && url.charCodeAt( 1 ) === 91 ) {
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ } else {
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ },
+ // Filtering a JSON
+ // Return true if trueness && falseness
+ // Return false if !( trueness && falseness )
+ // trueness and falseness is an array of { "path": "", "value": "" } object
+ filterPassJSON = function( obj, trueness, falseness ) {
+ var i, i_cache,
+ trueness_len = trueness.length,
+ falseness_len = falseness.length,
+ compareResult = false,
+ isEqual;
+ if ( trueness_len || falseness_len ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < trueness_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = trueness[ i ];
+ isEqual = _equalsJSON( jsonpointer.get( obj, i_cache.path ), i_cache.value );
+ if ( i_cache.optional ) {
+ compareResult = compareResult || isEqual;
+ } else if ( !isEqual ) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ compareResult = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( trueness_len && !compareResult ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < falseness_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = falseness[ i ];
+ isEqual = _equalsJSON( jsonpointer.get( obj, i_cache.path ), i_cache.value );
+ if ( isEqual && !i_cache.optional || isEqual && i_cache.optional ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ // Utility function to compare two JSON value
+ _equalsJSON = function( a, b ) {
+ switch ( typeof a ) {
+ case "undefined":
+ return false;
+ case "boolean":
+ case "string":
+ case "number":
+ return a === b;
+ case "object":
+ if ( a === null ) {
+ return b === null;
+ }
+ if ( $.isArray( a ) ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( b ) || a.length !== b.length ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( !_equalsJSON( a[ i ], b[ i ] ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var bKeys = _objectKeys( b ),
+ bLength = bKeys.length;
+ if ( _objectKeys( a ).length !== bLength ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0; i < bLength; i++ ) {
+ if ( !_equalsJSON( a[ i ], b[ i ] ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ _objectKeys = function( obj ) {
+ if ( $.isArray( obj ) ) {
+ var keys = new Array( obj.length );
+ for ( var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++ ) {
+ keys[ k ] = "" + k;
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
+ if ( Object.keys ) {
+ return Object.keys( obj );
+ }
+ var keys = [];
+ for ( var i in obj ) {
+ if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {
+ keys.push( i );
+ }
+ }
+ return keys;
+ },
+ // Create series of patches for filtering
+ getPatchesToFilter = function( JSONsource, filterPath, filterTrueness, filterFaslseness ) {
+ var filterObj,
+ i, i_len;
+ if ( !$.isArray( filterTrueness ) ) {
+ filterTrueness = [ filterTrueness ];
+ }
+ if ( !$.isArray( filterFaslseness ) ) {
+ filterFaslseness = [ filterFaslseness ];
+ }
+ filterObj = jsonpointer.get( JSONsource, filterPath );
+ if ( $.isArray( filterObj ) ) {
+ i_len = filterObj.length - 1;
+ for ( i = i_len; i !== -1; i -= 1 ) {
+ if ( !filterPassJSON( filterObj[ i ], filterTrueness, filterFaslseness ) ) {
+ jsonpatch.apply( JSONsource, [ { op: "remove", path: filterPath + "/" + i } ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return JSONsource;
+ };
+// IE dedicated patch to support ECMA-402 but limited to English and French number formatting
+if ( wb.ie ) {
+ Number.prototype.toLocaleString = function( locale ) {
+ var splitVal = this.toString().split( "." ),
+ integer = splitVal[ 0 ],
+ decimal = splitVal[ 1 ],
+ intLength = integer.length,
+ nbSection = intLength % 3 || 3,
+ strValue = integer.substr( 0, nbSection ),
+ isFrenchLoc = ( locale === "fr" ),
+ thousandSep = ( isFrenchLoc ? " " : "," ),
+ i;
+ for ( i = nbSection; i < intLength; i = i + 3 ) {
+ strValue = strValue + thousandSep + integer.substr( i, 3 );
+ }
+ if ( decimal.length ) {
+ if ( isFrenchLoc ) {
+ strValue = strValue + "," + decimal;
+ } else {
+ strValue = strValue + "." + decimal;
+ }
+ }
+ return strValue;
+ };
+$document.on( "json-failed.wb", selector, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm === event.currentTarget ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.addClass( jsonFailedClass );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( "json-fetched.wb", selector, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ settings,
+ dsName,
+ JSONresponse = event.fetch.response,
+ isArrayResponse = $.isArray( JSONresponse ),
+ resultSet,
+ i, i_len, i_cache, backlog, selector,
+ patches, filterTrueness, filterFaslseness, filterPath;
+ if ( elm === event.currentTarget ) {
+ settings = wb.getData( $elm, componentName );
+ dsName = "[" + settings.name + "]";
+ patches = settings.patches || [];
+ filterPath = settings.fpath;
+ filterTrueness = settings.filter || [];
+ filterFaslseness = settings.filternot || [];
+ if ( !$.isArray( patches ) ) {
+ patches = [ patches ];
+ }
+ if ( isArrayResponse ) {
+ JSONresponse = $.extend( [], JSONresponse );
+ } else {
+ JSONresponse = $.extend( {}, JSONresponse );
+ }
+ // Apply a filtering
+ if ( filterPath ) {
+ JSONresponse = getPatchesToFilter( JSONresponse, filterPath, filterTrueness, filterFaslseness );
+ }
+ // Apply the patches
+ if ( patches.length ) {
+ if ( isArrayResponse && settings.wraproot ) {
+ i_cache = { };
+ i_cache[ settings.wraproot ] = JSONresponse;
+ JSONresponse = i_cache;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( JSONresponse, patches );
+ }
+ if ( settings.debug ) {
+ debugPrintOut( $elm, "initEvent", JSONresponse, patches );
+ }
+ try {
+ datasetCache[ dsName ] = JSONresponse;
+ } catch ( error ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ datasetCacheSettings[ dsName ] = settings;
+ if ( elm.hasAttribute( reloadFlag ) ) {
+ elm.removeAttribute( reloadFlag );
+ i_cache = dsPostponePatches[ dsName ];
+ if ( i_cache ) {
+ $elm.trigger( i_cache );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !settings.wait && dsDelayed[ dsName ] ) {
+ backlog = dsDelayed[ dsName ];
+ i_len = backlog.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = backlog[ i ];
+ selector = i_cache.selector;
+ if ( selector.length ) {
+ try {
+ resultSet = jsonpointer.get( JSONresponse, selector );
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ throw dsName + " - JSON selector not found: " + selector;
+ }
+ } else {
+ resultSet = JSONresponse;
+ }
+ $( "#" + i_cache.callerId ).trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetched.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ response: resultSet,
+ status: "200",
+ refId: i_cache.refId,
+ xhr: null
+ }
+ }, this );
+ }
+ }
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+} );
+// Apply patches to a preloaded JSON data
+$document.on( patchesEvent, selector, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm = $( elm ),
+ patches = event.patches,
+ filterPath = event.fpath,
+ filterTrueness = event.filter || [],
+ filterFaslseness = event.filternot || [],
+ isCumulative = !!event.cumulative,
+ settings,
+ dsName,
+ dsJSON, resultSet,
+ delayedLst,
+ i, i_len, i_cache, pntrSelector;
+ if ( elm === event.currentTarget && $.isArray( patches ) ) {
+ settings = wb.getData( $elm, componentName );
+ if ( !settings ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ dsName = "[" + settings.name + "]";
+ // Check if the patches need to be hold until the next json-fetch event
+ if ( elm.hasAttribute( reloadFlag ) ) {
+ dsPostponePatches[ dsName ] = event;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( !dsDelayed[ dsName ] ) {
+ throw "Applying patched on undefined dataset name: " + dsName;
+ }
+ dsJSON = datasetCache[ dsName ];
+ if ( !isCumulative ) {
+ dsJSON = $.extend( true, ( $.isArray( dsJSON ) ? [] : {} ), dsJSON );
+ }
+ // Apply a filtering
+ if ( filterPath ) {
+ dsJSON = getPatchesToFilter( dsJSON, filterPath, filterTrueness, filterFaslseness );
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( dsJSON, patches );
+ if ( settings.debug ) {
+ debugPrintOut( $elm, "patchesEvent", dsJSON, patches );
+ }
+ delayedLst = dsDelayed[ dsName ];
+ i_len = delayedLst.length;
+ for ( i = 0; i !== i_len; i += 1 ) {
+ i_cache = delayedLst[ i ];
+ pntrSelector = i_cache.selector;
+ if ( pntrSelector.length ) {
+ try {
+ resultSet = jsonpointer.get( dsJSON, pntrSelector );
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ throw dsName + " - JSON selector not found: " + pntrSelector;
+ }
+ } else {
+ resultSet = dsJSON;
+ }
+ $( "#" + i_cache.callerId ).trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetched.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ response: resultSet,
+ status: "200",
+ refId: i_cache.refId,
+ xhr: null
+ }
+ }, this );
+ }
+ }
+} );
+// Used by the JSON-fetch plugin for when trying fetching a resource that is mapped a dataset name
+$document.on( postponeEvent, function( event ) {
+ var jsonPostpone = event.postpone,
+ dsName = jsonPostpone.dsname,
+ callerId = jsonPostpone.callerId,
+ refId = jsonPostpone.refId,
+ selector = jsonPostpone.selector,
+ resultSet;
+ if ( !dsDelayed[ dsName ] ) {
+ dsDelayed[ dsName ] = [ ];
+ }
+ // Add to the delayed updates list
+ dsDelayed[ dsName ].push( {
+ "callerId": callerId,
+ "refId": refId,
+ "selector": selector
+ } );
+ // Send the data if the dataset is ready?
+ if ( datasetCache[ dsName ] && !datasetCacheSettings[ dsName ].wait ) {
+ resultSet = datasetCache[ dsName ];
+ if ( selector.length ) {
+ try {
+ resultSet = jsonpointer.get( resultSet, selector );
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ throw dsName + " - JSON selector not found: " + selector;
+ }
+ }
+ $( "#" + callerId ).trigger( {
+ type: "json-fetched.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ response: resultSet,
+ status: "200",
+ refId: refId,
+ xhr: null
+ }
+ }, this );
+ }
+} );
+ * Integration with wb-fieldflow
+ *
+ */
+function pushData( $elm, prop, data, reset ) {
+ var dtCache = $elm.data( prop );
+ if ( !dtCache || reset ) {
+ dtCache = [];
+ }
+ dtCache.push( data );
+ return $elm.data( prop, dtCache );
+// Fieldflow "op" action
+$document.on( "op.action.wb-fieldflow", ".wb-fieldflow", function( event, data ) {
+ if ( !data.op ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Postpone the event for form submission
+ data.preventSubmit = true;
+ pushData( $( data.provEvt ), "wb-fieldflow-submit", data );
+} );
+// Fieldflow "op" submit
+$document.on( "op.submit.wb-fieldflow", ".wb-fieldflow", function( event, data ) {
+ // Get the hbs Plugin
+ var op = data.op,
+ source = data.source,
+ ops;
+ if ( !op ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( !$.isArray( op ) ) {
+ ops = [];
+ ops.push( op );
+ } else {
+ ops = op;
+ }
+ $( source ).trigger( {
+ type: "patches.wb-jsonmanager",
+ patches: ops
+ } );
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ * @title Menu for GCWeb v5
+ * @overview Menu keyboard and mouse interaction with supporting responsiveness
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var componentName = "gcweb-menu",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ selectorAjaxed = selector + " [data-ajax-replace]," + selector + " [data-ajax-append]," + selector + " [data-ajax-prepend]," + selector + " [data-wb-ajax]",
+ globalTimeoutOn,
+ globalTimeoutOff,
+ hoverDelay = 350,
+ justOpened,
+ isMobileMode, // Mobile vs Desktop
+ isMediumView,
+ preventFocusIn,
+ i18nInstruction = {
+ en: "Press the SPACEBAR to expand or the escape key to collapse this menu. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose a submenu item. Press the Enter or Right arrow key to expand it, or the Left arrow or Escape key to collapse it. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose an item on that level and the Enter key to access it.",
+ fr: "Appuyez sur la barre d'espacement pour ouvrir ou sur la touche d'échappement pour fermer le menu. Utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour choisir un élément de sous-menu. Appuyez sur la touche Entrée ou sur la flèche vers la droite pour le développer, ou sur la flèche vers la gauche ou la touche Échap pour le réduire. Utilisez les flèches haut et bas pour choisir un élément de ce niveau et la touche Entrée pour y accéder."
+ },
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ ajaxFetch;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ if ( i18nInstruction[ wb.lang ] ) {
+ i18nInstruction = i18nInstruction[ wb.lang ];
+ } else if ( i18nInstruction.en ) {
+ i18nInstruction = i18nInstruction.en;
+ }
+ // If the menu item are ajaxed in, initialize after the ajax is completed
+ ajaxFetch = elm.querySelector( selectorAjaxed );
+ if ( !ajaxFetch ) {
+ onAjaxLoaded( elm.querySelector( "[role=menu]" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onAjaxLoaded = function( subElm ) {
+ var $elm = $( subElm ).parentsUntil( selector ).parents(),
+ htmlClassName = document.querySelector( "html" ).className;
+ isMobileMode = htmlClassName.indexOf( "smallview" ) !== -1;
+ isMediumView = htmlClassName.indexOf( "mediumview" ) !== -1;
+ if ( isMobileMode || isMediumView ) {
+ setMnu3LevelOrientationExpandState( false, isMediumView );
+ }
+ // Add menu navigation instruction
+ subElm.previousElementSibling.setAttribute( "aria-label", i18nInstruction );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ };
+function OpenMenu( elm ) {
+ // If already open, do nothing
+ if ( elm.getAttribute( "aria-expanded" ) === "true" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Close the one that is currently open for this level and deeper
+ var parentMenu = elm.parentElement.parentElement;
+ var menuOpen = parentMenu.querySelector( "[aria-haspopup][aria-expanded=true]:not([data-keep-expanded=md-min])" );
+ // Only close other menu in tablet and desktop mode
+ if ( menuOpen && !isMobileMode ) {
+ CloseMenu( menuOpen, true );
+ }
+ // Open the menu
+ elm.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "true" );
+ justOpened = elm;
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ justOpened = false;
+ }, hoverDelay );
+function CloseMenu( elm, force ) {
+ //Ensure elm isn't null
+ if ( !elm ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ensure elm is targeted on the haspopup element
+ if ( !elm.hasAttribute( "aria-haspopup" ) ) {
+ elm = elm.previousElementSibling;
+ }
+ if ( !force ) {
+ // Can the menu be closed?
+ // Get the menu item that has the focus.
+ var currentFocusIsOn = elm.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]:focus" );
+ var siblingHasFocus = elm.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]:focus" );
+ // Check if we keep the menu opon
+ if ( currentFocusIsOn || siblingHasFocus === elm ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ elm.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" );
+// On hover, wait for the delay before to open the menu
+function OpenMenuWithDelay( elm ) {
+ if ( elm.dataset.keepExpanded === "md-min" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Prevent any pending to be open to trigger
+ clearTimeout( globalTimeoutOn );
+ globalTimeoutOn = setTimeout( function() {
+ OpenMenu( elm );
+ }, hoverDelay );
+// Open menu on mouse hovering
+$document.on( "mouseenter", selector + " ul [aria-haspopup]", function( event ) {
+ // There is no "mouseenter" in mobile
+ if ( !isMobileMode ) {
+ clearTimeout( globalTimeoutOff );
+ OpenMenuWithDelay( event.currentTarget );
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( "focusin", selector + " ul [aria-haspopup]", function( event ) {
+ // Don't open the submenu
+ if ( isMobileMode ) {
+ preventFocusIn = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Open the menu, no delay
+ OpenMenu( event.currentTarget );
+} );
+// The user get inside the submenu, we should cancel the "close" with delay event
+$document.on( "mouseenter focusin", selector + " [aria-haspopup] + [role=menu]", function( event ) {
+ // Prevent the menu to collapse
+ // Note: elm.id is already defined because of the mouseenter event of the parent menu element
+ var elm = event.currentTarget.previousElementSibling;
+ if ( elm.dataset.keepExpanded === "md-min" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // There is no "mouseenter" in mobile and ensure it don't get trigger when activating the button menu
+ if ( isMobileMode || justOpened === event.currentTarget ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ clearTimeout( globalTimeoutOff );
+} );
+// Ensure the menu don't switch when the user do a quick mouse over on other menu item.
+$document.on( "mouseleave", selector + " [aria-haspopup]", function( ) {
+ clearTimeout( globalTimeoutOn );
+} );
+// Open right away the popup
+$document.on( "click", selector + " [aria-haspopup]", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ elmToGiveFocus;
+ // Don't open the submenu
+ if ( preventFocusIn ) {
+ preventFocusIn = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Only for mobile view or the menu button
+ if ( isMobileMode || elm.nodeName === "BUTTON" ) {
+ // Toggle
+ if ( elm.getAttribute( "aria-expanded" ) === "true" ) {
+ if ( justOpened !== elm ) {
+ CloseMenu( elm, true );
+ }
+ } else {
+ OpenMenu( elm );
+ // Focus on the first menu item
+ elmToGiveFocus = elm.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ elmToGiveFocus.focus();
+ elmToGiveFocus.setAttribute( "tabindex", "0" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Stop default behaviour
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+} );
+// This is for the "most requested" menu item
+function setMnu3LevelOrientationExpandState( isVertical, isExpanded ) {
+ var mnu3Level = document.querySelectorAll( "[role=menu] [role=menu] [role=menuitem][aria-haspopup=true]" ),
+ i, i_len = mnu3Level.length,
+ expandState = ( isExpanded ? "true" : "false" ),
+ orientation = ( isVertical ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ),
+ expandStateItem = expandState;
+ for ( i = 0; i < i_len; i++ ) {
+ // Keep it expanded if focus are inside submenu
+ expandStateItem = ( mnu3Level[ i ].nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]:focus" ) ? "true" : expandState );
+ mnu3Level[ i ].setAttribute( "aria-expanded", expandStateItem );
+ mnu3Level[ i ].parentElement.previousElementSibling.setAttribute( "aria-orientation", orientation );
+ }
+// Change the main menu mode
+$document.on( wb.resizeEvents, function( event ) {
+ switch ( event.type ) {
+ case "xxsmallview":
+ case "xsmallview":
+ case "smallview":
+ isMobileMode = true;
+ setMnu3LevelOrientationExpandState( false, false );
+ break;
+ case "mediumview":
+ isMobileMode = false;
+ setMnu3LevelOrientationExpandState( false, true );
+ break;
+ case "largeview":
+ case "xlargeview":
+ default:
+ isMobileMode = false;
+ setMnu3LevelOrientationExpandState( true, true );
+ }
+} );
+* keycode - determines what action to take when a key is pressed
+* @private
+* @param {object} event - the event that contains information about the key
+* @param {string} orientation - whether the menu is horizontal or vertical (navigated with left/right or up/down)
+* @returns name of action to take or false if invalid key
+* @type string / bool
+function keycode( code ) {
+ if ( code === 9 ) {
+ return "tab";
+ }
+ if ( code === 13 || code === 32 ) {
+ return "enter";
+ }
+ if ( code === 27 ) {
+ return "esc";
+ }
+ if ( code === 39 ) { //right arrow
+ return "right";
+ }
+ if ( code === 37 ) { //left arrow
+ return "left";
+ }
+ if ( code === 40 ) { //down arrow
+ return "down";
+ }
+ if ( code === 38 ) { //up arrow
+ return "up";
+ }
+ return false;
+// Global hook, close the menu on "ESC" when its state are open.
+$document.on( "keydown", function( event ) {
+ if ( event.keyCode === 27 ) {
+ CloseMenu( document.querySelector( selector + " button" ) );
+ }
+} );
+// Keyboard navigation for each menu item
+$document.on( "keydown", selector + " button, " + selector + " [role=menuitem]", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ key = keycode( event.charCode || event.keyCode );
+ // Get the menu item that has the focus.
+ var currentFocusIsOn = document.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]:focus" ) || elm,
+ parent = currentFocusIsOn.parentElement,
+ grandParent = parent.parentElement,
+ isCurrentButtonMenu = ( currentFocusIsOn.nodeName === "BUTTON" );
+ // Close the menu
+ if ( key === "tab" ) {
+ CloseMenu( document.querySelector( selector + " button" ), true );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Generate a click it Enter
+ if ( isCurrentButtonMenu && key === "enter" && elm.getAttribute( "aria-expanded" ) === "true" ) {
+ preventFocusIn = true;
+ CloseMenu( elm, true );
+ return;
+ }
+ var firstChildPopup;
+ if ( currentFocusIsOn.nextElementSibling ) {
+ firstChildPopup = currentFocusIsOn.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role='menuitem']" );
+ }
+ var nextSiblingMenuItem;
+ if ( parent.nextElementSibling ) {
+ nextSiblingMenuItem = parent.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ // Check if we have hit a separator, go to the next one. The separator can't be the last item and are not followed by another separator.
+ if ( !nextSiblingMenuItem ) {
+ nextSiblingMenuItem = parent.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Get first item and take in consideration if the sub-menu is persistant open
+ if ( !isMobileMode && currentFocusIsOn.dataset.keepExpanded && firstChildPopup ) {
+ // The current focus is on a persistant open menu item, the next menu item is the first child
+ nextSiblingMenuItem = firstChildPopup;
+ } else if ( !isMobileMode && grandParent.previousElementSibling.dataset.keepExpanded ) {
+ // The current focus is on the last item of the persistant menu
+ // Should go the next item of the parent menu item (not supported),
+ // but in our use case this is the first item of the parent men
+ nextSiblingMenuItem = grandParent.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ } else {
+ nextSiblingMenuItem = grandParent.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ }
+ }
+ var parentPopupBtn = grandParent.previousElementSibling;
+ var previousSiblingMenuItem;
+ if ( parent.previousElementSibling ) {
+ previousSiblingMenuItem = parent.previousElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ // Check if we have hit a separator. A separator is not the first items
+ if ( !previousSiblingMenuItem ) {
+ previousSiblingMenuItem = parent.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Get the last item, take in consideration one level of persistant open menu
+ if ( !isMobileMode && grandParent.lastElementChild.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" ).dataset.keepExpanded ) {
+ // The last item is persistant open, get it's last children
+ previousSiblingMenuItem = grandParent.lastElementChild.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" ).nextElementSibling.lastElementChild.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ } else if ( !isMobileMode && grandParent.previousElementSibling.dataset.keepExpanded && parentPopupBtn ) {
+ // Get the parent, this is the first items of a persistant open menu
+ previousSiblingMenuItem = parentPopupBtn;
+ } else if ( isCurrentButtonMenu ) {
+ // Get the last menu item
+ previousSiblingMenuItem = currentFocusIsOn.nextElementSibling.lastElementChild.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ } else {
+ // Get the last item of the current menu
+ previousSiblingMenuItem = grandParent.lastElementChild.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ }
+ }
+ // NEXT Menu item after the Separator
+ // Next Separator Orientation
+ var isNextSeparatorOrientationVertical,
+ nextSeparatorMenuItem,
+ iteratedItem = parent;
+ while ( iteratedItem.nextElementSibling ) {
+ iteratedItem = iteratedItem.nextElementSibling;
+ if ( iteratedItem.getAttribute( "role" ) === "separator" ) {
+ if ( iteratedItem.hasAttribute( "aria-orientation" ) && iteratedItem.getAttribute( "aria-orientation" ) === "vertical" ) {
+ isNextSeparatorOrientationVertical = true;
+ } else {
+ isNextSeparatorOrientationVertical = false;
+ }
+ nextSeparatorMenuItem = iteratedItem.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Previous Menu item after the Separator
+ // Previous Separator Orientation
+ var isPreviousSeparatorOrientationVertical,
+ previousSeparatorMenuItem;
+ iteratedItem = parent;
+ while ( iteratedItem.previousElementSibling ) {
+ iteratedItem = iteratedItem.previousElementSibling;
+ if ( iteratedItem.getAttribute( "role" ) === "separator" ) {
+ if ( previousSeparatorMenuItem ) {
+ break; // Run until we reach the first item or the next separator.
+ }
+ if ( iteratedItem.hasAttribute( "aria-orientation" ) && iteratedItem.getAttribute( "aria-orientation" ) === "vertical" ) {
+ isPreviousSeparatorOrientationVertical = true;
+ } else {
+ isPreviousSeparatorOrientationVertical = false;
+ }
+ previousSeparatorMenuItem = iteratedItem.previousElementSibling;
+ }
+ if ( previousSeparatorMenuItem ) {
+ previousSeparatorMenuItem = iteratedItem; // Run until we reach the first item or the next separator.
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure we are pointing to the first menu item
+ if ( previousSeparatorMenuItem ) {
+ previousSeparatorMenuItem = previousSeparatorMenuItem.querySelector( "[role=menuitem]" );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Developer note:
+ For the "Most requested" menu.
+ - Don't skip that navigation item when it receive the focus
+ - when looking for the last, if that menuitem is expanded, then grab it's last items.
+ */
+ if ( !isCurrentButtonMenu ) {
+ currentFocusIsOn.setAttribute( "tabindex", "-1" );
+ }
+ var elmToGiveFocus;
+ if ( key === "down" && nextSiblingMenuItem ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus = nextSiblingMenuItem;
+ } else if ( key === "up" && previousSiblingMenuItem ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus = previousSiblingMenuItem;
+ } else if ( ( !isCurrentButtonMenu && key === "right" && firstChildPopup ) || key === "enter" && firstChildPopup ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus = firstChildPopup;
+ } else if ( isNextSeparatorOrientationVertical && key === "right" ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus = nextSeparatorMenuItem;
+ } else if ( isPreviousSeparatorOrientationVertical && key === "left" ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus = previousSeparatorMenuItem;
+ } else if ( ( !isCurrentButtonMenu && key === "left" ) || ( !isCurrentButtonMenu && key === "esc" ) ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus = parentPopupBtn;
+ } else if ( key === "tab" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( key === "left" || key === "esc" ) {
+ // Close the menu
+ if ( !isCurrentButtonMenu && isMobileMode && elmToGiveFocus.getAttribute( "aria-expanded" ) === "true" ) {
+ elmToGiveFocus.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" );
+ } else if ( isCurrentButtonMenu ) {
+ elm.setAttribute( "aria-expanded", "false" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Focus on the element
+ if ( elmToGiveFocus ) {
+ // Open the sub-menu automatically for mobile and menu button
+ if ( isMobileMode || isCurrentButtonMenu ) {
+ var popup = elmToGiveFocus.parentElement.parentElement.previousElementSibling;
+ if ( popup.getAttribute( "aria-expanded" ) !== "true" ) {
+ // Open the menu, no delay
+ OpenMenu( popup );
+ }
+ }
+ elmToGiveFocus.setAttribute( "tabindex", "0" );
+ elmToGiveFocus.focus();
+ // Stop default behaviour
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+} );
+// When the menu item are ajaxed in
+$document.on( "ajax-fetched.wb ajax-failed.wb", selectorAjaxed, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target;
+ // Filter out any events triggered by descendants
+ if ( event.currentTarget === elm ) {
+ onAjaxLoaded( elm );
+ }
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
+ * @title WET-BOEW URL mapping
+ * @overview Execute pre-configured action based on url query string
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-urlmapping",
+ selector = "[data-" + componentName + "]",
+ initEvent = "wb-init." + componentName,
+ doMappingEvent = "domapping." + componentName,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ authTrigger, // Flag to prevent instation of WET no more than twice by page load
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // Only allow the first wb-urlmapping instance to trigger WET
+ if ( !authTrigger ) {
+ authTrigger = elm;
+ }
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ if ( !wb.isReady ) {
+ // Execution of any action after WET is ready
+ $document.one( "wb-ready.wb", function( ) {
+ $elm.trigger( doMappingEvent );
+ } );
+ } else {
+ $elm.trigger( doMappingEvent );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getUrlParams = function() {
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/901115/how-can-i-get-query-string-values-in-javascript#answer-2880929
+ var urlParams = {},
+ pl = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space
+ search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,
+ decode = function( s ) {
+ return decodeURIComponent( s.replace( pl, " " ) );
+ },
+ query = window.location.search.substring( 1 ),
+ match = search.exec( query );
+ while ( match ) {
+ urlParams[ decode( match[ 1 ] ) ] = decode( match[ 2 ] );
+ match = search.exec( query );
+ }
+ return urlParams;
+ };
+$document.on( doMappingEvent, selector, function( event ) {
+ var $elm = $( event.target ),
+ urlParams = getUrlParams(),
+ cKey, cValue, settingQuery,
+ settings = $.extend( {}, window[ componentName ] || { }, wb.getData( $elm, componentName ) );
+ for ( cKey in urlParams ) {
+ cValue = urlParams[ cKey ];
+ settingQuery = settings[ cKey + "=" + cValue ] || settings[ cKey ];
+ if ( typeof settingQuery === "object" ) {
+ // Send it to the action manager to get proccessed with the action "withInput"
+ $elm.trigger( {
+ type: "do.wb-actionmng",
+ actions: {
+ action: "withInput",
+ actions: settingQuery,
+ cValue: cValue,
+ dntwb: $elm[ 0 ] !== authTrigger
+ }
+ } );
+ if ( !settings.multiplequery ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+( function( $, document, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ searchSelector = "#wb-srch-q",
+ $search = $( searchSelector ),
+ $searchDataList = $( "#" + $search.attr( "list" ) ),
+//Search Autocomplete
+ queryAutoComplete = function( query ) {
+ if ( query.length > 0 ) {
+ $( this ).trigger( {
+ type: "ajax-fetch.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ url: wb.pageUrlParts.protocol + "//clients1.google.com/complete/search?client=partner&sugexp=gsnos%2Cn%3D13&gs_rn=25&gs_ri=partner&partnerid=" + window.encodeURIComponent( "008724028898028201144:knjjdikrhq0+lang:" + wb.lang ) + "&types=t&ds=cse&cp=3&gs_id=b&hl=" + wb.lang + "&q=" + encodeURI( query ),
+ dataType: "jsonp",
+ jsonp: "callback"
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+ };
+//Queries the autocomplete API
+$document.on( "change keyup", searchSelector, function( event ) {
+ var target = event.target,
+ query = event.target.value,
+ which = event.which;
+ switch ( event.type ) {
+ case "change":
+ queryAutoComplete.call( target, query );
+ break;
+ case "keyup":
+ if ( !( event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey ) ) {
+ // Spacebar, a - z keys, 0 - 9 keys punctuation, and symbols
+ if ( which === 32 || ( which > 47 && which < 91 ) ||
+ ( which > 95 && which < 112 ) || ( which > 159 && which < 177 ) ||
+ ( which > 187 && which < 223 ) ) {
+ queryAutoComplete.call( target, query );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} );
+//Processes the autocomplete API results
+$document.on( "ajax-fetched.wb", searchSelector, function( event ) {
+ var suggestions = event.fetch.response[ 1 ],
+ lenSuggestions = suggestions.length,
+ options = "",
+ indIssue, issue;
+ $searchDataList.empty();
+ for ( indIssue = 0; indIssue < lenSuggestions; indIssue += 1 ) {
+ issue = suggestions[ indIssue ];
+ options += " ";
+ }
+ if ( wb.ielt10 ) {
+ options = "" + options + " ";
+ }
+ $searchDataList.append( options );
+ $search.trigger( "wb-update.wb-datalist" );
+} );
+window[ "wb-data-ajax" ] = {
+ corsFallback: function( fetchObj ) {
+ fetchObj.url = fetchObj.url.replace( ".html", ".htmlp" );
+ return fetchObj;
+ }
+//Report a problem form - reveal textbox when checkbox is selected
+$( "[data-reveal]" ).change( function() {
+ var $elm = $( this ),
+ selector = $elm.attr( "data-reveal" );
+ return ( $elm.is( ":checked" ) ) ? $( selector ).removeClass( "hide" ) : $( selector ).addClass( "hide" );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, document, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/GCWeb/js/theme.min.js b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f501ead52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v7.0.1 - 2020-05-31
+ *
+ */!function(a,b,c){"use strict";var d=b.doc,e="wb-actionmng",f="."+e,g="[data-"+e+"]",h=e+"Rn",i="wb-init."+e,j=e+f,k={},l={},m={},n=["mapfilter","tocsv","loadJSON","patch","ajax","addClass","removeClass","tblfilter","withInput","run"].join("."+j+" ")+"."+j,o={op:"move",path:"{base}",from:"{base}/{qval}"},p=function(c){var d,g,h,i,j,k,l=b.init(c,e,f);if(l){if(d=a(l),g=b.getData(d,e))for(a.isArray(g)||(g=[g]),i=g.length,h=0;h!==i;h+=1)j=g[h],(k=j.trggroup)&&j.action&&q(k,m,j);b.ready(d,e)}},q=function(a,b,c){b[a]||(b[a]=[]),b[a].push(c)},r=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f;for(d=c[b];e=d.shift();)(f=e.action)&&(a.trigger(f+"."+j,e),delete e.action)},s=function(b,c){var d=c.source,e=c.patches,f=!!c.cumulative;e&&(a.isArray(e)||(e=[e]),a(d).trigger({type:"patches.wb-jsonmanager",patches:e,fpath:c.fpath,filter:c.filter||[],filternot:c.filternot||[],cumulative:f}))},t=function(c,d){var e,f,g;d.container?e=a(d.container):(f=b.getId(),e=a("
"),a(c.target).after(e)),d.trigger&&e.attr("data-trigger-wet","true"),g=d.type?d.type:"replace",e.attr("data-ajax-"+g,d.url),e.one("wb-contentupdated",function(c,d){var e=c.currentTarget,f=e.getAttribute("data-trigger-wet");e.removeAttribute("data-ajax-"+d["ajax-type"]),f&&(a(e).find(b.allSelectors).addClass("wb-init").filter(":not(#"+e.id+" .wb-init .wb-init)").trigger("timerpoke.wb"),e.removeAttribute("data-trigger-wet"))}),e.trigger("wb-update.wb-data-ajax")},u=function(b,c){var d=a(c.source||b.target);c.class&&d.addClass(c.class)},v=function(b,c){var d=a(c.source||b.target);c.class&&d.removeClass(c.class)},w=function(b,c){var d,e=b.target,f=a(c.source||e),g=c.column,h=parseInt(g,10),i=!!c.regex,j=!c.smart||!!c.smart,k=!c.caseinsen||!!c.caseinsen;if("TABLE"!==f.get(0).nodeName)throw"Table filtering can only applied on table";d=f.dataTable({retrieve:!0}).api(),g=!0===h?h:g,d.column(g).search(c.value,i,j,k).draw()},x=function(b,c){var d=a(c.source||b.target),e=d.get(0).geomap,f=c.filter,g=c.value;"aoi"===f&&e.zoomAOI(g),"layer"===f&&e.showLayer(g,!0)},y=function(d,e){var f,g,h,i=a(d),j=i.get(0),k=j.classList.contains("wb-tables"),l="",m=e||(j.caption||"table")+".csv",n=j.rows,o=n.length,p=n[0].cells.length;if(k){for(h=i.dataTable({retrieve:!0}).api(),o=h.rows()[0].length,g=0;g reply and continue","chtwzrd-reset":"Restart from the beginning","chtwzrd-toggle":"Switch to wizard","chtwzrd-notification":"Close chat notification","chtwzrd-open":"Open chat wizard","chtwzrd-minimize":"Minimize chat wizard","chtwzrd-history":"Conversation history","chtwzrd-reply":"Reply","chtwzrd-controls":"Controls","chtwzrd-toggle-basic":"Switch to basic form","chtwzrd-waiting":"Waiting for message","chtwzrd-answer":"You have answered:"},fr:{"chtwzrd-send":"Envoyer la réponse et continuer ","chtwzrd-reset":"Recommencer depuis le début","chtwzrd-toggle":"Basculer vers l'assistant","chtwzrd-notification":"Fermer la notification de discussion","chtwzrd-open":"Ouvrir l'assistant de discussion","chtwzrd-minimize":"Réduire l'assistant de discussion","chtwzrd-history":"Historique de discussion","chtwzrd-reply":"Répondre","chtwzrd-controls":"Contrôles","chtwzrd-toggle-basic":"Basculer vers le formulaire","chtwzrd-waiting":"En attente d'un message","chtwzrd-answer":"Vous avez répondu :"}},w=function(b){var d,e=c.init(b,o,p);e&&(d=a(e),x(d),c.ready(d,o))},x=function(b){if(b.data(o+"-src")){var c=b.data(o+"-src");a.getJSON(c,function(a){t=a,E(b,t),y(b)})}else t=C(b),y(b)},y=function(b){g=localStorage.getItem("wb-chtwzrd-notif"),b.removeClass("hidden wb-inv").addClass(o+"-basic"),u={shortDelay:500,mediumDelay:750,longDelay:1250,xLongDelay:2e3,xxLongDelay:2500},d=!1,i=t.header.first,j=t.header.instructions?t.header.instructions:"",h=t.header.defaultDestination,k=t.questions[i],e=t.header.formType?t.header.formType:"dynamic",f=!!t.header.inline,v=v[a("html").attr("lang")||"en"],v={send:v["chtwzrd-send"],reset:v["chtwzrd-reset"],toggle:v["chtwzrd-toggle"],notification:v["chtwzrd-notification"],trigger:v["chtwzrd-open"],minimize:v["chtwzrd-minimize"],conversation:v["chtwzrd-history"],reply:v["chtwzrd-reply"],controls:v["chtwzrd-controls"],toggleBasic:v["chtwzrd-toggle-basic"],waiting:v["chtwzrd-waiting"],answer:v["chtwzrd-answer"]},D(b,t.header.title);var c,l=a(p+"-basic"),m=a(p+"-bubble-wrap"),n=a(p+"-btn"),q=a(p+"-container"),r=a(".body",q),w=a(".history",q),x=a(".minimize",q),y=a(".reset",q),C=a(".basic-link",q),E=y,I=C;z(l),A(m),B(n),C.on("click",function(b){b.preventDefault();var c=a("legend:first",l);c.attr("tabindex","0"),w.attr("aria-live",""),F(l,"form"),q.stop().hide(),l.stop().show(function(){c.focus(),c.removeAttr("tabindex")}),a("body").removeClass(o+"-noscroll")}),a(p+"-link").on("click",function(b){b.preventDefault(),l.stop().hide(),c=a(":focus"),a(this).hasClass(o+"-bubble")||F(q,"wizard"),a(".bubble",m).removeClass("trans-pulse"),a("p",m).hide().removeClass("trans-left"),q.stop().show(),m.stop().hide(),n.prop("disabled",!0),f||a("body").addClass(o+"-noscroll"),w.length&&a(".conversation",q).scrollTop(w[0].scrollHeight),d||G(r),localStorage.setItem("wb-chtwzrd-notif",1)}),a(p+"-btn").on("click",function(b){b.preventDefault(),n.prop("disabled",!0),l.stop().hide(),c=a(":focus"),F(q,"wizard"),q.stop().show(),m.stop().hide(),q.find(":focusable").first().focus(),f||a("body").addClass(o+"-noscroll"),w.length&&a(".conversation",q).scrollTop(w[0].scrollHeight),d||G(r)}),f?a(p+"-link").click():q.on("keydown",function(a){9===a.keyCode&&(a.shiftKey?E.is(":focus")&&(a.preventDefault(),I.focus()):I.is(":focus")&&(a.preventDefault(),E.focus())),27===a.keyCode&&x.click()}),s.on("click",p+"-container 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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b25b9e512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/404-en-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404) - Canada.ca theme / Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404) - Thème Canada.ca
We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404) / Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404)
+ We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404)
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+ Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..836e0c600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/404-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404) - Canada.ca theme
We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404)
We're sorry you ended up here. Sometimes a page gets moved or deleted, but hopefully we can help you find what you're looking for.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..297f98494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/404-fr-en.html
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+ Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404) - Thème Canada.ca / We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404) - Canada.ca theme
Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404) - Thème Canada.ca / We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404) - Canada.ca theme
+ Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404)
+ Nous sommes désolés que vous ayez abouti ici. Il arrive parfois qu'une page ait été déplacée ou supprimée. Heureusement, nous pouvons vous aider à trouver ce que vous cherchez.
+ We couldn't find that Web page (Error 404)
+ We're sorry you ended up here. Sometimes a page gets moved or deleted, but hopefully we can help you find what you're looking for.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7cc8ed5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/404-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404) - Thème Canada.ca
Nous ne pouvons trouver cette page Web (Erreur 404)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe7f47fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/act-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ [Act name] ([NN-XX]) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Act name] ([NN-XX])
+ About this legislation
+ The [Act name] ([NN-XX]) lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque ad soluta rem assumenda excepturi! Temporibus ipsa qui suscipit, quidem dolorem, veniam iusto quasi eos voluptate aliquam alias modi veritatis nesciunt, aliquid illum quos nemo cumque eius omnis tempore cum repellat. Mollitia vel id, non. Fuga non, consectetur ad sunt.
+ Responsible Ministers
+ Related institutions
+ Regulations under this Act
+ Additional information
+ Read the legislation
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ Legislative change
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ News, notices, and recent amendments
+ Canada Gazette Part II
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat temporibus repellendus iusto cumque unde perspiciatis, quod illo.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestiae, unde vitae.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat adipisci libero distinctio sequi officiis provident tenetur ullam eligendi ipsum assumenda.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat reprehenderit est nisi sequi ea modi qui praesentium?
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit, labore quia!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Notices
+ Canada Gazette Part I
+ Planned changes and consultations
+ Recently tabled bills
+ Related forward regulatory plans
+ Related Red Tape Reduction responses
+ Upcoming opportunities to consult
+ Learn more about legislation in Canada
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
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index 000000000..cd3c398c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/act-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ [Titre de la loi] ([NN-XX]) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Titre de la loi] ([NN-XX])
+ À propos de cette loi
+ Le [Titre de la loi] ([NN-XX]) lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque ad soluta rem assumenda excepturi! Temporibus ipsa qui suscipit, quidem dolorem, veniam iusto quasi eos voluptate aliquam alias modi veritatis nesciunt, aliquid illum quos nemo cumque eius omnis tempore cum repellat. Mollitia vel id, non. Fuga non, consectetur ad sunt.
+ Ministres responsables
+ Établissements connexes
+ Règlements assujettis à cette loi
+ Renseignements supplémentaires
+ Lire le texte de loi
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ Changement législatif
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ Nouvelles, avis et amendements récents
+ Amendements récents
+ Gazette du Canada, Partie II
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat temporibus repellendus iusto cumque unde perspiciatis, quod illo.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestiae, unde vitae.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat adipisci libero distinctio sequi officiis provident tenetur ullam eligendi ipsum assumenda.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat reprehenderit est nisi sequi ea modi qui praesentium?
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit, labore quia!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Avis
+ Gazette du Canada, Partie I
+ Communiqués de presse
+ Consultations et changements prévus
+ Projets de loi déposés récemment
+ Plan futurs en matière de réglementation connexe
+ Mesures de réduction de la bureaucratie connexes
+ Possibilités de consultation à venir
+ Consultations antérieures
+ En savoir plus sur les lois du Canada
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
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+ 2014-10-23
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index 000000000..58c97970d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/advancedservice/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ [Service name] - 1. [Step / section page name] - Canada.ca
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+From [Institution name]
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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index 000000000..a5b3ce015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/advancedservice/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ [Nom du service] - 1. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
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+ [Nom du service] - 1. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape]
+De [nom de l'institution]
+ 1. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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index 000000000..36f70decb
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ [Service name] - 2. [Step / section page name] - Canada.ca
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+From [Institution name]
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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+ [Service name] - 3. [Step / section page name] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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+ [Nom du service] - 3. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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+ [Service name] - 4. [Step / section page name] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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+ [Nom du service] - 4. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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--- /dev/null
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+ [Service name] - 5. [Step / section page name] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/advancedservice/page5-fr.html
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+ [Nom du service] - 5. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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index 000000000..e703acbad
--- /dev/null
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+ [Service name] - 6. [Step / section page name] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sub heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/advancedservice/page6-fr.html
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+ [Nom du service] - 6. [Nom de la page de la section ou de l’étape] - Canada.ca
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+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Et a adipisci nostrum optio dolorum sint ipsa facilis nisi quisquam laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium odio adipisci ad neque distinctio quod molestias, molestiae accusamus quo aspernatur expedita blanditiis quam! Esse cum modi atque, beatae aliquam, dolor.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem aliquid hic numquam obcaecati ea, laborum accusamus culpa atque voluptate distinctio et omnis! Alias, beatae, tenetur.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [Sous-titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
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index 000000000..80d4cedce
--- /dev/null
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Menu des sujets
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index 000000000..5c6603978
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+ Jobs and the workplace
+ Immigration and citizenship
+ Travel and tourism
+ Business and industry
+ Benefits
+ Health
+ Taxes
+ Environment and natural resources
+ National security and defence
+ Culture, history and sport
+ Policing, justice and emergencies
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+ Canada and the world
+ Money and finances
+ Science and innovation
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index 000000000..95657b09f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/ajax/sitemenu-v5-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ Emplois et milieu de travail
+ Immigration et citoyenneté
+ Voyage et tourisme
+ Entreprises et industrie
+ Prestations
+ Santé
+ Impôts
+ Environnement et ressources naturelles
+ Sécurité nationale et défense
+ Culture, histoire et sport
+ Services de police, justice et urgences
+ Transport et infrastructure
+ Canada et le monde
+ Argent et finances
+ Science et innovation
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index 000000000..52c05e05b
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+ Archived - Content page - Canada.ca
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You can use it for research or reference.
We have archived this page and will not be updating it.
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+ Heading 6 (h6
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+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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index 000000000..3120065cf
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@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ Archivé - Page de contenu - Canada.ca
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+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f8235e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/campaign-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ Campaign name - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Campaign name
+ [Heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Obcaecati quaerat error illum iusto, harum temporibus quae totam nisi.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint tempora suscipit vel. Cumque quia sunt, incidunt. Ratione, sed?
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ea quo doloribus quibusdam in similique labore tempore, neque sed.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus beatae eveniet laboriosam! Suscipit deserunt nobis voluptas dolor molestiae?
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Deserunt perferendis adipisci vero repudiandae asperiores, vel placeat repellat ea.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Vero, facere reprehenderit consectetur repudiandae hic ipsam nesciunt nostrum et!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime consequatur dignissimos velit fugiat repellendus tempore officia, commodi, ratione.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci suscipit perspiciatis, quae voluptas necessitatibus quas hic accusamus sequi.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..948d1a6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/campaign-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ Nom de la campagne - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Nom de la campagne
+ [Titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-10-02
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0a73dc43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/campaign2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ [Campaign name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Campaign name]
+Short description of the campaign.
+ [Heading 1]
+ Short sentence describing topic.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ [Heading 2]
+ Short sentence describing topic.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ [Heading 3]
+ Short sentence describing topic.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-10-10
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d9919bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/campaign2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ [Nom de la campagne] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Nom de la campagne]
+Courte description de la campagne.
+ [Titre 1]
+ Phrase courte décrivant le thème.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ [Titre 2]
+ Phrase courte décrivant le thème.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ [Titre 3]
+ Phrase courte décrivant le thème.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis.
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-10-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/colour-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/colour-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd36b1698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/colour-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ Colour - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Colour
+Dark background and text white
+ Use to make text appear white in colour and background dark in colour.
This text is styled with .text-white
and .bg-dark
Correct use
Compliance point(s):
+ Use to introduce contrast to information.
+ Use .text-white
in combination with .bg-dark
to ensure sufficient contrast between text and background.
+ Wrap text in a <span> tag if a style does not appear as it is meant to, due to specificity reasons
Incorrect use
Compliance point(s):
+ Do not use this component in a way that conflicts with the preceding compliance point(s)
+ Do not use as the only way to communicate information or intent, as colour alone is not accessible
// Dark background and white text:
+ <p class="text-white bg-dark" >...</p>
+CSS Class
+ .bg-dark
+ Set a background color to dark
+ .text-white
+ Set a font colour to white
This container is styled with .text-white
and .bg-dark
Link example
Button example
+<div class="well bg-dark text-white">
+ <p>This container is styled with <code>.text-white</code> and <code>.bg-dark</code>.</p>
+ <p><a class="text-white" href="#">Link example</a></p>
+ <button class="bg-dark text-white" type="button">Button example</button>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-05-01
+ About government
+ About this site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fed1ccffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/colour-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ Couleur - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Couleur
+Arrière plan foncé et texte blanc
+Utilisez pour rendre le texte d'apparence de couleur blanche et l'arrière-plan en couleur foncée.
Ce texte est mise en style avec .text-white
et .bg-dark
Bonne utilisation
Points de conformité :
+ Utilisez pour introduire le contraste dans l'information.
+ Utiliser .text-white en combinaison avec .bg-dark pour assurer un contraste suffisant entre le texte et l'arrière-plan.
+ Enveloppez le texte dans une balise <span> si un style n'apparaît pas comme il le devrait pour des raisons de spécificité
Mauvaise utilisation
Points de conformité :
+ N'utilisez pas cet élément d'une façon qui entre en conflit avec les points de conformité précédents
+ Ne l'utilisez pas comme seul moyen de communiquer les renseignements ou l'intention, car la couleur seule n'est pas accessible
// Arrière-plan foncé et texte de couleur blanche:
+ <p class="text-white bg-dark" >...</p>
+Classe CSS
+ .bg-dark
+ Définie la couleur d'arrière plan à foncé
+ .text-white
+ Définie la couleur de police à blanche
Ce conteneur est mis en style avec .text-white
et .bg-dark
Exemple de liens
Exemple de button
+<div class="well bg-dark text-white">
+ <p>Ce conteneur est mis en style avec <code>.text-white</code> et <code>.bg-dark</code>.</p>
+ <p><a class="text-white" href="#">Exemple de liens</a></p>
+ <button class="bg-dark text-white" type="button">Exemple de button</button>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-05-01
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-features-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-features-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..429ec2fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-features-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+ Context-specific features - Canada.ca design pattern - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Context-specific features - Canada.ca design pattern
+ Status
+ Up to spec
+ Type
+ Canada.ca design pattern
+ Last review
+ 2020-02-18
+ Conforming to
+ Content and IA spec 2.1
+ Specification
+ Context-specific features - Canada.ca design pattern
+ Technical name
+ gc-features
+ gc-initiatives
+Working example
+Context-specific features - v6.1
+ Features
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
+GC activities and initiatives - v6.1
+ Government initiatives
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
+GC activities and initiatives - Removal - v4.0.28
+ Government of Canada activities and initiatives
+Feature - Markup change - v4.0.28
+ One tile - Promotional feature
+Evaluation and report
+There is no evaluation and report available for this component.
+API (Version 3.0)
+ CSS Class
+ Template
+ Visual rendering
+ Schema
+ Version 2.1
+ Version 3.0
+ Version 2.0
+ Version 1.0
+CSS Class (v2.1)
+ gc-features
+ Component: Context-specific features
+ Version notes
+ Version 2.1 (v6.1)
+ Added: .gc-features
+ Added: .stretched-link
+ Version 2.0 (v4.0.28)
+ Deprecated: .gc-nttvs
and .gc-prtts
+ Version 1.0 (prior to v4.0.28)
+ Had: .gc-nttvs
and .gc-prtts
+Template (v3.0)
+ .stretched-link
will propagate clickable area up to the closest relativeley positioned parent, which is the according feature block.
+One-column layout
+<section class="gc-features">
+ <h2>[[comp:Feature dct:title]]</h2>
+ <div class="row row-eqht">
+ <!-- One column -->
+ <div data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-md-8">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Two or three-column layout
+<section class="gc-features">
+ <h2>[[comp:Feature dct:title]]</h2>
+ <div class="row row-eqht">
+ <!-- One column -->
+ <div data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Two column -->
+ <div data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Three column [default] -->
+ <div data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Features Variant: gc-initiatives
+Distinguishable by its .well
containers inside .col-sm-6
+<section class="gc-features">
+ <h2>[[comp:Feature dct:title]]</h2>
+ <div class="row row-eqht">
+ <!-- One column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureType == 'gc-initiatives'" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-sm-6">
+ <div class="well well-sm brdr-rds-0 eqht-trgt">
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Two column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureType == 'gc-initiatives'" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-sm-6">
+ <div class="well well-sm brdr-rds-0 eqht-trgt">
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Previous version
+ Version 3.0 (v6.1)
+ Deprecated: <figure>
and <figcaption>
+ Deprecated: <a>
as a wrapper
+ Version 2.0 (v4.0.28)
+ Added: <figure>
and <figcaption>
+ Version 1.0 (prior to v4.0.28)
+Visual rendering (v2.0)
+ Version notes
+ Version 2.0 (v6.1)
+ Removed: Drop shadow effect on mouse over
+ Removed: Thumbnail image not clickable on one-column layout
+ Version 1.0 (prior to v6.1)
+Schema (v1.0)
+# Schema of the Context-specific features component
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
+@prefix wms: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ wms:componentName "gc-features" ;
+ rdfs:label "Context-specific features"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Promotions contextuelles"@fr ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <https://design.canada.ca/common-design-patterns/feature-tiles.html>@en ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <https://conception.canada.ca/configurations-conception-communes/vignettes-promotionnelles.html>@fr ;
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Features link"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Lien en vedette"@fr ;
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:domains comp:Feature ;
+ rdfs:range comp:FeatureItem .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Allows variants"@en .
+Shapes graphs
+# Shape graph of the Context-specific features component
+@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+@prefix html: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/html/img#> .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:Feature ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path comp:features ;
+ sh:minExclusive 0 ;
+ sh:maxInclusive 3 ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ]
+ )
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path comp:featureType ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:FeatureType ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:FeatureItem ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path dct:description ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path foaf:page ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path html:img-src ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path html:img-alt ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ]
+ ) .
+JSON-LD sample
+ "@context": {
+ "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
+ "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
+ "comp": "http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component"
+ "html": "http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/html/img"
+ },
+ "dct:title": "Government initiatives",
+ "comp:featureType": "gc-initiatives",
+ "comp:features": [
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/feature/link",
+ "dct:title": "[Feature item hyperlink text]",
+ "dct:description": "[Feature item description]",
+ "html:img-src": "[Feature item image URL]",
+ "html:img-alt": "[Feature item image alternative text]"
+ },
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/feature/link/2",
+ "dct:title": "[Feature item hyperlink text 2]",
+ "dct:description": "[Feature item description 2]",
+ "html:img-src": "[Feature item image URL 2]",
+ "html:img-alt": "[Feature item image alternative text 2]"
+ }
+ ]
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-02-18
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-features-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-features-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0b66fbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-features-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+ Promotions contextuelles - Configuration de conception de Canada.ca - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Promotions contextuelles - Configuration de conception de Canada.ca
+ Status
+ Up to spec
+ Type
+ Canada.ca design pattern
+ Dernière revue
+ 2020-02-18
+ Est conforme à
+ Spécifications du contenu et de l'architecture de l'information 2.1
+ Spécification
+ Promotions contextuelles - Configuration de conception de Canada.ca
+ Nom technique
+ gc-features
+ gc-initiatives
(extends )
Working example
Context-specific features - v6.1
+ Features
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
GC activities and initiatives - v6.1
+ Government initiatives
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
GC activities and initiatives - Removal - v4.0.28
+ Government of Canada activities and initiatives
Feature - Markup change - v4.0.28
+ One tile - Promotional feature
Evaluation and report
There is no evaluation and report available for this component.
API (Version 3.0)
+ CSS Class
+ Template
+ Visual rendering
+ Schema
+ Version 2.1
+ Version 3.0
+ Version 2.0
+ Version 1.0
CSS Class (v2.1)
+ gc-features
+ Component: Context-specific features
+ Version notes
+ Version 2.1 (v6.1)
+ Added: .gc-features
and .gc-initiatives
+ Added: .stretched-link
+ Version 2.0 (v4.0.28)
+ Deprecated: .gc-nttvs
and .gc-prtts
+ Version 1.0 (prior to v4.0.28)
+ Had: .gc-nttvs
and .gc-prtts
Template (v3.0)
+ .stretched-link
will propagate clickable area up to the closest relativeley positioned parent, which is the according feature block.
One-column layout
<section class="gc-features">
+ <h2>[[comp:Feature dct:title]]</h2>
+ <div class="row row-eqht">
+ <!-- One column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureCol == comp:Feature1Col" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-md-8">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
Two or three-column layout
<section class="gc-features">
+ <h2>[[comp:Feature dct:title]]</h2>
+ <div class="row row-eqht">
+ <!-- One column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureCol == comp:Feature1Col" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Two column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureCol == comp:Feature2Col" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Three column [default] -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureCol == comp:Feature3Col" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <img class="img-responsive thumbnail mrgn-bttm-sm" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<section class="gc-initiatives">
+ <h2>[[comp:Feature dct:title]]</h2>
+ <div class="row row-eqht">
+ <!-- One column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureCol == comp:Feature1Col" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-sm-6">
+ <div class="well well-sm brdr-rds-0 eqht-trgt">
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Two column -->
+ <div data-if="comp:Feature comp:featureCol == comp:Feature2Col" data-for="comp:FeatureItem in (comp:Feature comp:features )" class="col-sm-6">
+ <div class="well well-sm brdr-rds-0 eqht-trgt">
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-src]]" alt="[[comp:FeatureItem html:img-alt]]"/>
+ <h3 class="h5"><a class="stretched-link" data-bind="(href = comp:FeatureItem foaf:page)">[[comp:FeatureItem dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:FeatureItem dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Previous version
+ Version 3.0 (v6.1)
+ Deprecated: <figure>
and <figcaption>
+ Deprecated: <a>
as a wrapper
+ Version 2.0 (v4.0.28)
+ Added: <figure>
and <figcaption>
+ Version 1.0 (prior to v4.0.28)
Visual rendering (v2.0)
+ Version notes
+ Version 2.0 (v6.1)
+ Removed: Drop shadow effect on mouse over
+ Removed: Thumbnail image not clickable on one-column layout
+ Version 1.0 (prior to v6.1)
Schema (v1.0)
+# Schema of the Context-specific features component
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
+@prefix wms: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ wms:componentName "gc-features" ;
+ rdfs:label "Context-specific features"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Promotions contextuelles"@fr ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <https://design.canada.ca/common-design-patterns/feature-tiles.html>@en ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <https://conception.canada.ca/configurations-conception-communes/vignettes-promotionnelles.html>@fr ;
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Features link"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Lien en vedette"@fr ;
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:domains comp:Feature ;
+ rdfs:range comp:FeatureItem .
+ dct:issued "2017-01-01"^^xsd:date ;
+ rdfs:label "Column layout rendering"@en ;
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:range comp:Feature1Col ;
+ rdfs:range comp:Feature2Col ;
+ rdfs:range comp:Feature3Col .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "One Column"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Two Column"@en .
+ a rfds:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Three Column"@en .
+ rdfs:comment "Not used for gc-initiatives" .
Shapes graphs
+# Shape graph of the Context-specific features component
+@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+@prefix html: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/html/img#> .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:Feature ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path comp:features ;
+ sh:minExclusive 0 ;
+ sh:maxInclusive 3 ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ]
+ )
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path comp:featureCol ;
+ sh:in ( comp:Feature1Col comp:Feature2Col comp:Feature3Col ) ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ sh:defaultValue comp:Feature2Col ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:FeatureItem ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path dct:description ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path html:img-src ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path html:img-alt ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path foaf:page ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ ) .
JSON-LD sample
+ "@context": {
+ "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
+ "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
+ "comp": "http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component"
+ "html": "http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/html/img"
+ },
+ "dct:title": "Government initiatives",
+ "comp:featureCol": "comp:Feature2Col",
+ "comp:features": [
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/feature/link",
+ "dct:title": "[Feature item hyperlink text]",
+ "dct:description": "[Feature item description]",
+ "html:img-src": "[Feature item image URL]",
+ "html:img-alt": "[Feature item image alternative text]"
+ },
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/feature/link/2",
+ "dct:title": "[Feature item hyperlink text 2]",
+ "dct:description": "[Feature item description 2]",
+ "html:img-src": "[Feature item image URL 2]",
+ "html:img-alt": "[Feature item image alternative text 2]"
+ }
+ ]
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-02-24
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ Services and information - Working examples - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Services and information - Working examples
+Example 1: Doormat links in 2 columns pattern
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+<section class="gc-srvinfo">
+ <h2>Services and information</h2>
+ <div class="wb-eqht row">
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Example 2: Doormat links in single column pattern
+ Services and information
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+<section class="gc-srvinfo">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p>
+Example 3: Sequential doormat links in single column pattern
+ Services and information
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+<section class="gc-srvinfo">
+<h2>Services and information</h2>
+ <li><h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p></li>
+ <li><h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p></li>
+ <li><h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.</p></li>
+Example 4: Doormat links in 3 columns grouped with headings pattern
+ Services for Canadians in Canada
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Services for Canadians abroad
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+<section class="gc-srvinfo">
+<h2>Services for Canadians in Canada</h2>
+<div class="wb-eqht row">
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs. </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs. </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs. </p>
+ </div>
+<section class="gc-srvinfo">
+<h2>Services for Canadians abroad</h2>
+<div class="wb-eqht row">
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs. </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs. </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">[Subtopic hyperlink text]</a></h3>
+ <p>Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs. </p>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-01-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-srvinfo.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-srvinfo.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f098b85b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/gc-srvinfo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+ Services and information - Common design pattern - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Services and information - Common design pattern
+ Status
+ Up to spec
+ Type
+ Common design pattern
+ Last review
+ 2019-01-08
+ Conforming to
+ Content and IA spec 1.5.1
+ Specification
+ Common design patterns - Services and information
+ Technical name
+ gc-srvinfo
+Working example
+Evaluation and report
+There is no evaluation and report available for this component
+API (Version 3.0)
+ CSS Class
+ Template
+ Visual rendering
+ Schema
+ Version 1.3
+ Version 3.0
+ Version 1.1
+ Version 1.1
+CSS Class (v1.3)
+ gc-srvinfo
+ Component: Service and information
+ gc-drmt
+ Component: (Deprecated) Doormat link. Defined inside a Service and information component.
+ Version notes
+ Version 1.3
+ Version 1.2 (between v4.0.28.1 and v4.0.27)
+ Version 1.1 (between v4.0.21 and v4.0.26)
+ Version 1.0
+ There were no exclusive CSS class
+Template (v3.0)
+ The heading level are ajusted based on the context of use
+ The following are the official supported/versionned markup
+ Template for each grouping and column rendering
+<section class="gc-srvinfo">
+ <h2>[[comp:SrvInfo dct:title]]</h2>
+ <!-- Two column && ( Subheading || Demand ) [default] -->
+ <div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoCol == comp:SrvInfo2Col &&
+ ( comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSubheading ||
+ comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoDemand )" class="wb-eqht row">
+ <div data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
+ <h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- One column && ( Subheading || Demand ) -->
+ <div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoCol == comp:SrvInfo1Col &&
+ ( comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSubheading ||
+ comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoDemand )" data-for="comp:Doormat in (comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )">
+ <h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Three column && ( Subheading || Demand ) -->
+ <div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoCol == comp:SrvInfo3Col &&
+ ( comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSubheading ||
+ comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoDemand )" class="wb-eqht row">
+ <div data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
+ <h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Sequential (One column only) -->
+ <div data-if="comp:SrvInfo comp:srvInfoGroupAs == comp:SrvInfoSequential">
+ <ol>
+ <li data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )">
+ <h3><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ Previous version
+ v4.0.28.1 to v4.0.27 testCase-v4.0.27
+ Clearfix removed
+ Doormat component explicit name CSS removed
+ More services and information when more than 10 doormat, removed
+ v4.0.26 to v4.0.22 testCase-v4.0.22
+ Separated column layout from section delimited
+ v4.0.21 testCase-v4.0.21
+ Limit default visible result to 10
+ v4.0.20 to v4.0.5 testCase-v4.0.5
+ Initial template
+ <section>
+ <h2>[[comp:SrvInfo dct:title]]</h2>
+ <!-- v4.0.28.1 to v4.0.27
+ * Clearfix removed
+ * Doormat component explicit name CSS removed
+ * More services and information when more than 10 doormat, removed
+ -->
+ <div data-if="testCase-v4.0.27" class="wb-eqht row">
+ <template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <section>
+ <h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ <!-- v4.0.26 to v4.0.22
+ * Separated column layout from section delimited
+ -->
+ <div data-if="testCase-v4.0.22" class="row">
+ <template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
+ <div data-if="IterationIndex <= 10" class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="gc-drmt">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
+ <template data-if="IterationIndex > 10">
+ <details class="mrgn-tp-md brdr-0">
+ <summary class="btn btn-default text-center">Show more services and informations</summary>
+ <div class="row">
+ <template data-for="comp:Doormat in IterationCollection">
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="gc-drmt">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </details>
+ </template>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ <!-- v4.0.21
+ * Limit default visible result to 10
+ -->
+ <div data-if="testCase-v4.0.21" class="wb-eqht row">
+ <template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
+ <section data-if="IterationIndex <= 10" class="col-md-6 gc-drmt">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </section>
+ <div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
+ <template data-if="IterationIndex > 10">
+ <details class="mrgn-tp-md brdr-0">
+ <summary class="btn btn-default text-center">Show more services and informations</summary>
+ <div class="row">
+ <template data-for="comp:Doormat in IterationCollection">
+ <section class="col-md-6 gc-drmt">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </section>
+ <div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </details>
+ </template>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ <!-- v4.0.20 to v4.0.5 -->
+ <div data-if="testCase-v4.0.5" class="row">
+ <template data-for="comp:Doormat in ( comp:SrvInfo comp:doormats )" class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="col-md-6">
+ <h3 class="h5"><a data-bind="(href = comp:Doormat foaf:page)">[[comp:Doormat dct:title]]</a></h3>
+ <p>[[comp:Doormat dct:description]]</p>
+ </section>
+ <div data-if="IterationIndex mod( 2 )" class="clearfix"></div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+Visual rendering (v1.1)
+ Doormat header comp:Doormat dct:title
+ Same style as the heading level 5: Lato, 20px, bold
+ Set the margin top as the same as heading level 5 (h5)
+ Set the margin bottom to be small: 5px
+ Doormat description comp:Doormat dct:description
+ Desktop: Noto sans, 17px, plain text
+ Smaller devices: Noto sans, 19px, plain text
+ Previous version
+ on and prior v4.0.29 (1.0)
+ Doormat header comp:Doormat dct:title
is the same style as the heading level 5
+Schema (v1.1)
+# Schema of the Service and Information component
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
+@prefix wms: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+ dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ wms:componentName "gc-srvinfo" ;
+ rdfs:label "Service and information"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Service et renseignements"@fr ;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/government-communications/canada-content-information-architecture-specification/common-design-patterns.html#services-information>@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <https://www.canada.ca/fr/secretariat-conseil-tresor/services/communications-gouvernementales/specifications-contenu-architecture-information-canada/configurations-conception-communes.html#services-renseignements>@fr;
+ dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Doormat link"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Liens avec description connexe"@fr ;
+ dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:domains comp:SrvInfo ;
+ rdfs:range comp:Doormat .
+ dct:issued "2018-12-28"^^xsd:date ;
+ rdfs:label "Type for this group of doormat links"@en ;
+ rdfs:domains comp:SrvInfo ;
+ rdfs:range comp:SrvInfoDemand ;
+ rdfs:range comp:SrvInfoSequential ;
+ rdfs:range comp:SrvInfoSubheading .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Demand-based"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Demand-based"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Demand-based"@en .
+ dct:issued "2018-12-31"^^xsd:date ;
+ rdfs:label "Column layout rendering"@en ;
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:range comp:SrvInfo1Col ;
+ rdfs:range comp:SrvInfo2Col ;
+ rdfs:range comp:SrvInfo3Col .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "One Column"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Two Column"@en .
+ a rfds:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Three Column"@en
+ rdfs:comment "Used essentially for the home page" .
+Shapes graphs
+# Shape graph of the Service and Information component
+@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:SrvInfo ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path comp:doormats ;
+ sh:minExclusive 0 ;
+ sh:severity sh:Warning ;
+ ]
+ )
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path comp:srvInfoGroupAs ;
+ sh:in ( comp:SrvInfoDemand comp:SrvInfoSequential comp:SrvInfoSubheading ) ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ sh:defaultValue comp:SrvInfoSubheading ;
+ ]
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path comp:srvInfoCol ;
+ sh:in ( comp:SrvInfo1Col comp:SrvInfo2Col comp:SrvInfo3Col ) ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ sh:defaultValue comp:SrvInfo2Col ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass comp:Doormat ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path dct:description ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path foaf:page ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ ) .
+ Previous version
+ on and prior v4.0.29 (1.0)
+ Same as 1.1 without:
+ comp:srvInfoGroupAs
+ comp:SrvInfoDemand
+ comp:SrvInfoSequential
+ comp:SrvInfoSubheading
+ comp:srvInfoCol
+ comp:SrvInfo1Col
+ comp:SrvInfo2Col
+ comp:SrvInfo3Col
+JSON-LD sample
+ "@context": {
+ "foaf": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
+ "dct": "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
+ "comp": "http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component"
+ },
+ "dct:title": "Services et renseignements",
+ "comp:srvInfoGroupAs": "comp:SrvInfoDemand",
+ "comp:srvInfoCol": "comp:SrvInfo2Col",
+ "comp:doormats": [
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/doormat/link",
+ "dct:title": "[Doormat title]",
+ "dct:description": "[Doormat description]"
+ },
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/doormat/link/2",
+ "dct:title": "[Doormat title 2]",
+ "dct:description": "[Doormat description 2]"
+ },
+ {
+ "foaf:page": "https://www.canada.ca/doormat/link/3",
+ "dct:title": "[Doormat title 3]",
+ "dct:description": "[Doormat description 3]"
+ }
+ ]
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-01-08
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/component/list-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/list-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd2c00dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/list-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ List - Additional style - GCWeb theme V5 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ List - Additional style - GCWeb theme V5
+The following style is an addition to list styling availble in WET-BOEW Style Guide and it is exclusive to GCWeb v5 theme
+List double spaced .lst-spcd-2
+ Item
+ Item
+ Item
+ Item
+ Item
+Source code
+<ul class="lst-spcd-2">
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-11-07
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/component/list-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/list-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2f32e2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/list-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ Liste - Style additionel - Thème de GCWeb V5 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Liste - Style additionel - Thème de GCWeb V5
+Le style suivant s'ajoute au style disponible dans le guide de style de la WET-BOEW et il est exclusive au thème de GCWeb V5.
+Liste à double interline .lst-spcd-2
+ Item
+ Item
+ Item
+ Item
+ Item
+Code source
+<ul class="lst-spcd-2">
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ <li>Item</li>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-11-07
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/component/well-header-rwd-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/well-header-rwd-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ab0c2d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/well-header-rwd-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Well header responsive - GCWeb theme - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Well header responsive - GCWeb theme
+Responsive well header section it to support use case for promotional page header or panel section header.
+Readjust the width of the well header based on the view port. The following is the container size
+ Large and over:
+ 50%
+ Small and over:
+ 75%
+ Default:
+ 100%
+ .header-rwd
+ Represent the header responsive container area. It must be accompagnied by the CSS class .well
+There is some additional example by using some provisional feature
+In a section.panel
Panel content
Second paragraph of a panel content
+<section class="panel panel-primary">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <div class="well header-rwd text-primary">
+ <h4 class="brdr-bttm">Heading</h4>
+ <p>Secondary title</p>
+ </div>
+ </header>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Panel content</p>
+ <p>Second paragraph of a panel content</p>
+ </div>
+Over an image
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-xs-12">
+ <div>
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="../demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg" alt="">
+ <div class="well header-rwd pstn-tp-sm mrgn-tp-lg mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h4 class="mrgn-tp-md">Heading</h4>
+ <p>Secondary title</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-05-09
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe3dbcd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/component/well-header-rwd-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Entête well responsive - Thème de GCWeb - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Entête well responsive - Thème de GCWeb
+L'entête well responsive supporte des cas d'utilisateur pour les page promotionelles et les paneaux avec entête.
+La largeur de l'entête responsive est ajusté en fonction de l'écran. Voici les largeurs programmées:
+ Large et plus grand:
+ 50%
+ Petit et plus grand:
+ 75%
+ Défaut:
+ 100%
+ .header-rwd
+ Représente le conteneur de l'entête responsive. Il doit être accompagné de la classe CSS .well
+Il existe quelques example additionelle avec les fonctionalités expérimentaux..
+Dans un section.panel
Contenu de panneau
Second paragraph de contenu de panneau
+<section class="panel panel-primary">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <div class="well header-rwd text-primary">
+ <h4 class="brdr-bttm">Entête</h4>
+ <p>Titre secondaire</p>
+ </div>
+ </header>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Contenu de panneau</p>
+ <p>Second paragraph de contenu de panneau</p>
+ </div>
+Dessus une image
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-xs-12">
+ <div>
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="../demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg" alt="">
+ <div class="well header-rwd pstn-tp-sm mrgn-tp-lg mrgn-bttm-md">
+ <h4 class="mrgn-tp-md">Entête</h4>
+ <p>Titre secondaire</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-05-09
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/components-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/components-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eda3b27fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/components-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+ Components page - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Components page
+Generic destination pages share many characteristics. For example, they are often long-form documents requiring structure to facilitate usability and readability. In many cases, they include images, charts, graphs or tables. Following are patterns aimed at increasing the usability and consistency of destination pages of various types.
+ Table of contents
+ Download link
+ Download links are used for referencing and linking to non-HTML files on Canada.ca web pages.
+ In-page table of contents
+ The In-Page Table of Contents Pattern is a list of links that lead to subsections of the same page. This pattern is intended for long documents that exist as a single page.
+ On this page
+ [First section heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam delectus iusto repellat assumenda nobis, modi accusamus, rerum praesentium ad dignissimos ipsam? Facilis repellat, quibusdam qui? Et dolore ipsa ut repellendus.
+ [Second section heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam delectus iusto repellat assumenda nobis, modi accusamus, rerum praesentium ad dignissimos ipsam? Facilis repellat, quibusdam qui? Et dolore ipsa ut repellendus.
+ [Third section heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam delectus iusto repellat assumenda nobis, modi accusamus, rerum praesentium ad dignissimos ipsam? Facilis repellat, quibusdam qui? Et dolore ipsa ut repellendus.
+ Portfolio ministers
+Provides access to the profiles of all portfolio ministers under the institution’s portfolio
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-02-24
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/components-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/components-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ce92de75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/components-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ Page de composantes - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Page de composantes
+Les pages de destination génériques ont plusieurs caractéristiques en commun. Par exemple, elles consistent souvent en de longs documents nécessitant une structure afin qu’ils soient faciles à utiliser et à lire. Dans bien des cas, elles comprennent des images, des graphiques ou des tableaux. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une description des configurations visant à accroître la convivialité et l’uniformité des pages de destination de différents types.
+ Table des matières
+ Lien de téléchargement
+ Les liens de téléchargement servent à renvoyer ou à lier à des fichiers de format autre que HTML sur les pages Web de Canada.ca.
+ Table des matières à l’intérieur de la page
+ La configuration relative à la table des matières à l’intérieur de la page consiste en une liste de liens dirigeant vers des sous-sections de la même page. Cette configuration est utilisée pour les longs documents présentés sur une seule page.
+ Sur cette page
+ [Première titre de section]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam delectus iusto repellat assumenda nobis, modi accusamus, rerum praesentium ad dignissimos ipsam? Facilis repellat, quibusdam qui? Et dolore ipsa ut repellendus.
+ [Deuxième titre de section]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam delectus iusto repellat assumenda nobis, modi accusamus, rerum praesentium ad dignissimos ipsam? Facilis repellat, quibusdam qui? Et dolore ipsa ut repellendus.
+ [Troisième titre de section]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam delectus iusto repellat assumenda nobis, modi accusamus, rerum praesentium ad dignissimos ipsam? Facilis repellat, quibusdam qui? Et dolore ipsa ut repellendus.
+ Ministres du portefeuille
+Donne accès à un profil de plus grande visibilité des ministres détenant un portefeuille au sein de l’institution
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-02-24
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23474cc30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ Content page - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Content page
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+Section with limited width content
+Add the CSS class name .cnt-wdth-lmtd
to a sectioning element <section class="cnt-wdth-lmtd">...<section>
inside the main content of your page. More guidance are provided in the Content and IA specification.
+ Section example with limited width content
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+Call to action button
+Add the CSS class name .btn-call-to-action
to a your button or link that define the main call for action for a page. For example the initiation button/link in a service initiation pages. More guidance are provided in the Content and IA specification.
[Call to action]
<p><a class="btn btn-call-to-action " href="#">[Call to action]</a></p>
[Call to action]
<button class="btn btn-call-to-action " type="button">[Call to action]</button>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-09-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43cce0400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ Page de contenu - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Page de contenu
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+Section avec une largeur de contenu limitée
+Ajouter la classe CSS .cnt-wdth-lmtd
à l'élément de section <section class="cnt-wdth-lmtd">...<section>
à l'intérieur du contenu principal de votre page. De plus amples renseignements sont disponibles dans la spécification du contenu et de l'architecture de l'information pour Canada.ca.
+ Exemple de section avec une largeur de contenu limitée
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+Bouton d'appel à l'action
+Ajouter la classe CSS .btn-call-to-action
à votre bouton ou lien qui definie l'appel à l'action principal de la page. Par example le bouton ou le lien de lancement d'une page de lancements d'un service. De plus amples renseignements sont disponibles dans la spécification du contenu et de l'architecture de l'information pour Canada.ca.
[Appel à l'action]
<p><a class="btn btn-call-to-action " href="#">[Appel à l'action]</a></p>
[Appel à l'action]
<button class="btn btn-call-to-action " type="button">[Appel à l'action]</button>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-09-29
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-gcweb-4-0-29-font-style-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-gcweb-4-0-29-font-style-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..518d91974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-gcweb-4-0-29-font-style-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ Content page - GCWeb 4.0.29 font style - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Content page - GCWeb 4.0.29 font style
+From [Institution name]
+This is a temporary style to assist implementer with some of their page design where the visual was thighly optimized for desktop first. The following capability would be remove in a future version of GCWeb.
+Add the CSS class name .force-style-gcweb-4-0-29
to the <body>
of your page or any container that you need to use the font size that was set for GCWeb 4.0.29.
+Applying that CSS class would reset for phrasing content and headings the following:
+ Font size
+ Line height
+ Font familly
+More guidance on how to implements this style is available here: Temporary avoiding the visual difference
+<div class="force-style-gcweb-4-0-29">
+ ...
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-11-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-gcweb-4-0-29-font-style-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-gcweb-4-0-29-font-style-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f41465ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-gcweb-4-0-29-font-style-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ Page de contenu - Police de caractère de GCWeb 4.0.29 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Page de contenu - Police de caractère de GCWeb 4.0.29
+De [nom de l’institution]
+Ceci est un style temporaire afin d'assister l'implémentation du nouveau style pour certaine page d'où leur conception a étroitement optimisé pour un visionnement primaire sur un bureau. Cette fonctionalité sera retiré de GCWeb dans une version future.
+Ajouter la classe CSS .force-style-gcweb-4-0-29
à l'élément <body>
de votre page ou à tout autre récipient dont vous devez utiliser une grosseur de police tel qu'il était définie par la version 4.0.29 de GCWeb.
+L'application de cette class CSS va réinitialisé les paramètres suivant pour le texte et les titres:
+ La grosseur de la police de caractère
+ La hauteur de ligne
+ La famille de la police de caractère
+Des instruction additionel sur l'application de ce style temporaire est disonible en anglais ici: Temporary avoiding the visual difference
+<div class="force-style-gcweb-4-0-29">
+ ...
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-09-29
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-limit-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-limit-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52bcec1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-limit-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ Content page - Limited width content - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Content page - Limited width content
+From [Institution name]
+Add the CSS class name .cnt-wdth-lmtd
to the <body>
of your page.
+Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
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+Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
+Example long title. Example long title. Example long title. Example long title.
+Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
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+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Example of definition
+ Example of definition description. Example of definition description. Example of definition description. Example of definition description. Example of definition description. Example of definition description.
+ Example of definition
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+Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-09-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-limit-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-limit-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddff94ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-limit-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ Page de contenu - Largeur de contenu limitée - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Page de contenu - Largeur de contenu limitée
+De [nom de l’institution]
+Ajouter la classe CSS .cnt-wdth-lmtd
à l'élément <body>
de votre page.
+Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
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+ Exemple de définition
+ Exemple de description d'une définition. Exemple de description d'une définition. Exemple de description d'une définition. Exemple de description d'une définition. Exemple de description d'une définition.
+ Exemple de définition
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+Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-09-29
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedoff-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedoff-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af8b4666b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedoff-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ Content page - Signed Off - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sign-on information
+ Register
+ Sign in
+ Content page - Signed Off
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-03-09
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedoff-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedoff-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86352ee7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedoff-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ Page de contenu - Session Fermée - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Information de l'utilisateur actuel
+ Inscription
+ Ouvrir une session
+ Page de contenu - Session Fermée
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-03-09
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedon-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedon-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7c78b4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedon-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Content page - Signed On - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sign-on information
+ Signed in as John Doe
+ Account settings
+ Sign out
+ Content page - Signed On
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-03-09
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedon-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedon-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3d45474b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/content-signedon-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Page de contenu - Session Ouverte - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Information de l'utilisateur actuel
+ Connecté en tant que John Doe
+ Paramètres du compte
+ Fermer la session
+ Page de contenu - Session Ouverte
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-03-09
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/arb-rra/arb-rra-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/arb-rra/arb-rra-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0de3e9bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/arb-rra/arb-rra-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1323 @@
+ Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0)
+The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 offer sixty one (61) success criteria incorporating best practices for promoting content accessibility for persons with disabilities. These success criteria affect all phases of a Web site project. The responsibilities associated with them must be assigned to the various individuals involved to ensure the success of the content accessibility project. This is especially true in the context of conformance obligations if such obligations are in place in your organization.
+ Distribution by Web function
+ All of the WCAG 2.0 success criteria can be found under the twelve (12) accessibility guidelines. They have been allocated to the nine (9) generally accepted links in a Web page production chain. These traditional links are:
+ Project management
For the purposes of this distribution, the project management function includes the tasks normally associated with production planning and the various related monitoring activities.
In an accessibility context, the project manager’s responsibilities consist of ensuring optimization of the production chain by:
+ Integrating the transversality concept
+ Planning accessibility at each step
+ Allocation of accessibility responsibilities
+ Ensuring the technical and functional criteria
+ Distinguishing between accessibility and conformance
+ Being aware of the limitations of the tools
+ Assessing the impact of technology platforms
For more information on the factors to consider to achieve the accessibility objectives from the project leader’s perspective, consult the article "Planning accessibility ".
+ Analysis: 9 success criteria
For the purpose of this distribution, the analysis function covers the tasks normally associated with analysis of the project’s strategic orientations, analysis of the options for technology platforms, or functional analysis of Web interfaces.
+ Architecture: 9 success criteria
For the purposes of this distribution, the architecture function covers the tasks normally associated with the architecture of the information (Web content) and the architecture of the data.
+ Interaction design: 36 success criteria
For the purpose of this distribution, the interaction design function covers the tasks normally associated with the scripting of web interfaces, planning content changes, interactivity and content other than the main content of the pages.
+ Level
+ Criteria
+ Detail
+ A
+ 15
+ Success Criterion 1.3.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.1 , Success Criterion 1.4.2 , Success Criterion 2.1.1 , Success Criterion 2.1.2 , Success Criterion 2.2.1 , Success Criterion 2.2.2 , Success Criterion 2.3.1 , Success Criterion 2.4.4 , Success Criterion 3.2.1 , Success Criterion 3.2.2 , Success Criterion 3.3.1 , Success Criterion 3.3.2 and Success Criterion 4.1.2 .
+ AA
+ 7
+ Success Criterion 1.4.4 , Success Criterion 2.4.5 , Success Criterion 2.4.6 , Success Criterion 3.2.3 , Success Criterion 3.2.4 , Success Criterion 3.3.3 and Success Criterion 3.3.4 .
+ 14
+ Success Criterion 1.4.7 , Success Criterion 1.4.8 , Success Criterion 2.1.3 , Success Criterion 2.2.3 , Success Criterion 2.2.4 , Success Criterion 2.2.5 , Success Criterion 2.3.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.8 , Success Criterion 2.4.9 , Success Criterion 3.1.3 , Success Criterion 3.1.5 , Success Criterion 3.2.5 , Success Criterion 3.3.5 and Success Criterion 3.3.6 .
+ Graphic design: 32 success criteria
For the purposes of this distribution, the graphic design function covers the tasks normally associated with the graphic design of interfaces, the related graphic declinations, the specific design of navigation elements, changes in context and content other than the main content of the pages.
+ Level
+ Criteria
+ Detail
+ A
+ 12
+ Success Criterion 1.3.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.1 , Success Criterion 1.4.2 , Success Criterion 2.1.1 , Success Criterion 2.1.2 , Success Criterion 2.2.2 , Success Criterion 2.3.1 , Success Criterion 2.4.1 , Success Criterion 3.2.1 , Success Criterion 3.3.1 and Success Criterion 3.3.2 .
+ AA
+ 9
+ Success Criterion 1.4.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.4 , Success Criterion 1.4.5 , Success Criterion 2.4.5 , Success Criterion 2.4.6 , Success Criterion 2.4.7 , Success Criterion 3.2.3 , Success Criterion 3.2.4 and Success Criterion 3.3.3 .
+ 11
+ Success Criterion 1.4.6 , Success Criterion 1.4.7 , Success Criterion 1.4.8 , Success Criterion 1.4.9 , Success Criterion 2.2.3 , Success Criterion 2.2.4 , Success Criterion 2.3.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.8 , Success Criterion 3.2.5 , Success Criterion 3.3.5 and Success Criterion 3.3.6 .
+ Prototyping: 25 success criteria
For the purposes of this distribution, the prototyping function covers the tasks normally associated with the production of Web site templates (HTML and CSS).
+ Level
+ Criteria
+ Detail
+ A
+ 12
+ Success Criterion 1.1.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.2 , Success Criterion 2.1.1 , Success Criterion 2.1.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.1 , Success Criterion 2.4.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.3 , Success Criterion 3.1.1 , Success Criterion 3.3.2 , Success Criterion 4.1.1 and Success Criterion 4.1.2 .
+ AA
+ 7
+ Success Criterion 1.4.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.4 , Success Criterion 1.4.5 , Success Criterion 2.4.5 , Success Criterion 2.4.6 , Success Criterion 2.4.7 and Success Criterion 3.2.4 .
+ 6
+ Success Criterion 1.4.6 , Success Criterion 2.1.3 , Success Criterion 2.4.8 , Success Criterion 2.4.10 , Success Criterion 3.1.3 and Success Criterion 3.2.5 .
+ Editing: 21 success criteria
For the purposes of this distribution, the editing function covers the tasks normally associated with producing the site’s text content, equivalent alternative content, and content other than the main content of the pages.
+ Level
+ Criteria
+ Detail
+ A
+ 11
+ Success Criterion 1.1.1 , Success Criterion 1.2.1 , Success Criterion 1.2.2 , Success Criterion 1.2.3 , Success Criterion 1.3.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.3 , Success Criterion 2.1.1 , Success Criterion 2.1.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.4 and Success Criterion 3.3.1 .
+ AA
+ 3
+ Success Criterion 1.2.5 , Success Criterion 2.4.6 and Success Criterion 3.1.2 .
+ 7
+ Success Criterion 1.2.7 , Success Criterion 1.2.8 , Success Criterion 2.4.9 , Success Criterion 3.1.3 , Success Criterion 3.1.4 , Success Criterion 3.1.5 and Success Criterion 3.1.6 .
+ Development: 59 success criteria
For the purposes of this distribution, the development function covers the tasks normally associated with the development of contribution tools, HTML and CSS integration, and the programming of proposed scripts and applications on the Web site.
+ Level
+ Criteria
+ Detail
+ A
+ 24
+ Success Criterion 1.1.1 , Success Criterion 1.2.1 , Success Criterion 1.2.2 , Success Criterion 1.2.3 , Success Criterion 1.2.4 , Success Criterion 1.2.5 , Success Criterion 1.2.6 , Success Criterion 1.2.7 , Success Criterion 1.2.8 , Success Criterion 1.2.9 , Success Criterion 1.3.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.2 , Success Criterion 1.3.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.2 , Success Criterion 1.4.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.4 , Success Criterion 1.4.5 , Success Criterion 1.4.6 , Success Criterion 1.4.7 , Success Criterion 1.4.8 , Success Criterion 1.4.9 , Success Criterion 2.1.1 , Success Criterion 2.1.2 and Success Criterion 2.1.3 .
+ AA
+ 13
+ Success Criterion 2.2.1 , Success Criterion 2.2.2 , Success Criterion 2.2.3 , Success Criterion 2.2.4 , Success Criterion 2.2.5 , Success Criterion 2.3.1 , Success Criterion 2.3.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.1 , Success Criterion 2.4.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.3 , Success Criterion 2.4.4 , Success Criterion 2.4.5 and Success Criterion 2.4.6 .
+ 22
+ Success Criterion 2.4.7 , Success Criterion 2.4.8 , Success Criterion 2.4.9 , Success Criterion 2.4.10 , Success Criterion 3.1.1 , Success Criterion 3.1.2 , Success Criterion 3.1.3 , Success Criterion 3.1.4 , Success Criterion 3.1.6 , Success Criterion 3.2.1 , Success Criterion 3.2.2 , Success Criterion 3.2.3 , Success Criterion 3.2.4 , Success Criterion 3.2.5 , Success Criterion 3.3.1 , Success Criterion 3.3.2 , Success Criterion 3.3.3 , Success Criterion 3.3.4 , Success Criterion 3.3.5 , Success Criterion 3.3.6 , Success Criterion 4.1.1 and Success Criterion 4.1.2 .
+ Quality control: 61 success criteria
For the purpose of this distribution, the quality control function covers the tasks normally associated with verifications at the end of the project.
+ Level
+ Criteria
+ Detail
+ A
+ 25
+ Success Criterion 1.1.1 , Success Criterion 1.2.1 , Success Criterion 1.2.2 , Success Criterion 1.2.3 , Success Criterion 1.2.4 , Success Criterion 1.2.5 , Success Criterion 1.2.6 , Success Criterion 1.2.7 , Success Criterion 1.2.8 , Success Criterion 1.2.9 , Success Criterion 1.3.1 , Success Criterion 1.3.2 , Success Criterion 1.3.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.1 , Success Criterion 1.4.2 , Success Criterion 1.4.3 , Success Criterion 1.4.4 , Success Criterion 1.4.5 , Success Criterion 1.4.6 , Success Criterion 1.4.7 , Success Criterion 1.4.8 , Success Criterion 1.4.9 , Success Criterion 2.1.1 , Success Criterion 2.1.2 and Success Criterion 2.1.3 .
+ AA
+ 13
+ Success Criterion 2.2.1 , Success Criterion 2.2.2 , Success Criterion 2.2.3 , Success Criterion 2.2.4 , Success Criterion 2.2.5 , Success Criterion 2.3.1 , Success Criterion 2.3.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.1 , Success Criterion 2.4.2 , Success Criterion 2.4.3 , Success Criterion 2.4.4 , Success Criterion 2.4.5 and Success Criterion 2.4.6 .
+ 23
+ Success Criterion 2.4.7 , Success Criterion 2.4.8 , Success Criterion 2.4.9 , Success Criterion 2.4.10 , Success Criterion 3.1.1 , Success Criterion 3.1.2 , Success Criterion 3.1.3 , Success Criterion 3.1.4 , Success Criterion 3.1.5 , Success Criterion 3.1.6 , Success Criterion 3.2.1 , Success Criterion 3.2.2 , Success Criterion 3.2.3 , Success Criterion 3.2.4 , Success Criterion 3.2.5 , Success Criterion 3.3.1 , Success Criterion 3.3.2 , Success Criterion 3.3.3 , Success Criterion 3.3.4 , Success Criterion 3.3.5 , Success Criterion 3.3.6 , Success Criterion 4.1.1 and Success Criterion 4.1.2 .
Summary table of WCAG 2.0 distribution across production chain phase
+ Success criteria
+ Level
+ Analysis
+ Architecture
+ Interaction design
+ Graphic design
+ Prototyping
+ Editing
+ Development
+ Quality control
+ 1.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.3
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.4
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.5
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.6
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.7
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.8
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.9
+ X
+ X
+ 1.3.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.3.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.3.3
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.3
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.4
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.5
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.6
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.7
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.8
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.9
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.1.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.1.3
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.3
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.4
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.5
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.3.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.3.2
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.3
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.4
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.5
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.6
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.7
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.8
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.9
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.10
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.2
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.3
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.4
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.5
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.6
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.2.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.2.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.2.3
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.2.4
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.2.5
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.3.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.3.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.3.3
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.3.4
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.3.5
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.3.6
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 4.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 4.1.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+Note: This breakdown offers a vision that may not correspond exactly to the reality of your own production chain and therefore you should adapt it as required.
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-04-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/arb-rra/arb-rra-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/arb-rra/arb-rra-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..477f80d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/arb-rra/arb-rra-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@
+ Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité (WCAG 2.0) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité (WCAG 2.0)
+Les Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 présentent soixante et un (61) critères de succès qui incarnent autant de bonnes pratiques visant à favoriser la mise en accessibilité des contenus pour les personnes handicapées. Ces critères de succès ont des impacts sur toutes les étapes d’un projet de site Web. Les responsabilités qui en découlent doivent donc être réparties à travers les différents intervenants concernés afin d’assurer le succès de la démarche de mise en accessibilité des contenus. C’est doublement vrai dans des contextes d’obligations de conformité, si de telles obligations sont en vigueur sur votre territoire.
+ Répartition par fonctions du Web
+ L’ensemble de ces critères de succès de WCAG 2.0 sont regroupés sous douze (12) directives d’accessibilité. Ils ont été répartis entre les neuf (9) différents maillons habituellement reconnus d’une chaîne de production Web. Ces maillons traditionnels sont :
+ Gestion de projet
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de gestion de projets regroupe les tâches habituellement associées à la planification de la production et aux divers suivis associés.
Dans un contexte d’accessibilité, les responsabilités d’un chargé de projet consistent à veiller à l’optimisation de la chaîne de production en :
+ Intégrer la notion de transversalité
+ Planifier l’accessibilité à chaque étape
+ Répartir les responsabilités de l’accessibilité
+ Voir aux critères techniques et fonctionnels
+ Distinguer mise en accessibilité et conformité
+ Prendre conscience des limites des outils
+ Évaluer l’impact des plateformes technologiques
Pour plus de détails sur les facteurs à considérer pour atteindre les objectifs d’accessibilité du point de vue d’un chargé de projets, consulter l’article « Planifier l’accessibilité ».
+ Analyse : 9 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction d’analyse regroupe les tâches habituellement associées à l’analyse des orientations stratégiques du projet, d’analyse des choix de plateformes technologiques ou d’analyse fonctionnelle des interfaces Web.
+ Architecture : 9 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction d’architecture regroupe les tâches habituellement associées à l’architecture de l’information (des contenus Web) et l’architecture des données.
+ Conception d'interaction : 36 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de conception d'interaction regroupe les tâches habituellement associées à la scénarisation des interfaces Web, la planification des changements de contexte, de l’interactivité et des contenus autres que le contenu principal des pages.
+ Niveau
+ Critères
+ Détail
+ A
+ 15
+ Critère de succès 1.3.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.1 , Critère de succès 1.4.2 , Critère de succès 2.1.1 , Critère de succès 2.1.2 , Critère de succès 2.2.1 , Critère de succès 2.2.2 , Critère de succès 2.3.1 , Critère de succès 2.4.4 , Critère de succès 3.2.1 , Critère de succès 3.2.2 , Critère de succès 3.3.1 , Critère de succès 3.3.2 et Critère de succès 4.1.2 .
+ AA
+ 7
+ Critère de succès 1.4.4 , Critère de succès 2.4.5 , Critère de succès 2.4.6 , Critère de succès 3.2.3 , Critère de succès 3.2.4 , Critère de succès 3.3.3 et Critère de succès 3.3.4 .
+ 14
+ Critère de succès 1.4.7 , Critère de succès 1.4.8 , Critère de succès 2.1.3 , Critère de succès 2.2.3 , Critère de succès 2.2.4 , Critère de succès 2.2.5 , Critère de succès 2.3.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.8 , Critère de succès 2.4.9 , Critère de succès 3.1.3 , Critère de succès 3.1.5 , Critère de succès 3.2.5 , Critère de succès 3.3.5 et Critère de succès 3.3.6 .
+ Graphisme : 32 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de graphisme regroupe les tâches habituellement associées au design graphique des interfaces, aux déclinaisons graphiques qui en découlent, au design spécifique des éléments de navigation, des changements de contexte et des contenus autres que le contenu principal des pages.
+ Niveau
+ Critères
+ Détail
+ A
+ 12
+ Critère de succès 1.3.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.1 , Critère de succès 1.4.2 , Critère de succès 2.1.1 , Critère de succès 2.1.2 , Critère de succès 2.2.2 , Critère de succès 2.3.1 , Critère de succès 2.4.1 , Critère de succès 3.2.1 , Critère de succès 3.3.1 et Critère de succès 3.3.2 .
+ AA
+ 9
+ Critère de succès 1.4.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.4 , Critère de succès 1.4.5 , Critère de succès 2.4.5 , Critère de succès 2.4.6 , Critère de succès 2.4.7 , Critère de succès 3.2.3 , Critère de succès 3.2.4 et Critère de succès 3.3.3 .
+ 11
+ Critère de succès 1.4.6 , Critère de succès 1.4.7 , Critère de succès 1.4.8 , Critère de succès 1.4.9 , Critère de succès 2.2.3 , Critère de succès 2.2.4 , Critère de succès 2.3.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.8 , Critère de succès 3.2.5 , Critère de succès 3.3.5 et Critère de succès 3.3.6 .
+ Prototypage : 25 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de prototypage regroupe les tâches habituellement associées à la production des gabarits (HTML et CSS) d’un site Web.
+ Niveau
+ Critères
+ Détail
+ A
+ 12
+ Critère de succès 1.1.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.2 , Critère de succès 2.1.1 , Critère de succès 2.1.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.1 , Critère de succès 2.4.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.3 , Critère de succès 3.1.1 , Critère de succès 3.3.2 , Critère de succès 4.1.1 et Critère de succès 4.1.2 .
+ AA
+ 7
+ Critère de succès 1.4.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.4 , Critère de succès 1.4.5 , Critère de succès 2.4.5 , Critère de succès 2.4.6 , Critère de succès 2.4.7 et Critère de succès 3.2.4 .
+ 6
+ Critère de succès 1.4.6 , Critère de succès 2.1.3 , Critère de succès 2.4.8 , Critère de succès 2.4.10 , Critère de succès 3.1.3 et Critère de succès 3.2.5 .
+ Rédaction : 21 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de rédaction regroupe les tâches habituellement associées à production des contenus textuels du site, des contenus équivalents de remplacement et des contenus autres que le contenu principal des pages.
+ Niveau
+ Critères
+ Détail
+ A
+ 11
+ Critère de succès 1.1.1 , Critère de succès 1.2.1 , Critère de succès 1.2.2 , Critère de succès 1.2.3 , Critère de succès 1.3.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.3 , Critère de succès 2.1.1 , Critère de succès 2.1.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.4 et Critère de succès 3.3.1 .
+ AA
+ 3
+ Critère de succès 1.2.5 , Critère de succès 2.4.6 et Critère de succès 3.1.2 .
+ 7
+ Critère de succès 1.2.7 , Critère de succès 1.2.8 , Critère de succès 2.4.9 , Critère de succès 3.1.3 , Critère de succès 3.1.4 , Critère de succès 3.1.5 et Critère de succès 3.1.6 .
+ Développement : 59 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de développement regroupe les tâches habituellement associées au développement des outils de contribution, à l’intégration HTML et CSS et à la programmation des scripts et des applications proposées sur le site Web.
+ Niveau
+ Critères
+ Détail
+ A
+ 24
+ Critère de succès 1.1.1 , Critère de succès 1.2.1 , Critère de succès 1.2.2 , Critère de succès 1.2.3 , Critère de succès 1.2.4 , Critère de succès 1.2.5 , Critère de succès 1.2.6 , Critère de succès 1.2.7 , Critère de succès 1.2.8 , Critère de succès 1.2.9 , Critère de succès 1.3.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.2 , Critère de succès 1.3.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.2 , Critère de succès 1.4.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.4 , Critère de succès 1.4.5 , Critère de succès 1.4.6 , Critère de succès 1.4.7 , Critère de succès 1.4.8 , Critère de succès 1.4.9 , Critère de succès 2.1.1 , Critère de succès 2.1.2 et Critère de succès 2.1.3 .
+ AA
+ 13
+ Critère de succès 2.2.1 , Critère de succès 2.2.2 , Critère de succès 2.2.3 , Critère de succès 2.2.4 , Critère de succès 2.2.5 , Critère de succès 2.3.1 , Critère de succès 2.3.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.1 , Critère de succès 2.4.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.3 , Critère de succès 2.4.4 , Critère de succès 2.4.5 et Critère de succès 2.4.6 .
+ 22
+ Critère de succès 2.4.7 , Critère de succès 2.4.8 , Critère de succès 2.4.9 , Critère de succès 2.4.10 , Critère de succès 3.1.1 , Critère de succès 3.1.2 , Critère de succès 3.1.3 , Critère de succès 3.1.4 , Critère de succès 3.1.6 , Critère de succès 3.2.1 , Critère de succès 3.2.2 , Critère de succès 3.2.3 , Critère de succès 3.2.4 , Critère de succès 3.2.5 , Critère de succès 3.3.1 , Critère de succès 3.3.2 , Critère de succès 3.3.3 , Critère de succès 3.3.4 , Critère de succès 3.3.5 , Critère de succès 3.3.6 , Critère de succès 4.1.1 et Critère de succès 4.1.2 .
+ Contrôle qualité : 61 critères de succès
Pour les fins de cette répartition, la fonction de contrôle qualité regroupe les tâches habituellement associées aux validations ayant cours en fin de projet.
+ Niveau
+ Critères
+ Détail
+ A
+ 25
+ Critère de succès 1.1.1 , Critère de succès 1.2.1 , Critère de succès 1.2.2 , Critère de succès 1.2.3 , Critère de succès 1.2.4 , Critère de succès 1.2.5 , Critère de succès 1.2.6 , Critère de succès 1.2.7 , Critère de succès 1.2.8 , Critère de succès 1.2.9 , Critère de succès 1.3.1 , Critère de succès 1.3.2 , Critère de succès 1.3.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.1 , Critère de succès 1.4.2 , Critère de succès 1.4.3 , Critère de succès 1.4.4 , Critère de succès 1.4.5 , Critère de succès 1.4.6 , Critère de succès 1.4.7 , Critère de succès 1.4.8 , Critère de succès 1.4.9 , Critère de succès 2.1.1 , Critère de succès 2.1.2 et Critère de succès 2.1.3 .
+ AA
+ 13
+ Critère de succès 2.2.1 , Critère de succès 2.2.2 , Critère de succès 2.2.3 , Critère de succès 2.2.4 , Critère de succès 2.2.5 , Critère de succès 2.3.1 , Critère de succès 2.3.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.1 , Critère de succès 2.4.2 , Critère de succès 2.4.3 , Critère de succès 2.4.4 , Critère de succès 2.4.5 et Critère de succès 2.4.6 .
+ 23
+ Critère de succès 2.4.7 , Critère de succès 2.4.8 , Critère de succès 2.4.9 , Critère de succès 2.4.10 , Critère de succès 3.1.1 , Critère de succès 3.1.2 , Critère de succès 3.1.3 , Critère de succès 3.1.4 , Critère de succès 3.1.5 , Critère de succès 3.1.6 , Critère de succès 3.2.1 , Critère de succès 3.2.2 , Critère de succès 3.2.3 , Critère de succès 3.2.4 , Critère de succès 3.2.5 , Critère de succès 3.3.1 , Critère de succès 3.3.2 , Critère de succès 3.3.3 , Critère de succès 3.3.4 , Critère de succès 3.3.5 , Critère de succès 3.3.6 , Critère de succès 4.1.1 et Critère de succès 4.1.2 .
Tableau synthèse de la répartition WCAG 2.0
+ Critère de succès
+ Niveau
+ Analyse
+ Architecture
+ Conception d'interaction
+ Graphisme
+ Prototypage
+ Rédaction
+ Développement
+ Contrôle Qualité
+ 1.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.3
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.4
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.5
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.6
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.7
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.8
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.2.9
+ X
+ X
+ 1.3.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.3.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.3.3
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.3
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.4
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.5
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.6
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.7
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.8
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 1.4.9
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.1.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.1.3
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.3
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.4
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.2.5
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.3.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.3.2
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.2
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.3
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.4
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.5
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.6
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.7
+ AA
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.8
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.9
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 2.4.10
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.1
+ A
+ X
+ X
+ X
+ 3.1.2
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+ Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0) - Canada.ca
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+ Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0)
+Accessibility is not simply an extra link that can be added to the Web production chain. It must be incorporated in each existing link of that chain. The only way to successfully accomplish accessibility is to assign responsibility and share the tasks in order to produce accessible content.
+ Changing habits
+ Accessibility standards for persons with disabilities and aging populations require changing many habits within organizations seeking to incorporate those standards in their Web development practices. The requirements of these standards challenge practices often considered appropriate, proven and optimal. The willingness to make these new quality concerns part of a production team’s requirements results in sudden changes, which may destabilize the profitability of Web site production.
+ Although the principles applied in accessibility practice are not difficult to implement, the risk of making certain mistakes is high. The purpose of this article is to identify the mistakes that organizations are most likely to make. Needless to say, this is not an exhaustive list; for the purpose of this article, we have chosen only those pitfalls most frequently identified in our practice.
+ Inextricably linked to each other, these errors often trigger a series of unacceptable consequences for the accessibility potential of Web projects.
+ We will attempt to analyse the nature and cause of the problem for each of the pitfalls identified. We will then offer some advice for quickly integrating prevention mechanisms to avoid them.
+ Some frequent pitfalls
+ Considering accessibility a final step in the process and ignoring the transversality of accessibility practice
+ The first mistake that many managers and project leaders make in planning the various phases of a Web project is to view accessibility as an extra link added at the end of the Web production chain.
+ In this incorrect approach, accessibility is seen as an additional verification step to be included in the project’s quality control phase, just before putting the product online. The checklist provided with the accessibility standards certainly does not dissuade this approach.
+ When accessibility is applied at the end of the process, accessibility experts find too often that certain decisions have undermined the project’s accessibility potential. We offer the following situations as examples:
+ Navigation systems on a Web site are entirely mouse dependent and thus inaccessible to anyone navigating by the keyboard;
+ Technology choices that are naturally incompatible with adaptive computer technologies or operated in a manner that is incompatible with them;
+ Content placed online in downloadable formats rather than in HTML and which cannot be interpreted by screen readers;
+ Developers fail to provide for text alternatives to non-text content even though the editor, or the organization, was prepared to provide for such alternatives and to devote the necessary effort to them;
+ Graphic art work with inadequate colour contrasts and this visual signature is already plastered all over the city and the Web.
+ As a result of these choices, the organization is often confronted with the reality that it is too late to do things properly, either because budgets or timelines make it impossible to go back, or because the technology choices restrict the ability of a team to produce accessible content. Simply asking the right questions at the right time can avoid failures in the vast majority of cases.
+ Unlike the “traditional” dimensions of the Web, such as design, analysis, ergonomics, user friendliness, editing, integration and even programming, accessibility is not a separate, additional step. It must be an integral part of each link in a Web production chain so that each intervention can be planned at the appropriate time. It requires transverse integration.
+ Certain choices made at the beginning and in the middle of the process make it easier to ensure accessibility or, contrarily, create barriers. Transverse integration of accessibility avoids important oversights, particularly when making technical or strategic choices; such oversights may result in delays and costly additional effort to correct the situation, if it can be corrected at all. Obviously, it is always better to prevent than to fix.
+ Managers and project leaders must recognize the transversality of accessibility. They will then understand the need to determine which links in the Web production chain must be assigned which responsibilities and tasks associated with the requirements set out in the standards.
+ Assigning responsibility for accessibility only to Web integrators
+ At present, the responsibility for applying accessibility requirements too often falls to the Web integrator alone. It is unrealistic to think that this responsibility can rest on the shoulders of a single accessibility champion in an organization.
+ Although it is true that a great many of the accessibility requirements require intervention by Web integrators, many decisions and directions have to be taken in the initial phases of the project to ensure efficiency. A successful accessibility initiative requires that every person on the team understands the accessibility elements that fall under his or her responsibility. This will avoid having to go back to:
+ editors to ask for text equivalents for images;
+ designers to ask them to review their graphic chart to adopt colours with adequate contrast;
+ programmers to ensure an explicit association between text labels and their corresponding form controls; or
+ the project leader to question the technology choices, which limit or prevent conformance with certain requirements.
+ Every analyst, ergonomist, designer, editor and information architect has to make decisions or take actions that may affect the project’s accessibility potential. To avoid having these interventions negatively impact the final result, it is important for accessibility to become a shared responsibility.
+ Limiting accessibility verification solely to the requirements contained in the standards
+ Making a website accessible is often perceived as a test to be carried out using a small checklist of requirements, as though by verifying compliance with each requirement will ensure an accessible website. In reality, it is not that simple.
+ Applying all of the requirements described in the standards produces conformance with a standard. However, systematic application of only those requirements is not a sufficient gauge of accessibility: functional tests must also be performed with adaptive computer technologies in order to ensure that the user’s experience is positive. It is entirely possible to produce a Web site that meets all of the accessibility requirements, but is still not accessible in certain aspects. A few missed subtleties are enough to create significant confusion for the user who is unable to visually perceive the interface.
+ Functional testing means using adaptive computer technologies, such as speech synthesis, screen readers and text enlargement software, to verify that the result interpreted by these tools actually corresponds to the result observed during a visual check of the web pages. For example, missing punctuation in the text alternative for images or visual punctuation based solely on the layout or content reading sequence of the content in an HTML table can produce a very different result than what had been imagined. Furthermore, it is often in rereading a web page with a screen reader that it becomes apparent that some information transmitted visually will be missing when using speech synthesis or Braille. Speech synthesis reading can also reveal confusing information resulting from pronunciation or the linking of certain content (example: “standards et normes” and “standards énormes”).
+ By adding functional tests to technical tests, Web content producers ensure that nothing has been missed by the accessibility quality controls.
+ Confusing the concepts of conformance with the accessibility standard and of ensuring accessibility
+ For most project leaders and Web developers, the concepts of conformance with accessibility standards and of ensuring the accessibility of Web content are interchangeable. However, these two concepts have very different meanings and one does not ensure the other.
+ The concept of conformance with the accessibility standard is based on efficient, satisfactory and systematic compliance with all of the requirements set out in a standard. In the standards field, conformance with a standard means that the application meets all of the requirements of that standard. The result is dichotomic: the application conforms or it does not. From a standardization perspective, a statement that “This Web site conforms to 60% of a standard” makes no sense. This concept is therefore objective because it is limited to the application of prescribed and measurable requirements.
+ As for the concept of ensuring a site’s accessibility, it is based on an effort to eliminate as many barriers as possible to the use of Web content by persons with functional limitations. A subjective concept, it involves putting in place numerous measures for adapting content to meet the specific needs of users. Unlike the conformance concept, it assumes functional tests to ensure that, in addition to meeting the requirements of the standards, the effort invested has a real beneficial impact on the user experience of persons with disabilities who consult the content.
+ The results of ensuring accessibility are not, however, measured objectively because it is impossible to determine at what point a Web site is “accessible enough”. Thus, it comes back to the Web developer to determine, based on the organization’s intentions or available budget, the point at which the result will be considered satisfactory.
+ Consequently, it is possible to create a Web site that meets a standard but which does not actually meet the needs of users because certain details may have been overlooked by the developers. In the same spirit, a Web site deemed “sufficiently accessible” in the eyes of those same developers might not fully meet the needs of a specific clientele left by the wayside during the process. It is therefore important to address both concepts to achieve the best possible outcome.
+ Assuming that verification tools will do all the work
+ Accessibility cannot be measured solely on the basis of the presence or absence of certain key elements that can be automatically detected by an evaluation tool. Like ergonomics, accessibility requires the good judgment of developers and thus, also, competent human evaluation.
+ In an ideal world, quality control would be handled by machines. There would be no need to think about the adaptive needs of persons with disabilities on the Web because the tools would be able to look after that concern. Depending on the legislation in place in the countries from which the tools come, they often include promotional statements that inflate their capabilities in terms of accessibility potential. Many managers and project leaders tend to believe that these tools can do all the work in their place but, in fact, that is not the case. Anyone who relies on their tools or platforms to achieve their accessibility objective will be greatly disappointed the day that they conduct evaluation tests to measure the project’s real level of accessibility.
+ Only a small percentage of the accessibility requirements set out in the standards can be verified automatically to the extent that no human intervention is required. It is generally estimated that about 30% of the requirements can be verified completely automatically. As an example, although it is easy to verify through programming the existence of an alt attribute for an image’s text alternative, it is impossible to automatically verify whether the captured text equivalent encompasses all of the text appearing in the image.
+ Underestimating the impact of technology platforms
+ In addition to the interventions required for each requirement to be allocated throughout the Web production chain, it is crucial for certain strategists within the Web production team – generally those responsible for technical decisions such as managers, project leaders or analysts – to examine the potential of the proposed tools and technology options. The best Web team, with the most rigorous accessibility processes, cannot achieve its conformance objectives if the tools used make the task impossible.
+ Moreover, many managers and project leaders wrongly assume that since they are using high level technology platforms at great cost, accessibility issues will necessarily be handled automatically and satisfactorily.
+ In accessibility practice, numerous organizations are working with technology platforms of all orders where the most basic accessibility requirements come up against the technical limitations of the tools in place. For example, very simple changes in appearance requiring an easy correction to the HTML or XHTML code are impossible in practice because the Web developers do not have access to the source codes of their tools. In this context, one cannot hope to achieve the objectives of standard conformance.
+ Although the technology platforms in open source software generally have better accessibility potential because of the ability to change the generated code using the same tools, it should not be assumed that proprietary tools cannot ensure compliance with accessibility requirements. Certain tools are more flexible than others. What is important is to be aware of this reality and to ask “good questions” when the time comes to choose one platform over another.
+ Here are a few examples of the questions to ask:
+ To meet the organization’s accessibility objectives, is it possible to alter the generated HTML code using the proposed tool?
+ Is the proposed tool flexible enough to adapt to the organization’s internal development practices?
+ Does the proposed tool already make it possible to meet some of the basic web accessibility requirements?
+ Did the supplier of this tool clearly target accessibility as a major element in the development of its software solution?
+ Will the organization conduct a detailed evaluation of the tool’s potential for accessibility prior to entering an agreement with the supplier proposing it?
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+ Planifier l’accessibilité - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
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+ Planifier l’accessibilité
+L’accessibilité ne constitue pas un simple maillon supplémentaire que l’on peut ajouter à la chaîne de production Web. Elle doit plutôt s’intégrer à chacun des maillons de cette chaîne. La seule façon de relever avec succès le défi de l’accessibilité est de répartir la responsabilité et de partager les tâches pour produire un contenu accessible.
+ Bousculer les habitudes
+ Les standards en matière d’accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées et les populations vieillissantes bouleversent de nombreuses habitudes au sein des organisations qui entreprenent de les instaurer dans leurs pratiques de développement Web. Les exigences de ces standards remettent en question des pratiques souvent jugées jusque là adéquates, éprouvées et optimales. La volonté d’intégrer ces nouvelles préoccupations de qualité au sein d’une équipe de production entraîne des changements soudains qui sont susceptibles de déstabiliser la rentabilité d’une production de site Web.
+ Bien que les principes appliqués dans la pratique d’accessibilité ne soient pas difficiles à mettre en œuvre, grands sont les risques de tomber dans certains pièges. Cet article vise à identifier ceux dans lesquels les organisations sont les plus susceptibles de tomber. Cette liste n’est certes pas exhaustive, mais pour le bien de cet article, nous avons retenu uniquement ceux qui sont les plus fréquemment identifiés dans notre pratique.
+ Intimement liés les uns aux autres, ces pièges entraînent souvent une cascade de conséquences déplorables pour le potentiel d’accessibilité des projets Web.
+ Pour chaque piège identifié, nous tenterons d’analyser la nature et la cause du problème. Nous présenterons ensuite divers conseils pour rapidement intégrer des mécanismes de prévention qui favoriseront leur évitement.
+ Quelques pièges fréquents
+ Considérer l’accessibilité comme une étape de fin de parcours et ignorer le caractère transversal de la pratique d’accessibilité
+ Le premier piège dans lequel tombent plusieurs gestionnaires et chargés de projet lors de la planification des différentes étapes d’un projet Web consiste à percevoir l’accessibilité comme un maillon supplémentaire qui s’ajoute en fin de parcours à la chaîne de production Web.
+ Dans cette perspective erronée, l’accessibilité apparaît comme une grille de validation supplémentaire à prévoir au moment de la phase de contrôle de la qualité du projet, tout juste avant la mise en ligne du résultat. La notion de grille de contrôle qui accompagne les standards d’accessibilité n’est certes pas étrangère à cette perception.
+ Dans le cas d’une mise en accessibilité en fin de parcours, les experts en accessibilité observent trop souvent que certaines décisions ont miné le potentiel d’accessibilité du projet. À titre d’exemple, mentionnons les situations suivantes :
+ des systèmes de navigation sur un site Web qui sont entièrement dépendants de la souris, et donc inutilisables pour quiconque navigue avec le clavier ;
+ des choix de technologies naturellement incompatibles avec les technologies d’adaptation informatiques ou exploitées de manière incompatibles avec celles-ci ;
+ des contenus mis en ligne dans des formats téléchargeables plutôt qu’en format HTML et qui s’avèrent impossibles à interpréter par les lecteurs d’écran ;
+ des textes de remplacement aux contenus non textuels qui n’ont pas été prévus par les développeurs alors que le rédacteur, ou même l’organisation, était disposé à les prévoir et y consacrer les efforts nécessaires ;
+ des maquettes graphiques aux contrastes de couleurs insuffisants, alors que cette signature visuelle est déjà placardée partout dans la ville et sur le Web.
+ En conséquence, l’organisation se retrouve souvent devant le constat qu’il est trop tard pour bien faire les choses, soit parce que les budgets ou les échéanciers ne permettent plus de faire marche arrière, soit parce que les choix technologiques limitent la capacité d’une équipe à produire des contenus accessibles. Or, le simple fait de se poser les bonnes questions au bon moment permet d’éviter les échecs dans la très grande majorité des cas.
+ Contrairement aux dimensions « traditionnelles » du Web, tels que le design, l’analyse, l’ergonomie, l’utilisabilité, la rédaction, l’intégration et même la programmation, l’accessibilité ne s’inscrit pas comme une étape distincte et supplémentaire. Elle se répartit dans chacun des maillons d’une chaîne de production Web de manière à prévoir chaque intervention au moment opportun. Il s’agit d’une intégration transversale.
+ Certains choix faits en début et en milieu de parcours facilitent la mise en place de l’accessibilité ou, au contraire, génèrent des barrières. L’intégration transversale de l’accessibilité permet d’éviter des oublis importants, en particulier lors de choix techniques ou stratégiques ; ces oublis peuvent occasionner des délais et de coûteux efforts supplémentaires pour corriger la situation, lorsque des correctifs sont possibles. Comme on le sait, il est toujours plus avantageux de prévenir que de guérir.
+ Tout gestionnaire ou chargé de projet doit reconnaître cette particularité de la transversalité de l’accessibilité. Il comprendra alors la nécessité de déterminer à quels maillons de la chaîne de production Web doivent être assignées les différentes responsabilités et tâches associées aux exigences décrites dans les standards.
+ Attribuer la responsabilité de l’accessibilité aux seuls intégrateurs Web
+ Actuellement, la responsabilité d’appliquer les exigences d’accessibilité revient encore trop souvent au seul intégrateur Web. Il est illusoire de croire qu’elle peut reposer sur les seules épaules d’un champion de l’accessibilité au sein d’une organisation.
+ S’il est vrai que la très grande majorité des exigences d’accessibilité nécessitent une intervention des intégrateurs Web, plusieurs décisions et orientations doivent être prises dans les premières étapes du projet afin d’assurer un travail efficace. Pour qu’une démarche d’accessibilité s’avère une réussite, il importe que chaque intervenant d’une équipe comprenne les éléments d’accessibilité qui relèvent de sa responsabilité. On évitera ainsi de retourner :
+ aux rédacteurs pour demander les équivalents textuels des images ;
+ aux designers pour qu’ils revoient leur charte graphique afin d’adopter des couleurs aux contrastes suffisants ;
+ aux programmeurs pour assurer une association explicite entre les libellés et leurs champs correspondants dans un formulaire ; ou encore
+ au chargé de projet pour remettre en question des choix technologiques qui limitent ou empêchent le respect de certaines exigences.
+ Que l’on songe aux analystes, aux ergonomes, aux designers, aux rédacteurs ou aux architectes d’information, chacun est appelé à prendre des décisions ou à faire des actions qui peuvent influer sur le potentiel d’accessibilité du projet. Pour éviter que ces interventions aient des conséquences négatives quant au résultat final, il importe que l’accessibilité devienne une responsabilité partagée.
+ Limiter la validation de l’accessibilité aux seules exigences décrites dans les standards
+ La mise en accessibilité d’un site Web est très souvent perçue comme une vérification à effectuer à partir d’une petite liste d’exigences, comme s’il suffisait de vérifier le respect de chaque exigence pour produire un site Web accessible. Dans les faits, ce n’est pas si simple.
+ L’application de toutes les exigences décrites dans les standards permet d’atteindre une conformité à un standard. Toutefois, l’application systématique de ces seules exigences n’est pas un gage suffisant d’accessibilité : il faut aussi prévoir des tests fonctionnels avec des technologies d’adaptation informatiques qui permettent de valider que l’expérience utilisateur est positive. En effet, il est tout à fait possible de produire un site Web satisfaisant à toutes les exigences d’accessibilité, mais qui est tout de même non accessible sur certains aspects. Quelques petites subtilités manquées suffisent à engendrer un degré de confusion important pour l’utilisateur n’étant pas en mesure de percevoir visuellement l’interface.
+ Par tests fonctionnels, on entend le recours à des technologies d’adaptation informatiques, telles que synthèses vocales, lecteurs d’écran et progiciels de grossissement, pour vérifier que le résultat interprété par ces outils correspond bien au résultat observé lors d’une validation visuelle des pages Web. À titre d’exemple, une absence de ponctuation dans les textes de remplacement des images ou encore une ponctuation visuelle basée seulement sur la disposition ou l’ordre de lecture de contenus présentés en tableau HTML peuvent produire un résultat très différent de ce que l’on avait imaginé. De même, c’est souvent en relisant une page Web avec un lecteur d’écran que l’on constate que certains renseignements transmis visuellement seront manquants en synthèse vocale ou en braille. La lecture en synthèse vocale peut aussi révéler des confusions dues à la prononciation ou à l’enchaînement de certains contenus (exemple : « standards et normes » et « standards énormes »).
+ En ajoutant les tests fonctionnels aux tests techniques, les producteurs de contenus Web s’assurent de ne rien laisser échapper lors des contrôles de qualité liés à l’accessibilité.
+ Confondre les notions de conformité au standard d’accessibilité et de mise en accessibilité
+ Pour la plupart des chargés de projet et des développeurs Web, les notions de conformité au standard d’accessibilité et de mise en accessibilité des contenus Web sont interchangeables. Or, ces deux notions ont des significations très différentes, et l’une ne saurait constituer un gage d’assurance pour l’autre.
+ La notion de conformité au standard d’accessibilité repose sur le respect efficace, satisfaisant et systématique de toutes les exigences énumérées dans un standard. Dans le domaine de la normalisation, la conformité à un standard signifie que l’application satisfait à toutes les exigences de ce standard. Le résultat est dichotomique : l’application est conforme ou elle ne l’est pas. En normalisation, un énoncé tel que : « Ce site Web est conforme à 60 % au standard » n’a pas de sens. Cette notion est donc objective parce qu’elle se limite à l’application des exigences prescrites et mesurables.
+ La notion de mise en accessibilité repose quant à elle sur un effort visant à faire tomber un maximum de barrières à l’utilisation des contenus Web pour les personnes ayant des limitations fonctionnelles. Notion subjective, elle suppose la mise en place de plusieurs mesures d’adaptation des contenus pour répondre aux besoins particuliers des utilisateurs. Contrairement à la notion de conformité au standard d’accessibilité, elle suppose des tests fonctionnels pour assurer qu’au-delà du respect des exigences des standards, les efforts déployés ont de réels effets bénéfiques sur l’expérience utilisateur des personnes handicapées qui consultent ces contenus.
+ Les résultats de la mise en accessibilité ne se mesurent cependant pas objectivement, car il est impossible de juger à partir de quel moment un site Web est « suffisamment accessible ». Ainsi, il revient au développeur Web, en fonction des intentions de l’organisation ou des budgets disponibles, de déterminer le seuil à partir duquel le résultat sera considéré comme satisfaisant.
+ Il est donc possible de produire un site Web conforme au standard qui ne réponde pourtant pas tout à fait aux besoins des utilisateurs parce que certains détails auraient échappé aux développeurs. Dans le même esprit, un site Web jugé « suffisamment accessible » aux yeux des mêmes développeurs pourrait ne pas répondre en totalité aux besoins d’une clientèle particulière qui aurait été laissée de côté lors de la démarche. D’où l’importance de combiner les deux notions pour atteindre le résultat le plus large possible.
+ Présumer que les outils de validation feront tout le travail
+ L’accessibilité ne peut se mesurer seulement par la présence ou l’absence de certains éléments clés qu’un outil d’évaluation pourrait automatiquement déceler. Tout comme l’ergonomie, l’accessibilité fait appel au bon jugement des développeurs et donc aussi à une évaluation humaine compétente.
+ Dans un monde idéal, la notion de contrôle de la qualité relèverait de machines. Il serait ainsi inutile de se pencher sur les besoins d’adaptation des personnes handicapées sur le Web, car les outils seraient en mesure de prendre en charge toute cette préoccupation. Selon les législations en place dans les pays respectifs d’où ils proviennent, les outils sont souvent accompagnés d’affirmations promotionnelles qui ont pour effet de gonfler leurs capacités quant au potentiel d’accessibilité. Plusieurs gestionnaires et chargés de projet ont tendance à croire que ces outils peuvent faire tout le travail à leur place, mais dans les faits il n’en est rien. Quiconque remet la responsabilité de l’objectif d’accessibilité entre les mains des outils ou des plateformes qu’il utilise est voué à connaître de grandes déceptions le jour où il entreprendra des tests d’évaluation pour mesurer le niveau d’accessibilité réel du projet.
+ De l’ensemble des exigences d’accessibilité contenues dans les standards, la vérification d’une minorité seulement peut être automatisable au point où l’intervention humaine deviendrait inutile. On estime généralement autour de 30 % le nombre d’exigences pour lesquelles la vérification peut être complètement automatisée. À titre d’exemple, s’il est aisé de vérifier par programmation la présence d’un attribut alt pour le texte de remplacement d’une image, il est impossible de vérifier automatiquement si la valeur de l’équivalent textuel saisi reprend tout le texte apparaissant dans l’image.
+ Sous-estimer l’impact des plateformes technologiques
+ En plus des interventions requises pour chaque exigence à répartir dans la chaîne de production Web, il est crucial que certains stratèges dans l’équipe de production Web, en général les responsables des décisions techniques tels les gestionnaires, les chargés de projets ou les analystes, s’interrogent sur le potentiel des outils et des choix technologiques envisagés. En effet, la meilleure des équipes Web, avec les processus les plus rigoureux pour l’accessibilité, ne pourra pas atteindre ses objectifs de conformité si les outils retenus lui rendent la tâche impossible.
+ En outre, plusieurs gestionnaires et chargés de projet présument à tort que puisqu’ils font appel à des plateformes technologiques de haut niveau acquises à fort prix, les enjeux d’accessibilité seront forcément pris en charge de manière automatique et satisfaisante.
+ Dans la pratique d’accessibilité, nombre d’organisations sont aux prises avec des plateformes technologiques de tout ordre où les exigences les plus élémentaires d’accessibilité se heurtent aux limites techniques des outils en place. Par exemple, des changements en apparence très simples qui requièrent une correction facile au code HTML ou XHTML s’avèrent impossibles à effectuer en pratique parce que les développeurs Web n’ont pas accès au code source de leurs outils. Dans un tel contexte, il n’est pas possible d’espérer atteindre des objectifs de conformité aux standards.
+ S’il est vrai que les plateformes technologiques en logiciels libres présentent généralement un meilleur potentiel d’accessibilité en raison de la possibilité de modifier le code généré à même les outils, il ne faudrait pas conclure pour autant que les outils propriétaires ne peuvent assurer le respect des exigences d’accessibilité. Certains outils sont donc plus souples que d’autres. L’important est d’être conscient de cette réalité et de se poser les « bonnes questions » lorsque vient le temps de choisir une plateforme plutôt qu’une autre.
+ Voici quelques exemples de questions à se poser :
+ Afin de répondre aux préoccupations d’accessibilité de l’organisation, l’outil envisagé permettra-t-il de modifier le code HTML généré ?
+ L’outil envisagé sera-t-il suffisamment souple pour s’adapter aux pratiques de développement interne de l’organisation ?
+ L’outil envisagé permet-il déjà de répondre à certaines exigences élémentaires d’accessibilité du Web ?
+ Le fournisseur de cet outil a-t-il clairement ciblé l’accessibilité comme un élément majeur du développement de sa solution logicielle ?
+ L’organisation évaluera-t-elle de façon détaillée le potentiel de l’outil quant à l’accessibilité avant de s’engager avec le fournisseur qui le propose ?
+© Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb, 2011. Conditions régissant l'utilisation .
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+ Accessibility Responsibility Breakdown Terms and Conditions of Use - Canada.ca
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+ Accessibility Responsibility Breakdown Terms and Conditions of Use
+Unless otherwise noted, computer program source code of the Accessibility responsibility breakdown is covered under copyright, Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb , and is distributed under the MIT License.
+The Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb logo and related graphics associated with this distribution are protected under trademark law and copyright law.
+Copyright title to all 3rd party software distributed with the Accessibility responsibility breakdown is held by the respective copyright holders as noted in those files. Users are asked to read the 3rd Party Licenses referenced with those assets.
+ MIT License
+ Copyright (c) 2011 Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb .
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+ Conditions régissant l'utilisation de la répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité - Canada.ca
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+ Exemples pratiques
+ Conditions régissant l'utilisation de la répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité
+ Conditions régissant l'utilisation de la répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité
+Sauf indication contraire, le code source de la Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité est protégé par le droit d'auteur de la Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb et distribué sous la licence MIT.
+Le logo « Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb » et les éléments graphiques connexes liés à cette distribution sont protégés en vertu des lois portant sur les marques de commerce et le droit d'auteur.
+La propriété du droit d'auteur de tout logiciel tiers distribué avec la Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité est conservée par les détenteurs du droit d'auteur mentionnés dans ces fichiers. Nous demandons aux utilisateurs de lire les licences des tiers indiqués à titre de référence dans ces logiciels.
+ Licence MIT
+ (c) Droit d'auteur – Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb, 2011
+ La présente autorise toute personne d'obtenir gratuitement une copie du présent logiciel et des documents connexes (le « logiciel »), de traiter le logiciel sans restriction, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les droits d'utiliser, de copier, de modifier, de fusionner, de publier, de distribuer, d'accorder une sous licence et de vendre des copies dudit logiciel, et de permettre aux personnes auxquelles le logiciel est fourni de le faire, selon les conditions suivantes :
+ L'avis de droit d'auteur ci dessus et le présent avis de permission seront inclus dans toutes les copies et les sections importantes du logiciel.
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+@charset "UTF-8";
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+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+#tsrw td {
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+ text-align: left; }
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+ Archived - Archived information - Canada.ca
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+ The Standard on Web Usability replaces this content. This content is archived because Common Look and Feel 2.0 Standards have been rescinded.
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+ <h2>Archived information</h2>
+ <p>The <a href="https://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=24227">Standard on Web Usability</a> replaces this content. This content is archived because Common Look and Feel 2.0 Standards have been rescinded.</p>
+ <p>Archived information is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available.</p>
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+ Example section
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+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
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+ Archivée - Informations archivées - Canada.ca
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+ Informations archivées
+ La Norme sur la facilité d'emploi des sites Web remplace ce contenu. Cette page Web a été archivée parce que les Normes sur la normalisation des sites Internet 2.0 ont étés annulées.
+ Les informations archivées sont fournies aux fins de référence, de recherche ou de tenue de documents. Elles ne sont pas assujetties aux normes Web du gouvernement du Canada et n'ont pas été modifiées ou mises à jour depuis leur archivage. Pour obtenir ces informations dans un autre format, veuillez communiquer avec nous.
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+ <h2>Informations archivées</h2>
+ <p>La <a href="https://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-fra.aspx?id=24227">Norme sur la facilité d'emploi des sites Web</a> remplace ce contenu. Cette page Web a été archivée parce que les Normes sur la normalisation des sites Internet 2.0 ont étés annulées.</p>
+ <p>Les informations archivées sont fournies aux fins de référence, de recherche ou de tenue de documents. Elles ne sont pas assujetties aux normes Web du gouvernement du Canada et n'ont pas été modifiées ou mises à jour depuis leur archivage. Pour obtenir ces informations dans un autre format, veuillez communiquer avec nous.</p>
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+ color: #000;
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+ color: #000;
+ Exemple d'une section
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+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
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+#archived-bnr {
+ background-color: #fd0; }
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+ margin: 0;
+ text-align: center; }
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+ color: #000;
+ display: block;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ padding: .75em 44px;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ #archived-bnr .overlay-close {
+ color: #000; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include1-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include1-en.html
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+ Ajax 1 - March 11th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ March 22nd, 2013 to Ajax 1 - April 26th, 2013
+ Event Description
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+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include1-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ 11 mars 2013
+ Description de l'événement
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Description de l'événement
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include2-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include2-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9eba90ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Ajax 2 - Single-Day Event
+ March 11th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ Links:
+ Ajax 2 - Multi-Day Event
+ March 22nd, 2013 to Ajax 2 - April 26th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ Links:
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include2-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include2-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7077be89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ Ajax 2 - Événement de seul-jour
+ 11 mars 2013
+ Description de l'événement
+ Liens :
+ Ajax 2 - Événement sur plusieurs jours
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Description de l'événement
+ Liens :
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include3-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include3-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3498d553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include3-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Ajax 3 - World Expo Shanghai (Shanghai, China)
+ March 22nd, 2013 to April 26th, 2013
+ The Canada Pavilion celebrates the vibrancy and the vitality of Canadian communities and the people within them.
+ For more information about Canada at Expo 2010 Shanghai, visit: www.expo2010canada.gc.ca/index-eng.cfm
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include3-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include3-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b363668a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/ajax/cal-include3-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Ajax 3 - Expo 2010 Shanghai
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Le Pavillon du Canada souligne le dynamisme et la vitalité des villes canadiennes et de leurs résidents.
+ Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site Web de Canada à Expo 2010 Shanghai à l’adresse suivante : www.expo2010canada.gc.ca/index-fra.cfm
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/cal-events-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/cal-events-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef5ecf184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/cal-events-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+ Calendar of Events - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Calendar of Events
+ Linking Options
+ Direct Linking
+ In this method, the calendar links to the first link in each event (usually in the event heading).
+ March 11th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ March 22nd, 2013 to April 26th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calendar1"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calendar1">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Details Linking
+ In this method, the calendar links to the details of the event. This is used when an event has multiple links.
+ Single-Day Event
+ March 11th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ Links:
+ Multi-Day Event
+ March 22nd, 2013 to April 26th, 2013
+ Event Description
+ Links:
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calendar2"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-calevt-src="calendar2">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Single-Day Event</h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ <p>Links:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event Link 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event Link 2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Ajax Events
+ In this method, events are pulled from a remote source.
+ Code
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div id="cal-ajax"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-calevt-src="cal-ajax">
+ <ol data-calevt="ajax/cal-include1-en.html ajax/cal-include2-en.html ajax/cal-include3-en.html"></ol>
+ cal-include1-en.html
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Ajax 1 - Single-Day Event</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">Ajax 1 - March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ </section>
+ ...
+ cal-include2-en.html
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Ajax 2 - Single-Day Event</h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ <p>Links:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Ajax 2 - Single-Day Event Link 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Ajax 2 - Single-Day Event Link 2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ ...
+ cal-include3-en.html
+ <li class="calendar-display-onshow">
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.ec.gc.ca" rel="external">Ajax 3 - Event 1</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ </section>
+<li class="calendar-display-onshow">
+ ...
+ Display Options
+ List Filtering
+ This option filters out events from the list that are not for the current month. Enable this option by adding the cal-disp-onshow
class to each event that should be filtered by month.
+ Events that do not have the cal-disp-onshow class will always be visible.
+ Events List 1
+ World Expo Shanghai (Shanghai, China)
+ March 22nd, 2013 to April 26th, 2013
+ The Canada Pavilion celebrates the vibrancy and the vitality of Canadian communities and the people within them.
+ For more information about Canada at Expo 2010 Shanghai, visit: www.expo2010canada.gc.ca/index-eng.cfm
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calendar3"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-calevt-src="calendar3">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Events List 1</h4>
+ <ol>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ <section>
+ <h5><a href="https://www.ec.gc.ca" rel="external">Event 1</a></h5>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ </section>
+ Fluid-width Calendar
+ Events List 1
+ World Expo Shanghai (Shanghai, China)
+ March 22nd, 2013 to April 26th, 2013
+ The Canada Pavilion celebrates the vibrancy and the vitality of Canadian communities and the people within them.
+ For more information about Canada at Expo 2010 Shanghai, visit: www.expo2010canada.gc.ca/index-eng.cfm
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calendar4" class="cal-cnt-fluid"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-wb-calevt='{"year": 2013, "month": 2}' data-calevt-src="calendar4">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Events List 1</h4>
+ <ol>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ <section>
+ <h5><a href="https://www.ec.gc.ca" rel="external">Event 1</a></h5>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">March 11th, 2013</time></p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ </section>
+ Out of range from today
+ The calendar are initiated depending of today date and the date range of events. The starting date can be forced by configuring the plugin like: data-wb-calevt='{"year": 2003, "month": 4}'
(See the Fluid-width Calendar example)
+ Past events
+ Start at the oldest date.
+ March 11th, 2003
+ Event Description
+ March 22nd, 2001 to April 26th, 2003
+ Event Description
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calevt-out-1"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calevt-out-1">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2003-03-11">March 11th, 2003</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Past and future events
+ Start at Today date
+ March 11th, 2003
+ Event Description
+ March 11th, 2026
+ Event Description
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calevt-out-3"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calevt-out-3">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2003-03-11">March 11th, 2003</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2026-03-11">March 11th, 2026</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Future events
+ Start at the lowest date.
+ March 11th, 2226
+ Event Description
+ March 22nd, 2225 to April 26th, 2226
+ Event Description
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div id="calevt-out-2"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calevt-out-2">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Single-Day Event</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2226-03-11">March 11th, 2226</time></p>
+ <p>Event Description</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-21
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/cal-events-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/cal-events-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..863163ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/cal-events/cal-events-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+ Calendrier d'événements - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Calendrier d'événements
+ Options de liaison
+ Liaison directe
+ Dans cette méthode, le calendrier lien avec le premier lien dans chaque événement (se trouve dans l'en-tête de l'événement dans la plupart des cas).
+ 11 mars 2013
+ Description de l'événement
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Description de l'événement
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calendar1"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calendar1">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Liaison aux détails
+ Dans cette méthode, le calendrier lien avec les détails de l'événement. Ceci est utilisé quand un événement a des liens multiples.
+ Événement de seul-jour
+ 11 mars 2013
+ Description de l'événemen
+ Liens :
+ Événement sur plusieurs jours
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Description de l'événemen
+ Liens :
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calendar1"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calendar1">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Événement Ajax
+ Dans cette méthode, les événements sont récupérées à partir d'une source externe.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div id="cal-ajax"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-calevt-src="cal-ajax">
+ <ol data-calevt="ajax/cal-include1-fr.html ajax/cal-include2-fr.html ajax/cal-include3-fr.html"></ol>
+ cal-include1-fr.html
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Ajax 1 - Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ ...
+ cal-include2-fr.html
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Ajax 2 - Événement de seul-jour</h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ <p>Liens :</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Ajax 2 - Événement de seul-jour - Lien 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Ajax 2 - Événement de seul-jour - Lien 2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ ...
+ cal-include3-fr.html
+ <li class="calendar-display-onshow">
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.ec.gc.ca" rel="external">Ajax 3 - Événement 1</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ </section>
+<li class="calendar-display-onshow">
+ ...
+ Options d'affichage
+ Filtrage de liste
+ Cette option filtre des événements de la liste qui ne sont pas pour le mois actuel. Rendre capable cette option en ajoutant la classe calender-display-onshow
à chaque événement qui devrait être filtré par le mois.
+ Les événements qui n'ont pas la classe cal-disp-onshow
seront visible toujours.
+ Événements - Liste 1
+ Expo 2010 Shanghai
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Le Pavillon du Canada souligne le dynamisme et la vitalité des villes canadiennes et de leurs résidents.
+ Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site Web de Canada à Expo 2010 Shanghai à l’adresse suivante : www.expo2010canada.gc.ca/index-fra.cfm
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calendar3"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-calevt-src="calendar3">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Événements - Liste 1</h4>
+ <ol>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ <section>
+ <h5><a href="https://www.ec.gc.ca" rel="external">Événement 1</a></h5>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ </section>
+ Calendrier de largeur fluide
+ Événements - Liste 1
+ Expo 2010 Shanghai
+ Le 22 mars 2013 au 26 avril 2013
+ Le Pavillon du Canada souligne le dynamisme et la vitalité des villes canadiennes et de leurs résidents.
+ Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site Web de Canada à Expo 2010 Shanghai à l’adresse suivante : www.expo2010canada.gc.ca/index-fra.cfm
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calendar4" class="cal-cnt-fluid"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt evt-anchor" data-wb-calevt='{"year": 2013, "month": 2}' data-calevt-src="calendar4">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Événements - Liste 1</h4>
+ <ol>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ <section>
+ <h5><a href="https://www.ec.gc.ca" rel="external">Événement 1</a></h5>
+ <p><time datetime="2013-03-11">11 mars 2013</time></p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li class="cal-disp-onshow">
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ </section>
+ Hors de portée à partid d'aujourd'hui
+ Le calendrier est initialisé dépendant de la date d'aujourd'hui et de la la porté des événements qui peuvent être sélectionné. La date de départ peut être forcé en configurant le plugiciels. Par example: data-wb-calevt='{"year": 2003, "month": 4}'
(Voir l'example de Calendrier de largeur fluide)
+ Événement passé
+ Initialisé à la plus vieille date
+ 11 mars 2003
+ Description de l'événement
+ Le 22 mars 2001 au 26 avril 2003
+ Description de l'événement
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calevt-out-1"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calevt-out-1">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2003-03-11">11 mars 2003</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Événement passé et futur
+ Initialisé à la date d'aujourd'hui
+ 11 mars 2003
+ Description de l'événement
+ 11 mars 2026
+ Description de l'événement
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calevt-out-3"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calevt-out-3">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2003-03-11">11 mars 2003</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2026-03-11">11 mars 2026</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Événement futur
+ Initialisé à la plus petite date
+ 11 mars 2226
+ Description de l'événement
+ Le 22 mars 2225 au 26 avril 2226
+ Description de l'événement
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div id="calevt-out-2"></div>
+<div class="wb-calevt" data-calevt-src="calevt-out-2">
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <section>
+ <h4><a href="https://www.canada.ca" rel="external">Événement de seul-jour</a></h4>
+ <p><time datetime="2226-03-11">11 mars 2226</time></p>
+ <p>Description de l'événement</p>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ...
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ol>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-21
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/charts-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/charts-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..875c57aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/charts-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+ Charts and graphs - Simple and easy - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Charts and graphs - Simple and easy
+ Default
+ <table class="wb-charts table">
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Students
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professional
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Area charts
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-area table">
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Students
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professional
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Bar charts
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table">
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Students
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professional
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Pie charts
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Students
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professional
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Pie chart with labels
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">
+ When using labels, some labels may overlap if there are too many slices or there are two or more small slices next to each other. In the case that your labels overlap, you should consider displaying your data in a different type of chart.
+ Consult the documentation to see the configuration options for pie charts with labels.
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Data table used
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ View code
+ <table class="table">
+ <caption>Number of pages by main purpose and audience</caption>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Education</th>
+ <th>Task</th>
+ <th>Navigation</th>
+ <th>Support</th>
+ <th>Information</th>
+ <th>Corporate</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>General</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Students</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Business</th>
+ <td>60</td>
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>90</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Professional</th>
+ <td>46</td>
+ <td>26</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>101</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>142</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Lawyer</th>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ </tr>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/charts-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/charts-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3da71dc53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/charts-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+ Graphiques - Simple - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Graphiques - Simple
+ Par défaut
+ <table class="wb-charts table">
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Graphique en région
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-area table">
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Graphiques à barres
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table">
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Graphiques à secteurs
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Graphiques à secteurs avec des étiquettes
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">
+ Parfois certainnes etiquettes peuvent [etre superposé s'il y a trop de secteur ou si deux secteurs sont trop raproché. Dans le cas ou les etiquette sont superposé, vous devriez considérer d'organiser le visuel de vos données dans un autre type de graphique.
+ Veuillez consulter la documentation pour connaitre tous les options configurable pour le graphique a secteur avec des étiquettes.
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Tableau de données utilisé
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Visualiser le code
+ <table class="table">
+ <caption>Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience</caption>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Éducative</th>
+ <th>Tâches</th>
+ <th>Navigation</th>
+ <th>Soutien</th>
+ <th>Information</th>
+ <th>Entreprise</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Général</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Étudiants</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Entreprise</th>
+ <td>60</td>
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>90</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Professionnel</th>
+ <td>46</td>
+ <td>26</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>101</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>142</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Avocat</th>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ </tr>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/custom-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/custom-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..887dd04f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/custom-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+ Charts and graphs - Customization - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Charts and graphs - Customization
+ Customization
+ The following example shows how the data-flot
attribute can be used to produce customized charts. All the available options are described in the Flot API reference . It also show the i18n support for thousand seperator like the comas in English.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table " data-flot ='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ wb-charts
: Calls the WET Charts and graphs plugin
+ wb-charts-bar
: Applies the global "bar" preset
+ data-flot
: Extends the global Flot settings, after any presets have been applied, with a JSON object.
+ Enquiries
+ 2008-09
+ 2009-10
+ 2010-11
+ Enquiries
+ 80,189.56
+ 65,297,98
+ 70,387.33
+ Threshold
+ 70,000.24
+ 75,000.09
+ View code
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table" data-flot='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ <caption>Enquiries</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>2008-09</th>
+ <th>2009-10</th>
+ <th>2010-11</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#191970" }' >Enquiries</th>
+ <td>80,189.56</td>
+ <td>65,297,98</td>
+ <td>70,387.33</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#FF2222" }' >Threshold</th>
+ <td colspan="2">70,000.24</td>
+ <td>75,000.09</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ Multiple charts and graphs types
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-flot ='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ wb-charts
: Calls the WET Charts and graphs plugin
+ data-flot
: Extends the global Flot settings, after any presets have been applied, with a JSON object.
+ To combine a bar chart with a line chart, the chart type needs to be configured at the series levels.
+ Enquiries
+ 2008-09
+ 2009-10
+ 2010-11
+ Enquiries
+ 80 189
+ 65 297
+ 70 387
+ Threshold
+ 70 000
+ 75 000
+ View code
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-flot='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ <caption>Enquiries</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>2008-09</th>
+ <th>2009-10</th>
+ <th>2010-11</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#191970" }' class="wb-charts-bar" >Enquiries</th>
+ <td>80 189</td>
+ <td>65 297</td>
+ <td>70 387</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#FF2222" }'>Threshold</th>
+ <td colspan="2">70 000</td>
+ <td>75 000</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ Custom presets
+ Custom presets can be declared using embedded JavaScript where custom
(name of the preset) can be any name. The custom preset can be applied using a class name with wb-charts-
as the prefix followed by your custom preset name.
+ <script>
+window[ "wb-charts" ] = {
+ flot: {
+ custom : {
+ colors: [ "#ff0000",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#0000ff",
+ "#ff0000",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#0000ff",
+ "#ff0000",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#0000ff"]
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-custom table">
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Students
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Business
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professional
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Table Source - data-flot
attribute on <th>
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-custom table">
+ <caption>Number of pages by main purpose and audience</caption>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Education</th>
+ <th>Task</th>
+ <th>Navigation</th>
+ <th>Support</th>
+ <th>Information</th>
+ <th>Corporate</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":1}}' >General</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":2}}' >Students</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":3}}' >Business</th>
+ <td>60</td>
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>90</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":4}}' >Professional</th>
+ <td>46</td>
+ <td>26</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>101</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>142</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":5}}' >Lawyer</th>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ </tr>
+ Applying a preset to multiple settings
+ It is possible to apply a preset to multiple settings. When the same preset name exists and is applied to multiple settings, the preset is applied across all those settings.
+ <script>
+window[ "wb-charts" ] = {
+ // Flot global settings. Equivalent to applying "data-flot" to the table element.
+ flot: { },
+ // Flot series-specific setting. Equivalent to applying "data-flot" to the th element.
+ series: { },
+ // WET chart-specific setting. Equivalent to applying "data-wb-charts" on the table element.
+ charts: { }
+ Negative tabular values
+ Negative number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ -2
+ 0
+ -20
+ -4
+ -100
+ -50
+ Students
+ -2
+ -2
+ -1
+ -5
+ -50
+ -0
+ Business
+ -60
+ -10
+ -20
+ -90
+ -50
+ -8
+ Professional
+ -46
+ -26
+ -5
+ -101
+ -200
+ -142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ -2
+ -4
+ 0
+ -300
+ -300
+ Pie chart with customized segments
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>General</th>
+ <th data-flot='{"color":"#00FF00"}' >Students</th>
+ <th>Buisness</th>
+ <th>Professional</th>
+ <th>Lawyer</th>
+ </tr>
+ Number of pages with tasks as a main purpose per audience
+ General
+ Students
+ Buisness
+ Professional
+ Lawyer
+ Task
+ 0
+ 2
+ 10
+ 26
+ 2
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-14
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/custom-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/custom-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7c0700cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/custom-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Graphiques - Personalisation - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Graphiques - Personalisation
+ Personalisation
+ L'exemple suivant démontre comment l'attribute data-flot
peut être utilisé pour créer des graphiques personalisés. La documentation de toutes les options se trouvent dans la référence d'API de Flot (anglais seulement) . Cet example aussi démontre l'utilisation i18n des séparateur de millier, l'espace en français et l'example équivalente en anglais utilise la virgule.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table" data-flot ='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ wb-charts
: Instruction de démarage du plugiciel des graphiques de la BOEW
+ wb-charts-bar
: Applique le préréglage nommé "bar"
+ data-flot
: Étend les options existante de les paramètre globale de Flot, ceci après l'application de tout les préréglages. Le contenu est un objet JSON.
+ Requêtes
+ 2008-09
+ 2009-10
+ 2010-11
+ Requêtes
+ 80 189,56
+ 65,297,98
+ 70 387,33
+ Seuil
+ 70 000,24
+ 75 000,09
+ Visualiser le code
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-bar table" data-flot='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ <caption>Requêtes</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>2008-09</th>
+ <th>2009-10</th>
+ <th>2010-11</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#191970" }' >Requêtes</th>
+ <td>80 189,56</td>
+ <td>65,297,98</td>
+ <td>70 387,33</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#FF2222" }' >Seuil</th>
+ <td colspan="2">70 000,24</td>
+ <td>75 000,09</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ Plusieurs types de graphique
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-flot ='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ wb-charts
: Instruction de démarage du plugiciel des graphique de la BOEW
+ data-flot
: Étend les options existante de les paramètre globale de Flot, ceci après l'application de tout les préréglages. Le contenu est un objet JSON.
+ Afain de créer un graphique qui contient des graphiques à barres avec un graphique linéaire, le type de graphique doit être définie au niveau du jeu de données.
+ Requêtes
+ 2008-09
+ 2009-10
+ 2010-11
+ Requêtes
+ 80189
+ 65297
+ 70387
+ Seuil
+ 70000
+ 75000
+ Code source du tableau Requêtes
+ <table class="wb-charts" data-flot='{ "yaxis": { "max": 150000} }'>
+ <caption>Requêtes</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th></th>
+ <th>2008-09</th>
+ <th>2009-10</th>
+ <th>2010-11</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#191970" }' class="wb-charts-bar" >Requêtes</th>
+ <td>80189</td>
+ <td>65297</td>
+ <td>70387</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "color":"#FF2222" }'>Seuil</th>
+ <td colspan="2">70000</td>
+ <td>75000</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ Préréglages personnalisés
+ Les préréglages personnalisés sont déclarés à l'intérieur d'un script dans la page courant d'où le nom personalise
(le nom du préréglage) peut être n'importe quel nom. Après que le préréglage a été déclaré, vous pouvez l'utiliser en utilisant une class avec le préfixe wb-charts-
suivi du nom de votre préréglage.
+ <script>
+window[ "wb-charts" ] = {
+ flot: {
+ personalise : {
+ colors: [ "#ff0000",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#0000ff",
+ "#ff0000",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#0000ff",
+ "#ff0000",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#0000ff"]
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-personalise table">
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ Code source du tableau - avec l'attribute data-flot
définie sur l'élément <th>
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-custom table">
+ <caption>Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience</caption>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Éducative</th>
+ <th>Tâches</th>
+ <th>Navigation</th>
+ <th>Soutien</th>
+ <th>Information</th>
+ <th>Entreprise</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":1}}' >Général</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":2}}' >Étudiants</th>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":3}}' >Entreprise</th>
+ <td>60</td>
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>90</td>
+ <td>50</td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":4}}' >Professionnel</th>
+ <td>46</td>
+ <td>26</td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td>101</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>142</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-flot='{ "bars":{ "show": true, "barWidth": 0.9, "order":5}}' >Avocat</th>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ </tr>
+ Appliquer un préréglage à plusieurs paramètres
+ Il est possible d'appliquer un préréglage à plusieurs paramètres. Par ailleur lorsqu'un le même nom pour le préréglage existe, lors de l'appel c'est l'ensemble qui vont étendre les paramètres.
+window[ "wb-charts" ] = {
+ flot: { }, // Paramètre généraux de Flot. Équivalent à l'attribut "data-flot" défini sur l'élément "table"
+ series: { }, // Paramètre spéficique à une série de Flot. Équivalent à l'attribut "data-flot" défini sur l'élément "th"
+ charts: { } // Paramètre spécique au graphique de la BOEW. Équivalent à l'attribute "data-wb-charts" défini sur l'élément "table"
+ Graphique avec des valeurs négative
+ Nombre négative de pages par objectif principal et par audience
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ -2
+ 0
+ -20
+ -4
+ -100
+ -50
+ Étudiants
+ -2
+ -2
+ -1
+ -5
+ -50
+ -0
+ Entreprise
+ -60
+ -10
+ -20
+ -90
+ -50
+ -8
+ Professionnel
+ -46
+ -26
+ -5
+ -101
+ -200
+ -142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ -2
+ -4
+ 0
+ -300
+ -300
+ Diagrame circulaire avec un quartier personalisé
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Général</th>
+ <th data-flot='{"color":"#00FF00"}' >Étudiants</th>
+ <th>Entreprise</th>
+ <th>Professionnel</th>
+ <th>Avocat</th>
+ </tr>
+ Nombre de pages ayant une tâche comme objectif principal et par audience
+ Général
+ Étudiants
+ Avocat
+ Professionnel
+ Avocat
+ Tâches
+ 0
+ 2
+ 10
+ 26
+ 2
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/labelsandreferencevalue-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/labelsandreferencevalue-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d26200ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/labelsandreferencevalue-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+ Charts and graphs - Labels and reference values - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Charts and graphs - Labels and reference values
+ Default
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Group A
+ Group B
+ Group C
+ Subject
+ Topic
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Object 1
+ Object 2
+ Object 3
+ Object 4
+ Series one
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Series two
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Series three
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Labels and reference values from the first table row
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 1,
+ "labelposition": 1,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Group A
+ Group B
+ Group C
+ Subject
+ Topic
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Object 1
+ Object 2
+ Object 3
+ Object 4
+ Series one
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Series two
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Series three
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Labels from the first table row and reference values from the second table row
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 2,
+ "labelposition": 1,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Group A
+ Group B
+ Group C
+ Subject
+ Topic
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Object 1
+ Object 2
+ Object 3
+ Object 4
+ Series one
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Series two
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Series three
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Labels from the first table row and reference values from the third table row
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 3,
+ "labelposition": 1,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Group A
+ Group B
+ Group C
+ Subject
+ Topic
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Object 1
+ Object 2
+ Object 3
+ Object 4
+ Series one
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Series two
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Series three
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Labels from the second table row and reference values from the third table row
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 3,
+ "labelposition": 2,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Group A
+ Group B
+ Group C
+ Subject
+ Topic
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Object 1
+ Object 2
+ Object 3
+ Object 4
+ Series one
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Series two
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Series three
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Labels and reference values from the third table row
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 3,
+ "labelposition": 3,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Group A
+ Group B
+ Group C
+ Subject
+ Topic
+ Item 1
+ Item 2
+ Object 1
+ Object 2
+ Object 3
+ Object 4
+ Series one
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Series two
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Series three
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/labelsandreferencevalue-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/labelsandreferencevalue-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a63920057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/labelsandreferencevalue-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+ Graphiques - Étiquettage et la valeur de référence - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Graphiques - Étiquettage et la valeur de référence
+ Par défaut
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Groupe A
+ Groupe B
+ Groupe C
+ Sujet
+ Thème
+ Article 1
+ Article 2
+ Objet 1
+ Objet 2
+ Objet 3
+ Objet 4
+ Première série
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Deuxième série
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Troisième série
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ L'étiquette et la valeur de référence définie à la première ligne du tableau
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 1,
+ "labelposition": 1,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Groupe A
+ Groupe B
+ Groupe C
+ Sujet
+ Thème
+ Article 1
+ Article 2
+ Objet 1
+ Objet 2
+ Objet 3
+ Objet 4
+ Première série
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Deuxième série
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Troisième série
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ L'étiquette définie à la première ligne du tableau et la valeur de référence définie à la deuxième ligne du tableau
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 2,
+ "labelposition": 1,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Groupe A
+ Groupe B
+ Groupe C
+ Sujet
+ Thème
+ Article 1
+ Article 2
+ Objet 1
+ Objet 2
+ Objet 3
+ Objet 4
+ Première série
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Deuxième série
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Troisième série
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ L'étiquette définie à la première ligne du tableau et la valeur de référence définie à la troisième ligne du tableau
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 3,
+ "labelposition": 1,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Groupe A
+ Groupe B
+ Groupe C
+ Sujet
+ Thème
+ Article 1
+ Article 2
+ Objet 1
+ Objet 2
+ Objet 3
+ Objet 4
+ Première série
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Deuxième série
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Troisième série
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ L'étiquette définie à la deuxième ligne du tableau et la valeur de référence définie à la troisième ligne du tableau
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 3,
+ "labelposition": 2,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Groupe A
+ Groupe B
+ Groupe C
+ Sujet
+ Thème
+ Article 1
+ Article 2
+ Objet 1
+ Objet 2
+ Objet 3
+ Objet 4
+ Première série
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Deuxième série
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Troisième série
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ L'étiquette et la valeur de référence définie à la troisième ligne du tableau
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "referencevalue": 3,
+ "labelposition": 3,
+ "noencapsulation": true
+ Groupe A
+ Groupe B
+ Groupe C
+ Sujet
+ Thème
+ Article 1
+ Article 2
+ Objet 1
+ Objet 2
+ Objet 3
+ Objet 4
+ Première série
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ 5
+ 10
+ Deuxième série
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ 3
+ 9
+ Troisième série
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ 4
+ 12
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/piecustom-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/piecustom-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..125388902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/piecustom-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+ Charts and graphs - Customizing pie charts - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Charts and graphs - Customizing pie charts
+ Donut preset wb-charts-donut
+ View code
+ // FYI - The "Donut" preset is already defined by default, this are just to show an example on you may reproduce it in your own preset.
+window[ "wb-charts" ] = {
+ flot: {
+ donut: {
+ series: {
+ pie: {
+ show: true,
+ radius: 1,
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ radius: 1,
+ threshold: 0.08
+ },
+ tilt: 0.5,
+ innerRadius: 0.45,
+ startAngle: 1
+ }
+ },
+ grid: {
+ hoverable: true
+ }
+ },
+ charts: {
+ donut: {
+ decimal: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Donut preset wb-charts-donut
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7.7
+ 10.10
+ 4.4
+ 14.14
+ 15.15
+ 7.7
+ 23.23
+ 8.8
+ 12.12
+ Default
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{ }'
+ Defaults
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Segment labelling
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true } } } }'>
+ Segment labeling
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Donut hole
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45 } } }'>
+ Donut hole
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Tilted pie
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } } }'>
+ Tilted pie
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Rectangular pie
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 5000,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-nolegend table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 5000,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } } }'>
+ Rectangular pie
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Hovering effect
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }'>
+ Hovering effect
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7.7
+ 10.10
+ 4.4
+ 14.14
+ 15.15
+ 7.7
+ 23.23
+ 8.8
+ 12.12
+ Decimal precision
+ Plugin settings:
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "decimal": 1
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-decimal-1 table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }' data-wb-charts='{ "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Decimal precision
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7.7
+ 10.10
+ 4.4
+ 14.14
+ 15.15
+ 7.7
+ 23.23
+ 8.8
+ 12.12
+ Labelling threshold
+ Plugin settings:
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "decimal": 1
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1,
+ "threshold": 0.08
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-decimal-1 wb-charts-legendinline table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true, "threshold": 0.08 }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }' data-wb-charts='{ "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Labelling threshold
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7.7
+ 10.10
+ 4.4
+ 14.14
+ 15.15
+ 7.7
+ 23.23
+ 8.8
+ 12.12
+ Starting angle
+ Plugin settings:
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "decimal": 1
+ Flot settings:
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1,
+ "threshold": 0.08
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5,
+ "startAngle": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-decimal-1 wb-charts-legendinline table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true, "threshold": 0.08 }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5, "startAngle": 1 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }' data-wb-charts='{ "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Start Angle
+ Series 1
+ Series 2
+ Series 3
+ Series 4
+ Series 5
+ Series 6
+ Series 7
+ Series 8
+ Series 9
+ Default
+ 7.7
+ 10.10
+ 4.4
+ 14.14
+ 15.15
+ 7.7
+ 23.23
+ 8.8
+ 12.12
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/piecustom-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/piecustom-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..639edeeec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/piecustom-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+ Graphiques - Personalisation de diagramme circulaire - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Graphiques - Personalisation de diagramme circulaire
+ Préréglage de beigne wb-charts-donut
+ Visualiser le code
+ // PVI - La configuration en beigne est déjà définie par défauts, ceci est seulement un exemple afin de vous aider à le reproduire dans votre préréglage personalisé.
+window[ "wb-charts" ] = {
+ flot: {
+ donut: {
+ series: {
+ pie: {
+ show: true,
+ radius: 1,
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ radius: 1,
+ threshold: 0.08
+ },
+ tilt: 0.5,
+ innerRadius: 0.45,
+ startAngle: 1
+ }
+ },
+ grid: {
+ hoverable: true
+ }
+ },
+ charts: {
+ donut: {
+ decimal: 1
+ }
+ }
+ Préréglage de beigne wb-charts-donut
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7,7
+ 10,10
+ 4,4
+ 14,14
+ 15,15
+ 7,7
+ 23,23
+ 8,8
+ 12,12
+ Par défaut
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{ }'
+ Défauts
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Étiquettage des secteurs
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true } } } }'>
+ Étiquettage des secteurs
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Trou de beigne
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45 } } }'>
+ Trou de beigne
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Inclinaison du graphique
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } } }'>
+ Inclinaison du graphique
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Graphique rectangulaire
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 5000,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-nolegend" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 5000,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } } }'>
+ Graphique rectangulaire
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7
+ 10
+ 4
+ 14
+ 15
+ 7
+ 23
+ 8
+ 13
+ Effet de survol
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }'>
+ Effet de survol
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7,7
+ 10,10
+ 4,4
+ 14,14
+ 15,15
+ 7,7
+ 23,23
+ 8,8
+ 12,12
+ Precision décimal
+ Paramètres de plugiciel :
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "decimal": 1
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-decimal-1 table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }' data-wb-charts='{ "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Precision décimal
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7,7
+ 10,10
+ 4,4
+ 14,14
+ 15,15
+ 7,7
+ 23,23
+ 8,8
+ 12,12
+ Seuil d'étiquettage
+ Paramètres de plugiciel :
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "decimal": 1
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1,
+ "threshold": 0.08
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-decimal-1 wb-charts-legendinline table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true, "threshold": 0.08 }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }' data-wb-charts='{ "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Seuil d'étiquettage
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7,7
+ 10,10
+ 4,4
+ 14,14
+ 15,15
+ 7,7
+ 23,23
+ 8,8
+ 12,12
+ Angle de démarrage
+ Paramètres de plugiciel :
+ data-wb-charts = '{
+ "decimal": 1
+ Paramètres de Flot :
+ data-flot = '{
+ "series": {
+ "pie": {
+ "radius": 1,
+ "label": {
+ "show": true,
+ "radius": 1,
+ "threshold": 0.08
+ },
+ "innerRadius": 0.45,
+ "tilt": 0.5,
+ "startAngle": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "grid": {
+ "hoverable": true
+ }
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie wb-charts-decimal-1 wb-charts-legendinline table" data-flot='{"series": { "pie": { "radius": 1,"label": { "radius": 1,"show": true, "threshold": 0.08 }, "innerRadius": 0.45, "tilt": 0.5, "startAngle": 1 } }, "grid": { "hoverable": true } }' data-wb-charts='{ "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Angle de démarrage
+ Séries 1
+ Séries 2
+ Séries 3
+ Séries 4
+ Séries 5
+ Séries 6
+ Séries 7
+ Séries 8
+ Séries 9
+ Défaut
+ 7,7
+ 10,10
+ 4,4
+ 14,14
+ 15,15
+ 7,7
+ 23,23
+ 8,8
+ 12,12
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/testing-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/testing-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f75a73bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/testing-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+ Charts and graphs - Specific test cases - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Charts and graphs - Specific test cases
+ 100% pie charts
+ The expected result is a circle where the legend only contains one value. The emphasis text in the table caption should be cloned into the title of the chart (<figcaption>
) and into the link title (<summary>
) for viewing the table.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">
+ Table with one item (100%)
+ Value
+ Car
+ 125
+ Labels and reversed table parsing
+ The expected result is that both tables should produce the same chart or graph with the following text labels:
+ External needs , x-axis position 0 of 5
+ Needs bypass , x-axis position 3 of 5
+ Internal needs , x-axis position 5 of 5
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-wb-charts='{"labelposition": 1, "noencapsulation": true}'>
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ External needs
+ Needs bypass
+ Internal needs
+ Education
+ Task
+ Navigation
+ Support
+ Information
+ Corporate
+ General
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Students
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Buisness
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professional
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Lawyer
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-wb-charts='{"labelposition": 1, "noencapsulation": true, "reversettblparsing": true}'>
+ Number of pages by main purpose and audience
+ General
+ Students
+ Buisness
+ Professional
+ Lawyer
+ External needs
+ Education
+ 2
+ 2
+ 60
+ 46
+ 0
+ Task
+ 0
+ 2
+ 10
+ 26
+ 2
+ Needs bypass
+ Navigation
+ 20
+ 1
+ 20
+ 5
+ 4
+ Support
+ 4
+ 5
+ 90
+ 101
+ 0
+ Internal needs
+ Information
+ 100
+ 50
+ 50
+ 200
+ 300
+ Corporate
+ 50
+ 0
+ 8
+ 142
+ 300
+ Pie charts and reversed table parsing
+ The expecting result is the table produceds the same chart or graph. There is one exception where the width of both pie charts could be different.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-wb-charts='{ "height": 500, "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Number of pages with tasks as a main purpose per audience
+ General
+ Students
+ Buisness
+ Professional
+ Lawyer
+ Task
+ 0
+ 2
+ 10
+ 26
+ 2
+ Please note that <colgroup>
elements are required for creating the following pie charts.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-wb-charts='{ "height": 500, "decimal": 1, "reversettblparsing": true }'>
+ Number of pages with tasks as a main purpose per audience
+ Task
+ General
+ 0
+ Students
+ 2
+ Buisness
+ 10
+ Professional
+ 26
+ Lawyer
+ 2
+ <caption>Number of pages with tasks as a main purpose per audience</caption>
+<colgroup><col /></colgroup>
+<colgroup><col /></colgroup>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Task</th>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/testing-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/testing-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f446092d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/charts/testing-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+ Graphiques - Scénarios d'essai spécifiques - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Graphiques - Scénarios d'essai spécifiques
+ Diagrame circulaire à 100 %
+ Le graphique suivant devrait être un cercle plein d'où la légende contient seulement une valeur. Le texte mis en évidence dans le titre du tableau devrait être copier dans le titre du graphique (<figcaption>
) et aussi dans le lien contenu dans l'élément (<summary>
) afin de consulter le tableau.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table">
+ Tableau avec un article (à 100 %)
+ Valeur
+ Voiture
+ 125
+ Étiquette et tableau analysé à contre sens
+ Les deux graphique suivant devrait produire le même graphique avec les étiquettes suivante:
+ Besoins externe , à la position de l'axe des x de 0 à 2
+ Besoins redirigé , à la position de l'axe des x 2 à 4
+ Besoins interne , à la position de l'axe des x 4 à 6
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-wb-charts='{"labelposition": 1, "noencapsulation": true}'>
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Besoins externe
+ Besoins redirigé
+ Besoins interne
+ Éducative
+ Tâches
+ Navigation
+ Soutien
+ Information
+ Entreprise
+ Général
+ 2
+ 0
+ 20
+ 4
+ 100
+ 50
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ 2
+ 1
+ 5
+ 50
+ 0
+ Entreprise
+ 60
+ 10
+ 20
+ 90
+ 50
+ 8
+ Professionnel
+ 46
+ 26
+ 5
+ 101
+ 200
+ 142
+ Avocat
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 0
+ 300
+ 300
+ <table class="wb-charts table" data-wb-charts='{"labelposition": 1, "noencapsulation": true, "reversettblparsing": true}'>
+ Nombre de page par objectif principal et par audience
+ Général
+ Étudiants
+ Entreprise
+ Professionnel
+ Avocat
+ Besoins externe
+ Éducative
+ 2
+ 2
+ 60
+ 46
+ 0
+ Tâches
+ 0
+ 2
+ 10
+ 26
+ 2
+ Besoins redirigé
+ Navigation
+ 20
+ 1
+ 20
+ 5
+ 4
+ Soutien
+ 4
+ 5
+ 90
+ 101
+ 0
+ Besoins interne
+ Information
+ 100
+ 50
+ 50
+ 200
+ 300
+ Entreprise
+ 50
+ 0
+ 8
+ 142
+ 300
+ Diagrame circulaire et tableau analysé à contre sens
+ Les deux tableaux suivant devrait produire le même diagrame circulaire. Il est possible que la largeur de chaques graphique soit différent.
+<table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-wb-charts='{ "height": 500, "decimal": 1 }'>
+ Nombre de page ayant une tâche comme objectif principal et par audience
+ Général
+ Étudiants
+ Entreprise
+ Professionnel
+ Avocat
+ Tâches
+ 0
+ 2
+ 10
+ 26
+ 2
+ Veuillez prendre note que l'éléments <colgroup>
est requis afain de créer le graphique subséquant.
+ <table class="wb-charts wb-charts-pie table" data-wb-charts='{ "height": 500, "decimal": 1, "reversettblparsing": true }'>
+ Nombre de page ayant une tâche comme objectif principal et par audience
+ Tâches
+ Général
+ 0
+ Étudiants
+ 2
+ Entreprise
+ 10
+ Professionnel
+ 26
+ Avocat
+ 2
+ <caption>Nombre de page ayant une tâche comme objectif principal et par audience</caption>
+<colgroup><col /></colgroup>
+<colgroup><col /></colgroup>
+ <td></td>
+ <th>Tâches</th>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bf3565d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ Chat wizard - Provisional feature - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Chat wizard - Provisional feature
Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk . All functionality described bellow can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the gcweb public API.
The documentation and/or a working example for those feature could be incomplete or not available.
Views all the provisional feature.
+Below is the code to achieve the demo on this page with an HTML form.
+<section class="provisional wb-chtwzrd hidden">
+ <h2 data-wb-chtwzrd-replace="I can help you find the information you need">Help us help you</h2>
+ <form class="mrgn-bttm-xl" action="https://google.ca" method="GET">
+ <p class="wb-chtwzrd-greetings">Hi! I can help you find resources that are available to help you in your quest to find information.</p>
+ <p>If you just want to surf the internet, go to <a href="https://google.ca">Google search</a></p>
+ <fieldset id="q1">
+ <legend>It would help me out if I knew a little more about you. Are you ready?</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-tp-md">
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="ask" value="yes" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="q2" />
+ <span>Yes</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="ask" value="no" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" />
+ <span>No</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="ask" value="skip" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="q3" />
+ <span>Go straight to the point</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset id="q2">
+ <legend>Do you have a preferred language?</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-tp-md">
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="preference" value="yes" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="q3" />
+ <span>Of course</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="preference" value="" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" data-wb-chtwzrd-url="https://canada.ca/home.html" />
+ <span>No</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset id="q3">
+ <legend>Which one is it?</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-tp-md">
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="lang" value="en" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" data-wb-chtwzrd-url="https://canada.ca/en.html" />
+ <span>English</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="lang" value="fr" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" data-wb-chtwzrd-url="https://canada.ca/fr.html" />
+ <span>Français</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ <p class="wb-chtwzrd-farewell wb-inv">Thank you! Your personalized results are ready for you.</p>
+ <div class="mrgn-tp-md"></div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" data-wb-chtwzrd-replace="Show results">Search</button>
+ </form>
+ Help us help you
+ Hi! I can help you find resources that are available to help you in your quest to find information.
+ If you just want to surf the internet, go to Google search
+ It would help me out if I knew a little more about you. Are you ready?
+ Do you have a preferred language?
+ Which one is it?
+ Thank you! Your personalized results are ready for you.
+ Search
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-04-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57886abd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+ Chat wizard - Fonctionalité provisoire - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Chat wizard - Fonctionalité provisoire
Fonctionalité instable
À être utilisé à vos propre risque . Toute les fonctionalité décris ci-dessous peut être retiré dans n'importe lequel version mineur/majeur et l'ensemble de ces fonctionalité sont exclus de l'API publique.
La documentation et/ou les examples pratique pourait être incomplete ou être non disponible.
Voir l'ensemble des fonctionalités provisoires.
Need translation
Below is the code to achieve the demo on this page with an HTML form.
<section class="provisional wb-chtwzrd hidden">
+ <h2 data-wb-chtwzrd-replace="I can help you find the information you need">Help us help you</h2>
+ <form class="mrgn-bttm-xl" action="https://google.ca" method="GET">
+ <p class="wb-chtwzrd-greetings">Hi! I can help you find resources that are available to help you in your quest to find information.</p>
+ <p>If you just want to surf the internet, go to <a href="https://google.ca">Google search</a></p>
+ <fieldset id="q1">
+ <legend>It would help me out if I knew a little more about you. Are you ready?</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-tp-md">
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="ask" value="yes" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="q2" />
+ <span>Yes</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="ask" value="no" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" />
+ <span>No</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="ask" value="skip" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="q3" />
+ <span>Go straight to the point</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset id="q2">
+ <legend>Do you have a preferred language?</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-tp-md">
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="preference" value="yes" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="q3" />
+ <span>Of course</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="preference" value="" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" data-wb-chtwzrd-url="https://canada.ca/home.html" />
+ <span>No</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ <fieldset id="q3">
+ <legend>Which one is it?</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-tp-md">
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="lang" value="en" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" data-wb-chtwzrd-url="https://canada.ca/en.html" />
+ <span>English</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <label>
+ <input type="radio" name="lang" value="fr" data-wb-chtwzrd-next="none" data-wb-chtwzrd-url="https://canada.ca/fr.html" />
+ <span>Français</span>
+ </label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ <p class="wb-chtwzrd-farewell wb-inv">Thank you! Your personalized results are ready for you.</p>
+ <div class="mrgn-tp-md"></div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" data-wb-chtwzrd-replace="Show results">Search</button>
+ </form>
+ Help us help you
+ Hi! I can help you find resources that are available to help you in your quest to find information.
+ If you just want to surf the internet, go to Google search
+ It would help me out if I knew a little more about you. Are you ready?
+ Do you have a preferred language?
+ Which one is it?
+ Thank you! Your personalized results are ready for you.
+ Search
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-04-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-json-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-json-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7331b6b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-json-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ Chat wizard JSON - Provisional feature - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Chat wizard JSON - Provisional feature
Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk . All functionality described bellow can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the gcweb public API.
The documentation and/or a working example for those feature could be incomplete or not available.
Views all the provisional feature.
+Below is the code to achieve the demo on this page with a JSON file.
+<aside class="wb-chtwzrd" data-wb-chtwzrd-src="2019-assets/chtwzrd-v1/manual-form.json"></aside>
+Check out he JSON file to get a grasp of how it is done.
+<aside class="provisional wb-chtwzrd" data-wb-chtwzrd-src="demo/manual-form.json"></aside>
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-04-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-json-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-json-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab6601288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/chatwizard-json-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+ Chat wizard JSON- Fonctionalité provisoire - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Chat wizard JSON- Fonctionalité provisoire
Fonctionalité instable
À être utilisé à vos propre risque . Toute les fonctionalité décris ci-dessous peut être retiré dans n'importe lequel version mineur/majeur et l'ensemble de ces fonctionalité sont exclus de l'API publique.
La documentation et/ou les examples pratique pourait être incomplete ou être non disponible.
Voir l'ensemble des fonctionalités provisoires.
Need translation
Below is the code to achieve the demo on this page with a JSON file.
<aside class="wb-chtwzrd" data-wb-chtwzrd-src="2019-assets/chtwzrd-v1/manual-form.json"></aside>
Check out he JSON file to get a grasp of how it is done.
<aside class="provisional wb-chtwzrd" data-wb-chtwzrd-src="demo/manual-form.json"></aside>
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-04-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/demo/manual-form.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/demo/manual-form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9214003a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/chatwizard/demo/manual-form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ "header": {
+ "formType": "dynamic",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "defaultDestination": "https://google.ca",
+ "avatar": "https://wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew-documentation/research/2019-assets/bot-default-avatar.png",
+ "first":"q1",
+ "name":"example-json",
+ "form": {
+ "title":"Help us help you",
+ "instructions": "If you just want to surf the internet, go to Google search ",
+ "sendButton":"Search now"
+ },
+ "title":"I can help you find the information you need",
+ "instructions": "If you just want to surf the internet, go to Google search ",
+ "sendButton":"Show result",
+ "greetings":"Hi! I can help you find resources that are available to help you in your quest to find information.",
+ "farewell":"Thank you! Your personalized results are ready for you."
+ },
+ "questions":{
+ "q1":{
+ "name":"ask",
+ "input":"radio",
+ "labelForm":"It would help me out if I knew a little more about you. Are you ready?",
+ "label":"It would help me out if I knew a little more about you. Are you ready?",
+ "choices":[
+ {
+ "content":"Yes I am",
+ "value":"yes",
+ "next":"q2"
+ },
+ {
+ "content":"No",
+ "value":"no",
+ "next":"none"
+ },
+ {
+ "content":"Go straight to the point",
+ "value":"skip",
+ "next":"q3"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "q2":{
+ "name":"situation",
+ "input":"radio",
+ "labelForm":"Do you have a preferred language?",
+ "label":"Do you have a preferred language?",
+ "choices":[
+ {
+ "content":"Of course",
+ "value":"yes",
+ "next":"q3"
+ },
+ {
+ "content":"No",
+ "value":"no",
+ "next":"none",
+ "url":"https://canada.ca/home.html"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "q3":{
+ "name":"lang",
+ "input":"radio",
+ "labelForm":"Which one is it?",
+ "label":"Which one is it?",
+ "choices":[
+ {
+ "content":"English",
+ "value":"en",
+ "next":"none",
+ "url":"https://canada.ca/en.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "content":"Français",
+ "value":"fr",
+ "next":"none",
+ "url":"https://canada.ca/fr.html"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/collapsible-alerts/collapsible-alerts-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/collapsible-alerts/collapsible-alerts-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3375bfdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/collapsible-alerts/collapsible-alerts-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ Collapsible alerts - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Collapsible alerts
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-06-09
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/collapsible-alerts/collapsible-alerts-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/collapsible-alerts/collapsible-alerts-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5206d011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/collapsible-alerts/collapsible-alerts-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ Alertes repliables - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Alertes repliables
+ Avertissement!
+ Vous devez prêter attention à cette alerte , mais elle n'est pas super importante.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-06-09
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-ca-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-ca-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..280bb708c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-ca-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Hello Canada
+ I'm the content that is shown when the user visits from Canada.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-ca-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-ca-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02973b542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-ca-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Bonjour Canada
+ Je suis le contenu qui est affiché lorsque l'utilisateur visite du Canada.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-us-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-us-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..161f671d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-us-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Hello United States
+ I'm the content that is shown when the user visits from the United States.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-us-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-us-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..742d5dba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/ajax/country-content-us-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Bonjour Etats-Unis
+ Je suis le contenu qui est affiché lorsque l'utilisateur visite des États-Unis.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/country-content-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/country-content-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f97ac0712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/country-content-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ Country Content - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Country Content
+A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content based on a visitor's country as determined by https://freegeoip.net
+ Replaces an element's content based upon the user's country
+ Example
+ Hello World
+ I'm the content that is shown when the country can't be resolved or the country that is returned does not have additional content.
+ View code
+ <div data-ctrycnt="ajax/country-content-{country}-en.html">
+ <h4>Hello World</h4>
+ <p>I'm the content that is shown when the country can't be resolved or the country that is returned does not have additional content.</p>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-08-07
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/country-content-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/country-content-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..083b08a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/country-content/country-content-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ Contenu par pays - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Contenu par pays
+Un enveloppeur de AjaxLoader qui insère de contenu télécharger via AJAX. Le contenu est basée sur l'emplacement des visiteurs comme déterminé par https://freegeoip.net
+ Remplace le contenu d'un élément selon le pays de l'utilisateur.
+ Exemple
+ Bonjour tout le monde
+ Je suis le contenu qui est affiché lorsque le pays ne peut pas être résolu ou le pays qui est retourné n'a pas de contenu supplémentaire.
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div data-ctrycnt="ajax/country-content-{country}-fr.html">
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde</h4>
+ <p>Je suis le contenu qui est affiché lorsque le pays ne peut pas être résolu ou le pays qui est retourné n'a pas de contenu supplémentaire.</p>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-08-07
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..52640acfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ I was ajaxed in - Part 2
+ I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aeee6f346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a3922a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ I was ajaxed in
+ I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eaf5c5ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-filter-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-filter-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a63a56fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-filter-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ I was ajaxed in and filtered by the URL hash
+ I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.
+ I was ajaxed in and filtered by a selector
+ I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..679e4cacb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax et après filtrer par le « hash » de l'URL
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax et après filtrer par selecteur
+ J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/httpref.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/httpref.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99c768e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/ajax/httpref.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
You just came from data-ajax-fr.html
Vous venez de data-ajax-en.html
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3f5b3283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+ Data Ajax - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Data Ajax
+A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed in content.
+ Insert content after an element (data-ajax-after
+ Example
+ Hello World
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Hello World - Part 2
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <section data-ajax-after="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Hello World</h4>
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+<section data-ajax-after="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Hello World - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2.</p>
+ Append content to an element (data-ajax-append
+ Example
Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html" class="original">
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+<div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html" class="original">
+ <p>Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2.</p>
+ Insert content before an element (data-ajax-before
+ Example
+ Hello World
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Hello World - Part 2
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <section data-ajax-before="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Hello World</h4>
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+<section data-ajax-before="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Hello World - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2.</p>
+ Prepend content to an element (data-ajax-prepend
+ Example
Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div data-ajax-prepend="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html" class="original">
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+<div data-ajax-prepend="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html" class="original">
+ <p>Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2.</p>
+ Replaces an element (data-ajax-replace
+ Example
+ Hello World
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Hello World - Part 2
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div data-ajax-replace="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html" class="original">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Hello World</h4>
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+ </section>
+<div data-ajax-replace="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-en.html" class="original">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Hello World - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.</p>
+ </section>
+ data-ajax-extra-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in - Part 2</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2. I was ajaxed in - Part 2.</p>
+ Filtering the content by the URL hash (ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html#filter-id
, v4.0.12+)
+ Example
Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-filter-en.html#filter-id" class="original">
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+ data-ajax-filter-en.html
+ <section id="filter-id" class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in and filtered by the URL hash</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+<section class="ajaxed-in filter-selector">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in and filtered by a selector</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ Filtering the content by a selector (ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html .filter-selector
, v4.0.12+)
+ Example
Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-filter-en.html .filter-selector" class="original">
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+ data-ajax-filter-en.html
+ <section id="filter-id" class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in and filtered by the URL hash</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+<section class="ajaxed-in filter-selector">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in and filtered by a selector</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ Alternative syntax
+ Consult the documentation for more information regarding the following alternative syntaxt.
+ Example
+ Hello World
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <div data-wb-ajax='{
+ "url": "ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html",
+ "type": "append"
+ }' class="original">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Hello World</h4>
+ <p>Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.</p>
+ </section>
+ data-ajax-extra-en.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>I was ajaxed in</h4>
+ <p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>
+ Conditional filtering using HTTP Referrer
+ AJAX-in content on the condition that the HTTP Referrer matches the httpref
value. Use regular expression to refine your HTTP referrer to a broader range of pages.
+ To be used for promotional content that is not pertinent to task completion. If you have multiple httpref, see documentation for advanced usage.
+ Example
+ View code
+<div data-wb-ajax='{
+ "url": "ajax/httpref.html#enlang",
+ "type": "replace",
+ "httpref": "data-ajax-fr.html"
+ }'>
+ <p>This content will be replaced if you browse to this page from the <a href="../data-ajax-en.html">French version of this page</a> page</p>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-09
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3315093d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+ Data Ajax - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Data Ajax
+Un enveloppeur simple pour AjaxLoader qui insère de contenu télécharger via AJAX.
+ Insérer du contenu après un élément (data-ajax-after
+ Exemple
+ Bonjour tout le monde
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Bonjour tout le monde - partie 2
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <section data-ajax-after="ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+<section data-ajax-after="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2.</p>
+ Ajouter du contenu à la fin d'un élément (data-ajax-append
+ Exemple
Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html" class="original">
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+<div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html" class="original">
+ <p>Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2.</p>
+ Insérer le contenu avant un élément (data-ajax-before
+ Exemple
+ Bonjour tout le monde
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Bonjour tout le monde - partie 2
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <section data-ajax-before="ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+<section data-ajax-before="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html" class="original">
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2.</p>
+ Ajouter le contenu au début d'un élément (data-ajax-prepend
+ Exemple
Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div data-ajax-prepend="ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html" class="original">
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+<div data-ajax-prepend="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html" class="original">
+ <p>Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2.</p>
+ Remplace un élément (data-ajax-replace
+ Exemple
+ Bonjour tout le monde
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Bonjour tout le monde - partie 2
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div data-ajax-replace="ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html" class="original">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+ </section>
+<div data-ajax-replace="ajax/data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html" class="original">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.</p>
+ </section>
+ data-ajax-extra-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ data-ajax-extra-2-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2. J'ai été affiché via Ajax - partie 2.</p>
+ Filtrer le contenu par le « hash » de l'URL (ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html#filter-id
, v4.0.12+)
+ Exemple
Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html#filter-id" class="original">
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+ data-ajax-filter-fr.html
+ <section id="filter-id" class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax et après filtrer par le « hash » de l'URL</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+<section class="ajaxed-in filter-selector">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax et après filtrer par selecteur</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ Filtrer le contenu par un selecteur (ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html .filter-selector
, v4.0.12+)
+ Exemple
Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div data-ajax-append="ajax/data-ajax-filter-fr.html .filter-selector" class="original">
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+ data-ajax-filter-fr.html
+ <section id="filter-id" class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax et après filtrer par le « hash » de l'URL</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+<section class="ajaxed-in filter-selector">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax et après filtrer par selecteur</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ Syntaxe alternative
+ Veuillez consulter la documentation pour de plus ample renseignement concernant cette syntaxe alternative.
+ Exemple
+ Bonjour tout le monde
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <div data-wb-ajax='{
+ "url": "ajax/data-ajax-extra-fr.html",
+ "type": "append"
+ }' class="original">
+ <section>
+ <h4>Bonjour tout le monde</h4>
+ <p>Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.</p>
+ </section>
+ data-ajax-extra-fr.html
+ <section class="ajaxed-in">
+ <h4>J'ai été affiché via Ajax</h4>
+ <p>J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax. J'ai été affiché via Ajax.</p>
+ Affichage conditionelle selon la page referrenciel
+ Afficher contenu à condition que la page referrenciel correspond avec la valeur de httpref
. Vous pouvez utiliser une expression régulière afin affiner les résultats de correspondance possible.
+ Ceci est utilse pour afficher du contenu promotionnel qui n'est pas nécessaire pour l'achèvement de la tâches principal. Si vous avez plusieurs httpref, consultez la documentation pour une utilisation avancée.
+ Exemple
Ce contenu sera remplacé si vous parcourez cette page à partir de la version anglaise .
+ Visualiser le code
+<div data-wb-ajax='{
+ "url": "ajax/httpref.html#frlang,
+ "type": "replace",
+ "httpref": "data-ajax-en.html"
+ }'>
+ <p>Ce contenu sera remplacé si vous parcourez cette page à partir de la <a href="data-ajax-en.html">version anglaise</a>.</p>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-09
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/demo/data-ajax.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/demo/data-ajax.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae84a46e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-ajax/demo/data-ajax.css
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.original, .ajaxed-in {
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ padding: 5px; }
+.original {
+ background: #ccc; }
+.ajaxed-in {
+ background: #fff; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/data-inview-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/data-inview-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a50fb2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/data-inview-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ Data Inview - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Data Inview
+Create fixed position content panels that are conditionally displayed as the web page is scrolled and resized.
+ Conditional bar example
+ Section with a conditional bottom bar
+ A bar will be displayed at the bottom when this section is partially out of the viewport.
+ View state:
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-inview bar-demo" data-inview="bottom-bar">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section with a conditional bottom bar</h3>
+ ...
+<section id="bottom-bar" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-bar-b">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Bottom bar</h2>
+ </header>
+ ...
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Section with a conditional top bar
+ A bar will be displayed at the top when this section is fully out of the viewport (with class="show-none"
+ View state:
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-inview show-none bar-demo" data-inview="top-bar">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section with a conditional top bar</h3>
+ ...
+<section id="top-bar" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-bar-t">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Top bar</h2>
+ </header>
+ ...
+ CSS transition example
+ List of supported CSS transition
+ class="pop"
+ class="fade"
+ class="slide"
+ class="slidefade"
+ class="slidevert"
+ Reverse the transition by adding the reverse
class with the CSS transition.
+ Section that triggers a fade in or out effect for the next section
+ The next section will fade in when this section is partially out of the viewport.
+ View state:
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-inview bar-demo" data-inview="fade-effect">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section that triggers a fade in or out effect for the next section</h3>
+ ...
+<section id="fade-effect" class="fade bar-demo">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section that fades in/out</h3>
+ ...
+ Section that fades in/out id="fade-effect"
This section fades in or out based upon the view state of the previous section.
+ Section that fades in/out id="fade-effect2"
This section fades in or out based upon the view state of the next section.
+ Section that triggers a fade in or out effect for the previous section
+ The previous section will fade in when this section is partially out of the viewport (with class="show-none"
+ View state:
+ View code
+ <section id="fade-effect2" class="fade bar-demo">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section that fades in/out</h3>
+ ...
+<section class="wb-inview show-none bar-demo" data-inview="fade-effect2">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section that triggers a fade in or out effect for the previous section</h3>
+ ...
+ Section that slides in only id="slide-effect1"
This section slides in based upon the view state of the next section.
+ Section that triggers a slide for the previous section
+ The previous section will slide in when this section is partially out of the viewport (with class="show-none"
), then stay in place.
+ View state:
+ View code
+ <section id="slide-effect1" class="slide in-only bar-demo">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section that slides in</h3>
+ ...
+<section class="wb-inview show-none bar-demo" data-inview="slide-effect1">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section that triggers a slide effect for the previous section</h3>
+ ...
Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
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Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
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+ Button 1
+ Button 2
+ Button 3
+ Button 1
+ Button 2
+ Button 3
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-21
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/data-inview-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/data-inview-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cae87007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/data-inview-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ Data Inview - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Data Inview
+ Intention
+ Créer des panneaux de contenu de position fixe qui sont conditionnellement affichées quand la page est défiler et redimensionner.
+ Exemple avec des barres conditionnelle
+ Section avec une barre en bas conditionnelle
+ Une barre sera affichée en bas lors de cette section est partiellement hors de la clôture.
+ L'état d'affichage :
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section class="wb-inview bar-demo" data-inview="barre-bas">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section avec une barre en bas conditionnelle</h3>
+ ...
+<section id="barre-bas" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-bar-b">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Barre en bas</h2>
+ </header>
+ ...
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Section avec une barre en haut conditionnelle
+ Une barre sera affichée en haut lors de cette section est entièrement hors de la clôture (class="show-none"
+ L'état d'affichage :
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section class="wb-inview show-none bar-demo" data-inview="barre-haut">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section avec une barre en haut conditionnelle</h3>
+ ...
+<section id="barre-haut" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-bar-t">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Barre en haut</h2>
+ </header>
+ ...
+ Exemple avec des animations CSS
+ Liste des animation CSS supporté
+ class="pop"
+ class="fade"
+ class="slide"
+ class="slidefade"
+ class="slidevert"
+ Effectuer une animation inversé en ajoutant la classe reverse
avec la classe de l'animation CSS.
+ Section qui cause la section suivante à apparaître ou disparaître
+ La section suivante va apparaître lorsque cette section sera partiellement hors de la fenêtre.
+ L'état d'affichage :
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section class="wb-inview bar-demo" data-inview="fade-effect">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section qui cause la section suivante à apparaître ou disparaître</h3>
+ ...
+<section id="fade-effect" class="fade bar-demo">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section qui va apparaître / disparaître <code>id="fade-effect"</code></h3>
+ ...
+ Section qui va apparaître / disparaître id="fade-effect"
Cette section apparaît et disparaît en fonction de l'état de l'affichage de la section précédente.
+ Section qui va apparaître / disparaître id="fade-effect2"
Cette section apparaît et disparaît en fonction de l'état de l'affichage de la section suivante.
+ Section qui cause la section précédente à apparaître ou disparaître
+ La section précédente va apparaître lorsque cette section sera partiellement hors de la fenêtre. (avec class="show-none"
+ L'état d'affichage:
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section id="fade-effect2" class="fade bar-demo">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section qui va apparaître / disparaître <code>id="fade-effect2"</code></h3>
+ ...
+<section class="wb-inview show-none bar-demo" data-inview="fade-effect2">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section qui cause la section précédente à apparaître ou disparaître</h3>
+ ...
+ Section qui glisse vers l'intérieur id="slide-effect1"
Cette section apparaît en fonction de l'état de l'affichage de la section suivante.
+ Section qui cause la section précédente à apparaître
+ La section précédente va apparaître lorsque cette section sera partiellement hors de la fenêtre (avec class="show-none"
), et restez à la place.
+ View state:
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section id="slide-effect1" class="slide in-only bar-demo">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section qui glisse vers l'intérieur</h3>
+ ...
+<section class="wb-inview show-none bar-demo" data-inview="slide-effect1">
+ <h3 class="no-gutter">Section qui cause la section précédente à apparaître seulement</h3>
+ ...
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/demo/data-inview.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/demo/data-inview.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f1de04be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/demo/data-inview.css
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-bar-t header,
+.wb-bar-b header, .wb-bar-t ul,
+.wb-bar-b ul {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.bar-demo p, .bar-demo h3 {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 15px; }
+.bar-demo {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+ margin: 0 0 20px; }
+ .bar-demo h3 {
+ background-color: #f5f5f5;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
+.wb-bar-t ul,
+.wb-bar-b ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-bar-t ul li,
+ .wb-bar-b ul li {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ .wb-bar-t ul > li:first-child,
+ .wb-bar-b ul > li:first-child {
+ padding-left: 5px; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/demo/data-inview.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/demo/data-inview.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f6ba5643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-inview/demo/data-inview.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Data InView example
+ * @overview Handles the Data InView view state change events and updates the status on the page.
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author WET Community
+ */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+wb.doc.on( "all.wb-inview partial.wb-inview none.wb-inview", function( event ) {
+ if ( event.namespace === "wb-inview" ) {
+ $( event.target ).find( ".view-state-status" ).html( event.type );
+ }
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-doc-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-doc-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..638ce86eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-doc-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
+ Data JSON - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Data JSON - Documentation
+ Purpose
+ Insert content extracted from a JSON file or provided by a dataset.
+ The role of this plugin is to display selected data into HTML elements, if you need to manipulate the data prior it get displayed or you need to interact with, then use this plugin in conjonction with the JSON-manager plugin that support dataset.
+ Use when
+ When you need to display the same atomic information on multiple pages. Like a fee for a services that is re-use across multiple pages.
+ To insert repeatitive content by using HTML5 template element.
+ Do not use when
+ To insert block of HTML content, instead use data-ajax with the filtering option if neccessary.
+ For inserting data that only apply to an unique page.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ Create a valid JSON file
+ The one of the following:
+ Add one of the following data-json attributes to an element, with the attribute value being the URL of the JSON file followed by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) URL hash:
+ data-json-after
: Insert content after the element
+ <span data-json-after="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-append
: Insert content at the end of the element
+ <span data-json-append="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-before
: Insert content before the element
+ <span data-json-before="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-prepend
: Insert content at the start of the element
+ <span data-json-prepend="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-replace
: Replace content inside the element
+ <span data-json-replace="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-replacewith
: Replace the element by the content
+ <span data-json-replacewith="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ For HTML5 templating, add the attribute data-wb-json
on the elements you wanted to append items. The following populate a list:
+ <ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+ Where:
+ url
+ JSON file location or dataset name followed by an optional JSON pointer
+ queryall
+ Contain a valid CSS selector .
+ mapping
+ Array of JSON pointer, as many as the return result of queryall
applied on the <template>
+ Note: When using the template for filling a table, wrap your rows template into a table
element in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.
+ Use the data for shapping multiple area of an HTML element
+ <a href="generic/location.html" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "mydata.json#/first/title",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "mydata.json#/first/html_url",
+ "type": "prop",
+ "prop": "href"
+ }
+ ]'>Generic location</a>
+Selecting data
+(Source: JSON Pointer, RCF6901 )
+For example, given the JSON document
+ "foo": ["bar", "baz"],
+ "": 0,
+ "a/b": 1,
+ "c%d": 2,
+ "e^f": 3,
+ "g|h": 4,
+ "i\\j": 5,
+ "k\"l": 6,
+ " ": 7,
+ "m~n": 8
+The following URI fragment identifiers evaluate to the accompanying values:
+ URI fragment
+ Returning value
+ #
+ The whole document
+ #/foo
+ ["bar", "baz"]
+ #/foo/0
+ "bar"
+ #/
+ 0
+ #/a~1b
+ 1
+ #/c%25d
+ 2
+ #/e%5Ef
+ 3
+ #/g%7Ch
+ 4
+ #/i%5Cj
+ 5
+ #/k%22l
+ 6
+ #/%20
+ 7
+ #/m~0n
+ 8
+Issue that you may encounter
+ Display nothing, plugin seems to be broken.
+ Ensure that your JSON file is valid
+ Recently updated data do not display
+ Refresh your browser cache by opening a new tab the JSON file and then do a hard refresh Ctrl + F5 or by testing your page from a new private mode session of your browser.
+HTML5 template
element in the specification
+Official reference:
+The following was extracted from HTML5.2 spec:
+Contexts in which this element can be used.
+The following is a non-normative description of where the element can be used. This information is redundant with the content models of elements that allow this one as a child, and is provided only as a convenience.
+Content model
+A normative description of what content must be included as children and descendants of the element.
+ Either: Metadata content .
+ Or: Flow content .
+ Or: The content model of <ol>
and <ul>
+ Or: The content model of <dl>
+ Or: The content model of <figure>
+ Or: The content model of <ruby>
+ Or: The content model of <object>
+ Or: The content model of <video>
and audio
+ Or: The content model of <table>
+ Or: The content model of <colgroup>
+ Or: The content model of <thead>
, <tbody>
, and <tfoot>
+ Or: The content model of <tr>
+ Or: The content model of <fieldset>
+ Or: The content model of <select>
+ Or: The content model of <details>
+ Or: The content model of <menu>
elements whose type
attribute is in the popup menu state.
+Note that the following elements, incomplete list, have a content model that could expect script-supporting elements: ol
, ul
, dl
, table
, thead
, tbody
, tfoot
, tr
, select
, menu
+Template - Transforming JSON object into an array
+Since WET 4.0.27 it is now possible to iterate anything that is not an array to render content through a <template>
. It simply get transformed into a array. There is a low risk of lost of information, only one specific use case. It's quite similar to the JSON-LD Expanded Form. In this transformation process, it assume the array key is an IRI. Then the will result include some property from JSON-LD such as @id
and @value
. The @id
wont be overwritten, in those such case the array key will be discard after the transformation.
+When the value is a sub-object
+ "key1": {
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ "key2": {
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+ {
+ "@id": "key1",
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key2",
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+When the value are not an object
+ "key1": "value1",
+ "key2": "value2",
+ "key3": "value3"
+ {
+ "@id": "key1",
+ "@value": "value1"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key2",
+ "@value": "value2"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key3",
+ "@value": "value3"
+ }
+When the value is a native data type
+Selecting the value of key1
to iterate.
+ "key1": "value1"
+ "key1": [
+ "value1"
+ ]
+When the value is an array
+ "key1": [
+ { "keyA": "value1" },
+ { "keyA": "value2" }
+ ],
+ "key2": [
+ { "keyA": "value3" },
+ { "keyA": "value4" }
+ ]
+ {
+ "@id": "key1",
+ "@value": [
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyA": "value2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key2",
+ "@value":
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyA": "value4"
+ ]
+ }
+When the array key information will be lost
+ "key1": {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/1",
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ "key2": {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/2",
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+ {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/1",
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/2",
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+Cache busting
+Before to use the cache busting mechanism with your data json instance, it's highly recommended to configure your server properly instead.
+Various strategy can be set on the server side and those are communicated to the browser through an http header as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 .
+ Configuration options
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ Insertion type
+ Configure the origin and destination of the content to be extracted from a JSON file.
+ Add the configuration attribute to the affected element with the value being the URL followed by a JSON pointer hash of the data to be inserted.
+ data-json-after
+ Insert content after the element
+ data-json-append
+ Insert content at the end of the element
+ data-json-before
+ Insert content before the element
+ data-json-prepend
+ Insert content at the start of the element
+ data-json-replace
+ Replace content inside the element
+ data-json-replacewith
+ Replace the element by the content
+ url
+ Required . Define the url or the dataset name to use. When used in a template mode, the URL should point to an array object.
+ You can follow the url or the dataset name by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) .
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "location/of/json/file.json#/" }'
+ The url are a json file
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "[datasetName]#/" }'
+ The url is a reference to a dataset managed by a json-manager defined in the page
+ type
+ Configure the origin and destination of the content to be extracted from a JSON file. Similar of using the insertion type.
+ Add a value to type that is recongnized, if leaved it it will assume it's means template.
+ template
+ (Default) Apply the HTML template by using the json.
+ addclass
+ Add a class to the element
+ after
+ Insert content after the element
+ append
+ Insert content at the end of the element
+ attr
+ Change an attribute on the element. It's require also the configuration attr
which contain the attribute name.
+ before
+ Insert content before the element
+ removeclass
+ Remove a class to the element
+ replace
+ Replace content inside the element
+ replacewith
+ Replace the element by the content
+ prepend
+ Insert content at the start of the element
+ prop
+ Change a property on the element. It's require also the configuration prop
which contain the attribute name.
+ val
+ Set a value on an input element.
+ attr
+ Specify the element attribute name. Only required when type="attr"
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "type": "attr", "attr": "href" }'
+ A valid attribute name supported by the element and be one of the following href, src, data-*, aria-*, role, pattern, min, max, step, low, high
+ prop
+ Specify the element attribute name. Only required when type="prop"
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "type": "prop", "prop": "disabled" }'
+ A valid attribute considered as a propperty supported by the element and be one of the following checked, selected, disabled, required, readonly, multiple, hidden
+ queryall
+ Template only. Selects elements inside the cloned template. It's assumed the mapping represent the number of returned results of this query.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "queryall": "li" }'
+ Contain a valid CSS selector .
+ tobeclone
+ Template only. Selects an elements inside the template that will be cloned for the mapping and the insertion. It's assumed the mapping represent the number of returned results of this query. When it's specified, this returning value is considered as the root of the mapping object selector and for the queryall options.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "queryall": "li" }'
+ Default
+ All the children elements of the source template
+ If defined
+ A valid CSS selector .
+ filter
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only. Validating for truthness to allow array items to be processed by the template. Contains an array of evaluation criteria for array items.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+ Evaluation object have the following property
+ path
+ Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+ value
+ Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+ optional
+ Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+ Evaluation object path
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only, for evaluation object and required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated. It's must start with an "/".
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] }'
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ Evaluation object value
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only, for evaluation object and required.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "value": "A value" } ] }'
+ Any value that could be compared with the information retreived form the path.
+ Evaluation object optional
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only and for evaluation object.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "optional": true } ] }'
+ True or false. If omited it will be false by default.
+ filternot
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only. Validating for falsness to disallow an array items to be processed by the template. Contains an array of evaluation criteria for array items.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filternot": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+ Evaluation object have the following property
+ path
+ Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+ value
+ Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+ optional
+ Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+ source
+ Template only. Pointer to the template elements. Not required when the template is the child of the host element.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "source": "#idToMyTemplate" }'
+ JQuery selector that represent the template element on the current page.
+ mapping
+ Template only. Array of string represeting a JSON pointer or object where it specify how to bind the data with the template content. If the configuration queryall
is used, the number of items in the mapping must match the number of returning result of the queryall. In the other hand, if queryall
configuration is not specified, than each mapping object must define a selector
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ "JSON Pointer", "JSON Pointer" ] }'
or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ {mapping object}, {mapping object} ] }'
+ When queryall is not specified, it's is an array of string with a the JSON pointer. (Equivalent to the value in the Mapping object)
+ A mapping object can contain another mapping object to support sub-template. That inner mapping can also contain it's own queryall
+ Mapping object selector
+ Template only, for mapping object and required when queryall
is not specified. Should selects one element inside the cloned template. When selecting an array, that allow you run sub-template. To configure a sub-template, the mapping object is extended like: you can optionnaly set the "source" configuration, optionnaly set the "queryall" configuration and you can also set a inner "mapping" object for the mapping of the sub-template.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "selector": "A CSS Selector" } ] }'
+ A valid CSS selector .
+ Mapping object value
+ Template only, for mapping object and required when queryall
is not specified. JSON Pointer representing the data to be mapped.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "value": "A JSON Pointer" } ] }'
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ Mapping object placeholder
+ Template only, for mapping object and optinal when queryall
is not specified. String representing the placeholder to replace by the selected data
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "placeholder": "" } ] }'
+ A findable string in the selected element in the template.
+ Mapping object attr
+ Template only, for mapping object and optional when queryall
is not specified. Name of an attribute where the selected data will replace his value.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "attr": "href" } ] }'
+ A valid attribute of the selected element.
+ Mapping object isHTML
+ Template only, for mapping object and optional when queryall
is not specified. Flag indicating if the content to be mapped is a string HTML.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "isHTML": "true" } ] }'
+ A valid attribute of the selected element.
+ appendto
+ Template only. When the elements are outside the editing area, this specified the element to use to append the template. Specifying the data-json directly of the elements should remain how it is used. Note: Since WET 4.0.27 a bug fix has change the behavior of one usecase depending how the mapping is configured. Since WET 4.0.27, using the data-json template is always done against an JSON array.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "appendto": "title" }'
+ A valid jQuery selector.
+ nocache
+ Prevent caching. Prior using the functionality, use the various caching strategies that can be set and communicated through http header from your server, as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 . Also, please note that some server may not like to have an query appended to his url and you may get an HTTP error like "400 Bad Request" or "404 Not Found". Like a page served by a domino server will return 404 error if the query string do not start with "?open
", "?openDocument
" or "?readForm
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true }'
or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": "nocache" }'
+ Default
+ The browser will manage the cache based on how the server has sent the file.
+ true
+ Boolean, Use the same cache buster id for the user session. Clossing and opening the tab should generate a new cache busting id.
+ nocache
+ String, A new id is generated everytime the file is fetched
+ nocachekey
+ Prevent caching. Optional, it defined what query parameter name to use for the cache busting.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true, "nocachekey": "wbCacheBust" }'
+ Default
+ Will use "wbCacheBust
" for the parameter name.
+ String
+ URL pre-encoded string
+ trigger
+ Initiate WET features for the content rendered with a template.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "trigger": true }'
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is.
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature on rendered content
+ Events
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ wb-init.wb-data-json
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-data-json" );
+ Used to manually initialize the Data JSON plugin. Note: The Data JSON plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb-data-json
+ Triggered automatically after the content has been inserted.
+ Used to identify where content has been inserted in by the plugin (target of the event) and to pass along how the content was included ("after", "append", "before", "prepend", "replace" or "replacewith").
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-data-json", "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]", function( event, ajaxType ) {
+ });
+ $( "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-data-json", function( event, ajaxType ) {
+ });
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ });
+ wb-contentupdated
+ Triggered automatically when data-json has finished to load the response.
+ Use to perform a secondary action upon inserted content
+ $('#mycontainer').on( "wb-contentupdated", function( event, data ){
+ });
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-01-31
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-doc-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-doc-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ef815700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-doc-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
+ Data JSON - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Data JSON - Documentation
Needs translation
+ Purpose
+ Insert content extracted from a JSON file or provided by a dataset.
+ The role of this plugin is to display selected data into HTML elements, if you need to manipulate the data prior it get displayed or you need to interact with, then use this plugin in conjonction with the JSON-manager plugin that support dataset.
+ Use when
+ When you need to display the same atomic information on multiple pages. Like a fee for a services that is re-use across multiple pages.
+ To insert repeatitive content by using HTML5 template element.
+ Do not use when
+ To insert block of HTML content, instead use data-ajax with the filtering option if neccessary.
+ For inserting data that only apply to an unique page.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ Create a valid JSON file
+ The one of the following:
+ Add one of the following data-json attributes to an element, with the attribute value being the URL of the JSON file followed by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) URL hash:
+ data-json-after
: Insert content after the element
+ <span data-json-after="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-append
: Insert content at the end of the element
+ <span data-json-append="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-before
: Insert content before the element
+ <span data-json-before="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-prepend
: Insert content at the start of the element
+ <span data-json-prepend="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-replace
: Replace content inside the element
+ <span data-json-replace="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ data-json-replacewith
: Replace the element by the content
+ <span data-json-replacewith="json/data-en.json#/JSON/Pointer">
+ ...
+ </span>
+ For HTML5 templating, add the attribute data-wb-json
on the elements you wanted to append items. The following populate a list:
+ <ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+ Where:
+ url
+ JSON file location or dataset name followed by an optional JSON pointer
+ queryall
+ Contain a valid CSS selector .
+ mapping
+ Array of JSON pointer, as many as the return result of queryall
applied on the <template>
+ Note: When using the template for filling a table, wrap your rows template into a table
element in order to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer.
+ Use the data for shapping multiple area of an HTML element
+ <a href="generic/location.html" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "mydata.json#/first/title",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "mydata.json#/first/html_url",
+ "type": "prop",
+ "prop": "href"
+ }
+ ]'>Generic location</a>
+Selecting data
+(Source: JSON Pointer, RCF6901 )
+For example, given the JSON document
+ "foo": ["bar", "baz"],
+ "": 0,
+ "a/b": 1,
+ "c%d": 2,
+ "e^f": 3,
+ "g|h": 4,
+ "i\\j": 5,
+ "k\"l": 6,
+ " ": 7,
+ "m~n": 8
+The following URI fragment identifiers evaluate to the accompanying values:
+ URI fragment
+ Returning value
+ #
+ The whole document
+ #/foo
+ ["bar", "baz"]
+ #/foo/0
+ "bar"
+ #/
+ 0
+ #/a~1b
+ 1
+ #/c%25d
+ 2
+ #/e%5Ef
+ 3
+ #/g%7Ch
+ 4
+ #/i%5Cj
+ 5
+ #/k%22l
+ 6
+ #/%20
+ 7
+ #/m~0n
+ 8
+Issue that you may encounter
+ Display nothing, plugin seems to be broken.
+ Ensure that your JSON file is valid
+ Recently updated data do not display
+ Refresh your browser cache by opening a new tab the JSON file and then do a hard refresh Ctrl + F5 or by testing your page from a new private mode session of your browser.
+HTML5 template
element in the specification
+Official reference:
+The following was extracted from HTML5.2 spec:
+Contexts in which this element can be used.
+The following is a non-normative description of where the element can be used. This information is redundant with the content models of elements that allow this one as a child, and is provided only as a convenience.
+Content model
+A normative description of what content must be included as children and descendants of the element.
+ Either: Metadata content .
+ Or: Flow content .
+ Or: The content model of <ol>
and <ul>
+ Or: The content model of <dl>
+ Or: The content model of <figure>
+ Or: The content model of <ruby>
+ Or: The content model of <object>
+ Or: The content model of <video>
and audio
+ Or: The content model of <table>
+ Or: The content model of <colgroup>
+ Or: The content model of <thead>
, <tbody>
, and <tfoot>
+ Or: The content model of <tr>
+ Or: The content model of <fieldset>
+ Or: The content model of <select>
+ Or: The content model of <details>
+ Or: The content model of <menu>
elements whose type
attribute is in the popup menu state.
+Note that the following elements, incomplete list, have a content model that could expect script-supporting elements: ol
, ul
, dl
, table
, thead
, tbody
, tfoot
, tr
, select
, menu
+Template - Transforming JSON object into an array
+Since WET 4.0.27 it is now possible to iterate anything that is not an array to render content through a <template>
. It simply get transformed into a array. There is a low risk of lost of information, only one specific use case. It's quite similar to the JSON-LD Expanded Form. In this transformation process, it assume the array key is an IRI. Then the will result include some property from JSON-LD such as @id
and @value
. The @id
wont be overwritten, in those such case the array key will be discard after the transformation.
+When the value is a sub-object
+ "key1": {
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ "key2": {
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+ {
+ "@id": "key1",
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key2",
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+When the value are not an object
+ "key1": "value1",
+ "key2": "value2",
+ "key3": "value3"
+ {
+ "@id": "key1",
+ "@value": "value1"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key2",
+ "@value": "value2"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key3",
+ "@value": "value3"
+ }
+When the value is a native data type
+Selecting the value of key1
to iterate.
+ "key1": "value1"
+ "key1": [
+ "value1"
+ ]
+When the value is an array
+ "key1": [
+ { "keyA": "value1" },
+ { "keyA": "value2" }
+ ],
+ "key2": [
+ { "keyA": "value3" },
+ { "keyA": "value4" }
+ ]
+ {
+ "@id": "key1",
+ "@value": [
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyA": "value2"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "key2",
+ "@value":
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyA": "value4"
+ ]
+ }
+When the array key information will be lost
+ "key1": {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/1",
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ "key2": {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/2",
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+ {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/1",
+ "keyA": "value1",
+ "keyB": "value2"
+ },
+ {
+ "@id": "https://wet-boew.github.io/vocab/example/2",
+ "keyA": "value3",
+ "keyB": "value4"
+ }
+Cache busting
+Before to use the cache busting mechanism with your data json instance, it's highly recommended to configure your server properly instead.
+Various strategy can be set on the server side and those are communicated to the browser through an http header as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 .
+ Configuration options
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ Insertion type
+ Configure the origin and destination of the content to be extracted from a JSON file.
+ Add the configuration attribute to the affected element with the value being the URL followed by a JSON pointer hash of the data to be inserted.
+ data-json-after
+ Insert content after the element
+ data-json-append
+ Insert content at the end of the element
+ data-json-before
+ Insert content before the element
+ data-json-prepend
+ Insert content at the start of the element
+ data-json-replace
+ Replace content inside the element
+ data-json-replacewith
+ Replace the element by the content
+ url
+ Required . Define the url or the dataset name to use. When used in a template mode, the URL should point to an array object.
+ You can follow the url or the dataset name by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) .
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "location/of/json/file.json#/" }'
+ The url are a json file
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "[datasetName]#/" }'
+ The url is a reference to a dataset managed by a json-manager defined in the page
+ type
+ Configure the origin and destination of the content to be extracted from a JSON file. Similar of using the insertion type.
+ Add a value to type that is recongnized, if leaved it it will assume it's means template.
+ template
+ (Default) Apply the HTML template by using the json.
+ addclass
+ Add a class to the element
+ after
+ Insert content after the element
+ append
+ Insert content at the end of the element
+ attr
+ Change an attribute on the element. It's require also the configuration attr
which contain the attribute name.
+ before
+ Insert content before the element
+ removeclass
+ Remove a class to the element
+ replace
+ Replace content inside the element
+ replacewith
+ Replace the element by the content
+ prepend
+ Insert content at the start of the element
+ prop
+ Change a property on the element. It's require also the configuration prop
which contain the attribute name.
+ val
+ Set a value on an input element.
+ attr
+ Specify the element attribute name. Only required when type="attr"
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "type": "attr", "attr": "href" }'
+ A valid attribute name supported by the element and be one of the following href, src, data-*, aria-*, role, pattern, min, max, step, low, high
+ prop
+ Specify the element attribute name. Only required when type="prop"
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "type": "prop", "prop": "disabled" }'
+ A valid attribute considered as a propperty supported by the element and be one of the following checked, selected, disabled, required, readonly, multiple, hidden
+ queryall
+ Template only. Selects elements inside the cloned template. It's assumed the mapping represent the number of returned results of this query.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "queryall": "li" }'
+ Contain a valid CSS selector .
+ tobeclone
+ Template only. Selects an elements inside the template that will be cloned for the mapping and the insertion. It's assumed the mapping represent the number of returned results of this query. When it's specified, this returning value is considered as the root of the mapping object selector and for the queryall options.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "queryall": "li" }'
+ Default
+ All the children elements of the source template
+ If defined
+ A valid CSS selector .
+ filter
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only. Validating for truthness to allow array items to be processed by the template. Contains an array of evaluation criteria for array items.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+ Evaluation object have the following property
+ path
+ Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+ value
+ Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+ optional
+ Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+ Evaluation object path
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only, for evaluation object and required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated. It's must start with an "/".
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] }'
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ Evaluation object value
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only, for evaluation object and required.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "value": "A value" } ] }'
+ Any value that could be compared with the information retreived form the path.
+ Evaluation object optional
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only and for evaluation object.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filter": [ { "optional": true } ] }'
+ True or false. If omited it will be false by default.
+ filternot
+ Use the filtering feature from the JSON manager instead.
+ Template only. Validating for falsness to disallow an array items to be processed by the template. Contains an array of evaluation criteria for array items.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "filternot": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+ Evaluation object have the following property
+ path
+ Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+ value
+ Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+ optional
+ Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+ source
+ Template only. Pointer to the template elements. Not required when the template is the child of the host element.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "source": "#idToMyTemplate" }'
+ JQuery selector that represent the template element on the current page.
+ mapping
+ Template only. Array of string represeting a JSON pointer or object where it specify how to bind the data with the template content. If the configuration queryall
is used, the number of items in the mapping must match the number of returning result of the queryall. In the other hand, if queryall
configuration is not specified, than each mapping object must define a selector
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ "JSON Pointer", "JSON Pointer" ] }'
or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ {mapping object}, {mapping object} ] }'
+ When queryall is not specified, it's is an array of string with a the JSON pointer. (Equivalent to the value in the Mapping object)
+ A mapping object can contain another mapping object to support sub-template. That inner mapping can also contain it's own queryall
+ Mapping object selector
+ Template only, for mapping object and required when queryall
is not specified. Should selects one element inside the cloned template. When selecting an array, that allow you run sub-template. To configure a sub-template, the mapping object is extended like: you can optionnaly set the "source" configuration, optionnaly set the "queryall" configuration and you can also set a inner "mapping" object for the mapping of the sub-template.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "selector": "A CSS Selector" } ] }'
+ A valid CSS selector .
+ Mapping object value
+ Template only, for mapping object and required when queryall
is not specified. JSON Pointer representing the data to be mapped.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "value": "A JSON Pointer" } ] }'
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ Mapping object placeholder
+ Template only, for mapping object and optinal when queryall
is not specified. String representing the placeholder to replace by the selected data
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "placeholder": "" } ] }'
+ A findable string in the selected element in the template.
+ Mapping object attr
+ Template only, for mapping object and optional when queryall
is not specified. Name of an attribute where the selected data will replace his value.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "attr": "href" } ] }'
+ A valid attribute of the selected element.
+ Mapping object isHTML
+ Template only, for mapping object and optional when queryall
is not specified. Flag indicating if the content to be mapped is a string HTML.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "mapping": [ { "isHTML": "true" } ] }'
+ A valid attribute of the selected element.
+ appendto
+ Template only. When the elements are outside the editing area, this specified the element to use to append the template. Specifying the data-json directly of the elements should remain how it is used. Note: Since WET 4.0.27 a bug fix has change the behavior of one usecase depending how the mapping is configured. Since WET 4.0.27, using the data-json template is always done against an JSON array.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "appendto": "title" }'
+ A valid jQuery selector.
+ nocache
+ Prevent caching. Prior using the functionality, use the various caching strategies that can be set and communicated through http header from your server, as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 . Also, please note that some server may not like to have an query appended to his url and you may get an HTTP error like "400 Bad Request" or "404 Not Found". Like a page served by a domino server will return 404 error if the query string do not start with "?open
", "?openDocument
" or "?readForm
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true }'
or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": "nocache" }'
+ Default
+ The browser will manage the cache based on how the server has sent the file.
+ true
+ Boolean, Use the same cache buster id for the user session. Clossing and opening the tab should generate a new cache busting id.
+ nocache
+ String, A new id is generated everytime the file is fetched
+ nocachekey
+ Prevent caching. Optional, it defined what query parameter name to use for the cache busting.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true, "nocachekey": "wbCacheBust" }'
+ Default
+ Will use "wbCacheBust
" for the parameter name.
+ String
+ URL pre-encoded string
+ trigger
+ Initiate WET features for the content rendered with a template.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "trigger": true }'
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is.
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature on rendered content
+ Events
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ wb-init.wb-data-json
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-data-json" );
+ Used to manually initialize the Data JSON plugin. Note: The Data JSON plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb-data-json
+ Triggered automatically after the content has been inserted.
+ Used to identify where content has been inserted in by the plugin (target of the event) and to pass along how the content was included ("after", "append", "before", "prepend", "replace" or "replacewith").
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-data-json", "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]", function( event, ajaxType ) {
+ });
+ $( "[data-json-after], [data-json-append], [data-json-before], [data-json-prepend], [data-json-replace], [data-json-replacewith]" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-data-json", function( event, ajaxType ) {
+ });
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ });
+ wb-contentupdated
+ Triggered automatically when data-json has finished to load the response.
+ Use to perform a secondary action upon inserted content
+ $('#mycontainer').on( "wb-contentupdated", function( event, data ){
+ });
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-01-31
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be6b5c105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+ Data JSON - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Data JSON
+Insert content extracted from a JSON file.
+ JSON data used by the following examples
+ File: demo/data-en.json
+ {
+ "fees": {
+ "ABC": "20$"
+ },
+ "product": "Hello world",
+ "products": [
+ "My new product",
+ "My second product",
+ "My product number 3"
+ ],
+ "status": "text-muted",
+ "iamtrue": true,
+ "iamfalse": false,
+ "jour":"2016-11-05T01:42:31Z",
+ "anArray": [
+ { "name": "Item 1", "prop": "red" },
+ { "name": "Item 2", "prop": "blue" },
+ { "name": "Item 3", "prop": "yellow" },
+ { "name": "Item 4", "prop": "purple" }
+ ]
+Basic example
+My product ABC cost (consult our fees schedule)
+Your are currently viewing the product "Unknown "
+This is a paragraph.
+ Source code
+ <p>My product ABC cost <a data-json-replacewith="demo/data-en.json#/fees/ABC" href="#">(consult our fees schedule)</a></p>
+<p class="mrgn-tp-md">Your are currently viewing the product "<span data-json-replace="demo/data-en.json#/products/en">Unknown</span>"</p>
+<p class="mrgn-tp-md" data-wb-json='
+ [
+ {
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/status",
+ "type": "addclass"
+ }
+ ]'>This is a paragraph.</p>
+Inserting content...
+ After an element (after
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ At the end of an element (append
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Before an element (before
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ At the start of an element (prepend
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Source code
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">After an element (<code>after</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-after="demo/data-en.json#/product">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product", "type": "after" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">At the end of an element (<code>append</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-append="demo/data-en.json#/product">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product", "type": "append" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Before an element (<code>before</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-before="demo/data-en.json#/product">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product", "type": "before" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">At the start of an element (<code>prepend</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-prepend="demo/data-en.json#/product">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product", "type": "prepend" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+ Content inside the element (replace
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ The element by the content (replacewith
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Source code
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Content inside the element (<code>replace</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-replace="demo/data-en.json#/product">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product", "type": "replace" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">The element by the content (<code>replacewith</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-replacewith="demo/data-en.json#/product">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/product", "type": "replacewith" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+CSS class manipulation
+ Add a class name (addclass
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Remove a class name (removeclass
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Source code
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Add a class name (<code>addclass</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/status", "type": "addclass" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Remove a class name (<code>removeclass</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p class="text-muted" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/status", "type": "removeclass" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
+ </figure>
+Update property and value
+ Source code
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Property (<code>prop</code>)</figcaption>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label><input type="checkbox" value="" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/iamtrue", "type": "prop", "prop": "checked" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</label>
+ <label><input type="checkbox" value="" checked="checked" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/iamfalse", "type": "prop", "prop": "checked" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</label>
+ </div>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Value (<code>val</code>)</figcaption>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="label-3">Lorem ipsum</label>
+ <div class="col-md-8">
+ <input id="label-3" type="text" class="form-control" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/status", "type": "val" }' />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </figure>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-01-31
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0555f8654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/data-json-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+ Data JSON - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Data JSON
+Insertion de contenu extrait d'un fichier JSON
+ Donnée JSON utilisé pour les examples suivantes
+ Fichier: demo/data-fr.json
+ {
+ "frais": {
+ "ABC": "20$"
+ },
+ "produit": "Bonjour le monde",
+ "produits": [
+ "Mon nouveau produit",
+ "Mon deuxième produit",
+ "Mon produit numéro 3"
+ ],
+ "etats": "text-muted",
+ "jesuisvrai": true,
+ "jesuisfaux": false,
+ "jour":"2016-11-05T01:42:31Z",
+ "unTableau": [
+ { "nom": "Item 1", "prop": "rouge" },
+ { "nom": "Item 2", "prop": "bleu" },
+ { "nom": "Item 3", "prop": "jaune" },
+ { "nom": "Item 4", "prop": "violet" }
+ ],
+ "bureaux": [
+ { "nom": "Jean Edmonds, Tour nord", "num": 300, "rue": "Slater", "ville": "Ottawa", "css": "bg-success" },
+ { "nom": "Place du portage, Phase I", "num": 50, "rue": "Victoria", "ville": "Gatineau", "css": "bg-danger" }
+ ]
+Mon produit ABC coûte (consulter notre liste de frais)
+Vous consultez le produits "Bonjour le monde" "Inconnue "
+This is a paragraph.
+ Code source
+ <p>Mon produit ABC coûte <a data-json-replacewith="demo/data-fr.json#/frais/ABC" href="#">(consulter notre liste de frais)</a></p>
+<p class="mrgn-tp-md">Vous consultez le produits "Bonjour le monde" "<span data-json-replace="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">Inconnue</span>"</p>
+<p class="mrgn-tp-md" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/etats",
+ "type": "addclass"
+ }
+ ]'>This is a paragraph.</p>
+Insertion de contenu...
+ Après l'élément (after
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ À la fin de l'élément (append
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Avant l'élément (before
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Au début de l'élément (prepend
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Code source
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Après l'élément (<code>after</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-after="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit", "type": "after" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">À la fin de l'élément (<code>append</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-append="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit", "type": "append" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Avant l'élément (<code>before</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-before="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit", "type": "before" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Au début de l'élément (<code>prepend</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-prepend="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit", "type": "prepend" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+ Contenu de l'élément (replace
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ L'élément (replacewith
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet pharetra.
+ Source code
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Contenu de l'élément (<code>replace</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-replace="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit", "type": "replace" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">L'élément (<code>replacewith</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing <strong data-json-replacewith="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">elit.</strong></p>
+ <p>Vivamus ut turpis a elit laoreet <strong data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit", "type": "replacewith" }'>pharetra.</strong></p>
+ </figure>
+Manipulation des classes CSS
+ Ajout d'une classe (addclass
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Enlever une classe (removeclass
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+ Source code
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Ajout d'une classe (<code>addclass</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/etats", "type": "addclass" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Enlever une classe (<code>removeclass</code>)</figcaption>
+ <p class="text-muted" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/etats", "type": "removeclass" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>
+ </figure>
+Mettre à jour des propriétés et des valeurs
+ Code source
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Propriété (<code>prop</code>)</figcaption>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label><input type="checkbox" value="" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/jesuisvrai", "type": "prop", "prop": "checked" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</label>
+ <label><input type="checkbox" value="" checked="checked" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/jesuisfaux", "type": "prop", "prop": "checked" }'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</label>
+ </div>
+ </figure>
+<div class="col-md-6">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption class="h3">Valeur (<code>val</code>)</figcaption>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="label-3">Lorem ipsum</label>
+ <div class="col-md-8">
+ <input id="label-3" type="text" class="form-control" data-wb-json='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/etats", "type": "val" }' />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </figure>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-01-31
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/demo/data-en.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/demo/data-en.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d89e7ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/demo/data-en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "fees": {
+ "ABC": "20$"
+ },
+ "product": "Hello world",
+ "products": [
+ "My new product",
+ "My second product",
+ "My product number 3"
+ ],
+ "status": "text-muted",
+ "iamtrue": true,
+ "iamfalse": false,
+ "jour":"2016-11-05T01:42:31Z",
+ "anArray": [
+ { "name": "Item 1", "prop": "red" },
+ { "name": "Item 2", "prop": "blue" },
+ { "name": "Item 3", "prop": "yellow" },
+ { "name": "Item 4", "prop": "purple" }
+ ],
+ "offices": [
+ { "name": "Jean Edmonds, North Tower", "num": 300, "street": "Slater", "city": "Ottawa", "css": "bg-success" },
+ { "name": "Place du portage, Phase I", "num": 50, "street": "Victoria", "city": "Gatineau", "css": "bg-danger" }
+ ],
+ "comments": {
+ "2017-1": {
+ "name": "Mr X",
+ "city": "Gatineau",
+ "somethingHTML": "Horay here rich HTML content",
+ "hobby": [ "Car", "Mechanic", "Race" ]
+ },
+ "2017-2": {
+ "name": "Mrs Y",
+ "city": "St-Pierre",
+ "somethingHTML": "Youpi word should be with emphasis",
+ "hobby": [ "Spa", "Nature", "Bike", "Reading" ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/demo/data-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/demo/data-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3a90aa78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/demo/data-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ "frais": {
+ "ABC": "20$"
+ },
+ "produit": "Bonjour le monde",
+ "produits": [
+ "Mon nouveau produit",
+ "Mon deuxième produit",
+ "Mon produit numéro 3"
+ ],
+ "etats": "text-muted",
+ "jesuisvrai": true,
+ "jesuisfaux": false,
+ "jour":"2016-11-05T01:42:31Z",
+ "unTableau": [
+ { "nom": "Item 1", "prop": "rouge" },
+ { "nom": "Item 2", "prop": "bleu" },
+ { "nom": "Item 3", "prop": "jaune" },
+ { "nom": "Item 4", "prop": "violet" }
+ ],
+ "bureaux": [
+ { "nom": "Jean Edmonds, Tour nord", "num": 300, "rue": "Slater", "ville": "Ottawa", "css": "bg-success" },
+ { "nom": "Place du portage, Phase I", "num": 50, "rue": "Victoria", "ville": "Gatineau", "css": "bg-danger" }
+ ],
+ "commentaire": {
+ "2017-1": {
+ "nom": "M. X",
+ "ville": "Gatineau",
+ "quelquesChoseHTML": "Horay ici du contenu HTML enrichie",
+ "passetemps": [ "Voiture", "Mécanique", "Course" ]
+ },
+ "2017-2": {
+ "nom": "Mme. Y",
+ "ville": "St-Pierre",
+ "quelquesChoseHTML": "le mot Youpi devrais avoir de la mise en évidence",
+ "passetemps": [ "Spa", "Nature", "Bicyclette", "Lecture" ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/template-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/template-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25660ab0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/template-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+ Template HTML 5 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Template HTML 5
+Leverage HTML 5 <template>
element by using the data json plugin.
+ JSON data used by the following examples
+ File: demo/data-en.json
+ {
+ "fees": {
+ "ABC": "20$"
+ },
+ "product": "Hello world",
+ "products": [
+ "My new product",
+ "My second product",
+ "My product number 3"
+ ],
+ "status": "text-muted",
+ "iamtrue": true,
+ "iamfalse": false,
+ "jour":"2016-11-05T01:42:31Z",
+ "anArray": [
+ { "name": "Item 1", "prop": "red" },
+ { "name": "Item 2", "prop": "blue" },
+ { "name": "Item 3", "prop": "yellow" },
+ { "name": "Item 4", "prop": "purple" }
+ ],
+ "offices": [
+ { "name": "Jean Edmonds, North Tower", "num": 300, "street": "Slater", "city": "Ottawa", "css": "bg-success" },
+ { "name": "Place du portage, Phase I", "num": 50, "street": "Victoria", "city": "Gatineau", "css": "bg-danger" }
+ ],
+ "comments": {
+ "2017-1": {
+ "name": "Mr X",
+ "city": "Gatineau",
+ "somethingHTML": "<strong>Horay</strong> here rich HTML content",
+ "hobby": [ "Car", "Mechanic", "Race" ]
+ },
+ "2017-2": {
+ "name": "Mrs Y",
+ "city": "St-Pierre",
+ "somethingHTML": "<strong>Youpi</strong> word should be with emphasis",
+ "hobby": [ "Spa", "Nature", "Bike", "Reading" ]
+ }
+ }
Definition list:
+ Source code
+ <p>Definition list:</p>
+<dl class="dl-horizontal" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "dt", "value": "/name" },
+ { "selector": "dd", "value": "/prop" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <dt></dt>
+ <dd></dd>
+ </template>
+<ul class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+<ol class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+Render JSON value as HTML
+ With the HTML rendering
+ Name
+ City
+ Something in HTML
+ Without the HTML rendering
+ Name
+ City
+ Something in HTML
+ Source code
+ <table class="table">
+ <caption>With the HTML rendering</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>City</th>
+ <th>Something in HTML</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/comments",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "queryall": "td",
+ "source": "#tblHTMLRender",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name",
+ "/city",
+ { "value": "/somethingHTML", "isHTML": true }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tblHTMLRender">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+<table class="table">
+ <caption>Without the HTML rendering</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>City</th>
+ <th>Something in HTML</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/comments",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "queryall": "td",
+ "source": "#tblHTMLRender2",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name",
+ "/city",
+ "/somethingHTML"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tblHTMLRender2">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+Sub template
From: [[city]]
+ Source code
+ <div class="row" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/comments",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "h3", "value": "/name" },
+ { "selector": ":nth-child(2)", "value": "/city", "placeholder": "[[city]]" },
+ { "selector": ":nth-child(3)", "value": "/somethingHTML", "isHTML": true },
+ { "selector": "ul", "value": "/hobby", "queryall": "li" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h3></h3> <!-- Name -->
+ <p>From: [[city]]</p>
+ <p></p> <!-- Description -->
+ <h4>Hobby:</h4>
+ <ul class="lst-spcd"> <!-- Sub-template container -->
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+Iterate from a JSON Object
+When iterating a JSON object it get transformed into an array of objects by following a JSON-LD extended form style. You will find in the data-JSON documentation sample of JSON object before and after it's transformation into an array.
+ Source code
+ <ul class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray/2",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": "/@value"
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
Note: When you are using the templating to feed table rows, there is an issue when the <template>
element are located inside the table element only when using IE . The workaround is to move the <template>
outside the <table>
, ideally next to it, and then to include a <table>
inside the <template>
followed by your templated row. Then simply configure tobeclone
and source
to connect data json with the template.
+ Name
+ Number
+ Street
+ City
+ Modifying attribute and place holder
+ Name
+ Number
+ Street
+ City
+ Place du centre
+ 200
+ Promenade du Portage
+ Gatineau
+ Jean Edmonds, South Tower
+ 365
+ Laurier Ave W
+ Ottawa
+ Name is: [[name]]
+ Source code
+ <table class="table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>Number</th>
+ <th>Street</th>
+ <th>City</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/offices",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "queryall": "td",
+ "source": "#tbl1",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name",
+ "/num",
+ "/street",
+ "/city"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tbl1">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+<table class="table">
+ <caption>Modifying attribute and place holder</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>Number</th>
+ <th>Street</th>
+ <th>City</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/offices",
+ "source": "#tbl2",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "td", "value": "/name", "placeholder": "[[name]]" },
+ { "selector": "td:nth-child(2)", "value": "/css", "attr": "class" },
+ { "selector": "td:nth-child(2)", "value": "/num" },
+ { "selector": "td:nth-last-child(2)", "value": "/street" },
+ { "selector": "td:last-child", "value": "/city" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Place du centre</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>Promenade du Portage</td>
+ <td>Gatineau</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Jean Edmonds, South Tower</td>
+ <td>365</td>
+ <td>Laurier Ave W</td>
+ <td>Ottawa</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tbl2">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Name is: [[name]]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+Deprecated Would still work, but we recommend to use the JSON manager instead.
+ Source code for reference only
+ <p>If <strong>positive<strong> condition:</p>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ],
+ "filter": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "blue" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+<p>If <strong>negative</strong> condition:</p>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ],
+ "filternot": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "blue" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+<p>Combinaison of both condition:</p>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/anArray",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/name"
+ ],
+ "filter": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "yellow", "optional": true },
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "blue", "optional": true }
+ ],
+ "filternot": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "blue" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+Use template
placeholder for appending to an element
+ *** [[great]] ***
+(To see this working example, take a look at the title
element on this page)
+<template id="metadatacontent" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "data-en.json#/product",
+ "appendto": "title",
+ "source": "#metadatacontent",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "placeholder": "[[great]]" }
+ ]
+ }'> *** [[great]] ***</template>
+Layout a RSS feeds
+The following RSS feeds is provided through the Yahoo YQL Web Service URLs . The direct link to the rss feed is: https://www.tc.gc.ca/mediaroom/rss/road.xml
+ Source code
+ <div data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20feed%20where%20url%20%3D%20'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tc.gc.ca%2Fmediaroom%2Frss%2Froad.xml'%20limit%2019&format=json#/query/results/item",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "h3", "value": "/title", "placeholder": "" },
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/description" },
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/link", "attr": "href" },
+ { "selector": "span", "value": "/pubDate", "placeholder": "[[pubdate]]" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <h3></h3>
+ <p><span>Publish on [[pubdate]]</span> <a href=""></a></p>
+ </template>
+ Publish on [[pubdate]]
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-01-31
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/template-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/template-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a427521d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-json/template-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+ Gabarit HTML 5 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Gabarit HTML 5
+Prendre avantage de l'élément <template>
du HTML 5 avec le plugiciel data json
+ Donnée JSON utilisé pour les examples suivantes
+ Fichier: demo/data-fr.json
+ {
+ "frais": {
+ "ABC": "20$"
+ },
+ "produit": "Bonjour le monde",
+ "produits": [
+ "Mon nouveau produit",
+ "Mon deuxième produit",
+ "Mon produit numéro 3"
+ ],
+ "etats": "text-muted",
+ "jesuisvrai": true,
+ "jesuisfaux": false,
+ "jour":"2016-11-05T01:42:31Z",
+ "unTableau": [
+ { "nom": "Item 1", "prop": "rouge" },
+ { "nom": "Item 2", "prop": "bleu" },
+ { "nom": "Item 3", "prop": "jaune" },
+ { "nom": "Item 4", "prop": "violet" }
+ ],
+ "bureaux": [
+ { "nom": "Jean Edmonds, Tour nord", "num": 300, "rue": "Slater", "ville": "Ottawa", "css": "bg-success" },
+ { "nom": "Place du portage, Phase I", "num": 50, "rue": "Victoria", "ville": "Gatineau", "css": "bg-danger" }
+ ],
+ "auteur": "<a href=\"https://github.com/duboisp/\">Pierre Dubois</a> a créé la fonctionalité data-json",
+ "commentaire": {
+ "2017-1": {
+ "nom": "M. X",
+ "ville": "Gatineau",
+ "quelquesChoseHTML": "<strong>Horay</strong> ici du contenu HTML enrichie",
+ "passetemps": [ "Voiture", "Mécanique", "Course" ]
+ },
+ "2017-2": {
+ "nom": "Mme. Y",
+ "ville": "St-Pierre",
+ "quelquesChoseHTML": "le mot <strong>Youpi</strong> devrais avoir de la mise en évidence",
+ "passetemps": [ "Spa", "Nature", "Bicyclette", "Lecture" ]
+ }
+ }
Liste de définition:
+ Code source
+ <p>Liste de définition:</p>
+<dl class="dl-horizontal" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "dt", "value": "/nom" },
+ { "selector": "dd", "value": "/prop" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <dt></dt>
+ <dd></dd>
+ </template>
+<ul class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+<ol class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+Interpréter en HTML du contenu JSON
+ Avec l'interprétation HTML
+ Nom
+ Ville
+ Quelques chose en HTML
+ Sans l'interprétation HTML
+ Nom
+ Ville
+ Quelques chose en HTML
+ Source code
+ <table class="table">
+ <caption>Avec l'interprétation HTML</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Nom</th>
+ <th>Ville</th>
+ <th>Quelques chose en HTML</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/commentaire",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "queryall": "td",
+ "source": "#tblHTMLRender",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom",
+ "/ville",
+ { "value": "/quelquesChoseHTML", "isHTML": true }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tblHTMLRender">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+<table class="table">
+ <caption>Sans l'interprétation HTML</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Nom</th>
+ <th>Ville</th>
+ <th>Quelques chose en HTML</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/commentaire",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "queryall": "td",
+ "source": "#tblHTMLRender2",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom",
+ "/ville",
+ "/quelquesChoseHTML"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tblHTMLRender2">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
De: [[ville]]
+ Source code
+ <div class="row" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/commentaire",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "h3", "value": "/nom" },
+ { "selector": ":nth-child(2)", "value": "/ville", "placeholder": "[[ville]]" },
+ { "selector": ":nth-child(3)", "value": "/quelquesChoseHTML", "isHTML": true },
+ { "selector": "ul", "value": "/passetemps", "queryall": "li" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h3></h3> <!-- Nom -->
+ <p>De: [[ville]]</p>
+ <p></p> <!-- Description -->
+ <h4>Hobby:</h4>
+ <ul class="lst-spcd"> <!-- Conteneur du sous-modèle -->
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+Répéter à partir d'un objet JSON
+Lorsqu'on selectionne un objet JSON à la place d'un tableau, celui va être transformé en tableau selon un style similaire au JSON-LD sous sa forme étendu. Vous trouverez dans la documentation du data-json des examples illustrant les transformations d'objet vers un tableau.
+ Code source
+ <ul class="lst-spcd" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau/2",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": "/@value"
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
Veuillez noter: Lorsque vous utilisé un template pour ajouter des lignes à un tableau, il existe une problématique lorsque l'élement <template>
est situé à l'intérieur de l'élément <table>
et ce seulement avec le fureteur IE . Afin de contourner le problème, il suffit de déplacer l'élément <template>
en dehors de la porté dudit tableau. Idéalement il serait situé à la suite de celui-ci. D'ailleurs, il sera necessaire d'ajouter l'élément <table>
à l'intérieur du <template>
afin de définir le gabarit de vos ligne. Par la suite, il vous suffira de configurer tobeclone
et source
afin d'établir un lien entre votre gabarit et le plugiciel data json.
+ Nom
+ Numéro
+ Rue
+ Ville
+ Modifier des attributs et utiliser des espaces réservé
+ Nom
+ Numéro
+ Rue
+ Ville
+ Place du centre
+ 200
+ Promenade du Portage
+ Gatineau
+ Jean Edmonds, Tour sud
+ 365
+ Laurier ave O
+ Ottawa
+ Le nom est: [[nom]]
+ Source code
+ <table class="table">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Nom</th>
+ <th>Numéro</th>
+ <th>Rue</th>
+ <th>Ville</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/bureaux",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "queryall": "td",
+ "source": "#tbl1",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom",
+ "/num",
+ "/rue",
+ "/ville"
+ ]
+ }'>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tbl1">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+<table class="table">
+ <caption>Modifier des attributs et utiliser des espaces réservé</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Nom</th>
+ <th>Numéro</th>
+ <th>Rue</th>
+ <th>Ville</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/bureaux",
+ "source": "#tbl2",
+ "tobeclone": "tr",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "td", "value": "/nom", "placeholder": "[[nom]]" },
+ { "selector": "td:nth-child(2)", "value": "/css", "attr": "class" },
+ { "selector": "td:nth-child(2)", "value": "/num" },
+ { "selector": "td:nth-last-child(2)", "value": "/rue" },
+ { "selector": "td:last-child", "value": "/ville" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Place du centre</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>Promenade du Portage</td>
+ <td>Gatineau</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Jean Edmonds, Tour sud</td>
+ <td>365</td>
+ <td>Laurier ave O</td>
+ <td>Ottawa</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+<template id="tbl2">
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Le nom est: [[nom]]</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+Non recommander Cette fonctionnalité fonctionne mais nous recommendons d'utiliser le gestionnaire JSON au lieu.
+ Code source à titre de référence
+ <p>Lors d'une condition <strong>affirmative</strong> :</p>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom"
+ ],
+ "filter": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "bleu" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+<p>Lors d'une condition <strong>négative</strong> :</p>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom"
+ ],
+ "filternot": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "bleu" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+<p>Combinaison des deux conditions :</p>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/unTableau",
+ "queryall": "li",
+ "mapping": [
+ "/nom"
+ ],
+ "filter": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "jaune", "optional": true },
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "bleu", "optional": true }
+ ],
+ "filternot": [
+ { "path": "/prop", "value": "bleu" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+Utilisé l'espace réserver avec un template
pour ajouter à un élément
+ *** [[fantastique]] ***
+(Pour voir cet example pratique, regarder le contenu de l'élément title
de cette page)
+<template id="metadatacontent" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/produit",
+ "appendto": "title",
+ "source": "#metadatacontent",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "placeholder": "[[fantastique]]" }
+ ]
+ }'> *** [[fantastique]] ***</template>
+Mise en forme d'un flux RSS
+Le flux RSS suivant est lu à partir du service web Yahoo YQL Web Service URLs . Le lien directe vers le flux RSS est : https://www.tc.gc.ca/medias/rss/routier.xml
+ Source code
+ <div data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20feed%20where%20url%20%3D%20'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tc.gc.ca%2Fmedias%2Frss%2Froutier.xml'%20limit%2019&format=json#/query/results/item",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "h3", "value": "/title", "placeholder": "" },
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/description" },
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/link", "attr": "href" },
+ { "selector": "span", "value": "/pubDate", "placeholder": "[[pubdate]]" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <h3></h3>
+ <p><span>Publish on [[pubdate]]</span> <a href=""></a></p>
+ </template>
+ Publié le [[pubjour]]
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-01-31
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/data-picture-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/data-picture-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17c9e4443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/data-picture-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Data Picture - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Data Picture
+ Features
+ Browser Width
+ This example uses min-width to determine which image should be displayed. Resize the browser window to see the different images load.
+ Photo by Noema Pérez , licensed under Creative Commons .
+ View code
+ <figure>
+ <span data-pic="data-pic" data-alt="Parliament Hill" data-class="img-responsive">
+ <!-- Default image: <div [data-src]> with no data-media attribute is displayed when:
+ 1. None of the other <div [data-src]> media queries match.
+ 2. The browser doesn't support media queries -->
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-large.jpg"></span>
+ <!-- Images for browsers with CSS media query support -->
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-small.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 0px)"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-medium.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 500px)"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-large.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 960px)"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-extralarge.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 1200px)"></span>
+ <!-- Fallback content for non-JS browsers. -->
+ <noscript><img src="img/parliament-hill-large.jpg" alt="Parliament Hill"/></noscript>
+ </span>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Photo by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/intercultura/6130311384">Noema Pérez</a>, licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en_CA">Creative Commons</a>.</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ High Pixel Density
+ This example uses two media queries to serve high resolution images to devices that will benefit from them (i.e. Retina displays).
+ Photo by snowpeak , licensed under Creative Commons .
+ View code
+ <figure>
+ <span data-pic="data-pic" data-alt="False Kiva in the Canyonlands" data-class="img-responsive">
+ <!-- Images for different device resolutions -->
+ <span data-src="img/cave-low-res.jpg"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/cave-high-res.jpg" data-media="(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min-resolution: 192dpi)"></span>
+ <!-- Fallback content for non-JS browsers -->
+ <noscript><img src="img/cave-low-res.jpg" alt="False Kiva in the Canyonlands"/></noscript>
+ </span>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Photo by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/snowpeak/7351510924/">snowpeak</a>, licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">Creative Commons</a>.</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/data-picture-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/data-picture-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3546d580f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/data-picture-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Data Picture - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Data Picture
+ Intention
+ Conversion de Picturefill guidé par l'événement.
+ Caractéristiques
+ Largeur de navigateur
+ Cet exemple utilise min-width afin de déterminer l'image à afficher. Redimensionner la fenêtre de navigateur pour voir les différentes images qui chargent.
+ Photo par Noema Pérez , autorisé sous licence Creative Commons .
+ Visualiser le code
+ <figure>
+ <span data-pic="data-pic" data-alt="Colline du Parlement" data-class="img-responsive">
+ <!-- Image par défault : l'élément <div [data-src]> sans attribut data-media est affiché quand :
+ 1. Aucun des autres requêtes médias <div [data-src]> correspond.
+ 2. Le navigateur ne supporte pas les requêtes médias CSS -->
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-large.jpg"></span>
+ <!-- Images pour les navigateurs qui supportent les requêtes médias CSS -->
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-small.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 0px)"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-medium.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 500px)"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-large.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 960px)"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/parliament-hill-extralarge.jpg" data-media="(min-width: 1200px)"></span>
+ <!-- Contenu alternatif pour les navigateurs non-JS -->
+ <noscript><img src="img/parliament-hill-large.jpg" alt="Parliament Hill"/></noscript>
+ </span>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Photo par <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/intercultura/6130311384">Noema Pérez</a>, autorisé sous licence <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.fr_CA">Creative Commons</a>.</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ Haute densité de pixels
+ Cet exemple utilise deux requêtes médias pour servir des images à haute résolution à des appareils qui en bénéficieront (p.ex. écrans Retina).
+ Photo par snowpeak , autorisé sous licence Creative Commons .
+ Visualiser le code
+ <figure>
+ <span data-pic="data-pic" data-alt="False Kiva dans les Canyonlands" data-class="img-responsive">
+ <!-- Images pour différentes résolutions de l'appareil -->
+ <span data-src="img/cave-low-res.jpg"></span>
+ <span data-src="img/cave-high-res.jpg" data-media="(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min-resolution: 192dpi)"></span>
+ <!-- Contenu alternatif pour les navigateurs non-JS -->
+ <noscript><img src="img/cave-low-res.jpg" alt="False Kiva dans les Canyonlands"/></noscript>
+ </span>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Photo par <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/snowpeak/7351510924/">snowpeak</a>, autorisé sous licence <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">Creative Commons</a>.</p>
+ </figcaption>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/cave-high-res.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/cave-high-res.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3d533dfe
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/cave-high-res.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/cave-low-res.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/cave-low-res.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62ba1355a
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/cave-low-res.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-extralarge.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-extralarge.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc57f9ba2
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-extralarge.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-large.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-large.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..512fe65ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-large.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-medium.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-medium.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c218facba
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-medium.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-small.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-small.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa102b89e
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/data-picture/img/parliament-hill-small.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-dynamic-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-dynamic-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6b90ca1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-dynamic-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) - Dynamic - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) - Dynamic
+ Purpose
+ Demonstrates how to dynamically update the contents of the datalist element, based upon user input. Particularly useful where there are a large number of auto-complete suggestions.
+ Example
+ Select an issues
+ Plugin
+ Multimedia Player
+ Lightbox
+ Issue
+ View code
+ <form action="#" method="get">
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Select an issues</legend>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="plugin">Plugin</label>
+ <select class="form-control" id="plugin" name="plugin">
+ <option label="Select a plugin"> </option>
+ <option value="Multimedia player">Multimedia Player</option>
+ <option value="Lightbox">Lightbox</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="issue">Issue</label>
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" id="issue" name="issue" list="issues" />
+ </div>
+ <datalist id="issues">
+ <!--[if lte IE 9]><select><![endif]-->
+ <!--[if lte IE 9]></select><![endif]-->
+ </datalist>
+ </fieldset>
+ JavaScript
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ pluginSelector = "#plugin",
+ issueInput = $( "#issue" );
+$document.on( "change", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
+ var pluginName = event.target.value;
+ $( this ).trigger({
+ type: "ajax-fetch.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ url: encodeURI( "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Plugin: " + pluginName ),
+ dataType: wb.ielt10 ? "jsonp" : "json",
+ jsonp: wb.ielt10 ? "callback" : null
+ }
+ });
+ issueInput.get( 0 ).value = "";
+$document.on( "ajax-fetched.wb", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
+ var dataList = $( "#" + issueInput.attr( "list" ) ),
+ issues = wb.ielt10 ? event.fetch.response.data : event.fetch.response,
+ lenIssues = issues.length,
+ options = "",
+ indIssue, issue;
+ dataList.empty();
+ for ( indIssue = 0; indIssue !== lenIssues; indIssue += 1 ) {
+ issue = issues[ indIssue ];
+ options += "<option label=\"" + issue.title + "\" value=\"" + issue.title + "\"></option>";
+ }
+ if ( wb.ielt10 ) {
+ options = "<select>" + options + "</select>";
+ }
+ dataList.append( options );
+ issueInput.trigger( "wb-update.wb-datalist" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-dynamic-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-dynamic-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76ece74cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-dynamic-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique) - Dynamique - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique) - Dynamique
+ But
+ Montre comment mettre à jour de façon dynamique le contenu de l'élément « datalist
», sur la base de l'entrée utilisateur. Particulièrement utile où il ya un grand nombre de suggestions de saisie semi-automatique.
+ Exemple
+ Choisir un bogue ou problême
+ Plugiciel:
+ Lecteur multimédia
+ Lightbox
+ Bogue ou problême:
+ Visualiser le code
+ <form action="#" method="get">
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Choisir un bogue ou problême</legend>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="plugin">Plugiciel:</label>
+ <select class="form-control" id="plugin" name="plugin">
+ <option label="Choisir un plugiciel"> </option>
+ <option value="Multimedia player">Lecteur multimédia</option>
+ <option value="Lightbox" lang="en">Lightbox</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="issue">Bogue ou problême:</label>
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" id="issue" name="issue" list="issues" />
+ </div>
+ <datalist id="issues" lang="en">
+ <!--[if lte IE 9]><select><![endif]-->
+ <!--[if lte IE 9]></select><![endif]-->
+ </datalist>
+ </fieldset>
+ JavaScript
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ pluginSelector = "#plugin",
+ issueInput = $( "#issue" );
+$document.on( "change", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
+ var pluginName = event.target.value;
+ $document.trigger({
+ type: "ajax-fetch.wb",
+ element: this,
+ fetch: {
+ url: encodeURI( "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Plugin: " + pluginName ),
+ dataType: wb.ielt10 ? "jsonp" : "json",
+ jsonp: wb.ielt10 ? "callback" : null
+ }
+ });
+ issueInput.get( 0 ).value = "";
+$document.on( "ajax-fetched.wb", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
+ var dataList = $( "#" + issueInput.attr( "list" ) ),
+ issues = wb.ielt10 ? event.fetch.response.data : event.fetch.response,
+ lenIssues = issues.length,
+ options = "",
+ indIssue, issue;
+ dataList.empty();
+ for ( indIssue = 0; indIssue !== lenIssues; indIssue += 1 ) {
+ issue = issues[ indIssue ];
+ options += "<option label=\"" + issue.title + "\" value=\"" + issue.title + "\"></option>";
+ }
+ if ( wb.ielt10 ) {
+ options = "<select>" + options + "</select>";
+ }
+ dataList.append( options );
+ issueInput.trigger( "wb-update.wb-datalist" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b6e63ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete)
+ Purpose
+ The HTML5 input list
attribute and the datalist
element add auto-complete functionality to specific text input fields by dynamically displaying a list of words that match the user’s input. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA. Browsers that do not support the input list
attribute and the datalist
element natively ignore the auto-complete functionality and therefore, the text input field behaves like it normally does.
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-07-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d03462b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/datalist-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique)
+ But
+ L'attribut input list
et l'élément datalist
de HTML5 ajoutent des fonctionnalités de saisie automatique en affichant dynamiquement une liste de mots qui correspondent à l'entrée de l'utilisateur. Étant donné que certains navigateurs ne prennent pas en charge cette fonctionnalité à l'origine, ce correctif émule la même fonctionnalité en utilisant HTML générique et WAI-ARIA. Met en œuvre le modèle de conception « Auto Complete » de WAI-ARIA (anglais seulement) .
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-07-29
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/demo/datalist_dynamic.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/demo/datalist_dynamic.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01b8d9e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datalist/demo/datalist_dynamic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ pluginSelector = "#plugin",
+ issueInput = $( "#issue" );
+$document.on( "change", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
+ var componentName = event.target.value;
+ $( this ).trigger( {
+ type: "ajax-fetch.wb",
+ fetch: {
+ url: encodeURI( "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Plugin: " + componentName ),
+ dataType: wb.ielt10 ? "jsonp" : "json",
+ jsonp: wb.ielt10 ? "callback" : null
+ }
+ } );
+ issueInput.get( 0 ).value = "";
+} );
+$document.on( "ajax-fetched.wb", pluginSelector, function( event ) {
+ var dataList = $( "#" + issueInput.attr( "list" ) ),
+ issues = wb.ielt10 ? event.fetch.response.data : event.fetch.response,
+ lenIssues = issues.length,
+ options = "",
+ indIssue, issue;
+ dataList.empty();
+ for ( indIssue = 0; indIssue !== lenIssues; indIssue += 1 ) {
+ issue = issues[ indIssue ];
+ options += " ";
+ }
+ if ( wb.ielt10 ) {
+ options = "" + options + " ";
+ }
+ dataList.append( options );
+ issueInput.trigger( "wb-update.wb-datalist" );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datepicker/datepicker-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datepicker/datepicker-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f01542989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datepicker/datepicker-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ Input type="date" polyfill (date picker) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Input type="date" polyfill (date picker)
+ Relevant attributes
+ Relevant start date attributes:
+ type="date"
+ min="2013-03-27"
+ max="2013-05-07"
+ Relevant end date attributes:
+ type="date"
+ min="2013-03-27"
+ max="2016-05-07"
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datepicker/datepicker-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datepicker/datepicker-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..942d8eb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/datepicker/datepicker-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ Correctif « input type="date" » (sélecteur de date) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « input type="date" » (sélecteur de date)
+ Attributs pertinents
+ Attributs pertinents de la date de début :
+ type="date"
+ min="2013-03-27"
+ max="2013-05-07"
+ Attributs pertinents de la date de fin :
+ type="date"
+ min="2013-03-27"
+ max="2016-05-07"
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/details/details-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/details/details-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbb7c540d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/details/details-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Details/summary polyfill (expandable/collapsible content) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Details/summary polyfill (expandable/collapsible content)
+The HTML5 details
and summary
elements are used to provide expandable/collapsible content. This component adds support for these elements in browsers that do not already have native support.
+ Examples
+ Example 1
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 2
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 3
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Code
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Example 1</summary>
+ ...
+ </details>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <details open="open">
+ <summary>Example 2</summary>
+ ...
+ </details>
+ </li>
+ ...
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-21
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/details/details-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/details/details-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..636ad8626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/details/details-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ Correctif « details/summary » (contenu affichable/masquable) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « details/summary » (contenu affichable/masquable)
+Les éléments HTML5 « details
» et « summary
» sont utilisés pour fournir le contenu en arborescence affichable/masquable. Ce composant ajoute le soutien pour ces éléments dans les navigateurs qui n'ont pas déjà la prise en charge native.
+ Exemples
+ Exemple 1
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 2
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 3
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Code
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Exemple 1</summary>
+ ...
+ </details>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <details open="open">
+ <summary>Exemple 2</summary>
+ </details>
+ </li>
+ ...
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-21
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/dismissable-content/dismissable-content-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/dismissable-content/dismissable-content-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f011713e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/dismissable-content/dismissable-content-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ Dismissable content - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Dismissable content
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et venenatis dui. Aliquam ac felis diam. Pellentesque eget risus quam. Duis ante ipsum, tincidunt eget pretium et, fermentum interdum nunc. Curabitur vulputate suscipit nulla, rhoncus finibus erat porta sit amet. Nullam condimentum pellentesque lacus a euismod. Ut malesuada finibus diam. Mauris a lorem in leo auctor dictum.
+Ut aliquam purus a neque tristique, sed gravida ligula varius. Fusce non scelerisque risus, vitae pretium orci. Donec cursus mollis velit non pretium. In feugiat massa ut enim consectetur porta. Mauris gravida erat vel bibendum finibus. Pellentesque ullamcorper eget elit id lobortis. Proin cursus consequat tellus vitae eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec consectetur egestas metus ac cursus. Praesent sodales tempus nisi. Suspendisse finibus eget ligula a interdum. Cras lobortis odio nec interdum vulputate. In in tristique justo, id elementum dolor. Proin euismod ex a eros finibus lobortis. Suspendisse vitae vestibulum eros, in mollis neque. Nunc eu leo vitae augue imperdiet volutpat sed a ligula.
+Vivamus vulputate lectus sit amet mauris venenatis, sed tempus lorem gravida. Praesent eu neque et ipsum luctus congue non in nulla. Morbi blandit libero sed urna congue dignissim. Praesent ut leo eu quam fringilla pellentesque. Morbi congue quam lacus, ut auctor est viverra pellentesque. Nullam augue risus, pharetra a justo id, vulputate efficitur arcu. Ut ut ligula ante. Aenean luctus tellus et eros lacinia aliquet. Fusce dictum, orci a bibendum ullamcorper, urna justo consectetur justo, sit amet maximus magna nisi mattis leo. Praesent luctus lacus nulla, id imperdiet arcu facilisis a.
+Aenean tempor porta leo a porttitor. Nulla sed libero velit. Aliquam gravida euismod ante vitae porttitor. Mauris id nisl sit amet felis semper iaculis a ac augue. Pellentesque nec aliquet ligula, et maximus ligula. Nam gravida lobortis sapien at interdum. Phasellus dictum erat id felis hendrerit maximus. Sed in lectus faucibus, finibus sapien nec, porttitor lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas ac felis et nisl rhoncus sagittis vitae ut velit. Suspendisse et leo cursus, interdum quam eu, efficitur nunc. Aliquam sit amet ipsum vitae augue consequat laoreet in nec turpis. Duis nec maximus neque. Etiam leo quam, tincidunt non tempor et, maximus at lacus.
+Fusce malesuada massa eget ipsum consequat, ut mattis massa mattis. Ut auctor molestie molestie. Praesent in malesuada est. Nullam ullamcorper justo at nisi porta, at volutpat dui lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec eget erat non mi sollicitudin blandit vitae vel nibh. Aliquam tempus nibh eu massa rhoncus vulputate ut non orci. Ut faucibus mattis eleifend.
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-05-11
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/dismissable-content/dismissable-content-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/dismissable-content/dismissable-content-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f093bf57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/dismissable-content/dismissable-content-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ Contenu écartable - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Contenu écartable
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et venenatis dui. Aliquam ac felis diam. Pellentesque eget risus quam. Duis ante ipsum, tincidunt eget pretium et, fermentum interdum nunc. Curabitur vulputate suscipit nulla, rhoncus finibus erat porta sit amet. Nullam condimentum pellentesque lacus a euismod. Ut malesuada finibus diam. Mauris a lorem in leo auctor dictum.
+Ut aliquam purus a neque tristique, sed gravida ligula varius. Fusce non scelerisque risus, vitae pretium orci. Donec cursus mollis velit non pretium. In feugiat massa ut enim consectetur porta. Mauris gravida erat vel bibendum finibus. Pellentesque ullamcorper eget elit id lobortis. Proin cursus consequat tellus vitae eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec consectetur egestas metus ac cursus. Praesent sodales tempus nisi. Suspendisse finibus eget ligula a interdum. Cras lobortis odio nec interdum vulputate. In in tristique justo, id elementum dolor. Proin euismod ex a eros finibus lobortis. Suspendisse vitae vestibulum eros, in mollis neque. Nunc eu leo vitae augue imperdiet volutpat sed a ligula.
+Vivamus vulputate lectus sit amet mauris venenatis, sed tempus lorem gravida. Praesent eu neque et ipsum luctus congue non in nulla. Morbi blandit libero sed urna congue dignissim. Praesent ut leo eu quam fringilla pellentesque. Morbi congue quam lacus, ut auctor est viverra pellentesque. Nullam augue risus, pharetra a justo id, vulputate efficitur arcu. Ut ut ligula ante. Aenean luctus tellus et eros lacinia aliquet. Fusce dictum, orci a bibendum ullamcorper, urna justo consectetur justo, sit amet maximus magna nisi mattis leo. Praesent luctus lacus nulla, id imperdiet arcu facilisis a.
+Aenean tempor porta leo a porttitor. Nulla sed libero velit. Aliquam gravida euismod ante vitae porttitor. Mauris id nisl sit amet felis semper iaculis a ac augue. Pellentesque nec aliquet ligula, et maximus ligula. Nam gravida lobortis sapien at interdum. Phasellus dictum erat id felis hendrerit maximus. Sed in lectus faucibus, finibus sapien nec, porttitor lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas ac felis et nisl rhoncus sagittis vitae ut velit. Suspendisse et leo cursus, interdum quam eu, efficitur nunc. Aliquam sit amet ipsum vitae augue consequat laoreet in nec turpis. Duis nec maximus neque. Etiam leo quam, tincidunt non tempor et, maximus at lacus.
+Fusce malesuada massa eget ipsum consequat, ut mattis massa mattis. Ut auctor molestie molestie. Praesent in malesuada est. Nullam ullamcorper justo at nisi porta, at volutpat dui lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec eget erat non mi sollicitudin blandit vitae vel nibh. Aliquam tempus nibh eu massa rhoncus vulputate ut non orci. Ut faucibus mattis eleifend.
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-05-11
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/data-en.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/data-en.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75ca22e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/data-en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "city": {
+ "gat": "Gatineau",
+ "ott": "Ottawa",
+ "vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+ },
+ "fruit": "Perry",
+ "country": {
+ "name": "Canada",
+ "province": {
+ "qc": "Quebec",
+ "on": "Ontario",
+ "ma": "Manitoba"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/data-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/data-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26ec3837f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/data-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "city": {
+ "gat": "Gatineau",
+ "ott": "Ottawa",
+ "vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+ },
+ "fruit": "Perry",
+ "country": {
+ "name": "Canada",
+ "province": {
+ "qc": "Québec",
+ "on": "Ontario",
+ "ma": "Manitoba"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/doaction-date-en.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/doaction-date-en.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..872637688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/doaction-date-en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+"test" : "test found!",
+"express" : {
+"bad-date" : "Date not found",
+"2019-06-10" : "2019-06-13",
+"2019-06-11" : "2019-06-14",
+"2019-06-12" : "2019-06-15"
+"standard" : {
+"bad-date" : "Date not found",
+"2019-06-10" : "2019-06-20",
+"2019-06-11" : "2019-06-21",
+"2019-06-12" : "2019-06-22"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/doaction-date-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/doaction-date-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35c230b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/doaction-date-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+"test" : "test trouvé!",
+"express" : {
+"bad-date" : "Date introuvable",
+"2019-06-10" : "2019-06-13",
+"2019-06-11" : "2019-06-14",
+"2019-06-12" : "2019-06-15"
+"standard" : {
+"bad-date" : "Date introuvable",
+"2019-06-10" : "2019-06-20",
+"2019-06-11" : "2019-06-21",
+"2019-06-12" : "2019-06-22"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/empty.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/empty.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffcd4415b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/empty.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-1-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-1-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5e04d1bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-1-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "Du fichier JSON 1"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-1.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-1.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fba09857b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "From JSON file 1"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-2-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-2-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e83da2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-2-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "+Du fichier JSON 2"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-2.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-2.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..223060d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "+From JSON file 2"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-3-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-3-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11ac1d042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-3-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "-Du fichier JSON 3"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-3.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-3.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9495d522b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-3.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "-From JSON file 3"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-4-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-4-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8421f3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-4-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "&Du fichier JSON 4"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-4.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-4.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..914d8ec7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/demo/file-4.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "data": "&From JSON file 4"
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/doaction-doc-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/doaction-doc-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82e2ec1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/doaction-doc-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
+ Do action - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Do action - Documentation
+Execute action, like filter a table, based on pre-established set of configuration.
+Use when
+To send an action to a wet-boew plugin.
+Do not use when
+When executing a such action can make your page not WCAG compliant.
+Working examples
+How to implement
+Table filtering
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "2016-07-26"
+ }' >Apply a filter</button>
+"action": "tblfilter"
+Will apply a table column filter action by using the data tables plugin.
+"column": 1
+The filtering will be applied on the column index 1. That is visually the second column of the table.
+"value": "2016-07-26"
+The filter value will be the string "2016-07-26".
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "ajax",
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+ }' >Ajax content</button>
+"action": "ajax"
+Will execute an ajax request with the data-ajax plugin.
+"url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+URL of the ajax file.
+Note: Any data-json that is binded to that dataset will be updated. Patches are not persistant by default unless the configuration cumulative
is true.
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "patch",
+ "source": "#jmexample1",
+ "patches":
+ {
+ "op": "add",
+ "path": "/city",
+ "value": "Gatineau"
+ }
+ }
+ }' >Patches JSON dataset</button>
+"action": "patch"
+Will apply the patch action to an existing JSON manager plugin.
+"source": "#jmexample1"
+The source represent a pointer to the JSON manager. "#jmexample1
" is representing the id of the element containing the JSON manager.
+"patches": { ... }
+Contain a patch or an array of patch. See the JSON manager documentation to know how to create JSON patch operation.
+Load JSON
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "loadJSON",
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-load.json",
+ "source": "#jsonloader"
+ }' >Ajax content</button>
+"action": "ajax"
+Will load a JSON file designated by the url onto a JSON manager specified by source.
+"url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+URL of the JSON file.
+"source": "#smallloader"
+A pointer to the JSON manager. "#jsonloader
" is representing the id of the element containing the JSON manager.
+ See cache busting configuration options for the JSON manager.
+ "nocachekey"
+ See cache busting configuration options for the JSON manager.
+With Input
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "withInput",
+ "srcInput": "#myfield",
+ "actions": "[... ]"
+ }' >Ajax content</button>
+"action": "withInput"
+Indicate that subsequent actions may use data from input field designated by srcInput.
+"srcInput": "#myfield"
+The id of an input field whose value may be used in subsequent actions.
+"actions": "{ ... }"
+An action or an array of actions.
+ Binding actions to the page query
+The following variable can be used to map the query information for ajax url, table filter or patches selector.
+{qval} string
+Query value in the url required to match a regular expression with match
configuration. It can be specified by setting the parameter qval
+{base} string
+Only for patches. Define the base string of a JSON pointer. Default value is /
. It can be specified by setting the parameter base
and default
+If match
is defined in your configuration, then the default
configuration must be also defined.
+For security reason, any value retreived from the page URL always require to configure match
that will contain a regular expresion. If there no match or the matching result is an empty string, the default
configuration will be used as the value fallback.
+When you specify a regular expression, it is recommended to have it prefixed with "^
" and suffixed with "$
". Be careful to not use regular expression that could compromise the security.
+Example 1 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z]", "default": "default" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=canada
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-CaNaDa.html
+ Example 2 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx=2": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[0-9]", "default": "null" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-2.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=5
+ Do nothing
+ Example 3 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "qval": "TEST" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ Note: The result of match
configuration is ignored when the query value is set.
+ Example 4 - Table filtering
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "date-search":
+ {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#myDataTable",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "{qval}",
+ "match": "[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0,1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]",
+ "default": "2016-07-23"
+ }
+ }'
+ Means that:
+ ?
+ Will show all result
+ ?date-search
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=2016-07-26
+ Will show result that match the string "2016-07-26" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=YYYY-MM-DD
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+Default patch operation
+ op: "move",
+ path: "{base}",
+ from: "{base}/{qval}"
+Add pre-defined action identified by a group name
+Defined in a attribute data-wb-actionmng
set on an element.
+<div data-wb-actionmng='[
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 2, "value": "" },
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "" }
+Configuration options
+The data-wb-doaction
attribute must contain an JSON object or an array of JSON object representing a list of valid action.
+ [
+ { Action object },
+ { Action object },
+ { Action object },
+ { Action object }
+ ]
+How to configure
+Required. Define the action to do.
+Available for:
+ loadJSON
+ withInput
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "[Name of the action] " }
+Insert content after the element
+Will apply a column filter to a data table
+Will apply a patch by using a JSON manager
+Execute action for a given named group
+Add a class to an element
+Remove a class to an element
+Apply a geomap filter
+Download an HTML table in CSV
+Load a JSON file into a specified JSON manager
+Specify the value of an input field available to the action
+Specify the url to load. Ajax filtering is supported.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html" }
+Initiate WET features of the inserted content.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "trigger": true }
+false (default):
+Content is kept as is
+Will initiate any WET feature that exist in the inserted content.
+Specify the container to use to insert the ajax(ed) content
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "container": "#jQuerySelector" }
+jQuery selector
+(By default the container will be a empty container inserted after the element that was clicked.)
+Define how content will be inserted from the container perspective.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "type": "replace" }'
+This value map how to call the data-ajax plugin
+Define a postpone action that will be triggered when actions will be executed on the targeted (id) element. Once those action are run, they are removed from the stack.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "target": "[an ID] " } }'
+false (default):
+The action is immediatly executed
+ID that would be recongnized when future action will be executed on them.
+Specify this action must be executed before the action on the target get executed. Could be use in combination with target
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "target": "[an ID]", "trgbefore": true } }'
+false (default):
+This action will be executed after the other action are executed on the target.
+This action will be executed before the other action are executed on the target.
+Define a group name for the targeted action. For run action, this represent the group that action need to be run. If the group contain some run action, those won't be executed.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "target": "[an ID]", "trggroup": "[a name] " } }'
+Any valid string that could be used to identify the group.
+jQuery selector that refer to an existing element on the page. This configuration option can be omited for a addClass and removeClass if the source are the element itselft.
+Available for:
+ loadJSON
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#jQuerySelector" }'
+jQuery selector and when the action is set to tblfilter
the source should refer to a data table enhanced with tables plugin .
+Required for table filtering, this is specify on which column the filter should be applied
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 5 }'
+Integer representing the column number where the first column of table is the number "0"
+Column selector
+A valid DataTable column selector
+Required for table filtering, this specify on what value the filter should be applied.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "value": "a value to be filtered about" }'
+A value that will be searched agains the specified column in order to filter the rows.
+Treat the searched value as a regular expression. Enable regular expressions without desabling smart search, as smart search use regular expressions, both might conflict and cause unexpected results.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "regex":true, "smart":false }'
+Boolean, default false (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+Perform smart search. Note that to perform a smart search, DataTables uses regular expressions, so if enable regular expressions using the regex parameter to this method, you will likely want to disable smart searching as the two regular expressions might otherwise conflict and cause unexpected results.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "smart":false }'
+Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+Do case-insensitive matching.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "caseinsen":false }'
+Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+CSS Class name.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "addClass", "source": "#id", "class": "myclass" }'
+A CSS class name
+Apply patches.
+Required for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ] }'
+Array [] of valid patches that could be executed by the JSON manager
+Define a base path in order to apply a filter. This value is required when either or both configuration filter
and filternot
is used.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data " }'
+false (default):
+Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+JSON Pointer:
+A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filter": "{evaluation object} " }'
+false (default):
+Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+Evaluation object:
+See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filternot": "{evaluation object} " }'
+false (default):
+Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+Evaluation object:
+See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+Apply persistant patches for the current page instance. That means that patches exectued will remain when further patches modification is completed by the JSON manager during the current page load. When WET is re-executed (on page load) then all the permently change are ignored. It do not change the data source, it just apply the change in the dataset.
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ], "cumulative": true }'
+false (default):
+The patches will be ignored at the next patches update by the JSON manager.
+The patches will be cumulative for the next patches updated by the JSON manager, like from instruction received by fieldflow.
+Filter type
+Available for:
+data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+Area Of Interest (zoom filtering) and the configuration "value" contains a 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string.
+Layout (overlay filtering) and the configuration "value" contains the name of that layer as displayed in the legend if any or an empty string to select all.
+The value for the action
+Available for:
+data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string for filter set to the Area Of Interest (zoom filtering).
+The name of that layer as displayed in the legend or an empty string to select all for filter set to Layout (overlay filtering).
+Define the filename to use for downloading
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tocsv", "source": "#myTable", "filename": "an awsome name.csv" }'
+false (default):
+It will use the table caption + ".csv", if not available it will fallback on "table.csv"
+The filename to use including the file extension, like .csv
+Define the input field so that it's value is available to the action
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#myField", ... }'
+jQuery selector of an input field when the action is set to withInput
+What it does
+Triggered automatically on tocsv action execution.
+Read the HTML table and initiate a file download.
+Triggered automatically on patch action execution.
+Prepare the patches data to be sent to JSON manager throught the event "patches.wb-jsonmanager
+Triggered automatically on ajax action execution.
+Execute the ajax instruction by using the data-ajax plugin.
+Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+Will add the specified class to the specified source element.
+Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+Will removed the specified class to the specified source element.
+Triggered automatically on tblfilter action execution.
+Filter the data table rows by searching on the specified column.
+Action Manager plugin core
+Triggered automatically when a plugin want to run action.
+Execute an action or an array of action provided through the property actions
of the event object.
+Action Manager plugin core
+Triggered automatically when a plugin want to remove all action for a given group.
+Remove all action for a given group identified through the property trggroup
of the event object.
+Triggered automatically after an wb-doaction is initialized.
+Used to identify when an wb-doaction has initialized (target of the event)
+$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-doaction", ".wb-doaction", function( event ) {
+$( ".wb-doaction" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-doaction", function( event ) {
+Triggered automatically after an wb-actionmng is initialized.
+Used to identify when an wb-actionmng has initialized (target of the event)
+$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-actionmng", ".wb-actionmng", function( event ) {
+$( ".wb-actionmng" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-actionmng", function( event ) {
+Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-doaction" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-doaction" );
+Used to manually initialize the wb-doaction plugin. Note: The wb-doaction plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-actionmng" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-actionmng" );
+Used to manually initialize the wb-actionmng plugin. Note: The wb-actionmng plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+Triggered automatically on withInput action execution.
+Used so that subsequent actions may use data from input field designated by srcInput.
+Triggered automatically on loadJSON action execution.
+Load a JSON file designated by the url onto a JSON manager specified by source.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-04
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/doaction-doc-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/doaction-doc-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9962beec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/doaction-doc-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1070 @@
+ Exécuter des actions - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Exécuter des actions - Documentation
Needs translation
+ Purpose
+ Execute action, like filter a table, based on pre-established set of configuration.
+ Use when
+ To send an action to a wet-boew plugin.
+ Do not use when
+ When executing a such action can make your page not WCAG compliant.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+How to implement
+Table filtering
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "2016-07-26"
+ }' >Apply a filter</button>
+"action": "tblfilter"
+Will apply a table column filter action by using the data tables plugin.
+"column": 1
+The filtering will be applied on the column index 1. That is visually the second column of the table.
+"value": "2016-07-26"
+The filter value will be the string "2016-07-26".
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "ajax",
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+ }' >Ajax content</button>
+"action": "ajax"
+Will execute an ajax request with the data-ajax plugin.
+"url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+URL of the ajax file.
+Note: Any data-json that is binded to that dataset will be updated. Patches are not persistant by default unless the configuration cumulative
is true.
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "patch",
+ "source": "#jmexample1",
+ "patches":
+ {
+ "op": "add",
+ "path": "/city",
+ "value": "Gatineau"
+ }
+ }
+ }' >Patches JSON dataset</button>
+"action": "patch"
+Will apply the patch action to an existing JSON manager plugin.
+"source": "#jmexample1"
+The source represent a pointer to the JSON manager. "#jmexample1
" is representing the id of the element containing the JSON manager.
+"patches": { ... }
+Contain a patch or an array of patch. See the JSON manager documentation to know how to create JSON patch operation.
+Load JSON
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "loadJSON",
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-load.json",
+ "source": "#jsonloader"
+ }' >Ajax content</button>
+"action": "ajax"
+Will load a JSON file designated by the url onto a JSON manager specified by source.
+"url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+URL of the JSON file.
+"source": "#smallloader"
+A pointer to the JSON manager. "#jsonloader
" is representing the id of the element containing the JSON manager.
+ See cache busting configuration options for the JSON manager.
+ "nocachekey"
+ See cache busting configuration options for the JSON manager.
+With Input
+<button data-wb-doaction='{
+ "action": "withInput",
+ "srcInput": "#myfield",
+ "actions": "[... ]"
+ }' >Ajax content</button>
+"action": "withInput"
+Indicate that subsequent actions may use data from input field designated by srcInput.
+"srcInput": "#myfield"
+The id of an input field whose value may be used in subsequent actions.
+"actions": "{ ... }"
+An action or an array of actions.
+ Binding actions to the page query
+The following variable can be used to map the query information for ajax url, table filter or patches selector.
+{qval} string
+Query value in the url required to match a regular expression with match
configuration. It can be specified by setting the parameter qval
+{base} string
+Only for patches. Define the base string of a JSON pointer. Default value is /
. It can be specified by setting the parameter base
and default
+If match
is defined in your configuration, then the default
configuration must be also defined.
+For security reason, any value retreived from the page URL always require to configure match
that will contain a regular expresion. If there no match or the matching result is an empty string, the default
configuration will be used as the value fallback.
+When you specify a regular expression, it is recommended to have it prefixed with "^
" and suffixed with "$
". Be careful to not use regular expression that could compromise the security.
Example 1 - Ajax
data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z]", "default": "default" } }'
Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=canada
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-CaNaDa.html
Example 2 - Ajax
data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx=2": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[0-9]", "default": "null" } }'
Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-2.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=5
+ Do nothing
Example 3 - Ajax
data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "qval": "TEST" } }'
Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
Note: The result of match
configuration is ignored when the query value is set.
Example 4 - Table filtering
+ "date-search":
+ {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#myDataTable",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "{qval}",
+ "match": "[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0,1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]",
+ "default": "2016-07-23"
+ }
+ }'
Means that:
+ ?
+ Will show all result
+ ?date-search
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=2016-07-26
+ Will show result that match the string "2016-07-26" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=YYYY-MM-DD
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
Default patch operation
+ op: "move",
+ path: "{base}",
+ from: "{base}/{qval}"
+Add pre-defined action identified by a group name
+Defined in a attribute data-wb-actionmng
set on an element.
+<div data-wb-actionmng='[
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 2, "value": "" },
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "" }
+ Configuration options
+ The data-wb-doaction
attribute must contain an JSON object or an array of JSON object representing a list of valid action.
+ data-wb-doaction='
+ [
+ { Action object },
+ { Action object },
+ { Action object },
+ { Action object }
+ ]
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ action
+ Required. Define the action to do.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ addClass
+ run
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ tocsv
+ loadJSON
+ withInput
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "[Name of the action] " }
+ ajax
+ Insert content after the element
+ tblfilter
+ Will apply a column filter to a data table
+ patch
+ Will apply a patch by using a JSON manager
+ run
+ Execute action for a given named group
+ addClass
+ Add a class to an element
+ removeClass
+ Remove a class to an element
+ mapfilter
+ Apply a geomap filter
+ tocsv
+Download an HTML table in CSV
+Load a JSON file into a specified JSON manager
+Specify the value of an input field available to the action
+ url
+ Specify the url to load. Ajax filtering is supported.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html" }
+ trigger
+ Initiate WET features of the inserted content.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "trigger": true }
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature that exist in the inserted content.
+ container
+ Specify the container to use to insert the ajax(ed) content
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "container": "#jQuerySelector" }
+ jQuery selector
+ (By default the container will be a empty container inserted after the element that was clicked.)
+ type
+ Define how content will be inserted from the container perspective.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "type": "replace" }'
+ replace(default)
+ after
+ append
+ before
+ prepend
+ This value map how to call the data-ajax plugin
+ target
+ Define a postpone action that will be triggered when actions will be executed on the targeted (id) element. Once those action are run, they are removed from the stack.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ run
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "target": "[an ID] " } }'
+ false (default):
+ The action is immediatly executed
+ string:
+ ID that would be recongnized when future action will be executed on them.
+ trgbefore
+ Specify this action must be executed before the action on the target get executed. Could be use in combination with target
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ run
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "target": "[an ID]", "trgbefore": true } }'
+ false (default):
+ This action will be executed after the other action are executed on the target.
+ true:
+ This action will be executed before the other action are executed on the target.
+ trggroup
+ Define a group name for the targeted action. For run action, this represent the group that action need to be run. If the group contain some run action, those won't be executed.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ run
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "ajax", "target": "[an ID]", "trggroup": "[a name] " } }'
+ Any valid string that could be used to identify the group.
+ source
+ jQuery selector that refer to an existing element on the page. This configuration option can be omited for a addClass and removeClass if the source are the element itselft.
+ Available for:
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#jQuerySelector" }'
+ jQuery selector and when the action is set to tblfilter
the source should refer to a data table enhanced with tables plugin .
+ column
+ Required for table filtering, this is specify on which column the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 5 }'
+ Number
+ Integer representing the column number where the first column of table is the number "0"
+ Column selector
+ A valid DataTable column selector
+ value
+ Required for table filtering, this specify on what value the filter should be applied.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "value": "a value to be filtered about" }'
+ A value that will be searched agains the specified column in order to filter the rows.
+ regex
+ Treat the searched value as a regular expression. Enable regular expressions without desabling smart search, as smart search use regular expressions, both might conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "regex":true, "smart":false }'
+ Boolean, default false (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ smart
+ Perform smart search. Note that to perform a smart search, DataTables uses regular expressions, so if enable regular expressions using the regex parameter to this method, you will likely want to disable smart searching as the two regular expressions might otherwise conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "smart":false }'
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ caseinsen
+ Do case-insensitive matching.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "caseinsen":false }'
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ class
+ CSS Class name.
+ Available for:
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "addClass", "source": "#id", "class": "myclass" }'
+ A CSS class name
+ patches
+ Apply patches.
+ Required for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ] }'
+ Array [] of valid patches that could be executed by the JSON manager
+ fpath
+ Define a base path in order to apply a filter. This value is required when either or both configuration filter
and filternot
is used.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data " }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ JSON Pointer:
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ filter
+ A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filter": "{evaluation object} " }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ Evaluation object:
+ See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+ filternot
+ A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filternot": "{evaluation object} " }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ Evaluation object:
+ See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+ cumulative
+ Apply persistant patches for the current page instance. That means that patches exectued will remain when further patches modification is completed by the JSON manager during the current page load. When WET is re-executed (on page load) then all the permently change are ignored. It do not change the data source, it just apply the change in the dataset.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ], "cumulative": true }'
+ false (default):
+ The patches will be ignored at the next patches update by the JSON manager.
+ true:
+ The patches will be cumulative for the next patches updated by the JSON manager, like from instruction received by fieldflow.
+ filter
+ Filter type
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+ aoi
+ Area Of Interest (zoom filtering) and the configuration "value" contains a 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string.
+ layout
+ Layout (overlay filtering) and the configuration "value" contains the name of that layer as displayed in the legend if any or an empty string to select all.
+ value
+ The value for the action
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+ <string>
+ 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string for filter set to the Area Of Interest (zoom filtering).
+ <string>
+ The name of that layer as displayed in the legend or an empty string to select all for filter set to Layout (overlay filtering).
+ filename
+Define the filename to use for downloading
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tocsv", "source": "#myTable", "filename": "an awsome name.csv" }'
+false (default):
+It will use the table caption + ".csv", if not available it will fallback on "table.csv"
+The filename to use including the file extension, like .csv
+Define the input field so that it's value is available to the action
+Available for:
+data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#myField", ... }'
+jQuery selector of an input field when the action is set to withInput
+ Events
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ patch.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered automatically on patch action execution.
+ Prepare the patches data to be sent to JSON manager throught the event "patches.wb-jsonmanager
+ ajax.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered automatically on ajax action execution.
+ Execute the ajax instruction by using the data-ajax plugin.
+ addClass.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+ Will add the specified class to the specified source element.
+ removeClass.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+ Will removed the specified class to the specified source element.
+ tblfilter.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered automatically on tblfilter action execution.
+ Filter the data table rows by searching on the specified column.
+ do.wb-actionmng
+ Action Manager plugin core
+ Triggered automatically when a plugin want to run action.
+ Execute an action or an array of action provided through the property actions
of the event object.
+ clean.wb-actionmng
+ Action Manager plugin core
+ Triggered automatically when a plugin want to remove all action for a given group.
+ Remove all action for a given group identified through the property trggroup
of the event object.
+ wb-ready.wb-doaction
+ Triggered automatically after an wb-doaction is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-doaction has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-doaction", ".wb-doaction", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-doaction" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-doaction", function( event ) {
+ wb-ready.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered automatically after an wb-actionmng is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-actionmng has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-actionmng", ".wb-actionmng", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-actionmng" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-actionmng", function( event ) {
+ wb-init.wb-doaction
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-doaction" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-doaction" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-doaction plugin. Note: The wb-doaction plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-init.wb-actionmng
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-actionmng" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-actionmng" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-actionmng plugin. Note: The wb-actionmng plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-07-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/json-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/json-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6f9c7ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/json-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+ Do action - JSON - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Do action - JSON
+This plugin is used in conjunction with the JSON-Manager and the Data-JSON. Documentation on how to apply the patch is documented in the JSON manager and in the URL mapping patching.
+Load a JSON file on demand
+Load JSON files:
+JSON file 1
+JSON file 2
+JSON file 3
+JSON file 4
+Data loaded: Nothing loaded yet
+View source code
+<p>Load JSON files:</p>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-1.json" }'>JSON file 1</button></li>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-2.json" }'>JSON file 2</button></li>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-3.json" }'>JSON file 3</button></li>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-4.json" }'>JSON file 4</button></li>
+<div id="testLoader" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "jmanager"
+ }'></div>
+<p>Data loaded: <span data-json-replace="#[jmanager]/data">Nothing loaded yet</span></p>
+File demo/file-1.json
+"data": "From JSON file 1"
+ File demo/file-2.json
+"data": "+From JSON file 2"
+ File demo/file-3.json
+"data": "-From JSON file 3"
+ File demo/file-4.json
+"data": "&From JSON file 4"
+Apply a JSON patch
+Same configuration as described by the URL mapping
+Apply a patch
+Data loaded or patched: Nothing loaded yet
+View source code
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#testLoader", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/data", "value": "Patched Data" }
+] }'>Apply a patch</button>
+<div id="testLoader" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "jmanager"
+ }'></div>
+<p>Data loaded or patched: <span data-json-replace="#[jmanager]/data">Nothing loaded yet</span></p>
+File demo/empty.json
+Apply a JSON patch based on a value on an input
+Similar as the URL mapping patch working example, and it share the same requirement like a default + a regular expression for parsing.
+Enter either of the following 3 value "vdm" | "gat" | "ott"
+Apply a patch based on User Input
+Data patched as per the value of the input: Nothing loaded yet
+View source code
+<label>Enter either of the following 3 value "vdm" | "gat" | "ott"
+<input id="myinput" value="">
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#myinput", "actions": [
+ {
+ "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample3", "base": "/city", "match": "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$", "default": "vdm",
+ "patches" : {
+ "op": "move",
+ "path": "{base}",
+ "from": "{base}/{qval}"
+ }
+ }
+] }'>Apply a patch based on User Input</button>
+<p id="jmexample3" data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "../urlmapping/demo/data-en.json", "name": "example4", "wait": true }'>Data patched as per the value of the input: <span data-json-replace="#[example4]/city">Nothing loaded yet</span></p>
+File demo/data-en.json
+"city": {
+"gat": "Gatineau",
+"ott": "Ottawa",
+"vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+"fruit": "Perry",
+"country": {
+"name": "Canada",
+"province": {
+"qc": "Quebec",
+"on": "Ontario",
+"ma": "Manitoba"
+Combination of Load and Apply patch based on the value of a date field
+This sample includes a field flow element that is used to show/hide the appropriate html using "addClass" and "removeClass" actions for the "hidden" class
+The difference in the "copy" patch is seen in the "from" parameter. One is "standard" and the other, "express". This sets the path for the JSON lookup
+The "withIput" action requires a "match" and a "default" parameter. The "match" parameter is a regex for the acceptible values expected from the "srcInput". The "default" may be a key to a JSON lookup - usually an error message
Select a delivery option:
+Order date
+Apply a patch based on Date Input
+Order date
+Apply a patch based on Date Input
+Expected delivery date: Date not loaded yet
+View source code
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "default": [ { "action": "addClass", "source":"#standardaddremove", "class": "hidden" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "source":"#expressaddremove", "class": "hidden"}]
+ }'>
+ <p>Select a delivery option:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "removeClass", "source":"#expressaddremove", "class": "hidden" }'>Express</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "removeClass", "source":"#standardaddremove", "class": "hidden" }'>Standard</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="standardaddremove" class="hidden">
+<label>Order date
+ <input type="date" id="standarddatefield" min="2019-06-10" max="2019-06-12" value="">
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#smallLoader", "url": "demo/doaction-date-en.json" },
+ { "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#standarddatefield", "actions": [
+ {
+ "action": "patch", "source": "#smallLoader", "match": "^20[1,2][8,9,0]-[1,0][0-9]-[0,1,2,3][0-9]$", "default": "bad-date",
+ "patches" : [
+ {
+ "op": "copy",
+ "path": "/date",
+ "from": "/standard/{qval}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ] }
+]'>Apply a patch based on Date Input</button>
+<div id="expressaddremove" class="hidden">
+<label>Order date
+ <input type="date" id="expressdatefield" min="2019-06-10" max="2019-06-12" value="">
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#smallLoader", "url": "demo/doaction-date-en.json" },
+ { "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#expressdatefield", "actions": [
+ {
+ "action": "patch", "source": "#smallLoader", "match": "^20[1,2][8,9,0]-[1,0][0-9]-[0,1,2,3][0-9]$", "default": "bad-date",
+ "patches" : [
+ {
+ "op": "copy",
+ "path": "/date",
+ "from": "/express/{qval}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ] }
+]'>Apply a patch based on Date Input</button>
+<div id="smallLoader" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "jsonsmall",
+ "wait": true
+ }'></div>
+<p>Expected delivery date: <span data-json-replace="#[jsonsmall]/date">Date not loaded yet</span></p>
+File demo/doaction-date-en.json
+ "test" : "test found!",
+ "express" : {
+ "bad-date" : "Date not found",
+ "2019-06-10" : "2019-06-13",
+ "2019-06-11" : "2019-06-14",
+ "2019-06-12" : "2019-06-15"
+ },
+ "standard" : {
+ "bad-date" : "Date not found",
+ "2019-06-10" : "2019-06-20",
+ "2019-06-11" : "2019-06-21",
+ "2019-06-12" : "2019-06-22"
+ }
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-05
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/json-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/json-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96c053ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/json-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+ Effectuer un action - JSON - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Effectuer un action - JSON
+Cette application est utilisé avec JSON-Manager et Data-JSON. La documentation sur l'application du correctif est documentée dans le gestionnaire JSON et dans le correctif de mappage d'URL.
+Télécharger un fichier JSON sur demande
+Télécharger les fichiers
+JSON fichier 1
+JSON fichier 2
+JSON fichier 3
+JSON fichier 4
+Téléchargement des données: rien n'est encore télechargé
+Code source
+<p>Télécharger les fichiers:</p>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-1-fr.json" }'>JSON fichier 1</button></li>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-2-fr.json" }'>JSON fichier 2</button></li>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-3-fr.json" }'>JSON fichier 3</button></li>
+<li><button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#testLoader", "url": "demo/file-4-fr.json" }'>JSON fichier 4</button></li>
+<div id="testLoader" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "jmanager"
+ }'></div>
+<p>Téléchargement des données: <span data-json-replace="#[jmanager]/data">rien n'est encore télechargé</span></p>
+Fichier demo/file-1-fr.json
+{"data": "Du fichier JSON 1"}
+Fichier demo/file-2-fr.json
+{"data": "+Du fichier JSON 2"}
+Fichier demo/file-3-fr.json
+{"data": "-Du fichier JSON 3"}
+Fichier demo/file-4-fr.json
+{"data": "&Du fichier JSON 4"}
+Appliquer un correctif JSON
+Utiliser la même configuration que celle décrite par le mappage d'URL
+Appliquer un correctif
+Téléchargement des données: rien n'est encore télechargé
+Code source
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "patch", "source": "#testLoader", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/data", "value": "Patched Data" }
+] }'>Appliquer un correctif</button>
+<div id="testLoader" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "jmanager"
+ }'></div>
+<p>Téléchargement des données: <span data-json-replace="#[jmanager]/data">rien n'est encore télechargé </span></p>
+Fichier demo/empty.json
+Appliquer un correctif JSON basé sur une valeur d'une entrée
+Similaire à l'exemple de travail du
+correctif de mappage d'URL, elle partage les mêmes exigences qu'une expression par défaut + une expression régulière pour l'analyse.
+Entrez l'une des 3 valeurs suivantes "vdm" | "gat" | "ott"
+Appliquer un correctif basé sur l'entrée d'utilisateur
+Données corrigées selon la valeur de l'entrée: Rien n'est encore chargé
+Code source
+<label>Entrez l'une des 3 valeurs suivantes "vdm" | "gat" | "ott"
+<input id="myinput" value="">
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#myinput", "actions": [
+ {
+ "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample3", "base": "/city", "match": "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$", "default": "vdm",
+ "patches" : {
+ "op": "move",
+ "path": "{base}",
+ "from": "{base}/{qval}"
+ }
+ }
+] }'>Appliquer un correctif basé sur l'entrée d'utilisateur</button>
+<p id="jmexample3" data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "../urlmapping/demo/data-fr.json", "name": "example4", "wait": true }'>Données corrigées selon la valeur de l'entrée: <span data-json-replace="#[example4]/city">Rien n'est encore chargé</span></p>
+Fichier demo/data-en.json
+"city": {
+"gat": "Gatineau",
+"ott": "Ottawa",
+"vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+"fruit": "Perry",
+"country": {
+"name": "Canada",
+"province": {
+"qc": "Québec",
+"on": "Ontario",
+"ma": "Manitoba"
+Combinaison de télécharger et appliquer correctif basé sur la valeur d'un champ de date
+Cet exemple inclut un élément de flux de champ utilisé pour afficher / masquer le code HTML approprié à l'aide des actions ajouterClasse"addClass" et supprimerClasse quot;removeClass" de la classe caché "hidden".
+La différence dans le corretif "copier" est visible dans le paramètre "de". Un est "standard" et l'autre, "express". Ceci définit le chemin pour la recherche JSON.
+L'action "withIput" nécessite un paramètre "match" et une paramètre "default". Le paramètre "match" est une expression rationnelle pour les valeurs acceptables attendues du paramêtre "srcInput". Le paramêtre "défaut" peut être une clé pour une recherche JSON - généralement un message d'erreur.
Sélectionnez une option de livraison:
+Date de commande
+Appliquez un correctif basé sur la date entrée
+Date de commande
+Appliquez un correctif basé sur la date entrée
+Date de livraison prévue: Date pas encore été téléchargé
+Code source
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "default": [ { "action": "addClass", "source":"#standardaddremove", "class": "hidden" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "source":"#expressaddremove", "class": "hidden"}]
+ }'>
+ <p>Sélectionnez une option de livraison:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "removeClass", "source":"#expressaddremove", "class": "hidden" }'>Rapide</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "removeClass", "source":"#standardaddremove", "class": "hidden" }'>Standard</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="standardaddremove" class="hidden">
+<label>Date de commande
+ <input type="date" id="standarddatefield" min="2019-06-10" max="2019-06-12" value="">
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='[
+{ "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#smallLoader", "url": "demo/doaction-date-fr.json" },
+{ "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#standarddatefield", "actions": [
+"action": "patch", "source": "#smallLoader", "match": "^20[1,2][8,9,0]-[1,0][0-9]-[0,1,2,3][0-9]$", "default": "bad-date",
+ "patches" : [
+ {
+ "op": "copy",
+ "path": "/date",
+ "from": "/standard/{qval}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ] }
+]'>Appliquez un correctif basé sur la date entrée</button>
+<div id="expressaddremove" class="hidden">
+<label>Date de commande
+ <input type="date" id="expressdatefield" min="2019-06-10" max="2019-06-12" value="">
+<button type="button" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "loadJSON", "source": "#smallLoader", "url": "demo/doaction-date-fr.json" },
+ { "action": "withInput", "srcInput": "#expressdatefield", "actions": [
+ {
+ "action": "patch", "source": "#smallLoader", "match": "^20[1,2][8,9,0]-[1,0][0-9]-[0,1,2,3][0-9]$", "default": "bad-date",
+ "patches" : [
+ {
+ "op": "copy",
+ "path": "/date",
+ "from": "/express/{qval}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ] }
+]'>Appliquez un correctif basé sur la date entrée</button>
+<div id="smallLoader" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "jsonsmall",
+ "wait": true
+ }'></div>
+<p>Date de livraison prévue: <span data-json-replace="#[jsonsmall]/date">Date pas encore été téléchargé</span></p>
+ <ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "#[example2]",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "li", "value": "/itm1" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+Fichier demo/doaction-date-fr.json
+ "test" : "test trouvé!",
+ "express" : {
+ "bad-date" : "Date introuvable",
+ "2019-06-10" : "2019-06-13",
+ "2019-06-11" : "2019-06-14",
+ "2019-06-12" : "2019-06-15"
+ },
+ "standard" : {
+ "bad-date" : "Date introuvable",
+ "2019-06-10" : "2019-06-20",
+ "2019-06-11" : "2019-06-21",
+ "2019-06-12" : "2019-06-22"
+ }
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-09-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/tblfilter-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/tblfilter-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..935da3216
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/tblfilter-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+ Do action - Table filtering - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Do action - Table filtering
+Filter by News type:
+ Backgrounders
+ Media Advisories
+ News Releases
+ Speeches
+ Statements
+ View all
+Download the following table as CSV
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Department
+ News Type
+ Summary
+ Location
+ For
+ Subject
+ Minister
+Source code
+<ul class="list-inline" data-wb-actionmng='[
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "removeClass", "source": ".fltopts", "class": "btn-primary" },
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "" }
+ ]'>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Backgrounders" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Backgrounders</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Media" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Media</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "News" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>News</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Speeches" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Speeches</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Statements" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Statements</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="btn btn-link" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" }'>View all</button></li>
+<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tocsv", "source": "#dataset-filter" }'>Download the following table as CSV</button>
+<table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" id="dataset-filter"
+ aria-live="polite"
+ data-wb-tables='{
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "ajaxSource": "//wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/demos/tables/ajax/datasource.json",
+ "order": [5, "desc"],
+ "columns": [
+ { "data": "TITLE", "className": "nws-tbl-ttl h4" },
+ { "data": "PUBDATE", "className": "nws-tbl-date" },
+ { "data": "DEPT", "className": "nws-tbl-dept" },
+ { "data": "TYPE", "className": "nws-tbl-type" },
+ { "data": "TEASER", "className": "nws-tbl-desc" },
+ { "data": "LOCATION", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "AUDIENCE", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "SUBJECT", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "MINISTER", "visible": false }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Department</th>
+ <th>News Type</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Location</th>
+ <th>For</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ <th>Minister</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-03
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/tblfilter-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/tblfilter-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d0e24a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/doaction/tblfilter-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+ Exécuter des actions - Filtrer un tableau - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Exécuter des actions - Filtrer un tableau
+Filter by News type:
+ Document d'information
+ Avis aux médias
+ Communiqué de presse
+ Discours
+ Déclaration
+ View all
+Télécharger le tableau suivant en format CSV
+Le contenu du tableau suivant est disponible en anglais seulement.
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Department
+ News Type
+ Summary
+ Location
+ For
+ Subject
+ Minister
+Source code
+<ul class="list-inline" data-wb-actionmng='[
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "removeClass", "source": ".fltopts", "class": "btn-primary" },
+ { "trggroup":"clearFilter", "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "" }
+ ]'>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Backgrounders" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Document d'information</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Media" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Avis aux médias</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "News" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Communiqué de presse</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Speeches" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Discours</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="fltopts btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='[
+ { "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" },
+ { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#dataset-filter", "column": 3, "value": "Statements" },
+ { "action": "addClass", "class": "btn-primary" }
+ ]'>Déclaration</button></li>
+ <li><button type="button" class="btn btn-link" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "run", "trggroup": "clearFilter" }'>View all</button></li>
+<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-wb-doaction='{ "action": "tocsv", "source": "#dataset-filter" }'>Télécharger le tableau suivant en format CSV</button>
+<p>Le contenu du tableau suivant est disponible en anglais seulement.</p>
+<table lang="en" class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" id="dataset-filter"
+ aria-live="polite"
+ data-wb-tables='{
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "ajaxSource": "//wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/demos/tables/ajax/datasource.json",
+ "order": [5, "desc"],
+ "columns": [
+ { "data": "TITLE", "className": "nws-tbl-ttl h4" },
+ { "data": "PUBDATE", "className": "nws-tbl-date" },
+ { "data": "DEPT", "className": "nws-tbl-dept" },
+ { "data": "TYPE", "className": "nws-tbl-type" },
+ { "data": "TEASER", "className": "nws-tbl-desc" },
+ { "data": "LOCATION", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "AUDIENCE", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "SUBJECT", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "MINISTER", "visible": false }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Department</th>
+ <th>News Type</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Location</th>
+ <th>For</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ <th>Minister</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-07-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/demo/equalheight.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/demo/equalheight.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a03cc019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/demo/equalheight.css
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#simple .wb-eqht section {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding: 15px;
+ width: 100%; }
+.smallview #simple .wb-eqht section,
+.mediumview #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ width: 49%; }
+.largeview #simple .wb-eqht section,
+.xlargeview #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ width: 33%; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00c0b2792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+ Equal height - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Equal height
+ Purpose
+ Equalize the height of elements on the same baseline.
+ Example
+ Short container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Medium container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Long container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
+ Short container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Medium container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Long container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
+ Short container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Medium container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Long container
+ Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text. Example text.
+ Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text. Different example text.
+ Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text. Other example text.
+ Code
+ <section id="simple">
+ <h2>Example</h2>
+ <div class="wb-eqht">
+ <section>
+ <h3>Short container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Medium container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Long container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-eqht">
+ <section>
+ <h3>Short container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Medium container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Long container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Short container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Medium container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Long container</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding: 15px;
+ width: 100%;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ width: 49%;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ width: 33%;
+ }
+ Nested Example
Column 1
Column 1
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
Column 2
Column 2
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
Column 1
Column 1
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ Code
+ <section>
+ <h2>Nested Example</h2>
+ <div class="row wb-eqht">
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 1</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 1</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 2</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 2</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 3</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 3</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 1</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 1</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Targeting a deeper nested elements
+ The following example do the same as if the hght-inhrt
class was applied on the element to be equalize as well as all the parents (up to the child of wb-eqht) whereas eqht-trgt
is only applied to the element to equalize (nothing needs to be done about the parents).
Column 1
Column 1
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
Column 2
Column 2
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ Code
+ <div class="row wb-eqht">
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
+ <div class="well well-lg">
+ <section class="panel panel-default eqht-trgt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 1</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 1</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
+ <div class="well well-lg">
+ <section class="panel panel-default eqht-trgt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 2</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 2</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4">
+ <div class="well well-lg">
+ <section class="panel panel-default eqht-trgt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Column 3</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Column 3</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-09-30
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb97d0505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+ Égalisation des hauteurs - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Égalisation des hauteurs
+ Intention
+ Égaliser l'hauteur des éléments sur la même ligne de base.
+ Exemple
+ Contenant à basse hauteur
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Contenant à hauteur moyenne
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Contenant à grande hauteur
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte.
+ Contenant à basse hauteur
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Contenant à hauteur moyenne
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Contenant à grande hauteur
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte.
+ Contenant à basse hauteur
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Contenant à hauteur moyenne
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Contenant à grande hauteur
+ Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte. Exemple de texte.
+ Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent. Exemple de texte différent.
+ Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte. Autre exemple de texte.
+ Code
+ <section id="simple">
+ <h2>Exemple</h2>
+ <div class="wb-eqht">
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à basse hauteur</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à hauteur moyenne</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à grande hauteur</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-eqht">
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à basse hauteur</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à hauteur moyenne</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à grande hauteur</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à basse hauteur</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à hauteur moyenne</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <h3>Contenant à grande hauteur</h3>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ padding: 15px;
+ width: 100%;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ width: 49%;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ #simple .wb-eqht section {
+ width: 33%;
+ }
+ Exemple imbriqué
Colonne 1
Colonne 1
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
Colonne 2
Colonne 2
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
Colonne 1
Colonne 1
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ Code
+ <section>
+ <h2>Exemple imbriqué</h2>
+ <div class="row wb-eqht">
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 1</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 1</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 2</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 2</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 3</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 3</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
+ <section class="panel panel-default hght-inhrt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 1</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 1</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Exemple ciblé à un élément imbriqué plus profondément
+ l'exemple suivant fait la même chose que si la classe hght-inhrt
serais utilisé à partir de l'élément à égaliser jusqu'à l'enfant immédiat de wb-eqht. Utiliser la classe eqht-trgt
seulement sur l'élément à égaliser évite ces duplicatas.
Colonne 1
Colonne 1
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
Colonne 2
Colonne 2
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ test
+ Code
+ <div class="row wb-eqht">
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
+ <div class="well well-lg">
+ <section class="panel panel-default eqht-trgt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 1</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 1</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
+ <div class="well well-lg">
+ <section class="panel panel-default eqht-trgt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 2</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 2</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4">
+ <div class="well well-lg">
+ <section class="panel panel-default eqht-trgt">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Colonne 3</h3>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>Colonne 3</p>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-09-30
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/facebook/facebook-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/facebook/facebook-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cace060a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/facebook/facebook-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ Facebook embedded pages - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Facebook embedded pages
+ Purpose
+ Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages.
+ Example
+ Code
+ <div class="wb-facebook">
+ <div class="fb-page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/ParksCanada" data-small-header="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="false" data-show-posts="true">
+ <div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/ParksCanada"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ParksCanada">Parks Canada Facebook</a></blockquote></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Facebook Embedded Pages configuration options
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-08-03
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/facebook/facebook-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/facebook/facebook-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4c74b7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/facebook/facebook-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ Facebook embedded pages (TODO FR) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Facebook embedded pages (TODO FR)
+ Purpose
+ Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages.
+ Example
+ Code
+ <div class="wb-facebook">
+ <div class="fb-page" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/ParcsCanada" data-small-header="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="false" data-show-posts="true">
+ <div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/ParcsCanada"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ParcsCanada">Parcs Canada Facebook</a></blockquote></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Facebook Embedded Pages configuration options
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-08-03
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/favicon/favicon-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/favicon/favicon-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4cf5d890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/favicon/favicon-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ Favicon - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Favicon
+This plugin provides the ability to add and update the favicon's on a web page. Its default behaviour is to add a mobile favicon to web pages that have a favicon defined by a <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
+The mobile favicon's file name, rel, path and sizes can be set with data
attributes on the <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
+ data-filename: filename of the mobile favicon (defaults to "favicon-mobile.png"). This will be appended to the favicon's path.
+ data-path: path to the mobile favicon (defaults to using the same path as the icon).
+ data-rel: rel attribute of the mobile favicon (defaults to "apple-touch-icon").
+ data-sizes: sizes
attribute of the mobile favicon (defaults to "57x57 72x72 114x114 144x144 150x150").
+For example, the following overrides the rel
and filename
attributes of the mobile favicon:
+<link href="favion.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" data-filename="my-mobile-favicon.ico" data-rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed">
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/favicon/favicon-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/favicon/favicon-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af08e2e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/favicon/favicon-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ Favoricône - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Favoricône
+Offre la possibilité d'ajouter et de mettre à jour les favoricônes d'une page. Son comportement par défaut consiste à ajouter une favoricône d'appareil mobile à des pages Web définie par l'élément <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
+Le nom de fichier de la favoricône, attribut rel
, le chemin et les tailles peuvent être définies avec des attributs data
sur l'élément <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
+ data-filename : Le nom de fichier de la favoricône de l'appareil mobile (« favicon-mobile.png »" par défaut). Ce sera ajoutée au chemin de la favoricône.
+ data-path : Le chemin au favoricône de l'appareil mobile (utilise le même chemin que l'élément <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon">
par défaut).
+ data-rel : L'attribut rel
de la favoricône de l'appareil mobile (« apple-touch-icon » par défaut).
+ data-sizes : L'attribut sizes
de la favoricône de l'appareil mobile (« 57x57 72x72 114x114 144x144 150x150 » par défaut).
+Par exemple, code suivant substitue les attributs rel
et filename
de la favoricône de l'appareil mobile :
+<link href="favion.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" data-filename="my-mobile-favicon.ico" data-rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed">
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/demo/feedback.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/demo/feedback.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bbc5881a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/demo/feedback.css
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-fdbck #fbweb, .wb-fdbck #fbmob, .wb-fdbck #fbcomp, .wb-fdbck #fbinfo {
+ display: none; }
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+ display: inline; }
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+ margin-bottom: 15px; }
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+ text-align: center; }
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+ font-size: 110%; }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/demo/feedback.js
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Feedback form
+ * @overview Allows users to submit feedback for a specific Web page or Web site.
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+( function( $, window, document, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-fdbck",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ fbrsn, fbaxs, fbcntc1, fbcntc2, $fbweb, $fbmob, $fbcomp, $fbinfo,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered this handler
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ referrerUrl = document.referrer,
+ $elm, $fbrsn, urlParams;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $fbrsn = $elm.find( "#fbrsn" );
+ urlParams = wb.pageUrlParts.params;
+ // Cache the form areas
+ fbrsn = $fbrsn[ 0 ];
+ fbaxs = document.getElementById( "fbaxs" );
+ fbcntc1 = document.getElementById( "fbcntc1" );
+ fbcntc2 = document.getElementById( "fbcntc2" );
+ $fbweb = $elm.find( "#fbweb" );
+ $fbmob = $fbweb.find( "#fbmob" );
+ $fbcomp = $fbweb.find( "#fbcomp" );
+ $fbinfo = $elm.find( "#fbinfo" );
+ // Set the initial value for the fbrsn field based on the query string
+ if ( !urlParams.submit && urlParams.fbrsn ) {
+ $fbrsn.find( "option[value='" + urlParams.fbrsn + "']" ).attr( "selected", "selected" );
+ }
+ // Set aria-controls
+ fbrsn.setAttribute( "aria-controls", "fbweb" );
+ fbaxs.setAttribute( "aria-controls", "fbmob fbcomp" );
+ // Set the initial show/hide state of the form
+ showHide( fbrsn );
+ showHide( fbaxs );
+ showHide( fbcntc1 );
+ showHide( fbcntc2 );
+ // Prepopulates URL form field with referrer
+ document.getElementById( "fbpg" ).setAttribute( "value", referrerUrl );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @method showHide
+ * @param {DOM element} elm The element triggering the show/hide
+ */
+ showHide = function( elm ) {
+ var $hide, $show,
+ classHide = "hide",
+ classShow = "show",
+ funcToggle = "toggle",
+ targetId = elm.id;
+ switch ( targetId ) {
+ case "fbrsn":
+ if ( elm.value === "web" ) {
+ $show = $fbweb;
+ } else {
+ $hide = $fbweb;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "fbaxs":
+ if ( elm.value === "mobile" ) {
+ $show = $fbmob;
+ $hide = $fbcomp;
+ } else {
+ $show = $fbcomp;
+ $hide = $fbmob;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "fbcntc1":
+ case "fbcntc2":
+ if ( document.getElementById( "fbcntc1" ).checked || document.getElementById( "fbcntc2" ).checked ) {
+ $show = $fbinfo;
+ } else {
+ $hide = $fbinfo;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Element to show
+ if ( $show ) {
+ $show
+ .attr( "aria-hidden", "false" )
+ .wb( funcToggle, classShow, classHide );
+ }
+ // Element to hide
+ if ( $hide ) {
+ $hide
+ .attr( "aria-hidden", "true" )
+ .wb( funcToggle, classHide, classShow );
+ }
+ };
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Show/hide form areas when certain form fields are changed
+$document.on( "keydown click change", "#fbrsn, #fbaxs, #fbcntc1, #fbcntc2", function( event ) {
+ var which = event.which;
+ // Ignore middle/right mouse buttons
+ if ( !which || which === 1 ) {
+ showHide( event.target );
+ }
+} );
+// Return to the form defaults when the reset button is activated
+$document.on( "click", selector + " input[type=reset]", function( event ) {
+ var which = event.which;
+ // Ignore middle/right mouse buttons
+ if ( !which || which === 1 ) {
+ // Manually reset the form as this event handler can be triggered
+ // before the browser invokes the native form reset.
+ event.target.form.reset();
+ showHide( fbrsn );
+ showHide( fbaxs );
+ showHide( fbcntc1 );
+ showHide( fbcntc2 );
+ }
+} );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, document, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/feedback-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/feedback-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e4dc4a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/feedback-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ Feedback form - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Feedback form
If you have difficulty with the following form, you can use any of our other service channels to contact us.
+ Reason for contacting us (required)
+ Select a reason
+ Critical problem with the website
+ Suggested improvement for the website
+ Question/comment about subject 1
+ Question/comment about subject 2
+ Question/comment about subject 3
+ Other
+ Subject
+ Message (required)
+ Other service channels
+ By telephone:
+ [telephone number]
+ By mail:
+ [mailing address]
+ In person at:
+ [building address]
+ Teletypewriter:
+ [teletypewriter number]
You may use one of the following methods to contact us:
+ By e-mail:
+ [e-mail address]
+ By telephone:
+ [telephone number]
+ By mail:
+ [mailing address]
+ In person at:
+ [building address]
+ Teletypewriter:
+ [teletypewriter number]
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-03-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/feedback-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/feedback-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68de21e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feedback/feedback-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+ Formulaire de rétroaction - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Formulaire de rétroaction
Si vous avez des problèmes avec le formulaire suivant, vous pouvez utiliser une des autres voies de service pour communiquer avec nous.
+ Raison pour communiquer avec nous (obligatoire)
+ Sélectionner une raison
+ Problème critique avec le site Web
+ Suggestion pour améliorer le site Web
+ Question/commentaire sur sujet 1
+ Question/commentaire sur sujet 2
+ Question/commentaire sur sujet 3
+ Autre
+ Objet
+ Message (obligatoire)
+ Autres voies de service
+ Par téléphone :
+ [numéro de téléphone]
+ Par la poste :
+ [adresse postale]
+ En personne :
+ [adresse de l'édifice]
+ Téléimprimeur :
+ [numéro de téléimprimeur]
Veuillez utiliser une des méthodes précisées ci-dessous pour communiquer avec nous :
+ Par courriel :
+ [adresse de courriel]
+ Par téléphone :
+ [numéro de téléphone]
+ Par la poste :
+ [adresse postale]
+ En personne :
+ [adresse de l'édifice]
+ Téléimprimeur :
+ [numéro de téléimprimeur]
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-28
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/feeds.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/feeds.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18142a449
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+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.feeds-cont {
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+ background-color: #f9f9f9; }
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+ Canada News Centre - Manitoba
+ Canada News Centre
+ 2018-10-25T08:50:38-04:00
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/news.html
+ https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-0-fr.atom.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-0-fr.atom.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-0-fr.atom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Centre des nouvelles du Canada - Manitoba
+ Centre des nouvelles du Canada
+ 2018-10-21T05:17:53-04:00
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/nouvelles.html
+ https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-1-en.atom.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-1-en.atom.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-1-en.atom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Canada News Centre - Manitoba
+ Canada News Centre
+ 2018-10-25T08:50:38-04:00
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/news.html
+ https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg
+ Government of Canada recognizes Eagle Urban Transition Centre in supporting First Nations children off-reserve through Jordan's Principle
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/10/government-of-canada-recognizes-eagle-urban-transition-centre-in-supporting-first-nations-children-off-reserve-through-jordans-principle.html
+ Working in partnership with First Nations, Indigenous Services Canada is committed to providing children with the supports and services they need, when they need them.
+ Indigenous Services Canada
+ 2018-10-19T12:06:29-04:00
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-1-fr.atom.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-1-fr.atom.xml
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Centre des nouvelles du Canada - Manitoba
+ Centre des nouvelles du Canada
+ 2018-10-21T05:17:53-04:00
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/nouvelles.html
+ https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg
+ Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion, Brandon (Manitoba)
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/pavillon-no2-de-lexposition-du-dominion-brandon-manitoba.html
+ Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion, Brandon (Manitoba)
+ Parcs Canada
+ 2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-en.atom.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-en.atom.json
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+ "feed": {
+ "title": "Canada News Centre - Manitoba",
+ "subtitle": "Canada News Centre",
+ "updated": "2018-10-25T08:50:38-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/news/web-feeds/manitoba",
+ "id": "https://www.canada.ca/en/news.html",
+ "logo": "https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg",
+ "entry": [
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada recognizes Eagle Urban Transition Centre in supporting First Nations children off-reserve through Jordan's Principle",
+ "updated": "2018-10-19T12:06:29-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/10/government-of-canada-recognizes-eagle-urban-transition-centre-in-supporting-first-nations-children-off-reserve-through-jordans-principle.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Robert Falcon-Ouellette, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre, to highlight success of Eagle Urban Transition Centre in supporting First Nations children in Winnipeg",
+ "updated": "2018-10-18T12:20:46-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/10/robert-falcon-ouellette-member-of-parliament-for-winnipeg-centre-to-highlight-success-of-eagle-urban-transition-centre-in-supporting-first-nations-.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada recognizes the National Historic Significance of the Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2",
+ "updated": "2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/10/government-of-canada-recognizes-the-national-historic-significance-of-the-dominion-exhibition-display-building-no-2.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2, Brandon, Manitoba",
+ "updated": "2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/10/dominion-exhibition-display-building-no-2-brandon-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada Recognizes the National Historic Significance of Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2",
+ "updated": "2018-10-16T08:30:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/10/government-of-canada-recognizes-the-national-historic-significance-of-dominion-exhibition-display-building-no-2.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "CBSA opens expanded Emerson border crossing",
+ "updated": "2018-10-12T11:30:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/border-services-agency/news/2018/10/cbsa-opens-expanded-emerson-border-crossing.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Official opening for expanded Emerson border crossing",
+ "updated": "2018-10-11T15:37:52-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/border-services-agency/news/2018/10/official-opening-for-expanded-emerson-border-crossing.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Governments of Canada and Manitoba strengthen the aerospace industry",
+ "updated": "2018-10-10T11:38:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/western-economic-diversification/news/2018/10/governments-of-canada-and-manitoba-strengthen-the-aerospace-industry.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Minister Bains to announce funding for Manitoba’s aerospace industry and participate in fireside chat with Winnipeg business community",
+ "updated": "2018-10-09T11:50:12-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2018/10/minister-bains-to-announce-funding-for-manitobas-aerospace-industry-and-participate-in-fireside-chat-with-winnipeg-business-community.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques to give virtual presentation to over 1,000 Canadian students",
+ "updated": "2018-10-04T09:22:46-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/space-agency/news/2018/10/canadian-astronaut-david-saint-jacques-to-give-virtual-presentation-to-over-1000-canadian-students.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Canada congratulates Sioux Valley Dakota Nation on its latest addition to reserve. New reserve land will support economic growth for the community.",
+ "updated": "2018-09-24T12:18:34-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs/news/2018/09/canada-congratulates-sioux-valley-dakota-nation-on-its-latest-addition-to-reservenew-reserve-land-will-support-economic-growth-for-the-community.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Canada congratulates Sioux Valley Dakota Nation on the opening of its new Department of Families",
+ "updated": "2018-09-22T18:47:44-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/09/canada-congratulates-sioux-valley-dakota-nation-on-the-opening-of-its-new-department-of-families.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, Canada and Manitoba sign Framework Agreement on Reconciliation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-22T18:47:29-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs/news/2018/09/sioux-valley-dakota-nation-canada-and-manitoba-sign-framework-agreement-on-reconciliation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Manitoba Metis Federation and Government of Canada announce joint action plan on Advancing Reconciliation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-22T11:19:47-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs/news/2018/09/manitoba-metis-federation-and-government-of-canada-announce-joint-action-plan-on-advancing-reconciliation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Parliamentary Secretary Dan Vandal to highlight improvements in early learning and child care for Metis children during Manitoba Metis Federation Annual General Assembly in Winnipeg",
+ "updated": "2018-09-21T14:57:39-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2018/09/parliamentary-secretary-dan-vandal-to-highlight-improvements-in-early-learning-and-child-care-for-metis-children-during-manitoba-metis-federation-a.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Minister Bennett and MMF President Chartrand to make reconciliation announcement at the Manitoba Metis Federation’s 2018 Annual General Assembly",
+ "updated": "2018-09-21T11:12:58-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs/news/2018/09/minister-bennett-and-mmf-president-chartrand-to-make-reconciliation-announcement-at-the-manitoba-metis-federations-2018-annual-general-assembly.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Minister Bennett to make an announcement on advancements in reconciliation and renewed relationships with Sioux Valley Dakota Nation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-21T10:00:26-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs/news/2018/09/minister-bennett-to-make-an-announcement-on-advancements-in-reconciliation-and-renewed-relationships-with-sioux-valley-dakota-nation0.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Backgrounder: Winnipeg drivers to enjoy safer more efficient roadways",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T15:30:21-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/office-infrastructure/news/2018/09/backgrounder-winnipeg-drivers-to-enjoy-safer-more-efficient-roadways.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Winnipeg drivers to enjoy safer more efficient roadways",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T15:30:02-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/office-infrastructure/news/2018/09/winnipeg-drivers-to-enjoy-safer-more-efficient-roadways.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada announces support for acquisition and repair of Churchill rail line by Arctic Gateway Group",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T12:06:22-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/western-economic-diversification/news/2018/09/government-of-canada-announces-support-for-acquisition-and-repair-of-churchill-rail-line-by-arctic-gateway-group.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "New Owners for Hudson Bay Rail Line",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T12:05:55-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/western-economic-diversification/news/2018/09/arctic-gateway-group-purchases-omnitrax-companies-in-northern-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Minister Carr announces an historic partnership in northern Manitoba",
+ "updated": "2018-09-13T19:10:28-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/western-economic-diversification/news/2018/09/minister-carr-announces-an-historic-partnership-in-northern-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Media Advisory - Winnipeg, Manitoba",
+ "updated": "2018-09-13T16:00:10-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/office-infrastructure/news/2018/09/media-advisory--winnipeg-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lynn Lake Gold Project — Participant Funding Allocated",
+ "updated": "2018-09-11T15:08:23-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/environmental-assessment-agency/news/2018/09/lynn-lake-gold-project--participant-funding-allocated.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Towards a Western Canada Growth Strategy",
+ "updated": "2018-09-11T14:54:13-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/western-economic-diversification/news/2018/09/towards-a-western-canada-growth-strategy.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Norway House Cree Nation receives $100 million commitment from Government of Canada to build Health Centre of Excellence",
+ "updated": "2018-09-07T13:00:40-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/09/norway-house-cree-nation-receives-100-million-commitment-from-government-of-canada-to-build-health-centre-of-excellence.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada investing nearly $68 million over three years to support First Nations-led health transformation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-06T15:15:03-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/09/government-of-canada-investing-nearly-68-million-over-three-years-to-support-first-nations-led-health-transformation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Southeast Collegiate celebrates grand opening of their new state-of-the-art school facility in Winnipeg",
+ "updated": "2018-09-06T12:00:30-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/09/southeast-collegiate-celebrates-grand-opening-of-their-new-state-of-the-art-school-facility-in-winnipeg.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Minister Philpott to announce significant investments to support health programs and services in Norway House Cree Nation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-06T11:08:27-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/09/minister-philpott-to-announce-significant-investments-to-support-health-programs-and-services-in-norway-house-cree-nation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Minister Philpott to visit Winnipeg and make announcements regarding First Nations education and health transformation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-05T10:13:59-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/09/minister-philpott-to-visit-winnipeg-and-make-announcements-regarding-first-nations-education-and-health-transformation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Repairs to Begin Immediately on Northern Manitoba Rail",
+ "updated": "2018-08-31T18:49:52-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/western-economic-diversification/news/2018/08/historic-deal-reached-repairs-to-begin-on-northern-manitoba-rail-line.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada Supports Hemp Industry",
+ "updated": "2018-08-31T14:43:58-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/agriculture-agri-food/news/2018/08/government-of-canada-supports-hemp-industry.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "End of lockdown and search at Stony Mountain institution – Medium Security Unit and Maximum Security Unit",
+ "updated": "2018-08-29T14:23:52-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/correctional-service/news/2018/08/end-of-lockdown-and-search-at-stony-mountain-institution--medium-security-unit-and-maximum-security-unit.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Canada congratulates Pauingassi First Nation on official opening of expanded water treatment plant and other water infrastructure progress",
+ "updated": "2018-08-29T13:58:32-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/08/canada-congratulates-pauingassi-first-nation-on-official-opening-of-expanded-water-treatment-plant-and-other-water-infrastructure-progress.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project — Participant Funding Available",
+ "updated": "2018-08-29T13:33:30-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/environmental-assessment-agency/news/2018/08/lake-manitoba-and-lake-st-martin-outlet-channels-project--participant-funding-available.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Members of Lake St. Martin First Nation continue return to rebuilt community with completion of 190 homes",
+ "updated": "2018-08-24T11:52:13-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/08/members-of-lake-st-martin-first-nation-continue-return-to-rebuilt-community-with-completion-of-190-homes.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Governments Invest in Beef and Forage Research to Support Growth in Manitoba's Livestock Sector",
+ "updated": "2018-08-24T10:11:49-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/agriculture-agri-food/news/2018/08/governments-invest-in-beef-and-forage-research-to-support-growth-in-manitobas-livestock-sector.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Warning about Red River water levels",
+ "updated": "2018-08-21T11:20:55-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/public-services-procurement/news/2018/08/warning-about-red-river-water-levels.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Margaret Laurence (1926-1987)",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T14:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/08/margaret-laurence-1926-1987.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada Honours National Historic Significance of Margaret Laurence (1926-1987)",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T14:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/08/government-of-canada-honours-national-historic-significance-of-margaret-laurence-1926-1987.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Manitoba’s 2018‒19 federal Gas Tax Fund allocations",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T10:35:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/office-infrastructure/news/2018/08/manitobas-201819-federal-gas-tax-fund-allocations.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Building stronger communities across Manitoba with federal Gas Tax Fund ",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T10:35:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/office-infrastructure/news/2018/08/building-stronger-communities-across-manitoba-with-federal-gas-tax-fund.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Government of Canada Recognizes the National Historic Significance of Margaret Laurence (1926-1987)",
+ "updated": "2018-08-08T15:04:05-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/08/government-of-canada-recognizes-the-national-historic-significance-of-margaret-laurence-1926-1987.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Governments highlight funded activities for research and industry service providers in Manitoba under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership",
+ "updated": "2018-08-02T12:54:42-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/en/agriculture-agri-food/news/2018/08/governments-highlight-funded-activities-for-research-and-industry-service-providers-in-manitoba-under-the-canadian-agricultural-partnership.html"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-en.atom.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-en.atom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1c29b844
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ Canada News Centre - Manitoba
+ Canada News Centre
+ 2018-10-25T08:50:38-04:00
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/news.html
+ https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg
+ Government of Canada recognizes Eagle Urban Transition Centre in supporting First Nations children off-reserve through Jordan's Principle
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/10/government-of-canada-recognizes-eagle-urban-transition-centre-in-supporting-first-nations-children-off-reserve-through-jordans-principle.html
+ Working in partnership with First Nations, Indigenous Services Canada is committed to providing children with the supports and services they need, when they need them.
+ Indigenous Services Canada
+ 2018-10-19T12:06:29-04:00
+ Robert Falcon-Ouellette, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre, to highlight success of Eagle Urban Transition Centre in supporting First Nations children in Winnipeg
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/indigenous-services-canada/news/2018/10/robert-falcon-ouellette-member-of-parliament-for-winnipeg-centre-to-highlight-success-of-eagle-urban-transition-centre-in-supporting-first-nations-.html
+ Please be advised that MP Robert Falcon-Ouellette, on behalf of the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Indigenous Services, will join Grand Chief Arlen Dumas of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs to highlight the success of the Eagle Urban Transition Centre in supporting First Nations children living off reserve in Winnipeg.
+ Indigenous Services Canada
+ 2018-10-18T12:20:46-04:00
+ Government of Canada recognizes the National Historic Significance of the Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/10/government-of-canada-recognizes-the-national-historic-significance-of-the-dominion-exhibition-display-building-no-2.html
+ Government of Canada recognizes the National Historic Significance of the Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2
+ Parks Canada
+ 2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00
+ Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2, Brandon, Manitoba
+ https://www.canada.ca/en/parks-canada/news/2018/10/dominion-exhibition-display-building-no-2-brandon-manitoba.html
+ Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. 2, Brandon, Manitoba
+ Parks Canada
+ 2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-fr.atom.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-fr.atom.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8947bf531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-fr.atom.json
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+ "feed": {
+ "title": "Centre des nouvelles du Canada - Manitoba",
+ "subtitle": "Centre des nouvelles du Canada",
+ "updated": "2018-10-21T05:17:53-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/nouvelles/fils-nouvelles/manitoba",
+ "id": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/nouvelles.html",
+ "logo": "https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg",
+ "entry": [
+ {
+ "title": "Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion, Brandon (Manitoba)",
+ "updated": "2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/pavillon-no2-de-lexposition-du-dominion-brandon-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale du Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion",
+ "updated": "2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/le-gouvernement-du-canada-reconnait-limportance-historique-nationale-du-pavillon-no-2-de-lexposition-du-dominion.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale du Pavillon nº2 de l'Exposition du Dominion",
+ "updated": "2018-10-16T08:30:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/le-gouvernement-du-canada-reconnait-limportance-historique-nationale-du-pavillon-n2-de-lexposition-du-dominion.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "L’ASFC ouvre un poste frontalier élargi à Emerson",
+ "updated": "2018-10-12T11:30:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-services-frontaliers/nouvelles/2018/10/lasfc-ouvre-un-poste-frontalier-elargi-a-emerson.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Ouverture officielle du poste frontalier élargi d’Emerson",
+ "updated": "2018-10-11T15:37:52-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-services-frontaliers/nouvelles/2018/10/ouverture-officielle-du-poste-frontalier-elargi-demerson.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Les gouvernements du Canada et du Manitoba renforcent l’industrie de l’aérospatiale",
+ "updated": "2018-10-10T11:38:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/diversification-economie-ouest/nouvelles/2018/10/les-gouvernements-du-canada-et-du-manitoba-renforcent-lindustrie-de-laerospatiale.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le ministre Bains annoncera l’octroi de fonds à l’industrie de l’aérospatiale du Manitoba et participera à une causerie avec le milieu des affaires de Winnipeg",
+ "updated": "2018-10-09T11:50:12-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/innovation-sciences-developpement-economique/nouvelles/2018/10/le-ministre-bains-annoncera-loctroi-de-fonds-a-lindustrie-de-laerospatiale-du-manitoba-et-participera-a-une-causerie-avec-le-milieu-des-affaires-de.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "L'astronaute canadien David Saint-Jacques rencontre virtuellement plus de 1000 élèves canadiens",
+ "updated": "2018-10-04T09:22:46-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-spatiale/nouvelles/2018/10/lastronaute-canadien-david-saint-jacques-rencontre-virtuellement-plus-de-1000-eleves-canadiens.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le Canada félicite la Nation des Dakota de Sioux Valley pour son dernier ajout à sa réserve. De nouvelles terres de réserve appuieront la croissance économique de la communauté.",
+ "updated": "2018-09-24T12:18:34-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/relations-couronne-autochtones-affaires-nord/nouvelles/2018/09/le-canada-felicite-la-nation-des-dakota-de-sioux-valley-pour-son-dernier-ajout-a-sa-reserve-de-nouvelles-terres-de-reserve-appuieront-la-croissance.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le Canada félicite la Nation des Dakota de Sioux Valley pour l'ouverture de son nouveau bureau du ministère de la Famille",
+ "updated": "2018-09-22T18:47:44-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/09/le-canada-felicite-la-nation-des-dakota-de-sioux-valley-pour-louverture-de-son-nouveau-bureau-du-ministere-de-la-famille.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La Nation des Dakota de Sioux Valley, le Canada et le Manitoba concluent une ententecadre sur la réconciliation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-22T18:47:29-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/relations-couronne-autochtones-affaires-nord/nouvelles/2018/09/la-nation-des-dakota-de-sioux-valley-le-canada-et-le-manitoba-concluent-une-ententecadre-sur-la-reconciliation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La Manitoba Metis Federation et le gouvernement du Canada annoncent un plan d’action commun sur la promotion de la réconciliation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-22T11:19:47-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/relations-couronne-autochtones-affaires-nord/nouvelles/2018/09/la-manitoba-metis-federation-et-le-gouvernement-du-canada-annoncent-un-plan-daction-commun-sur-la-promotion-de-la-reconciliation.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le secrétaire parlementaire Dan Vandal sera à Winnipeg afin de souligner les améliorations apportées aux services d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants métisses à l’assemblée générale annuelle de la Manitoba Metis Federation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-21T14:57:39-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/emploi-developpement-social/nouvelles/2018/09/le-secretaire-parlementaire-dan-vandal-sera-a-winnipeg-afin-de-souligner-les-ameliorations-apportees-aux-services-dapprentissage-et-de-garde-des-je.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La ministre Bennett et le président Chartrand de la MMF feront une annonce sur la réconciliation dans le cadre de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la Manitoba Metis Federation",
+ "updated": "2018-09-21T11:12:58-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/relations-couronne-autochtones-affaires-nord/nouvelles/2018/09/la-ministre-bennett-et-le-president-chartrand-de-la-mmf-feront-une-annonce-sur-la-reconciliation-dans-le-cadre-de-lassemblee-generale-annuelle-de-l.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La ministre Bennett fera une annonce sur les progrès vers la réconciliation et le renouvellement des relations avec la Nation des Dakota de Sioux Valley",
+ "updated": "2018-09-21T10:00:26-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/relations-couronne-autochtones-affaires-nord/nouvelles/2018/09/la-ministre-bennett-fera-une-annonce-sur-les-progres-vers-la-reconciliation-et-le-renouvellement-des-relations-avec-la-nation-des-dakota-de-sioux-v0.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Document d’information : Les automobilistes profiteront de routes plus sécuritaires et plus efficaces à Winnipeg ",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T15:30:21-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/bureau-infrastructure/nouvelles/2018/09/document-dinformation-les-automobilistes-profiteront-de-routes-plus-securitaires-et-plus-efficaces-a-winnipeg.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Les automobilistes de Winnipeg profiteront de routes plus sécuritaires et plus efficaces ",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T15:30:02-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/bureau-infrastructure/nouvelles/2018/09/les-automobilistes-de-winnipeg-profiteront-de-routes-plus-securitaires-et-plus-efficaces.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada annonce un appui financier pour l’acquisition et la réparation de la ligne ferroviaire de Churchill par l’Arctic Gateway Group",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T12:06:22-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/diversification-economie-ouest/nouvelles/2018/09/le-gouvernement-du-canada-annonce-un-appui-financier-pour-lacquisition-et-la-reparation-de-la-ligne-ferroviaire-de-churchill-par-larctic-gateway-group.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La voie ferrée de la baie d’Hudson a de nouveaux propriétaires",
+ "updated": "2018-09-14T12:05:55-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/diversification-economie-ouest/nouvelles/2018/09/larctic-gateway-group-achete-les-societes-domnitrax-dans-le-nord-du-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le ministre Carr annonce un partenariat historique dans le Nord du Manitoba",
+ "updated": "2018-09-13T19:10:28-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/diversification-economie-ouest/nouvelles/2018/09/le-ministre-carr-annonce-un-partenariat-historique-dans-le-nord-du-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Avis aux médias - Winnipeg (Manitoba)",
+ "updated": "2018-09-13T16:00:10-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/bureau-infrastructure/nouvelles/2018/09/avis-aux-medias--winnipeg-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Projet aurifère Lynn Lake — Attribution d'une aide financière aux participants",
+ "updated": "2018-09-11T15:08:23-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-evaluation-environnementale/nouvelles/2018/09/projet-aurifere-lynn-lake--attribution-dune-aide-financiere-aux-participants.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Stratégie de croissance de l’Ouest canadien",
+ "updated": "2018-09-11T14:54:13-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/diversification-economie-ouest/nouvelles/2018/09/strategie-de-croissance-de-louest-canadien.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La Nation crie de Norway House obtient un engagement de 100 M$ du gouvernement du Canada pour bâtir un centre d’excellence en santé",
+ "updated": "2018-09-07T13:00:40-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/09/la-nation-crie-de-norway-house-obtient-un-engagement-de-100-m-du-gouvernement-du-canada-pour-batir-un-centre-dexcellence-en-sante.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada investit près de 68 millions de dollars sur trois ans pour appuyer la transformation des services de santé dirigée par les Premières Nations",
+ "updated": "2018-09-06T15:15:03-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/09/le-gouvernement-du-canada-investit-pres-de-68-millions-de-dollars-sur-trois-ans-pour-appuyer-la-transformation-des-services-de-sante-dirigee-par-le.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le Southeast Collegiate célèbre l’ouverture officielle de sa nouvelle école ultramoderne à Winnipeg",
+ "updated": "2018-09-06T12:00:30-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/09/le-southeast-collegiate-celebre-louverture-officielle-de-sa-nouvelle-ecole-ultramoderne-a-winnipeg.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La ministre Philpott annoncera des investissements importants pour soutenir les programmes et services de santé dans la nation Crie de Norway House",
+ "updated": "2018-09-06T11:08:27-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/09/la-ministre-philpott-annoncera-des-investissements-importants-pour-soutenir-les-programmes-et-services-de-sante-dans-la-nation-crie-de-norway-house.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "La ministre Philpott se rendra à Winnipeg et fera des annonces concernant la transformation du système d'éducation et de santé des Premières nations",
+ "updated": "2018-09-05T10:13:59-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/09/la-ministre-philpott-se-rendra-a-winnipeg-et-fera-des-annonces-concernant-la-transformation-du-systeme-deducation-et-de-sante-des-premieres-nations.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Les réparations débuteront immédiatement sur la voie ferrée du Nord du Manitoba",
+ "updated": "2018-08-31T18:49:52-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/diversification-economie-ouest/nouvelles/2018/08/accord-historique-conclu-les-reparations-debuteront-sur-la-voie-ferree-du-nord-du-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada appuie l’industrie du chanvre",
+ "updated": "2018-08-31T14:43:58-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agriculture-agroalimentaire/nouvelles/2018/08/le-gouvernement-du-canada-appuie-lindustrie-du-chanvre.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Fin de l’isolement cellulaire et de la fouille à l’Établissement de Stony Mountain – unité à sécurité moyenne et unité à sécurité maximale",
+ "updated": "2018-08-29T14:23:52-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/service-correctionnel/nouvelles/2018/08/fin-de-lisolement-cellulaire-et-de-la-fouille-a-letablissement-de-stony-mountain--unite-a-securite-moyenne-et-unite-a-securite-maximale.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Progrès en infrastructure hydraulique : Le Canada félicite la Première Nation de Pauingassi pour l’inauguration officielle de l’agrandissement de son usine de traitement de l’eau",
+ "updated": "2018-08-29T13:58:32-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/08/progres-en-infrastructure-hydraulique--le-canada-felicite-la-premiere-nation-de-pauingassi-pour-linauguration-officielle-de-lagrandissement-de-son-.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Projet de canaux de déversement du lac Manitoba et du lac St. Martin — Disponibilité d'une aide financière aux participants",
+ "updated": "2018-08-29T13:33:30-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-evaluation-environnementale/nouvelles/2018/08/projet-de-canaux-de-deversement-du-lac-manitoba-et-du-lac-st-martin--disponibilite-dune-aide-financiere-aux-participants.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Les membres de la Première Nation de Lake St. Martin réintègrent progressivement leur communauté rebâtie avec l'achèvement de 190 nouveaux logements",
+ "updated": "2018-08-24T11:52:13-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-autochtones-canada/nouvelles/2018/08/les-membres-de-la-premiere-nation-de-lake-st-martin-reintegrent-progressivement-leur-communaute-rebatie-avec-lachevement-de-190-nouveaux-logements.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Les gouvernements investissent dans la recherche sur le bœuf et les cultures fourragères à l'appui de la croissance du secteur de l'élevage du Manitoba",
+ "updated": "2018-08-24T10:11:49-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agriculture-agroalimentaire/nouvelles/2018/08/les-gouvernements-investissent-dans-la-recherche-sur-le-buf-et-les-cultures-fourrageres-a-lappui-de-la-croissance-du-secteur-de-lelevage-du-manitoba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Avertissement concernant le niveau des eaux de la rivière Rouge",
+ "updated": "2018-08-21T11:20:55-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/services-publics-approvisionnement/nouvelles/2018/08/avertissement-concernant-le-niveau-des-eaux-de-la-riviere-rouge.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada souligne l’importance historique nationale de Margaret Laurence (1926-1987)",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T14:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/08/le-gouvernement-du-canada-souligne-limportance-historique-nationale-de-margaret-laurence-1926-1987.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Margaret Laurence (1926-1987)",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T14:15:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/08/margaret-laurence-1926-1987.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Affectations du Fonds de la taxe sur l’essence fédéral au Manitoba en 2018-2019",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T10:35:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/bureau-infrastructure/nouvelles/2018/08/affectations-du-fonds-de-la-taxe-sur-lessence-federal-au-manitoba-en-2018-2019.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Bâtir des collectivités fortes partout au Manitoba grâce au Fonds de la taxe sur l’essence fédéral",
+ "updated": "2018-08-10T10:35:00-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/bureau-infrastructure/nouvelles/2018/08/batir-des-collectivites-fortes-partout-au-manitoba-grace-au-fonds-de-la-taxe-sur-lessence-federal.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Le gouvernement du Canada reconnait Margaret Laurence (1926-1987) comme une personne d’importance historique nationale ",
+ "updated": "2018-08-08T15:04:05-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/08/le-gouvernement-du-canada-reconnait-margaret-laurence-1926-1987-comme-une-personne-dimportance-historique-nationale.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Les gouvernements annoncent une aide financière pour les chercheurs et les fournisseurs de services à l’industrie du Manitoba dans le cadre du Partenariat canadien pour l’agriculture",
+ "updated": "2018-08-02T12:54:42-04:00",
+ "link": "https://www.canada.ca/fr/agriculture-agroalimentaire/nouvelles/2018/08/les-gouvernements-annoncent-une-aide-financiere-pour-les-chercheurs-et-les-fournisseurs-de-services-a-lindustrie-du-manitoba-dans-le-cadre-du-parte.html"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-fr.atom.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-fr.atom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57414d0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/demo/manitoba-fr.atom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ Centre des nouvelles du Canada - Manitoba
+ Centre des nouvelles du Canada
+ 2018-10-21T05:17:53-04:00
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/nouvelles.html
+ https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/wmms-blk.svg
+ Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion, Brandon (Manitoba)
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/pavillon-no2-de-lexposition-du-dominion-brandon-manitoba.html
+ Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion, Brandon (Manitoba)
+ Parcs Canada
+ 2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00
+ Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale du Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/le-gouvernement-du-canada-reconnait-limportance-historique-nationale-du-pavillon-no-2-de-lexposition-du-dominion.html
+ Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale du Pavillon no 2 de l’Exposition du Dominion
+ Parcs Canada
+ 2018-10-18T10:15:00-04:00
+ Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale du Pavillon nº2 de l'Exposition du Dominion
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/parcs-canada/nouvelles/2018/10/le-gouvernement-du-canada-reconnait-limportance-historique-nationale-du-pavillon-n2-de-lexposition-du-dominion.html
+ Le gouvernement du Canada reconnaît l’importance historique nationale du Pavillon nº2 de l'Exposition du Dominion
+ Parcs Canada
+ 2018-10-16T08:30:00-04:00
+ L’ASFC ouvre un poste frontalier élargi à Emerson
+ https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-services-frontaliers/nouvelles/2018/10/lasfc-ouvre-un-poste-frontalier-elargi-a-emerson.html
+ Aujourd’hui, l’honorable Jim Carr, ministre de la Diversification du commerce international et député fédéral de Winnipeg Centre Sud, au nom de l’honorable Ralph Goodale, ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile, a souligné officiellement l’achèvement du projet d’élargissement au point d’entrée d’Emerson de l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada (ASFC).
+ Agence des services frontaliers du Canada
+ 2018-10-12T11:30:00-04:00
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/feeds-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/feeds-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..291865597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/feeds-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ Feeds - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Feeds
+ Important: Feed plugin stop working for implementation prior v4.0.30
+ This don't impact feed implementation of Flickr and Youtube
+ The WET Feed plugin stop working as January 3rd , 2019 because of an hard dependance on Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and its web services.
+ See the JSON feed example bellow as an alternative solution. A patch is going to be released for older version of wet-boew to fully enable this feature.
+ Note: The upcoming release of WET-BOEW v4.0.30 (scheduled for the end of January) would read by default the XML feed directly without using any third party services. Although this imply your CORS would be properly configured on your server.
+This feature provides a widget for aggregating and displaying the entries from one or more Web feeds on a Web page. Supported Web feed formats are Atom, RSS, and Media RSS.
+ Examples
+ ATOM feed
+ This method fetch the ATOM feed directly and don't use a third party service.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-3">
+ <h3>Canada News Centre - Manitoba</h3>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-unstyled lst-spcd">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/manitoba-en.atom.xml">Government of Canada News Releases</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ Tabbed feeds
+ Flickr
+ YouTube
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section>
+ <h3>Tabbed Social Feeds</h3>
+ <div class="wb-tabs col-md-5 wb-eqht">
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <details id="details-flickr">
+ <summary>Flickr</summary>
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
+ <h4 class="wb-inv">Flickr</h4>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/environmentcan" rel="external" data-ajax="https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=47711201@N05&format=json">Environment Canada Flickr</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ </section>
+ </details>
+ <details id="details-youtube">
+ <summary>YouTube</summary>
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
+ <h4 class="wb-inv">YouTube</h4>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/ParksCanadaAgency" rel="external" data-ajax="https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/UCzJRhTw3KVtDlcdNz33eDMQ/uploads?v=2&alt=json">Parks Canada Youtube</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/fisheriescanada?feature=results_main" rel="external" data-ajax="https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/UC5D1a5R8bbrTXEJrjmRX7gA/uploads?v=2&alt=json">Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ YouTube</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ </section>
+ </details>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ JSON feed
+ Use attribute data-ajax
to read a JSON ATOM like feed .
+ A patch is going to be released for the older version of wet-boew to fully enable this feature.
+ How: Add the attribute data-ajax
with an URL to the JSON format of your feed. The href
value would be ignored.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-3" data-cors="true">
+ <h3>JSON feed</h3>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-unstyled lst-spcd">
+ <li>
+ <a data-ajax="demo/manitoba-en.atom.json" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/news/web-feeds/manitoba" rel="external">Canada News Centre - Manitoba</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ Special cases
+ Feed with no entries
+ Feed with one entry
+ When limit is greater than the number of feed entries
+ When limit is not set
+ Parameters
+ Class (parameter)
+ Role
+ Details
+ wb-feeds
+ Identifier
+ Main targeting class that identifies the code block used for the Web feeds widget.
+ limit-x
+ Display
+ Controls the amount of items the Web feeds widget will display.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-28
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/feeds-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/feeds-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d91341dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/feeds/feeds-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ Fils de syndication - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Fils de syndication
+ Important: Le plugiciel du fils de syndication a cessé de fonctionner pour les implémentations précédent v4.0.30
+ Ceci n'inclus pas le fil de syndication pour Flickr et Youtube
+ Le plugiciel du fils de syndication a cessé de fonctionner à partir du 3 janvier 2019 parce qu'il dépendant grandement de la disponibilité de Yahoo Query Language (YQL) ainsi que de son service web.
+ Comme solution alternative, veuillez consulter l'example ci-dessous démontrant la lecture d'un fil de syndication en format JSON. Un correctif sera disponible pour les anciennes version de la wet-boew afin que cette fonctionalité soit disponible tel qu'illustré ci-dessous.
+ Note: La prochaine version de la WET-BOEW v4.0.30 (planifier pour la fin janvier) lira par défaut le fil de syndication en format XML sans utiliser un tierce service. Par contre, l'utilisation de cette fonctionalité pourrais nécessité une configuration adéquate des CORS sur votre serveur.
+Cette composante est un gadget logiciel permettant de regrouper et d’afficher des données d'un ou plusieurs fils de syndication. Les formats soutenus sont Atom, RSS et Media RSS.
+ Exemples
+ Fils de syndication en format ATOM
+ Cette méthode télécharge le fil de syndication ATOM directement sans dépendre d’un service tierce.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-3>
+ <h3>Centre des nouvelles du Canada - Manitoba</h3>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-unstyled lst-spcd">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/manitoba-fr.atom.xml">Nouvelles du Gouvernement du Canada</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ Les comptes des médias sociaux à onglets
+ Flickr
+ YouTube
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section>
+ <h3>Les fils de syndication à onglets</h3>
+ <div class="wb-tabs col-md-5 wb-eqht">
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <details id="details-flickr">
+ <summary>Flickr</summary>
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
+ <h4 class="wb-inv">Flickr</h4>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/environnementcan" rel="external" data-ajax="https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=47721741@N05&format=json">Flickr d'Environnement Canada</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ </section>
+ </details>
+ <details id="details-youtube">
+ <summary>YouTube</summary>
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-10">
+ <h4 class="wb-inv">YouTube</h4>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/ParksCanadaAgency" rel="external" data-ajax="https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/UCr23fllByMomgNGeShe-73g/uploads?v=2&alt=json">YouTube de Parcs Canada</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/fisheriescanada?feature=results_main" rel="external" data-ajax="https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/UCf1JLCB96nHLjidhSJtHDFA/uploads?v=2&alt=json">YouTube de Pêches et Océans Canada</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ </section>
+ </details>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ Fils de syndication en format JSON
+ L'utilisation de l'attribut data-ajax
permet une lecture du fil de syndication dans un format JSON similaire à ATOM XML (en anglais).
+ Un correctif sera disponible pour les anciennes version de la wet-boew afin que cette fonctionalité soit disponible tel qu'illustré ci-dessous.
+ Comment: Ajouter l'attribut data-ajax
avec un lien (URL) vers le format JSON du fil de syndication. La valeur définie à l'attribut href
de l'ancre sera ignoré.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section class="wb-feeds limit-3" data-cors="true">
+ <h3>Fils de syndication en format JSON</h3>
+ <ul class="feeds-cont list-unstyled lst-spcd">
+ <li>
+ <a data-ajax="demo/manitoba-fr.atom.json" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/nouvelles/fils-nouvelles/manitoba" rel="external">Centre des nouvelles du Canada - Manitoba</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ Cas spéciaux
+ Fil d'actualité sans entrées
+ Fil d’actualité avec une entrée
+ Lorsque la limite est supérieure au nombre d'entrées dans le fil
+ Quand la limite n'est pas définie
+ Paramètres
+ Classe (paramètre)
+ Rôle
+ Détails
+ wb-feeds
+ Identificateur
+ Classe principale qui identifie le code utilisé pour le gadget des fils de syndication.
+ limit-x
+ Affichage
+ Contrôle la quantité d'articles que le gadget des fils de syndication affichera.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-28
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/advanced-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/advanced-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c06a0ba7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/advanced-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1867 @@
+ Field flow advanced - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Field flow advanced
+How to go beyond with field flow.
+ On this page:
+Custom ajax
The content is insert by using the data-ajax plugin. It is possible to target specific container, by using different method (append, prepend, after, before, replace) and to benefit of the ajax filtering fonctionality provided by the ajax fetch plugin.
A simple use is set the url of the file that need to be ajaxed in the attribute data-wb-fieldflow="URL/of/the/file"
The content set by the attribute data-wb-fieldflow
may are not be accessible to search engine and to the user if javascript is disabled. So, it's recommended to provide an alternative representation where the user will be able to get equivalent information.
Using data-wb-fieldflow="URL/of/the/file"
is the same as:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "URL/of/the/file"}'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "URL/of/the/file", "type": "replace"}'
The following configuration option are available:
+ type
+ Define how the content will be inserted. The available options are: after, append, before, prepend, replace. Default value is "replace"
+ container
+ A jquery selector of where the data ajax will be initialised. If not specified, an empty container will be created after Fieldflow control.
+ clean
+ A jquery selector of where the jquery empty()
will be called.
+ trigger
+ Allow to initiate WET features included in the content to be inserted through ajax.
+ id="ajaxPanel"
Aside panel, for example
(To illustrate container
and clean
Choose content to be ajaxed?
+ Set 1
+ Set 1 - Do it live
+ Set 3 - Do it live
+ Set 4 - Do it live
+ Set 2 - Alternative call within object defined in data-wb-fieldflow
+ Set 2 - Alternative call with specifying how to ajax content
+ Set 3 - Use container: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")
+ Set 4 - Use container: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")
+ Set 4 - Append content to the container: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")
+ Set 3 - Prepend content to the contenainer $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body") and clean it on change
+ Set 5
+ Set 5 - with Trigger WET plugin
+<section id="ajaxPanel" class="panel panel-primary">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title"><code>id="ajaxPanel"</code> Aside panel, for example</h3>
+ </header>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>(To illustrate <code>container</code> and <code>clean</code> options)</p>
+ </div>
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">Set 1</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html", "live": true}'>Set 1 - Do it live</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "live": true}'>Set 3 - Do it live</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "live": true}'>Set 4 - Do it live</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html"}'>Set 2 - with action defined</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html", "type": "replace"}'>Set 2 - with action and type defined</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body"}'>Set 3 - Use container: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body"}'>Set 4 - Use container: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body", "type": "append"}'>Set 4 - Append content to the container: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body", "type": "prepend", "clean": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body"}'>Set 3 - Prepend content to the contenainer $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body") and clean it on change</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html"}'>Set 5</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html", "trigger": true}'>Set 5 - with Trigger WET plugin</li>
+ </ul>
The append action required the configuration option source
that contain a jQuery selector representing the element to be used as a sub-plugin and be appended to the control. Similar behaviour can be acheived by duplicating the content of the appended element in each list item.
The configuration option target
contain an id
of what subsequent selected element that action is targeted to.
This feature became useful when the same field is re-used again and again by a lot of items.
Find the plugin for the action you need.
+ Inserting content
+ Photo galery
+ Draw charts
+ Expand and collapse content
+ Set a consistant height
+ Popup content
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#language-question"}
+ ]'>Inserting content</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#language-question"}
+ ]'>Photo galery</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#language-question"}
+ ]'>Draw charts</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#language-question"}
+ ]'>Expand and collapse content</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#language-question"}
+ ]'>Set a consistant height</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#language-question"}
+ ]'>Popup content</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="language-question" class="hidden">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li id="append-ex-en">English</li>
+ <li id="append-ex-fr">French</li>
+ </ul>
+Are equivalent to:
Find the plugin for the action you need.
+ Inserting content
+ Photo galery
+ Draw charts
+ Expand and collapse content
+ Set a consistant height
+ Popup content
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Inserting content
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">English</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html">French</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Photo galery
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">English</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html">French</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Draw charts
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">English</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html">French</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Expand and collapse content
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">English</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html">French</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Set a consistant height
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">English</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html">French</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Popup content
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What language?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">English</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html">French</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+Add and remove CSS class
Change the color of the following paragraph:
+ Muted
+ Primary
+ Sucess
+ Info
+ Warning
+ Danger
+Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" }
+ }'>
+ <p>Change the color of the following paragraph:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-muted" }'>Muted</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-primary" }'>Primary</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-success" }'>Sucess</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-info" }'>Info</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-warning" }'>Warning</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-danger" }'>Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+<p id="addremoveCSSexample">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+Applying a set of default and reset action
Change the color of the following paragraph:
+ Muted
+ Primary
+ Sucess
+ Info
+ Warning
+ Danger
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" },
+ "default": { "action": "ajax", "url":"ajax/paragraph.html #paragraph1-en", "live": true }
+ }'>
+ <p>Change the color of the following paragraph:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-muted" }'>Muted</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-primary" }'>Primary</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-success" }'>Sucess</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-info" }'>Info</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-warning" }'>Warning</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-en", "class": "text-danger" }'>Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+File ajax/paragraph.html
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!-- DataAjaxFragmentStart -->
+<div lang="en">
+ <div id="paragraph1-en">
+ <p id="resetdefaultExample-en">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph2-en">
+ <p id="definebaseExample-en">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph3-en">
+ <p id="defineDefaultExample-en">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+ </div>
+<div lang="fr">
+ <div id="paragraph1-fr">
+ <p id="resetdefaultExample-fr">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph2-fr">
+ <p id="definebaseExample-fr">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph3-fr">
+ <p id="defineDefaultExample-fr">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+ </div>
+<!-- DataAjaxFragmentEnd -->
+Define a base action object
+This example is the same as applying a set of default, reset action but it set a base action object and executed action inherit from the base action.
Change the color of the following paragraph:
+ Muted
+ Primary
+ Sucess
+ Info
+ Warning
+ Danger
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#definebaseExample-en", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" },
+ "default": { "action": "ajax", "url":"ajax/paragraph.html #paragraph2-en", "live": true },
+ "base" : { "action": "addClass", "source":"#definebaseExample-en" }
+ }'>
+ <p>Change the color of the following paragraph:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-muted" }'>Muted</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-primary" }'>Primary</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-success" }'>Sucess</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-info" }'>Info</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-warning" }'>Warning</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-danger" }'>Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+Redefine defaults behaviour of simple call
+Change the default behaviour when each items are configured.
Change the color of the following paragran
+ Muted
+ Primary
+ Sucess
+ Info
+ Warning
+ Danger
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#definebaseExample-en", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" },
+ "default": { "action": "ajax", "url":"ajax/paragraph.html #paragraph3-en", "live": true },
+ "actionData" : { "source":"#defineDefaultExample-en" },
+ "action": "addClass",
+ "prop": "class"
+ }'>
+ <p>Change the color of the following paragran</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-muted">Muted</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-primary">Primary</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-success">Sucess</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-info">Info</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-warning">Warning</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-danger">Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+Querying and form integration
Allow to set a name and value to the URL on which the user will be usually redirected to.
This show how to use the query
action. The following configuration option must be present:
+ name
+ Define the query parameter name to use.
+ value
+ Define the query value to set for the specified parameter name.
The configuration option noForm
set on the <div class="wb-fieldflow"></div>
tell the plugin to not create a form wrapper but instead to bind with the existing one. The submit button need to be supplied in that mode. It is assumed the form is also wrapped with wb-frmvld
+ A few remark regarding the following example
+ It is itself submiting. Once submited, the additional query parameter, animal
that will be present in the result page URL.
+ As is, that form are unusable if javascript are disabled, so:
+ That is why a static alternative example follow the form.
+ It is hidden by default
+ It get unhide by the field flow plugin initialization, as specified by the configuration option unhideelm
(containing a jQuery selector value).
+ Alternative representation alloweing to get equivalent information.
+ Dog:
+ Cat:
+ Fish:
+ Snake:
+<div id="myformid" class="wb-frmvld hidden">
+<form action="advanced-en.html" class="col-md-12">
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Favourite pets</span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal5"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Dog" id="animal5" /> Dog</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal6"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Cat" id="animal6" /> Cat</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal7"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Fish" id="animal7" /> Fish</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal8"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Snake" id="animal8" /> Snake</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true, "unhideelm": "#myformid"}'>
+ <p>You want to get more information about?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Habitation
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What kind of habitation are looking for?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"wild"}'>Wild</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"recomhab"}'>Recommended</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"inside"}'>Inside</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"outside"},
+ {"action": "redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html"}
+ ]'>Outside</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Food
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What kind of nutrition your are seeking?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"healty"}'>Healty</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"nutrition"}'>Recommended</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"avoid"}'>To avoid</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"trending"}'>Trending</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <input class="mrgn-bttm-lg" type="submit" value="Submit and look at the resulting URL" />
+<details id="myformidAlternate">
+ <summary>Alternative representation alloweing to get equivalent information.</summary>
+ <p>Dog:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=wild">Wild habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=recomhab">Recommended habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=inside">Inside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=outside">Outside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=healty">Healty food</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=nutrition">Recommended nutrition</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=avoid">Meat toavoid</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Dog&moreinfo=trending">Trending meal</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Cat:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=wild">Wild habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=recomhab">Recommended habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=inside">Inside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=outside">Outside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=healty">Healty food</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=nutrition">Recommended nutrition</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=avoid">Meat toavoid</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Cat&moreinfo=trending">Trending meal</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Fish:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=wild">Wild habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=recomhab">Recommended habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=inside">Inside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=outside">Outside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=healty">Healty food</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=nutrition">Recommended nutrition</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=avoid">Meat toavoid</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Fish&moreinfo=trending">Trending meal</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Snake:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=wild">Wild habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=recomhab">Recommended habitation</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=inside">Inside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=outside">Outside leaving</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=healty">Healty food</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=nutrition">Recommended nutrition</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=avoid">Meat toavoid</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-en.html?animal=Snake&moreinfo=trending">Trending meal</a></li>
+ </ul>
All the option defined for the toggle plugin can be set in the toggle
parameter in the data-wb-fieldflow
The following are equivalent
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#myblockid"}'>My block of content</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": {"selector":"#myblockid"}}'>My block of content</li>
If no option specified for the toggle plugin, the following options will be set
toggle: {
+ stateOn: "visible",
+ stateOff: "hidden"
Choose content to be toggle?
+ Toggle first
+ Toggle second
+ Toggle both
This is first @id=toggle-first
This is second @id=toggle-second
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choose content to be toggle?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#toggle-first"}'>Toggle first</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#toggle-second"}'>Toggle second</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#toggle-first, #toggle-second"}'>Toggle both</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="toggle-first" class="well hidden">
+ <p>This is first <code>@id=toggle-first</code></p>
+<div id="toggle-second" class="jumbotron hidden">
+ <p>This is second <code>@id=toggle-second</code></p>
+ Without a submit button
Choose content to be toggle?
+ Toggle third
+ Toggle forth
+ Toggle both
This is third @id=toggle-third
This is forth @id=toggle-forth
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form method="get">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'>
+ <p>Choose content to be toggle?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#toggle-third", "live": true}'>Toggle third</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#toggle-forth", "live": true}'>Toggle forth</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#toggle-third, #toggle-forth", "live": true}'>Toggle both</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div id="toggle-third" class="well hidden">
+ <p>This is third <code>@id=toggle-third</code></p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="toggle-forth" class="jumbotron hidden">
+ <p>This is forth <code>@id=toggle-forth</code></p>
+ </div>
+Table filtering
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Summary
+ Subject
+ Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.
+ For:
+ Media
+ Farmers
+ General Public
+ MP Rodger Cuzner to make announcement in Broad Cove
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton – Canso, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, will make a funding announcement at the Broad Cove Scottish Concert..
+ For:
+ Media
+ Rural Community
+ Travellers
+ Visitors
+ General Public
+ Society and Culture
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ An Exhibition Dedicated to the Caribou and Other Animals Like It
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada supports the Musée du Fjord.
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Backgrounder: Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada delivered the first of two federal Gas Tax Fund installments for 2016-17 to all the provinces and territories benefitting 364 municipalities in Alberta..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ Modern and up-to-date community infrastructure helps ensure that Canadians live the quality of life that they want and expect. Community infrastructure helps connect people to jobs and provides access to better community services, attracts new businesses and creates economic growth opportunities..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Minister Carr to Make an Announcement About the Winnipeg Art Gallery
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ WINNIPEG – The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources....
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ What an honour to be at the University of Toronto-my alma mater-for this tremendous announcement..
+ For:
+ Business
+ General Public
+ Economics and Industry
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ Thank you, Meric [Meric S. Gertler, President, University of Toronto]. And thank you to the University of Toronto for being such great hosts today. I'm delighted to be here with my friend and colleague Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science..
+ For:
+ Economics and Industry
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form method="get">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='
+ {
+ "srctype": "tblfilter",
+ "noForm": true,
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example",
+ "fltrseq": [
+ {"column": 2},
+ {"column": 3}
+ ],
+ "limit": 3
+ }'></div>
+ </form>
+<table id="table-filtering-example" class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th><a href="https://news.gc.ca/web/index-en.do">Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba</a></th>
+ <td>2016-07-29 12:07:00</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.</p>
+ <p>For:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Media</li>
+ <li>Farmers</li>
+ <li>General Public</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Agriculture</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+Custom filtering interface Table filtering
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Summary
+ Subject
+ Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.
+ For:
+ Media
+ Farmers
+ General Public
+ MP Rodger Cuzner to make announcement in Broad Cove
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton – Canso, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, will make a funding announcement at the Broad Cove Scottish Concert..
+ For:
+ Media
+ Rural Community
+ Travellers
+ Visitors
+ General Public
+ Society and Culture
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ An Exhibition Dedicated to the Caribou and Other Animals Like It
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada supports the Musée du Fjord.
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Backgrounder: Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada delivered the first of two federal Gas Tax Fund installments for 2016-17 to all the provinces and territories benefitting 364 municipalities in Alberta..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ Modern and up-to-date community infrastructure helps ensure that Canadians live the quality of life that they want and expect. Community infrastructure helps connect people to jobs and provides access to better community services, attracts new businesses and creates economic growth opportunities..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Minister Carr to Make an Announcement About the Winnipeg Art Gallery
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ WINNIPEG – The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources....
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ What an honour to be at the University of Toronto-my alma mater-for this tremendous announcement..
+ For:
+ Business
+ General Public
+ Economics and Industry
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ Thank you, Meric [Meric S. Gertler, President, University of Toronto]. And thank you to the University of Toronto for being such great hosts today. I'm delighted to be here with my friend and colleague Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science..
+ For:
+ Economics and Industry
+<div id="table-filtering-example2-form" class="wb-frmvld hidden">
+ <form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noForm": true, "isoptional": true, "unhideelm": "#table-filtering-example2-form" }'>
+ <p>Filter by subject:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Agriculture"
+ }'>Agriculture</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Society"
+ }'>Society and Culture</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Arts"
+ }'>Arts</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Music"
+ }'>Music</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Literature"
+ }'>Literature</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Transport"
+ }'>Transport</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Economics"
+ }'>Economics and Industry</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noForm": true, "isoptional": true }'>
+ <p>Filter by audience:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Business"
+ }'>Business</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Farmers"
+ }'>Farmers</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Public"
+ }'>General Public</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Media"
+ }'>Media</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2
+ "value": "Rural"
+ }'>Rural Community</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Travellers"
+ }'>Travellers</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Visitors"
+ }'>Visitors</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+<table id="table-filtering-example2" class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th><a href="https://news.gc.ca/web/index-en.do">Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba</a></th>
+ <td>2016-07-29 12:07:00</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.</p>
+ <p>For:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Media</li>
+ <li>Farmers</li>
+ <li>General Public</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Agriculture</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+Another table filtering example
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Department
+ News Type
+ Summary
+ Location
+ For
+ Subject
+ Minister
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-3">
+ <section>
+ <h4 class="wb-inv">Filtering Options</h4>
+ <div class="wb-frmvld"><form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='
+ {
+ "srctype": "tblfilter",
+ "noForm": true,
+ "source": "#dataset-filter",
+ "fltrseq": [
+ {"column": 3, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "All news types", "label":"Data Type"},
+ {"column": 2, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "From any department", "label":"Department"},
+ {"column": 8, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Related to any minister", "label":"Minister"},
+ {"column": 6, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Everyone", "label":"For"},
+ {"column": 5, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Anywhere", "label":"Location"}
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+ </form></div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-9">
+ <table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" id="dataset-filter" aria-live="polite" data-wb-tables='{
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "ajaxSource": "https://wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/demos/tables/ajax/datasource.json",
+ "order": [5, "desc"],
+ "columns": [
+ { "data": "TITLE", "className": "nws-tbl-ttl h4" },
+ { "data": "PUBDATE", "className": "nws-tbl-date" },
+ { "data": "DEPT", "className": "nws-tbl-dept" },
+ { "data": "TYPE", "className": "nws-tbl-type" },
+ { "data": "TEASER", "className": "nws-tbl-desc" },
+ { "data": "LOCATION", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "AUDIENCE", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "SUBJECT", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "MINISTER", "visible": false }
+ ]}'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Department</th>
+ <th>News Type</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Location</th>
+ <th>For</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ <th>Minister</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-11-30
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/advanced-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/advanced-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8e23b3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/advanced-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1858 @@
+ Déroulement de champs avancé - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Déroulement de champs avancé
+Comment aller au-delà avec le déroulement de champs.
+ Sur cette page:
+Requête ajax personalisé
Le contenu est insérer en utilisant le plugiciel data-ajax. Il est possible de cibler des récipent spécifique, il est possible d'utiliser différente méthode (tel que: append, prepend, after, before, replace ) et de bénifier des fonctionalité de filtrage fait par le ajax fetch.
Un usage simplet c'est de définir le chemin du fichier (URL) à insérer à l'aide de l'attribut data-wb-fieldflow="Chemin/du/fichier"
Le contenu définie par l'attribut data-wb-fieldflow
peut ne pas être accessible lorsque le javascript est déactivé et par les moteurs de recherche à des fins d'indexation et de référencement. Donc, il est recommendé de fournir une solution alternative duquel l'utilisateur pourra obtenir de l'information équivalente.
Utilisé l'attribut data-wb-fieldflow="Chemin/du/fichier"
est la même instruction que:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "Chemin/du/fichier"}'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "Chemin/du/fichier", "type": "replace"}'
Les paramètres suivante sont disponible:
+ type
+ Défini comment le contenu sera inséré. Les options disponible sont: insérer du contenu après l'élément (after ), ajouter du contenu à la fin de l'élément (append ), insérer le contenu avant l'élément (before ), ajouter le contenu au début de l'élément (prepend ), remplace le contenu de l'élément (replace ). La valeur par défaut c'est "replace"
+ container
+ Un sélecteur jquery qui sera l'hôte pour l'éxécution du plugiciel data-ajax. S'il n'est pas spécifier, un conteneur vide sera créer et insérer après les controle de déroulement de champs.
+ clean
+ Un sélecteur jquery dont l'instruction jquery empty()
sera exécuté.
+ trigger
+ Permet d'initier les plugiciels de la WET sur le contenu inséré.
+ id="ajaxPanel"
Paneau a des fins d'example pratique
(Pour illustrer le comportement de la configuration container
et de la configuration clean
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ Ensemble 1
+ Ensemble 1 - Effectuer immédiatement
+ Ensemble 3 - Effectuer immédiatement
+ Ensemble 4 - Effectuer immédiatement
+ Ensemble 2 - Appel équivalente avec une configuration différente dans data-wb-fieldflow
+ Ensemble 2 - Appel équivalent avec une configuration différentes qui définie le type de requête ajax
+ Ensemble 3 - Utilise le récipient: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")
+ Ensemble 4 - Utilise le récipient: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")
+ Ensemble 4 - Ajoute le contenu au récipient: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")
+ Set 3 - Insert le contenu au début du récipent $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body") et le vide (clean) lors du changement de sélection
+ Ensemble 5
+ Ensemble 5 - avec initialisation de plugiciel
+<section id="ajaxPanel" class="panel panel-primary">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title"><code>id="ajaxPanel"</code> Paneau a des fins d'example pratique</h3>
+ </header>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <p>(Pour illustrer le comportement de la configuration <code>container</code> et de la configuration <code>clean</code>)</p>
+ </div>
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">Ensemble 1</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html", "live": true}'>Ensemble 1 - Effectuer immédiatement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "live": true}'>Ensemble 3 - Effectuer immédiatement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "live": true}'>Ensemble 4 - Effectuer immédiatement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html"}'>Ensemble 2 - Appel équivalente avec une configuration différente dans data-wb-fieldflow</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html", "type": "replace"}'>Ensemble 2 - Appel équivalent avec une configuration différentes qui définie le type de requête ajax</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body"}'>Ensemble 3 - Utilise le récipient: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body"}'>Ensemble 4 - Utilise le récipient: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body", "type": "append"}'>Ensemble 4 - Ajoute le contenu au récipient: $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body")</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "container": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body", "type": "prepend", "clean": "#ajaxPanel .panel-body"}'>Set 3 - Insert le contenu au début du récipent $("#ajaxPanel .panel-body") et le vide (clean) lors du changement de sélection</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html"}'>Ensemble 5</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html", "trigger": true}'>Ensemble 5 - avec initialisation de plugiciel</li>
+ </ul>
+Ajouter un control fieldflow
L'action ajout (append ) nécessite la configuration source
représentant un sélecteur jQuery pointant vers le block d'un élément qui peut être utilisé en tant que sous plugin. Ce sous contrôle sera inséré à la suite du contrôle initiateur de l'action. Un comportement similar peut être fait en dupliquant le contenu du sous-controle dans chacune des items de la listes, voir l'exemple subséquent.
La configuration target
contient un id
qui définie que cet action sera exécuté lors que l'item identifier par l'id sera sélectioné par un contrôle de déroulement de contenu.
Cette fonctionalité est utile pour évité la duplication de contenu.
Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:
+ Insertion de contenu
+ Galerie photos
+ Dessiner des graphiques
+ Contenu affichable/masquable
+ Uniformisation de la hauteur
+ Afficher un contenu superposé
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#question-langue"}
+ ]'>Insertion de contenu</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#question-langue"}
+ ]'>Galerie photos</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#question-langue"}
+ ]'>Dessiner des graphiques</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#question-langue"}
+ ]'>Contenu affichable/masquable</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#question-langue"}
+ ]'>Uniformisation de la hauteur</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-en", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html"},
+ {"action": "redir", "target": "append-ex-fr", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html"},
+ {"action": "append", "source": "#question-langue"}
+ ]'>Afficher un contenu superposé</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="question-langue" class="hidden">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li id="append-ex-fr">Français</li>
+ <li id="append-ex-en">Anglais</li>
+ </ul>
+Cela est équivale à:
Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:
+ Insertion de contenu
+ Galerie photos
+ Dessiner des graphiques
+ Contenu affichable/masquable
+ Uniformisation de la hauteur
+ Afficher un contenu superposé
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Insertion de contenu
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html">Français</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Anglais</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Galerie photos
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html">Français</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Anglais</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Dessiner des graphiques
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html">Français</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Anglais</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Contenu affichable/masquable
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html">Français</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Anglais</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Uniformisation de la hauteur
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html">Français</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Anglais</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>Afficher un contenu superposé
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel langue?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html">Français</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Anglais</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+Ajout ou retirer des classes CSS
Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:
+ Sourde
+ Primaire
+ Succès
+ Renseignement
+ Avertissement
+ Danger
+Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" }
+ }'>
+ <p>Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-muted" }'>Sourde</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-primary" }'>Primaire</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-success" }'>Succès</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-info" }'>Renseignement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-warning" }'>Avertissement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#addremoveCSSexample", "class": "text-danger" }'>Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+<p id="addremoveCSSexample">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+Appliquer des actions par défaut et pour la réinitialisation
Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:
+ Sourde
+ Primaire
+ Succès
+ Renseignement
+ Avertissement
+ Danger
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" },
+ "default": { "action": "ajax", "url":"ajax/paragraph.html #paragraph1-fr", "live": true }
+ }'>
+ <p>Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-muted" }'>Sourde</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-primary" }'>Primaire</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-success" }'>Succès</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-info" }'>Renseignement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-warning" }'>Avertissement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "action": "addClass", "source":"#resetdefaultExample-fr", "class": "text-danger" }'>Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+Fichier ajax/paragraph.html
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<!-- DataAjaxFragmentStart -->
+<div lang="en">
+ <div id="paragraph1-en">
+ <p id="resetdefaultExample-en">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph2-en">
+ <p id="definebaseExample-en">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph3-en">
+ <p id="defineDefaultExample-en">Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.</p>
+ </div>
+<div lang="fr">
+ <div id="paragraph1-fr">
+ <p id="resetdefaultExample-fr">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph2-fr">
+ <p id="definebaseExample-fr">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="paragraph3-fr">
+ <p id="defineDefaultExample-fr">Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.</p>
+ </div>
+<!-- DataAjaxFragmentEnd -->
+Définir une action de base
+Cet exemple applique la même action pour n'importe lequel des items sélectionné, exécute les actions défini dans "reset" lors de la réinitialisation du contrôle et chaque action hérite de l'action de base.
Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:
+ Sourde
+ Primaire
+ Succès
+ Renseignement
+ Avertissement
+ Danger
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#definebaseExample-fr", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" },
+ "default": { "action": "ajax", "url":"ajax/paragraph.html #paragraph2-fr", "live": true },
+ "base" : { "action": "addClass", "source":"#definebaseExample-fr" }
+ }'>
+ <p>Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-muted" }'>Sourde</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-primary" }'>Primaire</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-success" }'>Succès</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-info" }'>Renseignement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-warning" }'>Avertissement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{ "class": "text-danger" }'>Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+Redéfinir les comportement par défault lors d'une configuration simple
+Change le comportement par défaut lors de la configuration de la liste des items.
Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:
+ Sourde
+ Primaire
+ Succès
+ Renseignement
+ Avertissement
+ Danger
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "reset": { "action": "removeClass", "source":"#definebaseExample-fr", "class": "text-muted text-primary text-success text-info text-warning text-danger" },
+ "default": { "action": "ajax", "url":"ajax/paragraph.html #paragraph3-fr", "live": true },
+ "actionData" : { "source":"#defineDefaultExample-fr" },
+ "action": "addClass",
+ "prop": "class"
+ }'>
+ <p>Changer la couleur du paragraphe suivant:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-muted">Sourde</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-primary">Primaire</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-success">Succès</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-info">Renseignement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-warning">Avertissement</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="text-danger">Danger</li>
+ </ul>
+Interrogation et intégration aux formulaires
Permet de définir le nom et la value d'un champs lorsque le formulaire doit être soumis et évaluer par le serveur.
Ceci montre comment utiliser l'action query
. Les configurations suivante doivent être présent également:
+ name
+ Défini le nom du contrôle à utiliser.
+ value
+ Définie la valeur du contrôle.
La configuration noForm
lorsque définie pour la configuration de <div class="wb-fieldflow"></div>
indique que le plugiciel ne doit pas envelopper le contrôle d'un formulaire mais à la place d'utiliser celui qui existe déjà. Dans ce mode, le bouton de soumission dois être codé manuellement. Il est aussi assumé que le formulaire est utilise le plugiciel wb-frmvld
+ Quelques remarque concernant l'exemple suivant
+ Il se soumet à lui-même, donc après la soumission du formulaire, le paramètre animal
sera présent dans l'URL de la page courante.
+ Tel quel, ce formulaire n'est pas utilisable si le javascript est déactivé, donc:
+ C'est pourquoi une version alternative statique a été ajouter après le formulaire.
+ Le formulaire est caché par défaut.
+ Le formulaire est affiché après l'initialistion du plugiciel car l'option de configuration unhideelm
contient un sélecteur qui identifie ledit formulaire.
+ Version alternative permettant d'obtenir la même information que le formulaire précédent.
+ Chien:
+ Chat:
+ Poisson:
+ Serpent:
+<div id="myformid" class="wb-frmvld hidden">
+<form action="advanced-fr.html" class="col-md-12">
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Mes animeaux favories</span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal5"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Chien" id="animal5" /> Chien</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal6"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Chat" id="animal6" /> Chat</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal7"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Poisson" id="animal7" /> Poisson</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal8"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="Serpent" id="animal8" /> Serpent</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true, "unhideelm": "#myformid"}'>
+ <p>Vous désirez plus de renseignement à propos?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>L'habitat
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel type d'habitat vous vous intéresser?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"sauvage"}'>Sauvage</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"HabRecommendé"}'>Recommendé</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"intérieur"}'>À l'intérieur</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"extérieur"},
+ {"action": "redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html"}
+ ]'>à l'éxtérieur</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>La nouriture
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel type de nourriture vous vous intéresser?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"santé"}'>Santé</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"nouRecommendé"}'>Recommandé</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"éviter"}'>à éviter</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name":"moreinfo", "value":"tendance"}'>Tendance</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <input class="mrgn-bttm-lg" type="submit" value="Soummetez et regardé l'URL de la page de résultat" />
+<details id="myformidAlternate">
+ <summary>Version alternative permettant d'obtenir la même informatio que le formulaire précédent.</summary>
+ <p>Chien:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=sauvage">Habitation sauvage</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=HabRecommendé">Habitation recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=intérieur">Habitation à l'intérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=extérieur">Habitation à l'extérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=santé">Nouriture santé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=nouRecommendé">Nouriture recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=éviter">Nouriture à éviter</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chien&moreinfo=tendance">Nouriture tendance</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Chat:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=sauvage">Habitation sauvage</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=HabRecommendé">Habitation recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=intérieur">Habitation à l'intérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=extérieur">Habitation à l'extérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=santé">Nouriture santé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=nouRecommendé">Nouriture recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=éviter">Nouriture à éviter</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Chat&moreinfo=tendance">Nouriture tendance</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Poisson:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=sauvage">Habitation sauvage</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=HabRecommendé">Habitation recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=intérieur">Habitation à l'intérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=extérieur">Habitation à l'extérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=santé">Nouriture santé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=nouRecommendé">Nouriture recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=éviter">Nouriture à éviter</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Poisson&moreinfo=tendance">Nouriture tendance</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Serpent:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=sauvage">Habitation sauvage</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=HabRecommendé">Habitation recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=intérieur">Habitation à l'intérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=extérieur">Habitation à l'extérieur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=santé">Nouriture santé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=nouRecommendé">Nouriture recommendé</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=éviter">Nouriture à éviter</a></li>
+ <li><a href="advanced-fr.html?animal=Serpent&moreinfo=tendance">Nouriture tendance</a></li>
+ </ul>
Toute les options tel que définie par le plugiciel basculer peuvent être utilisé par l'entremise du paramètre toggle
lors de la configuration de l'item data-wb-fieldflow
Ces configurations sont équivalentes:
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#myblockid"}'>Mon block de contenu</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": {"selector":"#myblockid"}}'>Mon block de contenu</li>
Si aucune options n'est spécifier, le plugiciel de bascule sera configuré avec les options suivantes:
toggle: {
+ stateOn: "visible",
+ stateOff: "hidden"
Choisissez un contenu à basculer?
+ Basculer le premier
+ Basculer le second
+ Basculer les deux
Ceci est le premier @id=basculer-premier
Ceci est le second @id=basculer-second
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choisissez un contenu à basculer?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#basculer-premier"}'>Basculer le premier</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#basculer-second"}'>Basculer le second</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#basculer-premier, #basculer-second"}'>Basculer les deux</li>
+ </ul>
+<div id="basculer-premier" class="well hidden">
+ <p>Ceci est le premier <code>@id=basculer-premier</code></p>
+<div id="basculer-second" class="jumbotron hidden">
+ <p>Ceci est le second <code>@id=basculer-second</code></p>
+ Sans bouton de soumission
Choisissez un contenu à basculer?
+ Basculer le troisième
+ Basculer le quatrième
+ Basculer les deux
Ceci est le troisième @id=basculer-troisieme
Ceci est le quatrième @id=basculer-quatrieme
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form method="get">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'>
+ <p>Choisissez un contenu à basculer?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#basculer-troisieme", "live": true}' data-wb-toggle='{"stateOn": "visible", "stateOff":"hidden"}'>Basculer le troisième</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#basculer-quatrieme", "live": true}'>Basculer le quatrième</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#basculer-troisieme, #basculer-quatrieme", "live": true}'>Basculer les deux</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div id="basculer-troisieme" class="well hidden">
+ <p>Ceci est le troisième <code>@id=basculer-troisieme</code></p>
+ </div>
+ <div id="basculer-quatrieme" class="jumbotron hidden">
+ <p>Ceci est le quatrième <code>@id=basculer-quatrieme</code></p>
+ </div>
+Filtrage de tableaux
Le contenu pour l'example de filtrage de tableaux suivant a été tiré de l'exemple pratique du plugiciel des tableaux Considerant que celui n'a pas été traduit entièrement en français, c'est pour cette raison que le contenu des examples suivants sont traduit que partiellement en français.
+ Titre
+ Date de publication
+ Résumé
+ Sujets
+ Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.
+ For:
+ Media
+ Farmers
+ General Public
+ MP Rodger Cuzner to make announcement in Broad Cove
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton – Canso, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, will make a funding announcement at the Broad Cove Scottish Concert..
+ For:
+ Media
+ Rural Community
+ Travellers
+ Visitors
+ General Public
+ Society and Culture
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ An Exhibition Dedicated to the Caribou and Other Animals Like It
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada supports the Musée du Fjord.
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Backgrounder: Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada delivered the first of two federal Gas Tax Fund installments for 2016-17 to all the provinces and territories benefitting 364 municipalities in Alberta..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ Modern and up-to-date community infrastructure helps ensure that Canadians live the quality of life that they want and expect. Community infrastructure helps connect people to jobs and provides access to better community services, attracts new businesses and creates economic growth opportunities..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Minister Carr to Make an Announcement About the Winnipeg Art Gallery
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ WINNIPEG – The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources....
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ What an honour to be at the University of Toronto-my alma mater-for this tremendous announcement..
+ For:
+ Business
+ General Public
+ Economics and Industry
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ Thank you, Meric [Meric S. Gertler, President, University of Toronto]. And thank you to the University of Toronto for being such great hosts today. I'm delighted to be here with my friend and colleague Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science..
+ For:
+ Economics and Industry
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form method="get">
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='
+ {
+ "srctype": "tblfilter",
+ "noForm": true,
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example",
+ "fltrseq": [
+ {"column": 2},
+ {"column": 3}
+ ],
+ "limit": 3
+ }'></div>
+<table id="table-filtering-example" class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Titre</th>
+ <th>Date de publication</th>
+ <th>Résumé</th>
+ <th>Sujets</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody lang="en">
+ <tr>
+ <th><a href="https://news.gc.ca/web/index-en.do">Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba</a></th>
+ <td>2016-07-29 12:07:00</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.</p>
+ <p>For:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Media</li>
+ <li>Farmers</li>
+ <li>General Public</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Agriculture</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+Filtrage avec une interface personalisé Filtrage de tableaux
+ Titre
+ Date de publication
+ Résumé
+ Sujets
+ Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.
+ For:
+ Media
+ Farmers
+ General Public
+ MP Rodger Cuzner to make announcement in Broad Cove
+ 2016-07-29 12:07:00
+ Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton – Canso, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, will make a funding announcement at the Broad Cove Scottish Concert..
+ For:
+ Media
+ Rural Community
+ Travellers
+ Visitors
+ General Public
+ Society and Culture
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ An Exhibition Dedicated to the Caribou and Other Animals Like It
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada supports the Musée du Fjord.
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Backgrounder: Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ The Government of Canada delivered the first of two federal Gas Tax Fund installments for 2016-17 to all the provinces and territories benefitting 364 municipalities in Alberta..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ Modern and up-to-date community infrastructure helps ensure that Canadians live the quality of life that they want and expect. Community infrastructure helps connect people to jobs and provides access to better community services, attracts new businesses and creates economic growth opportunities..
+ For:
+ Media
+ General Public
+ Minister Carr to Make an Announcement About the Winnipeg Art Gallery
+ 2016-07-29 11:07:00
+ WINNIPEG – The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources....
+ For:
+ Arts
+ Music
+ Literature
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ What an honour to be at the University of Toronto-my alma mater-for this tremendous announcement..
+ For:
+ Business
+ General Public
+ Economics and Industry
+ Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto
+ 2016-07-29 10:07:00
+ Thank you, Meric [Meric S. Gertler, President, University of Toronto]. And thank you to the University of Toronto for being such great hosts today. I'm delighted to be here with my friend and colleague Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science..
+ For:
+ Economics and Industry
+<div id="table-filtering-example2-form" class="wb-frmvld hidden">
+ <form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noForm": true, "isoptional": true, "unhideelm": "#table-filtering-example2-form" }'>
+ <p>Filter par sujet:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Agriculture"
+ }'>Agriculture</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Society"
+ }'>Society and Culture</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "table#-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Arts"
+ }'>Arts</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Music"
+ }'>Music</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Literature"
+ }'>Literature</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Transport"
+ }'>Transport</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 3,
+ "value": "Economics"
+ }'>Economics and Industry</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noForm": true, "isoptional": true }'>
+ <p>Filter par audience:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Business"
+ }'>Business</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Farmers"
+ }'>Farmers</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Public"
+ }'>General Public</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Media"
+ }'>Media</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2
+ "value": "Rural"
+ }'>Rural Community</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Travellers"
+ }'>Travellers</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#table-filtering-example2",
+ "column": 2,
+ "value": "Visitors"
+ }'>Visitors</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+<table id="table-filtering-example2" class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Titre</th>
+ <th>Date de publication</th>
+ <th>Résumé</th>
+ <th>Sujets</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody lang="en">
+ <tr>
+ <th><a href="https://news.gc.ca/web/index-en.do">Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba</a></th>
+ <td>2016-07-29 12:07:00</td>
+ <td>
+ <p>The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.</p>
+ <p>For:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Media</li>
+ <li>Farmers</li>
+ <li>General Public</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Agriculture</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+Un autre example de filtrage de tableau
+ Options de filtrage
+ Titre
+ Date de publication
+ Département
+ Type de nouvelle
+ Résumé
+ Endroit
+ Pour
+ Sujets
+ Ministère
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-3">
+ <section>
+ <h4 class="wb-inv">Options de filtrage</h4>
+ <div class="wb-frmvld"><form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='
+ {
+ "srctype": "tblfilter",
+ "noForm": true,
+ "source": "#dataset-filter",
+ "fltrseq": [
+ {"column": 3, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Toutes les type de nouvelle", "label":"Type de nouvelle"},
+ {"column": 2, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "De tous les département", "label":"Département"},
+ {"column": 8, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Relative à tous les ministère", "label":"Ministère"},
+ {"column": 6, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Tous le mondes", "label":"Pour"},
+ {"column": 5, "csvextract": true, "defaultselectedlabel": "Partout", "label":"Endroit"}
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+ </form></div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-9">
+ <table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" id="dataset-filter" aria-live="polite" data-wb-tables='{
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "ajaxSource": "https://wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/demos/tables/ajax/datasource.json",
+ "order": [5, "desc"],
+ "columns": [
+ { "data": "TITLE", "className": "nws-tbl-ttl h4" },
+ { "data": "PUBDATE", "className": "nws-tbl-date" },
+ { "data": "DEPT", "className": "nws-tbl-dept" },
+ { "data": "TYPE", "className": "nws-tbl-type" },
+ { "data": "TEASER", "className": "nws-tbl-desc" },
+ { "data": "LOCATION", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "AUDIENCE", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "SUBJECT", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "MINISTER", "visible": false }
+ ]}'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Titre</th>
+ <th>Date de publication</th>
+ <th>Département</th>
+ <th>Type de nouvelle</th>
+ <th>Résumé</th>
+ <th>Endroit</th>
+ <th>Pour</th>
+ <th>Sujets</th>
+ <th>Ministère</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ </table>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-11-30
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-1.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-1.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce49cd213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ AJAX content Set 1 (Ensemble 1)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-2.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-2.html
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-2.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ AJAX content Set 2 (Ensemble 2)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-3.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-3.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17e809861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-3.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ AJAX content Set 3 (Ensemble 3)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Vestibulum at accumsan massa
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-4.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-4.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e724c5ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ AJAX content Set 4 (Ensemble 4)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Vestibulum at accumsan massa
+ lorem lorem luctus ligula
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-5.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-5.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c27f1c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-5.html
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ AJAX content Set 5 (Ensemble 5)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Vestibulum at accumsan massa
+ lorem lorem luctus ligula
+ Suspendisse sodales mauris eget
+ This is a Summary Element
+ This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ The previous block have the following source code:
+ <summary>This is a Summary Element</summary>
+ <p>This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Following this paragraph we have this code <div data-ajax-append="ajax/ajax-5a.html"></div>
+ Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-5a.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-5a.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8eae93b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/ajax-5a.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ AJAX sub-content Set 5a (Ensemble de sous-contenu 5a)
+ Paragraph 1 Blabla A
+ This is a Summary Element
+ This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ The previous block have the following source code:
+ <summary>This is a Summary Element</summary>
+ <p>This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
End of Set 5a (Fin de l'ensemble 5a)
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/filtering-hash.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/filtering-hash.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c9b94a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/filtering-hash.html
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ Part 1 (Section 1)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultricies feugiat pulvinar. Maecenas eu lacus vel elit ultrices ornare. Donec molestie feugiat tincidunt. Cras sagittis eget quam at congue. Suspendisse et cursus justo, vel molestie dolor. Nunc vestibulum enim in nisl aliquet congue. Duis ac nulla cursus, scelerisque magna nec, commodo felis. Mauris tempus leo id hendrerit pharetra.
+ Part 2 (Section 2)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
+ Consectetur adipiscing elit
+ Vivamus ultricies feugiat pulvinar
+ Maecenas eu lacus vel elit ultrices ornare
+ Donec molestie feugiat tincidunt
+ Part 3 (Section 3)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultricies feugiat pulvinar. Maecenas eu lacus vel elit ultrices ornare. Donec molestie feugiat tincidunt. Cras sagittis eget quam at congue. Suspendisse et cursus justo, vel molestie dolor. Nunc vestibulum enim in nisl aliquet congue. Duis ac nulla cursus, scelerisque magna nec, commodo felis. Mauris tempus leo id hendrerit pharetra.
+ First (Premier)
+ Second (Second)
+ Third (Troisième)
+ Part 4 (Section 4)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultricies feugiat pulvinar. Maecenas eu lacus vel elit ultrices ornare. Donec molestie feugiat tincidunt. Cras sagittis eget quam at congue. Suspendisse et cursus justo, vel molestie dolor. Nunc vestibulum enim in nisl aliquet congue. Duis ac nulla cursus, scelerisque magna nec, commodo felis. Mauris tempus leo id hendrerit pharetra.
+ Part 5 (Section 5)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultricies feugiat pulvinar. Maecenas eu lacus vel elit ultrices ornare. Donec molestie feugiat tincidunt. Cras sagittis eget quam at congue. Suspendisse et cursus justo, vel molestie dolor. Nunc vestibulum enim in nisl aliquet congue. Duis ac nulla cursus, scelerisque magna nec, commodo felis. Mauris tempus leo id hendrerit pharetra.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/paragraph.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/paragraph.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..284bec35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/ajax/paragraph.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.
Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.
Example of paragraph where the preceding field flow component could change my color.
Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.
Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.
Example d'un paragraphe qui change de couleur dépendant du choix du composant de déroulement de contenu précédent.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/basic-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/basic-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6cc38d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/basic-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+ Field flow basic configuration - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Field flow basic configuration
+How to use field flow to create small scale user interaction.
+ On this page:
+Ajax filtering
+It load the following file: ../ajax/filtering-hash.html
Choose content to be ajaxed?
+ Part 1 (hash)
+ Part 2 (hash)
+ Part 3 (hash)
+ Part 4 (hash)
+ Part 5 (hash)
+ ul (selector)
+ .filter-selector (selector)
+ Multi hash [.section1,.section2,.section3] (selector)
+<p>It load the following file: <a href="ajax/filtering-hash.html">../ajax/filtering-hash.html</a></p>
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part1">Part 1 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part2">Part 2 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part3">Part 3 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part4">Part 4 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part5">Part 5 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html ul">ul (selector)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html .filter-selector">.filter-selector (selector)</li>
+ </ul>
+Specifying what UI to render
+ select
+ Default, single selection from a dropdown (select
+ checkbox
+ List of checkboxes (input[type=checkbox]
+ radio
+ List of options (input[type=radio]
+When using the render as "checkbox" or "radio", you could use the additional configuration option inline
that could be set to true in order to indicate to render an inline interface.
+Note : Using an interface that allow multiple choice is like executing multiple action.
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"renderas":"checkbox"}'>
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html ">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html ">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html ">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html ">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html ">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Specifying the action
+List of built-in action.
+ redir
+ Perform a redirection
+ ajax
+ Ajax-in content
+ query
+ Set a value and a name for an input element. Could be useful when used with subsequent dropdown.
+ append
+ Append a second field, like a second dropdown
+ addClass
+ Add CSS class to an element
+ removeClass
+ Remove CSS class to an element
+ toggle
+ Toggle an element on the page
+ tblfilter
+ Apply filter to a data table (wb-tables
+Redirection example
Find the plugin for the action you need:
+ Inserting content
+ Photo galery
+ Draw charts
+ Expand and collapse content
+ Set a consistant height
+ Popup content
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html"}'>Inserting content</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html"}'>Photo galery</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html"}'>Draw charts</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html"}'>Expand and collapse content</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html"}'>Set a consistant height</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html"}'>Popup content</li>
+ </ul>
+Ajax example
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+ Ajax filtering, ul (selector)
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"}'>(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html"}'>(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html"}'>(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html"}'>(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html"}'>(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html ul"}'>Ajax filtering, ul (selector)</li>
+ </ul>
+First you need to deactivate the form creation and create manually that form environment. Then you can specify "live":true
in the configuration of the list item.
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'>
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html", "live":true}'>(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html", "live":true}'>(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "live":true}'>(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "live":true}'>(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html", "live":true}'>(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+Make multiple actions
+Multiple action can be set by providing an JSON array for the item configuration. Althrough the plugin will not check for potential incompatibility between any action being set. It's the responsability of the interaction designer too choose wisely compatible action. Like making a redirection within an ajax are incompatible action.
+In the following example it use the option container
to specify where to insert the content, where it doen't clean automatically and his value is an valid jquery selector.
Choose content to be ajaxed?
+ Set 1 [A] - Part 1 [B]
+ Set 2 [A] - Part 2 [B]
+ Set 3 [A] - Part 3 [B]
+ Set 4 [A] - Part 4 [B]
+ Set 5 [A] - Part 5 [B]
+ Ajax Output A (id="ajaxOutA"
+ Ajax Output B (id="ajaxOutB"
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part1"}
+ ]'>Set 1 [A] - Part 1 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part2"}
+ ]'>Set 2 [A] - Part 2 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part3"}
+ ]'>Set 3 [A] - Part 3 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part4"}
+ ]'>Set 4 [A] - Part 4 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part5"}
+ ]'>Set 5 [A] - Part 5 [B]</li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="panel panel-default">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h5 class="panel-title">Ajax Output A (<code>id="ajaxOutA"</code>)</h5>
+ </header>
+ <div id="ajaxOutA" class="panel-body">
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="panel panel-default">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h5 class="panel-title">Ajax Output B (<code>id="ajaxOutB"</code>)</h5>
+ </header>
+ <div id="ajaxOutB" class="panel-body">
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+Making the field optional
+By default, all field flow control are required and they are validated by the form validator plugin, exception of the table filtering action. When needed, like when you are doing live action only, it could be useful to make the field control optional.
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form method="get">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noForm": true, "base": { "live": true }, "isoptional": true }'>
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+Custom labeling
+Field flow plugin allow you several way to customize and specify how you want setup label of the generated control.
+Prevent to auto-insert the "required" red label
Find the plugin for the action you need:
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noreqlabel": true }' >
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ </ul>
+Specify a quick label
+By default Field flow will take all the content of the first element, usually a paragraph, but you can specify what text to use by wrapping content with <span class="wb-fieldflow-label">...</span>
. This should allow a better progressive enhencement integration by the interaction designer.
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p><span class="wb-fieldflow-label"> Choose content</span> to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Sophisticated labeling
+Field flow allow you to have content before and after the label. Doing that allow the interaction designer to insert precision and/or instruction regarding of the content of the list item. To do so, the first child must have the class wb-fieldflow-header
. If there is no sub-element that contain the class wb-fieldflow-label
, the first paragraph will be used as the label.
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" >
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-header">
+ <p>Some text before the label.</p>
+ <p class="wb-fieldflow-label">The label</p>
+ <p>Some text after the label.</p>
+ </div>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Specifying what to use as being the label
+It possible to overwrite the default label class selector by setting the option lblselector
to Field flow.
Choose content to be ajaxed: My hidden label.
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"lblselector":"#myHiddenLabel"}'>
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed: <span id="myHiddenLabel" class="hidden">My hidden label.</span></p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Customize the default selected label
+It possible to overwrite the default selected label by setting the option defaultselectedlabel
to Field flow.
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"defaultselectedlabel":"I am an empty option (default)"}'>
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Customize the submit button
+The best way to customize the submit button is by coding the form wrapper and letting Field flow know that he should not render the form contained by setting the option noForm
to true
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'>
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <input class="btn btn-default btn-lg mrgn-bttm-md" type="submit" value="My custom submit button" />
+The i18n
configuration option Deprecated
Deprecated : That options is a work around until the text used in the plugin get translated all every languages supported by WET and be integrated in the i18n cvs file. This is provided as informational purpose and work well when there is only one field flow feature, but it could be not working as specified when interacting with multiple field flow plugin on the same page. This configuration options are planned to be removed once the text will use the i18n WET core component.
+ btn
+ Text for the submit button
+ English default: "Continue"
+ French default: "Allez "
+ defaultsel
+ Text for the first default drop down option
+ English default: "Make your selection..."
+ French default: "Sélectionnez dans la liste... "
+ required
+ Text for the required label
+ English default: "required"
+ French default: "obligatoire "
Setting those options could impact all the other dropdown.
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "i18n": {
+ "btn": "Do the action",
+ "defaultsel": "Humm, pick an item you like",
+ "required": "You need to choose something"
+ }
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-11-30
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/basic-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/basic-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a115dcdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/basic-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+ Déroulement de champs avec des configurations de base - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Déroulement de champs avec des configurations de base
+Comment utiliser le déroulement de champs afin de créer des interaction utilisateur à petite échèle.
+ Sur cette page:
+Filtrage de contenu inséré (Ajax)
+Cet example télécharge ce fichier: ../ajax/filtering-hash.html
Choisissez du contenu à insérer?
+ Section 1 (hash)
+ Section 2 (hash)
+ Section 3 (hash)
+ Section 4 (hash)
+ Section 5 (hash)
+ ul (sélecteur)
+ .filter-selector (sélecteur)
+ Multi hash [.section1,.section2,.section3] (sélecteur)
+<p>Cet example télécharge ce fichier: <a href="ajax/filtering-hash.html">../ajax/filtering-hash.html</a></p>
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part1">Section 1 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part2">Section 2 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part3">Section 3 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part4">Section 4 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html#part5">Section 5 (hash)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html ul">ul (sélecteur)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html .filter-selector">.filter-selector (sélecteur)</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/filtering-hash.html .section1,.section2,.section3">Multi hash [.section1,.section2,.section3] (sélecteur)</li>
+ </ul>
+Définir l'interface utilisateur à générer
+ select
+ Valeur par défault, selection d'un item parmis d'une liste de choix (Les élements select
+ checkbox
+ Liste de boîte à cocher (Élément input[type=checkbox]
+ radio
+ Liste de bouton radio (Élément input[type=radio]
+Lorsque l'interface utilisateur à générer est soit une liste de boîte à cocher ou une liste de bouton radio, vous pouvez utiliser la configuration inline
avec une valeur vrai (true) ce qui permetera d'indiquer de créer une interface linéraire.
+Notez : L'utilisation d'une interface qui permet plusieurs choix est comme l'execution de plusieurs action en simultané.
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"renderas":"checkbox"}'>
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html ">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html ">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html ">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html ">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html ">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Définir l'action
+Liste des actions pré-définie.
+ redir
+ Effectue une redirection
+ ajax
+ Insert du contenu dans la page (Ajax)
+ query
+ Définie une valeur et un nom de champs l'élément du formulaire. Ceci peut-être utile lorsqu'il est utilisé avec d'autre controle de déroulement de champs.
+ append
+ Ajoute un second champ, comme un autre controle de déroulement de champs.
+ addClass
+ Ajoute une classe CSS à un éléments spécifier
+ removeClass
+ Enlève une classe CSS à un éléments spécifier
+ toggle
+ Bascule des éléments entre les états activé et désactivé.
+ tblfilter
+ Applique un filter à un tableau de donnée (wb-tables
+Example de redirection
Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:
+ Insertion de contenu
+ Galerie photos
+ Dessiner des graphiques
+ Contenu affichable/masquable
+ Uniformisation de la hauteur
+ Afficher un contenu superposé
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html"}'>Insertion de contenu</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html"}'>Galerie photos</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html"}'>Dessiner des graphiques</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html"}'>Contenu affichable/masquable</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html"}'>Uniformisation de la hauteur</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html"}'>Afficher un contenu superposé</li>
+ </ul>
+Example avec Ajax
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"}'>(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html"}'>(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html"}'>(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html"}'>(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html"}'>(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+En premier vous devez déactiver la création automatique du formulaire conteneur et de créer cet environnement manuellement. Par la suite vous pouvez utilisé l'option "live":true
pour les éléments qui doit être executé lors de la sélection.
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'>
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html", "live":true}'>(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html", "live":true}'>(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html", "live":true}'>(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html", "live":true}'>(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html", "live":true}'>(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+Faire plusieurs actions
+Multiple action can be set by providing an JSON array for the item configuration. Althrough the plugin will not check for potential incompatibility between any action being set. It's the responsability of the interaction designer too choose wisely compatible action. Like making a redirection within an ajax are incompatible action.
+In the following example it use the option container
to specify where to insert the content, where it doen't clean automatically and his value is an valid jquery selector.
Choisissez du contenu à insérer?
+ Ensemble 1 [A] - Section 1 [B]
+ Ensemble 2 [A] - Section 2 [B]
+ Ensemble 3 [A] - Section 3 [B]
+ Ensemble 4 [A] - Section 4 [B]
+ Ensemble 5 [A] - Section 5 [B]
+ Sortie de contenu A (id="ajaxOutA"
+ Sortie de contenu B (id="ajaxOutB"
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part1"}
+ ]'>Ensemble 1 [A] - Section 1 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part2"}
+ ]'>Ensemble 2 [A] - Section 2 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-3.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part3"}
+ ]'>Ensemble 3 [A] - Section 3 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part4"}
+ ]'>Ensemble 4 [A] - Section 4 [B]</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow='[
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutA", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html"},
+ {"action":"ajax", "container":"#ajaxOutB", "url": "ajax/filtering-hash.html#part5"}
+ ]'>Ensemble 5 [A] - Section 5 [B]</li>
+ </ul>
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="panel panel-default">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h5 class="panel-title">Sortie de contenu A (<code>id="ajaxOutA"</code>)</h5>
+ </header>
+ <div id="ajaxOutA" class="panel-body">
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <section class="panel panel-default">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h5 class="panel-title">Sortie de contenu B (<code>id="ajaxOutB"</code>)</h5>
+ </header>
+ <div id="ajaxOutB" class="panel-body">
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+Definir le champs optionelle
+Par défaut, tous les champs du déroulement de champs sont requis et sont validé par le plugiciel du validateur de formulaire, à l'exception de l'action pour le filtrage de tableau. Lorsque nécessaire, comme lorsque vous voulez faire une action à la volé, it peut être intéressant que le champ soit marqué optionelle.
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form method="get">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noForm": true, "base": { "live": true }, "isoptional": true }'>
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+Étiquetage personalisé
+Le déroulement de champs permet de personalisé les étiquettes de plusieurs façons.
+Empêcher l'ajout automatique de l'étiquette rouge "requis"
Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noreqlabel": true }' >
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html">Insertion de contenu</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html">Galerie photos</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html">Dessiner des graphiques</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html">Contenu affichable/masquable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html">Uniformisation de la hauteur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html">Afficher un contenu superposé</a></li>
+ </ul>
+Définir un étiquette
+Par défaut tous le contenu du premier éléments, habituellement un paragraph, est utilisé. Par contre, vous pouvez spécifier le texte à utiliser en enveloppant une partie du contenu avec <span class="wb-fieldflow-label">...</span>
. Cela devrait vous permetre d'adopter une approche simpliste pour l'améliorartion progressive de votre contenu.
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p><span class="wb-fieldflow-label">Choisissez du contenu</span> à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Block d'étiquette
+Il est possible de spécifier du contenu qui sera inséré avant et après l'étiquette. Ceci permet, lors de la conception, d'ajouter des précision à l'utilisateur lorsqu'il utilise le contrôle. Pour ce faire, le premier élément enfant doit avoir la classe wb-fieldflow-header
. S'il n'y a pas de sous-éléments avec la classe wb-fieldflow-label
, le premier paragraph sera utilisé en tant qu'étiquette.
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-header">
+ <p>Du texte avant l'étiquette.</p>
+ <p class="wb-fieldflow-label">L'étiquette</p>
+ <p>Du texte après l'étiquette.</p>
+ </div>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Définir le sélecteur d'étiquette à utiliser
+Il est possible redéfinir le sélecteur d'étiquette par défaut en utilisant l'option lblselector
Choisissez du contenu à insérer: Mon étiquette caché.
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"lblselector":"#myHiddenLabel"}'>
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer: <span id="myHiddenLabel" class="hidden">Mon étiquette caché.</span></p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Personalisé l'étiquette de sélection.
+Il est possible de définir l'étiquette de sélection par l'option defaultselectedlabel
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"defaultselectedlabel":"Je suis une étiquette écrassante"}'>
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+Personalisation du bouton de soumission
+La meilleur façon de personaliser le bouton de soumission c'est en le codant à même le formulaire et d'indiqué au contrôle de déroulement de champ de ne pas créer l'enveloppe de formulaire, option "noForm": true
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-frmvld"><form>
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'>
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <input class="btn btn-default btn-lg mrgn-bttm-md" type="submit" value="Mon bouton soumettre personalisé" />
+La configuration i18n
Déconseillé : Cette option est un mécanisme de contournement jusqu'à le texte soit traduit dans toutes les langues supporté par la boîte à outils d'expérience web. Ceci est fourni à titre informative seulement et il est possible que ces réglage créer une interférance avec les autres composant de déroulement de champs dans la page. Il est planifier de retirer cette options lorsque l'intégration du texte traduit soit complété.
+ btn
+ Texte du bouton soumettre
+ Français: "Allez" (valeur par défaut)
+ Anglais: "Continue " (valeur par défaut)
+ defaultsel
+ Texte de l'option par défaut dans une liste de choix
+ Français: "Sélectionnez dans la liste..." (valeur par défaut)
+ Anglais: "Make your selection... " (valeur par défaut)
+ required
+ Texte pour l'étiquette de champs requis
+ Français: "obligatoire" (valeur par défaut)
+ Anglais: "required " (valeur par défaut)
Définir ces options peux avoir une influence sur les autres contrôle de déroulement de champs.
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+<div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "i18n": {
+ "btn": "Faites ce qui est demandé",
+ "defaultsel": "Humm, choisez une options que vous aimer",
+ "required": "Vous devez absolument choisir quelques chose"
+ }
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
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+ 2016-11-30
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+ Field flow - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Field flow - Documentation
+ Purpose
+ Provide an alternative user interface when a page contains a really long list. This plugin has two action phases. The first phase, initiation, creates a drop down to let the user select an option. The second phase, action, will provide results to the user like redirecting him, ajax-in content, toggle content, or creating a second drop down.
+ This plugin is highly customizable and works in three phases
+ Generate the user interface
+ Action upon selection
+ Action upon submission
+ Usage
Use when
+ Provide an alternative way to navigate easier in long listing.
+ Streamline complex navigation through multiple option.
Do not use when
+ For a list of 3 items or less, take time to reconsider the default rendering interface.
+ Simple navigation mechanism (like tabs or expand/collapse (details/summary)) is more suitable for your use case.
Be careful when
+ Creating a complex user interface, you may need to follow additional requirements for acessibilty (WCAG) or progressive enhancement, like providing an alternative representation.
+ Amazing thing could be done, but depending on how you configure it you can make your page fail WCAG.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ Also take a look at the various working examples.
+ Create an unordered bullet list where each list item is a link to a page
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo gallery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistent height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ Insert a paragraph before the list to be used to label the drop down (select).
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo gallery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistent height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ Wrap your paragraph and the list with a <div>
container to call the plugin
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo gallery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistent height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ Complex example Content preparation step
+ We recommend to do a content preparation step when you are planning to use the advanced functionality of this plugin. Preparation steps could include, but are not limited to, the following:
+ Define what is the main result (business goal) you want, like inserting content, redirecting the user, filtering tables, etc.
+ Design a full decision tree that represents all the possible results.
+ For each node (item) combination, define actions that should be taken, like:
+ Node 3 - Action 1: Insert content XYZ in the page feature container;
+ Node 3 - Action 2: Insert content ABC that have WET component;
+ Review and get approval of the logic of your mapping with a web specialist that knows and has experience with using this plugin. He should be able to let you know the feasibility and the complexity.
+ Develop an early prototype and finalize feasibility tests
+ Finalise the content, for the logic and for the content, as per your internal process.
+ Do a high fidelity prototype.
+ Abstract fieldflow event chain
+ Upon plugin initialisation
+ [wet-boew plugin] Init : WET core initiates the creation of a fieldflow component. The fieldflow control is registered in the parent form
+ [extension] Ready : Notify the exention that it should init() and get its things ready to execute actions that is support.
+ When creating a control
+ [Control] Draw : Read the html, standardize the output data
+ [Form component] Create ctrl : Create a component on the page (select, radio, checkbox). This component will be registered to the field flow control
+ When a selected option has action
+ [Control] Reset : Reset the initial state of the control, as configured
+ [Action] Clean : Clean the task from the previous executed action
+ [Action] Action : An option was selected and an action needs to be executed. Action can be postponed until form submission.
+ When the form is submitted
+ [Action] Submit : When an action is postponed, trigger upon form submission. An action could prevent the form submission.
+ [Action] Submitted : Triggered after all the submit actions have been completed and just before the final form submission happened.
+ Class delimiter
+ Use those default class to specify thing inside you template
+ [class="wb-fieldflow-label"]
+ Indicate content to use for labeling the control
+ Configuration options
+ Document the public configuration options that can be used by implementers or developers.
+ Set on the plugin <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow="{...}">
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ noForm
+ Won't generate a form wrapper. It is assumed it already exists and it is surrounding the control.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'
+ false (default):
+ Create a form container along with the form validator plugin (wb-frmvld) and a submit button
+ true:
+ A binding will be done with the parent form element.
+ srctype
+ Define what content interpreter to use in order to create a field flow control.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"srctype": "wb-fieldflow"}'
+ false (default):
+ Same as if the value was set to wb-fieldflow
. It will use the standard content interpreter.
+ Table filter tblfilter
+ It will use data table information to create a field flow control. The additional property fltrseq
is requried.
+ outputctnrid
+ Indicate what container in the page the fieldflow control should be rendered
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"outputctnrid": "myID"}'
+ false (default):
+ Will render the field flow controls next to fieldflow plugin.
+ [ID]:
+ Any valid ID that could contain flow content .
+ source
+ Specify element to use as the source to feed.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"source": "[jQuery selector] "}
+ false (default):
+ Use the current plugin container
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector that contains an understandable structure to proceed. For example, when using field flow to dynamicly filter a table, the source property will make the binding to that table.
+ renderas
+ Specify which UI to render.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"renderas": "[Name of the UI] "}
+ false (default):
+ Create a drop down for the field flow UI. Same as if the value was set to select
+ checkbox
+ Create a list of checkboxes.
+ radio
+ Create a list of checkboxes.
+ default
+ Specify an action or an array of actions to be applied every time an option is selected.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"default": { [action] } }
or data-wb-fieldflow='{"default": [ { [action] }, { [action] } ] }
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Object
+ Execute the action's prior actions defined by the options.
+ Array
+ Execute all the action's prior actions defined by the options.
+ reset
+ Specify an action or an array of actions to be applied every time an option is changed or when the control is destroyed.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"reset": { [action] } }
or data-wb-fieldflow='{"reset": [ { [action] }, { [action] } ] }
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Object
+ Execute the single action
+ Array
+ Execute all the actions
+ base
+ Establish a baseline on which subsequent actions will be extended from
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"base": { [action configuration to use as a baseline] } }
+ false (default):
+ Nothing
+ Object
+ The configuration would be re-used in all actions selected. When specifying the action for your selectable option, it is possible to overwrite a value defined by the base but not to remove it.
+ defaultIfNone
+ Specify an action or an array of actions to be applied when no action is set for that particular field flow instance.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"defaultIfNone": { [action] } }
or data-wb-fieldflow='{"defaultIfNone": [ { [action] }, { [action] } ] }
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Object
+ Execute the single action
+ Array
+ Execute all the actions
+ inline
+ Indicate to render an inline interface. Available only for {"renderas":"checkbox"}
and {"renderas":"radio"}
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"renderas": "[radio|checkbox] ", "inline": true }
+ false (default):
+ Render one checkbox or radio per line
+ true
+ Checkbox or radio are side by side.
+ isoptional
+ Indicate if the field flow control are optional.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"isoptional": true }
+ false (default):
+ The field flow control require an input and get validated by the form validation plugin
+ true
+ The field flow control are optional.
+ fltrseq
+ Array indicating the table filtering sequence to follow. Availble only for and required when {"srctype":"tblfilter"}
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"srctype": "tblfilter", "fltrseq": [{Column filter object} ]}
+ false (default):
+ Render one checkbox or radio per line
+ true
+ Checkbox or radio are side by side.
+ Column filter object
+ Object contained in the fltrseq array. Required for adding item in fltrseq
+ "fltrseq": [{Column filter object} , {Column filter object} , ...]
+ Note that all the following properties can be used outside the fltrseq
context like data-wb-fieldflow='{"srctype": "tblfilter", "columng": 0}
. If the Column filter object
property and the fltrseq
properties are present, then the "Column filter object" will be know as being the first column being filtered, followed by the column being filtered in the array.
+ Properties:
+ column
(required) : Integer representing the column number or a DataTable column selector .
+ csvextract
: How to extract the value to feed the drop down from the selected column.
+ false (default)
+ The value of each list item <li>
will be extracted.
+ true
+ The information of each cell of the select column will be extracted as a Comma-Separated Values .
+ regex
as defined in DataTable search() API
+ smart
as defined in DataTable search() API
+ caseinsen
as defined in DataTable search() API
+ defaultselectedlabel
as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in this table.
+ label
: Text label to use or a jQuery selector or text HTML.
+ lblselector
as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in this table.
+ renderas
as defined by the property of the same name in this row group section in this table.
+ action
+ Define the default action for an unknow item (data-wb-fieldflow="something"
). Usually used in conjunction with "prop".
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "[Name of the action] "}
+ false (default):
+ ajax
+ Name of the action
+ A valid action. The build-in actions are listed in the following section.
+ prop
+ Define the default property for an unknow item (data-wb-fieldflow="something"
). Usually used in conjunction with "action".
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"prop": "[Name of the property] "}
+ false (default):
+ url
+ Name of the property
+ A property recognized by the the action where its value will be set by the value of the unknow item.
+ actionData
+ Define a base object for an action created from an unknow item. Usually use in conjunction with "action" and "prop".
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"actionData": { [...] }}
+ false (default):
+ Use an empty object { }
+ An object
+ Will extend the action item after its creation.
+ attributes
+ Add attributes on the form input elements, like select, during their creation.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "attributes": { "attributeName": "value", [...] } }
+ false (default):
+ No custom element is added
+ An object with key value pair
+ The key represent the name of the attribute and the value is the value that would be set on the attribute.
+ itmselector
+ Specify what item to use to create fieldflow items.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "itmselector": "[jQuery selector] " }'
+ false (default):
+ Select all list items of the first unordered list. If a header block is specified, the selector will be applied after.
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector used to select the label.
+ noreqlabel
+ Flag to not add the "required" red labeling during the field creation.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noreqlabel": true }'
+ false (default):
+ The labeling text "required" will be appended to the field label
+ true
+ There is no text appended to the field label
+ ext Provisional
+ Specify the name of a fieldflow extension to allow it to run its own initialisation.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"ext": "[Extended plugin name] "}
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Name of the extension
+ Will trigger the event [Name of the extension].ready.wb-fieldflow
where it lets the extension know that the field flow plugin is ready to operate and require that extension to be fully functional.
+ DOM Manipulation on plugin initialisation
+ unhideelm
+ Remove hidden
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"unhideelm": "#myJQuerySelector"}'
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector that return result for the current document.
+ hideelm
+ Add hidden
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"hideelm": "#myJQuerySelector"}'
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector that return result for the current document.
+ Text and i18n
+ defaultselectedlabel
+ Text to use for the default selected option.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "defaultselectedlabel": "default selected option text " }'
+ false (default):
+ Use "Make your selection..." in English and "Sélectionnez dans la liste... " in French
+ Text
+ Text only, providing HTML markup may cause unwanted result.
+ lblselector
+ Specify how to find the label through a jQuery selector.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "lblselector": "[jQuery selector] " }'
+ false (default):
+ Use the html of the first child element
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector used to select the label.
+ i18n Deprecated
+ Allow to set the internationalisation text to use for this plugin.
+ Setting this option could impact default text used for other wb-fieldflow plugin in the same page.
+ i18n.btn Deprecated
+ Set the label to use for the submit button when creating the form wrapper
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"i18n": { "btn": "Continue" } }'
+ English default:
+ Continue
+ French default:
+ Allez
+ Textual value:
+ Any text value
+ i18n.defaultsel Deprecated
+ Set label the default dropdown option to use.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"i18n": { "defaultsel": "Make your selection..." } }'
+ English default:
+ Make your selection...
+ French default:
+ Sélectionnez dans la liste...
+ Textual value:
+ Any text value
+ i18n.required Deprecated
+ Set the mandatory text that is added in the select label between parenthesis
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"i18n": { "required": "required" } }'
+ English default:
+ required
+ French default:
+ obligatoire
+ Textual value:
+ Any text value
+ Set on list item <li data-wb-fieldflow="...">
+ Kind of value supported:
+ Text
+ data-wb-fieldflow="..."
URL Location of a file that will inserted (through ajax) in a container that follow the plugin. The data-ajax filter selector are supported. data-wb-fieldflow="MyFragment.html"
is equivalent to data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "MyFragment.html", "type": "replace"}'
+ Object
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="{...}">
Define how the action should be performed. See bellow for all the options.
+ Array
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="[{...}, {...}, {...}]">
Allow to set multiple actions to perform when one specific item is selected. Some actions are incompatible,since it makes no sense to insert content through ajax and redirect the user somewhere else.
+ The "action"
+ Define the action to take upon selection/form submission. Based on the value, some other option could be required, optional or ignored.
+ Option: action
+ How to configure: data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", ...}'
+ Value
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Options
+ Required
+ Optional
+ ajax (default)
+ Insert live content into the current page. It uses the data-ajax plugin.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", ...}'
+ type
+ container
+ clean
+ trigger
+ target
+ redir
+ Page redirection. Default when the list item only contains an anchor.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "redir", ...}'
+ toggle
+ Toggle (show/hide) an element on the current page. It uses the toggle plugin.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", ...}'
+ append
+ Append a secondary drop down from an inline template.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "append", ...}'
+ addClass
+ Add a class to the element specified by the source selector.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "addClass", ...}'
+ removeClass
+ Remove a class from the element specified by the source selector.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "addClass", ...}'
+ query
+ Set a custom query parameter for the destination page upon redirection.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", ...}'
+ tblfilter
+ Apply a filter to a data table created with wb-tables
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", ...}'
+ source
+ column
+ value
+ target
+ regex
+ smart
+ caseinsen
+ Note about "Append" required options {"action": "append", ...}
+ The append action acts similar to when you initially configure the field flow, but instead of creating the field flow working environment it will simply add the field flow control next to the current one.
+ You can configure an appended control as you will have it setup the configuration option for <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow="{...}">
. For example:
+ {
+ "action": "append",
+ "srctype": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#MyTableID",
+ "csvextract": true,
+ "isoptional": true,
+ "column": 5,
+ "defaultselectedlabel": "View all results",
+ "label": "Choose something:"
+ The "append" action will set the srctype
to wb-fieldflow
by default if not specified and it will throw an error if the source hasn't been set.
+ Configuration options for each action.
+ Source code of how the following table is filtered
+ <form id="frmActionConfig">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "noForm": true,
+ "unhideelm":
+ "#frmActionConfig",
+ "srctype":"tblfilter",
+ "source":"#actionConfig",
+ "column":1,
+ "defaultselectedlabel": "All the configuration options",
+ "label":"Filter by type of action:",
+ "csvextract": true
+ }'></div>
+<table id="actionConfig" class="table wb-tables" data-wb-tables='{
+ "ordering" : false,
+ "paging": false,
+ "columnDefs": [ { "targets": [ 1 ], "visible": false } ] }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Option</th>
+ <th>Available for</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>How to configure</th>
+ <th>Values</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+ Option
+ Available for
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ action
+ ajax,redir,toggle,append,query,tblfilter
+ Specify what action to take
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ redir
+ toggle
+ append
+ query
+ tblfilter
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", ...}'
+ ajax (default):
+ Insert content
+ redir:
+ Redirection
+ toggle:
+ Toggle (show/hide) content
+ append:
+ Append a secondary drop down
+ query:
+ Add a query parameter for the page to be redirected to.
+ tblfilter:
+ Apply a filter to a data table created with wb-tables
+ url
+ ajax,redir
+ Address of the hyperlink or the location of the HTML fragment.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"url": "path/to/my/file.html"}'
+ live
+ ajax,toggle
+ Perform the action upon selection change instead of form submission.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"live": true}'
+ type
+ ajax
+ Define how content will be inserted from the container perspective.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "type": "replace"}'
+ replace(default)
+ after
+ append
+ before
+ prepend
+ This value map how to call the data-ajax plugin
+ container
+ ajax
+ Specify the container to use to insert the ajax(ed) content
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "container": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ jQuery selector
+ (By default the container will be a empty container inserted after the form.)
+ clean
+ ajax
+ Call empty()
jQuery function
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "clean": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ jQuery selector
+ trigger
+ ajax
+ Initiate WET features of the inserted content.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "clean": true}'
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature that exist in the inserted content
+ target
+ ajax,redir,toggle,append,query,tblfilter
+ Specify an action that should only be executed and considered when the targeted "option" is selected, like by a subsequent drop down.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ redir
+ toggle
+ append
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ query
+ tblfilter
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "target": "containerID"}'
+ ID of a list item that will be transform into a drop down.
+ (By default the target action is to current item)
+ toggle
+ toggle
+ Selector or a toggle configuration options
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector": "#jQuerySelector"} }'
+ jQuery selector:
+ Selector of an element to toggle
+ toggle configuration:
+ Any configuration supported as defined in the toggle documentation
+ toggle.stateOn
+ toggle
+ A toggle configuration options. CSS class that is added to elements when they are toggled on.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector":"#jQuerySelector", "stateOn":"cssClass" } }'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector": "#jQuerySelector"} }'
+ Default:
+ Use the class "visible"
+ String
+ A CSS class or whatever supported by the same property named defined in the toggle documentation
+ toggle.stateOff
+ toggle
+ A toggle configuration options. CSS class that is added to elements when they are toggled off.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector":"#jQuerySelector", "stateOff":"cssClass" } }'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector": "#jQuerySelector"} }'
+ Default:
+ Use the class "hidden"
+ String
+ A CSS class or whatever supported by the same property named defined in the toggle documentation
+ class
+ addClass,removeClass
+ CSS Class name.
+ Available for:
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "addClass", "source": "#id", "class": "myclass" }'
+ A CSS class
+ source
+ append,addClass,removeClass,tblfilter
+ jQuery selector of the sub wb-fieldflow template to be inserted. This configuration option is required for table filtering because it is specified on which data table the filter should be applied.
+ Available for:
+ append
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ tblfilter
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "append", "source": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ Or like:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "source": "#data-table-id"}
+ jQuery selector and when the action is set to tblfilter
the source should refer to a data table enhanced with tables plugin .
+ name
+ query
+ Name of the query parameter that will be insert in the redirection URL. The other option "value" is required.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name": "ParameterName", "value": "aValue"}'
+ Text without containing space that could be a valid name for a hidden field element.
+ value
+ query
+ Value of the query parameter that will be insert in the redirection URL. The other option "name" is required.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name": "ParameterName", "value": "aValue"}'
+ Value that could be valid as being the value of a hidden field element.
+ renderas
+ append,tblfilter
+ Specify what UI to render.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "append", "renderas": "[Name of the UI] "}
+ false (default):
+ Create a drop down for the field flow UI. Same as if the value was set to select
+ checkbox
+ Create a list of checkbox.
+ radio
+ Create a list of checkbox.
+ column
+ tblfilter
+ Required for table filtering. This specifies on which column the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 5}
+ Number
+ Integer representing the column number where the first column of table is the number "0"
+ Column selector
+ A valid DataTable column selector
+ value
+ tblfilter
+ Required for table filtering. This specifies on which value the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "value": "a value to be filtered about"}
+ A value that will be searched against the specified column in order to filter the rows.
+ csvextract
+ tblfilter
+ Assume the column values are CSV and then it is used to feed the item of the field flow control from the selected column.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "csvextract":true}
+ false (default)
+ The value will be the content of each list item <li>
for the specified column.
+ true
+ The value will be the Comma-Separated Values of each cell for the specified column. It is assumed that column only content CSV data and nothing else.
+ limit
+ tblfilter
+ This specifies to show a subsequent filter, based on the fltrseq, only if the number of rows displayed is larger than the limit.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "limit": 5}
+ false (default)
+ The limit is set to 10 items.
+ Number
+ Integer representing minimum number of rows displayed in order to show the subsequent fltrseq.
+ regex
+ tblfilter
+ Treat the searched value as a regular expression. Enable regular expressions without disabling smart search. Because smart search uses regular expressions, both might conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "regex":true, "smart":false}
+ Boolean, default false (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ smart
+ tblfilter
+ Perform smart search. Note that to perform a smart search, DataTables uses regular expressions, so if enable regular expressions using the regex parameter to this method, you will likely want to disable smart searching as the two regular expressions might otherwise conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "smart":false}
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ caseinsen
+ tblfilter
+ Do case-insensitive matching.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "caseinsen":false}
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ defaultselectedlabel
+ tblfilter
+ Empty label to use where the filtering is not applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "defaultselectedlabel":"[my default options]"}
+ String, as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in configuration option set on the plugin table.
+ label
+ tblfilter
+ Label to use for the field flow control
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "label":"[my label]"}
+ false (default)
+ The column title will be use as the label
+ String
+ Text to use as the label
+ jQuery Selector
+ Select content on the current page to be use as the label.
+ HTML text
+ Text representing HTML content that will be used as the label.
+ lblselector
+ tblfilter
+ Select the label to use. This could be useful when the label configuration option contains html in order to insert additional information surrounding the label itself.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "lblselector":"[jQuery selector]"}
+ jQuery selector, as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in configuration option set on the plugin table.
+ Events
+ Document the public events that can be used by implementers or developers. Events that are specifically related to an action are scoped to the field flow control that has initiated the action. By default, field flow controls do not conflict with other field flow controls or subsequent field flow controls.
+ Source code of how the following table is filtered
+ <form id="frmEvents">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true, "unhideelm": "#frmEvents", "srctype":"tblfilter", "source":"#events", "column":0, "defaultselectedlabel": "All the events", "label":"Filter by type of action:"}'></div>
+<table id="events" class="table wb-tables" data-wb-tables='{ "ordering" : false, "paging": false }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Event</th>
+ <th>Trigger</th>
+ <th>What it does</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ redir.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ The action is delayed and happens on form submission.
+ redir.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Set the redirection url to the form action attribute.
+ query.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Save the information for form upon submission
+ ajax.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Execute the ajax instruction if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ ajax.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Execute the ajax instruction.
+ toggle.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Execute the toggle instruction if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ toggle.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Execute the toggle instruction.
+ append.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Append a field flow control next to the current control that triggered this event.
+ addClass.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Will add the specified class if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ addClass.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Add the specified class to the DOM elements retrieved with the source jQuery selector.
+ removeClass.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Will add the specified class if live
flag is specified. Otherwise it will postpone the action until form submission.
+ removeClass.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Add the specified class to the DOM elements retrieved with the source jQuery selector.
+ tblfilter.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Filter the data table rows by searching on the specified column.
+ tblfilter.draw.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when the creation of a field flow control is requested.
+ Read the information in the table and standardize the information in order to be processed by the event that create the control (renderas).
+ wb-fieldflow.draw.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when the creation of a field flow control is requested.
+ Read the information from the standard inline template and standardize the information in order to be processed by the event that create the control (renderas).
+ select.createctrl.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when a field flow control typed select (drop down) is requested.
+ From a standardized information it generates the html code being the next field flow control.
+ checkbox.createctrl.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when a field flow control typed checkbox is requested.
+ From a standardized information it generates the html code being the next field flow control.
+ radio.createctrl.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when a field flow control typed radio is requested.
+ From a standardized information it generates the html code being the next field flow control.
+ reset.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically on field flow control and sub control when they need to be reseted or destroyed.
+ It applies the reset actions set by the configuration of the control.
+ clean.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon when a cleaning task for action need to selection change after a toggle action has been completed.
+ When a completed action needs to perform some cleaning task upon value change or when the control that initiated the action is destroyed. For example:
+ Toggle
+ Perform a toggle action. It will trigger the "off" state.
+ ajax
+ Execute empty()
on the specified element.
+ tblfilter
+ Remove the search instruction that was set.
+ [Name of the extension].ready.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when wb-fieldflow has finished is initialization.
+ It lets the field flow extension know that the field flow plugin is ready to operate and requires that extension to be fully functional.
+ wb-init.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-fieldflow" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-fieldflow" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-fieldflow plugin. Note: The wb-fieldflow plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically after a wb-fieldflow is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-fieldflow has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-fieldflow", ".wb-fieldflow", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-fieldflow" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-fieldflow", function( event ) {
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ draw.wb-fieldflow
+ Upon creation of a drop down
+ Used to notice the creation of a dropdown
+ $( document ).on( "draw.wb-fieldflow", ".wb-fieldflow", function( event ) {
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+ 2020-02-20
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+ Déroulement de champs - Documentation - Canada.ca
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+ Déroulement de champs - Documentation
Needs translation
+ Purpose
+ Provide an alternative user interface when a page contain a really long list. This plugin have two action phase, the first phase, initiation, is creating a drop down to let the user to select an option. The second phase, action, will provide result to the user like redirecting him, ajax-in content, toggle content, creating a second drop down.
+ This plugin is highly customizable and work in three phases
+ Generate the user interface
+ Action upon selection
+ Action upon submission
+ Usage
Use when
+ Provide an alternative way to navigate easier in long listing.
+ Steamline complex navigation through multiple option.
Do not use when
+ For list 3 items or less, take time to reconsider the default rendering interface.
+ Simple navigation mechanism (like: tabs, expand/collapse (details/summary)) is more suitable for your use case.
Be carreful when
+ Creating complex user interface, you may need to follow additional required for acessibilty (WCAG) or progressive enhancement, like to providing an alternative representation.
+ Amazing thing could be done, depending how you configure it you can make your page failing WCAG.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ Take also a look of the varieties of working examples.
+ Create an unordered bullet list where each list item is a link to a page
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ Insert a paragraph before that list, it will be used to label the drop down (select).
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ Wrap your paragraph and the list with a <div>
container to call the plugin
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ Complex example Content preparation step
+ We recommend to do a content preparation step when your are planning to use the advanced fonctionality of this plugin. Preparation step could look like as the following but not limited to:
+ Define what is the main result (business goal) you want, like insert content, redirect the user, filtering tables, ...
+ Design a full decission tree that represent all the possible results.
+ For each node (item) combination, define actions that should be taken, like:
+ Node 3 - Action 1: Insert content XYZ in the page feature container;
+ Node 3 - Action 2: Insert content ABC that have WET component;
+ Review and get approved the logic of your mapping with a web specialist that know and have experience of using this plugin. He should be able to let you know the feasibility and the complexiness.
+ Develop an early prototype and finalize feasibility test
+ Finalise the content, for the logic and for the content, as per your internal process.
+ Do a high fidelity prototype.
+ Abstract fieldflow event chain
+ Upon plugin initialisation
+ [wet-boew plugin] Init : WET core initiate the creation of a fieldflow component. The fieldflow control is registered in the parent form
+ [extension] Ready : Notify the exention that it should init() and get his things ready to execute actions that is support.
+ When creating a control
+ [Control] Draw : Read the html, standardize the output data
+ [Form component] Create ctrl : Create a component on the page (select, radio, checkbox). This component will be register to the field flow control
+ When a selected option have action
+ [Control] Reset : Reset the initial state of the control, as configure
+ [Action] Clean : Cleaning task from the previous executed action
+ [Action] Action : An option has been selected, action need to be executed. Action can be postponed upon form submission.
+ When the form is submited
+ [Action] Submit : When an action is postponed, triggered upon form submission. An action could prevent the form submission.
+ [Action] Submited : Triggered after all the submit action has been completed and just before the final form submission happend.
+ Class delimiter
+ Use those default class to specify thing inside you template
+ [class="wb-fieldflow-label"]
+ Indicate content to use for labeling the control
+ Configuration options
+ Document the public configuration options that can be used by implementers or developers.
+ Set on the plugin <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow="{...}">
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ noForm
+ Wont generate a form wrapper, it is assumed it already exists and it is surronding the control.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true}'
+ false (default):
+ Create a form container along with the form validator plugin (wb-frmvld) and a submit button
+ true:
+ A binding will be done with the parent form element.
+ srctype
+ Define what content interpreter to use in order to create a field flow control.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"srctype": "wb-fieldflow"}'
+ false (default):
+ Same as if the value was set to wb-fieldflow
, it will use the standard content interpreter.
+ Table filter tblfilter
+ It will use a data table informatin to create a field flow control. The additional property fltrseq
is requried.
+ outputctnrid
+ Indicate what container in the page the fieldflow control should be rendered
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"outputctnrid": "myID"}'
+ false (default):
+ Will render the field flow controls next to fieldflow plugin.
+ [ID]:
+ Any valid ID that could contain flow content .
+ source
+ Specify element to use as the source to feed.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"source": "[jQuery selector] "}
+ false (default):
+ Use the current plugin container
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector that contain a understandable structure to proceed. For example when using field flow to dynamicly filter a table, the source property will make the binding to that table.
+ renderas
+ Specify what UI to render.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"renderas": "[Name of the UI] "}
+ false (default):
+ Create a drop down for the field flow UI. Same as if the value was set to select
+ checkbox
+ Create a list of checkbox.
+ radio
+ Create a list of checkbox.
+ default
+ Specify a action or an array of action to be applied everytime a option is selected.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"default": { [action] } }
or data-wb-fieldflow='{"default": [ { [action] }, { [action] } ] }
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Object
+ Execute the action prior actions defined by the options.
+ Array
+ Execute all those actions prior actions defined by the options.
+ reset
+ Specify a action or an array of action to be applied everytime an option is changed or when the control is destroyed.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"reset": { [action] } }
or data-wb-fieldflow='{"reset": [ { [action] }, { [action] } ] }
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Object
+ Execute the single action
+ Array
+ Execute all the action
+ base
+ Establish a baseline on which subsequent action will be extended from
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"base": { [action configuration to use as a baseline] } }
+ false (default):
+ Nothing
+ Object
+ Those configuration would be re-used in all action selected. When specifying the action for your selectable option, it is possible to overwrite a value defined by the base but not to remove it.
+ defaultIfNone
+ Specify a action or an array of action to be applied when no action is set for that particular field flow instance.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"defaultIfNone": { [action] } }
or data-wb-fieldflow='{"defaultIfNone": [ { [action] }, { [action] } ] }
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Object
+ Execute the single action
+ Array
+ Execute all the action
+ inline
+ Indicate to render a inline interface. Availble only for {"renderas":"checkbox"}
and {"renderas":"radio"}
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"renderas": "[radio|checkbox] ", "inline": true }
+ false (default):
+ Render one checkbox or radio per line
+ true
+ Checkbox or radio are side by side.
+ isoptional
+ Indicate if the field flow control are optional.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"isoptional": true }
+ false (default):
+ The field flow control require an input and get validated by the form validation plugin
+ true
+ The field flow control are optional.
+ fltrseq
+ Array indicating the table filtering sequence to follow. Availble only for and required when {"srctype":"tblfilter"}
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"srctype": "tblfilter", "fltrseq": [{Column filter object} ]}
+ false (default):
+ Render one checkbox or radio per line
+ true
+ Checkbox or radio are side by side.
+ Column filter object
+ Object contained in the fltrseq array. Required for adding item in fltrseq
+ "fltrseq": [{Column filter object} , {Column filter object} , ...]
+ Note that all the following property can be used outside the fltrseq
context like data-wb-fieldflow='{"srctype": "tblfilter", "columng": 0}
. If Column filter object
property and the fltrseq
property is present, then the "Column filter object" will be know as being the first column being filtered, then followed by the column being filtered in the array.
+ Properties:
+ column
(required) : Integer representing the column number or a DataTable column selector .
+ csvextract
: How to extract the value to feed the drop down from the selected column.
+ false (default)
+ The value of each list item <li>
will be extracted.
+ true
+ The information of each cell of the select column will be extracted as a Comma-Separated Values .
+ regex
as defined in DataTable search() API
+ smart
as defined in DataTable search() API
+ caseinsen
as defined in DataTable search() API
+ defaultselectedlabel
as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in this table.
+ label
: Text label to use or a jQuery selector or text HTML.
+ lblselector
as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in this table.
+ renderas
as defined by the property of the same name in this row group section in this table.
+ action
+ Define the default action for unknow item (data-wb-fieldflow="something"
). Usually use in conjonction with "prop".
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "[Name of the action] "}
+ false (default):
+ ajax
+ Name of the action
+ A valid action, the action build-in are listed in the following section.
+ prop
+ Define the default property for unknow item (data-wb-fieldflow="something"
). Usually use in conjonction with "action".
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"prop": "[Name of the property] "}
+ false (default):
+ url
+ Name of the property
+ A property recongnised by the the action where his value will be the set by the value of the unknow item.
+ actionData
+ Define a base object for action created from unknow item. Usually use in conjonction with "action" and "prop".
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"actionData": { [...] }}
+ false (default):
+ Use an empty object { }
+ An object
+ Will extend the action item, after his creation.
+ attributes
+ Add attributes on the form input elements, like select, during their creation.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "attributes": { "attributeName": "value", [...] } }
+ false (default):
+ No custom element is added
+ An object with key value pair
+ The key represent the name of the attribute and the value is the value that would be set on the attribute.
+ itmselector
+ Specify what item to use to create fieldflow items.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "itmselector": "[jQuery selector] " }'
+ false (default):
+ Select all list items of the first unordered list. If an header block is specified, the selector will be applied after.
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector used to select the label.
+ noreqlabel
+ Flag to not add the "required" red labeling during the field creation.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "noreqlabel": true }'
+ false (default):
+ The labeling text "required" will be appended to the field label
+ true
+ There is no text appended to the field label
+ ext Provisional
+ Specify the name of an fieldflow extension to allow to run his own initialisation.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"ext": "[Extended plugin name] "}
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ Name of the extension
+ Will trigger the event [Name of the extension].ready.wb-fieldflow
where it let extension know that the field flow plugin is ready to operate and require that extension to be fully functional.
+ DOM Manipulation on plugin initialisation
+ unhideelm
+ Remove hidden
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"unhideelm": "#myJQuerySelector"}'
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector that return result for the current document.
+ hideelm
+ Add hidden
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"hideelm": "#myJQuerySelector"}'
+ false (default):
+ Do nothing
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector that return result for the current document.
+ Text and i18n
+ defaultselectedlabel
+ Text to use for the default selected option.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "defaultselectedlabel": "default selected option text " }'
+ false (default):
+ Use "Make your selection..." in English and "Sélectionnez dans la liste... " in French
+ Text
+ Text only, providing HTML markup may cause unwanted result.
+ lblselector
+ Specify how to find the label through a jQuery selector.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{ "lblselector": "[jQuery selector] " }'
+ false (default):
+ Use the html of the first child element
+ jQuery Selector
+ A jQuery selector used to select the label.
+ i18n Deprecated
+ Allow to set the internationalisation text to use for this plugin.
+ Setting this option could impact default text used for other wb-fieldflow plugin in the same page.
+ i18n.btn Deprecated
+ Set the label to use for the submit button when creating the form wrapper
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"i18n": { "btn": "Continue" } }'
+ English default:
+ Continue
+ French default:
+ Allez
+ Textual value:
+ Any text value
+ i18n.defaultsel Deprecated
+ Set label the default dropdown option to use.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"i18n": { "defaultsel": "Make your selection..." } }'
+ English default:
+ Make your selection...
+ French default:
+ Sélectionnez dans la liste...
+ Textual value:
+ Any text value
+ i18n.required Deprecated
+ Set the mendatory text that is added in the select label between parentisis
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"i18n": { "required": "required" } }'
+ English default:
+ required
+ French default:
+ obligatoire
+ Textual value:
+ Any text value
+ Set on list item <li data-wb-fieldflow="...">
+ Kind of value supported:
+ Text
+ data-wb-fieldflow="..."
URL Location of a file that will inserted (through ajax) in a container that follow the plugin. The data-ajax filter selector are supported. data-wb-fieldflow="MyFragment.html"
is equivalent to data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "MyFragment.html", "type": "replace"}'
+ Object
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="{...}">
Define how the action should be performed, see bellow for all the options.
+ Array
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="[{...}, {...}, {...}]">
Allow to set multiple action to perform when one specific item is selected. Some action are incompatible like it make no sense to inserting content through ajax and redirecting the user somewhere else.
+ The "action"
+ Define the action to take upon selection/form submission. Based on the value, some other option could be required, optional or ignored.
+ Option: action
+ How to configure: data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", ...}'
+ Value
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Options
+ Required
+ Optional
+ ajax (default)
+ Insert live content into the current page. It use the data-ajax plugin.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", ...}'
+ type
+ container
+ clean
+ trigger
+ target
+ redir
+ Page redirection. Default when the list item only contain an anchor.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "redir", ...}'
+ toggle
+ Toggle (show/hide) an element on the current page. It use the toggle plugin.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", ...}'
+ append
+ Append a secondary drop down from an inline template.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "append", ...}'
+ addClass
+ Add a class to the element specified by the source selector.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "addClass", ...}'
+ removeClass
+ Remove a class to the element specified by the source selector.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "addClass", ...}'
+ query
+ Set a custom query parameter for the destination page upon redirection.
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", ...}'
+ tblfilter
+ Apply a filter to a data table created with wb-tables
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", ...}'
+ source
+ column
+ value
+ target
+ regex
+ smart
+ caseinsen
+ Note about "Append" required options {"action": "append", ...}
+ The append action act similar as when you initially configure the field flow. But instead of creating the field flow working environment it will simply add the field flow control next to the current one.
+ You can configure a appended control as you will have it setup the configuration option for <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow="{...}">
. For example:
+ {
+ "action": "append",
+ "srctype": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#MyTableID",
+ "csvextract": true,
+ "isoptional": true,
+ "column": 5,
+ "defaultselectedlabel": "View all results",
+ "label": "Choose something:"
+ The "append" action will set the srctype
to wb-fieldflow
by default if not specified and it will throw an error if the source haven't be set.
+ Configuration options for each action.
+ Source code of how the following table is filtered
+ <form id="frmActionConfig">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{
+ "noForm": true,
+ "unhideelm":
+ "#frmActionConfig",
+ "srctype":"tblfilter",
+ "source":"#actionConfig",
+ "column":1,
+ "defaultselectedlabel": "All the configuration options",
+ "label":"Filter by type of action:",
+ "csvextract": true
+ }'></div>
+<table id="actionConfig" class="table wb-tables" data-wb-tables='{
+ "ordering" : false,
+ "paging": false,
+ "columnDefs": [ { "targets": [ 1 ], "visible": false } ] }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Option</th>
+ <th>Available for</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>How to configure</th>
+ <th>Values</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+ Option
+ Available for
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ action
+ ajax,redir,toggle,append,query,tblfilter
+ Specify what action to take
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ redir
+ toggle
+ append
+ query
+ tblfilter
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", ...}'
+ ajax (default):
+ Insert content
+ redir:
+ Redirection
+ toggle:
+ Toggle (show/hide) content
+ append:
+ Append a secondary drop down
+ query:
+ Add a query parameter for the page to be redirected to.
+ tblfilter:
+ Apply a filter to a data table created with wb-tables
+ url
+ ajax,redir
+ Address of the hyperlink or the location of the HTML fragment.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"url": "path/to/my/file.html"}'
+ live
+ ajax,toggle
+ Perform the action upon selection change instead of form submission.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"live": true}'
+ type
+ ajax
+ Define how content will be inserted from the container perspective.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "type": "replace"}'
+ replace(default)
+ after
+ append
+ before
+ prepend
+ This value map how to call the data-ajax plugin
+ container
+ ajax
+ Specify the container to use to insert the ajax(ed) content
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "container": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ jQuery selector
+ (By default the container will be a empty container inserted after the form.)
+ clean
+ ajax
+ Call empty()
jQuery function
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "clean": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ jQuery selector
+ trigger
+ ajax
+ Initiate WET features of the inserted content.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "clean": true}'
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature that exist in the inserted content
+ target
+ ajax,redir,toggle,append,query,tblfilter
+ Specify an action that should be only executed and considered when the targeted "option" is selected, like by a subsequent drop down.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ redir
+ toggle
+ append
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ query
+ tblfilter
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "target": "containerID"}'
+ ID of a list item that will be transform into a drop down.
+ (By default the target action is to current item)
+ toggle
+ toggle
+ Selector or a toggle configuration options
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector": "#jQuerySelector"} }'
+ jQuery selector:
+ Selector of an element to toggle
+ toggle configuration:
+ Any configuration supported as defined in the toggle documentation
+ toggle.stateOn
+ toggle
+ A toggle configuration options. CSS class that's added to elements when they are toggled on.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector":"#jQuerySelector", "stateOn":"cssClass" } }'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector": "#jQuerySelector"} }'
+ Default:
+ Use the class "visible"
+ String
+ A CSS class or whatever supported by the same property named defined in the toggle documentation
+ toggle.stateOff
+ toggle
+ A toggle configuration options. CSS class that's added to elements when they are toggled off.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector":"#jQuerySelector", "stateOff":"cssClass" } }'
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "toggle", "toggle": { "selector": "#jQuerySelector"} }'
+ Default:
+ Use the class "hidden"
+ String
+ A CSS class or whatever supported by the same property named defined in the toggle documentation
+ class
+ addClass,removeClass
+ CSS Class name.
+ Available for:
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "addClass", "source": "#id", "class": "myclass" }'
+ A CSS class
+ source
+ append,addClass,removeClass,tblfilter
+ jQuery selector of the sub wb-fieldflow template to be inserted. This configuration option is required for table filtering because it is specify on which data table the filter should be applied.
+ Available for:
+ append
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ tblfilter
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "append", "source": "#jQuerySelector"}'
+ Or like:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "source": "#data-table-id"}
+ jQuery selector and when the action is set to tblfilter
the source should refer to a data table enhanced with tables plugin .
+ name
+ query
+ Name of the query parameter that will be insert in the redirection URL. The other option "value"is required.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name": "ParameterName", "value": "aValue"}'
+ Text without containing space that could be a valid name for a hidden field element.
+ value
+ query
+ Value of the query parameter that will be insert in the redirection URL. The other option "name" is required.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "query", "name": "ParameterName", "value": "aValue"}'
+ Value that could be valid as being the value of a hidden field element.
+ renderas
+ append,tblfilter
+ Specify what UI to render.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "append", "renderas": "[Name of the UI] "}
+ false (default):
+ Create a drop down for the field flow UI. Same as if the value was set to select
+ checkbox
+ Create a list of checkbox.
+ radio
+ Create a list of checkbox.
+ column
+ tblfilter
+ Required for table filtering, this is specify on which column the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 5}
+ Number
+ Integer representing the column number where the first column of table is the number "0"
+ Column selector
+ A valid DataTable column selector
+ value
+ tblfilter
+ Required for table filtering, this specify on what value the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "value": "a value to be filtered about"}
+ A value that will be searched agains the specified column in order to filter the rows.
+ csvextract
+ tblfilter
+ Assume the column value are CSV and then it is use to feed the item of the field flow control from the selected column.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "csvextract":true}
+ false (default)
+ The value will be the content of each list item <li>
for the specified column.
+ true
+ The value will be the Comma-Separated Values of each cell for the specified column. It is assumed that column only content CSV data and nothing else.
+ limit
+ tblfilter
+ This specify to show a subsequent filter, based on the fltrseq, only if the number of rows displayed is larger than the limit.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "limit": 5}
+ false (default)
+ The limit is set to 10 items.
+ Number
+ Integer representing minimum number of rows displayed in order to show the subsequent fltrseq.
+ regex
+ tblfilter
+ Treat the searched value as a regular expression. Enable regular expressions without desabling smart search, as smart search use regular expressions, both might conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "regex":true, "smart":false}
+ Boolean, default false (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ smart
+ tblfilter
+ Perform smart search. Note that to perform a smart search, DataTables uses regular expressions, so if enable regular expressions using the regex parameter to this method, you will likely want to disable smart searching as the two regular expressions might otherwise conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "smart":false}
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ caseinsen
+ tblfilter
+ Do case-insensitive matching.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "caseinsen":false}
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ defaultselectedlabel
+ tblfilter
+ Empty label to use where the filtering is not applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "defaultselectedlabel":"[my default options]"}
+ String, as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in configuration option set on the plugin table.
+ label
+ tblfilter
+ Label to use for the field flow control
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "label":"[my label]"}
+ false (default)
+ The column title will be use as the label
+ String
+ Text to use as the label
+ jQuery Selector
+ Select content on the current page to be use as the label.
+ HTML text
+ Text representing HTML content that will be used as the label.
+ lblselector
+ tblfilter
+ Select the label to use. this could be useful when the label configuration option contain html in order to insert additional information sounrounding the label itself.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-fieldflow='{"action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "lblselector":"[jQuery selector]"}
+ jQuery selector, as defined by the property of the same name in the Text and i18n row group section in configuration option set on the plugin table.
+ Events
+ Document the public events that can be used by implementers or developers. Event that is specific related to an action is scoped to the field flow control that have initiated the action. By default, field flow control do not conflict with other field flow control or subsequent field flow control.
+ Source code of how the following table is filtered
+ <form id="frmEvents">
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow" data-wb-fieldflow='{"noForm": true, "unhideelm": "#frmEvents", "srctype":"tblfilter", "source":"#events", "column":0, "defaultselectedlabel": "All the events", "label":"Filter by type of action:"}'></div>
+<table id="events" class="table wb-tables" data-wb-tables='{ "ordering" : false, "paging": false }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Event</th>
+ <th>Trigger</th>
+ <th>What it does</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ [...]
+ </tbody>
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ redir.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ The action is delayed to happend on form submission.
+ redir.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Set the redirection url to the form action attribute.
+ query.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Save the information for form upon submission
+ ajax.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Execute the ajax instruction if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ ajax.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Execute the ajax instruction.
+ toggle.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Execute the toggle instruction if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ toggle.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Execute the toggle instruction.
+ append.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Append a field flow control next to current control that have triggered this event.
+ addClass.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Will add the specified class if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ addClass.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Add the specified class to the DOM elements retreived with the source jQuery selector.
+ removeClass.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Will add the specified class if live
flag is specified otherwise it will postpone the action upon form submission.
+ removeClass.submit.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon form submission.
+ Add the specified class to the DOM elements retreived with the source jQuery selector.
+ tblfilter.action.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon selection change.
+ Filter the data table rows by searching on the specified column.
+ tblfilter.draw.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when the creation of a field flow control is requested.
+ Read the information in the table and standardize the information in order to be processed by the event that create the control (renderas).
+ wb-fieldflow.draw.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when the creation of a field flow control is requested.
+ Read the information from the standard inline template and standardize the information in order to be processed by the event that create the control (renderas).
+ select.createctrl.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when a field flow control typed select (drop down) is requested.
+ From a standardized information it generate the html code being the next field flow control.
+ checkbox.createctrl.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when a field flow control typed checkbox is requested.
+ From a standardized information it generate the html code being the next field flow control.
+ radio.createctrl.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when a field flow control typed radio is requested.
+ From a standardized information it generate the html code being the next field flow control.
+ reset.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically on field flow control and sub control when they need to be reseted or destroyed.
+ It apply the reset actions set by the configuration of the control.
+ clean.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically upon when a cleaning task for action need to selection change after a toggle action has been completed.
+ When a completed action need to perform some cleaning task upon value change or when the control that initiated the action are destroyed. For example:
+ Toggle
+ Perform a toogle action. It will trigger the "off" state.
+ ajax
+ Execute empty()
on the specified element.
+ tblfilter
+ Remove the search instruction that was set.
+ [Name of the extension].ready.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically when wb-fieldflow has finished is initialization.
+ It let the field flow extension know that the field flow plugin is ready to operate and require that extension to be fully functional.
+ wb-init.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-fieldflow" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-fieldflow" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-fieldflow plugin. Note: The wb-fieldflow plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb-fieldflow
+ Triggered automatically after an wb-fieldflow is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-fieldflow has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-fieldflow", ".wb-fieldflow", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-fieldflow" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-fieldflow", function( event ) {
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ draw.wb-fieldflow
+ Upon creation of a drop down
+ Used to notice the creation of a dropdown
+ $( document ).on( "draw.wb-fieldflow", ".wb-fieldflow", function( event ) {
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-11-08
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/fieldflow-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/fieldflow-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e73d434d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/fieldflow-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ Field flow - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Field flow
+Transform a basic list into a selectable list.
+ On this page:
Find the plugin for the action you need:
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ </ul>
Choose content to be ajaxed:
+ (Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+Consult one page with the full list of all options (Link not working)
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choose content to be ajaxed:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html ">(Set 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html ">(Set 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html ">(Set 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html ">(Set 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html ">(Set 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+<!-- Providing an alternative/multiple way could be required for WCAG conformance and/or design conform to progressive enhancement -->
+<p><em><a rel="alternate" href="#">Consult one page with the full list of all options</a> (Link not working)</em></p>
Find the plugin for the action you need.
+ Layout and rendering
+ Interactive
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Layout and rendering
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Interactive
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
Consider to insert a textual clue into an item that will open up a subsequent drop down. Like, by adding a plus sign "+" at the beginning of the label. Remark that the subsequent drop down is identified by: <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
Find the plugin for the action you need.
+ + Layout and rendering
+ + Interactive
What kind of interaction?
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Find the plugin for the action you need.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>+ Layout and rendering
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>It is for?..</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>+ Esthetic
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>What kind of transformation</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-en.html">Set a consistant height</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-en.html">Inserting content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-en.html">Draw charts</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>+ Interactive
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p class="wb-fieldflow-label">What kind of interaction?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-en.html">Expand and collapse content</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html">Photo galery</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html">Popup content</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-11-30
+ About government
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c864430dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/fieldflow/fieldflow-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+ Déroulement de champs - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Déroulement de champs
+Transforme une simple liste en un liste de choix.
+ Sur cette page:
Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html">Insertion de contenu</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html">Galerie photos</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html">Dessiner des graphiques</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html">Contenu affichable/masquable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html">Uniformisation de la hauteur</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html">Afficher un contenu superposé</a></li>
+ </ul>
Choisissez du contenu à insérer:
+ (Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.
+ (Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.
+ (Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.
+ (Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.
+ (Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.
+Consulter la liste entière des options disponible (Lien bidon)
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Choisissez du contenu à insérer:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-1.html">(Ensemble 1) Nunc sed mauris id nisi molestie porta at quis erat.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-2.html">(Ensemble 2) Vestibulum pretium tortor vel facilisis sodales.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-3.html">(Ensemble 3) Nunc sit amet dui ut justo efficitur dapibus.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-4.html">(Ensemble 4) Praesent at purus ut turpis sollicitudin aliquam.</li>
+ <li data-wb-fieldflow="ajax/ajax-5.html">(Ensemble 5) Sed eget dui ac nunc mattis consequat in a ex.</li>
+ </ul>
+<!-- Fournir des alternative et/ou des façons multiple à accéder au contenu pourrait être requis afin d'être conforme à la norme WCAG et/ou afin de respecter l'approche de l'amélioration progressive -->
+<p><em><a rel="alternate" href="#">Consulter la liste entière des options disponible</a> (Lien bidon)</em></p>
Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:
+ Mise en page et présentation
+ Intéraction
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Mise en page et présentation
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html">Insertion de contenu</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html">Dessiner des graphiques</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html">Uniformisation de la hauteur</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Intéraction
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html">Contenu affichable/masquable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html">Galerie photos</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html">Afficher un contenu superposé</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
Considerez d'inclure un indice textuel dans chaque items qui affichera une second liste déroulante. Par example, ceci peut ce faire en ajoutant le signe "+" au début de l'étiquette. Veuillez remarquer que les liste déroulante sont identifié par la présence de: <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
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+ + Mise en page et présentation
+ + Intéraction
Quel type d'intéraction?
+<div class="wb-fieldflow">
+ <p>Trouvez le plugiciel qui répond à vos besoin:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>+ Mise en page et présentation
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Et c'est pour?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>+ L'apparance
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p>Quel sorte de transformation?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/equalheight/equalheight-fr.html">Uniformisation de la hauteur</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/data-ajax/data-ajax-fr.html">Insertion de contenu</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/charts/charts-fr.html">Dessiner des graphiques</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>+ Intéraction
+ <div class="wb-fieldflow-sub">
+ <p class="wb-fieldflow-label">Quel type d'intéraction?</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/details/details-fr.html">Contenu affichable/masquable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html">Galerie photos</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html">Afficher un contenu superposé</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-11-30
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/filter/filter-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/filter/filter-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71798ba9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/filter/filter-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+ Filter - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Filter
+Filtering items in sections
+ Surveys starting with the letter A
+ Accommodation Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Accounting Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Accounting Services Price Index
+ Advertising and Related Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Agriculture Frame Update Survey (AFUS)
+ Agriculture Water Survey
+ Air Carrier Operations in Canada Quarterly Survey
+ Air Passenger Origin and Destination - Domestic Journeys
+ Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada-U.S.A.
+ Airport Activity Survey
+ Amusement and Recreation, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Apartment Building Construction Price
+ Architectural, engineering and related services price index (AESPI)
+ Architectural Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Asphalt Roofing
+ Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Surveys starting with the letter B
+ Building Permits Survey
+ Business Payrolls Survey
+ Business Register
+ Surveys starting with the letter C
+ Canada's Balance of International Payments
+ Canada's International Investment Position
+ Canada's International Transactions in Securities
+ Canada's International Transactions in Services
+ Canadian Community Health Survey – Annual Component
+ Canadian Foreign Post Indexes
+ Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS)
+ Canadian Health Measures Survey
+ Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth
+ Capital and Repair Expenditures Survey, Annual: Actual, Preliminary Actual and Intentions (CAPEX)
+ Capital Expenditures: Oil and Gas Activities, Quarterly Survey of
+ Cement Survey
+ Census of Agriculture
+ Coal Supply and Disposition Survey, Monthly
+ Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services Price Index
+ Commercial Stocks for Major Special Crops, Survey of
+ Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans, Survey of
+ Consulting Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Consulting Services Price Index
+ Consumer Goods Rental, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Consumer Price Index (Prices of Prescribed Drugs, Brand Name and Generic)
+ Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada
+ Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index
+ Surveys starting with the letter D
+ Dairy Factory Production and Stocks
+ Database, Directory and Specialty Publishers, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Surveys starting with the letter E
+ Electric Power Thermal Generating Station Fuel Consumption, Annual Survey of
+ Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey, Monthly
+ Employment Insurance Coverage Survey
+ Employment, Payrolls and Hours, Survey of (SEPH)
+ Employment Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Energy Research and Development Expenditures by Area of Technology
+ Engineering Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Environmental Goods and Services, Survey of
+ Estimates of Trusteed Pension Fund, Quarterly
+ Export Import Price Report
+ Surveys starting with the letter F
+ Fare Basis Survey
+ Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education (FEDEX), Survey of
+ Federal Patents, Licences and Royalties Survey
+ Federal Science Expenditures and Personnel, Activities in the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
+ Feed Grain Purchases
+ Field Crop Reporting Series
+ Film and Video Distribution, Survey of Service Industries
+ Film, Television and Video Post-production, Survey of Service Industries
+ Film, Television and Video Production, Survey of Service Industries
+ Financial Information of Community Colleges and Vocational Schools (FINCOL)
+ Financial Information of Universities and Colleges (FIUC)
+ Financial Security, Survey of
+ Financial Statements, Quarterly Survey of (QSFS)
+ Food Services and Drinking Places, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Food Services and Drinking Places, Monthly Survey of
+ For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index
+ Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI)
+ Frozen and Chilled Meats, Quarterly Stocks Survey
+ Surveys starting with the letter G
+ Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuels Sold
+ General Social Survey – Canadians at Work and Home
+ Surveys starting with the letter H
+ Head Office Survey, Annual
+ Homicide Survey
+ Household Spending, Survey of (SHS)
+ Surveys starting with the letter I
+ Industrial Water Survey
+ Informatics Professional Services Price Index
+ International Price and Cost Survey
+ International Travel Survey
+ Inventory Statement of Butter and Cheese
+ Surveys starting with the letter J
+ Job Vacancy and Wage Survey
+ Surveys starting with the letter L
+ Labour Force Survey (LFS)
+ Large Retailers, Monthly Survey of
+ Surveys starting with the letter M
+ Major Air Carriers Key Financial and Operating Statistics Monthly Survey
+ Manufacturing, Monthly Survey of
+ Manufacturing and Logging Industries, Annual Survey of (ASML)
+ Surveys starting with the letter N
+ Natural Gas Distribution Survey, Monthly
+ Natural Gas Transmission Survey, Monthly
+ New Condominium Apartment Price Report (NCAPR)
+ New Housing Price Index (NHPI)
+ Non-residential Building Construction Price Index (NRBCPI)
+ Surveys starting with the letter O
+ Official Languages Demand for Services Survey
+ Oil and Other Liquid Petroleum Products Pipeline Survey, Monthly
+ Surveys starting with the letter P
+ Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey, Annual
+ Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey, Monthly
+ Pension Plans in Canada
+ Periodical Publishers, Survey of Service Industries
+ Postsecondary Student Information System
+ Production and Disposition of Tobacco Products
+ Purchasing Power Parities
+ Surveys starting with the letter R
+ Railway – Annual Report
+ Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers and Other Real Estate Activities, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Real Estate Rental and Leasing and Property Management, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Refined Petroleum Products, Monthly
+ Repair and Maintenance Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Research and Development in Canadian Industry, Annual Survey of
+ Research and Development of Canadian Private Non-Profit Organizations
+ Retail Non-store Survey, Annual
+ Retail Services Price Index (RSPI)
+ Retail Trade Survey, Annual
+ Retail Trade Survey, Monthly
+ Retail Trade Survey (Department Store Organizations), Monthly
+ Surveys starting with the letter S
+ Sawmills
+ Services Indicators Survey, Quarterly
+ Software Development and Computer Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Sound Recording and Music Publishing, Survey of Service Industries
+ Specialized Design, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Suppliers of Business Financing, Biannual Survey of
+ Survey Skills Development course
+ Surveying and Mapping, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Surveys starting with the letter T
+ Telecommunications, Quarterly Survey of
+ Travel Arrangement Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
+ Travel Survey of Residents of Canada
+ Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Survey
+ Surveys starting with the letter U
+ Uniform Crime Reporting Survey
+ Surveys starting with the letter W
+ Wholesale Services Price Index
+ Wholesale Trade Survey, Annual
+ Wholesale Trade Survey, Monthly
+Source code
+<div class="wb-filter">
+ <section id="survey-a">
+ <h3><span class="wb-inv">Surveys starting with the letter </span>A</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>Accommodation Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries</li>
+ <li>Accounting Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries</li>
+ <li>Accounting Services Price Index</li>
+ <li>Advertising and Related Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries</li>
+ <li>Agriculture Frame Update Survey (AFUS)</li>
+ <li>Agriculture Water Survey</li>
+ <li>Air Carrier Operations in Canada Quarterly Survey</li>
+ <li>Air Passenger Origin and Destination - Domestic Journeys</li>
+ <li>Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada-<abbr title="United States of America">U.S.A.</abbr></li>
+ <li>Airport Activity Survey</li>
+ <li>Amusement and Recreation, Annual Survey of Service Industries</li>
+ <li>Apartment Building Construction Price</li>
+ <li>Architectural, engineering and related services price index (AESPI)</li>
+ <li>Architectural Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries</li>
+ <li>Asphalt Roofing</li>
+ <li>Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing, Annual Survey of Service Industries</li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section id="survey-b">
+ <h3><span class="wb-inv">Surveys starting with the letter </span>B</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>Building Permits Survey</li>
+ <li>Business Payrolls Survey</li>
+ <li>Business Register</li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ ...
+List filtering
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
+Source code
+<ul class="wb-filter">
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ <li>British Columbia</li>
+ <li>Manitoba</li>
+ <li>New Brunswick</li>
+ <li>Newfoundland & Labrador</li>
+ <li>Northwest Territories</li>
+ <li>Nova Scotia</li>
+ <li>Nunavut</li>
+ <li>Ontario</li>
+ <li>Prince Edward Island</li>
+ <li>Quebec</li>
+ <li>Saskatchewan</li>
+ <li>Yukon</li>
+Table filtering
+ Population of largest municipalities per provinces
+ Municipalities
+ Population (2016)
+ Population (2011)
+ Alberta
+ Calgary
+ 1,239,220
+ 1,096,833
+ Edmonton
+ 932,546
+ 812,201
+ Red Deer
+ 100,418
+ 90,564
+ British Columbia
+ Vancouver
+ 631,486
+ 603,502
+ Surrey
+ 517,887
+ 468,251
+ Burnaby
+ 232,755
+ 233,218
+ Manitoba
+ Winnipeg
+ 705,224
+ 663,617
+ Brandon
+ 48,859
+ N/A
+ Springfield
+ N/A
+ 14,069
+ New Brunswick
+ Moncton
+ 71,889
+ 69,074
+ Saint John
+ 67,575
+ 70,063
+ Fredericton
+ 58,220
+ 56,224
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ St. John's
+ 108,860
+ 106,172
+ Conception Bay South
+ 26,199
+ N/A
+ Mount Pearl
+ 22,957
+ N/A
+ Northwest Territories
+ Yellowknife
+ 19,569
+ N/A
+ Hay River
+ N/A
+ 3,606
+ Inuvik
+ 3,140
+ N/A
+ Nova Scotia
+ Halifax
+ 403,131
+ 390,096
+ Cape Breton
+ 94,285
+ 97,398
+ Sydney
+ N/A
+ 31,597
+ Nunavut
+ Iqaluit
+ 7,740
+ N/A
+ Arviat
+ 2,657
+ N/A
+ Rankin Inlet
+ 2,842
+ N/A
+ Ontario
+ Toronto
+ 2,731,579
+ 2,615,060
+ Ottawa
+ 934,243
+ 883,391
+ Mississauga
+ 721,599
+ 713,443
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Charlottetown
+ N/A
+ 34,562
+ Summerside
+ N/A
+ 14,751
+ Stratford
+ N/A
+ 8,574
+ Quebec
+ Montreal
+ 1,704,694
+ 1,649,519
+ Quebec City
+ 531,902
+ 516,622
+ Laval
+ 422,993
+ N/A
+ Saskatchewan
+ Saskatoon
+ 246,376
+ 222,189
+ Regina
+ 215,106
+ 193,100
+ Prince Albert
+ 35,926
+ N/A
+ Yukon
+ Whitehorse
+ 25,085
+ N/A
+ Dawson City
+ 1,375
+ M/A
+ Faro
+ 344
+ N/A
+Source code
+<table class="wb-filter table">
+ <caption>Population of largest municipalities per provinces</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Municipalities</th>
+ <th>Population (2016)</th>
+ <th>Population (2011)</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="rowgroup" class="h4" colspan="3">Alberta</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Calgary</th>
+ <td>1,239,220</td>
+ <td>1,096,833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Edmonton</th>
+ <td>932,546</td>
+ <td>812,201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Red Deer</th>
+ <td>100,418</td>
+ <td>90,564</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="rowgroup" class="h4" colspan="3">British Columbia</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Vancouver</th>
+ <td>631,486</td>
+ <td>603,502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Surrey</th>
+ <td>517,887</td>
+ <td>468,251</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Burnaby</th>
+ <td>232,755</td>
+ <td>233,218</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ ...
+Applying additional search filters
+The filter plugin has three types of search methods available: exact pattern match (default), AND operator, and OR operator.
+Exact pattern match (default)
+Finds items that contain exactly what the user has specified.
+Not setting the filterType
will tell the filter plugin to apply the default search pattern which is an exact pattern match to the search terms. Only items that contain the full and exact pattern that the user enters will be shown.
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
+Source code
+<ul class="wb-filter">
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ ...
+AND operator
+Finds items that contain all of the specified words.
+Setting the filterType
to the and
option will tell the filter plugin to apply an AND operator between search terms. Only items that contain all search terms will be shown.
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
+Source code
+<ul class="wb-filter" data-wb-filter='{ "filterType": "and" }'>
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ ...
+OR operator
+Finds items that contain at least one of the specified words.
+Setting the filterType
to the or
option will tell the filter plugin to apply an OR operator between search terms. All items that contain any of the supplied search terms will be shown.
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
+Source code
+<ul class="wb-filter" data-wb-filter='{ "filterType": "or" }'>
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ ...
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-05-23
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/filter/filter-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/filter/filter-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0bd5fb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/filter/filter-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,991 @@
+ Filtre - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Filtre
+Filtrer des items par section
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre A
+ Achats de grains fourragers
+ Activité aéroportuaire, Enquête sur l'
+ Activités pétrolières et gazières, Relevé trimestriel des dépenses en immobilisations
+ Approvisionnement et l'écoulement du charbon, Enquête mensuelle sur l'
+ Approvisionnement et l'écoulement de l'électricité, Enquête mensuelle sur l'
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre B
+ Balance des paiements internationaux du Canada
+ Base tarifaire, Enquête sur la
+ Biens et services environnementaux, Enquête sur les
+ Bilan des investissements internationaux du Canada
+ Brevets, licences et redevances fédérales, Enquête sur les
+ Bureaux d'agents, de courtiers en immeuble, et d'évaluateurs de biens immobiliers et des activités liées à l'immobilier, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre C
+ Canadiens au travail et à la maison, Enquête sociale générale
+ Ciment, Enquête de
+ Commerce de détail, Enquête annuelle sur le
+ Commerce de détail, Enquête mensuelle sur le
+ Commerce de détail hors magasin, Enquête annuelle sur le
+ Commerce de détail – Organismes des grands magasins, Enquête mensuelle sur le
+ Commerce de gros, Enquête annuelle sur le
+ Commerce de gros, Enquête mensuelle sur le
+ Consommation de combustibles de centrales thermiques d'énergie électrique, Enquête annuelle sur la
+ Contrôle et vente des boissons alcoolisées au Canada
+ Cours de base sur les enquêtes
+ Couverture de l'assurance-emploi, Enquête sur la
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre D
+ Demande de services dans les langues officielles, Enquête sur la
+ Dépenses de recherche et développement énergétique par secteur de technologie
+ Dépenses des ménages, Enquête sur les
+ Dépenses du gouvernement fédéral au titre de l'éducation, Enquête sur les (EDGFE)
+ Dépenses en immobilisations et réparations, Enquête annuelle sur les : réelles, provisoires, perspectives (EDIR)
+ Dépenses et main-d'œuvre scientifiques fédérales, activités dans les sciences sociales et les sciences naturelles
+ Design spécialisé, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Développement de logiciels et services informatiques, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Distribution de films cinématographiques et de vidéos, Enquête sur les industries de services
+ Distribution du gaz naturel, Enquête mensuelle sur la
+ Divertissement et loisirs, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre E
+ Eau dans l’agriculture, Enquête sur l'
+ Eau dans les industries, Enquête sur l'
+ Éditeurs de bases de données, de répertoires et de spécialités, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Éditeurs de périodiques, Enquête sur les industries de services
+ Emploi, la rémunération et les heures de travail, Enquête sur l' (EERH)
+ Enquête canadienne sur les mesures de la santé
+ Enquête canadienne sur la santé des enfants et des jeunes
+ Enregistrement sonore et édition de musique, Enquête sur les industries de services
+ Essence et autres combustibles de pétrole de vendus
+ Estimations trimestrielles relatives aux caisses de retraite en fiducie
+ États financiers, Relevé trimestriel des
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre F
+ Fournisseurs de services de financements aux entreprises, Enquête semestrielle auprès des
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre G
+ Grands détaillants, Enquête mensuelle sur les
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre H
+ Homicide, Enquête sur l'
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre I
+ Indicateurs de service, Enquête trimestrielle sur les
+ Indice des prix à la consommation (Prix des médicaments d'ordonnance, d'origine et génériques)
+ Indices des prix de la construction d'immeubles d'appartements
+ Indice des prix de la construction de bâtiments non résidentiels (IPCBNR)
+ Indice des prix des logements neufs (IPLN)
+ Indice des prix des services d'architecture, de génie et des services connexes (IPSAGC)
+ Indice des prix des services de comptabilité
+ Indice des prix des services de camionnage pour compte d'autrui
+ Indice des prix des services de conseils
+ Indice des prix des services de location et de location à bail de machines et de matériel d'usage commercial et industriel
+ Indice des prix des services de messageries et de services des messagers
+ Indice des prix des services de transport ferroviaire de marchandises (IPSTFM)
+ Indice des prix des services du commerce de détail (IPSCD)
+ Indice des prix des services du commerce de gros
+ Indice des prix des services professionnels en informatique
+ Indices de mission canadienne à l'étranger
+ Industries manufacturières, Enquête mensuelle sur les
+ Industries manufacturières et de l'exploitation forestière, Enquête annuelle sur les (EAMEF)
+ Information financière des collèges communautaires et des écoles de formation professionnelle
+ Information financière des universités et collèges (IFUC)
+ Inventaire du beurre et du fromage
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre L
+ Location de biens de consommation, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Location et location à bail de machines et matériel d'usage commercial et industriel, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Location et location à bail de matériel automobile, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Location, location à bail et gestion de biens immobiliers, Enquête sur les industries de services
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre M
+ Mise à jour de la base de sondage agricole, Enquête sur la (EMJA)
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre O
+ Opérations des transporteurs aériens au Canada, Enquête trimestrielle sur les
+ Opérations internationales du Canada en valeurs mobilières
+ Origine et destination des passagers aériens - Voyages intérieurs
+ Origine et destination des passagers aériens, Canada - États-Unis
+ Origine et la destination des marchandises transportées par camion
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre P
+ Papier-toiture asphalté
+ Parités de pouvoir d'achat
+ Permis de bâtir, Enquête des
+ Population active, Enquête sur la (EPA)
+ Postes vacants et les salaires, Enquête sur les
+ Postproduction cinématographique, télévisuelle et vidéo, Enquête sur les industries de services
+ Principales statistiques financières et d'exploitation des grands transporteurs aériens, Enquête mensuelle sur les
+ Production cinématographique, télévisuelle et vidéo, Enquête sur les industries de services
+ Prix et les coûts à l’étranger, Enquête sur les
+ Production et écoulement des produits du tabac
+ Production et stocks des fabriques laitières
+ Produits pétroliers raffinés (rapport mensuel)
+ Programme de déclaration uniforme de la criminalité
+ Prospection, arpentage et cartographie, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Publicité et services connexes, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre R
+ Rapport des prix des appartements en copropriété neufs (RPACN)
+ Rapport sur les prix des exportations et des importations
+ Recensement de l'agriculture
+ Recherche et développement dans l'industrie canadienne, Enquête annuelle sur la
+ Recherche et développement des organismes privés sans but lucratif au Canada
+ Registre des entreprises
+ Régimes de pension au Canada
+ Rémunération auprès des entreprises, Enquête sur la
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre S
+ Santé dans les collectivités canadiennes, Enquête sur la – composante annuelle
+ Scieries
+ Sécurité financière, Enquête sur la
+ Série de rapports sur les grandes cultures
+ Services d'architecture, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services d'emploi, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services d'hébergement, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de comptabilité, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de conseils, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de génie, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de préparation de voyages, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de réparation et d'entretien, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de restauration et débits de boissons, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Services de restauration et débits de boissons, Enquête mensuelle sur les
+ Sièges sociaux, Enquête annuelle auprès des
+ Société ferroviaire – Rapport annuel
+ Sports-spectacles, promoteurs d'événements, artistes et industries connexes, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services
+ Statistiques de finances publiques canadiennes (SFPC)
+ Stocks commerciaux de maïs et de soya, Enquête sur les
+ Stocks commerciaux des principales cultures spéciales, Enquête sur les
+ Système d'information sur les étudiants postsecondaires
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre T
+ Télécommunications, Enquête trimestrielle des
+ Transactions internationales de services du Canada
+ Transport de passagers par autobus et le transport urbain, Enquête annuelle sur le
+ Transport de passagers par autobus et le transport urbain, Enquête mensuelle sur le
+ Transport du gaz naturel, Enquête mensuelle sur le
+ Transport par oléoduc de pétrole brut et autres produits pétroliers liquides, Enquête mensuelle sur le
+ Enquêtes débutant par la lettre V
+ Viandes froides et congelées, Enquête trimestrielle sur les stocks
+ Voyages des résidents du Canada, Enquête sur les
+ Voyages internationaux, Enquête sur les
+Code source
+<div class="wb-filter">
+ <section id="enquete-a">
+ <h2><span class="wb-inv">Enquêtes débutant par la lettre </span>A</h2>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>Achats de grains fourragers</li>
+ <li>Activité aéroportuaire, Enquête sur l'</li>
+ <li>Activités pétrolières et gazières, Relevé trimestriel des dépenses en immobilisations</li>
+ <li>Approvisionnement et l'écoulement du charbon, Enquête mensuelle sur l'</li>
+ <li>Approvisionnement et l'écoulement de l'électricité, Enquête mensuelle sur l'</li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section id="enquete-b">
+ <h2><span class="wb-inv">Enquêtes débutant par la lettre </span>B</h2>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>Balance des paiements internationaux du Canada</li>
+ <li>Base tarifaire, Enquête sur la</li>
+ <li>Biens et services environnementaux, Enquête sur les</li>
+ <li>Bilan des investissements internationaux du Canada</li>
+ <li>Brevets, licences et redevances fédérales, Enquête sur les</li>
+ <li>Bureaux d'agents, de courtiers en immeuble, et d'évaluateurs de biens immobiliers et des activités liées à l'immobilier, Enquête annuelle sur les industries de services</li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ ...
+Filtrer une liste
+ Alberta
+ Colombie-Britannique
+ Île-du-Prince-Édouard
+ Manitoba
+ Nouveau-Brunswick
+ Nouvelle-Écosse
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Québec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
+ Territoires du Nord-Ouest
+ Yukon
+Source code
+<ul class="wb-filter">
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ <li>Colombie-Britannique</li>
+ <li>Île-du-Prince-Édouard</li>
+ <li>Manitoba</li>
+ <li>Nouveau-Brunswick</li>
+ <li>Nouvelle-Écosse</li>
+ <li>Nunavut</li>
+ <li>Ontario</li>
+ <li>Québec</li>
+ <li>Saskatchewan</li>
+ <li>Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador</li>
+ <li>Territoires du Nord-Ouest</li>
+ <li>Yukon</li>
+Filtrer un tableau
+ Population de grande municipalité par provinces
+ Municipalité
+ Population (2016)
+ Population (2011)
+ Alberta
+ Calgary
+ 1,239,220
+ 1,096,833
+ Edmonton
+ 932,546
+ 812,201
+ Red Deer
+ 100,418
+ 90,564
+ Colombie-Britannique
+ Vancouver
+ 631,486
+ 603,502
+ Surrey
+ 517,887
+ 468,251
+ Burnaby
+ 232,755
+ 233,218
+ Île-du-Prince-Édouard
+ Charlottetown
+ N/A
+ 34,562
+ Summerside
+ N/A
+ 14,751
+ Stratford
+ N/A
+ 8,574
+ Manitoba
+ Winnipeg
+ 705,224
+ 663,617
+ Brandon
+ 48,859
+ N/A
+ Springfield
+ N/A
+ 14,069
+ Nouveau-Brunswick
+ Moncton
+ 71,889
+ 69,074
+ Saint John
+ 67,575
+ 70,063
+ Fredericton
+ 58,220
+ 56,224
+ Nouvelle-Écosse
+ Halifax
+ 403,131
+ 390,096
+ Cape Breton
+ 94,285
+ 97,398
+ Sydney
+ N/A
+ 31,597
+ Nunavut
+ Iqaluit
+ 7,740
+ N/A
+ Arviat
+ 2,657
+ N/A
+ Rankin Inlet
+ 2,842
+ N/A
+ Ontario
+ Toronto
+ 2,731,579
+ 2,615,060
+ Ottawa
+ 934,243
+ 883,391
+ Mississauga
+ 721,599
+ 713,443
+ Québec
+ Montréal
+ 1,704,694
+ 1,649,519
+ Québec
+ 531,902
+ 516,622
+ Laval
+ 422,993
+ N/A
+ Saskatchewan
+ Saskatoon
+ 246,376
+ 222,189
+ Regina
+ 215,106
+ 193,100
+ Prince Albert
+ 35,926
+ N/A
+ Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
+ St. John's
+ 108,860
+ 106,172
+ Conception Bay South
+ 26,199
+ N/A
+ Mount Pearl
+ 22,957
+ N/A
+ Territoires du Nord-Ouest
+ Yellowknife
+ 19,569
+ N/A
+ Hay River
+ N/A
+ 3,606
+ Inuvik
+ 3,140
+ N/A
+ Yukon
+ Whitehorse
+ 25,085
+ N/A
+ Dawson City
+ 1,375
+ M/A
+ Faro
+ 344
+ N/A
+Source code
+<table class="wb-filter table">
+ <caption>Population de grande municipalité par provinces</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Municipalité</th>
+ <th>Population (2016)</th>
+ <th>Population (2011)</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="rowgroup" class="h4" colspan="3">Alberta</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Calgary</th>
+ <td>1,239,220</td>
+ <td>1,096,833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Edmonton</th>
+ <td>932,546</td>
+ <td>812,201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Red Deer</th>
+ <td>100,418</td>
+ <td>90,564</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="rowgroup" class="h4" colspan="3">Colombie-Britannique</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Vancouver</th>
+ <td>631,486</td>
+ <td>603,502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Surrey</th>
+ <td>517,887</td>
+ <td>468,251</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Burnaby</th>
+ <td>232,755</td>
+ <td>233,218</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ ...
Applying additional search filters
The filter plugin has three types of search methods available: exact pattern match (default), AND operator, and OR operator.
Exact pattern match (default)
Finds items that contain exactly what the user has specified.
Not setting the filterType
will tell the filter plugin to apply the default search pattern which is an exact pattern match to the search terms. Only items that contain the full and exact pattern that the user enters will be shown.
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
Source code
<ul class="wb-filter">
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ ...
AND operator
Finds items that contain all of the specified words.
Setting the filterType
to the and
option will tell the filter plugin to apply an AND operator between search terms. Only items that contain all search terms will be shown.
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
Source code
<ul class="wb-filter" data-wb-filter='{ "filterType": "and" }'>
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ ...
OR operator
Finds items that contain at least one of the specified words.
Setting the filterType
to the or
option will tell the filter plugin to apply an OR operator between search terms. All items that contain any of the supplied search terms will be shown.
+ Alberta
+ British Columbia
+ Manitoba
+ New Brunswick
+ Newfoundland & Labrador
+ Northwest Territories
+ Nova Scotia
+ Nunavut
+ Ontario
+ Prince Edward Island
+ Quebec
+ Saskatchewan
+ Yukon
Source code
<ul class="wb-filter" data-wb-filter='{ "filterType": "or" }'>
+ <li>Alberta</li>
+ ...
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-05-23
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/footnotes/footnotes-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/footnotes/footnotes-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd4ae6c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/footnotes/footnotes-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ Footnotes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Footnotes
+ Purpose
+ The purpose of the Footnotes plugin is to implement a consistent, accessible way of handling footnotes across Government of Canada web sites. The main concept behind this solution is to place footnotes in a definition list, within a dedicated section. An example of this can be found in the Footnotes section. Supporting CSS is used to lay out the footnotes and hide navigational aidsFootnote 1 .
+ Benefits
+ Conforms to WCAG 2.0 AAFootnote 2
+ Progressive enhancement approach
+ Support for Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and IE 7+Footnote 2
+ Support for English and French
+ Configurable layout and designFootnote 2 Footnote 3
+ Code
+ <section>
+ <h2>Purpose</h2>
+ <p>The purpose of the Footnotes plugin is to implement a consistent, accessible way of handling footnotes across Government of Canada web sites. The main concept behind this solution is to place footnotes in a definition list, within a dedicated section. An example of this can be found in the <a href="#fn">Footnotes</a> section. Supporting CSS is used to lay out the footnotes and hide navigational aids<sup id="fn1-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn1"><span class="wb-inv">Footnote </span>1</a></sup>.</p>
+ <h2>Benefits</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Conforms to WCAG 2.0 AA<sup id="fn2-1-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn2"><span class="wb-inv">Footnote </span>2</a></sup></li>
+ <li>Progressive enhancement approach</li>
+ <li>Support for Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and IE 7+<sup id="fn2-2-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn2"><span class="wb-inv">Footnote </span>2</a></sup></li>
+ <li>Support for English and French</li>
+ <li>Configurable layout and design<sup id="fn2-3-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn2"><span class="wb-inv">Footnote </span>2</a></sup> <sup id="fn3-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn3"><span class="wb-inv">Footnote </span>3</a></sup></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Recommended usage</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Implementing footnotes in Web pages<sup id="fn*-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn*"><span class="wb-inv">Footnote </span>*</a></sup></li>
+ </ul>
+<aside class="wb-fnote" role="note">
+ <h2 id="fn">Footnotes</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Footnote 1</dt>
+ <dd id="fn1">
+ <p>Example of a standard footnote.</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn1-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>1<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Footnote 2</dt>
+ <dd id="fn2">
+ <p>Example of a footnote being referenced by multiple pieces of content.</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn2-1-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Return to <span>first</span> footnote </span>2<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Footnote 3</dt>
+ <dd id="fn3">
+ <p>Example of a footnote containing multiple paragraphs (first paragraph).</p>
+ <p>Example of a footnote containing multiple paragraphs (second paragraph).</p>
+ <p>Example of a footnote containing multiple paragraphs (third paragraph).</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn3-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>3<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Footnote *</dt>
+ <dd id="fn*">
+ <p>Example of a standard footnote, denoted by a symbol.</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn*-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>*<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-06-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/footnotes/footnotes-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/footnotes/footnotes-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ce120ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/footnotes/footnotes-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ Notes de bas de page - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Notes de bas de page
+ But
+ Le plugiciel Notes de bas de page vise à mettre en place une méthode cohérente et facile d’accès pour répertorier les notes de bas de page dans l’ensemble des sites Web du gouvernement canadien. L’idée force qui sous-tend cette solution consiste à classer les notes de bas de page dans une liste de définitions à l’intérieur d’une section spécifique. Un exemple de ceci peut être trouvé dans la section Notes de bas de page . Des styles CSS servent à disposer les notes de bas de page et à dissimuler les aides à la navigationNote de bas de page 1 .
+ Utilisation recommandée
+ Code
+ <section>
+ <h2>But</h2>
+ <p>Le plugiciel Notes de bas de page vise à mettre en place une méthode cohérente et facile d’accès pour répertorier les notes de bas de page dans l’ensemble des sites Web du gouvernement canadien. L’idée force qui sous-tend cette solution consiste à classer les notes de bas de page dans une liste de définitions à l’intérieur d’une section spécifique. Un exemple de ceci peut être trouvé dans la section <a href="#fn">Notes de bas de page</a>. Des styles CSS servent à disposer les notes de bas de page et à dissimuler les aides à la navigation<sup id="fn1-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn1"><span class="wb-inv">Note de bas de page </span>1</a></sup>.</p>
+ <h2>Avantages</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Conformes à WCAG 2.0 AA<sup id="fn2-1-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn2"><span class="wb-inv">Note de bas de page </span>2</a></sup></li>
+ <li>Approche d'amélioration progressive</li>
+ <li>Soutien pour Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome et IE 7+<sup id="fn2-2-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn2"><span class="wb-inv">Note de bas de page </span>2</a></sup></li>
+ <li>Soutien pour l'anglais et le français</li>
+ <li>Mise en page et conception configurable<sup id="fn2-3-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn2"><span class="wb-inv">Note de bas de page </span>2</a></sup> <sup id="fn3-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn3"><span class="wb-inv">Note de bas de page </span>3</a></sup></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Utilisation recommandée</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Exécuter les notes de bas de page dans les pages Web<sup id="fn*-rf"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fn*"><span class="wb-inv">Note de bas de page </span>*</a></sup></li>
+ </ul>
+<aside class="wb-fnote" role="note">
+ <h2 id="fn">Notes de bas de page</h2>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Note de bas de page 1</dt>
+ <dd id="fn1">
+ <p>Exemple de note de bas de page standard.</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn1-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Retour à la référence de la note de bas de page </span>1</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Note de bas de page 2</dt>
+ <dd id="fn2">
+ <p>Exemple de note de bas de page qui comporte de nombreux liens.</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn2-1-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Retour à la <span>première</span> référence de la note de bas de page </span>2</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Note de bas de page 3</dt>
+ <dd id="fn3">
+ <p>Exemple de note de bas de page qui compte plusieurs paragraphes (premier paragraphe).</p>
+ <p>Exemple de note de bas de page qui compte plusieurs paragraphes (deuxième paragraphe).</p>
+ <p>Exemple de note de bas de page qui compte plusieurs paragraphes (troisième paragraphe).</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn3-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Retour à la référence de la note de bas de page </span>3</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Note de bas de page *</dt>
+ <dd id="fn*">
+ <p>Exemple de note de bas de page standard, représentée par un symbole.</p>
+ <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fn*-rf"><span class="wb-inv">Retour à la référence de la note de bas de page </span>*</a></p>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-06-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ff196a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+ Form validation - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Form validation
+ Purpose
+ Provides generic validation and error message handling for Web forms.
+ Examples
+ Contact information
+ Title (required)
+ Dr.
+ Esq.
+ Mr.
+ Ms.
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="title1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Title</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></label>
+ <select class="form-control" id="title1" name="title1" autocomplete="honorific-prefix" required="required">
+ <option label="Select a title"></option>
+ <option value="dr">Dr.</option>
+ <option value="esq">Esq.</option>
+ <option value="mr">Mr.</option>
+ <option value="ms">Ms.</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ First name (required)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="fname1" class="required"><span class="field-name">First name</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="fname1" name="fname1" type="text" autocomplete="given-name" required="required" pattern=".{2,}" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ Last name (required)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="lname1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Last name</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="lname1" name="lname1" type="text" autocomplete="family-name" required="required" pattern=".{2,}" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ Telephone number (including area code) (required)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="tel1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Telephone number</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="tel1" name="tel1" type="tel" autocomplete="tel" required="required" data-rule-phoneUS="true" />
+ </div>
+ Postal code (Canada) (required)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="pcodeca1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Postal code</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="pcodeca1" name="pcodeca1" type="text" autocomplete="postal-code" size="7" maxlength="7" required="required" data-rule-postalCodeCA="true" />
+ </div>
+ Email address (yourname@domain.com)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="email1"><span class="field-name">Email address</span> (yourname@domain.com)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="email1" name="email1" type="email" autocomplete="email" />
+ </div>
+ Website URL (https://www.url.com)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="url1"><span class="field-name">Website URL (https://www.url.com)</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="url1" name="url1" type="url" autocomplete="url" />
+ </div>
+ File (required)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="file1" class="required"><span class="field-name">File</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></label>
+ <input id="file1" name="file1" type="file" required="required" />
+ </div>
+ Other examples
+ Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="date1"><span class="field-name">Date</span><span class="datepicker-format"> (YYYY-MM-DD)</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="date1" name="date1" type="date" data-rule-dateISO="true" />
+ </div>
+ Time (hh:mm)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="time1"><span class="field-name">Time</span> (hh:mm)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="time1" name="time1" type="time" />
+ </div>
+ Number (between -1 and 1 by step 0.1)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="number1"><span class="field-name">Number</span> (between -a and 1 by step 0.1)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="number1" name="number1" type="number" min="-1" max="1" step="0.1" />
+ </div>
+ Alphanumeric (at least 4 characters)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="an1"><span class="field-name">Alphanumeric</span> (at least 4 characters)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="an1" name="an1" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9\s]{4,}" data-rule-alphanumeric="true" data-rule-minlength="4" />
+ </div>
+ Numeric (digits only)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="numeric1"><span class="field-name">Numeric</span> (digits only)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="numeric1" name="numeric1" type="number" data-rule-digits="true" />
+ </div>
+ Letters only (maximum of 5 characters)
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="letters1"><span class="field-name">Letters only</span> (maximum of 5 characters)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="letters1" name="letters1" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" pattern="[A-Za-z\s]" data-rule-lettersonly="true" />
+ </div>
+ Letters and punctuation only (allowed punctuation: [. , ( ) "])
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="text1"><span class="field-name">Letters and punctuation only</span> (allowed punctuation: [. , ( ) "])</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="text1" name="text1" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z-.,()'"\s]" data-rule-letterswithbasicpunc="true" />
+ </div>
+ Maximum of 10 words
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="word1"><span class="field-name">Maximum of 10 words</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="word1" name="word1" type="text" data-rule-maxWords="10" />
+ </div>
+ Minimum of 2 words
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="word2"><span class="field-name">Minimum of 2 words</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="word2" name="word2" type="text" data-rule-minWords="2" />
+ </div>
+ Between 2 and 10 words
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="word3"><span class="field-name">Between 2 and 10 words</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="word3" name="word3" type="text" data-rule-rangeWords="[2,10]" />
+ </div>
+ No white space
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="nowhitespace1"><span class="field-name">No white space</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="nowhitespace1" name="nowhitespace1" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z-.,()'"\s]" data-rule-nowhitespace="true" />
+ </div>
+ Password (between 5 and 10 characters)
+ Confirm your password
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="password1"><span class="field-name">Password</span> (between 5 and 10 characters)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="password1" name="password1" type="password" autocomplete="new-password" maxlength="10" size="10" pattern=".{5,10}" data-rule-rangelength="[5,10]" />
+ <label for="passwordconfirm"><span class="field-name">Confirm your password</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="passwordconfirm" name="passwordconfirm" type="password" autocomplete="new-password" maxlength="10" size="10" data-rule-equalTo="#password1" />
+ </div>
+ Favourite pets (required)
+ Dog
+ Cat
+ Fish
+ Other
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Favourite pets</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal1"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="1" id="animal1" required="required" />  Dog</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal2"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="2" id="animal2" />  Cat</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal3"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="3" id="animal3" />  Fish</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal4"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="4" id="animal4" />  Other</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ Citizenship status (required)
+ Canadian citizen
+ Permanent resident
+ Work permit
+ Other
+ View code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Citizenship status</span> <strong class="required">(required)</strong></legend>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status1"><input type="radio" name="status" value="1" id="status1" required="required" />  Canadian citizen</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status2"><input type="radio" name="status" value="2" id="status2" />  Permanent resident</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status3"><input type="radio" name="status" value="3" id="status3" />  Work permit</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status4"><input type="radio" name="status" value="4" id="status4" />  Other</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ Examples of stacked and horizontal forms using list items as container
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+ Date modified:
+ 2020-02-04
+ About government
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86cce10dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+ Validation de formulaires - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Validation de formulaires
+ But
+ Effectue la validation de formulaires Web selon un ensemble de règles de base avant qu'ils soient soumis.
+ Exemple
+ Coordonnées
+ Titre (obligatoire)
+ D. Ph.
+ Me
+ M.
+ Madame
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="title1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Titre</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></label>
+ <select class="form-control" id="title1" name="title1" autocomplete="honorific-prefix" required="required">
+ <option label="Sélectionner un titre"></option>
+ <option value="dr">D. Ph.</option>
+ <option value="esq">Me</option>
+ <option value="mr">M.</option>
+ <option value="ms">Madame</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ Prénom (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="fname" class="required"><span class="field-name">Prénom</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="fname" name="fname" type="text" autocomplete="given-name" required="required" pattern=".{2,}" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ Nom de famille (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="lname" class="required"><span class="field-name">Nom de famille</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="lname" name="lname" type="text" autocomplete="family-name" required="required" pattern=".{2,}" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ Numéro de téléphone (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="tel1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Numéro de téléphone (avec l'indicatif régional)</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="tel1" name="tel1" type="tel" autocomplete="tel" required="required" data-rule-phoneUS="true" />
+ </div>
+ Code postal (Canada) (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="pcodeca1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Code postal</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="pcodeca1" name="pcodeca1" type="text" autocomplete="postal-code" required="required" data-rule-postalCodeCA="true" />
+ </div>
+ Adresse électronique (votrenom@domaine.com)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="email1"><span class="field-name">Adresse électronique</span> (votrenom@domaine.com)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="email1" name="email1" type="email" autocomplete="email" />
+ </div>
+ URL du site Web (https://www.url.com)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="url1"><span class="field-name">URL du site Web (https://www.url.com)</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="url1" name="url1" type="url" autocomplete="url" />
+ </div>
+ Fichier (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="file1" class="required"><span class="field-name">Fichier</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></label>
+ <input id="file1" name="file1" type="file" required="required" />
+ </div>
+ Autres exemples
+ Date (AAAA-MM-JJ)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="date1"><span class="field-name">Date</span><span class="datepicker-format"> (AAAA-MM-JJ)</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="date1" name="date1" type="date" data-rule-dateISO="true" />
+ </div>
+ Heure (hh:mm)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="time1"><span class="field-name">Heure</span> (hh:mm)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="time1" name="time1" type="time" />
+ </div>
+ Nombre (entre -1 et 1, par pas de 0,1)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="number1"><span class="field-name">Nombre</span> (entre -1 et 1, par pas de 0,1)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="number1" name="number1" type="number" min="-1" max="1" step="0.1"/>
+ </div>
+ Alphanumérique (4 caractères minimum)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="an1"><span class="field-name">Alphanumérique</span> (4 caractères minimum)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="an1" name="an1" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z0-9\s]{4,}" data-rule-alphanumeric="true" data-rule-minlength="4" />
+ </div>
+ Numérique (chiffres seulement)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="numeric1"><span class="field-name">Numérique</span> (chiffres seulement)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="numeric1" name="numeric1" type="number" data-rule-digits="true" />
+ </div>
+ Lettres seulement (5 caractères maximum)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="letters1"><span class="field-name">Lettres seulement</span> (5 caractères maximum)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="letters1" name="letters1" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" pattern="[A-Za-z\s]" data-rule-lettersonly="true" />
+ </div>
+ Lettres et des signes de ponctuation seulement (ponctuation qui est permise : [. , ( ) "])
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="text1"><span class="field-name">Lettres et des signes de ponctuation seulement</span> (ponctuation qui est permise : [. , ( ) "])</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="text1" name="text1" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z-.,()'"\s]" data-rule-letterswithbasicpunc="true" />
+ </div>
+ Maximum of 10 words
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="word1"><span class="field-name">Maximum de 10 mots</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="word1" name="word1" type="text" data-rule-maxWords="10" />
+ </div>
+ Minimum de 2 mots
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="word2"><span class="field-name">Minimum de 2 mots</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="word2" name="word2" type="text" data-rule-minWords="2" />
+ </div>
+ Entre 2 et 10 mots
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="word3"><span class="field-name">Entre 2 et 10 mots</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="word3" name="word3" type="text" data-rule-rangeWords="[2,10]" />
+ </div>
+ Sans d'espaces blancs
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="nowhitespace1"><span class="field-name">Sans d'espaces blancs</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="nowhitespace1" name="nowhitespace1" type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z-.,()'"\s]" data-rule-nowhitespace="true" />
+ </div>
+ Mot de passe (entre 5 et 10 caractères)
+ Confirmez votre mot de passe
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="password1"><span class="field-name">Mot de passe</span> (entre 5 et 10 caractères)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="password1" name="password1" type="password" autocomplete="new-password" maxlength="10" size="10" pattern=".{5,10}" data-rule-rangelength="[5,10]" />
+ <label for="passwordconfirm"><span class="field-name">Confirmez votre mot de passe</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="passwordconfirm" name="passwordconfirm" type="password" autocomplete="new-password" maxlength="10" size="10" data-rule-equalTo="#password1" />
+ </div>
+ Animaux favoris (obligatoire)
+ Chien
+ Chat
+ Poisson
+ Autre
+ Voir le code
+ <div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Animaux favoris</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal1"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="1" id="animal1" required="required" />  Chien</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal2"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="2" id="animal2" />  Chat</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal3"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="3" id="animal3" />  Poisson</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="animal4"><input type="checkbox" name="animal" value="4" id="animal4" />  Autre</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ Statut de citoyen (obligatoire)
+ Citoyen canadien
+ Résident permanent
+ Permis de travail
+ Autre
+ Voir le code
+ <div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Statut de citoyen</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status1" class="required"><input type="radio" name="status" value="1" id="status1" required="required" /> Citoyen canadien</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status2"><input type="radio" name="status" value="2" id="status2" /> Résident permanent</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status3"><input type="radio" name="status" value="3" id="status3" /> Permis de travail</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="radio">
+ <label for="status4"><input type="radio" name="status" value="4" id="status4" /> Autre</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ Cases à cocher empilées dans un modèle d'éléments <li>
comportant des étiquettes implicites (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Cases à cocher empilées dans un modèle d'éléments <code><li></code> comportant des étiquettes implicites</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <ul class="form-group list-unstyled">
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits1a"><input type="checkbox" name="example1" value="1" id="fruits1a" required="required" />Pomme</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits2a"><input type="checkbox" name="example1" value="2" id="fruits2a" />Orange</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits3a"><input type="checkbox" name="example1" value="3" id="fruits3a" />Kiwi</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits4a"><input type="checkbox" name="example1" value="4" id="fruits4a" />Autre</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ Remarque : L'attribut for
dans les étiquettes est facultatif pour ce modèle
+ Boutons radio empilés dans un modèle d'éléments <li>
comportant des étiquettes implicites (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Boutons radio empilés dans un modèle d'éléments <code><li></code> comportant des étiquettes implicites</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <ul class="form-group list-unstyled">
+ <li class="radio">
+ <label for="fruits1b"><input type="radio" name="example2" value="1" id="fruits1b" required="required" />Pomme</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <label for="fruits2b"><input type="radio" name="example2" value="2" id="fruits2b" />Orange</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <label for="fruits3b"><input type="radio" name="example2" value="3" id="fruits3b" />Kiwi</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <label for="fruits4b"><input type="radio" name="example2" value="4" id="fruits4b" />Autre</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ Remarque : L'attribut for
dans les étiquettes est facultatif pour ce modèle
+ Cases à cocher empilées dans un modèle d’éléments <div>
comportant des étiquettes implicites (obligatoire)
+ Pomme
+ Orange
+ Kiwi
+ Autre
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Cases à cocher empilées dans un modèle d’éléments <code><div></code> comportant des étiquettes implicites</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits1c">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example3" value="1" id="fruits1c" required="required" />Pomme
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits2c">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example3" value="2" id="fruits2c" />Orange
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits3c">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example3" value="3" id="fruits3c" />Kiwi
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="fruits4c">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example3" value="4" id="fruits4c" />Autre
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ Remarque : L'attribut for
dans les étiquettes est facultatif pour ce modèle
+ Cases à cocher horizontales dans un modèle d'éléments <li>
comportant des étiquettes explicites (obligatoire)
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Cases à cocher horizontales dans un modèle d'éléments <code><li></code> comportant des étiquettes explicites</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <ul class="form-inline list-unstyled">
+ <li class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example4" value="1" id="fruits5" required="required" />
+ <label for="fruits5">Pomme</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example4" value="2" id="fruits6" />
+ <label for="fruits6">Orange</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example4" value="3" id="fruits7" />
+ <label for="fruits7">Kiwi</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example4" value="4" id="fruits8" />
+ <label for="fruits8">Autre</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </fieldset>
+ Boutons radio horizontaux dans un modèle d'éléments <label>
comportant des étiquettes implicites (obligatoire)
+ Téléphone intelligent
+ Ordinateur portatif
+ Système d’assistance vocale
+ Réacteur à fusion
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="form-inline chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Boutons radio horizontaux dans un modèle d'éléments <code><label></code> comportant des étiquettes implicites</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <label for="tech1" class="radio-inline">
+ <input type="radio" name="example5" value="1" id="tech1" required="required" />Téléphone intelligent
+ </label>
+ <label for="tech2" class="radio-inline">
+ <input type="radio" name="example5" value="2" id="tech2" />Ordinateur portatif
+ </label>
+ <label for="tech3" class="radio-inline">
+ <input type="radio" name="example5" value="3" id="tech3" />Système d’assistance vocale
+ </label>
+ <label for="tech4" class="radio-inline">
+ <input type="radio" name="example5" value="4" id="tech4" />Réacteur à fusion
+ </label>
+ </fieldset>
+ Cases à cocher horizontales dans un modèle d’éléments <div>
comportant des étiquettes explicites (obligatoire)
+ Téléphone intelligent
+ Ordinateur portatif
+ Système d’assistance vocale
+ Réacteur à fusion
+ Voir le code
+<div class="wb-frmvld">
+ <form action="#" method="get" id="validation-example">
+ ...
+ <fieldset class="form-inline chkbxrdio-grp">
+ <legend class="required"><span class="field-name">Cases à cocher horizontales dans un modèle d’éléments <code><div></code> comportant des étiquettes explicites</span> <strong class="required">(obligatoire)</strong></legend>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example6" value="1" id="tech5" required="required" />
+ <label for="tech5">Téléphone intelligent</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example6" value="2" id="tech6" />
+ <label for="tech6">Ordinateur portatif</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example6" value="3" id="tech7" />
+ <label for="tech7">Système d’assistance vocale</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="example6" value="4" id="tech8" />
+ <label for="tech8">Réacteur à fusion</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ Ce formulaire ne peut pas être soumis sans Javascript. Veuillez utiliser une des méthodes précisées ci-dessous :
+ Méthode 1
+ Méthode 2
+ Méthode n
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-02-04
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-server-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-server-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..669394d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-server-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ Merge Server-Client Errors - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Merge Server-Client Errors
+ Purpose
+ This component merges Server and Client errors together.
+ Example
+ After submitting your page, the server returned 4 server errors. Now if you try to resubmit your form with some
+ client errors, the component will add these errors to the existing server errors.
+ To test: Try clearing a field or enter 201 as the Beneficiary's age or uncheck all checkboxes.
+ Demo Asp.Net Web Form
+ The form could not be submitted because 4 errors were found.
+ <section class="alert alert-danger" >
+ <h2>This is user control wbDisplayErrors (It appears when JavaScript is disabled)</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#MainContent_BeneficiaryName"><span class='prefix'>Error 1:
+ </span>Beneficiary name - The name should begin with "Super" - (Correct and resubmit)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#MainContent_BeneficiaryAge"><span class='prefix'>Error 2:
+ </span>Beneficiary age is mandatory - Age should be between 64 and 200 for a Retirement benefit - (Correct
+ and resubmit)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#MainContent_wbCheckBoxList0_checkBoxList0_0"><span class='prefix'>Error 3:
+ </span>Contact Information - You can't choose more than 2 checkboxes - (Correct and
+ resubmit)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#MainContent_wbCheckBoxList1_checkBoxList1_2"><span class='prefix'>Error 4:
+ </span>I agree with the directives - This field is mandatory - (Correct and resubmit)</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-06-28
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-server-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-server-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0ea4e957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/formvalid/formvalid-server-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ Fusion des erreurs Serveur-Client - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Fusion des erreurs Serveur-Client
+ But
+ Ce composant fusionne les erreurs de type serveur et client ensemble.
+ Exemple
+ Après avoir soumis votre page, le serveur retoune 4 erreurs serveur. Maintenant si vous essayez de resoumettre
+ votre formulaire avec des erreurs clients, ce composant ajoutera ces erreurs aux erreurs serveur déjà existantes.
+ Pour tester le composant: Essayez d'effacer un champ ou d'entrer 201 comme âge du bénéficiaire ou de décocher
+ toutes les cases à cocher .
+ Démo Formulaire Asp.Net Web
+ Le formulaire n'a pu être soumis car 4 erreurs ont été trouvées.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-06-28
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/client_functions.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/client_functions.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a4a13117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/client_functions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap client functions
+ * @overview OpenLayers popup loader for Geomap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+/*global ol: false*/
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ mapSample;
+$document.on( "wb-ready.wb-geomap", "#sample_map", function( event, map ) {
+ // Get the sample_map to use in zoomFeature function
+ mapSample = map;
+ var $aoiExtent = $( "#geomap-aoi-extent-" + mapSample.id ),
+ $aoiExtentLonLat = $( "#geomap-aoi-extent-lonlat-" + mapSample.id );
+ if ( $aoiExtent ) {
+ $aoiExtent.on( "change", function() {
+ //console.log( "BBox: " + $( this ).val() );
+ } );
+ $aoiExtentLonLat.on( "change", function() {
+ //console.log( "BBox LonLat: " + $( this ).val() );
+ } );
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( "wb-ready.wb-geomap", "#location_map", function( event, map ) {
+ // Zoom to location on location_map
+ map.getView().setCenter( ol.proj.transform( [ -75.70535, 45.3995 ], "EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3978" ) );
+ map.getView().setZoom( 5 );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22c24940a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Global overrides for individual components
+ *
+ * Map Overlays (i.e. layers)
+ * Overlays will be added in the order that they are provided
+ * (i.e. the first overlay will be added first, then the next
+ * on top, and so on).
+ *
+ * Note that the basemap can be set globally in settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ /*basemap: {
+ title:"OSM Map",
+ type:"osm",
+ mapOptions: {
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ },*/
+ overlays: [
+ {
+ title: "WMS",
+ caption: "This is a sample WMS service loaded by Geomap.",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "//geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=E",
+ visible: false,
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "GDPS.ETA_PR",
+ transparent: true,
+ options: {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ //legendGraphicUrl: "//geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=E&LAYERS=GDPS.ETA_PR&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLE=PRECIPMM"
+ legendHTML: "GeoMet Precipitation (mm) " +
+ "" +
+ " 100.0 " +
+ " 50.0 " +
+ " 25.0 " +
+ " 20.0 " +
+ " 15.0 " +
+ " 10.0 " +
+ " 7.5 " +
+ " 5.0 " +
+ " 2.5 " +
+ " 1.0 " +
+ " 0.5 " +
+ " 0.25 " +
+ " 0.10 " +
+ " "
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "KML",
+ caption: "This data is extracted from the Principal mineral areas of Canada publication.",
+ type: "kml",
+ url: "demo/producing-mines.kml",
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: true,
+ tooltips: true,
+ tooltipText: "Operation",
+ popups: true,
+ attributes: {
+ Type_: "Type",
+ OwnersE: "Owner",
+ OperationE: "Operation",
+ ComGroupE: "Commodity Group",
+ CommodityE: "Commodity"
+ },
+ style: {
+ type: "unique",
+ field: "Type",
+ init: {
+ "Coal": {
+ "vOfeC51zvubeQiwtDCS37sZxbP5YaKbVqaw1W/DKCQiaEBfYD19ZabrlaMp0tNREItJBoDabWrC2pK1qbxXRMmoMwDav1R8GFe4DzAvee0x/iTbpwuZRrPf++z/t8znPe57w7dv6jsP8vICH8i0Gqx" +
+ "LIiP5AknVYUbcs/goQYvgHL9AJJIEV0sMgQhn6tomovzgoSYij5MnLU20bzkc+nNeKucfNSaQme+HkvCEOXFVV7PirIMIYWYlleYFHrsTaaDn8asRlPXBzbqqrZtKGEhPj4jcLQJUXVNkaEDENPkrC" +
+ "8QPKXbcf58NAlRJJlLNMMQ2LsdvJzMgkGgjR83ExBThYJ8fHlwvBLiuoqnxIaGfEvkMALpHx14gSNBz8BYMeW13BpGn19Pj472krbt+2hzeOBAFt27OSVslJKCwuo3t/Ak9mZzPd4yiawskmQZf0WM" +
+ "yokL7D42IlvONByOFTMpWnIkownfh4Fa7NJuj5x0vr42BgjQpAQm0B+Thbb99RQsaGY+R7Pc8LQ+xVV2xyCDMM9R5aCN17o7eWDloOTXs/vf/Qx3+MBQJZkfL7B0Fqs3U7FsyW4nE5efv1N0h96gBV" +
+ "3LGdbVQ3bN78KWMumPKOxsfGwczjyRSuFebnIkoxpmYyOjU5C3C4XW3dVMajrNLQcYvU9d6H79bA6M94MX7efIikxEb+uY1om2RnpBIImK+++E7fLReW7exkY/KvLtpPtxNjDy0Z1BV054rIkU5CbR" +
+ "X+/j7d2V9Hf74umxOzuuli7neW334ZvYBBVVViUeN3Vh2ImzsQ5dy5vvL2LZUuXsO6JHKzGj+g423V1IJvNRkXpelxOJ5W79zLg93P8u1OMBYKsy8ul7kATZ7p++HeQzWaj4pn1aJoWmq7LcfJ0B8F" +
+ "AgMK8texrbKKzuycyZJqmKdswFyYtkG9OSabr/E+hhFuXpKCqClt37kEfHg4r0H7me8YDAR59+MEQlJP+yKVFSQp9L3YAp9M5IoRepCpqfVlxkby7tj6EdXb30Nn9TsSuO852hc4pPzOD+1NTAesCy" +
+ "JsmQQCKor0vhC45VEddWXGRvKu2nu4rOosmnsp8jDWpqwDOW8hpquK8GAZNYPsvY+XFRdJssKezHmf1vSsBfrQgTVWdP1+5HjYMiqLtE4YuO1RHbbRYYXYm961aAXDuEqL98vecKadOUbU6Yfglh+q" +
+ "oKS8uknovhu0LxRwllpRFyQDnTMta43C4fp0qb9rxVlTXexNY9S1Lb5rhp4Ee07LSpkMiQhNYrRCDzZJks0XKEyI45Ha7RaScGT9YRXFHd5nNEH8C+eGD9m6tNTgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Coal mines"
+ },
+ "Metal mines and mills": {
+ "/mdndzKwzs6l7Iy1N25S+FCLaF69gg5cHq6S2FUSaS5OqD6YxASklgUpTCgqCIki1uTRF0QcDIlJpaWpES4UgrljBh7RRqsVmN5fNbpo52ezO+JBkcZtkk2gRv9fznfObc77vHMbDfxSe/wUkZWori" +
+ "Ddx3eIfJMQPmmZ2/CNIyltbcJ0BYCOIog4u1dJOr9N0s3VNkJRTmxeQcxPf8vFU/7JGSLE4Eq4n4gu2SDutaLr56qog254qx3UHgE3nJy5xJn2+6Gai6jpOJHpojzQQ8QabpZ0Wmm42F4VsO71R4A4" +
+ "Amy8kL9GbPgeAgoKDswjxCpUDwWqybo7TY59RH9xN1Bs6JO2U0HTr0JLQ9HRqg4ABoKI/eZme1Bxycv1hLI/JaGacLya/pt+O5SfPujnab77P65EGmiIv8F78E+ruribqCzXNY00FkOv+6Z2RYgDYe" +
+ "jH5Hd2pL/OLWR4DBUHEF+RAeA+bkmUF4zNkmHYkURGmLljNG/FejoTrifpCr0g7Pa7p5tE8ZNuBEkXktg3L63SlzhYcTyIzTtQXmj9CwUR2Mj9WIry0hWqxVIPmG2+xz3iUR7RKTiR6eHfDYcC9Z8k" +
+ "aZZzZRXX4PPkVByPPoSBwcLDdmQKk1GPRMdJN0pmiK3WWJ/T7SDq3Fq2z4sswIH+ifKKMdG6KHA7Ph3bhjDo8bOyg1GNyPN7NmJPK51+wY3iFunYIKGhxBUFd+FnGZpN0xDtJ5FJFZq4RWogS4WWHs" +
+ "Z2J7CR+tYQtnrI7D3mFSluoFkO5i6M3T3Gvr4IXQ3sg0cdgZujOQB6h0h6qw1INjsd7GHfSXJQ/MjuWozG8FyfxKd9nrv07yCNU2oI1WKrBsfhcdy3EN/IK2dEsjeG95BJ9xDLDxSHHcRxFxSnX1iu" +
+ "V3nKuzF7PJ1R6N+FXdY6NdDPpLm7byzO/kE1k2R2oIpaYg2rNJ+cGhcjfFw+AYRjTUqYb/Ire0xLdr7wz8lEei2WGiY2cLLrrwcwQg4m5OjVaT/F46UOA+ysorxVAAJpmnpEyLfyKv7slul95e+RDf" +
+ "p79vShwexy0dvFY6YMAwy5Kla4Z+aMpqJGmmb0LWGu0RqwFe8l6mqrSBwCuuVCl60bBxEXNoGnmaWmnFb/i71wt9nLgGXYG7ge4OoeYf9yes2TXabrZLe2U8Cv+U63RGvGbvLEsoiklVGjlAFcd193" +
+ "p91tLJi/b3ppudc1jH2z3b1vhp4Ehx3WrlkOKQvNYp5STfUKoi1/Jv4WUualAICCL5ax4YTUtMLFSzmriL1z5gWQ67XYNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Metal mines"
+ },
+ "Industrial minerals": {
+ "/uVxmzoV5tBUGDe+SGmnwFWVBqQHUhYmJxo1xKZg2Pmh91IVJFWx140JXTapC62NtoombYmgHmoZQSUxUKDVWpuVheQ2tzAz3zMDc42KmIAwMUBvjtz3f/X7nnu87N9fkPwrzfwEpNV8F4iO0zr4hI" +
+ "X6S0nv8tiClYpVoJwiUgsjqoHlW2ZGd0vK+uS1IqWjFLWRy8Azhy19vaOS4A1Q0HEX6Ct9QdsSQlvf1LUG2HS1D6yBQPjnURXi4M+vLmHn3EOo5TmXje0hf4LCyI0Ja3sNZIduOlAp0EKiYvNRF+FJ" +
+ "HakEYoJ1MRbgoqW1GJ5cYHzhNSW0L0hc4pOx5IS3foXWhhYX5YgFBYPfUcDfhoRSy5+lOci0f8UiYqcHviE50rTytE4ycfYeKhmNU7G/l2oUTFD/ajPQXtaax1lWQ1tdz40oEgaqp4bPMDn66XCvX8" +
+ "iGEgfQVUlb3EtOXK1et66QiuWhjmHdTXNtCqOdDKhuOIv1Fryk7Mictb9syZNt+tyGSe6LTI8wOnlx1OvH5GaS/KHVSwmApNrdycoakpL4N0+3lt+9b2XXv8/hKGgj1fkD1MycA/cC6PUomExltmPz" +
+ "1W8rrDyKEgdYOySW1jJTubyPX2kEo+D7OYpjZoZN4ip/CScxl1Nn0yxC73s3UUAVJNY/WSUpqX2DMWWJX1WMppOcYTmJ6OT86cQaEa/sQsGbEDcr3NROPzjFyrh0nPrmVEtv71glD4i9/hHjsBjkui" +
+ "du3G3vmTkPCleqJ28NI97vkFTxEad0BRvsc1Gz/HYKESWl9O6bbm278LNE/f2DixyXK6g4y2qdR4Yv/EhImJfvayZVervakputWxCbPMX5xidK6A4z1Oai5geyQ4ziOkYOTf1eZ4drxIImbPy8nyJ0" +
+ "PY7osQr3t6MUbGQUWps8z1p8gUPMco+dTUMHeF9ObFIurII/Hs6BUpMV05Z2ubHjLCPV+soypuQGuBjfeKYCa7Wf0fKpPBTUvU1T9JKBDYLy9CgKQ0vuVUhFhuvJPpbCPSdz8JSuwNgpqXqGo+gmAE" +
+ "Y3RZEnPaAaUxr5cwY6I7WCFNa8SqH4c4A8NTZblGfvnesYwSOn9QtkRw3Tld2wVK7y/lcB9jQBXUoh3fG3OulMnLe8pZc8L05X/eWXDERGbubYhkpPrxhOoArjiaN2Yl+ebWC9vw/GWlq8zjX3mL96" +
+ "7yU8DvztaN22EZIXSWIdSf30jRE5OtjylklG/36+y5Wx6YaX0Z16e24i/AWg1hRJKTWppAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Nonmetal Mines"
+ },
+ "Oil Sands": {
+ "vucDuucveXZqCHXOkZakexFkcmHypRon+PFYPNT1UY0zAiEBKJmjiKDqF04zUWA+IWk0PvTiNNtWI5hDj+CCwFskb/8JyKvk37gL3uLD39sC2hguLmNN0Xn+/+/ucP79z5qbzH430/wWkVDgfxCFsO" +
+ "/WEhLgspdF0V5BS03nYVgewBkRKB5vnlRm5T+rG9hVBSk35/0b6v23natsXSxoZq7Ip2r8bd072NmVGNKkbb90RZJpTudh2B/BQ/3ftjHx8POVinA+u4vKeAxQd3IM7J6dWmREhdaM2JWSakTUCuwP" +
+ "wD5xpZ+RIHNE0sKwkRDgdFFRuJjY3R1/rCdZVlOH25dQoMyyk7qlZFJqZCa8W0AEEBs9+zy8fzSOPf3kU6fUwPTrOwFenGTt9NvGxfTNKV+0uij7YR1FdNT+2fMLa8s0YPl91HKteANn27xk3legA8" +
+ "ofOnWe45WiimPR6EELDnZNNYWUZQwH/gritbjJrKtKdTgrK3+By43sUHdiF2+fbqszIhNSNvQnINL1OTcQeGR8cYuhw64Ltmb4+itvnm98qoaHGJ25tnS4Jvr8H6THoLKsh99WXeKD0SULvHmTjsSO" +
+ "AHVz0jGLRaNI59J88xfqqcoTQsG2LmKluIc2N6FleeuqbiI1OMNzSSvYLzzE3NplUZ9mXYfyb8wz4/UTDN8CyKXjtFey5GKs3PYHMyiK0u4m5P64n8kdPtSOcjpVDwMIWFxCs2Iw5NkF3wz5mr/15J" +
+ "yVW9tYJXeJ7rBhzYpJ0l8T1aIAb9xoSTgfB5kachpuut/eStaGQYNWb9FoW4c5L9wjKSCfY3Ij0GITqm5i7PsbY1+foi85SWFXOT5ZF5EL3v4TiiNNj0LNzH7HRW+09eeYH+mIxglXl/GzZRC72pIY" +
+ "sy7K0NKwsf66WuaGQ6a7eRIKxYT0ZLp3Qzv3ExpPbdvLcBa5EowRefpHeOOTf8vp8UIjZBZDb7Z5RKlLm0F0niuu3aaFDHyawyMUeQilmChDuvERv/JzytleQ/+zTgD0M2o4FEICUxudKRYTDlXm8u" +
+ "H6bFmo+zHT3lZTA7SNQV0ngmVKAIRutRJfuq0lQHPssgTXUiZVggR1bCJSWAAzaUKLr7l//GU9qBimNT5UZ0RyuzLY7xfLf2UreUxsBBuYR47fbcxbtOqkbx5UZFg5X5tHihjoxOTSyJJIundz/cD7" +
+ "AgGXbm1wuz7VF85YqIHXPsTjW6lu3dpmfBvot2y5ZCkkJxbE2pW6cFCItLVWeUrEpr9erUuUse2Gl9CZfnrsYfwFqWYQCxROHDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Oil sands mines"
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ externalGraphic: "" +
+ "QCQGOEyeRHBTHl/OLfTkvcNwz2NDkzrGTpVItPeXknPy7/3t/vXdjY//V43nNWR/gyHGcEwzSbJ6QRuMp5DtXvuMcVkaAeO8BoM59X4QyuCZC/hDdrreRG0IpneEereKHXkyxgWH9KUcw33ULmSHtdvutT" +
+ "JeVFRLHr5+lGLY5EEIIecMpLeeBXBZNcfbNSNZRGhlsaSGu604Frmv2Qki1KjiAMH6bWtiPY0NAoxGtLxIY3e6DnJ/vjAcAhkoJQpLiy7UKtLFuCN9xxFXRfFLW9QVjsPoXSFr3FTrrYO9amZrnLlNBLov" +
+ "9akPmC7S/ErS2WlKeOFHVo6ggIVdFdUpxvxKEf3zWgJ6H32olkFalot0XpoEwDVmchspa0iRpexDk6EBfMoBQCToRbm7SDzOKot7Cx5bWgRzZB3PXqKBxF9Tr+RSFKYrQjd8P9WqJol48UIBs237JO3BLb" +
+ "Fv5odPDwbXrPeRDR4evfd0h6HTmpJtuaUreswZCeNeryAb9TtnvOpTOI4yMAIsgAGWcAqkdHChdkBvvhoFxhs3UM3EKZJpJjNLFvDAsPg+gJCHTuaasTOMHhFFpELT9yrIZ/a49rj99LEfr/V1DhI8QHDV" +
+ "D3RsY85YQ1ndPiNcIwHEQgDE0JH5qtdpraf/JtLAsa+KfubrdA6qupf9mD9mBAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ graphicOpacity: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "TopoJSON (World 110m)",
+ caption: "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote TopoJSON resource.",
+ type: "topojson",
+ url: "demo/topojson.json",
+ accessible: false,
+ visible: false,
+ style: {
+ strokeColor: "#3399ff",
+ strokeWidth: 2.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "EsriJSON",
+ caption: "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote Esri JSON resource.",
+ type: "esrijson",
+ url: "//geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/NEB/Pipeline/MapServer/0/query?where=OBJECTID>0&f=pjson",
+ attributes: {
+ OPERATOR: "Operator"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ zoom: true,
+ style: {
+ strokeColor: "#FF0000",
+ strokeWidth: 2.0,
+ strokeDash: [ 6, 6 ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "JSON (Earthquakes)",
+ caption: "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote JSON resource, in this case the Earthquakes API.",
+ type: "json",
+ url: "//www.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/api/earthquakes/latest/30d.json",
+ visible: false,
+ popups: true,
+ datatable: true,
+ zoom: true,
+ attributes: {
+ location: { path: "en", alias: "Location" },
+ magnitude: "Magnitude",
+ origin_time: "Time"
+ },
+ style: {
+ type: "rule",
+ rule: [
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 2 ],
+ filter: "LESS_THAN",
+ name: "M < 2",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#000066",
+ pointRadius: 2.5,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 2, 2.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-2",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#6600cc",
+ pointRadius: 4.5,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 3, 3.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-3",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#990099",
+ pointRadius: 6.5,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 4, 4.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-4",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#ff0000",
+ pointRadius: 8,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 5, 5.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-5",
+ init: {
+ graphicName: "star",
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#ff6600",
+ pointRadius: 14,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 5.9 ],
+ filter: "GREATER_THAN",
+ name: "M-6+",
+ init: {
+ graphicName: "star",
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#ff9933",
+ pointRadius: 18,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ] }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "GeoJSON (CartoDB)",
+ caption: "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote GeoJSON resource, in this case traffic cameras in the city of Ottawa from the CartoDB API.",
+ type: "geojson",
+ url: "//stephenott.cartodb.com/api/v2/sql",
+ params: {
+ format: "GeoJSON",
+ q: "SELECT * FROM traffic_cameras LIMIT 25"
+ },
+ attributes: {
+ location_desc: "Location",
+ longitude: "Latitude",
+ latitude: "Longitude",
+ updated_at: "Last updated"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ zoom: true,
+ datatable: true,
+ style: {
+ type: "symbol",
+ init: {
+ graphicWidth: 32,
+ graphicHeight: 37,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 1.0
+ },
+ select: {
+ graphicWidth: 32,
+ graphicHeight: 37,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera_active.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-esri-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-esri-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbf02ca41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-esri-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with ESRI REST basemap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @jsmoreau
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "//geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-esri-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-esri-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a2a09818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-esri-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Exemple d'un fichier de configuration français pour Géocarte avec basemap ESRI REST
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @jsmoreau
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "//geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bac778f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Exemple d'un fichier de configuration français pour Géocarte
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Les composantes individuelles seront substituées par les compasantes globales
+ *
+ * Les couche de superpositions seront ajoutés dans l'ordre où ils sont fournis
+ * (c'est à dire la première couche sera ajouté en premier, puis la suivante
+ * sur le dessus, et ainsi de suite).
+ *
+ * Prennez note, la carte de base peut être définie globalement dans le fichier settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONNEL: Géomap va fournir une carte de base par défaut si aucune carte de base n"est spécifié ici.
+ /*basemap: {
+ title:"OSM Map",
+ type:"osm",
+ mapOptions: {
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ },*/
+ overlays: [
+ {
+ title: "WMS",
+ caption: " Ceci est un exemple de service WMS chargé à l’aide de Géomap.",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "//geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=F",
+ visible: false,
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "GDPS.ETA_PR",
+ transparent: true,
+ options: {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ //legendGraphicUrl: "//geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=E&LAYERS=GDPS.ETA_PR&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLE=PRECIPMM"
+ legendHTML: "GeoMet Precipitation (mm) " +
+ "" +
+ " 100.0 " +
+ " 50.0 " +
+ " 25.0 " +
+ " 20.0 " +
+ " 15.0 " +
+ " 10.0 " +
+ " 7.5 " +
+ " 5.0 " +
+ " 2.5 " +
+ " 1.0 " +
+ " 0.5 " +
+ " 0.25 " +
+ " 0.10 " +
+ " "
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "KML",
+ caption: "*NEEDS TRANSLATION*This data is extracted from the Principal mineral areas of Canada publication.",
+ type: "kml",
+ url: "demo/producing-mines.kml",
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: true,
+ tooltips: true,
+ tooltipText: "Opération",
+ popups: true,
+ attributes: {
+ Type_: "Type",
+ OwnersF: "Opérateur / propriétaire",
+ OperationF: "Opération",
+ ComGroupF: "Groupe de produits minéraux",
+ CommodityF: "Produit minérale"
+ },
+ style: {
+ type: "unique",
+ field: "Type",
+ init: {
+ "Coal": {
+ "vOfeC51zvubeQiwtDCS37sZxbP5YaKbVqaw1W/DKCQiaEBfYD19ZabrlaMp0tNREItJBoDabWrC2pK1qbxXRMmoMwDav1R8GFe4DzAvee0x/iTbpwuZRrPf++z/t8znPe57w7dv6jsP8vICH8i0Gqx" +
+ "LIiP5AknVYUbcs/goQYvgHL9AJJIEV0sMgQhn6tomovzgoSYij5MnLU20bzkc+nNeKucfNSaQme+HkvCEOXFVV7PirIMIYWYlleYFHrsTaaDn8asRlPXBzbqqrZtKGEhPj4jcLQJUXVNkaEDENPkrC" +
+ "8QPKXbcf58NAlRJJlLNMMQ2LsdvJzMgkGgjR83ExBThYJ8fHlwvBLiuoqnxIaGfEvkMALpHx14gSNBz8BYMeW13BpGn19Pj472krbt+2hzeOBAFt27OSVslJKCwuo3t/Ak9mZzPd4yiawskmQZf0WM" +
+ "yokL7D42IlvONByOFTMpWnIkownfh4Fa7NJuj5x0vr42BgjQpAQm0B+Thbb99RQsaGY+R7Pc8LQ+xVV2xyCDMM9R5aCN17o7eWDloOTXs/vf/Qx3+MBQJZkfL7B0Fqs3U7FsyW4nE5efv1N0h96gBV" +
+ "3LGdbVQ3bN78KWMumPKOxsfGwczjyRSuFebnIkoxpmYyOjU5C3C4XW3dVMajrNLQcYvU9d6H79bA6M94MX7efIikxEb+uY1om2RnpBIImK+++E7fLReW7exkY/KvLtpPtxNjDy0Z1BV054rIkU5CbR" +
+ "X+/j7d2V9Hf74umxOzuuli7neW334ZvYBBVVViUeN3Vh2ImzsQ5dy5vvL2LZUuXsO6JHKzGj+g423V1IJvNRkXpelxOJ5W79zLg93P8u1OMBYKsy8ul7kATZ7p++HeQzWaj4pn1aJoWmq7LcfJ0B8F" +
+ "AgMK8texrbKKzuycyZJqmKdswFyYtkG9OSabr/E+hhFuXpKCqClt37kEfHg4r0H7me8YDAR59+MEQlJP+yKVFSQp9L3YAp9M5IoRepCpqfVlxkby7tj6EdXb30Nn9TsSuO852hc4pPzOD+1NTAesCy" +
+ "JsmQQCKor0vhC45VEddWXGRvKu2nu4rOosmnsp8jDWpqwDOW8hpquK8GAZNYPsvY+XFRdJssKezHmf1vSsBfrQgTVWdP1+5HjYMiqLtE4YuO1RHbbRYYXYm961aAXDuEqL98vecKadOUbU6Yfglh+q" +
+ "oKS8uknovhu0LxRwllpRFyQDnTMta43C4fp0qb9rxVlTXexNY9S1Lb5rhp4Ee07LSpkMiQhNYrRCDzZJks0XKEyI45Ha7RaScGT9YRXFHd5nNEH8C+eGD9m6tNTgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de charbon"
+ },
+ "Metal mines and mills": {
+ "/mdndzKwzs6l7Iy1N25S+FCLaF69gg5cHq6S2FUSaS5OqD6YxASklgUpTCgqCIki1uTRF0QcDIlJpaWpES4UgrljBh7RRqsVmN5fNbpo52ezO+JBkcZtkk2gRv9fznfObc77vHMbDfxSe/wUkZWori" +
+ "Ddx3eIfJMQPmmZ2/CNIyltbcJ0BYCOIog4u1dJOr9N0s3VNkJRTmxeQcxPf8vFU/7JGSLE4Eq4n4gu2SDutaLr56qog254qx3UHgE3nJy5xJn2+6Gai6jpOJHpojzQQ8QabpZ0Wmm42F4VsO71R4A4" +
+ "Amy8kL9GbPgeAgoKDswjxCpUDwWqybo7TY59RH9xN1Bs6JO2U0HTr0JLQ9HRqg4ABoKI/eZme1Bxycv1hLI/JaGacLya/pt+O5SfPujnab77P65EGmiIv8F78E+ruribqCzXNY00FkOv+6Z2RYgDYe" +
+ "jH5Hd2pL/OLWR4DBUHEF+RAeA+bkmUF4zNkmHYkURGmLljNG/FejoTrifpCr0g7Pa7p5tE8ZNuBEkXktg3L63SlzhYcTyIzTtQXmj9CwUR2Mj9WIry0hWqxVIPmG2+xz3iUR7RKTiR6eHfDYcC9Z8k" +
+ "aZZzZRXX4PPkVByPPoSBwcLDdmQKk1GPRMdJN0pmiK3WWJ/T7SDq3Fq2z4sswIH+ifKKMdG6KHA7Ph3bhjDo8bOyg1GNyPN7NmJPK51+wY3iFunYIKGhxBUFd+FnGZpN0xDtJ5FJFZq4RWogS4WWHs" +
+ "Z2J7CR+tYQtnrI7D3mFSluoFkO5i6M3T3Gvr4IXQ3sg0cdgZujOQB6h0h6qw1INjsd7GHfSXJQ/MjuWozG8FyfxKd9nrv07yCNU2oI1WKrBsfhcdy3EN/IK2dEsjeG95BJ9xDLDxSHHcRxFxSnX1iu" +
+ "V3nKuzF7PJ1R6N+FXdY6NdDPpLm7byzO/kE1k2R2oIpaYg2rNJ+cGhcjfFw+AYRjTUqYb/Ire0xLdr7wz8lEei2WGiY2cLLrrwcwQg4m5OjVaT/F46UOA+ysorxVAAJpmnpEyLfyKv7slul95e+RDf" +
+ "p79vShwexy0dvFY6YMAwy5Kla4Z+aMpqJGmmb0LWGu0RqwFe8l6mqrSBwCuuVCl60bBxEXNoGnmaWmnFb/i71wt9nLgGXYG7ge4OoeYf9yes2TXabrZLe2U8Cv+U63RGvGbvLEsoiklVGjlAFcd193" +
+ "p91tLJi/b3ppudc1jH2z3b1vhp4Ehx3WrlkOKQvNYp5STfUKoi1/Jv4WUualAICCL5ax4YTUtMLFSzmriL1z5gWQ67XYNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de métaux"
+ },
+ "Industrial minerals": {
+ "/uVxmzoV5tBUGDe+SGmnwFWVBqQHUhYmJxo1xKZg2Pmh91IVJFWx140JXTapC62NtoombYmgHmoZQSUxUKDVWpuVheQ2tzAz3zMDc42KmIAwMUBvjtz3f/X7nnu87N9fkPwrzfwEpNV8F4iO0zr4hI" +
+ "X6S0nv8tiClYpVoJwiUgsjqoHlW2ZGd0vK+uS1IqWjFLWRy8Azhy19vaOS4A1Q0HEX6Ct9QdsSQlvf1LUG2HS1D6yBQPjnURXi4M+vLmHn3EOo5TmXje0hf4LCyI0Ja3sNZIduOlAp0EKiYvNRF+FJ" +
+ "HakEYoJ1MRbgoqW1GJ5cYHzhNSW0L0hc4pOx5IS3foXWhhYX5YgFBYPfUcDfhoRSy5+lOci0f8UiYqcHviE50rTytE4ycfYeKhmNU7G/l2oUTFD/ajPQXtaax1lWQ1tdz40oEgaqp4bPMDn66XCvX8" +
+ "iGEgfQVUlb3EtOXK1et66QiuWhjmHdTXNtCqOdDKhuOIv1Fryk7Mictb9syZNt+tyGSe6LTI8wOnlx1OvH5GaS/KHVSwmApNrdycoakpL4N0+3lt+9b2XXv8/hKGgj1fkD1MycA/cC6PUomExltmPz" +
+ "1W8rrDyKEgdYOySW1jJTubyPX2kEo+D7OYpjZoZN4ip/CScxl1Nn0yxC73s3UUAVJNY/WSUpqX2DMWWJX1WMppOcYTmJ6OT86cQaEa/sQsGbEDcr3NROPzjFyrh0nPrmVEtv71glD4i9/hHjsBjkui" +
+ "du3G3vmTkPCleqJ28NI97vkFTxEad0BRvsc1Gz/HYKESWl9O6bbm278LNE/f2DixyXK6g4y2qdR4Yv/EhImJfvayZVervakputWxCbPMX5xidK6A4z1Oai5geyQ4ziOkYOTf1eZ4drxIImbPy8nyJ0" +
+ "PY7osQr3t6MUbGQUWps8z1p8gUPMco+dTUMHeF9ObFIurII/Hs6BUpMV05Z2ubHjLCPV+soypuQGuBjfeKYCa7Wf0fKpPBTUvU1T9JKBDYLy9CgKQ0vuVUhFhuvJPpbCPSdz8JSuwNgpqXqGo+gmAE" +
+ "Y3RZEnPaAaUxr5cwY6I7WCFNa8SqH4c4A8NTZblGfvnesYwSOn9QtkRw3Tld2wVK7y/lcB9jQBXUoh3fG3OulMnLe8pZc8L05X/eWXDERGbubYhkpPrxhOoArjiaN2Yl+ebWC9vw/GWlq8zjX3mL96" +
+ "7yU8DvztaN22EZIXSWIdSf30jRE5OtjylklG/36+y5Wx6YaX0Z16e24i/AWg1hRJKTWppAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de non-métaux"
+ },
+ "Oil Sands": {
+ "vucDuucveXZqCHXOkZakexFkcmHypRon+PFYPNT1UY0zAiEBKJmjiKDqF04zUWA+IWk0PvTiNNtWI5hDj+CCwFskb/8JyKvk37gL3uLD39sC2hguLmNN0Xn+/+/ucP79z5qbzH430/wWkVDgfxCFsO" +
+ "/WEhLgspdF0V5BS03nYVgewBkRKB5vnlRm5T+rG9hVBSk35/0b6v23natsXSxoZq7Ip2r8bd072NmVGNKkbb90RZJpTudh2B/BQ/3ftjHx8POVinA+u4vKeAxQd3IM7J6dWmREhdaM2JWSakTUCuwP" +
+ "wD5xpZ+RIHNE0sKwkRDgdFFRuJjY3R1/rCdZVlOH25dQoMyyk7qlZFJqZCa8W0AEEBs9+zy8fzSOPf3kU6fUwPTrOwFenGTt9NvGxfTNKV+0uij7YR1FdNT+2fMLa8s0YPl91HKteANn27xk3legA8" +
+ "ofOnWe45WiimPR6EELDnZNNYWUZQwH/gritbjJrKtKdTgrK3+By43sUHdiF2+fbqszIhNSNvQnINL1OTcQeGR8cYuhw64Ltmb4+itvnm98qoaHGJ25tnS4Jvr8H6THoLKsh99WXeKD0SULvHmTjsSO" +
+ "AHVz0jGLRaNI59J88xfqqcoTQsG2LmKluIc2N6FleeuqbiI1OMNzSSvYLzzE3NplUZ9mXYfyb8wz4/UTDN8CyKXjtFey5GKs3PYHMyiK0u4m5P64n8kdPtSOcjpVDwMIWFxCs2Iw5NkF3wz5mr/15J" +
+ "yVW9tYJXeJ7rBhzYpJ0l8T1aIAb9xoSTgfB5kachpuut/eStaGQYNWb9FoW4c5L9wjKSCfY3Ij0GITqm5i7PsbY1+foi85SWFXOT5ZF5EL3v4TiiNNj0LNzH7HRW+09eeYH+mIxglXl/GzZRC72pIY" +
+ "sy7K0NKwsf66WuaGQ6a7eRIKxYT0ZLp3Qzv3ExpPbdvLcBa5EowRefpHeOOTf8vp8UIjZBZDb7Z5RKlLm0F0niuu3aaFDHyawyMUeQilmChDuvERv/JzytleQ/+zTgD0M2o4FEICUxudKRYTDlXm8u" +
+ "H6bFmo+zHT3lZTA7SNQV0ngmVKAIRutRJfuq0lQHPssgTXUiZVggR1bCJSWAAzaUKLr7l//GU9qBimNT5UZ0RyuzLY7xfLf2UreUxsBBuYR47fbcxbtOqkbx5UZFg5X5tHihjoxOTSyJJIundz/cD7" +
+ "AgGXbm1wuz7VF85YqIHXPsTjW6lu3dpmfBvot2y5ZCkkJxbE2pW6cFCItLVWeUrEpr9erUuUse2Gl9CZfnrsYfwFqWYQCxROHDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de sables bitumineux"
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ externalGraphic: "" +
+ "QCQGOEyeRHBTHl/OLfTkvcNwz2NDkzrGTpVItPeXknPy7/3t/vXdjY//V43nNWR/gyHGcEwzSbJ6QRuMp5DtXvuMcVkaAeO8BoM59X4QyuCZC/hDdrreRG0IpneEereKHXkyxgWH9KUcw33ULmSHtdvutT" +
+ "JeVFRLHr5+lGLY5EEIIecMpLeeBXBZNcfbNSNZRGhlsaSGu604Frmv2Qki1KjiAMH6bWtiPY0NAoxGtLxIY3e6DnJ/vjAcAhkoJQpLiy7UKtLFuCN9xxFXRfFLW9QVjsPoXSFr3FTrrYO9amZrnLlNBLov" +
+ "9akPmC7S/ErS2WlKeOFHVo6ggIVdFdUpxvxKEf3zWgJ6H32olkFalot0XpoEwDVmchspa0iRpexDk6EBfMoBQCToRbm7SDzOKot7Cx5bWgRzZB3PXqKBxF9Tr+RSFKYrQjd8P9WqJol48UIBs237JO3BLb" +
+ "Fv5odPDwbXrPeRDR4evfd0h6HTmpJtuaUreswZCeNeryAb9TtnvOpTOI4yMAIsgAGWcAqkdHChdkBvvhoFxhs3UM3EKZJpJjNLFvDAsPg+gJCHTuaasTOMHhFFpELT9yrIZ/a49rj99LEfr/V1DhI8QHDV" +
+ "D3RsY85YQ1ndPiNcIwHEQgDE0JH5qtdpraf/JtLAsa+KfubrdA6qupf9mD9mBAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ graphicOpacity: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "TopoJSON (World 110m)",
+ caption: "*NEEDS TRANSLATION*This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote TopoJSON resource.",
+ type: "topojson",
+ url: "demo/topojson.json",
+ accessible: false,
+ style: {
+ strokeColor: "#3399ff",
+ strokeWidth: 2.0
+ },
+ visible: false
+ },
+ {
+ title: "EsriJSON",
+ caption: "*NEEDS TRANSLATION*This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote Esri JSON resource.",
+ type: "esrijson",
+ url: "//geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/NEB/Pipeline/MapServer/0/query?where=OBJECTID>0&f=pjson",
+ attributes: {
+ OPERATOR: "Opérateur"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ zoom: true,
+ style: {
+ strokeColor: "#FF0000",
+ strokeWidth: 2.0,
+ strokeDash: [ 6, 4 ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "JSON (Séismes récents)",
+ caption: "*NEEDS TRANSLATION*This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote JSON resource, in this case the Earthquakes API.",
+ type: "json",
+ url: "//www.earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/api/earthquakes/latest/30d.json",
+ visible: false,
+ popups: true,
+ datatable: true,
+ zoom: true,
+ attributes: {
+ location: { path: "en", alias: "Localisation" },
+ magnitude: "Magnitude",
+ origin_time: "Time"
+ },
+ style: {
+ type: "rule",
+ rule: [
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 2 ],
+ filter: "LESS_THAN",
+ name: "M < 2",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#000066",
+ pointRadius: 2.5,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 2, 2.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-2",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#6600cc",
+ pointRadius: 4.5,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 3, 3.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-3",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#990099",
+ pointRadius: 6.5,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 4, 4.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-4",
+ init: {
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#ff0000",
+ pointRadius: 8,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 5, 5.9 ],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ name: "M-5",
+ init: {
+ graphicName: "star",
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#ff6600",
+ pointRadius: 14,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Magnitude",
+ value: [ 5.9 ],
+ filter: "GREATER_THAN",
+ name: "M-6+",
+ init: {
+ graphicName: "star",
+ strokeColor: "#333333",
+ fillColor: "#ff9933",
+ pointRadius: 18,
+ fillOpacity: 0.8,
+ strokeWidth: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ] }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "GeoJSON (CartoDB)",
+ caption: "Ceci est un exemple d'un jeu de données JSON chargé à partir d'un site externe, dans ce cas-ci les caméras de circulation de la ville d'Ottawa à partir du site Carto DB.",
+ type: "geojson",
+ url: "//stephenott.cartodb.com/api/v2/sql",
+ params: {
+ format: "GeoJSON",
+ q: "SELECT * FROM traffic_cameras LIMIT 25"
+ },
+ attributes: {
+ location_desc: "Emplacement",
+ longitude: "Latitude",
+ latitude: "Longitude",
+ updated_at: "Dernière mise à jour"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ zoom: true,
+ datatable: true,
+ style: {
+ type: "symbol",
+ init: {
+ graphicWidth: 30,
+ graphicHeight: 30,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 1.0
+ },
+ select: {
+ graphicWidth: 20,
+ graphicHeight: 20,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera_active.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-osm-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-osm-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f0038335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-osm-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+// * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with OSM basemap
+// * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+// * @author @jvanulde
+// */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "OSM Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ mapOptions: {
+ center: [ -52.7222765, 47.5410882 ],
+ zoomLevel: 11
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-osm-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-osm-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f0038335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-osm-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+// * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with OSM basemap
+// * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+// * @author @jvanulde
+// */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "OSM Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ mapOptions: {
+ center: [ -52.7222765, 47.5410882 ],
+ zoomLevel: 11
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-xyz-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-xyz-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..840441fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-xyz-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+// * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with Tile basemap
+// * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+// * @author @jvanulde
+// */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "Tile (XYZ) Source Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ url: [
+ "//otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-xyz-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-xyz-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..840441fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/config-xyz-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+// * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with Tile basemap
+// * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+// * @author @jvanulde
+// */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "Tile (XYZ) Source Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ url: [
+ "//otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/configwms-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/configwms-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bc659430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/configwms-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Global overrides for individual components
+ *
+ * Map Overlays (i.e. layers)
+ * Overlays will be added in the order that they are provided
+ * (i.e. the first overlay will be added first, then the next
+ * on top, and so on).
+ *
+ * Note that the basemap can be set globally in settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ basemap: {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "//maps.geogratis.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.3.0",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "limits",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-2650000.0, -900000.0, 3600000.0, 4630000.0",
+ restrictedExtent: "-2750000.0, -1000000.0, 3700000.0, 4730000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/configwms-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/configwms-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f34dd59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/configwms-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Exemple d'un fichier de configuration français pour Géocarte
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Les composantes individuelles seront substituées par les compasantes globales
+ *
+ * Les couche de superpositions seront ajoutés dans l'ordre où ils sont fournis
+ * (c'est à dire la première couche sera ajouté en premier, puis la suivante
+ * sur le dessus, et ainsi de suite).
+ *
+ * Prennez note, la carte de base peut être définie globalement dans le fichier settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONNEL: Géomap va fournir une carte de base par défaut si aucune carte de base n"est spécifié ici.
+ basemap: {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "//maps.geogratis.gc.ca/wms/toporama_fr",
+ version: "1.3.0",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-2650000.0, -900000.0, 3600000.0, 4630000.0",
+ restrictedExtent: "-2750000.0, -1000000.0, 3700000.0, 4730000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/producing-mines-2015.kml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/producing-mines-2015.kml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a5835c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/producing-mines-2015.kml
@@ -0,0 +1,6026 @@
+ 2
+ 2.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Nugget Pond
+ Nugget Pond
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Snook's Arm
+ Snook's Arm
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu
+ Au, Cu
+ 49.84500000000
+ -55.77530000000
+ S. Jan 2010
+ 1
+ N
+ 1
+ -55.7753,49.845
+ 3
+ 3.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Pine Cove
+ Pine Cove
+ Anaconda Mining Inc.
+ Anaconda Mining Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Baie Verte
+ Baie Verte
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 49.95970000000
+ -56.12950000000
+ 2
+ Y
+ 1
+ Ming
+ -56.1295,49.9597
+ 4
+ 4.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Duck Pond
+ Duck Pond
+ Teck Cominco Limited
+ Teck Cominco Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Millertown
+ Millertown
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 48.63090000000
+ -56.50060000000
+ 3
+ N
+ 1
+ -56.5006,48.6309
+ 5
+ 5.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited
+ Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Voisey's Bay
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co
+ Ni, Cu, Co
+ 56.32000000000
+ -62.09300000000
+ 4
+ N
+ 1
+ -62.093,56.32
+ 6
+ 6.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Wabush
+ Wabush
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Wabush
+ Wabush
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.92000000000
+ -66.91000000000
+ 5
+ Y
+ 1
+ Carol Lake
+ -66.91,52.92
+ 7
+ 7.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Carol Lake
+ Carol Lake
+ Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)
+ Compagnie minière IOC
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 53.06000000000
+ -66.95000000000
+ 5
+ N
+ 1
+ Wabush
+ -67.068997799018121,53.113253255076415
+ 10
+ 10.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Lower Cove
+ Lower Cove
+ Atlantic Minerals Limited
+ Atlantic Minerals Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Lower Cove
+ Lower Cove
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, dolomite
+ Calcaire, dolomite
+ 48.53000000000
+ -59.03000000000
+ 6
+ N
+ 1
+ -59.03,48.53
+ 11
+ 11.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Plateau Dolomite
+ Plateau Dolomite
+ Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)
+ Compagnie minière IOC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomite
+ Dolomite
+ 53.02000000000
+ -66.82000000000
+ 7
+ N
+ 1
+ -66.786295333013285,52.978198476087201
+ 14
+ 14.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Glen Morrison
+ Glen Morrison
+ Nova Scotia Power Inc.
+ Nova Scotia Power Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Cape Breton
+ Cap-Breton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 46.00058000000
+ -60.31733400000
+ 8
+ N
+ 2
+ -60.318324459751352,46.000759099056239
+ 15
+ 15.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Antigonish Limestone Ltd.
+ Antigonish Limestone Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.65692000000
+ -61.90133200000
+ 10
+ N
+ 2
+ -61.902273859552324,45.657079905425739
+ 17
+ 17.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Little Narrows
+ Little Narrows
+ CGC Inc.
+ CGC Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Little Narrows
+ Little Narrows
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 46.00255000000
+ -60.94931700000
+ 9
+ N
+ 2
+ -60.950291546121214,46.002722775481288
+ 18
+ 18.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Mosher Limestone Company Limited
+ Mosher Limestone Company Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, gypsum
+ Calcaire, gypse
+ 45.13300000000
+ -62.93780000000
+ 11
+ N
+ 2
+ -62.938704601638129,45.133145573655689
+ 20
+ 20.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Brookfield
+ Brookfield
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Brookfield
+ Brookfield
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 45.23990000000
+ -63.33520000000
+ 12
+ N
+ 2
+ -63.321099489288564,45.242845267749551
+ 21
+ 21.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Pugwash
+ Pugwash
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Pugwash
+ Pugwash
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 45.84382000000
+ -63.65491400000
+ 14
+ N
+ 2
+ -63.655814194812642,45.843963886731622
+ 22
+ 22.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ East Milford
+ East Milford
+ National Gypsum (Canada) Ltd.
+ National Gypsum (Canada) Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Milford
+ Milford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 45.01160000000
+ -63.42240000000
+ 13
+ N
+ 2
+ <Null>
+ -63.4224,45.0116
+ 25
+ 25.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Amherst
+ Amherst
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Amherst
+ Amherst
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 45.78290000000
+ -64.23390000000
+ 15
+ N
+ 2
+ -64.2339,45.7829
+ 29
+ 29.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ NS
+ Stellarton
+ Stellarton
+ Pioneer Coal Ltd.
+ Pioneer Coal Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Stellarton
+ Stellarton
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 45.56730000000
+ -62.68310000000
+ 16
+ N
+ 2
+ -62.6831,45.5673
+ 34
+ 34.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ New Brunswick
+ New Brunswick
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Sussex
+ Sussex
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 45.75471000000
+ -65.42266900000
+ 19
+ N
+ 3
+ -65.391368628759309,45.779306893518083
+ 35
+ 35.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Havelock
+ Havelock
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Havelock
+ Havelock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Lime, limestone
+ Chaux, calcaire
+ 45.91000000000
+ -65.40000000000
+ 18
+ N
+ 3
+ -65.311598620671901,45.998669912755979
+ 36
+ 36.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Brookville
+ Brookville
+ Brookville Manufacturing Company
+ Brookville Manufacturing Company
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint John
+ Saint John
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomitic lime
+ Chaux dolomitique
+ 45.33840000000
+ -66.02180000000
+ 20
+ N
+ 3
+ -66.0218,45.3384
+ 37
+ 37.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Sormany
+ Sormany
+ Elmtree Resources Ltd.
+ Elmtree Resources Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Sormany
+ Sormany
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 47.65110000000
+ -66.04030000000
+ 21
+ N
+ 3
+ -66.014469573521154,47.686719194287036
+ 40
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Mont-Wright
+ Mont-Wright
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fermont
+ Fermont
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.78800000000
+ -67.32580000000
+ 22
+ Y
+ 4
+ Bloom Lake
+ -67.3258,52.788
+ 41
+ 41.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Niobec
+ Niobec
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Saint-Honoré-de-Chicoutimi
+ Saint-Honoré-de-Chicoutimi
+ OM
+ AM
+ Nb
+ Nb
+ 48.53300000000
+ -71.15000000000
+ 24
+ N
+ 4
+ -71.15,48.533
+ 42
+ 42.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Raglan
+ Raglan
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Katinniq
+ Katinniq
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 61.68130000000
+ -73.67130000000
+ 25
+ N
+ 4
+ -73.6713,61.6813
+ 47
+ 47.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bachelor Lake
+ Lac Bachelor
+ Metanor Resources Inc.
+ Ressources Métanor inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Desmaraisville
+ Desmaraisville
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.49580000000
+ -76.14300000000
+ 26
+ N
+ 4
+ -76.143,49.4958
+ 49
+ 49.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Beaufor
+ Beaufor
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.16130000000
+ -77.55580000000
+ 28
+ N
+ 4
+ Lac Herbin, Monique
+ -77.5558,48.1613
+ 50
+ 50.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lac Herbin
+ Lac Herbin
+ QMX Gold Corporation
+ QMX Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.13610000000
+ -77.65390000000
+ 28
+ Y
+ 4
+ Beaufor
+ -77.6539,48.1361
+ 53
+ 53.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Langlois
+ Langlois
+ Nystar NV
+ Nystar NV
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Lebel-sur-Quévillon
+ Lebel-sur-Quévillon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.24880000000
+ -76.67440000000
+ R. Jul 2012
+ 27
+ N
+ 4
+ -76.674983704482216,49.248854776388832
+ 55
+ 55.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Sleeping Giant
+ Géant Dormant
+ Maudore Minerals Ltd.
+ Minéraux Maudore ltée
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ north of Amos
+ au nord d'Amos
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.13381000000
+ -77.97768300000
+ 30
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.978224468780155,49.13385730199208
+ 56
+ 56.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Camflo
+ Camflo
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Malartic
+ Malartic
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.14660000000
+ -78.03860000000
+ 31
+ N
+ 4
+ Canadian Malartic
+ -78.062482864031423,48.185921512621945
+ 57
+ 57.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ LaRonde
+ LaRonde
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Preissac
+ Preissac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag
+ Au, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag
+ 48.25160000000
+ -78.44770000000
+ 32
+ N
+ 4
+ Lapa, Mouska, Westwood
+ -78.428516747906002,48.251643996898345
+ 59
+ 59.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Mouska
+ Mouska
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Cadillac
+ Cadillac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu, Ag
+ Au, Cu, Ag
+ 48.27756000000
+ -78.57127100000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.571784409340779,48.277603297035128
+ 60
+ 60.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Casa Berardi
+ Casa Berardi
+ Hecla Mining Company
+ Hecla Mining Company
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ north of La Sarre
+ au nord de La Sarre
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.56550000000
+ -79.27940000000
+ 33
+ N
+ 4
+ -79.2794,49.5655
+ 62
+ 62.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Seleine
+ Seleine
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Îles-de-la-Madeleine
+ Îles-de-la-Madeleine
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 47.61220000000
+ -61.56080000000
+ 34
+ N
+ 4
+ -61.5608,47.6122
+ 63
+ 63.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Tio
+ Tio
+ QIT-Fer et Titane inc.
+ QIT-Fer et Titane inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Havre-Saint-Pierre
+ Havre-Saint-Pierre
+ IM
+ MI
+ Ilmenite
+ Ilménite
+ 50.55410000000
+ -63.41600000000
+ 35
+ N
+ 4
+ -63.416,50.5541
+ 64
+ 64.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Saint-Modeste
+ IM
+ MI
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ 47.83600000000
+ -69.39250000000
+ 36
+ N
+ 4
+ -69.3925,47.836
+ 68
+ 68.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Marbleton
+ Marbleton
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Marbleton
+ Marbleton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.61930000000
+ -71.60750000000
+ 37
+ N
+ 4
+ -71.6075,45.6193
+ 71
+ 71.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bedford
+ Bedford
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Bedford
+ Bedford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.11270000000
+ -73.01180000000
+ 38
+ N
+ 4
+ Saint-Armand
+ -73.0118,45.1127
+ 72
+ 72.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Armand
+ Saint-Armand
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint-Armand
+ Saint-Armand
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium carbonate
+ Carbonate de calcium
+ 45.07620000000
+ -73.04520000000
+ 38
+ Y
+ 4
+ Bedford
+ -73.0452,45.0762
+ 73
+ 73.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 46.03450000000
+ -73.40270000000
+ 39
+ N
+ 4
+ Joliette
+ -73.4027,46.0345
+ 74
+ 74.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ IM
+ MI
+ Lime, limestone
+ Chaux, calcaire
+ 45.99830000000
+ -73.47810000000
+ 39
+ Y
+ 4
+ Joliette
+ -73.4781,45.9983
+ 80
+ 80.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lac Letondal
+ Lac Letondal
+ Imerys Mica Suzorite, Inc.
+ Imerys Mica Suzorite, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Parent, Suzor Twp.
+ Parent, canton de Suzor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Mica
+ Mica
+ 47.95280000000
+ -74.33837000000
+ 40
+ N
+ 4
+ -74.339006458394394,47.952867079744664
+ 81
+ 81.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Imerys Graphite and Carbon
+ Imerys Graphite et Carbone
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ IM
+ MI
+ Graphite
+ Graphite
+ 46.37530000000
+ -75.53570000000
+ 41
+ N
+ 4
+ -75.5357,46.3753
+ 83
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Macassa
+ Macassa
+ Kirkland Lake Gold Inc.
+ Kirkland Lake Gold Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Kirkland Lake area
+ région de Kirkland Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.14160000000
+ -80.06970000000
+ 44
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.0697,48.1416
+ 84
+ 84.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Garson
+ Garson
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.56690000000
+ -80.85770000000
+ 47
+ N
+ 5
+ Nickel Rim South
+ -80.793041088661766,46.571314164167632
+ 87
+ 87.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Stobie
+ Stobie
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.54020000000
+ -80.99330000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -80.9933,46.5402
+ 88
+ 88.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Clarabelle
+ Clarabelle
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.49300000000
+ -81.03000000000
+ 48
+ N
+ 5
+ Stobie, Creighton, Copper Cliff North
+ -81.062314294301601,46.490707165779845
+ 89
+ 89.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Copper Cliff North
+ Copper Cliff North
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.49270000000
+ -81.07300000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -81.073,46.4927
+ 91
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hoyle Pond
+ Hoyle Pond
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ south of Porcupine
+ au sud de Porcupine
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.55190000000
+ -81.10830000000
+ 50
+ N
+ 5
+ Dome, Bell Creek
+ -81.1083,48.5519
+ 94
+ 94.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Creighton
+ Creighton
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.47400000000
+ -81.18610000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -81.1861,46.474
+ 95
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Dome
+ Dome
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.45940000000
+ -81.22750000000
+ 50
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hoyle Pond
+ -81.2275,48.4594
+ 97
+ 97.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.67710000000
+ -81.33970000000
+ 53
+ N
+ 5
+ Fraser, Strathcona, Levack/Morrison, McCreedy West
+ -81.3397,46.6771
+ 98
+ 98.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Fraser
+ Fraser
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 46.66330000000
+ -81.34040000000
+ R. Feb 2010
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3404,46.6633
+ 99
+ 99.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Strathcona
+ Strathcona
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.67340000000
+ -81.34270000000
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3427,46.6734
+ 101
+ 101.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Kidd Creek
+ Kidd Creek
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn, Ag, Se, Te, In, Cd
+ Cu, Zn, Ag, Se, Te, In, Cd
+ 48.68940000000
+ -81.37000000000
+ 54
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.37,48.6894
+ 102
+ 102.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Levack/Morrison
+ Levack/Morrison
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni
+ Cu, Ni
+ 46.66070000000
+ -81.37790000000
+ R. Oct 2010
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3779,46.6607
+ 103
+ 103.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ McCreedy West
+ McCreedy West
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.63610000000
+ -81.40000000000
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.4,46.6361
+ 105
+ 105.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Island Gold
+ Island Gold
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Richmont Mines inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Dubreuilville
+ Dubreuilville
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.29700000000
+ -84.44290000000
+ 56
+ N
+ 5
+ -84.4429,48.297
+ 106
+ 106.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Eagle River
+ Eagle River
+ Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.
+ Mines d'or Wesdome Ltée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Wawa
+ Wawa
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 47.98610000000
+ -85.46190000000
+ 57
+ N
+ 5
+ -85.4619,47.9861
+ 107
+ 107.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ David Bell
+ David Bell
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Marathon
+ Marathon
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.69300000000
+ -85.89300000000
+ 58
+ N
+ 5
+ Williams
+ -85.893,48.693
+ 108
+ 108.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Williams
+ Williams
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ (U., P., C.)
+ (SOUT., C.O., Con.)
+ Marathon
+ Marathon
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.69440000000
+ -85.91080000000
+ 58
+ Y
+ 5
+ David Bell
+ -85.9108,48.6944
+ 110
+ 110.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Musselwhite
+ Musselwhite
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Thunder Bay
+ Thunder Bay
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 52.61270000000
+ -90.36360000000
+ 59
+ N
+ 5
+ -90.3636,52.6127
+ 111
+ 111.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Balmertown
+ Balmertown
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 51.05056000000
+ -93.73292200000
+ 61
+ N
+ 5
+ -93.732964127407982,51.050556715207968
+ 112
+ 112.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Tatlock
+ Tatlock
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tatlock
+ Tatlock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium carbonate
+ Carbonate de calcium
+ 45.15100000000
+ -76.49570000000
+ 63
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.4957,45.151
+ 113
+ 113.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Picton
+ Picton
+ ESSROC Canada Inc.
+ ESSROC Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Picton
+ Picton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 44.04790000000
+ -77.12250000000
+ 65
+ N
+ 5
+ -77.1225,44.0479
+ 115
+ 115.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ogden Point
+ Ogden Point
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Ogden Point
+ Ogden Point
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.98310000000
+ -77.88060000000
+ 66
+ N
+ 5
+ -77.8806,43.9831
+ 116
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Nephton
+ Nephton
+ Unimin Canada Ltd.
+ Unimin Canada Ltée
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Toronto
+ Toronto
+ IM
+ MI
+ Nepheline syenite
+ Syénite à néphéline
+ 44.62435000000
+ -77.99936800000
+ 67
+ Y
+ 5
+ Blue Mountain
+ -77.9491,44.6775
+ 118
+ 118.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bowmanville
+ Bowmanville
+ St. Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ St. Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bowmanville
+ Bowmanville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.88450000000
+ -78.69460000000
+ 68
+ N
+ 5
+ -78.6946,43.8845
+ 121
+ 121.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hagersville
+ Hagersville
+ CGC Inc.
+ CGC Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hagersville
+ Hagersville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 42.96570000000
+ -80.03840000000
+ 69
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.0384,42.9657
+ 122
+ 122.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Owen Sound
+ Owen Sound
+ E.C. King Contracting Ltd.
+ E.C. King Contracting Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Owen Sound
+ Owen Sound
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomitic lime
+ Chaux dolomitique
+ 44.56690000000
+ -80.86070000000
+ 70
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.8607,44.5669
+ 124
+ 124.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Tracey Lake
+ Tracey Lake
+ MarFred Minerals Ltd.
+ MarFred Minerals Ltd.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ North Williams
+ North Williams
+ IM
+ MI
+ Barite
+ Barytine
+ 47.41620000000
+ -81.02380000000
+ 72
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.024229711998601,47.41622871628995
+ 125
+ 125.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ St Marys
+ St Marys
+ St Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ St Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ St. Marys
+ St. Marys
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.24830000000
+ -81.15880000000
+ 73
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.1588,43.2483
+ 129
+ 129.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Goderich
+ Goderich
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Goderich
+ Goderich
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 43.74100000000
+ -81.69850000000
+ 74
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.6985,43.741
+ 130
+ 130.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Penhorwood
+ Penhorwood
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Penhorwood
+ Penhorwood
+ IM
+ MI
+ Talc
+ Talc
+ 48.18950000000
+ -82.09690000000
+ 75
+ N
+ 5
+ -82.0969,48.1895
+ 132
+ 132.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 42.28709000000
+ -83.09196300000
+ 76
+ N
+ 5
+ Ojibway
+ -83.092291456338671,42.2870643479622
+ 133
+ 133.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ojibway
+ Ojibway
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 42.25580000000
+ -83.10330000000
+ 76
+ Y
+ 5
+ Windsor
+ -83.1033,42.2558
+ 134
+ 134.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Victor
+ Victor
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ James Bay Lowlands
+ basses terres de la baie James
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 52.82060000000
+ -83.88170000000
+ 77
+ N
+ 5
+ -83.8817,52.8206
+ 135
+ 135.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Tanco
+ Tanco
+ Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited
+ Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Lac-du-Bonnet
+ Lac-du-Bonnet
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cs
+ Cs
+ 50.42910000000
+ -95.45020000000
+ 78
+ N
+ 6
+ -95.4502,50.4291
+ 136
+ 136.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Hinge
+ Hinge
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02580000000
+ -95.62160000000
+ 79
+ N
+ 6
+ Rice Lake, 007
+ -95.6216,51.0258
+ 137
+ 137.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Bissett
+ Bissett
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02300000000
+ -95.67520000000
+ 79
+ Y
+ 6
+ Hinge
+ -95.6752,51.023
+ 138
+ 138.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U., P., C.)
+ (SOUT., C.O., Con.)
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 55.71520000000
+ -97.84440000000
+ 80
+ N
+ 6
+ Birchtree
+ -97.8444,55.7152
+ 139
+ 139.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Birchtree
+ Birchtree
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 55.70050000000
+ -97.92610000000
+ 80
+ Y
+ 6
+ Thompson
+ -97.9261,55.7005
+ 141
+ 141.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.83340000000
+ -100.11648000000
+ 81
+ N
+ 6
+ Lalor Lake
+ -100.11628987584932,54.833371551542584
+ 142
+ 142.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ 777
+ 777
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ 54.77441000000
+ -101.87894000000
+ 83
+ N
+ 6
+ Flin Flon
+ -101.87868537732261,54.774385535968172
+ 145
+ 145.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Faulkner
+ Faulkner
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Faulkner
+ Faulkner
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 51.41660000000
+ -98.76220000000
+ 84
+ N
+ 6
+ -98.7622,51.4166
+ 146
+ 146.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Amaranth
+ Amaranth
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Harcus
+ Harcus
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.72960000000
+ -98.76920000000
+ 85
+ N
+ 6
+ -98.7692,50.7296
+ 147
+ 147.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Mafeking
+ Mafeking
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Mafeking
+ Mafeking
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.70070000000
+ -101.13372000000
+ 87
+ N
+ 6
+ -101.13350437070697,52.700692955961273
+ 148
+ 148.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Seabee
+ Seabee
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Laonil Lake
+ Laonil Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 55.68520000000
+ -103.61360000000
+ 88
+ Y
+ 7
+ Santoy
+ -103.6136,55.6852
+ 149
+ 149.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 58.19610000000
+ -103.71080000000
+ 89
+ N
+ 7
+ -103.7108,58.1961
+ 151
+ 151.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ McArthur River
+ McArthur River
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ north of Key Lake
+ au nord de Key Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 57.76370000000
+ -105.05300000000
+ 92
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.053,57.7637
+ 152
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Key Lake
+ Key Lake
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ north of Highrock Lake
+ au nord de Highrock Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 57.20700000000
+ -105.64700000000
+ 93
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.647,57.207
+ 153
+ 153.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Rocanville
+ Rocanville
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Rocanville
+ Rocanville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 50.45380000000
+ -101.53100000000
+ 94
+ N
+ 7
+ -101.531,50.4538
+ 154
+ 154.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Esterhazy (K-1 and K-2)
+ Esterhazy (K-1 et K-2)
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Esterhazy
+ Esterhazy
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 50.65910000000
+ -101.86200000000
+ 95
+ N
+ 7
+ -101.862,50.6591
+ 156
+ 156.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Wynyard
+ Wynyard
+ Big Quill Resources Inc.
+ Big Quill Resources Inc.
+ (P., U., Plant)
+ (C.O., SOUT., usine)
+ Wynyard
+ Wynyard
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potassium sulphate
+ Sulfate de potassium
+ 51.78063000000
+ -104.31992000000
+ 96
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.31960042119955,51.780636710353129
+ 157
+ 157.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Wilcox
+ Wilcox
+ Canadian Clay Products Inc.
+ Canadian Clay Products Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Wilcox
+ Wilcox
+ IM
+ MI
+ Clay, bentonite
+ Argile, bentonite
+ 50.09170000000
+ -104.71800000000
+ 97
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.718,50.0917
+ 158
+ 158.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Belle Plaine
+ Belle Plaine
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Belle Plaine
+ Belle Plaine
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 50.43560000000
+ -105.17900000000
+ 98
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.179,50.4356
+ 159
+ 159.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Lanigan
+ Lanigan
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Lanigan
+ Lanigan
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 51.84780000000
+ -105.19600000000
+ 99
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.196,51.8478
+ 161
+ 161.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Colonsay
+ Colonsay
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Colonsay
+ Colonsay
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 51.92070000000
+ -105.77500000000
+ 100
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.775,51.9207
+ 162
+ 162.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Allan
+ Allan
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Allan
+ Allan
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 51.93560000000
+ -106.08300000000
+ 101
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.11831388090695,51.931751029818322
+ 163
+ 163.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Patience Lake
+ Patience Lake
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Blucher
+ Blucher
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 52.11590000000
+ -106.30400000000
+ 102
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.304,52.1159
+ 164
+ 164.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Chaplin Lake
+ Chaplin Lake
+ Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals Inc.
+ Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Chaplin
+ Chaplin
+ IM
+ MI
+ Sodium sulphate
+ Sulfate de sodium
+ 50.45730000000
+ -106.67000000000
+ 103
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.67,50.4573
+ 165
+ 165.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Cory
+ Cory
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Cory
+ Cory
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 52.09110000000
+ -106.86800000000
+ 104
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.84885881426159,52.108369545857713
+ 166
+ 166.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Vanscoy
+ Vanscoy
+ Agrium Inc.
+ Agrium Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Vanscoy
+ Vanscoy
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 52.01000000000
+ -107.08000000000
+ 105
+ N
+ 7
+ -107.14600443254898,51.98709302742607
+ 167
+ 167.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Unity
+ Unity
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Unity
+ Unity
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 52.42330000000
+ -109.11000000000
+ 106
+ N
+ 7
+ -109.11,52.4233
+ 168
+ 168.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Bienfait
+ Bienfait
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bienfait
+ Bienfait
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.10420000000
+ -102.70830000000
+ 107
+ N
+ 7
+ -102.68616855107182,49.10596711413001
+ 169
+ 169.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Boundary Dam
+ Boundary Dam
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Estevan
+ Estevan
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.09440000000
+ -102.98330000000
+ 108
+ N
+ 7
+ -103.00681159905352,49.099826089653789
+ 170
+ 170.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Poplar River
+ Poplar River
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Coronach
+ Coronach
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.22300000000
+ -105.48900000000
+ 109
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.489,49.223
+ 171
+ 171.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Lindbergh
+ Lindbergh
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Elk Point
+ Elk Point
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 53.86269000000
+ -110.63900000000
+ 110
+ N
+ 8
+ -110.63843920996879,53.862707760262424
+ 172
+ 172.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Steepbank
+ Steepbank
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ north of Fort McMurray
+ au nord de Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 56.90260000000
+ -111.37730000000
+ 111
+ N
+ 8
+ Fort McMurray West
+ -111.5186251395408,56.971664911446496
+ 173
+ 173.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Sunnynook
+ Sunnynook
+ Rio Petro Ltd.
+ Rio Petro Ltd.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Cessford
+ Cessford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 51.00674000000
+ -111.55595000000
+ 113
+ N
+ 8
+ -111.63198896836627,51.049307677092912
+ 174
+ 174.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Muskeg Valley
+ Muskeg Valley
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ north of Fort McMurray
+ au nord de Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.19040000000
+ -111.55200000000
+ 112
+ N
+ 8
+ Aurora
+ -111.58555698940606,57.202269377482445
+ 175
+ 175.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Bruderheim
+ Bruderheim
+ Canexus Chemicals Canada Ltd.
+ Canexus Chemicals Canada Ltd.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Bruderheim
+ Bruderheim
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 53.80742000000
+ -112.94088000000
+ 114
+ N
+ 8
+ -112.92755585973471,53.781525754359372
+ 176
+ 176.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Calling Lake
+ Calling Lake
+ Calcium Incorporated
+ Calcium Incorporated
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ north of Athabasca
+ au nord d'Athabasca
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 55.16583000000
+ -113.22886000000
+ 115
+ N
+ 8
+ -113.22818472445937,55.165847636772945
+ 177
+ 177.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mitsue
+ Mitsue
+ Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
+ Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Slave Lake
+ Slave Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 55.27297000000
+ -114.59862000000
+ 116
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.59789400894034,55.272995005147642
+ 178
+ 178.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Summit
+ Summit
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Coleman
+ Coleman
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 49.63560000000
+ -114.68100000000
+ 117
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.5523769793575,49.639123760034231
+ 180
+ 180.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 51.07140000000
+ -115.13200000000
+ 118
+ N
+ 8
+ Exshaw
+ -115.132,51.0714
+ 181
+ 181.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 51.06570000000
+ -115.17800000000
+ 118
+ Y
+ 8
+ Exshaw
+ -115.178,51.0657
+ 182
+ 182.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Cougar Ridge
+ Cougar Ridge
+ Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd.
+ Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Rocky Mountain House
+ Rocky Mountain House
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.18970000000
+ -115.50420000000
+ 120
+ N
+ 8
+ -115.56419924529918,52.177361647929281
+ 183
+ 183.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Fish Creek
+ Fish Creek
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Nordegg
+ Nordegg
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.45210000000
+ -116.09120000000
+ 121
+ N
+ 8
+ -116.0912,52.4521
+ 184
+ 184.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mcleod
+ Mcleod
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Cadomin
+ Cadomin
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.97600000000
+ -117.26870000000
+ 122
+ N
+ 8
+ -117.22461191302418,52.946267280060745
+ 185
+ 185.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Sheerness
+ Sheerness
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hanna
+ Hanna
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 51.45080000000
+ -111.73390000000
+ 123
+ N
+ 8
+ -111.7339,51.4508
+ 186
+ 186.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Paintearth
+ Paintearth
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Forestburg
+ Forestburg
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 52.45470000000
+ -112.13650000000
+ 124
+ N
+ 8
+ -112.13590832343658,52.454736295181725
+ 187
+ 187.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Genesee
+ Genesee
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Genesee
+ Genesee
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.32388000000
+ -114.26724000000
+ 125
+ N
+ 8
+ Burtonsville
+ -114.2665623795321,53.323922489751652
+ 188
+ 188.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Highvale
+ Highvale
+ Transalta Corporation
+ Transalta Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Seba Beach
+ Seba Beach
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.50000000000
+ -114.55000000000
+ 126
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.55,53.5
+ 190
+ 190.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Coal Valley
+ Coal Valley
+ Coal Valley Resources Inc.
+ Coal Valley Resources Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Edson
+ Edson
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.06670000000
+ -116.78330000000
+ 127
+ N
+ 8
+ -116.7833,53.0667
+ 191
+ 191.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Cardinal River
+ Cardinal River
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hinton
+ Hinton
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 53.06670000000
+ -117.40000000000
+ 128
+ N
+ 8
+ -117.47599808639788,53.105154267671807
+ 192
+ 192.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache Coal Corporation
+ Grande Cache Coal Corporation
+ (P., U.)
+ (C.O., SOUT.)
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 54.03330000000
+ -119.16670000000
+ 129
+ N
+ 8
+ -119.1667,54.0333
+ 193
+ 193.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 56.87190000000
+ -111.34000000000
+ 130
+ N
+ 8
+ Mildred Lake
+ -111.20103347205945,56.826346684743065
+ 194
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Aurora North and South
+ Aurora Nord et Sud
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ N
+ 8
+ Jackpine, Horizon, Muskeg River
+ -111.57103265973876,57.422778925211659
+ 195
+ 195.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mildred Lake
+ Lac Mildred
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.00000000000
+ -111.46670000000
+ 130
+ Y
+ 8
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ -111.4667,57.0
+ 196
+ 196.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Muskeg River
+ Muskeg River
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.24650000000
+ -111.51200000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.512,57.2465
+ 197
+ 197.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ New Afton
+ New Afton
+ New Gold Inc.
+ New Gold Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Kamloops
+ Kamloops
+ PM, BM
+ MP, MB
+ Au, Ag, Cu
+ Au, Ag, Cu
+ 50.66100000000
+ -120.51400000000
+ O. Jun 2012
+ 132
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.51316964531695,50.661102617872949
+ 200
+ 200.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Highland Valley Copper
+ Highland Valley Copper
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Logan Lake
+ Logan Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo
+ Cu, Mo
+ 50.48550000000
+ -121.04830000000
+ 134
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.0483,50.4855
+ 201
+ 201.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mount Polley
+ Mount Polley
+ Imperial Metals Corporation
+ Imperial Metals Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ northeast of Williams Lake
+ au nord-est de Williams Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Au, Cu
+ Au, Cu
+ 52.53330000000
+ -121.61660000000
+ 135
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.60181101968521,52.513009451360048
+ 203
+ 203.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Gibraltar
+ Gibraltar
+ Taseko Mines Limited
+ Taseko Mines Limited
+ (P. C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ north of Williams Lake
+ au nord de Williams Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo
+ Cu, Mo
+ 52.51800000000
+ -122.28750000000
+ 136
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.2875,52.518
+ 204
+ 204.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Endako
+ Endako
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fraser Lake
+ Fraser Lake
+ OM
+ MB
+ Mo
+ Mo
+ 54.03610000000
+ -125.11000000000
+ 139
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.11,54.0361
+ 206
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bralorne-Pioneer
+ Bralorne-Pioneer
+ Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
+ Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Whistler
+ Whistler
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 50.77790000000
+ -122.82140000000
+ 137
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.82049720077228,50.778022193652539
+ 207
+ 207.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Huckleberry
+ Huckleberry
+ Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
+ Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Houston
+ Houston
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo, Au
+ Cu, Mo, Au
+ 53.68110000000
+ -127.17800000000
+ 141
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.178,53.6811
+ 209
+ 209.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ 4J
+ 4J
+ Georgia-Pacific Canada, Inc.
+ Georgia-Pacific Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Canal Flats
+ Canal Flats
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.09750000000
+ -115.52100000000
+ 142
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.521,50.0975
+ 210
+ 210.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Baymag Inc.
+ Baymag Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Mount Brussilof
+ IM
+ MI
+ Magnesite (fused), magnesia (products)
+ Magnésite fondue, produits de magnésie
+ 50.78870000000
+ -115.68300000000
+ 143
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.683,50.7887
+ 211
+ 211.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Elkhorn
+ Elkhorn
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Windermere
+ Windermere
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.49720000000
+ -115.90500000000
+ 144
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.905,50.4972
+ 212
+ 212.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Crawford Bay
+ Crawford Bay
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Crawford Bay
+ Crawford Bay
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomite, limestone
+ Dolomite, calcaire
+ 49.69250000000
+ -116.80300000000
+ 145
+ N
+ 9
+ -116.803,49.6925
+ 215
+ 215.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Lime Creek
+ Lime Creek
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Lost Creek
+ Lost Creek
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.08170000000
+ -117.24200000000
+ 146
+ N
+ 9
+ -117.242,49.0817
+ 216
+ 216.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Harper Ranch
+ Harper Ranch
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Kamloops
+ Kamloops
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 50.66840000000
+ -120.06500000000
+ 148
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.065,50.6684
+ 217
+ 217.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bud
+ Bud
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Princeton
+ Princeton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium, clay
+ Calcium, argile
+ 49.45480000000
+ -120.49200000000
+ 149
+ N
+ 9
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ -120.52631390452223,49.495660961622036
+ 218
+ 218.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ Canadian Mining Company Inc.
+ Canadian Mining Company Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bromley Creek
+ Bromley Creek
+ IM
+ MI
+ Zeolite
+ Zéolite
+ 49.42360000000
+ -120.56400000000
+ 149
+ Y
+ 9
+ Bud
+ -120.59835900663019,49.464431033545992
+ 219
+ 219.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Diatomite, bentonite, leonardite
+ Diatomite, bentonite, léonardite
+ 50.93870000000
+ -120.81500000000
+ 150
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.815,50.9387
+ 221
+ 221.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Pavilion Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 50.81780000000
+ -121.65400000000
+ 151
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.654,50.8178
+ 223
+ 223.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Van Anda
+ Van Anda
+ Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.
+ Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.74050000000
+ -124.52800000000
+ 152
+ N
+ 9
+ Gillies Bay, Blubber Bay
+ -124.528,49.7405
+ 224
+ 224.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Gillies Bay
+ Gillies Bay
+ Texada Quarrying Ltd. (Lafarge Canada Inc.)
+ Texada Quarrying Ltd. (Lafarge Canada Inc.)
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.71650000000
+ -124.56000000000
+ 152
+ Y
+ 9
+ Van Anda
+ -124.56,49.7165
+ 225
+ 225.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Blubber Bay
+ Blubber Bay
+ Ash Grove Cement Company
+ Ash Grove Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.78610000000
+ -124.62000000000
+ 152
+ Y
+ 9
+ Van Anda
+ -124.62,49.7861
+ 226
+ 226.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Fireside
+ Fireside
+ Fireside Minerals Ltd.
+ Fireside Minerals Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fireside
+ Fireside
+ IM
+ MI
+ Barite
+ Barytine
+ 59.77170000000
+ -127.20800000000
+ 153
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.208,59.7717
+ 227
+ 227.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Benson Lake
+ Benson Lake
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Benson Lake
+ Benson Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 50.38310000000
+ -127.25400000000
+ 154
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.254,50.3831
+ 228
+ 228.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Coal Mountain
+ Coal Mountain
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical, thermal)
+ Charbon (métallurgique, thermique)
+ 49.49050000000
+ -114.65200000000
+ 155
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.7312535919711,49.435503680801638
+ 229
+ 229.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Line Creek
+ Line Creek
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical, thermal)
+ Charbon (métallurgique, thermique)
+ 49.95000000000
+ -114.78330000000
+ 156
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.7833,49.95
+ 230
+ 230.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Elkview
+ Elkview
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 49.74310000000
+ -114.80500000000
+ 157
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.8407952092724,49.743334292390195
+ 231
+ 231.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Greenhills
+ Greenhills
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 50.08330000000
+ -114.86670000000
+ 158
+ Y
+ 9
+ Fording River
+ -114.8667,50.0833
+ 232
+ 232.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Fording River
+ Fording River
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Elkford
+ Elkford
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 50.14310000000
+ -114.88100000000
+ 158
+ N
+ 9
+ Greenhills
+ -114.881,50.1431
+ 233
+ 233.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Trend
+ Trend
+ Anglo American plc
+ Anglo American plc
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 54.93280000000
+ -121.00300000000
+ 159
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.94420065404542,54.993341922046945
+ 234
+ 234.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Wolverine-Perry Creek
+ Wolverine-Perry Creek
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P., U.)
+ (C.O., SOUT.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.08610000000
+ -121.24530000000
+ 160
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.10163746734506,55.221959415837787
+ 235
+ 235.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Brule
+ Brule
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.38670000000
+ -121.82000000000
+ 161
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.80565692966667,55.408136118944249
+ 236
+ 236.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Quinsam
+ Quinsam
+ Hillsbourough Resources Limited
+ Hillsbourough Resources Limited
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Campbell River
+ Campbell River
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.90550000000
+ -125.47700000000
+ 163
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.477,49.9055
+ 237
+ 237.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ YK
+ Minto
+ Minto
+ Capstone Mining Corporation
+ Capstone Mining Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Carmacks
+ Carmacks
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Au
+ Cu, Au
+ 62.61670000000
+ -137.24900000000
+ 165
+ N
+ 10
+ -137.249,62.6167
+ 238
+ 238.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ CanTung
+ CanTung
+ North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
+ North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Cantung
+ Cantung
+ BM
+ MB
+ W
+ W
+ 61.95270000000
+ -128.26250000000
+ R. Oct 2010
+ 166
+ N
+ 11
+ -128.2625,61.9527
+ 239
+ 239.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Diavik
+ Diavik
+ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
+ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Lac de Gras
+ Lac de Gras
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 64.49500000000
+ -110.27200000000
+ 167
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.272,64.495
+ 240
+ 240.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Ekati
+ Ekati
+ Dominion Diamond Corporation
+ Dominion Diamond Corporation
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Lac de Gras
+ Lac de Gras
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 64.71500000000
+ -110.61800000000
+ 168
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.618,64.715
+ 241
+ 241.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Snap Lake
+ Snap Lake
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Snap Lake
+ Snap Lake
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 63.60270000000
+ -110.86900000000
+ 169
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.869,63.6027
+ 247
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bloom Lake
+ Lac Bloom
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.83850000000
+ -67.27630000000
+ O. Jul 2010
+ 22
+ N
+ 4
+ Mont-Wright
+ -67.277247649307867,52.838610390290206
+ 248
+ 58.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lapa
+ Lapa
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rivière-Héva
+ Rivière-Héva
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.22957000000
+ -78.28810000000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.288621821415859,48.229614665110141
+ 249
+ 86.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Black Fox
+ Black Fox
+ Primero Mining Corp.
+ Primero Mining Corp.
+ (P., U., C.)
+ (C.O., SOUT., Con.)
+ Matheson
+ Matheson
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.53436000000
+ -80.34080000000
+ 45
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hislop
+ -80.341261810717384,48.534394287192754
+ 250
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bath
+ Bath
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bath
+ Bath
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 44.17086000000
+ -76.80913800000
+ 64
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.809617532561887,44.170887515358686
+ 252
+ 174.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Aurora
+ Aurora
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.30290000000
+ -111.45400000000
+ 112
+ Y
+ 8
+ Muskeg Valley
+ -111.45335229106885,57.302878110770273
+ 253
+ 178.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Fort McMurray West
+ Fort McMurray West
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.02180000000
+ -111.57200000000
+ 111
+ Y
+ 8
+ Steepbank
+ -111.57135333670162,57.021782701189089
+ 254
+ 185.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Clearwater
+ Clearwater
+ Burnco Rock Products Ltd.
+ Burnco Rock Products Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Clearwater River
+ Clearwater River
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 51.96530000000
+ -115.28800000000
+ 119
+ N
+ 8
+ -115.29853456242357,51.940201160030789
+ 257
+ 194.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Burtonsville
+ Burtonsville
+ Keephills Aggregate Company Ltd.
+ Keephills Aggregate Company Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Burtonsville
+ Burtonsville
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.32790000000
+ -114.53100000000
+ 125
+ Y
+ 8
+ Genesee
+ -114.53031268170682,53.327944862041463
+ 261
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Holloway
+ Holloway
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.52170000000
+ -79.74750000000
+ R. Mar 2010
+ 43
+ Y
+ 5
+ Holt
+ -79.747980293287554,48.521737285058229
+ 262
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hislop
+ Hislop
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Matheson
+ Matheson
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.49480000000
+ -80.28630000000
+ O. Jun 2010
+ 45
+ N
+ 5
+ Black Fox
+ -80.286762483378524,48.494834368425224
+ 263
+ 85.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Nickel Rim South
+ Nickel Rim South
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.65798000000
+ -80.79679300000
+ 47
+ Y
+ 5
+ Garson
+ -80.797221284356766,46.658006391454066
+ 266
+ 110.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Lac des Iles
+ Lac des Îles
+ North American Palladium Ltd.
+ North American Palladium Ltd.
+ (P., U., C.)
+ (C.O., SOUT., Con.)
+ Thunder Bay
+ Thunder Bay
+ PM
+ MP
+ PGM, Ni, Au, Cu, Co
+ MGP, Ni, Au, Cu, Co
+ 52.61270000000
+ -90.36360000000
+ R. Apr 2010
+ 60
+ N
+ 5
+ -89.610673842574514,49.16910503638951
+ 267
+ 119.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Young-Davidson
+ Young-Davidson
+ Aurico Gold Inc.
+ Aurico Gold Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Kirkland Lake area
+ région de Kirkland Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 47.92400000000
+ -80.65800000000
+ O. Sep 2012
+ 46
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.658445160016868,47.924031822411123
+ 268
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Jackpine
+ Jackpine
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.37921142303405,57.249014121579492
+ 269
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Horizon
+ Horizon
+ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
+ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.77428556088469,57.338212030234374
+ 270
+ 235.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Willow Creek
+ Willow Creek
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.38670000000
+ -121.82000000000
+ R. Jun 2010
+ 162
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.28199554966234,55.600079690245288
+ 271
+ 241.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ NU
+ Meadowbank
+ Meadowbank
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Baker Lake
+ Baker Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 63.60270000000
+ -110.86900000000
+ O. Mar 2010
+ 170
+ N
+ 12
+ -96.0488363706244,65.024758302987095
+ 273
+ 3.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Ming
+ Ming
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Baie Verte
+ Baie Verte
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Au, Ag, Zn
+ Cu, Au, Ag, Zn
+ 49.91500000000
+ -56.08700000000
+ O. Dec 2011
+ 2
+ N
+ 1
+ Pine Cove
+ -56.088200428917858,49.915239358892443
+ 275
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Fire Lake
+ Fire Lake
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fermont
+ Fermont
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 53.35005000000
+ -67.36665500000
+ 23
+ N
+ 4
+ -67.367589111561927,52.350163044725818
+ 276
+ 56.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Canadian Malartic
+ Canadian Malartic
+ Canadian Malartic Partnership
+ Partenariat Canadian Malartic
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O.,Con.)
+ Malartic
+ Malartic
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.12990000000
+ -78.10030000000
+ O. May 2011
+ 31
+ Y
+ 4
+ Camflo
+ -78.100826088475316,48.12994566359253
+ 277
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Holt
+ Holt
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.51300000000
+ -79.74000000000
+ O. Apr 2011
+ 43
+ N
+ 5
+ Holloway
+ -79.740480186028165,48.513037784848301
+ 278
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bell Creek
+ Bell Creek
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.55300000000
+ -81.17800000000
+ 50
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hoyle Pond
+ -81.178435866079809,48.553030443162903
+ 279
+ 97.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Lockerby
+ Lockerby
+ First Nickel Inc.
+ First Nickel Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.43300000000
+ -81.32380000000
+ R. Sep 2011
+ 52
+ N
+ 5
+ Ellen, Gertrude, Totten
+ -81.324211525448561,46.433023170328603
+ 280
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Timmins West
+ Timmins West
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.38328000000
+ -81.54982600000
+ O. Jan 2011
+ 55
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.550248366982899,48.383308498998566
+ 281
+ 122.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Woodstock
+ Woodstock
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Woodstock
+ Woodstock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.09870000000
+ -80.90300000000
+ 71
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.903393854726417,43.098694435536004
+ 282
+ 147.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Hargrave
+ Hargrave
+ ERCO Worldwide
+ ERCO Worldwide
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Virden
+ Virden
+ IM
+ MI
+ Sodium chlorate
+ Chlorate de sodium
+ 49.90320000000
+ -101.04740000000
+ 86
+ N
+ 6
+ -100.97489684815231,49.925492187943561
+ 283
+ 148.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Santoy
+ Santoy
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Santoy Lake
+ Santoy Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 55.66778000000
+ -103.41457000000
+ O. Apr 2011
+ 88
+ N
+ 7
+ Seabee
+ -103.4142511160631,55.667748241503951
+ 284
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Jolu
+ Jolu
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Brabant Lake
+ Brabant Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 56.00062000000
+ -104.28157000000
+ R. Jan 2011
+ 90
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.28121467184059,56.000587011118292
+ 285
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Roy Lloyd/Bingo
+ Roy Lloyd/Bingo
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Brabant Lake
+ Brabant Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 55.70167000000
+ -104.73361000000
+ O. Mar 2011
+ 91
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.7332406005321,55.701642261754294
+ 286
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Copper Mountain
+ Copper Mountain
+ Copper Mountain Mining Corporation
+ Copper Mountain Mining Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Princeton
+ Princeton
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.33100000000
+ -120.53300000000
+ R. Aug 2011
+ 133
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.47868296318609,49.260418570449886
+ 287
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Myra Falls
+ Myra Falls
+ Nystar NV
+ Nystar NV
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Buttle Lake
+ Buttle Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.57300000000
+ -125.59160000000
+ 140
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.59064168340119,49.573149572143414
+ 288
+ 237.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ YK
+ Wolverine
+ Wolverine
+ Yukon Zinc Corp.
+ Yukon Zinc Corp.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Ross River, Watson Lake
+ Ross River, Watson Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Ag, Cu, Pb, Au
+ Zn, Ag, Cu, Pb, Au
+ 61.41667000000
+ -130.10000000000
+ O. Dec 2011
+ 164
+ N
+ 10
+ -130.09849486082885,61.416723489737869
+ 290
+ 118.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Blue Mountain
+ Blue Mountain
+ Unimin Canada Ltd.
+ Unimin Canada Ltée
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Blue Mountain
+ Blue Mountain
+ IM
+ MI
+ Nepheline syenite
+ Syénite à néphéline
+ 44.67750000000
+ -77.94910000000
+ 67
+ N
+ 5
+ Nephton
+ -77.99985684097382,44.624375634831416
+ 291
+ 143.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Lalor Lake
+ Lalor Lake
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ 54.86200000000
+ -100.15500000000
+ 81
+ Y
+ 6
+ Snow Lake
+ -100.15480763919565,54.861970535092894
+ 292
+ 216.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Falkland
+ Falkland
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Falkland
+ Falkland
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.51039000000
+ -119.55247000000
+ 147
+ N
+ 9
+ -119.55167201886678,50.510485641415606
+ 296
+ 63.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ IM
+ MI
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ 47.02312900000
+ -64.86352000000
+ 17
+ N
+ 3
+ -64.864411104262018,47.023269380375929
+ 297
+ 54.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Goldex
+ Goldex
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Val-dOr
+ Val-dOr
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.09260000000
+ -77.87330000000
+ R. Dec 2012
+ 30
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.873832232949724,48.092646355006018
+ 298
+ 51.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bracemac-McLeod
+ Bracemac-McLeod
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Matagami
+ Matagami
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.67900000000
+ -77.66600000000
+ O. Jul 2013
+ 29
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.666558821565445,49.67904812788889
+ 299
+ 49.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Monique
+ Monique
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.18800000000
+ -77.44500000000
+ O. Oct 2013
+ 28
+ Y
+ 4
+ Beaufor
+ -77.445546483521511,48.188048788520121
+ 300
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Detour Lake
+ Detour Lake
+ Detour Gold Corporation
+ Detour Gold Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Matagami
+ Matagami
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 50.01400000000
+ -79.71000000000
+ O. Aug 2013
+ 42
+ N
+ 5
+ -79.710498640197912,50.014037327169191
+ 301
+ 94.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ellen
+ Ellen
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni
+ Cu, Ni
+ 46.43000000000
+ -81.32300000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.323410868078724,46.430022526705258
+ 302
+ 59.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Westwood
+ Westwood
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Cadillac
+ Cadillac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu, Ag, Zn
+ Au, Cu, Ag, Zn
+ 48.25600000000
+ -78.50200000000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.502515483367134,48.256043180618171
+ 303
+ 89.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Broken Hammer
+ Broken Hammer
+ Wallbridge Mining Company Limited
+ Wallbridge Mining Company Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni, PGM
+ Cu, Ni, MGP
+ 46.76460000000
+ -81.03440000000
+ 49
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.034822496963372,46.76462606764224
+ 304
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Redstone
+ Redstone
+ Northern Sun Mining Corp.
+ Northern Sun Mining Corp.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ southeast of Timmins
+ au sud-est de Timmins
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni
+ Ni
+ 48.31750000000
+ -81.15810000000
+ 51
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.158534067293232,48.317530174723252
+ 305
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Gertrude
+ Gertrude
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.45920000000
+ -81.21220000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.212614419427112,46.459223205810282
+ 306
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Totten
+ Totten
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Worthington
+ Worthington
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.38120000000
+ -81.45480000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.455206736487781,46.381222257586344
+ 307
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ St. Lawrence
+ St. Lawrence
+ Canadian Wollastonite
+ Canadian Wollastonite
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Kingston
+ Kingston
+ IM
+ MI
+ Wollastonite
+ Wollastonite
+ 44.46040000000
+ -76.25040000000
+ 62
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.250936196241526,44.460433767150484
+ 308
+ 136.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ 007
+ 007
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02020000000
+ -95.66760000000
+ 79
+ Y
+ 6
+ Hinge
+ -95.667577347956879,51.020196548899563
+ 309
+ 143.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Reed
+ Reed
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.56900000000
+ -100.66900000000
+ 82
+ N
+ 6
+ -100.66879127360815,54.568974735416816
+ 310
+ 142.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.77200000000
+ -101.88400000000
+ 83
+ Y
+ 6
+ 777
+ -101.88374489693958,54.771975558255349
+ 311
+ 204.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mt Milligan
+ Mt Milligan
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fort St James
+ Fort St James
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Au
+ Cu, Au
+ 55.11800000000
+ -124.03100000000
+ 138
+ N
+ 9
+ -124.02994994335273,55.118101102243152
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/producing-mines.kml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/producing-mines.kml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a5835c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/producing-mines.kml
@@ -0,0 +1,6026 @@
+ 2
+ 2.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Nugget Pond
+ Nugget Pond
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Snook's Arm
+ Snook's Arm
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu
+ Au, Cu
+ 49.84500000000
+ -55.77530000000
+ S. Jan 2010
+ 1
+ N
+ 1
+ -55.7753,49.845
+ 3
+ 3.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Pine Cove
+ Pine Cove
+ Anaconda Mining Inc.
+ Anaconda Mining Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Baie Verte
+ Baie Verte
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 49.95970000000
+ -56.12950000000
+ 2
+ Y
+ 1
+ Ming
+ -56.1295,49.9597
+ 4
+ 4.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Duck Pond
+ Duck Pond
+ Teck Cominco Limited
+ Teck Cominco Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Millertown
+ Millertown
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 48.63090000000
+ -56.50060000000
+ 3
+ N
+ 1
+ -56.5006,48.6309
+ 5
+ 5.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited
+ Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Voisey's Bay
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co
+ Ni, Cu, Co
+ 56.32000000000
+ -62.09300000000
+ 4
+ N
+ 1
+ -62.093,56.32
+ 6
+ 6.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Wabush
+ Wabush
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Wabush
+ Wabush
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.92000000000
+ -66.91000000000
+ 5
+ Y
+ 1
+ Carol Lake
+ -66.91,52.92
+ 7
+ 7.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Carol Lake
+ Carol Lake
+ Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)
+ Compagnie minière IOC
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 53.06000000000
+ -66.95000000000
+ 5
+ N
+ 1
+ Wabush
+ -67.068997799018121,53.113253255076415
+ 10
+ 10.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Lower Cove
+ Lower Cove
+ Atlantic Minerals Limited
+ Atlantic Minerals Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Lower Cove
+ Lower Cove
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, dolomite
+ Calcaire, dolomite
+ 48.53000000000
+ -59.03000000000
+ 6
+ N
+ 1
+ -59.03,48.53
+ 11
+ 11.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Plateau Dolomite
+ Plateau Dolomite
+ Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)
+ Compagnie minière IOC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomite
+ Dolomite
+ 53.02000000000
+ -66.82000000000
+ 7
+ N
+ 1
+ -66.786295333013285,52.978198476087201
+ 14
+ 14.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Glen Morrison
+ Glen Morrison
+ Nova Scotia Power Inc.
+ Nova Scotia Power Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Cape Breton
+ Cap-Breton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 46.00058000000
+ -60.31733400000
+ 8
+ N
+ 2
+ -60.318324459751352,46.000759099056239
+ 15
+ 15.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Antigonish Limestone Ltd.
+ Antigonish Limestone Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.65692000000
+ -61.90133200000
+ 10
+ N
+ 2
+ -61.902273859552324,45.657079905425739
+ 17
+ 17.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Little Narrows
+ Little Narrows
+ CGC Inc.
+ CGC Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Little Narrows
+ Little Narrows
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 46.00255000000
+ -60.94931700000
+ 9
+ N
+ 2
+ -60.950291546121214,46.002722775481288
+ 18
+ 18.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Mosher Limestone Company Limited
+ Mosher Limestone Company Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, gypsum
+ Calcaire, gypse
+ 45.13300000000
+ -62.93780000000
+ 11
+ N
+ 2
+ -62.938704601638129,45.133145573655689
+ 20
+ 20.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Brookfield
+ Brookfield
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Brookfield
+ Brookfield
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 45.23990000000
+ -63.33520000000
+ 12
+ N
+ 2
+ -63.321099489288564,45.242845267749551
+ 21
+ 21.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Pugwash
+ Pugwash
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Pugwash
+ Pugwash
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 45.84382000000
+ -63.65491400000
+ 14
+ N
+ 2
+ -63.655814194812642,45.843963886731622
+ 22
+ 22.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ East Milford
+ East Milford
+ National Gypsum (Canada) Ltd.
+ National Gypsum (Canada) Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Milford
+ Milford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 45.01160000000
+ -63.42240000000
+ 13
+ N
+ 2
+ <Null>
+ -63.4224,45.0116
+ 25
+ 25.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Amherst
+ Amherst
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Amherst
+ Amherst
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 45.78290000000
+ -64.23390000000
+ 15
+ N
+ 2
+ -64.2339,45.7829
+ 29
+ 29.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ NS
+ Stellarton
+ Stellarton
+ Pioneer Coal Ltd.
+ Pioneer Coal Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Stellarton
+ Stellarton
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 45.56730000000
+ -62.68310000000
+ 16
+ N
+ 2
+ -62.6831,45.5673
+ 34
+ 34.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ New Brunswick
+ New Brunswick
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Sussex
+ Sussex
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 45.75471000000
+ -65.42266900000
+ 19
+ N
+ 3
+ -65.391368628759309,45.779306893518083
+ 35
+ 35.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Havelock
+ Havelock
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Havelock
+ Havelock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Lime, limestone
+ Chaux, calcaire
+ 45.91000000000
+ -65.40000000000
+ 18
+ N
+ 3
+ -65.311598620671901,45.998669912755979
+ 36
+ 36.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Brookville
+ Brookville
+ Brookville Manufacturing Company
+ Brookville Manufacturing Company
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint John
+ Saint John
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomitic lime
+ Chaux dolomitique
+ 45.33840000000
+ -66.02180000000
+ 20
+ N
+ 3
+ -66.0218,45.3384
+ 37
+ 37.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Sormany
+ Sormany
+ Elmtree Resources Ltd.
+ Elmtree Resources Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Sormany
+ Sormany
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 47.65110000000
+ -66.04030000000
+ 21
+ N
+ 3
+ -66.014469573521154,47.686719194287036
+ 40
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Mont-Wright
+ Mont-Wright
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fermont
+ Fermont
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.78800000000
+ -67.32580000000
+ 22
+ Y
+ 4
+ Bloom Lake
+ -67.3258,52.788
+ 41
+ 41.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Niobec
+ Niobec
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Saint-Honoré-de-Chicoutimi
+ Saint-Honoré-de-Chicoutimi
+ OM
+ AM
+ Nb
+ Nb
+ 48.53300000000
+ -71.15000000000
+ 24
+ N
+ 4
+ -71.15,48.533
+ 42
+ 42.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Raglan
+ Raglan
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Katinniq
+ Katinniq
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 61.68130000000
+ -73.67130000000
+ 25
+ N
+ 4
+ -73.6713,61.6813
+ 47
+ 47.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bachelor Lake
+ Lac Bachelor
+ Metanor Resources Inc.
+ Ressources Métanor inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Desmaraisville
+ Desmaraisville
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.49580000000
+ -76.14300000000
+ 26
+ N
+ 4
+ -76.143,49.4958
+ 49
+ 49.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Beaufor
+ Beaufor
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.16130000000
+ -77.55580000000
+ 28
+ N
+ 4
+ Lac Herbin, Monique
+ -77.5558,48.1613
+ 50
+ 50.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lac Herbin
+ Lac Herbin
+ QMX Gold Corporation
+ QMX Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.13610000000
+ -77.65390000000
+ 28
+ Y
+ 4
+ Beaufor
+ -77.6539,48.1361
+ 53
+ 53.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Langlois
+ Langlois
+ Nystar NV
+ Nystar NV
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Lebel-sur-Quévillon
+ Lebel-sur-Quévillon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.24880000000
+ -76.67440000000
+ R. Jul 2012
+ 27
+ N
+ 4
+ -76.674983704482216,49.248854776388832
+ 55
+ 55.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Sleeping Giant
+ Géant Dormant
+ Maudore Minerals Ltd.
+ Minéraux Maudore ltée
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ north of Amos
+ au nord d'Amos
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.13381000000
+ -77.97768300000
+ 30
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.978224468780155,49.13385730199208
+ 56
+ 56.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Camflo
+ Camflo
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Malartic
+ Malartic
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.14660000000
+ -78.03860000000
+ 31
+ N
+ 4
+ Canadian Malartic
+ -78.062482864031423,48.185921512621945
+ 57
+ 57.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ LaRonde
+ LaRonde
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Preissac
+ Preissac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag
+ Au, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag
+ 48.25160000000
+ -78.44770000000
+ 32
+ N
+ 4
+ Lapa, Mouska, Westwood
+ -78.428516747906002,48.251643996898345
+ 59
+ 59.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Mouska
+ Mouska
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Cadillac
+ Cadillac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu, Ag
+ Au, Cu, Ag
+ 48.27756000000
+ -78.57127100000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.571784409340779,48.277603297035128
+ 60
+ 60.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Casa Berardi
+ Casa Berardi
+ Hecla Mining Company
+ Hecla Mining Company
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ north of La Sarre
+ au nord de La Sarre
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.56550000000
+ -79.27940000000
+ 33
+ N
+ 4
+ -79.2794,49.5655
+ 62
+ 62.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Seleine
+ Seleine
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Îles-de-la-Madeleine
+ Îles-de-la-Madeleine
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 47.61220000000
+ -61.56080000000
+ 34
+ N
+ 4
+ -61.5608,47.6122
+ 63
+ 63.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Tio
+ Tio
+ QIT-Fer et Titane inc.
+ QIT-Fer et Titane inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Havre-Saint-Pierre
+ Havre-Saint-Pierre
+ IM
+ MI
+ Ilmenite
+ Ilménite
+ 50.55410000000
+ -63.41600000000
+ 35
+ N
+ 4
+ -63.416,50.5541
+ 64
+ 64.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Saint-Modeste
+ IM
+ MI
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ 47.83600000000
+ -69.39250000000
+ 36
+ N
+ 4
+ -69.3925,47.836
+ 68
+ 68.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Marbleton
+ Marbleton
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Marbleton
+ Marbleton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.61930000000
+ -71.60750000000
+ 37
+ N
+ 4
+ -71.6075,45.6193
+ 71
+ 71.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bedford
+ Bedford
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Bedford
+ Bedford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.11270000000
+ -73.01180000000
+ 38
+ N
+ 4
+ Saint-Armand
+ -73.0118,45.1127
+ 72
+ 72.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Armand
+ Saint-Armand
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint-Armand
+ Saint-Armand
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium carbonate
+ Carbonate de calcium
+ 45.07620000000
+ -73.04520000000
+ 38
+ Y
+ 4
+ Bedford
+ -73.0452,45.0762
+ 73
+ 73.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 46.03450000000
+ -73.40270000000
+ 39
+ N
+ 4
+ Joliette
+ -73.4027,46.0345
+ 74
+ 74.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ IM
+ MI
+ Lime, limestone
+ Chaux, calcaire
+ 45.99830000000
+ -73.47810000000
+ 39
+ Y
+ 4
+ Joliette
+ -73.4781,45.9983
+ 80
+ 80.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lac Letondal
+ Lac Letondal
+ Imerys Mica Suzorite, Inc.
+ Imerys Mica Suzorite, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Parent, Suzor Twp.
+ Parent, canton de Suzor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Mica
+ Mica
+ 47.95280000000
+ -74.33837000000
+ 40
+ N
+ 4
+ -74.339006458394394,47.952867079744664
+ 81
+ 81.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Imerys Graphite and Carbon
+ Imerys Graphite et Carbone
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ IM
+ MI
+ Graphite
+ Graphite
+ 46.37530000000
+ -75.53570000000
+ 41
+ N
+ 4
+ -75.5357,46.3753
+ 83
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Macassa
+ Macassa
+ Kirkland Lake Gold Inc.
+ Kirkland Lake Gold Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Kirkland Lake area
+ région de Kirkland Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.14160000000
+ -80.06970000000
+ 44
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.0697,48.1416
+ 84
+ 84.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Garson
+ Garson
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.56690000000
+ -80.85770000000
+ 47
+ N
+ 5
+ Nickel Rim South
+ -80.793041088661766,46.571314164167632
+ 87
+ 87.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Stobie
+ Stobie
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.54020000000
+ -80.99330000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -80.9933,46.5402
+ 88
+ 88.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Clarabelle
+ Clarabelle
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.49300000000
+ -81.03000000000
+ 48
+ N
+ 5
+ Stobie, Creighton, Copper Cliff North
+ -81.062314294301601,46.490707165779845
+ 89
+ 89.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Copper Cliff North
+ Copper Cliff North
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.49270000000
+ -81.07300000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -81.073,46.4927
+ 91
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hoyle Pond
+ Hoyle Pond
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ south of Porcupine
+ au sud de Porcupine
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.55190000000
+ -81.10830000000
+ 50
+ N
+ 5
+ Dome, Bell Creek
+ -81.1083,48.5519
+ 94
+ 94.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Creighton
+ Creighton
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.47400000000
+ -81.18610000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -81.1861,46.474
+ 95
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Dome
+ Dome
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.45940000000
+ -81.22750000000
+ 50
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hoyle Pond
+ -81.2275,48.4594
+ 97
+ 97.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.67710000000
+ -81.33970000000
+ 53
+ N
+ 5
+ Fraser, Strathcona, Levack/Morrison, McCreedy West
+ -81.3397,46.6771
+ 98
+ 98.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Fraser
+ Fraser
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 46.66330000000
+ -81.34040000000
+ R. Feb 2010
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3404,46.6633
+ 99
+ 99.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Strathcona
+ Strathcona
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.67340000000
+ -81.34270000000
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3427,46.6734
+ 101
+ 101.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Kidd Creek
+ Kidd Creek
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn, Ag, Se, Te, In, Cd
+ Cu, Zn, Ag, Se, Te, In, Cd
+ 48.68940000000
+ -81.37000000000
+ 54
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.37,48.6894
+ 102
+ 102.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Levack/Morrison
+ Levack/Morrison
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni
+ Cu, Ni
+ 46.66070000000
+ -81.37790000000
+ R. Oct 2010
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3779,46.6607
+ 103
+ 103.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ McCreedy West
+ McCreedy West
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.63610000000
+ -81.40000000000
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.4,46.6361
+ 105
+ 105.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Island Gold
+ Island Gold
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Richmont Mines inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Dubreuilville
+ Dubreuilville
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.29700000000
+ -84.44290000000
+ 56
+ N
+ 5
+ -84.4429,48.297
+ 106
+ 106.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Eagle River
+ Eagle River
+ Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.
+ Mines d'or Wesdome Ltée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Wawa
+ Wawa
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 47.98610000000
+ -85.46190000000
+ 57
+ N
+ 5
+ -85.4619,47.9861
+ 107
+ 107.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ David Bell
+ David Bell
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Marathon
+ Marathon
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.69300000000
+ -85.89300000000
+ 58
+ N
+ 5
+ Williams
+ -85.893,48.693
+ 108
+ 108.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Williams
+ Williams
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ (U., P., C.)
+ (SOUT., C.O., Con.)
+ Marathon
+ Marathon
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.69440000000
+ -85.91080000000
+ 58
+ Y
+ 5
+ David Bell
+ -85.9108,48.6944
+ 110
+ 110.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Musselwhite
+ Musselwhite
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Thunder Bay
+ Thunder Bay
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 52.61270000000
+ -90.36360000000
+ 59
+ N
+ 5
+ -90.3636,52.6127
+ 111
+ 111.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Balmertown
+ Balmertown
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 51.05056000000
+ -93.73292200000
+ 61
+ N
+ 5
+ -93.732964127407982,51.050556715207968
+ 112
+ 112.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Tatlock
+ Tatlock
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tatlock
+ Tatlock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium carbonate
+ Carbonate de calcium
+ 45.15100000000
+ -76.49570000000
+ 63
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.4957,45.151
+ 113
+ 113.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Picton
+ Picton
+ ESSROC Canada Inc.
+ ESSROC Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Picton
+ Picton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 44.04790000000
+ -77.12250000000
+ 65
+ N
+ 5
+ -77.1225,44.0479
+ 115
+ 115.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ogden Point
+ Ogden Point
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Ogden Point
+ Ogden Point
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.98310000000
+ -77.88060000000
+ 66
+ N
+ 5
+ -77.8806,43.9831
+ 116
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Nephton
+ Nephton
+ Unimin Canada Ltd.
+ Unimin Canada Ltée
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Toronto
+ Toronto
+ IM
+ MI
+ Nepheline syenite
+ Syénite à néphéline
+ 44.62435000000
+ -77.99936800000
+ 67
+ Y
+ 5
+ Blue Mountain
+ -77.9491,44.6775
+ 118
+ 118.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bowmanville
+ Bowmanville
+ St. Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ St. Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bowmanville
+ Bowmanville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.88450000000
+ -78.69460000000
+ 68
+ N
+ 5
+ -78.6946,43.8845
+ 121
+ 121.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hagersville
+ Hagersville
+ CGC Inc.
+ CGC Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hagersville
+ Hagersville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 42.96570000000
+ -80.03840000000
+ 69
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.0384,42.9657
+ 122
+ 122.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Owen Sound
+ Owen Sound
+ E.C. King Contracting Ltd.
+ E.C. King Contracting Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Owen Sound
+ Owen Sound
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomitic lime
+ Chaux dolomitique
+ 44.56690000000
+ -80.86070000000
+ 70
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.8607,44.5669
+ 124
+ 124.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Tracey Lake
+ Tracey Lake
+ MarFred Minerals Ltd.
+ MarFred Minerals Ltd.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ North Williams
+ North Williams
+ IM
+ MI
+ Barite
+ Barytine
+ 47.41620000000
+ -81.02380000000
+ 72
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.024229711998601,47.41622871628995
+ 125
+ 125.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ St Marys
+ St Marys
+ St Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ St Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ St. Marys
+ St. Marys
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.24830000000
+ -81.15880000000
+ 73
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.1588,43.2483
+ 129
+ 129.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Goderich
+ Goderich
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Goderich
+ Goderich
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 43.74100000000
+ -81.69850000000
+ 74
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.6985,43.741
+ 130
+ 130.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Penhorwood
+ Penhorwood
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Penhorwood
+ Penhorwood
+ IM
+ MI
+ Talc
+ Talc
+ 48.18950000000
+ -82.09690000000
+ 75
+ N
+ 5
+ -82.0969,48.1895
+ 132
+ 132.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 42.28709000000
+ -83.09196300000
+ 76
+ N
+ 5
+ Ojibway
+ -83.092291456338671,42.2870643479622
+ 133
+ 133.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ojibway
+ Ojibway
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 42.25580000000
+ -83.10330000000
+ 76
+ Y
+ 5
+ Windsor
+ -83.1033,42.2558
+ 134
+ 134.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Victor
+ Victor
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ James Bay Lowlands
+ basses terres de la baie James
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 52.82060000000
+ -83.88170000000
+ 77
+ N
+ 5
+ -83.8817,52.8206
+ 135
+ 135.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Tanco
+ Tanco
+ Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited
+ Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Lac-du-Bonnet
+ Lac-du-Bonnet
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cs
+ Cs
+ 50.42910000000
+ -95.45020000000
+ 78
+ N
+ 6
+ -95.4502,50.4291
+ 136
+ 136.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Hinge
+ Hinge
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02580000000
+ -95.62160000000
+ 79
+ N
+ 6
+ Rice Lake, 007
+ -95.6216,51.0258
+ 137
+ 137.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Bissett
+ Bissett
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02300000000
+ -95.67520000000
+ 79
+ Y
+ 6
+ Hinge
+ -95.6752,51.023
+ 138
+ 138.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U., P., C.)
+ (SOUT., C.O., Con.)
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 55.71520000000
+ -97.84440000000
+ 80
+ N
+ 6
+ Birchtree
+ -97.8444,55.7152
+ 139
+ 139.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Birchtree
+ Birchtree
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 55.70050000000
+ -97.92610000000
+ 80
+ Y
+ 6
+ Thompson
+ -97.9261,55.7005
+ 141
+ 141.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.83340000000
+ -100.11648000000
+ 81
+ N
+ 6
+ Lalor Lake
+ -100.11628987584932,54.833371551542584
+ 142
+ 142.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ 777
+ 777
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ 54.77441000000
+ -101.87894000000
+ 83
+ N
+ 6
+ Flin Flon
+ -101.87868537732261,54.774385535968172
+ 145
+ 145.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Faulkner
+ Faulkner
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Faulkner
+ Faulkner
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 51.41660000000
+ -98.76220000000
+ 84
+ N
+ 6
+ -98.7622,51.4166
+ 146
+ 146.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Amaranth
+ Amaranth
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Harcus
+ Harcus
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.72960000000
+ -98.76920000000
+ 85
+ N
+ 6
+ -98.7692,50.7296
+ 147
+ 147.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Mafeking
+ Mafeking
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Mafeking
+ Mafeking
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.70070000000
+ -101.13372000000
+ 87
+ N
+ 6
+ -101.13350437070697,52.700692955961273
+ 148
+ 148.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Seabee
+ Seabee
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Laonil Lake
+ Laonil Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 55.68520000000
+ -103.61360000000
+ 88
+ Y
+ 7
+ Santoy
+ -103.6136,55.6852
+ 149
+ 149.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 58.19610000000
+ -103.71080000000
+ 89
+ N
+ 7
+ -103.7108,58.1961
+ 151
+ 151.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ McArthur River
+ McArthur River
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ north of Key Lake
+ au nord de Key Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 57.76370000000
+ -105.05300000000
+ 92
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.053,57.7637
+ 152
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Key Lake
+ Key Lake
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ north of Highrock Lake
+ au nord de Highrock Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 57.20700000000
+ -105.64700000000
+ 93
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.647,57.207
+ 153
+ 153.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Rocanville
+ Rocanville
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Rocanville
+ Rocanville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 50.45380000000
+ -101.53100000000
+ 94
+ N
+ 7
+ -101.531,50.4538
+ 154
+ 154.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Esterhazy (K-1 and K-2)
+ Esterhazy (K-1 et K-2)
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Esterhazy
+ Esterhazy
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 50.65910000000
+ -101.86200000000
+ 95
+ N
+ 7
+ -101.862,50.6591
+ 156
+ 156.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Wynyard
+ Wynyard
+ Big Quill Resources Inc.
+ Big Quill Resources Inc.
+ (P., U., Plant)
+ (C.O., SOUT., usine)
+ Wynyard
+ Wynyard
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potassium sulphate
+ Sulfate de potassium
+ 51.78063000000
+ -104.31992000000
+ 96
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.31960042119955,51.780636710353129
+ 157
+ 157.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Wilcox
+ Wilcox
+ Canadian Clay Products Inc.
+ Canadian Clay Products Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Wilcox
+ Wilcox
+ IM
+ MI
+ Clay, bentonite
+ Argile, bentonite
+ 50.09170000000
+ -104.71800000000
+ 97
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.718,50.0917
+ 158
+ 158.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Belle Plaine
+ Belle Plaine
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Belle Plaine
+ Belle Plaine
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 50.43560000000
+ -105.17900000000
+ 98
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.179,50.4356
+ 159
+ 159.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Lanigan
+ Lanigan
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Lanigan
+ Lanigan
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 51.84780000000
+ -105.19600000000
+ 99
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.196,51.8478
+ 161
+ 161.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Colonsay
+ Colonsay
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Colonsay
+ Colonsay
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 51.92070000000
+ -105.77500000000
+ 100
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.775,51.9207
+ 162
+ 162.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Allan
+ Allan
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Allan
+ Allan
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 51.93560000000
+ -106.08300000000
+ 101
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.11831388090695,51.931751029818322
+ 163
+ 163.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Patience Lake
+ Patience Lake
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Blucher
+ Blucher
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 52.11590000000
+ -106.30400000000
+ 102
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.304,52.1159
+ 164
+ 164.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Chaplin Lake
+ Chaplin Lake
+ Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals Inc.
+ Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Chaplin
+ Chaplin
+ IM
+ MI
+ Sodium sulphate
+ Sulfate de sodium
+ 50.45730000000
+ -106.67000000000
+ 103
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.67,50.4573
+ 165
+ 165.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Cory
+ Cory
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Cory
+ Cory
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 52.09110000000
+ -106.86800000000
+ 104
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.84885881426159,52.108369545857713
+ 166
+ 166.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Vanscoy
+ Vanscoy
+ Agrium Inc.
+ Agrium Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Vanscoy
+ Vanscoy
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 52.01000000000
+ -107.08000000000
+ 105
+ N
+ 7
+ -107.14600443254898,51.98709302742607
+ 167
+ 167.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Unity
+ Unity
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Unity
+ Unity
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 52.42330000000
+ -109.11000000000
+ 106
+ N
+ 7
+ -109.11,52.4233
+ 168
+ 168.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Bienfait
+ Bienfait
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bienfait
+ Bienfait
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.10420000000
+ -102.70830000000
+ 107
+ N
+ 7
+ -102.68616855107182,49.10596711413001
+ 169
+ 169.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Boundary Dam
+ Boundary Dam
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Estevan
+ Estevan
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.09440000000
+ -102.98330000000
+ 108
+ N
+ 7
+ -103.00681159905352,49.099826089653789
+ 170
+ 170.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Poplar River
+ Poplar River
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Coronach
+ Coronach
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.22300000000
+ -105.48900000000
+ 109
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.489,49.223
+ 171
+ 171.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Lindbergh
+ Lindbergh
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Elk Point
+ Elk Point
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 53.86269000000
+ -110.63900000000
+ 110
+ N
+ 8
+ -110.63843920996879,53.862707760262424
+ 172
+ 172.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Steepbank
+ Steepbank
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ north of Fort McMurray
+ au nord de Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 56.90260000000
+ -111.37730000000
+ 111
+ N
+ 8
+ Fort McMurray West
+ -111.5186251395408,56.971664911446496
+ 173
+ 173.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Sunnynook
+ Sunnynook
+ Rio Petro Ltd.
+ Rio Petro Ltd.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Cessford
+ Cessford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 51.00674000000
+ -111.55595000000
+ 113
+ N
+ 8
+ -111.63198896836627,51.049307677092912
+ 174
+ 174.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Muskeg Valley
+ Muskeg Valley
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ north of Fort McMurray
+ au nord de Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.19040000000
+ -111.55200000000
+ 112
+ N
+ 8
+ Aurora
+ -111.58555698940606,57.202269377482445
+ 175
+ 175.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Bruderheim
+ Bruderheim
+ Canexus Chemicals Canada Ltd.
+ Canexus Chemicals Canada Ltd.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Bruderheim
+ Bruderheim
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 53.80742000000
+ -112.94088000000
+ 114
+ N
+ 8
+ -112.92755585973471,53.781525754359372
+ 176
+ 176.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Calling Lake
+ Calling Lake
+ Calcium Incorporated
+ Calcium Incorporated
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ north of Athabasca
+ au nord d'Athabasca
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 55.16583000000
+ -113.22886000000
+ 115
+ N
+ 8
+ -113.22818472445937,55.165847636772945
+ 177
+ 177.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mitsue
+ Mitsue
+ Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
+ Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Slave Lake
+ Slave Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 55.27297000000
+ -114.59862000000
+ 116
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.59789400894034,55.272995005147642
+ 178
+ 178.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Summit
+ Summit
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Coleman
+ Coleman
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 49.63560000000
+ -114.68100000000
+ 117
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.5523769793575,49.639123760034231
+ 180
+ 180.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 51.07140000000
+ -115.13200000000
+ 118
+ N
+ 8
+ Exshaw
+ -115.132,51.0714
+ 181
+ 181.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 51.06570000000
+ -115.17800000000
+ 118
+ Y
+ 8
+ Exshaw
+ -115.178,51.0657
+ 182
+ 182.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Cougar Ridge
+ Cougar Ridge
+ Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd.
+ Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Rocky Mountain House
+ Rocky Mountain House
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.18970000000
+ -115.50420000000
+ 120
+ N
+ 8
+ -115.56419924529918,52.177361647929281
+ 183
+ 183.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Fish Creek
+ Fish Creek
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Nordegg
+ Nordegg
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.45210000000
+ -116.09120000000
+ 121
+ N
+ 8
+ -116.0912,52.4521
+ 184
+ 184.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mcleod
+ Mcleod
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Cadomin
+ Cadomin
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.97600000000
+ -117.26870000000
+ 122
+ N
+ 8
+ -117.22461191302418,52.946267280060745
+ 185
+ 185.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Sheerness
+ Sheerness
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hanna
+ Hanna
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 51.45080000000
+ -111.73390000000
+ 123
+ N
+ 8
+ -111.7339,51.4508
+ 186
+ 186.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Paintearth
+ Paintearth
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Forestburg
+ Forestburg
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 52.45470000000
+ -112.13650000000
+ 124
+ N
+ 8
+ -112.13590832343658,52.454736295181725
+ 187
+ 187.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Genesee
+ Genesee
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Genesee
+ Genesee
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.32388000000
+ -114.26724000000
+ 125
+ N
+ 8
+ Burtonsville
+ -114.2665623795321,53.323922489751652
+ 188
+ 188.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Highvale
+ Highvale
+ Transalta Corporation
+ Transalta Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Seba Beach
+ Seba Beach
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.50000000000
+ -114.55000000000
+ 126
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.55,53.5
+ 190
+ 190.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Coal Valley
+ Coal Valley
+ Coal Valley Resources Inc.
+ Coal Valley Resources Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Edson
+ Edson
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.06670000000
+ -116.78330000000
+ 127
+ N
+ 8
+ -116.7833,53.0667
+ 191
+ 191.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Cardinal River
+ Cardinal River
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hinton
+ Hinton
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 53.06670000000
+ -117.40000000000
+ 128
+ N
+ 8
+ -117.47599808639788,53.105154267671807
+ 192
+ 192.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache Coal Corporation
+ Grande Cache Coal Corporation
+ (P., U.)
+ (C.O., SOUT.)
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 54.03330000000
+ -119.16670000000
+ 129
+ N
+ 8
+ -119.1667,54.0333
+ 193
+ 193.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 56.87190000000
+ -111.34000000000
+ 130
+ N
+ 8
+ Mildred Lake
+ -111.20103347205945,56.826346684743065
+ 194
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Aurora North and South
+ Aurora Nord et Sud
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ N
+ 8
+ Jackpine, Horizon, Muskeg River
+ -111.57103265973876,57.422778925211659
+ 195
+ 195.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mildred Lake
+ Lac Mildred
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.00000000000
+ -111.46670000000
+ 130
+ Y
+ 8
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ -111.4667,57.0
+ 196
+ 196.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Muskeg River
+ Muskeg River
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.24650000000
+ -111.51200000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.512,57.2465
+ 197
+ 197.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ New Afton
+ New Afton
+ New Gold Inc.
+ New Gold Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Kamloops
+ Kamloops
+ PM, BM
+ MP, MB
+ Au, Ag, Cu
+ Au, Ag, Cu
+ 50.66100000000
+ -120.51400000000
+ O. Jun 2012
+ 132
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.51316964531695,50.661102617872949
+ 200
+ 200.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Highland Valley Copper
+ Highland Valley Copper
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Logan Lake
+ Logan Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo
+ Cu, Mo
+ 50.48550000000
+ -121.04830000000
+ 134
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.0483,50.4855
+ 201
+ 201.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mount Polley
+ Mount Polley
+ Imperial Metals Corporation
+ Imperial Metals Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ northeast of Williams Lake
+ au nord-est de Williams Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Au, Cu
+ Au, Cu
+ 52.53330000000
+ -121.61660000000
+ 135
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.60181101968521,52.513009451360048
+ 203
+ 203.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Gibraltar
+ Gibraltar
+ Taseko Mines Limited
+ Taseko Mines Limited
+ (P. C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ north of Williams Lake
+ au nord de Williams Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo
+ Cu, Mo
+ 52.51800000000
+ -122.28750000000
+ 136
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.2875,52.518
+ 204
+ 204.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Endako
+ Endako
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fraser Lake
+ Fraser Lake
+ OM
+ MB
+ Mo
+ Mo
+ 54.03610000000
+ -125.11000000000
+ 139
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.11,54.0361
+ 206
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bralorne-Pioneer
+ Bralorne-Pioneer
+ Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
+ Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Whistler
+ Whistler
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 50.77790000000
+ -122.82140000000
+ 137
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.82049720077228,50.778022193652539
+ 207
+ 207.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Huckleberry
+ Huckleberry
+ Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
+ Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Houston
+ Houston
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo, Au
+ Cu, Mo, Au
+ 53.68110000000
+ -127.17800000000
+ 141
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.178,53.6811
+ 209
+ 209.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ 4J
+ 4J
+ Georgia-Pacific Canada, Inc.
+ Georgia-Pacific Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Canal Flats
+ Canal Flats
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.09750000000
+ -115.52100000000
+ 142
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.521,50.0975
+ 210
+ 210.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Baymag Inc.
+ Baymag Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Mount Brussilof
+ IM
+ MI
+ Magnesite (fused), magnesia (products)
+ Magnésite fondue, produits de magnésie
+ 50.78870000000
+ -115.68300000000
+ 143
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.683,50.7887
+ 211
+ 211.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Elkhorn
+ Elkhorn
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Windermere
+ Windermere
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.49720000000
+ -115.90500000000
+ 144
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.905,50.4972
+ 212
+ 212.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Crawford Bay
+ Crawford Bay
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Crawford Bay
+ Crawford Bay
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomite, limestone
+ Dolomite, calcaire
+ 49.69250000000
+ -116.80300000000
+ 145
+ N
+ 9
+ -116.803,49.6925
+ 215
+ 215.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Lime Creek
+ Lime Creek
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Lost Creek
+ Lost Creek
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.08170000000
+ -117.24200000000
+ 146
+ N
+ 9
+ -117.242,49.0817
+ 216
+ 216.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Harper Ranch
+ Harper Ranch
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Kamloops
+ Kamloops
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 50.66840000000
+ -120.06500000000
+ 148
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.065,50.6684
+ 217
+ 217.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bud
+ Bud
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Princeton
+ Princeton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium, clay
+ Calcium, argile
+ 49.45480000000
+ -120.49200000000
+ 149
+ N
+ 9
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ -120.52631390452223,49.495660961622036
+ 218
+ 218.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ Canadian Mining Company Inc.
+ Canadian Mining Company Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bromley Creek
+ Bromley Creek
+ IM
+ MI
+ Zeolite
+ Zéolite
+ 49.42360000000
+ -120.56400000000
+ 149
+ Y
+ 9
+ Bud
+ -120.59835900663019,49.464431033545992
+ 219
+ 219.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Diatomite, bentonite, leonardite
+ Diatomite, bentonite, léonardite
+ 50.93870000000
+ -120.81500000000
+ 150
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.815,50.9387
+ 221
+ 221.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Pavilion Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 50.81780000000
+ -121.65400000000
+ 151
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.654,50.8178
+ 223
+ 223.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Van Anda
+ Van Anda
+ Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.
+ Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.74050000000
+ -124.52800000000
+ 152
+ N
+ 9
+ Gillies Bay, Blubber Bay
+ -124.528,49.7405
+ 224
+ 224.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Gillies Bay
+ Gillies Bay
+ Texada Quarrying Ltd. (Lafarge Canada Inc.)
+ Texada Quarrying Ltd. (Lafarge Canada Inc.)
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.71650000000
+ -124.56000000000
+ 152
+ Y
+ 9
+ Van Anda
+ -124.56,49.7165
+ 225
+ 225.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Blubber Bay
+ Blubber Bay
+ Ash Grove Cement Company
+ Ash Grove Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.78610000000
+ -124.62000000000
+ 152
+ Y
+ 9
+ Van Anda
+ -124.62,49.7861
+ 226
+ 226.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Fireside
+ Fireside
+ Fireside Minerals Ltd.
+ Fireside Minerals Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fireside
+ Fireside
+ IM
+ MI
+ Barite
+ Barytine
+ 59.77170000000
+ -127.20800000000
+ 153
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.208,59.7717
+ 227
+ 227.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Benson Lake
+ Benson Lake
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Benson Lake
+ Benson Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 50.38310000000
+ -127.25400000000
+ 154
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.254,50.3831
+ 228
+ 228.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Coal Mountain
+ Coal Mountain
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical, thermal)
+ Charbon (métallurgique, thermique)
+ 49.49050000000
+ -114.65200000000
+ 155
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.7312535919711,49.435503680801638
+ 229
+ 229.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Line Creek
+ Line Creek
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical, thermal)
+ Charbon (métallurgique, thermique)
+ 49.95000000000
+ -114.78330000000
+ 156
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.7833,49.95
+ 230
+ 230.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Elkview
+ Elkview
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 49.74310000000
+ -114.80500000000
+ 157
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.8407952092724,49.743334292390195
+ 231
+ 231.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Greenhills
+ Greenhills
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 50.08330000000
+ -114.86670000000
+ 158
+ Y
+ 9
+ Fording River
+ -114.8667,50.0833
+ 232
+ 232.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Fording River
+ Fording River
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Elkford
+ Elkford
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 50.14310000000
+ -114.88100000000
+ 158
+ N
+ 9
+ Greenhills
+ -114.881,50.1431
+ 233
+ 233.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Trend
+ Trend
+ Anglo American plc
+ Anglo American plc
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 54.93280000000
+ -121.00300000000
+ 159
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.94420065404542,54.993341922046945
+ 234
+ 234.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Wolverine-Perry Creek
+ Wolverine-Perry Creek
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P., U.)
+ (C.O., SOUT.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.08610000000
+ -121.24530000000
+ 160
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.10163746734506,55.221959415837787
+ 235
+ 235.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Brule
+ Brule
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.38670000000
+ -121.82000000000
+ 161
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.80565692966667,55.408136118944249
+ 236
+ 236.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Quinsam
+ Quinsam
+ Hillsbourough Resources Limited
+ Hillsbourough Resources Limited
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Campbell River
+ Campbell River
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.90550000000
+ -125.47700000000
+ 163
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.477,49.9055
+ 237
+ 237.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ YK
+ Minto
+ Minto
+ Capstone Mining Corporation
+ Capstone Mining Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Carmacks
+ Carmacks
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Au
+ Cu, Au
+ 62.61670000000
+ -137.24900000000
+ 165
+ N
+ 10
+ -137.249,62.6167
+ 238
+ 238.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ CanTung
+ CanTung
+ North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
+ North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Cantung
+ Cantung
+ BM
+ MB
+ W
+ W
+ 61.95270000000
+ -128.26250000000
+ R. Oct 2010
+ 166
+ N
+ 11
+ -128.2625,61.9527
+ 239
+ 239.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Diavik
+ Diavik
+ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
+ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Lac de Gras
+ Lac de Gras
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 64.49500000000
+ -110.27200000000
+ 167
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.272,64.495
+ 240
+ 240.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Ekati
+ Ekati
+ Dominion Diamond Corporation
+ Dominion Diamond Corporation
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Lac de Gras
+ Lac de Gras
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 64.71500000000
+ -110.61800000000
+ 168
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.618,64.715
+ 241
+ 241.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Snap Lake
+ Snap Lake
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Snap Lake
+ Snap Lake
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 63.60270000000
+ -110.86900000000
+ 169
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.869,63.6027
+ 247
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bloom Lake
+ Lac Bloom
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.83850000000
+ -67.27630000000
+ O. Jul 2010
+ 22
+ N
+ 4
+ Mont-Wright
+ -67.277247649307867,52.838610390290206
+ 248
+ 58.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lapa
+ Lapa
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rivière-Héva
+ Rivière-Héva
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.22957000000
+ -78.28810000000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.288621821415859,48.229614665110141
+ 249
+ 86.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Black Fox
+ Black Fox
+ Primero Mining Corp.
+ Primero Mining Corp.
+ (P., U., C.)
+ (C.O., SOUT., Con.)
+ Matheson
+ Matheson
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.53436000000
+ -80.34080000000
+ 45
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hislop
+ -80.341261810717384,48.534394287192754
+ 250
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bath
+ Bath
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bath
+ Bath
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 44.17086000000
+ -76.80913800000
+ 64
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.809617532561887,44.170887515358686
+ 252
+ 174.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Aurora
+ Aurora
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.30290000000
+ -111.45400000000
+ 112
+ Y
+ 8
+ Muskeg Valley
+ -111.45335229106885,57.302878110770273
+ 253
+ 178.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Fort McMurray West
+ Fort McMurray West
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.02180000000
+ -111.57200000000
+ 111
+ Y
+ 8
+ Steepbank
+ -111.57135333670162,57.021782701189089
+ 254
+ 185.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Clearwater
+ Clearwater
+ Burnco Rock Products Ltd.
+ Burnco Rock Products Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Clearwater River
+ Clearwater River
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 51.96530000000
+ -115.28800000000
+ 119
+ N
+ 8
+ -115.29853456242357,51.940201160030789
+ 257
+ 194.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Burtonsville
+ Burtonsville
+ Keephills Aggregate Company Ltd.
+ Keephills Aggregate Company Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Burtonsville
+ Burtonsville
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.32790000000
+ -114.53100000000
+ 125
+ Y
+ 8
+ Genesee
+ -114.53031268170682,53.327944862041463
+ 261
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Holloway
+ Holloway
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.52170000000
+ -79.74750000000
+ R. Mar 2010
+ 43
+ Y
+ 5
+ Holt
+ -79.747980293287554,48.521737285058229
+ 262
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hislop
+ Hislop
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Matheson
+ Matheson
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.49480000000
+ -80.28630000000
+ O. Jun 2010
+ 45
+ N
+ 5
+ Black Fox
+ -80.286762483378524,48.494834368425224
+ 263
+ 85.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Nickel Rim South
+ Nickel Rim South
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.65798000000
+ -80.79679300000
+ 47
+ Y
+ 5
+ Garson
+ -80.797221284356766,46.658006391454066
+ 266
+ 110.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Lac des Iles
+ Lac des Îles
+ North American Palladium Ltd.
+ North American Palladium Ltd.
+ (P., U., C.)
+ (C.O., SOUT., Con.)
+ Thunder Bay
+ Thunder Bay
+ PM
+ MP
+ PGM, Ni, Au, Cu, Co
+ MGP, Ni, Au, Cu, Co
+ 52.61270000000
+ -90.36360000000
+ R. Apr 2010
+ 60
+ N
+ 5
+ -89.610673842574514,49.16910503638951
+ 267
+ 119.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Young-Davidson
+ Young-Davidson
+ Aurico Gold Inc.
+ Aurico Gold Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Kirkland Lake area
+ région de Kirkland Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 47.92400000000
+ -80.65800000000
+ O. Sep 2012
+ 46
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.658445160016868,47.924031822411123
+ 268
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Jackpine
+ Jackpine
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.37921142303405,57.249014121579492
+ 269
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Horizon
+ Horizon
+ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
+ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.77428556088469,57.338212030234374
+ 270
+ 235.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Willow Creek
+ Willow Creek
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.38670000000
+ -121.82000000000
+ R. Jun 2010
+ 162
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.28199554966234,55.600079690245288
+ 271
+ 241.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ NU
+ Meadowbank
+ Meadowbank
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Baker Lake
+ Baker Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 63.60270000000
+ -110.86900000000
+ O. Mar 2010
+ 170
+ N
+ 12
+ -96.0488363706244,65.024758302987095
+ 273
+ 3.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Ming
+ Ming
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Baie Verte
+ Baie Verte
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Au, Ag, Zn
+ Cu, Au, Ag, Zn
+ 49.91500000000
+ -56.08700000000
+ O. Dec 2011
+ 2
+ N
+ 1
+ Pine Cove
+ -56.088200428917858,49.915239358892443
+ 275
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Fire Lake
+ Fire Lake
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fermont
+ Fermont
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 53.35005000000
+ -67.36665500000
+ 23
+ N
+ 4
+ -67.367589111561927,52.350163044725818
+ 276
+ 56.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Canadian Malartic
+ Canadian Malartic
+ Canadian Malartic Partnership
+ Partenariat Canadian Malartic
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O.,Con.)
+ Malartic
+ Malartic
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.12990000000
+ -78.10030000000
+ O. May 2011
+ 31
+ Y
+ 4
+ Camflo
+ -78.100826088475316,48.12994566359253
+ 277
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Holt
+ Holt
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.51300000000
+ -79.74000000000
+ O. Apr 2011
+ 43
+ N
+ 5
+ Holloway
+ -79.740480186028165,48.513037784848301
+ 278
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bell Creek
+ Bell Creek
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.55300000000
+ -81.17800000000
+ 50
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hoyle Pond
+ -81.178435866079809,48.553030443162903
+ 279
+ 97.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Lockerby
+ Lockerby
+ First Nickel Inc.
+ First Nickel Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.43300000000
+ -81.32380000000
+ R. Sep 2011
+ 52
+ N
+ 5
+ Ellen, Gertrude, Totten
+ -81.324211525448561,46.433023170328603
+ 280
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Timmins West
+ Timmins West
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.38328000000
+ -81.54982600000
+ O. Jan 2011
+ 55
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.550248366982899,48.383308498998566
+ 281
+ 122.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Woodstock
+ Woodstock
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Woodstock
+ Woodstock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.09870000000
+ -80.90300000000
+ 71
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.903393854726417,43.098694435536004
+ 282
+ 147.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Hargrave
+ Hargrave
+ ERCO Worldwide
+ ERCO Worldwide
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Virden
+ Virden
+ IM
+ MI
+ Sodium chlorate
+ Chlorate de sodium
+ 49.90320000000
+ -101.04740000000
+ 86
+ N
+ 6
+ -100.97489684815231,49.925492187943561
+ 283
+ 148.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Santoy
+ Santoy
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Santoy Lake
+ Santoy Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 55.66778000000
+ -103.41457000000
+ O. Apr 2011
+ 88
+ N
+ 7
+ Seabee
+ -103.4142511160631,55.667748241503951
+ 284
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Jolu
+ Jolu
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Brabant Lake
+ Brabant Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 56.00062000000
+ -104.28157000000
+ R. Jan 2011
+ 90
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.28121467184059,56.000587011118292
+ 285
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Roy Lloyd/Bingo
+ Roy Lloyd/Bingo
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Brabant Lake
+ Brabant Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 55.70167000000
+ -104.73361000000
+ O. Mar 2011
+ 91
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.7332406005321,55.701642261754294
+ 286
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Copper Mountain
+ Copper Mountain
+ Copper Mountain Mining Corporation
+ Copper Mountain Mining Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Princeton
+ Princeton
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.33100000000
+ -120.53300000000
+ R. Aug 2011
+ 133
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.47868296318609,49.260418570449886
+ 287
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Myra Falls
+ Myra Falls
+ Nystar NV
+ Nystar NV
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Buttle Lake
+ Buttle Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.57300000000
+ -125.59160000000
+ 140
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.59064168340119,49.573149572143414
+ 288
+ 237.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ YK
+ Wolverine
+ Wolverine
+ Yukon Zinc Corp.
+ Yukon Zinc Corp.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Ross River, Watson Lake
+ Ross River, Watson Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Ag, Cu, Pb, Au
+ Zn, Ag, Cu, Pb, Au
+ 61.41667000000
+ -130.10000000000
+ O. Dec 2011
+ 164
+ N
+ 10
+ -130.09849486082885,61.416723489737869
+ 290
+ 118.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Blue Mountain
+ Blue Mountain
+ Unimin Canada Ltd.
+ Unimin Canada Ltée
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Blue Mountain
+ Blue Mountain
+ IM
+ MI
+ Nepheline syenite
+ Syénite à néphéline
+ 44.67750000000
+ -77.94910000000
+ 67
+ N
+ 5
+ Nephton
+ -77.99985684097382,44.624375634831416
+ 291
+ 143.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Lalor Lake
+ Lalor Lake
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ 54.86200000000
+ -100.15500000000
+ 81
+ Y
+ 6
+ Snow Lake
+ -100.15480763919565,54.861970535092894
+ 292
+ 216.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Falkland
+ Falkland
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Falkland
+ Falkland
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.51039000000
+ -119.55247000000
+ 147
+ N
+ 9
+ -119.55167201886678,50.510485641415606
+ 296
+ 63.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ IM
+ MI
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ 47.02312900000
+ -64.86352000000
+ 17
+ N
+ 3
+ -64.864411104262018,47.023269380375929
+ 297
+ 54.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Goldex
+ Goldex
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Val-dOr
+ Val-dOr
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.09260000000
+ -77.87330000000
+ R. Dec 2012
+ 30
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.873832232949724,48.092646355006018
+ 298
+ 51.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bracemac-McLeod
+ Bracemac-McLeod
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Matagami
+ Matagami
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.67900000000
+ -77.66600000000
+ O. Jul 2013
+ 29
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.666558821565445,49.67904812788889
+ 299
+ 49.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Monique
+ Monique
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.18800000000
+ -77.44500000000
+ O. Oct 2013
+ 28
+ Y
+ 4
+ Beaufor
+ -77.445546483521511,48.188048788520121
+ 300
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Detour Lake
+ Detour Lake
+ Detour Gold Corporation
+ Detour Gold Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Matagami
+ Matagami
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 50.01400000000
+ -79.71000000000
+ O. Aug 2013
+ 42
+ N
+ 5
+ -79.710498640197912,50.014037327169191
+ 301
+ 94.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ellen
+ Ellen
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni
+ Cu, Ni
+ 46.43000000000
+ -81.32300000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.323410868078724,46.430022526705258
+ 302
+ 59.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Westwood
+ Westwood
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Cadillac
+ Cadillac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu, Ag, Zn
+ Au, Cu, Ag, Zn
+ 48.25600000000
+ -78.50200000000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.502515483367134,48.256043180618171
+ 303
+ 89.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Broken Hammer
+ Broken Hammer
+ Wallbridge Mining Company Limited
+ Wallbridge Mining Company Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni, PGM
+ Cu, Ni, MGP
+ 46.76460000000
+ -81.03440000000
+ 49
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.034822496963372,46.76462606764224
+ 304
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Redstone
+ Redstone
+ Northern Sun Mining Corp.
+ Northern Sun Mining Corp.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ southeast of Timmins
+ au sud-est de Timmins
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni
+ Ni
+ 48.31750000000
+ -81.15810000000
+ 51
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.158534067293232,48.317530174723252
+ 305
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Gertrude
+ Gertrude
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.45920000000
+ -81.21220000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.212614419427112,46.459223205810282
+ 306
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Totten
+ Totten
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Worthington
+ Worthington
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.38120000000
+ -81.45480000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.455206736487781,46.381222257586344
+ 307
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ St. Lawrence
+ St. Lawrence
+ Canadian Wollastonite
+ Canadian Wollastonite
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Kingston
+ Kingston
+ IM
+ MI
+ Wollastonite
+ Wollastonite
+ 44.46040000000
+ -76.25040000000
+ 62
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.250936196241526,44.460433767150484
+ 308
+ 136.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ 007
+ 007
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02020000000
+ -95.66760000000
+ 79
+ Y
+ 6
+ Hinge
+ -95.667577347956879,51.020196548899563
+ 309
+ 143.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Reed
+ Reed
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.56900000000
+ -100.66900000000
+ 82
+ N
+ 6
+ -100.66879127360815,54.568974735416816
+ 310
+ 142.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.77200000000
+ -101.88400000000
+ 83
+ Y
+ 6
+ 777
+ -101.88374489693958,54.771975558255349
+ 311
+ 204.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mt Milligan
+ Mt Milligan
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fort St James
+ Fort St James
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Au
+ Cu, Au
+ 55.11800000000
+ -124.03100000000
+ 138
+ N
+ 9
+ -124.02994994335273,55.118101102243152
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/topojson.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/topojson.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f4dd1fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/topojson.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/trafficcamera.png b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/trafficcamera.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a17f40c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/trafficcamera.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/trafficcamera_active.png b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/trafficcamera_active.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87f7a5832
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/demo/trafficcamera_active.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94eaa9b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1539 @@
+ Geomap - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Geomap
+ Upgrade Notice
+ Since WET 4.0.31 we updated geomap to use to OpenLayers 3, as a result RSS and ATOM feeds are no longer supported. The configuration of some Static Map has been changed and a revised configuration is used to support tile source (XYZ) basemap. Access at the working example prior v4.0.30 .
Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid.
+ Dynamic map example
+ Since WET 4.0.31 we updated geomap to use to OpenLayers 3, as a result RSS and ATOM feeds are no longer supported. Many of the services that were used for this working example no longer exist and were removed. Please update the config-en.js
as per provided example .
Example - Inline Layer Data
Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute data-geometry
to hold the geometry and an attribute data-type
to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.
+ Table of point geometries
+ Rank
+ Census subdivision
+ Population 2011
+ 1
+ Toronto
+ 2,615,060
+ 2
+ Montreal
+ 1,649,519
+ 3
+ Calgary
+ 1,096,833
+ 4
+ Ottawa
+ 883,391
+ 5
+ Edmonton
+ 812,201
+ 6
+ Mississauga
+ 713,443
+ 7
+ Winnipeg
+ 663,617
+ 8
+ Vancouver
+ 603,502
+ 9
+ Brampton
+ 523,911
+ 10
+ Hamilton
+ 519,949
+ Table of bounding box geometries
+ Title
+ Geometry
+ Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918
+ -136, 61, -118, 70
+ Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago
+ -92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5
+ Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data
+ Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="sample_map"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline geocoder geolocation aoi aoi-open"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-en.js",
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "bbox",
+ "tab": false,
+ "zoom": true,
+ "visible": false,
+ "popups": true
+ },{
+ "id": "cities",
+ "zoom": true,
+ "tab": false,
+ "popups": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "popupsInfo": {
+ "id": "citiesPopup",
+ "height": 200,
+ "width": 300,
+ "close": true,
+ "content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><p><strong>Census subdivision: </strong>_Census subdivision<div><a href=\"#\" class=\"button\" role=\"button\" title=\"Zoom to city\" aria-label=\"Zoom to city\" onclick=\"wb.doc.zoomFeature()\">Zoom to city</a></div></div>"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "rule",
+ "rule": [
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [3],
+ "filter": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#0083f5",
+ "fillColor": "#57a8f0",
+ "pointRadius": 6,
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [2, 3],
+ "filter": "BETWEEN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F90",
+ "fillColor": "#F90",
+ "pointRadius": 8,
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [1],
+ "filter": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F00",
+ "fillColor": "#F00",
+ "pointRadius": 10,
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-9">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Legend Start (optional) -->
+ <section class="wb-geomap-legend col-md-3">
+ <h3>Legend</h3>
+ </section>
+ <!-- Insert Legend End -->
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h3>Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data</h3>
+ <p>Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="row">
+ <section>
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-12">
+ <h3>Example - Inline Layer Data</h3>
+ <p>Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute <em>data-geometry</em> to hold the geometry and an attribute <em>data-type</em> to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.</p>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Points</h4>
+ <table id="cities" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
+ <caption>
+ Table of point geometries.
+ </caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rank</th>
+ <th>Census subdivision</th>
+ <th>Population 2011</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
+ <td>2615060</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
+ <td>1649519</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
+ <td>1096833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
+ <td>883391</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
+ <td>812201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississauga" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
+ <td>713443</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
+ <td>663617</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
+ <td>603502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
+ <td>523911</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
+ <td>519949</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h4>Bounding Boxes</h4>
+ <table id="bbox" aria-label="Bounding Boxes" class="table table-condensed">
+ <caption>
+ Table of bounding box geometries.
+ </caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Geometry</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="-136, 61, -118, 70" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918</td>
+ <td>-136, 61, -118, 70</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago</td>
+ <td>-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Static Map example
+ Geomap can be configured to provide a static map ideally suited to display a location or bounding box extent.
+ Since WET 4.0.31 we updated geomap to use to OpenLayers 3 and code in the client_functions.js
has been changed. Please update the client_functions.js
as per provided example . Static map that was using very similar configuration like before v4.0.30, which are deprecated, and as per demoed should continue to work. We recommend you to update your code like the following example.
+ Natural Resources Canada Ottawa office address
+ Address
+ 615 Booth St., Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1A 0E8
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap static"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "addNRCan",
+ "style": {
+ "type": "symbol",
+ "init": {
+ "pointRadius": 12,
+ "graphicName": "star",
+ "strokeColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.7
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4">
+ <table id="addNRCan" aria-label="NRCan Ottawa office adress" class="table">
+ <caption class="wb-inv">Natural Resources Canada Ottawa office adress</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Adress</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.70535 45.3995)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>615 Booth St.,<br />Ottawa (ON),<br />Canada,<br />K1A 0E8</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ WMS Map example
+ Geomap can be configured to use a WMS map as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/configwms-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ basemap : {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ restrictedExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:4269",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
+ ESRI REST basemap example
+ Geomap can be configured to use an ESRI REST service as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="esri_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-esri-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap : {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "https://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
+ OSM basemap example
+ Geomap can be configured to use an OpenStreetMap (OSM) basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="osm_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-osm-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ title: "OSM Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ mapOptions: {
+ center: [ -52.7222765, 47.5410882 ],
+ zoomLevel: 11
+ }
+ Tile Source (XYZ) basemap example
+ Geomap can be configured to use an Tile Source (XYZ) basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Prior to WET 4.0.31 the service that was used to create this working example has been retired. Please see the revised configuration below.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="xyz_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-xyz-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ title: "Tile (XYZ) Source Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ url: [
+ "//otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ Filtering example
+ Province:
+ Canada
+ British columbia
+ Alberta
+ Québec
+ Layer:
+ Points
+ TopoJSON (World 110m)
+ (All)
+ Filter
+ Reset to defaults
+ Table of point geometries
+ Rank
+ Census subdivision
+ Population 2011
+ 1
+ Toronto
+ 2,615,060
+ 2
+ Montreal
+ 1,649,519
+ 3
+ Calgary
+ 1,096,833
+ 4
+ Ottawa
+ 883,391
+ 5
+ Edmonton
+ 812,201
+ 6
+ Mississauga
+ 713,443
+ 7
+ Winnipeg
+ 663,617
+ 8
+ Vancouver
+ 603,502
+ 9
+ Brampton
+ 523,911
+ 10
+ Hamilton
+ 519,949
+ Code
+ View code
+ <form class="wb-geomap-filter form-inline mrgn-bttm-md" data-bind-to="sample_map_filter">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="gm_province">Province:</label>
+ <select id="gm_province" class="form-control" data-filter="aoi">
+ <!-- The dimension bellow are approximative for this demo purpose only -->
+ <option selected value="64.097 -10.63 34.692 -177.659">Canada</option>
+ <option value="60 -120 48 -139">British columbia</option>
+ <option value="60 -110 49 -120">Alberta</option>
+ <option value="POLYGON((-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185,-79.79959328176142 51.57292655739278,-79.18435890676142 46.810536399556135,-76.45974953176142 45.655468008018055,-75.58084328176142 45.961790800827984,-74.87771828176142 45.47086564114406,-74.96560890676142 44.97562684884711,-71.44998390676142 44.97562684884711,-69.16482765676142 47.349194267123444,-68.19803078176142 47.349194267123444,-64.33084328176142 48.35181916125691,-55.80545265676142 52.00783331541157,-67.31912453176142 52.16984334247954,-64.24295265676142 60.85236662687351,-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185))">Québec</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="gm_layer">Layer:</label>
+ <select id="gm_layer" class="form-control" data-filter="layer">
+ <option value="Points" selected>Points</option>
+ <option value="KML">KML</option>
+ <option value="TopoJSON (World 110m)">TopoJSON (World 110m)</option>
+ <option value="">(All)</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" aria-controls="sample_map_filter" type="submit">Filter</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-link" type="reset">Reset page to defaults</button>
+<div id="sample_map_filter"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline geocoder geolocation"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "cities_forFilterSample",
+ "zoom": true,
+ "tooltips": true,
+ "tooltipText": "Population 2011",
+ "popups": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "popupsInfo": {
+ "content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><strong>Census subdivision: </strong>_Census subdivision<br/><strong>Population: </strong>_Population 2011</div>"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "rule",
+ "rule": [
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [3],
+ "filter": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "init": {
+ "fillColor": "#e74c3c",
+ "pointRadius": 2.6,
+ "fillOpacity": 1.0,
+ "strokeWidth": 8,
+ "strokeColor": [ 231, 76, 60, 0.5 ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [2, 3],
+ "filter": "BETWEEN",
+ "init": {
+ "fillColor": "#e74c3c",
+ "pointRadius": 4,
+ "fillOpacity": 1.0,
+ "strokeWidth": 12,
+ "strokeColor": [ 231, 76, 60, 0.5 ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [1],
+ "filter": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "init": {
+ "fillColor": "#e74c3c",
+ "pointRadius": 5.3,
+ "fillOpacity": 1.0,
+ "strokeWidth": 16,
+ "strokeColor": [ 231, 76, 60, 0.5 ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ }],
+ "overlays": [
+ {
+ "title": "KML",
+ "caption": "This data is extracted from the <a href=\"http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/457ede2f-fd65-5936-ab60-3fe71da0e98b\">Principal mineral areas of Canada</a> publication.",
+ "type": "kml",
+ "url": "demo/producing-mines.kml",
+ "visible": false,
+ "datatable": true,
+ "tooltips": true,
+ "tooltipText": "Operation",
+ "popups": true,
+ "attributes": {
+ "Type_": "Type",
+ "OwnersE": "Owner",
+ "OperationE": "Operation",
+ "ComGroupE": "Commodity Group",
+ "CommodityE": "Commodity"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "unique",
+ "field": "Type",
+ "init": {
+ "Coal": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Coal mines"
+ },
+ "Metal mines and mills": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Metal mines"
+ },
+ "Industrial minerals": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Nonmetal Mines"
+ },
+ "Oil Sands": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Oil sands mines"
+ }
+ },
+ "select": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "graphicOpacity": "1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "TopoJSON (World 110m)",
+ "caption": "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote TopoJSON resource.",
+ "type": "topojson",
+ "url": "demo/topojson.json",
+ "accessible": false,
+ "visible": false,
+ "style": {
+ "strokeColor": "#3399ff",
+ "strokeWidth": 2.0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-9 form-group">
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ </div>
+ <section class="col-md-3 form-group">
+ <div class="panel panel-default">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Legend</h3>
+ </header>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <div class="wb-geomap-legend"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers">
+ <div class="panel panel-default">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <div class="panel-title">Points</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <table id="cities_forFilterSample" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
+ <caption>Table of point geometries</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rank</th>
+ <th>Census subdivision</th>
+ <th>Population 2011</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
+ <td>2,615,060</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
+ <td>1,649,519</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
+ <td>1,096,833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
+ <td>883,391</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
+ <td>812,201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississauga" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
+ <td>713,443</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
+ <td>663,617</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
+ <td>603,502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
+ <td>523,911</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
+ <td>519,949</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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+ Date modified:
+ 2016-04-22
+ About government
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6bca5dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1527 @@
+ Géocarte - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Géocarte
+ Avis de mise à jour
+ Depuis BOEW 4.0.31 nous avons mise à jour la géocarte afin d'utiliser OpenLayer 3 donc les flux RSS et ATOM ne sont plus supporté. La configuration pour certaines cartes statiques on été changé et une configuration revisé est utilisé pour supporté les cartes de base XYZ. Accéder au example pratique antérieur à v4.0.30 .
Affiche une carte dynamique sur laquelle des informations de sources supplémentaires peuvent être superposées.
+ Carte dynamique - Exemple
+ Depuis BOEW 4.0.31 nous avons mise à jour la géocarte afin d'utiliser OpenLayer 3 donc les flux RSS et ATOM ne sont plus supporté. Plusieurs des services qui ont été utilisé pour cet example n'existe plus et ils ont été enlevé. Veuillez mettre à jour le fichier config-fr.js
tel qu'illustré dans l'example .
Exemple - Données dans le fichier HTML
Les données est créées à partir des tables suivantes. Un attribut data-geometry
contient la géometry et un attribut data-type
contient le type (wkt ou bbox) ont été ajoutés à chaque ligne.
Boîtes des délimitations
+ Tableau des boîtes de délimitations
+ Titre
+ Géometrie
+ Rapport de 2011 sur les activités terrain et la collecte de données terrain dont les couches thermiques et active dans le corridor du Mackenzie, Territoires du Nord, n ° de licence 14918
+ -136, 61, -118, 70
+ Dinokystes du Crétacé supérieur-inférieur tertiaire, îles de Bylot et Devon, archipel arctique
+ -92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5
+ Exemple - Données extérieure & provenant de fichiers
+ Les données sont créées à partir de fichiers, fils ou d'API web.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="sample_map"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline geocoder aoi aoi-open geolocation"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-fr.js",
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "bbox",
+ "tab": false,
+ "zoom": true,
+ "popups": true,
+ "visible": false
+ },{
+ "id": "cities",
+ "zoom": true,
+ "tab": false,
+ "popups": true,
+ "popupsInfo": {
+ "id": "citiesPopup",
+ "height": 200,
+ "width": 300,
+ "close": true,
+ "content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><p><strong>Subdivision de recensement: </strong>_Subdivision de recensement<div><a href=\"#\" class=\"button\" role=\"button\" title=\"Zoom à la ville\" aria-label=\"Zoom à la ville\" onclick=\"wb.doc.zoomFeature()\">Zoom à la ville</a></div></div>"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "rule",
+ "rule": [
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [3],
+ "filter": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#0083f5",
+ "fillColor": "#57a8f0",
+ "pointRadius": "6",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [2, 3],
+ "filter": "BETWEEN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F90",
+ "fillColor": "#F90",
+ "pointRadius": "8",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [1],
+ "filter": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F00",
+ "fillColor": "#F00",
+ "pointRadius": "10",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-9">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Legend Start (optional) -->
+ <section class="wb-geomap-legend col-md-3">
+ <h3>Légende</h2>
+ </section>
+ <!-- Insert Legend End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="row">
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h3>Exemple - Données extérieure & provenant de fichiers</h3>
+ <p>Les données sont créées à partir de fichiers, fils ou d'API web.</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <section>
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-12">
+ <h3>Exemple - Données dans le fichier HTML</h3>
+ <p>Les données est créées à partir des tables suivantes. Un attribut <code>data-geometry</code> contient la géometry et un attribut <code>data-type</code> contient le type (wkt ou bbox) ont été ajoutés à chaque ligne.</p>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Points</h4>
+ <table id="cities" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
+ <caption>Tableau de géométrie point</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rang</th>
+ <th>Subdivision de recensement</th>
+ <th>Population de 2011</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
+ <td>2615060</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
+ <td>1649519</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
+ <td>1096833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td class="select"><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
+ <td>883391</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
+ <td>812201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississauga" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
+ <td>713443</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
+ <td>663617</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
+ <td>603502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
+ <td>523911</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
+ <td>519949</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h4>Boîtes des délimitations</h4>
+ <table id="bbox" aria-label="Boîtes des délimitations" class="table table-condensed">
+ <caption>Tableau des boîtes de délimitations</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Titre</th>
+ <th>Géometrie</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="-136, 61, -118, 70" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Rapport de 2011 sur les activités terrain et la collecte de données terrain dont les couches thermiques et active dans le corridor du Mackenzie, Territoires du Nord, n ° de licence 14918</td>
+ <td>-136, 61, -118, 70</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Dinokystes du Crétacé supérieur-inférieur tertiaire, îles de Bylot et Devon, archipel arctique</td>
+ <td>-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End-->
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Carte statique - Exemple
+ Geomap peux être configuré pour créer une carte statique afin de situer un endroit comme un bureau ou une étendue à l'aide d'une "bbox".
+ Depuis BOEW 4.0.31 nous avons mise à jour la géocarte afin d'utiliser OpenLayer 3 et le code dans client_functions.js
a changé. Veuillez mettre à jour client_functions.js
tel qu'illustré dans l'example . Les cartes statique qui utilise une configuration très similaire tel que configuré et démontré depuis la version 4.0.30, qui est désuet, devrait continuer de fonctionner. Nous vous recommendons de mettre à jour votre code tel qu'illustré dans l'example suivant.
+ Adresse des bureaux de Ressources naturelles Canada Ottawa
+ Adresse
+ 615 rue Booth, Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1A 0E8
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap static"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "addNRCan",
+ "style": {
+ "type": "symbol",
+ "init": {
+ "pointRadius": 12,
+ "graphicName": "star",
+ "strokeColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.7
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4">
+ <table id="addNRCan" aria-label="Adresse des bureaux de RNCan Ottawa" class="table">
+ <caption class="wb-inv">Adresse des bureaux de Ressources naturelles Canada Ottawa</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Adresse</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.70535 45.3995)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>615 rue Booth,<br />Ottawa (ON),<br />Canada,<br />K1A 0E8</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Carte WMS - Exemple WMS
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser une carte de base de type WMS. L'item basemap dans le fichier de configuration permet de définir le WMS à utiliser.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/configwms-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ basemap : {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ restrictedExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:4269",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
+ Exemple de carte ESRI REST
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser une carte de base de type ESRI REST. L'item basemap dans le fichier de configuration permet de définir le service à utiliser.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="esri_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-esri-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap : {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "https://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
+ Exemple de carte de base OSM
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser un service de OSM comme carte de base. La configuration peut être effectuée dans le paramètre basemap
du fichier config.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="osm_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-osm-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ title: "OSM Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ mapOptions: {
+ center: [ -52.7222765, 47.5410882 ],
+ zoomLevel: 11
+ }
+ Exemple de carte de base XYZ
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser un service de tuiles XYZ (ex : MapQuest) comme carte de base. La configuration peut être effectuée dans le paramètre basemap
du fichier config.
+ Avant la BOEW 4.0.31 le service utilisé pour créer cet example n'est plus supporté. Veuillez consulter la configuration revisé ci-dessous.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="xyz_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "demo/config-xyz-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ title: "Tile (XYZ) Source Map",
+ type: "osm",
+ url: [
+ "//otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "//otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ Filtrer la cartre
+ Province:
+ Canada
+ Colombie Britanique
+ Alberta
+ Québec
+ Couche:
+ Points
+ TopoJSON (World 110m)
+ (tous)
+ Filtrer
+ Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <form class="wb-geomap-filter form-inline mrgn-bttm-md" data-bind-to="sample_map_filter">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="gm_province">Province:</label>
+ <select id="gm_province" class="form-control" data-filter="aoi">
+ <!-- Les dimension ci-dessous sont approximative pour cette demonstration seulement -->
+ <option selected value="64.097 -10.63 34.692 -177.659">Canada</option>
+ <option value="60 -120 48 -139">Colombie Britanique</option>
+ <option value="60 -110 49 -120">Alberta</option>
+ <option value="POLYGON((-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185,-79.79959328176142 51.57292655739278,-79.18435890676142 46.810536399556135,-76.45974953176142 45.655468008018055,-75.58084328176142 45.961790800827984,-74.87771828176142 45.47086564114406,-74.96560890676142 44.97562684884711,-71.44998390676142 44.97562684884711,-69.16482765676142 47.349194267123444,-68.19803078176142 47.349194267123444,-64.33084328176142 48.35181916125691,-55.80545265676142 52.00783331541157,-67.31912453176142 52.16984334247954,-64.24295265676142 60.85236662687351,-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185))">Québec</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="gm_layer">Couche:</label>
+ <select id="gm_layer" class="form-control" data-filter="layer">
+ <option value="Points" selected>Points</option>
+ <option value="KML">KML</option>
+ <option value="TopoJSON (World 110m)">TopoJSON (World 110m)</option>
+ <option value="">(tous)</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" aria-controls="sample_map_filter" type="submit">Filtrer</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-link" type="reset">Réinitialiser la page aux valeurs par défaut</button>
+<div id="sample_map_filter"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline geocoder geolocation"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "cities_forFilterSample",
+ "zoom": true,
+ "tooltips": true,
+ "tooltipText": "Population de 2011",
+ "popups": true,
+ "popupsInfo": {
+ "content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><p><strong>Subdivision de recensement: </strong>_Subdivision de recensement<div><a href=\"#\" class=\"button\" role=\"button\" title=\"Zoom à la ville\" aria-label=\"Zoom à la ville\" onclick=\"wb.doc.zoomFeature()\">Zoom à la ville</a></div></div>"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "rule",
+ "rule": [
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [3],
+ "filter": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "init": {
+ "fillColor": "#e74c3c",
+ "pointRadius": 2.6,
+ "fillOpacity": 1.0,
+ "strokeWidth": 8,
+ "strokeColor": [ 231, 76, 60, 0.5 ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [2, 3],
+ "filter": "BETWEEN",
+ "init": {
+ "fillColor": "#e74c3c",
+ "pointRadius": 4,
+ "fillOpacity": 1.0,
+ "strokeWidth": 12,
+ "strokeColor": [ 231, 76, 60, 0.5 ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [1],
+ "filter": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "init": {
+ "fillColor": "#e74c3c",
+ "pointRadius": 5.3,
+ "fillOpacity": 1.0,
+ "strokeWidth": 16,
+ "strokeColor": [ 231, 76, 60, 0.5 ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ }],
+ "overlays": [
+ {
+ "title": "KML",
+ "caption": "*NEEDS TRANSLATION*This data is extracted from the <a href=\"http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/457ede2f-fd65-5936-ab60-3fe71da0e98b\">Principal mineral areas of Canada</a> publication.",
+ "type": "kml",
+ "url": "demo/producing-mines.kml",
+ "visible": false,
+ "datatable": true,
+ "tooltips": true,
+ "tooltipText": "Opération",
+ "popups": true,
+ "attributes": {
+ "Type_": "Type",
+ "OwnersF": "Opérateur / propriétaire",
+ "OperationF": "Opération",
+ "ComGroupF": "Groupe de produits minéraux",
+ "CommodityF": "Produit minérale"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "unique",
+ "field": "Type",
+ "init": {
+ "Coal": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Mines de charbon"
+ },
+ "Metal mines and mills": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Mines de métaux"
+ },
+ "Industrial minerals": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Mines de non-métaux"
+ },
+ "Oil Sands": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "fillOpacity": "1",
+ "graphicWidth": "25",
+ "name": "Mines de sables bitumineux"
+ }
+ },
+ "select": {
+ "externalGraphic": "",
+ "graphicOpacity": "1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "TopoJSON (World 110m)",
+ "caption": "*NEEDS TRANSLATION*This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote TopoJSON resource.",
+ "type": "topojson",
+ "url": "demo/topojson.json",
+ "accessible": false,
+ "style": {
+ "strokeColor": "#3399ff",
+ "strokeWidth": 2.0
+ },
+ "visible": false
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-9 form-group">
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ </div>
+ <section class="col-md-3 form-group">
+ <div class="panel panel-default">
+ <header class="panel-heading">
+ <h3 class="panel-title">Légende</h3>
+ </header>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <div class="wb-geomap-legend"></div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-12">
+ <div class="panel panel-default">
+ <div class="panel-heading">
+ <div class="panel-title">Points</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="panel-body">
+ <table id="cities_forFilterSample" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
+ <caption>Tableau de géométrie point</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rang</th>
+ <th>Subdivision de recensement</th>
+ <th>Population de 2011</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
+ <td>2 615 060</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
+ <td>1 649 519</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
+ <td>1 096 833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td class="select"><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
+ <td>883 391</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
+ <td>812 201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississauga" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
+ <td>713 443</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
+ <td>663 617</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
+ <td>603 502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
+ <td>523 911</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
+ <td>519 949</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-22
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-v4.0.30-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-v4.0.30-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abe829c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-v4.0.30-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+ Geomap - prior v4.0.30 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Geomap - prior v4.0.30
+ Notice - Working example on this page
+ Please note all the following example are now deprecated since v4.0.31 and we recommend to update your geomap markup and code as per the latest working example . The examples in this page should be taken as test example to ensure subsequent version of WET 4.0.x are continuing to work how the geomap bellow were coded.
+ Dynamic map example
+ Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data
+ Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.
Example - Inline Layer Data
Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute data-geometry
to hold the geometry and an attribute data-type
to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.
+ Points
+ Table of point geometries
+ Rank
+ Census subdivision
+ Population 2011
+ 1
+ Toronto
+ 2,615,060
+ 2
+ Montreal
+ 1,649,519
+ 3
+ Calgary
+ 1,096,833
+ 4
+ Ottawa
+ 883,391
+ 5
+ Edmonton
+ 812,201
+ 6
+ Mississauga
+ 713,443
+ 7
+ Winnipeg
+ 663,617
+ 8
+ Vancouver
+ 603,502
+ 9
+ Brampton
+ 523,911
+ 10
+ Hamilton
+ 519,949
+ Bounding Boxes
+ Table of bounding box geometries
+ Title
+ Geometry
+ Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918
+ -136, 61, -118, 70
+ Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago
+ -92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="sample_map"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline tab geocoder geolocation aoi"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/config-en.js",
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "bbox",
+ "tab": false,
+ "zoom": true,
+ "visible": false,
+ "popups": true
+ },{
+ "id": "cities",
+ "zoom": true,
+ "tab": false,
+ "popups": true,
+ "visible": true,
+ "popupsInfo": {
+ "id": "citiesPopup",
+ "height": 200,
+ "width": 300,
+ "close": true,
+ "content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><p><strong>Census subdivision: </strong>_Census subdivision<div><a href=\"#\" class=\"button\" role=\"button\" title=\"Zoom to city\" aria-label=\"Zoom to city\" onclick=\"wb.doc.zoomFeature()\">Zoom to city</a></div></div>"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "rule",
+ "rule": [
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [3],
+ "filter": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#0083f5",
+ "fillColor": "#57a8f0",
+ "pointRadius": 6,
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [2, 3],
+ "filter": "BETWEEN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F90",
+ "fillColor": "#F90",
+ "pointRadius": 8,
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rank",
+ "value": [1],
+ "filter": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F00",
+ "fillColor": "#F00",
+ "pointRadius": 10,
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-9">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Legend Start (optional) -->
+ <section class="wb-geomap-legend col-md-3">
+ <h3>Legend</h3>
+ </section>
+ <!-- Insert Legend End -->
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h3>Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data</h3>
+ <p>Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="row">
+ <section>
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-12">
+ <h3>Example - Inline Layer Data</h3>
+ <p>Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute <em>data-geometry</em> to hold the geometry and an attribute <em>data-type</em> to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.</p>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Points</h4>
+ <table id="cities" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
+ <caption>
+ Table of point geometries.
+ </caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rank</th>
+ <th>Census subdivision</th>
+ <th>Population 2011</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847, 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
+ <td>2615060</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123, 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
+ <td>1649519</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879, 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
+ <td>1096833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937, 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
+ <td>883391</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590, 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
+ <td>812201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65, 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississauga" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
+ <td>713443</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352, 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
+ <td>663617</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091, 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
+ <td>603502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181, 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
+ <td>523911</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788, 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
+ <td>519949</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h4>Bounding Boxes</h4>
+ <table id="bbox" aria-label="Bounding Boxes" class="table table-condensed">
+ <caption>
+ Table of bounding box geometries.
+ </caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Geometry</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="-136, 61, -118, 70" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918</td>
+ <td>-136, 61, -118, 70</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago</td>
+ <td>-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Static Map example
+ Geomap can be configured to provide a static map ideally suited to display a location or bounding box extent.
+ Natural Resources Canada Ottawa office address
+ Address
+ 615 Booth St., Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1A 0E8
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap static"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "addNRCan",
+ "style": {
+ "type": "symbol",
+ "init": {
+ "pointRadius": 12,
+ "graphicName": "star",
+ "strokeColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.7
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4">
+ <table id="addNRCan" aria-label="NRCan Ottawa office adress" class="table">
+ <caption class="wb-inv">Natural Resources Canada Ottawa office adress</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Adress</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.70535, 45.3995)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>615 Booth St.,<br />Ottawa (ON),<br />Canada,<br />K1A 0E8</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ WMS Map example
+ Geomap can be configured to use a WMS map as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/configwms-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+ var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ basemap : {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ restrictedExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:4269",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
+ };
+ ESRI REST basemap example
+ Geomap can be configured to use an ESRI REST service as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="esri_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+ var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap : {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "https://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ OSM basemap example
+ Geomap can be configured to use an OSM Tile service (e.g. MapQuest) as basemap. Configuration can be made in the config file in basemap property.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="osm_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-en.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ View config file
+ var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ title:"MapQuest OSM Map",
+ type:"xyz",
+ url:[
+ "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123,49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ };
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-22
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-v4.0.30-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-v4.0.30-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61f44a701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/geomap-v4.0.30-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
+ Géocarte - avant v4.0.30 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Géocarte - avant v4.0.30
+ Avis - Example practique dans cette page
+ Veuillez noter que les examples suivants sont maintenant obselet depuis la version 4.0.31 et que nous vous recommendons de mettre à jour le balisage et le code de vos géomap tel qu'illustré dans les derniers examples pratiques . Les examples dans cette page devrait être considéré comme des mise à l'essaie afin de s'assuré que les version subséquente de la BOEW v4.0.x continue de fonctionner selon les codes de géomap ci-dessous.
+ Carte dynamique - Exemple
+ Exemple - Données extérieure & provenant de fichiers
+ Les données sont créées à partir de fichiers, fils ou d'API web.
Exemple - Données dans le fichier HTML
Les données est créées à partir des tables suivantes. Un attribut data-geometry
contient la géometry et un attribut data-type
contient le type (wkt ou bbox) ont été ajoutés à chaque ligne.
+ Boîtes des délimitations
+ Tableau des boîtes de délimitations
+ Titre
+ Géometrie
+ Rapport de 2011 sur les activités terrain et la collecte de données terrain dont les couches thermiques et active dans le corridor du Mackenzie, Territoires du Nord, n ° de licence 14918
+ -136, 61, -118, 70
+ Dinokystes du Crétacé supérieur-inférieur tertiaire, îles de Bylot et Devon, archipel arctique
+ -92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="sample_map"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline tab geocoder aoi geolocation"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/config-fr.js",
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "bbox",
+ "tab": false,
+ "zoom": true,
+ "popups": true,
+ "visible": false
+ },{
+ "id": "cities",
+ "zoom": true,
+ "tab": false,
+ "popups": true,
+ "popupsInfo": {
+ "id": "citiesPopup",
+ "height": 200,
+ "width": 300,
+ "close": true,
+ "content": "<div style=\"white-space:nowrap;\"><p><strong>Subdivision de recensement: </strong>_Subdivision de recensement<div><a href=\"#\" class=\"button\" role=\"button\" title=\"Zoom à la ville\" aria-label=\"Zoom à la ville\" onclick=\"wb.doc.zoomFeature()\">Zoom à la ville</a></div></div>"
+ },
+ "style": {
+ "type": "rule",
+ "rule": [
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [3],
+ "filter": "GREATER_THAN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#0083f5",
+ "fillColor": "#57a8f0",
+ "pointRadius": "6",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [2, 3],
+ "filter": "BETWEEN",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F90",
+ "fillColor": "#F90",
+ "pointRadius": "8",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "Rang",
+ "value": [1],
+ "filter": "EQUAL_TO",
+ "init": {
+ "strokeColor": "#F00",
+ "fillColor": "#F00",
+ "pointRadius": "10",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.80,
+ "strokeWidth": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ]}
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-9">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Legend Start (optional) -->
+ <section class="wb-geomap-legend col-md-3">
+ <h3>Légende</h2>
+ </section>
+ <!-- Insert Legend End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="row">
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h3>Exemple - Données extérieure & provenant de fichiers</h3>
+ <p>Les données sont créées à partir de fichiers, fils ou d'API web.</p>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <section>
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-12">
+ <h3>Exemple - Données dans le fichier HTML</h3>
+ <p>Les données est créées à partir des tables suivantes. Un attribut <code>data-geometry</code> contient la géometry et un attribut <code>data-type</code> contient le type (wkt ou bbox) ont été ajoutés à chaque ligne.</p>
+ <section>
+ <h4>Points</h4>
+ <table id="cities" aria-label="Points" class="table wb-tables">
+ <caption>Tableau de géométrie point</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rang</th>
+ <th>Subdivision de recensement</th>
+ <th>Population de 2011</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.3847, 43.6476)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto" title="Toronto">Toronto</a></td>
+ <td>2615060</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-73.56123, 45.52927)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a></td>
+ <td>1649519</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-114.05879, 51.04668)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary" title="Calgary">Calgary</a></td>
+ <td>1096833</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.68937, 45.41072)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td class="select"><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa" title="Ottawa">Ottawa</a></td>
+ <td>883391</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-113.49590, 53.53398)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmonton" title="Edmonton">Edmonton</a></td>
+ <td>812201</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.65, 43.60)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississauga" title="Mississauga">Mississauga</a></td>
+ <td>713443</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-97.14352, 49.89375)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winnipeg</a></td>
+ <td>663617</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-123.10091, 49.26428)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver" title="Vancouver">Vancouver</a></td>
+ <td>603502</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.76181, 43.68686)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton" title="Brampton">Brampton</a></td>
+ <td>523911</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-79.86788, 43.25717)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>10</td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton,_Ontario" title="Hamilton, Ontario">Hamilton</a></td>
+ <td>519949</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <section class="col-md-12">
+ <h4>Boîtes des délimitations</h4>
+ <table id="bbox" aria-label="Boîtes des délimitations" class="table table-condensed">
+ <caption>Tableau des boîtes de délimitations</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Titre</th>
+ <th>Géometrie</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="-136, 61, -118, 70" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Rapport de 2011 sur les activités terrain et la collecte de données terrain dont les couches thermiques et active dans le corridor du Mackenzie, Territoires du Nord, n ° de licence 14918</td>
+ <td>-136, 61, -118, 70</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr data-geometry="-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5" data-type="bbox">
+ <td>Dinokystes du Crétacé supérieur-inférieur tertiaire, îles de Bylot et Devon, archipel arctique</td>
+ <td>-92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End-->
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Carte statique - Exemple
+ Geomap peux être configuré pour créer une carte statique afin de situer un endroit comme un bureau ou une étendue à l'aide d'une "bbox".
+ Adresse des bureaux de Ressources naturelles Canada Ottawa
+ Adresse
+ 615 rue Booth, Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1A 0E8
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap static"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "tables": [{
+ "id": "addNRCan",
+ "style": {
+ "type": "symbol",
+ "init": {
+ "pointRadius": 12,
+ "graphicName": "star",
+ "strokeColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillColor": "#FF0000",
+ "fillOpacity": 0.7
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4">
+ <table id="addNRCan" aria-label="Adresse des bureaux de RNCan Ottawa" class="table">
+ <caption class="wb-inv">Adresse des bureaux de Ressources naturelles Canada Ottawa</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Adresse</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr data-geometry="POINT (-75.70535, 45.3995)" data-type="wkt">
+ <td>615 rue Booth,<br />Ottawa (ON),<br />Canada,<br />K1A 0E8</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Carte WMS - Exemple WMS
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser une carte de base de type WMS. L'item basemap dans le fichier de configuration permet de définir le WMS à utiliser.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="location_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/configwms-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+ var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONNEL: Géomap va fournir une carte de base par défaut si aucune carte de base n"est spécifié ici.
+ basemap : {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ restrictedExtent: "-141, 41, -52, 84",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:4269",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
+ };
+ Exemple de carte ESRI REST
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser une carte de base de type ESRI REST. L'item basemap dans le fichier de configuration permet de définir le service à utiliser.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="esri_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+ var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap : {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "https://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Exemple de carte de base OSM
+ Geomap peut être configuré pour utiliser un service de tuiles OSM (ex : MapQuest) comme carte de base. La configuration peut être effectuée dans le paramètre basemap
du fichier config.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <!-- GeomapStart -->
+<div id="osm_map"
+ class="wb-geomap"
+ data-wb-geomap='{
+ "layersFile": "v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-fr.js"
+ }'>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4">
+ <!-- Insert Map Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-map"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Map End -->
+ </div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data Start (mandatory) -->
+ <div class="wb-geomap-layers col-md-4"></div>
+ <!-- Insert Layer Data End -->
+ </div>
+<!-- GeomapEnd -->
+ Visualiser le fichier de configuration
+ var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ title:"MapQuest OSM Map",
+ type:"xyz",
+ url:[
+ "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123,49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ };
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-22
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/client_functions.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/client_functions.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2b897ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/client_functions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap client functions
+ * @overview OpenLayers popup loader for Geomap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc,
+ mapSample;
+$document.zoomFeature = function() {
+ var layer = mapSample.getLayersByName( "cities" )[ 0 ],
+ feats = layer.features,
+ len;
+ for ( len = layer.features.length - 1; len !== -1; len -= 1 ) {
+ if ( feats[ len ].popup ) {
+ if ( feats[ len ].popup.visible() ) {
+ mapSample.zoomToExtent( feats[ len ].geometry.bounds );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+$document.on( "wb-ready.wb-geomap", "#sample_map", function( event, map ) {
+ // Get the sample_map to use in zoomFeature function
+ mapSample = map;
+ var $aoiExtent = $( "#geomap-aoi-extent-" + mapSample.id ),
+ $aoiExtentLonLat = $( "#geomap-aoi-extent-lonlat-" + mapSample.id );
+ if ( $aoiExtent ) {
+ $aoiExtent.on( "change", function() {
+ //console.log( "BBox: " + $( this ).val() );
+ } );
+ $aoiExtentLonLat.on( "change", function() {
+ //console.log( "BBox LonLat: " + $( this ).val() );
+ } );
+ }
+} );
+$document.on( "wb-ready.wb-geomap", "#location_map", function( event, map ) {
+ // Zoom to location on location_map
+ map.zoomToExtent( map.getLayer( "#addNRCan" ).getDataExtent() );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8604fecd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Global overrides for individual components
+ *
+ * Map Overlays (i.e. layers)
+ * Overlays will be added in the order that they are provided
+ * (i.e. the first overlay will be added first, then the next
+ * on top, and so on).
+ *
+ * Note that the basemap can be set globally in settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ /*basemap: {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-2650000.0, -900000.0, 3600000.0, 4630000.0",
+ restrictedExtent: "-2750000.0, -1000000.0, 3700000.0, 4730000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },*/
+ overlays: [
+ {
+ title: "WMS Demo",
+ caption: "This is a sample WMS service loaded by Geomap.",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "https://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=E",
+ visible: false,
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "GDPS.ETA_PR",
+ transparent: true,
+ options: {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ //legendGraphicUrl: "https://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=E&LAYERS=GDPS.ETA_PR&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLE=PRECIPMM"
+ legendHTML: "GeoMet Precipitation (mm) " +
+ "" +
+ " 100.0 " +
+ " 50.0 " +
+ " 25.0 " +
+ " 20.0 " +
+ " 15.0 " +
+ " 10.0 " +
+ " 7.5 " +
+ " 5.0 " +
+ " 2.5 " +
+ " 1.0 " +
+ " 0.5 " +
+ " 0.25 " +
+ " 0.10 " +
+ " "
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "KML Demo",
+ caption: "This is a sample KML file loaded locally by Geomap.",
+ type: "kml",
+ url: "demo/producing-mines-2015.kml",
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: true,
+ tab: true,
+ popups: true,
+ attributes: {
+ Type_: "Type",
+ OwnersE: "Owner",
+ OperationE: "Operation",
+ ComGroupE: "Commodity Group",
+ CommodityE: "Commodity"
+ },
+ style: {
+ type: "unique",
+ field: "Type",
+ init: {
+ "Coal": {
+ "vOfeC51zvubeQiwtDCS37sZxbP5YaKbVqaw1W/DKCQiaEBfYD19ZabrlaMp0tNREItJBoDabWrC2pK1qbxXRMmoMwDav1R8GFe4DzAvee0x/iTbpwuZRrPf++z/t8znPe57w7dv6jsP8vICH8i0Gqx" +
+ "LIiP5AknVYUbcs/goQYvgHL9AJJIEV0sMgQhn6tomovzgoSYij5MnLU20bzkc+nNeKucfNSaQme+HkvCEOXFVV7PirIMIYWYlleYFHrsTaaDn8asRlPXBzbqqrZtKGEhPj4jcLQJUXVNkaEDENPkrC" +
+ "8QPKXbcf58NAlRJJlLNMMQ2LsdvJzMgkGgjR83ExBThYJ8fHlwvBLiuoqnxIaGfEvkMALpHx14gSNBz8BYMeW13BpGn19Pj472krbt+2hzeOBAFt27OSVslJKCwuo3t/Ak9mZzPd4yiawskmQZf0WM" +
+ "yokL7D42IlvONByOFTMpWnIkownfh4Fa7NJuj5x0vr42BgjQpAQm0B+Thbb99RQsaGY+R7Pc8LQ+xVV2xyCDMM9R5aCN17o7eWDloOTXs/vf/Qx3+MBQJZkfL7B0Fqs3U7FsyW4nE5efv1N0h96gBV" +
+ "3LGdbVQ3bN78KWMumPKOxsfGwczjyRSuFebnIkoxpmYyOjU5C3C4XW3dVMajrNLQcYvU9d6H79bA6M94MX7efIikxEb+uY1om2RnpBIImK+++E7fLReW7exkY/KvLtpPtxNjDy0Z1BV054rIkU5CbR" +
+ "X+/j7d2V9Hf74umxOzuuli7neW334ZvYBBVVViUeN3Vh2ImzsQ5dy5vvL2LZUuXsO6JHKzGj+g423V1IJvNRkXpelxOJ5W79zLg93P8u1OMBYKsy8ul7kATZ7p++HeQzWaj4pn1aJoWmq7LcfJ0B8F" +
+ "AgMK8texrbKKzuycyZJqmKdswFyYtkG9OSabr/E+hhFuXpKCqClt37kEfHg4r0H7me8YDAR59+MEQlJP+yKVFSQp9L3YAp9M5IoRepCpqfVlxkby7tj6EdXb30Nn9TsSuO852hc4pPzOD+1NTAesCy" +
+ "JsmQQCKor0vhC45VEddWXGRvKu2nu4rOosmnsp8jDWpqwDOW8hpquK8GAZNYPsvY+XFRdJssKezHmf1vSsBfrQgTVWdP1+5HjYMiqLtE4YuO1RHbbRYYXYm961aAXDuEqL98vecKadOUbU6Yfglh+q" +
+ "oKS8uknovhu0LxRwllpRFyQDnTMta43C4fp0qb9rxVlTXexNY9S1Lb5rhp4Ee07LSpkMiQhNYrRCDzZJks0XKEyI45Ha7RaScGT9YRXFHd5nNEH8C+eGD9m6tNTgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Coal mines"
+ },
+ "Metal mines and mills": {
+ "/mdndzKwzs6l7Iy1N25S+FCLaF69gg5cHq6S2FUSaS5OqD6YxASklgUpTCgqCIki1uTRF0QcDIlJpaWpES4UgrljBh7RRqsVmN5fNbpo52ezO+JBkcZtkk2gRv9fznfObc77vHMbDfxSe/wUkZWori" +
+ "Ddx3eIfJMQPmmZ2/CNIyltbcJ0BYCOIog4u1dJOr9N0s3VNkJRTmxeQcxPf8vFU/7JGSLE4Eq4n4gu2SDutaLr56qog254qx3UHgE3nJy5xJn2+6Gai6jpOJHpojzQQ8QabpZ0Wmm42F4VsO71R4A4" +
+ "Amy8kL9GbPgeAgoKDswjxCpUDwWqybo7TY59RH9xN1Bs6JO2U0HTr0JLQ9HRqg4ABoKI/eZme1Bxycv1hLI/JaGacLya/pt+O5SfPujnab77P65EGmiIv8F78E+ruribqCzXNY00FkOv+6Z2RYgDYe" +
+ "jH5Hd2pL/OLWR4DBUHEF+RAeA+bkmUF4zNkmHYkURGmLljNG/FejoTrifpCr0g7Pa7p5tE8ZNuBEkXktg3L63SlzhYcTyIzTtQXmj9CwUR2Mj9WIry0hWqxVIPmG2+xz3iUR7RKTiR6eHfDYcC9Z8k" +
+ "aZZzZRXX4PPkVByPPoSBwcLDdmQKk1GPRMdJN0pmiK3WWJ/T7SDq3Fq2z4sswIH+ifKKMdG6KHA7Ph3bhjDo8bOyg1GNyPN7NmJPK51+wY3iFunYIKGhxBUFd+FnGZpN0xDtJ5FJFZq4RWogS4WWHs" +
+ "Z2J7CR+tYQtnrI7D3mFSluoFkO5i6M3T3Gvr4IXQ3sg0cdgZujOQB6h0h6qw1INjsd7GHfSXJQ/MjuWozG8FyfxKd9nrv07yCNU2oI1WKrBsfhcdy3EN/IK2dEsjeG95BJ9xDLDxSHHcRxFxSnX1iu" +
+ "V3nKuzF7PJ1R6N+FXdY6NdDPpLm7byzO/kE1k2R2oIpaYg2rNJ+cGhcjfFw+AYRjTUqYb/Ire0xLdr7wz8lEei2WGiY2cLLrrwcwQg4m5OjVaT/F46UOA+ysorxVAAJpmnpEyLfyKv7slul95e+RDf" +
+ "p79vShwexy0dvFY6YMAwy5Kla4Z+aMpqJGmmb0LWGu0RqwFe8l6mqrSBwCuuVCl60bBxEXNoGnmaWmnFb/i71wt9nLgGXYG7ge4OoeYf9yes2TXabrZLe2U8Cv+U63RGvGbvLEsoiklVGjlAFcd193" +
+ "p91tLJi/b3ppudc1jH2z3b1vhp4Ehx3WrlkOKQvNYp5STfUKoi1/Jv4WUualAICCL5ax4YTUtMLFSzmriL1z5gWQ67XYNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Metal mines"
+ },
+ "Industrial minerals": {
+ "/uVxmzoV5tBUGDe+SGmnwFWVBqQHUhYmJxo1xKZg2Pmh91IVJFWx140JXTapC62NtoombYmgHmoZQSUxUKDVWpuVheQ2tzAz3zMDc42KmIAwMUBvjtz3f/X7nnu87N9fkPwrzfwEpNV8F4iO0zr4hI" +
+ "X6S0nv8tiClYpVoJwiUgsjqoHlW2ZGd0vK+uS1IqWjFLWRy8Azhy19vaOS4A1Q0HEX6Ct9QdsSQlvf1LUG2HS1D6yBQPjnURXi4M+vLmHn3EOo5TmXje0hf4LCyI0Ja3sNZIduOlAp0EKiYvNRF+FJ" +
+ "HakEYoJ1MRbgoqW1GJ5cYHzhNSW0L0hc4pOx5IS3foXWhhYX5YgFBYPfUcDfhoRSy5+lOci0f8UiYqcHviE50rTytE4ycfYeKhmNU7G/l2oUTFD/ajPQXtaax1lWQ1tdz40oEgaqp4bPMDn66XCvX8" +
+ "iGEgfQVUlb3EtOXK1et66QiuWhjmHdTXNtCqOdDKhuOIv1Fryk7Mictb9syZNt+tyGSe6LTI8wOnlx1OvH5GaS/KHVSwmApNrdycoakpL4N0+3lt+9b2XXv8/hKGgj1fkD1MycA/cC6PUomExltmPz" +
+ "1W8rrDyKEgdYOySW1jJTubyPX2kEo+D7OYpjZoZN4ip/CScxl1Nn0yxC73s3UUAVJNY/WSUpqX2DMWWJX1WMppOcYTmJ6OT86cQaEa/sQsGbEDcr3NROPzjFyrh0nPrmVEtv71glD4i9/hHjsBjkui" +
+ "du3G3vmTkPCleqJ28NI97vkFTxEad0BRvsc1Gz/HYKESWl9O6bbm278LNE/f2DixyXK6g4y2qdR4Yv/EhImJfvayZVervakputWxCbPMX5xidK6A4z1Oai5geyQ4ziOkYOTf1eZ4drxIImbPy8nyJ0" +
+ "PY7osQr3t6MUbGQUWps8z1p8gUPMco+dTUMHeF9ObFIurII/Hs6BUpMV05Z2ubHjLCPV+soypuQGuBjfeKYCa7Wf0fKpPBTUvU1T9JKBDYLy9CgKQ0vuVUhFhuvJPpbCPSdz8JSuwNgpqXqGo+gmAE" +
+ "Y3RZEnPaAaUxr5cwY6I7WCFNa8SqH4c4A8NTZblGfvnesYwSOn9QtkRw3Tld2wVK7y/lcB9jQBXUoh3fG3OulMnLe8pZc8L05X/eWXDERGbubYhkpPrxhOoArjiaN2Yl+ebWC9vw/GWlq8zjX3mL96" +
+ "7yU8DvztaN22EZIXSWIdSf30jRE5OtjylklG/36+y5Wx6YaX0Z16e24i/AWg1hRJKTWppAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Nonmetal Mines"
+ },
+ "Oil Sands": {
+ "vucDuucveXZqCHXOkZakexFkcmHypRon+PFYPNT1UY0zAiEBKJmjiKDqF04zUWA+IWk0PvTiNNtWI5hDj+CCwFskb/8JyKvk37gL3uLD39sC2hguLmNN0Xn+/+/ucP79z5qbzH430/wWkVDgfxCFsO" +
+ "/WEhLgspdF0V5BS03nYVgewBkRKB5vnlRm5T+rG9hVBSk35/0b6v23natsXSxoZq7Ip2r8bd072NmVGNKkbb90RZJpTudh2B/BQ/3ftjHx8POVinA+u4vKeAxQd3IM7J6dWmREhdaM2JWSakTUCuwP" +
+ "wD5xpZ+RIHNE0sKwkRDgdFFRuJjY3R1/rCdZVlOH25dQoMyyk7qlZFJqZCa8W0AEEBs9+zy8fzSOPf3kU6fUwPTrOwFenGTt9NvGxfTNKV+0uij7YR1FdNT+2fMLa8s0YPl91HKteANn27xk3legA8" +
+ "ofOnWe45WiimPR6EELDnZNNYWUZQwH/gritbjJrKtKdTgrK3+By43sUHdiF2+fbqszIhNSNvQnINL1OTcQeGR8cYuhw64Ltmb4+itvnm98qoaHGJ25tnS4Jvr8H6THoLKsh99WXeKD0SULvHmTjsSO" +
+ "AHVz0jGLRaNI59J88xfqqcoTQsG2LmKluIc2N6FleeuqbiI1OMNzSSvYLzzE3NplUZ9mXYfyb8wz4/UTDN8CyKXjtFey5GKs3PYHMyiK0u4m5P64n8kdPtSOcjpVDwMIWFxCs2Iw5NkF3wz5mr/15J" +
+ "yVW9tYJXeJ7rBhzYpJ0l8T1aIAb9xoSTgfB5kachpuut/eStaGQYNWb9FoW4c5L9wjKSCfY3Ij0GITqm5i7PsbY1+foi85SWFXOT5ZF5EL3v4TiiNNj0LNzH7HRW+09eeYH+mIxglXl/GzZRC72pIY" +
+ "sy7K0NKwsf66WuaGQ6a7eRIKxYT0ZLp3Qzv3ExpPbdvLcBa5EowRefpHeOOTf8vp8UIjZBZDb7Z5RKlLm0F0niuu3aaFDHyawyMUeQilmChDuvERv/JzytleQ/+zTgD0M2o4FEICUxudKRYTDlXm8u" +
+ "H6bFmo+zHT3lZTA7SNQV0ngmVKAIRutRJfuq0lQHPssgTXUiZVggR1bCJSWAAzaUKLr7l//GU9qBimNT5UZ0RyuzLY7xfLf2UreUxsBBuYR47fbcxbtOqkbx5UZFg5X5tHihjoxOTSyJJIundz/cD7" +
+ "AgGXbm1wuz7VF85YqIHXPsTjW6lu3dpmfBvot2y5ZCkkJxbE2pW6cFCItLVWeUrEpr9erUuUse2Gl9CZfnrsYfwFqWYQCxROHDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Oil sands mines"
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ externalGraphic: "" +
+ "QCQGOEyeRHBTHl/OLfTkvcNwz2NDkzrGTpVItPeXknPy7/3t/vXdjY//V43nNWR/gyHGcEwzSbJ6QRuMp5DtXvuMcVkaAeO8BoM59X4QyuCZC/hDdrreRG0IpneEereKHXkyxgWH9KUcw33ULmSHtdvutT" +
+ "JeVFRLHr5+lGLY5EEIIecMpLeeBXBZNcfbNSNZRGhlsaSGu604Frmv2Qki1KjiAMH6bWtiPY0NAoxGtLxIY3e6DnJ/vjAcAhkoJQpLiy7UKtLFuCN9xxFXRfFLW9QVjsPoXSFr3FTrrYO9amZrnLlNBLov" +
+ "9akPmC7S/ErS2WlKeOFHVo6ggIVdFdUpxvxKEf3zWgJ6H32olkFalot0XpoEwDVmchspa0iRpexDk6EBfMoBQCToRbm7SDzOKot7Cx5bWgRzZB3PXqKBxF9Tr+RSFKYrQjd8P9WqJol48UIBs237JO3BLb" +
+ "Fv5odPDwbXrPeRDR4evfd0h6HTmpJtuaUreswZCeNeryAb9TtnvOpTOI4yMAIsgAGWcAqkdHChdkBvvhoFxhs3UM3EKZJpJjNLFvDAsPg+gJCHTuaasTOMHhFFpELT9yrIZ/a49rj99LEfr/V1DhI8QHDV" +
+ "D3RsY85YQ1ndPiNcIwHEQgDE0JH5qtdpraf/JtLAsa+KfubrdA6qupf9mD9mBAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ graphicOpacity: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "ATOM Demo",
+ caption: "This is a sample ATOM feed loaded locally by Geomap.",
+ type: "atom",
+ url: "demo/sample.atom",
+ tab: true,
+ attributes: {
+ title: "Title",
+ summary: "About this dataset"
+ },
+ visible: false
+ },
+ {
+ title: "GeoRSS Demo",
+ caption: "This is a sample GeoRSS feed loaded locally by Geomap.",
+ type: "georss",
+ url: "demo/sample.rss",
+ attributes: {
+ title: "Title",
+ description: "Description",
+ link: "More Info"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: false,
+ tab: true
+ },
+ {
+ title: "JSON (GeoGratis)",
+ caption: "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote JSON resource, in this case the GeoGratis API.",
+ type: "json",
+ url: "http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst",
+ params: {
+ alt: "json",
+ q: "alluvial"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ root: "products",
+ popups: true,
+ tab: true,
+ attributes: {
+ title: "Title",
+ summary: "Abstract",
+ author: "Author"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "GeoJSON (CartoDB)",
+ caption: "This is a sample dataset loaded from a remote GeoJSON resource, in this case traffic cameras in the city of Ottawa from the CartoDB API.",
+ type: "geojson",
+ url: "https://stephenott.cartodb.com/api/v2/sql",
+ params: {
+ format: "GeoJSON",
+ q: "SELECT * FROM traffic_cameras LIMIT 25"
+ },
+ attributes: {
+ location_desc: "Location",
+ longitude: "Latitude",
+ latitude: "Longitude",
+ updated_at: "Last updated"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ zoom: true,
+ datatable: true,
+ tab: true,
+ // default style
+ style: {
+ type: "symbol",
+ init: {
+ graphicWidth: 30,
+ graphicHeight: 30,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 1.0
+ },
+ select: {
+ graphicWidth: 20,
+ graphicHeight: 20,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera_active.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ // unique value style
+ style: {
+ type: "unique",
+ field: "Location",
+ init: {
+ "Bayshore & Richmond": {
+ pointRadius: "25",
+ strokeWidth: "20",
+ strokeColor: "#800080"
+ },
+ "Baseline & Greenbank": {
+ pointRadius: "25",
+ strokeWidth: "10",
+ fillColor: "#800080"
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ pointRadius: 30,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/icons/OverIcon.png",
+ label: "${Location}",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ }
+ // rule style
+ style: {
+ type: "rule",
+ rule: [{
+ field: "Longitude",
+ value: [45.36],
+ filter: "LESS_THAN",
+ init: {
+ pointRadius: "15",
+ strokeColor: "#800000",
+ fillColor: "#FFFFFF",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Longitude",
+ value: [45.37, 45.42],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ init: {
+ pointRadius: "25",
+ strokeColor: "#000000",
+ fillColor: "#222222",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Longitude",
+ value: [45.42],
+ filter: "GREATER_THAN",
+ init: {
+ pointRadius: "10",
+ strokeColor: "#800080",
+ fillColor: "#800080"
+ }
+ }],
+ select: {
+ pointRadius: "30",
+ externalGraphic: "demo/icons/OverIcon.png",
+ label: "Selected",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ea1a0a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with ESRI REST basemap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @jsmoreau
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "https://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f27b3da17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-esri-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Exemple d'un fichier de configuration français pour Géocarte avec basemap ESRI REST
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @jsmoreau
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "Basic Map",
+ type: "esri",
+ url: "https://geoappext.nrcan.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMaps/provinces1c/MapServer/export",
+ options: { singleTile: false, ratio: 1.0, projection: "EPSG:3978", fractionalZoom: true },
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ restrictedExtent: "-3000000.0, -800000.0, 4000000.0, 3900000.0",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ numZoomLevels: 2
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..600eb19e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Exemple d'un fichier de configuration français pour Géocarte
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Les composantes individuelles seront substituées par les compasantes globales
+ *
+ * Les couche de superpositions seront ajoutés dans l'ordre où ils sont fournis
+ * (c'est à dire la première couche sera ajouté en premier, puis la suivante
+ * sur le dessus, et ainsi de suite).
+ *
+ * Prennez note, la carte de base peut être définie globalement dans le fichier settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONNEL: Géomap va fournir une carte de base par défaut si aucune carte de base n"est spécifié ici.
+ /*basemap: {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-2650000.0, -900000.0, 3600000.0, 4630000.0",
+ restrictedExtent: "-2750000.0, -1000000.0, 3700000.0, 4730000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },*/
+ overlays: [
+ {
+ title: "WMS Demo",
+ caption: " Ceci est un exemple de service WMS chargé à l’aide de Géomap.",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "https://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=F",
+ visible: false,
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "GDPS.ETA_PR",
+ transparent: true,
+ options: {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ //legendGraphicUrl: "https://geo.weather.gc.ca/geomet/?Lang=E&LAYERS=GDPS.ETA_PR&VERSION=1.1.1&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&STYLE=PRECIPMM"
+ legendHTML: "GeoMet Precipitation (mm) " +
+ "" +
+ " 100.0 " +
+ " 50.0 " +
+ " 25.0 " +
+ " 20.0 " +
+ " 15.0 " +
+ " 10.0 " +
+ " 7.5 " +
+ " 5.0 " +
+ " 2.5 " +
+ " 1.0 " +
+ " 0.5 " +
+ " 0.25 " +
+ " 0.10 " +
+ " "
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "KML Demo",
+ caption: "Ceci est un exemple de fil KML chargé localement par Géocarte.",
+ type: "kml",
+ url: "demo/producing-mines-2015.kml",
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: true,
+ tab: true,
+ popups: true,
+ attributes: {
+ Type_: "Type",
+ OwnersF: "Opérateur / propriétaire",
+ OperationF: "Opération",
+ ComGroupF: "Groupe de produits minéraux",
+ CommodityF: "Produit minérale"
+ },
+ style: {
+ type: "unique",
+ field: "Type",
+ init: {
+ "Coal": {
+ "vOfeC51zvubeQiwtDCS37sZxbP5YaKbVqaw1W/DKCQiaEBfYD19ZabrlaMp0tNREItJBoDabWrC2pK1qbxXRMmoMwDav1R8GFe4DzAvee0x/iTbpwuZRrPf++z/t8znPe57w7dv6jsP8vICH8i0Gqx" +
+ "LIiP5AknVYUbcs/goQYvgHL9AJJIEV0sMgQhn6tomovzgoSYij5MnLU20bzkc+nNeKucfNSaQme+HkvCEOXFVV7PirIMIYWYlleYFHrsTaaDn8asRlPXBzbqqrZtKGEhPj4jcLQJUXVNkaEDENPkrC" +
+ "8QPKXbcf58NAlRJJlLNMMQ2LsdvJzMgkGgjR83ExBThYJ8fHlwvBLiuoqnxIaGfEvkMALpHx14gSNBz8BYMeW13BpGn19Pj472krbt+2hzeOBAFt27OSVslJKCwuo3t/Ak9mZzPd4yiawskmQZf0WM" +
+ "yokL7D42IlvONByOFTMpWnIkownfh4Fa7NJuj5x0vr42BgjQpAQm0B+Thbb99RQsaGY+R7Pc8LQ+xVV2xyCDMM9R5aCN17o7eWDloOTXs/vf/Qx3+MBQJZkfL7B0Fqs3U7FsyW4nE5efv1N0h96gBV" +
+ "3LGdbVQ3bN78KWMumPKOxsfGwczjyRSuFebnIkoxpmYyOjU5C3C4XW3dVMajrNLQcYvU9d6H79bA6M94MX7efIikxEb+uY1om2RnpBIImK+++E7fLReW7exkY/KvLtpPtxNjDy0Z1BV054rIkU5CbR" +
+ "X+/j7d2V9Hf74umxOzuuli7neW334ZvYBBVVViUeN3Vh2ImzsQ5dy5vvL2LZUuXsO6JHKzGj+g423V1IJvNRkXpelxOJ5W79zLg93P8u1OMBYKsy8ul7kATZ7p++HeQzWaj4pn1aJoWmq7LcfJ0B8F" +
+ "AgMK8texrbKKzuycyZJqmKdswFyYtkG9OSabr/E+hhFuXpKCqClt37kEfHg4r0H7me8YDAR59+MEQlJP+yKVFSQp9L3YAp9M5IoRepCpqfVlxkby7tj6EdXb30Nn9TsSuO852hc4pPzOD+1NTAesCy" +
+ "JsmQQCKor0vhC45VEddWXGRvKu2nu4rOosmnsp8jDWpqwDOW8hpquK8GAZNYPsvY+XFRdJssKezHmf1vSsBfrQgTVWdP1+5HjYMiqLtE4YuO1RHbbRYYXYm961aAXDuEqL98vecKadOUbU6Yfglh+q" +
+ "oKS8uknovhu0LxRwllpRFyQDnTMta43C4fp0qb9rxVlTXexNY9S1Lb5rhp4Ee07LSpkMiQhNYrRCDzZJks0XKEyI45Ha7RaScGT9YRXFHd5nNEH8C+eGD9m6tNTgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de charbon"
+ },
+ "Metal mines and mills": {
+ "/mdndzKwzs6l7Iy1N25S+FCLaF69gg5cHq6S2FUSaS5OqD6YxASklgUpTCgqCIki1uTRF0QcDIlJpaWpES4UgrljBh7RRqsVmN5fNbpo52ezO+JBkcZtkk2gRv9fznfObc77vHMbDfxSe/wUkZWori" +
+ "Ddx3eIfJMQPmmZ2/CNIyltbcJ0BYCOIog4u1dJOr9N0s3VNkJRTmxeQcxPf8vFU/7JGSLE4Eq4n4gu2SDutaLr56qog254qx3UHgE3nJy5xJn2+6Gai6jpOJHpojzQQ8QabpZ0Wmm42F4VsO71R4A4" +
+ "Amy8kL9GbPgeAgoKDswjxCpUDwWqybo7TY59RH9xN1Bs6JO2U0HTr0JLQ9HRqg4ABoKI/eZme1Bxycv1hLI/JaGacLya/pt+O5SfPujnab77P65EGmiIv8F78E+ruribqCzXNY00FkOv+6Z2RYgDYe" +
+ "jH5Hd2pL/OLWR4DBUHEF+RAeA+bkmUF4zNkmHYkURGmLljNG/FejoTrifpCr0g7Pa7p5tE8ZNuBEkXktg3L63SlzhYcTyIzTtQXmj9CwUR2Mj9WIry0hWqxVIPmG2+xz3iUR7RKTiR6eHfDYcC9Z8k" +
+ "aZZzZRXX4PPkVByPPoSBwcLDdmQKk1GPRMdJN0pmiK3WWJ/T7SDq3Fq2z4sswIH+ifKKMdG6KHA7Ph3bhjDo8bOyg1GNyPN7NmJPK51+wY3iFunYIKGhxBUFd+FnGZpN0xDtJ5FJFZq4RWogS4WWHs" +
+ "Z2J7CR+tYQtnrI7D3mFSluoFkO5i6M3T3Gvr4IXQ3sg0cdgZujOQB6h0h6qw1INjsd7GHfSXJQ/MjuWozG8FyfxKd9nrv07yCNU2oI1WKrBsfhcdy3EN/IK2dEsjeG95BJ9xDLDxSHHcRxFxSnX1iu" +
+ "V3nKuzF7PJ1R6N+FXdY6NdDPpLm7byzO/kE1k2R2oIpaYg2rNJ+cGhcjfFw+AYRjTUqYb/Ire0xLdr7wz8lEei2WGiY2cLLrrwcwQg4m5OjVaT/F46UOA+ysorxVAAJpmnpEyLfyKv7slul95e+RDf" +
+ "p79vShwexy0dvFY6YMAwy5Kla4Z+aMpqJGmmb0LWGu0RqwFe8l6mqrSBwCuuVCl60bBxEXNoGnmaWmnFb/i71wt9nLgGXYG7ge4OoeYf9yes2TXabrZLe2U8Cv+U63RGvGbvLEsoiklVGjlAFcd193" +
+ "p91tLJi/b3ppudc1jH2z3b1vhp4Ehx3WrlkOKQvNYp5STfUKoi1/Jv4WUualAICCL5ax4YTUtMLFSzmriL1z5gWQ67XYNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de métaux"
+ },
+ "Industrial minerals": {
+ "/uVxmzoV5tBUGDe+SGmnwFWVBqQHUhYmJxo1xKZg2Pmh91IVJFWx140JXTapC62NtoombYmgHmoZQSUxUKDVWpuVheQ2tzAz3zMDc42KmIAwMUBvjtz3f/X7nnu87N9fkPwrzfwEpNV8F4iO0zr4hI" +
+ "X6S0nv8tiClYpVoJwiUgsjqoHlW2ZGd0vK+uS1IqWjFLWRy8Azhy19vaOS4A1Q0HEX6Ct9QdsSQlvf1LUG2HS1D6yBQPjnURXi4M+vLmHn3EOo5TmXje0hf4LCyI0Ja3sNZIduOlAp0EKiYvNRF+FJ" +
+ "HakEYoJ1MRbgoqW1GJ5cYHzhNSW0L0hc4pOx5IS3foXWhhYX5YgFBYPfUcDfhoRSy5+lOci0f8UiYqcHviE50rTytE4ycfYeKhmNU7G/l2oUTFD/ajPQXtaax1lWQ1tdz40oEgaqp4bPMDn66XCvX8" +
+ "iGEgfQVUlb3EtOXK1et66QiuWhjmHdTXNtCqOdDKhuOIv1Fryk7Mictb9syZNt+tyGSe6LTI8wOnlx1OvH5GaS/KHVSwmApNrdycoakpL4N0+3lt+9b2XXv8/hKGgj1fkD1MycA/cC6PUomExltmPz" +
+ "1W8rrDyKEgdYOySW1jJTubyPX2kEo+D7OYpjZoZN4ip/CScxl1Nn0yxC73s3UUAVJNY/WSUpqX2DMWWJX1WMppOcYTmJ6OT86cQaEa/sQsGbEDcr3NROPzjFyrh0nPrmVEtv71glD4i9/hHjsBjkui" +
+ "du3G3vmTkPCleqJ28NI97vkFTxEad0BRvsc1Gz/HYKESWl9O6bbm278LNE/f2DixyXK6g4y2qdR4Yv/EhImJfvayZVervakputWxCbPMX5xidK6A4z1Oai5geyQ4ziOkYOTf1eZ4drxIImbPy8nyJ0" +
+ "PY7osQr3t6MUbGQUWps8z1p8gUPMco+dTUMHeF9ObFIurII/Hs6BUpMV05Z2ubHjLCPV+soypuQGuBjfeKYCa7Wf0fKpPBTUvU1T9JKBDYLy9CgKQ0vuVUhFhuvJPpbCPSdz8JSuwNgpqXqGo+gmAE" +
+ "Y3RZEnPaAaUxr5cwY6I7WCFNa8SqH4c4A8NTZblGfvnesYwSOn9QtkRw3Tld2wVK7y/lcB9jQBXUoh3fG3OulMnLe8pZc8L05X/eWXDERGbubYhkpPrxhOoArjiaN2Yl+ebWC9vw/GWlq8zjX3mL96" +
+ "7yU8DvztaN22EZIXSWIdSf30jRE5OtjylklG/36+y5Wx6YaX0Z16e24i/AWg1hRJKTWppAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de non-métaux"
+ },
+ "Oil Sands": {
+ "vucDuucveXZqCHXOkZakexFkcmHypRon+PFYPNT1UY0zAiEBKJmjiKDqF04zUWA+IWk0PvTiNNtWI5hDj+CCwFskb/8JyKvk37gL3uLD39sC2hguLmNN0Xn+/+/ucP79z5qbzH430/wWkVDgfxCFsO" +
+ "/WEhLgspdF0V5BS03nYVgewBkRKB5vnlRm5T+rG9hVBSk35/0b6v23natsXSxoZq7Ip2r8bd072NmVGNKkbb90RZJpTudh2B/BQ/3ftjHx8POVinA+u4vKeAxQd3IM7J6dWmREhdaM2JWSakTUCuwP" +
+ "wD5xpZ+RIHNE0sKwkRDgdFFRuJjY3R1/rCdZVlOH25dQoMyyk7qlZFJqZCa8W0AEEBs9+zy8fzSOPf3kU6fUwPTrOwFenGTt9NvGxfTNKV+0uij7YR1FdNT+2fMLa8s0YPl91HKteANn27xk3legA8" +
+ "ofOnWe45WiimPR6EELDnZNNYWUZQwH/gritbjJrKtKdTgrK3+By43sUHdiF2+fbqszIhNSNvQnINL1OTcQeGR8cYuhw64Ltmb4+itvnm98qoaHGJ25tnS4Jvr8H6THoLKsh99WXeKD0SULvHmTjsSO" +
+ "AHVz0jGLRaNI59J88xfqqcoTQsG2LmKluIc2N6FleeuqbiI1OMNzSSvYLzzE3NplUZ9mXYfyb8wz4/UTDN8CyKXjtFey5GKs3PYHMyiK0u4m5P64n8kdPtSOcjpVDwMIWFxCs2Iw5NkF3wz5mr/15J" +
+ "yVW9tYJXeJ7rBhzYpJ0l8T1aIAb9xoSTgfB5kachpuut/eStaGQYNWb9FoW4c5L9wjKSCfY3Ij0GITqm5i7PsbY1+foi85SWFXOT5ZF5EL3v4TiiNNj0LNzH7HRW+09eeYH+mIxglXl/GzZRC72pIY" +
+ "sy7K0NKwsf66WuaGQ6a7eRIKxYT0ZLp3Qzv3ExpPbdvLcBa5EowRefpHeOOTf8vp8UIjZBZDb7Z5RKlLm0F0niuu3aaFDHyawyMUeQilmChDuvERv/JzytleQ/+zTgD0M2o4FEICUxudKRYTDlXm8u" +
+ "H6bFmo+zHT3lZTA7SNQV0ngmVKAIRutRJfuq0lQHPssgTXUiZVggR1bCJSWAAzaUKLr7l//GU9qBimNT5UZ0RyuzLY7xfLf2UreUxsBBuYR47fbcxbtOqkbx5UZFg5X5tHihjoxOTSyJJIundz/cD7" +
+ "AgGXbm1wuz7VF85YqIHXPsTjW6lu3dpmfBvot2y5ZCkkJxbE2pW6cFCItLVWeUrEpr9erUuUse2Gl9CZfnrsYfwFqWYQCxROHDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==",
+ fillOpacity: "1",
+ graphicWidth: "25",
+ name: "Mines de sables bitumineux"
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ externalGraphic: "" +
+ "QCQGOEyeRHBTHl/OLfTkvcNwz2NDkzrGTpVItPeXknPy7/3t/vXdjY//V43nNWR/gyHGcEwzSbJ6QRuMp5DtXvuMcVkaAeO8BoM59X4QyuCZC/hDdrreRG0IpneEereKHXkyxgWH9KUcw33ULmSHtdvutT" +
+ "JeVFRLHr5+lGLY5EEIIecMpLeeBXBZNcfbNSNZRGhlsaSGu604Frmv2Qki1KjiAMH6bWtiPY0NAoxGtLxIY3e6DnJ/vjAcAhkoJQpLiy7UKtLFuCN9xxFXRfFLW9QVjsPoXSFr3FTrrYO9amZrnLlNBLov" +
+ "9akPmC7S/ErS2WlKeOFHVo6ggIVdFdUpxvxKEf3zWgJ6H32olkFalot0XpoEwDVmchspa0iRpexDk6EBfMoBQCToRbm7SDzOKot7Cx5bWgRzZB3PXqKBxF9Tr+RSFKYrQjd8P9WqJol48UIBs237JO3BLb" +
+ "Fv5odPDwbXrPeRDR4evfd0h6HTmpJtuaUreswZCeNeryAb9TtnvOpTOI4yMAIsgAGWcAqkdHChdkBvvhoFxhs3UM3EKZJpJjNLFvDAsPg+gJCHTuaasTOMHhFFpELT9yrIZ/a49rj99LEfr/V1DhI8QHDV" +
+ "D3RsY85YQ1ndPiNcIwHEQgDE0JH5qtdpraf/JtLAsa+KfubrdA6qupf9mD9mBAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
+ graphicOpacity: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "ATOM Demo",
+ caption: "Ceci est un exemple de fil ATOM chargé localement par Géocarte.",
+ type: "atom",
+ url: "demo/sample_fr.atom",
+ attributes: {
+ title: "Titre",
+ summary: "À propos de ce jeux de données"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: false,
+ tab: true
+ },
+ {
+ title: "GeoRSS Demo",
+ caption: "Ceci est un exemple de fil GeoRSS chargé localement par Géocarte.",
+ type: "georss",
+ url: "demo/sample_fr.rss",
+ attributes: {
+ title: "Titre",
+ description: "Description",
+ link: "Pour plus d'information"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: false,
+ tab: true
+ },
+ {
+ title: "JSON (GeoGratis)",
+ caption: "Ceci est un exemple d'un jeu de données JSON chargé à partir d'un site externe, dans ce cas-ci Géogratis.",
+ type: "json",
+ url: "http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst",
+ params: {
+ alt: "json",
+ q: "alluvial"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ datatable: false,
+ tab: true,
+ popups: true,
+ root: "products",
+ attributes: {
+ title: "Titre",
+ summary: "Résumé",
+ author: "Autheur"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ title: "GeoJSON (CartoDB)",
+ caption: "Ceci est un exemple d'un jeu de données JSON chargé à partir d'un site externe, dans ce cas-ci les caméras de circulation de la ville d'Ottawa à partir du site Carto DB.",
+ type: "geojson",
+ url: "https://stephenott.cartodb.com/api/v2/sql",
+ params: {
+ format: "GeoJSON",
+ q: "SELECT * FROM traffic_cameras LIMIT 25"
+ },
+ attributes: {
+ location_desc: "Emplacement",
+ longitude: "Latitude",
+ latitude: "Longitude",
+ updated_at: "Dernière mise à jour"
+ },
+ visible: false,
+ zoom: true,
+ datatable: true,
+ tab: true,
+ // default style
+ style: {
+ type: "symbol",
+ init: {
+ graphicWidth: 30,
+ graphicHeight: 30,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 1.0
+ },
+ select: {
+ graphicWidth: 20,
+ graphicHeight: 20,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/trafficcamera_active.png",
+ graphicOpacity: 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ // unique value style
+ /*style: {
+ type: "unique",
+ field: "Emplacement",
+ init: {
+ "Albert & Booth": {
+ pointRadius: "25",
+ strokeWidth: "20",
+ fillColor: "#800080"
+ },
+ "Baseline & Greenbank": {
+ pointRadius:"25",
+ strokeWidth: "10",
+ fillColor: "#800080"
+ }
+ },
+ select: {
+ pointRadius: 30,
+ externalGraphic: "demo/icons/trafficcamera.png",
+ label: "${Emplacement}",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ }
+ // rule style
+ style: {
+ type: "rule",
+ rule: [{
+ field: "Longitude",
+ value: [45.36],
+ filter: "LESS_THAN",
+ init: {
+ pointRadius: "15",
+ strokeColor: "#800000",
+ fillColor: "#FFFFFF",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Longitude",
+ value: [45.37, 45.42],
+ filter: "BETWEEN",
+ init: {
+ pointRadius: "25",
+ strokeColor: "#000000",
+ fillColor: "#222222",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ field: "Longitude",
+ value: [45.42],
+ filter: "GREATER_THAN",
+ init: {
+ pointRadius: "10",
+ strokeColor: "#800080",
+ fillColor: "#800080"
+ }
+ }],
+ select: {
+ pointRadius: "30",
+ externalGraphic: "demo/icons/OverIcon.png",
+ label: "Selectionné",
+ fillOpacity: 0.90
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fbe71deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+// * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with MapQuest OSM basemap
+// * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+// * @author @jvanulde
+// */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "MapQuest OSM Map",
+ type: "xyz",
+ url: [
+ "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d1acee518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/config-osm-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+// * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap with OSM basemap
+// * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+// * @author @jvanulde
+// */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ basemap: {
+ title: "MapQuest OSM Map",
+ type: "xyz",
+ url: [
+ "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile2.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile3.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png",
+ "http://otile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/map/${z}/${x}/${y}.png"
+ ],
+ mapOptions: {
+ projection: "EPSG:900913",
+ center: [ -123, 49 ],
+ zoomLevel: 5
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/configwms-en.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/configwms-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76fdbf034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/configwms-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Example English configuration file for Geomap
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Global overrides for individual components
+ *
+ * Map Overlays (i.e. layers)
+ * Overlays will be added in the order that they are provided
+ * (i.e. the first overlay will be added first, then the next
+ * on top, and so on).
+ *
+ * Note that the basemap can be set globally in settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONAL: note that Geomap will provide a default basemap if not specified here.
+ basemap: {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/png",
+ layers: "limits",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-2650000.0, -900000.0, 3600000.0, 4630000.0",
+ restrictedExtent: "-2750000.0, -1000000.0, 3700000.0, 4730000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/configwms-fr.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/configwms-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41d110b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/configwms-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Geomap English config file
+ * @overview Exemple d'un fichier de configuration français pour Géocarte
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @pjackson28
+ */
+ * Les composantes individuelles seront substituées par les compasantes globales
+ *
+ * Les couche de superpositions seront ajoutés dans l'ordre où ils sont fournis
+ * (c'est à dire la première couche sera ajouté en premier, puis la suivante
+ * sur le dessus, et ainsi de suite).
+ *
+ * Prennez note, la carte de base peut être définie globalement dans le fichier settings.js.
+ */
+/*jshint unused:false*/
+var wet_boew_geomap = {
+ // OPTIONNEL: Géomap va fournir une carte de base par défaut si aucune carte de base n"est spécifié ici.
+ basemap: {
+ title: "WMS-Toporama",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: "http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en",
+ version: "1.1.1",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ layers: "WMS-Toporama",
+ mapOptions: {
+ maxExtent: "-2650000.0, -900000.0, 3600000.0, 4630000.0",
+ restrictedExtent: "-2750000.0, -1000000.0, 3700000.0, 4730000.0",
+ maxResolution: "auto",
+ projection: "EPSG:3978",
+ units: "m",
+ displayProjection: "EPSG:4269",
+ aspectRatio: 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ overlays: []
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/producing-mines-2015.kml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/producing-mines-2015.kml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a5835c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/producing-mines-2015.kml
@@ -0,0 +1,6026 @@
+ 2
+ 2.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Nugget Pond
+ Nugget Pond
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Snook's Arm
+ Snook's Arm
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu
+ Au, Cu
+ 49.84500000000
+ -55.77530000000
+ S. Jan 2010
+ 1
+ N
+ 1
+ -55.7753,49.845
+ 3
+ 3.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Pine Cove
+ Pine Cove
+ Anaconda Mining Inc.
+ Anaconda Mining Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Baie Verte
+ Baie Verte
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 49.95970000000
+ -56.12950000000
+ 2
+ Y
+ 1
+ Ming
+ -56.1295,49.9597
+ 4
+ 4.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Duck Pond
+ Duck Pond
+ Teck Cominco Limited
+ Teck Cominco Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Millertown
+ Millertown
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 48.63090000000
+ -56.50060000000
+ 3
+ N
+ 1
+ -56.5006,48.6309
+ 5
+ 5.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited
+ Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Voisey's Bay
+ Voisey's Bay
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co
+ Ni, Cu, Co
+ 56.32000000000
+ -62.09300000000
+ 4
+ N
+ 1
+ -62.093,56.32
+ 6
+ 6.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Wabush
+ Wabush
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Wabush
+ Wabush
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.92000000000
+ -66.91000000000
+ 5
+ Y
+ 1
+ Carol Lake
+ -66.91,52.92
+ 7
+ 7.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Carol Lake
+ Carol Lake
+ Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)
+ Compagnie minière IOC
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 53.06000000000
+ -66.95000000000
+ 5
+ N
+ 1
+ Wabush
+ -67.068997799018121,53.113253255076415
+ 10
+ 10.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Lower Cove
+ Lower Cove
+ Atlantic Minerals Limited
+ Atlantic Minerals Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Lower Cove
+ Lower Cove
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, dolomite
+ Calcaire, dolomite
+ 48.53000000000
+ -59.03000000000
+ 6
+ N
+ 1
+ -59.03,48.53
+ 11
+ 11.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Plateau Dolomite
+ Plateau Dolomite
+ Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC)
+ Compagnie minière IOC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomite
+ Dolomite
+ 53.02000000000
+ -66.82000000000
+ 7
+ N
+ 1
+ -66.786295333013285,52.978198476087201
+ 14
+ 14.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Glen Morrison
+ Glen Morrison
+ Nova Scotia Power Inc.
+ Nova Scotia Power Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Cape Breton
+ Cap-Breton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 46.00058000000
+ -60.31733400000
+ 8
+ N
+ 2
+ -60.318324459751352,46.000759099056239
+ 15
+ 15.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Antigonish Limestone Ltd.
+ Antigonish Limestone Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ Southside Antigonish Harbour
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.65692000000
+ -61.90133200000
+ 10
+ N
+ 2
+ -61.902273859552324,45.657079905425739
+ 17
+ 17.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Little Narrows
+ Little Narrows
+ CGC Inc.
+ CGC Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Little Narrows
+ Little Narrows
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 46.00255000000
+ -60.94931700000
+ 9
+ N
+ 2
+ -60.950291546121214,46.002722775481288
+ 18
+ 18.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Mosher Limestone Company Limited
+ Mosher Limestone Company Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ Upper Musquodoboit
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, gypsum
+ Calcaire, gypse
+ 45.13300000000
+ -62.93780000000
+ 11
+ N
+ 2
+ -62.938704601638129,45.133145573655689
+ 20
+ 20.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Brookfield
+ Brookfield
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Brookfield
+ Brookfield
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 45.23990000000
+ -63.33520000000
+ 12
+ N
+ 2
+ -63.321099489288564,45.242845267749551
+ 21
+ 21.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Pugwash
+ Pugwash
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Pugwash
+ Pugwash
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 45.84382000000
+ -63.65491400000
+ 14
+ N
+ 2
+ -63.655814194812642,45.843963886731622
+ 22
+ 22.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ East Milford
+ East Milford
+ National Gypsum (Canada) Ltd.
+ National Gypsum (Canada) Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Milford
+ Milford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 45.01160000000
+ -63.42240000000
+ 13
+ N
+ 2
+ <Null>
+ -63.4224,45.0116
+ 25
+ 25.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NS
+ Amherst
+ Amherst
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Amherst
+ Amherst
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 45.78290000000
+ -64.23390000000
+ 15
+ N
+ 2
+ -64.2339,45.7829
+ 29
+ 29.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ NS
+ Stellarton
+ Stellarton
+ Pioneer Coal Ltd.
+ Pioneer Coal Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Stellarton
+ Stellarton
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 45.56730000000
+ -62.68310000000
+ 16
+ N
+ 2
+ -62.6831,45.5673
+ 34
+ 34.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ New Brunswick
+ New Brunswick
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Sussex
+ Sussex
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 45.75471000000
+ -65.42266900000
+ 19
+ N
+ 3
+ -65.391368628759309,45.779306893518083
+ 35
+ 35.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Havelock
+ Havelock
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Havelock
+ Havelock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Lime, limestone
+ Chaux, calcaire
+ 45.91000000000
+ -65.40000000000
+ 18
+ N
+ 3
+ -65.311598620671901,45.998669912755979
+ 36
+ 36.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Brookville
+ Brookville
+ Brookville Manufacturing Company
+ Brookville Manufacturing Company
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint John
+ Saint John
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomitic lime
+ Chaux dolomitique
+ 45.33840000000
+ -66.02180000000
+ 20
+ N
+ 3
+ -66.0218,45.3384
+ 37
+ 37.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Sormany
+ Sormany
+ Elmtree Resources Ltd.
+ Elmtree Resources Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Sormany
+ Sormany
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 47.65110000000
+ -66.04030000000
+ 21
+ N
+ 3
+ -66.014469573521154,47.686719194287036
+ 40
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Mont-Wright
+ Mont-Wright
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fermont
+ Fermont
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.78800000000
+ -67.32580000000
+ 22
+ Y
+ 4
+ Bloom Lake
+ -67.3258,52.788
+ 41
+ 41.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Niobec
+ Niobec
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Saint-Honoré-de-Chicoutimi
+ Saint-Honoré-de-Chicoutimi
+ OM
+ AM
+ Nb
+ Nb
+ 48.53300000000
+ -71.15000000000
+ 24
+ N
+ 4
+ -71.15,48.533
+ 42
+ 42.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Raglan
+ Raglan
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Katinniq
+ Katinniq
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 61.68130000000
+ -73.67130000000
+ 25
+ N
+ 4
+ -73.6713,61.6813
+ 47
+ 47.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bachelor Lake
+ Lac Bachelor
+ Metanor Resources Inc.
+ Ressources Métanor inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Desmaraisville
+ Desmaraisville
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.49580000000
+ -76.14300000000
+ 26
+ N
+ 4
+ -76.143,49.4958
+ 49
+ 49.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Beaufor
+ Beaufor
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.16130000000
+ -77.55580000000
+ 28
+ N
+ 4
+ Lac Herbin, Monique
+ -77.5558,48.1613
+ 50
+ 50.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lac Herbin
+ Lac Herbin
+ QMX Gold Corporation
+ QMX Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.13610000000
+ -77.65390000000
+ 28
+ Y
+ 4
+ Beaufor
+ -77.6539,48.1361
+ 53
+ 53.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Langlois
+ Langlois
+ Nystar NV
+ Nystar NV
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Lebel-sur-Quévillon
+ Lebel-sur-Quévillon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.24880000000
+ -76.67440000000
+ R. Jul 2012
+ 27
+ N
+ 4
+ -76.674983704482216,49.248854776388832
+ 55
+ 55.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Sleeping Giant
+ Géant Dormant
+ Maudore Minerals Ltd.
+ Minéraux Maudore ltée
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ north of Amos
+ au nord d'Amos
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.13381000000
+ -77.97768300000
+ 30
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.978224468780155,49.13385730199208
+ 56
+ 56.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Camflo
+ Camflo
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Malartic
+ Malartic
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.14660000000
+ -78.03860000000
+ 31
+ N
+ 4
+ Canadian Malartic
+ -78.062482864031423,48.185921512621945
+ 57
+ 57.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ LaRonde
+ LaRonde
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Preissac
+ Preissac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag
+ Au, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag
+ 48.25160000000
+ -78.44770000000
+ 32
+ N
+ 4
+ Lapa, Mouska, Westwood
+ -78.428516747906002,48.251643996898345
+ 59
+ 59.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Mouska
+ Mouska
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Cadillac
+ Cadillac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu, Ag
+ Au, Cu, Ag
+ 48.27756000000
+ -78.57127100000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.571784409340779,48.277603297035128
+ 60
+ 60.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Casa Berardi
+ Casa Berardi
+ Hecla Mining Company
+ Hecla Mining Company
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ north of La Sarre
+ au nord de La Sarre
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 49.56550000000
+ -79.27940000000
+ 33
+ N
+ 4
+ -79.2794,49.5655
+ 62
+ 62.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Seleine
+ Seleine
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Îles-de-la-Madeleine
+ Îles-de-la-Madeleine
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 47.61220000000
+ -61.56080000000
+ 34
+ N
+ 4
+ -61.5608,47.6122
+ 63
+ 63.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Tio
+ Tio
+ QIT-Fer et Titane inc.
+ QIT-Fer et Titane inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Havre-Saint-Pierre
+ Havre-Saint-Pierre
+ IM
+ MI
+ Ilmenite
+ Ilménite
+ 50.55410000000
+ -63.41600000000
+ 35
+ N
+ 4
+ -63.416,50.5541
+ 64
+ 64.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Saint-Modeste
+ Saint-Modeste
+ IM
+ MI
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ 47.83600000000
+ -69.39250000000
+ 36
+ N
+ 4
+ -69.3925,47.836
+ 68
+ 68.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Marbleton
+ Marbleton
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Marbleton
+ Marbleton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.61930000000
+ -71.60750000000
+ 37
+ N
+ 4
+ -71.6075,45.6193
+ 71
+ 71.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bedford
+ Bedford
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Bedford
+ Bedford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 45.11270000000
+ -73.01180000000
+ 38
+ N
+ 4
+ Saint-Armand
+ -73.0118,45.1127
+ 72
+ 72.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Armand
+ Saint-Armand
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint-Armand
+ Saint-Armand
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium carbonate
+ Carbonate de calcium
+ 45.07620000000
+ -73.04520000000
+ 38
+ Y
+ 4
+ Bedford
+ -73.0452,45.0762
+ 73
+ 73.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 46.03450000000
+ -73.40270000000
+ 39
+ N
+ 4
+ Joliette
+ -73.4027,46.0345
+ 74
+ 74.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Joliette
+ Joliette
+ IM
+ MI
+ Lime, limestone
+ Chaux, calcaire
+ 45.99830000000
+ -73.47810000000
+ 39
+ Y
+ 4
+ Joliette
+ -73.4781,45.9983
+ 80
+ 80.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lac Letondal
+ Lac Letondal
+ Imerys Mica Suzorite, Inc.
+ Imerys Mica Suzorite, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Parent, Suzor Twp.
+ Parent, canton de Suzor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Mica
+ Mica
+ 47.95280000000
+ -74.33837000000
+ 40
+ N
+ 4
+ -74.339006458394394,47.952867079744664
+ 81
+ 81.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ QC
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Imerys Graphite and Carbon
+ Imerys Graphite et Carbone
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ Saint-Aimé-du-Lac-des-Îles
+ IM
+ MI
+ Graphite
+ Graphite
+ 46.37530000000
+ -75.53570000000
+ 41
+ N
+ 4
+ -75.5357,46.3753
+ 83
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Macassa
+ Macassa
+ Kirkland Lake Gold Inc.
+ Kirkland Lake Gold Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Kirkland Lake area
+ région de Kirkland Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.14160000000
+ -80.06970000000
+ 44
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.0697,48.1416
+ 84
+ 84.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Garson
+ Garson
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.56690000000
+ -80.85770000000
+ 47
+ N
+ 5
+ Nickel Rim South
+ -80.793041088661766,46.571314164167632
+ 87
+ 87.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Stobie
+ Stobie
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.54020000000
+ -80.99330000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -80.9933,46.5402
+ 88
+ 88.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Clarabelle
+ Clarabelle
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.49300000000
+ -81.03000000000
+ 48
+ N
+ 5
+ Stobie, Creighton, Copper Cliff North
+ -81.062314294301601,46.490707165779845
+ 89
+ 89.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Copper Cliff North
+ Copper Cliff North
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.49270000000
+ -81.07300000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -81.073,46.4927
+ 91
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hoyle Pond
+ Hoyle Pond
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ south of Porcupine
+ au sud de Porcupine
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.55190000000
+ -81.10830000000
+ 50
+ N
+ 5
+ Dome, Bell Creek
+ -81.1083,48.5519
+ 94
+ 94.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Creighton
+ Creighton
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.47400000000
+ -81.18610000000
+ 48
+ Y
+ 5
+ Clarabelle
+ -81.1861,46.474
+ 95
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Dome
+ Dome
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.45940000000
+ -81.22750000000
+ 50
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hoyle Pond
+ -81.2275,48.4594
+ 97
+ 97.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.67710000000
+ -81.33970000000
+ 53
+ N
+ 5
+ Fraser, Strathcona, Levack/Morrison, McCreedy West
+ -81.3397,46.6771
+ 98
+ 98.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Fraser
+ Fraser
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 46.66330000000
+ -81.34040000000
+ R. Feb 2010
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3404,46.6633
+ 99
+ 99.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Strathcona
+ Strathcona
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.67340000000
+ -81.34270000000
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3427,46.6734
+ 101
+ 101.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Kidd Creek
+ Kidd Creek
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn, Ag, Se, Te, In, Cd
+ Cu, Zn, Ag, Se, Te, In, Cd
+ 48.68940000000
+ -81.37000000000
+ 54
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.37,48.6894
+ 102
+ 102.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Levack/Morrison
+ Levack/Morrison
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni
+ Cu, Ni
+ 46.66070000000
+ -81.37790000000
+ R. Oct 2010
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.3779,46.6607
+ 103
+ 103.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ McCreedy West
+ McCreedy West
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.63610000000
+ -81.40000000000
+ 53
+ Y
+ 5
+ Coleman/McCreedy East
+ -81.4,46.6361
+ 105
+ 105.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Island Gold
+ Island Gold
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Richmont Mines inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Dubreuilville
+ Dubreuilville
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.29700000000
+ -84.44290000000
+ 56
+ N
+ 5
+ -84.4429,48.297
+ 106
+ 106.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Eagle River
+ Eagle River
+ Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd.
+ Mines d'or Wesdome Ltée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Wawa
+ Wawa
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 47.98610000000
+ -85.46190000000
+ 57
+ N
+ 5
+ -85.4619,47.9861
+ 107
+ 107.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ David Bell
+ David Bell
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Marathon
+ Marathon
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.69300000000
+ -85.89300000000
+ 58
+ N
+ 5
+ Williams
+ -85.893,48.693
+ 108
+ 108.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Williams
+ Williams
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ Barrick Gold Corporation
+ (U., P., C.)
+ (SOUT., C.O., Con.)
+ Marathon
+ Marathon
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.69440000000
+ -85.91080000000
+ 58
+ Y
+ 5
+ David Bell
+ -85.9108,48.6944
+ 110
+ 110.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Musselwhite
+ Musselwhite
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Thunder Bay
+ Thunder Bay
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 52.61270000000
+ -90.36360000000
+ 59
+ N
+ 5
+ -90.3636,52.6127
+ 111
+ 111.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ Goldcorp Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Balmertown
+ Balmertown
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 51.05056000000
+ -93.73292200000
+ 61
+ N
+ 5
+ -93.732964127407982,51.050556715207968
+ 112
+ 112.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Tatlock
+ Tatlock
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ OMYA (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tatlock
+ Tatlock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium carbonate
+ Carbonate de calcium
+ 45.15100000000
+ -76.49570000000
+ 63
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.4957,45.151
+ 113
+ 113.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Picton
+ Picton
+ ESSROC Canada Inc.
+ ESSROC Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Picton
+ Picton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 44.04790000000
+ -77.12250000000
+ 65
+ N
+ 5
+ -77.1225,44.0479
+ 115
+ 115.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ogden Point
+ Ogden Point
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ Holcim (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Ogden Point
+ Ogden Point
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.98310000000
+ -77.88060000000
+ 66
+ N
+ 5
+ -77.8806,43.9831
+ 116
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Nephton
+ Nephton
+ Unimin Canada Ltd.
+ Unimin Canada Ltée
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Toronto
+ Toronto
+ IM
+ MI
+ Nepheline syenite
+ Syénite à néphéline
+ 44.62435000000
+ -77.99936800000
+ 67
+ Y
+ 5
+ Blue Mountain
+ -77.9491,44.6775
+ 118
+ 118.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bowmanville
+ Bowmanville
+ St. Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ St. Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bowmanville
+ Bowmanville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.88450000000
+ -78.69460000000
+ 68
+ N
+ 5
+ -78.6946,43.8845
+ 121
+ 121.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hagersville
+ Hagersville
+ CGC Inc.
+ CGC Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hagersville
+ Hagersville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 42.96570000000
+ -80.03840000000
+ 69
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.0384,42.9657
+ 122
+ 122.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Owen Sound
+ Owen Sound
+ E.C. King Contracting Ltd.
+ E.C. King Contracting Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Owen Sound
+ Owen Sound
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomitic lime
+ Chaux dolomitique
+ 44.56690000000
+ -80.86070000000
+ 70
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.8607,44.5669
+ 124
+ 124.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Tracey Lake
+ Tracey Lake
+ MarFred Minerals Ltd.
+ MarFred Minerals Ltd.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ North Williams
+ North Williams
+ IM
+ MI
+ Barite
+ Barytine
+ 47.41620000000
+ -81.02380000000
+ 72
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.024229711998601,47.41622871628995
+ 125
+ 125.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ St Marys
+ St Marys
+ St Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ St Marys CBM (Canada) Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ St. Marys
+ St. Marys
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.24830000000
+ -81.15880000000
+ 73
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.1588,43.2483
+ 129
+ 129.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Goderich
+ Goderich
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Goderich
+ Goderich
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 43.74100000000
+ -81.69850000000
+ 74
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.6985,43.741
+ 130
+ 130.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Penhorwood
+ Penhorwood
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Penhorwood
+ Penhorwood
+ IM
+ MI
+ Talc
+ Talc
+ 48.18950000000
+ -82.09690000000
+ 75
+ N
+ 5
+ -82.0969,48.1895
+ 132
+ 132.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 42.28709000000
+ -83.09196300000
+ 76
+ N
+ 5
+ Ojibway
+ -83.092291456338671,42.2870643479622
+ 133
+ 133.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ojibway
+ Ojibway
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Windsor
+ Windsor
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 42.25580000000
+ -83.10330000000
+ 76
+ Y
+ 5
+ Windsor
+ -83.1033,42.2558
+ 134
+ 134.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Victor
+ Victor
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ James Bay Lowlands
+ basses terres de la baie James
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 52.82060000000
+ -83.88170000000
+ 77
+ N
+ 5
+ -83.8817,52.8206
+ 135
+ 135.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Tanco
+ Tanco
+ Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited
+ Tantalum Mining Corporation of Canada Limited
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Lac-du-Bonnet
+ Lac-du-Bonnet
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cs
+ Cs
+ 50.42910000000
+ -95.45020000000
+ 78
+ N
+ 6
+ -95.4502,50.4291
+ 136
+ 136.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Hinge
+ Hinge
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02580000000
+ -95.62160000000
+ 79
+ N
+ 6
+ Rice Lake, 007
+ -95.6216,51.0258
+ 137
+ 137.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Bissett
+ Bissett
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02300000000
+ -95.67520000000
+ 79
+ Y
+ 6
+ Hinge
+ -95.6752,51.023
+ 138
+ 138.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U., P., C.)
+ (SOUT., C.O., Con.)
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 55.71520000000
+ -97.84440000000
+ 80
+ N
+ 6
+ Birchtree
+ -97.8444,55.7152
+ 139
+ 139.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Birchtree
+ Birchtree
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Thompson
+ Thompson
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP
+ 55.70050000000
+ -97.92610000000
+ 80
+ Y
+ 6
+ Thompson
+ -97.9261,55.7005
+ 141
+ 141.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.83340000000
+ -100.11648000000
+ 81
+ N
+ 6
+ Lalor Lake
+ -100.11628987584932,54.833371551542584
+ 142
+ 142.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ 777
+ 777
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ 54.77441000000
+ -101.87894000000
+ 83
+ N
+ 6
+ Flin Flon
+ -101.87868537732261,54.774385535968172
+ 145
+ 145.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Faulkner
+ Faulkner
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Faulkner
+ Faulkner
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 51.41660000000
+ -98.76220000000
+ 84
+ N
+ 6
+ -98.7622,51.4166
+ 146
+ 146.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Amaranth
+ Amaranth
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Harcus
+ Harcus
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.72960000000
+ -98.76920000000
+ 85
+ N
+ 6
+ -98.7692,50.7296
+ 147
+ 147.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Mafeking
+ Mafeking
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Mafeking
+ Mafeking
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.70070000000
+ -101.13372000000
+ 87
+ N
+ 6
+ -101.13350437070697,52.700692955961273
+ 148
+ 148.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Seabee
+ Seabee
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Laonil Lake
+ Laonil Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 55.68520000000
+ -103.61360000000
+ 88
+ Y
+ 7
+ Santoy
+ -103.6136,55.6852
+ 149
+ 149.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Rabbit Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 58.19610000000
+ -103.71080000000
+ 89
+ N
+ 7
+ -103.7108,58.1961
+ 151
+ 151.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ McArthur River
+ McArthur River
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ north of Key Lake
+ au nord de Key Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 57.76370000000
+ -105.05300000000
+ 92
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.053,57.7637
+ 152
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Key Lake
+ Key Lake
+ Cameco Corporation
+ Corporation Cameco
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ north of Highrock Lake
+ au nord de Highrock Lake
+ Uranium
+ Uranium
+ U
+ U
+ 57.20700000000
+ -105.64700000000
+ 93
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.647,57.207
+ 153
+ 153.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Rocanville
+ Rocanville
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Rocanville
+ Rocanville
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 50.45380000000
+ -101.53100000000
+ 94
+ N
+ 7
+ -101.531,50.4538
+ 154
+ 154.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Esterhazy (K-1 and K-2)
+ Esterhazy (K-1 et K-2)
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Esterhazy
+ Esterhazy
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 50.65910000000
+ -101.86200000000
+ 95
+ N
+ 7
+ -101.862,50.6591
+ 156
+ 156.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Wynyard
+ Wynyard
+ Big Quill Resources Inc.
+ Big Quill Resources Inc.
+ (P., U., Plant)
+ (C.O., SOUT., usine)
+ Wynyard
+ Wynyard
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potassium sulphate
+ Sulfate de potassium
+ 51.78063000000
+ -104.31992000000
+ 96
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.31960042119955,51.780636710353129
+ 157
+ 157.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Wilcox
+ Wilcox
+ Canadian Clay Products Inc.
+ Canadian Clay Products Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Wilcox
+ Wilcox
+ IM
+ MI
+ Clay, bentonite
+ Argile, bentonite
+ 50.09170000000
+ -104.71800000000
+ 97
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.718,50.0917
+ 158
+ 158.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Belle Plaine
+ Belle Plaine
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Belle Plaine
+ Belle Plaine
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 50.43560000000
+ -105.17900000000
+ 98
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.179,50.4356
+ 159
+ 159.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Lanigan
+ Lanigan
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Lanigan
+ Lanigan
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 51.84780000000
+ -105.19600000000
+ 99
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.196,51.8478
+ 161
+ 161.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Colonsay
+ Colonsay
+ The Mosaic Company
+ The Mosaic Company
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Colonsay
+ Colonsay
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 51.92070000000
+ -105.77500000000
+ 100
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.775,51.9207
+ 162
+ 162.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Allan
+ Allan
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Allan
+ Allan
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 51.93560000000
+ -106.08300000000
+ 101
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.11831388090695,51.931751029818322
+ 163
+ 163.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Patience Lake
+ Patience Lake
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Blucher
+ Blucher
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 52.11590000000
+ -106.30400000000
+ 102
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.304,52.1159
+ 164
+ 164.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Chaplin Lake
+ Chaplin Lake
+ Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals Inc.
+ Saskatchewan Mining and Minerals Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Chaplin
+ Chaplin
+ IM
+ MI
+ Sodium sulphate
+ Sulfate de sodium
+ 50.45730000000
+ -106.67000000000
+ 103
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.67,50.4573
+ 165
+ 165.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Cory
+ Cory
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Cory
+ Cory
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash
+ Potasse
+ 52.09110000000
+ -106.86800000000
+ 104
+ N
+ 7
+ -106.84885881426159,52.108369545857713
+ 166
+ 166.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Vanscoy
+ Vanscoy
+ Agrium Inc.
+ Agrium Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Vanscoy
+ Vanscoy
+ IM
+ MI
+ Potash, salt
+ Potasse, sel
+ 52.01000000000
+ -107.08000000000
+ 105
+ N
+ 7
+ -107.14600443254898,51.98709302742607
+ 167
+ 167.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ SK
+ Unity
+ Unity
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ Sifto Canada Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Unity
+ Unity
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 52.42330000000
+ -109.11000000000
+ 106
+ N
+ 7
+ -109.11,52.4233
+ 168
+ 168.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Bienfait
+ Bienfait
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bienfait
+ Bienfait
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.10420000000
+ -102.70830000000
+ 107
+ N
+ 7
+ -102.68616855107182,49.10596711413001
+ 169
+ 169.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Boundary Dam
+ Boundary Dam
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Estevan
+ Estevan
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.09440000000
+ -102.98330000000
+ 108
+ N
+ 7
+ -103.00681159905352,49.099826089653789
+ 170
+ 170.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ SK
+ Poplar River
+ Poplar River
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Coronach
+ Coronach
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.22300000000
+ -105.48900000000
+ 109
+ N
+ 7
+ -105.489,49.223
+ 171
+ 171.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Lindbergh
+ Lindbergh
+ K+S Windsor Salt Ltd.
+ K+S Sel Windsor Ltée
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Elk Point
+ Elk Point
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 53.86269000000
+ -110.63900000000
+ 110
+ N
+ 8
+ -110.63843920996879,53.862707760262424
+ 172
+ 172.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Steepbank
+ Steepbank
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ north of Fort McMurray
+ au nord de Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 56.90260000000
+ -111.37730000000
+ 111
+ N
+ 8
+ Fort McMurray West
+ -111.5186251395408,56.971664911446496
+ 173
+ 173.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Sunnynook
+ Sunnynook
+ Rio Petro Ltd.
+ Rio Petro Ltd.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Cessford
+ Cessford
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 51.00674000000
+ -111.55595000000
+ 113
+ N
+ 8
+ -111.63198896836627,51.049307677092912
+ 174
+ 174.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Muskeg Valley
+ Muskeg Valley
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ north of Fort McMurray
+ au nord de Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.19040000000
+ -111.55200000000
+ 112
+ N
+ 8
+ Aurora
+ -111.58555698940606,57.202269377482445
+ 175
+ 175.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Bruderheim
+ Bruderheim
+ Canexus Chemicals Canada Ltd.
+ Canexus Chemicals Canada Ltd.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Bruderheim
+ Bruderheim
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 53.80742000000
+ -112.94088000000
+ 114
+ N
+ 8
+ -112.92755585973471,53.781525754359372
+ 176
+ 176.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Calling Lake
+ Calling Lake
+ Calcium Incorporated
+ Calcium Incorporated
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ north of Athabasca
+ au nord d'Athabasca
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 55.16583000000
+ -113.22886000000
+ 115
+ N
+ 8
+ -113.22818472445937,55.165847636772945
+ 177
+ 177.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mitsue
+ Mitsue
+ Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
+ Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
+ (solution mining)
+ (extraction par dissolution)
+ Slave Lake
+ Slave Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Salt
+ Sel
+ 55.27297000000
+ -114.59862000000
+ 116
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.59789400894034,55.272995005147642
+ 178
+ 178.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Summit
+ Summit
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Coleman
+ Coleman
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 49.63560000000
+ -114.68100000000
+ 117
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.5523769793575,49.639123760034231
+ 180
+ 180.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 51.07140000000
+ -115.13200000000
+ 118
+ N
+ 8
+ Exshaw
+ -115.132,51.0714
+ 181
+ 181.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Exshaw
+ Exshaw
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 51.06570000000
+ -115.17800000000
+ 118
+ Y
+ 8
+ Exshaw
+ -115.178,51.0657
+ 182
+ 182.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Cougar Ridge
+ Cougar Ridge
+ Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd.
+ Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Rocky Mountain House
+ Rocky Mountain House
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.18970000000
+ -115.50420000000
+ 120
+ N
+ 8
+ -115.56419924529918,52.177361647929281
+ 183
+ 183.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Fish Creek
+ Fish Creek
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Nordegg
+ Nordegg
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.45210000000
+ -116.09120000000
+ 121
+ N
+ 8
+ -116.0912,52.4521
+ 184
+ 184.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mcleod
+ Mcleod
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ Lehigh Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Cadomin
+ Cadomin
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 52.97600000000
+ -117.26870000000
+ 122
+ N
+ 8
+ -117.22461191302418,52.946267280060745
+ 185
+ 185.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Sheerness
+ Sheerness
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hanna
+ Hanna
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 51.45080000000
+ -111.73390000000
+ 123
+ N
+ 8
+ -111.7339,51.4508
+ 186
+ 186.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Paintearth
+ Paintearth
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Forestburg
+ Forestburg
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 52.45470000000
+ -112.13650000000
+ 124
+ N
+ 8
+ -112.13590832343658,52.454736295181725
+ 187
+ 187.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Genesee
+ Genesee
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Genesee
+ Genesee
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.32388000000
+ -114.26724000000
+ 125
+ N
+ 8
+ Burtonsville
+ -114.2665623795321,53.323922489751652
+ 188
+ 188.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Highvale
+ Highvale
+ Transalta Corporation
+ Transalta Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Seba Beach
+ Seba Beach
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.50000000000
+ -114.55000000000
+ 126
+ N
+ 8
+ -114.55,53.5
+ 190
+ 190.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Coal Valley
+ Coal Valley
+ Coal Valley Resources Inc.
+ Coal Valley Resources Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Edson
+ Edson
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.06670000000
+ -116.78330000000
+ 127
+ N
+ 8
+ -116.7833,53.0667
+ 191
+ 191.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Cardinal River
+ Cardinal River
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Hinton
+ Hinton
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 53.06670000000
+ -117.40000000000
+ 128
+ N
+ 8
+ -117.47599808639788,53.105154267671807
+ 192
+ 192.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache Coal Corporation
+ Grande Cache Coal Corporation
+ (P., U.)
+ (C.O., SOUT.)
+ Grande Cache
+ Grande Cache
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 54.03330000000
+ -119.16670000000
+ 129
+ N
+ 8
+ -119.1667,54.0333
+ 193
+ 193.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 56.87190000000
+ -111.34000000000
+ 130
+ N
+ 8
+ Mildred Lake
+ -111.20103347205945,56.826346684743065
+ 194
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Aurora North and South
+ Aurora Nord et Sud
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ N
+ 8
+ Jackpine, Horizon, Muskeg River
+ -111.57103265973876,57.422778925211659
+ 195
+ 195.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Mildred Lake
+ Lac Mildred
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ Syncrude Canada Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.00000000000
+ -111.46670000000
+ 130
+ Y
+ 8
+ Millennium and Steepbank
+ -111.4667,57.0
+ 196
+ 196.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Muskeg River
+ Muskeg River
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.24650000000
+ -111.51200000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.512,57.2465
+ 197
+ 197.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ New Afton
+ New Afton
+ New Gold Inc.
+ New Gold Inc.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Kamloops
+ Kamloops
+ PM, BM
+ MP, MB
+ Au, Ag, Cu
+ Au, Ag, Cu
+ 50.66100000000
+ -120.51400000000
+ O. Jun 2012
+ 132
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.51316964531695,50.661102617872949
+ 200
+ 200.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Highland Valley Copper
+ Highland Valley Copper
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Logan Lake
+ Logan Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo
+ Cu, Mo
+ 50.48550000000
+ -121.04830000000
+ 134
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.0483,50.4855
+ 201
+ 201.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mount Polley
+ Mount Polley
+ Imperial Metals Corporation
+ Imperial Metals Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ northeast of Williams Lake
+ au nord-est de Williams Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Au, Cu
+ Au, Cu
+ 52.53330000000
+ -121.61660000000
+ 135
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.60181101968521,52.513009451360048
+ 203
+ 203.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Gibraltar
+ Gibraltar
+ Taseko Mines Limited
+ Taseko Mines Limited
+ (P. C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ north of Williams Lake
+ au nord de Williams Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo
+ Cu, Mo
+ 52.51800000000
+ -122.28750000000
+ 136
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.2875,52.518
+ 204
+ 204.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Endako
+ Endako
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fraser Lake
+ Fraser Lake
+ OM
+ MB
+ Mo
+ Mo
+ 54.03610000000
+ -125.11000000000
+ 139
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.11,54.0361
+ 206
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bralorne-Pioneer
+ Bralorne-Pioneer
+ Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
+ Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Whistler
+ Whistler
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 50.77790000000
+ -122.82140000000
+ 137
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.82049720077228,50.778022193652539
+ 207
+ 207.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Huckleberry
+ Huckleberry
+ Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
+ Huckleberry Mines Ltd.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Houston
+ Houston
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Mo, Au
+ Cu, Mo, Au
+ 53.68110000000
+ -127.17800000000
+ 141
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.178,53.6811
+ 209
+ 209.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ 4J
+ 4J
+ Georgia-Pacific Canada, Inc.
+ Georgia-Pacific Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Canal Flats
+ Canal Flats
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.09750000000
+ -115.52100000000
+ 142
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.521,50.0975
+ 210
+ 210.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Baymag Inc.
+ Baymag Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Mount Brussilof
+ Mount Brussilof
+ IM
+ MI
+ Magnesite (fused), magnesia (products)
+ Magnésite fondue, produits de magnésie
+ 50.78870000000
+ -115.68300000000
+ 143
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.683,50.7887
+ 211
+ 211.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Elkhorn
+ Elkhorn
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ CertainTeed Gypsum Canada, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Windermere
+ Windermere
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.49720000000
+ -115.90500000000
+ 144
+ N
+ 9
+ -115.905,50.4972
+ 212
+ 212.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Crawford Bay
+ Crawford Bay
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Crawford Bay
+ Crawford Bay
+ IM
+ MI
+ Dolomite, limestone
+ Dolomite, calcaire
+ 49.69250000000
+ -116.80300000000
+ 145
+ N
+ 9
+ -116.803,49.6925
+ 215
+ 215.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Lime Creek
+ Lime Creek
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Lost Creek
+ Lost Creek
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.08170000000
+ -117.24200000000
+ 146
+ N
+ 9
+ -117.242,49.0817
+ 216
+ 216.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Harper Ranch
+ Harper Ranch
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Kamloops
+ Kamloops
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 50.66840000000
+ -120.06500000000
+ 148
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.065,50.6684
+ 217
+ 217.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bud
+ Bud
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Princeton
+ Princeton
+ IM
+ MI
+ Calcium, clay
+ Calcium, argile
+ 49.45480000000
+ -120.49200000000
+ 149
+ N
+ 9
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ -120.52631390452223,49.495660961622036
+ 218
+ 218.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ Bromley Creek/Zeo
+ Canadian Mining Company Inc.
+ Canadian Mining Company Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bromley Creek
+ Bromley Creek
+ IM
+ MI
+ Zeolite
+ Zéolite
+ 49.42360000000
+ -120.56400000000
+ 149
+ Y
+ 9
+ Bud
+ -120.59835900663019,49.464431033545992
+ 219
+ 219.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ Absorbent Products Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Red Lake
+ Red Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Diatomite, bentonite, leonardite
+ Diatomite, bentonite, léonardite
+ 50.93870000000
+ -120.81500000000
+ 150
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.815,50.9387
+ 221
+ 221.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Graymont Inc.
+ Graymont Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Pavilion Lake
+ Pavilion Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone, lime
+ Calcaire, chaux
+ 50.81780000000
+ -121.65400000000
+ 151
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.654,50.8178
+ 223
+ 223.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Van Anda
+ Van Anda
+ Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.
+ Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.74050000000
+ -124.52800000000
+ 152
+ N
+ 9
+ Gillies Bay, Blubber Bay
+ -124.528,49.7405
+ 224
+ 224.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Gillies Bay
+ Gillies Bay
+ Texada Quarrying Ltd. (Lafarge Canada Inc.)
+ Texada Quarrying Ltd. (Lafarge Canada Inc.)
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.71650000000
+ -124.56000000000
+ 152
+ Y
+ 9
+ Van Anda
+ -124.56,49.7165
+ 225
+ 225.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Blubber Bay
+ Blubber Bay
+ Ash Grove Cement Company
+ Ash Grove Cement Company
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Texada Island
+ Texada Island
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 49.78610000000
+ -124.62000000000
+ 152
+ Y
+ 9
+ Van Anda
+ -124.62,49.7861
+ 226
+ 226.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Fireside
+ Fireside
+ Fireside Minerals Ltd.
+ Fireside Minerals Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fireside
+ Fireside
+ IM
+ MI
+ Barite
+ Barytine
+ 59.77170000000
+ -127.20800000000
+ 153
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.208,59.7717
+ 227
+ 227.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Benson Lake
+ Benson Lake
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ Imasco Minerals Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Benson Lake
+ Benson Lake
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 50.38310000000
+ -127.25400000000
+ 154
+ N
+ 9
+ -127.254,50.3831
+ 228
+ 228.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Coal Mountain
+ Coal Mountain
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical, thermal)
+ Charbon (métallurgique, thermique)
+ 49.49050000000
+ -114.65200000000
+ 155
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.7312535919711,49.435503680801638
+ 229
+ 229.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Line Creek
+ Line Creek
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical, thermal)
+ Charbon (métallurgique, thermique)
+ 49.95000000000
+ -114.78330000000
+ 156
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.7833,49.95
+ 230
+ 230.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Elkview
+ Elkview
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 49.74310000000
+ -114.80500000000
+ 157
+ N
+ 9
+ -114.8407952092724,49.743334292390195
+ 231
+ 231.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Greenhills
+ Greenhills
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sparwood
+ Sparwood
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 50.08330000000
+ -114.86670000000
+ 158
+ Y
+ 9
+ Fording River
+ -114.8667,50.0833
+ 232
+ 232.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Fording River
+ Fording River
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ Teck Resources Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Elkford
+ Elkford
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 50.14310000000
+ -114.88100000000
+ 158
+ N
+ 9
+ Greenhills
+ -114.881,50.1431
+ 233
+ 233.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Trend
+ Trend
+ Anglo American plc
+ Anglo American plc
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 54.93280000000
+ -121.00300000000
+ 159
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.94420065404542,54.993341922046945
+ 234
+ 234.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Wolverine-Perry Creek
+ Wolverine-Perry Creek
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P., U.)
+ (C.O., SOUT.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.08610000000
+ -121.24530000000
+ 160
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.10163746734506,55.221959415837787
+ 235
+ 235.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Brule
+ Brule
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.38670000000
+ -121.82000000000
+ 161
+ N
+ 9
+ -121.80565692966667,55.408136118944249
+ 236
+ 236.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Quinsam
+ Quinsam
+ Hillsbourough Resources Limited
+ Hillsbourough Resources Limited
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Campbell River
+ Campbell River
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 49.90550000000
+ -125.47700000000
+ 163
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.477,49.9055
+ 237
+ 237.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ YK
+ Minto
+ Minto
+ Capstone Mining Corporation
+ Capstone Mining Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Carmacks
+ Carmacks
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Au
+ Cu, Au
+ 62.61670000000
+ -137.24900000000
+ 165
+ N
+ 10
+ -137.249,62.6167
+ 238
+ 238.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ CanTung
+ CanTung
+ North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
+ North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Cantung
+ Cantung
+ BM
+ MB
+ W
+ W
+ 61.95270000000
+ -128.26250000000
+ R. Oct 2010
+ 166
+ N
+ 11
+ -128.2625,61.9527
+ 239
+ 239.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Diavik
+ Diavik
+ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
+ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Lac de Gras
+ Lac de Gras
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 64.49500000000
+ -110.27200000000
+ 167
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.272,64.495
+ 240
+ 240.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Ekati
+ Ekati
+ Dominion Diamond Corporation
+ Dominion Diamond Corporation
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Lac de Gras
+ Lac de Gras
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 64.71500000000
+ -110.61800000000
+ 168
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.618,64.715
+ 241
+ 241.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ Snap Lake
+ Snap Lake
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ De Beers Canada Inc.
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Snap Lake
+ Snap Lake
+ Diamonds
+ Diamants
+ 63.60270000000
+ -110.86900000000
+ 169
+ N
+ 11
+ -110.869,63.6027
+ 247
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bloom Lake
+ Lac Bloom
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Labrador City
+ Labrador City
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 52.83850000000
+ -67.27630000000
+ O. Jul 2010
+ 22
+ N
+ 4
+ Mont-Wright
+ -67.277247649307867,52.838610390290206
+ 248
+ 58.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Lapa
+ Lapa
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rivière-Héva
+ Rivière-Héva
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.22957000000
+ -78.28810000000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.288621821415859,48.229614665110141
+ 249
+ 86.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Black Fox
+ Black Fox
+ Primero Mining Corp.
+ Primero Mining Corp.
+ (P., U., C.)
+ (C.O., SOUT., Con.)
+ Matheson
+ Matheson
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.53436000000
+ -80.34080000000
+ 45
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hislop
+ -80.341261810717384,48.534394287192754
+ 250
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bath
+ Bath
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Bath
+ Bath
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 44.17086000000
+ -76.80913800000
+ 64
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.809617532561887,44.170887515358686
+ 252
+ 174.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Aurora
+ Aurora
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ Hammerstone Corporation
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.30290000000
+ -111.45400000000
+ 112
+ Y
+ 8
+ Muskeg Valley
+ -111.45335229106885,57.302878110770273
+ 253
+ 178.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Fort McMurray West
+ Fort McMurray West
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ Suncor Energy Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort McMurray
+ Fort McMurray
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 57.02180000000
+ -111.57200000000
+ 111
+ Y
+ 8
+ Steepbank
+ -111.57135333670162,57.021782701189089
+ 254
+ 185.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ AB
+ Clearwater
+ Clearwater
+ Burnco Rock Products Ltd.
+ Burnco Rock Products Ltd.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Clearwater River
+ Clearwater River
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 51.96530000000
+ -115.28800000000
+ 119
+ N
+ 8
+ -115.29853456242357,51.940201160030789
+ 257
+ 194.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ AB
+ Burtonsville
+ Burtonsville
+ Keephills Aggregate Company Ltd.
+ Keephills Aggregate Company Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Burtonsville
+ Burtonsville
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (thermal)
+ Charbon (thermique)
+ 53.32790000000
+ -114.53100000000
+ 125
+ Y
+ 8
+ Genesee
+ -114.53031268170682,53.327944862041463
+ 261
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Holloway
+ Holloway
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.52170000000
+ -79.74750000000
+ R. Mar 2010
+ 43
+ Y
+ 5
+ Holt
+ -79.747980293287554,48.521737285058229
+ 262
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Hislop
+ Hislop
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Matheson
+ Matheson
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.49480000000
+ -80.28630000000
+ O. Jun 2010
+ 45
+ N
+ 5
+ Black Fox
+ -80.286762483378524,48.494834368425224
+ 263
+ 85.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Nickel Rim South
+ Nickel Rim South
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.65798000000
+ -80.79679300000
+ 47
+ Y
+ 5
+ Garson
+ -80.797221284356766,46.658006391454066
+ 266
+ 110.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Lac des Iles
+ Lac des Îles
+ North American Palladium Ltd.
+ North American Palladium Ltd.
+ (P., U., C.)
+ (C.O., SOUT., Con.)
+ Thunder Bay
+ Thunder Bay
+ PM
+ MP
+ PGM, Ni, Au, Cu, Co
+ MGP, Ni, Au, Cu, Co
+ 52.61270000000
+ -90.36360000000
+ R. Apr 2010
+ 60
+ N
+ 5
+ -89.610673842574514,49.16910503638951
+ 267
+ 119.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Young-Davidson
+ Young-Davidson
+ Aurico Gold Inc.
+ Aurico Gold Inc.
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Kirkland Lake area
+ région de Kirkland Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 47.92400000000
+ -80.65800000000
+ O. Sep 2012
+ 46
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.658445160016868,47.924031822411123
+ 268
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Jackpine
+ Jackpine
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ Shell Canada Energy
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.37921142303405,57.249014121579492
+ 269
+ 194.00000000000
+ Oil Sands
+ 4.00000000000
+ AB
+ Horizon
+ Horizon
+ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
+ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fort MacKay
+ Fort MacKay
+ Oil
+ Pétrole
+ Upgraded crude oil
+ Pétrole brut enrichi
+ 57.31340000000
+ -111.45800000000
+ 131
+ Y
+ 8
+ Aurora North and South
+ -111.77428556088469,57.338212030234374
+ 270
+ 235.00000000000
+ Coal
+ 3.00000000000
+ BC
+ Willow Creek
+ Willow Creek
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ Walter Energy, Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Tumbler Ridge
+ Coal
+ Charbon
+ Coal (metallurgical)
+ Charbon (métallurgique)
+ 55.38670000000
+ -121.82000000000
+ R. Jun 2010
+ 162
+ N
+ 9
+ -122.28199554966234,55.600079690245288
+ 271
+ 241.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ NU
+ Meadowbank
+ Meadowbank
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Baker Lake
+ Baker Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 63.60270000000
+ -110.86900000000
+ O. Mar 2010
+ 170
+ N
+ 12
+ -96.0488363706244,65.024758302987095
+ 273
+ 3.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ Ming
+ Ming
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ Rambler Metals and Mining PLC
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Baie Verte
+ Baie Verte
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Au, Ag, Zn
+ Cu, Au, Ag, Zn
+ 49.91500000000
+ -56.08700000000
+ O. Dec 2011
+ 2
+ N
+ 1
+ Pine Cove
+ -56.088200428917858,49.915239358892443
+ 275
+ 40.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Fire Lake
+ Fire Lake
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Fermont
+ Fermont
+ Iron ore
+ Minerai de fer
+ Fe
+ Fe
+ 53.35005000000
+ -67.36665500000
+ 23
+ N
+ 4
+ -67.367589111561927,52.350163044725818
+ 276
+ 56.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Canadian Malartic
+ Canadian Malartic
+ Canadian Malartic Partnership
+ Partenariat Canadian Malartic
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O.,Con.)
+ Malartic
+ Malartic
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.12990000000
+ -78.10030000000
+ O. May 2011
+ 31
+ Y
+ 4
+ Camflo
+ -78.100826088475316,48.12994566359253
+ 277
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Holt
+ Holt
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ St Andrew Goldfields Ltd.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.51300000000
+ -79.74000000000
+ O. Apr 2011
+ 43
+ N
+ 5
+ Holloway
+ -79.740480186028165,48.513037784848301
+ 278
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Bell Creek
+ Bell Creek
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.55300000000
+ -81.17800000000
+ 50
+ Y
+ 5
+ Hoyle Pond
+ -81.178435866079809,48.553030443162903
+ 279
+ 97.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Lockerby
+ Lockerby
+ First Nickel Inc.
+ First Nickel Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au, Ag, Se, Te
+ 46.43300000000
+ -81.32380000000
+ R. Sep 2011
+ 52
+ N
+ 5
+ Ellen, Gertrude, Totten
+ -81.324211525448561,46.433023170328603
+ 280
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Timmins West
+ Timmins West
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ Lake Shore Gold Corp.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Timmins
+ Timmins
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.38328000000
+ -81.54982600000
+ O. Jan 2011
+ 55
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.550248366982899,48.383308498998566
+ 281
+ 122.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Woodstock
+ Woodstock
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Woodstock
+ Woodstock
+ IM
+ MI
+ Limestone
+ Calcaire
+ 43.09870000000
+ -80.90300000000
+ 71
+ N
+ 5
+ -80.903393854726417,43.098694435536004
+ 282
+ 147.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ MB
+ Hargrave
+ Hargrave
+ ERCO Worldwide
+ ERCO Worldwide
+ (U., Plant)
+ (SOUT., usine)
+ Virden
+ Virden
+ IM
+ MI
+ Sodium chlorate
+ Chlorate de sodium
+ 49.90320000000
+ -101.04740000000
+ 86
+ N
+ 6
+ -100.97489684815231,49.925492187943561
+ 283
+ 148.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Santoy
+ Santoy
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ Claude Resources Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Santoy Lake
+ Santoy Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 55.66778000000
+ -103.41457000000
+ O. Apr 2011
+ 88
+ N
+ 7
+ Seabee
+ -103.4142511160631,55.667748241503951
+ 284
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Jolu
+ Jolu
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Brabant Lake
+ Brabant Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 56.00062000000
+ -104.28157000000
+ R. Jan 2011
+ 90
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.28121467184059,56.000587011118292
+ 285
+ 152.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ SK
+ Roy Lloyd/Bingo
+ Roy Lloyd/Bingo
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ Golden Band Resources Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Brabant Lake
+ Brabant Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 55.70167000000
+ -104.73361000000
+ O. Mar 2011
+ 91
+ N
+ 7
+ -104.7332406005321,55.701642261754294
+ 286
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Copper Mountain
+ Copper Mountain
+ Copper Mountain Mining Corporation
+ Copper Mountain Mining Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Princeton
+ Princeton
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.33100000000
+ -120.53300000000
+ R. Aug 2011
+ 133
+ N
+ 9
+ -120.47868296318609,49.260418570449886
+ 287
+ 206.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Myra Falls
+ Myra Falls
+ Nystar NV
+ Nystar NV
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Buttle Lake
+ Buttle Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.57300000000
+ -125.59160000000
+ 140
+ N
+ 9
+ -125.59064168340119,49.573149572143414
+ 288
+ 237.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ YK
+ Wolverine
+ Wolverine
+ Yukon Zinc Corp.
+ Yukon Zinc Corp.
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Ross River, Watson Lake
+ Ross River, Watson Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Zn, Ag, Cu, Pb, Au
+ Zn, Ag, Cu, Pb, Au
+ 61.41667000000
+ -130.10000000000
+ O. Dec 2011
+ 164
+ N
+ 10
+ -130.09849486082885,61.416723489737869
+ 290
+ 118.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ Blue Mountain
+ Blue Mountain
+ Unimin Canada Ltd.
+ Unimin Canada Ltée
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Blue Mountain
+ Blue Mountain
+ IM
+ MI
+ Nepheline syenite
+ Syénite à néphéline
+ 44.67750000000
+ -77.94910000000
+ 67
+ N
+ 5
+ Nephton
+ -77.99985684097382,44.624375634831416
+ 291
+ 143.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Lalor Lake
+ Lalor Lake
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ Cu, Zn, Au, Ag
+ 54.86200000000
+ -100.15500000000
+ 81
+ Y
+ 6
+ Snow Lake
+ -100.15480763919565,54.861970535092894
+ 292
+ 216.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ BC
+ Falkland
+ Falkland
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ Lafarge Canada Inc.
+ (P., Plant)
+ (C.O., usine)
+ Falkland
+ Falkland
+ IM
+ MI
+ Gypsum
+ Gypse
+ 50.51039000000
+ -119.55247000000
+ 147
+ N
+ 9
+ -119.55167201886678,50.510485641415606
+ 296
+ 63.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ NB
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ Le Groupe Berger Ltée
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ Baie-Sainte-Anne
+ IM
+ MI
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ Vermiculite, perlite
+ 47.02312900000
+ -64.86352000000
+ 17
+ N
+ 3
+ -64.864411104262018,47.023269380375929
+ 297
+ 54.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Goldex
+ Goldex
+ Agnico Eagle Mines Limited
+ Mines Agnico Eagle Limitée
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Val-dOr
+ Val-dOr
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Ag
+ Au, Ag
+ 48.09260000000
+ -77.87330000000
+ R. Dec 2012
+ 30
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.873832232949724,48.092646355006018
+ 298
+ 51.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Bracemac-McLeod
+ Bracemac-McLeod
+ Glencore plc
+ Glencore plc
+ (U., C.)
+ (SOUT., Con.)
+ Matagami
+ Matagami
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ Zn, Cu, Au, Ag
+ 49.67900000000
+ -77.66600000000
+ O. Jul 2013
+ 29
+ N
+ 4
+ -77.666558821565445,49.67904812788889
+ 299
+ 49.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Monique
+ Monique
+ Richmont Mines Inc.
+ Mines Richmont inc.
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Val-d'Or
+ Val-d'Or
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 48.18800000000
+ -77.44500000000
+ O. Oct 2013
+ 28
+ Y
+ 4
+ Beaufor
+ -77.445546483521511,48.188048788520121
+ 300
+ 83.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Detour Lake
+ Detour Lake
+ Detour Gold Corporation
+ Detour Gold Corporation
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Matagami
+ Matagami
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 50.01400000000
+ -79.71000000000
+ O. Aug 2013
+ 42
+ N
+ 5
+ -79.710498640197912,50.014037327169191
+ 301
+ 94.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Ellen
+ Ellen
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni
+ Cu, Ni
+ 46.43000000000
+ -81.32300000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.323410868078724,46.430022526705258
+ 302
+ 59.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ QC
+ Westwood
+ Westwood
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ IAMGOLD Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Cadillac
+ Cadillac
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au, Cu, Ag, Zn
+ Au, Cu, Ag, Zn
+ 48.25600000000
+ -78.50200000000
+ 32
+ Y
+ 4
+ LaRonde
+ -78.502515483367134,48.256043180618171
+ 303
+ 89.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Broken Hammer
+ Broken Hammer
+ Wallbridge Mining Company Limited
+ Wallbridge Mining Company Limited
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Ni, PGM
+ Cu, Ni, MGP
+ 46.76460000000
+ -81.03440000000
+ 49
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.034822496963372,46.76462606764224
+ 304
+ 91.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Redstone
+ Redstone
+ Northern Sun Mining Corp.
+ Northern Sun Mining Corp.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ southeast of Timmins
+ au sud-est de Timmins
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni
+ Ni
+ 48.31750000000
+ -81.15810000000
+ 51
+ N
+ 5
+ -81.158534067293232,48.317530174723252
+ 305
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Gertrude
+ Gertrude
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Sudbury
+ Sudbury
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.45920000000
+ -81.21220000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.212614419427112,46.459223205810282
+ 306
+ 95.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ ON
+ Totten
+ Totten
+ Vale
+ Vale
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Worthington
+ Worthington
+ BM
+ MB
+ Ni, Cu, Co, PGM, Au
+ Ni, Cu, Co, MGP, Au
+ 46.38120000000
+ -81.45480000000
+ 52
+ Y
+ 5
+ Lockerby
+ -81.455206736487781,46.381222257586344
+ 307
+ 116.00000000000
+ Industrial minerals
+ 2.00000000000
+ ON
+ St. Lawrence
+ St. Lawrence
+ Canadian Wollastonite
+ Canadian Wollastonite
+ (P.)
+ (C.O.)
+ Kingston
+ Kingston
+ IM
+ MI
+ Wollastonite
+ Wollastonite
+ 44.46040000000
+ -76.25040000000
+ 62
+ N
+ 5
+ -76.250936196241526,44.460433767150484
+ 308
+ 136.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ 007
+ 007
+ San Gold Corporation
+ San Gold Corporation
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Rice Lake
+ Rice Lake
+ PM
+ MP
+ Au
+ Au
+ 51.02020000000
+ -95.66760000000
+ 79
+ Y
+ 6
+ Hinge
+ -95.667577347956879,51.020196548899563
+ 309
+ 143.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Reed
+ Reed
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (U.)
+ (SOUT.)
+ Snow Lake
+ Snow Lake
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.56900000000
+ -100.66900000000
+ 82
+ N
+ 6
+ -100.66879127360815,54.568974735416816
+ 310
+ 142.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ MB
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ HudBay Minerals Inc.
+ (C.)
+ (Con.)
+ Flin Flon
+ Flin Flon
+ BM
+ MB
+ Cu, Zn
+ Cu, Zn
+ 54.77200000000
+ -101.88400000000
+ 83
+ Y
+ 6
+ 777
+ -101.88374489693958,54.771975558255349
+ 311
+ 204.00000000000
+ Metal mines and mills
+ 1.00000000000
+ BC
+ Mt Milligan
+ Mt Milligan
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ Thompson Creek Mining Limited
+ (P., C.)
+ (C.O., Con.)
+ Fort St James
+ Fort St James
+ BM, PM
+ MB, MP
+ Cu, Au
+ Cu, Au
+ 55.11800000000
+ -124.03100000000
+ 138
+ N
+ 9
+ -124.02994994335273,55.118101102243152
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/sample.atom b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/sample.atom
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..349db3368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/sample.atom
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ 917313
+ 766
+ 0
+ 5
+ Natural Resources Canada
+ GeoGratis Product Selection
+ 2012-11-15T23:45:25.000Z
+ tag:osg.nrcan.gc.ca,2011:v1:ess-sst
+ urn:uuid:cd6ed785-763a-58a8-848c-3d78c0a9c3c8
+ cd6ed785-763a-58a8-848c-3d78c0a9c3c8
+ 928625
+ 1
+ 2012-11-22T23:45:05.000Z
+ 2012-11-14T06:00:35.796Z
+ Surficial geology of north-central Manitoba
+ Klassen, R W
+ Abstract not available. These are comprehensive final reports on the geology
+ of specific geographic areas.
+ en_CA
+ 52 -102 60 -102 60 -90 52 -90 52 -102
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ urn:uuid:c9724666-50b6-5981-a775-c92b144f803a
+ c9724666-50b6-5981-a775-c92b144f803a
+ 928618
+ 6
+ 2012-11-21T23:45:08.000Z
+ 2012-01-06T02:24:06.030Z
+ Structural model of the Greater Toronto and Oak Ridges Moraine areas, southern
+ Ontario: Halton Till
+ Russell, H A J; Sharpe, D R; Logan, C
+ Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of
+ information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal
+ publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in
+ published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from
+ multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted
+ field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is
+ geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than
+ the general public.
+ en_CA
+ 43.25 -80 44.5 -80 44.5 -78 43.25 -78 43.25 -80
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ urn:uuid:4e2d8e51-b46a-5f67-baab-f96c84abf7df
+ 4e2d8e51-b46a-5f67-baab-f96c84abf7df
+ 917315
+ 3
+ 2012-11-15T23:45:20.000Z
+ 2012-06-01T05:00:42.127Z
+ Eskers around the Keewatin Ice Divide: Northwest Territories and
+ Nunavut
+ Aylsworth, J M; Shilts, W W; Russell, H A J; Pyne, D M
+ Major esker ridges as mapped by line symbology have been captured digitally
+ for 113 1:250,000 scale NTS map sheets in the Northwest Territories and western mainland Nunavut,
+ formally the districts of Mackenzie and Keewatin. The complete dataset has only been available in
+ a generalized form via the 1:1,000,000 hardcopy release of Aylsworth and Shilts (1989). It is now
+ available in a digital vector format with basic line segment attribution at the original
+ 1:250,000 scale. Basic data validation indicates that there are only minor registration issues as
+ compared against 1:250,000 topographic base data from CanVec and NTDB datasets. Comparison of the
+ esker network against more recent, higher resolution esker mapping at 1:125,000 and 1:250,000
+ scale indicates that the esker network captured here represents the long dendritic and
+ subparallel esker classes of Brennand (2000) relatively well, but underestimates the number of
+ isolated short esker segments. The utility of the digital dataset has been demonstrated in its
+ use as a training dataset for a quantitative esker mapping algorithm (Broscoe et al., 2011). It
+ is a comparable dataset to other synoptic digital glacial landform datasets generated in recent
+ years, for example Storrar & Stokes (2007); with the exception that this dataset focuses on
+ one landform element, eskers.
+ en_CA
+ 60 -121 68 -121 68 -88 60 -88 60 -121
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ urn:uuid:cdc35051-64de-5dd6-a371-327aceb8865b
+ cdc35051-64de-5dd6-a371-327aceb8865b
+ 917313
+ 1
+ 2012-11-15T23:45:25.000Z
+ 2012-11-06T06:00:30.827Z
+ Seascapes, Bay of Fundy, offshore Nova Scotia/New Brunswick
+ Shaw, J; Todd, B J; Li, M Z
+ Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of
+ information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal
+ publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in
+ published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from
+ multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted
+ field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is
+ geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than
+ the general public.
+ en_CA
+ 44 -67.25 45.75 -67.25 45.75 -64.083299999999994 44 -64.083299999999994 44
+ -67.25
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
+ 0.0
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/sample.csv b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/sample.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..650a6ee49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/sample.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+"cd6ed785-763a-58a8-848c-3d78c0a9c3c8","Surficial geology of north-central Manitoba","Abstract not available. These are comprehensive final reports on the geology of specific geographic areas.","klassen-r-w, earth-sciences, permafrost, fossils, stratigraphy, zip, manitoba, canadian-shield, hudson-bay-lowlands, geological-survey-of-canada-memoir, documentdigital-documentnumerique","-90,52 -102,52 -102,60 -90,60 -90,52 ","POLYGON((-90 52,-102 52,-102 60,-90 60,-90 52))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/cd6ed785-763a-58a8-848c-3d78c0a9c3c8.xml"
+"32c8131f-585c-5c2a-9405-48d93dda16c0","A preliminary tsunami hazard assessment of the Canadian Coastline","The Canadian coastline is the longest of any country in the world, and is at risk from tsunamis generated in three oceans. The current state of knowledge precludes a complete probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment, which would require quantification of a wide range of possible scenarios for each tsunami source, coupled with modelling that incorporates fine-resolution bathymetry and onland topography to adequately assess potential runup at the coast. This preliminary assessment presents a first attempt to quantify the tsunami hazard on the Canadian Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic coastlines from local and far-field, earthquake and large landslide sources. For each source considered, we calculate the probability that tsunami runup at the coast will exceed 1.5 m (threshold for potential damage) and 3 m (significant damage potential), in a 50-year period. For each coastal region, we then combine the relative hazard from each source to calculate the overall probability that the coastline in question will experience tsunami runup exceeding 1.5 m (and 3 m) within a 50-year period, from any geological source. We also consider the maximum runup levels expected to occur within time periods of 100, 500, 1000, and 2500 years. Our assessment indicates that the overall tsunami hazard (runup ? 1.5 m) of the outer Pacific coastline (~40-80% probability of exceedance in 50 y) is an order of magnitude greater than that of the outer Atlantic coastline (~1-15%), which in turn is an order of magnitude greater than the Arctic coastline (< 1%). These probabilities are equivalent to an expected recurrence of runup exceeding 1.5 m of ~30-100 years for the outer Pacific coast, ~300-1700 for the Atlantic, and ~6500-17,000 years for the Arctic. For larger runup (? 3 m), the estimated Pacific hazard (~10-30% probability of exceedance in 50 y) is significantly larger than both the Atlantic (~1-5%) and the Arctic (< 1%). Equivalent recurrence intervals are ~150-500 years for the Pacific, ~650-4000 years for the Atlantic, and ~7000-20,000 years for the Arctic. On the outer Pacific coastline, the 1.5 m runup hazard is dominated by far-field subduction zone sources, whereas the more severe 3 m runup hazard is almost entirely contributed by local subduction zone sources. The Cascadia subduction zone presents the highest tsunami hazard to the Pacific coast, with the most extreme potential runup; potential thrust sources along the Explorer and Queen Charlotte margins contribute a significant proportion of the estimated tsunami hazard for the northern BC coastline. For the more sheltered inner Pacific coasts of Juan de Fuca and Georgia Straits, the hazard at both levels is contributed mostly by Cascadia subduction zone events. Tsunami hazard on the Atlantic coastline is dominated by far-field subduction zone sources, but this hazard is poorly constrained. Significant tsunami hazard is also provided by near-field continental slope failures similar to the 1929 Grand Banks event. Tsunami hazard on the Arctic coastline remains poorly constrained, but these regions are assumed to be sheltered from far-field tsunamis, so the hazard is provided by local sources. A hypothetical earthquake source beneath the Mackenzie delta requires further study. We discuss briefly but do not quantify the hazard of locally-damaging waves triggered by subaerial or submarine landslides, but we highlight susceptible areas. A probabilistic analysis of local landslide tsunamis would require (1) the identification of potential sources; (2) evidence for past tsunamigenic events to establish frequency-size relationships and/or slope stability analyses that incorporate expected earthquake shaking levels; (3) probabilistic tsunami modelling of a wide range of possible failures.","leonard-l-j, rogers-g-c, mazzotti-s, earth-sciences, health-hazards, landslides, pdf, western-offshore-region, eastern-offshore-region, northern-offshore-region, british-columbia, ontario, quebec, new-brunswick, nova-scotia, prince-edward-island, newfoundland-and-labrador, northwest-territories, yukon, nunavut, atlantic-ocean, pacific-ocean, arctic-ocean, vancouver-island, haida-gwaii, pacific-coast, atlantic-coast, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, documentdigital-documentnumerique","-48,42 -144,42 -144,84 -48,84 -48,42 ","POLYGON((-48 42,-144 42,-144 84,-48 84,-48 42))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/32c8131f-585c-5c2a-9405-48d93dda16c0.xml"
+"ece83d21-83c8-5b28-a4b2-1303f0b74381","Preliminary characterisation of metamorphism on Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut","A metamorphic map of Cumberland Peninsula, Nunavut is presented based on field and petrographic observations of metapelite, metapsammite, and metabasite. Five metamorphic zones are recognized in metapelite: staurolite+muscovite (lower-amphibolite facies); andalusite+muscovite; sillimanite+muscovite (both middle-amphibolite facies); sillimanite±K-feldspar (upper-amphibolite facies); and cordierite+garnet±K-feldspar (granulite facies). These subfacies comprise approximately 1%, 5%, 15%, 70%, and 9% of Cumberland Peninsula's metamorphic rocks, respectively. Most amphibolite-facies assemblages developed during Paleoproterozoic regional metamorphism. Lower- and middle-amphibolite-facies rocks occur in a 120 km by 15 km, structurally controlled corridor. Sillimanite+muscovite zone rocks had sequential growth of staurolite, andalusite, then sillimanite. Both the sillimanite+muscovite prograde P-T path and the piezothermic array for the area transect the staurolite+andalusite stability field with a shallow P/T slope implying middle-amphibolite-facies metamorphism took place at low pressure (3.3- 4.1 kbar). Porphyroblasts in amphibolite-facies rocks are mostly intertectonic with respect to two phases of Paleoproterozoic deformation suggesting regional metamorphism was orogenic. Two styles of granulite-facies metamorphism occurred prior to regional metamorphism. The first comprises a southeastern domain of granulite-facies rocks variably overprinted by amphibolite-facies metamorphism. The second formed later in close proximity to widely dispersed charnockitic plutons, suggesting regional contact metamorphism.","hamilton-b-m, patison-d-r-m, sanborn-barrie-m, young-m-d, earth-sciences, pdf, nunavut, cumberland-peninsula, baffin-island, geological-survey-of-canada-current-research-online, documentdigital-documentnumerique","-66.5,64.75 -60.5,64.75 -60.5,67.5 -66.5,67.5 -66.5,64.75 ","POLYGON((-66.5 64.75,-60.5 64.75,-60.5 67.5,-66.5 67.5,-66.5 64.75))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/ece83d21-83c8-5b28-a4b2-1303f0b74381.xml"
+"c9724666-50b6-5981-a775-c92b144f803a","Structural model of the Greater Toronto and Oak Ridges Moraine areas, southern Ontario: Halton Till","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","russell-h-a-j, sharpe-d-r, logan-c, earth-sciences, topography, groundwater, stratigraphy, pdf, jpeg-2000, ontario, toronto, hamilton, brampton, bolton, markham, oshawa, port-hope, alliston, scugog, new-market, rice-lake, guelph, beaverton, orangeville, trenton, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-80,43.25 -78,43.25 -78,44.5 -80,44.5 -80,43.25 ","POLYGON((-80 43.25,-78 43.25,-78 44.5,-80 44.5,-80 43.25))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/c9724666-50b6-5981-a775-c92b144f803a.xml"
+"73d2fe97-e311-5ba8-90ec-ea61a4d9b8ca","U-Pb ages of Archean basement and Paleoproterozoic plutonic rocks, southern Cumberland Peninsula, eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut","Recent mapping coupled with geochronological and isotopic studies on the southern half of Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, have identified and characterized four distinct plutonic suites. An extensive plutonic gneiss complex yields ages of 2991 ± 4 Ma, 2938 ± 4 Ma, and 2782 ± 4 Ma, whereas a second group of discrete plutons yields solely Neoarchean ages of 2772 ± 6 Ma, 2759 ± 3 Ma, and 2700 ± 4 Ma. These Archean rocks form the structural basement to a cover sequence, the Hoare Bay Group, both of which are cut by a charnockite-granodiorite-diorite suite with ages of 1894 ± 5 Ma and 1889 ± 3 Ma, informally designated the Qikiqtarjuaq plutonic suite. Mylonitic, high-K intrusive sheets, interpreted to have been emplaced syntectonically during regional deformation, yield ages of 1882 ± 13 Ma and 1873 ± 16 Ma.","rayner-n-m, sanborn-barrie-m, young-m-d, whalen-j-b, earth-sciences, pdf, nunavut, cumberland-peninsula, baffin-island, geological-survey-of-canada-current-research-online, documentdigital-documentnumerique","-66.5,64.75 -60.5,64.75 -60.5,67.5 -66.5,67.5 -66.5,64.75 ","POLYGON((-66.5 64.75,-60.5 64.75,-60.5 67.5,-66.5 67.5,-66.5 64.75))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/73d2fe97-e311-5ba8-90ec-ea61a4d9b8ca.xml"
+"d6ad7bc4-0ffe-520c-a04b-4d5ed2b3e187","Geophysical Series, detailed geophysical compilation project, Yukon Plateau, Yukon, NTS 115-I, J, K, N, O, P and 116A and B","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","hayward-n, miles-w, oneschuk-d, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, zip, yukon, yukon-plateau, stevenson-ridge, stewart-river, mcquesten, carmacks, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-141,60.75 -136.5,60.75 -136.5,64.25 -141,64.25 -141,60.75 ","POLYGON((-141 60.75,-136.5 60.75,-136.5 64.25,-141 64.25,-141 60.75))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/d6ad7bc4-0ffe-520c-a04b-4d5ed2b3e187.xml"
+"1d86ff27-fbc7-5fad-84ca-3708bf354205","Configuration of Mike21 for the simulation of nearshore storm waves, currents and sediment transport: Brackley Bight, Prince Edward Island","The North Shore of Prince Edward Island (PEI) is a sandy, multi-barred coast with limited fetch in most directions but open to the Gulf of St. Lawrence for several hundred kilometres to the north. In the fall and winter, storms tracking northwards across PEI and into the Gulf can bring sustained storm waves which generate currents capable of transporting sand in both the along- and across-shore directions. Mike21 is a commercially available combined wave, hydrodynamic and sand transport model that may be utilised to improve understanding of contemporary sand transport and possible implications of changing climate in the Brackley Bight area of the North Shore. This manuscript describes the development of a Mike21 model domain and optimal configurations of the Mike21 Spectral Wave, Hydrodynamic and Sand Transport modules appropriate to the study area. The sensitivities of several parameters in each module are tested. The Spectral Wave and Hydrodynamic modules are sensitive to estimates of bed roughness with optimal values considerably lower than published semi-empirical estimates. The Sand Transport module is sensitive to the input sediment transport tables and estimates of the maximum amount of vertical bed level change per day. Simulation of a 4-day moderate northeasterly storm is conducted and the results are compared to currents, waves, and tides measured by S4 current meters and the instrumented seabed lander RALPH during a sediment transport experiment in 1999. The model successfully simulates storm waves and currents and provides reasonable estimates of the amount and patterns of sediment transport.","manson-g-k, earth-sciences, modelling, pdf, prince-edward-island, brackley-bight, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, documentdigital-documentnumerique","-63.5,47.3333 -62.6667,47.3333 -62.6667,47.5833 -63.5,47.5833 -63.5,47.3333 ","POLYGON((-63.5 47.3333,-62.6667 47.3333,-62.6667 47.5833,-63.5 47.5833,-63.5 47.3333))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/1d86ff27-fbc7-5fad-84ca-3708bf354205.xml"
+"fb402a8a-1afb-59b3-91be-2524581558d2","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/12 and part of 115-P/11, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, stewart-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138,63.5 -137.4167,63.5 -137.4167,63.75 -138,63.75 -138,63.5 ","POLYGON((-138 63.5,-137.4167 63.5,-137.4167 63.75,-138 63.75,-138 63.5))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/fb402a8a-1afb-59b3-91be-2524581558d2.xml"
+"791c2972-870b-5589-913a-3d8ec641b93f","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/4 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, white-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-139.9,63 -139.25,63 -139.25,63.25 -139.9,63.25 -139.9,63 ","POLYGON((-139.9 63,-139.25 63,-139.25 63.25,-139.9 63.25,-139.9 63))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/791c2972-870b-5589-913a-3d8ec641b93f.xml"
+"49ab7617-e164-5daa-9241-311438ba72f7","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/8 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, stewart-river, rosebud-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138.75,63.25 -138,63.25 -138,63.5 -138.75,63.5 -138.75,63.25 ","POLYGON((-138.75 63.25,-138 63.25,-138 63.5,-138.75 63.5,-138.75 63.25))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/49ab7617-e164-5daa-9241-311438ba72f7.xml"
+"057a6a16-dda2-50cb-b511-1a453c911025","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/13 and part of NTS 115-P/14, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, little-south-klondike-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138,63.75 -137.3333,63.75 -137.3333,64 -138,64 -138,63.75 ","POLYGON((-138 63.75,-137.3333 63.75,-137.3333 64,-138 64,-138 63.75))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/057a6a16-dda2-50cb-b511-1a453c911025.xml"
+"50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/6 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, white-river, dome-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-139.25,63 -138.75,63 -138.75,63.4167 -139.25,63.4167 -139.25,63 ","POLYGON((-139.25 63,-138.75 63,-138.75 63.4167,-139.25 63.4167,-139.25 63))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.xml"
+"bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/9 and part of NTS 115-O/10, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, dominion-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138.5833,63.5 -138,63.5 -138,63.75 -138.5833,63.75 -138.5833,63.5 ","POLYGON((-138.5833 63.5,-138 63.5,-138 63.75,-138.5833 63.75,-138.5833 63.5))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.xml"
+"f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-I/11 and parts of NTS 115-I/5, 6, 12, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, big-creek, yukon-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-137.8333,62.4667 -137,62.4667 -137,62.75 -137.8333,62.75 -137.8333,62.4667 ","POLYGON((-137.8333 62.4667,-137 62.4667,-137 62.75,-137.8333 62.75,-137.8333 62.4667))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.xml"
+"2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/9 and part of NTS 115-O/10, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, dominion-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138.5833,63.5 -138,63.5 -138,63.75 -138.5833,63.75 -138.5833,63.5 ","POLYGON((-138.5833 63.5,-138 63.5,-138 63.75,-138.5833 63.75,-138.5833 63.5))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.xml"
+"99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/4 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, white-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-139.9,63 -139.25,63 -139.25,63.25 -139.9,63.25 -139.9,63 ","POLYGON((-139.9 63,-139.25 63,-139.25 63.25,-139.9 63.25,-139.9 63))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519.xml"
+"a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/6 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, white-river, dome-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-139.25,63 -138.75,63 -138.75,63.4167 -139.25,63.4167 -139.25,63 ","POLYGON((-139.25 63,-138.75 63,-138.75 63.4167,-139.25 63.4167,-139.25 63))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.xml"
+"a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/2 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, clarke-creek, walhalla-creek, scroggie-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-139.25,63 -138.5,63 -138.5,63.25 -139.25,63.25 -139.25,63 ","POLYGON((-139.25 63,-138.5 63,-138.5 63.25,-139.25 63.25,-139.25 63))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.xml"
+"8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-I/11 and parts of NTS 115-I/5, 6, 12, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, big-creek, yukon-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-137.8333,62.4667 -137,62.4667 -137,62.75 -137.8333,62.75 -137.8333,62.4667 ","POLYGON((-137.8333 62.4667,-137 62.4667,-137 62.75,-137.8333 62.75,-137.8333 62.4667))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.xml"
+"7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/8 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, stewart-river, rosebud-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138.75,63.25 -138,63.25 -138,63.5 -138.75,63.5 -138.75,63.25 ","POLYGON((-138.75 63.25,-138 63.25,-138 63.5,-138.75 63.5,-138.75 63.25))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.xml"
+"dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/12 and part of 115-P/11, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, stewart-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138,63.5 -137.4167,63.5 -137.4167,63.75 -138,63.75 -138,63.5 ","POLYGON((-138 63.5,-137.4167 63.5,-137.4167 63.75,-138 63.75,-138 63.5))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.xml"
+"24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e","Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/13 and part of NTS 115-P/14, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, little-south-klondike-river, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-138,63.75 -137.3333,63.75 -137.3333,64 -138,64 -138,63.75 ","POLYGON((-138 63.75,-137.3333 63.75,-137.3333 64,-138 64,-138 63.75))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.xml"
+"02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b","First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/2 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","kiss-f, earth-sciences, geophysics, pdf, jpeg-2000, yukon, clarke-creek, walhalla-creek, scroggie-creek, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, mapdigital-cartenumerique","-139.25,63 -138.5,63 -138.5,63.25 -139.25,63.25 -139.25,63 ","POLYGON((-139.25 63,-138.5 63,-138.5 63.25,-139.25 63.25,-139.25 63))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.xml"
+"8b645dfc-b5fb-5e97-9c16-8c520029e115","The search for surficial expressions of buried Cordilleran porphyry deposits; preliminary findings in a new TGI4 activity in the southern Canadian Cordillera","Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.","anderson-r-g, plouffe-a, ferbey-t, dunn-c-e, earth-sciences, pdf, british-columbia, williams-lake, woodjam, gibraltar, highland-valley, geological-survey-of-canada-open-file, documentdigital-documentnumerique","-123,50 -120,50 -120,53 -123,53 -123,50 ","POLYGON((-123 50,-120 50,-120 53,-123 53,-123 50))","https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8b645dfc-b5fb-5e97-9c16-8c520029e115.xml"
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+ "author": "Leonard, L J; Rogers, G C; Mazzotti, S",
+ "summary": "The Canadian coastline is the longest of any country in the world, and is at risk from tsunamis generated in three oceans. The current state of knowledge precludes a complete probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment, which would require quantification of a wide range of possible scenarios for each tsunami source, coupled with modelling that incorporates fine-resolution bathymetry and onland topography to adequately assess potential runup at the coast. This preliminary assessment presents a first attempt to quantify the tsunami hazard on the Canadian Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic coastlines from local and far-field, earthquake and large landslide sources. For each source considered, we calculate the probability that tsunami runup at the coast will exceed 1.5 m (threshold for potential damage) and 3 m (significant damage potential), in a 50-year period. For each coastal region, we then combine the relative hazard from each source to calculate the overall probability that the coastline in question will experience tsunami runup exceeding 1.5 m (and 3 m) within a 50-year period, from any geological source. We also consider the maximum runup levels expected to occur within time periods of 100, 500, 1000, and 2500 years. Our assessment indicates that the overall tsunami hazard (runup ? 1.5 m) of the outer Pacific coastline (~40-80% probability of exceedance in 50 y) is an order of magnitude greater than that of the outer Atlantic coastline (~1-15%), which in turn is an order of magnitude greater than the Arctic coastline (< 1%). These probabilities are equivalent to an expected recurrence of runup exceeding 1.5 m of ~30-100 years for the outer Pacific coast, ~300-1700 for the Atlantic, and ~6500-17,000 years for the Arctic. For larger runup (? 3 m), the estimated Pacific hazard (~10-30% probability of exceedance in 50 y) is significantly larger than both the Atlantic (~1-5%) and the Arctic (< 1%). Equivalent recurrence intervals are ~150-500 years for the Pacific, ~650-4000 years for the Atlantic, and ~7000-20,000 years for the Arctic. On the outer Pacific coastline, the 1.5 m runup hazard is dominated by far-field subduction zone sources, whereas the more severe 3 m runup hazard is almost entirely contributed by local subduction zone sources. The Cascadia subduction zone presents the highest tsunami hazard to the Pacific coast, with the most extreme potential runup; potential thrust sources along the Explorer and Queen Charlotte margins contribute a significant proportion of the estimated tsunami hazard for the northern BC coastline. For the more sheltered inner Pacific coasts of Juan de Fuca and Georgia Straits, the hazard at both levels is contributed mostly by Cascadia subduction zone events. Tsunami hazard on the Atlantic coastline is dominated by far-field subduction zone sources, but this hazard is poorly constrained. Significant tsunami hazard is also provided by near-field continental slope failures similar to the 1929 Grand Banks event. Tsunami hazard on the Arctic coastline remains poorly constrained, but these regions are assumed to be sheltered from far-field tsunamis, so the hazard is provided by local sources. A hypothetical earthquake source beneath the Mackenzie delta requires further study. We discuss briefly but do not quantify the hazard of locally-damaging waves triggered by subaerial or submarine landslides, but we highlight susceptible areas. A probabilistic analysis of local landslide tsunamis would require (1) the identification of potential sources; (2) evidence for past tsunamigenic events to establish frequency-size relationships and/or slope stability analyses that incorporate expected earthquake shaking levels; (3) probabilistic tsunami modelling of a wide range of possible failures.",
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+ "author": "Hamilton, B M; Patison, D R M; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Young, M D",
+ "summary": "A metamorphic map of Cumberland Peninsula, Nunavut is presented based on field and petrographic observations of metapelite, metapsammite, and metabasite. Five metamorphic zones are recognized in metapelite: staurolite+muscovite (lower-amphibolite facies); andalusite+muscovite; sillimanite+muscovite (both middle-amphibolite facies); sillimanite±K-feldspar (upper-amphibolite facies); and cordierite+garnet±K-feldspar (granulite facies). These subfacies comprise approximately 1%, 5%, 15%, 70%, and 9% of Cumberland Peninsula's metamorphic rocks, respectively. Most amphibolite-facies assemblages developed during Paleoproterozoic regional metamorphism. Lower- and middle-amphibolite-facies rocks occur in a 120 km by 15 km, structurally controlled corridor. Sillimanite+muscovite zone rocks had sequential growth of staurolite, andalusite, then sillimanite. Both the sillimanite+muscovite prograde P-T path and the piezothermic array for the area transect the staurolite+andalusite stability field with a shallow P/T slope implying middle-amphibolite-facies metamorphism took place at low pressure (3.3- 4.1 kbar). Porphyroblasts in amphibolite-facies rocks are mostly intertectonic with respect to two phases of Paleoproterozoic deformation suggesting regional metamorphism was orogenic. Two styles of granulite-facies metamorphism occurred prior to regional metamorphism. The first comprises a southeastern domain of granulite-facies rocks variably overprinted by amphibolite-facies metamorphism. The second formed later in close proximity to widely dispersed charnockitic plutons, suggesting regional contact metamorphism.",
+ "categories": [{
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+ "label": "Sanborn-Barrie, M"
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+ "label": "Young, M D"
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+ "author": "Russell, H A J; Sharpe, D R; Logan, C",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
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+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
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+ "label": "Russell, H A J"
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+ "label": "Sharpe, D R"
+ },
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+ "label": "Logan, C"
+ }]
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+ "label": "Bolton"
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+ "label": "Markham"
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+ "label": "Trenton"
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+ "id": "73d2fe97-e311-5ba8-90ec-ea61a4d9b8ca",
+ "title": "U-Pb ages of Archean basement and Paleoproterozoic plutonic rocks, southern Cumberland Peninsula, eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut",
+ "links": [{
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+ "method": "GET",
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+ "method": "GET",
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+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
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+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/73d2fe97-e311-5ba8-90ec-ea61a4d9b8ca.nap"
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+ "method": "GET",
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+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/73d2fe97-e311-5ba8-90ec-ea61a4d9b8ca.xml"
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+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Rayner, N M; Sanborn-Barrie, M; Young, M D; Whalen, J B",
+ "summary": "Recent mapping coupled with geochronological and isotopic studies on the southern half of Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, have identified and characterized four distinct plutonic suites. An extensive plutonic gneiss complex yields ages of 2991 ± 4 Ma, 2938 ± 4 Ma, and 2782 ± 4 Ma, whereas a second group of discrete plutons yields solely Neoarchean ages of 2772 ± 6 Ma, 2759 ± 3 Ma, and 2700 ± 4 Ma. These Archean rocks form the structural basement to a cover sequence, the Hoare Bay Group, both of which are cut by a charnockite-granodiorite-diorite suite with ages of 1894 ± 5 Ma and 1889 ± 3 Ma, informally designated the Qikiqtarjuaq plutonic suite. Mylonitic, high-K intrusive sheets, interpreted to have been emplaced syntectonically during regional deformation, yield ages of 1882 ± 13 Ma and 1873 ± 16 Ma.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
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+ "term": "rayner-n-m",
+ "label": "Rayner, N M"
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+ "term": "sanborn-barrie-m",
+ "label": "Sanborn-Barrie, M"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "young-m-d",
+ "label": "Young, M D"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "whalen-j-b",
+ "label": "Whalen, J B"
+ }]
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+ "label": "Cumberland Peninsula"
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+ "term": "baffin-island",
+ "label": "Baffin Island"
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+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
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+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research (Online)"
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+ "id": "d6ad7bc4-0ffe-520c-a04b-4d5ed2b3e187",
+ "title": "Geophysical Series, detailed geophysical compilation project, Yukon Plateau, Yukon, NTS 115-I, J, K, N, O, P and 116A and B",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Hayward, N; Miles, W; Oneschuk, D",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
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+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
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+ "term": "hayward-n",
+ "label": "Hayward, N"
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+ "label": "Oneschuk, D"
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+ "term": "carmacks",
+ "label": "Carmacks"
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+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
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+ "id": "1d86ff27-fbc7-5fad-84ca-3708bf354205",
+ "title": "Configuration of Mike21 for the simulation of nearshore storm waves, currents and sediment transport: Brackley Bight, Prince Edward Island",
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+ "author": "Manson, G K",
+ "summary": "The North Shore of Prince Edward Island (PEI) is a sandy, multi-barred coast with limited fetch in most directions but open to the Gulf of St. Lawrence for several hundred kilometres to the north. In the fall and winter, storms tracking northwards across PEI and into the Gulf can bring sustained storm waves which generate currents capable of transporting sand in both the along- and across-shore directions. Mike21 is a commercially available combined wave, hydrodynamic and sand transport model that may be utilised to improve understanding of contemporary sand transport and possible implications of changing climate in the Brackley Bight area of the North Shore. This manuscript describes the development of a Mike21 model domain and optimal configurations of the Mike21 Spectral Wave, Hydrodynamic and Sand Transport modules appropriate to the study area. The sensitivities of several parameters in each module are tested. The Spectral Wave and Hydrodynamic modules are sensitive to estimates of bed roughness with optimal values considerably lower than published semi-empirical estimates. The Sand Transport module is sensitive to the input sediment transport tables and estimates of the maximum amount of vertical bed level change per day. Simulation of a 4-day moderate northeasterly storm is conducted and the results are compared to currents, waves, and tides measured by S4 current meters and the instrumented seabed lander RALPH during a sediment transport experiment in 1999. The model successfully simulates storm waves and currents and provides reasonable estimates of the amount and patterns of sediment transport.",
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+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/12 and part of 115-P/11, Yukon",
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+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
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+ "id": "791c2972-870b-5589-913a-3d8ec641b93f",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/4 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
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+ "term": "white-river",
+ "label": "White River"
+ }]
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+ "terms": [{
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+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
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+ }
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+ {
+ "id": "49ab7617-e164-5daa-9241-311438ba72f7",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/8 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
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+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
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+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
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+ {
+ "term": "stewart-river",
+ "label": "Stewart River"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "rosebud-creek",
+ "label": "Rosebud Creek"
+ }]
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+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
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+ "id": "057a6a16-dda2-50cb-b511-1a453c911025",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/13 and part of NTS 115-P/14, Yukon",
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+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/057a6a16-dda2-50cb-b511-1a453c911025.gcod"
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+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
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+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "little-south-klondike-river",
+ "label": "Little South Klondike River"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-138.0, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 64.0],
+ [-137.3333, 64.0],
+ [-137.3333, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 63.75]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/6 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.xml"
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+ },
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+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.csv"
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+ "method": "GET",
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/50b27a79-be19-5509-957e-2267e1aa5d19.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
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+ },
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+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "white-river",
+ "label": "White River"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "dome-creek",
+ "label": "Dome Creek"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-139.25, 63.0],
+ [-139.25, 63.4167],
+ [-138.75, 63.4167],
+ [-138.75, 63.0],
+ [-139.25, 63.0]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/9 and part of NTS 115-O/10, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/bb694add-c5f2-55ea-8d46-da5259176a11.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "dominion-creek",
+ "label": "Dominion Creek"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-138.5833, 63.5],
+ [-138.5833, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 63.5],
+ [-138.5833, 63.5]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-I/11 and parts of NTS 115-I/5, 6, 12, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.rss"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/f6077fc7-47c1-57b8-9777-843ea2e82eba.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "big-creek",
+ "label": "Big Creek"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "yukon-river",
+ "label": "Yukon River"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-137.8333, 62.4667],
+ [-137.8333, 62.75],
+ [-137.0, 62.75],
+ [-137.0, 62.4667],
+ [-137.8333, 62.4667]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/9 and part of NTS 115-O/10, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.rss"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/2124e2b9-c651-5309-95e0-7b44f51756bd.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
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+ "method": "GET",
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+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
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+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
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+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "dominion-creek",
+ "label": "Dominion Creek"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
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+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
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+ [
+ [-138.5833, 63.5],
+ [-138.5833, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 63.5],
+ [-138.5833, 63.5]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/4 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519.xml"
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+ },
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+ "enctype": "text/html",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/99fd7646-9744-556c-a1dd-e906835e1519.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
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+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
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+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "white-river",
+ "label": "White River"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
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+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-139.9, 63.0],
+ [-139.9, 63.25],
+ [-139.25, 63.25],
+ [-139.25, 63.0],
+ [-139.9, 63.0]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/6 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.html"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.csv"
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+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.nap"
+ },
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+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a1dc3e98-d64e-57ba-9384-db7231493c1e.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
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+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "white-river",
+ "label": "White River"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "dome-creek",
+ "label": "Dome Creek"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-139.25, 63.0],
+ [-139.25, 63.4167],
+ [-138.75, 63.4167],
+ [-138.75, 63.0],
+ [-139.25, 63.0]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/2 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.rss"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a2032187-a1b2-55f9-afbd-12b8f1914d2d.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
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+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "clarke-creek",
+ "label": "Clarke Creek"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "walhalla-creek",
+ "label": "Walhalla Creek"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "scroggie-creek",
+ "label": "Scroggie Creek"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-139.25, 63.0],
+ [-139.25, 63.25],
+ [-138.5, 63.25],
+ [-138.5, 63.0],
+ [-139.25, 63.0]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-I/11 and parts of NTS 115-I/5, 6, 12, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.atom"
+ },
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+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.html"
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+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.csv"
+ },
+ {
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+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.kml"
+ },
+ {
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+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/8da34d9b-8665-5b53-8679-c4578d5c310d.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "big-creek",
+ "label": "Big Creek"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "yukon-river",
+ "label": "Yukon River"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-137.8333, 62.4667],
+ [-137.8333, 62.75],
+ [-137.0, 62.75],
+ [-137.0, 62.4667],
+ [-137.8333, 62.4667]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/8 and part of 115-O/7, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.atom"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/7b379460-bb03-5cd6-aef6-4b3ae076a284.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
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+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "stewart-river",
+ "label": "Stewart River"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "rosebud-creek",
+ "label": "Rosebud Creek"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-138.75, 63.25],
+ [-138.75, 63.5],
+ [-138.0, 63.5],
+ [-138.0, 63.25],
+ [-138.75, 63.25]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/12 and part of 115-P/11, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.rss"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dd8eef78-5e34-53e2-ad1d-9e3af23fc8a2.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "stewart-river",
+ "label": "Stewart River"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-138.0, 63.5],
+ [-138.0, 63.75],
+ [-137.4167, 63.75],
+ [-137.4167, 63.5],
+ [-138.0, 63.5]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e",
+ "title": "Residual total magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-P/13 and part of NTS 115-P/14, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.rss"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/24fdaabc-0731-5662-8f83-9b9410b6602e.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "little-south-klondike-river",
+ "label": "Little South Klondike River"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "geometry": {
+ "type": "Polygon",
+ "coordinates": [
+ [
+ [-138.0, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 64.0],
+ [-137.3333, 64.0],
+ [-137.3333, 63.75],
+ [-138.0, 63.75]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b",
+ "title": "First vertical derivative of the magnetic field, aeromagnetic survey of the Scroggie Creek and Wolverine Creek areas, NTS 115-O/2 and part of 115-O/3, Yukon",
+ "links": [{
+ "rel": "self",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/atom+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.atom"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/html",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.html"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/phtml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.phtml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "text/csv",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.csv"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/rss+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.rss"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.kml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/nap+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.nap"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.gcod"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "en",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.xml"
+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "method": "GET",
+ "hreflang": "fr",
+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/02b2ee26-b010-5009-8428-8eaaf9829b8b.xml"
+ }
+ ],
+ "author": "Kiss, F",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
+ "categories": [{
+ "type": "urn:atom:author",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "kiss-f",
+ "label": "Kiss, F"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:gc:subject",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "earth-sciences",
+ "label": "earth sciences"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "geophysics",
+ "label": "geophysics"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:format",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "pdf",
+ "label": "PDF"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "jpeg-2000",
+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:place",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
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+ "author": "Anderson, R G; Plouffe, A; Ferbey, T; Dunn, C E",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
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+ "label": "British Columbia"
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+ "term": "williams-lake",
+ "label": "Williams Lake"
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+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
+ }]
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+ },
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+ "href": "https://geogratis.gc.ca/api/beta/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/a883e47c-cd1f-5fa3-96c4-62ac1c93a8b4.rss"
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+ },
+ {
+ "rel": "alternate",
+ "enctype": "application/gcod+xml",
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+ ],
+ "author": "Hayward, N; Oneschuk, D",
+ "summary": "Abstract not available. This series is produced to expedite the release of information by making unedited manuscript material available to the public in advance of formal publication, and to act as a repository for relevant supporting data that are referred to in published reports. Open Files can be maps; reports; voluminous data sets resulting from multiparameter geophysical and geochemical surveys; consultants' reports; preliminary, unvetted field and laboratory results. They are all critically reviewed by one specialist. The series is geared towards specialists (mining industry, land-use planning, geoscience students) rather than the general public.",
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+ "label": "Hayward, N"
+ },
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+ "label": "Oneschuk, D"
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+ {
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+ "label": "JPEG 2000"
+ }]
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+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "yukon",
+ "label": "Yukon"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "yukon-plateau",
+ "label": "Yukon Plateau"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "stevenson-ridge",
+ "label": "Stevenson Ridge"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "stewart-river",
+ "label": "Stewart River"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "mcquesten",
+ "label": "McQuesten"
+ },
+ {
+ "term": "carmacks",
+ "label": "Carmacks"
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:series",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "geological-survey-of-canada-open-file",
+ "label": "Geological Survey of Canada, Open File"
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+ {
+ "type": "urn:iso:type",
+ "terms": [{
+ "term": "mapdigital-cartenumerique",
+ "label": "mapDigital; carteNumérique"
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+ GeoGratis Product Selection
+ Natural Resources Canada
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst?max-results=5&q=pingo
+ en
+ Mon, 10 Sep 2012 11:23:57 GMT
+ Mon, 10 Sep 2012 11:23:57 GMT
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ https://geogratis.gc.ca
+ -
An assessment of surficial geology, massive ice, and ground ice, Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Northwest Territories: application to the proposed Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk all-weather highway
+ This report utilizes seismic shothole drillers' lithostratigraphic logs as a basis for contrasting previously published maps and reports of surficial geology, massive ice and ground ice, on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Northwest Territories. Areas of glaciofluvial ice-contact and outwash deposits, and lacustrine sediments in thermokarst terrain are demonstrated to be less extensive, while areas of till cover are more widespread. Approximately 2% of all shotholes contain records of massive ice, it is most abundant between 4 and 14 m depth, and principally is situated at lithostratigraphic contacts (73%). On the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, half (52%) of the massive ice records occur in areas of surface till cover, and it is largely underlain by "sorted + sorted, fine" deposits (72%). Significant spatial, lithostratigraphic, and thickness differences are noted in other physiographic regions. Shothole ground ice records are more common (13% of all such records), particularly within the 15
+km buffer area surrounding the proposed Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway (18.4%), although it is acknowledged that many such records may relate to massive ice deposits, and that drillers typically under-report ground ice occurrence. There is significant disagreement between shothole-based massive ice and ground ice occurrences with existing permafrost and ground ice maps that were constructed on the basis of surficial geology-related ground ice associations. Changes in surficial geology classification account for part, elsewhere, ground ice is simply found to be more abundant in different deposit types than previously surmised.
+It is argued that integration of abundant shothole lithostratigraphic data provides a more reliable reconstruction of surficial geology, massive ice, and ground ice conditions in the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula. The data and syntheses presented can better inform engineering and landscape stability assessments, and similarly identify areas wherein more detailed field-surveys and inspection are likely required as part of an infrastructure development proposal.]]>
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dbd76aad-0f71-508d-91f3-0bca79af2dd4.html
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ Fri, 02 Nov 2012 05:01:38 GMT
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/dbd76aad-0f71-508d-91f3-0bca79af2dd4.xml
+ 68.25 -134 69.5 -134 69.5 -132.5 68.25 -132.5 68.25 -134
+ -
Surficial Geology, Inman River, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories
+ Abstract not available.]]>
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/fe2f6bfa-adbc-5a3e-ade8-0d416dbb2bed.html
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ Fri, 06 Jan 2012 00:44:49 GMT
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/fe2f6bfa-adbc-5a3e-ade8-0d416dbb2bed.xml
+ 68 -120 69.416700000000006 -120 69.416700000000006 -113.75 68 -113.75 68 -120
+ -
Surficial Geology, Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories
+ Abstract not available.]]>
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/5995a4b8-f36f-5cc9-a48a-44cc82edb068.html
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ Fri, 06 Jan 2012 02:11:55 GMT
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/5995a4b8-f36f-5cc9-a48a-44cc82edb068.xml
+ 68 -136 70.666700000000006 -136 70.666700000000006 -126.5 68 -126.5 68 -136
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+Ressources naturelles Canada
+Sélection de produits GéoGratis
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+text/html -
+[aA][nN][dD] [oO][rR]
+application/atomcat+xml [ \+.:\-a-zA-Z0-9]* [ \+.:\-a-zA-Z0-9]* -[\d]{1,3}[\.][\d]{1,},-[\d]{1,2}[\.][\d]{1,},[\d]{1,3}[\.][\d]{1,},[\d]{1,2}[\.][\d]{1,} xml json [ \+.:\-a-zA-Z0-9]* [0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))(T{0,1}(([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9])(\.[\d]{0,2}){0,1})(Z|([\-+]([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]))(:[0-5][0-9])?) [0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))(T{0,1}(([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9])(\.[\d]{0,2}){0,1})(Z|([\-+]([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]))(:[0-5][0-9])?) [0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))(T{0,1}(([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9])(\.[\d]{0,2}){0,1})(Z|([\-+]([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]))(:[0-5][0-9])?) [0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))(T{0,1}(([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9])(\.[\d]{0,2}){0,1})(Z|([\-+]([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]))(:[0-5][0-9])?) [0-9]|1(0(0))|[1-9][0-9] full link [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,64} en_CA fr_CA edited spatial atom naphtml json xml html csv nrcan txt urn:uuid:cdc35051-64de-5dd6-a371-327aceb8865b cdc35051-64de-5dd6-a371-327aceb8865b 917310 1 2012-11-15T23:45:25.000Z 2012-01-01T05:00:00.000Z Seascapes, Bay of Fundy, offshore Nova Scotia/New Brunswick Shaw, J; Todd, B J; Li, M Z Résumé non disponible.
+La série des dossiers publics vise à accélérer la diffusion de l'information en rendant publics des manuscrits non révisés qui feront l’objet d’une publication officielle, ainsi qu’à présenter les données complémentaires pertinentes qui sont mentionnées dans des rapports publiés.
+Les dossiers publics peuvent prendre les formes suivantes : cartes, rapports, volumineux ensembles de données provenant de levés géophysiques à paramètres multiples et de levés géochimiques, rapports de consultants, ainsi que les résultats provisoires et non vérifiés de travaux réalisés sur le terrain et en laboratoire.
+Les dossiers publics font l'objet d’un examen critique par un spécialiste. Ils s’adressent à des spécialistes (industrie minière, aménagement du territoire, étudiants en sciences de la Terre) plutôt qu’au grand public. fr_CA 44 -67.25 45.75 -67.25 45.75 -64.083299999999994 44 -64.083299999999994 44 -67.25 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 urn:uuid:a6d8fc88-b946-58c2-9ca2-5f41ed8fe683 a6d8fc88-b946-58c2-9ca2-5f41ed8fe683 917141 0 2012-11-13T23:45:28.000Z 2012-01-01T05:00:00.000Z Regional lake sediment geochemical data, Nonacho Basin - east arm of Great Slave Lake region, Northwest Territories (NTS 75C and 75F) McCurdy, M W; McNeil, R J; Abramovitch, Y E; Day, S J A Résumé non disponible.
+La série des dossiers publics vise à accélérer la diffusion de l'information en rendant publics des manuscrits non révisés qui feront l’objet d’une publication officielle, ainsi qu’à présenter les données complémentaires pertinentes qui sont mentionnées dans des rapports publiés.
+Les dossiers publics peuvent prendre les formes suivantes : cartes, rapports, volumineux ensembles de données provenant de levés géophysiques à paramètres multiples et de levés géochimiques, rapports de consultants, ainsi que les résultats provisoires et non vérifiés de travaux réalisés sur le terrain et en laboratoire.
+Les dossiers publics font l'objet d’un examen critique par un spécialiste. Ils s’adressent à des spécialistes (industrie minière, aménagement du territoire, étudiants en sciences de la Terre) plutôt qu’au grand public. fr_CA 60 -110 62 -110 62 -108 60 -108 60 -110 0.00.0 0.0 0.0
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+ Sélection de produits GéoGratis
+ Ressources naturelles Canada
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst?start-index=808032&max-results=10
+ fr
+ Mon, 10 Sep 2012 08:42:23 GMT
+ Mon, 10 Sep 2012 08:42:23 GMT
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ https://geogratis.gc.ca
+ -
Huntingdon, Québec - Ontario
+ Résumé non disponible.]]>
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/d9619d1c-00a4-5c97-8690-ad7a9df36fe0.html
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ Sat, 11 Nov 1111 05:00:00 GMT
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/d9619d1c-00a4-5c97-8690-ad7a9df36fe0.xml
+ 45 -74.5 45.25 -74.5 45.25 -74 45 -74 45 -74.5
+ -
Relief ombré du fond marin, Baie-des-Sables, Québec
+ Résumé non disponible.]]>
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/b7947f3a-05b4-56b4-918a-8cbc17285d97.html
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ Sat, 01 Jan 2011 05:00:00 GMT
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/b7947f3a-05b4-56b4-918a-8cbc17285d97.xml
+ 48.623600000000003 -68.359700000000004 48.884399999999999 -68.359700000000004 48.884399999999999 -67.649699999999996 48.623600000000003 -67.649699999999996 48.623600000000003 -68.359700000000004
+ -
Dérivée première verticale du champ magnétique, levé aéromagnétique de la région de Burntbush, SNRC 32 E/05 (nord-ouest), Ontario
+ Résumé non disponible.
+La série des dossiers publics vise à accélérer la diffusion de l'information en rendant publics des manuscrits non révisés qui feront l’objet d’une publication officielle, ainsi qu’à présenter les données complémentaires pertinentes qui sont mentionnées dans des rapports publiés.
+Les dossiers publics peuvent prendre les formes suivantes : cartes, rapports, volumineux ensembles de données provenant de levés géophysiques à paramètres multiples et de levés géochimiques, rapports de consultants, ainsi que les résultats provisoires et non vérifiés de travaux réalisés sur le terrain et en laboratoire.
+Les dossiers publics font l'objet d’un examen critique par un spécialiste. Ils s’adressent à des spécialistes (industrie minière, aménagement du territoire, étudiants en sciences de la Terre) plutôt qu’au grand public.]]>
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/37938de7-33ce-5256-88db-b91eb6cc0bfd.html
+ info@geogratis.gc.ca (GeoGratis)
+ Tue, 01 Jan 2008 05:00:00 GMT
+ http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/fr/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/37938de7-33ce-5256-88db-b91eb6cc0bfd.xml
+ 49.375 -80 49.5 -80 49.5 -79.75 49.375 -79.75 49.375 -80
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/trafficcamera.png b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/trafficcamera.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a17f40c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/trafficcamera.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/trafficcamera_active.png b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/trafficcamera_active.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87f7a5832
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/geomap/v4.0.30/demo/trafficcamera_active.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/demo/bonjour.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/demo/bonjour.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29cbe51e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/demo/bonjour.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Plugiciel bonjour le monde
+ * @overview Plugiciel démontrant un example de comment créer votre propre plugiciel BOEW personalisé
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Définition de variable et de fonction.
+ * Ceux-ci sont généraux au plugiciel - cela veux dire qu'ils seront initialisé une fois par page,
+ * et non à chaque fois que le plugiciel sera instancié sur la page. Donc, ici c'est un bon endroit
+ * enfin de définir des variables qui sont communes à toutes les instance du plugiciel sur la page.
+ */
+var nomComposant = "wb-bonjour",
+ selecteur = "." + nomComposant,
+ initEvenement = "wb-init" + selecteur,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ defauts = {},
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Evenement} Evenement L'object événement lors du déclanchement de la fonction
+ */
+ init = function( Evenement ) {
+ // Début de l'initialisation
+ // retourne un objet DOM = procéder avec l'initialisation
+ // retourne undefined = ne pas procéder avec l'initialisation (ex., il est déjà initialisé)
+ var elm = wb.init( Evenement, nomComposant, selecteur ),
+ $elm,
+ parametres;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Faire l'initialisation du plugiciel
+ // Obtenir les paramètres JSON du plugiciel tel que définie par l'attribut data-wb-bonjour
+ parametres = $.extend(
+ true,
+ {},
+ defauts,
+ window[ nomComposant ],
+ wb.getData( $elm, nomComposant )
+ );
+ // Appel d'un événement personalisé
+ $elm.trigger( "nom.de.votre.evenement", parametres );
+ // Annonce que l'initialisation de l'instance a été complélté
+ wb.ready( $elm, nomComposant );
+ }
+ };
+// Ajouter votre code pour gérer les événement de votre plugiciel
+$document.on( "nom.de.votre.evenement", selecteur, function( evenenment, donnee ) {
+ var elm = evenenment.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.append( "Bonjour le monde" );
+ if ( donnee && donnee.surpassetoi ) {
+ $elm.prepend( "Surpasse toi" );
+ }
+} );
+// Liaison à l'événement init du plugiciel
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvenement, selecteur, init );
+// Ajouter notre poke pour que l'initialisation des instances
+wb.add( selecteur );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/demo/helloworld.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/demo/helloworld.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0e80ec0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/demo/helloworld.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * @title WET-BOEW Hello world plugin
+ * @overview Plugin contained to show an example of how to create your custom WET plugin
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-helloworld",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ defaults = {},
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm,
+ settings;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Do the plugin initialisation
+ // Get the plugin JSON configuration set on attribute data-wb-helloworld
+ settings = $.extend(
+ true,
+ {},
+ defaults,
+ window[ componentName ],
+ wb.getData( $elm, componentName )
+ );
+ // Call my custom event
+ $elm.trigger( "name.of.your.event", settings );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Add your plugin event handler
+$document.on( "name.of.your.event", selector, function( event, data ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.append( "Hello World" );
+ if ( data && data.domore ) {
+ $elm.prepend( "Do more" );
+ }
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/helloworld-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/helloworld-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c075140b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/helloworld-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+ Hello world plugin example - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Hello world plugin example
+A quick tutorial on how you can create your own WET plugin.
+Step 1 - Use a barebone plugin container
+Use a barbone plugin container like:
+ * @title WET-BOEW Barebone plugin container
+ * @overview Plugin contained to show an example of how to create your custom WET plugin
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-barebone",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Do the plugin initialisation
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Add your plugin event handler
+$document.on( "name.of.your.event", selector, function() {
+ //... your code here ...
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ At line 16 var componentName = "wb-barebone",
+ The value of componentName define the name of your plugin and the class name to use in order to initiate it
+ At line 36 // ... Do the plugin initialisation
+ It is where you will do all the action in order to initiate your plugin. The chalenges here is to perform the minimalist task in order to have your plugin waiting for an action. WET plugin is focused on an event base aproach where we trend to not execute a line of script if is not required at that time, that for performance reason.
+ At line 43-45 // Add your plugin event handler
+ It is where you will add a bunch of event that your plugin will deal with. You can trigger your own event by using the jQuery instance of an element, then call the function trigger with your custom event name in parameter followed by an object if you want to transfers some data. Like $elm.trigger( "name.of.your.event", mydata );
. The mydata parameter is optional.
+Step 2 - Add your javascript code
+Here a plugin sample that append the word "Hello World" to any element that contain the class wb-helloworld
on the page the plugin is loaded.
+ * @title WET-BOEW Hello world plugin
+ * @overview Plugin contained to show an example of how to create your custom WET plugin
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-helloworld",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Do the plugin initialisation
+ // Call my custom event
+ $elm.trigger( "name.of.your.event" );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Add your plugin event handler
+$document.on( "name.of.your.event", selector, function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.append( "Hello World" );
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ At line 16 var componentName = "wb-helloworld",
+ The plugin is named wb-helloworld .
+ At line 39 $elm.trigger( "name.of.your.event" );
+ The event "name.of.your.event" is fired on the DOM element that have initiated the plugin
+ At line 51 $elm.append("Hello World");
+ The words "Hello World" is added at the end of the content inside the elements
+Step 3 - Make it configurable
+As most plugins needs settings, the following code sample will show you how to support multiple way on how editor and developer will be able to configure your plugin.
+ * @title WET-BOEW Hello world plugin
+ * @overview Plugin contained to show an example of how to create your custom WET plugin
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-helloworld",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ defaults = {} ,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered the function call
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector ),
+ $elm,
+ settings;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Do the plugin initialisation
+ // Get the plugin JSON configuration set on attribute data-wb-helloworld
+ settings = $.extend(
+ true,
+ {},
+ defaults,
+ window[ componentName ],
+ wb.getData( $elm, componentName )
+ );
+ // Call my custom event
+ $elm.trigger( "name.of.your.event", settings );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $elm, componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Add your plugin event handler
+$document.on( "name.of.your.event", selector, function( event, data ) {
+ var elm = event.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.append( "Hello World" );
+ if ( data && data.domore ) {
+ $elm.prepend( "Do more" );
+ }
+} );
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ At line 20 defaults = {}
+ JSON object that define the defaults settings for your plugin.
+ At line 33 settings;
+ A local variable to hold the setting for the current instance of the plugin.
+ At line 41 settings = $.extend(
+ The local variable setting will have a cloned copy of all the combined settings.
+ At line 42 true,
+ It will perform a deep copy
+ At line 43 {},
+ Start extending with an empty new object.
+ At line 44 defaults,
+ Apply the defaults settings.
+ At line 45 window[ componentName ],
+ Retreive setting directly set via javascript harde coded in the page for example like: window['wb-helloworld'] = {};
+ At line 46 wb.getData( $elm, componentName )
+ Retreive and parse into a JSON object the setting set through the attribute data-wb-helloworld
+ At line 50 $elm.trigger( "name.of.your.event", settings );
+ Now, the second parameter contains the instance settings that will be used by the event.
+ At line 58 function( event, data ) {
+ Add a second parameter, data , in order to receive data when the event is trigger.
+ At line 64-66 if ( data && data.domore ) {
+ If a data has been set and the property domore is true or is positive or contain something then prepend the words "Do more" to the element
+Step 4 - Test it out
+Example 1
+Example 2 (inside a span )
+Example 3 with configuration
+<p class="wb-helloworld">Example 1</p>
+<p>Example 2 (<span class="wb-helloworld">inside a span</span>)</p>
+<p class="wb-helloworld" data-wb-helloworld='{ "domore": true }'>Example 3 with configuration</p>
+Please note to have your plugin working with WET you will needs to add your script after WET (wet-boew.js) in the HTML.
+Going beyond
+The non-documented WET core includes a lot of utilities function re-used by several plugins.
+Such as the function wb.getId()
from which we can get an unique id that are not conflicting with any other elements. Or the array defined at wb.drawColours
that is about a color sequence to use in order to maintain a good contrast, as used by the chart and graph and the geomap. Take a look at the WET core source code to find others useful function.
+The loading of third party plugin is done by using Modernizer. You can explorer other plugin that implement is like the tables plugins .
+Question or need help?
+Submit an issue on Github
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-12-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/helloworld-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/helloworld-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57254cd14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/helloworld/helloworld-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+ Exemple de plugiciel, Bonjour le monde - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Exemple de plugiciel, Bonjour le monde
+Un tutoriel rapide sur commment créer votre plugiciel BOEW.
+Étape 1 - Utiliser un plugiciel conteneur squelettique.
+Voici un plugiciel conteneur squelettique:
+ * @title WET-BOEW Plugiciel conteneur squelettique
+ * @overview Plugiciel démontrant un example de comment créer votre propre plugiciel BOEW personalisé
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Définition de variable et de fonction.
+ * Ceux-ci sont généraux au plugiciel - cela veux dire qu'ils seront initialisé une fois par page,
+ * et non à chaque fois que le plugiciel sera instancié sur la page. Donc, ici c'est un bon endroit
+ * enfin de définir des variables qui sont communes à toutes les instance du plugiciel sur la page.
+ */
+var nomComposant = "wb-squelette",
+ selecteur = "." + nomComposant,
+ initEvenement = "wb-init" + selecteur,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Evenement} Evenement L'object événement lors du déclanchement de la fonction
+ */
+ init = function( Evenement ) {
+ // Début de l'initialisation
+ // retourne un objet DOM = procéder avec l'initialisation
+ // retourne undefined = ne pas procéder avec l'initialisation (ex., il est déjà initialisé)
+ var elm = wb.init( Evenement, nomComposant, selecteur ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Faire l'initialisation du plugiciel
+ // Annonce que l'initialisation de l'instance a été complélté
+ wb.ready( $elm, nomComposant );
+ }
+ };
+// Ajouter votre code pour gérer les événement de votre plugiciel
+$document.on( "nom.de.votre.evenement", selecteur, function() {
+ //... votre code ici ...
+} );
+// Liaison à l'événement init du plugiciel
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvenement, selecteur, init );
+// Ajouter notre poke pour que l'initialisation des instances
+wb.add( selecteur );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ À la ligne 16 var nomComposant = "wb-squelette",
+ La valeur donnée à nomComposant représentera le nom du plugiciel et du nom de la classe à utiliser pour initié l'instance.
+ À la ligne 36 // ... Faire l'initialisation du plugiciel
+ C'est ici où que toute les actions d'initialisation nécessaire seront exécuté. Le défi est de faire le moins d'exécution que possible afin de rendre votre plugiel en attente d'action de l'utilisateur. Les plugiciels de la BOEW sont orienté sur une approche événementielle où qu'on essai de ne pas éxécuter des lignes de script qui n'est actuellement pas nécessaire. Ceci pour des raison de performance.
+ À la ligne 43-45 // Ajouter votre code pour gérer les événement de votre plugiciel
+ C'est ici que vous allez déclarer une série d'événement pour votre plugiciel. Vous pouvez déclancher vos propre événéement en utilisant l'instance jQuery d'un élément. L'appel à la fonction trigger suivi de votre nom d'événement et de vos donnée s'il y lieu. Par example: $elm.trigger( "nom.de.votre.evenement", mesdonnee );
. Le paramètre mesdonnee est optionel.
+Étape 2 - Ajouter votre code javascript
+Cet example de plugiciel ajoute le texte "Bonjour le monde" à tout éléments qui contient la classe wb-bonjour
pour la page duquel le plugiciel est chargé.
+ * @title WET-BOEW Plugiciel bonjour le monde
+ * @overview Plugiciel démontrant un example de comment créer votre propre plugiciel BOEW personalisé
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Définition de variable et de fonction.
+ * Ceux-ci sont généraux au plugiciel - cela veux dire qu'ils seront initialisé une fois par page,
+ * et non à chaque fois que le plugiciel sera instancié sur la page. Donc, ici c'est un bon endroit
+ * enfin de définir des variables qui sont communes à toutes les instance du plugiciel sur la page.
+ */
+var nomComposant = "wb-bonjour",
+ selecteur = "." + nomComposant,
+ initEvenement = "wb-init" + selecteur,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Evenement} Evenement L'object événement lors du déclanchement de la fonction
+ */
+ init = function( Evenement ) {
+ // Début de l'initialisation
+ // retourne un objet DOM = procéder avec l'initialisation
+ // retourne undefined = ne pas procéder avec l'initialisation (ex., il est déjà initialisé)
+ var elm = wb.init( Evenement, nomComposant, selecteur ),
+ $elm;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Faire l'initialisation du plugiciel
+ // Appel d'un événement personalisé
+ $elm.trigger( "nom.de.votre.evenement" );
+ // Annonce que l'initialisation de l'instance a été complélté
+ wb.ready( $elm, nomComposant );
+ }
+ };
+// Ajouter votre code pour gérer les événement de votre plugiciel
+$document.on( "nom.de.votre.evenement", selecteur, function( evenenment ) {
+ var elm = evenenment.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.append( "Bonjour le monde" );
+} );
+// Liaison à l'événement init du plugiciel
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvenement, selecteur, init );
+// Ajouter notre poke pour que l'initialisation des instances
+wb.add( selecteur );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ À la ligne 16 var nomComposant = "wb-bonjour",
+ Le plugiciel est nommé wb-bonjour .
+ À la ligne 39 $elm.trigger( "nom.de.votre.evenement" );
+ L'événement "nom.de.votre.evenement" est déclanché pour l'élément DOM qui a initialisé cet instance de plugiciel
+ À la ligne 51 $elm.append("Bonjour le monde");
+ Le texte "Bonjour le monde" est ajouté à la fin du contenu intérieur de l'élément.
+Étape 3 - Permettre le paramétrage
+La pluspars des plugiciels ont besoin de paramétrage, l'exemple de code suivant démontre comment supporté plusieurs avenue différente afin de géré des paramètrages définie par l'éditeur et le développeur.
+ * @title WET-BOEW Plugiciel bonjour le monde
+ * @overview Plugiciel démontrant un example de comment créer votre propre plugiciel BOEW personalisé
+ * @license wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * @author @duboisp
+ */
+( function( $, window, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Définition de variable et de fonction.
+ * Ceux-ci sont généraux au plugiciel - cela veux dire qu'ils seront initialisé une fois par page,
+ * et non à chaque fois que le plugiciel sera instancié sur la page. Donc, ici c'est un bon endroit
+ * enfin de définir des variables qui sont communes à toutes les instance du plugiciel sur la page.
+ */
+var nomComposant = "wb-bonjour",
+ selecteur = "." + nomComposant,
+ initEvenement = "wb-init" + selecteur,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ defauts = {},
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Evenement} Evenement L'object événement lors du déclanchement de la fonction
+ */
+ init = function( Evenement ) {
+ // Début de l'initialisation
+ // retourne un objet DOM = procéder avec l'initialisation
+ // retourne undefined = ne pas procéder avec l'initialisation (ex., il est déjà initialisé)
+ var elm = wb.init( Evenement, nomComposant, selecteur ),
+ $elm,
+ parametres;
+ if ( elm ) {
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ // ... Faire l'initialisation du plugiciel
+ // Obtenir les paramètres JSON du plugiciel tel que définie par l'attribut data-wb-bonjour
+ parametres = $.extend(
+ true,
+ {},
+ defauts,
+ window[ nomComposant ],
+ wb.getData( $elm, nomComposant )
+ );
+ // Appel d'un événement personalisé
+ $elm.trigger( "nom.de.votre.evenement", parametres );
+ // Annonce que l'initialisation de l'instance a été complélté
+ wb.ready( $elm, nomComposant );
+ }
+ };
+// Ajouter votre code pour gérer les événement de votre plugiciel
+$document.on( "nom.de.votre.evenement", selecteur, function( evenenment, donnee ) {
+ var elm = evenenment.currentTarget,
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.append( "Bonjour le monde" );
+ if ( donnee && donnee.surpassetoi ) {
+ $elm.prepend( "Surpasse toi" );
+ }
+} );
+// Liaison à l'événement init du plugiciel
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvenement, selecteur, init );
+// Ajouter notre poke pour que l'initialisation des instances
+wb.add( selecteur );
+} )( jQuery, window, wb );
+ À la ligne 20 defauts = {}
+ Un objet JSON qui définie les paramètres par défaut du plugiciel.
+ À la ligne 33 parametres;
+ Une variable local qui contiendra les paramètres de l'instance courrante du plugiciel.
+ À la ligne 41 parametres = $.extend(
+ La valeur de la variable local, parametres, sera une copie clonné créé en combinant l'ensemble des paramètres.
+ À la ligne 42 true,
+ Cela va faire une copie en profondeur des objects JSON.
+ À la ligne 43 {},
+ L'extension débute avec un objet vide.
+ À la ligne 44 defauts,
+ Applique les paramètres par défaut.
+ À la ligne 45 window[ nomComposant ],
+ Obtient les paramètres définie via javascript qui est souvant directement codé dans la même page qui utilise le plugiciel. Par example : window['wb-bonjour'] = {};
+ À la ligne 46 wb.getData( $elm, nomComposant )
+ Cela va lire les paramètres définie par l'attribut data-wb-bonjour
et transforme le résultat en un objet JSON.
+ À la ligne 50 $elm.trigger( "nom.de.votre.evenement", parametres );
+ Ici, le second paramètre est la configuration de l'instance en cours et qui sera utilisé par l'événement.
+ À la ligne 58 function( evenenment, donnee ) {
+ Ajoute un second paramètre, donnee , à la fonction afin d'être en mesure de recevoir les données lorsque l'évélement est déclanché.
+ À la ligne 64-66 if ( donnee && donnee.surpassetoi ) {
+ S'il la variable donnee a été initialisé et qu'il contient une propriété nommé surpassetoi avec n'importe lequel valeur qui est vrai, alors les mots "Surpasse toi" sera ajouté au début de l'élément.
+Étape 4 - Mise à l'essaie
+Exemple 1
+Exemple 2 (à l'intérieur d'un span )
+Exemple 3 avec paramètre
+<p class="wb-bonjour">Exemple 1</p>
+<p>Exemple 2 (<span class="wb-bonjour">à l'intérieur d'un span</span>)</p>
+<p class="wb-bonjour" data-wb-bonjour='{ "surpassetoi": true }'>Exemple 3 avec paramètre</p>
+Noter que pour que vous puissez utiliser votre propre plugiciel dans la BOEW, vous devriez ajouter votre script après celui de la BOEW (wet-boew.js) dans le code HTML.
+Allez plus loin
+Le coeur non documenté de la BOEW contient plusieurs fonction utilitaire trè utile à plusieurs.
+Tel que la fonction wb.getId()
permet d'obtenir un identifiant unique qui n'entrera pas en conflit avec les autres éléments sur la page. Ou le tableau disponible par wb.drawColours
définie une séquence de couleur à utiliser afin de maintenir un bon contraste, tel qu'utilisé par les graphiques et le géomap. Explorer le code source du coeur de la BOEW afin de découvrir plusieurs autres fonction utilitaire.
+Le chargement de plugiciel tierce se fait à l'aide de Modernizer. Vous pouvez explorer des plugiciels qui l'utilise tel que l'amélioration de tableau de donnée .
+Question ou besoin d'assistance?
+Soumetter une requête sur Github (en anglais seulement, mais les questions peuvent être posés en français)
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-12-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/index-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/index-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e985479e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1121 @@
+ Working examples - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Working examples
+Take a look at our provisional features and tell us your views via GitHub.
+ Name
+ Category
+ Description
+ Keywords
+ ARCHIVED - Archiving content
+ Other
+ Helps users identify Web pages that have been archived online.
+ Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0)
+ Other
+ Provides a breakdown of WCAG 2.0 accessibility responsibilities throughout the Web production chain.
+ Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0)
+ Other
+ Provides a breakdown of WCAG 2.0 accessibility responsibilities throughout the Web production chain.
+ arb-rra
+ Archived - Archived information
+ Other
+ Helps users identify Web pages that have been archived online.
+ archived
+ Calendar of Events
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically generates a calendar interface for navigating a list of events.
+ Calendar of Events
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically generates a calendar interface for navigating a list of events.
+ cal-events
+ Canada.ca theme
+ Themes
+ This theme implements the layout and design requirements for Canada.ca.
+ Charts and graphs
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically generates charts and graphs from table data.
+ Charts and graphs - Customization
+ Plugins
+ Customization, custom presets and multiple charts and graphs types.
+ charts
+ Charts and graphs - Customizing pie charts
+ Plugins
+ Customizing a pie chart to create a donut chart.
+ charts
+ Charts and graphs - Labels and reference values
+ Plugins
+ How to manage the chart labels and the reference values used to determine the points on the chart.
+ charts
+ Charts and graphs - Simple and easy
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically generates charts and graphs from table data.
+ charts
+ Charts and graphs - Specific test cases
+ Plugins
+ Specific test cases for testing purposes.
+ charts
+ Chat wizard - Provisional feature
+ Plugins
+ Working example - provisional feature
+ chatwizard
+ Chat wizard JSON - Provisional feature
+ Plugins
+ Working example - provisional feature
+ chatwizard
+ Checkboxes and radio buttons - Provisional feature
+ Style
+ Working example - provisional feature
+ chckbxrdio
+ Checklist for mobile accessibility tests - Web Experience Toolkit
+ Other
+ A guide for day-to-day mobile accessibility testing – one should be able to answer ‘yes’ to each question.
+ Checklist for mobile accessibility tests - Web Experience Toolkit
+ Other
+ A guide for day-to-day mobile accessibility testing – one should be able to answer ‘yes’ to each question.
+ checklist
+ Collapsible alerts
+ Plugins
+ Make alerts collapsible by users.
+ Collapsible alerts
+ Plugins
+ Make alerts collapsible by users
+ collapsible-alerts
+ Country Content
+ Plugins
+ A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content based on a visitor's country as determined by https://freegeoip.net
+ Country Content
+ Plugins
+ A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content based on a visitor's country as determined by https://freegeoip.net
+ country-content
+ Data Ajax
+ Plugins
+ A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content.
+ Data Ajax
+ Plugins
+ A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content.
+ data-ajax
+ Data Inview
+ Plugins
+ Displays an overlay when a section moves out of the viewport.
+ Data Inview
+ Plugins
+ Displays an overlay when a section moves out of the viewport.
+ data-inview
+ Data Inview testing page
+ Plugins
+ A testing page for Data Inview plugin
+ Data JSON
+ Plugins
+ Insert content extracted from a JSON file.
+ data-json
+ Data JSON - Documentation
+ Plugins
+ Insert content extracted from a JSON file and leverage HTML 5 template element.
+ Data Picture
+ Plugins
+ Allow a web page to specify different image sources to display based on media queries. The component is an event driven port of Picturefill.
+ Data Picture
+ Plugins
+ Event driven port of Picturefill
+ data-picture
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates input list attribute and datalist element support for browsers that do not have support. This adds auto-complete functionality to specific input fields by dynamically displaying a list of words that match the datalist.
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates input list attribute and datalist element support for browsers that do not have support. This adds auto-complete functionality to specific input fields by dynamically displaying a list of words that match the datalist.
+ datalist
+ Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) - Dynamic
+ Polyfills
+ Demonstrates how to dynamically update the contents of the datalist element, based upon user input. Particularly useful where there are a large number of auto-complete suggestions.
+ datalist
+ Details/summary polyfill (expandable/collapsible content)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates details and summary element support for browsers that do not have support. The details and summary elements allows content to be expanded and collapsed.
+ Details/summary polyfill (expandable/collapsible content)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates details and summary element support for browsers that do not have support. The details and summary elements allows content to be expanded and collapsed.
+ details
+ Dismissable content
+ Plugins
+ Make content dismissable by users.
+ Dismissable content
+ Plugins
+ Make content dismissable by users.
+ dismissable-content
+ Do action - Documentation
+ Plugins
+ Execute action, like filter a table, based on pre-established set of configuration.
+ Do action - JSON
+ Plugins
+ Execute JSON loading and patching action through the JSON manager
+ doaction
+ Do action - Table filtering
+ Plugins
+ Execute action, like filter a table, based on pre-established set of configuration.
+ doaction
+ Equal height
+ Plugins
+ A plugin for responsive equal height.
+ Equal height
+ Plugins
+ A plugin for responsive equal height.
+ equalheight
+ Facebook embedded pages
+ Plugins
+ Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages.
+ Facebook embedded pages
+ Plugins
+ Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages.
+ facebook
+ Favicon
+ Plugins
+ This plugin provides the ability to add and update a web page's favicon.
+ Favicon
+ Plugins
+ This plugin provides the ability to add and update the favicon's on a web page.
+ favicon
+ Feedback form
+ Other
+ Allows users to submit feedback for a specific Web page or Web site.
+ Feedback form
+ Other
+ Allows users to submit feedback for a specific Web page or Web site.
+ feedback
+ Feeds
+ Plugins
+ Aggregates and displays entries from one or more Web feeds.
+ Feeds
+ Plugins
+ Aggregates and displays entries from one or more Web feeds.
+ feeds
+ Field flow
+ Plugins
+ Transform a basic list into a selectable list.
+ fieldflow
+ Field flow - Documentation
+ Plugins
+ Transform a basic list into a drop down.
+ Field flow advanced
+ Plugins
+ How to go beyond with field flow.
+ fieldflow
+ Field flow basic configuration
+ Plugins
+ How to use field flow to create small scale user interaction.
+ fieldflow
+ Filter
+ Plugins
+ Filters through content and only show content that match a certain keyword.
+ Filter
+ Plugins
+ Filters through content and only show content that match a certain keyword.
+ filter
+ Footnotes
+ Plugins
+ Provides a consistent, accessible way of handling footnotes across websites.
+ Footnotes
+ Plugins
+ Provides a consistent, accessible way of handling footnotes across websites.
+ footnotes
+ Form validation
+ Plugins
+ Provides generic validation and error message handling for Web forms.
+ Form validation
+ Plugins
+ Provides generic validation and error message handling for Web forms.
+ formvalid
+ Geomap
+ Plugins
+ Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid.
+ Geomap
+ Plugins
+ Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid.
+ geomap
+ Geomap - prior v4.0.30
+ Plugins
+ Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid.
+ geomap
+ Hello world
+ Other
+ A quick tutorial on how you can create your own WET plugin.
+ Hello world plugin example
+ Other
+ A quick tutorial on how you can create your own WET plugin.
+ helloworld
+ Input type="date" polyfill (date picker)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates <input type="date"> support for browsers that do not have support. This dynamically generates a calendar interface for selecting a date in a form.
+ Input type="date" polyfill (date picker)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates <input type="date"> support for browsers that do not have support. This dynamically generates a calendar interface for selecting a date in a form.
+ datepicker
+ Input type="range" polyfill (slider control)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates <input type="range"> support for browsers that do not have support. The <input type="range"> element displays a slider control bar.
+ Input type="range" polyfill (slider control)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates <input type="range"> support for browsers that do not have support. The <input type="range"> element displays a slider control bar.
+ slider
+ JSON Manager
+ Plugins
+ Manage dataset and apply JSON Patch
+ jsonmanager
+ JSON Manager - Documentation
+ Plugins
+ Manage dataset and apply JSON Patch
+ Lightbox
+ Plugins
+ Display images and other content in a dialog box, either individually or as part of a gallery.
+ Lightbox
+ Test
+ Test case to close the lightbox overlay when clicking on a same page link.
+ lightbox
+ Lightbox
+ Plugins
+ Display images and other content in a dialog box, either individually or as part of a gallery.
+ lightbox
+ MathML polyfill
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates MathML support for browsers that do not have native MathML support.
+ MathML polyfill
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates MathML support for browsers that do not have MathML support.
+ mathml
+ Menu
+ Plugins
+ Provides an interactive menu with optional sub-menus.
+ Menu
+ Plugins
+ Provides an interactive menu with optional sub-menus.
+ menu
+ Merge Server-Client Errors
+ Plugins
+ Merge server errors with client errors
+ formvalid-server
+ Meter polyfill
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates meter element support for browsers that do not have support. The meter element displays a scalar measurement in a known range.
+ Meter polyfill
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates meter element support for browsers that do not have support. The meter element displays a scalar measurement in a known range.
+ meter
+ Multimedia Player
+ Plugins
+ Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding video and audio into web pages.
+ Multimedia Player - Audio-only
+ Plugins
+ Provides an accessible audio player for embedding audio into web pages.
+ multimedia
+ Multimedia Player - Video
+ Plugins
+ Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding video into web pages.
+ multimedia
+ Multimedia Player - YouTube
+ Plugins
+ Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding YouTube video into web pages.
+ multimedia, youtube
+ Overlay
+ Plugins
+ A flexible, responsive overlay plugin.
+ Overlay
+ Plugins
+ A flexible, responsive overlay plugin.
+ overlay
+ Postback
+ Plugins
+ Makes AJAX request when submitting a form.
+ Postback
+ Plugins
+ Submitting a form on the same page.
+ wb-postback
+ Prettify
+ Plugins
+ Provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an HTML page using google-code-prettify.
+ Prettify
+ Plugins
+ Provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an HTML page using google-code-prettify.
+ prettify
+ Progress polyfill (progress bar)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates progress element support for browsers that do not have support. The progress element displays the progress of a task.
+ Progress polyfill (progress bar)
+ Polyfills
+ Emulates progress element support for browsers that do not have support. The progress element displays the progress of a task.
+ progress
+ Session Timeout
+ Plugins
+ Create a session inactivity timeout that warns users when their session is about to expire.
+ Session Timeout
+ Plugins
+ Helps Web asset owners to provide session timeout and inactivity timeout functionality.
+ session-timeout
+ Share widget
+ Plugins
+ Facilitates sharing Web content on social media platforms.
+ Share widget
+ Plugins
+ Facilitates sharing Web content on social media platforms.
+ share
+ Steps Form
+ Plugins
+ Automatically converts a form into steps.
+ Steps Form
+ Plugins
+ Automatically converts a form into steps.
+ stepsform
+ Tabbed Interface
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically stacks multiple sections of content, transforming them into a tabbed interface.
+ Tabbed Interface
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically stacks multiple sections of content, transforming them into a tabbed interface.
+ tabs
+ Tabbed Interface - Carousel
+ Plugins
+ Dynamically stacks multiple images and captions into a carousel (or slider) widget.
+ tabs, carousel
+ Table Validator
+ Other
+ Web editor tool that helps to produce tables that conform to WCAG 2.0
+ Table Validator
+ Other
+ Web editor tool that helps to produce tables that conform to WCAG 2.0
+ tablevalidator
+ Tables
+ Plugins
+ Integrates the DataTables plugin into WET providing searching, sorting, filtering, pagination and other advanced features for tables.
+ Tables
+ Plugins
+ Integrates the DataTables plugin into WET providing searching, sorting, filtering, pagination and other advanced features for tables.
+ tables
+ Template HTML 5
+ Plugins
+ Leverage HTML 5 template element by using the data json plugin.
+ data-json
+ Text highlighting
+ Plugins
+ Automatically highlights certain words on a Web page. The highlighted words can be selected via the query string.
+ Text highlighting
+ Plugins
+ Automatically highlights certain words on a Web page. The highlighted words can be selected via the query string.
+ texthighlight
+ Toggle
+ Plugins
+ Allows an element to toggle elements between on and off states.
+ Toggle
+ Plugins
+ Allows a link to toggle elements between on and off states.
+ toggle
+ Transitions
+ Other
+ CSS-based transitions
+ Transitions
+ Other
+ CSS-based transitions
+ transitions
+ Twitter embedded timeline
+ Plugins
+ Helps with implementing Twitter embedded timelines.
+ Twitter embedded timeline
+ Plugins
+ Helps with implementing Twitter embedded timelines.
+ twitter
+ URL Mapping - Ajax
+ Plugins
+ Execute pre-configured ajax action based on url query string.
+ urlmapping
+ URL Mapping - Geomap
+ Plugins
+ Execute pre-configured geomap filtering based on url query string.
+ urlmapping
+ URL Mapping - Patching JSON
+ Plugins
+ Execute pre-configured patches action based on url query string.
+ urlmapping
+ URL Mapping - Table filtering
+ Plugins
+ Execute pre-configured table filtering action based on url query string.
+ urlmapping
+ URL mapping - Documentation
+ Plugins
+ Execute pre-configured action based on url query string.
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology
+ Other
+ Provides an assessment methodology that assists with measuring conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A, AA and AAA Success Criteria.
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AA)
+ Other
+ Provides an assessment methodology that assists with measuring conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A, and AA Success Criteria.
+ wamethod
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AAA)
+ Other
+ Provides an assessment methodology that assists with measuring conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A, AA, and AAA Success Criteria.
+ wamethod
+ Web Experience Toolkit (WET) theme
+ Themes
+ This theme provides an example implementation of the Base Theme.
+ Zebra Striping
+ Plugins
+ Zebra Striping for table
+ Zebra striping
+ Plugins
+ Zebra striping for tables
+ zebra
+ Base theme
+ Themes and style
+ A theme template to aid in the creation of new themes.
+ theme-base
+ Canada.ca theme
+ Themes and style
+ This theme implements the layout and design requirements for Canada.ca.
+ GCWeb
+ Government of Canada Intranet theme
+ Themes and style
+ This theme adapts the Government of Canada Web Usability theme for intranet sites.
+ theme-gc-intranet
+ Government of Canada Web Usability theme
+ Themes and style
+ This theme implements the requirements of the Standard on Web Usability and is recommended for use on all Government of Canada websites (except for Canada.ca).
+ theme-gcwu-fegc
+ Open Government Platform (OGPL) theme
+ Themes and style
+ The Open Government Platform (OGPL) theme was developed to support the Open Government Platform (OGPL) .
+ theme-ogpl
+ Web Experience Toolkit (WET) theme
+ Themes and style
+ This theme provides an example implementation of the Base Theme.
+ theme-wet-boew
+ Jekyll variant
+ Variants
+ Adapts WET for use with Jekyll.
+ jekyll
+ Data JSON
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Insert content extracted from a JSON file and leverage HTML 5 template element. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/data-json
+ Do action
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Execute action, like filter a table, based on pre-established set of configuration. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/doaction
+ Field flow
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Transform a basic list into a selectable list. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/fieldflow
+ Field flow advanced
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ How to go beyond with field flow. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/fieldflow
+ Field flow basic configuration
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ How to use field flow to create small scale user interaction. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/fieldflow
+ JSON Manager
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Manage dataset and apply JSON Patch. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/jsonmanager
+ Template HTML 5
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Leverage HTML 5 template element by using the data json plugin. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/data-json
+ URL Mapping - Ajax
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Execute pre-configured ajax action based on url query string. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/urlmapping
+ URL Mapping - Patching JSON
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Execute pre-configured patches action based on url query string. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/urlmapping
+ URL Mapping - Table filtering
+ Canada.ca theme plugins
+ Execute pre-configured table filtering action based on url query string. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/urlmapping
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-07
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/index-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/index-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4154ed729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1108 @@
+ Exemples pratiques - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Exemples pratiques
+Essayer nos fonctionalité provisoire et dites nous vos commentaires via GitHub.
+ Nom
+ Catégorie
+ Description
+ Mots clés
+ ARCHIVÉE - Contenu archivé
+ Autre
+ Ajoute un avis d'archivage à une page Web.
+ Alertes repliables
+ Plugiciels
+ Créer des alertes que les utilisateurs peuvent replier.
+ Alertes repliables
+ Plugiciels
+ Créer des alertes que les utilisateurs peuvent replier.
+ collapsible-alerts
+ Archivée - Informations archivées
+ Autre
+ Ajoute un avis d'archivage à une page Web.
+ archived
+ Basculer
+ Plugiciels
+ Plugiciel qui permet un lien à basculer des éléments entre les états activé et désactivé.
+ Basculer
+ Plugiciels
+ Plugiciel qui permet un lien à basculer des éléments entre les états activé et désactivé.
+ toggle
+ Calendrier d'événements
+ Plugiciels
+ Un calendrier servant à consulter une liste d'événements.
+ Calendrier d'événements
+ Plugiciels
+ Un calendrier servant à consulter une liste d'événements.
+ cal-events
+ Case à cocher et bouton radio - Fonctionalité provisoire
+ Style
+ Exemple pratique d'utilisation des cases à cocher et boutons radio
+ chckbxrdio
+ Chat wizard - Fonctionalité provisoire
+ Plugiciels
+ Example pratique d'utilisation du chat wizard
+ chatwizard
+ Chat wizard JSON- Fonctionalité provisoire
+ Plugiciels
+ Example pratique d'utilisation du chat wizard
+ chatwizard
+ Chronologie intégrée Twitter
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche des chronologies intégrées Twitter.
+ Chronologie intégrée Twitter
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche des chronologies intégrées Twitter.
+ twitter
+ Contenu par pays
+ Plugiciels
+ Un enveloppeur de AjaxLoader qui insère de contenu télécharger via AJAX. Le contenu est basée sur l'emplacement des visiteurs comme déterminé par https://freegeoip.net
+ Contenu par pays
+ Plugiciels
+ Un enveloppeur de AjaxLoader qui insère de contenu télécharger via AJAX. Le contenu est basée sur l'emplacement des visiteurs comme déterminé par https://freegeoip.net
+ country-content
+ Contenu superposé
+ Plugiciels
+ Un plugiciel fournissant un modèle de contenu superposé flexible et réactif.
+ Contenu superposé
+ Plugiciels
+ Un plugiciel fournissant un modèle de contenu superposé flexible et réactif.
+ overlay
+ Contenu écartable
+ Plugiciels
+ Permettre aux utilisateurs d'écarter certains contenus.
+ Contenu écartable
+ Plugiciels
+ Permettre aux utilisateurs d'écarter certains contenus.
+ dismissable-content
+ Correctif MathML
+ Correctifs
+ Émule le MathML pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas.
+ Correctif MathML
+ Correctifs
+ Émule le MathML pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas.
+ mathml
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l'attribut « list » de l'élément « input », ainsi que l'élément « datalist », pour les navigateurs qui ne les supportent pas. Ceci ajoute des fonctionnalités de saisie semi-automatique des champs de « input » spécifiques en affichant dynamiquement une liste de mots qui correspondent à la « datalist ».
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l'attribut « list » de l'élément « input », ainsi que l'élément « datalist », pour les navigateurs qui ne les supportent pas. Ceci ajoute des fonctionnalités de saisie semi-automatique des champs de « input » spécifiques en affichant dynamiquement une liste de mots qui correspondent à la « datalist ».
+ datalist
+ Correctif « datalist » (saisie automatique) - Dynamique
+ Correctifs
+ Montre comment mettre à jour de façon dynamique le contenu de l'élément « datalist », sur la base de l'entrée utilisateur. Particulièrement utile où il ya un grand nombre de suggestions de saisie semi-automatique.
+ datalist
+ Correctif « details/summary » (contenu affichable/masquable)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule les éléments « details » et « summary » pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. Les éléments « details » et « summary » éléments permettent au contenu d'être affiché et masqué.
+ Correctif « details/summary » (contenu affichable/masquable)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule les éléments « details » et « summary » pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. Les éléments « details » et « summary » éléments permettent au contenu d'être affiché et masqué.
+ details
+ Correctif « input type="date" » (sélecteur de date)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément <input type="date"> pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. Cela génère dynamiquement une interface de calendrier pour sélectionner une date dans un formulaire.
+ Correctif « input type="date" » (sélecteur de date)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément <input type="date"> pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. Cela génère dynamiquement une interface de calendrier pour sélectionner une date dans un formulaire.
+ datepicker
+ Correctif « input type="range" » (barre coulissante)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément <input type="range"> pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. Le <input type="range"> permet d'afficher une barre coulissante.
+ Correctif « input type="range" » (barre coulissante)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément <input type="range"> pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. Le <input type="range"> permet d'afficher une barre coulissante.
+ slider
+ Correctif « meter » (compteur)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément « meter » pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. L'élément « meter » affiche une mesure scalaire dans une gamme connue.
+ Correctif « meter » (compteur)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément « meter » pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. L'élément « meter » affiche une mesure scalaire dans une gamme connue.
+ meter
+ Correctif « progress » (barre de progression)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément « progress » pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. L'élément « progress » de HTML5 affiche la progression d'une tâche.
+ progress
+ Correctif « progress » (barred de progression)
+ Correctifs
+ Émule l’élément « progress » pour les navigateurs qui ne le supportent pas. L'élément « progress » de HTML5 affiche la progression d'une tâche.
+ Correspondance d'URL - Ajax
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des requête ajax pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+ urlmapping
+ Correspondance d'URL - Appliquer des correctifs JSON
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des requête d'application de correctifs JSON pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+ urlmapping
+ Correspondance d'URL - Documentation
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des requête pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrage d'une géomap
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des requête de filtrage de géomap pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+ urlmapping
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrer un tableau
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des requête de filtrage de tableau pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+ urlmapping
+ Data Ajax
+ Plugiciels
+ Un enveloppeur simple pour AjaxLoader qui insère de contenu télécharger via AJAX.
+ Data Ajax
+ Plugiciels
+ Un enveloppeur simple pour AjaxLoader qui insère de contenu télécharger via AJAX.
+ data-ajax
+ Data Inview
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche de contenu superposé quand une section se déplace hors de la clôture.
+ Data Inview
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche de contenu superposé quand une section se déplace hors de la clôture.
+ data-inview
+ Data JSON
+ Plugiciels
+ Insertion de contenu extrait d'un fichier JSON
+ data-json
+ Data JSON - Documentation
+ Plugiciels
+ Insertion de contenu extrait d'un fichier JSON et prends avantage de l'élément template du HTML 5.
+ Data Picture
+ Plugiciels
+ Conversion de Picturefill guidé par l'événement.
+ Data Picture
+ Plugiciels
+ Conversion de Picturefill guidé par l'événement.
+ data-picture
+ Déroulement de champs
+ Plugiciels
+ Transforme une simple liste en un liste de choix.
+ fieldflow
+ Déroulement de champs - Documentation
+ Plugiciels
+ Transforme une simple liste en un liste de choix.
+ Déroulement de champs avancé
+ Plugiciels
+ Comment aller au-delà avec le déroulement de champs.
+ fieldflow
+ Déroulement de champs avec des configurations de base
+ Plugiciels
+ Comment utiliser le déroulement de champs afin de créer des interaction utilisateur à petite échèle.
+ fieldflow
+ Effectuer un action - JSON
+ Plugins
+ Execute JSON loading and patching action through the JSON manager
+ doaction
+ Exemple de plugiciel, Bonjour le monde
+ Autre
+ Un tutoriel rapide sur commment créer votre plugiciel BOEW.
+ Exemple de plugiciel, Bonjour le monde
+ Autre
+ Un tutoriel rapide sur commment créer votre plugiciel BOEW.
+ helloworld
+ Expiration de la session
+ Plugiciels
+ Créer un délai d'inactivité qui avertit les utilisateurs lorsque leur session est sur le point d'expirer.
+ Expiration de la session
+ Plugiciels
+ Ferme la session de l'utilisateur après un certain délai.
+ session-timeout
+ Exécuter des actions - Documentation
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des actions, tel que filtrer un tableau, selon une configuration pré-établis.
+ Exécuter des actions - Filtrer un tableau
+ Plugiciels
+ Exécute des actions, tel que filtrer un tableau, selon une configuration pré-établis.
+ doaction
+ Facebook embedded pages (TODO FR)
+ Plugiciels
+ Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages.
+ Facebook embedded pages (TODO FR)
+ Plugiciels
+ Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages.
+ facebook
+ Favoricône
+ Plugiciels
+ Offre la possibilité d'ajouter et de mettre à jour les favoricônes d'une page.
+ Favoricône
+ Plugiciels
+ Offre la possibilité d'ajouter et de mettre à jour les favoricônes d'une page.
+ favicon
+ Fils de syndication
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche les articles d’un ou plus fils de syndication.
+ Fils de syndication
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche les articles d’un ou plus fils de syndication.
+ feeds
+ Filtre
+ Plugiciels
+ Filtre du contenu et n'affiche que le contenu ayant un certain mot-clé.
+ Filtre
+ Plugiciels
+ Filtre du contenu et n'affiche que le contenu ayant un certain mot-clé.
+ filter
+ Formulaire de rétroaction
+ Autre
+ Un formulaire normalisé pour soumettre une rétroaction au sujet d'une page ou d'un site Web particulier.
+ Formulaire de rétroaction
+ Autre
+ Un formulaire normalisé pour soumettre une rétroaction au sujet d'une page ou d'un site Web particulier.
+ feedback
+ Formulaire à étapes
+ Plugiciels
+ Converti automatiquement un formulaire en étapes.
+ Formulaire à étapes
+ Plugiciels
+ Converti automatiquement un formulaire en étapes.
+ stepsform
+ Fusion des erreurs Serveur-Client
+ Plugiciels
+ Ce composant fusionne les erreurs de type serveur et client ensemble.
+ formvalid-server
+ Gabarit HTML 5
+ Plugiciels
+ Prendre avantage de l'élément template du HTML 5 avec le plugiciel data json
+ data-json
+ Gadget de partage
+ Plugiciels
+ Permet à l'utilisateur de partager un contenu Web sur les plateformes de médias sociaux.
+ Gadget de partage
+ Plugiciels
+ Permet à l'utilisateur de partager un contenu Web sur les plateformes de médias sociaux.
+ share
+ Gestionnaire JSON
+ Plugiciels
+ Gérer des jeux de données et applique des correctifs JSON.
+ jsonmanager
+ Gestionnaire JSON - Documentation
+ Plugiciels
+ Gérer des jeux de données et applique des correctifs JSON.
+ Graphiques
+ Plugiciels
+ Génère des graphiques à partir de données d’un tableau.
+ Graphiques - Personalisation
+ Plugiciels
+ Personalisation, préréglages personnalisés et plusieurs types de graphique.
+ charts
+ Graphiques - Personalisation de diagramme circulaire
+ Plugiciels
+ Personalisation d'un diagramme circulaire pour créer un diagramme en beigne.
+ charts
+ Graphiques - Scénarios d'essai spécifiques
+ Plugiciels
+ Scénarios spécifiques à des fins d'essaie.
+ charts
+ Graphiques - Simple
+ Plugiciels
+ Génère des graphiques à partir de données d’un tableau.
+ charts
+ Graphiques - Étiquettage et la valeur de référence
+ Plugiciels
+ Comment contrôler l'étiquettage des graphiques et comment contrôler la valeur de référence pour déterminer la valeur des points
+ charts
+ Géocarte
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche une carte dynamique sur laquelle des informations de sources supplémentaires peuvent être superposées.
+ Géocarte
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche une carte dynamique sur laquelle des informations de sources supplémentaires peuvent être superposées.
+ geomap
+ Géocarte - avant v4.0.30
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche une carte dynamique sur laquelle des informations de sources supplémentaires peuvent être superposées.
+ geomap
+ Interface à onglets
+ Plugiciels
+ Comprime plusieurs images et légendes superposées et fourni des controls qui permettent à l'utilisateur de choisi l'image à afficher.
+ Interface à onglets
+ Plugiciels
+ Comprime plusieurs sections de contenu dans le même espace physique et fourni des onglets qui permettent à l'utilisateur de choisi la section de contenu à afficher.
+ tabs
+ Interface à onglets - Carrousel
+ Plugiciels
+ Comprime plusieurs images et légendes superposées et fourni des controls qui permettent à l'utilisateur de choisi l'image à afficher.
+ tabs, carousel
+ Lecteur multimédia
+ Plugiciels
+ Un lecteur multimédia accessible permettant d'intégrer des contenus vidéo et audio sur les pages Web.
+ Lecteur multimédia - Audio seulement
+ Plugiciels
+ Un lecteur média accessible permettant d'intégrer des contenus vidéo et audio sur les pages Web.
+ multimedia
+ Lecteur multimédia - Vidéo
+ Plugiciels
+ Un lecteur multimédia accessible permettant d'intégrer des contenus vidéo sur les pages Web.
+ multimedia
+ Lecteur multimédia - YouTube
+ Plugiciels
+ Un lecteur multimédia accessible permettant d'intégrer des contenus vidéo de YouTube sur les pages Web.
+ multimedia, youtube
+ Lightbox
+ Plugiciels
+ Afficher des images et d'autres contenus dans une boîte de dialogue, individuellement ou dans le cadre d'une galerie.
+ Lightbox
+ Plugiciels
+ Afficher des images et d'autres contenus dans une boîte de dialogue, individuellement ou dans le cadre d'une galerie.
+ lightbox
+ Liste de contrôle pour les tests d'accessibilité mobiles - Boîte à outils de l’expérience Web (BOEW)
+ Autre
+ Un guide pour les tests d'accessibilité mobiles au jour le jour – on devrait être capable de répondre «oui» à chaque question.
+ Liste de contrôle pour les tests d'accessibilité mobiles - Boîte à outils de l’expérience Web (BOEW)
+ Autre
+ Un guide pour les tests d'accessibilité mobiles au jour le jour – on devrait être capable de répondre «oui» à chaque question.
+ checklist
+ Menu
+ Plugiciels
+ Une barre de menu interactive comprenant des sous-menus optionnels.
+ Menu
+ Plugiciels
+ Une barre de menu interactive comprenant des sous-menus optionnels.
+ menu
+ Mise en surbrillance de texte
+ Plugiciels
+ Met en surbrillance sur une page Web les mots choisis.
+ Mise en surbrillance de texte
+ Plugiciels
+ Met en surbrillance sur une page Web les mots choisis.
+ texthighlight
+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web
+ Autre
+ Offre une méthodologie d’évaluation qui permet de mesurer le degré de conformité aux Règles pour l’accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.1 pour les critères de succès de niveau A, AA et AAA.
+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web (niveau AA)
+ Autre
+ Offre une méthodologie d’évaluation qui permet de mesurer le degré de conformité aux Règles pour l’accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.1 pour les critères de succès de niveau A et AA.
+ wamethod
+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web (niveau AAA)
+ Autre
+ Offre une méthodologie d’évaluation qui permet de mesurer le degré de conformité aux Règles pour l’accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.1 pour les critères de succès de niveau A, AA et AAA.
+ wamethod
+ Notes de bas de page
+ Plugiciels
+ Une méthode cohérente et facile d’accès pour répertorier les notes de bas de page.
+ Notes de bas de page
+ Plugiciels
+ Une méthode cohérente et facile d’accès pour répertorier les notes de bas de page.
+ footnotes
+ Postback
+ Plugiciels
+ Makes AJAX request when submitting a form.
+ Postback
+ Plugiciels
+ Submitting a form on the same page.
+ wb-postback
+ Prettify
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche de la syntaxe des extraits de code source.
+ Prettify
+ Plugiciels
+ Affiche de la syntaxe des extraits de code source.
+ prettify
+ Rayage du zèbre
+ Plugiciels
+ Rayage du zèbre pour les tableaux
+ Rayage du zèbre
+ Plugiciels
+ Rayage du zèbre pour les tableaux
+ zebra
+ Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité (WCAG 2.0)
+ Autre
+ Une répartition des responsabilités associées aux critères de succès pour WCAG 2.0 sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de production Web.
+ Répartition des responsabilités d'accessibilité (WCAG 2.0)
+ Autre
+ Une répartition des responsabilités associées aux critères de succès pour WCAG 2.0 sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de production Web.
+ arb-rra
+ Tables
+ Plugiciels
+ Ajoutes des fonctionnalités aux tableaux telles que la recherche, le tri, le filtrage et la pagination.
+ Tables
+ Plugiciels
+ Ajoutes des fonctionnalités aux tableaux telles que la recherche, le tri, le filtrage et la pagination.
+ tables
+ Thème Canada.ca
+ Thèmes
+ Ce thème met en place la mise en page et la mise en forme exigés pour le site Canada.ca.
+ Thème de la Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ Thèmes
+ Un exemple de thème conçu à partir du thème de base.
+ Transitions
+ Autre
+ Transitions CSS
+ Transitions
+ Autre
+ Transitions CSS
+ transitions
+ Validateur de tableau
+ Autre
+ Outils pour les éditeur web qui fourni une assistance afin de produire des tableaux conforme au norme WCAG
+ Validateur de tableau
+ Autre
+ Outils pour les éditeur web qui fourni une assistance afin de produire des tableaux conforme au norme WCAG
+ tablevalidator
+ Validation de formulaires
+ Plugiciels
+ Effectue la validation de formulaires Web selon un ensemble de règles de base avant qu'ils soient soumis.
+ Validation de formulaires
+ Plugiciels
+ Effectue la validation de formulaires Web selon un ensemble de règles de base avant qu'ils soient soumis.
+ formvalid
+ Égalisation des hauteurs
+ Plugiciels
+ Un plugiel d'égalisation des hauteurs réactif.
+ Égalisation des hauteurs
+ Plugiciels
+ Un plugiel d'égalisation des hauteurs réactif.
+ equalheight
+ Thème Canada.ca
+ Thèmes et style
+ Ce thème met en place la mise en page et la mise en forme exigés pour le site Canada.ca.
+ GCWeb
+ Thème de base
+ Thèmes et style
+ Un modèle de thème pour la création de nouveaux thèmes.
+ theme-base
+ Thème de la Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ Thèmes et style
+ Un exemple de thème conçu à partir du thème de base.
+ theme-wet-boew
+ Thème de la Plate-forme de gouvernement ouvert (PGO)
+ Thèmes et style
+ Un thème qui met en place la mise en page et la mise en forme pour la Plate-forme de gouvernement ouvert (PGO) .
+ theme-ogpl
+ Thème de la facilité d’emploi Web du gouvernement du Canada
+ Thèmes et style
+ Ce thème met en place la mise en page et la mise en forme exigés par la Norme sur la facilité des sites Web . Il est recommandé de se servir de ce thème sur les sites Web du gouvernement du Canada (sauf Canada.ca).
+ theme-gcwu-fegc
+ Thème du gouvernement du Canada pour les sites intranet
+ Thèmes et style
+ Une version du thème de la facilité d'emploi des sites Web du gouvernement du Canada pour les sites intranet.
+ theme-gc-intranet
+ Variant pour Jekyll
+ Variants
+ Adapte la BOEW pour l’utilisation avec Jekyll.
+ jekyll
+ Correspondance d'URL - Ajax
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Exécute des requête ajax pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/urlmapping
+ Correspondance d'URL - Appliquer des correctifs JSON
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Exécute des requête d'application de correctifs JSON pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/urlmapping
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrer un tableau
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Exécute des requête de filtrage de tableau pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/urlmapping
+ Data JSON
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Insertion de contenu extrait d'un fichier JSON. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/data-json
+ Déroulement de champs
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Transforme une simple liste en un liste de choix. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/fieldflow
+ Déroulement de champs avancé
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Comment aller au-delà avec le déroulement de champs. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/fieldflow
+ Déroulement de champs avec des configurations de base
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Comment utiliser le déroulement de champs afin de créer des interaction utilisateur à petite échèle. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/fieldflow
+ Exécuter des actions
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Exécute des actions, tel que filtrer un tableau, selon une configuration pré-établis. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/doaction
+ Gabarit HTML 5
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Prendre avantage de l'élément template du HTML 5 avec le plugiciel data json. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/data-json
+ Gestionnaire JSON
+ Plugiciels du thème Canada.ca
+ Gérer des jeux de données et applique des correctifs JSON. (Documentation )
+ gcweb/jsonmanager
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-07
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/demo/data-en.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/demo/data-en.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d598ac308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/demo/data-en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "product": "Hello world",
+ "products": [
+ "My first product",
+ "My second product",
+ "My third product",
+ "My forth product"
+ ],
+ "level1": {
+ "level2": [
+ {
+ "itm1": "2016-11-30T07:53:56Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2017-02-01T16:52:00Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2013-09-08T14:14:14Z"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "price": 1234.98
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/demo/data-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/demo/data-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..940e3aadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/demo/data-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "produit": "Bonjour le monde",
+ "produits": [
+ "Mon nouveau produit",
+ "Mon deuxième produit",
+ "Mon produit numéro 3",
+ "Mon produit numéro 4"
+ ],
+ "niveau1": {
+ "niveau2": [
+ {
+ "itm1": "2016-11-30T07:53:56Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2017-02-01T16:52:00Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2013-09-08T14:14:14Z"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "prix": 1234.98
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-doc-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-doc-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..677f559e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-doc-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+ JSON Manager - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ JSON Manager - Documentation
+Middleware plugin that perform JSON manipulation through patches and are accessed through dataset, a named alias.
+Use when
+When a reteived JSON file or when a JSON result requested through a RESTful API need a few minor manipulation in order to be displayed with the data-json.
+Do not use when
+To perform complexe manipulation or metamorphing data in a way that change his original meaning. By complexe manipulation is like filtering, sorting, forking, merging, infering a result based from multiple source inside or outside the data context and any other operation that take time or required considerable amount of ressource where it badly impact the performance of the device and the user experience.
+Instead, if your JSON file need a lot of manipulation, consider to create your own RESTful service that will accomodate for performing those task and it will allow to cache the result.
+Instead, if your are metamorphing the JSON data source, then that is probably means it should be an middleware service that do that transformation prior to receive the data for being display.
+Working example
+How to implement
+JSON manager is a middleware plugin that allow to manipulate JSON data and return it as a fetch result.
+From a plugin that request JSON content, refer to a dataset name in the request url. For example with the data json plugin.
+<span data-json-replace="#[example1] /product">unknown number of</span>
+Create a JSON manager plugin by adding the attribute data-jsonmanager
to an element. At the minimum, you will need to configure the url and the dataset name.
+Then the following configuration is required if:
If you are only applying static patches at the fetched JSON.
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json",
+ "name": "example1",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/products", "set": "/nbproduct" },
+ { "op": "copy", "from": "/products/0", "path": "/product"}
+ ]
+ }'></div>
If the JSON manager need to wait to receive patches from another plugin, like urlmapping. Note that in this mode you can also specified a series of default patches to apply through setting the configuration patches
<div id="jmexample1" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "data/data-1.json",
+ "name": "example1",
+ "wait": true
+ }'></div>
+Configure your patches as per the supported operation bellow
+Note: The json manager can not be set on the same element that listen to wb.jsonfetch
event, like data json.
+Using Dataset
+To refer at a dataset, it is quite similar to a JSON pointer. But you start with a bracket "[", followed by the dataset name, then by the closing bracket "]" and the rest is the JSON pointer to navigate in the dataset. You can find read about JSON Pointer in the RFC6901 spec or in the data-json plugin documentation.
+JSON patches operation
+JSON operation is defined as per RFC6002 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch with additional operation to fullfill the needs of the JSON manager. Described in the documentation, the following operation are supported: add
, remove
, replace
, move
, copy
, test
, wb-count
, wb-first
, wb-last
, wb-toDateISO
and wb-toDateTimeISO
. The operation that start with "wb" are custom operation defined inside the JSON manager
+In the description bellow when it refering to :
+That represents a string containing a valid JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer [RFC6901] . You can find JSON pointer example in the data-json working example under "Selecting data" heading.
+A valid value, it could be a number, a string, a JSON object or a JSON array.
+You will find a few examples in the Appendix A of RFC6002
+What it's does
+{ "op": "add", "path": <path>, "value": <value> }
+Performs one of the following functions, depending upon what the target location references:
+If the target location specifies an array index, a new value is inserted into the array at the specified index.
+If the target location specifies an object member that does not already exist, a new member is added to the object.
+If the target location specifies an object member that does exist, that member's value is replaced.
+For adding in an array, you may finish the path by "/0"
to prepend and "/-"
to append the value.
+{ "op": "remove", "path": <path> }
+Removes the value at the target location.
+{ "op": "replace", "path": <path>", "path": <value> }
+Replaces the value at the target location with a new value.
+{ "op": "move", "from": <path>, "path": <path> }
+Removes the value at a specified location and adds it to the target location.
+{ "op": copy, "from": <path>, "path": <path> }
+Copies the value at a specified location to the target location.
+{ "op": "test", "path": <path>, "value": <value> }
+Tests that a value at the target location is equal to a specified value. On failing, it would result in no changes being made.
+Note by using test operation, it makes the pathes atomic. So that means that is one test operation fail, nothing will be executed otherwise all operation get executed. The execution of any test operation are prioritized before any other operation.
+Counting items
+{ "op": "wb-count", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+Count the number of items in an array and copy the value at a specified location.
+Filter can be used to count a specific subset.
+Counting items with filter
+{ "op": "wb-count", "path": <path>, "set": <path>, "filter": <evaluation object>, "filternot": <evaluation object> }
+Both attribute filter
and filternot
are optional. They will contain an array of "evaluation object" or one evaluation object defined in the filtering sub section of "Configuration options" bellow.
+First item
+{ "op": "wb-first", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+Copy the first item from an array at a specified location.
+Last item
+{ "op": "wb-last", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+Copy the last item from an array at a specified location.
+Formatting a number
+{ "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> }
+Replace the number at the <path> location that represents the number value formatted according to the conventions of the host environment's current locale.
+Additional setting:
+Default is the current page language. You can set any valid locale, except IE only support "en" and "fr" locale. { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> "locale": "fr-CA" }
+Default: empty string. This prepend a string before the formatted number. { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> "suffix": "$CAN " }
+Default: empty string. This append a string after the formatted number. { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> "suffix": "$ CAN" }
+Formating a date to ISO (YYYY-MM-DD)
+{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": <path> }
or{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+Format a date value to data ISO and copy the value at a specified location. If set
is not defined, it will be the value located at path
that will be replaced.
+Formating a date and time to ISO (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
+{ "op": "wb-toDateTimeISO", "path": <path> }
or{ "op": "wb-toDateTimeISO", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+Format a date value to date time ISO and copy the value at a specified location. If set
is not defined, it will be the value located at path
that will be replaced.
+It's is possible to add your own custom operations, like:
+window[ "wb-jsonmanager" ] = {
+ ops: [
+ {
+ name: "wb-count",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var countme = obj[ key ],
+ len = 0;
+ if ( $.isArray( countme ) ) {
+ len = countme.length;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: len }
+ ] );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-first",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var currObj = obj[ key ];
+ if ( !$.isArray( currObj ) || currObj.length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: currObj[ 0 ] }
+ ] );
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ opsArray: [ ],
+ opsRoot: [ ],
+There is tree type of configuration where you can defined your custom operation depending on what the operation is executed.
+Basic operation on a JSON node.
+Operation made upon JSON array.
+Operation that target the root of JSON object.
+You can set the configuration option "debug": true
to show, added the element that call the JSON manager, the modified JSON object and his applied patches. The JSON are displayed without any formating.
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "data-en.json",
+ "name": "example2",
+ "debug": true
+Cache busting
+Before to use the cache busting mechanism with your data json instance, it's highly recommended to configure your server properly instead.
+Various strategy can be set on the server side and those are communicated to the browser through an http header as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 .
+Configuration options
+How to configure
+Required . Define the url or the dataset name to use. When used in a template mode, the URL should point to an array object.
+You can follow the url or the dataset name by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) .
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "location/of/json/file.json#/" }'
+The url are a json file
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "[datasetName]#/" }'
+The url is a reference to a dataset managed by a json-manager defined in the same page
+Required . The dataset name that other plugin will be able to use as an alias to a JSON file.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName" }'
+Indicate if plugins that use the named dataset should wait to display information until all patches is received.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "wait": true }'
+false (default)
+Will execute the patches when the plugin is initialized
+Will wait to notify plugins that use the named dataset, until patches is received throught the event patches.wb-jsonmanager
+Array of patches, operation object, to be applied to the JSON
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "patches": [ {operation object} ] }'
+Array of operation object or a unique operation object
+{Operation object}
+Object structured as per RFC6002 specification.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "patches": [ { "op": "Name of the operation", (any additional parameter as per the operation) } ] }'
+See section 4 of RFC6902 . All the supported operation is defined above in the section JSON patches operation .
+Name of a property where to move the JSON root into.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "wraproot": "root" }'
+false (default)
+Keep the JSON as it
+Will create a new property, as named by the string value, then move the root into that property.
+Available for when selecting array only. Item that is true will be kept and item that is false will be removed.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "filter": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+Evaluation object have the following property
+Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+There is more details in the filter section bellow
+Available for when selecting array only. Item that is true will be removed and item that is false will be kept. This filter happen after the configuration for the "filter" option has been evaluated.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "filternot": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+Evaluation object have the following property
+Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+There is more details in the filter section bellow
+Show the modified JSON object and his applied patches after there are applied.
+data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "wraproot": "root" }'
+false (default)
+There is no debug info that is displayed
+Will display a unformated result.
+Prevent caching. Prior using the functionality, use the various caching strategies that can be set and communicated through http header from your server, as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 . Also, please note that some server may not like to have an query appended to his url and you may get an HTTP error like "400 Bad Request" or "404 Not Found". Like a page served by a domino server will return 404 error if the query string do not start with "?open
", "?openDocument
" or "?readForm
+data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true }'
or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": "nocache" }'
+The browser will manage the cache based on how the server has sent the file.
+Boolean, Use the same cache buster id for the user session. Clossing and opening the tab should generate a new cache busting id.
+String, A new id is generated everytime the file is fetched
+Prevent caching. Optional, it defined what query parameter name to use for the cache busting.
+data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true, "nocachekey": "wbCacheBust" }'
+Will use "wbCacheBust
" for the parameter name.
+URL pre-encoded string
+Filtering (evaluation object)
+The path selector must point to an valid JSON array object. All the option presented in the table bellow can be combined.
+How to configure
+Values and clarification
+{ "filter": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] …}
or { "filternot": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] …}
+A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901) to the data being evaluated.. It's must start with an "/".
+{ "filter": [ { "value": "A value" } ] …}
or { "filternot": [ { "value": "A value" } ] …}
+Any value that could be compared with the information retreived form the path. An exact match is performed.
+{ "filter": [ { "optional": true } ] …}'
or { "filternot": [ { "optional": true } ] …}'
+True or false. If omited it will be false by default.
+What it does
+Triggered manually via javascript or automatically via other plugin that interact with the JSON manager.
+$( "#MyJsonManager" ).trigger( {
+ type: "patches.wb-jsonmanager",
+ patches: [ { JSON patached operation object } ]
+} );
+Where supporting the following event property:
+(Required) Array of or a single JSON patches operation .
+Boolean. Default (false) If true the patches applied for this one event will be cumulative and impact subsequent applied patches.
+Apply patches to the dataset and will send a request to update the content of all plugin that are binded to this dataset.
+Triggered automatically by the json fetch plugin to let the JSON manager that other plugin depends on it.
+Postpone the json fetch call until the dataset is ready.
+Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-jsonmanager" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-jsonmanager" );
+Used to manually initialize the wb-jsonmanager plugin. Note: The wb-jsonmanager plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-jsonmanager" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-jsonmanager" );
+Used to manually initialize the wb-jsonmanager plugin. Note: The wb-jsonmanager plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+Triggered automatically after an wb-jsonmanager is initialized.
+Used to identify when an wb-jsonmanager has initialized (target of the event)
+$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-jsonmanager", ".wb-jsonmanager", function( event ) {
+$( ".wb-jsonmanager" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-jsonmanager", function( event ) {
+Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-02
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+ Gestionnaire JSON - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Gestionnaire JSON - Documentation
Needs translation
+ Purpose
+ Middleware plugin that perform JSON manipulation through patches and are accessed through dataset, a named alias.
+ Use when
+ When a reteived JSON file or when a JSON result requested through a RESTful API need a few minor manipulation in order to be displayed with the data-json.
+ Do not use when
+ To perform complexe manipulation or metamorphing data in a way that change his original meaning. By complexe manipulation is like filtering, sorting, forking, merging, infering a result based from multiple source inside or outside the data context and any other operation that take time or required considerable amount of ressource where it badly impact the performance of the device and the user experience.
+ Instead, if your JSON file need a lot of manipulation, consider to create your own RESTful service that will accomodate for performing those task and it will allow to cache the result.
+ Instead, if your are metamorphing the JSON data source, then that is probably means it should be an middleware service that do that transformation prior to receive the data for being display.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ JSON manager is a middleware plugin that allow to manipulate JSON data and return it as a fetch result.
+ From a plugin that request JSON content, refer to a dataset name in the request url. For example with the data json plugin.
+ <span data-json-replace="#[example1] /product">unknown number of</span>
+ Create a JSON manager plugin by adding the attribute data-jsonmanager
to an element. At the minimum, you will need to configure the url and the dataset name.
+ Then the following configuration is required if:
+ patches=[]
If you are only applying static patches at the fetched JSON.
+ <div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json",
+ "name": "example1",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/products", "set": "/nbproduct" },
+ { "op": "copy", "from": "/products/0", "path": "/product"}
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+ wait=true
If the JSON manager need to wait to receive patches from another plugin, like urlmapping. Note that in this mode you can also specified a series of default patches to apply through setting the configuration patches
<div id="jmexample1" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "data/data-1.json",
+ "name": "example1",
+ "wait": true
+ }'></div>
+ Configure your patches as per the supported operation bellow
+ Note: The json manager can not be set on the same element that listen to wb.jsonfetch
event, like data json.
+Using Dataset
+To refer at a dataset, it is quite similar to a JSON pointer. But you start with a bracket "[", followed by the dataset name, then by the closing bracket "]" and the rest is the JSON pointer to navigate in the dataset. You can find read about JSON Pointer in the RFC6901 spec or in the data-json plugin documentation.
+JSON patches operation
+JSON operation is defined as per RFC6002 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch with additional operation to fullfill the needs of the JSON manager. Described in the documentation, the following operation are supported: add
, remove
, replace
, move
, copy
, test
, wb-count
, wb-first
, wb-last
, wb-toDateISO
and wb-toDateTimeISO
. The operation that start with "wb" are custom operation defined inside the JSON manager
+In the description bellow when it refering to :
+ <path>
+ That represents a string containing a valid JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer [RFC6901] . You can find JSON pointer example in the data-json working example under "Selecting data" heading.
+ <value>
+ A valid value, it could be a number, a string, a JSON object or a JSON array.
+You will find a few examples in the Appendix A of RFC6002
+ Operation
+ Syntax
+ What it's does
+ Add
+ { "op": "add", "path": <path>, "value": <value> }
+ Performs one of the following functions, depending upon what the target location references:
+ If the target location specifies an array index, a new value is inserted into the array at the specified index.
+ If the target location specifies an object member that does not already exist, a new member is added to the object.
+ If the target location specifies an object member that does exist, that member's value is replaced.
+ For adding in an array, you may finish the path by "/0"
to prepend and "/-"
to append the value.
+ Remove
+ { "op": "remove", "path": <path> }
+ Removes the value at the target location.
+ Replace
+ { "op": "replace", "path": <path>", "path": <value> }
+ Replaces the value at the target location with a new value.
+ Move
+ { "op": "move", "from": <path>, "path": <path> }
+ Removes the value at a specified location and adds it to the target location.
+ Copy
+ { "op": copy, "from": <path>, "path": <path> }
+ Copies the value at a specified location to the target location.
+ Test
+ { "op": "test", "path": <path>, "value": <value> }
+ Tests that a value at the target location is equal to a specified value. On failing, it would result in no changes being made.
+ Note by using test operation, it makes the pathes atomic. So that means that is one test operation fail, nothing will be executed otherwise all operation get executed. The execution of any test operation are prioritized before any other operation.
+ Counting items
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+ Count the number of items in an array and copy the value at a specified location.
+ Filter can be used to count a specific subset.
+ Counting items with filter
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": <path>, "set": <path>, "filter": <evaluation object>, "filternot": <evaluation object> }
+ Both attribute filter
and filternot
are optional. They will contain an array of "evaluation object" or one evaluation object defined in the filtering sub section of "Configuration options" bellow.
+ First item
+ { "op": "wb-first", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+ Copy the first item from an array at a specified location.
+ Last item
+ { "op": "wb-last", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+ Copy the last item from an array at a specified location.
+ Formatting a number
+ { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> }
+ Replace the number at the <path> location that represents the number value formatted according to the conventions of the host environment's current locale.
+ Additional setting:
+ locale
+ Default is the current page language. You can set any valid locale, except IE only support "en" and "fr" locale. { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> "locale": "fr-CA" }
+ prefix
+ Default: empty string. This prepend a string before the formatted number. { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> "suffix": "$CAN " }
+ suffix
+ Default: empty string. This append a string after the formatted number. { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": <path> "suffix": "$ CAN" }
+ Formating a date to ISO (YYYY-MM-DD)
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": <path> }
or{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+ Format a date value to data ISO and copy the value at a specified location. If set
is not defined, it will be the value located at path
that will be replaced.
+ Formating a date and time to ISO (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
+ { "op": "wb-toDateTimeISO", "path": <path> }
or{ "op": "wb-toDateTimeISO", "path": <path>, "set": <path> }
+ Format a date value to date time ISO and copy the value at a specified location. If set
is not defined, it will be the value located at path
that will be replaced.
+It's is possible to add your own custom operations, like:
+window[ "wb-jsonmanager" ] = {
+ ops: [
+ {
+ name: "wb-count",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var countme = obj[ key ],
+ len = 0;
+ if ( $.isArray( countme ) ) {
+ len = countme.length;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: len }
+ ] );
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "wb-first",
+ fn: function( obj, key, tree ) {
+ var currObj = obj[ key ];
+ if ( !$.isArray( currObj ) || currObj.length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ jsonpatch.apply( tree, [
+ { op: "add", path: this.set, value: currObj[ 0 ] }
+ ] );
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ opsArray: [ ],
+ opsRoot: [ ],
+There is tree type of configuration where you can defined your custom operation depending on what the operation is executed.
+ ops
+ Basic operation on a JSON node.
+ opsArray
+ Operation made upon JSON array.
+ opsRoot
+ Operation that target the root of JSON object.
+You can set the configuration option "debug": true
to show, added the element that call the JSON manager, the modified JSON object and his applied patches. The JSON are displayed without any formating.
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "data-en.json",
+ "name": "example2",
+ "debug": true
+ Cache busting
+ Before to use the cache busting mechanism with your data json instance, it's highly recommended to configure your server properly instead.
+ Various strategy can be set on the server side and those are communicated to the browser through an http header as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 .
+ Configuration options
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ url
+ Required . Define the url or the dataset name to use. When used in a template mode, the URL should point to an array object.
+ You can follow the url or the dataset name by a JSON Pointer (RFC6901) .
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "location/of/json/file.json#/" }'
+ The url are a json file
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "[datasetName]#/" }'
+ The url is a reference to a dataset managed by a json-manager defined in the same page
+ name
+ Required . The dataset name that other plugin will be able to use as an alias to a JSON file.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName" }'
+ String
+ wait
+ Indicate if plugins that use the named dataset should wait to display information until all patches is received.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "wait": true }'
+ Boolean
+ false (default)
+ Will execute the patches when the plugin is initialized
+ true
+ Will wait to notify plugins that use the named dataset, until patches is received throught the event patches.wb-jsonmanager
+ patches
+ Array of patches, operation object, to be applied to the JSON
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "patches": [ {operation object} ] }'
+ Array of operation object or a unique operation object
+ {Operation object}
+ Object structured as per RFC6002 specification.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "patches": [ { "op": "Name of the operation", (any additional parameter as per the operation) } ] }'
+ See section 4 of RFC6902 . All the supported operation is defined above in the section JSON patches operation .
+ wraproot
+ Name of a property where to move the JSON root into.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "wraproot": "root" }'
+ false (default)
+ Keep the JSON as it
+ String
+ Will create a new property, as named by the string value, then move the root into that property.
+ filter
+ Available for when selecting array only. Item that is true will be kept and item that is false will be removed.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "filter": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+ Evaluation object have the following property
+ path
+ Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+ value
+ Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+ optional
+ Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+ There is more details in the filter section bellow
+ filternot
+ Available for when selecting array only. Item that is true will be removed and item that is false will be kept. This filter happen after the configuration for the "filter" option has been evaluated.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "filternot": [ {evaluation object} ] }'
+ Evaluation object have the following property
+ path
+ Required. JSON pointer to the data being evaluated
+ value
+ Required. Value of witch the data would be evaluated
+ optional
+ Indicated if the evaluation is optional.
+ There is more details in the filter section bellow
+ debug
+ Show the modified JSON object and his applied patches after there are applied.
+ data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "", "name": "ADataSetName", "wraproot": "root" }'
+ Boolean
+ false (default)
+ There is no debug info that is displayed
+ true
+ Will display a unformated result.
+ nocache
+ Prevent caching. Prior using the functionality, use the various caching strategies that can be set and communicated through http header from your server, as defined in section 5 of RFC7234 . Also, please note that some server may not like to have an query appended to his url and you may get an HTTP error like "400 Bad Request" or "404 Not Found". Like a page served by a domino server will return 404 error if the query string do not start with "?open
", "?openDocument
" or "?readForm
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true }'
or data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": "nocache" }'
+ Default
+ The browser will manage the cache based on how the server has sent the file.
+ true
+ Boolean, Use the same cache buster id for the user session. Clossing and opening the tab should generate a new cache busting id.
+ nocache
+ String, A new id is generated everytime the file is fetched
+ nocachekey
+ Prevent caching. Optional, it defined what query parameter name to use for the cache busting.
+ data-wb-json='{ "url": "", "nocache": true, "nocachekey": "wbCacheBust" }'
+ Default
+ Will use "wbCacheBust
" for the parameter name.
+ String
+ URL pre-encoded string
+ Filtering (evaluation object)
+ The path selector must point to an valid JSON array object. All the option presented in the table bellow can be combined.
+ Option
+ How to configure
+ Values and clarification
+ path
+ { "filter": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] …}
or { "filternot": [ { "path": "/JSON Pointer" } ] …}
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901) to the data being evaluated.. It's must start with an "/".
+ value
+ { "filter": [ { "value": "A value" } ] …}
or { "filternot": [ { "value": "A value" } ] …}
+ Any value that could be compared with the information retreived form the path. An exact match is performed.
+ optional
+ { "filter": [ { "optional": true } ] …}'
or { "filternot": [ { "optional": true } ] …}'
+ True or false. If omited it will be false by default.
+ Events
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ patches.wb-jsonmanager
+ Triggered manually via javascript or automatically via other plugin that interact with the JSON manager.
+ $( "#MyJsonManager" ).trigger( {
+ type: "patches.wb-jsonmanager",
+ patches: [ { JSON patached operation object } ]
+} );
+ Where supporting the following event property:
+ patches
+ (Required) Array of or a single JSON patches operation .
+ cumulative
+ Boolean. Default (false) If true the patches applied for this one event will be cumulative and impact subsequent applied patches.
+ Apply patches to the dataset and will send a request to update the content of all plugin that are binded to this dataset.
+ postpone.wb-jsonmanager
+ Triggered automatically by the json fetch plugin to let the JSON manager that other plugin depends on it.
+ Postpone the json fetch call until the dataset is ready.
+ wb-init.wb-jsonmanager
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-jsonmanager" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-jsonmanager" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-jsonmanager plugin. Note: The wb-jsonmanager plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-init.wb-jsonmanager
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-jsonmanager" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-jsonmanager" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-jsonmanager plugin. Note: The wb-jsonmanager plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb-jsonmanager
+ Triggered automatically after an wb-jsonmanager is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-jsonmanager has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-jsonmanager", ".wb-jsonmanager", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-jsonmanager" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-jsonmanager", function( event ) {
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-02
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b68536d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ JSON Manager - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ JSON Manager
+Manage dataset and apply JSON Patch.
+Applying patch
+There is unknown number of products costing (N/A) each.
+My first product is (unknown) and the original product was (unknown) .
Patch an array of object:
+ View source code
+ <div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json",
+ "name": "example1",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/products", "set": "/nbproduct" },
+ { "op": "copy", "from": "/products/0", "path": "/product"},
+ { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": "/price", "prefix": "$" }
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+<p>There is <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/nbproduct">unknown number of</span> products costing <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/price">(N/A)</span> each.</p>
+<p>My first product is <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/product">(unknown)</span> and the original product was <span data-json-replace="demo/data-en.json#/product">(unknown)</span>.</p>
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json#/level1/level2",
+ "name": "example2",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/itm1" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <p>Patch an array of object:</p>
+ <ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "#[example2]",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "li", "value": "/itm1" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+ </ul>
+ File demo/data-en.json
+ {
+ "product": "Hello world",
+ "products": [
+ "My first product",
+ "My second product",
+ "My third product",
+ "My forth product"
+ ],
+ "level1": {
+ "level2": [
+ {
+ "itm1": "2016-11-30T07:53:56Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2017-02-01T16:52:00Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2013-09-08T14:14:14Z"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "price": 1234.98
+Displaying result from a JSON RESTful API
+ View source code
+ Consult the JSON RESTful API github result: https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility
+ <h3>Work Accessibility issue <small>WET-BOEW on GitHub</small></h3>
+<div class="row">
+<aside id="aside" class="col-md-8 col-md-push-2 well" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility",
+ "name": "github",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/nbissues" },
+ { "op": "wb-last", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/last" },
+ { "op": "wb-first", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/first" },
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/last/created_at", "set": "/oldest" },
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/first/created_at", "set": "/recent" },
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/unhideme", "value": "hidden" }
+ ],
+ "wraproot": "rootArray"
+ }'>
+ <h4 class="mrgn-tp-sm">Overview</h4>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>Number of issues: <span data-json-replace="#[github]/nbissues"></span></li>
+ <li>Most recent issue: <a class="hidden" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/first/title",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/first/html_url",
+ "type": "attr",
+ "attr": "href"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/unhideme",
+ "type": "removeclass"
+ }
+ ]'></a> (<span data-json-replace="#[github]/recent">unknown</span>)</li>
+ <li>Oldest issue: <a class="hidden" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/last/title",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/last/html_url",
+ "type": "attr",
+ "attr": "href"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/unhideme",
+ "type": "removeclass"
+ }
+ ]'></a> (<span data-json-replace="#[github]/oldest">unknown</span>)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><a href="https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Work%3A+Accessibility%22">View open issues on GitHub</a></p>
+<p>List of issues:</p>
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=General%3A+Accessibility",
+ "name": "github-src",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/updated_at" }
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+<ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "#[github-src]",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/title" },
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/html_url", "attr": "href" },
+ { "selector": "span", "value": "/updated_at" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li>(<span></span>) <a href=""></a></li>
+ </template>
+Work Accessibility issue WET-BOEW on GitHub
+List of issues:
+JSON patches operation
+JSON operation is defined as per RFC6002 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch with additional operation to fullfill the needs of the JSON manager. Described in the documentation, the following operation are supported by default: add
, remove
, replace
, move
, copy
, test
, wb-count
, wb-first
, wb-last
, wb-toDateISO
and wb-toDateTimeISO
+You can set the configuration option "debug": true
to show next to the json manager the modified JSON object with the applied patches. The JSON content are displayed without formating.
+Number of products: Not available
+ View source code
+<p data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-en.json",
+ "name": "example3",
+ "patches": { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/products", "set": "/nbproduct" },
+ "debug": true
+}'>Number of products: <span data-json-replace="#[example3]/nbproduct">Not available</span></p>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-02
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..845d06af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/jsonmanager/jsonmanager-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+ Gestionnaire JSON - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Gestionnaire JSON
+Gérer des jeux de données et applique des correctifs JSON.
+Appliquer des correctifs
+Il y a un nombre inconnu de produits à un tarif unitaire de (N/D) .
+Mon premier produit est (inconnu) et le produit original était (inconnu) .
Correctif pour un tableau d'objets:
+ Code source
+ <div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json",
+ "name": "exemple1",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/produits", "set": "/nbproduit" },
+ { "op": "copy", "from": "/produits/0", "path": "/produit"},
+ { "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": "/prix", "suffix": "$" }
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+<p>Il y a <span data-json-replace="#[exemple1]/nbproduit">un nombre inconnu de</span> produits à un tarif unitaire de <span data-json-replace="#[exemple1]/prix">(N/D)</span>.</p>
+<p>Mon premier produit est <span data-json-replace="#[exemple1]/produit">(inconnu)</span> et le produit original était <span data-json-replace="demo/data-fr.json#/produit">(inconnu)</span>.</p>
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json#/niveau1/niveau2",
+ "name": "exemple2",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/itm1" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <p>Correctif pour un tableau d'objets:</p>
+ <ul data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "#[exemple2]",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "li", "value": "/itm1" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li></li>
+ </template>
+ </ul>
+ Fichier demo/data-fr.json
+ {
+ "produit": "Bonjour le monde",
+ "produits": [
+ "Mon nouveau produit",
+ "Mon deuxième produit",
+ "Mon produit numéro 3",
+ "Mon produit numéro 4"
+ ],
+ "niveau1": {
+ "niveau2": [
+ {
+ "itm1": "2016-11-30T07:53:56Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2017-02-01T16:52:00Z"
+ },
+ {
+ "itm1": "2013-09-08T14:14:14Z"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "prix": 1234.98
+Afficher des résultats à partir d'un JSON RESTful API
+ Code source
+ Consult the JSON RESTful API github result: https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility
+ <h3>Requête relié à l'accessibilité <small>WET-BOEW sur GitHub</small></h3>
+<div class="row">
+<aside id="aside" class="col-md-8 col-md-push-2 well" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility",
+ "name": "github",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/nbissues" },
+ { "op": "wb-last", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/last" },
+ { "op": "wb-first", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/first" },
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/last/created_at", "set": "/oldest" },
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/first/created_at", "set": "/recent" },
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/unhideme", "value": "hidden" }
+ ],
+ "wraproot": "rootArray"
+ }'>
+ <h4 class="mrgn-tp-sm">Vue d'ensemble</h4>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>Nombre de problèmes: <span data-json-replace="#[github]/nbissues"></span></li>
+ <li>Le plus récent: <a lang="en" class="hidden" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/first/title",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/first/html_url",
+ "type": "attr",
+ "attr": "href"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/unhideme",
+ "type": "removeclass"
+ }
+ ]'></a> (<span data-json-replace="#[github]/recent">inconnu</span>)</li>
+ <li>Le plus ancien: <a lang="en" class="hidden" data-wb-json='[
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/last/title",
+ "type": "replace"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/last/html_url",
+ "type": "attr",
+ "attr": "href"
+ },
+ {
+ "url": "#[github]/unhideme",
+ "type": "removeclass"
+ }
+ ]'></a> (<span data-json-replace="#[github]/oldest">inconnu</span>)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><a href="https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Work%3A+Accessibility%22" hreflang="en">Consulter les problèms sur GitHub</a></p>
+<p>Liste des problèmes:</p>
+<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility",
+ "name": "github-src",
+ "patches": [
+ { "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/updated_at" }
+ ]
+ }'></div>
+<ul lang="en" data-wb-json='{
+ "url": "#[github-src]",
+ "mapping": [
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/title" },
+ { "selector": "a", "value": "/html_url", "attr": "href" },
+ { "selector": "span", "value": "/updated_at" }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <template>
+ <li>(<span></span>) <a href=""></a></li>
+ </template>
+Requête relié à l'accessibilité WET-BOEW sur GitHub
+Liste des problèmes:
+Opération de correctifs JSON
+Les opération de correctifs JSON sont définie par RFC6002 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch avec quelques ajout d'opération afin de combler les besoins du gestionnaire JSON. Détaillé dans la documentations, les opérations suivant sont supporté par défaut: add
, remove
, replace
, move
, copy
, test
, wb-count
, wb-first
, wb-last
, wb-toDateISO
and wb-toDateTimeISO
+Vous pouvez utiliser le paramètre de configuration "debug": true
afin d'afficher après le gestionnaire json l'objet json modifier ainsi que la liste des correctifs appliqué. Le contenu JSON est affiché sans mise en forme.
+Nombre de produits: Non disponible
+ Code source
+<p data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/data-fr.json",
+ "name": "exemple3",
+ "patches": { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/produits", "set": "/nbproduit" },
+ "debug": true
+}'>Nombre de produits: <span data-json-replace="#[exemple3]/nbproduit">Non disponible</span></p>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-02
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f4347070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Table caption default appearance
+ Table header (th
) default appearance
+ Table header (th
) default appearance
+ Table data (td
) default appearance
+ Table data (td
) default appearance
Link default appearance
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eab34fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Légende de table - apparence par défaut
+ En-tête de table (th
) - apparence par défaut
+ En-tête de table (th
) - apparence par défaut
+ Données de table (td
) - apparence par défaut
+ Données de table (td
) - apparence par défaut
Lien - apparence par défaut
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax1-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax1-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..212f4013b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax1-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Table caption default appearance
+ Table header (th
) default appearance
+ Table header (th
) default appearance
+ Table data (td
) default appearance
+ Table data (td
) default appearance
Link default appearance
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax1-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax1-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4399e2313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax1-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Légende de table - apparence par défaut
+ En-tête de table (th
) - apparence par défaut
+ En-tête de table (th
) - apparence par défaut
+ Données de table (td
) - apparence par défaut
+ Données de table (td
) - apparence par défaut
Lien - apparence par défaut
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax2-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax2-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc3c737f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1 - default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1 - default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2 - default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2 - default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3 - default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3 - default appearance
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax2-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax2-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..439370905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1 - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1 - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2 - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2 - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3 - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3 - apparence par défaut
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax3-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax3-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daedd49cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax3-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax3-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax3-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b132baca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax3-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax4-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax4-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31e011c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax4-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ This content will not be shown for AJAX requests.
This content will be shown for AJAX requests that are filtered by the URL hash.
This content will be shown for AJAX requests that are filtered by a selector.
+ This content will not be shown for AJAX requests.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax4-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax4-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e631de5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/ajax/ajax4-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ Ce contenu ne sera pas affiché pour les requêtes AJAX.
Ce contenu sera affiché pour les requêtes AJAX qui sont filtrés par le « hash » de l'URL.
Ce contenu sera affiché pour les requêtes AJAX qui sont filtrés par selecteur.
+ Ce contenu ne sera pas affiché pour les requêtes AJAX.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/1_b.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/1_b.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f662e341
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/1_b.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/1_s.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/1_s.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef0bd550d
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/1_s.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/2_b.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/2_b.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..977cb6a99
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/2_b.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/2_s.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/2_s.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..258cbcb65
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/2_s.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/3_b.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/3_b.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e007a51c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/3_b.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/3_s.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/3_s.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7206f24bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/3_s.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/4_b.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/4_b.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3a12a66f
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/4_b.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/4_s.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/4_s.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9ea42322
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/4_s.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/5_b.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/5_b.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea1cfbc3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/5_b.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/5_s.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/5_s.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..989975d11
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/5_s.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/lightbox.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/lightbox.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d69ffb31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/lightbox.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-lbx-demo .list-inline > li {
+ margin-bottom: .4em;
+ padding-left: 0; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/lightbox.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/lightbox.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5fb54af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/demo/lightbox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/*jshint unused: false*/
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc;
+$document.on( "click vclick", "#lbx-open-btn", function() {
+ var value = $( "#lbx-select" ).val();
+ if ( value === "1" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1"
+ ]
+ ] );
+ } else if ( value === "2" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "ajax/ajax1-en.html",
+ type: "ajax"
+ }
+ ]
+ ] );
+ } else if ( value === "3" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "#inline_content",
+ type: "inline"
+ }
+ ]
+ ] );
+ } else if ( value === "4" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "#inline_content_modal",
+ type: "inline"
+ }
+ ],
+ true
+ ] );
+ } else if ( value === "5" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }, {
+ src: "demo/2_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }, {
+ src: "demo/3_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1",
+ "Image 2",
+ "Image 3"
+ ]
+ ] );
+ }
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b385e241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/lightbox-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+ Lightbox - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Lightbox
+ Table of contents
+ Features
+ Displays images and other content using the Magnific Popup plugin.
+ Easy navigation in image galleries using mouse, touchscreen or keyboard.
+ Examples
+ Long description of image 2
+ Example long description of image 2 (referenced by aria-describedby
+ Single items
+ AJAX - Example 1
+ AJAX - override default behaviour of image link with lbx-ajax
+ Inline content
+ ordered list (ol
) first level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) first level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) second level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) second level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) third level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) third level default appearance
+ Modal popup
+ ordered list (ol
) first level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) first level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) second level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) second level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) third level default appearance
+ ordered list (ol
) third level default appearance
+ AJAX - Content filtered by URL hash (v4.0.7+)
+ AJAX - Content filtered by selector (v4.0.12+)
+ Code
+ View code
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="AJAX - Example 1 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax-en.html">AJAX - Example 1</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="Example of inline content" href="#inline_content">Inline content</a>
+ <section id="inline_content" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Title</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx lbx-modal" title="Example of a modal popup" href="#inline_content_modal">Modal popup</a>
+ <section id="inline_content_modal" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Title</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="AJAX - Content filtered by the URL hash" href="ajax/ajax4-en.html#filter-id">AJAX - Content filtered by URL hash (v4.0.7+)</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="AJAX - Content filtered by a selector" href="ajax/ajax4-en.html" data-wb-lbx='{"filter": ".filter-selector"}'>AJAX - Content filtered by a selector (v4.0.12+)</a>
+ </li>
+ Galleries
+ Image gallery
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-gal">
+ <h4>Image gallery</h4>
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/2_b.jpg" title="Image 2">
+ <img src="demo/2_s.jpg" alt="Image 2" aria-describedby="image2-desc" longdesc="#image2-desc" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/3_b.jpg" title="Image 3">
+ <img src="demo/3_s.jpg" alt="Image 3" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/4_b.jpg" title="Image 4">
+ <img src="demo/4_s.jpg" alt="Image 4" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ AJAX gallery
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-gal">
+ <h4>AJAX gallery</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Example 1 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax1-en.html">AJAX - Example 1</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Example 2 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax2-en.html">AJAX - Example 2</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Example 3 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax3-en.html">AJAX - Example 3</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Hidden image galleries
+ Image gallery
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-hide-gal">
+ <h4>Image gallery</h4>
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/2_b.jpg" title="Image 2">
+ <img src="demo/2_s.jpg" alt="Image 2" aria-describedby="image2-desc" longdesc="#image2-desc" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/3_b.jpg" title="Image 3">
+ <img src="demo/3_s.jpg" alt="Image 3" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/4_b.jpg" title="Image 4">
+ <img src="demo/4_s.jpg" alt="Image 4" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ AJAX gallery
+ Code
+ View code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-hide-gal">
+ <h4>AJAX gallery</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Example 1 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax1-en.html">AJAX - Example 1</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Example 2 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax2-en.html">AJAX - Example 2</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Example 3 of AJAX content" href="ajax/ajax3-en.html">AJAX - Example 3</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Alternative image title
+ Image 1: Lorem ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit .
+ Image 2: Nulla mollis dolor leo. Quisque laoreet tincidunt mollis. Duis posuere scelerisque lectus quis lobortis.
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-lbx lbx-gal">
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1" data-title="image_1_b">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/2_b.jpg" title="Image 2" data-title="image_2_b">
+ <img src="demo/2_s.jpg" alt="Image 2" aria-describedby="image2-desc" longdesc="#image2-desc" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<p id="image_1_b"><strong>Image 1:</strong> Lorem ipsum consectetur <em>adipiscing elit</em>.</p>
+<p id="image_2_b"><strong>Image 2:</strong> Nulla mollis dolor leo. Quisque laoreet tincidunt mollis. Duis posuere scelerisque lectus quis lobortis.</p>
+ Opening popups through JavaScript
+ Popups can be opened through JavaScript with:
+ $( document ).trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1"
+ ]
+ Lightbox to open
+ Image
+ Inline content
+ Modal popup
+ Image gallery
+ Open lightbox
+ Code
+ View code
+ <label for="lbx-select">Lightbox to open</label>
+<select id="lbx-select">
+ <option value="1">Image</option>
+ <option value="2">AJAX</option>
+ <option value="3">Inline content</option>
+ <option value="4">Modal popup</option>
+ <option value="5">Image gallery</option>
+<button id="lbx-open-btn" type="button">Open lightbox</button>
+ JavaScript
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc;
+$document.on( "click vclick", "#lbx-open-btn", function( event ) {
+ var value = $( "#lbx-select" ).val();
+ if ( value === "1" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1"
+ ]
+ ]);
+ } else if ( value === "2" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "ajax/ajax1-en.html",
+ type: "ajax"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]);
+ } else if ( value === "3" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "#inline_content",
+ type: "inline"
+ }
+ ]
+ ]);
+ } else if ( value === "4" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "#inline_content_modal",
+ type: "inline"
+ }
+ ],
+ true
+ ]);
+ } else if ( value === "5" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }, {
+ src: "demo/2_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }, {
+ src: "demo/3_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1",
+ "Image 2",
+ "Image 3"
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-05-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d94950be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/lightbox/lightbox-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+ Lightbox - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Lightbox
+ Table des matières
+ Caractéristiques
+ Affiche les images dans l'outil Magnific Popup
+ Utilisation d'un souris, écran tactile ou clavier pour une navigation facile.
+ Exemples
+ Description longue d'image 2
+ Exemple d'une description longue d'image 2 (référencé par aria-describedby
+ Articles seules
+ AJAX - Exemple 1
+ AJAX - remplacer le comportement par defaut d'un lien sur une image avec lbx-ajax
+ Contenu incorporé
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ Contenu superposé modal
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
Lien - apparence par défaut
+ AJAX - Contenu filtrer par le « hash » de l'URL (v4.0.7+)
+ AJAX - Contenu filtrer par un sélecteur (v4.0.12+)
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="Exemple de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax-en.html">Contenu AJAX</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="Exemple de contenu incorporé" href="#inline_content">Contenu incorporé</a>
+ <div id="inline_content" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <section class="modal-content">
+ <header class="modal-header overlay-hd">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Titre</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx lbx-modal" title="Exemple de contenu superposé modal" href="#inline_content_modal">Contenu superposé modal</a>
+ <div id="inline_content_modal" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <section class="modal-content">
+ <header class="modal-header overlay-hd">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Titre</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="AJAX - Contenu filtrer par le « hash » de l'URL" href="ajax/ajax4-fr.html#filter-id">AJAX - Contenu filtrer par le « hash » de l'URL (v4.0.7+)</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a class="wb-lbx" title="AJAX - Contenu filtrer par un sélecteur" href="ajax/ajax4-fr.html" data-wb-lbx='{"filter": ".filter-selector"}'>AJAX - Contenu filtrer par un sélecteur (v4.0.12+)</a>
+ </li>
+ Galeries
+ Galerie d'images
+ Code
+ Visualier le code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-gal">
+ <h4>Galerie d'images</h4>
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/2_b.jpg" title="Image 2">
+ <img src="demo/2_s.jpg" alt="Image 2" aria-describedby="image2-desc" longdesc="#image2-desc" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/3_b.jpg" title="Image 3">
+ <img src="demo/3_s.jpg" alt="Image 3" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/4_b.jpg" title="Image 4">
+ <img src="demo/4_s.jpg" alt="Image 4" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Galerie d'AJAX
+ Code
+ Visualier le code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-gal">
+ <h4>Galerie d'AJAX</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Exemple 1 de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax1-fr.html">AJAX - Exemple 1</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Exemple 2 de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax2-fr.html">AJAX - Exemple 2</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Exemple 3 de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax3-fr.html">AJAX - Exemple 3</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Galeries cachés
+ Galerie d'images
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-hide-gal">
+ <h5>Galerie d'images</h5>
+ <ul class="list-inline">
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/2_b.jpg" title="Image 2">
+ <img src="demo/2_s.jpg" alt="Image 2" aria-describedby="image2-desc" longdesc="#image2-desc" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/3_b.jpg" title="Image 3">
+ <img src="demo/3_s.jpg" alt="Image 3" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/4_b.jpg" title="Image 4">
+ <img src="demo/4_s.jpg" alt="Image 4" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Galerie d'AJAX
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <section class="wb-lbx lbx-hide-gal">
+ <h5>Galerie d'AJAX</h5>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Exemple 1 de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax1-fr.html">AJAX - Exemple 1</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Exemple 2 de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax2-fr.html">AJAX - Exemple 2</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a title="AJAX - Exemple 3 de contenu AJAX" href="ajax/ajax3-fr.html">AJAX - Exemple 3</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Titre de l'image alternative
+ Image 1 : Lorem ipsum consectetur adipiscing elit .
+ Image 2 : Nulla mollis dolor leo. Quisque laoreet tincidunt mollis. Duis posuere scelerisque lectus quis lobortis.
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-lbx lbx-gal inline-lst">
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/1_b.jpg" title="Image 1" data-title="image_1_b">
+ <img src="demo/1_s.jpg" alt="Image 1" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="demo/2_b.jpg" title="Image 2" data-title="image_2_b">
+ <img src="demo/2_s.jpg" alt="Image 2" aria-describedby="image2-desc" longdesc="#image2-desc" />
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+<p id="image_1_b"><strong>Image 1 :</strong> Lorem ipsum consectetur <em>adipiscing elit</em>.</p>
+<p id="image_2_b"><strong>Image 2 :</strong> Nulla mollis dolor leo. Quisque laoreet tincidunt mollis. Duis posuere scelerisque lectus quis lobortis.</p>
+ Ouvrir de contenu superposé « Lightbox » via JavaScript
+ Le contenu surperposé « Lightbox » peut être ouverte via JavaScript avec :
+ $( document ).trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1"
+ ]
+ Contenu superposé « Lightbox » à ouvrir
+ Image
+ Contenu incorporé
+ Contenu superposé modal
+ Galerie d'images
+ Ouvrir le contenu superposé « Lightbox »
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <label for="lbx-select">Contenu superposé « Lightbox » à ouvrir</label>
+<select id="lbx-select">
+ <option value="1">Image</option>
+ <option value="2">AJAX</option>
+ <option value="3">Contenu incorporé</option>
+ <option value="4">Contenu superposé modal</option>
+ <option value="5">Galerie d'images</option>
+<button id="lbx-open-btn" type="button">Ouvrir le contenu superposé « Lightbox »</button>
+ JavaScript
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var $document = wb.doc;
+$document.on( "click vclick", "#lbx-open-btn", function( event ) {
+ var value = $( "#lbx-select" ).val();
+ if ( value === "1" ) {
+ $document.trigger( "open.wb-lbx", [
+ [
+ {
+ src: "demo/1_b.jpg",
+ type: "image"
+ }
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+ [
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+ }
+ ],
+ false,
+ [
+ "Image 1",
+ "Image 2",
+ "Image 3"
+ ]
+ ]);
+ }
+})( jQuery, wb );
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-03-09
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80d945795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/mathml/mathml-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1570 @@
+ MathML polyfill - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ MathML polyfill
+This polyfill loads MathJax when MathML is detected on the page and the browser has inadequate MathML support.
+Known issues
+Browsers that lack both MathML and SVG support (e.g., IE7 - IE9) will take longer to load MathML than browsers with either SVG or MathML support
+IE8 takes a lot longer to load MathML than either IE7 or IE9 (known MathJax reflow issue)
+Pages with a lot of complex formulas can take a few minutes to load on slow machines running IE8 (known MathJax issue)
+Examples of simple formulas
+Given the quadratic equation
+ a
+ x
+ 2
+ +
+ b
+ x
+ +
+ c
+ =
+ 0
+, the roots are given by
+ x
+ =
+ −
+ b
+ ±
+ b
+ 2
+ −
+ 4
+ a
+ c
+ 2
+ a
+Examples of complex formulas
+Bernoulli Trials
+ P
+ (
+ E
+ )
+ Probability of event E: Get exactly k heads in n coin flips.
+ =
+ (
+ n
+ k
+ )
+ Number of ways to get exactly k heads in n coin flips
+ p
+ Probability of getting heads in one flip
+ k
+ Number of heads
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ p
+ )
+ Probability of getting tails in one flip
+ n
+ -
+ k
+ Number of tails
+Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
+ (
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ n
+ a
+ k
+ b
+ k
+ )
+ 2
+ ≤
+ (
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ n
+ a
+ k
+ 2
+ )
+ (
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ n
+ b
+ k
+ 2
+ )
+Cauchy Formula
+ f
+ (
+ z
+ )
+ ·
+ Ind
+ γ
+ (
+ z
+ )
+ =
+ 1
+ 2
+ π
+ i
+ ∮
+ γ
+ f
+ (
+ ξ
+ )
+ ξ
+ -
+ z
+ d
+ ξ
+Cross Product
+ V
+ 1
+ ×
+ V
+ 2
+ =
+ |
+ i
+ j
+ k
+ ∂
+ X
+ ∂
+ u
+ ∂
+ Y
+ ∂
+ u
+ 0
+ ∂
+ X
+ ∂
+ v
+ ∂
+ Y
+ ∂
+ v
+ 0
+ |
+Vandermonde Determinant
+ |
+ 1
+ 1
+ ⋯
+ 1
+ v
+ 1
+ v
+ 2
+ ⋯
+ v
+ n
+ v
+ 1
+ 2
+ v
+ 2
+ 2
+ ⋯
+ v
+ n
+ 2
+ ⋮
+ ⋮
+ ⋱
+ ⋮
+ v
+ 1
+ n
+ -
+ 1
+ v
+ 2
+ n
+ -
+ 1
+ ⋯
+ v
+ n
+ n
+ -
+ 1
+ |
+ =
+ ∏
+ 1
+ ≤
+ i
+ <
+ j
+ ≤
+ n
+ (
+ v
+ j
+ -
+ v
+ i
+ )
+Lorenz Equations
+ x
+ ˙
+ =
+ σ
+ (
+ y
+ -
+ x
+ )
+ y
+ ˙
+ =
+ ρ
+ x
+ -
+ y
+ -
+ x
+ z
+ z
+ ˙
+ =
+ -
+ β
+ z
+ +
+ x
+ y
+Maxwell's Equations
+ {
+ ∇
+ ×
+ B
+ ↼
+ -
+ 1
+ c
+ ∂
+ E
+ ↼
+ ∂
+ t
+ =
+ 4
+ π
+ c
+ j
+ ↼
+ ∇
+ ·
+ E
+ ↼
+ =
+ 4
+ π
+ ρ
+ ∇
+ ×
+ E
+ ↼
+ +
+ 1
+ c
+ ∂
+ B
+ ↼
+ ∂
+ t
+ =
+ 0
+ ↼
+ ∇
+ ·
+ B
+ ↼
+ =
+ 0
+Einstein Field Equations
+ R
+ μ
+ ν
+ -
+ 1
+ 2
+ g
+ μ
+ ν
+ R
+ =
+ 8
+ π
+ G
+ c
+ 4
+ T
+ μ
+ ν
+Ramanujan Identity
+ 1
+ (
+ φ
+ 5
+ -
+ φ
+ )
+ e
+ 25
+ π
+ =
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 2
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 4
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 6
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 8
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ …
+Another Ramanujan identity
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ ∞
+ 1
+ 2
+ ⌊
+ k
+ ·
+ φ
+ ⌋
+ =
+ 1
+ 2
+ 0
+ +
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+ +
+ ⋯
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+ +
+ 1
+ 2
+ 2
+ +
+ ⋯
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ +
+ 1
+ 2
+ 5
+ +
+ …
+Rogers-Ramanujan Identity
+ 1
+ +
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ ∞
+ q
+ k
+ 2
+ +
+ k
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 2
+ )
+ ⋯
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ k
+ )
+ q
+ 2
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ )
+ +
+ q
+ 6
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 2
+ )
+ +
+ ⋯
+ =
+ ∏
+ j
+ =
+ 0
+ ∞
+ 1
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 5
+ j
+ +
+ 2
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 5
+ j
+ +
+ 3
+ )
+ 1
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 2
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 3
+ )
+ ×
+ 1
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 7
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 8
+ )
+ ×
+ ⋯
+ ,
+ for
+ |
+ q
+ |
+ <
+ 1
+ .
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/mathml/mathml-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/mathml/mathml-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d91831a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/mathml/mathml-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1572 @@
+ Correctif MathML - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif MathML
+This polyfill loads MathJax when MathML is detected on the page and the browser has inadequate MathML support.
+Known issues
+Browsers that lack both MathML and SVG support (e.g., IE7 - IE9) will take longer to load MathML than browsers with either SVG or MathML support
+IE8 takes a lot longer to load MathML than either IE7 or IE9 (known MathJax reflow issue)
+Pages with a lot of complex formulas can take a few minutes to load on slow machines running IE8 (known MathJax issue)
+Exemples de formules simples
+Compte tenu de l'équation quadratique
+ a
+ x
+ 2
+ +
+ b
+ x
+ +
+ c
+ =
+ 0
+, les racines sont données par
+ x
+ =
+ −
+ b
+ ±
+ b
+ 2
+ −
+ 4
+ a
+ c
+ 2
+ a
+Exemples de formules complexes
+Épreuve de Bernoulli
+ P
+ (
+ E
+ )
+ Probabilité d'un événement E : Obtenir exactement k faces sur n tirages à pile ou face.
+ =
+ (
+ n
+ k
+ )
+ Nombre de façons permettant d'obtenir exactement k faces sur n tirages à pile ou face
+ p
+ Probabilité d'obtenir face sur un tirage à pile ou face
+ k
+ Nombre de faces
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ p
+ )
+ Probabilité d'obtenir pile sur un tirage à pile ou face
+ n
+ -
+ k
+ Nombre de piles
+Inégalité de Cauchy-Schwarz
+ (
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ n
+ a
+ k
+ b
+ k
+ )
+ 2
+ ≤
+ (
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ n
+ a
+ k
+ 2
+ )
+ (
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ n
+ b
+ k
+ 2
+ )
+Formule intégrale de Cauch
+ f
+ (
+ z
+ )
+ ·
+ Ind
+ γ
+ (
+ z
+ )
+ =
+ 1
+ 2
+ π
+ i
+ ∮
+ γ
+ f
+ (
+ ξ
+ )
+ ξ
+ -
+ z
+ d
+ ξ
+Produit vectoriel
+ V
+ 1
+ ×
+ V
+ 2
+ =
+ |
+ i
+ j
+ k
+ ∂
+ X
+ ∂
+ u
+ ∂
+ Y
+ ∂
+ u
+ 0
+ ∂
+ X
+ ∂
+ v
+ ∂
+ Y
+ ∂
+ v
+ 0
+ |
+Déterminant de Vandermonde
+ |
+ 1
+ 1
+ ⋯
+ 1
+ v
+ 1
+ v
+ 2
+ ⋯
+ v
+ n
+ v
+ 1
+ 2
+ v
+ 2
+ 2
+ ⋯
+ v
+ n
+ 2
+ ⋮
+ ⋮
+ ⋱
+ ⋮
+ v
+ 1
+ n
+ -
+ 1
+ v
+ 2
+ n
+ -
+ 1
+ ⋯
+ v
+ n
+ n
+ -
+ 1
+ |
+ =
+ ∏
+ 1
+ ≤
+ i
+ <
+ j
+ ≤
+ n
+ (
+ v
+ j
+ -
+ v
+ i
+ )
+Attracteur de Lorenz
+ x
+ ˙
+ =
+ σ
+ (
+ y
+ -
+ x
+ )
+ y
+ ˙
+ =
+ ρ
+ x
+ -
+ y
+ -
+ x
+ z
+ z
+ ˙
+ =
+ -
+ β
+ z
+ +
+ x
+ y
+Équations de Maxwell
+ {
+ ∇
+ ×
+ B
+ ↼
+ -
+ 1
+ c
+ ∂
+ E
+ ↼
+ ∂
+ t
+ =
+ 4
+ π
+ c
+ j
+ ↼
+ ∇
+ ·
+ E
+ ↼
+ =
+ 4
+ π
+ ρ
+ ∇
+ ×
+ E
+ ↼
+ +
+ 1
+ c
+ ∂
+ B
+ ↼
+ ∂
+ t
+ =
+ 0
+ ↼
+ ∇
+ ·
+ B
+ ↼
+ =
+ 0
+Équation de champ d'Einstein
+ R
+ μ
+ ν
+ -
+ 1
+ 2
+ g
+ μ
+ ν
+ R
+ =
+ 8
+ π
+ G
+ c
+ 4
+ T
+ μ
+ ν
+Identité de Ramanujan
+ 1
+ (
+ φ
+ 5
+ -
+ φ
+ )
+ e
+ 25
+ π
+ =
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 2
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 4
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 6
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ e
+ -
+ 8
+ π
+ 1
+ +
+ …
+Une autre identité de Ramanujan
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ ∞
+ 1
+ 2
+ ⌊
+ k
+ ·
+ φ
+ ⌋
+ =
+ 1
+ 2
+ 0
+ +
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+ +
+ ⋯
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+ +
+ 1
+ 2
+ 2
+ +
+ ⋯
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ +
+ 1
+ 2
+ 5
+ +
+ …
+Identité de Rogers-Ramanujan
+ 1
+ +
+ ∑
+ k
+ =
+ 1
+ ∞
+ q
+ k
+ 2
+ +
+ k
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 2
+ )
+ ⋯
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ k
+ )
+ q
+ 2
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ )
+ +
+ q
+ 6
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 2
+ )
+ +
+ ⋯
+ =
+ ∏
+ j
+ =
+ 0
+ ∞
+ 1
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 5
+ j
+ +
+ 2
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 5
+ j
+ +
+ 3
+ )
+ 1
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 2
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 3
+ )
+ ×
+ 1
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 7
+ )
+ (
+ 1
+ -
+ q
+ 8
+ )
+ ×
+ ⋯
+ ,
+ for
+ |
+ q
+ |
+ <
+ 1
+ .
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-1-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-1-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ec86a02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-1-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-1-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-1-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..969a39c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-1-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Exemple de pied de page
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-2-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-2-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e3ac2434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-2-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-2-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3cb972b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Exemple de pied de page
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-3-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-3-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67eaca35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-3-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-3-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-3-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e7ffad8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-error-3-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-heading-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-heading-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..371b5dcf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-heading-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-heading-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-heading-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16626cea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-heading-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Exemple de pied de page
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-link-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-link-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f2972365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-link-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-link-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-link-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b6010ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-link-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Exemple de pied de page
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-list-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-list-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c435494fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-list-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-list-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-list-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6e1e08cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-list-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Exemple de pied de page
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-mix-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-mix-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea8907223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-mix-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Example Footer
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-mix-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-mix-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d98bd4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/footer-menu-mix-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Exemple de pied de page
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/menu-include-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/menu-include-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc430835e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/menu-include-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/menu-include-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/menu-include-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bb73043b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/ajax/menu-include-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Menu des sujets
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-1-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-1-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9162a84fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-1-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ Linked Heading And List - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Linked Heading And List
+ Purpose
+ This structure is not supported. A combination of the list and lone heading pattern. This will not render properly in the menu panel, as the heading link will not be clickable.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 1</a></h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 1.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 1.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 2</a></h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 2.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 2.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 3</a></h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 3.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 3.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
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+ 2018-08-06
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb9141ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-1-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ Titre avec lien et liste - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Titre avec lien et liste
+ But
+ Cette structure n'est pas supportée. Une combination des structures « titre suivi par liste » et « titre avec lien ». Dans le menu, le lien dans le titre ne sera pas accessible.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 1</a></h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 1.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 1.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 2</a></h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 2.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 2.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 3</a></h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 3.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 3.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6363ea65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ Multiple Links Without List - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Multiple Links Without List
+ Purpose
+ This structure is not supported. A heading followed by a multiple links, either on their own, in paragraphs, or in smaller headings. Only the first link will be clickable in the menu panel.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 1</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 1.1</a></p>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 1.2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 2</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 2.1</a></p>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 2.2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 3</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 3.1</a></p>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 3.2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de973f9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ Plusieurs liens sans liste - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Plusieurs liens sans liste
+ But
+ Cette structure n'est pas supportée. Un titre suivi par plusieurs liens, soit seuls ou dans des paragraphes. Dans le menu, seulement le premier lien sera accessible.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 1</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 1.1</a></p>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 1.2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 2</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 2.1</a></p>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 2.2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 3</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 3.1</a></p>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 3.2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-3-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-3-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eecfeb9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-3-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ Multiple Linked Headings - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Multiple Linked Headings
+ Purpose
+ This structure is not supported. Multiple headings of the same size, each containing links. These will cause unwanted gaps in the menu panel. Additionally, this structure is not compliant to the HTML5 specification.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 1</a></h3>
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 2</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 3</a></h3>
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 4</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 5</a></h3>
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 6</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98d65d452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-error-3-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ Plusieurs titres avec un lien - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Plusieurs titres avec un lien
+ But
+ Cette structure n'est pas supportée. Plusieurs titres qui contiennent tous un lien. Dans le menu, ceci créera des éspaces vides.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 1</a></h3>
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 2</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 3</a></h3>
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 4</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 5</a></h3>
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 6</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-heading-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-heading-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcef530d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-heading-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ Linked Heading - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Linked Heading
+ Purpose
+ A heading on its own, containing a link. In the menu panel, this is rendered as a single menu item.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 1</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 2</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 3</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-heading-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-heading-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4840ab0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-heading-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ Titre avec lien - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Titre avec lien
+ But
+ Un titre qui contient un lien. Dans le menu, ceci est affiché comme un seul article.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 1</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 2</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 3</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-link-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-link-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1bfb08e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-link-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ Single Link - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Single Link
+ Purpose
+ A heading followed by a single link, either on its own or in a paragraph. In the menu panel, this is rendered as a single menu item, with the heading as the text.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 1</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 1</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 2</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 3</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 3</a></p>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-link-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-link-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f97f54e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-link-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ Un seul lien - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Un seul lien
+ But
+ Un titre suivi par un seul lien, soit tous seul ou dans un paragraph. Dans le menu, ceci est affiché comme un seul article.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Exemple de pied de page</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 1</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 1</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 2</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 2</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 3</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 3</a></p>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-list-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-list-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5bcfa61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-list-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ Heading With List - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Heading With List
+ Purpose
+ Use a heading followed by a list when multiple links need to be displayed. In the menu panel, this is rendered as a <details>
element, with the heading as a summary.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 1</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 1.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 1.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 2</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 2.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 2.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 3</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 3.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 3.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-list-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-list-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a163f629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-list-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ Liste de liens - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Liste de liens
+ But
+ Utiliser un titre suivi par une liste de liens pour afficher plusieurs liens. Dans le menu, ceci prend la forme d'un élément <details>
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 1</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 1.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 1.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 2</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 2.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 2.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 3</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 3.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 3.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-mix-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-mix-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96871f977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-mix-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ Mixed Structures - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Mixed Structures
+ Purpose
+ A single footer can contain sections that use different patterns. This will work, but it is not officially supported. Consider using the same pattern for all sections instead.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 1</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 1.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">List Element 1.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Heading 2</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Link 2.1</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Heading 3</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-mix-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-mix-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abbe23ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-demos/footer-menu-mix-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ Structures mélangées - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Structures mélangées
+ But
+ Le pied de page peut être composé de plus qu'une structure acceptée. Cependant, ceci n'est pas officiellement supporté. Considère utiliser qu'une seule structure.
+ Code
+ <footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info" class="visible-sm visible-md visible-lg wb-navcurr">
+ <div class="container">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="row">
+ <h2>Example Footer</h2>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 1</h3>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 1.1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Élément de liste 1.2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3>Titre 2</h3>
+ <p><a href="#">Lien 2.1</a></p>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-4">
+ <h3><a href="#">Titre 3</a></h3>
+ </section>
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ec74e788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ Footer Menu Integration - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Footer Menu Integration
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd9c1f99b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/footer-menu-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ Pied de page dans le menu - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Pied de page dans le menu
+ Structures acceptées
+ Structures non acceptées
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/menu-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/menu-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72b6963d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/menu-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ Menu - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Menu
+ Purpose
+ Provides an interactive menu with optional sub-menus.
+ Example
+ Large screens: The menu is rendered in the header as a menu bar.
+ Small and medium screens: The menu is rendered as a side panel, triggered by a menu button in the header, and includes the secondary menu and the footer.
+ Code
+ In-page HTML
+ <nav role="navigation" id="wb-sm" data-ajax-replace="ajax/menu-include-en.html" data-trgt="mb-pnl" class="wb-menu visible-md visible-lg" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container nvbar">
+ <h2>Topics menu</h2>
+ <div class="row">
+ <ul class="list-inline menu">
+ <li><a href="#">Section 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Section 2</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Section 3</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ menu-include-en.html
+ <div class="pnl-strt container visible-md visible-lg nvbar">
+ <h2>Topics menu</h2>
+ <div class="row">
+ <ul class="list-inline menu" role="menubar">
+ <li><a href="#lore" class="item">Section 1</a>
+ <ul class="sm list-unstyled" id="lore" role="menu">
+ <li><a href="#">Item 1.1</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#lor" class="item">Section 2</a>
+ <ul class="sm list-unstyled" id="lor" role="menu" >
+ <li><a href="#">Item 2.1</a></li>
+ ...
+ <li class="slflnk"><a href="#">Section 2 - More</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#lorm" class="item">Section 3</a>
+ <ul class="sm list-unstyled" id="lorm" role="menu" >
+ <li>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Section 3.1</summary>
+ <ul role="menu">
+ <li><a href="#">Item 3.1.1</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ </details>
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-06-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/menu-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/menu-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd2d43f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/menu/menu-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Menu - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Menu
+ But
+ Une barre de menu interactive comprenant des sous-menus optionnels.
+ Exemple
+ Grands écrans : Le menu est affiché dans l'en-tête comme une barre de menu.
+ Petits écrans et écrans de taille moyenne : Le menu est affiché comme un panneau latéral, activé par un bouton de menu dans l'en-tête, et comprend le menu secondaire et le pied de page.
+ Code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <nav role="navigation" id="wb-sm" data-ajax-replace="ajax/menu-include-fr.html" data-trgt="mb-pnl" class="wb-menu visible-md visible-lg" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container nvbar">
+ <h2>Menu des sujets</h2>
+ <div class="row">
+ <ul class="list-inline menu">
+ <li><a href="#">Section 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Section 2</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Section 3</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ menu-include-fr.html
+ <div class="pnl-strt container visible-md visible-lg nvbar">
+ <h2>Menu des sujets</h2>
+ <div class="row">
+ <ul class="list-inline menu" role="menubar">
+ <li><a href="#lore" class="item">Section 1</a>
+ <ul class="sm list-unstyled" id="lore" role="menu">
+ <li><a href="#">Article 1.1</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#lor" class="item">Section 2</a>
+ <ul class="sm list-unstyled" id="lor" role="menu" >
+ <li><a href="#">Article 2.1</a></li>
+ ...
+ <li class="slflnk"><a href="#">Section 2 - Autre</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#lorm" class="item">Section 3</a>
+ <ul class="sm list-unstyled" id="lorm" role="menu" >
+ <li>
+ <details>
+ <summary>Section 3.1</summary>
+ <ul role="menu">
+ <li><a href="#">Article 3.1.1</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ </details>
+ </li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-06-12
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/demo/meter.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/demo/meter.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d7f083ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/demo/meter.css
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+meter {
+ width: 10em; }
+.meter {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.no-js #decreaseMeter,
+.no-js #increaseMeter {
+ display: none; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/demo/meter.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/demo/meter.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8216c86f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/demo/meter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/*jshint unused: false*/
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+wb.doc.on( "click vclick", "#increaseMeter, #decreaseMeter", function( event ) {
+ var $elm = $( "#updateTest" ),
+ increase = event.currentTarget.id === "increaseMeter",
+ valuenow = parseInt( $elm.attr( "value" ), 10 ),
+ limit = parseInt( $elm.attr( increase ? "max" : "min" ), 10 ),
+ change = increase ? 1 : -1,
+ newValue = valuenow === limit ? 0 : valuenow + change;
+ $elm
+ .attr( "value", newValue )
+ .find( "span" )
+ .text( newValue );
+ // Update the visuals
+ $elm.trigger( "wb-update.wb-meter" );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/meter-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/meter-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7c62f2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/meter-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ Meter polyfill - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Meter polyfill
+ Purpose
+ The HTML5 meter
element displays a scalar measurement within a known range. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA.
+ Description that is included in HTML5
+ The meter
element represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value; for example disk usage, the relevance of a query result, or the fraction of a voting population to have selected a particular candidate.
+ This is also known as a gauge.
+ The meter
element should not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For that role, HTML provides a separate progress
+ The meter
element also does not represent a scalar value of arbitrary range — for example, it would be wrong to use this to report a weight, or height, unless there is a known maximum value.
+ Examples
+ Description
+ Min
+ Low
+ Value
+ Max
+ High
+ Result
+ Normal (75%)
+ 20
+ n/a
+ 65
+ 80
+ n/a
+ 75% (normal)
+ Too high (90%)
+ 0
+ n/a
+ 90
+ 100
+ 80
+ 90% (too high)
+ Too low (15%)
+ 100
+ 120
+ 115
+ 200
+ 180
+ 15% (too low)
+ Decrease
+ Increase
+ 150
+ View code
+ <table class="table table-striped">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Description</th>
+ <th scope="col">Min</th>
+ <th scope="col">Low</th>
+ <th scope="col">Value</th>
+ <th scope="col">Max</th>
+ <th scope="col">High</th>
+ <th scope="col">Result</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Normal (75%)</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>n/a</td>
+ <td>65</td>
+ <td>80</td>
+ <td>n/a</td>
+ <td><meter min="20" value="65" max="80">75% (normal)</meter></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Too high (90%)</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>n/a</td>
+ <td>90</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>80</td>
+ <td><meter min="0" value="90" max="100" high="80">90% (too high)</meter></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Too low (15%)</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>120</td>
+ <td>115</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>180</td>
+ <td><meter min="100" low="120" value="115" max="200" high="180">15% (too low)</meter></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3"><button class="btn btn-default" id="decreaseMeter" type="button">Decrease</button></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><button class="btn btn-default" id="increaseMeter" type="button">Increase</button></td>
+ <td><meter id="updateTest" min="100" low="120" value="150" max="200" high="180"><span class="wb-inv">150</span></meter>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ JavaScript (demo only)
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+$( document ).on( "click vclick", "#increaseMeter, #decreaseMeter", function( event ) {
+ var $elm = $( "#updateTest" ),
+ increase = event.currentTarget.id === "increaseMeter",
+ valuenow = parseInt( $elm.attr( "value" ), 10 ),
+ limit = parseInt( $elm.attr( increase ? "max" : "min" ), 10 ),
+ change = increase ? 1 : -1,
+ newValue = valuenow === limit ? 0 : valuenow + change;
+ $elm
+ .attr( "value", newValue )
+ .find( "span" )
+ .text( newValue );
+ // Update the visuals
+ $elm.trigger( "wb-update.wb-meter" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/meter-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/meter-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47140242e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/meter/meter-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ Correctif « meter » (compteur) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « meter » (compteur)
+ But
+ L'élément « meter
» de HTML5 affiche une mesure scalaire dans une gamme connue. Étant donné que certains navigateurs ne prennent pas en charge cette fonctionnalité à l'origine, ce correctif émule la même fonctionnalité en utilisant HTML générique et WAI-ARIA.
+ Description qui est inclus dans HTML5
+ The meter
element represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value; for example disk usage, the relevance of a query result, or the fraction of a voting population to have selected a particular candidate.
+ This is also known as a gauge.
+ The meter
element should not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For that role, HTML provides a separate progress
+ The meter
element also does not represent a scalar value of arbitrary range — for example, it would be wrong to use this to report a weight, or height, unless there is a known maximum value.
+ Exemples
+ Description
+ Min
+ Low
+ Value
+ Max
+ High
+ Résultat
+ Normal (75%)
+ 20
+ n/a
+ 65
+ 80
+ n/a
+ 75 % (normal)
+ Trop haut (90%)
+ 0
+ n/a
+ 90
+ 100
+ 80
+ 90 % (trop haut)
+ Trop bas (15 %)
+ 100
+ 120
+ 115
+ 200
+ 180
+ 15 % (trop bas)
+ Diminuer
+ Augmenter
+ 150
+ View code
+ <table class="table table-striped">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Description</th>
+ <th scope="col" lang="en">Min</th>
+ <th scope="col" lang="en">Low</th>
+ <th scope="col" lang="en">Value</th>
+ <th scope="col" lang="en">Max</th>
+ <th scope="col" lang="en">High</th>
+ <th scope="col">Résultat</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Normal (75%)</td>
+ <td>20</td>
+ <td>n/a</td>
+ <td>65</td>
+ <td>80</td>
+ <td>n/a</td>
+ <td><meter min="20" value="65" max="80">75 % (normal)</meter></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Trop haut (90%)</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>n/a</td>
+ <td>90</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>80</td>
+ <td><meter min="0" value="90" max="100" high="80">90 % (trop haut)</meter></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Trop bas (15 %)</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td>120</td>
+ <td>115</td>
+ <td>200</td>
+ <td>180</td>
+ <td><meter min="100" low="120" value="115" max="200" high="180">15 % (trop bas)</meter></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3"><button class="btn btn-default" id="decreaseMeter" type="button">Diminuer</button></td>
+ <td colspan="3"><button class="btn btn-default" id="increaseMeter" type="button">Augmenter</button></td>
+ <td><meter id="updateTest" min="100" low="120" value="150" max="200" high="180"><span class="wb-inv">150</span></meter>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ JavaScript (démo seulement)
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+$( document ).on( "click vclick", "#increaseMeter, #decreaseMeter", function( event ) {
+ var $elm = $( "#updateTest" ),
+ increase = event.currentTarget.id === "increaseMeter",
+ valuenow = parseInt( $elm.attr( "value" ), 10 ),
+ limit = parseInt( $elm.attr( increase ? "max" : "min" ), 10 ),
+ change = increase ? 1 : -1,
+ newValue = valuenow === limit ? 0 : valuenow + change;
+ $elm
+ .attr( "value", newValue )
+ .find( "span" )
+ .text( newValue );
+ // Update the visuals
+ $elm.trigger( "wb-update.wb-meter" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42da39d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ Looking for a Job - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Looking for a Job
+ Transcript
+ (Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Looking for A Job)
+ (Cut to a medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears and waves.)
+ Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.
+ You may have heard the old saying that,
+ when you're out of work, finding a job is your
+ full-time occupation.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person walks to right side of screen. Screenshot of job bank website appears in animated computer screen.)
+ Well, there's a lot of truth to that:
+ finding a job does take time… and effort.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person rests head against computer screen in discouragement. But then perks-up.)
+ But don't get discouraged.
+ There are a number of online tools and programs available
+ to help you find a job.
+ (Close-up of the Host.)
+ No matter what you're looking for there are many Web sites
+ where employers post job notices looking for people
+ to fill vacant positions.
+ (Job Bank website reappears.)
+ One of these sites is called Job Bank.
+ It's updated every day, and lists job opportunities
+ that are available across the country.
+ (Close-up of the screen. Stick person’s profile. Words “Updated Daily and “48 Hours” appear on screen.)
+ Since the job ads on Job Bank are updated daily,
+ you should check them regularly.
+ And, you can search for jobs posted in the last 48 hours.
+ (Words “Advertise your Skills” and “Email your matches” appear on screen.)
+ On Job Bank you can also advertise your skills,
+ and even ask them to send you e-mails when jobs
+ that match your search criteria are posted.
+ (Close-up of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: of the Parliament Building. The web address jobs.gc.ca appears in large letters on the front lawn, stick person points to words.)
+ If you're thinking about working in the public sector,
+ jobs.gc.ca is the official Web site
+ for Government of Canada listings open to the public.
+ Keep in mind, that some departments,
+ like the Canada Revenue Agency and Parks Canada,
+ post jobs on their own sites too.
+ (Medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: stick person points to Job Bank web page, where words “User ID” and “Password” are highlighted.)
+ When you apply for jobs, potential employers might ask
+ you to send them your résumé and a covering letter.
+ Of course, you'll want to make a good first impression
+ on any potential employer.
+ (The text Résumé Builder appears across stick person’s screen.)
+ Here we can help too!
+ Check out our online Résumé Builder
+ on the Job Bank Web site.
+ It can show you how to create a first-class résumé
+ by giving you tips and different layout options.
+ (Medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: one stick person talks to another stick person behind a desk labelled Career Counsellor.)
+ And if you're not sure which jobs you'd like to apply for,
+ check out our Career Navigator tool to explore
+ occupations that you might be interested in.
+ As well, career counsellors are usually available through
+ your provincial or territorial government to help out.
+ (Close-up of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person take a bow. Service Canada logo appears.)
+ At Service Canada, we're people serving people.
+ (Dip to black.)
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06d65059a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ Trouver un emploi - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Trouver un emploi
+ Transcription
+ (La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Trouver un emploi ».)
+ Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille
+ à Service Canada.
+ (Coupure et plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes apparaît à l'écran.)
+ Vous savez que trouver un emploi est un travail à
+ temps plein qui exige beaucoup d'efforts
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes penche la tête en signe de découragement, mais la relève ensuite avec énergie en regardant l'écran d'ordinateur qui apparaît à l'écran.)
+ mais il ne faut pas vous laisser décourager
+ par l'ampleur de la tâche.
+ Nous avons mis à votre disposition de nombreux
+ outils et programmes en ligne pour vous aider
+ à trouver un emploi.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Guichet emplois » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Peu importe l'emploi que vous cherchez,
+ vous trouverez sur Internet de nombreux sites Web
+ où les employeurs affichent leurs postes vacants.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes se place de profil. Les mots « mis à jour quotidiennement » et « 48 heures » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle sous « Guichet emplois ».)
+ L'un de ces sites, Guichet emplois,
+ est mis à jour quotidiennement.
+ Vous y trouverez des occasions d'emploi
+ partout au pays.
+ Et puisque le site est mis à jour quotidiennement,
+ n'oubliez pas d'y jeter un coup d'oeil régulièrement.
+ Vous y trouverez les postes affichés au cours
+ des dernières 48 heures.
+ (Les mots « faites valoir vos compétences » et « liste des emplois correspondant à vos critères de recherche par courriel » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle sous « Guichet emplois ».)
+ Guichet emplois vous permet également de faire valoir
+ vos compétences, et de vous inscrire pour recevoir
+ par courriel une liste des emplois qui correspondent
+ à vos critères de recherche.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une photo de l'édifice du Parlement apparaît en arrière-plan. DESSIN AU TRAIT : L'adresse « emplois.gc.ca » apparaît sur une pancarte plantée dans la pelouse devant le Parlement, et le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers la pancarte.)
+ Si vous voulez travailler a gouvernement du Canada,
+ consultez le site emplois.gc.ca,
+ qui répertorie les postes ouverts au public
+ dans l'ensemble de la fonction publique fédérale.
+ Notez que certains ministères,
+ comme l'Agence du revenu du Canada et Parcs Canada,
+ affichent aussi les postes vacants sur leur propre site.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers une page du site Guichet emplois où les mots « Nom d'utilisateur » et « Mot de passe » sont mis en évidence.)
+ Vous aurez fort probablement à préparer un curriculum vitae
+ et une lettre de présentation lorsque vous ferez
+ une demande d'emploi, et bien entendu,
+ vous voudrez faire bonne impression.
+ (Les mots « Concepteur de CV » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Nous pouvons vous aider!
+ Grâce à l'outil Concepteur de CV,
+ que vous trouverez sur le site Guichet emplois,
+ vous pourrez obtenir des conseils,
+ choisir un modèle et créer un curriculum vitae
+ d'allure professionnelle.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Navigation carrière » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Si vous ne savez pas quel type d'emploi vous intéresse,
+ consultez l'outil Navigation carrière,
+ qui pourra vous aider à choisir une carrière
+ qui vous convient.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes parle à un autre bonhomme-allumettes assis derrière un bureau surmonté d'un panneau où figurent les mots « orientation professionnelle ».)
+ Aussi, le gouvernement de votre province ou territoire
+ offre sans doute un service d'orientation professionnelle
+ qui pourrait vous aider dans vos démarches.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le logo de Service Canada apparaît et le bonhomme-allumettes fait un salut.)
+ À Service Canada, nous sommes au service des gens.
+ (L'écran devient noir.)
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg2-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg2-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3001e3ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg2-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ Training and Development - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Training and Development
+ Transcript
+ (Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Training and development.)
+ Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.
+ (Cut to a close-up of the Host.)
+ Each and every day, Canadians are improving their job
+ skills or changing their career paths.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stairs appear and our stick person walks towards them, stops. Question marks appear around his head.)
+ Are you thinking about taking that step?
+ If so, did you know that you can research
+ more than 300 job profiles online?
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears with briefcase. And then wearing a hard hat and swinging a hammer.)
+ Plus, you can find out what skills you'll need
+ to get the job that interests you.
+ (Medium shot of Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: The (actual) Job Bank’s Training and learning page appears. The words “Training, Career and Worker Information” are highlighted.)
+ Job Bank's Training and Careers site lets you explore
+ adult-learning choices and explains the various options
+ that are available to help you pay
+ for the training you need.
+ (Medium shot of Host.)
+ You can even find counsellors, teachers,
+ and other resources near you if you'd like to have
+ more information before you make a decision.
+ (Medium shot of Host.)
+ And the support doesn't end there.
+ (Medium shot of Host. (actual) Service Canada home page. Dissolve to (actual) Labour Market Information site.)
+ From the alphabetical index on our Service Canada home page,
+ you can link to the Labour Market Information site.
+ There, you'll find out what kinds of jobs are available,
+ by area, across the country, and what skills you'll need
+ to get those jobs.
+ (Medium shot of Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: our stick person in a classroom setting.)
+ But, what if you decide to go for full-time training?
+ Well, there are a number of loans and grants available
+ that could help you with the costs.
+ (Medium shot of Host.)
+ For example, there's the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
+ for those who've completed the first or second level
+ of their apprenticeship.
+ And for those who've completed the entire apprenticeship,
+ in a specific trade,
+ there's the Apprenticeship Completion Grant.
+ (Show (actual) Canada Student Loans Program – Permanent Disability Benefit web page. Words “Student Loans Program” and “Study Grant” appear.)
+ If you have a permanent disability,
+ you may want to look into the Canada Student Loans program,
+ or apply for a study grant.
+ (Show main Life-Long Learning Plan program pages.)
+ Under the Life-Long Learning Plan program,
+ you can find out how to use some of your RRSP funds
+ to pay for your education or training.
+ (Medium shot of Host.)
+ Whatever you see yourself doing,
+ why not take the time to discover all your options?
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: our stick person waves.)
+ Doing your homework now can help you get
+ on the right path to finding the work you want.
+ (Our stick person appears typing at computer and desk. (actual) Canada homepage, Job Bank and LMI pages loom out from the computer.)
+ Be sure to check out our Service Canada Web site.
+ There you'll find the tools and information
+ you need to continue your education and training.
+ It really is time well spent.
+ (Tight shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Service Canada logo. Stick person takes a bow.)
+ At Service Canada, we're people serving people.
+ (Dip to black.)
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg2-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg2-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..840f9793c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/cpts-lg2-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ Développement des compétences - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Développement des compétences
+ Transcription
+ (La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Développement des compétences ».)
+ Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille
+ à Service Canada.
+ (Coupure et gros plan de l'animatrice.)
+ Vous savez sans doute que tous les jours,
+ de nombreux Canadiens perfectionnent leurs
+ compétences ou changent d'emploi.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes se dirige vers l'animatrice, puis s'arrête. Des points d'interrogation apparaissent autour de sa tête.)
+ Vous pensez faire comme eux?
+ Sachez que vous pouvez avoir accès à plus de 300 profils
+ d'emploi en ligne et en apprendre plus
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme allumettes tient une mallette. Un autre bonhomme allumettes portant un casque de protection et tenant un marteau apparaît à l'écran.)
+ sur les compétences requises pour obtenir l'emploi
+ qui vous intéresse.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran et les mots « Information de formation, carrière et travailleurs » sont mis en évidence. Les mots « Section Formation et carrière du site Guichet emplois » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ La section Formation et carrière du site Guichet
+ emplois vous permet de voir les choix qui s'offrent
+ aux adultes en matière d'apprentissage et d'en
+ savoir plus sur les moyens à votre disposition pour vous
+ aider à payer la formation dont vous avez besoin.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice.)
+ Vous y trouverez aussi une liste de conseillers,
+ d'enseignants et d'autres ressources dans votre
+ localité, auprès de qui vous pourrez obtenir plus
+ de renseignements avant de prendre une décision.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice.)
+ Et ce n'est pas tout!
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice. La page Web « Information sur le marché du travail » apparaît à l'écran.)
+ Vous y obtiendrez divers renseignements,
+ comme les types d'emploi offerts, par région,
+ partout au pays, et vous pourrez en apprendre plus
+ sur les compétences requises pour obtenir
+ l'un de ces emplois.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme allumettes est dans une salle de classe.)
+ Si vous décidez de suivre une formation à plein temps,
+ vous pourriez avoir droit des prêts,
+ à des bourses et à des subventions pour vous aider
+ à en payer les coûts.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice.)
+ Par exemple, les personnes qui ont terminé la première
+ ou la deuxième année d'un programme d'apprentissage
+ peuvent avoir droit à la Subvention
+ incitative aux apprentis.
+ Et celles qui ont terminé leur programme
+ peuvent avoir droit à la Subvention à l'achèvement
+ de la formation d'apprenti.
+ (La page Web « Prêt d'études canadien – Disposition applicable aux étudiants ayant une invalidité permanente » apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Bourses d'études » et « Programme canadien de prêts aux étudiants » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Si vous êtes atteint d'une incapacité permanente,
+ vous pourriez avoir droit des bourses d'études
+ ou à une subvention dans le cadre du Programme canadien
+ de prêts aux étudiants.
+ (La page Web « Régime d'encouragement à l'éducation permanente » apparaît à l'écran. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers l'écran.)
+ Et grâce au Régime d'encouragement à l'éducation
+ permanente, vous pourriez utiliser les fonds de vos
+ REER pour payer vos études ou votre formation.
+ Peu importe votre choix de carrière,
+ prenez le temps de bien examiner toutes
+ les possibilités qui s'offrent à vous.
+ Vous ne le regretterez pas,
+ puisque votre choix sera bien réfléchi.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme allumettes est assis à un bureau et travaille à l'ordinateur. La page d'accueil du site de Service Canada apparaît à l'écran.)
+ N'oubliez pas de consulter le site Web de Service Canada.
+ Vous y trouverez les outils et les renseignements
+ dont vous avez besoin pour poursuivre vos études
+ et votre formation.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le logo de Service Canada apparaît et le bonhomme allumettes fait un salut.)
+ À Service Canada, nous sommes au service des gens.
+ (L'écran devient noir.)
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video1-en.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video1-en.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8904d5d90
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video1-en.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video1-fr.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video1-fr.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79983386d
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video1-fr.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-captions-en.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-captions-en.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5423f7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-captions-en.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.
+ Each and every day, Canadians are improving their job
+ skills or changing their career paths.
+ Are you thinking about taking that step?
+ If so, did you know that you can research
+ more than 300 job profiles online?
+ Plus, you can find out what skills you'll need
+ to get the job that interests you.
+ Job Bank's Training and Careers site lets you explore
+ adult-learning choices and explains the various options
+ that are available to help you pay
+ for the training you need.
+ You can even find counsellors, teachers,
+ and other resources near you if you'd like to have
+ more information before you make a decision.
+ And the support doesn't end there.
+ From the alphabetical index on our Service Canada home page,
+ you can link to the Labour Market Information site.
+ There, you'll find out what kinds of jobs are available,
+ by area, across the country, and what skills you'll need
+ to get those jobs.
+ But, what if you decide to go for full-time training?
+ Well, there are a number of loans and grants available
+ that could help you with the costs.
+ For example, there's the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant
+ for those who've completed the first or second level
+ of their apprenticeship.
+ And for those who've completed the entire apprenticeship,
+ in a specific trade,
+ there's the Apprenticeship Completion Grant.
+ If you have a permanent disability,
+ you may want to look into the Canada Student Loans program,
+ or apply for a study grant.
+ Under the Life-Long Learning Plan program,
+ you can find out how to use some of your RRSP funds
+ to pay for your education or training.
+ Whatever you see yourself doing,
+ why not take the time to discover all your options?
+ Doing your homework now can help you get
+ on the right path to finding the work you want.
+ Be sure to check out our Service Canada Web site.
+ There you'll find the tools and information
+ you need to continue your education and training.
+ It really is time well spent.
+ At Service Canada, we're people serving people.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-captions-fr.xml b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-captions-fr.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63208226e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-captions-fr.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille
+ à Service Canada.
+ Vous savez sans doute que tous les jours,
+ de nombreux Canadiens perfectionnent leurs
+ compétences ou changent d'emploi.
+ Vous pensez faire comme eux?
+ Sachez que vous pouvez avoir accès à plus de 300 profils
+ d'emploi en ligne et en apprendre plus
+ sur les compétences requises pour obtenir l'emploi
+ qui vous intéresse.
+ La section Formation et carrière du site Guichet
+ emplois vous permet de voir les choix qui s'offrent
+ aux adultes en matière d'apprentissage et d'en
+ savoir plus sur les moyens à votre disposition pour vous
+ aider à payer la formation dont vous avez besoin.
+ Vous y trouverez aussi une liste de conseillers,
+ d'enseignants et d'autres ressources dans votre
+ localité, auprès de qui vous pourrez obtenir plus
+ de renseignements avant de prendre une décision.
+ Et ce n'est pas tout!
+ Vous y obtiendrez divers renseignements,
+ comme les types d'emploi offerts, par région,
+ partout au pays, et vous pourrez en apprendre plus
+ sur les compétences requises pour obtenir
+ l'un de ces emplois.
+ Si vous décidez de suivre une formation à plein temps,
+ vous pourriez avoir droit des prêts,
+ à des bourses et à des subventions pour vous aider
+ à en payer les coûts.
+ Par exemple, les personnes qui ont terminé la première
+ ou la deuxième année d'un programme d'apprentissage
+ peuvent avoir droit à la Subvention
+ incitative aux apprentis.
+ Et celles qui ont terminé leur programme
+ peuvent avoir droit à la Subvention à l'achèvement
+ de la formation d'apprenti.
+ Si vous êtes atteint d'une incapacité permanente,
+ vous pourriez avoir droit des bourses d'études
+ ou à une subvention dans le cadre du Programme canadien
+ de prêts aux étudiants.
+ Et grâce au Régime d'encouragement à l'éducation
+ permanente, vous pourriez utiliser les fonds de vos
+ REER pour payer vos études ou votre formation.
+ Peu importe votre choix de carrière,
+ prenez le temps de bien examiner toutes
+ les possibilités qui s'offrent à vous.
+ Vous ne le regretterez pas,
+ puisque votre choix sera bien réfléchi.
+ N'oubliez pas de consulter le site Web de Service Canada.
+ Vous y trouverez les outils et les renseignements
+ dont vous avez besoin pour poursuivre vos études
+ et votre formation.
+ À Service Canada, nous sommes au service des gens.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-en.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-en.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ceebdf69
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-en.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-fr.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-fr.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b4b842bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/demo/video2-fr.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-audio-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-audio-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25df1a271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-audio-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ Multimedia Player - Audio-only - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Multimedia Player - Audio-only
+ Overview
+ For audio-only, the multimedia player leverages the native HTML5 audio
+ The multimedia player's timeline relies on the HTML5 progress
element and uses a polyfill when the element is not supported.
+ The MP3 format is the minimum requirement for the player because it is a widely supported format on many browsers. An optional but highly recommended format, OGG Vorbis, should be added as well to allow some browsers such as Firefox that do not include native support for MP3 to leverage the HTML5 native performance gains.
+ Example (Ride of the Valkyries)
+ Ride of the Valkyries
+ View code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://www.archive.org/download/RideOfTheValkyries/ride_of_the_valkyries_2.mp3"}'>
+ <audio title="Ride of the Valkyries">
+ <source src="https://www.archive.org/download/RideOfTheValkyries/ride_of_the_valkyries_2.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
+ <source src="https://www.archive.org/download/RideOfTheValkyries/ride_of_the_valkyries_2.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
+ </audio>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Ride of the Valkyries</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-08-01
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-audio-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-audio-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5abfbf5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-audio-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ Lecteur multimédia - Audio seulement - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Lecteur multimédia - Audio seulement
+ Vue d'ensemble
+ Pour l'audio seulement, le lecteur multimédia s'appuie sur la balise « audio
» HTML5 natif.
+ Le scénario du lecteur multimédia repose sur l'élément « progress
» HTML5 et utilise un polyfill lorsque l'élément n'est pas pris en charge.
+ Le format MP3 est le minimum requis pour la vidéo parce que c'est le format vidéo standard sur de nombreux navigateurs. Un OGG Vorbis facultative mais fortement recommandée devrait être ajouté aussi bien pour permettre à certains navigateurs tels que Firefox qui ne comprennent pas un support natif pour MP3 de tirer parti des gains de performance de leur implémentations d'HTML5.
+ Exemple (Chevauchée des Walkyries)
+ Chevauchée des Walkyries
+ Visualiser le code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://www.archive.org/download/RideOfTheValkyries/ride_of_the_valkyries_2.mp3"}'>
+ <audio title="Chevauchée des Walkyries">
+ <source src="https://www.archive.org/download/RideOfTheValkyries/ride_of_the_valkyries_2.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
+ <source src="https://www.archive.org/download/RideOfTheValkyries/ride_of_the_valkyries_2.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
+ </audio>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Chevauchée des Walkyries</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-08-01
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cd4528bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ Multimedia Player - Video - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Multimedia Player - Video
+ Overview
+ For video, the multimedia player leverages the native HTML5 video
tag. The MPEG 4 format (H264 codec) is the minimum requirement for video because it is the standard video format on many browsers. An optional but highly recommended format, Webm (VP8 codec), should be added as well to allow some browsers such as Firefox that do not include native support for H264 to leverage the native HTML5 performance gains.
+ The multimedia player's timeline relies on the HTML5 progress
element and uses a polyfill when the element is not supported.
All video examples use native HTML5 video on most modern browsers including Firefox 6+, Google Chrome 3+ and IE9.
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) and WebM (VP8) source with HTML captions
+ Looking for a Job (Transcript )
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/multimedia/multimedia-en.html"}'>
+ <video poster="demo/video1-en.jpg" title="Looking for a Job">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="cpts-lg-en.html" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Looking for a Job (<a href="cpts-lg-en.html">Transcript</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ cpts-lg-en.html
+ <div id="inline-captions">
+ <section>
+ <h2>Transcript</h2>
+ <p class="wb-vd"><strong>(Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Looking for A Job)</strong></p>
+ <p class="wb-vd"><strong>(Cut to a medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears and waves.)</strong></p>
+ <p><span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="2.50s" data-dur="3.84s">Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.</span></p>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) and WebM (VP8) source with TTML captions
+ Training and Development (Transcript )
+ View code
+ In-page HTML
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/multimedia/multimedia-en.html"}'>
+ <video poster="demo/video2-en.jpg" title="Training and Development">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-eng.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="demo/video2-captions-en.xml" kind="captions" data-type="application/ttml+xml" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Training and Development (<a href="cpts-lg2-en.html">Transcript</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ video2-captions-en.xml
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<tt xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#style">
+ <head>
+ <styling>
+ <style id="defaultSpeaker" tts:fontSize="12" tts:fontFamily="Arial" tts:fontWeight="normal" tts:fontStyle="normal" tts:textDecoration="none" tts:color="white" tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:textAlign="center"/>
+ <style id="defaultCaption" tts:fontSize="12" tts:fontFamily="Arial" tts:fontWeight="normal" tts:fontStyle="normal" tts:textDecoration="none" tts:color="white" tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:textAlign="center"/>
+ </styling>
+ </head>
+ <body style="defaultCaption" id="thebody" xml:id="b1">
+ <div begin="1.40s" dur="3.33s">Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.</div>
+ ...
+ </body>
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) source with inline HTML captions
+ This example illustrates the use of an inline transcript to provide captions. This example can also demonstrate the fallback mechanism in Web browsers that don't support HTML5 videos.
+ Looking for a Job - HTML5 Transcript/Captions
+ (Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Looking for A Job)
+ (Cut to a medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears and waves.)
+ Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.
+ You may have heard the old saying that,
+ when you're out of work, finding a job is your
+ full-time occupation.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person walks to right side of screen. Screenshot of job bank website appears in animated computer screen.)
+ Well, there's a lot of truth to that:
+ finding a job does take time… and effort.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person rests head against computer screen in discouragement. But then perks-up.)
+ But don't get discouraged.
+ There are a number of online tools and programs available
+ to help you find a job.
+ (Close-up of the Host.)
+ No matter what you're looking for there are many Web sites
+ where employers post job notices looking for people
+ to fill vacant positions.
+ (Job Bank website reappears.)
+ One of these sites is called Job Bank.
+ It's updated every day, and lists job opportunities
+ that are available across the country.
+ (Close-up of the screen. Stick person’s profile. Words “Updated Daily and “48 Hours” appear on screen.)
+ Since the job ads on Job Bank are updated daily,
+ you should check them regularly.
+ And, you can search for jobs posted in the last 48 hours.
+ (Words “Advertise your Skills” and “Email your matches” appear on screen.)
+ On Job Bank you can also advertise your skills,
+ and even ask them to send you e-mails when jobs
+ that match your search criteria are posted.
+ (Close-up of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: of the Parliament Building. The web address jobs.gc.ca appears in large letters on the front lawn, stick person points to words.)
+ If you're thinking about working in the public sector,
+ jobs.gc.ca is the official Web site
+ for Government of Canada listings open to the public.
+ Keep in mind, that some departments,
+ like the Canada Revenue Agency and Parks Canada,
+ post jobs on their own sites too.
+ (Medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: stick person points to Job Bank web page, where words “User ID” and “Password” are highlighted.)
+ When you apply for jobs, potential employers might ask
+ you to send them your résumé and a covering letter.
+ Of course, you'll want to make a good first impression
+ on any potential employer.
+ (The text Résumé Builder appears across stick person’s screen.)
+ Here we can help too!
+ Check out our online Résumé Builder
+ on the Job Bank Web site.
+ It can show you how to create a first-class résumé
+ by giving you tips and different layout options.
+ (Medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: one stick person talks to another stick person behind a desk labelled Career Counsellor.)
+ And if you're not sure which jobs you'd like to apply for,
+ check out our Career Navigator tool to explore
+ occupations that you might be interested in.
+ As well, career counsellors are usually available through
+ your provincial or territorial government to help out.
+ (Close-up of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person take a bow. Service Canada logo appears.)
+ At Service Canada, we're people serving people.
+ (Dip to black.)
+ View code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="demo/video1-en.jpg" title="Looking for a Job">
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="#inline-captions" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <details id="inline-captions">
+ <summary>Looking for a Job - HTML5 Transcript/Captions</summary>
+ <p class="wet-boew-vd"><strong>(Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Looking for A Job)</strong></p>
+ <p class="wet-boew-vd"><strong>(Cut to a medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears and waves.)</strong></p>
+ <p><span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="2.50s" data-dur="3.84s">Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.</span></p>
+ ...
+ </details>
+ </figcaption>
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) source with cue points
+ This example illustrates the use of buttons to navigate to specific cue points within the video.
+ Cue point - 45s
+ Cue point - 01:10
+ Looking for a Job (Transcript )
+ View code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="demo/video1-en.jpg" title="Looking for a Job">
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="#inline-captions" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <button class="btn btn-info cuepoint" data-cuepoint="45s" type="button">Cue point - 45s</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-info cuepoint" data-cuepoint="01:10" type="button">Cue point - 01:10</button>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Looking for a Job (<a href="cpts-lg-en.html">Transcript</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ Multimedia player in an overlay
+ Open the video
+ View code
+ <p><a href="#mltmd-overlay" aria-controls="mltmd-overlay" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Open the video</a></p>
+<section id="mltmd-overlay" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-popup-full">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Multimedia player in an overlay</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/multimedia/multimedia-en.html"}'>
+ <video poster="demo/video1-en.jpg" title="Looking for a Job">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="cpts-lg-en.html" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>Looking for a Job (<a href="cpts-lg-en.html">Transcript</a>)</figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..364589a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+ Lecteur multimédia - Vidéo - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Lecteur multimédia - Vidéo
+ Vue d'ensemble
+ Pour la vidéo, le lecteur multimédia s'appuie sur la balise « video
» HTML5 natif. Le format MPEG-4 (codec H264) est le minimum requis pour la vidéo parce que c'est le format vidéo standard sur de nombreux navigateurs. Un WebM facultative mais fortement recommandée (codec VP8) devrait être ajouté aussi bien pour permettre à certains navigateurs tels que Firefox qui ne comprennent pas un support natif pour H264 de tirer parti des gains de performance de leur implémentations d'HTML5.
+ Le scénario du lecteur multimédia repose sur l'élément « progress
» HTML5 et utilise un polyfill lorsque l'élément n'est pas pris en charge.
Tous les exemples vidéo utilisent la vidéo HTML5 natif sur la plupart des navigateurs modernes, y compris Firefox 6 +, Google Chrome 3 + et IE9.
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) et WebM (VP8) avec les sous-titres en HTML
+ Trouver un emploi (Transcription )
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/multimedia/multimedia-fr.html"}'>
+ <video poster="demo/video1-fr.jpg" title="Trouver un emploi">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="cpts-lg-fr.html" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="fr" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Trouver un emploi (<a href="cpts-lg-fr.html">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ cpts-lg-fr.html
+ <div id="inline-captions">
+ <section>
+ <h2>Transcription</h2>
+ <p class="wb-vd"><strong>(La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Trouver un emploi ».)</strong></p>
+ <p><span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="2.34s" data-dur="3.04s">Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille </span>
+ <span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="5.37s" data-dur="1.50s">à Service Canada.</span></p>
+ ...
+ </section>
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) et WebM (VP8) avec les sous-titres TTML
+ Développement des compétences (Transcription )
+ Visualiser le code
+ HTML dans la page
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/multimedia/multimedia-fr.html"}'>
+ <video poster="demo/video2-fr.jpg" title="Video Example">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-fra.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="demo/video2-captions-fr.xml" kind="captions" data-type="application/ttml+xml" srclang="fr" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Développement des compétences (<a href="cpts-lg2-fr.html">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ video2-captions-fr.xml
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<tt xml:lang="fr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/2006/10/ttaf1#style">
+ <head>
+ <styling>
+ <style id="defaultSpeaker" tts:fontSize="12" tts:fontFamily="Arial" tts:fontWeight="normal" tts:fontStyle="normal" tts:textDecoration="none" tts:color="white" tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:textAlign="center"/>
+ <style id="defaultCaption" tts:fontSize="12" tts:fontFamily="Arial" tts:fontWeight="normal" tts:fontStyle="normal" tts:textDecoration="none" tts:color="white" tts:backgroundColor="black" tts:textAlign="center"/>
+ </styling>
+ </head>
+ <body style="defaultCaption" id="thebody" xml:id="b1">
+ <div begin="2.20s" dur="3.10s">Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille</div>
+ <div begin="5.30s" dur="1.63s">à Service Canada.</div>
+ ...
+ </body>
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) Source avec sous-titre intégré au HTML
+ Cet exemple illustre l'utilisation d'un relevé de notes en ligne pour fournir des légendes. Cet exemple peut également démontrer le mécanisme de secours dans les navigateurs Web qui ne supporte pas les vidéos HTML5.
+ Trouver un emploi - Transcription et Sous-Titres HTML5
+ (La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Trouver un emploi ».)
+ Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille
+ à Service Canada.
+ (Coupure et plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes apparaît à l'écran.)
+ Vous savez que trouver un emploi est un travail à
+ temps plein qui exige beaucoup d'efforts
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes penche la tête en signe de découragement, mais la relève ensuite avec énergie en regardant l'écran d'ordinateur qui apparaît à l'écran.)
+ mais il ne faut pas vous laisser décourager
+ par l'ampleur de la tâche.
+ Nous avons mis à votre disposition de nombreux
+ outils et programmes en ligne pour vous aider
+ à trouver un emploi.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Guichet emplois » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Peu importe l'emploi que vous cherchez,
+ vous trouverez sur Internet de nombreux sites Web
+ où les employeurs affichent leurs postes vacants.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes se place de profil. Les mots « mis à jour quotidiennement » et « 48 heures » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle sous « Guichet emplois ».)
+ L'un de ces sites, Guichet emplois,
+ est mis à jour quotidiennement.
+ Vous y trouverez des occasions d'emploi
+ partout au pays.
+ Et puisque le site est mis à jour quotidiennement,
+ n'oubliez pas d'y jeter un coup d'oeil régulièrement.
+ Vous y trouverez les postes affichés au cours
+ des dernières 48 heures.
+ (Les mots « faites valoir vos compétences » et « liste des emplois correspondant à vos critères de recherche par courriel » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle sous « Guichet emplois ».)
+ Guichet emplois vous permet également de faire valoir
+ vos compétences, et de vous inscrire pour recevoir
+ par courriel une liste des emplois qui correspondent
+ à vos critères de recherche.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une photo de l'édifice du Parlement apparaît en arrière-plan. DESSIN AU TRAIT : L'adresse « emplois.gc.ca » apparaît sur une pancarte plantée dans la pelouse devant le Parlement, et le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers la pancarte.)
+ Si vous voulez travailler a gouvernement du Canada,
+ consultez le site emplois.gc.ca,
+ qui répertorie les postes ouverts au public
+ dans l'ensemble de la fonction publique fédérale.
+ Notez que certains ministères,
+ comme l'Agence du revenu du Canada et Parcs Canada,
+ affichent aussi les postes vacants sur leur propre site.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers une page du site Guichet emplois où les mots « Nom d'utilisateur » et « Mot de passe » sont mis en évidence.)
+ Vous aurez fort probablement à préparer un curriculum vitae
+ et une lettre de présentation lorsque vous ferez
+ une demande d'emploi, et bien entendu,
+ vous voudrez faire bonne impression.
+ (Les mots « Concepteur de CV » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Nous pouvons vous aider!
+ Grâce à l'outil Concepteur de CV,
+ que vous trouverez sur le site Guichet emplois,
+ vous pourrez obtenir des conseils,
+ choisir un modèle et créer un curriculum vitae
+ d'allure professionnelle.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Navigation carrière » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Si vous ne savez pas quel type d'emploi vous intéresse,
+ consultez l'outil Navigation carrière,
+ qui pourra vous aider à choisir une carrière
+ qui vous convient.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes parle à un autre bonhomme-allumettes assis derrière un bureau surmonté d'un panneau où figurent les mots « orientation professionnelle ».)
+ Aussi, le gouvernement de votre province ou territoire
+ offre sans doute un service d'orientation professionnelle
+ qui pourrait vous aider dans vos démarches.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le logo de Service Canada apparaît et le bonhomme-allumettes fait un salut.)
+ À Service Canada, nous sommes au service des gens.
+ (L'écran devient noir.)
+ Visualiser le code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="demo/video1-fr.jpg" title="Trouver un emploi">
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="#inline-captions" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="fr" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <details id="inline-captions">
+ <summary>Trouver un emploi - Transcription et Sous-Titres HTML5</summary>
+ <p class="wet-boew-vd"><strong>(La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Trouver un emploi ».)</strong></p>
+ <p><span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="2.34s" data-dur="3.04s">Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille </span>
+ <span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="5.37s" data-dur="1.50s">à Service Canada.</span></p>
+ ...
+ </details>
+ </figcaption>
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) Source avec marqueurs temporels (cue points)
+ Cet exemple illustre l'utilisation de boutons pour naviguer à des marqueurs temporels dans une vidéo.
+ Marqueur temporel - 45s
+ Marqueur temporel - 01:10
+ Trouver un emploi (Transcription )
+ Visualiser le code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="demo/video1-fr.jpg" title="Trouver un emploi">
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="#inline-captions" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <button class="btn btn-info cuepoint" data-cuepoint="45s" type="button">Marqueur temporel - 45s</button>
+ <button class="btn btn-info cuepoint" data-cuepoint="01:10" type="button">Marqueur temporel - 01:10</button>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Trouver un emploi (<a href="cpts-lg-fr.html">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ Lecteur multimédia dans une fenêtre superposé
+ Ouvrir le vidéo
+ View code
+ <p><a href="#mltmd-overlay" aria-controls="mltmd-overlay" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Ouvrir le vidéo</a></p>
+<section id="mltmd-overlay" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-popup-full">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Lecteur multimédia dans une fenêtre superposé</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/demos/multimedia/multimedia-fr.html"}'>
+ <video poster="demo/video1-fr.jpg" title="Trouver un emploi">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="cpts-lg-fr.html" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="fr" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Trouver un emploi (<a href="cpts-lg-fr.html">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-youtube-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-youtube-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eeae8f34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-youtube-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ Multimedia Player - YouTube - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Multimedia Player - YouTube
+ Overview
+ For YouTube videos, the multimedia player integrates the YouTube chromeless player which leverages the native HTML5 video
+ The multimedia player's timeline relies on the HTML5 progress
element and uses a polyfill when the element is not supported.
+ Example
+ Suspect (Transcript )
+ View code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9znKJqnFuuY"}'>
+ <video title="Suspect">
+ <source type="video/youtube" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9znKJqnFuuY" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Suspect</p>
+ </figcaption>
+Youtube video in a lightbox
+Open the video
+ Suspect (Transcript )
+ View code
+ <p><a class="wb-lbx lbx-modal lbx-iframe" href="#video-youtube">Open the video</a></p>
+<section id="video-youtube" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h3>Youtube video in a lightbox</h3>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9znKJqnFuuY"}'>
+ <video title="Suspect">
+ <source type="video/youtube" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9znKJqnFuuY" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Suspect (<a href="http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/video/suspect-eng.php#trans">Transcript</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-08-01
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-youtube-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-youtube-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..823716982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/multimedia/multimedia-youtube-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ Lecteur multimédia - YouTube - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Lecteur multimédia - YouTube
Pour les vidéos YouTube, le lecteur multimédia s'appuie le lecteur sans interface de YouTube qui s'appuie sur la balise « video
» HTML5 natif.
Le scénario du lecteur multimédia repose sur l'élément « progress
» HTML5 et utilise un polyfill lorsque l'élément n'est pas pris en charge.
+ Exemple
+ Suspect (Transcription )
+ View code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLg-UsTr7us"}'>
+ <video title="Suspect">
+ <source type="video/youtube" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLg-UsTr7us" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Suspect</p>
+ </figcaption>
+Vidéo Youtube dans une fenêtre modale (lightbox)
+Ouvrir le vidéo
+ Suspect (Transcription )
+ View code
+ <p><a class="wb-lbx lbx-modal lbx-iframe" href="#video-youtube">Ouvrir le vidéo</a></p>
+<section id="video-youtube" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h3>Vidéo Youtube dans une fenêtre modale (lightbox)</h3>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd" data-wb-mltmd='{"shareUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLg-UsTr7us"}'>
+ <video title="Suspect">
+ <source type="video/youtube" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLg-UsTr7us" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Suspect (<a href="http://canadiensensante.gc.ca/video/suspect-fra.php#trans">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-08-01
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/demo/overlay.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/demo/overlay.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1f838965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/demo/overlay.css
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-bar-t header,
+.wb-bar-b header, .wb-bar-t ul,
+.wb-bar-b ul {
+ display: inline-block; }
+.wb-panel-l ul li,
+.wb-panel-r ul li {
+ margin-bottom: 10px; }
+.wb-bar-t ul,
+.wb-bar-b ul {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+ .wb-bar-t ul li,
+ .wb-bar-b ul li {
+ margin-bottom: 5px; }
+ .wb-bar-t ul > li:first-child,
+ .wb-bar-b ul > li:first-child {
+ padding-left: 5px; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/demo/overlay.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/demo/overlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..929d98e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/demo/overlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/*jshint unused: false*/
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+wb.doc.on( "click vclick", "#overlay-open-btn", function( event ) {
+ if ( event.stopPropagation ) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ } else {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ }
+ $( "#" + $( "#overlay-select" ).val() ).trigger( "open.wb-overlay" );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54e09a26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/overlay-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+ Overlay - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Overlay
+ Purpose
+ A flexible, responsive overlay plugin.
+ Examples
+ Opening overlays through JavaScript
+ Overlays can be opened through JavaScript with:
+ $( "#overlayId" ).trigger( "open.wb-overlaylbx" );
+ For an example of opening Lightbox popups through JavaScript, see Opening popups through JavaScript .
+ Overlay to open
+ Left panel
+ Right panel
+ Top bar
+ Bottom bar
+ Middle screen overlay
+ Full-screen overlay
+ Full-screen overlay - Hidden header
+ Open overlay
+ Code
+ View code
+ <label for="overlay-select">Overlay to open</label>
+<select id="overlay-select">
+ <option value="left-panel">Left panel</option>
+ <option value="right-panel">Right panel</option>
+ <option value="top-bar">Top bar</option>
+ <option value="bottom-bar">Bottom bar</option>
+ <option value="mid-screen">Middle screen overlay</option>
+ <option value="full-screen">Full-screen overlay</option>
+ <option value="hidden-header">Full-screen overlay - Hidden header</option>
+<button id="overlay-open-btn">Open overlay</button>
+ JavaScript
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+wb.doc.on( "click vclick", "#overlay-open-btn", function( event ) {
+ if ( event.stopPropagation ) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ } else {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ }
+ $( "#" + $( "#overlay-select" ).val() ).trigger( "open.wb-overlay" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Adding custom close buttons to overlays/modals
+ Overlays/Modals through JavaScript are automatically updated with a close overlay/modal button. This button can be changed with the following code:
+ <div class="modal-footer">
+<button class="btn btn-primary popup-modal-dismiss" type="button">Close overlay/modal</button>
+ Side Note: Close buttons must be inside the modal footer (a div with the class modal-footer
+ Middle overlay with a background
+ Add the CSS overlay-bg
to the overlay dialog to stand up the overlay dialog with a black overlay background.
+ Middle screen overlay with background
+ View code
+ <p><a href="#mid-screen-bg" aria-controls="mid-screen-bg" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Middle screen overlay with background</a></p>
+<section id="mid-screen-bg" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-popup-mid overlay-bg">
+<header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Middle screen overlay with background</h2>
+<div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ Button 1
+ Button 2
+ Button 3
+ Button 1
+ Button 2
+ Button 3
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-22
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fffa4816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/overlay/overlay-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Contenu superposé - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Contenu superposé
+ But
+ Un plugiciel fournissant un modèle de contenu superposé flexible et réactif.
+ Exemples
+ Panneau à gauche
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#panneau-gauche" aria-controls="panneau-gauche" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Panneau à gauche</a></p>
+<section id="panneau-gauche" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-panel-l">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Panneau à gauche</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Panneau à droit
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#panneau-droit" aria-controls="panneau-droit" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Panneau à droit</a></p>
+<section id="panneau-droit" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-panel-r">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Panneau à droit</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Barre en haut
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#barre-haut" aria-controls="barre-haut" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Barre en haut</a></p>
+<section id="barre-haut" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-bar-t">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Barre en haut</h2>
+ </header>
+ ...
+ Barre en bas
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#barre-bas" aria-controls="barre-bas" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Barre en bas</a></p>
+<section id="barre-bas" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-bar-b">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Barre en bas</h2>
+ </header>
+ ...
+ Contenu superposé centré (Lightbox)
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#cs-centre" aria-controls="cs-centre" class="wb-lbx" role="button">Contenu superposé centré (Lightbox)</a></p>
+<section id="cs-centre" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Contenu superposé centré (Lightbox)</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Contenu superposé centré - Modal (Lightbox + Modal)
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#cs-centre-modal" aria-controls="cs-centre-modal" class="wb-lbx lbx-modal" role="button">Contenu superposé centré - Modal (Lightbox + Modal)</a></p>
+<section id="cs-centre-modal" class="mfp-hide modal-dialog modal-content overlay-def">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Contenu superposé centré - Modal (Lightbox + Modal)</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Contenu superposé mi-écran
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#cs-mi-ecran" aria-controls="cs-mi-ecran" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Contenu superposé mi-écran</a></p>
+<section id="cs-mi-ecran" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-popup-mid">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Contenu superposé mi-écran</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Contenu superposé plein écran
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#cs-plein-ecran" aria-controls="cs-plein-ecran" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Contenu superposé plein écran</a></p>
+<section id="cs-plein-ecran" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-popup-full">
+ <header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Contenu superposé plein écran</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Contenu superposé plein écran - En-tête caché
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#en-tete-cache" aria-controls="en-tete-cache" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Contenu superposé plein écran - En-tête caché</a></p>
+<section id="en-tete-cache" class="wb-overlay modal-content wb-popup-full hidden-hd">
+ <header>
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Contenu superposé plein écran - En-tête caché</h2>
+ </header>
+ <div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Ouvrir de contenu superposé via JavaScript
+ Le contenu surperposé peut être ouverte via JavaScript avec :
+ $( "#overlayId" ).trigger( "open.wb-overlaylbx" );
+ Pour un exemple d'ouvrir de contenu superposeé « Lightbox » via JavaScript, consultez Ouvrir de contenu superposé « Lightbox » via JavaScript .
+ Contenu superposé à ouvrir
+ Panneau à gauche
+ Panneau à droit
+ Barre en haut
+ Barre en bas
+ Contenu superposé mi-écran
+ Contenu superposé plein écran
+ Contenu superposé plein écran - En-tête caché
+ Ouvrir le contenu superposé
+ Code
+ View code
+ <label for="overlay-select">Overlay to open</label>
+<select id="overlay-select">
+ <option value="panneau-gauche">Panneau à gauche</option>
+ <option value="panneau-droit">Panneau à droit</option>
+ <option value="barre-haut">Barre en haut</option>
+ <option value="barre-bas">Barre en bas</option>
+ <option value="cs-mi-ecran">Contenu superposé mi-écran</option>
+ <option value="cs-plein-ecran">Contenu superposé plein écran</option>
+ <option value="en-tete-cache">Contenu superposé plein écran - En-tête caché</option>
+<button id="overlay-open-btn" type="button">Ouvrir le contenu superposé</button>
+ JavaScript
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+wb.doc.on( "click vclick", "#overlay-open-btn", function( event ) {
+ if ( event.stopPropagation ) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ } else {
+ event.cancelBubble = true;
+ }
+ $( "#" + $( "#overlay-select" ).val() ).trigger( "open.wb-overlay" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
Needs translation
+ Adding custom close buttons to overlays/modals
+ Overlays/Modals through JavaScript are automatically updated with a close overlay/modal button. This button can be changed with the following code:
+ <div class="modal-footer">
+<button class="btn btn-primary popup-modal-dismiss" type="button">Close overlay/modal</button>
+ Side Note: Close buttons must be inside the modal footer (a div with the class modal-footer
+ Contenu superposé mi-écran avec arrière plan
+ Ajouter la classe CSS overlay-bg
à la fenêtre superposé afin que le fenêtre se démarque avec un arrière plan noir.
+ Contenu superposé mi-écran avec arrière plan
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p><a href="#cs-mi-ecran-bg" aria-controls="cs-mi-ecran-bg" class="overlay-lnk" role="button">Contenu superposé mi-écran avec arrière plan</a></p>
+<section id="cs-mi-ecran-bg" class="wb-overlay modal-content overlay-def wb-popup-mid overlay-bg">
+<header class="modal-header">
+ <h2 class="modal-title">Contenu superposé mi-écran avec arrière plan</h2>
+<div class="modal-body">
+ ...
+ Bouton 1
+ Bouton 2
+ Bouton 3
+ Bouton 1
+ Bouton 2
+ Bouton 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
Lien - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) premier niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) deuxième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) troisième niveau - apparence par défaut
Lien - apparence par défaut
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-22
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/prettify/prettify-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/prettify/prettify-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9314a4d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/prettify/prettify-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ Prettify - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Prettify
+Syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page using google-code-prettify .
+ How to use
+ Apply class="wb-prettify"
to an element on the page to load the component (once per page).
+ Apply class="prettyprint"
to a pre
or code
element to apply syntax highlighting. Alternatively use class="wb-prettify all-pre"
to apply syntax highlighting to all pre
elements on the page.
+ Apply class="linenums"
to a pre
or code
element to add line numbers. Alternatively use class="wb-prettify linenums"
to apply line numbers to all applicable pre
elements on the page. Specify the starting number by adding linenums:#
before linenums
+ Add extra language support by using class="wb-prettify lang-*"
(e.g., class="wb-prettify lang-css"
) and applying class="lang-*"
to each applicable pre
or code
element. Supported formats are below:
+ lang-apollo
+ lang-clj
+ lang-css
+ lang-dart
+ lang-go
+ lang-hs
+ lang-lisp
+ lang-lua
+ lang-ml
+ lang-n
+ lang-proto
+ lang-scala
+ lang-sql
+ lang-tex
+ lang-vb
+ lang-vhdl
+ lang-wiki
+ lang-xq
+ lang-yaml
+ Examples
+ <form action="#" method="post">
+ <div>
+ <label for="data1">Form input default appearance:</label>
+ <input name="data1" type="text" id="data1" />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <label for="data2">Form text area default appearance:</label>
+ <textarea name="data2" cols="15" rows="3" id="data2"></textarea>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <label for="data4">Form <code>select</code> default appearance:</label>
+ <select id="data4" name="data4">
+ <option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>
+ <option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>
+ <option value="Option 3">Option 3</option>
+ <option value="Option 4">Option 4</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Form <code>legend</code>, <code>fieldset</code> and <code>checkbox</code> default appearance</legend>
+ <div>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data5" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data5">Option 1</label>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data6" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data6">Option 2</label>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data7" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data7">Option 3</label>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data8" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data8">Option 4</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <div>
+ <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit default appearance" />
+ <input name="reset" type="reset" id="reset" value="Reset default appearance" />
+ </div>
+ CSS (uses linenums)
+ #gcwu-date-mod dt,#gcwu-date-mod dd{
+ float:left;
+#gcwu-date-mod dd{
+ margin:0 0 0 10px;
+#gcwu-content h2,#gcwu-priorities h3{
+ color:#333;
+ font-weight:400;
+#gcwu-content h2,#gcwu-priorities h3{
+ border:none;
+ margin-bottom:5px;
+ font-size:1.6em;
+div#gcwu-headlines ul li,div#gcwu-headlines ul{
+ list-style:none !important;
+ margin:0 !important;
+ padding:0 !important;
+ JavaScript (uses linenums:50 and linenums)
+ /**
+ * Initialize the plugin. This only runs once on the DOM.
+ * @function init
+ */
+init = function() {
+ var cssClass, cssClasses, i, len, $pre,
+ $elm = $( this ),
+ modeJS = wb.getMode() + ".js",
+ deps = [ "site!deps/prettify" + modeJS ],
+ settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, $elm.data() );
+ wb.remove( selector );
+ // Check the element for `lang-*` syntax CSS classes
+ cssClasses = typeof $elm[0].className === "string" ? $elm[0].className.split( " " ) : [];
+ for ( i = 0, len = cssClasses.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+ cssClass = cssClasses[ i ];
+ if ( cssClass.indexOf( "lang-" ) === 0 ) {
+ deps.push( "site!deps/" + cssClass + modeJS );
+ }
+ }
+ // CSS class overides of settings
+ settings.allpre = settings.allpre || $elm.hasClass( "all-pre" );
+ settings.linenums = settings.linenums || $elm.hasClass( "linenums" );
+ // Apply global settings
+ if ( settings.allpre || settings.linenums ) {
+ $pre = $( "pre" );
+ if ( settings.allpre ) {
+ $pre.addClass( "prettyprint" );
+ }
+ if ( settings.linenums ) {
+ $pre.filter( ".prettyprint" ).addClass( "linenums" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the required dependencies and prettify the code once finished
+ Modernizr.load({
+ load: deps,
+ complete: function() {
+ wb.doc.trigger( "prettyprint.wb-prettify" );
+ }
+ });
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/prettify/prettify-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/prettify/prettify-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b5bc5ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/prettify/prettify-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ Prettify - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Prettify
+Mise en surbrillance de syntaxe des extraits de code source dans une page html en utilisant google-code-prettify .
+ Comment utiliser
+ Appliquer class="wb-prettify"
à un élément sur la page pour charger le composant (une fois par page).
+ Appliquer class="prettyprint"
à un élément pre
ou code
pour appliquer la mise en surbrillance de syntaxe. Comme alternative utiliser class="wb-prettify all-pre"
pour appliquer la mise en surbrillance de syntaxe à tous les éléments pre
sur la page.
+ Appliquer class="linenums"
à un élément pre
ou code
pour ajouter les nombres de ligne. Comme alternative utiliser class="wb-prettify linenums"
à tous les éléments pre
applicables. Spécifier le nombre commençant en ajoutant linenums:#
avant linenums
+ Ajouter le soutien supplémentaire de langage de programmation avec class="wb-prettify lang-*"
(p. ex., class="wb-prettify lang-css"
) et en ajoutant class="lang-*"
à chaque élément pre
ou code
applicable. Les formats supportés sont ci-dessous:
+ lang-apollo
+ lang-clj
+ lang-css
+ lang-dart
+ lang-go
+ lang-hs
+ lang-lisp
+ lang-lua
+ lang-ml
+ lang-n
+ lang-proto
+ lang-scala
+ lang-sql
+ lang-tex
+ lang-vb
+ lang-vhdl
+ lang-wiki
+ lang-xq
+ lang-yaml
+ Exemples
+ <form action="#" method="post">
+ <div>
+ <label for="data1">Formulaire - Entrée - apparence par défaut :</label>
+ <input name="data1" type="text" id="data1" />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <label for="data2">Formulaire - Zone texte - apparence par défaut :</label>
+ <textarea name="data2" cols="15" rows="3" id="data2"></textarea>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <label for="data4">Formulaire - Sélection - apparence par défaut :</label>
+ <select id="data4" name="data4">
+ <option value="Option 1">Option 1</option>
+ <option value="Option 2">Option 2</option>
+ <option value="Option 3">Option 3</option>
+ <option value="Option 4">Option 4</option>
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Formulaire - <code lang="en">legend</code>, <code lang="en">fieldset</code> et case à cocher - apparence par défaut</legend>
+ <div>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data5" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data5">Option 1</label>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data6" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data6">Option 2</label>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data7" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data7">Option 3</label>
+ <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="data8" value="checkbox" /> <label for="data8">Option 4</label>
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ <div>
+ <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Soumettre - apparence par défaut" />
+ <input name="reset" type="reset" id="reset" value="Réinitialiser - apparence par défaut" />
+ </div>
+ CSS (utilise linenums)
+ #gcwu-date-mod dt,#gcwu-date-mod dd{
+ float:left;
+#gcwu-date-mod dd{
+ margin:0 0 0 10px;
+#gcwu-content h2,#gcwu-priorities h3{
+ color:#333;
+ font-weight:400;
+#gcwu-content h2,#gcwu-priorities h3{
+ border:none;
+ margin-bottom:5px;
+ font-size:1.6em;
+div#gcwu-headlines ul li,div#gcwu-headlines ul{
+ list-style:none !important;
+ margin:0 !important;
+ padding:0 !important;
+ JavaScript (utilise linenums:50 et linenums)
+ /**
+ * Initialize the plugin. This only runs once on the DOM.
+ * @function init
+ */
+init = function() {
+ var cssClass, cssClasses, i, len, $pre,
+ $elm = $( this ),
+ modeJS = wb.getMode() + ".js",
+ deps = [ "site!deps/prettify" + modeJS ],
+ settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, $elm.data() );
+ wb.remove( selector );
+ // Check the element for `lang-*` syntax CSS classes
+ cssClasses = typeof $elm[0].className === "string" ? $elm[0].className.split( " " ) : [];
+ for ( i = 0, len = cssClasses.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+ cssClass = cssClasses[ i ];
+ if ( cssClass.indexOf( "lang-" ) === 0 ) {
+ deps.push( "site!deps/" + cssClass + modeJS );
+ }
+ }
+ // CSS class overides of settings
+ settings.allpre = settings.allpre || $elm.hasClass( "all-pre" );
+ settings.linenums = settings.linenums || $elm.hasClass( "linenums" );
+ // Apply global settings
+ if ( settings.allpre || settings.linenums ) {
+ $pre = $( "pre" );
+ if ( settings.allpre ) {
+ $pre.addClass( "prettyprint" );
+ }
+ if ( settings.linenums ) {
+ $pre.filter( ".prettyprint" ).addClass( "linenums" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the required dependencies and prettify the code once finished
+ Modernizr.load({
+ load: deps,
+ complete: function() {
+ wb.doc.trigger( "prettyprint.wb-prettify" );
+ }
+ });
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/demo/progress.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/demo/progress.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1bf751fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/demo/progress.css
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+progress {
+ width: 10em; }
+.progress {
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+.no-js #update-progress {
+ display: none; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/demo/progress.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/demo/progress.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f06640964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/demo/progress.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/*jshint unused: false*/
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+wb.doc.on( "click vclick", "#update-progress", function() {
+ var $elm = $( "#updateTest" ),
+ valuenow = parseInt( $elm.attr( "value" ), 10 ),
+ newValue = valuenow === parseInt( $elm.attr( "max" ), 10 ) ? 0 : valuenow + 1;
+ $elm
+ .attr( "value", newValue )
+ .find( "span" )
+ .text( newValue + "%" );
+ // Update the visuals
+ $elm.trigger( "wb-update.wb-progress" );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/progress-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/progress-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f483d88d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/progress-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ Progress polyfill (progress bar) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Progress polyfill (progress bar)
+ Purpose
+ The HTML5 progress
element displays the progress of a task. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA.
+ Examples
+ Value
+ Max
+ Result
+ 22
+ 100
+ 22%
+ 198
+ 300
+ 66%
+ 500
+ 500
+ 100%
+ Update
+ 82%
+ View code
+ <table class="table table-striped">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Value</th>
+ <th scope="col">Max</th>
+ <th scope="col">Result</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>22</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td><progress value="22" max="100"><span class="wb-inv">22%</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>198</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ <td><progress value="198" max="300"><span class="wb-inv">66%</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>500</td>
+ <td>500</td>
+ <td><progress value="500" max="500"><span class="wb-inv">100%</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"><button class="btn btn-default" id="update-progress" type="button">Update</button></td>
+ <td><progress id="updateTest" value="82" max="100"><span class="wb-inv">82%</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ JavaScript (demo only)
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+$( document ).on( "click vclick", "#update-progress", function() {
+ var $elm = $( "#updateTest" ),
+ valuenow = parseInt( $elm.attr( "value" ), 10 ),
+ newValue = valuenow === parseInt( $elm.attr( "max" ), 10 ) ? 0 : valuenow + 1;
+ $elm
+ .attr( "value", newValue )
+ .find( "span" )
+ .text( newValue + "%" );
+ // Update the visuals
+ $elm.trigger( "wb-update.wb-progress" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/progress-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/progress-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b596ba40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/progress/progress-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ Correctif « progress » (barre de progression) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « progress » (barre de progression)
+ But
+ L'élément « progress
» de HTML5 affiche la progression d'une tâche. Étant donné que certains navigateurs ne prennent pas en charge cette fonctionnalité à l'origine, ce correctif émule la même fonctionnalité à l'aide de HTML générique et WAI-ARIA.
+ Exemples
+ Valeur
+ Max
+ Résultat
+ 22
+ 100
+ 22 %
+ 198
+ 300
+ 66 %
+ 500
+ 500
+ 100 %
+ Réactualiser
+ 82%
+ Visualiser le code
+ <table class="table table-striped">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th scope="col">Valeur</th>
+ <th scope="col">Max</th>
+ <th scope="col">Résultat</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>22</td>
+ <td>100</td>
+ <td><progress value="22" max="100"><span class="wb-inv">22 %</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>198</td>
+ <td>300</td>
+ <td><progress value="198" max="300"><span class="wb-inv">66 %</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>500</td>
+ <td>500</td>
+ <td><progress value="500" max="500"><span class="wb-inv">100 %</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"><button class="btn btn-default" id="update-progress" type="button">Réactualiser</button></td>
+ <td><progress id="updateTest" value="82" max="100"><span class="wb-inv">82%</span></progress></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ JavaScript (démo seulement)
+ (function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+$( document ).on( "click vclick", "#update-progress", function() {
+ var $elm = $( "#updateTest" ),
+ valuenow = parseInt( $elm.attr( "value" ), 10 ),
+ newValue = valuenow === parseInt( $elm.attr( "max" ), 10 ) ? 0 : valuenow + 1;
+ $elm
+ .attr( "value", newValue )
+ .find( "span" )
+ .text( newValue + "%" );
+ // Update the visuals
+ $elm.trigger( "wb-update.wb-progress" );
+})( jQuery, wb );
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/session-timeout/session-timeout-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/session-timeout/session-timeout-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8d3dc9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/session-timeout/session-timeout-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ Session Timeout - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Session Timeout
+ Overview
+ This plugin helps web page owners by providing session timeout and inactivity timeout functionality. When a user requests a page with this plugin implemented their session will begin. After the specified session period, they will be notified that their session is about to timeout. At this point, they will have the option to remain logged in by clicking "Continue session", or signing out by clicking "End session now".
+ At any time during the session, if the user remains idle for a specified amount of time, they will be notified that they're session is about to timeout. In either case, if the user does not respond to the timeout notification within a specified amount of time, once they click either "Continue session" or "End session now" they will be automatically redirected to the sign out page.
+ The plugin is setup using the following HTML:
+ <span class="wb-sessto" data-wb-sessto='{"inactivity": 1200000, "reactionTime": 30000, "sessionalive": 1200000, "logouturl": "./", "refreshCallbackUrl": "./"}'></span>
+ This allows you to configure the plugin:
+ inactivity: inactivity period of time after which the modal dialog will appear (default 20 minutes).
+ reactionTime: period of time the user has to perform an action once the modal dialog is displayed (default 3 minutes).
+ sessionalive: period of time for the session to stay alive until the modal dialog appears (default 20 minutes).
+ logouturl: URL that users are sent to when the session has expired.
+ refreshCallback: The function used to check the response received from refreshCallbackUrl.
+ refreshCallbackUrl: URL used to perform an ajax request to determine the validity of the session.
+ refreshOnClick: Determines if clicking on the document should reset the inactivity timeout and perform an ajax request (if a refreshCallbackUrl has been specified).
+ refreshLimit: Sets the amount of time that must pass before an ajax request can be made.
+ method: Sets the request method used for ajax requests. Recommended: GET or POST.
+ additionalData: Additional data to send with the request.
+ The only required parameter is logouturl, all other fields are optional. The default plugin code is:
+ <span class="wb-sessto" data-wb-sessto='{logouturl: "./"}'></span>
+ Note: The inactivity, reactionTime and sessionalive parameters are set in milliseconds. For help with the time values, use this time converter .
+ Note: Your sessionalive and inactivity parameters should be equal to your web server session alive time minus the reactionTime time. If you set your sessionalive time and inactivity time to the same as your web server without taking into consideration the reactionTime time then the session will have ended by the server as soon as the popup appears to extend the session.
+ Note: The server response needs to contain a message body. Don't use a request method (e.g. HEAD) that disallows a message body in the response.
+ How do I use it?
+ Add the following to the page:
+ <span class="wb-sessto" data-wb-sessto='{logouturl: "./"}'></span>
+ Try it out!
+ This page has a 30 seconds inactivity timeout period. You also have 3 minutes to confirm if you want to keep the session alive. Please wait for the prompt to appear.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-07-21
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/session-timeout/session-timeout-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/session-timeout/session-timeout-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2e4a6af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/session-timeout/session-timeout-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ Expiration de la session - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Expiration de la session
+ Aperçu
+ Ce plugiciel aidera les propriétaires d'actifs Web à configurer leurs actifs avec une fonction « Expiration de la session ». Celle-ci sera activée en deux circonstances : après une période de temps spécifique ou lors d'inactivité.
+ Par exemple, si l'utilisateur demeure trop longtemps sur la même page, la fonction sera activée. De même, si l’utilisateur demeure inactif, la fonction sera activée. Le fureteur affichera alors une boîte de dialogue proposant deux options à l'utilisateur ; s’il souhaite rester connecté il devra sélectionner « Continuer la session » et ce, dans un laps de temps précis et s’il souhaite mettre fin à sa session, il n’aura qu’à choisir « Mettre fin à la session ». Advenant que l'utilisateur tarde trop à faire son choix, ce sera le paramètre de déconnexion qui s’affichera.
+ Le code que vous êtes autorisés à modifier (dans la page) est :
+ <span class="wb-sessto" data-wb-sessto='{"inactivity": 1200000, "reactionTime": 30000, "sessionalive": 1200000, "logouturl": "./", "refreshCallbackUrl": "./"'}"></span>
+ Les paramètres suivants vous permettent de configurer la fonction :
+ inactivity : période de temps d'inactivité après laquelle la boîte de dialogue apparaîtra (20 minutes par défaut).
+ reactionTime : période de temps dont dispose l'utilisateur pour faire un choix lorsque la boîte de dialogue apparaît (3 minutes par défaut).
+ sessionalive : période de temps durant laquelle la session demeure active avant que la boîte de dialogue n’apparaisse (20 minutes par défaut).
+ logouturl : adresse URL à laquelle l’utilisateur est acheminé lorsque la session a expiré.
+ refreshCallbackUrl : adresse URL pour effectuer une actualisation ajax, doit retourner "true".
+ Le seul paramètre requis est logouturl, tous les autres champs sont facultatifs. Le JavaScript par défaut serait :
+ <span class="wb-sessto" data-wb-sessto='{"logouturl": "./"}'></span>
+ Nota : Les paramètres inactivity, reactionTime et sessionAlive sont mis en millisecondes. Voici un outil (disponible en anglais seulement) qui vous aidera a convertir des minutes en millisecondes.
+ Nota : Les paramètres sessionalive et inactivity devrait être égal à votre session sur le serveur web moins le temps de reactionTime. Si vous définissez paramètres sessionalive et inactivity avec le même temps que la session sur le serveur web, sans prendre en considération le temps reactionTime, alors la session sur le serveur sera fini dès que la fenêtre contextuelle apparaît pour prolonger la session.
+ Ajoutez les lignes suivantes à la page :
+ <span class="wb-sessto" data-wb-sessto='{logouturl: "./"}'></span>
+Faites un essai
+ Cette page a été configurée pour expirer dans 30 secondes. Après ce délai, vous aurez 3 minutes pour choisir de la garder active ou non. Veuillez svp attendre que la boîte de dialogue apparaisse.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-11-14
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/demo/demosite.png b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/demo/demosite.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dfb39904
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/demo/demosite.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/demo/share.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/demo/share.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21bfefa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/demo/share.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-share .demosite:before {
+ background: url("demosite.png") no-repeat; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/share-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/share-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..203413741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/share-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ Share widget - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Share widget
+ Share a page
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl1"}'></div>
+ Share a video
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"type": "video", "title": "Video title", "url": "https://video.url", "pnlId": "pnl2"}'></div>
+ Share an audio file
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"type": "audio", "title": "Audio file title", "url": "https://audio.url", "pnlId": "pnl8"}'></div>
+ Share a custom type
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"custType": " this comment", "title": "Comment title", "url": "https://comment.url", "pnlId": "pnl3"}'></div>
+ Add additional links
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl4"}'></div>
+<div class="text-right">
+ <strong>Second link:</strong>
+ <div class="wb-share link-only text-right" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl4"}'></div>
+ Filter the displayed sites
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"filter": ["email", "facebook", "linkedin", "twitter"], "pnlId": "pnl5"}'></div>
+ Add custom CSS to the share link
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl6", "lnkClass": "btn btn-default"}'></div>
+ Add a site to the share panel
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl7", "sites": "demosite": {"name": "Demo site", "url": "https://www.example.org/?to=&subject={t}&body={u}%0A{d}"}}'></div>
+ .wb-share .demosite:before {
+ background: url("demosite.png") no-repeat;
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-05-27
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/share-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/share-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46383e36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/share/share-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Gadget de partage - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Gadget de partage
+ Partager une page
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl1"}'></div>
+ Partager une vidéo
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"type": "video", "title": "Titre de la vidéo", "url": "https://video.url", "pnlId": "pnl2"}'></div>
+ Partager un fichier audio
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"type": "audio", "title": "Titre du fichier audio", "url": "https://audio.url", "pnlId": "pnl8"}'></div>
+ Partager un type personnalisé
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"custType": " ce commentaire", "title": "Titre du commentaire", "url": "https://commentaire.url", "pnlId": "pnl3"}'></div>
+ Ajouter des liens additionnels
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl4"}'></div>
+<div class="text-right">
+ <strong>Deuxième lien :/strong>
+ <div class="wb-share link-only text-right" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl4"}'></div>
+ Filtrer les sites affichés
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"filter": ["email", "facebook", "linkedin", "twitter"], "pnlId": "pnl5"}'></div>
+ Ajouter du CSS personnalisé au lien de partage
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl6", "lnkClass": "btn btn-default"}'></div>
+ Ajouter un site au panneau de partage
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-share" data-wb-share='{"pnlId": "pnl7", "sites": {"Site démo": {"name": "Site démo", "url": "https://www.example.org/?to=&subject={t}&body={u}%0A{d}"}}}'></div>
+ .wb-share .demosite:before {
+ background: url("demosite.png") no-repeat;
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-05-27
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/demo/slider.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/demo/slider.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e51bf909f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/demo/slider.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+( function( $, document, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var currentValueString = document.documentElement.lang === "fr" ?
+ "Valeur actuelle :" :
+ "Current Value:",
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ $slider;
+$document.on( "change", "#html5shim-1, #html5shim-2", function( event ) {
+ document
+ .getElementById( event.target.id + "-out" )
+ .innerHTML = "(" + currentValueString + " " + this.value + ")";
+} );
+$document.one( "timerpoke.wb", function() {
+ $slider = $( " " );
+ $slider.appendTo( "#slider-prg" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-slider" );
+ setTimeout( function() {
+ $slider.get( 0 ).value = 85;
+ $slider.trigger( "wb-update.wb-slider" );
+ }, 2000 );
+} );
+} )( jQuery, document, wb );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/slider-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/slider-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07724a1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/slider-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ Input type="range" polyfill (slider control) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Input type="range" polyfill (slider control)
+ Purpose
+ The <input type="range" />
allows to display a slider control bar. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA.
+ Relevant attributes
+ Use the following attributes to specify restrictions:
+ max - specifies the maximum value allowed
+ min - specifies the minimum value allowed
+ step - specifies the legal number intervals
+ value - specifies the default value
+ Examples
+ Range: Programmatically created
+ View code
+ <p id="slider-prg"></p>
+ JavaScript
+ $slider = $( "<input name='html5shim-3' id='html5shim-3' type='range' value='50'/>" );
+$slider.appendTo( "#slider-prg" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-slider" );
+setTimeout( function() {
+ $slider.get( 0 ).value = 85;
+ $slider.trigger( "wb-update.wb-slider" );
+}, 2000);
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/slider-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/slider-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..871a5242f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/slider/slider-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ Correctif « input type="range" » (barre coulissante) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correctif « input type="range" » (barre coulissante)
+ But
+ Le <input type="range" />
permet d'afficher une barre coulissante. Étant donné que certains navigateurs ne prennent pas en charge cette fonctionnalité à l'origine, ce correctif émule la même fonctionnalité en utilisant HTML générique et WAI-ARIA.
+ Attributs pertinents
+ Utilisez les attributs suivants pour spécifier les restrictions:
+ max - spécifie la valeur maximale autorisée
+ min - spécifie la valeur minimale autorisée
+ step - spécifie la valeur d'intervalles (augmentations)
+ value - spécifie la valeur par défaut
+ Exemples
+ Étendue : Créée programmaticalement
+ Visualiser le code
+ <p id="slider-prg"></p>
+ JavaScript
+ $slider = $( "<input name='html5shim-3' id='html5shim-3' type='range' value='50'/>" );
+$slider.appendTo( "#slider-prg" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-slider" );
+setTimeout( function() {
+ $slider.get( 0 ).value = 85;
+ $slider.trigger( "wb-update.wb-slider" );
+}, 2000);
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/stepsform/stepsform-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/stepsform/stepsform-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff64e8933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/stepsform/stepsform-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+ Steps Form - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Steps Form
+ Purpose
+ Provides the ability to split a form into steps (without/with generic validation).
+ Example
+ View code
+ Create a <div>
element with class wb-steps
(you can also add class wb-frmvld
for validation).
+ <div class="wb-frmvld wb-steps"></div>
+ Within previous the <div>
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new file mode 100644
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+ Formulaire à étapes - Canada.ca
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new file mode 100644
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+ "data": [{
+ "TITLE": "Biomass Program Continues to Support Transition to Renewable Energy in Manitoba ",
+ "TEASER": "The governments of Canada and Manitoba are supporting a greener, more sustainable economy through the $1 million Biomass Energy Support Program, Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ralph Eichler announced today.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Lawrence MacAulay",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Farmers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Manitoba"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "MP Rodger Cuzner to make announcement in Broad Cove ",
+ "TEASER": "Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton – Canso, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, will make a funding announcement at the Broad Cove Scottish Concert.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture,Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Rural Community,Travellers,Visitors,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "An Exhibition Dedicated to the Caribou and Other Animals Like It ",
+ "TEASER": "The Government of Canada supports the Musée du Fjord",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Heritage",
+ "SUBJECT": "Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Backgrounder: Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects ",
+ "TEASER": "The Government of Canada delivered the first of two federal Gas Tax Fund installments for 2016-17 to all the provinces and territories benefitting 364 municipalities in Alberta.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Alberta"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada delivers $109 million to Alberta for community infrastructure projects ",
+ "TEASER": "Modern and up-to-date community infrastructure helps ensure that Canadians live the quality of life that they want and expect. Community infrastructure helps connect people to jobs and provides access to better community services, attracts new businesses and creates economic growth opportunities.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Alberta"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Carr to Make an Announcement About the Winnipeg Art Gallery ",
+ "TEASER": "WINNIPEG – The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources...",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Heritage",
+ "SUBJECT": "Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto ",
+ "TEASER": "What an honour to be at the University of Toronto-my alma mater-for this tremendous announcement.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Speeches",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kirsty Duncan",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund Announcement at the University of Toronto ",
+ "TEASER": "Thank you, Meric [Meric S. Gertler, President, University of Toronto]. And thank you to the University of Toronto for being such great hosts today. I'm delighted to be here with my friend and colleague Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Speeches",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "The Royal 22e Régiment Takes On Tough Competition at Leapfest ",
+ "TEASER": "Ten members of 3rd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment will be testing their parachuting abilities at Leapfest from August 1 to 9.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Best summer ever: Record number of jobs and opportunities in Newfoundland and Labrador through Canada Summer Jobs program ",
+ "TEASER": "More Newfoundland and Labrador students than ever before will be working under the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program this year, thanks to unprecedented interest shown by employers and students across the province. Ken McDonald, Member of Parliament for Avalon, made the announcement today on behalf of the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 08:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Employment and Social Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Education and Training",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Students,Parents,Youth,Employers,General Public,Job Seekers",
+ "LOCATION": "Newfoundland and Labrador"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "UPDATE: Address by Minister Dion on the occasion of a joint press conference with Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Affairs Samaraweera ",
+ "TEASER": "I'm touched by the warmth and smiles that have greeted the Canadian delegation since our arrival in Sri Lanka last night. Minister Samaraweera, thank you very much for your invitation and the exceptional hospitality we've been shown.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-29 01:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Speeches",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Announcing the new president of the National Research Council of Canada ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, made the following announcement today: I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Iain Stewart as President of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), effective August 24, 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 19:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kirsty Duncan",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Statement from the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Regarding the 1974 Valcartier Grenade Incident ",
+ "TEASER": "Lieutenant-General Guy Thibault, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, today issued the following statement:",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 18:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada invests in project to bring high speed Internet to all Manitoba First Nations ",
+ "TEASER": "Canada is working in partnership with First Nations to improve the quality of life on reserves and in remote and isolated communities.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Building the Manitoba First Nations Network of the Future ",
+ "TEASER": "Manitoba has some of the poorest Internet connectivity in the country south of 60. Of Manitoba's 63 First Nations, less than a third of communities have sufficient Internet capability for email, texting, or online applications.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Les Brasseurs du Petit-Sault Inc. Gears up to Increase Productivity ",
+ "TEASER": "Les Brasseurs du Petit-Sault Inc. Gears up to Increase Productivity New equipment will help microbrewery meet growing demand for its products",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "New Brunswick"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canadian Soldiers headed to Exercise PANAMAX ",
+ "TEASER": "The newly enlarged Panama Canal will be the focus of Exercise PANAMAX, led by Chile, Colombia and Peru. Canadian participation in the U.S. Southern Command- sponsored exercise consists of 10 Regular and Reserve Force members from 5th Canadian Division from July 29 to August 5.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "2016-2017 Annual Plan focuses on strengthening competition to drive innovation ",
+ "TEASER": "The Competition Bureau's priorities for the current year include supporting innovation by deterring anti‑competitive conduct that discourages new entrants in the digital economy and using data screening to detect bid‑rigging in public infrastructure projects.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Competition Bureau",
+ "SUBJECT": "Information and Communications",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada Supports Mississauga Biotech Innovator ",
+ "TEASER": "Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Navdeep Bains, on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lawrence MacAulay, will be in Mississauga, Ontario, on Friday, July 29th, to make an announcement in support of a Mississauga-based biotechnology company, AbCelex Technologies Inc.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Lawrence MacAulay",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Farmers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "AC Crystal wheat to move to Canada Northern Hard Red class in 2019 ",
+ "TEASER": "As of August 1, 2019, the Canadian Grain Commission will designate the wheat variety AC Crystal to the Canada Northern Hard Red class.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Grain Commission",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Farmers",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canadian Energy in a Global Marketplace ",
+ "TEASER": "The past two years in energy markets have been a wild ride, to say the least. This has been a time of unprecedented uncertainty",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Speeches",
+ "DEPT": "National Energy Board",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment,Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "New Machinery Readies Sea Cucumbers for Export ",
+ "TEASER": "Today Atlantic Sea Cucumber Ltd. celebrated the grand opening of their newly renovated seafood processing facility in Hackett's Cove. The Government of Canada provided the company with a $500,000 repayable contribution, through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's Business Development Program (BDP), to help modernize the facility.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Rural Community,Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Recreational Improvements in Stratford ",
+ "TEASER": "The Town of Stratford will soon see many of its recreational assets undergo important infrastructure upgrades. Locations include Kelly's Pond, MacNeill Community Centre and the adjacent MacNeill Ball Field, Robert L. Cotton Centre, and Bunbury Ball Field.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "CRTC launches review of the Wireless Code of Conduct ",
+ "TEASER": "The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today invited Canadians to participate in its review of the Wireless Code. The review will also include a public hearing that will begin on February 6, 2017, in the National Capital Region.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "The Government of Canada takes action to eliminate known Sex-Based Discrimination in the Indian Act ",
+ "TEASER": "Today, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, provided details on the Government of Canada's two-staged approach in the context of the response to the Superior Court of Quebec decision in the case of Descheneaux et al., v. Canada",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Message from the Minister of Health - World Hepatitis Day ",
+ "TEASER": "July 28th marks World Hepatitis Day, and is an opportunity to draw attention to the impact of viral hepatitis in Canada and the efforts to eliminate this disease around the world.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Public Health Agency of Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jane Philpott",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada investing in innovation at Cape Breton University ",
+ "TEASER": "Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton – Canso, was joined by the Honourable Mark Eyking, Member of Parliament for Sydney – Victoria, today to announce a more than $1.1 million investment to the Cape Breton University's Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and Environment for a project that supports research and development to degrade organic matter commonly found in food processing wastewater. The funding is being provided through ACOA's Atlantic Innovation Fund.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment,Science and Technology,Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada and Ontario invest in infrastructure at University of Toronto ",
+ "TEASER": "Canadians will be better equipped for the well-paying middle-class jobs of today and tomorrow as a result of a $98 million investment in the University of Toronto.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund ",
+ "TEASER": "The Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund is a $2-billion initiative designed to modernize research and commercialization facilities at Canadian universities, colleges and polytechnics.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Making post-secondary education more affordable ",
+ "TEASER": "For too many Canadians, rising costs have made post-secondary education less affordable. Fewer are able to save for education, and those who receive financial assistance often find it difficult to repay their loans. Increases to Canada Student Grants and changes to the Repayment Assistance Plan offer real help to Canada's middle-class and those working hard to join it.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Employment and Social Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Persons,Education and Training,Government and Politics,Information and Communications",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Students,Youth,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Media Advisory - Martensville, Saskatchewan ",
+ "TEASER": "Martensville, Saskatchewan July 28, 2016 – Members of the media are invited to attend an important infrastructure event regarding Highways 11 and 12 with the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and the Honourable Nancy Heppner, Minister of Highways and Infrastructure.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Saskatchewan"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Media Advisory - Whitecap, Saskatchewan ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to attend an important event regarding water and wastewater infrastructure in Whitecap, with the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the Honourable Jim Reiter, Minister of Government Relations, and Darcy Bear, Chief of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Saskatchewan"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Member of Parliament Denis Lemieux to Make an Announcement About the Musée du Fjord ",
+ "TEASER": "SAGUENAY, Quebec – Denis Lemieux, Member of Parliament (Chicoutimi–Le Fjord)...",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Heritage",
+ "SUBJECT": "Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Lockdown and search at Mountain Institution ",
+ "TEASER": "On July 26, 2016 at about 7:00 p.m., a lockdown was put in place at Mountain Institution, a medium security federal institution, to enable staff members to conduct a general search.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Ralph Goodale",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "British Columbia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Ottawa River Designated a Canadian Heritage River ",
+ "TEASER": "Today, the Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, Kathryn McGarry, and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, Catherine McKenna, designated the Ontario portion of the Ottawa River as a Canadian Heritage River for its outstanding cultural heritage values.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Parks Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Catherine McKenna",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Ottawa River Designated into the Canadian Heritage Rivers System ",
+ "TEASER": "The Ottawa River",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Parks Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Catherine McKenna",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Veterans Affairs Canada office in Charlottetown to reopen November, 2016 ",
+ "TEASER": "Government of Canada committed to doing more for Veterans",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-28 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Veterans Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kent Hehr",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Statement from the Minister of Health on the Opioid Crisis ",
+ "TEASER": "Canada is facing a growing crisis related to opioid overdoses and deaths across the country, and our government is committed to addressing this issue.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 21:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Health Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jane Philpott",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Parliamentary Secretary Alghabra to attend presidential inauguration in Peru ",
+ "TEASER": "Omar Alghabra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Consular Affairs), today announced that he will attend the inauguration of president-elect Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in Lima, Peru, on July 28, 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 20:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "National Strategy Advocates Inuit-led Approach to Suicide Prevention ",
+ "TEASER": "Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) and Health Canada are committed to working together and with other Inuit leaders and provincial and territorial governments to provide effective, sustainable, and culturally appropriate health programs and services to improve the health of Inuit.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 18:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Health Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jane Philpott",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Employers",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Bains and Minister Duncan to announce infrastructure funding at University of Toronto ",
+ "TEASER": "Event date: July 28, 2016 - The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, and the Honourable Deb Matthews, Ontario Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development, will be joined by Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development Han Dong at the University of Toronto on July 28 to announce infrastructure funding for the University of Toronto and to highlight the benefits of the new Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 18:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains,Hon. Kirsty Duncan",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "NFB Indigenous films showcased at Présence autochtone. 2015 award winner Red Path also debuts at NFB.ca, starting Aug. 4 ",
+ "TEASER": "Five National Film Board of Canada Indigenous short films will be featured at the 2016 Festival Présence autochtone/Montreal First Peoples Festival (Aug. 3–10).",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Film Board",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture,Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Free streaming of Thérèse Ottawa's Red Path at NFB.ca, starting Aug. 4. NFB short received two special mentions at last year's Festival Présence autochtone/Montreal First Peoples Festival. ",
+ "TEASER": "As the Festival Présence autochtone/Montreal First Peoples Festival kicks off its new season, one of the National Film Board of Canada's hits from the 2015 edition will premiere at NFB.ca, with Atikamekw filmmaker Thérèse Ottawa's acclaimed short Red Path (Le chemin rouge) debuting online August 4.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Film Board",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture,Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Statement on Network Disruption Affecting Access to Phoenix System ",
+ "TEASER": "Early this morning one of the Government of Canada data centres experienced an automatic emergency shutdown due to its smoke detection sensors being activated. Power was immediately restored and staff have worked through the night to restore services to the data centre.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Government of Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "FedDev Ontario Supports Expansion Activities for Belleville Clean Technology Manufacturer ",
+ "TEASER": "Today, Neil R. Ellis, Member of Parliament for Bay of Quinte, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for FedDev Ontario, announced an investment of up to $1.95 million to Strathcona Energy Group Inc. (SEG) to expand production capacity for its core solar panel business in Belleville.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Federal and Provincial Governments to Make an Announcement in Edmundston ",
+ "TEASER": "René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska – Restigouche, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; and the Honourable Francine Landry, Minister of Economic Development and Minister responsible for Opportunities NB, will be in Edmundston on Thursday, July 28, 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "New Brunswick"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "McKay Memorial Library Opens New Chapter of Community Support ",
+ "TEASER": "The McKay Memorial Library is opening up a new chapter in its book; one where it will be better equipped to support the needs of its community. The Library will be receiving renovations that will expand their programming space in order to enhance non-traditional library services such as workshops, training, specialized programming, artisan's displays and community space.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture,Education and Training,Information and Communications",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Lockdown and search at Bowden Institution – Medium security unit ",
+ "TEASER": "On July 26, 2016, at about 3:40 p.m., a lockdown was put in place in the medium security unit at Bowden Institution to enable staff members to conduct a general search.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Ralph Goodale",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Alberta"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada invests in southern Ontario ",
+ "TEASER": "Ontarians will benefit from wellpaying jobs for the middle class and those working hard to join it as a result of a series of investments made this week by the Government of Canada to commercialize new technologies, diversify regional economies and accelerate the growth of small businesses.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Health Minister to speak at the MyHealthNS Personal Health Record launch ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Jane Philpott, Federal Minister of Health, will present remarks at the launch of the MyHealthNS Personal Health Record along with the Honourable Stephen McNeil, Nova Scotia Premier.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Health Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jane Philpott",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada Announces Improved Additions to Reserve Process to Advance Reconciliation with First Nations and Promote Economic Development ",
+ "TEASER": "The Government of Canada is committed to improving the process for creating new reserves and adding land to existing reserves.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Society and Culture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Carolyn Bennett",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "TransCanada Highway getting safety improvements near Malahat, BC ",
+ "TEASER": "The Trans-Canada Highway is the main north-south corridor on Vancouver Island and serves as a critical route for moving goods, linking communities, and supporting a thriving tourism industry in the region.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "British Columbia,Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Enforcement Advisory - Notice for businesses and individuals on how to keep records of consent ",
+ "TEASER": "Commission staff has published this advisory, directed to businesses and individuals in Canada sending commercial electronic messages (CEMs) as part of their commercial activities.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "MP Cuzner and MP Eyking to make innovation funding announcement ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to attend an event where Rodger Cuzner, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton - Canso, alongside the Honourable Mark Eyking, Member of Parliament for Sydney – Victoria, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), will make an official announcement concerning a major investment in innovation in Atlantic Canada under ACOA's Atlantic Innovation Fund.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Science and Technology,Economics and Industry,Education and Training",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Students,Scientists,General Public,Government,Job Seekers",
+ "LOCATION": "Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Hehr to make announcement regarding office opening in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, will announce plans to reopen the Veterans Affairs Canada office in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and speak to Budget 2016 measures which improve support for Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Veterans Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kent Hehr",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Hehr Marks Korean War Veterans Day ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, today issued the following statement on Korean War Veterans Day",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Veterans Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kent Hehr",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canadian Army trains with Allied Forces in Romania during Exercise SABER GUARDIAN ",
+ "TEASER": "Starting today until August 7, approximately 45 Canadian Army soldiers will be participating in Exercise SABER GUARDIAN 2016, a U.S.-led joint, multinational, regional exercise, in Cincu, Romania. In support of allied and partner nations, more than 2,500 soldiers from 11 countries will partake in the exercise designed to improve interoperability within a multinational brigade.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Visits temporarily cancelled at Saskatchewan Penitentiary ",
+ "TEASER": "Due to water supply concerns following the recent oil spill in the North Saskatchewan River, all visits are temporarily cancelled at Saskatchewan Penitentiary, a multi-level security federal institution.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Ralph Goodale",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Saskatchewan"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Veterans Affairs Canada office in Sydney to reopen November 2016 ",
+ "TEASER": "Government of Canada committed to doing more for Veterans",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-27 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Veterans Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kent Hehr",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Veterans,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Dion to visit Sri Lanka following successful visit to Lao People's Democratic Republic ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today concluded his first visit to Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR). Minister Dion met with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) foreign ministers during the annual ASEAN-Canada Post-Ministerial Conference and took part in the ASEAN Regional Forum. During his trip, the Minister announced nine new initiatives, together worth more than $18 million, aimed at promoting regional security and stability in Southeast Asia. Of these, two in particular will strengthen the Laotian government's ability to respond to natural disasters and counter human-smuggling and -trafficking networks.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 18:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Backgrounder - Southeast Asia security and stability project announcements ",
+ "TEASER": "This initiative will assist the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR) in developing ways to track public expenditures related to disaster risk management. The initiative will also assist the governments of the Lao PDR and Cambodia in developing disaster-loss databases for the road sector to ensure risk-informed decision making in the construction and repair of roads.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Highway 905 - All Weather Roadway - Stony Rapids to Lake Athabasca near Fond-du-Lac: Public Comments Invited ",
+ "TEASER": "The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is conducting a federal environmental assessment of the proposed Highway 905 - All Weather Roadway - Stony Rapids to Lake Athabasca near Fond-du-Lac, located in northern Saskatchewan.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Saskatchewan"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Ontario and Canada Investing in Barrie Area Agricultural Projects ",
+ "TEASER": "The provincial and federal governments have invested over $1 million in 24 projects in Barrie and the surrounding area of Dufferin County and Simcoe County to help grow the area's food and beverage sector and the local economy.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Lawrence MacAulay",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Farmers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Des Joachims Bridge - lane reduction ",
+ "TEASER": "Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise motorists of the following lane reduction on the Des Joachims Bridge.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Government of Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Processes,Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Travellers,Visitors,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Quebec,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "FedDev Ontario Invests in Biomedical Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Centre ",
+ "TEASER": "Hamilton residents will benefit from well-paying jobs for the middle class and those working hard to join it as a result of an $11.96-million investment to establish a biomedical engineering and advanced manufacturing facility. The products developed as a result of this investment have the potential to change diagnostics and treatment, which could improve the quality of life of Canadians as well as people living in countries around the world.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "FedDev Ontario Invests in Biomedical Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Centre ",
+ "TEASER": "The Government of Canada supports the development of new health technologies that have the potential to improve the quality of life of all Canadians, while creating well-paying jobs for the middle class and those working hard to join it. As part of this program, McMaster University will receive an investment of up to $11.96 million.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "MP Jordan to make announcement in Shelburne ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to join Bernadette Jordan, Member of Parliament for South Shore – St. Margarets, on behalf of the Honorable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, for a funding announcement in Shelburne.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Persons,Science and Technology,Society and Culture,Language and Linguistics,Education and Training",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Rural Community,Seniors,Students,Parents,Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "New crop year reminders for western producers and industry ",
+ "TEASER": "The Canadian Grain Commission reminds the grain industry and producers about grain grading changes that come into effect on August 1, 2016 in western Canada",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Grain Commission",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Farmers",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Fisheries and Oceans Canada announces new round of funding for Canadian researchers to study contaminants ",
+ "TEASER": "Ottawa, Ontario – Research that studies the effects of contaminants on our aquatic ecosystems helps improve decision-making on the use and protection of our marine and freshwater environments. It contributes to Fisheries and Oceans Canada's overall advice on sustainable aquaculture, resource development and emergency response measures.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Fisheries and Oceans Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment,Science and Technology,Economics and Industry,Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Dominic LeBlanc",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Backgrounder: Seventeen Infrastructure Projects in Yukon Get Joint Government Funding ",
+ "TEASER": "The governments of Canada and Yukon are announcing funding for infrastructure improvement projects in communities across the territory under the Small Communities Fund. The Government of Canada will provide up to $58,596,772 through the Small Communities Fund for the 17 projects and the Government of Yukon will cover any remaining costs.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Yukon Territory,Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government Of Canada Investing in Innovation at QRA Corp ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board of Canada and Member of Parliament for Kings-Hants, was joined by Andy Fillmore, Member of Parliament for Halifax, today to announce an investment of $2,994,928 for the development of QRA Corp's QVtrace analysis tool. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). Minister Brison and MP Fillmore were joined by Dr. Jordan Kyriakidis, Co-founder and CEO of QRA Corp, and Greg Phipps, Managing Director of Investment for Innovacorp.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Persons,Science and Technology",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Scientists,Business,Employers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Seventeen Infrastructure Projects in Yukon Get Joint Government Funding ",
+ "TEASER": "Providing community residents and businesses with modern, reliable and sustainable public infrastructure opens doors to good jobs, helps create economic growth and foster a strong middle class, and provides opportunities for a better quality of life to everyone.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Yukon Territory,Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "MP Ellis to Announce Support for Business Growth and Productivity in Belleville ",
+ "TEASER": "Neil R. Ellis, Member of Parliament for Bay of Quinte, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for FedDev Ontario, will make an announcement supporting a Belleville-based clean technology manufacturer.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "TEACH Magazine Profiles Key Milestone Anniversaries in 2016 ",
+ "TEASER": "National educational publisher receives federal funding to create new resources",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Heritage",
+ "SUBJECT": "Arts, Music, Literature",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Mélanie Joly",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Hehr to make announcement regarding office reopening in Sydney, Nova Scotia ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence, will announce plans to reopen the Veterans Affairs Canada office in Sydney, Nova Scotia, and speak to Budget 2016 measures which improve support for Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Veterans Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kent Hehr",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Contract awarded for survey of the shipwrecked MV Manolis L ",
+ "TEASER": "An assessment to be conducted this summer of the MV Manolis L, a shipwreck in Notre Dame Bay off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, will inform the development of Canadian Coast Guard plans for the recovery of the vessel's cargo of an estimated 462 tons of fuel, 60 tons of diesel and removal of the vessel.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Fisheries and Oceans Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment,Transport,Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Dominic LeBlanc",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Newfoundland and Labrador"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government funding brings high-speed internet to Southwestern Ontario communities ",
+ "TEASER": "The governments of Canada and Ontario are committed to supporting innovation and encouraging economic activity that contributes to growing the middle class. That is why the federal and provincial governments are providing up to $180 million in joint funding to improve high-speed internet connectivity to over 300 communities in Southwestern Ontario.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Dr. Steven J. Hoffman appointed Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health ",
+ "TEASER": "Dr. Alain Beaudet, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), along with CIHR's Governing Council, announced today the appointment of Dr. Steven J. Hoffman, a leading international lawyer and global health researcher at the University of Ottawa, as incoming Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Population and Public Health and as CIHR's lead for global health. This appointment is effective August 1, 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Institutes of Health Research",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jane Philpott",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Chair Kathy Fox statement on the expedited removal of legacy tank cars for crude oil transport ",
+ "TEASER": "TSB issues statement on expedited removal of legacy tank cars.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Transportation Safety Board of Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "New Opportunities for Play at Queens County Fair ",
+ "TEASER": "The Queens County Fair Association is upgrading the fairground playground thanks to support from the Government of Canada. A $10,000 non-repayable contribution through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP150) will help to install equipment that will appeal to a larger age range of children in the area.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment,Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Rural Community,Parents,Visitors,Children,Educators,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada Supports Stella's Circle Building Upgrades ",
+ "TEASER": "Plans are underway to upgrade the Stella's Circle building on Cabot Street, thanks in part to a contribution from the Government of Canada. Seamus O'Regan, Member of Parliament for St. John's South-Mount Pearl, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), today announced funding of $32,500 for the project through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP 150).",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Improvements to Montague Waterfront ",
+ "TEASER": "Montague the Beautiful, well-known for its picturesque waterfront, will soon see infrastructure improvements that will further enhance the area's appeal to visitors and locals alike.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Prince Edward Island"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Lockdown and search at Matsqui Institution ",
+ "TEASER": "On July 24, 2016, at about 4:00 p.m., a lockdown was put in place at Matsqui Institution, a medium security federal institution, to enable staff members to conduct an exceptional search.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-26 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Ralph Goodale",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "British Columbia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "End of lockdown and search at Joyceville Institution - Medium security unit ",
+ "TEASER": "The lockdown put in place at the medium-security unit at Joyceville Institution on July 21, 2016, has ended and an exceptional search has been completed. The institution has resumed its normal operations.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Ralph Goodale",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "End of lockdown and search at Warkworth Institution ",
+ "TEASER": "The lockdown put in place at Warkworth Institution on July 20, 2016, has ended. The institution has resumed its normal operations.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Ralph Goodale",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Notice of participant funding offering for Ontario Power Generation's Western Waste Management Facility licence renewal ",
+ "TEASER": "The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is offering participant funding to assist members of the public, Aboriginal groups and other stakeholders in participating in the licence application review and Commission hearing process for Ontario Power Generation's Western Waste Management Facility licence renewal. Participant funding of up to $75,000 is being offered for the provision of new, distinctive and valuable information, through informed and topic-specific interventions to the Commission.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission",
+ "SUBJECT": "Science and Technology,Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Aboriginal Peoples,Scientists,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Faster timeline for phasing out DOT-111 tank cars ",
+ "TEASER": "In 2015, more than 146,000 carloads of crude oil were shipped throughout Canada by rail.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Transport Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Marc Garneau",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Media Advisory - Whitehorse, Yukon ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to attend an important infrastructure funding announcement with the Honourable Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament for Yukon, along with the Honourable Currie Dixon, Minister of Community Services and Minister of the Public Service Commission for the Government of Yukon.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Yukon Territory,Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Brison to speak about the Government of Canada's plan for the middle class ",
+ "TEASER": "President of the Treasury Board and Member of Parliament for Kings-Hants Scott Brison will be speaking about the Government of Canada's plan to strengthen Canada's middle class and help the families who need it most.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Scott Brison",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Backgrounder - Canada promotes regional security and safety in Southeast Asia ",
+ "TEASER": "Canada announced a total of more than $17 million in new funding through its security-related capacity-building programs.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada promotes regional security and safety in Southeast Asia ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced seven new security and safety initiatives worth more than $17 million during his participation at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-Canada Post-Ministerial Conference in Vientiane, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR).",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada Recognizes Westmount for its National Historic Significance ",
+ "TEASER": "Government of Canada Recognizes Westmount for its National Historic Significance",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Parks Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Westmount District ",
+ "TEASER": "Westmount District",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Parks Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "The Government of Canada Invests $68.2 Million in Small Craft Harbours Infrastructure in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador ",
+ "TEASER": "Small craft harbours play an important role in providing coastal communities and the commercial fishing industry with safe and accessible facilities. With more than 76,000 Canadians employed in this sector, the Government of Canada is making investments that will continue to support the growth of this industry and provide economic opportunities for middle-class Canadians.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Fisheries and Oceans Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport,Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Dominic LeBlanc",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Newfoundland and Labrador"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Backgrounder: 27 Manitoba Infrastructure Projects Approved Under New Federal Funding Programs ",
+ "TEASER": "Canada and Manitoba approved 27 community infrastructure projects today under two new federal infrastructure programs introduced as part of Phase 1 of the 10-year Investing in Canada plan. The Public Transit Infrastructure Fund and the Canadian Water and Wastewater Fund, are both aimed at addressing priority projects and focuses on repairing and upgrading existing facilities and assets. Phase 1 will help lay the foundation for the longer-term federal investment strategy. Details on Phase 2 of Investing in Canada will be announced over the next year.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Manitoba"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada and Manitoba Reach Agreement Under New Federal Infrastructure Funding Programs ",
+ "TEASER": "Investing in local infrastructure helps ensure that Canadian communities have access to high-quality municipal water and wastewater systems that families can rely on, and efficient and modern public transit systems so that people can get to work on time and back home safely at the end of a long day.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Manitoba"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Investments for Montague ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to attend an infrastructure announcement in Montague. The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, will join officials from the Town of Montague and the Montague Waterfront Development Corporation to make the announcement.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media",
+ "LOCATION": "Prince Edward Island"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada Invests $12M to Support Bio-Based Innovation in Sarnia ",
+ "TEASER": "Residents of the Sarnia-Lambton region will benefit from more jobs for the middle class – and those working hard to join it – as a result of a $12-million investment to support the sustainable chemistry and bio-based industrial sector.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Media Advisory - London, Ontario ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to attend an important infrastructure event regarding internet connectivity with the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, on behalf of the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities; and the Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Ontario Minister of Infrastructure.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 12:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Bains to Announce Support for Commercialization Partnerships in Hamilton ",
+ "TEASER": "Event date: July 26, 2016 -The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and Minister responsible for FedDev Ontario, along with Filomena Tassi, Member of Parliament for Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas, and Bob Bratina, Member of Parliament for Hamilton East−Stoney Creek, will make an announcement supporting commercialization partnerships in Hamilton.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Brison and MP Fillmore to make innovation funding announcement ",
+ "TEASER": "Members of the media are invited to attend an event where the Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board of Canada and Member of Parliament for Kings-Hants, along with Andy Fillmore, Member of Parliament for Halifax, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), will make an official announcement concerning a major investment in innovation in Atlantic Canada under ACOA's Atlantic Innovation Fund.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Science and Technology",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Scott Brison,Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Nova Scotia"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Parliamentary Secretary Gould to visit Honduras and Guatemala ",
+ "TEASER": "Karina Gould, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development and la Francophonie, announced today that she will travel to Honduras and Guatemala from July 25 to 29, 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 10:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canadians recognized for their dedication to Veterans ",
+ "TEASER": "Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation presented at a ceremony in Halifax",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Veterans Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Kent Hehr",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Media Advisory - West St. Paul, Manitoba ",
+ "TEASER": "West St. Paul, Manitoba, July 22, 2016 – Members of the media are invited to attend an important infrastructure event regarding federal infrastructure commitments with the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, and Member of Parliament for Kildonan-St. Paul, on behalf of Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities; Eileen Clarke, Minister of Indigenous and Municipal Relations; and Chris Goertzen, President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-25 09:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Infrastructure Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Amarjeet Sohi",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Manitoba"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada took strong stance at United Nations meetings on climate warming HFCs ",
+ "TEASER": "Canada is taking action on climate change at home and abroad. Environment and Climate Change Minister, Catherine McKenna, today wrapped up a series of UN meetings in Vienna, where Canada pushed for international action to phase down climate-warming hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as quickly as possible.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-24 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Environment and Climate Change Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Catherine McKenna",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Camp Hughes ",
+ "TEASER": "This former military training camp is the most intact First World War battlefield terrain, created for training purposes, remaining in Canada and one of a dwindling number worldwide. It retains – in whole or in part – many key features including the training trenches (approximately ten kilometres of the main battalion trench system), rifle range, grenade training grounds, artillery observation posts, building foundations, and a camp cemetery.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-24 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Backgrounders",
+ "DEPT": "Parks Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Camp Hughes, WWI Military Training Camp, Recognized for its National Historic Significance ",
+ "TEASER": "Camp Hughes, WWI Military Training Camp, Recognized for its National Historic Significance",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-24 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Parks Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "History and Archaeology",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Morneau Again Earns G20 Support for Canada's Plan for Middle Class Growth ",
+ "TEASER": "Minister Morneau Again Earns G20 Support for Canada's Plan for Middle Class Growth",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-24 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Finance Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. William Francis Morneau",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Minister Dion to travel to the Lao People's Democratic Republic, establish new diplomatic mission and participate in Association of Southeast Asian Nations meetings ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced that he will travel to Vientiane, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR), for the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-Canada Post-Ministerial Conference and the ASEAN Regional Forum, scheduled, respectively, for July 25 and 26, 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-23 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "The Government of Canada supports a community project in Lac-Drolet ",
+ "TEASER": "Municipal skating rink converted to accommodate sports enthusiasts all year round.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-23 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions",
+ "SUBJECT": "Science and Technology,Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Non-Governmental Organizations,Media,Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Quebec"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Federal and Provincial Governments Celebrate the Grand Opening of Revitalized Bridge Street ",
+ "TEASER": "Completed restoration project will enhance business, community and tourism activities",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-23 11:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "New Brunswick"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canada appalled by depraved attack in Munich, Germany ",
+ "TEASER": "We condemn this attack, and we offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed and a quick recovery to those injured. Canadians are deeply saddened by these tragic events, especially the targeting of children, and our thoughts are with the people of Germany during this stressful period.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 21:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Global Affairs Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Stéphane Dion",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada, provinces and territories reach unprecedented agreement-in-principle on internal trade ",
+ "TEASER": "In an increasingly global economy, Canada must have a free trade agreement that lowers barriers within our own country. An open Canadian market creates well-paying jobs for the middle class and those working hard to join it. It drives economic growth and provides consumers with more choice. It also enables Canadian businesses to be as competitive at home as they are abroad.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 19:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Economics and Industry",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Business,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Federal and Provincial Governments Support Youth Entrepreneurship at UNB's Summer Institute Program ",
+ "TEASER": "Inspired youth demonstrate their creative business ideas",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 18:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency",
+ "SUBJECT": "Education and Training",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "New Brunswick"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Defence Minister Concludes Visit to RIMPAC 2016 ",
+ "TEASER": "As part of the Government of Canada's commitment to maintaining strong, multilateral ties with allies in the Asia-Pacific region, Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan today concluded a successful visit with Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel and international partners in the region of the Hawaiian Islands during the world's largest international maritime exercise, Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2016.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 18:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Yacht club convicted of killing migratory birds in attempt to scare them away ",
+ "TEASER": "On July 6, the Club nautique de Baie-Comeau Inc., on the North Shore, pleaded guilty to killing or injuring a dozen Ring-Billed Gulls by trying to scare them, in violation of the Migratory Birds Regulations. The Club nautique was fined 2,500 dollars, which will be paid to the Environmental Damages Fund. This sentence is the first conviction in Canada for this type of offence under the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA).",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Environment and Climate Change Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Nature and Environment",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Catherine McKenna",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public,Government",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Statement from Minister MacAulay on Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Agriculture Annual Conference ",
+ "TEASER": "The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, today issued the following statement regarding the annual conference of federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 17:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Statements",
+ "DEPT": "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Lawrence MacAulay",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Farmers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Federal, Provincial and Territorial Ministers Set the Direction for the Next Agricultural Framework ",
+ "TEASER": "Canada's federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) Ministers of Agriculture today concluded their annual conference with Ministers issuing the Calgary Statement ― representing a consensus among Ministers regarding the key priorities to develop the next agricultural policy framework, set to launch in April 2018.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Agriculture",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Lawrence MacAulay",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,Farmers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Government of Canada Announces Re-evaluation Decision for Pesticides Containing Boric Acid ",
+ "TEASER": "Today, the Government of Canada published a final pesticide re-evaluation decision for boric acid, a naturally occurring substance that is commonly used in a wide range of pesticide products in Canada to control insects and fungi.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Health Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "Hon. Jane Philpott",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "The JAG Launches Comprehensive Review of Court Martial System ",
+ "TEASER": "The Judge Advocate General (JAG), Major-General Blaise Cathcart, has launched a proactive comprehensive review of the Canadian Armed Forces' (CAF) court martial system.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 16:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Canadian Armed Forces teams complete the 2016 Nijmegen Marches ",
+ "TEASER": "Today marks the end of the 100th annual International Four Days Marches Nijmegen in the Netherlands. This year, more than 200 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members from across Canada and Formation Europe participated in the marching event, and were awarded a special 100th anniversary edition of the Four Day Marches Cross.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Des Allumettes Bridge - lane closures ",
+ "TEASER": "Public Services and Procurement Canada wishes to advise motorists of the following alternate lane closures on the Des Allumettes Bridge.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 15:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "Media Advisories",
+ "DEPT": "Government of Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Processes,Transport",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Travellers,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Quebec,Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "New Leader at the Helm of Maritime Forces Pacific ",
+ "TEASER": "Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Art McDonald officially assumed command of Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) and Joint Task Force (Pacific) (JTF(P)) from RAdm Gilles Couturier during a ceremony held today at CFB Esquimalt. Presiding over the ceremony was Vice-Admiral Ron Lloyd, Commander Royal Canadian Navy.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces",
+ "SUBJECT": "Military",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Death of an inmate at Collins Bay Institution - Minimum-security unit ",
+ "TEASER": "On July 21, 2016, Christopher Leach, an inmate at Collins Bay Institution died at the regional hospital in Bath, Ontario.",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 14:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Correctional Service Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Health and Safety",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "Media,General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Ontario"
+ }, {
+ "TITLE": "Department of Finance Releases Legislative and Regulatory Proposals Relating to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax ",
+ "TEASER": "Department of Finance Releases Legislative and Regulatory Proposals Relating to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax",
+ "PUBDATE": "2016-07-22 13:07:00",
+ "TYPE": "News Releases",
+ "DEPT": "Finance Canada",
+ "SUBJECT": "Government and Politics",
+ "MINISTER": "",
+ "AUDIENCE": "General Public",
+ "LOCATION": "Canada"
+ }]
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index 000000000..39bad28ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tables/tables-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1399 @@
+ Tables - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Tables
+ Example
+ Integrates the DataTables plugin into WET providing searching, sorting, filtering, pagination and other advanced features for tables.
+ Basic Example
+ <table class="wb-tables table">
+ Rendering engine
+ Browser
+ Platform(s)
+ Engine version
+ CSS grade
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 4.0
+ Win 95+
+ 4
+ X
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.0
+ Win 95+
+ 5
+ C
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.5
+ Win 95+
+ 5.5
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 6
+ Win 98+
+ 6
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 7
+ Win XP SP2+
+ 7
+ A
+ Trident
+ AOL browser (AOL desktop)
+ Win XP
+ 6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.5
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 2.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 3.0
+ Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
+ 1.9
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.0
+ OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.5
+ OSX.3+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape 7.2
+ Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Browser 8
+ Win 98SE+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Navigator 9
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.1
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.2
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.2
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.3
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.3
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.4
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.4
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.5
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.6
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.7
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.8
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Seamonkey 1.1
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Epiphany 2.20
+ Gnome
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.2
+ OSX.3
+ 125.5
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.3
+ OSX.3
+ 312.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 2.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 419.3
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 3.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 522.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ OmniWeb 5.5
+ OSX.4+
+ 420
+ A
+ Webkit
+ iPod Touch / iPhone
+ iPod
+ 420.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ S60
+ S60
+ 413
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.2
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.5
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera for Wii
+ Wii
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nokia N800
+ N800
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nintendo DS browser
+ Nintendo DS
+ 8.5
+ C/A1
+ Konqureror 3.1
+ KDE 3.1
+ 3.1
+ C
+ Konqureror 3.3
+ KDE 3.3
+ 3.3
+ A
+ Konqureror 3.5
+ KDE 3.5
+ 3.5
+ A
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 4.5
+ Mac OS 8-9
+ -
+ X
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.1
+ Mac OS 7.6-9
+ 1
+ C
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.2
+ Mac OS 8-X
+ 1
+ C
+ Misc
+ NetFront 3.1
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ C
+ Misc
+ NetFront 3.4
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ A
+ Misc
+ Dillo 0.8
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ X
+ Misc
+ Links
+ Text only
+ -
+ X
+ Misc
+ Lynx
+ Text only
+ -
+ X
+ Misc
+ IE Mobile
+ Windows Mobile 6
+ -
+ C
+ Misc
+ PSP browser
+ -
+ C
+ Other browsers
+ All others
+ -
+ -
+ U
+ Options Example
+ The DataTables API is fully accessible through the data-wb-tables
attribute using a JSON array.
+ <table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" data-wb-tables='{ "ordering" : false }'>
+ Rendering engine
+ Browser
+ Platform(s)
+ Engine version
+ CSS grade
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 4.0
+ Win 95+
+ 4
+ X
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.0
+ Win 95+
+ 5
+ C
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.5
+ Win 95+
+ 5.5
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 6
+ Win 98+
+ 6
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 7
+ Win XP SP2+
+ 7
+ A
+ Trident
+ AOL browser (AOL desktop)
+ Win XP
+ 6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.5
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 2.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 3.0
+ Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
+ 1.9
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.0
+ OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.5
+ OSX.3+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape 7.2
+ Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Browser 8
+ Win 98SE+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Navigator 9
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.1
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.2
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.2
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.3
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.3
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.4
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.4
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.5
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.6
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.7
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.8
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Seamonkey 1.1
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Epiphany 2.20
+ Gnome
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.2
+ OSX.3
+ 125.5
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.3
+ OSX.3
+ 312.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 2.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 419.3
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 3.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 522.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ OmniWeb 5.5
+ OSX.4+
+ 420
+ A
+ Webkit
+ iPod Touch / iPhone
+ iPod
+ 420.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ S60
+ S60
+ 413
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.2
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.5
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera for Wii
+ Wii
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nokia N800
+ N800
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nintendo DS browser
+ Nintendo DS
+ 8.5
+ C/A1
+ Konqureror 3.1
+ KDE 3.1
+ 3.1
+ C
+ Konqureror 3.3
+ KDE 3.3
+ 3.3
+ A
+ Konqureror 3.5
+ KDE 3.5
+ 3.5
+ A
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 4.5
+ Mac OS 8-9
+ -
+ X
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.1
+ Mac OS 7.6-9
+ 1
+ C
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.2
+ Mac OS 8-X
+ 1
+ C
+ Misc
+ NetFront 3.1
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ C
+ Misc
+ NetFront 3.4
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ A
+ Misc
+ Dillo 0.8
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ X
+ Misc
+ Links
+ Text only
+ -
+ X
+ Misc
+ Lynx
+ Text only
+ -
+ X
+ Misc
+ IE Mobile
+ Windows Mobile 6
+ -
+ C
+ Misc
+ PSP browser
+ -
+ C
+ Other browsers
+ All others
+ -
+ -
+ U
+ Pagination Example
+ Changing the number of entries to show in a table or having a small amount of rows will adjust pagination accordingly. If all of the rows fit on one page only, then the pagination will not be visible.
+ Rendering engine
+ Browser
+ Platform(s)
+ Engine version
+ CSS grade
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 4.0
+ Win 95+
+ 4
+ X
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 5.0
+ Win 95+
+ 5
+ C
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 5.5
+ Win 95+
+ 5.5
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 6
+ Win 98+
+ 6
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 7
+ Win XP SP2+
+ 7
+ A
+ Trident
+ AOL browser (AOL desktop)
+ Win XP
+ 6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.5
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 2.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 3.0
+ Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
+ 1.9
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.0
+ OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.5
+ OSX.3+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape 7.2
+ Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Browser 8
+ Win 98SE+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Navigator 9
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Filtering Example
+ The DataTables API is fully accessible through the data-wb-tables
attribute using a JSON Property array. and filtering can be triggered with .wb-tables-filter
Filtering Options
+ Filter Options
+ Use filters to below options to change the focus of your results in following data table
+ Data Type
+ All news types
+ News Releases
+ Backgrounders
+ Media Advisories
+ Speeches
+ Statements
+ Department
+ From any department
+ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
+ Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
+ Canadian Heritage
+ Infrastructure Canada
+ Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
+ National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
+ Employment and Social Development Canada
+ Global Affairs Canada
+ Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
+ Competition Bureau
+ Canadian Grain Commission
+ National Energy Board
+ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
+ Public Health Agency of Canada
+ Correctional Service Canada
+ Parks Canada
+ Veterans Affairs Canada
+ Health Canada
+ National Film Board
+ Government of Canada
+ Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
+ Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
+ Fisheries and Oceans Canada
+ Canadian Institutes of Health Research
+ Transportation Safety Board of Canada
+ Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
+ Transport Canada
+ Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
+ Environment and Climate Change Canada
+ Finance Canada
+ Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
+ Minister
+ Related to any minister
+ Hon. Lawrence MacAulay
+ Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains
+ Hon. Amarjeet Sohi
+ Hon. Kirsty Duncan
+ Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
+ Hon. Stéphane Dion
+ Hon. Carolyn Bennett
+ Hon. Jane Philpott
+ Hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk
+ Hon. Ralph Goodale
+ Hon. Catherine McKenna
+ Hon. Kent Hehr
+ Hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan
+ Hon. Dominic LeBlanc
+ Hon. Mélanie Joly
+ Hon. Marc Garneau
+ Hon. Scott Brison
+ Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau
+ Hon. William Francis Morneau
+ Right Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau
+ Filter
+ Reset to defaults
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Department
+ News Type
+ Summary
+ Location
+ For
+ Subject
+ Minister
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tables/tables-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tables/tables-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d26c35a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tables/tables-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@
+ Tables - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Tables
+ Exemple
+ Ajoutes des fonctionnalités aux tableaux telles que la recherche, le tri, le filtrage et la pagination.
+ Exemple de base
+ <table class="wb-tables table">
+ Moteur de rendu
+ Navigateur
+ Platformes
+ Version de moteur
+ Niveau de CSS
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 4.0
+ Win 95+
+ 4
+ X
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.0
+ Win 95+
+ 5
+ C
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.5
+ Win 95+
+ 5.5
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 6
+ Win 98+
+ 6
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 7
+ Win XP SP2+
+ 7
+ A
+ Trident
+ Navigateur AOL (AOL desktop)
+ Win XP
+ 6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.5
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 2.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 3.0
+ Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
+ 1.9
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.0
+ OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.5
+ OSX.3+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape 7.2
+ Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Browser 8
+ Win 98SE+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Navigator 9
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.1
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.2
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.2
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.3
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.3
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.4
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.4
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.5
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.6
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.7
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.8
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Seamonkey 1.1
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Epiphany 2.20
+ Gnome
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.2
+ OSX.3
+ 125.5
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.3
+ OSX.3
+ 312.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 2.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 419.3
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 3.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 522.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ OmniWeb 5.5
+ OSX.4+
+ 420
+ A
+ Webkit
+ iPod Touch / iPhone
+ iPod
+ 420.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ S60
+ S60
+ 413
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.2
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.5
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera for Wii
+ Wii
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nokia N800
+ N800
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nintendo DS browser
+ Nintendo DS
+ 8.5
+ C/A1
+ Konqureror 3.1
+ KDE 3.1
+ 3.1
+ C
+ Konqureror 3.3
+ KDE 3.3
+ 3.3
+ A
+ Konqureror 3.5
+ KDE 3.5
+ 3.5
+ A
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 4.5
+ Mac OS 8-9
+ -
+ X
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.1
+ Mac OS 7.6-9
+ 1
+ C
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.2
+ Mac OS 8-X
+ 1
+ C
+ Divers
+ NetFront 3.1
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ C
+ Divers
+ NetFront 3.4
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ A
+ Divers
+ Dillo 0.8
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ X
+ Divers
+ Liens
+ Texte seulement
+ -
+ X
+ Divers
+ Lynx
+ Texte seulement
+ -
+ X
+ Divers
+ IE Mobile
+ Windows Mobile 6
+ -
+ C
+ Divers
+ Navigateur PSP
+ -
+ C
+ Autres navigateurs
+ Tous les autres
+ -
+ -
+ U
+ Exemple d'options
+ Le DataTables API (en anglais seulement) est entièrement accessible par le data-wb-tables
attribut à l'aide d'un tableau JSON.
+ <table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" data-wb-tables='{ "ordering": false }'>
+ Moteur de rendu
+ Navigateur
+ Platformes
+ Version de moteur
+ Niveau de CSS
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 4.0
+ Win 95+
+ 4
+ X
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.0
+ Win 95+
+ 5
+ C
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.5
+ Win 95+
+ 5.5
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 6
+ Win 98+
+ 6
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 7
+ Win XP SP2+
+ 7
+ A
+ Trident
+ Navigateur AOL (AOL desktop)
+ Win XP
+ 6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.5
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 2.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 3.0
+ Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
+ 1.9
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.0
+ OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.5
+ OSX.3+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape 7.2
+ Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Browser 8
+ Win 98SE+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Navigator 9
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.1
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.1
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.2
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.2
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.3
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.3
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.4
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.4
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.5
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.6
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.7
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Mozilla 1.8
+ Win 98+ / OSX.1+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Seamonkey 1.1
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Epiphany 2.20
+ Gnome
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.2
+ OSX.3
+ 125.5
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 1.3
+ OSX.3
+ 312.8
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 2.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 419.3
+ A
+ Webkit
+ Safari 3.0
+ OSX.4+
+ 522.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ OmniWeb 5.5
+ OSX.4+
+ 420
+ A
+ Webkit
+ iPod Touch / iPhone
+ iPod
+ 420.1
+ A
+ Webkit
+ S60
+ S60
+ 413
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.1+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 7.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 8.5
+ Win 95+ / OSX.2+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.0
+ Win 95+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.2
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera 9.5
+ Win 88+ / OSX.3+
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Opera for Wii
+ Wii
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nokia N800
+ N800
+ -
+ A
+ Presto
+ Nintendo DS browser
+ Nintendo DS
+ 8.5
+ C/A1
+ Konqureror 3.1
+ KDE 3.1
+ 3.1
+ C
+ Konqureror 3.3
+ KDE 3.3
+ 3.3
+ A
+ Konqureror 3.5
+ KDE 3.5
+ 3.5
+ A
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 4.5
+ Mac OS 8-9
+ -
+ X
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.1
+ Mac OS 7.6-9
+ 1
+ C
+ Tasman
+ Internet Explorer 5.2
+ Mac OS 8-X
+ 1
+ C
+ Divers
+ NetFront 3.1
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ C
+ Divers
+ NetFront 3.4
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ A
+ Divers
+ Dillo 0.8
+ Appareils intégrés
+ -
+ X
+ Divers
+ Liens
+ Texte seulement
+ -
+ X
+ Divers
+ Lynx
+ Texte seulement
+ -
+ X
+ Divers
+ IE Mobile
+ Windows Mobile 6
+ -
+ C
+ Divers
+ Navigateur PSP
+ -
+ C
+ Autres navigateurs
+ Tous les autres
+ -
+ -
+ U
+ Exemple de pagination
+ L'action de changer le nombre d'entrées à afficher dans une table ou bien le fait d'avoir un petit nombre de rangées ajusteront la pagination de cette table en conséquence. Si toutes les rangées peuvent être contenues dans une seule page, alors la pagination ne sera pas visible.
+ Moteur de rendu
+ Navigateur
+ Platformes
+ Version de moteur
+ Niveau de CSS
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 4.0
+ Win 95+
+ 4
+ X
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.0
+ Win 95+
+ 5
+ C
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 5.5
+ Win 95+
+ 5.5
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet
+ Explorer 6
+ Win 98+
+ 6
+ A
+ Trident
+ Internet Explorer 7
+ Win XP SP2+
+ 7
+ A
+ Trident
+ Navigateur AOL (AOL desktop)
+ Win XP
+ 6
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 1.5
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 2.0
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Firefox 3.0
+ Win 2k+ / OSX.3+
+ 1.9
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.0
+ OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Camino 1.5
+ OSX.3+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape 7.2
+ Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Browser 8
+ Win 98SE+
+ 1.7
+ A
+ Gecko
+ Netscape Navigator 9
+ Win 98+ / OSX.2+
+ 1.8
+ A
+ Exemple de filtrage
+ Le DataTables API (en anglais seulement) est entièrement accessible par le data-wb-tables
attribut à l'aide d'un tableau JSON et pour filtrer vous pouvez utilizer le class .wb-tables-filter
+ Options
+ Utilisez les options ci-dessous pour modifier vos résultats dans le tableau suivant.
+ Data Type
+ All news types
+ News Releases
+ Backgrounders
+ Media Advisories
+ Speeches
+ Statements
+ Department
+ From any department
+ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
+ Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
+ Canadian Heritage
+ Infrastructure Canada
+ Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
+ National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
+ Employment and Social Development Canada
+ Global Affairs Canada
+ Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
+ Competition Bureau
+ Canadian Grain Commission
+ National Energy Board
+ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
+ Public Health Agency of Canada
+ Correctional Service Canada
+ Parks Canada
+ Veterans Affairs Canada
+ Health Canada
+ National Film Board
+ Government of Canada
+ Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
+ Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
+ Fisheries and Oceans Canada
+ Canadian Institutes of Health Research
+ Transportation Safety Board of Canada
+ Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
+ Transport Canada
+ Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
+ Environment and Climate Change Canada
+ Finance Canada
+ Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
+ Minister
+ Related to any minister
+ Hon. Lawrence MacAulay
+ Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains
+ Hon. Amarjeet Sohi
+ Hon. Kirsty Duncan
+ Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
+ Hon. Stéphane Dion
+ Hon. Carolyn Bennett
+ Hon. Jane Philpott
+ Hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk
+ Hon. Ralph Goodale
+ Hon. Catherine McKenna
+ Hon. Kent Hehr
+ Hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan
+ Hon. Dominic LeBlanc
+ Hon. Mélanie Joly
+ Hon. Marc Garneau
+ Hon. Scott Brison
+ Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau
+ Hon. William Francis Morneau
+ Right Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau
+ Filter
+ Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut
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+ Résumé
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/demo/tablevalidator.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/demo/tablevalidator.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74a7a9a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/demo/tablevalidator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit ( WET ) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web ( BOEW )
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ */
+ * Table Validation - Core plugin
+ *
+ * @author: Pierre Dubois
+ *
+ */
+/*global jQuery: false, alert: false */
+( function( $, wb ) {
+"use strict";
+var componentName = "wb-tblvalidator",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ tableParserSelector = ".wb-tableparser",
+ tableParsingEvent = "passiveparse" + tableParserSelector,
+ tableParsingCompleteEvent = "parsecomplete" + tableParserSelector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ addidheadersEvent = "idsheaders" + selector,
+ addscopeEvent = "scope" + selector,
+ addnothingEvent = "simple" + selector,
+ showHTMLEvent = "showhtml" + selector,
+ logEvent = "log" + selector,
+ formSelector = "#formtablevalidator",
+ ErrorMessage = {
+ "%tblparser1": "Only table can be parsed with this parser",
+ "%tblparser2": "The table was already parsed.",
+ "%tblparser3": "The first colgroup must be spanned to represent the header column group",
+ "%tblparser3Tech": 6,
+ "%tblparser4": " You have an invalid cell inside a row description",
+ "%tblparser4Tech": 4,
+ "%tblparser5": "You need at least one data colgroup, review your table structure",
+ "%tblparser5Tech": 8,
+ "%tblparser6": "The Lowest column group level have been found, You may have an error in you column structure",
+ "%tblparser6Tech": 9,
+ "%tblparser7": "The initial colgroup should group all the header, there are no place for any data cell",
+ "%tblparser7Tech": 4,
+ "%tblparser9": "Error in you header row group, there are cell that are crossing more than one colgroup",
+ "%tblparser9Tech": 4,
+ "%tblparser10": "The header group cell used to represent the data at level must encapsulate his group",
+ "%tblparser10Tech": 7,
+ "%tblparser12": "Last summary row group already found",
+ "%tblparser12Tech": 3,
+ "%tblparser13": "Error, Row group not calculated",
+ "%tblparser14": "You can not have a summary at level under 0, add a group header or merge a tbody togheter",
+ "%tblparser14Tech": 3,
+ "%tblparser15": "tr element need to only have th or td element as his child",
+ "%tblparser16": "The row do not have a good width",
+ "%tblparser16Tech": 12,
+ "%tblparser17": "The layout cell is not empty",
+ "%tblparser17Tech": 11,
+ "%tblparser18": "Row group header not well structured.",
+ "%tblparser18Tech": 7,
+ "%tblparser21": "Move the row used as the column cell heading in the thead row group",
+ "%tblparser21Tech": 7,
+ "%tblparser23": "Avoid the use of have paralel row headers, it's recommended do a cell merge to fix it",
+ "%tblparser23Tech": 3,
+ "%tblparser24": "For a data row, the heading hiearchy need to be the Generic to the specific",
+ "%tblparser24Tech": 3,
+ "%tblparser25": "You have a problematic key cell",
+ "%tblparser25Tech": 0,
+ "%tblparser26": "You can not define any row before the thead group",
+ "%tblparser26Tech": 12,
+ "%tblparser27": "thead element need to only have tr element as his child",
+ "%tblparser27Tech": 12,
+ "%tblparser29": "You cannot span cell in 2 different rowgroup",
+ "%tblparser29Tech": 12,
+ "%tblparser30": "Use the appropriate table markup",
+ "%tblparser30Tech": 12,
+ "%tblparser31": "Internal Error, Number of virtual column must be set [ function processColgroup( ) ]",
+ "%tblparser32": "Check your row cell headers structure",
+ "%tblparser32Tech": 3,
+ "%tblparser34": "Mark properly your data row group.",
+ "%tblparser34Tech": 1,
+ "%tblparser35": "Column, col element, are not correctly defined",
+ "%tblparser35Tech": 12 },
+ techniqueURL = [
+ "keycell-techniques.html", /* 1 */
+ "rowgrouping-techniques.html", /* 2 */
+ "summariesrowgroup-techniques.html", /* 3 */
+ "headerrowgroupstructure-techniques.html", /* 4 */
+ "rowheader-description-techniques.html", /* 5 */
+ "rowgroupheader-description-techniques.html", /* 6 */
+ "colgroupheader-techniques.html", /* 7 */
+ "headercolgroupstructure-techniques.html", /* 8 */
+ "datacolgroup-techniques.html", /* 9 */
+ "colgroupsummary-techniques.html", /* 10 */
+ "colheader-description-techniques.html", /* 11 */
+ "layoutcell-techniques.html", /* 12 */
+ "https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/tables.html#tables" ], /* 13 */
+ techniqueName = [
+ "Defining a Key Cell", /* 1 */
+ "Defining a Data Row Group in a Data Table", /* 2 */
+ "Summaries a Data Row Group in a Data Table", /* 3 */
+ "Structuring the Header Row in a Data Table", /* 4 */
+ "Describing a Row Header Cell in a Data Table", /* 5 */
+ "Describing a Row Group Header Cell in a Data Table", /* 6 */
+ "Defining Column Group Header in a Data Table", /* 7 */
+ "Structuring the Header Column Cell in a Data Table", /* 8 */
+ "Defining a Data Column Group in a Data Table", /* 9 */
+ "Summaries a Data Column Group in a Data Table", /* 10 */
+ "Describing a Column Header Cell in a Data Table", /* 11 */
+ "Defining a Layout Cell in a Data Table", /* 12 */
+ "HTML Standard: Tabular data" ]; /* 13 */
+// Prevent any form to submit
+$document.on( "submit", formSelector, function( ) {
+ return false;
+} );
+// Take the source code of the HTML table to be encoded and displayed
+$document.on( showHTMLEvent, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm,
+ $output = $( "#results" ),
+ tableHTMLstring;
+ if ( event.currentTarget !== elm ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ tableHTMLstring = ( "" ).replace( / /g, " " ).replace( / /g, " " ).replace( /&/g, "&" ).replace( / /g, ">" ).replace( /"/g, """ );
+ // Show the result
+ $output.html( "" + tableHTMLstring + "
" );
+ if ( typeof window.prettyPrint === "function" ) {
+ window.prettyPrint( );
+ }
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Information",
+ logmessage: "Result Displayed"
+ } );
+} );
+// Check the minimum accessibility requirement
+$document.on( addidheadersEvent, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm, options,
+ tblparser,
+ i,
+ m,
+ colgroupelem,
+ currCellId,
+ tblelement = $elm,
+ j,
+ currRow,
+ currCell,
+ idPrefix,
+ resetIds = false,
+ headersCurrCell,
+ currCellDescId,
+ rowheadersgroup,
+ rowheaders,
+ currrowheader,
+ ongoingRowHeader,
+ coldataheader,
+ currCol,
+ colheaders,
+ colheadersgroup,
+ currDescCellId,
+ previousColgroup = false,
+ column,
+ currCellId5,
+ descHeaders;
+ if ( event.currentTarget !== elm ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Information",
+ logmessage: "Accessibility Strategy: Ids/Headers"
+ } );
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ tblparser = $elm.data( ).tblparser;
+ options = $elm.data( ).wbvalidateoptions;
+ idPrefix = options.prefix || "wb-tablevalidated";
+ // Set ID and Header for the table head
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.theadRowStack.length; i += 1 ) {
+ currRow = tblparser.theadRowStack[ i ];
+ for ( j = 0; j < currRow.cell.length; j += 1 ) {
+ currCell = currRow.cell[ j ];
+ if ( ( currCell.type === 1 || currCell.type === 7 ) && (
+ !( j > 0 && currCell.uid === currRow.cell[ j - 1 ].uid ) &&
+ !( i > 0 && currCell.uid === tblparser.theadRowStack[ i - 1 ].cell[ j ].uid )
+ ) ) {
+ // If there no id, add an uid
+ currCellId = $( currCell.elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCell.uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ // Set the header of the current cell if required
+ if ( i > 0 ) {
+ headersCurrCell = $( tblparser.theadRowStack[ i - 1 ].cell[ j ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( $( tblparser.theadRowStack[ i - 1 ].cell[ j ].elem ).attr( "headers" ) !== undefined ) {
+ headersCurrCell = $( tblparser.theadRowStack[ i - 1 ].cell[ j ].elem ).attr( "headers" ) + " " + headersCurrCell;
+ }
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers", headersCurrCell );
+ if ( $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === undefined || $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === "" ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the header on his descriptive cell is any ( May be better aria-describedby
+ if ( currCell.descCell ) {
+ $( currCell.descCell.elem ).attr( "headers", currCellId );
+ if ( $( currCell.descCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === undefined || $( currCell.descCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === "" ) {
+ $( currCell.descCell.elem ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ }
+ currCellDescId = $( currCell.descCell.elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellDescId === undefined || currCellDescId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ $( currCell.descCell.elem ).attr( "id", currCellDescId );
+ }
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "aria-describedby", currCellDescId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set Id/headers for header cell and data cell in the table.
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.row.length; i += 1 ) {
+ currRow = tblparser.row[ i ];
+ rowheadersgroup = "";
+ rowheaders = "";
+ currrowheader = "";
+ ongoingRowHeader = "";
+ // Get or Generate a unique ID for each header in this row
+ if ( currRow.headerset && !currRow.idsrowheaders ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < currRow.headerset.length; j += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currRow.headerset[ j ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currRow.headerset[ j ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currRow.headerset[ j ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ rowheadersgroup = ( rowheadersgroup ? rowheadersgroup + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ }
+ currRow.idsrowheaders = rowheadersgroup;
+ }
+ if ( currRow.header ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < currRow.header.length; j += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currRow.header[ j ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currRow.header[ j ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currRow.header[ j ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ rowheaders = ( rowheaders ? rowheaders + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ rowheaders = ( currRow.idsrowheaders ? currRow.idsrowheaders + " " + rowheaders : rowheaders );
+ for ( j = 0; j < currRow.cell.length; j += 1 ) {
+ if ( !currRow.cell[ j ].processed && ( ( j === 0 ) || ( j > 0 && currRow.cell[ j ].uid !== currRow.cell[ j - 1 ].uid ) ) ) {
+ currCell = currRow.cell[ j ];
+ coldataheader = "";
+ if ( currCell.col && !currCell.col.dataheaders ) {
+ currCol = currCell.col;
+ colheaders = "";
+ colheadersgroup = "";
+ if ( currCol.headerLevel ) {
+ for ( m = 0; m < currCol.headerLevel.length; m += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currCol.headerLevel[ m ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCol.headerLevel[ m ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCol.headerLevel[ m ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ colheadersgroup = ( colheadersgroup ? colheadersgroup + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( currCol.header ) {
+ for ( m = 0; m < currCol.header.length; m += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currCol.header[ m ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCol.header[ m ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCol.header[ m ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ colheaders = ( colheaders ? colheaders + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ currCol.dataheaders = ( colheadersgroup ? colheadersgroup + " " + colheaders : colheaders );
+ }
+ if ( currCell.col && currCell.col.dataheaders ) {
+ coldataheader = currCell.col.dataheaders;
+ /*
+ for ( var x = 0; x < currCell.col.dataheader.length; x += 1 ) {
+ coldataheader = ( coldataheader ? " ": "" );
+ coldataheader = $( currCell.col.dataheader[ x ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ if ( currCell.type === 1 ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers", ( coldataheader ? coldataheader : "" ) +
+ ( currRow.idsrowheaders && coldataheader ? " " : "" ) +
+ ( currRow.idsrowheaders ? currRow.idsrowheaders : "" ) +
+ ( ( currRow.idsrowheaders && ongoingRowHeader ) || ( coldataheader && ongoingRowHeader && !currRow.idsrowheaders ) ? " " : "" ) +
+ ( ongoingRowHeader ? ongoingRowHeader : "" ) );
+ if ( $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === undefined || $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === "" ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ }
+ currCellId5 = $( currCell.elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId5 === undefined || currCellId5 === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId5 = idPrefix + currCell.uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "id", currCellId5 );
+ }
+ ongoingRowHeader = ( ongoingRowHeader !== "" ? ongoingRowHeader + " " : "" ) + currCellId5;
+ }
+ if ( currCell.type === 2 || currCell.type === 3 ) {
+ // Get Current Column Headers
+ currrowheader = rowheaders;
+ if ( currCell.addcolheaders ) {
+ for ( m = 0; m < currCell.addcolheaders.length; m += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currCell.addcolheaders[ m ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCell.addcolheaders[ m ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCell.addcolheaders[ m ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ coldataheader = ( coldataheader ? coldataheader + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( currCell.addrowheaders ) {
+ for ( m = 0; m < currCell.addrowheaders.length; m += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currCell.addrowheaders[ m ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCell.addrowheaders[ m ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCell.addrowheaders[ m ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ currrowheader = ( currrowheader ? currrowheader + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers", ( coldataheader ? coldataheader : "" ) + ( currrowheader && coldataheader ? " " : "" ) + ( currrowheader ? currrowheader : "" ) );
+ if ( $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === undefined || $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === "" ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( currCell.type === 4 || currCell.type === 5 ) {
+ descHeaders = "";
+ if ( currCell.describe ) {
+ for ( m = 0; m < currCell.describe.length; m += 1 ) {
+ currCellId = $( currCell.describe[ m ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCell.describe[ m ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCell.describe[ m ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ descHeaders = ( descHeaders ? descHeaders + " " + currCellId : currCellId );
+ if ( currCell.type === 5 && !$( currCell.describe[ m ].elem ).attr( "aria-describedby" ) ) {
+ currCellId = $( currCell.elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + currCell.uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ $( currCell.describe[ m ].elem ).attr( "aria-describedby", currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( currCell.type !== 4 ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers", ( coldataheader ? coldataheader : "" ) + ( coldataheader && descHeaders ? " " : "" ) + ( descHeaders || "" ) );
+ if ( $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === undefined || $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === "" ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ }
+ } else if ( !$( currCell.elem ).attr( "aria-describedby" ) ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "aria-describedby", descHeaders || "" );
+ $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers", coldataheader || "" );
+ if ( $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === undefined || $( currCell.elem ).attr( "headers" ) === "" ) {
+ $( currCell.elem ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ currCell.processed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for any description that are related to the an group header cell
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.lstrowgroup.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel.length > 0 ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel.length; j += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].descCell ) {
+ // Set the aria-describedby
+ currDescCellId = $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].descCell.elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currDescCellId === undefined || currDescCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currDescCellId = idPrefix + tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].descCell.uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].descCell.elem ).attr( "id", currDescCellId );
+ }
+ $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].elem ).attr( "aria-describedby", currDescCellId );
+ // Set the headers
+ currCellId = $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].elem ).attr( "id" );
+ if ( currCellId === undefined || currCellId === "" || resetIds ) {
+ currCellId = idPrefix + tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].uid; /* Generate a new ID */
+ $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].elem ).attr( "id", currCellId );
+ }
+ $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ j ].descCell.elem ).attr( "headers", currCellId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Horay, now all the table cell have theirs id/headers set as the table was parsed,
+ // Suggestion: Add some aria-label to annonce the data summary, I will ask the WAI Interrest Mailing List to get some liable solution
+ // tfoot question: do I force it as exclusive column summaries as the HTML5 spec define it if it used as table footnote ??
+ // Add the missing tag if they are missing, "colgroup, col, thead, tbody", remove tfoot ????
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.colgroup.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.colgroup[ i ].elem === undefined ) {
+ // Create a colgroup element
+ colgroupelem = $( " " );
+ // Create the column
+ for ( j = 0; j < tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col.length; j += 1 ) {
+ column = $( " " );
+ $( colgroupelem ).append( column );
+ tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col[ j ].elem = $( column ).get( 0 );
+ $( column ).data( ).tblparser = tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col[ j ];
+ }
+ if ( previousColgroup ) {
+ $( previousColgroup ).after( colgroupelem );
+ } else {
+ if ( $( tblelement ).has( "caption" ) ) {
+ $( "caption:eq( 0 )", tblelement ).after( colgroupelem );
+ } else {
+ $( tblelement ).prepend( colgroupelem );
+ }
+ }
+ previousColgroup = colgroupelem;
+ tblparser.colgroup[ i ].elem = $( colgroupelem ).get( 0 );
+ $( colgroupelem ).data( ).tblparser = tblparser.colgroup[ i ];
+ } else {
+ // Remove the span attribute if exist
+ colgroupelem = tblparser.colgroup[ i ].elem;
+ $( colgroupelem ).removeAttr( "span" );
+ // Create the column
+ for ( j = 0; j < tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col.length; j += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col[ j ].elem === undefined ) {
+ column = $( " " );
+ $( colgroupelem ).append( column );
+ tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col[ j ].elem = $( column ).get( 0 );
+ $( column ).data( ).tblparser = tblparser.colgroup[ i ].col[ j ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( showHTMLEvent );
+} );
+// Simple grougpin table
+$document.on( addscopeEvent, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm,
+ tblparser,
+ i, j;
+ if ( event.currentTarget !== elm ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Information",
+ logmessage: "Accessibility Strategy: Scope"
+ } );
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ tblparser = $elm.data( ).tblparser;
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.lstrowgroup.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel && tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ 0 ] ) {
+ $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].headerlevel[ 0 ].elem ).attr( "scope", "rowgroup" );
+ }
+ for ( j = 0; j < tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].row.length; j += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].row[ j ].cell[ 0 ].type === 1 ) {
+ $( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].row[ j ].cell[ 0 ].elem ).attr( "scope", "row" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( tblparser.theadRowStack.length === 2 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].type === 1 ) {
+ i = tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].end;
+ } else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ for ( i; i < tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( i === 0 || ( tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i - 1 ].uid !== tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].uid ) ) {
+ $( tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].elem ).attr( "scope", "colgroup" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( tblparser.theadRowStack.length === 1 || tblparser.theadRowStack.length === 2 ) {
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.theadRowStack[ ( tblparser.theadRowStack.length === 1 ? 0 : 1 ) ].cell.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.theadRowStack[ ( tblparser.theadRowStack.length === 1 ? 0 : 1 ) ].cell[ i ].type === 1 ) {
+ $( tblparser.theadRowStack[ ( tblparser.theadRowStack.length === 1 ? 0 : 1 ) ].cell[ i ].elem ).attr( "scope", "col" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $elm.trigger( showHTMLEvent );
+} );
+// Simple table
+$document.on( addnothingEvent, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm;
+ if ( event.currentTarget !== elm ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Information",
+ logmessage: "Accessibility Strategy: Nothing"
+ } );
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ $elm.trigger( showHTMLEvent );
+} );
+// Check the minimum accessibility requirement
+$document.on( tableParsingCompleteEvent, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var elm = event.target,
+ $elm, options,
+ tblparser,
+ i;
+ if ( event.currentTarget !== elm ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $elm = $( elm );
+ tblparser = $elm.data( ).tblparser;
+ options = $elm.data( ).wbvalidateoptions;
+ // Quick Complex Tables Detection
+ if ( options.accessibilty === "headers" ||
+ tblparser.theadRowStack.length > 2 ||
+ tblparser.desccell || tblparser.keycell ||
+ ( tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].type === 2 && tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].col.length > 2 ) ) {
+ $elm.trigger( addidheadersEvent );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Test each row group to test their complexity
+ for ( i = 0; i < tblparser.lstrowgroup.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( !( ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].type === 2 && tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].level <= 2 ) || ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].type === 3 && tblparser.lstrowgroup[ i ].level === 0 ) ) ) {
+ // Sorry, but this table are not qualify for simple row grouping
+ $elm.trigger( addidheadersEvent );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Test if the table can use scope colgorup
+ // - Adjust the pointer for testing the table
+ if ( tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ] && tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].type === 1 && tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ 0 ].type === 6 ) {
+ i = tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].end;
+ } else if ( tblparser.colgroup[ 0 ].type === 2 ) {
+ i = 0;
+ } else {
+ // This is a complex table.
+ $elm.trigger( addidheadersEvent );
+ return;
+ }
+ // - Test each header cell in the thead fit in the scope colgroup partern as per the HTML5 spec.
+ for ( i; i < tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell.length; i += 1 ) {
+ if ( tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colgroup &&
+ ( tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colgroup.start === tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colgroup.end ||
+ tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colgroup.start !== tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colpos ||
+ tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colgroup.end !==
+ ( tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colpos + tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].width - 1 ) ||
+ tblparser.theadRowStack[ 0 ].cell[ i ].colgroup.type !== 2 ) ) {
+ // This cell DO NOT fit in the colgroup patern
+ $elm.trigger( addidheadersEvent );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // it is a simple table.
+ if ( options.accessibilty === "auto" && tblparser.theadRowStack.length <= 1 &&
+ ( tblparser.lstrowgroup.length === 1 ||
+ ( tblparser.lstrowgroup[ 0 ].type === 2 && tblparser.lstrowgroup[ 1 ].type === 3 && tblparser.lstrowgroup[ 1 ].level === 0 ) ) ) {
+ $elm.trigger( addnothingEvent );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Simple Grouping Table
+ if ( options.accessibilty === "auto" || options.accessibilty === "scope" ) {
+ $elm.trigger( addscopeEvent );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Just in case if it wasn't catch
+ $elm.trigger( addidheadersEvent );
+ return;
+} );
+// On error detected in the table
+$document.on( "error" + tableParserSelector, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var numerr = event.err,
+ html = "#" + numerr + ", ",
+ errorHTML = "",
+ techNum;
+ errorHTML = ErrorMessage[ "%tblparser" + numerr ];
+ // Check if a technique exist related to the error
+ if ( ErrorMessage[ "%tblparser" + numerr + "Tech" ] !== undefined ) {
+ techNum = ErrorMessage[ "%tblparser" + numerr + "Tech" ];
+ errorHTML = "" + errorHTML + " ";
+ }
+ html = html + errorHTML;
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Error",
+ logmessage: html
+ } );
+} );
+// On warning detected in the table
+$document.on( "warning" + tableParserSelector, "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )", function( event ) {
+ var numerr = event.err,
+ html = "#" + numerr + ", ",
+ errorHTML = "",
+ techNum;
+ errorHTML = ErrorMessage[ "%tblparser" + numerr ];
+ // Check if a technique exist related to the error
+ if ( ErrorMessage[ "%tblparser" + numerr + "Tech" ] !== undefined ) {
+ techNum = ErrorMessage[ "%tblparser" + numerr + "Tech" ];
+ errorHTML = "" + errorHTML + " ";
+ }
+ html = html + errorHTML;
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Warning",
+ logmessage: html
+ } );
+} );
+// When the user validate the table in input
+$document.on( "click", "#validatetable", function( ) {
+ var $tbl;
+ // 2.5. Reset form output values
+ $( "#visualoutput" ).empty( );
+ $( "#errors" ).empty( );
+ // 1. Insert the user input into the DOM
+ $( "#visualoutput" ).append( $( "#inputsourcecode" ).val( ) );
+ // Cache the table object
+ $tbl = $( "#visualoutput > table:eq( 0 )" );
+ // 2. Validate if the user have entered something
+ if ( !$tbl.length ) {
+ $( formSelector ).trigger( {
+ type: logEvent,
+ logtype: "Error",
+ logmessage: "No HTML Table code provided in input"
+ } );
+ alert( "Please add HTML Table code" );
+ $( "#inputsourcecode" ).focus();
+ }
+ // Clean the markup if requested
+ if ( !$( "#chkCleanMarkup" ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ $( "[ headers ]", $tbl ).each( function( ) {
+ $( this ).removeAttr( "headers" );
+ } );
+ $( "[ aria-describedby ]", $tbl ).each( function( ) {
+ $( this ).removeAttr( "aria-describedby" );
+ } );
+ $( "[ id ]", $tbl ).each( function( ) {
+ $( this ).removeAttr( "id" );
+ } );
+ $( "[ scope ]", $tbl ).each( function( ) {
+ $( this ).removeAttr( "scope" );
+ } );
+ $( "[ class ]", $tbl ).each( function( ) {
+ $( this ).removeAttr( "class" );
+ } );
+ }
+ // 3. Prepare JSON option
+ $tbl.data( ).wbvalidateoptions = detectValidationOptions( $tbl );
+ // 4. Load the table parser and trigger the table parsing
+ Modernizr.load( {
+ // For loading multiple dependencies
+ load: [ "site!deps/tableparser" + wb.getMode( ) + ".js" ],
+ complete: function( ) {
+ // Let's parse the table
+ $tbl.trigger( tableParsingEvent );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Add a default zebra stipping
+ $tbl.addClass( "table table-lined" );
+} );
+// Log an error
+$document.on( logEvent, formSelector, function( event ) {
+ var htmlLogItem = " " + event.logtype + ": " + event.logmessage + " ";
+ if ( !$( "#errorslist" ).length ) {
+ $( "#errors" ).append( "" );
+ }
+ $( "#errorslist" ).append( htmlLogItem );
+} );
+function detectValidationOptions( $tbl ) {
+ var opts = { };
+ // Has Summary Group
+ if ( $( "#chkHassum" ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ $tbl.addClass( "hassum" );
+ }
+ // Accessibility Options
+ if ( $( "#access-1" ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ // Auto ( default )
+ opts.accessibilty = "auto";
+ } else if ( $( "#access-2" ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ // Scope
+ opts.accessibilty = "scope";
+ } else {
+ // Ids/Headers
+ opts.accessibilty = "headers";
+ }
+ opts.prefix = $( "#idprefix" ).val( );
+ if ( $( "#uniqueprefix" ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
+ opts.prefix = "tbl" + ( new Date( ).getTime( ) + "-" ).substring( 5 );
+ }
+ return opts;
+}( jQuery, wb ) );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/tablevalidator-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/tablevalidator-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c734df9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/tablevalidator-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+ Table Validator - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Table Validator
+The table validator is a web editor tool that helps to produce tables that conform to WCAG 2.0. This tools helps to identify relationship errors within a complex table. To use this validator, paste your HTML table source code in the text field below the Validate button.
+ Notice about using this tool
+ The HTML output generated by this tool may vary from browser to browser but will remain structurally similar. For instance, Internet Explorer capitalizes element names while Chrome and Firefox do not.
+ The analysis is based on the structure of the submitted table. The contents of table cells will not have an impact on the results. This tool requires submitted tables to have well-defined visual relationships between the cells and that appropriate table markup is used. For further details, please consult the relevant WCAG Guideline and the 12 table techniques .
+ Options
+ Has a summary group
+ Do not clean up the HTML
+ Accessibility
+ Auto detect (default)
+ Scope
+ Ids/headers
+ Ids/headers settings
+ Ids prefix:
+ Auto generate the prefix
+ Validation tool
+ Add table markup below including the <table></table>
+ Validation results
+ Errors/Warnings:
No errors or warnings
+ HTML Results:
+ Visual:
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-10-18
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/tablevalidator-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/tablevalidator-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aef322228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tablevalidator/tablevalidator-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ Validateur de tableau - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Validateur de tableau
+Ce validateur de tableau est un outil pour les éditeur web qui fourni une assistance afin de produire des tableaux conforme au norme WCAG. Cet outil aide à identifier des erreurs de relations à l'intérieur du tableau entré. Pour utiliser ce validateur de tableaux collez votre code HTML de votre tableaux dans le champs texte ci-dessous et après Validez le
+ Avis concernant cet outils
+ Certaine partie du contenu n'a pas encore été traduite. Comme les messages d'erreur et d'avertissement.
+ Le code HTML produit par cet outils peut varié dépendant du fureteur utilisé. Par example, il se peut que tous les éléments HTML soit en majuscule avec Internet Explorer mais pas avec Chrome et Firefox
+ L'analyse est basé sur la structure du tableau fourni en entré. Le contenu des cellules aura aucune influence sur le résultat obtenu. Il est assumé que le tableau fourni en entré illustre correctement les relations d'un point de vue visuelle et aussi que les éléments tabulaires approprié ont été utilisé. Pour de plus ample renseigment, vous pouvez consultez les régles du WCAG et aussi les 12 techniques pour les tableaux .
+ Options
+ Contient des groupes sommaire
+ Ne pas nettoyer l'HTML
+ Accessibilité
+ Automatique (par défaut)
+ Scope
+ Ids/headers
+ Ids/headers paramètres
+ Préfixe d'Ids:
+ Auto généré le préfixe
+ Outil de validation
+ Ajoutez votre contenu ci-dessous, en incluant l'élément <table></table>
+ Résultats
+ Erreur\Avertissement:
+ Code HTML résultant:
+ Visuel:
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-10-18
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/banff.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/banff.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f06bd063
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/banff.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/flytheskies.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/flytheskies.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ee154dfb
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/flytheskies.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..349d703c1
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/protect-environment.jpg b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/protect-environment.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d16be422
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/img/protect-environment.jpg differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-carousel-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-carousel-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21fad7e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-carousel-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1044 @@
+ Tabbed Interface - Carousel - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Tabbed Interface - Carousel
+ Purpose
+ Dynamically stacks multiple images and captions into a carousel (or slider) widget.
+ Carousel style 1 example (carousel-s1
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s1">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel1">Tab 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel2">Tab 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel1" class="in fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel2" class="out fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Carousel style 2 example (carousel-s2
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel4"><img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="Tab 1: ..." /></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel5"><img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="Tab 2: ..." /></a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel4" class="in fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel5" class="out fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Carousel style 2 with thumbnails example (carousel-s2 show-thumbs
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 show-thumbs">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel30"><img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="Tab 1: ..." /></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel31"><img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="Tab 2: ..." /></a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel30" class="in fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel31" class="out fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Grids example
+ Carousel style 1 - col-sm-6 col-md-4
+ Carousel - Style 1 - Only one choice (slider controls and tranisitions are not applied)
+ Carousel style 2 - col-sm-6 col-md-8
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="row">
+ <section class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
+ <h3>Carousel style 1 - col-sm-6 col-md-4</h3>
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s1">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-6 col-md-8">
+ <h3>Carousel style 2 - col-sm-6 col-md-8</h3>
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Change rotation speed
+ Data attribute example (data-wb-tabs='{"interval": 3}'
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2" data-wb-tabs='{"interval": 3}'>
+ CSS classes example (slow
, fast
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 fast">
+ Multimedia player example
+ Looking for a Job (Transcript )
+ Training and Development (Transcript )
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel19">Tab 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel20">Tab 2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel19" class="in fade">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="../multimedia/demo/video1-en.jpg" title="Looking for a Job">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="../multimedia/cpts-lg-en.html" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Looking for a Job (<a href="../multimedia/cpts-lg-en.html">Transcript</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel20" class="out fade">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="../multimedia/demo/video2-en.jpg" title="Training and Development">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-eng.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="../multimedia/demo/video2-captions-en.xml" kind="captions" data-type="application/ttml+xml" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Training and Development (<a href="../multimedia/cpts-lg2-en.html">Transcript</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ CSS Transitions
+ Fade example (fade
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 fast">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel21">Tab 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel22">Tab 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel21" class="in fade">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel22" class="out fade">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Slide - Horizontal example (slide
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 fast">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel24">Tab 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel25">Tab 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel24" class="slide in">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel25" class="slide out">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Slide - Vertical example (slidevert
+ Code
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 fast">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel27">Tab 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel28">Tab 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel27" class="slidevert in">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel28" class="slidevert out">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Carousel - Style 2 - Only one choice (slider controls and tranisitions are not applied)
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-04-18
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-carousel-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-carousel-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a00be91af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-carousel-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1083 @@
+ Interface à onglets - Carrousel - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Interface à onglets - Carrousel
+ But
+ Comprime plusieurs images et légendes superposées et fourni des controls qui permettent à l'utilisateur de choisi l'image à afficher.
+ Carrousel - Style 1 - Exemple (carousel-s1
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s1">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel1">Onglet 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel2">Onglet 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel1" class="in fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel2" class="out fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Carrousel - Style 2 - Exemple
+ Exemple
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel4">Onglet 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel5">Onglet 2:...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel4" class="in fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel5" class="out fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+Carrousel - Style 1 - Exemple (carousel-s1
+ Carrousel - Style 2 avec imagette - Exemple (carousel-s2 show-thumbs
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2 show-thumbs">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel30"><img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="Onglet 1: ..." /></a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel31"><img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="Onglet 2: ..." /></a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel30" class="in fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/protect-environment.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel31" class="out fade">
+ <figure>
+ <img src="img/banff.jpg" alt="" />
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Exemple en grilles
+ Carrousel - Style 1 - col-sm-6 col-md-4
+ Carrousel - Style 1 - Une option (pas des légendes superposées et des controls)
+ Carrousel - Style 2 - col-sm-6 col-md-8
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="row">
+ <section class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">
+ <h3>Carrousel - Style 1 - col-sm-6 col-md-4</h3>
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s1">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ <section class="col-sm-6 col-md-8">
+ <h3>Carrousel - Style 2 - col-sm-6 col-md-8</h3>
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ Changement de la vitesse de rotation
+ Attribut « data » - Exemple (data-wb-tabs='{"interval": 3}'
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2" data-wb-tabs='{"interval": 3}'>
+ Classes CSS - Exemple (slow
, fast
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2" data-wb-tabs='{"interval": 3}'>
+ Exemple avec le lecteur multimédia
+ Développement des compétences (Transcription )
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel19">Onglet 1</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel20">Onglet 2</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel19" class="in fade">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="../multimedia/demo/video1-fr.jpg" title="Trouver un emploi">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="../multimedia/cpts-lg-fr.html" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="fr" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Trouver un emploi (<a href="../multimedia/cpts-lg-fr.html">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel20" class="out fade">
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+ <video poster="../multimedia/demo/video2-fr.jpg" title="Développement des compétences">
+ <source type="video/webm" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-fra.webm" />
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/dc-td-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="../multimedia/demo/video2-captions-fr.xml" kind="captions" data-type="application/ttml+xml" srclang="fr" label="Français" />
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ <p>Développement des compétences (<a href="../multimedia/cpts-lg2-fr.html">Transcription</a>)</p>
+ </figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Transitions CSS
+ Fondu - Exemple (fade
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel21">Onglet 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel22">Onglet 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel21" class="in fade">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel22" class="out fade">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Coulisse - Horizontal - Exemple (slide
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel24">Onglet 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel25">Onglet 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel24" class="slide in">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel25" class="slide out">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Coulisse - Vertical - Exemple (slidevert
+ Code
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs carousel-s2">
+ <ul role="tablist">
+ <li class="active"><a href="#panel27">Onglet 1: ...</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#panel28">Onglet 2: ...</a></li>
+ ...
+ </ul>
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel27" class="slidevert in">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div role="tabpanel" id="panel28" class="slidevert out">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Carrousel - Style 2 - Une option (pas des légendes superposées et des controls)
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-04-18
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e08dcaa59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+ Tabbed Interface - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Tabbed Interface
+ Purpose
+ Dynamically stacks multiple sections of content, transforming them into a tabbed interface.
+ Example 1
+ With session storage to remember last tab viewed. (Default behaviour)
+ Example 1
+ From time immemorial the Norsemen Example 3 were among the most daring and
+ skilful mariners ever known. They built great wooden boats with tall,
+ sweeping bows and sterns. These ships, though open and without decks,
+ were yet stout and seaworthy. Their remains have been found, at times
+ lying deeply buried under the sand and preserved almost intact. One
+ such vessel, discovered on the shore of Denmark, measured 72 feet in
+ length. Another Viking ship, which was dug up in Norway, and which is
+ preserved in the museum at Christiania, was 78 feet long and 17 feet
+ wide. One of the old Norse sagas, or stories, tells how King Olaf
+ Tryggvesson built a ship, the keel of which, as it lay on the grass,
+ was 74 ells long; in modern measure, it would be a vessel of about 942
+ tons burden. Even if we make allowance for the exaggeration or
+ ignorance of the writer of the saga, there is still a vast contrast
+ between this vessel and the little ship Centurion in which Anson sailed
+ round the world.
+ Example 2
+ It is needless, however, to prove that the Norsemen could have reached
+ America in their ships. The voyages from Iceland to Greenland which we
+ know they made continually for four hundred years were just as arduous
+ as a further voyage from Greenland to the coast of Canada.
+ Example 3
+ The story of the Norsemen runs thus. Towards the end of the ninth
+ century, or nearly two hundred years before the Norman conquest, there
+ was a great exodus or outswarming of the Norsemen from their original
+ home in Norway. A certain King Harold had succeeded in making himself
+ supreme in Norway, and great numbers of the lesser chiefs or jarls
+ preferred to seek new homes across the seas rather than submit to his
+ rule. So they embarked with their seafaring followers—Vikings, as we
+ still call them—often, indeed, with their wives and families, in great
+ open ships, and sailed away, some to the coast of England, others to
+ France, and others even to the Mediterranean, where they took service
+ under the Byzantine emperors. But still others, loving the cold rough
+ seas of the north, struck westward across the North Sea and beyond the
+ coasts of Scotland till they reached Iceland. This was in the year 874.
+ Here they made a settlement that presently grew to a population of
+ fifty thousand people, having flocks and herds, solid houses of stone,
+ and a fine trade in fish and oil with the countries of Northern Europe.
+ These settlers in Iceland attained to a high standard of civilization.
+ They had many books, and were fond of tales and stories, as are all
+ these northern peoples who spend long winter evenings round the
+ fireside. Some of the sagas, or stories, which they told were true
+ accounts of the voyages and adventures of their forefathers; others
+ were fanciful stories, like our modern romances, created by the
+ imagination; others, again, were a mixture of the two. Thus it is
+ sometimes hard to distinguish fact and fancy in these early tales of
+ the Norsemen. We have, however, means of testing the stories. Among the
+ books written in Iceland there was one called the 'National Name-Book,'
+ in which all the names of the people were written down, with an account
+ of their forefathers and of any notable things which they had done.
+ Show the third panel
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs">
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <details id="details-panel1">
+ <summary>Example 1</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ <details id="details-panel2" open="open">
+ <summary>Example 2</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <p class="mrgn-tp-md"><a href="#details-panel3" class="wb-tabs-ext">Show the third panel</a></p>
+ Example 2
+ With ignore-session class. This will prevent the last selected tab from being remembered at a subsequent page load. (With class or data-wb-tabs
+ Example 1
+ From time immemorial the Norsemen Example 3 were among the most daring and
+ skilful mariners ever known. They built great wooden boats with tall,
+ sweeping bows and sterns. These ships, though open and without decks,
+ were yet stout and seaworthy. Their remains have been found, at times
+ lying deeply buried under the sand and preserved almost intact. One
+ such vessel, discovered on the shore of Denmark, measured 72 feet in
+ length. Another Viking ship, which was dug up in Norway, and which is
+ preserved in the museum at Christiania, was 78 feet long and 17 feet
+ wide. One of the old Norse sagas, or stories, tells how King Olaf
+ Tryggvesson built a ship, the keel of which, as it lay on the grass,
+ was 74 ells long; in modern measure, it would be a vessel of about 942
+ tons burden. Even if we make allowance for the exaggeration or
+ ignorance of the writer of the saga, there is still a vast contrast
+ between this vessel and the little ship Centurion in which Anson sailed
+ round the world.
+ Example 2
+ It is needless, however, to prove that the Norsemen could have reached
+ America in their ships. The voyages from Iceland to Greenland which we
+ know they made continually for four hundred years were just as arduous
+ as a further voyage from Greenland to the coast of Canada.
+ Example 3
+ The story of the Norsemen runs thus. Towards the end of the ninth
+ century, or nearly two hundred years before the Norman conquest, there
+ was a great exodus or outswarming of the Norsemen from their original
+ home in Norway. A certain King Harold had succeeded in making himself
+ supreme in Norway, and great numbers of the lesser chiefs or jarls
+ preferred to seek new homes across the seas rather than submit to his
+ rule. So they embarked with their seafaring followers—Vikings, as we
+ still call them—often, indeed, with their wives and families, in great
+ open ships, and sailed away, some to the coast of England, others to
+ France, and others even to the Mediterranean, where they took service
+ under the Byzantine emperors. But still others, loving the cold rough
+ seas of the north, struck westward across the North Sea and beyond the
+ coasts of Scotland till they reached Iceland. This was in the year 874.
+ Here they made a settlement that presently grew to a population of
+ fifty thousand people, having flocks and herds, solid houses of stone,
+ and a fine trade in fish and oil with the countries of Northern Europe.
+ These settlers in Iceland attained to a high standard of civilization.
+ They had many books, and were fond of tales and stories, as are all
+ these northern peoples who spend long winter evenings round the
+ fireside. Some of the sagas, or stories, which they told were true
+ accounts of the voyages and adventures of their forefathers; others
+ were fanciful stories, like our modern romances, created by the
+ imagination; others, again, were a mixture of the two. Thus it is
+ sometimes hard to distinguish fact and fancy in these early tales of
+ the Norsemen. We have, however, means of testing the stories. Among the
+ books written in Iceland there was one called the 'National Name-Book,'
+ in which all the names of the people were written down, with an account
+ of their forefathers and of any notable things which they had done.
+ View code
+ <div class="wb-tabs ignore-session">
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <details id="details-panel10">
+ <summary>Example 1</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ <details id="details-panel20">
+ <summary>Example 2</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2015-02-24
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b6e1d724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/tabs/tabs-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+ Interface à onglets - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Interface à onglets
+ But
+ Comprime plusieurs sections de contenu dans le même espace physique et fourni des onglets qui permettent à l'utilisateur de choisi la section de contenu à afficher.
+ Exemple 1
+ Avec stockage de session pour se rappeler du dernier onglet consulté. (Comportement par défaut)
+ Exemple 1
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent. Exemple 3 Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Exemple 2
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Exemple 3
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Voir le troisième panneau
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs">
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <details id="details-panel1">
+ <summary>Exemple 1</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ <details id="details-panel2" open="open">
+ <summary>Exemple 2</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <p class="mrgn-tp-md"><a href="#details-panel3" class="wb-tabs-ext">Voir le troisième panneau</a></p>
+ Exemple 2
+ Avec classe ignore-session. Ceci annule le stockage de session qui permet de se rappeler du dernier onglet consulté. (Applicable avec la classe ou l'attribut data-wb-tabs
+ Exemple 1
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent. Exemple 3 Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Exemple 2
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Exemple 3
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
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+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
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+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.Texte d'exemple. Autre texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple différent.
+ Visualiser le code
+ <div class="wb-tabs ignore-session">
+ <div class="tabpanels">
+ <details id="details-panel10">
+ <summary>Exemple 1</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ <details id="details-panel20">
+ <summary>Exemple 2</summary>
+ <p>
+ ...
+ </p>
+ </details>
+ ...
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2015-02-24
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/texthighlight/texthighlight-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/texthighlight/texthighlight-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..820781319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/texthighlight/texthighlight-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ Text highlighting - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Text highlighting
+The Text highlighting component highlights any text within a pre-defined area that matches case-insensitive search criteria specified through the URL's query string. Supports multi-word strings, including spaces and basic punctuation.
+Note: Search criteria using special regex characters such as "
, |
, ?
, +
, (
or )
may be partially or fully excluded from the results.
+ How Do I Use It?
+ Define your search area. Add the wb-txthl
class to the tag whose contents you want to search in.
+ Specify the search criteria in a URL query string. Add txthl=<text_1>+<text_2>+<text_3>
to the query string.Note: HTML markup validation requires all spaces in links to be replaced by %20
+ Example
+ Sample search criteria
+ avian influenza
+ world
+ cook
+ flu-like symptoms
+ Don't Forget...
+ causes sickness in birds, it can also infect people.
+ Avian Influenza (H5N1) Worldwide
+ Updated: March 17, 2010
+ Travel Health Notice
+ Travellers are reminded that countries around the world continue to report cases of avian influenza (H5N1), or "bird flu".
+ While avian influenza (H5N1) commonly causes sickness in birds, it can also infect people. People who contract avian influenza can get very ill, and more than half die from it.
+ If you are travelling to a region where avian influenza (H5N1) is known to be present , the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recommends that you:
+ Avoid all high-risk such as poultry farms and live animal markets.
+ Avoid eating undercooked eggs or poultry.
+ Wash your hands frequently.
+ See a health care provider if you develop flu-like symptoms while travelling or after you return to Canada
+ About Avian Influenza (H5N1)
+ Avian influenza (H5N1), commonly known as "bird flu", is a viral infection that can spread easily and quickly among birds.
+ A particularly strong subtype called the Highly Pathogenic (H5N1) has been found in birds in parts of Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Humans have become infected with this virus.
+ Symptoms
+ Can take two to eight days and possibly longer to appear.
+ Usually include symptoms similar to human influenza such as fever, cough, aching muscles and sore throat.
+ In more severe cases people may develop serious respiratory conditions such as pneumonia which may lead to death. Fatality rates among hospitalized patients with confirmed infection is high (about 60%).
+ Transmission
+ Most human cases have been traced to direct contact with live infected birds or their droppings.
+ Where is Avian Influenza (H5N1) a Concern?
+ Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa have all had outbreaks of avian influenza (H5N1) in poultry since 2003.
+ Since 2009, cases of humans having caught H5N1 have been reported from Cambodia, China, Egypt, Indonesia and Vietnam.
+ From 2003 to early 2010, there have been nearly 500 confirmed human cases in 15 countries.
+ Worldwide, almost 300 people have died from avian influenza (H5N1).
+ The World Health Organization (WHO) posts information on the total number of human cases of avian influenza and maps of where human cases of avian influenza have occurred .
+ Recommendations for travellers
+ Avoid getting avian influenza (H5N1)
+ If you are travelling to an area where avian influenza (H5N1) is a concern ,
+ Avoid high-risk areas such as poultry farms and live animal markets;
+ Avoid unnecessary contact with birds, including chickens, ducks and wild birds
+ Avoid surfaces that may have bird droppings or secretions on them;
+ Ensure that all poultry dishes are well cooked, including eggs
+ Wash your hands frequently .
+ Wash your hands with soap under warm running water.
+ Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can also be used if soap and water are not readily available. It's a good idea to keep some with you in your pocket or purse when you travel.
+ Monitor your health:
+ If you develop flu-like symptoms while travelling, or after you return to Canada, you should see a health care provider.
+ Tell your health care provider that you have been travelling or living in an area where avian influenza (H5N1) is a concern.
+ Other Related Information
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-02-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/texthighlight/texthighlight-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/texthighlight/texthighlight-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..178904e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/texthighlight/texthighlight-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ Mise en surbrillance de texte - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Mise en surbrillance de texte
+Le composant de mise en subrillance de texte met en surbrillance n'importe quel texte dans un secteur pré-défini qui satisfait des critères de recherche. Les critères de recherche sont insensibles à la casse et sont spécifiés par la chaîne d'interrogation d'une addresse URL. Les chaînes avec plusieurs mots sont supportées, y compris les espaces et la ponctuation fondamentale.
+Nota : Les critères de recherche regroupant des caractères spéciaux d'expression régulière (« regex », p.ex. , « "
», « |
», « ?
», « +
», « (
» ou « )
») peuvent être partiellement ou entièrement exclus des résultats.
+ Marche à suivre
+ Définir votre zone de recherche. Ajouter la classe « wb-txthl
» à l'étiquette dont vous voulez chercher.
+ Spécifier les critères de recherche dans la chaîne d'interrogation de l'addresse URL. Ajouter "txthl =<texte_1>+<texte_2>+<texte_3>
" à la chaîne d'interrogation.Nota : La validation des balises HTML exige que tous les espaces dans les liens soit remplacés par « %20
+ Exemple
+ Critères de recherche - Exemple
+ influenza aviaire
+ monde
+ suffis
+ symptômes semblables à ceux de l'influenza
+ À titre de rappel
+ À de rares occasions, des humains ont été infectés par ce virus.
+ L'influenza aviaire dans le monde entier
+ Mis à jour : 17 mars, 2010
+ Conseils de santé aux voyageurs
+ L'influenza aviaire est une infection virale qui peut se propager facilement et rapidement chez les oiseaux. Un sous-type particulièrement virulent, appelé H5N1, a été découvert chez les oiseaux dans certaines parties de l'Asie, de l'Europe, du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique. À de rares occasions, des humains ont été infectés par ce virus.
+ Si vous voyagez, l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) vous recommande ce qui suit.
+ évitez les régions à risque élevé, comme les fermes de volaille et les marchés d'animaux vivants.
+ Lavez-vous les mains souvent.
+ évitez de manger de la volaille ou des œufs qui n'ont pas été suffisamment cuits.
+ Si vous développez des symptômes semblables à ceux de l'influenza à votre retour au Canada, consultez un fournisseur de soins de santé.
+ à propos de l'influenza aviaire H5N1
+ L'ìnfluenza aviaire est une infection virale qui peut se propager facilement et rapidement chez les oiseaux.
+ Un sous-type particulièrement virulent, appelé H5N1, a été décelé chez des oiseaux dans certaines parties de l'Asie, de l'Europe, du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique. Dans de rares cas, des humains ont été infectés par le virus.
+ Les personnes infectées par la souche H5N1 peuvent devenir gravement malades. Dans certains cas, l'infection est mortelle. Le taux de décès chez les patients hospitalisés chez qui l'infection a été confirmée est élevé (environ 60 %).
+ Pour obtenir des renseignements additionnels sur l'influenza aviaire, consultez le document intitulé Document d'information sur les maladies : l'influenza aviaire de l'ASPC.
+ Recommandations aux voyageurs
+ évitez les régions à risque élevé, comme les fermes de volaille et les marchés d'animaux vivants.
+ évitez tout contact inutile avec les oiseaux, notamment les poulets, les canards et les oiseaux sauvages.
+ évitez les surfaces contaminées par des excréments ou des sécrétions d'oiseaux.
+ Lavez-vous les mains souvent.
+ Assurez-vous que les plats à base de volaille, y compris ceux à base d'œufs, sont bien cuits.
+ Surveillez votre santé;
+ Si vous développez des symptômes semblables à ceux de l'influenza durant votre voyage ou après votre retour au Canada, vous devriez consulter un fournisseur de soins de santé.
+ Informez le fournisseur de soins de santé que vous avez voyagé ou que vous êtes demeuré dans une région affectée par le virus de souche H5N1.
+ En plus de protéger votre propre santé, vous devriez consulter les lignes directrices de l'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments pour obtenir de l'information sur la façon d'éviter que le virus de souche H5N1 se propage aux animaux au Canada. Fiche de renseignements de l'ACIA sur la grippe aviaire .
+ À titre de rappel...
+ Consultez un fournisseur de soins de santé ou visitez une clinique santé-voyage au moins six semaines avant votre départ.
+ Informez-vous sur les mesures à prendre si vous êtes malade durant votre voyage.
+ Informez-vous sur les mesures à prendre si vous êtes malade à votre retour au Canada.
+ Soyez au courant de quels vaccins et quand les recevoir.
+ Autres renseignements
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-02-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/demo/toggle.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/demo/toggle.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b698c1868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/demo/toggle.css
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+main .box {
+ background-color: #d9edf7;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 30px;
+ margin-right: 15px;
+ transition: background-color .5s;
+ width: 30px; }
+ main .box.on {
+ background-color: #428bca; }
+main details,
+main .btn-group {
+ margin: 10px 0; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/toggle-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/toggle-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..740cff49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/toggle-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+ Toggle - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Toggle
+ Purpose
+ Create an element that toggles elements between on and off states.
+ Plugin Setup
+ Adding the .wb-toggle
CSS class to any element will turn it into a toggle element. The behaviour of this toggle element is then controlled by the data-toggle
attribute which takes a JavaScript object of properties:
+ Property
+ Purpose
+ selector
+ CSS selector that specifies the elements the toggle element controls. If no CSS selector is supplied, the toggle element controls itself.
+ parent
+ CSS selector that causes the toggle element to only control elements within a given parent element.
+ group
+ CSS selector that groups multiple toggle elements together and only allows one of the elements to be open at a time.
+ persist
+ Causes a toggle element to remember its current state and re-apply it when the page reloads. Supports the following values:
+ session: toggle state will persist until the user closes their browser window or tab.
+ local: toggle state will persist even after the browser window or tab is closed.
+ print
+ Causes a toggle element to turn the elements it controls on or off when the page is printed. Supports the following values:
+ on: elements will be set to "on" toggle state for printing.
+ off: elements will be set to "off" toggle state for printing.
+ type
+ Causes a toggle element to only turn the elements it controls on or off. Supports the following values:
+ on: toggle element will only turn elements to the "on" toggle state.
+ off: toggle element will only turn elements to the "off" toggle state.
+ state
+ Sets the initial state of a toggle element. Supports the following values:
+ off (default): Toggle element initial state is "off"
+ on: Toggle element initial state is "on"
+ stateOn
+ CSS class that's added to elements when they are toggled on. Defaults to "on".
+ stateOff
+ CSS class that's added to elements when they are toggled off. Defaults to "off".
+ For example, the following element will always toggle on elements with the .foo
CSS class that are contained in a parent with the .bar
CSS class. In addition, the elements it controls will be toggled on when the page is printed.
+ <button type="button" class="wb-toggle" data-toggle='{"type": "on", "selector": ".foo", "parent": ".bar", "print": "on"}'>Turn on</button>
+ Simple Example
+ This simple example shows:
+ a group of buttons that control the toggle state of multiple elements, and
+ a single element that controls its own toggle state (the last box).
+ Toggle
+ On
+ Off
+ Details Elements
+ The toggle plugin can be used to open/close multiple <details>
elements. By adding the "print": "on"
setting to the first toggle element, the plugin will also open all details elements when the page is printed.
+ Note: this example uses the parent
configuration option to restrict the toggle of details elements to those that are contained in a specified parent element (#details-element
). By doing this, the grouped toggle and accordion examples below aren't affected by the toggle.
+ Toggle
+ On
+ Off
+ Example 1
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 2
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 3
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Grouped Toggle
+ This parameter restricts grouped toggles to only have one of the elements active at a time much like the grouped checkbox behaviour.
+ Example 1
+ Example 2
+ Example 3
+ Example 1
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 2
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 3
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Accordion
+ The group toggle feature of the plugin can also be used to create an accordion.
+ Example
+ Example 1
Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 2
Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Example 3
Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Setup
+ Wrap all sections of the accordion in parent element with a unique CSS class or ID. <div class="accordion">
+ For each accordion section:
+ Add the .wb-toggle
class and data-toggle
attribute to the element the user will click to open/close the section.
+ Add the .tgl-tab
class to the element that shows the section's heading.
+ Wrap the content in a <div class="tgl-panel">
+ If you're using details elements for the accordion sections, the HTML should look like the following once you're finished:
+<div class="accordion">
+ <!-- Accordion section 1 -->
+ <details class="acc-group">
+ <summary class="wb-toggle tgl-tab" data-toggle='{"parent": ".accordion", "group": ".acc-group"}'>Section 1's heading</summary>
+ <div class="tgl-panel">
+ <!-- Section 1's content -->
+ </div>
+ </details>
+ <!-- Accordion section 2 -->
+ <details class="acc-group">
+ <summary class="wb-toggle tgl-tab" data-toggle='{"parent": ".accordion", "group": ".acc-group"}'>Section 2's heading</summary>
+ <div class="tgl-panel">
+ <!-- Section 2's content -->
+ </div>
+ </details>
+ Persist Toggle State
+ The following details
element will remember its toggle state as long as this browser window (or tab) remains open.
+ Example 1
+ Example content that provides more details.
+ Cups of coffee consumed by each delegate
+ Name
+ Cups
+ Type of Coffee
+ Sugar?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Espresso
+ No
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Decaf
+ Yes
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-03-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/toggle-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/toggle-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d049db901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/toggle/toggle-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+ Basculer - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Basculer
+ Intention
+ Plugiciel qui permet un lien à basculer des éléments entre les états activé et désactivé.
+ Needs translation
+ Plugin Setup
+ Adding the .wb-toggle
CSS class to any element will turn it into a toggle element. The behaviour of this toggle element is then controlled by the data-toggle
attribute which takes a JavaScript object of properties:
+ Property
+ Purpose
+ selector
+ CSS selector that specifies the elements the toggle element controls. If no CSS selector is supplied, the toggle element controls itself.
+ parent
+ CSS selector that causes the toggle element to only control elements within a given parent element.
+ group
+ CSS selector that groups multiple toggle elements together and only allows one of the elements to be open at a time.
+ persist
+ Causes a toggle element to remember its current state and re-apply it when the page reloads. Supports the following values:
+ session: toggle state will persist until the user closes their browser window or tab.
+ local: toggle state will persist even after the browser window or tab is closed.
+ print
+ Causes a toggle element to turn the elements it controls on or off when the page is printed. Supports the following values:
+ on: elements will be set to "on" toggle state for printing.
+ off: elements will be set to "off" toggle state for printing.
+ type
+ Causes a toggle element to only turn the elements it controls on or off. Supports the following values:
+ on: toggle element will only turn elements to the "on" toggle state.
+ off: toggle element will only turn elements to the "off" toggle state.
+ state
+ Sets the initial state of a toggle element. Supports the following values:
+ off (default): Toggle element initial state is "off"
+ on: Toggle element initial state is "on"
+ stateOn
+ CSS class that's added to elements when they are toggled on. Defaults to "on".
+ stateOff
+ CSS class that's added to elements when they are toggled off. Defaults to "off".
+ For example, the following element will always toggle on elements with the .foo
CSS class that are contained in a parent with the .bar
CSS class. In addition, the elements it controls will be toggled on when the page is printed.
+ <button type="button" class="wb-toggle" data-toggle='{"type": "on", "selector": ".foo", "parent": ".bar", "print": "on"}'>Turn on</button>
+ Exemple simple
+ Basculer
+ Activer
+ Désactiver
+ Details
+ Basculer
+ Activer
+ Désactiver
+ Exemple 1
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 2
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 3
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Basculer groupe
+ Cette paramètre group
restreint bascule groupées d'avoir un seul des éléments actifs à un moment un peu comme le comportement de case à cocher groupées.
+ Exemple 1
+ Exemple 2
+ Exemple 3
+ Exemple 1
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 2
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 3
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Accordéon
+ La fonction de basculement de groupe du plugin peut également être utilisé pour créer un accordéon:
+ Example 1
Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Example 2
Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Exemple 3
Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Conserver l'état de bascule
+ L'état de bascule de l'élément details
ci-desous persistra tant que le fureteur (ou onglet) demeure ouvert.
+ Exemple 1
+ Le contenu d'exemple qui fournit plus de détails.
+ Tasses de café bues par chaque député
+ Nom
+ Tasses
+ Type de café
+ Sucre?
+ T. Sexton
+ 10
+ Expresso
+ Non
+ J. Dinnen
+ 5
+ Déca
+ Oui
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-03-10
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/demo/transitions.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/demo/transitions.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72f81c7e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/demo/transitions.css
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-fade-in-test, .wb-fade-out-test:hover, .wb-fade-out-test:focus {
+ opacity: 0; }
+.wb-fade-in-test:hover, .wb-fade-in-test:focus, .wb-fade-out-test {
+ opacity: 1; }
+.wb-slide-left-test:hover, .wb-slide-left-test:focus {
+ transform: translate(-25%, 0); }
+.wb-slide-right-test:hover, .wb-slide-right-test:focus {
+ transform: translate(25%, 0); }
+.wb-fade-in-test, .wb-slide-left-test {
+ transition: all 300ms; }
+.wb-fade-out-test, .wb-slide-right-test {
+ transition: all 500ms; }
+/* Fade */
+/* Slide */
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/transitions-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/transitions-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f30212065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/transitions-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+ Transitions - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Transitions
+ Purpose
+ Create a transition class with optional states.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-08
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/transitions-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/transitions-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e0160c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/transitions/transitions-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ Transitions - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Transitions
+ Purpose
+ Create a transition class with optional states.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-08
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/twitter/twitter-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/twitter/twitter-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd6b3a719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/twitter/twitter-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ Twitter embedded timeline - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Twitter embedded timeline
+ Purpose
+ Helps with implementing Twitter embedded timelines.
+ Example: Embedded User Timeline
+ Code
+ <div class="wb-twitter">
+<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/WebExpToolkit" data-tweet-limit="3" >Tweets by @WebExpToolkit</a>
+ Twitter Developer Documentation: Embedded User Timeline
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-07
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/twitter/twitter-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/twitter/twitter-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0529622ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/twitter/twitter-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ Chronologie intégrée Twitter - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Chronologie intégrée Twitter
+ But
+ Ce plugiciel aide à afficher des chronologies intégrées Twitter.
Needs translation
+ Example: Embedded User Timeline
+ Code
+ <div class="wb-twitter">
+<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/WebExpToolkit" data-tweet-limit="3" >Tweets by @WebExpToolkit</a>
+ Twitter Developer Documentation: Embedded User Timeline
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-08-01
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3728f4e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ URL Mapping - Ajax - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ URL Mapping - Ajax
+Execute pre-configured ajax action based on url query string.
+ Aside container
+ Empty
+Source code
+<aside id="asidecontainer" class="col-md-5 pull-right">
+ <h2>Aside container</h2>
+ <p>Empty</p>
+ <li><a href="?">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=1">Ajax 1 <code>?ajxload=1</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=2">Ajax 2 <code>?ajxload=2</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=3">Ajax 3 <code>?ajxload=3</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=4">Ajax 4 <code>?ajxload=4</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=5">Ajax 5 <code>?ajxload=5</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=5special">Trigger WET after Ajax 5 is inserted<code>?ajxload=5special</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?special">Ajax two files (Ajax 4 and Ajax 2) <code>?special</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?mspecial=ul">Ajax <code>ul</code> of two files (Ajax 4 and Ajax 2) <code>?mspecial=ul</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?loadme=3">Mapping the query string, load Ajax 3<code>?loadme=3</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?loadme=asdf">Mapping the query string, load Ajax asdf<code>?loadme=asdf</code></a> but fallback on default "1"</li>
+<div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "ajxload=1": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html" },
+ "ajxload=2": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html" },
+ "ajxload=3": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "^\\d$", "default": "1" },
+ "ajxload=4": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html" },
+ "ajxload=5": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html" },
+ "ajxload=5special": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html", "trigger": true },
+ "special": [
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html", "container": "#asidecontainer" },
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html" }
+ ],
+ "mspecial": [
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html {qval}", "container": "#asidecontainer", "match": "(^ul$)", "default": "p" },
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html {qval}", "match": "(^ul$)", "default": "p" }
+ ],
+ "loadme": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "^\\d$", "default": "1" }
+ }'></div>
+ Ajax files
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-03
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96881917e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ Correspondance d'URL - Ajax - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correspondance d'URL - Ajax
+Exécute des requête ajax pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+ Conteneur aparté
+ Vide
+Code source
+<aside id="asidecontainer" class="col-md-5 pull-right">
+ <h2>Conteneur aparté</h2>
+ <p>Vide</p>
+ <li><a href="?">Vide <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=1">Ajax 1 <code>?ajxload=1</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=2">Ajax 2 <code>?ajxload=2</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=3">Ajax 3 <code>?ajxload=3</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=4">Ajax 4 <code>?ajxload=4</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=5">Ajax 5 <code>?ajxload=5</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ajxload=5special">Lance la BOEW après que le fichier "Ajax 5" est inséré<code>?ajxload=5special</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?special">Insert deux fichiers (Ajax 4 et Ajax 2) <code>?special</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?mspecial=ul">Insert les <code>ul</code> de deux fichiers (Ajax 4 et Ajax 2) <code>?mspecial=ul</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?loadme=3">Valeur correspondant au paramètre de la chaîne de requête, va inserer "Ajax 3"<code>?loadme=3</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?loadme=asdf">Valeur correspondant au paramètre de la chaîne de requête, va essayer d'insérer "Ajax asdf"<code>?loadme=asdf</code></a> mais se repli sur la valeur par défaut "1"</li>
+<div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "ajxload=1": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html" },
+ "ajxload=2": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html" },
+ "ajxload=3": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "^\\d$", "default": "1" },
+ "ajxload=4": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html" },
+ "ajxload=5": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html" },
+ "ajxload=5special": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-5.html", "trigger": true },
+ "special": [
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html", "container": "#asidecontainer" },
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html" }
+ ],
+ "mspecial": [
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-2.html {qval}", "container": "#asidecontainer", "match": "(^ul$)", "default": "p" },
+ { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-4.html {qval}", "match": "(^ul$)", "default": "p" }
+ ],
+ "loadme": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "^\\d$", "default": "1" }
+ }'></div>
+ Fichier Ajax
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-03
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-1.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-1.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c85913ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ AJAX content Set 1 (Ensemble 1)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-2.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-2.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1101206e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-2.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ AJAX content Set 2 (Ensemble 2)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-3.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-3.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d630c845c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-3.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ AJAX content Set 3 (Ensemble 3)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Vestibulum at accumsan massa
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-4.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-4.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b7785707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ AJAX content Set 4 (Ensemble 4)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Vestibulum at accumsan massa
+ lorem lorem luctus ligula
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-5.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-5.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5710010f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-5.html
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ AJAX content Set 5 (Ensemble 5)
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc hendrerit turpis nec urna pulvinar, sit amet iaculis est ultrices. Nullam erat elit, pellentesque ac arcu sit amet, pretium scelerisque dui. Ut id porta sapien. Quisque imperdiet turpis quis urna mollis mollis. Vivamus eget laoreet lorem, ac commodo mauris. Vivamus et blandit odio. Donec nec mauris et mauris aliquet viverra vel id nisl. Etiam dui sem, fringilla ac est quis, sollicitudin scelerisque velit. Nulla ac semper erat. Integer lorem nisl, placerat eget facilisis sit amet, molestie at libero. Nam cursus mollis odio, vel viverra sem mollis id.
+ quam
+ id porta sapien
+ Vestibulum at accumsan massa
+ lorem lorem luctus ligula
+ Suspendisse sodales mauris eget
+ This is a Summary Element
+ This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ The previous block have the following source code:
+ <summary>This is a Summary Element</summary>
+ <p>This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ Fusce a finibus diam, sed tristique metus. Aliquam auctor tellus cursus, ultrices magna ac, lobortis erat. Praesent ac eros venenatis, fringilla sapien non, cursus mi. Morbi ultrices id sem nec vestibulum. Sed vehicula lacus turpis, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sed. Aliquam quam diam, hendrerit at mi vitae, ornare dictum urna. Proin vehicula mi quam, ac venenatis urna scelerisque nec. Sed aliquet quis dui commodo aliquet. Integer commodo quam sed ultricies laoreet. Fusce ut rutrum enim. Ut erat massa, sollicitudin sit amet auctor a, tincidunt sed nibh. Nulla pulvinar tellus urna, sed tristique tellus lobortis non. Vestibulum at accumsan massa. Proin et diam vitae nisi placerat fermentum sit amet et est. Nunc non est vulputate, aliquet ante ultrices, aliquet est.
Following this paragraph we have this code <div data-ajax-append="ajax/ajax-5a.html"></div>
+ Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-5a.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-5a.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51e7dc10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/ajax/ajax-5a.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ AJAX sub-content Set 5a (Ensemble de sous-contenu 5a)
+ Paragraph 1 Blabla A
+ This is a Summary Element
+ This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ The previous block have the following source code:
+ <summary>This is a Summary Element</summary>
+ <p>This is a paragraph inside a details element
+ Quisque imperdiet, purus sit amet dapibus venenatis, ligula nulla blandit libero, in tincidunt lorem lorem luctus ligula. Quisque ornare nibh et risus tincidunt, ac pellentesque urna hendrerit. Suspendisse feugiat efficitur cursus. Suspendisse sodales mauris eget diam porttitor, eu scelerisque est condimentum. Nam ultricies pharetra metus eu lobortis. Phasellus urna erat, semper vel mauris congue, convallis varius mi. Sed vestibulum, dolor id blandit aliquam, erat orci dictum tellus, vel malesuada mauris eros fringilla risus.
Ut sed tempor metus. Mauris sed nisi eu purus consectetur mattis luctus ornare mauris. Vestibulum blandit ullamcorper elit ac tempus. Etiam sed porta tortor. Phasellus congue a mauris lobortis egestas. Praesent porta ligula sapien, ut feugiat magna feugiat in. Proin non bibendum dui, faucibus iaculis nunc. Donec tempus ullamcorper finibus. Integer velit arcu, facilisis eu tincidunt a, faucibus sit amet massa.
End of Set 5a (Fin de l'ensemble 5a)
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/data-en.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/data-en.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75ca22e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/data-en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "city": {
+ "gat": "Gatineau",
+ "ott": "Ottawa",
+ "vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+ },
+ "fruit": "Perry",
+ "country": {
+ "name": "Canada",
+ "province": {
+ "qc": "Quebec",
+ "on": "Ontario",
+ "ma": "Manitoba"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/data-fr.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/data-fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9f9adde4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/data-fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "ville": {
+ "gat": "Gatineau",
+ "ott": "Ottawa",
+ "vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+ },
+ "fruit": "poire",
+ "pays": {
+ "nom": "Canada",
+ "province": {
+ "qc": "Québec",
+ "on": "Ontario",
+ "ma": "Manitoba"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/empty.json b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/empty.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0967ef424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/demo/empty.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/geomap-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/geomap-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37bcd94f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/geomap-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+ URL Mapping - Geomap - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ URL Mapping - Geomap
+Execute pre-configured geomap filtering based on url query string.
+ Table of point geometries
+ Rank
+ Census subdivision
+ Population 2011
+ 1
+ Toronto
+ 2,615,060
+ 2
+ Montreal
+ 1,649,519
+ 3
+ Calgary
+ 1,096,833
+ 4
+ Ottawa
+ 883,391
+ 5
+ Edmonton
+ 812,201
+ 6
+ Mississauga
+ 713,443
+ 7
+ Winnipeg
+ 663,617
+ 8
+ Vancouver
+ 603,502
+ 9
+ Brampton
+ 523,911
+ 10
+ Hamilton
+ 519,949
+Source code
+ <li><a href="?aoi=bc">Area of interest: British Columbia <code>?aoi=bc</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?aoi=ab">Area of interest: Alberta <code>?aoi=ab</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?aoi=qc">Area of interest: Québec <code>?aoi=qc</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?aoi=canada">Area of interest: Canada <code>?aoi=canada</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href-"?layout=kml">Layout: KML <code>?layout=kml</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href-"?layout=topo">Layout: TopoJSON (World 110m) <code>?layout=topo</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href-"?layout=all">All layout <code>?layout=all</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href-"?layout=pt">Layout: Point <code>?layout=pt</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?layout=kml&aoi=bc">Combination - Layout: KML ; Area of interest: British Columbia <code>?layout=kml&aoi=bc</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?aoi=qc&layout=pt">Combination - Layout: Point ; Area of interest: Québec <code>?aoi=qc&layout=pt</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?aoi=bc&layout=all">Combination - All layout ; Area of interest: British Columbia <code>?aoi=bc&layout=all</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+<!-- +++ Note: +++
+ * The dimension bellow are approximative for this demo purpose only
+ * The optional configuration ```multiplequery``` is set in order to do a combination of query parameter
+<div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "multiplequery": true,
+ "aoi=canada": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "64.097 -10.63 34.692 -177.659" },
+ "aoi=bc": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "60 -120 48 -139" },
+ "aoi=ab": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "60 -110 49 -120" },
+ "aoi=qc": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "POLYGON((-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185,-79.79959328176142 51.57292655739278,-79.18435890676142 46.810536399556135,-76.45974953176142 45.655468008018055,-75.58084328176142 45.961790800827984,-74.87771828176142 45.47086564114406,-74.96560890676142 44.97562684884711,-71.44998390676142 44.97562684884711,-69.16482765676142 47.349194267123444,-68.19803078176142 47.349194267123444,-64.33084328176142 48.35181916125691,-55.80545265676142 52.00783331541157,-67.31912453176142 52.16984334247954,-64.24295265676142 60.85236662687351,-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185))" },
+ "layout=pt": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "Points" },
+ "layout=kml": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "KML" },
+ "layout=topo": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "TopoJSON (World 110m)" },
+ "layout=all": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "" }
+<div id="sample_map_filter"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline geocoder geolocation"
+ data-wb-geomap='{ [...] }'>
+ [...]
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-03-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/geomap-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/geomap-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4085b109a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/geomap-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrage d'une géomap - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrage d'une géomap
+Exécute des requête de filtrage de géomap pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+Source code
+ <li><a href="?zi=bc">Zone d'intérêt: British Columbia <code>?zi=bc</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?zi=ab">Zone d'intérêt: Alberta <code>?zi=ab</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?zi=qc">Zone d'intérêt: Québec <code>?zi=qc</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?zi=canada">Zone d'intérêt: Canada <code>?zi=canada</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?couche=kml">Couche: KML <code>?couche=kml</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?couche=topo">Couche: TopoJSON (World 110m) <code>?couche=topo</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?couche=toutes">Toutes les couches <code>?couche=toutes</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?couche=pt">Couche: Point <code>?couche=pt</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?couche=kml&zi=bc">Agencement - Couche: KML ; Zone d'intérêt: British Columbia <code>?couche=kml&zi=bc</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?zi=qc&couche=pt">Agencement - Couche: Point ; Zone d'intérêt: Québec <code>?zi=qc&couche=pt</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?zi=bc&couche=toutes">Agencement - Toutes les couches ; Zone d'intérêt: British Columbia <code>?zi=bc&couche=toutes</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?">Vide <code>?</code></a></li>
+<!-- +++ Note: +++
+ * Les dimensions des zones d'intérêt ci-dessous sont approximative et ont pour unique but d'être utilisé à des fin démonstratif.
+ * La configuration optionel ```multiplequery``` est définie afin que le plugiciel puissent tenir compte de différente agencement de paramètre d'URL.
+<div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "multiplequery": true,
+ "zi=canada": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "64.097 -10.63 34.692 -177.659" },
+ "zi=bc": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "60 -120 48 -139" },
+ "zi=ab": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "60 -110 49 -120" },
+ "zi=qc": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "aoi", "value": "POLYGON((-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185,-79.79959328176142 51.57292655739278,-79.18435890676142 46.810536399556135,-76.45974953176142 45.655468008018055,-75.58084328176142 45.961790800827984,-74.87771828176142 45.47086564114406,-74.96560890676142 44.97562684884711,-71.44998390676142 44.97562684884711,-69.16482765676142 47.349194267123444,-68.19803078176142 47.349194267123444,-64.33084328176142 48.35181916125691,-55.80545265676142 52.00783331541157,-67.31912453176142 52.16984334247954,-64.24295265676142 60.85236662687351,-78.30545265676142 62.84207638792185))" },
+ "couche=pt": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "Points" },
+ "couche=kml": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "KML" },
+ "couche=topo": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "TopoJSON (World 110m)" },
+ "couche=toutes": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#sample_map_filter", "filter": "layer", "value": "" }
+<div id="sample_map_filter"
+ class="wb-geomap position scaleline geocoder geolocation"
+ data-wb-geomap='{ [...] }'>
+ [...]
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-03-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/patches-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/patches-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f499dda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/patches-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+ URL Mapping - Patching JSON - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ URL Mapping - Patching JSON
+Execute pre-configured JSON patches action based on url query string.
+For the purpose of the following working example there is multiple instance of wb-urlmapping
but it they can be all included in one instance. Having all of them in one is the recommend approach.
+JSON files source code
+ empty.json
+ {}
+ data-en.json
+ {
+ "city": {
+ "gat": "Gatineau",
+ "ott": "Ottawa",
+ "vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+ },
+ "fruit": "Perry",
+ "country": {
+ "name": "Canada",
+ "province": {
+ "qc": "Québec",
+ "on": "Ontario",
+ "ma": "Manitoba"
+ }
+ }
+Applying patches
+ Results
+ My city is: somewhere
+ My fruit is: all of them
+The wait
configuration let the json-manager wait until it receives patches from another plugin before of updating data-json content.
+ Source code
+ <div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "example1a": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/city", "value": "Gatineau" },
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/fruit", "value": "Apple" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "example1b": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/city", "value": "Ottawa" },
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/fruit", "value": "Orange" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "example1c": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/city", "value": "Hull" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "example1d": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/fruit", "value": "Kiwi" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "multiplequery": true
+ }'></div>
+ <li><a href="?">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?example1a">Gatineau and Apple <code>?example1a</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?example1b">Ottawa and Orange <code>?example1b</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?example1c&example1d">Hull and Kiwi <code>?example1c&example1d</code></a></li>
+<section class="well" id="jmexample1" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "example1",
+ "wait": true
+ }'>
+ <h3 class="mrgn-tp-sm">Results</h3>
+ <p>My city is: <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/city">somewhere</span></p>
+ <p>My fruit is: <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/fruit">all of them</span></p>
+Use the page query for patches
+It uses the value of the parameter as a key for copying to the parent element.
+The city selected is: somewhere
+ Source code
+ <ul data-wb-urlmapping='{ "city" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample2", "base": "/city", "match": "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$", "default": "gat" } }'>
+ <li><a href="?#ex2">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?city=gat#ex2">Gatineau <code>?city=gat</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?city=ott#ex2">Ottawa <code>?city=ott</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?city=vdm#ex2">Val-des-monts <code>?city=vdm</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?city=hull#ex2">Hull <code>?city=hull</code></a> (Fallback on default <code>gat</code>)</li>
+ <li><a href="?city=hul#ex2">Hull <code>?city=hul</code></a> (Do nothing)</li>
+<p id="jmexample2" data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json", "name": "example2", "wait": true }'>The city selected is: <span data-json-replace="#[example2]/city">somewhere</span></p>
+Be specific
+Defining the following configuration will overwrite/control how the page query could interact with the patches action.
+ City: not defined
+ Province: not defined
+ Source code
+ <ul data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "ex3a" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample3", "base": "/city", "match": "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$", "default": "vdm" },
+ "ex3b" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample3", "base": "/city", "qval": "gat" },
+ "ex3c=example" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample3", "base": "/city", "qval": "ott" },
+ "ex3d" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexample3", "base": "/country/province", "match": "^[a-z][a-z]$", "default": "ma" }
+ }'>
+ <li><a href="?#ex3">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3a#ex3">base is "/city", fallback on default <code>?ex3a</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3a=gat#ex3">base is "/city", showing Gatineau <code>?ex3a=gat</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3a=ott#ex3">base is "/city", showing Ottawa <code>?ex3a=ott</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3b#ex3">base is "/city" with "gat" set as value, showing Gatineau <code>?ex3b</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3c=example#ex3">base is "/city" with "ott" set as value, showing Ottawa <code>?ex3c=example</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3d#ex3">base is "/province" with a root "/country/", fallback on default <code>?ex3d</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3d=on#ex3">base is "/province" with a root "/country/", showing Ontario <code>?ex3d=on</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3d=qc#ex3">base is "/province" with a root "/country/", showing Quebec <code>?ex3d=qc</code></a></li>
+<ul id="jmexample3" data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "demo/data-en.json", "name": "example4", "wait": true }'>
+ <li>City: <span data-json-replace="#[example4]/city">not defined</span></li>
+ <li>Province: <span data-json-replace="#[example4]/country/province">not defined</span></li>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-03
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/patches-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/patches-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e774e1ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/patches-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+ Correspondance d'URL - Appliquer des correctifs JSON - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correspondance d'URL - Appliquer des correctifs JSON
+Exécute des requête d'application de correctifs JSON pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+Pour le besoin de l'exemple pratique, cette page utilise plusieurs instance du plugiciel wb-urlmapping
et il pourrait être tous combiné ensemble. Avoir une seule instance c'est l'approche qui est recommendé.
+Code source des fichiers JSON
+ empty.json
+ {}
+ data-fr.json
+ {
+ "ville": {
+ "gat": "Gatineau",
+ "ott": "Ottawa",
+ "vdm": "Val-des-monts"
+ },
+ "fruit": "poire",
+ "pays": {
+ "nom": "Canada",
+ "province": {
+ "qc": "Québec",
+ "on": "Ontario",
+ "ma": "Manitoba"
+ }
+ }
+Application de correctifs
+ Résultats
+ Ma ville est: quelques part
+ Mon fruit est: tous
+La configuration wait
permet d'indiquer que le json-manager doit attendre de recevoir des correctifs par un autre plugiciel avant de mettre à jour le contenu affichier par le data-json content.
+ Code source
+ <div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "exemple1a": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/ville", "value": "Gatineau" },
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/fruit", "value": "Pomme" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "exemple1b": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/ville", "value": "Ottawa" },
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/fruit", "value": "Orange" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "exemple1c": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/ville", "value": "Hull" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "exemple1d": { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple1", "patches": [
+ { "op": "add", "path": "/fruit", "value": "Kiwi" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "multiplequery": true
+ }'></div>
+ <li><a href="?#ex1">Vide <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?exemple1a#ex1">Gatineau et Pomme <code>?exemple1a</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?exemple1b#ex1">Ottawa et Orange <code>?exemple1b</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?exemple1c&exemple1d#ex1">Hull et Kiwi <code>?exemple1c&exemple1d</code></a></li>
+<section class="well" id="jmexemple1" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
+ "url": "demo/empty.json",
+ "name": "exemple1",
+ "wait": true
+ }'>
+ <h3 class="mrgn-tp-sm">Résultats</h3>
+ <p>Ma ville est: <span data-json-replace="#[exemple1]/ville">quelques part</span></p>
+ <p>Mon fruit est: <span data-json-replace="#[exemple1]/fruit">tous</span></p>
+Utiliser les valeur de la requête de la pages pour appliquer des correctifs
+Par défauts
+La valeur du paramètre sera utilisé en tant que clef afin de le l'objet vers l'objet parent.
+La ville sélectionné est : quelques part
+ Code source
+ <ul data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ville" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple2", "base": "/ville", "match": "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$", "default": "gat" } }'>
+ <li><a href="?#ex2">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ville=gat#ex2">Gatineau <code>?ville=gat</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ville=ott#ex2">Ottawa <code>?ville=ott</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ville=vdm#ex2">Val-des-monts <code>?ville=vdm</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ville=hull#ex2">Hull <code>?ville=hull</code></a> (Fallback on default <code>gat</code>)</li>
+ <li><a href="?ville=hul#ex2">Hull <code>?ville=hul</code></a> (Do nothing)</li>
+<p id="jmexemple2" data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json", "name": "exemple2", "wait": true }'>La ville sélectionné est : <span data-json-replace="#[exemple2]/ville">quelques part</span></p>
+Être précis dans la correspondance
+Les configuration suivante vont écraser/contourner les fonctionalitées par défaut pour l'application des correctifs.
+ Ville: non définie
+ Province: non défini
+ Code source
+ <ul data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "ex3a" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple3", "base": "/ville", "match": "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$", "default": "vdm" },
+ "ex3b" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple3", "base": "/ville", "qval": "gat" },
+ "ex3c=exemple" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple3", "base": "/ville", "qval": "ott" },
+ "ex3d" : { "action": "patch", "source": "#jmexemple3", "base": "/pays/province", "match": "^[a-z][a-z]$", "default": "ma" }
+ }'>
+ <li><a href="?#ex3">Vide <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3a#ex3">La base est "/ville", repli sur le défaut <code>?ex3a</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3a=gat#ex3">La base est "/ville", affiche Gatineau <code>?ex3a=gat</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3a=ott#ex3">La base est "/ville", Affiche Ottawa <code>?ex3a=ott</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3b#ex3">La base est "/ville" avec la valeur "gat" défini, affiche Gatineau <code>?ex3b</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3c=exemple#ex3">La base est "/ville" avec la valeur "ott" défini, affiche Ottawa <code>?ex3c=exemple</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3d#ex3">La base est "/province" avec la racine "/pays/", repli sur le défaut <code>?ex3d</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3d=on#ex3">La base est "/province" avec la racine "/pays/", affiche Ontario <code>?ex3d=on</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?ex3d=qc#ex3">La base est "/province" avec la racine "/pays/", affiche Québec <code>?ex3d=qc</code></a></li>
+<ul id="jmexemple3" data-wb-jsonmanager='{ "url": "demo/data-fr.json", "name": "exemple4", "wait": true }'>
+ <li>Ville: <span data-json-replace="#[exemple4]/ville">non définie</span></li>
+ <li>Province: <span data-json-replace="#[exemple4]/country/province">non défini</span></li>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-03
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/tblfilter-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/tblfilter-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f2333068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/tblfilter-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ URL Mapping - Table filtering - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ URL Mapping - Table filtering
+Execute pre-configured table filtering action based on url query string.
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Department
+ News Type
+ Summary
+ Location
+ For
+ Subject
+ Minister
+ Source code
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?">Empty <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?back">Backgrounders only <code>?back</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dep=inf">Infrastructure Canada departement only <code>?dep=inf</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?date=jul26">Published on July 26 <code>?date=jul26</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dateiso=2016-07-24">Published on July 24 <code>?dateiso=2016-07-24</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dateiso=2016-07-23">Published on July 23 <code>?dateiso=2016-07-23</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dateiso=2016-07-22">Published on July 22 <code>?dateiso=2016-07-22</code></a></li>
+<table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" id="dataset-filter"
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "back": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 3, "value": "Backgrounders" },
+ "dep=inf": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 2, "value": "Infrastructure Canada" },
+ "date=jul26": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 1, "value": "2016-07-26" },
+ "dateiso": {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#dataset-filter",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "{qval}",
+ "match": "^[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0,1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$",
+ "default": "2016-07-24"
+ }
+ }' aria-live="polite"
+ data-wb-tables='{
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "ajaxSource": "//wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/demos/tables/ajax/datasource.json",
+ "order": [5, "desc"],
+ "columns": [
+ { "data": "TITLE", "className": "nws-tbl-ttl h4" },
+ { "data": "PUBDATE", "className": "nws-tbl-date" },
+ { "data": "DEPT", "className": "nws-tbl-dept" },
+ { "data": "TYPE", "className": "nws-tbl-type" },
+ { "data": "TEASER", "className": "nws-tbl-desc" },
+ { "data": "LOCATION", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "AUDIENCE", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "SUBJECT", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "MINISTER", "visible": false }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Department</th>
+ <th>News Type</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Location</th>
+ <th>For</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ <th>Minister</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-03
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/tblfilter-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/tblfilter-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9c55b5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/tblfilter-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrer un tableau - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correspondance d'URL - Filtrer un tableau
+Exécute des requête de filtrage de tableau pré-établis selon la correspondance des paramètres de l'URL.
+Le contenu du tableau suivant est disponible en anglais seulement.
+ Title
+ Publication date
+ Department
+ News Type
+ Summary
+ Location
+ For
+ Subject
+ Minister
+ Source code
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="?">Vide <code>?</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?back">Précis seulement <code>?back</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dep=inf">Le département d'Infrastructure Canada seulement <code>?dep=inf</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?date=jul26">Publié le 26 juillet <code>?date=jul26</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dateiso=2016-07-24">Publié le 24 juillet <code>?dateiso=2016-07-24</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dateiso=2016-07-23">Publié le 23 juillet <code>?dateiso=2016-07-23</code></a></li>
+ <li><a href="?dateiso=2016-07-22">Publié le 22 juillet <code>?dateiso=2016-07-22</code></a></li>
+<p>Le contenu du tableau suivant est disponible en anglais seulement.</p>
+<table lang="en" class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover" id="dataset-filter"
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "back": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 3, "value": "Backgrounders" },
+ "dep=inf": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 2, "value": "Infrastructure Canada" },
+ "date=jul26": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 1, "value": "2016-07-26" },
+ "dateiso": {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#dataset-filter",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "{qval}",
+ "match": "^[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0,1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]$",
+ "default": "2016-07-24"
+ }
+ }' aria-live="polite"
+ data-wb-tables='{
+ "bDeferRender": true,
+ "ajaxSource": "//wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/demos/tables/ajax/datasource.json",
+ "order": [5, "desc"],
+ "columns": [
+ { "data": "TITLE", "className": "nws-tbl-ttl h4" },
+ { "data": "PUBDATE", "className": "nws-tbl-date" },
+ { "data": "DEPT", "className": "nws-tbl-dept" },
+ { "data": "TYPE", "className": "nws-tbl-type" },
+ { "data": "TEASER", "className": "nws-tbl-desc" },
+ { "data": "LOCATION", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "AUDIENCE", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "SUBJECT", "visible": false },
+ { "data": "MINISTER", "visible": false }
+ ]
+ }'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Title</th>
+ <th>Publication date</th>
+ <th>Department</th>
+ <th>News Type</th>
+ <th>Summary</th>
+ <th>Location</th>
+ <th>For</th>
+ <th>Subject</th>
+ <th>Minister</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/urlmapping-doc-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/urlmapping-doc-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2c0c9008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/urlmapping-doc-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+ URL mapping - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ URL mapping - Documentation
+ Purpose
+ Performing a action base on the url query string after wet-boew is ready.
+ Use when
+ When the page need to be modified slightly to improve the content usability. It improve the re-use of fragmented content.
+ Do not use when
+ To fully feed your page content, in such situation use a server side solution instead.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ The url mapping support three type of action. It is possible to add support for additional action.
+ Ajaxing
+ On an element
+ <div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "ajxload=1":
+ {
+ "action": "ajax",
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+ }
+ }'></div>
+ Where:
+ ajxload=1
+ Is the query that must match to apply the related action
+ "action": "ajax"
+ Will execute an ajax request with the data-ajax plugin.
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+ URL of the ajax file.
+ Table filtering
+ On an element with a source refering to a table or directly on a table element
+ <table class="wb-tables table" data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "date=jul26":
+ {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "2016-07-26"
+ }
+ }' >
+ Where:
+ date=jul26
+ Is the query that must match to apply the related action
+ "action": "tblfilter"
+ Will apply a table column filter action by using the data tables plugin.
+ "column": 1
+ The filtering will be applied on the column index 1. That is visually the second column of the table.
+ "value": "2016-07-26"
+ The filter value will be the string "2016-07-26".
+ Patching
+ On an element
+ <div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "example1a":
+ {
+ "action": "patch",
+ "source": "#jmexample1",
+ "patches":
+ {
+ "op": "add",
+ "path": "/city",
+ "value": "Gatineau"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }'></div>
+ Where:
+ example1a
+ Is the query that must match to apply the related action
+ "action": "patch"
+ Will apply the patch action to an existing JSON manager plugin.
+ "source": "#jmexample1"
+ The source represent a pointer to the JSON manager. "#jmexample1
" is representing the id of the element containing the JSON manager.
+ "patches": { ... }
+ Contain a patch or an array of patch. See the JSON manager documentation to know how to create JSON patch operation.
+ Binding actions to the page query
+ The following variable can be used to map the query information for ajax url, table filter or patches selector.
+ {qval} string
+ Query value in the url required to match a regular expression with match
configuration. It can be specified by setting the parameter qval
+ {base} string
+ Only for patches. Define the base string of a JSON pointer. Default value is /
. It can be specified by setting the parameter base
+ match
and default
+ If match
is defined in your configuration, then the default
configuration must be also defined.
+ For security reason, any value retreived from the page URL always require to configure match
that will contain a regular expresion. If there no match or the matching result is an empty string, the default
configuration will be used as the value fallback.
+ When you specify a regular expression, it is recommended to have it prefixed with "^
" and suffixed with "$
". Be careful to not use regular expression that could compromise the security.
+ Example 1 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z]", "default": "default" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=canada
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-CaNaDa.html
+ Example 2 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx=2": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[0-9]", "default": "null" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-2.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=5
+ Do nothing
+ Example 3 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "qval": "TEST" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ Note: The result of match
configuration is ignored when the query value is set.
+ Example 4 - Table filtering
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "date-search":
+ {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#myDataTable",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "{qval}",
+ "match": "[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0,1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]",
+ "default": "2016-07-23"
+ }
+ }'
+ Means that:
+ ?
+ Will show all result
+ ?date-search
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=2016-07-26
+ Will show result that match the string "2016-07-26" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=YYYY-MM-DD
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+Default patch operation
+ op: "move",
+ path: "{base}",
+ from: "{base}/{qval}"
+ Configuration options
+ The data-wb-urlmapping
attribute must contain an JSON object where all top level property represent the mapping of the url query. Each of those property will contain an object "{ Mapping object }
"defined in the table bellow.
+ data-wb-urlmapping='
+ {
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object },
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object },
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object },
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object }
+ }
+ Note that only the first "urlQueryMapping
" mapping object found will be executed, that restriction can be removed by adding the configuration "multiplequery": true"
along with the other urlQueryMapping mapping object.
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ action
+ Required. Define the action to do.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "[Name of the action] " } }
+ ajax
+ Insert content after the element
+ tblfilter
+ Will apply a column filter to a data table
+ patch
+ Will apply a patch by using a JSON manager
+ addClass
+ Add a class to an element
+ removeClass
+ Remove a class to an element
+ mapfilter
+ Apply a geomap filter
+ url
+ Specify the url to load. Ajax filtering is supported. The {qval}
placeholder can be used to replace it by a value that has match the specified regular expression throug the match
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html" } }
+ trigger
+ Initiate WET features of the inserted content.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "trigger": true } }
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature that exist in the inserted content. Note that for security reason only the first urlmapping can trigger WET on ajaxed content.
+ container
+ Specify the container to use to insert the ajax(ed) content
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "container": "#jQuerySelector" } }
+ jQuery selector
+ (By default the container will be a empty container inserted after the form.)
+ type
+ Define how content will be inserted from the container perspective.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "type": "replace" } }'
+ replace(default)
+ after
+ append
+ before
+ prepend
+ This value map how to call the data-ajax plugin
+ qval
+ Define exactly the value of the query parameter to use when replacing with {qval}
. When explicitly specified, useful during quick testing, it do not need to match the regular expression set by match
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "qval": "[a value] " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Will be set as per the mapped query value
+ string:
+ Any value that will be recongnized as the query parameter value
+ match
+ Regular expression use to extrac the value from the url parameter. Required when "{qval}" is used as a placeholder, otherwise it will be replaced by the required default
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "match": "A regular expression ", "default": "DefaultValue" } }'
+ A valid regular expression that explicitly must start with something and end must end with something.
+ default
+ Required when match
is defined. Default value to use in the case of there is no match when evaluating the regular expression.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "match": "A regular expression ", "default": "DefaultValue" } }'
+ Any valid string that when used as a fallback would work with your content.
+ source
+ jQuery selector that refer to an existing element on the page. This configuration option can be omited for a table filtering if the url-mapping is set directly on the table element.
+ Available for:
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#jQuerySelector" } }'
+ jQuery selector and when the action is set to tblfilter
the source should refer to a data table enhanced with tables plugin .
+ column
+ Required for table filtering, this is specify on which column the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 5 } }'
+ Number
+ Integer representing the column number where the first column of table is the number "0"
+ Column selector
+ A valid DataTable column selector
+ value
+ Required for table filtering, this specify on what value the filter should be applied. The {qval}
placeholder can be used in the value, but it must match the regular expression set by match
config, otherwise it will be replaced by an empty string.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "value": "a value to be filtered about" } }'
+ A value that will be searched agains the specified column in order to filter the rows.
+ regex
+ Treat the searched value as a regular expression. Enable regular expressions without desabling smart search, as smart search use regular expressions, both might conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "regex":true, "smart":false } }'
+ Boolean, default false (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ smart
+ Perform smart search. Note that to perform a smart search, DataTables uses regular expressions, so if enable regular expressions using the regex parameter to this method, you will likely want to disable smart searching as the two regular expressions might otherwise conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "smart":false } }'
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ caseinsen
+ Do case-insensitive matching.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "caseinsen":false } }'
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ class
+ CSS Class name.
+ Available for:
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "addClass", "source": "#id", "class": "myclass" } }'
+ A CSS class name
+ base
+ Define exactly the value of the query parameter to use when replacing with {base}
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "base": "/ " } }'
+ "/" (default):
+ A slash indicating the root.
+ JSON Pointer:
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ patches
+ Apply patches.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ] } }'
+ false (default):
+ Will use the following patch { op: "move", path: "{base}", from: "{base}/{qval}" }
+ Array []:
+ The page query placeholder will be replace in each for the property path
, value
, from
then the patch is sent to the JSON manager for processing.
+ fpath
+ Define a base path in order to apply a filter. This value is required when either or both configuration filter
and filternot
is used.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ JSON Pointer:
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ filter
+ A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filter": "{evaluation object} " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ Evaluation object:
+ See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+ filternot
+ A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filternot": "{evaluation object} " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ Evaluation object:
+ See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+ cumulative
+ Apply persistant patches for the current page instance. That means that patches exectued will remain when further patches modification is completed by the JSON manager during the current page load. When WET is re-executed (on page load) then all the permently change are ignored. It do not change the data source, it just apply the change in the dataset.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ], "cumulative": true } }'
+ false (default):
+ The patches will be ignored at the next patches update by the JSON manager.
+ true:
+ The patches will be cumulative for the next patches updated by the JSON manager, like from instruction received by fieldflow.
+ filter
+ Filter type
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+ aoi
+ Area Of Interest (zoom filtering) and the configuration "value" contains a 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string.
+ layout
+ Layout (overlay filtering) and the configuration "value" contains the name of that layer as displayed in the legend if any or an empty string to select all.
+ value
+ The value for the action
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+ <string>
+ 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string for filter set to the Area Of Interest (zoom filtering).
+ <string>
+ The name of that layer as displayed in the legend or an empty string to select all for filter set to Layout (overlay filtering).
+ Events
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ patch.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on patch action execution.
+ Prepare the patches data to be sent to JSON manager throught the event "patches.wb-jsonmanager
+ ajax.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on ajax action execution.
+ Execute the ajax instruction by using the data-ajax plugin.
+ addClass.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+ Will add the specified class to the specified source element.
+ removeClass.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+ Will removed the specified class to the specified source element.
+ tblfilter.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on tblfilter action execution.
+ Filter the data table rows by searching on the specified column.
+ wb-ready.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically after an wb-urlmapping is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-urlmapping has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-urlmapping", ".wb-urlmapping", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-urlmapping" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-urlmapping", function( event ) {
+ wb-init.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-urlmapping" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-urlmapping" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-urlmapping plugin. Note: The wb-urlmapping plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-02-03
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/urlmapping-doc-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/urlmapping-doc-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ec2ae9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/urlmapping/urlmapping-doc-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+ Correspondance d'URL - Documentation - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Correspondance d'URL - Documentation
Needs translation
+ Purpose
+ Performing a action base on the url query string after wet-boew is ready.
+ Use when
+ When the page need to be modified slightly to improve the content usability. It improve the re-use of fragmented content.
+ Do not use when
+ To fully feed your page content, in such situation use a server side solution instead.
+ Working example
+ English:
+ French:
+ How to implement
+ The url mapping support three type of action. It is possible to add support for additional action.
+ Ajaxing
+ On an element
+ <div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "ajxload=1":
+ {
+ "action": "ajax",
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+ }
+ }'></div>
+ Where:
+ ajxload=1
+ Is the query that must match to apply the related action
+ "action": "ajax"
+ Will execute an ajax request with the data-ajax plugin.
+ "url": "ajax/ajax-1.html"
+ URL of the ajax file.
+ Table filtering
+ On an element with a source refering to a table or directly on a table element
+ <table class="wb-tables table" data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "date=jul26":
+ {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "2016-07-26"
+ }
+ }' >
+ Where:
+ date=jul26
+ Is the query that must match to apply the related action
+ "action": "tblfilter"
+ Will apply a table column filter action by using the data tables plugin.
+ "column": 1
+ The filtering will be applied on the column index 1. That is visually the second column of the table.
+ "value": "2016-07-26"
+ The filter value will be the string "2016-07-26".
+ Patching
+ On an element
+ <div data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "example1a":
+ {
+ "action": "patch",
+ "source": "#jmexample1",
+ "patches":
+ {
+ "op": "add",
+ "path": "/city",
+ "value": "Gatineau"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }'></div>
+ Where:
+ example1a
+ Is the query that must match to apply the related action
+ "action": "patch"
+ Will apply the patch action to an existing JSON manager plugin.
+ "source": "#jmexample1"
+ The source represent a pointer to the JSON manager. "#jmexample1
" is representing the id of the element containing the JSON manager.
+ "patches": { ... }
+ Contain a patch or an array of patch. See the JSON manager documentation to know how to create JSON patch operation.
+ Binding actions to the page query
+ The following variable can be used to map the query information for ajax url, table filter or patches selector.
+ {qval} string
+ Query value in the url required to match a regular expression with match
configuration. It can be specified by setting the parameter qval
+ {base} string
+ Only for patches. Define the base string of a JSON pointer. Default value is /
. It can be specified by setting the parameter base
+ match
and default
+ If match
is defined in your configuration, then the default
configuration must be also defined.
+ For security reason, any value retreived from the page URL always require to configure match
that will contain a regular expresion. If there no match or the matching result is an empty string, the default
configuration will be used as the value fallback.
+ When you specify a regular expression, it is recommended to have it prefixed with "^
" and suffixed with "$
". Be careful to not use regular expression that could compromise the security.
+ Example 1 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z][A-Z][a-z]", "default": "default" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=canada
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-default.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-CaNaDa.html
+ Example 2 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx=2": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "match": "[0-9]", "default": "null" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-2.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Do nothing
+ ?ajx=5
+ Do nothing
+ Example 3 - Ajax
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "ajx": { "action": "ajax", "url": "ajax/ajax-{qval}.html", "qval": "TEST" } }'
+ Means that:
+ ?ajx
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=2
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=wetboew
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ ?ajx=CaNaDa
+ Will load ajax file: ajax/ajax-TEST.html
+ Note: The result of match
configuration is ignored when the query value is set.
+ Example 4 - Table filtering
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{
+ "date-search":
+ {
+ "action": "tblfilter",
+ "source": "#myDataTable",
+ "column": 1,
+ "value": "{qval}",
+ "match": "[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0,1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]",
+ "default": "2016-07-23"
+ }
+ }'
+ Means that:
+ ?
+ Will show all result
+ ?date-search
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=2016-07-26
+ Will show result that match the string "2016-07-26" in the second column.
+ ?date-search=YYYY-MM-DD
+ Will show result that match the default "2016-07-23" in the second column.
Default patch operation
+ op: "move",
+ path: "{base}",
+ from: "{base}/{qval}"
+ Configuration options
+ The data-wb-urlmapping
attribute must contain an JSON object where all top level property represent the mapping of the url query. Each of those property will contain an object "{ Mapping object }
"defined in the table bellow.
+ data-wb-urlmapping='
+ {
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object },
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object },
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object },
+ "urlQueryMapping" : { Mapping object }
+ }
+ Note that only the first "urlQueryMapping
" mapping object found will be executed, that restriction can be removed by adding the configuration "multiplequery": true"
along with the other urlQueryMapping mapping object.
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Values
+ action
+ Required. Define the action to do.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "[Name of the action] " } }
+ ajax
+ Insert content after the element
+ tblfilter
+ Will apply a column filter to a data table
+ patch
+ Will apply a patch by using a JSON manager
+ addClass
+ Add a class to an element
+ removeClass
+ Remove a class to an element
+ mapfilter
+ Apply a geomap filter
+ url
+ Specify the url to load. Ajax filtering is supported. The {qval}
placeholder can be used to replace it by a value that has match the specified regular expression throug the match
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html" } }
+ trigger
+ Initiate WET features of the inserted content.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "trigger": true } }
+ false (default):
+ Content is kept as is
+ true:
+ Will initiate any WET feature that exist in the inserted content. Note that for security reason only the first urlmapping can trigger WET on ajaxed content.
+ container
+ Specify the container to use to insert the ajax(ed) content
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "container": "#jQuerySelector" } }
+ jQuery selector
+ (By default the container will be a empty container inserted after the form.)
+ type
+ Define how content will be inserted from the container perspective.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "type": "replace" } }'
+ replace(default)
+ after
+ append
+ before
+ prepend
+ This value map how to call the data-ajax plugin
+ qval
+ Define exactly the value of the query parameter to use when replacing with {qval}
. When explicitly specified, useful during quick testing, it do not need to match the regular expression set by match
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "qval": "[a value] " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Will be set as per the mapped query value
+ string:
+ Any value that will be recongnized as the query parameter value
+ match
+ Regular expression use to extrac the value from the url parameter. Required when "{qval}" is used as a placeholder, otherwise it will be replaced by the required default
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "match": "A regular expression ", "default": "DefaultValue" } }'
+ A valid regular expression that explicitly must start with something and end must end with something.
+ default
+ Required when match
is defined. Default value to use in the case of there is no match when evaluating the regular expression.
+ Available for:
+ ajax
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "ajax", "url": "path/to/my/file.html", "match": "A regular expression ", "default": "DefaultValue" } }'
+ Any valid string that when used as a fallback would work with your content.
+ source
+ jQuery selector that refer to an existing element on the page. This configuration option can be omited for a table filtering if the url-mapping is set directly on the table element.
+ Available for:
+ tblfilter
+ patch
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ mapfilter
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "source": "#jQuerySelector" } }'
+ jQuery selector and when the action is set to tblfilter
the source should refer to a data table enhanced with tables plugin .
+ column
+ Required for table filtering, this is specify on which column the filter should be applied
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 5 } }'
+ Number
+ Integer representing the column number where the first column of table is the number "0"
+ Column selector
+ A valid DataTable column selector
+ value
+ Required for table filtering, this specify on what value the filter should be applied. The {qval}
placeholder can be used in the value, but it must match the regular expression set by match
config, otherwise it will be replaced by an empty string.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "value": "a value to be filtered about" } }'
+ A value that will be searched agains the specified column in order to filter the rows.
+ regex
+ Treat the searched value as a regular expression. Enable regular expressions without desabling smart search, as smart search use regular expressions, both might conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "regex":true, "smart":false } }'
+ Boolean, default false (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ smart
+ Perform smart search. Note that to perform a smart search, DataTables uses regular expressions, so if enable regular expressions using the regex parameter to this method, you will likely want to disable smart searching as the two regular expressions might otherwise conflict and cause unexpected results.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "smart":false } }'
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ caseinsen
+ Do case-insensitive matching.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "tblfilter", "column": 0, "caseinsen":false } }'
+ Boolean, default true (as defined in DataTable search() API )
+ class
+ CSS Class name.
+ Available for:
+ addClass
+ removeClass
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "addClass", "source": "#id", "class": "myclass" } }'
+ A CSS class name
+ base
+ Define exactly the value of the query parameter to use when replacing with {base}
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "base": "/ " } }'
+ "/" (default):
+ A slash indicating the root.
+ JSON Pointer:
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ patches
+ Apply patches.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ] } }'
+ false (default):
+ Will use the following patch { op: "move", path: "{base}", from: "{base}/{qval}" }
+ Array []:
+ The page query placeholder will be replace in each for the property path
, value
, from
then the patch is sent to the JSON manager for processing.
+ fpath
+ Define a base path in order to apply a filter. This value is required when either or both configuration filter
and filternot
is used.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ JSON Pointer:
+ A valid JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
+ filter
+ A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filter": "{evaluation object} " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ Evaluation object:
+ See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+ filternot
+ A evaluation object as defined in the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section When this configuration is used, the fpath
configuration must be set also.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "fpath": "/data", "filternot": "{evaluation object} " } }'
+ false (default):
+ Filtering is undefined and wont be applied.
+ Evaluation object:
+ See the JSON manager documentation under the configuration option section
+ cumulative
+ Apply persistant patches for the current page instance. That means that patches exectued will remain when further patches modification is completed by the JSON manager during the current page load. When WET is re-executed (on page load) then all the permently change are ignored. It do not change the data source, it just apply the change in the dataset.
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "patch", "source": "#myJSONmanager", "patches": [ Patches object supported by the JSON manager ], "cumulative": true } }'
+ false (default):
+ The patches will be ignored at the next patches update by the JSON manager.
+ true:
+ The patches will be cumulative for the next patches updated by the JSON manager, like from instruction received by fieldflow.
+ filter
+ Filter type
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+ aoi
+ Area Of Interest (zoom filtering) and the configuration "value" contains a 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string.
+ layout
+ Layout (overlay filtering) and the configuration "value" contains the name of that layer as displayed in the legend if any or an empty string to select all.
+ value
+ The value for the action
+ Available for:
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "aoi", "value"="64 -10 34 -177" } }'
+ data-wb-urlmapping='{ "QueryStringToBeMapped": { "action": "mapfilter", "source": "#id", "filter": "layout", "value"="Layout name" } }'
+ <string>
+ 4 cardinal point or Well-Known Text (WKT) string for filter set to the Area Of Interest (zoom filtering).
+ <string>
+ The name of that layer as displayed in the legend or an empty string to select all for filter set to Layout (overlay filtering).
+ Events
+ Event
+ Trigger
+ What it does
+ patch.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on patch action execution.
+ Prepare the patches data to be sent to JSON manager throught the event "patches.wb-jsonmanager
+ ajax.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on ajax action execution.
+ Execute the ajax instruction by using the data-ajax plugin.
+ addClass.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+ Will add the specified class to the specified source element.
+ removeClass.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on addClass action execution.
+ Will removed the specified class to the specified source element.
+ tblfilter.action.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically on tblfilter action execution.
+ Filter the data table rows by searching on the specified column.
+ wb-ready.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered automatically after an wb-urlmapping is initialized.
+ Used to identify when an wb-urlmapping has initialized (target of the event)
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-urlmapping", ".wb-urlmapping", function( event ) {
+ $( ".wb-urlmapping" ).on( "wb-ready.wb-urlmapping", function( event ) {
+ wb-init.wb-urlmapping
+ Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-urlmapping" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-urlmapping" );
+ Used to manually initialize the wb-urlmapping plugin. Note: The wb-urlmapping plugin will be initialized automatically unless the required markup is added after the page has already loaded.
+ wb-ready.wb
+ Triggered automatically when WET has finished loading and executing.
+ Used to identify when all WET plugins and polyfills have finished loading and executing.
+ $( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb", function( event ) {
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-02-03
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/demo/wamethod.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/demo/wamethod.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..069b98b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/demo/wamethod.css
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-wamethod ol {
+ padding: 0; }
+ .wb-wamethod ol li {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+ list-style-type: none;
+ margin: 15px 0; }
+ .wb-wamethod ol li legend {
+ float: left;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 10px;
+ width: 40%; }
+ .wb-wamethod ol li label {
+ margin: 10px 0 0; }
+ .wb-wamethod ol li input {
+ margin: 10px 5px 0 10px; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/demo/wamethod.js b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/demo/wamethod.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e4a0381c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/demo/wamethod.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology
+ */
+( function( $, document ) {
+"use strict";
+ * Variable and function definitions.
+ * These are global to the plugin - meaning that they will be initialized once per page,
+ * not once per instance of plugin on the page. So, this is a good place to define
+ * variables that are common to all instances of the plugin on a page.
+ */
+var componentName = "wb-wamethod",
+ selector = "." + componentName,
+ initEvent = "wb-init" + selector,
+ $document = wb.doc,
+ $checklist = $( selector ),
+ $summary = $checklist.find( "#summary" ),
+ $summaryTd = $summary.find( "td" ),
+ $input = $checklist.find( "input" ),
+ rsltA = document.getElementById( "rsltA" ),
+ percA = document.getElementById( "percA" ),
+ rsltAA = document.getElementById( "rsltAA" ),
+ percAA = document.getElementById( "percAA" ),
+ naTotal = document.getElementById( "naTotal" ),
+ evalTotal = document.getElementById( "evalTotal" ),
+ percEvalTotal = document.getElementById( "percEvalTotal" ),
+ rsltTotal = document.getElementById( "rsltTotal" ),
+ percTotal = document.getElementById( "percTotal" ),
+ percNATotal = document.getElementById( "percNATotal" ),
+ rsltAAA = document.getElementById( "rsltAAA" ),
+ percAAA = document.getElementById( "percAAA" ),
+ aaaIncluded = rsltAAA !== null,
+ successCriteriaDivideBy = aaaIncluded ? 0.78 : 0.50,
+ /**
+ * @method init
+ * @param {jQuery Event} event Event that triggered this handler
+ */
+ init = function( event ) {
+ // Start initialization
+ // returns DOM object = proceed with init
+ // returns undefined = do not proceed with init (e.g., already initialized)
+ var elm = wb.init( event, componentName, selector );
+ if ( elm ) {
+ // Initialize the summary fields
+ $input.eq( 0 ).trigger( "change" );
+ // Apply WAI-ARIA
+ $summaryTd.attr( {
+ "aria-live": "polite",
+ "aria-relevant": "text",
+ "aria-atomic": "true",
+ "aria-busy": "false"
+ } );
+ // Identify that initialization has completed
+ wb.ready( $( elm ), componentName );
+ }
+ };
+// Bind the init event of the plugin
+$document.on( "timerpoke.wb " + initEvent, selector, init );
+// Input field event handler
+$document.on( "change", selector + " input", function() {
+ var aPassed = $input.filter( "[id^='ap']:checked, [id^='an']:checked" ).length,
+ aEvaluated = aPassed + $input.filter( "[id^='af']:checked" ).length,
+ aaPassed = $input.filter( "[id^='aap']:checked, [id^='aan']:checked" ).length,
+ aaEvaluated = aaPassed + $input.filter( "[id^='aaf']:checked" ).length,
+ aaaPassed = $input.filter( "[id^='aaap']:checked, [id^='aaan']:checked" ).length,
+ aaaEvaluated = aaaPassed + $input.filter( "[id^='aaaf']:checked" ).length,
+ naChecked = $input.filter( "[id^='an']:checked, [id^='aan']:checked, [id^='aaan']:checked" ).length;
+ // Update number of Success Criteria evaluated and passed
+ $summaryTd.attr( "aria-busy", "true" );
+ rsltA.innerHTML = aPassed;
+ percA.innerHTML = Math.round( aPassed / 0.30 );
+ rsltAA.innerHTML = aaPassed;
+ percAA.innerHTML = Math.round( aaPassed / 0.20 );
+ naTotal.innerHTML = naChecked;
+ if ( aaaIncluded ) {
+ rsltAAA.innerHTML = aaaPassed;
+ percAAA.innerHTML = Math.round( aaaPassed / 0.28 );
+ }
+ evalTotal.innerHTML = aEvaluated + aaEvaluated + aaaEvaluated;
+ percEvalTotal.innerHTML = Math.round( ( aEvaluated + aaEvaluated + aaaEvaluated ) / successCriteriaDivideBy );
+ rsltTotal.innerHTML = aPassed + aaPassed + aaaPassed;
+ percTotal.innerHTML = Math.round( ( aPassed + aaPassed + aaaPassed ) / successCriteriaDivideBy );
+ percNATotal.innerHTML = Math.round( naChecked / successCriteriaDivideBy );
+ $summaryTd.attr( "aria-busy", "false" );
+} );
+// Add the timer poke to initialize the plugin
+wb.add( selector );
+} )( jQuery, document );
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/wamethod-AA-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/wamethod-AA-en.html
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AA) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AA)
+ Table of Contents
+The following are required for a Web page to satisfy a WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion:
+ Web page successfully avoids each common failure of the Success Criterion.
+ Web page successfully implements sufficient techniques or combinations of sufficient techniques for the Success Criterion that are:
+ Specific to each applicable situation; and
+ Specific to each technology that is relied upon to satisfy the Success Criterion (except where only general techniques are documented)
+ WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria Checklist (13 Guidelines, 50 Success Criteria)
+ Principle: Perceivable
+ Principle: Operable
+ Principle: Understandable
+ Summary
+ Level A Success Criteria passed
+ /30 ( %)
+ Level AA Success Criteria passed
+ /20 ( %)
+ Total Success Criteria passed
+ /50 ( %)
+ Success Criteria evaluated
+ /50 ( %)
+ Success Criteria N/A
+ /50 ( %)
+ Note: The number of Success Criteria passed is the total number of PASS and N/A .
+ Glossary
+ Success Criteria
+ For each guideline, testable success criteria are provided to allow WCAG 2.0 to be used where requirements and conformance testing are necessary such as in design specification, purchasing, regulation, and contractual agreements. In order to meet the needs of different groups and different situations, three levels of conformance are defined: A (lowest), AA, and AAA (highest). Additional information on WCAG levels can be found in Understanding Levels of Conformance .
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, WCAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance
+ Sufficient and Advisory Techniques
+ For each of the guidelines and success criteria in the WCAG 2.0 document itself, the working group has also documented a wide variety of techniques. The techniques are informative and fall into two categories: those that are sufficient for meeting the success criteria and those that are advisory. The advisory techniques go beyond what is required by the individual success criteria and allow authors to better address the guidelines. Some advisory techniques address accessibility barriers that are not covered by the testable success criteria. Where common failures are known, these are also documented. See also Sufficient and Advisory Techniques in Understanding WCAG 2.0 .
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, WCAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance
+ Technology (Web content)
+ Mechanism for encoding instructions to be rendered, played or executed by user agents
+ Note 1: As used in these guidelines "Web Technology" and the word "technology" (when used alone) both refer to Web Content Technologies.
+ Note 2: Web content technologies may include markup languages, data formats, or programming languages that authors may use alone or in combination to create end-user experiences that range from static Web pages to synchronized media presentations to dynamic Web applications.
+ Example: Some common examples of Web content technologies include HTML, CSS, SVG, PNG, PDF, Flash, and JavaScript.
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Appendix A: Glossary, technology (Web content)
+ Web page
+ A non-embedded resource obtained from a single URI using HTTP plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent
+ Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.
+ Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.
+ Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.
+ Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at https://example.com/mail, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URI of the page as a whole.
+ Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.
+ Example 4: When you enter "https://shopping.example.com/" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move around in a store dragging products off of the shelves around you and into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside. This might be a single-page website or just one page within a website.
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Appendix A: Glossary, Web page
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-08-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/wamethod-AA-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/wamethod-AA-fr.html
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+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web (niveau AA) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web (niveau AA)
+Les suivantes sont requises pour qu’une page Web réponde à un critère de succès des WCAG 2.1 :
+ La page Web évite avec succès chaque échec fréquent (anglais seulement) pour le critère de succès.
+ La page Web exécute avec succès des techniques suffisantes ou des combinaisons de techniques suffisantes pour le critère de succès qui sont :
+ propres à chaque situation applicable;
+ propres à chaque technologie dont on dépend pour la satisfaction au critère de succès (sauf où seulement les techniques générales sont documentées).
+ Liste de vérification des critères de succès des WCAG 2.1 (13 règles, 50 critères de succès)
+ Principe : Perceptible
+ Principe : Utilisable
+ Principe : Compréhensible
+ Sommaire
+ Critères de succès de niveau A réussis
+ /30 ( %)
+ Critères de succès de niveau AA réussis
+ /20 ( %)
+ Critères de succès totaux réussis
+ /50 ( %)
+ Critéres de succès évalués
+ /50 ( %)
+ Critéres de succès S/O
+ /50 ( %)
+ Nota : Le nombre de critères de succès réussis est le nombre total de réussis et de S/O .
+ Glossaire
+ Critères de succès
+ Des critères de succès testables sont fournis pour chaque règle afin de permettre l’utilisation des WCAG 2.0 là où des exigences et des tests de conformité sont nécessaires, notamment pour la spécification de conception, l’achat, la réglementation et les ententes contractuelles. Afin de répondre aux besoins de divers groupes et de différents contextes, trois niveaux de conformité ont été définis : A (le plus bas), AA et AAA (le plus élevé). Il est possible d’obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les niveaux des WCAG en consultant le document intitulé Comprendre les niveaux de conformité .
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Les différents niveaux de lecture des WCAG 2.0
+ Page Web
+ Une ressource autonome obtenue depuis un identificateur de ressource uniforme (URI) unique grâce au protocole HTTP, accompagnée de toutes les autres ressources utilisées dans la restitution ou conçues pour être restituées simultanément par un agent utilisateur
+ Nota 1 : Bien que toutes les « autres ressources » seraient restituées avec la ressource primaire, elles ne sont pas nécessairement restituées simultanément.
+ Nota 2 : À des fins de conformité avec ces règles, une ressource doit être autonome à l’intérieur du périmètre de conformité pour être considérée comme une page Web.
+ Exemple 1 : Une ressource Web incluant toutes les images et médias intégrés.
+ Exemple 2 : Un programme Web de courrier électronique (Webmail) développé à l’aide d’AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, JavaScript asynchrone et XML). Le programme réside intégralement à l’adresse https://exemple.com/mail, mais comprend une boîte de réception, un carnet d’adresses et un calendrier. Des liens et des boutons permettent d’afficher la boîte de réception, les contacts ou le calendrier, mais ne changent pas globalement l’URI de la page.
+ Exemple 3 : Un site portail personnalisable, dans lequel les utilisateurs peuvent choisir le contenu qu’ils souhaitent publier à partir d’un ensemble de modules de contenu.
+ Exemple 4 : Quand on saisit « https://shopping.exemple.com/ » dans son navigateur, on entre dans un environnement commercial animé et interactif dans lequel on se déplace visuellement dans une boutique, retirant les produits directement depuis les rayons pour les placer dans un panier d’achat face à soi. Le fait de cliquer sur un produit déclenche une démonstration avec la fiche technique juste à côté. Cela peut être un site Web à page unique ou simplement une page à l’intérieur d’un site Web.
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Annexe A : Glossaire
+ Techniques suffisantes et techniques recommandées
+ Pour chaque règle et chaque critère de succès des WCAG 2.0, le groupe de travail a également documenté une grande variété de techniques. Ces techniques sont informatives et se divisent en deux catégories : celles qui sont suffisantes pour satisfaire au critère de succès et celles qui sont recommandées. Les techniques recommandées vont plus loin que ce qui est requis par chacun des critères de succès et elles permettent aux auteurs de mieux respecter les règles. Certaines techniques recommandées concernent des problèmes d’accessibilité qui ne sont pas traités par les critères de succès testables. Lorsque des échecs fréquents sont connus, ils sont aussi documentés. Voir également les techniques suffisantes et les techniques recommandées dans Comprendre les WCAG 2.0 .
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Les différents niveaux de lecture des WCAG 2.0
+ Technologie Web
+ Mécanisme d’encodage d’instructions que doivent faire appliquer, lire ou exécuter des agents utilisateurs
+ Nota 1 : Tel qu’employés dans ces règles, l’expression « technologie Web » et le mot « technologie » (utilisé seul) désignent les technologies relatives aux contenus Web.
+ Nota 2 : Les technologies relatives aux contenus Web comprennent les langages de balisage, les formats de données ou les langages de programmation que les auteurs sont amenés à utiliser seuls ou combinés pour créer des expériences pour l’utilisateur final qui vont de pages Web statiques jusqu’à des présentations multimédia synchronisées, en passant par des applications Web dynamiques.
+ Exemple : On compte parmi les exemples les plus fréquents de technologies Web : HTML, CSS, SVG, PNG, PDF, Flash et JavaScript.
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Annexe A : Glossaire
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-08-06
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/wamethod-AAA-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AAA) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AAA)
+ Table of Contents
+The following are required for a Web page to satisfy a WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion:
+ Web page successfully avoids each common failure of the Success Criterion.
+ Web page successfully implements sufficient techniques or combinations of sufficient techniques for the Success Criterion that are:
+ Specific to each applicable situation; and
+ Specific to each technology that is relied upon to satisfy the Success Criterion (except where only general techniques are documented)
+ WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria Checklist (13 Guidelines, 78 Success Criteria)
+ Principle: Perceivable
+ Principle: Operable
+ Principle: Understandable
+ Summary
+ Level A Success Criteria passed
+ /30 ( %)
+ Level AA Success Criteria passed
+ /20 ( %)
+ Level AAA Success Criteria passed
+ /28 ( %)
+ Total Success Criteria passed
+ /78 ( %)
+ Success Criteria evaluated
+ /78 ( %)
+ Success Criteria N/A
+ /78 ( %)
+ Note: The number of Success Criteria passed is the total number of PASS and N/A .
+ Glossary
+ Success Criteria
+ For each guideline, testable success criteria are provided to allow WCAG 2.0 to be used where requirements and conformance testing are necessary such as in design specification, purchasing, regulation, and contractual agreements. In order to meet the needs of different groups and different situations, three levels of conformance are defined: A (lowest), AA, and AAA (highest). Additional information on WCAG levels can be found in Understanding Levels of Conformance .
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, WCAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance
+ Sufficient and Advisory Techniques
+ For each of the guidelines and success criteria in the WCAG 2.0 document itself, the working group has also documented a wide variety of techniques. The techniques are informative and fall into two categories: those that are sufficient for meeting the success criteria and those that are advisory. The advisory techniques go beyond what is required by the individual success criteria and allow authors to better address the guidelines. Some advisory techniques address accessibility barriers that are not covered by the testable success criteria. Where common failures are known, these are also documented. See also Sufficient and Advisory Techniques in Understanding WCAG 2.0 .
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, WCAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance
+ Technology (Web content)
+ Mechanism for encoding instructions to be rendered, played or executed by user agents
+ Note 1: As used in these guidelines "Web Technology" and the word "technology" (when used alone) both refer to Web Content Technologies.
+ Note 2: Web content technologies may include markup languages, data formats, or programming languages that authors may use alone or in combination to create end-user experiences that range from static Web pages to synchronized media presentations to dynamic Web applications.
+ Example: Some common examples of Web content technologies include HTML, CSS, SVG, PNG, PDF, Flash, and JavaScript.
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Appendix A: Glossary, technology (Web content)
+ Web page
+ A non-embedded resource obtained from a single URI using HTTP plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent
+ Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.
+ Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.
+ Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.
+ Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at https://example.com/mail, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URI of the page as a whole.
+ Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.
+ Example 4: When you enter "https://shopping.example.com/" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move around in a store dragging products off of the shelves around you and into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside. This might be a single-page website or just one page within a website.
+ Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Appendix A: Glossary, Web page
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-08-06
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wamethod/wamethod-AAA-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1064 @@
+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web (niveau AAA) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Méthodologie d’évaluation sur l’accessibilité des sites Web (niveau AAA)
+Les suivantes sont requises pour qu’une page Web réponde à un critère de succès des WCAG 2.1 :
+ La page Web évite avec succès chaque échec fréquent (anglais seulement) pour le critère de succès.
+ La page Web exécute avec succès des techniques suffisantes ou des combinaisons de techniques suffisantes pour le critère de succès qui sont :
+ propres à chaque situation applicable;
+ propres à chaque technologie dont on dépend pour la satisfaction au critère de succès (sauf où seulement les techniques générales sont documentées).
+ Liste de vérification des critères de succès des WCAG 2.1 (13 règles, 78 critères de succès)
+ Principe : Perceptible
+ Principe : Utilisable
+ Principe : Compréhensible
+ Sommaire
+ Critères de succès de niveau A réussis
+ /30 ( %)
+ Critères de succès de niveau AA réussis
+ /20 ( %)
+ Critères de succès de niveau AAA réussis
+ /28 ( %)
+ Critères de succès totaux réussis
+ /78 ( %)
+ Critéres de succès évalués
+ /78 ( %)
+ Critéres de succès S/O
+ /78 ( %)
+ Nota : Le nombre de critères de succès réussis est le nombre total de réussis et de S/O .
+ Glossaire
+ Critères de succès
+ Des critères de succès testables sont fournis pour chaque règle afin de permettre l’utilisation des WCAG 2.0 là où des exigences et des tests de conformité sont nécessaires, notamment pour la spécification de conception, l’achat, la réglementation et les ententes contractuelles. Afin de répondre aux besoins de divers groupes et de différents contextes, trois niveaux de conformité ont été définis : A (le plus bas), AA et AAA (le plus élevé). Il est possible d’obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les niveaux des WCAG en consultant le document intitulé Comprendre les niveaux de conformité .
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Les différents niveaux de lecture des WCAG 2.0
+ Page Web
+ Une ressource autonome obtenue depuis un identificateur de ressource uniforme (URI) unique grâce au protocole HTTP, accompagnée de toutes les autres ressources utilisées dans la restitution ou conçues pour être restituées simultanément par un agent utilisateur
+ Nota 1 : Bien que toutes les « autres ressources » seraient restituées avec la ressource primaire, elles ne sont pas nécessairement restituées simultanément.
+ Nota 2 : À des fins de conformité avec ces règles, une ressource doit être autonome à l’intérieur du périmètre de conformité pour être considérée comme une page Web.
+ Exemple 1 : Une ressource Web incluant toutes les images et médias intégrés.
+ Exemple 2 : Un programme Web de courrier électronique (Webmail) développé à l’aide d’AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, JavaScript asynchrone et XML). Le programme réside intégralement à l’adresse https://exemple.com/mail, mais comprend une boîte de réception, un carnet d’adresses et un calendrier. Des liens et des boutons permettent d’afficher la boîte de réception, les contacts ou le calendrier, mais ne changent pas globalement l’URI de la page.
+ Exemple 3 : Un site portail personnalisable, dans lequel les utilisateurs peuvent choisir le contenu qu’ils souhaitent publier à partir d’un ensemble de modules de contenu.
+ Exemple 4 : Quand on saisit « https://shopping.exemple.com/ » dans son navigateur, on entre dans un environnement commercial animé et interactif dans lequel on se déplace visuellement dans une boutique, retirant les produits directement depuis les rayons pour les placer dans un panier d’achat face à soi. Le fait de cliquer sur un produit déclenche une démonstration avec la fiche technique juste à côté. Cela peut être un site Web à page unique ou simplement une page à l’intérieur d’un site Web.
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Annexe A : Glossaire
+ Techniques suffisantes et techniques recommandées
+ Pour chaque règle et chaque critère de succès des WCAG 2.0, le groupe de travail a également documenté une grande variété de techniques. Ces techniques sont informatives et se divisent en deux catégories : celles qui sont suffisantes pour satisfaire au critère de succès et celles qui sont recommandées. Les techniques recommandées vont plus loin que ce qui est requis par chacun des critères de succès et elles permettent aux auteurs de mieux respecter les règles. Certaines techniques recommandées concernent des problèmes d’accessibilité qui ne sont pas traités par les critères de succès testables. Lorsque des échecs fréquents sont connus, ils sont aussi documentés. Voir également les techniques suffisantes et les techniques recommandées dans Comprendre les WCAG 2.0 .
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Les différents niveaux de lecture des WCAG 2.0
+ Technologie Web
+ Mécanisme d’encodage d’instructions que doivent faire appliquer, lire ou exécuter des agents utilisateurs
+ Nota 1 : Tel qu’employés dans ces règles, l’expression « technologie Web » et le mot « technologie » (utilisé seul) désignent les technologies relatives aux contenus Web.
+ Nota 2 : Les technologies relatives aux contenus Web comprennent les langages de balisage, les formats de données ou les langages de programmation que les auteurs sont amenés à utiliser seuls ou combinés pour créer des expériences pour l’utilisateur final qui vont de pages Web statiques jusqu’à des présentations multimédia synchronisées, en passant par des applications Web dynamiques.
+ Exemple : On compte parmi les exemples les plus fréquents de technologies Web : HTML, CSS, SVG, PNG, PDF, Flash et JavaScript.
+ Source : Règles pour l'accessibilité des contenus Web (WCAG) 2.0, Annexe A : Glossaire
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-08-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wb-postback/wb-postback-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wb-postback/wb-postback-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bf0a5ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wb-postback/wb-postback-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+ Postback - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Postback
+ Purpose
+ This plugin makes an AJAX request when a form is submitted to stay on page.
+ Example
+ After the submission, check the network tab of console to see AJAX request sent.
+ Thank you!
+ Something went wrong
+ View code
+ <form action="wb-postback-en.html" method="GET" class="provisional wb-postback" data-wb-postback="{"success":"success-message","failure":"failure-message","content":"form-content"}">
+ <div class="form-content">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="firstname"><span class="field-name">First Name</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="firstname" name="firstname" type="text" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="lastname"><span class="field-name">Last Name</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="lastname" name="lastname" type="text" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="preferredNumber">Preferred: <span class="field-name">Phone Number</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="preferredNumber" name="preferredNumber" type="tel" data-rule-phoneUS="true" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="email"><span class="field-name">Email Address</span> (test@domaine)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="email" name="email" type="email" />
+ </div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
+ </div>
+ <p class="success-message hide">Thank you!</p>
+ <p class="failure-message hide">Something went wrong</p>
+ </form>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-04-16
+ About government
+ About this site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d08ba4245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/wb-postback/wb-postback-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ Postback - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Postback
+ Purpose
+ This plugin makes an AJAX request when a form is submitted to stay on page.
+ Example
+ After the submission, check the network tab of console to see AJAX request sent.
+ Thank you!
+ Something went wrong
+ View code
+ <form action="wb-postback-fr.html" method="GET" class="provisional wb-postback" data-wb-postback="{"success":"success-message","failure":"failure-message","content":"form-content"}">
+ <div class="form-content">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="firstname"><span class="field-name">First Name</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="firstname" name="firstname" type="text" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="lastname"><span class="field-name">Last Name</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="lastname" name="lastname" type="text" data-rule-minlength="2" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="preferredNumber">Preferred: <span class="field-name">Phone Number</span></label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="preferredNumber" name="preferredNumber" type="tel" data-rule-phoneUS="true" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label for="email"><span class="field-name">Email Address</span> (test@domaine)</label>
+ <input class="form-control" id="email" name="email" type="email" />
+ </div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
+ </div>
+ <p class="success-message hide">Thank you!</p>
+ <p class="failure-message hide">Something went wrong</p>
+ </form>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-04-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/zebra/zebra-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/zebra/zebra-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43ae8d674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/zebra/zebra-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+ Zebra striping - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Zebra striping
+Striped rows
+The following examples depends on the striped rows functionality available from Twitter Bootstrap CSS .
+<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
+ Generic Invoice Table
+ Product ID
+ Product
+ Description
+ Quantity
+ Unit Price
+ Total
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Subtotal
+ 519.80
+ Taxes (10%)
+ 51.98
+ Total
+ 571.78
+Complex Table
+Provide visual emphasis on relationship for table that was build with the 12 techniques for tables. Summary group are in gray. Key column and description column are in italic. A delimiter is added for subsequent column group. Row hovering effect on summary row group is in a lighter color. Provide support for column hovering effect.
+The hassum
options is an indicator for the table parser to allow the support for summary group. The 12 techniques for tables contains explaination on how to build tables with summary group.
+<table class="wb-zebra hassum table table-hover">
+ Generic Invoice Table
+ Product ID
+ Product
+ Description
+ Quantity
+ Unit Price
+ Total
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Key
+ Item
+ Description
+ 2 times
+ $25.99
+ 51.98
+ Subtotal
+ 519.80
+ Taxes (10%)
+ 51.98
+ Total
+ 571.78
+ View code
+<table class="wb-zebra hassum table table-hover">
+ <caption>Generic Invoice Table</caption>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Product ID</th>
+ <th>Product</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Quantity</th>
+ <th>Unit Price</th>
+ <th>Total</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Key</td>
+ <th>Item</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 times</td>
+ <td>$25.99</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="5">Subtotal</th>
+ <td>519.80</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="5">Taxes (10%)</th>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="5">Total</th>
+ <td>571.78</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+Multiple Group
+The following table contain 3 row group and 3 column group. The zebra stripping add column group separator and simulate the column hovering effect.
+<table class="wb-zebra wb-zebra-col-hover table table-bordered table-hover">
+ 1
+ 3
+ 6
+ 4
+ 7
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 7
+ 6
+ 2
+ 4
+ 3
+ 9
+ 8
+ 5
+ 9
+ 7
+ 1
+ 6
+ 5
+ 2
+ 7
+ 9
+ 8
+ 2
+ 5
+ View code
+<table class="wb-zebra wb-zebra-col-hover table table-bordered table-hover">
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>6</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-07-20
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/zebra/zebra-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/zebra/zebra-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..489e7cb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/demos/zebra/zebra-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,899 @@
+ Rayage du zèbre - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Rayage du zèbre
+Rayage du zèbre pour les lignes
+L'example suivant dépend de la fonctionalité du rayage du zèbre pour les lignes fournie à l'aide de l'implémentation de Twitter Bootstrap CSS
+<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
+ Tableau représentant une facture générique
+ Numéro du produit
+ Produit
+ Description
+ Quantité
+ Prix unitaire
+ Total
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Sous-total
+ 519.80
+ Taxes (10 %)
+ 51.98
+ Total
+ 571.78
+Tableau complexe
+Démarque visuellement une relation complex entre les groupes de donnée et les groupes sommaire. Cela pour les tableaux contruit à l'aide des 12 techniques pour tableaux. Les groupes sommaire sont illustré en gris. Les colonne clef et cellule descriptive sont en italique. Une bordure est ajouté entre 2 groupe de colonne. L'effect de survole pour les lignes appartenant à un groupe sommaire est d'une couleur plus claire. Peut simuler l'effect de survole pour les colonnes.
+L'option CSS hassum
est un indicateur pour le parseur de tableau complexe afin de reconnaître que ledit tableau peut contenir des groupes sommaires. Afin d'obtenir de plus ample renseignement vous pouvez consulter la documentation relative à la conception de tableau (technique for table) .
+<table class="wb-zebra hassum table table-hover">
+ Tableau représentant une facture générique
+ Numéro du produit
+ Produit
+ Description
+ Quantité
+ Prix unitaire
+ Total
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Identifiant
+ Article
+ Description
+ 2 fois
+ 25.99 $
+ 51.98
+ Sous-total
+ 519.80
+ Taxes (10 %)
+ 51.98
+ Total
+ 571.78
+ Visualiser le code
+<table class="wb-zebra hassum table table-hover">
+ <caption>Tableau représentant une facture générique</caption>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Numéro du produit</th>
+ <th>Produit</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ <th>Quantité</th>
+ <th>Prix unitaire</th>
+ <th>Total</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Identifiant</td>
+ <th>Article</th>
+ <td>Description</td>
+ <td>2 fois</td>
+ <td>25.99 $</td>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="5">Sous-total</th>
+ <td>519.80</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="5">Taxes (10 %)</th>
+ <td>51.98</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="5">Total</th>
+ <td>571.78</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+Plusieurs groupe
+L'example suivant contient trois groupe de ligne et trois group de colonne. Le rayage de zèbre ajoute un séparateur de groupe de colonne et simule l'effet de survole pour les colonnes.
+<table class="wb-zebra wb-zebra-col-hover table table-bordered table-hover">
+ 1
+ 3
+ 6
+ 4
+ 7
+ 9
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 7
+ 6
+ 2
+ 4
+ 3
+ 9
+ 8
+ 5
+ 9
+ 7
+ 1
+ 6
+ 5
+ 2
+ 7
+ 9
+ 8
+ 2
+ 5
+ Code source
+<table class="wb-zebra wb-zebra-col-hover table table-bordered table-hover">
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <colgroup>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ <col>
+ </colgroup>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>6</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>4</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>6</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>7</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>9</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>8</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>5</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-07-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/deprecated-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/deprecated-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cd2b3083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/deprecated-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+ Deprecated markup - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Deprecated markup
+This is a reference documents and also it's to test old practice in order to ensure they remain compatible with the latest changes applied at this theme.
+Report a problem - Markup change - v4.0.28
+Arm's length branding - Markup change - v4.0.28
We are a federal institution that is part of the [portfolio name] portfolio. We operate at arm’s length from the Government of Canada.
+GC activities and initiatives - Removal - v4.0.28
+ Government of Canada activities and initiatives
+Feature - Markup change - v4.0.28
+SVG loaded from <object>
+See PR #1329
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-03-21
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/deprecated-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/deprecated-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa1e3645d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/deprecated-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+ Balisage déconseillé - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Balisage déconseillé
+Ce document est à titre de référence et afin de mettre à l'essaie d'ancienne pratique pour s'assurer qu'ils sont compatible avec les derniers changements apporté au thème.
+Signaler un problème - Chargment de balisage - v4.0.28
+Image de marque de l'organisme indépendant - Chargment de balisage - v4.0.28
Nous sommes une institution fédérale qui fait partie du portefeuille de [nom du portefeuille]. Nous fonctionnons sans lien de dépendance avec le gouvernement du Canada.
+GC activities and initiatives - Suppression - v4.0.28
+ Activités et initiatives du gouvernement du Canada
+Feature - Chargment de balisage - v4.0.28
+Chargement des images SVG avec un élément <object>
+Voir PR #1329
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-03-21
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/dept-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/dept-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b975079ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/dept-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ Departments and agencies - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Departments and agencies
Enter a department name or abbreviation to find current Government of Canada departments, agencies, crown corporations and special operating agencies.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-07-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/dept-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/dept-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..513bf158f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/dept-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ Ministères et organismes - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Ministères et organismes
Taper le nom ou l’abréviation d’un ministère pour trouver les ministères, les organismes gouvernementaux et de service spécial et les sociétés d'État actuels du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-07-12
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/evaluation-report/1-accessibility.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/evaluation-report/1-accessibility.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e1b007e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/evaluation-report/1-accessibility.html
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+ 1 - Accessibility assesment of GCWeb theme version 2 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ 1 - Accessibility assesment of GCWeb theme version 2
+Evaluate the accessibility conformity of the new GCWeb look version 2.
+ Evaluation report identifier
+ 1
+ Type
+ Accessibility assesment
+ Asserted by:
+ Pierre Dubois (Github: @duboisp)
+ Date:
+ November 14, 2018
+ Page:
+ https://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/content-en.html
+ Subject
+ Evaluate the accessibility conformity of the new GCWeb look version 2.
+ Notes:
+ It was assumed that GCWeb, released with v4.0.29, was already meeting WCAG 2.0 Level AA. So a brief evaluation was done for those succes criteria. The following evaluation are mainly focus on the new GCWeb look (V5) area of changes.
+Assesment summary
+ WCAG 2.0 Level A, AA
+ Score of 97%
+ WCAG 2.1 Level A, AA
+ Score of 94%
+ Fail Success Critiria
+ SC 1.4.4 Resize text. Not related to the new GCWeb look (V5). See comments in the detailled report.
+ Level AAA
+ 10 Success Criteria pass
+ Level A and AA
+ WCAG Version and Level
+ Score
+ WCAG 2.0 Level A
+ 25/25
+ WCAG 2.0 Level AA
+ 12/13
+ WCAG 2.1 (Only SC added) Level A
+ 5/5
+ WCAG 2.1 (Only SC added) Level AA
+ 5/7
+ Level AAA
+ WCAG Version
+ Passing Success Criteria
+ WCAG 2.0
+ 8
+ WCAG 2.1 (Only SC added)
+ 2
+Details: Content page
+ Success Criteria
+ Version (Level)
+ Result
+ Comments
+ 1.1.1 Non-text content
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.4 Captions (Live)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ N/A
+ 1.3.1 Info and Relationships
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 1.4.1 Use of Color
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 1.4.2 Audio Control
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 1.4.4 Resize text
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Fail
+ The text inside the select are partially hidden. That issue are already present in WET and GCWeb. See #7884 . This fail are not related to the GCWeb visual update version 2.
+ 1.4.5 Images of Text
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 2.1.1 Keyboard
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ The main menu implement the keyboard navigation pattern as defined by the WAI-ARIA Practice 1.1
+ 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.2 Page Titled
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.3 Focus Order
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.5 Multiple ways
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.6 Headings and Labels
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.7 Focus Visible
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 3.1.1 Language of Page
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 3.1.2 Language of Parts
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 3.2.1 On Focus
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 3.2.2 On Input
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ Now the mobile and the desktop share the same consistent navigation with two slithly difference. One if the orientation of the separator before the most requested menu item. The other is the collapsible/expandable state for the most requeste which are forced to be expanded in medium and over view.
+ 3.2.4 Consistent Identification
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 3.3.1 Error Identification
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 3.3.3 Error Suggestion
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ N/A
+ 3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)
+ N/A
+ 4.1.1 Parsing
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ All warning was removed. It pass the w3c validation as served by the server and pass when the DOM is ready (after JavaScript has run). It pass the WhatWG validation as served by the server but not when the DOM is ready.
+ 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 1.3.4 Orientation
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 1.4.10 Reflow
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ Skip
+ 1.4.12 Text Spacing
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ Skip
+ 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ Pass
+ 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 2.5.3 Label in Name
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level A)
+ Pass
+ 2.5.4 Motion Actuation
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level A)
+ N/A
+ 4.1.3 Status Messages
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AA)
+ N/A
+ 1.3.6 Identify Purpose
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 2.2.6 Timeouts
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 2.3.3 Animation from Interactions
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 2.5.5 Target Size
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanisms
+ WCAG 2.1 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.7 Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.8 Media Alternative (Prerecorded)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 1.2.9 Audio-only (Live)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 1.4.8 Visual Presentation
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 1.4.9 Images of Text (No Exception)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 2.2.3 No Timing
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 2.2.4 Interruptions
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 2.2.5 Re-authenticating
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ N/A
+ 2.3.2 Three Flashes
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.8 Location
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 2.4.10 Section Headings
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 3.1.3 Unusual Words
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 3.1.4 Abbreviations
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 3.1.5 Reading Level
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 3.1.6 Pronunciation
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 3.2.5 Change on Request
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ 3.3.5 Help
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Skip
+ 3.3.6 Error Prevention (All)
+ WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA)
+ Pass
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-11-14
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new file mode 100644
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+ 2 - Regression user acceptance testing of WET plugin for GCWeb theme version 2 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ 2 - Regression user acceptance testing of WET plugin for GCWeb theme version 2
+Evaluate if the new look impact WET plugin rendered in the GCWeb theme
+ Evaluation report identifier
+ 2
+ Type
+ Functionality and aesthetic testing
+ Asserted by:
+ Oliver Gross (Github: @therealolivergross)
+ Date:
+ November 16, 2018
+ Page:
+ https://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/demos/index-en.html
+ Subject
+ Evaluate if the new GCWeb look version 2 style conflic with any WET plugin.
+ Notes:
+ This testing was a quick visual check at each WET plugin to know if there were any visible design conflic.
+Evaluation summary
+ Pass
+ Score of 48/51
+ Fail
+ The Country Content WET plugin don't work, this is an upstream issue, see Github Issue #8365 .
+ The play button is off-center for the multimedia video player.
+ Not tested
+ The Favicon wasn't tested
+Evaluation details: Result by each WET plugin
+ Plugin name
+ Result
+ Comments
+ Data JSON
+ Pass
+ Do action
+ Pass
+ Field flow
+ Pass
+ Field flow advanced
+ Pass
+ Field flow basic configuration
+ Pass
+ JSON Manager
+ Pass
+ Template HTML 5
+ Pass
+ URL Mapping - Patching JSON
+ Pass
+ URL Mapping - Table filtering
+ Pass
+ Calendar of Events
+ Pass
+ Charts and graphs
+ Pass
+ Charts and graphs - Customization
+ Pass
+ Charts and graphs - Customizing pie charts
+ Pass
+ Charts and graphs - Labels and reference values
+ Pass
+ Charts and graphs - Simple and easy
+ Pass
+ Charts and graphs - Specific test cases
+ Pass
+ Collapsible alerts
+ Pass
+ Country Content
+ Fail
+ Demo doesn’t seem to work
+ Data Ajax
+ Pass
+ Data Inview
+ Pass
+ Data Picture
+ Pass
+ Dismissable content
+ Pass
+ Equal height
+ Pass
+ Facebook embedded pages
+ Pass
+ Favicon
+ Not tested
+ Feeds
+ Pass
+ Field flow
+ Pass
+ Field flow advanced
+ Pass
+ Field flow basic configuration
+ Pass
+ Filter
+ Pass
+ Footnotes
+ Pass
+ Form validation
+ Pass
+ Geomap
+ Pass
+ Lightbox
+ Pass
+ Menu
+ Pass
+ Multimedia Player
+ Fail
+ Play button off-centre
+ Multimedia Player - Audio-only
+ Pass
+ Multimedia Player - Video
+ Fail
+ Play button off-centre
+ Multimedia Player - YouTube
+ Fail
+ Play button off-centre
+ Overlay
+ Pass
+ Prettify
+ Pass
+ Session Timeout
+ Pass
+ Share widget
+ Pass
+ Tabbed Interface
+ Pass
+ Tabbed Interface - Carousel
+ Pass
+ Tables
+ Pass
+ Template HTML 5
+ Pass
+ Text highlighting
+ Pass
+ Toggle
+ Pass
+ Twitter embedded timeline
+ Pass
+ Zebra Striping
+ Pass
+ Report a problem on this page
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You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-11-16
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0e370e5f
--- /dev/null
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+ Event name - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Heading]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
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+ Ride of the Valkyries
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+ Date modified:
+ 2017-10-02
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7763c9735
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+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/event-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+ Nom de l’activité - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Titre]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque praesentium, nulla ab nobis architecto repellendus hic iure laboriosam.
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+ Chevauchée des Walkyries
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-10-02
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index 000000000..3118138e0
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+ Feedback form - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Feedback form
If you have difficulty with the following form, you can use any of our other service channels to contact us. Please read the Personal Information Collection Statement before completing this form.
+ Reason for contacting us (required)
+ Select a reason
+ Critical problem with the website
+ Suggested improvement for the website
+ Question/comment about subject 1
+ Question/comment about subject 2
+ Question/comment about subject 3
+ Other
+ Subject
+ Message (required)
+ Personal Information Collection Statement
+ All personal information created, held or collected by this department is protected under the Privacy Act . This means that you will be informed of the purpose for which it is being collected and how to exercise your right of access to that information. You will be asked for your consent where appropriate.
+ Public Communications
+ Provision of the information requested on this form is voluntary. The personal information you include in an inquiry may be used to prepare a reply. The personal information is collected pursuant to the [appropriate provision in department’s enabling statute] . Such information may be used for statistical, evaluation and reporting purposes. The information is included in the personal information bank [PIB Number - PIB Title] . The information may be shared with programs and activities of [Applied Title of the Department] should your inquiry pertain to a specific program or activity of the department. In such cases, the information is included in the personal information bank of the program or activity.
+ The transmission of this information is not secure so sensitive personal information, such as your Social Insurance Number, should not be included in your message.
+ If after reading this statement, you prefer not to submit your inquiry via the Internet, you may use one of the following methods:
+ By Telephone:
+ [telephone number]
+ By Mail:
+ [mailing address]
+ In Person at:
+ [building address]
+ Teletypewriter:
+ [teletypewriter number]
+ Privacy inquiry
+ Any questions, comments, concerns or complaints regarding the administration of the Privacy Act and privacy policies may be directed to the departmental Privacy Coordinator by email to [Privacy Coordinator email] , by calling [Privacy Coordinator phone number] or writing to:
+ [Privacy Coordinator mailing address]
+ If you are not satisfied with our response to your privacy concern, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner by e-mail at info@priv.gc.ca or by telephone at 1-800-282-1376.
You may use one of the following methods to contact us:
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+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Formulaire de rétroaction - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Formulaire de rétroaction
Si vous avez des problèmes avec le formulaire suivant, vous pouvez utiliser une des autres voies de service pour communiquer avec nous. S'il vous plaît lire l'énoncé de collecte de renseignements personnels avant de compléter ce formulaire.
+ Raison pour communiquer avec nous (obligatoire)
+ Sélectionner une raison
+ Problème critique avec le site Web
+ Suggestion pour améliorer le site Web
+ Question/commentaire sur sujet 1
+ Question/commentaire sur sujet 2
+ Question/commentaire sur sujet 3
+ Autre
+ Objet
+ Message (obligatoire)
+ Énoncé de collecte de renseignements personnels
+ Tous les renseignements personnels créés, recueillis ou conservés par le ministère sont protégés par la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels . Cela signifie qu’on vous informera des fins auxquelles ces renseignements sont recueillis et de la façon dont vous pouvez exercer votre droit d'accès à ces renseignements. Le cas échéant, on vous demandera d’exprimer votre consentement par rapport à ces renseignements.
+ Communications publiques
+ Les renseignements personnels que vous fournissez dans une demande d’informations peuvent être utilisés pour préparer une réponse. Ces renseignements personnels sont recueillis conformément à la [disposition pertinente de la loi habilitante du ministère] . Ces renseignements peuvent être utilisés à des fins d’évaluation, de compilation de statistiques et d’établissement de rapports. Ces informations sont versées dans le fichier de renseignements personnels [Numéro du FRP - Titre du FRP ] . Il se peut que ces renseignements soient communiqués aux services responsables des programmes et des activités de [Titre d’usage du ministère] si votre demande porte sur les programmes ou les activités de ce ministère. Dans ces cas, ces renseignements sont compris dans le fichier de renseignements personnels du service responsable du programme ou de l’activité.
+ La transmission de ces renseignements n'est pas protégée. Vous ne devriez donc pas inclure de renseignements personnels de nature délicate, comme votre numéro d'assurance sociale, dans votre message.
+ Si, après avoir lu cet avis, vous préférez ne pas présenter votre demande d'information par Internet, veuillez utiliser l’une des autres méthodes précisées ci-dessous.
+ Par téléphone :
+ [numéro de téléphone]
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+ [adresse postale]
+ En personne :
+ [adresse de l'édifice]
+ Téléimprimeur :
+ [numéro de téléimprimeur]
+ Demande d’informations sur la vie privée
+ Si vous avez une question, un commentaire, une préoccupation ou une plainte au sujet de l’application de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et des politiques connexes, veuillez communiquer avec le coordonnateur ministériel de la protection des renseignements personnels par courriel, à [Courriel du coordonnateur de la protection des renseignements personnels] par téléphone, au [Numéro de téléphone du coordonnateur de la protection des renseignements personnels] ou en écrivant à :
+ [Adresse postale du coordonnateur de la protection des renseignements personnels] .
+ Si vous n'êtes pas satisfait(e) de notre réponse à l'égard de vos préoccupations au sujet de la protection de vos renseignements personnels, vous pouvez communiquer le Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée du Canada par courriel, à : info@priv.gc.ca ou par téléphone, au 1-800-282-1376.
Veuillez utiliser une des méthodes précisées ci-dessous pour communiquer avec nous :
+ Par courriel :
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+ Date de modification :
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99c9d6df7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gc-audience-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ [Audience name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Audience name]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..113d39c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gc-audience-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ [Public cible] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Public cible]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
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+ Date de modification :
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb92e351e
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+ Quick implementation guide - GCWeb theme - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Quick implementation guide - GCWeb theme
+This is an implementation guide for the Canada.ca theme with the Web Experience Toolkit version 4.x.
+The code name for "Canada.ca theme" is GCWeb. We use that term interchangeably. GCWeb is built on top of WET-BOEW 4.
WET-BOEW 4 is built on top of various other web project such:
+ Bootstrap 3 SASS (for a CSS baseline layer)
+ Code prettify
+ Datatable.net
+ Flot chart
+ jQuery
+ jQuery Validation
+ Mathjax
+ Magnific popup
+ Open Layer
GCWeb has some additional plugins like:
+ Data JSON
+ Do action
+ URL mapping
+ Field flow
+Get your template setup
+1. Download the GCWeb library
+Version history - Canada.ca theme (GCWeb)
+2. Copy the content of following folder in your Web Server
+3. Create your page template
+As a starting point, we recommand to use the Static header and footer for Bootstap 3.
+Alternatively you can use a static page, like the generic content page , as a baseline to create your template.
+Here the various part of the template you will need to modify:
+ Page title
+ Page description
+ Page metadata
+ Opposite page language link
+ Breadcrumb items
+ Page content (body)
+ Page date modified
+ Relative link to GCWeb and wet-boew folder for:
+ CSS files
+ Images
+ Javascript
+ Where the search form is submited
+Additionally, if you are going to design a bilingual template skeleton, you will need to:
+ Toggle the lang
attribute for the proper language
+ Create partials for each template content pieces such:
+ Skip links
+ Language selection
+ FIP - Text and image for the Governement of Canada Organization publisher
+ Search form
+ Top menu - You might want to leverage the CDN menu which consist to change the data-ajax attribute value
+ Breadcrumb
+ Report a problem
+ Date modified
+ Page footer
+Customize your template
+The Canada.ca design system and the Content and IA specification allow some customization for transactional scenario and a campaigns. Read those guidance for more detailled information about what is allowed.
+Use only the Canada.ca style without WET-BOEW's Javascript
+GCWeb is designed to work together with WET-BOEW. Its WCAG 2.0 Level AA baseline conformity fully rely on the WET-BOEW 4 framework. If you are only using the CSS and the base HTML markup, you're encouraged to do the following:
+ Peform a full WCAG assessment for every published pages
+ Create your own JS for the top menu behaviour
+ Re-create and maintain yourself every plugin, design pattern and behaviour implemented by WET.
+Migrate your content
+Before you migrate your content, we recommend to:
+ Create a content inventory
+ Identify your top task and top pages, usefull to prioritize your content review
+ Complete a content cleanup exercise that consist at least in:
+ Taking action for redundant outdated trivial (ROT) content
+ Fixing any HTML lint issue that could be reported by the W3C HTML5 validation software
+ Removing any custom and inline CSS you have. If you can't then at least identify all those pages and centralize the CSS in one file
+Converting your content pages into GCWeb compatible markup means:
+ You are using valid HTML5 markup
+ There is no custom CSS and no inline CSS
+ You are leveraging the Bootstrap 3 CSS grid
+ You are using GCWeb CSS and WET 4 CSS, documented in:
+ You are using WET4 plugins and GCWeb plugins
+Note regarding site migrating from WET 3, here are some well known challenges:
+ The grid system, .span-*
need to be converted into a combination of div.row
and div.col-*-*
+ Any callout module would need to be converted into alerts or panels in combinaison with a CSS grid. They need to be coded in distinct markup
+ Various of other changes that are not fully documented, like the CSS class mapping
+Stay up-to-date
+Every release of GCWeb now follows a strict versioning numbering and the release notes now contain all the information you need to update your implementation. This includes information like:
+ List of all changes that are marked as Major, Minor or Patch
+ An overview of all changes that was applied to the WET 4 dependency
+ List of modified files that you would need to replace
+ Link to all Subresource integrity (SRI) hash
+ Ad hoc details on specific content updates that don't have their own documentation page yet.
+Since February 2019, we are using and releasing versions in accordance with the semantic versioning 2.0.0 (Design decision #6 ) where our API is defined by the Design decision #3
+Get help
+ Check at the documentation published on GCWeb and on the Canada.ca design system
+ Look at current and closed github issues
+ Submit a new issue on Github
+ Participate and ask your question during one of the weekly WET-BOEW code sprint every Tuesday.
+Principal publisher udpate those following HTML fragment file every time there is a change to Canada.ca top menu.
+Static HTML header and footer that you can just copy and paste in your project, with slight modifications e.g. metadata.
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-12-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/index.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81b4f8d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+ GCWeb theme - Meta information - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ GCWeb theme - Meta information
+On this page:
+Principal publisher udpate those following HTML fragment file every time there is a change to Canada.ca top menu.
+Static HTML header and footer that you can just copy and paste in your project, with slight modifications e.g. metadata.
+GCWeb Canada.ca theme) visual update - V5
+The GCWeb v5 (Canada.ca theme) visual update are supporting the Canada.ca Content and Information Architecture Specification 2.0.
+ Migration instruction (from v4.0.29 to v5)
+ Change: Page footer
+ Change: Page header Structure
+ Change: Menu
+ Change: Home Page
+ Change: How to identify navigation pages (Themes, topics,...)
+ New features (for web publisher):
+ Demos (Where you can see all the area where a change apply):
+ Workaround for implementer:
+ Temporary internal list of issues and todo
+Noticable visual difference with no markup change
+This is a list of perceptible changes that would be visually noticiable if only the GCWeb javascript and CSS are replaced without doing any markup change as identified by the migration instruction.
+ Language Toggle link: Font changed
+ Breadcrumbs: Font changed
+ Breadcrumbs: arrow replaced with chevron
+ Search box: Larger, white background replaces grey, closer to menu
+ Menu: Font changed
+ Header: White background replaces light grey
+ <h1>
: Larger font
+ Text: Font larger
+ Social Media Strip: Lowered
+ <h2>
: Smaller font
+ <p>
: Larger font
+Temporary avoiding the visual difference
+The increased font size and the new line-height might impact some visual design. Mostly the one where it was thighly designed for desktop first, like some campaign pages.
+Here a list of design items to look at:
+ Pages where the number of characted (like in a title) are closely counted to ensure it fit in a specific container, like to remain in one single line. For example the title of a feature tile.
+ Pages where there is textual content inside a column of a width of 1 and 2. Textual content inside a column of width of 3 might or might not cause issue. Those cases might require you to re-think how to present the information.
+ Pages where datatables was intentionally skrinked in order to fit all columns inside the extra-large view port (desktop). For example a datatable with 10 columns or more in a report.
+The visual difference is avoided for:
+ Form content inside a form
+ Button (exception of the new call to action button)
+ Content inside a container with the CSS class force-style-gcweb-4-0-29
+Here a working example: Content page - GCWeb 4.0.29 font style
+Reference and notes
+Evaluation and report
+Special notes
+Adding Font Awesome icons
+Based on the discussion FontAwesome originally opened February 2017.
+Adding Font Awesome to GCWeb should allow its icons to be relied upon for any Canada.ca content. This can allow for richer content than what's available from GlyphIcons.
+The preferred means of installing FontAwesome is to use the style sheet link as described on the Font Awesome Start using FontAwesome page.
+The style sheet link includes a hash for the integrity check.
+Font Awesome's privacy policy notes that it tracks use of the CDN including what fonts are downloaded and when, with no personally identifidable data tracked.
+Font Awesome collects data about use of its content delivery networks .
+Use of font smoothing anti-aliasing
+Configure the font smoothing anti-aliasing CSS for GCWeb theme v5.
+November 2nd , 2018
+It is explicitly said that anti-aliasing CSS is not in a standard track and it is recommended to avoid. Currently that feature is only limited to webkit browser and FF by applying some prefix vendor.
+It was an experimental feature that was removed from an old CSS W3C editor draft. It is only supported by Chrome browser. That feature wasn't consistently supported by Chrome. Considering the published article referenced by Mozila that support to avoid font smoothing and it's removal from the old editor draft specification, the wet-boew team lead consider that feature at risk and recommend to avoid it. At the time of publishing this, no extensive research was made to find an alternative solution that would meet the above requirement.
+The above article makes reference that playing with the anti-aliasing feature make the font more blury for use, so less readable.
+Rational / Justification
+November 16, 2018
+ [...] we seem to be unsure if there is actually a technical or other issue with implementing the font smoothing for various browsers. Right now there are two calls to font smoothing - code for smoothing which is for several browsers (Chrome, etc), and then code for the Mozilla specific smoothing for Firefox.
+ We would like to pursue this because the smoothed fonts are what we've been showing everyone in for approval, and it’s what we’ve been testing positively with users (across many browsers).
+ We should also mention that the majority of our users see the site in Chrome so we want to give them the best experience possible.
+ Not having the font smoothing available to EI users does not cause them any harm.
+ We would like to pursue the implementation in a way that could be done immediately, but we understand it may need to be implemented differently long-term.
+The use of [aria-expanded]
in the menu
+The menu was designed as per the WAI-ARIA Practice 1.1 for the Menu or Menu bar . In the section WAI-ARIA roles states and properties the fifth bullet items say the element with the role menuitem
has the aria-expanded
state. The use of that state is illustrated by the WAI-ARIA Practice 1.1 menu bar example 2 .
+It was noted that as per the description of the aria-expanded
attribute in WAI-ARIA 1.1 spec it don't allow to have the attribute aria-expanded
set on element with the role menuitem
+However, a research revealed the WAI-ARIA specification 1.2 (working draft) have an updated definition for aria-expanded
. It now allow to use that state on on element with the role menuitem
. Here some reference:
+Use of Google API
+GCWeb was already leveraging Google API to retreive jQuery library and now with the new look it leverage Google API to retreive two fonts, Lato and Noto.
+Here an excerpt of the answer we got from TBS on the usage of Google API for GCWeb.
+December 12 2018
+ I don’t see an issue with this at all. It looks to be just a public open source API, so I would just go ahead and consume it. If you already have another Google API you’re consuming, you’ll likely even be able to use the same key.
+ If you’re encountering questions and resistance, feel free to loop me in. Whenever you’re using a 3rd party API, latency and reliability is obviously a consideration. I would just ensure you think through the various failure scenarios to understand what happens to your website if the API is down, unreachable because of GC network outage, or if there are delays in the API responding.
+Technical note about the design of the menu
+ The orientation of the sperator before the most requested sub-menu change from vertical to horizontal in tablet/mobile view
+ The most requested sub-menu has an attribute to indicate the JS plugin that sub-menu need to remain expanded in medium and large device. data-keep-expanded="md-min"
+ The use of the aria-controls
on menu item that open sub-menu might not required. Before to take a decision, we should do more testing to confirm the useless of that property on sub-menu items. Comments received from one user testing with a screen reader has recommended to remove it for the menu button.
+ role=none
: As per WAI-ARIA 1.1 practice, there example use the role=none
for each list item. The W3C validator has recommended to use both role "none" and "presentation" because the role "none" is not yet widely supported. The use of the role "none" currently (2018-12-28) trigger an error by the validator.nu but not by the W3C validator. The issue is the validator.nu don't support yet WAI-ARIA 1.1 and because of that we would only keep one role role=presentation
instead of having a dual role. The list item role should be updated once the role "none" would be widely supported.
+ aria-haspopup=menu
: As per WAI-ARIA 1.1, the aria-haspopup property can have multiple value other than "true". The value set to "true" is the same as being set to "menu". Ideally, the menu design would use aria-haspopop=menu instead of aria-haspopup=true because it is more explicit. The validator.nu trigger an error when the aria-haspopup is set to menu instead of true because it don't support WAI-ARIA 1.1. The anchor and the button with the attribute aria-haspopup should be updated once validator.nu support WAI-ARIA 1.1. Using "menu" instead of "true" shouldn't impact assisstive technology that only support WAI-ARIA 1.0
+Customizing GCWeb for your implementation variant
+The build script of GCWeb has been adapted to allow implementation variant to include their specific CSS with the gcweb CSS in a way that reduce potential git conflict when updating to the latest version of gcweb.
+ Create a fork or an clone of GCWeb project.
+ Custom Style: Copy and rename the folder src/variant-default
for src/variant
. The custom SCSS added in variant
would not conflict when updating your GCWeb version.
+ Custom plugin: Follow the wet-boew plugin guidance/structure and add your code in src/plugin
+ Building: Use the GCWeb build system, all your custom CSS and custom plugin for your variant would be packaged together with GCWeb compiled files.
+Test cases
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/dev-build.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/dev-build.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bec356eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/dev-build.html
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+ Developper build pre-release notes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Developper build pre-release notes
The release notes below can be incomplete and awaiting for official translation until the official release.
+ Planned release date: March 31, 2020
+ Going to be released under version: v6.1
+What's new?
+ Template
+ Styles and plugins
+ provisional
+ Maintenance
+ Details
+ Number of commits: X
+ More details and examples
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-11-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/index-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/index-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9910bbca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ Version history - Canada.ca theme (GCWeb) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Version history - Canada.ca theme (GCWeb)
+Link to all release notes from GCWeb v5.0 and upward.
+ Changelog is no longer updated...
+ To get information on versions that were released more recently than the ones below, please refer to the Releases section on GitHub .
+Release notes
+Older version of GCWeb that was released with WET 4.0.29 are documented along with wet-boew release note.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-11-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/index-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/index-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e972d829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ Historique des versions - Canada.ca theme (GCWeb) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Historique des versions - Canada.ca theme (GCWeb)
+Liens vers toutes les notes de versions de GCWeb v5.0 et plus récente.
+ Le changelog ne sera plus mis à jour...
+ Pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les versions qui ont été déployées plus récemment que celles ci-dessous, veuillez vous réferer à la section des déploiements sur GitHub .
+Notes de versions
+Les versions antérieures de GCWeb qui sont liées à la BOEW 4.0.29 sont documentées à l'intérieur des notes de version de WET-BOEW.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-11-12
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.0-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.0-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88af5487e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.0-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+ v5.0.x release notes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ v5.0.x release notes
Version 5.0.1
Version 5.0.0
+ What’s new?
+ Version 5.0.1
+ Patch - Menu - Fixed a screen reader conflic which prevented the user to navigate in the menu. Related to wet-boew/wet-boew #8556
+ Version 5.0.0
+ Documents:
+ Assessment and report:
+ Notes:
+ The Canada.ca Content Style Guide has been updated in order to allow the use of italics in certain usage cases.
+ Browser supported:
+ As per the rule defined by Design decision 2: Browser supported
+ Chrome 71
+ Chrome 70
+ Safari 12.0
+ Firefox 65
+ Firefox 64.0.2
+ Firefox ESR - 60.5.0
+ IE 11
+ Edge 18
+ Details
+ Number of commits: 119
+ List of commits
+ EditorConfig: Added .*/JSON/MD/Gemfile.lock overrides and exempted font SVG. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-09-07
+ Repo: Corrected files to comply with .editorconfig rules. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-09-11
+ Updated build version to v4.0.30-development - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-09-20
+ Build: Added lintspaces task to check for .editorconfig compliance. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-09-26
+ Campaign example 2: Fixed equal heights implementation. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-10-04
+ package-lock.json: Updated to npm 5.10/6.x-friendly style. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-10-10
+ Build: Depend on a specific version of WET (4.0.29). - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-10-10
+ ESDC Campaign 2 - Updated versioning info - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-15
+ Removal of Google analytic tracking code - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-15
+ V2 - Breadcrumb and page footer - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-16
+ V2 - Breadcrumb styling fixes - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-16
+ Float column in a data table - ipaksc,
+ 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Menu structure/semantic draft - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Initial menu style - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Top page banner - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Top menu styling - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Top Menu JS - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-22
+ V2 - Top menu style update - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-22
+ V2 - Home page top banner - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-22
+ V2 - Footer - Markup cleanup - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-25
+ V2 - Page header - Markup cleanup - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-25
+ V2 - Page header - Markup cleanup - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-25
+ V2 - Home page + new utility style - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Top menu - Improved markup - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu JS update + English menu content update - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu JS for mobile + minor menu CSS optimisation - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu content in English and French - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Contenu de la page d'accueil en français - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu keyboard navigation fix - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-30
+ V2 - content limited width - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-30
+ V2 - Cleaning up build script exception that was added - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-30
+ Page status update on the main index page - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-10-30
+ V2 - fix small layout issue with content limited width and list-responsive - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-01
+ Theme: Fixed malformed CSS selectors/properties. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-11-01
+ V2 - Migration notes and a typo fix - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-01
+ Fix typo - Kivi Shapiro,
+ 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Various fix and comments for internal issue 15 to 20 and 22 to 28 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Quick review of the migration instruction And fixed item 21 and 22 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Menu keyboard navigation take in consideration orientation of sibling menu separator - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Home page - Change dormat size for the same as h5 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-05
+ V2 - Menu item - English responsive title for theme link - item 1 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-05
+ Removed top margin for date modified - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-06
+ .gitattributes: Added binary font file types. - Eric Dunsworth,
+ 2018-11-08
+ V2 - Review of defined font-size and Review of CSS class name - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-08
+ V2 - Add btn call-to-action and fix list-responsive floating - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-09
+ V2 - Menu - Fix hover issue and now conform with SC 1.4.13 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-09
+ V2 - Menu items are now fetch and fixes to pass whatwg validation (Item 39, 40) - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-13
+ V2 - Increase target size for button and fixed label in name issue for the search input (Item 36, 37) - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-13
+ V2 - Moved gcweb theme documentation in a folder to not conflict with the JS/CSS location - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-13
+ index-en.hbs: Fix typo - Anish Karandikar,
+ 2018-11-14
+ Update index-en.hbs - Anish Karandikar,
+ 2018-11-14
+ V2 - WCAG assessment of the content page - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-14
+ V2 - Update home page banner background image - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-14
+ V2 - Report on WET plugin regression testing and diff if no markup change - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-16
+ V2 - fix the play button position on the video multimedia player - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-16
+ Fieldflow - Docs - Clarified outputctnrid config - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-19
+ V2 - Add font smoothing antialiased - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-19
+ V2 - Fix item 47, 48 and 49 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-20
+ V2 - GCWeb theme documentation update - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-21
+ V2 - Fix seach btn on xs view and items 5, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-22
+ V2 - Partially fix item 60 and Fix Item 30 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-26
+ V2 - fix item 63 - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-26
+ V2 - Fixed item 60 and updated the temporary issue list priority - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-27
+ V2 - Bypassing the new for any web form and manually with a CSS class - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-28
+ V2 - Add top menu item inside each page for SEO - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-29
+ V2 - GCWeb 4-0-29 font - Documentation, working example and instruction - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-29
+ V2 - Minor ajustment to button size and content improvement for GCWeb 4.0.29 font style - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-30
+ V2 - Home page CSS improvement/adjustment - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-11-30
+ V2 - Added migration instruction for the page details section and cleanup of unused code. - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-03
+ V2 - Fix the height of excluded input ctrl - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-03
+ V2 - Fix glyphicon position to match the font size - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-04
+ V2 – Content update - Menu item and home page (#1455) - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2018-12-06
+ Update IRCC Help center label (#1457) - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2018-12-07
+ Better rendered version of GC sig - English - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2018-12-10
+ From examples - test cases - ipaksc,
+ 2018-12-11
+ Redacted Text - Guidance and CSS - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-13
+ Valid SVG file - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2018-12-13
+ V2 - GC Signature En-Fr SVG optimised - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-14
+ V2 - Clarification on the use of Google API, Updated temporary issue list - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-17
+ Update FR most requested links - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2018-12-18
+ remove role attribute from updated header markup - Shawn Thompson,
+ 2018-12-19
+ Removed lang row - Shawn Thompson,
+ 2018-12-19
+ V2 - Applied new font-size - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-21
+ V2 - Menu - Improved styling/markup for accessibility - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-21
+ V2 - Home page promotional banner - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-27
+ V2 - Home page promo - Various fixes - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-27
+ V2 - Menu - Various update (content + markup cleanup) - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-28
+ V2 - Menu - Fixed menu item translation (item 81) - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2018-12-28
+ Component - Service and information documentation - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-09
+ Redacted text - Fix IE11 display issue - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-09
+ update to gitignore - Shawn Thompson,
+ 2019-01-10
+ V2 - Update list of temporary issue - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-10
+ V2 - Form validation error label in legend - Item 89 - GormFrank,
+ 2019-01-16
+ Fix doormat font size, body line-height and typo - jmealing,
+ 2019-01-16
+ V2 - home page - Adjusted heading font-size + the feature padding and markup - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-16
+ Services and information - Working examples - ipaksc,
+ 2019-01-16
+ V2 - Fixed makup of services and information in template - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-16
+ Label edits - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2019-01-17
+ et milieu removed to match English - Patrick Lajeunesse,
+ 2019-01-17
+ V2 - home page - updated gc-srvinfo markup - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-17
+ V2 - multi-page navigation font fix + size fix for site search in xxs - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-17
+ gc-srvinfo exampled - Added info box to provide more context - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-17
+ V2 - Define margin for gc-srvinfo dormats title + Fix various spacing for the home page - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-17
+ V2 - Limited width content - removed the custom margin to allow overide - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-18
+ V2 - home page and doormat link spacing fix - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-18
+ V2 - Datatable override and removed menu btn on print - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-21
+ V2 - Small multimedia player time controls layout fix - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-23
+ V2 - Datatable ensure filter bar render in 1 line for 8 col width - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-23
+ V2 - temporary issue list update - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-24
+ Data-JSON - Add support for hidden property - ipaksc,
+ 2019-01-25
+ V2 - Fix button size overwride in forms - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-25
+ Documentation - Data-JSON - Support for hidden property - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-25
+ Renaming reference from v2 to v5 including the gcweb menu - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-30
+ Updating the gcweb home page intro - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-30
+ Content update - GCWeb home page - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-01-30
+ search updates - Borges-Porteous,
+ 2019-02-01
+ css updates for the search - Borges-Porteous,
+ 2019-02-01
+ Search template fixes - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-02-01
+ V5 - Search template - Docs and working example - Pierre Dubois,
+ 2019-02-07
+ Details - v5.0.1
+ Number of commits: 2
+ Subresource integrity (SRI)
+ Le SRI rovide a method to protect website delivery. The following information are the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
+ v5.0.1
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-UP+IWPvVQ1eF1yjZuuJ0Q3TBIb4FGD/eRqn8AgKHj4g= sha512-k/ky5lv0d23h+LX6OtL5Z15fjZy2fVHpNuR8NvW9tRGR9P6Uz+kPc9pcw1glmDGmOePPUfVu7D+KNy9uxXYYiw==
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+ v5.0
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-/lRGaPSPK2YRQmyxCAmkl34aG5BmzHunegvAsFrvo3s= sha512-zqjZMjtjEOYTL4pse2VWnpgPVrWm0aHdIJaMR3fL5bKmz3Kzj6XQlk9i1sNLJVo4tj6HtMqVPLf/E7s+K8kU1Q==
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-02-23
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.0-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.0-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ef53f333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.0-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+ v5.0.x - Notes de version - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ v5.0.x - Notes de version
Version 5.0.1
Version 5.0.0
+ Quoi de neuf?
+ Version 5.0.1
+ Correctif - Menu - Correction d'un conflict avec les lecteurs d'écran empêchant l'utilisateur d'utiliser le menu. Relatif à wet-boew/wet-boew #8556
+ Version 5.0
+ Majeur - Thème - Refonte du balissage, nouveau menu et mise à jour de l'aspect visuelle
+ Changement majeur apporté à:
+ L'entête de page
+ Le pied de page
+ Menu
+ Page d'accueil
+ Concordance à la Spécifications du contenu et de l’architecture de l'information pour Canada.ca version 2.0 (Révisé le 31 janvier 2019)
+ Nouvelle fontionalité:
+ Double espacement pour les liste
+ Liste adjustable
+ Modèle de conception pour une figure lié
+ Page de contenu limité en largeur
+ Button d'appel à l'action
+ Autre changement notable:
+ La police de charactère
+ La grosseur augmenté de la police ainsi que l'espacement, excluant les formulaires pour l'instant
+ Le modèle de conception pour la section "Service et information" avec des block de lien (doormat links)
+ L'image de marque du gouvernement du canada en format SVG a été mise à jour
+ Documentation utile:
+ Mineur - Conception commune - Service et information - Modification du gabarit (lancement de la version 3)
+ Mineur - Data JSON - Ajout du support pour contrôler la propriété hidden
+ Mineur - Ajout du support pour le texte expurgé.
+ Information - Fieldflow - Clarification de la définition de la configuration outputctnrid
+ Mineur - Tableau - Colonne flottante dans un tableau de donné
+ Mineur - Retrait du code anlytique de Google.
+ Mineur - Gabarit de modèle de campagne par ESDC - Ajout de la configuration pour une hauteur fix et retrait de quelque marge de dessous.
+ Information - Développeur de la BOEW - Règle de contrôle de la qualité - L'espacement est maintenant contrôler lors de la compilation.
+ Information - Développeur de la BOEW - Modification du script de compilation et de ses dépendances.
+ Documentation:
+ Évaluation et rapport:
+ Notes:
+ Le guide de rédaction pour canada.ca a été mis à jour afin de permettre le texte en italique pour certain cas d'utilisation.
+ Fureteur supporté
+ Tel que défini par la Décision de conception 2: Fureteur supporté (en anglais)
+ Chrome 71
+ Chrome 70
+ Safari 12.0
+ Firefox 65
+ Firefox 64.0.2
+ Firefox ESR - 60.5.0
+ IE 11
+ Edge 18
+ Détails
+ Nombre de contributions: 119
+ Liste des contributions
+ EditorConfig: Added .*/JSON/MD/Gemfile.lock overrides and exempted font SVG. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-09-07
+ Repo: Corrected files to comply with .editorconfig rules. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-09-11
+ Updated build version to v4.0.30-development - Pierre Dubois, 2018-09-20
+ Build: Added lintspaces task to check for .editorconfig compliance. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-09-26
+ Campaign example 2: Fixed equal heights implementation. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-10-04
+ package-lock.json: Updated to npm 5.10/6.x-friendly style. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-10-10
+ Build: Depend on a specific version of WET (4.0.29). - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-10-10
+ ESDC Campaign 2 - Updated versioning info - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-15
+ Removal of Google analytic tracking code - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-15
+ V2 - Breadcrumb and page footer - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-16
+ V2 - Breadcrumb styling fixes - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-16
+ Float column in a data table - ipaksc, 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Menu structure/semantic draft - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Initial menu style - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Top page banner - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Top menu styling - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-17
+ V2 - Top Menu JS - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-22
+ V2 - Top menu style update - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-22
+ V2 - Home page top banner - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-22
+ V2 - Footer - Markup cleanup - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-25
+ V2 - Page header - Markup cleanup - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-25
+ V2 - Page header - Markup cleanup - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-25
+ V2 - Home page + new utility style - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Top menu - Improved markup - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu JS update + English menu content update - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu JS for mobile + minor menu CSS optimisation - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu content in English and French - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Contenu de la page d'accueil en français - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-29
+ V2 - Menu keyboard navigation fix - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-30
+ V2 - content limited width - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-30
+ V2 - Cleaning up build script exception that was added - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-30
+ Page status update on the main index page - Pierre Dubois, 2018-10-30
+ V2 - fix small layout issue with content limited width and list-responsive - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-01
+ Theme: Fixed malformed CSS selectors/properties. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-11-01
+ V2 - Migration notes and a typo fix - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-01
+ Fix typo - Kivi Shapiro, 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Various fix and comments for internal issue 15 to 20 and 22 to 28 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Quick review of the migration instruction And fixed item 21 and 22 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Menu keyboard navigation take in consideration orientation of sibling menu separator - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-02
+ V2 - Home page - Change dormat size for the same as h5 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-05
+ V2 - Menu item - English responsive title for theme link - item 1 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-05
+ Removed top margin for date modified - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-06
+ .gitattributes: Added binary font file types. - Eric Dunsworth, 2018-11-08
+ V2 - Review of defined font-size and Review of CSS class name - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-08
+ V2 - Add btn call-to-action and fix list-responsive floating - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-09
+ V2 - Menu - Fix hover issue and now conform with SC 1.4.13 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-09
+ V2 - Menu items are now fetch and fixes to pass whatwg validation (Item 39, 40) - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-13
+ V2 - Increase target size for button and fixed label in name issue for the search input (Item 36, 37) - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-13
+ V2 - Moved gcweb theme documentation in a folder to not conflict with the JS/CSS location - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-13
+ index-en.hbs: Fix typo - Anish Karandikar, 2018-11-14
+ Update index-en.hbs - Anish Karandikar, 2018-11-14
+ V2 - WCAG assessment of the content page - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-14
+ V2 - Update home page banner background image - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-14
+ V2 - Report on WET plugin regression testing and diff if no markup change - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-16
+ V2 - fix the play button position on the video multimedia player - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-16
+ Fieldflow - Docs - Clarified outputctnrid config - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-19
+ V2 - Add font smoothing antialiased - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-19
+ V2 - Fix item 47, 48 and 49 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-20
+ V2 - GCWeb theme documentation update - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-21
+ V2 - Fix seach btn on xs view and items 5, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-22
+ V2 - Partially fix item 60 and Fix Item 30 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-26
+ V2 - fix item 63 - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-26
+ V2 - Fixed item 60 and updated the temporary issue list priority - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-27
+ V2 - Bypassing the new for any web form and manually with a CSS class - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-28
+ V2 - Add top menu item inside each page for SEO - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-29
+ V2 - GCWeb 4-0-29 font - Documentation, working example and instruction - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-29
+ V2 - Minor ajustment to button size and content improvement for GCWeb 4.0.29 font style - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-30
+ V2 - Home page CSS improvement/adjustment - Pierre Dubois, 2018-11-30
+ V2 - Added migration instruction for the page details section and cleanup of unused code. - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-03
+ V2 - Fix the height of excluded input ctrl - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-03
+ V2 - Fix glyphicon position to match the font size - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-04
+ V2 – Content update - Menu item and home page (#1455) - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2018-12-06
+ Update IRCC Help center label (#1457) - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2018-12-07
+ Better rendered version of GC sig - English - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2018-12-10
+ From examples - test cases - ipaksc, 2018-12-11
+ Redacted Text - Guidance and CSS - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-13
+ Valid SVG file - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2018-12-13
+ V2 - GC Signature En-Fr SVG optimised - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-14
+ V2 - Clarification on the use of Google API, Updated temporary issue list - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-17
+ Update FR most requested links - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2018-12-18
+ remove role attribute from updated header markup - Shawn Thompson, 2018-12-19
+ Removed lang row - Shawn Thompson, 2018-12-19
+ V2 - Applied new font-size - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-21
+ V2 - Menu - Improved styling/markup for accessibility - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-21
+ V2 - Home page promotional banner - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-27
+ V2 - Home page promo - Various fixes - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-27
+ V2 - Menu - Various update (content + markup cleanup) - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-28
+ V2 - Menu - Fixed menu item translation (item 81) - Pierre Dubois, 2018-12-28
+ Component - Service and information documentation - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-09
+ Redacted text - Fix IE11 display issue - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-09
+ update to gitignore - Shawn Thompson, 2019-01-10
+ V2 - Update list of temporary issue - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-10
+ V2 - Form validation error label in legend - Item 89 - GormFrank, 2019-01-16
+ Fix doormat font size, body line-height and typo - jmealing, 2019-01-16
+ V2 - home page - Adjusted heading font-size + the feature padding and markup - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-16
+ Services and information - Working examples - ipaksc, 2019-01-16
+ V2 - Fixed makup of services and information in template - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-16
+ Label edits - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-01-17
+ et milieu removed to match English - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-01-17
+ V2 - home page - updated gc-srvinfo markup - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-17
+ V2 - multi-page navigation font fix + size fix for site search in xxs - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-17
+ gc-srvinfo exampled - Added info box to provide more context - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-17
+ V2 - Define margin for gc-srvinfo dormats title + Fix various spacing for the home page - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-17
+ V2 - Limited width content - removed the custom margin to allow overide - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-18
+ V2 - home page and doormat link spacing fix - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-18
+ V2 - Datatable override and removed menu btn on print - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-21
+ V2 - Small multimedia player time controls layout fix - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-23
+ V2 - Datatable ensure filter bar render in 1 line for 8 col width - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-23
+ V2 - temporary issue list update - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-24
+ Data-JSON - Add support for hidden property - ipaksc, 2019-01-25
+ V2 - Fix button size overwride in forms - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-25
+ Documentation - Data-JSON - Support for hidden property - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-25
+ Renaming reference from v2 to v5 including the gcweb menu - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-30
+ Updating the gcweb home page intro - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-30
+ Content update - GCWeb home page - Pierre Dubois, 2019-01-30
+ search updates - Borges-Porteous, 2019-02-01
+ css updates for the search - Borges-Porteous, 2019-02-01
+ Search template fixes - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-01
+ V5 - Search template - Docs and working example - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-07
+ Détails - v5.0.1
+ Nombre de contributions: 2
+ Liste des contributions
+ Intégrité des sous-ressource (SRI)
+ Le SRI (en anglais) est une méthode qui permet de protéger le transfère des resources d'un site web. Ci-dessous vous avez les condensés numériques pour les ressource clef de la BOEW et de GCWeb.
+ v5.0.1
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-UP+IWPvVQ1eF1yjZuuJ0Q3TBIb4FGD/eRqn8AgKHj4g= sha512-k/ky5lv0d23h+LX6OtL5Z15fjZy2fVHpNuR8NvW9tRGR9P6Uz+kPc9pcw1glmDGmOePPUfVu7D+KNy9uxXYYiw==
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON):
+ v5.0
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-/lRGaPSPK2YRQmyxCAmkl34aG5BmzHunegvAsFrvo3s= sha512-zqjZMjtjEOYTL4pse2VWnpgPVrWm0aHdIJaMR3fL5bKmz3Kzj6XQlk9i1sNLJVo4tj6HtMqVPLf/E7s+K8kU1Q==
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON):
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-02-23
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.1-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.1-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61d07f66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.1-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+ v5.1.x release notes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ v5.1.x release notes
+What's new?
+ Template
+ Minor - Search template - New template for pages with search results.
+ Minor - Navigation element - A <nav>
element was added for the skip nav link, as shown here .
+ Minor - Font Awesome - A reference to font-awesome 5.8.1 was added inside the <head>
tag (see snippet ).
+ Minor - RDFa + schema.org improvement to Canada wordmark - The RDFa markup has been modified, new property added, to improve SEO and how search engine interprete some information included in our template (more details ).
+ Patch - RDFa markup for main element - Fixed RDFa markup issue on the main element by adding typeof="WebPageElement"
attribute to the <main>
element, as shown here .
+ Styles and plugins
+ Minor - Custom CSS variant - New concept that allows integration of custom CSS for implementation variant of GCWeb by writing styles inside new SASS files that are included in the build for pick-up (more details ).
+ Minor - Background colour - Set a dark background to an element (e.g. well) with the class .bg-dark
or a completely black one with .bg-darker
+ Minor - Text colour- Set text in white with a CSS class called text-white
. Works jointly with dark backgrounds.
+ Minor - Redacted text - Change of redacted text character to a full block when .redacted
is in use.
+ Minor - Well - Provide a responsive well that takes the full width of its parent by adding the .header-rwd
class to it.
+ Minor - URL manager and geomap - Added the possibility to prefill geomap configurations with action management, as shown here .
+ Patch - Footer background image - Canadian flag was added on the top of the parliament on the landscpae image.
+ Patch - Carousel - Link underline override was removed on carousel.
+ Patch - Multimedia player - Top margin override was removed on multimedia player.
+ Patch - Menu - Fix menu navigation on different browsers when using a screen reader by running rigorous operability tests with JAWS and NVDA.
+ Experimental (NEW)
+ Bootstrap 4 spacers - CSS classes added for padding and margin spacing, e.g. .p-0
for no padding and .mb-sm-5
for extra-large bottom margin for small devices and up.
+ Background image size - CSS class added for a background image to cover the boxes size with .bg-cover
+ Background image URL - New plugin that allows to set a background image from a data attribute called data-bgimg
. It was introduced in the specifications but is not yet supported by browsers.
+ Theme colours - Provides the ability to change theme colours to pink or dark.
+ Maintenance
+ Build script - HTMLlint exception was added to prohibit integrity attribute in link tags until adopted in the HTML specifications.
+ GCWeb install from other repository - Include a package.lock in the repository "themes-cdn_GCWeb" to be able to refer at it as a dependency in a nodejs project.
+ Modified files for implementation
+ Footer landscape image: GCWeb/assets/landscape.png
+ Main JavaScript:
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ Main CSS:
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Sprite image for social media logos: wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png Clarified on: 2019-09-16
+ Geomap dependency:
+ wet-boew/js/geomap-lib.js
+ wet-boew/js/geomap-lib.min.js
+ i18n zh-Hans language:
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/zh-Hans.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/zh-Hans.min.js
+WET-BOEW v4.0.31 (see release notes ) Clarified on: 2019-09-16
+ Template
+ Styles and plugins
+ overlay
+ share widget
+ geomap
+ core
+ tables
+ multimedia player
+ feeds
+ toggle
+ Maintenance
+ Browsers supported
+ As per the rule defined by Design decision 2: Browser supported
+ Chrome 75
+ Chrome 74
+ Safari 12.1.1
+ Firefox 67.0.3
+ Firefox 66.0.5
+ Firefox ESR - 60.7.1
+ IE 11
+ Edge 44
+ Details
+ Number of commits: 41
+ List of commits
+ Update build version to v5.1.0-development - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-11
+ Broken link fix and added SRI hash - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-11
+ Broken link fix - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-12
+ add nav element to skip navigation closes #1500 related wet-boew/wet-boew#8570 - Shawn Thompson, 2019-02-13
+ Menu fix when navigating with a screen reader - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-20
+ v5.0.x release notes page content update - ipaksc, 2019-02-21
+ Report - Menu - Test result with screen reader - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-22
+ v5.0.1 Release notes - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-23
+ Search template - Documentation and working example - Borges-Porteous co-authored by Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-01
+ Add FontAwesome to page heads - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-18
+ Added details about Font Awesome - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-18
+ Tag close and position of link line from @EricDunsworth - EricDunsworth co-authored by Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-22
+ Action mng - Add geomap filtering - Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-22
+ Build script - add HTMLlint exception for integrity attribute in link element - Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-22
+ Move before theme.css, use 5.8.1 of fontawesome - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-24
+ Redacted text - Changed the recommended redacted character - Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-26
+ Carousel: Removed link underline overrides. - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-04-02
+ Carousel: Removed media player top's margin. - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-04-04
+ Correct hash for vers 5.8.1 - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-04-09
+ Content - Add reference for GCWeb menu CDN link - Pierre Dubois, 2019-04-12
+ update-megamenu-20190411 - Thang Le, 2019-04-12
+ Fixing links to specs - quidampepin, 2019-04-16
+ megamenu-changes-v5 - Thang Le, 2019-04-18
+ Add color - Background dark and text white - xiayitan, 2019-05-10
+ Well header responsive + Experimental features - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-10
+ WET-BOEW dependance - Bump to v4.0.31-development+2019-05-08 build - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-13
+ Add experimental margin bottom xl small device and up - xiayitan, 2019-05-14
+ Experimental - rename .px-sm for .px-sm-3 and improved the .mb-sm-5 working example - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-14
+ Allow to install from themes-cdn_GCWeb - Stephane Ducharme, 2019-05-15
+ Menu - Prevent menu closing for touch screen and basic instruction menu (#1539) - Pierre Dubois co-authored by Francis Gorman, 2019-05-16
+ Experimental - Add pink day and dark color theme - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-17
+ Build for GCWeb variant - Allow the integration of custom CSS with GCWeb - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-22
+ WET-BOEW dependance - Bump to 2019-05-22 build - Francis Gorman, 2019-05-23
+ Template - Replace landscape image in footer - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-27
+ Structure Data - Set publisher to Government of Canada - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-29
+ update - French-mega-menu - Thang Le, 2019-05-31
+ Experimental: Add a background to a heading. - junsola, 2019-06-04
+ Default image path fix - Francis Gorman, 2019-06-05
+ Pre-release notes: Updates to the developer build notes - gormanfrank, 2019-06-06
+ update-megamenu-BSD-9189 - Thang Le, 2019-06-07
+ Experimental features: Add link to Design decision on documentation page - GormFrank, 2019-06-10
+ Subresource integrity (SRI)
+ SRI provides a method to protect website delivery. The following information contains the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
+ v5.1
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-OiyJQtupiMx0gDQGSlt55mOp82hu4XsItRN3fQV2BxY= sha512-6N1hTW9Wcl8pDykcln31N2ACd41L8VCiav+pz70ws4QgfmeMux5MRzEq0lQEeKJtJlo2MgQnSDFOefERH9i2eg==
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+ More details and examples
+ Related to template
+ Navigation element
+ <ul id="wb-tphp">
+ [...]
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
<ul id="wb-tphp">
+ [...]
+ </ul>
+ Font awesome
+ The following snippet needs to be inserted above or under the "theme.min.css" link stylesheet call:
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.1/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-50oBUHEmvpQ+1lW4y57PTFmhCaXp0ML5d60M1M7uH2+nqUivzIebhndOJK28anvf" crossorigin="anonymous" />
+ RDFa + schema.org improvement to Canada wordmark
+ Set the "publisher" property of the "WebPage" to be a "Governement Organization"
+ Define the following property for the Governement Organization:
+ url
+ Link to the home page
+ logo
+ Top left image logo
+ name
+ Government of Canada
+ areaServed
+ Set to the country "Canada"
+ logo
+ Link representing the bottom right logo
+ Note: The following markup was limited to scope of RDFa 1.1 lite and that is why a link, the same as the bottom logo was added.
+ English
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4" property="publisher" typeof="GovernmentOrganization" >
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html" property="url" ><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt="" property="logo" /><span class="wb-inv" property="name" > Government of Canada / <span lang="fr">Gouvernement du Canada</span></span></a>
+ <meta property="areaServed" typeOf="Country" content="Canada" />
+ <link property="logo" href="./../GCWeb/assets/wmms-blk.svg" />
+ </div>
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4">
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html"><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt="" /><span class="wb-inv"> Government of Canada / <span lang="fr">Gouvernement du Canada</span></span></a>
+ </div>
+ French
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4" property="publisher" typeof="GovernmentOrganization" >
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html" property="url" ><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-fr.svg" alt="" property="logo" /><span class="wb-inv" property="name" > Gouvernement du Canada / <span lang="en">Government of Canada</span></span></a>
+ <meta property="areaServed" typeOf="Country" content="Canada" />
+ <link property="logo" href="./../GCWeb/assets/wmms-blk.svg" />
+ </div>
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4">
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html"><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-fr.svg" alt="" /><span class="wb-inv"> Gouvernement du Canada / <span lang="en">Government of Canada</span></span></a>
+ </div>
+ RDFa markup for main element
<main property="mainContentOfPage" typeof="WebPageElement" class="container">
+ <h1 property="name" id="wb-cont">[...]</h1>
+ </main>
<main property="mainContentOfPage" class="container">
+ <h1 property="name" id="wb-cont">[...]</h1>
+ </main>
+ Related to styles and plugins
+ Custom CSS variant
+ If you would want to use your own variant of GCWeb to ease implementation, then rename the following folder in order to be caught by the build script:
+ Note: "variant-default.scss" is the SASS file to edit for custom styles, but others inside the same folder are also available for different viewports.
+ Action manager and geomap
+ As an example, the following parameters ?aoi=qc&layout=pt
would zoom on Quebec and activate the Points layer after the URL manager is initiated. Check out the URL mapping documentation for more information.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.1-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.1-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5029a735b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v5.1-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ v5.1 - Notes de version - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ v5.1 - Notes de version
+Quoi de neuf?
+ Gabarit
+ Mineur - Gabarit de recherche - Nouveau gabarit pour les pages ayant des résultats de recherche.
+ Mineur - Élément de navigation - Un élément <nav>
a été ajouté au lien « sauter la navigation », tel que montré ici .
+ Mineur - Font Awesome - Une référence à la police Awesome 5.8.1 a été ajoutée dans la balise <head>
(voir le code ).
+ Mineur - Amélioration en matière de RDFa + schema.org au mot-symbole Canada - Le balisage RDFa a été modifié (ajout d’une nouvelle propriété) pour améliorer l’optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche et la façon dont les moteurs de recherche interprètent certaines informations comprises dans notre gabarit (plus de renseignements ).
+ Correctif - Balisage RDFa pour l’élément principal - Résolution du problème avec le balisage RDFa sur l’élément principal en ajoutant l’attribut typeof="WebPageElement"
à l’élément <main>
element, tel que montré ici .
+ Styles et plugiciels
+ Mineur - Variante CSS personnalisée - Nouveau concept qui permet l’intégration de feuilles CSS pour la variante de mise en œuvre de GCWeb en inscrivant des styles dans les nouveaux fichiers SASS qui sont compris dans la version aux fins de collecte (plus de renseignements ).
+ Mineur - Couleur de fond - Établissement d’un fond foncé sur un élément (p. ex. boîte grise) avec la classe .bg-dark
ou d’un fond entièrement noir avec la classe .bg-darker
+ Mineur - Couleur de texte - établissement du texte en blanc avec la classe CSS appelée text-white
. Cette couleur est conjointement applicable aux fonds foncés.
+ Mineur - Texte caviardé - Changement des caractères de texte caviardé à un bloc complet lorsqu’on utilise .redacted
+ Mineur - Boîte grise - Fournir une boîte grise adaptable qui prend toute la largeur de sa page parent en y ajoutant la classe .header-rwd
+ Mineur - Gestionnaire des URL et géocarte - Ajout de la possibilité de remplir préalablement les configurations de la géocarte auprès de la gestion par l’action, telle que montrée ici .
+ Correctif - Image de fond du pied de page - Le drapeau canadien a été ajouté au haut du parlement sur l’image du paysage.
+ Correctif - Carrousel - Le dépassement du soulignement du lien a été enlevé sur le carrousel.
+ Correctif - Lecteur multimédia - Le dépassement de la marge supérieure a été enlevé du lecteur multimédia.
+ Correctif - Menu - Correction du menu de navigation sur de différents navigateurs lorsqu’on utilise le lecteur d’écran en réalisant des essais d’opérabilité rigoureux avec JAWS et NVDA.
+ Expérimental (NOUVEAU)
+ Espaceurs Bootstrap 4 - Ajout des classes CSS pour le remplissage et l’espacement des marges, p. ex. .p-0
pour aucun remplissage et .mb-sm-5
pour la marge inférieure très large pour les petits appareils et plus.
+ Taille de l’image de fond - Ajout de la classe CSS pour une image de fond afin de couvrir la taille des cases avec .bg-cover
+ URL de l’image de fond - Nouveau plugiciel permettant d’établir une image de fond à partir d’un attribut de données appelé data-bgimg
. Il a été introduit aux spécifications, mais il n’est pas compatible avec des navigateurs.
+ Couleurs de thème - Capacité de modifier les couleurs de thème de rose à une couleur foncée.
+ Entretien
+ Script de compilation - Ajout de l’exception HTMLlint pour interdire l’attribut d’intégrité dans les étiquettes des liens jusqu’à ce qu’il soit adopté par les spécifications HTML.
+ Installation de GCWeb à partir d’un autre répertoire - Inclure un élément package.lock dans le répertoire « themes-cdn_GCWeb » afin d’être capable d’y se référer en tant que dépendance dans un projet node.js.
+WET-BOEW v4.0.31 (voir les notes de version ) Clarifiées le : 2019-09-16
+ Gabarit
+ Liens de contournement
+ Superposition des styles et des plugiciels
+ Contenu superposé
+ Gadget de partage
+ Géocarte
+ Coeur
+ Tableaux
+ Lecteur multimédia
+ Flux
+ Basculer
+ Entretien
+ Script de compilation
+ Fichiers modifiés pour implémentation
+ Image de pied de page : GCWeb/assets/landscape.png
+ JavaScript primaire :
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ CSS primaire :
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Image pour les logos de réseaux sociaux (gadget de partage) : wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png Clarifié le : 2019-09-16
+ Dépendance de la Géocarte :
+ wet-boew/js/geomap-lib.js
+ wet-boew/js/geomap-lib.min.js
+ i18n, Langue zh-Hans :
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/zh-Hans.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/zh-Hans.min.js
+ Fureteurs supportés
+ Tel que défini par la Décision de conception 2 : Fureteur supporté (en anglais)
+ Chrome 75
+ Chrome 74
+ Safari 12.1.1
+ Firefox 67.0.3
+ Firefox 66.0.5
+ Firefox ESR - 60.7.1
+ IE 11
+ Edge 44
+ Détails
+ Nombre de contributions : 119
+ Liste des contributions
+ Update build version to v5.1.0-development - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-11
+ Broken link fix and added SRI hash - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-11
+ Broken link fix - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-12
+ add nav element to skip navigation closes #1500 related wet-boew/wet-boew#8570 - Shawn Thompson, 2019-02-13
+ Menu fix when navigating with a screen reader - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-20
+ v5.0.x release notes page content update - ipaksc, 2019-02-21
+ Report - Menu - Test result with screen reader - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-22
+ v5.0.1 Release notes - Pierre Dubois, 2019-02-23
+ Search template - Documentation and working example - Borges-Porteous co-authored by Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-01
+ Add FontAwesome to page heads - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-18
+ Added details about Font Awesome - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-18
+ Tag close and position of link line from @EricDunsworth - EricDunsworth co-authored by Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-22
+ Action mng - Add geomap filtering - Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-22
+ Build script - add HTMLlint exception for integrity attribute in link element - Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-22
+ Move before theme.css, use 5.8.1 of fontawesome - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-03-24
+ Redacted text - Changed the recommended redacted character - Pierre Dubois, 2019-03-26
+ Carousel: Removed link underline overrides. - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-04-02
+ Carousel: Removed media player top's margin. - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-04-04
+ Correct hash for vers 5.8.1 - Patrick Lajeunesse, 2019-04-09
+ Content - Add reference for GCWeb menu CDN link - Pierre Dubois, 2019-04-12
+ update-megamenu-20190411 - Thang Le, 2019-04-12
+ Fixing links to specs - quidampepin, 2019-04-16
+ megamenu-changes-v5 - Thang Le, 2019-04-18
+ Add color - Background dark and text white - xiayitan, 2019-05-10
+ Well header responsive + Experimental features - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-10
+ WET-BOEW dependance - Bump to v4.0.31-development+2019-05-08 build - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-13
+ Add experimental margin bottom xl small device and up - xiayitan, 2019-05-14
+ Experimental - rename .px-sm for .px-sm-3 and improved the .mb-sm-5 working example - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-14
+ Allow to install from themes-cdn_GCWeb - Stephane Ducharme, 2019-05-15
+ Menu - Prevent menu closing for touch screen and basic instruction menu (#1539) - Pierre Dubois co-authored by Francis Gorman, 2019-05-16
+ Experimental - Add pink day and dark color theme - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-17
+ Build for GCWeb variant - Allow the integration of custom CSS with GCWeb - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-22
+ WET-BOEW dependance - Bump to 2019-05-22 build - Francis Gorman, 2019-05-23
+ Template - Replace landscape image in footer - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-27
+ Structure Data - Set publisher to Government of Canada - Pierre Dubois, 2019-05-29
+ update - French-mega-menu - Thang Le, 2019-05-31
+ Experimental: Add a background to a heading. - junsola, 2019-06-04
+ Default image path fix - Francis Gorman, 2019-06-05
+ Pre-release notes: Updates to the developer build notes - gormanfrank, 2019-06-06
+ update-megamenu-BSD-9189 - Thang Le, 2019-06-07
+ Experimental features: Add link to Design decision on documentation page - GormFrank, 2019-06-10
+ Intégrité des sous-ressource (SRI)
+ Le SRI (en anglais) est une méthode qui permet de protéger le transfère des resources d'un site web. Ci-dessous vous avez les condensés numériques pour les ressource clef de la BOEW et de GCWeb.
+ v5.1
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-OiyJQtupiMx0gDQGSlt55mOp82hu4XsItRN3fQV2BxY= sha512-6N1hTW9Wcl8pDykcln31N2ACd41L8VCiav+pz70ws4QgfmeMux5MRzEq0lQEeKJtJlo2MgQnSDFOefERH9i2eg==
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON) :
+ Plus de détails et exemples
+ Relatifs au gabarit
+ Élément de navigation
+ <ul id="wb-tphp">
+ [...]
+ </ul>
+ </nav>
<ul id="wb-tphp">
+ [...]
+ </ul>
+ Font awesome
+ Le code suivant doit être inséré en haut ou sous l’appel au lien de la feuille de style :
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.8.1/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-50oBUHEmvpQ+1lW4y57PTFmhCaXp0ML5d60M1M7uH2+nqUivzIebhndOJK28anvf" crossorigin="anonymous" />
+ Amélioration en matière de RDFa + schema.org au mot-symbole Canada
+ Établissement de la propriété « Éditeur » de la « page Web » pour qu’elle soit un « Organisme du gouvernement »
+ Définition des propriétés suivantes pour l’organisme du gouvernement :
+ url
+ lien à la page d’accueil
+ logo
+ logo de l’image supérieure à gauche
+ name
+ gouvernement du Canada
+ areaServed
+ fixée en fonction du pays, « Canada »
+ logo
+ lien représentant le logo inférieur à droite
+ Remarque : le balisage suivant a été limité à la portée RDFa 1.1 lite et c’est la raison pour laquelle un lien, le même du logo inférieur, a été ajouté.
+ Anglais
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4" property="publisher" typeof="GovernmentOrganization" >
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html" property="url" ><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt="" property="logo" /><span class="wb-inv" property="name" > Government of Canada / <span lang="fr">Gouvernement du Canada</span></span></a>
+ <meta property="areaServed" typeOf="Country" content="Canada" />
+ <link property="logo" href="./../GCWeb/assets/wmms-blk.svg" />
+ </div>
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4">
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html"><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt="" /><span class="wb-inv"> Government of Canada / <span lang="fr">Gouvernement du Canada</span></span></a>
+ </div>
+ Français
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4" property="publisher" typeof="GovernmentOrganization" >
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html" property="url" ><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-fr.svg" alt="" property="logo" /><span class="wb-inv" property="name" > Gouvernement du Canada / <span lang="en">Government of Canada</span></span></a>
+ <meta property="areaServed" typeOf="Country" content="Canada" />
+ <link property="logo" href="./../GCWeb/assets/wmms-blk.svg" />
+ </div>
<div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4">
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html"><img src="./../GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-fr.svg" alt="" /><span class="wb-inv"> Gouvernement du Canada / <span lang="en">Government of Canada</span></span></a>
+ </div>
+ Balisage RDFa pour l’élément principal
<main property="mainContentOfPage" typeof="WebPageElement" class="container">
+ <h1 property="name" id="wb-cont">[...]</h1>
+ </main>
<main property="mainContentOfPage" class="container">
+ <h1 property="name" id="wb-cont">[...]</h1>
+ </main>
+ Relatifs aux styles et aux plugiciels
+ Variante CSS personnalisée
+ Si vous vouliez utiliser votre propre variante GCWeb pour faciliter la mise en œuvre, donc renommez le dossier suivant afin de faire qu’il soit capté par le script de compilation :
+ Remarque : « variant-default.scss » est le fichier SASS à modifier pour des styles personnalisés, mais d’autres dans le dossier sont également disponibles pour de diverses clôtures.
+ Gestionnaire par l’action et géocarte
+ En tant qu’exemple, les paramètres ?aoi=qc&layout=pt
suivants feraient zoom sur Québec et activeraient la couche Points après le lancement du gestionnaire d’URL. Consultez les documents sur la mise en correspondance des URL pour plus de renseignements.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-09-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.0-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.0-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67b07ecb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.0-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+ v6.0.x release notes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ v6.0.x release notes
+What's new?
+ Template
+ Major - Menu - Changed first-level menu item link "science" for: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/science.html
in the English menu
+ Major - Menu - Updated hyperlink for "Canada and the world" to https
+ Minor - Menu - Modified few sub-menu items
+ Minor - Menu - Made it full-width on mobile view port
+ Minor - Home - Featured banner mark-up change (see code sample below )
+ Minor - Header - Added hreflang
attribute to language toggle button
+ Patch - Splash - Fixed auto-generated <meta>
+ Patch - Menu - Fixed JavaScript exception when menu is not used on a page
+ Styles and plugins
+ Minor - Made primary buttons (.btn-primary
) consistent in their blue color throughout the entire <body>
+ Minor - Changed accent-blue color from #335075 to #26374a
+ Minor - Action manager - Added feature to download a table in CSV format
+ Minor - Do action & JSON manager - Added feature to load JSON file on demand and apply pre-processed patches on user input.
+ Experimental (NEW)
+ Bootstrap 4 - CSS helpers classes were moved to the WET-BOEW core, including .stretched-link
+ Maintenance
+ Highlight - New static header and footer are available, one using Bootstrap 3 and another one using Bootstrap 4 (experimental).
+ Dependencies - Versions updated for some e.g. Grunt-sass
+ Build script - Validation errors fixed and/or enhanced e.g. Bootlint
+ Styles and plugins
+ Overlay
+ Share widget
+ Core
+ Tables
+ Data inview
+ Maintenance
+ Dependencies versions
+ Build script
+ Modified files for implementation
+ Main JavaScript:
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ Main CSS:
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ i18n English, French and Spanish languages:
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/en.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/en.min.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/fr.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/fr.min.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/es.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/es.min.js
+ Browsers supported
+ As per the rule defined by Design decision 2: Browser supported
+ Chrome 78
+ Chrome 77
+ Safari 13.0.2
+ Firefox 70.0.1
+ Firefox 69.0.3
+ Firefox ESR - 68.2.0
+ IE 11
+ Edge 44
+ Details
+ Number of commits: 40
+ List of commits
+ Stretch link: Propagates the clickable area around an hyperlink tag up to a relatively positioned parent (Experiemental) - GormFrank, 2019-06-14 15:41:22 -0400
+ Update _base.scss - Kivi Shapiro, 2019-06-20 13:55:28 -0400
+ Development release and SRI - Francis Gorman, 2019-06-25 10:11:40 -0400
+ Mega menu update - ipaksc, 2019-06-27 16:56:06 -0400
+ Streched link: Example fix and more documentation - GormFrank, 2019-07-05 14:22:30 -0400
+ Home page: Featured banner markup change - GormFrank, 2019-07-08 10:33:15 -0400
+ Release notes: v5.1 French Translation - GormFrank, 2019-07-08 16:45:37 -0400
+ Major - Fix broken theme link in the default menu in the template - Pierre Dubois, 2019-07-11 11:00:45 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt-sass and related changes - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-17 16:47:52 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt-banner and eliminate duplicate CSS charsets (#1566) - EricDunsworth, 2019-07-19 10:26:48 -0400
+ Fix broken links - Kivi Shapiro, 2019-07-19 19:09:02 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt to ~1.0.4 - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-25 15:24:27 -0400
+ Minor Link Fix - thekodester, 2019-07-26 17:48:55 -0400
+ Form test cases: Add autocomplete attributes - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-29 15:13:39 -0400
+ Megamenu: Health Most requested links changes - GormFrank, 2019-07-29 15:36:16 -0400
+ Site: Rename .hbs links to .html - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-30 12:05:37 -0400
+ Form test cases: Remove stray </div> tag - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-31 13:55:45 -0400
+ Site: Fix image misplacement issues - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-31 15:59:15 -0400
+ Video example: Fix poster image links - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-08-15 11:42:59 -0400
+ 404 english page changed the heading to be more descriptive - NoahGresser, 2019-08-20 14:05:55 -0400
+ Menu: Make it full-width on mobile and some links style changes - GormFrank, 2019-08-22 16:00:51 -0400
+ Change accent-blue to match gcweb menu button Is it ok to change all accent-blue or should I change only .wb-sl ? - StdGit, 2019-08-27 15:40:23 -0400
+ Menu: Minor changes to the items (URLs and text) - GormFrank, 2019-08-30 09:03:34 -0400
+ Fonctionnalités expérimentales: French translation + English corrections - GormFrank, 2019-09-03 10:46:05 -0400
+ action manager - Add table to CSV action - Pierre Dubois, 2019-09-04 11:32:33 -0400
+ Repo: Updated URLs of sites that support HTTPS. - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-05 13:47:38 -0400
+ Video example: Use repo's copies of poster images - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-06 16:59:10 -0400
+ Release notes for 5.1 clarified, plus modified files for implementation added - GormFrank, 2019-09-17 09:42:45 -0400
+ Static header and footer using Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 (experimental) - GormFrank, 2019-09-17 10:34:15 -0400
+ Build: Update wet-boew to latest commit - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-26 16:54:54 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt-html to ^11.1.1 - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-27 10:43:21 -0400
+ Splash page: Fix typos in meta description vars - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-27 14:48:44 -0400
+ Build: Update htmllint ignore rules - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-01 16:52:14 -0400
+ Update menu.js - StdGit, 2019-10-09 12:33:00 -0400
+ Build: Add bootlint:bootstrap4 task - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-15 11:04:54 -0400
+ Theme: Add hreflang attribute to language toggle links - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-16 16:35:14 -0400
+ Build: Fail on bootlint warnings - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-18 11:34:55 -0400
+ DoAction - loadJSON and withInput actions - Paul-Doug, 2019-10-24 14:04:00 -0400
+ Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-02 05:09:29 +0000
+ Bootstrap 4 experimental CSS moved into stable WET-BOEW - Pierre Dubois, 2019-11-06 23:11:00 -0500
+ DoAction documentation touch ups - GormFrank, 2019-11-13 23:34:00 -0500
+ Subresource integrity (SRI)
+ SRI provides a method to protect website delivery. The following information contains the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
+ v6.0
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-hOAKde0eEqVToWIMPZL1ViOjJkhBI+xorwnlvqxFidI= sha512-lVlmD+kITvu95mez8fccL8o2FhySXd/38usn+19DZOkEgLozp9hzokERsPGmgTipMfrGaC+4hKh2o+fNpXXerA==
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+ More details and examples
+ Related to template
+ Home page featured section
+ <div class="bg-gctheme opct-90">
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md col-xs-12">
+ <p class="pull-left text-white mrgn-bttm-0">Featured: </p>
+ <p class="pull-left mrgn-bttm-0"><a class="stretched-link text-white" href="#">[Promotion title]</a></p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="bg-gctheme opct-90">
+ <div class="container">
+ <a class="figcaption text-white" href="#">
+ <figure class="clearfix">
+ <div><p class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">Featured:</p></div>
+ <figcaption class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">[Promotion title]</figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-11-08
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.0-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.0-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0141799c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.0-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+ v6.0 - Notes de version - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ v6.0 - Notes de version
+Quoi de neuf?
+ Gabarit
+ Major - Menu - Changed first-level menu item link "science" for: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/science.html
in the English menu
+ Minor - Menu - Modified few sub-menu items
+ Minor - Menu - Made it full-width on mobile view port
+ Minor - Home - Featured banner mark-up change (see code sample below )
+ Minor - Header - Added hreflang
attribute to language toggle button
+ Patch - Splash - Fixed auto-generated <meta>
+ Patch - Menu - Fixed JavaScript exception when menu is not used on a page
+ Styles et plugiciels
+ Minor - Made primary buttons (.btn-primary
) consistent in their blue color throughout the entire <body>
+ Minor - Changed accent-blue color from #335075 to #26374a
+ Minor - Action manager - Added feature to download a table in CSV format
+ Minor - Do action & JSON manager - Added feature to load JSON file on demand and apply pre-processed patches on user input.
+ Expérimental (NOUVEAU)
+ Bootstrap 4 - CSS helpers classes were moved to the WET-BOEW core, including .stretched-link
+ Maintenance
+ Highlight - New static header and footer are available, one using Bootstrap 3 and another one using Bootstrap 4 (experimental).
+ Dependencies - Versions updated for some e.g. Grunt-sass
+ Build script - Validation errors fixed and/or enhanced e.g. Bootlint
+WET-BOEW v4.0.32 (voir les notes de version )
+ Styles et plugiciels
+ Contenu superposé
+ Gadget de partage
+ Coeur
+ Tableaux
+ Data inview
+ Maintenance
+ Version de dépendances
+ Script de compilation
+ Fichiers modifiés pour implémentation
+ JavaScript primaire :
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ CSS primaire :
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ i18n, Langue française, anglaise et espagnole :
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/en.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/en.min.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/fr.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/fr.min.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/es.js
+ wet-boew/js/i18n/es.min.js
+ Fureteurs supportés
+ Tel que défini par la Décision de conception 2 : Fureteur supporté (en anglais)
+ Chrome 78
+ Chrome 77
+ Safari 13.0.2
+ Firefox 70.0.1
+ Firefox 69.0.3
+ Firefox ESR - 68.2.0
+ IE 11
+ Edge 44
+ Détails
+ Nombre de contributions : 40
+ Liste des contributions
+ Stretch link: Propagates the clickable area around an hyperlink tag up to a relatively positioned parent (Experiemental) - GormFrank, 2019-06-14 15:41:22 -0400
+ Update _base.scss - Kivi Shapiro, 2019-06-20 13:55:28 -0400
+ Development release and SRI - Francis Gorman, 2019-06-25 10:11:40 -0400
+ Mega menu update - ipaksc, 2019-06-27 16:56:06 -0400
+ Streched link: Example fix and more documentation - GormFrank, 2019-07-05 14:22:30 -0400
+ Home page: Featured banner markup change - GormFrank, 2019-07-08 10:33:15 -0400
+ Release notes: v5.1 French Translation - GormFrank, 2019-07-08 16:45:37 -0400
+ Major - Fix broken theme link in the default menu in the template - Pierre Dubois, 2019-07-11 11:00:45 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt-sass and related changes - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-17 16:47:52 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt-banner and eliminate duplicate CSS charsets (#1566) - EricDunsworth, 2019-07-19 10:26:48 -0400
+ Fix broken links - Kivi Shapiro, 2019-07-19 19:09:02 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt to ~1.0.4 - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-25 15:24:27 -0400
+ Minor Link Fix - thekodester, 2019-07-26 17:48:55 -0400
+ Form test cases: Add autocomplete attributes - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-29 15:13:39 -0400
+ Megamenu: Health Most requested links changes - GormFrank, 2019-07-29 15:36:16 -0400
+ Site: Rename .hbs links to .html - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-30 12:05:37 -0400
+ Form test cases: Remove stray </div> tag - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-31 13:55:45 -0400
+ Site: Fix image misplacement issues - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-07-31 15:59:15 -0400
+ Video example: Fix poster image links - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-08-15 11:42:59 -0400
+ 404 english page changed the heading to be more descriptive - NoahGresser, 2019-08-20 14:05:55 -0400
+ Menu: Make it full-width on mobile and some links style changes - GormFrank, 2019-08-22 16:00:51 -0400
+ Change accent-blue to match gcweb menu button Is it ok to change all accent-blue or should I change only .wb-sl ? - StdGit, 2019-08-27 15:40:23 -0400
+ Menu: Minor changes to the items (URLs and text) - GormFrank, 2019-08-30 09:03:34 -0400
+ Fonctionnalités expérimentales: French translation + English corrections - GormFrank, 2019-09-03 10:46:05 -0400
+ action manager - Add table to CSV action - Pierre Dubois, 2019-09-04 11:32:33 -0400
+ Repo: Updated URLs of sites that support HTTPS. - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-05 13:47:38 -0400
+ Video example: Use repo's copies of poster images - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-06 16:59:10 -0400
+ Release notes for 5.1 clarified, plus modified files for implementation added - GormFrank, 2019-09-17 09:42:45 -0400
+ Static header and footer using Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 (experimental) - GormFrank, 2019-09-17 10:34:15 -0400
+ Build: Update wet-boew to latest commit - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-26 16:54:54 -0400
+ Build: Update grunt-html to ^11.1.1 - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-27 10:43:21 -0400
+ Splash page: Fix typos in meta description vars - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-09-27 14:48:44 -0400
+ Build: Update htmllint ignore rules - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-01 16:52:14 -0400
+ Update menu.js - StdGit, 2019-10-09 12:33:00 -0400
+ Build: Add bootlint:bootstrap4 task - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-15 11:04:54 -0400
+ Theme: Add hreflang attribute to language toggle links - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-16 16:35:14 -0400
+ Build: Fail on bootlint warnings - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-10-18 11:34:55 -0400
+ DoAction - loadJSON and withInput actions - Paul-Doug, 2019-10-24 14:04:00 -0400
+ Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-02 05:09:29 +0000
+ Bootstrap 4 experimental CSS moved into stable WET-BOEW - Pierre Dubois, 2019-11-06 23:11:00 -0500
+ DoAction documentation touch ups - GormFrank, 2019-11-13 23:34:00 -0500
+ Intégrité des sous-ressource (SRI)
+ Le SRI (en anglais) est une méthode qui permet de protéger le transfère des resources d'un site web. Ci-dessous vous avez les condensés numériques pour les ressource clef de la BOEW et de GCWeb.
+ v6.0
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-hOAKde0eEqVToWIMPZL1ViOjJkhBI+xorwnlvqxFidI= sha512-lVlmD+kITvu95mez8fccL8o2FhySXd/38usn+19DZOkEgLozp9hzokERsPGmgTipMfrGaC+4hKh2o+fNpXXerA==
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON) :
+ Plus de détails et exemples
+ Relatifs au gabarit
Home page featured section
+ <div class="bg-gctheme opct-90">
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md col-xs-12">
+ <p class="pull-left text-white mrgn-bttm-0">Featured: </p>
+ <p class="pull-left mrgn-bttm-0"><a class="stretched-link text-white" href="#">[Promotion title]</a></p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="bg-gctheme opct-90">
+ <div class="container">
+ <a class="figcaption text-white" href="#">
+ <figure class="clearfix">
+ <div><p class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">Featured:</p></div>
+ <figcaption class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">[Promotion title]</figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-11-12
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.1-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.1-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e26f63e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.1-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ v6.1 - release notes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ v6.1 - release notes
+What's new?
+ Template
+ Minor - Menu - Menu items replaced by CDN (Canada.ca).
+ Minor - Search template - Added advanced Search in the new template for search results.
+ Minor - GC Features - Change of template to use stretched-link class.
+ Maintenance
+ Build script - Permission errors fixed
+ Styles and plugins
+ Share widget
+ Filter
+ Bootstrap overrides
+ Text highlight
+ Table
+ Footnotes
+ Light box
+ Toggle
+ Maintenance
+ Provisional
+ [bgimg-srcset]
+ Modified files for implementation
+ Main JavaScript:
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ Main CSS:
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Assets:
+ wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png
+ Details
+ Number of commits: 10
+ List of commits
+ Bump nokogiri from to 1.10.5 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-06 16:36:40 +0000
+ Bump stringstream from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-06 16:36:50 +0000
+ Bump handlebars from 4.0.11 to 4.5.1 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-06 16:36:50 +0000
+ Fieldflow: Fix source code link in documentation - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-11-08 10:24:25 -0500
+ Bump extend from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-14 15:44:08 +0000
+ Documentation - Add instruction on how to implement GCWeb (#1624) - Pierre Dubois, 2019-12-11 09:58:19 -0500
+ WET-BOEW Dependency Bump to v4.0.33 - Francis Gorman, 2020-01-02 14:28:21 -0500
+ update name of GCWeb cdn package - Shawn Thompson, 2020-01-02 16:43:25 -0500
+ menu items replaced by cdn - John Nam, 2020-01-27 10:25:16 -0500
+ Build permissions fix - Francis Gorman, 2020-02-24 15:26:09 -0500
+ GC features pattern update and fixes build - Francis Gorman, 2020-02-25 14:14:55 -0500
+ advanced search added - John Nam, 2020-02-28 08:14:34 -0500
+ Subresource integrity (SRI)
+ SRI provides a method to protect website delivery. The following information contains the hash for key resource in WET and GCWeb.
+ v6.1
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ (Coming soon...)
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-03-19
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.1-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.1-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f76addbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v6.1-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ v6.1 - Notes de version - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ v6.1 - Notes de version
+Quoi de neuf?
+ Gabarit
+ Minor - Menu - Menu items replaced by CDN (Canada.ca).
+ Minor - Search template - Added advanced Search in the new template for search results.
+ Minor - GC Features - Change of template to use stretched-link class.
+ Maintenance
+ Build script - Permission errors fixed
+WET-BOEW v4.0.34 (voir les notes de version )
+ Styles et plugiciels
+ Share widget
+ Filter
+ Bootstrap overrides
+ Text highlight
+ Table
+ Footnotes
+ Light box
+ Toggle
+ Maintenance
+ Provisoire
+ [bgimg-srcset]
+ Fichiers modifiés pour implémentation
+ JavaScript primaire :
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ CSS primaire :
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Ressources :
+ wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png
+ Fureteurs supportés
+ Tel que défini par la Décision de conception 2 : Fureteur supporté (en anglais)
+ Chrome 78
+ Chrome 77
+ Safari 13.0.2
+ Firefox 70.0.1
+ Firefox 69.0.3
+ Firefox ESR - 68.2.0
+ IE 11
+ Edge 44
+ Détails
+ Nombre de contributions : 10
+ Liste des contributions
+ Bump nokogiri from to 1.10.5 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-06 16:36:40 +0000
+ Bump stringstream from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-06 16:36:50 +0000
+ Bump handlebars from 4.0.11 to 4.5.1 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-06 16:36:50 +0000
+ Fieldflow: Fix source code link in documentation - Eric Dunsworth, 2019-11-08 10:24:25 -0500
+ Bump extend from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 - dependabot[bot], 2019-11-14 15:44:08 +0000
+ Documentation - Add instruction on how to implement GCWeb (#1624) - Pierre Dubois, 2019-12-11 09:58:19 -0500
+ WET-BOEW Dependency Bump to v4.0.33 - Francis Gorman, 2020-01-02 14:28:21 -0500
+ update name of GCWeb cdn package - Shawn Thompson, 2020-01-02 16:43:25 -0500
+ menu items replaced by cdn - John Nam, 2020-01-27 10:25:16 -0500
+ Build permissions fix - Francis Gorman, 2020-02-24 15:26:09 -0500
+ GC features pattern update and fixes build - Francis Gorman, 2020-02-25 14:14:55 -0500
+ advanced search added - John Nam, 2020-02-28 08:14:34 -0500
+ Intégrité des sous-ressource (SRI)
+ Le SRI (en anglais) est une méthode qui permet de protéger le transfère des resources d'un site web. Ci-dessous vous avez les condensés numériques pour les ressource clef de la BOEW et de GCWeb.
+ v6.1
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ (À venir...)
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON) :
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-03-19
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v7.0-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v7.0-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53f18abd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v7.0-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+ v7.0.x - release notes - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ v7.0.x - release notes
Version 7.0.1 (STR)
Version 7.0 (STR)
+ What's new?
+ Version 7.0.1 (STR)
+ Provisional
+ Edit - Plugin - Chatwizard update to open with external button instead of bubble and addition of reset button
+ Maintenance
+ Fixed styling issue with static header with experimental Bootstrap 4
+ Updated build script potential breaker
+ General documentation updates
+ Modified files for implementation
+ Main JavaScript:
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ Main CSS:
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Version 7.0 (STR)
+ Template
+ Major - Breadcrumb - First item "home" renamed to "canada.ca". (See changes )
+ Major - Report a problem - Align the template as per the one currently on Canada.ca (See changes )
+ Documentation
+ Fieldflow - Fixed spelling and grammar on English page
+ Provisional (was Experimental)
+ Renamed the main page and changed the wording and plugin to use "provisional"
+ Add - Alert component redesign
+ Add - Color for warning icon
+ Add - Plugin - Chatwizard (wb-chtwzrd
+ Template for "Was this page helpful" in future replacement of report a problem
+ Maintenance
+ Updated various build script dependencies
+ Core
+ Minor - Add helper function (wb.shuffleDOM
+ Minor - Add helper function (wb.pickElements
+ Provisional
+ Add - Steps forms plugin (wb-steps
+ Add - Randomize plugin (wb-randomize
+ Add - Postback form plugin (wb-postback
+ Modified files for implementation
+ Main JavaScript:
+ wet-boew/js/wet-boew.js
+ wet-boew/js/wet-boew.min.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ Main CSS:
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Image:
+ GCWeb/assets/default-avatar.png
+ Details
+ Version 7.0.1 (STR)
+ Number of commits: 7
+ List of commits
+ Version 7.0 (STR)
+ Number of commits: 16
+ List of commits
+ refactor: Report a problem alignment with AEM - delisma, 2019-11-20
+ Experimental changed to Provisional - namjohn920, 2020-01-14
+ Provisional feature - Alert component redesign - Borges-Porteous; EricDunsworth, 2020-02-12
+ Correct spelling and grammar on English page - RobJohnston, 2020-02-20
+ Bump rake from 10.4.2 to 12.3.3 - dependabot, 2020-02-29
+ Add Reddit Icon for Social Media - wonggra, 2020-03-03
+ Bump nokogiri from 1.10.5 to 1.10.9 - dependabot, 2020-03-11
+ color for warning icon added - namjohn920, 2020-03-03
+ GCWeb v7.0 release note - namjohn920, 2020-04-15
+ Report a problem - polishing markup - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Change breadcrumb "Home" for Canada.ca - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Postback provisional update with wet bump - GormFrank, 2020-04-16
+ Bump wet-boew version to 4.0.35 - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Chat wizard provisional plugin - GormFrank, 2020-04-16
+ Chat wizard - Make it provisional and add working example - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Subresource integrity (SRI )
+ v7.0.1 (STR)
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ (Coming soon...)
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+ v7.0 (STR)
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-Ww4l/v4hh8zT3+mD2W61lhGBfoD7u8OyADln6w5hh4M= sha512-7MEdTZH7SCT0VXWd3ym7WOqkJDs7saaXeESuvF+U1UhgoHtbxnP1HYqcwAe9p9UB7WOcq/KV/VlHB34dNUvfzA==
+ Get all hash (JSON format):
+Major changes documentation
+Breadcrumb - Major change
+The first breadcrumb item need to be updated
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html">Accueil</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html">Canada.ca</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html">Canada.ca</a></li>
+Report a problem - Major change
+Change the whole makup under the fieldset
element according to the "After" section.
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Veuillez cocher toutes les réponses pertinentes :</span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem1"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#broken" name="problem" value="Something is broken" id="problem1" />Quelque chose ne fonctionne pas</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="broken">
+ <label for="problem1-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem1-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem2"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#spelling" name="problem" value="It has spelling or grammar mistakes" id="problem2" />Il y a des erreurs d’orthographe ou de grammaire</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="spelling">
+ <label for="problem2-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem2-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem3"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#wrong" name="problem" value="The information is wrong" id="problem3" />L’information est erronée</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="wrong">
+ <label for="problem3-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem3-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem4"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#outdated" name="problem" value="The information is outdated" id="problem4" />L’information n’est plus à jour</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="outdated">
+ <label for="problem4-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem4-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem5"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#find" name="problem" value="I can’t find what I’m looking for" id="problem5" />Je ne trouve pas ce que je cherche</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="find">
+ <label for="problem5-detail">Décrivez ce que vous cherchez (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem5-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem6"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#confusing" name="problem" value="It’s confusing" id="problem6" />Autre</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="confusing">
+ <label for="problem6-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem6-detail">
+ </div>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Veuillez cocher toutes les réponses pertinentes :</span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f1">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem1" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f1" />Un lien, un bouton ou une vidéo ne fonctionne pas
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem1" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f2">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem2" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f2" />Il y a une erreur d'orthographe ou de grammaire
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem2" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f3">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem3" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f3" />Les renseignements sont incomplets
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem3" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f4">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem4" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f4" />L'information n'est plus à jour ou est erronée
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem4" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f5">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem5" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f5" />Je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que je cherche
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem5" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f6">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem6" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f6" />Autre problème qui ne figure pas sur cette liste
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem6" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Please select all that apply: </span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem1"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#broken" name="problem" value="Something is broken" id="problem1" />Something is broken</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="broken">
+ <label for="problem1-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem1-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem2"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#spelling" name="problem" value="It has spelling or grammar mistakes" id="problem2" />The page has spelling or grammar mistakes</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="spelling">
+ <label for="problem2-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem2-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem3"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#wrong" name="problem" value="The information is wrong" id="problem3" />The information is wrong</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="wrong">
+ <label for="problem3-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem3-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem4"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#outdated" name="problem" value="The information is outdated" id="problem4" />The information is outdated</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="outdated">
+ <label for="problem4-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem4-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem5"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#find" name="problem" value="I can’t find what I’m looking for" id="problem5" />I can’t find what I’m looking for</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="find">
+ <label for="problem5-detail">Describe what you’re looking for (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem5-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem6"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#confusing" name="problem" value="It’s confusing" id="problem6" />Other</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="confusing">
+ <label for="problem6-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem6-detail">
+ </div>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Please select all that apply: </span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f1">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem1" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f1" />A link, button or video is not working
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem1" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f2">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem2" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f2" />It has a spelling mistake
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem2" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f3">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem3" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f3" />Information is missing
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem3" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f4">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem4" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f4" />Information is outdated or wrong
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem4" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f5">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem5" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f5" />I can't find what I'm looking for
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem5" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f6">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem6" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f6" />Other issue not in this list
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem6" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-04-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v7.0-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v7.0-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e1951c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/release/v7.0-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+ v7.0.x - Notes de version - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ v7.0.x - Notes de version
Version 7.0.1 (DCT)
Version 7.0 (DCT)
+ Quoi de neuf?
+ Version 7.0.1 (DCT)
+ Provisioire
+ Edit - Plugin - Chatwizard update to open with external button instead of bubble and addition of reset button
+ Maintenance
+ Fixed styling issue with static header with experimental Bootstrap 4
+ Updated build script potential breaker
+ General documentation updates
+ Fichiers modifiés pour implémentation
+ JavaScript principaux :
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ CSS pricipal :
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Version 7.0 (DCT)
+ Gabarit
+ Majeur - Fil d'ariane - Changement du premier item d'"accueil" à "Canada.ca". (See changes )
+ Majeur - Signaler un problème - Alignment du gabarit avec la version actuellement publié sur Canada.ca (See changes )
+ Documentation
+ Fieldflow - Correction d'erreur grammaticale et d'orthographe sur la page anglaise
+ Provisioire
+ Changement de l'appélation pour utiliser le terme "provisionel" dans la documentation et le code.
+ Ajout - Renouvellement de la conception des alertes
+ Ajout - Couleur pour l'icone d'avertissement
+ Ajout - Plugiciel - Chatwizard (wb-chtwzrd
+ Gabarit pour "Was this page helpful" en remplacement éventuelle du "signaler un problème"
+ Maintenance
+ Mise à jour des dépendance relié au script de construction
+ Coeur
+ Mineur - Ajout d'une fonction d'assistance pour mélanger des éléments (wb.shuffleDOM
+ Mineur - Ajout d'une fonction d'assistance pour sélection un ou des éléments (wb.pickElements
+ Provisoire
+ Ajout - Plugiciel de formulaire à étapes (wb-steps
+ Ajout - Plugiciel d'aléatoire (wb-randomize
+ Ajout - Plugiciel de formulaire soumis sur la même page (wb-postback
+ Fichiers modifiés pour implémentation
+ JavaScript principaux :
+ wet-boew/js/wet-boew.js
+ wet-boew/js/wet-boew.min.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.js
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ CSS pricipal :
+ GCWeb/css/theme.css
+ GCWeb/css/theme.min.css
+ Image:
+ GCWeb/assets/default-avatar.png
+ Détails
+ Version 7.0.1 (DCT)
+ Nombre de contributions : 7
+ Liste des contributions
+ Version 7.0 (DCT)
+ Nombre de contributions : 16
+ Liste des contributions
+ refactor: Report a problem alignment with AEM - delisma, 2019-11-20
+ Experimental changed to Provisional - namjohn920, 2020-01-14
+ Provisional feature - Alert component redesign - Borges-Porteous; EricDunsworth, 2020-02-12
+ Correct spelling and grammar on English page - RobJohnston, 2020-02-20
+ Bump rake from 10.4.2 to 12.3.3 - dependabot, 2020-02-29
+ Add Reddit Icon for Social Media - wonggra, 2020-03-03
+ Bump nokogiri from 1.10.5 to 1.10.9 - dependabot, 2020-03-11
+ color for warning icon added - namjohn920, 2020-03-03
+ GCWeb v7.0 release note - namjohn920, 2020-04-15
+ Report a problem - polishing markup - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Change breadcrumb "Home" for Canada.ca - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Postback provisional update with wet bump - GormFrank, 2020-04-16
+ Bump wet-boew version to 4.0.35 - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Chat wizard provisional plugin - GormFrank, 2020-04-16
+ Chat wizard - Make it provisional and add working example - duboisp, 2020-04-16
+ Intégrité des sous-ressource (SRI )
+ v7.0.1 (DCT)
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ (À venir...)
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON) :
+ v7.0 (DCT)
+ GCWeb/js/theme.min.js
+ sha256-Ww4l/v4hh8zT3+mD2W61lhGBfoD7u8OyADln6w5hh4M= sha512-7MEdTZH7SCT0VXWd3ym7WOqkJDs7saaXeESuvF+U1UhgoHtbxnP1HYqcwAe9p9UB7WOcq/KV/VlHB34dNUvfzA==
+ Obtenez tous les condensés numériques (en format JSON) :
+Major changes documentation
+Breadcrumb - Major change
+The first breadcrumb item need to be updated
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html">Accueil</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/fr.html">Canada.ca</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html">Canada.ca</a></li>
+Report a problem - Major change
+Change the whole makup under the fieldset
element according to the "After" section.
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Veuillez cocher toutes les réponses pertinentes :</span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem1"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#broken" name="problem" value="Something is broken" id="problem1" />Quelque chose ne fonctionne pas</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="broken">
+ <label for="problem1-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem1-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem2"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#spelling" name="problem" value="It has spelling or grammar mistakes" id="problem2" />Il y a des erreurs d’orthographe ou de grammaire</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="spelling">
+ <label for="problem2-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem2-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem3"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#wrong" name="problem" value="The information is wrong" id="problem3" />L’information est erronée</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="wrong">
+ <label for="problem3-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem3-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem4"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#outdated" name="problem" value="The information is outdated" id="problem4" />L’information n’est plus à jour</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="outdated">
+ <label for="problem4-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem4-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem5"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#find" name="problem" value="I can’t find what I’m looking for" id="problem5" />Je ne trouve pas ce que je cherche</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="find">
+ <label for="problem5-detail">Décrivez ce que vous cherchez (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem5-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem6"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#confusing" name="problem" value="It’s confusing" id="problem6" />Autre</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="confusing">
+ <label for="problem6-detail">Fournissez plus des détails (optionnel) :</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem6-detail">
+ </div>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Veuillez cocher toutes les réponses pertinentes :</span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f1">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem1" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f1" />Un lien, un bouton ou une vidéo ne fonctionne pas
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem1" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f2">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem2" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f2" />Il y a une erreur d'orthographe ou de grammaire
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem2" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f3">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem3" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f3" />Les renseignements sont incomplets
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem3" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f4">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem4" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f4" />L'information n'est plus à jour ou est erronée
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem4" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f5">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem5" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f5" />Je n'arrive pas à trouver ce que je cherche
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem5" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f6">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem6" value="Oui" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f6" />Autre problème qui ne figure pas sur cette liste
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem6" type="hidden" value="Non" />
+ </div>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Please select all that apply: </span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem1"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#broken" name="problem" value="Something is broken" id="problem1" />Something is broken</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="broken">
+ <label for="problem1-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem1-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem2"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#spelling" name="problem" value="It has spelling or grammar mistakes" id="problem2" />The page has spelling or grammar mistakes</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="spelling">
+ <label for="problem2-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem2-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem3"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#wrong" name="problem" value="The information is wrong" id="problem3" />The information is wrong</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="wrong">
+ <label for="problem3-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem3-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem4"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#outdated" name="problem" value="The information is outdated" id="problem4" />The information is outdated</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="outdated">
+ <label for="problem4-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem4-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem5"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#find" name="problem" value="I can’t find what I’m looking for" id="problem5" />I can’t find what I’m looking for</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="find">
+ <label for="problem5-detail">Describe what you’re looking for (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem5-detail">
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="problem6"><input type="checkbox" data-reveal="#confusing" name="problem" value="It’s confusing" id="problem6" />Other</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group hide" id="confusing">
+ <label for="problem6-detail">Provide more details (optional):</label>
+ <input type="text" class="form-control full-width" id="problem6-detail">
+ </div>
+ <legend><span class="field-name">Please select all that apply: </span></legend>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f1">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem1" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f1" />A link, button or video is not working
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem1" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f2">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem2" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f2" />It has a spelling mistake
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem2" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f3">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem3" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f3" />Information is missing
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem3" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f4">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem4" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f4" />Information is outdated or wrong
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem4" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f5">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem5" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f5" />I can't find what I'm looking for
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem5" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox">
+ <label for="gc-rprt-prblm-f6">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="problem6" value="Yes" id="gc-rprt-prblm-f6" />Other issue not in this list
+ </label>
+ <input name="problem6" type="hidden" value="No" />
+ </div>
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-04-29
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/bootstrap-3.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/bootstrap-3.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e64275c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/bootstrap-3.html
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ Static header and footer - Bootstrap 3 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Static header and footer - Bootstrap 3 - Update to header to come...
+ Static header and footer on Bootstrap 3 with the mega menu. Web Experience Toolkit (WET) includes reusable components for building and maintaining innovative Web sites that are accessible, usable, and interoperable.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut tortor ligula. Proin in maximus arcu. Nam sit amet dolor ac magna aliquam lacinia non in ante. Nam eu aliquet est, et consectetur est. Sed rhoncus orci sit amet felis imperdiet, at finibus tortor ultrices. Etiam porttitor elementum diam vel auctor. Suspendisse sagittis, urna et blandit placerat, quam neque dignissim ligula, id malesuada sapien enim id erat. Sed sapien turpis, iaculis vitae risus vel, luctus placerat lorem. Nunc egestas nibh a pretium luctus. Pellentesque vitae pretium ante. Nam elementum orci quis quam aliquet, at consequat turpis ullamcorper. Fusce libero risus, dapibus sed lacinia non, porta congue nulla. Sed ac tortor ut erat volutpat sollicitudin. Phasellus condimentum neque a quam posuere condimentum.
+ Nulla tempus odio fringilla dui egestas, sed hendrerit nunc tempor. Donec ultricies nulla leo, eget fringilla libero lobortis tristique. Curabitur pellentesque luctus odio, vitae semper ex. Integer posuere sem est, in hendrerit sem cursus ut. Aliquam felis felis, sollicitudin eu tincidunt non, egestas et orci.
+ Switch to Bootstrap 4 (experimental)
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/bootstrap-4.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/bootstrap-4.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2d369d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/bootstrap-4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ Static header and footer - Bootstrap 4 (Experimental) - No megamenu - Canada.ca
+ Static header and footer - Bootstrap 4 (Experimental) - Without WET, GCWeb and menu
+ Static header and footer on Bootstrap 4 without the mega menu. This is an experimental feature. Web Experience Toolkit (WET) includes reusable components for building and maintaining innovative Web sites that are accessible, usable, and interoperable.
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut tortor ligula. Proin in maximus arcu. Nam sit amet dolor ac magna aliquam lacinia non in ante. Nam eu aliquet est, et consectetur est. Sed rhoncus orci sit amet felis imperdiet, at finibus tortor ultrices. Etiam porttitor elementum diam vel auctor. Suspendisse sagittis, urna et blandit placerat, quam neque dignissim ligula, id malesuada sapien enim id erat. Sed sapien turpis, iaculis vitae risus vel, luctus placerat lorem. Nunc egestas nibh a pretium luctus. Pellentesque vitae pretium ante. Nam elementum orci quis quam aliquet, at consequat turpis ullamcorper. Fusce libero risus, dapibus sed lacinia non, porta congue nulla. Sed ac tortor ut erat volutpat sollicitudin. Phasellus condimentum neque a quam posuere condimentum.
+ Nulla tempus odio fringilla dui egestas, sed hendrerit nunc tempor. Donec ultricies nulla leo, eget fringilla libero lobortis tristique. Curabitur pellentesque luctus odio, vitae semper ex. Integer posuere sem est, in hendrerit sem cursus ut. Aliquam felis felis, sollicitudin eu tincidunt non, egestas et orci.
+ Switch to Bootstrap 3
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-12
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/site-assets/x-bootstrap-4.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/site-assets/x-bootstrap-4.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74b7e6180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/site-assets/x-bootstrap-4.css
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * Static Header and Footer EXPERIMENTAL styles for Bootstrap 4 - 2020-04-27
+ *
+ */
+@charset "utf-8";
+@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext");
+@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext");
+/* Canada.ca styles */
+body {
+ color: #333;
+ font-family: "Noto Sans",sans-serif;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+main {
+ font-size: 20px;
+ line-height: 1.65em;
+a {
+ color: #284162;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+.form-control::placeholder {
+ color: #5c5c5c !important;
+ opacity: 1;
+.h1, h1 {
+ font-size: 1.7em;
+ margin-top: .75em;
+.h1, h1 {
+ font-size: 1.9em;
+.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ -webkit-font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;
+ font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures;
+ font-weight: 600;
+h1 {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #af3c43;
+ margin-bottom: .2em;
+ margin-top: 1em;
+ padding-bottom: .2em;
+.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, .home .home-most-requested li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ font-family: Lato, sans-serif;
+.h1, .h2, h1, h2 {
+ margin-top: 38px;
+.h1, .h2, .h3, h1, h2, h3 {
+ margin-bottom: 11.5px;
+ margin-top: 23px;
+.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ color: inherit;
+ line-height: 1.1;
+h1 {
+ margin: .67em 0;
+input[type="search"] {
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ -moz-appearance: none;
+ appearance: none;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+img {
+ border: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+dt, dd {
+ line-height: 1.4375;
+dl {
+ margin-bottom: 23px;
+ margin-top: 0;
+dt {
+ font-weight: 700;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
+dd {
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ margin-left: 0;
+main .pagedetails {
+ font-size: 16px;
+.pagedetails {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+#wb-rsz {
+ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ margin: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: -1000px;
+#wb-dtmd {
+ margin: 2em 0 0;
+#wb-dtmd dt, #wb-dtmd dd {
+ display: inline;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ margin-right: 0;
+body .btn-primary {
+ background-color: #335075;
+ border-color: #335075;
+a.btn, .nav a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+.btn-primary:hover {
+ background-color: #1c578a;
+ border-color: #091c2d;
+ color: #fff;
+.btn-default {
+ background-color: #eaebed;
+ border-color: #dcdee1;
+ color: #335075;
+.btn-default:hover {
+ background-color: #cfd1d5;
+ border-color: #bbbfc5;
+ color: #335075;
+ */
+#wb-srch input, .srchbox input {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ border-color: #e0e0e0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-right-color: rgb(224, 224, 224);
+ border-right-style: none;
+ border-style: solid;
+ box-shadow: none;
+ color: #555;
+ min-width: 246px;
+ position: relative;
+#wb-srch button, .srchbox button {
+ background-color: #26374a;
+ border: 0;
+ border-bottom: #26374a solid 1px;
+#wb-srch button, #wb-srch input, .srchbox button, .srchbox input {
+ border-radius: 0;
+/* Custom style to mimic Canada.ca */
+.header-b-line {
+ border-bottom: 3px solid #38414d;
+ margin-bottom: 45px;
+/* Search bar mobile */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ #wb-srch-box {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ #wb-srch-q {
+ max-width: 360px;
+ }
+#wb-srch-box #wb-srch-q { /* New ID added */
+ padding-right: 45px; /* Ideally a variable here */
+ width: 100%;
+#wb-srch-box .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+#wb-srch .submit {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 15px;
+/* FIP and toggle */
+#wb-lng abbr { /* New tag added */
+ cursor: inherit;
+ text-decoration: inherit;
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ header .brand img {
+ max-width: 370px;
+ }
+ #wb-lng a {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding: 10px 0;
+ }
+ */
+#wb-info {
+ background: #e1e4e7;
+ position: relative;
+ z-index: 5;
+#wb-info .landscape {
+ background: #26374a url('https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/landscape.png') no-repeat right bottom;
+#wb-info .brand {
+ line-height: 30px;
+#wb-info nav {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+ padding-top: 2em;
+ position: relative;
+#wb-info .landscape a {
+ color: #fff;
+#wb-info a {
+ font-size: .875em;
+ text-decoration: none;
+#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+#wb-info nav li {
+ margin-bottom: .75em;
+#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li::before {
+ content: "\2022";
+ margin-right: .7em;
+[class*="colcount-"] {
+ list-style-position: outside;
+ padding-left: 1.3em;
+[class*="colcount-"].list-unstyled {
+ list-style: none outside none;
+ padding-left: 0;
+#wb-info .brand object, #wb-info .brand img {
+ height: 40px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ width: auto;
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ .colcount-sm-2 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2;
+ }
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ -webkit-column-count: 2;
+ column-count: 2;
+ }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ display: block;
+ margin-bottom: .2em;
+ }
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+ .colcount-md-3 {
+ -webkit-column-count: 3;
+ column-count: 3;
+ }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: left;
+ margin-right: .7em;
+ }
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:first-child::before {
+ content: "";
+ margin-right: 0;
+ }
+@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
+ #wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul {
+ -webkit-column-count: 1;
+ column-count: 1;
+ }
+ #wb-info .brand object, #wb-info .brand img {
+ height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+ }
+/* Custom style to mimic Canada.ca */
+@media screen and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .footer-spacing {
+ padding-bottom: 15px;
+ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/site-assets/x-bootstrap-4.min.css b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/static-header-footer/site-assets/x-bootstrap-4.min.css
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+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * Static Header and Footer EXPERIMENTAL styles for Bootstrap 4 - 2020-04-27
+ */
+@charset "utf-8";@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext";@import "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext";body{color:#333;font-family:"Noto Sans",sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:1.4375}main{font-size:20px;line-height:1.65em}a{color:#284162;text-decoration:underline}.form-control::placeholder{color:#5c5c5c!important;opacity:1}.h1,h1{font-size:1.7em;margin-top:.75em;font-size:1.9em}.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{-webkit-font-variant-ligatures:no-common-ligatures;font-variant-ligatures:no-common-ligatures;font-weight:600}h1{border-bottom:1px solid #af3c43;margin-bottom:.2em;margin-top:1em;padding-bottom:.2em}.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6,.home .home-most-requested li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-family:Lato,sans-serif}.h1,.h2,h1,h2{margin-top:38px}.h1,.h2,.h3,h1,h2,h3{margin-bottom:11.5px;margin-top:23px}.h1,.h2,.h3,.h4,.h5,.h6,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{color:inherit;line-height:1.1}h1{margin:.67em 0}input[type="search"]{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;appearance:none;box-sizing:border-box}img{border:0;vertical-align:middle}dt,dd{line-height:1.4375}dl{margin-bottom:23px;margin-top:0}dt{font-weight:700;margin-bottom:3px}dd{margin-bottom:15px;margin-left:0}main .pagedetails{font-size:16px}.pagedetails{padding-bottom:2em}#wb-rsz{clip:rect(1px,1px,1px,1px);margin:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:-1000px}#wb-dtmd{margin:2em 0 0}#wb-dtmd dt,#wb-dtmd dd{display:inline;font-weight:400;margin-right:0}body .btn-primary{background-color:#335075;border-color:#335075}a.btn,.nav a{text-decoration:none}.btn-primary:hover{background-color:#1c578a;border-color:#091c2d;color:#fff}.btn-default{background-color:#eaebed;border-color:#dcdee1;color:#335075}.btn-default:hover{background-color:#cfd1d5;border-color:#bbbfc5;color:#335075}#wb-srch input,.srchbox input{-webkit-box-shadow:none;border-color:#e0e0e0;border-right:0;border-right-color:#e0e0e0;border-style:solid;box-shadow:none;color:#555;min-width:246px;position:relative}#wb-srch button,.srchbox button{background-color:#26374a;border:0;border-bottom:#26374a solid 1px}#wb-srch button,#wb-srch input,.srchbox button,.srchbox input{border-radius:0}.header-b-line{border-bottom:3px solid #38414d;margin-bottom:45px}@media screen and (max-width: 991px){#wb-srch-box{width:100%}}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){#wb-srch-q{max-width:360px}}#wb-srch-box #wb-srch-q{padding-right:45px;width:100%}#wb-srch-box .form-control{display:inline-block}#wb-srch .submit{position:absolute;right:15px}#wb-lng abbr{cursor:inherit;text-decoration:inherit}@media screen and (max-width: 767px){header .brand img{max-width:370px}#wb-lng a{display:inline-block;padding:10px 0}}#wb-info{background:#e1e4e7;position:relative;z-index:5}#wb-info .landscape{background:#26374a url(https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/landscape.png) no-repeat right bottom}#wb-info .brand{line-height:30px}#wb-info nav{padding-bottom:2em;padding-top:2em;position:relative}#wb-info .landscape a{color:#fff}#wb-info a{font-size:.875em;text-decoration:none}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul{margin:0;padding:0}#wb-info nav li{margin-bottom:.75em}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li::before{content:"\2022";margin-right:.7em}[class*="colcount-"]{list-style-position:outside;padding-left:1.3em}[class*="colcount-"].list-unstyled{list-style:none outside none;padding-left:0}#wb-info .brand object,#wb-info .brand img{height:40px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:20px;width:auto}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){.colcount-sm-2{-webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2}}@media screen and (max-width: 991px){#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul{-webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li{display:block;margin-bottom:.2em}}@media screen and (min-width: 992px){.colcount-md-3{-webkit-column-count:3;column-count:3}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li{display:inline-block;float:left;margin-right:.7em}#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk li:first-child::before{content:"";margin-right:0}}@media screen and (max-width: 479px){#wb-info .ftr-urlt-lnk ul{-webkit-column-count:1;column-count:1}#wb-info .brand object,#wb-info .brand img{height:25px;margin-top:15px;max-width:100%;padding-right:10px}}@media screen and (max-width: 991px){.footer-spacing{padding-bottom:15px}}
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/temp-v5issue.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/temp-v5issue.html
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+ Temporary issue and todo list - GCWeb theme V5 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Temporary issue and todo list - GCWeb theme V5
+Open item (23 of 102)
+Wait for something...
+Might be still in-scope of the new look or to be fixed later (13 issues)
+ Item 41 (High) - This is high priority for other that are implementing the new look, this issue is to ensure the latest version of the menu is published on the CDN at a stable location and are made available for other implementation.
+ Item 51 (Medium) - Request to modify the Service initiation template. To be done after at the same time of making GCWeb template conforming to content and IA spec 1.5 or if the new page type structure work is completed and well defined.
+ Item 53 (Medium) - This require to modify the Act profile and Regulation profile template. To be done after at the same time of making GCWeb template conforming to content and IA spec 1.5 or if the new page type structure work is completed and well defined.
+ Item 55 (Medium) - This require to modify the Campaing page example 1 and 2 template. To be done after at the same time of making GCWeb template conforming to content and IA spec 1.5 or if the new page type structure work is completed and well defined.
+ Item 64 (Low) - Apply new font to button and submit button. To be done later when more test case is created. Forcing the style to submit button are now out of scope.
+ Item 66 (Low) - Apply new font to form and button. To be done later when more test case is created.
+ Item 86 (Medium) - The same issue happen with the WET-BOEW theme when the page is resized to it's minimal width. Fixing that would require further investigation and it is not related at the new look.
+ Item 91 (Low) - Documenting the multi-page navigation would be done post launch.
+ Item 94 (Medium) - This is a new requirement. It would be applied at a later date
+ Item 95 (High) - More testing should be planned and executed prior to apply globally the limited content width.
+ Item 96 (High) - This is a new requirement.
+To be fixed/addressed later on (9 issues)
+ Item 3 (Low) - Need to re-test and be reproducible, might not be an issue anymore
+ Item 8 (Low) - Still a weird issue that are happening on that device, but it might related to the use of datatable which have a large width and the media query. More testing need to be done. Don't see that issue on desktop when reducing the browser width.
+ Item 61 (Medium) - Styling differently the first h2 in the main contain could be quite chanlanging. Need to create a few test case, see comments bellow.
+ Item 12 (Low) - This issue is specific to IE11 and the wet-boew theme have the same issue. So a fix must be made upstream instead. This might be related to the use of fix font size instead of relative font-size.
+ Item 13 (Low) - Need to re-test and be reproducible, might not be an issue anymore or this scenario are realy specific to FF when it is use in a special way.
+ Item 38 (Low) - It will be a nice feature to have, but not part of the requirement.
+ Item 43 (High/Medium) - That issue need to be fixed upstream or it's going to be fixed when the new font size would be also applied to forms.
+ Item 46 (Medium) - This is just a group of reported issue identify from item 47 to 61 inclusivly.
+ Item 62 (Low) - This would require more testing from various device and from various internet speed.
+Fixed or commented issues
+ Item 73. Fixed May 14 2019 - Was priority Medium - The menu behaviours is now compatible with touch screen.
+ Item 74. Fixed May 14 2019 - Was priority Medium - Minimal instruction are now inserted with JS.
+ Item 102. Fixed January 25 - Fix the button size overwride in forms and for the force-style-gcweb-4-0-29
+ Item 101. Fixed January 23 - The max-size of the filter input was set for the data table.
+ Item 100. Fixed January 23 - Added a CSS for the multimedia player controls to keep the separator beside the times.
+ Item 99. Fixed January 21 - The font-size for the data table filter control was set to 17px, the same size as used for the doormat link.
+ Item 98. Fixed January 21 - The print stylesheet was update to remove the "menu" button.
+ Item 97. Fixed January 18 - A special line height was set for description in the services and information component. and the spacing the "your government" section was adjusted.
+ Item 92. Fixed January 17 - Spacing in the banner, promos and for the most requested section was adjusted in the home page.
+ Item 93. Fixed January 17 - The spacing for the doormat title in the "Services and information" component was adjusted and applied globably
+ Item 87. Fixed January 16 - Search input size was ajusted to fit better when the page width is at its minimal width size. A right border was added too.
+ Item 90. Fixed January 16 - A reduced relative font-size was applied to toc. Also we discover the CSS class .gc-stp-stp
seems to not be used.
+ Item 85. Fixed January 16 - Template was updated with the latest markup
+ Item 88. Fixed January 16 - Tested the multimedia player and the youtube player, the overlay look centered.
+ Item 84. Fixed January 16 - New font-size are applied.
+ Item 89. Fixed January 15 - Line height for legend element was updated
+ Item 81. Fixed December 29 - The menu item was translated
+ Item 83. Fixed December 29 - The "Jobs bank" menu item was removed in both language
+ Item 82. Fixed December 29 - The markup for the menu was cleaned and rational that was inline was added to the gcweb theme meta page.
+ Item 79. Fixed December 28 - The French link of the menu item was updated
+ Item 1. Fixed December 28 - Menu item content was updated as specified by a email correspondance
+ Item 80. Fixed December 27 - New themed style added and documented in the home page meta-info
+ Item 75. Fixed December 20 - aria-controls was removed and the associated id because it's useless now
+ Item 72. Fixed December 20 - Border was added to the menu.
+ Item 71. Fixed December 20 - The default hard-code English and French menu are render in the correct language.
+ Item 70. Fixed December 20 - Add CSS to always display the menu in Basic HTML mode. The default menu markup was updated to remove the tabindex attribute in order to make the item focusable.
+ Item 76. Fixed December 18 - Change the font size. Here the adjusted size. Note: h6 size was reduced in the case where the google font are not loaded for reason X and ensure it differentiate with the body text. We specified the doormat heading is the same as h5 style.
+ Desktop view:
+ h1: Lato, 38px, bold, with a red rule below
+ h2: Lato, 36px, bold
+ h3: Lato, 24px, bold
+ h4: Lato, 22px, bold
+ h5: Lato, 20px, bold
+ h6: Lato, 19px, plain text
+ body: Noto, 20px, plain text
+ doormat heading: Same as h5
+ doormat description: Noto, 19px, plain text
+ Smaller devices view:
+ h1: Lato, 34px, bold, with a red rule below
+ h2: Lato, 32px, bold
+ h3: Lato, 24px, bold
+ h4: Lato, 22px, bold
+ h5: Lato, 20px, bold
+ h6: Lato, 19px, plain text
+ body: Noto, 20px, plain text
+ doormat heading: Same as h5
+ doormat description: Noto, 20px, plain text
+ Item 78. Fixed December 17 - Published an excerpt of the answer.
+ Item 77. Fixed December 14 - Symbole of GoC SVG image, based on the ones provided, was submited to TBS for their review and approval. gc-proto#1
+ Item 69. Fixed December 4 - Moved down the Glyphicon of one additional pixel to perceive it aligned with accompagning text.
+ Item 11. Comments November 11 - That item it is just a comments/opinion, TBS testing didn't reported that as an error so we can assume that was the intend.
+ Item 68. Fixed November 30 - Blockquote font size was set to 1em.
+ Item 65. Comment November 30 - Fixed a small issue with font-size on button, it's now reset to old size only when button are in a form, this was creating some conflic with some WET plugin.
+ Item 65. Completed November 29 - Documentation, working example and instruction was added
+ Item 67. Fixed November 29 - Each page have an hard coded inline copy of the top menu items (themes).
+ Item 65. Partially fix on November 28 - The new CSS was added force-style-gcweb-4-0-29
, it still need to be documented.
+ Item 66. Temporyfix implemented on November 28 - The content of a form are excluded from the new font style. it still need to be documented.
+ Item 60. Fixed on November 27
+ Item 63. Fixed on November 26
+ Item 60. Comment on November 26 - What this means exactly? "Set no common ligatures for all headers/Lato fonts"
+ Item 61. Comment on November 26 - We would need to develop a few test cases because it might hard to target the first h2 because publisher use different implement in the content area. Like "h1 ~ h2:nth-of-type(1)"; "h1 ~ div:nth-of-type(1) h2:nth-of-type(1)"; "h1 ~ section:nth-of-type(1) h2:nth-of-type(1)". But those selector can be very unstable. Like "h1, h2, section>h2" OR the first h2 is an alert box??. Those special test case need to be reviewed and tested before.
+ Item 60. Comment on November 26 - For the default limited width, as discussed, that would happend when new pages would automatically include the content limited width special class. We are not going to enforce that behaviour on any existing content. Only newly created content should contain that class, and the publisher would be able to remove it. Minimize the risk of breaking the layout of existing content. If that need to be enforced by default and the feature removed upon request, then we would need a massive list of test case to ensure the stability of that new feature.
+ Item 5. Fixed on November 22 - The max width of the input was adjusted for extra small view port. An optimal value was set to avoid the search button being under the search input field. Idem for the extra-extra small view port.
+ Item 30. Fixed on November 22
+ Item 50. Fixed on November 22 - The size of the first paragraph, following the h1 was set to match the default paragraph font-size. Those page are now marked as navigation page type.
+ Item 52. Fixed on November 22 - Added content width limited
+ Item 54. Fixed on November 22 - Marked as navigation page type and added content width limited
+ Item 56. Fixed on November 22 - Marked as navigation page type
+ Item 57, 58, 59. Fixed on November 22 - Added content width limited
+ Item 60. Partially fixed on November 22 - Breadcrumb spacing is fix and also it's left/right margin. Submit button wont be styled, by default as the call-to-action button - See Item 64.
+ Item 49. Fixed on November 20, 2018 - All fixed and note that all button font-familly was set to Lato in order to be consitent with that component.
+ Item 48. Fixed on November 20, 2018
+ Item 47. Fixed on November 19, 2018 - All fix, except no change was made to the font size because the font-smoothing was added as per fixing Item 23.
+ Item 23. Fixed on November 19, 2018 - See justification here: index.html#antialiasing
+ Item 32. Completed on November 16, 2018 - See the evaluation here: evaluation-report/2-wetplugin-gcweb2.html
+ Item 34. Completed on November 16, 2018 - See the gcweb theme summary page
+ Item 45. Fixed on November 16, 2018 - Changed the line-height for the multimedia play overlay
+ Item 41. Partially fix on November 14, 2018 - See item 44
+ Item 42. Completed on Nomber 14, 2018 - WCAG assesment is available here: evaluation-report/1-accessibility.html
+ Item 44: Fixed on November 14, 2018 - The home page banner background image was updated a the main banner background is expected to be on the CDN at: https://cdn.canada.ca/gcweb-cdn-live/bkg-home-banner.jpg. That is why the fall-back image is not in-full quality.
+ Item 36. Fixed on November 13, 2018 - The base padding on button was re-ajusted to ensure the minimal target size is 44 by 44 CSS pixel
+ Item 37. Comment on November 13, 2018 - In order to meet "SC 1.4.12: Text spacing" and "SC 1.4.11. Non-text contrast" would require an extensive search in WET-BOEW and GCWeb. For text spacing a quick check reveal that several component overwride text spacing in various and inconsistant way. For Non-text Contrast a quick review of the understanding reveal that default bootstrap style, each component and each plugin would need to be reviewed to ensure their conformity. A considerable effort for analysing, implementing and testing are going to be required in order to meet those success criteria and to ensure consistance. Like to ensure the style of all input control are done the same way.
+ Item 37. Partially fixed on November 13, 2018 - Search input placeholder text is now the same as the input label in order to meet SC 2.5.3: Label in Name.
+ Item 40. Completed on November 13, 2018 - Moving the menuitem to be fetch instead of being hardcode fixed the majority of reported issue by whatwg validator and the aria attribute "aria-haspopup" value was changed to "true" instead of "menu".
+ Item 39. Completed on November 9, 2018 - Menu item are now loaded via an Ajaxed file. The alternative solution of having all the menu item directly coded in the page work too.
+ Item 9. Unable to reproduce on November 9, 2018 - Unable to reproduce that issue
+ Item 4. Fixed on November 9, 2018 - Also it meets SC 1.4.13 of WCAG 2.1 Level AA. And preventing auto-closing/auto-open if the time of hovering is less than 350 milisecond. Fixed an issue about SC 1.4.4. Ensuring the menu separator orientation are properly adjusted for the keyboard nav with the most requested menu item. Removed global initial set for the "tabindex" on each menu item.
+ Item 35. Fixed on November 9, 2018 - New CSS class added with working example and documentation. See the migration instruction for more details.
+ Item 28. Not reproducible November 8, 2018 - Not able to reproduce that issue, it might got indirectly fixed by another fixed issue.
+ Item 11. Comment on November 8, 2018 - The spacing are going to be confirmed by TBS if it is wrong.
+ Item 31. Won't fix November 8, 2018 - That change are now scoped out because first that requirement don't belong to this new look and second, significant effort might be needed to resolve it.
+ Item 23. Won't fix November 8, 2018 - Unless if we receive an official directive, this item would not be fixed
+ Item 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33. Fixed on November 7, 2018 - Font size was adusted according to the specification sent by email. The "Theme, Home, Topic" is know as "secondary" content, but it might need to be reviewed to "page-type-nav" as that is more significative.
+ Item 1. Partially fixed on November 5, 2018 - Short title for mobile was added in English, but we don't have yet the short menu item title for the French content.
+ Item 33. Parially fixed on November 5, 2018 - The doormats heading size was put as the same as the heading level 5 (h5). Should we scope/wrap all those component with an unique CSS class in order to control more precisely their styling? That is not how it is currently done.
+ Item 2. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - See Item 14
+ Item 10. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - See Item 19
+ Item 14. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - Keyboard navigation now take in considerate the orientation of menu separator.
+ Item 15. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - Size for h6
was changed for 17px.
+ Item 16. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - The inner box size are not set to 75% in small and medium view
+ Item 17. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - The font-size for the items under most requested was adjusted.
+ Item 18. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - The CSS class .h6
was applied for each dormat link title and the initiative item title.
+ Item 19. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - A large margin bottom was added to the "Focus on" section.
+ Item 20. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - Yes the image wasn't tall enought, I croped the image to a size 465x750 and now it scale and take the full height.
+ Item 21. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - To note that in the Content and IA spec, figure 1 is outdated as per this requirement. See location of the illustrated date modified.
+ Item 22. Fixed on November 2, 2018 - (Going to be fix later) We will apply a temporary an automated solution only for WMS, but for implementer outside WMS, this update will require a markup change for all Topic pages/Institutional/Theme pages. etc... because the dormat link size was set to the same height of an heading level 5, now if the requirement is to have it at 17px, that means they need to match the size of heading level 6 (.h6
+ Item 23. Comment on November 2, 2018 - Before to use it, I recommend to look at it further. It is explicitly said that anti-aliasing CSS is not in a standard track and it is recommended to avoid. Currently that feature is only limited to webkit browser and FF by applying some prefix vendor. I didn't deeply research, but I can easily assume that if that feature was drop it is because maybe a similar effect can be acheived by using another methodoly. My recommendation before to set that CSS is to do a little bit more research and try to find out if there alternative solution that would be cross-browser compatible.
+ See:
+ The see also article make reference that playing with the anti-aliasing feature make the font more blury for use, so less readable.
+ Recommendation: Won't fix unless if we have a confirmation this is an essential feature.
+ Item 24. Comment on November 2, 2018 - Please provide the full list of the new font-size, that for each heading level, to use on small and extra small view.
+ Currently it is set:
+ h1: 38px
+ h2: 37px
+ h3: 28px
+ h4: 23px
+ h5: 20px
+ h6: 17px
+ Item 28. Comment on November 2, 2018 - Can you re-test and provide more info on this issue, I know they were an issue for the menu width for the demo page limited width content, but that was fixed by Item 6 and 7.
+ Item 29. Fixed on November 2, 2018
+ Item 6. Fixed on October 31, 2018
+ Item 7. Fixed on October 31, 2018
+Reported issue list
+ Fixed - Item 1. Content: Ensure the text for each first link change properly in mobile vs deskop. That is the first menu item in the popup side panel. (Menu level 2)
+ Fixed - Item 2. UX: On desktop, when the user click on the right arrow from an sub-menu item, excluding the first link, it go inside the first item in the "most requested" sub-sub-menu. This need to be documented and described better
+ Item 3. Bug: Trivial/Minor. In FF only when we are in mobile mode. When navigation with a combinaison of keyboard and mouse, then we click on an menu item with the mouse, then the new page it show, then we use the "back" button of the browser. The focus are lost in FF. This is not happening in IE11. As FF for mobile have a low market share and this bug is only related to FF and this bug was only tested in desktop by trying to emulate mobile That is the reason it is a trivial priority bug.
+ Fixed - Item 4. Bug: The first menu item don't open on mouse hover. To reproduce: 1. Load the page; 2. Mouse hover the menu button; 3. Move the mouse gently to the first immediate menu item; 4. it's expected the sub menu will open; 5. The sub menu don't open; 6. If you hover any subsequent top menu item (like the following one) and then go back to the first menu item, the sub-menu open as it should be.
+ Fixed - Item 5. UI: On mobile mode (small view and bellow) the search button appear bellow the search field. It might be expected to always appear beside the search input field.
+ Fixed - Item 6. Bug: On the "Content limited width" page, the forced width conflict with the menu. The width should be changed for "max-width" and the effect should be limited to the content inside the main element.
+ Fixed - Item 7. Bug: On the "Content limited width" page, the hidden top skip link are not centered, but left aligned. Idem for when that page is in "Basic HTML mode", all the warning message are left aligned. It might be related to the other bug related ot the "Content limited width"
+ Item 8. Bug: On the main index page of GCWEb (/themes-dist/GCWeb/index-en.html) Using Chrome for mobile with a Samsung Galaxy S7 phone: An expanded menu item can't be collapsed. The most requested sub-menu should be collapsed by default in mobile, but it is expanded. That means the JS that colapse the most-requested menu do not fired correctly. However, there is no issue when mobile is emulated through desktop.
+ Unreproducible Item 9. ~Style: There is some blue mouse hover that appear, idem for when the link is mark as visited. I briefly saw that issue in IE11 but it need to be investigated more.
+ Fixed - Item 10. UI ~Bug: Inconsistent spacing between section. There is almost no space when you look at the right floating image after the section "On Focus" followed by the section "Your government". Suggestion to increase the spacing.
+ Comment - Item 11. ~Style: There is a large spacing between the main menu and the h1 of a content page in large/extra large view.
+ Item 12. Bug: The text can't be enlarged at 200% in IE11, but it work in FF. I got the same behaviour with WET theme and with the previous GCWeb theme.
+ Item 13.
+ Home page : https://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/home-en.html
+ Page d’accueil : https://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/home-fr.html
+ The issue is encountered in the Firefox browser. The pages will lose the focus when I am using alternatively between the mouse and the keyboard navigation at the same time. For example: I load a page in the browser then navigate by keyboard and switch to the mouse. There is no problem but when I switch back to the keyboard the focus will be lost on the menubar (neither submenu). I will have nowhere to go unless I am refreshing the page. Good news is everything works fine in the IE.
+ Fixed - Item 14.
+ Content limited width : https://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/content-limit-en.html
+ Contenue de largeur limité : https://wet-boew.github.io/themes-dist/GCWeb/content-limit-fr.html
+ This issues are about the submenu in the menuitem when i navigate the menu by keyboard interaction. I am not able to switch back and forth between the “Most requested” and each “item” in the submenu by using the Right Arrow and Left Arrow. Even though, the “Most requested” and “item” in the submenu are the same level. I can only use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow to navigate from the top to the bottom and vice vesa.
+ (Note that if the focus is either on any “item” in the submenu or on the “Most requested” then I hit Left Arrow that brings me back to the menuitem)
+ Fixed - Item 15. Home page: red line under Canada.ca is supposed to be 4px thick
+ Fixed - Item 16. Home page: Tablet view - there's a point where the Canada.ca banner is cutting too small and the header is smaller than the body copy - it should still be running more or less full width.
+ Fixed - Item 17. Home page: Most requested font size - 16px in WET, should be 17px
+ Fixed - Item 18. Home page: Doormat font size - 20px in WET, should be 17px
+ Fixed - Item 19. Home page: Missing spacing between end of "Focus on" doormats and "Your government" section.
+ Fixed - Item 20. Home page: On tablet view, the "Your government image" should run to the top and bottom edge, not create a gap, is this because the image provided is not tall enough?
+ Fixed - Item 21. Home page: Date modified goes under Report a problem, as per latest spec
+ Fixed - Item 22. Topic pages/Institutional/Theme pages, etc: Doormat font size – 20px in WET, should be 17px
+ Fixed - Item 23. General fonts and such: Seems like anti-aliasing isn’t on – there are various settings in https://gc-proto.github.io/design-refresh/tests/cleanup4/css/desktop-mm.css related to that...like -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ Comments - Item 24. The particularly important ones: We had headers/doormat paragraph change size for mobile to make them larger and easier to use:
+ Item 25: Right now on mobile the most requested is so small it’s difficult to use, it's supposed to scale up to 19px on mobile
+ Item 26: Doormat text is supposed to scale up to 19px on mobile
+ Item 27: Headers also have font size changes specified when on mobile.
+ Comment - Item 28: Also on pages other than the homepage, the menu opens really wide before you select a theme.
+ Fixed - Item 29: Typo: was "The official website of the Governement of Canada"; should be: "The official website of the Government of Canada", There in not "e" between "n" and "m" in "Government"
+ Fixed Item 30: In GCWeb for maintenance - Remove any reference to "focuson" (files and i18n data) because that information wont be re-use.
+ Won't fix Item 31: Format the date modified like "{Full month} {Day number}, {4 digit year}". The previous date format would need to be set to the datetime
attribute of the current <time>
+ Completed Item 32: Identify any potential conflict between this redesign and other WET plugin in this theme. Full list of plugins with this themes available : GCWeb - WET Plugin demos
+ Fixed - Item 33: Font size on the home page doormats. The link should be 21px in the prototype, and the description text 19px. In the WET version the description is larger than the heading, which makes it seems like something's wrong.
+ Done - Item 34: Do a comparaison between the GCWeb markup as released with v4.0.29 vs only the new CSS+JS applied with this new look. Add new item/issue here for each noticable difference.
+ Fixed Item 35: Add the "call-to-action" lime-green button. Wait for TBS confirmation is we are going to change the btn-primary or if we are going to create a new one.
+ Fixed Item 36: Change the minimum size of the search button and the input search field to meet WCAG 2.1 2.5.5 Target Size (Level AAA)
+ Partially fixed/Comment Item 37: Look at changes required to meet WCAG 2.1 for the following item
+ 1.4.11: Non-text Contrast
+ 1.4.12: Text spacing
+ Fixed 1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus
+ Fixed 2.5.3: Label in Name
+ Fixed 2.5.5: Targe Size
+ Item 38: Add keyboard shorcut nav, like focusing on menu item that match the keystrok. (Then SC 2.1.4 apply)
+ Fixed Item 39: Optimize the Menu caching and loading by using an AJAX call. This solution would also provide a way for implementer to insert the menu provided by the canada.ca content delivery network.
+ Fixed Item 40: Ensure the server served content for the gcweb theme validate against W3C and Whatwg validator
+ Item 41: Define CDN URL for the home page banner background image (see item 44) and for the new menu. A permanent path is needed for the following selector:
+ .home .home-banner { background-image:url(/content/dam/servcan/bkg-home-banner.jpg); }
+ .home .home-your-gov { background-image:url(/content/dam/servcan/bkg-home-yourgov.jpg); }
+ #wb-info .landscape { background-image:url(/content/dam/servcan/landscape.png); }
+ Main menu English: ./ajax/sitemenu-v5-en.html
+ Main menu French: ./ajax/sitemenu-v5-fr.html
+ Completed Item 42: Do a WCAG assesment.
+ Item 43: Fix WCAG SC 1.4.4 Resize text issue with the select element. This issue need to be fixed upstream in wet-boew main project. Related to github issue #7884
+ Fixed Item 44: Update the home page banner background image
+ Fixed Item 45: Fix the vertical position of the play button in the multimedia player
+ Item 46: Apply various changes requested by email
+ Item 62 I remarked a font blinking on page force reload. I think it is cause by the delay to download and apply the google font at the current page. So it need to be investigated but for people with slow internet connection might perceive a font blinking. It is just blinking once so it don't necessary fail SC 2.3.1.
+ Fixed Item 63 Set a max-width for heading for pages with content width limited. The value are the following:
+ h2 - 33ch
+ h3 - 50ch
+ h4 - 59ch
+ h5 - 65ch
+ h6 - 65ch
+ li - 63ch
+ Item 64 Set the submit buttons style the same as the "call to action". It will be preferable to get a confirmation if we force that style to any submit button, even if they already have a style like "btn-primary" on it.
+ Styling by default any submit button might had a huge impact on overall form. Additional test case is required showing all the various way a submit button can be used. The current issue is the new margin specified with the "call-to-action" button style conflict how the margin is done for other "input/select/..." forms elements
+ Get a confirmation if that style must overwrite any existing style
+ Create a series of test cases
+ Adjust the style for a smooth migration
+ Here the CSS when we all the test case would be ready:
+ // File: src/buttons/_base.scss
+.btn, button[type=submit].btn, input[type=submit].btn {
+ font-family: Lato, sans-serif; // same font as %defaults-alternative-font-family
+ font-size: 1.1em;
+ margin-bottom: 25px;
+ margin-top: 15px;
+ padding: .5em 1em;
+input[type=submit].btn {
+ padding-bottom: 2em;
+/* Call-to-action button style - new with GCWeb v2 */
+.btn-call-to-action, button[type=submit].btn, input[type=submit].btn {
+ @include button-variant( #fff, #318000, #458259 );
+ text-shadow: 1px 2px #333;
+Code for content-en.html
+<h3>Submit button</h3>
+<p>Submit button are now enforced with the "Call to action" button style</p>
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-6">
+ <h3>With a <code><button></code> element</h3>
+ <button class="btn" type="submit">[Submit (with btn class)]</button>
+ <pre><code><button class="btn" type="submit">[Submit (with btn class)]</button></code></pre>
+ <button type="submit">[Submit (no CSS class)]</button>
+ <pre><code><button type="submit">[Submit (no CSS class)]</button></code></pre>
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">[Submit (primary class)]</button>
+ <pre><code><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">[Submit (primary class)]</button></code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6">
+ <h3>With a <code><input /></code> element</h3>
+ <input class="btn" type="submit" value="[Submit (with btn class)]" />
+ <pre><code><input class="btn" type="submit" value="[Submit (with btn class)]" /></code></pre>
+ <input type="submit" value="[Submit (no CSS class)]" />
+ <pre><code><input type="submit" value="[Submit (no CSS class)]" /></code></pre>
+ <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="[Submit (primary class)]" />
+ <pre><code><input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="[Submit (primary class)]" /></code></pre>
+ </div>
+Code for content-fr.html
+<h3>Bouton de soumission</h3>
+<p>Le style des boutons de soumission sont mise en force avec le style du bouton d'appel à l'action.</p>
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-6">
+ <h3>With a <code><button></code> element</h3>
+ <button class="btn" type="submit">[Soumission (avec la classe CSS btn)]</button>
+ <pre><code><button class="btn" type="submit">[Soumission (avec la classe CSS btn)]</button></code></pre>
+ <button type="submit">[Soumission (sans classe CSS)]</button>
+ <pre><code><button type="submit">[Soumission (sans classe CSS)]</button></code></pre>
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">[Soumission (primary classe CSS)]</button>
+ <pre><code><button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">[Soumission (primary classe CSS)]</button></code></pre>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-sm-6">
+ <h3>With a <code><input /></code> element</h3>
+ <input class="btn" type="submit" value="[Soumission (avec la classe CSS btn)]" />
+ <pre><code><input class="btn" type="submit" value="[Soumission (avec la classe CSS btn)]" /></code></pre>
+ <input type="submit" value="[Soumission (sans classe CSS)]" />
+ <pre><code><input type="submit" value="[Soumission (sans classe CSS)]" /></code></pre>
+ <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="[Soumission (primary classe CSS)]" />
+ <pre><code><input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="[Soumission (primary classe CSS)]" /></code></pre>
+ </div>
+ Fixed Item 65 Add and documents a new CSS class to undo the new font-style in order to let implementer to adapt their content to the new font.
+ Item 66 Apply the new font style to form and to all buttons. Remove the style as temporary measure because label didn't aligned well with their input controler, idem for check box of an input type checkbox/radio.
+ Fixed Item 67 Improve the SEO for the menu button. Add at least, in each page, the top menu item (themes)
+ Fixed Item 68 Font size of blockquote content didn't match the new default text-size.
+ Fixed Item 69 Adjust the pause icon of the carousel to be middle aligned with the text "Pause"
+ Fixed Item 70 Menu - Open the menu on basic HTML mode
+ Fixed Item 71 Menu - English page contains the French menu in Basic mode, vice-versa in the French page
+ Fixed Item 72 Menu - Add border - At the top of the right menu, at the left at at the bottom of the first level of menu item.
+ Item 73 Menu - Remove the menu opening via mouse-over on table and desktop and keep the menu open until the user focus out or click outside the menu area.
+ Item 74 Menu - Draft menu navigation instruction about the vertical separator. also mention the most request is always expanded in tablet/desktop mode
+ Fixed Item 75 Menu - It was recommended to remove the aria-control
because it became too verbose for screen user
+ Fixed Item 76 Font - Change the font size.
+ Desktop view:
+ h1: Lato, 38px, bold, with a red rule below
+ h2: Lato, 36px, bold
+ h3: Lato, 24px, bold
+ h4: Lato, 22px, bold
+ h5: Lato, 20px, bold
+ h6: Lato, 20px, plain text
+ body: Noto, 20px, plain text
+ doormat description: Noto, 19px, plain text
+ Smaller devices view:
+ h1: Lato, 34px, bold, with a red rule below
+ h2: Lato, 32px, bold
+ h3: Lato, 24px, bold
+ h4: Lato, 22px, bold
+ h5: Lato, 20px, bold
+ h6: Lato, 20px, plain text
+ body: Noto, 20px, plain text
+ doormat description: Noto, 20px, plain text
+ Fixed Item 77 SVG image - Optimize the new svg image submited by PR#1460
+ Fixed Item 78 Published TBS answer about the use of Google API for the new font.
+ Fixed Item 79 Fix link (in French) in the top menu. See sitemenu.hbs
+ Fixed Item 80 Add new style for the home page promo. The promo banner would have an opactity set to 90%.
+ Sky (blue)
+ Promo banner: #355688
+ Banner inner box: #26374a
+ Site title and promo color: #fff
+ Earth (brown)
+ Promo banner: #5c3e18
+ Banner inner box: #2b1900
+ Site title and promo color: #fff
+ Vegetation (green)
+ Promo banner: #295e01
+ Banner inner box: #1a3902
+ Site title and promo color: #fff
+ Night (black)
+ Promo banner: #000
+ Banner inner box: #0d0c0b
+ Site title and promo color: #fff
+ Forest (brown-yellow)
+ Promo banner: #745001
+ Banner inner box: #5a3700
+ Site title and promo color: #fff
+ Autumn (orange)
+ Promo banner: #7a3900
+ Banner inner box: #4a1a00
+ Site title and promo color: #fff
+ Fixed Item 81 Menu - The following need to be translated:
+ Employment Insurance and leave
+ https://international.gc.ca/world-monde/study_work_travel-etude_travail_voyage/index.aspx?lang=eng">Study, work and travel worldwide
+ Fixed Item 82 Menu - Cleanup the markup
+ Fixed Item 83 Menu - Remove "Job bank" item
+ Fixed Item 84 Font size - Apply the latest provided font-size
+ Desktop:
+ h1: lato, 38px, bold, with a red rule below
+ h2: lato, 36px, bold
+ h2 (home page only): lato, 24px, bold
+ h3: lato, 24px, bold
+ h4: lato, 22px, bold
+ h5: lato, 20px, bold
+ h6: lato, 19px, plain text (normal)
+ body: noto sans, 20px, plain text (normal)
+ doormat description: noto sans, 17px, plain text (normal)
+ doormat headers: lato, 20px, bold
+ Smaller devices:
+ h1: lato, 34px, bold, with a red rule below
+ h2: lato, 32px, bold
+ h2 (home page only): lato, 24px, bold
+ h3: lato, 24px, bold
+ h4: lato, 22px, bold
+ h5: lato, 20px, bold
+ h6: lato, 19px, plain text (normal)
+ body: noto sans, 20px, plain text (normal)
+ doormat description: noto sans, 19px, plain text (normal)
+ doormat headers: lato, 20px, bold
+ Fixed Item 85 Update pages with gc-srvinfo
component (topic/home/theme) with the latest markup.
+ Item 86 On iPhone device - Carousel display issue. The navigation bar (arrows) goes over the slide title
+ Item 87 On iPhone device - Top search bar overflow to the right and the search button are render bellow it.
+ Fixed Item 88 Multimedia player - Small device and desktop - Review how overlay (with the pause button) are still rendered in the middle and centered.
+ Fixed Item 89 Form validation - Error label that are appearing when validating checkboxes overlay the legend text. Form validation . How to reproduce: 1. Go in the form validation example page. 2. Click on submit to trigger the form validation plugin. 3. See the error label are over the legend text. - There probably a fix for it in the PR #8397
+ Fixed Item 90 The new font-size conflict for the in-page navigation. Suggest to use a font-size of 17px instead of 20px. ul.toc { font-size:17px }
+ Item 91 Document the API for the "Multi-page" navigation (Step-by-step) and remove the used CSS class "gc-stp-stp" because implementer has used a combination of CSS like "mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-lg brdr-bttm" instead.
+ Fixed Item 92 From a comparaison between the gc-proto and gc-web example, the following ajustment was suggested for the home page: Reduce the spacing (top and bottom) for the home page banner, reduce the spacing (top and bottom) for the promos text and reduce the spacing (top and bottom) for the most requested section
+ Fixed Item 93 From a comparaison between the gc-proto and gc-web example, the following ajustment was suggested for the Services and information component: reducing the spacing for doormats titles.
+ Item 94 Heading size in for alert component. The undesirable effect is on the form validation, the h2 inside the alert-error are big. It was at a similar size before. TBS suggeste to have it the same style as an h3 or h5 by default. The scope would need to be clarified to know if that overwrite is applied to all heading size and to all type of alert.
+ Item 95 Apply content limited widht by default to all pages. Then overwride the following default spacing because they were removed as per github issue #1486 :
+ p, ul, ol, dl { margin-bottom: 27.5px; }
+ li { margin-bottom: 10px; }
+ .lst-spcd > li { margin-bottom: 20px; }
+ .lst-spcd-2 { > li { margin-bottom: 40px; } }
+ .lst-spcd-2 { ul, ol { margin-top: 40px; } }
+ Then do a test to ensure the margin overwride still work as expected.
+ Item 96 Home page feature style. Modify the "Governement initiative" style to match up the doormat link style. The same style must be applied to all contextual feature.
+ Fixed Item 97 Reduce the line-height spacing for doormat link and add more space at the bottom of hte link in the "Your government" section in the home page.
+ Fixed Item 98 Remove the "menu" in the printable version of the page
+ Fixed Item 99 The data table filtering interface render into two row instead of one for the pattern when there is filters on the left. Like the last working example in the enhanced table working example.
+ Fixed Item 100 Multimedia player used in 4 a column width, the times lapse controls are rendered into 3 lines instead of two. The separator is alone on its own line.
+ Fixed Item 101 Data table, in Firefox, the filter bar in the french version render on two line when the table width is set to 8 colonnes.
+ Fixed Item 102 The CSS class .btn-lg
don't work, that CSS are overwritten.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-01-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/test-case-1.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/test-case-1.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97dac2d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/test-case-1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1229 @@
+ From examples - test cases - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ From examples - test cases
This page was created for testing purposes. The content of the page does not have to comply with WCAG 2.0 standards.
+Basic use
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Labels
+ Label 1
+ Label 2
Alignment option 1 − Placed on top
+ Label 1
+ Label 2
Alignment option 2 − Aligned right
Alignment option 3 − Aligned left
View in FireFox
View in IE
+Use text-based input fields (most common form control). This includes support for all HTML5 types: text
, password
, datetime
, datetime-local
, date
, month
, time
, week
, number
, email
, url
, search
, tel
, and color
Appearance type="text"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="password"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="datetime"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="datetime-local"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="date"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="month"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="time"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="week"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="number"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="email"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="url"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="search"
Input field
+ Input field with a Search button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="tel"
Input field
+ Input field with a tel button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
Appearance type="color"
Input field
+ Input field with a color button
+ Search
+ Search
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Textarea
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Checkboxes
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Radio buttons
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Selects
+ Dropdown list with single option view
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ Dropdown list with multi-option view
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
View in FireFox
View in IE
+Enhanced use
View in FireFox
View in IE
View in FireFox
View in IE
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Disabled input
+ Disabled select menu
+ Disabled select
+ Can't check this
+ Submit
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Set height
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Set width
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Fieldsets Borders
+By default a single fieldset/legend
has no top border. Each fieldset after the first fieldset/legend
well have a border to sperate the two fieldsets. This can be changed by using .legend-brdr-bttm
class on the <fieldset>
to create a border under each <legend>
+ Identification Information
+ Contact Information
View in FireFox
View in IE
Affiliates – form
Are you interested in supporting on a priority or project in your area of expertise? Tell us a bit about yourself, and if an opportunity arises, we will notify you.
View in FireFox
View in IE
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-07-31
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/test-menu.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/test-menu.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a06b0af0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/test-menu.html
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+ Menu - test - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Menu - test
+But: Mettre à l'essaie l'aspect fonctionelle du gcweb-menu (v5).
+Conception du menu
+ Le menu est navigation par l'activation d'un bouton.
+ Si la page est en mode de navigation simple, le premier niveau du menu sera visible et le bouton sera dépourvue de fonctionalité
+ Le menu comporte trois niveau de menu
+ Le premier niveau c'est les 12 thèmes
+ Le deuxième niveau c'est un lien vers le thèmes, suivis de ses service/info, suivis d'un sous menu pour les plus demandé.
+ Le troisième niveau c'est les liens les plus demandé qui est le dernier menu du deuxième niveau
+ Pour les écrans large, Le premier niveau est vertical et le deuxième niveau s'affiche à droit du premier item dumême menu. Le deuxième niveau est affiché en 3 groupe, dont le premier (lien vers le thème) prend toute l'espace horizontal en haut. Les deux autre groupe sont cote à coté en dessous, la première colonne c'est le deuxième groupe (service et info) et la deuxième colonne c'est les liens les plus demandé.
+ Pour les écrans moyenne. C'est la même chose que les écrans larges, mais le liens les plus demandé sont en dessous du group (service et info)
+ Pour les petites écrans. Le menu est entièrement linéaire avec les sous menu imbriqué dans la même colonne. Les sous menu sont caché par défaut et peuvent être ouvert. Tout les sous menu sont caché par défaut.
+ Pour les érans large et moyenne, le menu est affiché au dessus du contenu de la page web
+ Pour les petits écran, le menu est inséré entre l'entête de page et le contenu de la page.
+Procédure de mise à l'essaie
+ Ouvrir n'importe lequel page qui contient le menu principal
+ Utiliser la touche de tabulation du clavier afin de naviguer autour du menu. Le menu devrait être focussable mais il ne devrait pas s'ouvrir.
+ Converger sur le menu et appuyer sur "retour" ou la bare d'espacement afin de l'ouvrir.
+ À tout moment l'utilisation de la tabulation lors de la navigation des items du menu, le focus sera convergé à l'extérieur du menu, soit l'élement précédent ou suivant.
+ Les flèches haut et bas devrais permettre de naviguer les items au premier niveau.
+ Mode large écran:
+ Du premier niveau, la touche retour ou la flèche de droite va convergé vers le sous menu affiché à droite.
+ On est dans le premier groupe. Il n'est pas possible de naviguer à droite car ce menu item est suivi d'un séparateur horizontal.
+ Flèche bas, le focus converge vers le premier item de la première colonne.
+ À ce moment, la flèche de droite va aller vers le premier item de la deuxième colonne.
+ Flèche haut/bas permet de naviguer l'ensemble des sous menu, et le focus converge en boucle.
+ Mode écran moyen
+ Similaire à l'écran large mais:
+ Le séparateur vertical entre les deux colonne est changé en séparateur horizontal, donc la touche du clavier droite et gauche devient non opérationelle.
+ Mode petit écran
+ Le menu étant entièrement vertical, les flèches haut bas permet de navigué les items du menu.
+ L'ouverture des sous menu est activé par un click ou par la touche "retour" ou la bar d'espacement du clavier
+ Le menu devrait être inséré entre l'entêtre et le contenu de la page
+Résultats de mise à l'essaie
+Avant le lancement de GCWeb version 5
+L'opérabilité du menu a été mise à l'essaie sur la majorité des furteurs tel que IE11, Chrome, Firefox, Edge.
+Il y a aussi eu un test avec un lecteur d'écran dont les résultats n'affichait pas de problèmatique d'opérabilité mais plustôt des problématique principalement lié à sa conception complexe et contenais des idées d'amélioration. Ce rapport est disponible en anglais ici: Github wet-boew/gcweb #1458
+Plusieurs commentaire avait été fait à propos de sa conception visuel complexes suggérant d'adopter une conception plus simple.
+Certaine amélioration avait été suggérer et ils ont été reporté pour être fait après le lancement. Ces demande d'amélioration sont énuméré dans le documents temporaire du suivi des problématique maintenu pendant le dévelopment de v5.
+5 février 2019
+George (ognil) a reporté une problématique avec une apparence d'envergures considérable avec Chrome et NVDA et JAWS 18. Voir Github wet-boew/wet-boew #8556 .
+19 Février 2019
+Mise à l'essai par: Pierre Dubois (@duboisp)
+(Les résultats suivant sont publié en anglais seulement)
+ Browser
+ Screen reader
+ Date
+ Test page
+ Results
+ Chrome
+ (none)
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ Buggy, The menu are keyboard operable but the user need to go through all the menu item. Down and up arrow work, but not right and left arrow
+ Chrome
+ (none)
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Edge
+ (none)
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Edge
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Edge
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ Buggy, The menu are keyboard operable but the user need to go through all the menu item. Down and up arrow work, but not right and left arrow
+ Edge
+ (none)
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Edge
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Edge
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ Buggy, The menu are keyboard operable but the user need to go through all the menu item. Down and up arrow work, but not right and left arrow
+ Firefox
+ (none)
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-19
+ Current menu
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Firefox
+ (none)
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-19
+ Test page with the PR #1511 fix
+ OK, The menu are keyboard operable as expected
Test result by the Web Accessibility Working Group
Summary of 2019-02-22 test
+ The menu are prevented from being navigated by some screen reader and browser combinaison
+ The patch of GCWeb PR #1511 made the menu navigable with by all screen reader
+ The menu would highly benefit if it is accompagned of operability instruction
+ The state of the menu (expand/collapse) are not very well comunicated to the user.
+ For some combination of screen reader and browser provide a poor menu navigation experience where the user seems to go through all the menu item sequentially
Using the menu of Canada.ca with a screen reader.
As per the menu in GCWeb v5.0.0
+ Screen reader
+ Browser
+ Date
+ Results/Comments
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-22
+ No instructions to expand or collapse the main menu.(Example: Press the spacebar to expand or Escape to collapse the menu)
+ Main menu item status is not heard. (Example, Collapsed or Expanded)
+ No instructions to access the submenu. If you do not think of arrowing right, you miss the submenu completely.
+ No start and end marks to the submenu item. Unless you pay attention, you end up going around and around.
+ IE
+ 2019-02-22
+ Same as Firefox
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-22
+ Same as Firefox
+ Safari
+ 2019-02-22
+ Not available
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-22
+ No instructions to navigate the menu.
+ Main menu item status is not heard. (Example, Collapsed or Expanded)
+ IE
+ 2019-02-22
+ Menu expands and collapses but no items appear.
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-22
+ Menu does not open with spacebar or Enter key.
+ Safari
+ 2019-02-22
+ Not available
Using the enhanced menu with the fix from GCWeb PR #1511 with a screen reader.
As per the menu compiled with GCWeb PR #1511 and going to be released in GCWeb v5.0.1
+ Screen reader
+ Browser
+ Date
+ Results/Comments
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-22
+ Missing instructions to open and close the menu.
+ No menu status such as expanded or collapsed.
+ Best menu encountered so far.
+ IE
+ 2019-02-22
+ Missing instructions to open and close the menu.
+ No menu status such as expanded or collapsed.
+ No item number to help with navigation. Example 1 of 12.
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-22
+ Missing instructions to open and close the menu.
+ No menu status such as expanded or collapsed.
+ Safari
+ 2019-02-22
+ Not available.
+ Voiceover
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-22
+ nstructions are not clear for a novice user, right pointing pointer and down pointing pointer are all you hear. No instructions to open the menu
+ Once you are at the end of the submenu, you fall back to the main menu without warning.
+ Voiceover
+ IE
+ 2019-02-22
+ Not available
+ Voiceover
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-22
+ Instructions are not clear for a novice user, right pointing pointer and down pointing pointer are all you hear. No instructions to open the menu
+ Once you are at the end of the submenu, you fall back to the main menu without warning.
+ Voiceover
+ Safari
+ 2019-02-22
+ Instructions are not clear for a novice user, right pointing pointer and down pointing pointer are all you hear. No instructions to open the menu
+ Once you are at the end of the submenu, you fall back to the main menu without warning.
+ Talkback
+ Firefox
+ 2019-02-22
+ Difficult to focus on the menu button. Once you focus on it, double tapping will not open it.
+ Talkback
+ IE
+ 2019-02-22
+ Not available
+ Talkback
+ Chrome
+ 2019-02-22
+ Instructions are not clear for a novice user, right pointing pointer and down pointing pointer are all you hear. No instructions to open the menu
+ Once you are at the end of the submenu, you fall back to the main menu without warning.
+ Talkback
+ Safari
+ 2019-02-22
+ Not available
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-01-20
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/v5-migration.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/v5-migration.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f055bb693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/gcweb-theme/v5-migration.html
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+ Migration instruction - GCWeb theme V5 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Migration instruction - GCWeb theme V5
+On this page:
+Note for implementer that has used the GCWeb developer build on or before January 30, 2019 . (This is not applicable for implemeter that has use the official GCWeb v5 release.) The top menu is now identified by using the CSS class gcweb-menu
instead of gcweb-v2
+How to update
+ Wrap the first navigation with a "div.landscape"
+ Cleanup: Remove the aria role "contentinfo" on the footer element
+ Cleanup: Remove the aria role "navigation" on the nav element
+Migration notes
+ The new look would be only effective after the markup change is completed
+ If the markup change is not completed, the original style will continue to be applied
+Markup before
+<footer role="contentinfo" id="wb-info">
+ <nav role="navigation" class="container wb-navcurr">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">[[{i18n "tmpl-about-government"]]}</h2>
+ [[footercontent]]
+ </nav>
+ [[footerbrand]]
+Updated markup
+<footer id="wb-info">
+ <div class="landscape">
+ <nav class="container wb-navcurr">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">[[{i18n "tmpl-about-government"]]}</h2>
+ [[footercontent]]
+ </nav>
+ </div>
+ [[footerbrand]]
+How to update
+ Change the CSS class on the top left FIP and on the Search section
+ Remove the "mobile menu" div placeholder.
+ Update the JS
+ Update the markup for the menu, the new menu are independent from the previous one
+ Minor markup update for the language section.
+ Update the attribute on the input search field.
+Migration notes
+ The home page need to include an additional CSS class in order to style the menu differently. Like to add the CSS class "home" to the "<body>
" element.
+ The color for the search button would be automated updated when the new style is applied.
+ Menu, see the following section for more details
+ The new menu style is applied when the CSS class gcweb-menu
is applied to the navigation section of the main menu.
+ You will notice the "border-top" is added at the top of the menu.
+ You will notice the new styling for the menu button.
+ This new menu require to update theme.min.js
+ It don't use the menu plugin in WET.
+ Main body remove the unnecessary aria role [role=main] set on the <main> element.
+ Review the text for skip link, they were a change a year ago to change 'Skip: "About this site"' for 'Skip: "About government"'. In French it is from 'Passer à « À propos de ce site »' for 'Passer à « Au sujet du gouvernement »'
+Markup before
+<header role="banner">
+ <div id="wb-bnr" class="container">
+ <section id="wb-lng" class="visible-md visible-lg text-right">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Language selection</h2>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-12">
+ <ul class="list-inline margin-bottom-none">
+ [[List of available language]]
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="brand col-xs-8 col-sm-9 col-md-6">
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html"><img src="./GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt=""><span class="wb-inv"> Government of Canada / <span lang="fr">Gouvernement du Canada</span></span></a>
+ </div>
+ <section class="wb-mb-links col-xs-4 col-sm-3 visible-sm visible-xs" id="wb-glb-mn">
+ <h2>Search and menus</h2>
+ <ul class="list-inline text-right chvrn">
+ <li><a href="#mb-pnl" title="Search and menus" aria-controls="mb-pnl" class="overlay-lnk" role="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"><span class="wb-inv">Search and menus</span></span></span></a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div id="mb-pnl"></div>
+ </section>
+ <section id="wb-srch" class="col-xs-6 text-right visible-md visible-lg">
+ <h2>Search</h2>
+ <form action="#" method="post" name="cse-search-box" role="search" class="form-inline">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ [[Custom block as per your search implementation]]
+ <label for="wb-srch-q" class="wb-inv">Search website</label>
+ <input id="wb-srch-q" list="wb-srch-q-ac" class="wb-srch-q form-control" name="q" type="search" value="" size="27" maxlength="150" placeholder="Search Canada.ca" />
+ <datalist id="wb-srch-q-ac">
+ <!--[if lte IE 9]><select><![endif]-->
+ <!--[if lte IE 9]></select><![endif]-->
+ </datalist>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group submit">
+ <button type="submit" id="wb-srch-sub" class="btn btn-primary btn-small" name="wb-srch-sub"><span class="glyphicon-search glyphicon"></span><span class="wb-inv">Search</span></button>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ [[ Menu]]
+ <nav role="navigation" id="wb-bc" property="breadcrumb">
+ <h2>You are here:</h2>
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="row">
+ <ol class="breadcrumb">
+ [[ Breadcrumb items]]
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </nav>
+Updated markup
+ Removal of CSS visibility class to #wb-lng
+ Removal of the CSS grid (div.row and div.col-md-12) in #wb-lng
+ Remove unnecessary role (banner, navigation)
+ Search and menus section (.wb-mb-links) was removed
+ Column definition (CSS class) was updated on the top left brand logo
+ Removal of the div.row
wrapping the breadcrumb ordered list
+ Major remake of the Menu. The menu bar (mega menu) has changed to a menu button (top menu).
+ On the input search field, change the attribute maxlength to "170"
+ On the input search field, change the attribute size to "34"
+ The label for the search input field has changed to be same as the placeholder text.
+ The IE 9 conditional comment inside the datalist element was removed because IE 9 is not supported
+ The CSS class wb-inv
are removed from the breadcrumb. It's not required because it's default style is the same as applying the CSS class wb-inv
+ The submit button surrounding HTML remain the same as before.
+ The label and the placeholder of the input are now the same exact text. "Search Canada.ca" and "Rechercher dans Canada.ca"
+ <div id="wb-bnr" class="container">
+ <section id="wb-lng" class="text-right">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Language selection</h2>
+ <ul class="list-inline margin-bottom-none">
+ [[List of available language]]
+ </ul>
+ </section>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="brand col-xs-5 col-md-4">
+ <a href="https://www.canada.ca/en.html"><img src="./GCWeb/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt=""><span class="wb-inv"> Government of Canada / <span lang="fr">Gouvernement du Canada</span></span></a>
+ </div>
+ <section id="wb-srch" class="col-lg-8 text-right visible-md visible-lg">
+ <h2>Search</h2>
+ <form action="#" method="post" name="cse-search-box" role="search" class="form-inline">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ [[Custom block as per your search implementation]]
+ <label for="wb-srch-q" class="wb-inv">Search Canada.ca</label>
+ <input id="wb-srch-q" list="wb-srch-q-ac" class="wb-srch-q form-control" name="q" type="search" value="" size="34" maxlength="170" placeholder="Search Canada.ca" />
+ <datalist id="wb-srch-q-ac">
+ </datalist>
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group submit">
+ <button type="submit" id="wb-srch-sub" class="btn btn-primary btn-small" name="wb-srch-sub"><span class="glyphicon-search glyphicon"></span><span class="wb-inv">Search</span></button>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </section>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ [[ Menu]]
+ <nav id="wb-bc" property="breadcrumb">
+ <h2>You are here:</h2>
+ <div class="container">
+ <ol class="breadcrumb">
+ [[ Breadcrumb items]]
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+ </nav>
+How to update
+ An initial menu with the content and the markup would be available
+ The following is to provide guidance on how it can be updated
+Migration notes
+ The new markup are provided in the following section.
+Technical notes
+ The menu was designed similary like the menu design pattern from WAI-ARIA 1.1. See the technical notes in the gcweb theme meta page.
+ The menu item focus are managed by using a Roving tabindex. - https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#kbd_roving_tabindex
+ There is a confusion in the WAI-ARIA practice 1.1 vs WAI-ARIA 1.1 spec.
+ So, we need to check the mailing list and the bug list to know if that was notified to W3C WAI group. If not we need to notify them.
+ For now, we implement the pattern as illustrated by WAI-ARIA Practice 1.1.
+Menu markup before
+<nav role="navigation" id="wb-sm" data-ajax-replace="./ajax/sitemenu-en.html" data-trgt="mb-pnl" class="wb-menu visible-md visible-lg" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container nvbar">
+ <h2>Topics menu</h2>
+ <div class="row">
+ <ul class="list-inline menu">
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs.html">Jobs</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship.html">Immigration</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://travel.gc.ca/">Travel</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/business.html">Business</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits.html">Benefits</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health.html">Health</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes.html">Taxes</a></li>
+ <li><a href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services.html">More services</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Hardcoded menu item baseline markup
+ The id "wb-sm" removed.
+ The class attribute on the <nav> element is replaced by a new CSS class
+ The CSS class "nvbar" removed from the inner <div>
+ Complete new markup for menu item (Details in following section)
+ There is some translation string and markup variation between language for the button. It's the invisible complementary text.
+<nav class="gcweb-menu" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Menu</h2>
+ <button type="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"><span class="wb-inv">Main </span>Menu <span class="expicon glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span></button>
+ <ul role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical">
+ [[ Menu items ]]
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+French version
+<nav class="gcweb-menu" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Menu</h2>
+ <button type="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Menu<span class="wb-inv"> principal</span> <span class="expicon glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span></button>
+ <ul role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical">
+ [[ Menu items ]]
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+Fetching the menu item baseline markup
+ All the items for the hardcoded menu applies.
+ The CDN / central link where all the menu is centrally managed are going to be provided by the Principal Publisher.
+ The unordered list <ul>
is intentionally empty
+ Change the value of the attribute data-ajax-append
to match the URL of your menu
+ The menu support the following fetch method:
+ [data-ajax-append]
+ [data-ajax-prepend]
+ [data-wb-ajax]
+ [data-ajax-replace]
+ In the following working example, you can see a list of the top menu items which represents each theme.
+<nav class="gcweb-menu" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Menu</h2>
+ <button aria-haspopup="true" type="button"><span class="wb-inv">Main </span>Menu <span class="expicon glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span></button>
+ <ul role="menu" data-ajax-replace="../ajax/sitemenu-v5-en.html" >
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs.html">Jobs and the workplace</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship.html">Immigration and citizenship</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://travel.gc.ca/">Travel and tourism</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/business.html">Business and industry</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits.html">Benefits</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health.html">Health</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes.html">Taxes</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment.html">Environment and natural resources</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/defence.html">National security and defence</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/culture.html">Culture, history and sport</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/policing.html">Policing, justice and emergencies</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/transport.html">Transport and infrastructure</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://international.gc.ca/world-monde/index.aspx?lang=eng">Canada and the world</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/finance.html">Money and finances</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/science.html">Science and innovation</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+French version
+<nav class="gcweb-menu" typeof="SiteNavigationElement">
+ <div class="container">
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Menu</h2>
+ <button type="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Menu<span class="wb-inv"> principal</span> <span class="expicon glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></span></button>
+ <ul role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical" data-ajax-replace="../ajax/sitemenu-v5-fr.html" >
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs.html">Emplois et milieu de travail</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/immigration-citizenship.html">Immigration et citoyenneté</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://voyage.gc.ca/">Voyage et tourisme</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/entreprises.html">Entreprises et industrie</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits.html">Prestations</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/sante.html">Santé</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/impots.html">Impôts</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/environnement.html">Environnement et ressources naturelles</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/defense.html">Sécurité nationale et défense</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/culture.html">Culture, histoire et sport</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/police.html">Services de police, justice et urgences</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/en/services/transport.html">Transport et infrastructure</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://international.gc.ca/world-monde/index.aspx?lang=fra">Canada et le monde</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/finance.html">Argent et finances</a></li>
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="https://www.canada.ca/fr/services/science.html">Science et innovation</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+Menu items template
+ There is one menu item per theme, repeat the following pattern for each theme.
+ Each theme title that is linked to the actual theme has an adaptable text between "medium to over" view compare to "small and under" view. See the following example.
+ The label [[ Most requested text ]] are "En demande" in French
+ The [[Theme linked title]] include markup to display a special short title in extra small and small view port. It's behaviour are described in the following sub-section
+ This template can be use for the HTML fragment to fetch all menu items.
+<li role="presentation">
+ <a role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" href="#">[[Theme title]]</a>
+ <ul role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical">
+ <li role="presentation">
+ <a role="menuitem" href="https://www.canada.ca/[[path to the theme]]">[[Theme linked title]]</a>
+ </li>
+ <li role="separator"></li>
+[[ For each sub menu for that theme ]]
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" href="[[Link to the page associated with this menu item ]]">[[ Menu item text ]]</a></li>
+[[ End for each ]]
+ <li role="separator" aria-orientation="vertical"></li>
+ <li role="presentation">
+ <a data-keep-expanded="md-min" href="#" role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true">[[ Most requested text ]]</a>
+ <ul role="menu" aria-orientation="vertical">
+[[ For each most requested item for that theme ]]
+ <li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" href="[[Link to the page associated with this menu item ]]">[[ Menu item text ]]</a></li>
+[[ End for each ]]
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+Theme linked title
+ Provide a short title in mobile, but keep the long title in tablet and desktop view (medium and upper)
+ The short title finish with ": home" text. French equivalent hasn't been provided yet.
+ Try to reuse the same word of the title when only the short title is displayed.
+Example 1
+Reuse some wording
+ Title
+ Immigration and citizenship
+ Short title
+ Immigration: home
+ Code sample
+ Immigration<span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"> and citizenship</span><span class="visible-xs-inline visible-sm-inline">: home</span>
+Example 2
+Append ":home" at the end
+ Title
+ Benefits
+ Short title
+ Benefits: home
+ Code sample
+ Benefits<span class="visible-xs-inline visible-sm-inline">: home</span>
+Example 3
+Provide short title that is not the first capitalized word.
+ Title
+ National security and defence
+ Short title
+ Defence: home
+ Code sample
+ <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">National security and defence</span><span class="visible-xs-inline visible-sm-inline">Defence: home</span>
+Home Page
+Note to designer
+ Both promotion at the bottom would need to be updated to correspond to current one.
+ The promotion markup follow a new design pattern for linked figure.
+ New/added:
+ Double spacing list for ordered and unordered list: ".lst-spcd-2"
+ Responsive list by applying the CSS class ".list-responsive" on "ol,ul" forth column in large and extra large view; two column for medium and small view; one column for extra small view;
+ Styling for linked figure
+ The home page top banner background image can be updated through CSS by changing the URL or by replacing the image file "assets/bkg-home-banner.jpg". Idem for the "Your government" section.
+How to update
+ Remove the [role=main] set on the <main> element
+ Remove the CSS class "container" on the main element, "container" css class would be manually added in the content.
+ Add the CSS class "home" to the body element
+Migration notes
+ Add the CSS class "home" to the body element
+ Add the CSS class "page-type-nav" to the body element
+ Remove the promotional "<aside>" that was prior the main element.
+ Ensure the <h1> element are included in the editable area. That element is moved inside nested <div> element in the main section.
+ Remove the CSS class "container" on the main element, "container" css class would be manually added in the content.
+ The home page style define the following not re-usable style:
+ .home-banner
: Set background style, like an image, around the heading level 1
+ .home-most-requested
: Set font-size, non-standard, to the most requested list item
+ .home-your-gov
: Set a floating background image for the your government section
+Updated markup
+See the new markup here:
+Double space for list
+Double spacing list for ordered and unordered list is now available. It can be applied by using the CSS class ".lst-spcd-2".
+Note: This feature was introduced with his re-design and are currently only for this theme.
+Responsive list
+Responsive list by applying the CSS class ".list-responsive" on "ol,ul".
+The behavior is:
+ The list is rendered in forth column in large and extra large view.
+ The list is rendered in two column for medium and small view.
+ The list is rendered in one column for extra small view.
+Tips: If some of your items in your list are rendered in two line or more, use the WET equal height plugin (wb-eqht) on the "ol,ul" element.
+Note: This feature was introduced with his re-design and are currently only for this theme.
+This pattern is to have the whole figure to be a clickable area, but to only style the figcaption as a link. The focus visible area is the whole figure.
+How to use it
+ Wrap an anchor on a figure element
+ Add the CSS class ".figcaption" to the anchor
+ The <figcaption> as a child to the <figure> element are required.
+ This style must not be used if the figcaption are missing from the figure element.
+Minimal example:
+<a class="figcaption" href="#">
+ <figure>
+ <figcaption>A figure caption linked</figcaption>
+ [[ content ]]
+ </figure>
+Example with the home page use case:
+<a class="figcaption" href="#">
+ <figure class="well well-sm brdr-rds-0">
+ <img class="img-responsive full-width" src="[[assets]]/img/520x200.png" alt=""/>
+ <figcaption class="h5">A figure caption linked</figcaption>
+ <p>Short description or intro linked paragraph that correspond to this figure</p>
+ </figure>
+Limited width content
+With this new look, new generic pages created should limit the width of paragraph and list. Further guidance are going to be provided by the Content and IA spec.
+To enable that design, the implementer can add the following CSS class .cnt-wdth-lmtd
to the <body>
element of the page where the width of paragraph and list item need to be limited. Also, this can be set by adding the CSS class name .cnt-wdth-lmtd
to a sectioning element <section class="cnt-wdth-lmtd">...<section>
inside the main content of your page.
+Navigation pages, Theme, Topic, Home,...
+Navigation page need to be identified by adding a global class. Before it was .secondary
which are now deprecated because of the ambuiguity of it's purpose. It don't represent secondary content, but it was representing navigational page type. So the new name is now .page-type-nav
which make it clear it's purpose.
+The following change apply for any navigation page identified by the content and IA spec such:
+ Home page
+ Topic page
+ Theme page
+ ...
+ .secondary
for .page-type-nav
+ The older CSS class would still work, but it should be updated
+ Remove the custom CSS class set on in-page section header and on dormat link header. Now the customize sizing are managed by adding the CSS class .page-type-nav
+ For dormat link: <h3 class="h5">...</h3>
are changed to: <h3>...</h3>
. Using the class "h5" on dormat link are deprecated for navigation page type.
+ For section title: remain <h2>...</h2>
but it will render with a new font-size
+Call to action button
+This is a new button style .btn-call-to-action
to define the main call of action button/link on a page.
+Working example and documentation: Content page
+To be confirmed by guidance from the Content and IA spec. This changes might require you to replace existing .btn-primary
CSS class by .btn-call-to-action
for button/link representing the main call to action for a page.
+Other notable difference
+Here a list of difference that we have noted when you are going to apply this new design
+Difference if there no markup change - Incomplete
+Note: as Nov 2, we didn't compared both version, like how the previous markup (from GCWeb 4.0.29) would be different from this new design
+ Breadcrumb: You will notice the breadcrumb are moved 15 pixel right and 15 pixel left. We expected that change would have minor/trivial impact on the user. If needed, a solution can be provided but migth require some additional markup change for implementor.
+ For implementation that didn't moved the date modified under the "Report a problem" row as per C&IA v1.5.1, there will be a larger top margin at the bottom of each pages.
+Change or review to makes when applying this design -
+Note: Other requirement might get added, at this time of implementing this new look in GCWeb github repos it wasn't fully compliant to Content and IA spec 1.5.1.
+Some of the items bellow might be related to being conform to Content and IA spec 1.5.1 or to ensure previous change made to GCWeb are applied. Those change might not neccessary directly applicable with applying the new look.
+ Review the text for skip link, they were a change a year ago to change 'Skip: "About this site"' for 'Skip: "About government"'. In French it is from 'Passer à « À propos de ce site »' for 'Passer à « Au sujet du gouvernement »'
+ (Under review - See item 33) The size of the heading of any dormat link need to be updated to a size comparable to an heading level 6. Implementer would need to edit each dormat link and change the current CSS class h5
for the CSS class h6
+ Ensure the date modified is after the "Report a probleme" instead of being before. The top margin was added to that field.
+Page details section (before the end of the main)
+ Major - visual update v5 - Move of the date modified after button as per the Content and IA spec.
+ Major - visual update v5 - Include the CSS class container (only for the home page) when the CSS class container is not added to the main element.
+ Minor - v.4.0.28 - April 27, 2018 - Removal of the Privacy statement
+ Major - v.4.0.27 - December 14, 2017: Markup restructuration - Grid cell are now independant from the interactive elements to display the report a problem inline form.
+ Major - v.4.0.22 - August 9, 2016: Markup restructuration - Feedback link was change into an inline report a problem form.
+ Initial markup - v4.0.0 - Date modified followed by feedback form link.
+Lastest markup:
+<div class="pagedetails">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-4">
+ <details class="brdr-0">
+ <summary class="btn btn-default text-center">Report a problem on this page</summary>
+ <div class="well row">
+ <!-- Report a probleme inline form code here -->
+ </div>
+ </details>
+ </div>
+ <!-- Share button -->
+ <div class="wb-share col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-offset-4 col-lg-offset-5" data-wb-share='{"lnkClass": "btn btn-default btn-block"}'></div>
+ <!-- END Share button -->
+ </div>
+ <dl id="wb-dtmd">
+ <dt>Date modified: </dt>
+ <dd><time property="dateModified">YYYY-MM-DD</time></dd>
+ </dl>
+Some rules:
+ If the main element don't have the "container" CSS class, page details need to have that class set in order to keep it's content centered. Like for the home page with the visual update v5.
+ If the page can be shared, the share button is added
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-11-02
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/home-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/home-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfd6d8dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/home-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ Home - Canada.ca - Canada.ca
+ Services and information
Find a job, training, hiring programs, work permits, Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Visit, work, study, immigrate, refugees, permanant residents, apply, check status
In Canada or abroad, advice, advisories, passports, visit Canada, events, attractions
Starting a business, permits, copyright, business support, selling to government
EI, family and sickness leave, pensions, housing, student aid, disabilities
Food, nutrition, diseases, vaccines, drugs, product safety and recalls
Income tax, payroll, GST/HST, contribution limits, tax credits, charities
Weather, climate, agriculture, wildlife, pollution, conservation, fisheries
Military, transportation and cyber security, securing the border, counter-terrorism
Arts, media, heritage, official languages, national identity and funding
Safety, justice system, prepare for emergencies, services for victims of crime
Aviation, marine, road, rail, dangerous goods, infrastructure projects
Foreign policy, trade agreements, development work, global issues
Personal finance, credit reports, fraud protection, paying for education
Scientific research on health, environment and space, grants and funding
+ Focus on
Programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis
Services for current and former military, RCMP and their families
Programs and services for teenagers and young adults
Your government
Department and agency contacts, change your address
A list of current government and related organizations
Government structure, priorities, finances and regulations
Accessible government, open information and data, open dialogue
+ Government initiatives
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
Brief description of the feature being promoted.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-05-25
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/home-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/home-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c48d687a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/home-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ Accueil - Canada.ca - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Services et renseignements
Trouver un emploi, formation, programmes d'embauche, permis de travail, numéro d'assurance sociale (NAS)
Visiter, travailler, étudier, immigrer, réfugiés, résidents permanents, présenter une demande, vérifier l'état de la demande
Au Canada ou à l'étranger, conseils, avis, passeports, visiter le Canada, événements, attractions
Démarrer une entreprise, permis, propriété intellectuelle, soutien aux entreprises, vendre au gouvernement
Assurance emploi, congés familiaux et congés de maladie, pensions, logement, aide financière aux études, personnes invalides
Alimentation, nutrition, maladies, vaccins, médicaments, sécurité des produits et rappels
Impôt sur le revenu, TPS/TVH, limites de contribution, credits d’impôt, organismes de charité
Météo, climat, agriculture, faune, pollution, conservation, pêches
Militaire, cybersécurité, sûreté des transports, sécuriser la frontière, contre-terrorisme
Arts, médias, patrimoine, langues officielles, identité nationale et financement
Sécurité, justice, se préparer en cas d'urgence, services aux victimes d'actes criminels
Aviation, transport maritime, transport routier, transport ferroviaire, marchandises dangereuses, projets d'infrastructure
Politique étrangère, ententes commerciales, développement international, enjeux mondiaux
Finances personnelles, dossiers de crédit, se protéger de la fraude, financer votre éducation
Recherche scientifique sur la santé, l'environnement et l'espace, subventions et financement
+ Par public
Programmes et services pour les Premières nations, les Inuits et les Métis
Services pour les membres actifs et retraités des Forces armées canadiennes ou de la GRC et leurs familles
Programmes et services pour adolescents et jeunes adultes
Votre gouvernement
Coordonnées des ministères et des agences, changez votre adresse
Une liste des organisations gouvernementales et connexes actuelles
La structure, les priorités, les finances et les réglementations du gouvernement
Gouvernement accessible, informations et données ouvertes, dialogue ouvert
+ Initiatives du gouvernement
Brève description de l’élément en vedette.
Brève description de l’élément en vedette.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-05-25
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/home/index.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/home/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c96cd1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/home/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ Home page - Meta information - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Home page - Meta information
+ Status
+ Stable for GCWeb V5
+ Type
+ Template
+ Last review
+ 2019-05-09
+ Conforming to
+ Going to be: Content and IA spec 2.0
+ Specification
+ Home page for Canada.ca
+Technical specification
+Home page banner
+ Version
+ 2
+ Updated
+ 2019-05-09
+The background image is loaded with the provisional plugin bgimg which set the background image. The background image is hosted in the WMS at this location. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/canada/carousel/bkg-home-banner.jpg
+The intend is to publish background image that represent natural Canadian landscape and may get updated montly or seasonal.
+Previous version
+ Version 1 - 2018-12-27
+ The default background is gray (#eee) without image. The background image is hosted in the WMS at this location. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/canada/carousel/bkg-home-banner.jpg
+ The intend is to publish background image that represent natural Canadian landscape and may get updated montly or seasonal.
+Promotional banner
+The promotional banner are over, at the bottom, of the home page banner background image.
+ Version
+ 2
+ Updated
+ 2019-05-09
+ Notes
+ Provisional color was removed.
+<div class="provisional bg-cover" data-bgimg="https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/canada/carousel/bkg-home-banner.jpg">
+ <div class="container p-0 p-sm-3">
+ <div class="well header-rwd brdr-0 brdr-rds-0 text-white bg-gctheme">
+ <h1 property="name" id="wb-cont">Canada.ca</h1>
+ <p class="mrgn-tp-md">The official website of the Government of Canada</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="bg-gctheme opct-90">
+ <div class="container">
+ <a class="figcaption text-white" href="#">
+ <figure class="clearfix">
+ <div><p class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">Featured:</p></div>
+ <figcaption class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">[Promotion title]</figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Previous version
+ Version 1 - 2018-12-27
+<div class="home-banner">
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="innerbox">
+ <h1 property="name" id="wb-cont">Canada.ca</h1>
+ <p>The official website of the Government of Canada</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="promo">
+ <div class="container">
+ <a class="figcaption" href="#">
+ <figure class="clearfix">
+ <div><p class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">Featured:</p></div>
+ <figcaption class="pull-left mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md">[Promotion title]</figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Support for a set of predefined color to match the season. The intend is to set the color of the inner box with the site title to match the promotional banner background color.
+The promotional color theme are set on the div.home-banner
. Here the supported theme with their corresponding CSS class name
+ (default) Sky - sky
+ Earth - earth
+ Vegetation - vegetation
+ Night - night
+ Forest - forest
+ Autumn - autumn
+Evaluation and report
+There is no report
+Previous version
+ See GCWeb released with WET 4.0.29. All code change are documented in the migration instruction of GCWeb new look - V5.
+Test cases
+ Removed: Provisional - Test-1: Promotional color theme
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-12-27
+ About government
+ About this site
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Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/unmin/img/features/355x113.png differ
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+ Canada.ca theme - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Canada.ca theme
The page templates and design patterns below comprise a reference implementation of the Canada.ca design system , including the mandatory requirement of the Content and Information Architecture (C&IA) Specification. Government of Canada departments and agencies can contribute additional patterns and templates via GCWeb github repository .
+This current implementation reference match the version 2.0 of the C&IA Specification released on January 2019 .
+Found an C&IA implementation issue or you want to contribute at their development, let us know by submiting GCweb issue , sending pull request or by participating at one of our WET-BOEW weekly Tuesday code sprint .
+ Meaning of statuses
+ Up to spec
+ Meet the latest published C&IA specification.
+ Stable
+ Meet the latest published specification.
+ Informational
+ It's for your information. It's complete and suggestive but not defined by and from a specification yet.
+ Need to revalidate
+ Was meeting the preceding published specification, but it need to be manually revalidated to ensure it continues to meet the latest published specification.
+ Partial
+ Partially up to spec or partially stable in order to meet other core web standards such WCAG 2.0 Level AA.
+ Outdated
+ Don't meet the latest specification but met a previous version. It requires updates.
+ Backlog
+ Need to be developped.
+ Incomplete
+ Incomplete because it don't fully meet all the specification yet. Still need developpement work.
+ Deprecated
+ Do not use because it's deprecated, but listed here for your information.
+Templates and common design patterns
Filter by category:
+ Show all category
+ Templates
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ Common design patterns
+ Working example
+ Last update
+ Category
+ Description
+ Status
+ Specification
+ Version
+ Splash page
+ 2017-05-04
+ Templates
+ The initial landing page for a visitor to Canada.ca, allowing the option to enter the site in French or English
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Home page
+ 2019-05-09
+ Templates/Home
+ Shows the Government of Canada's most visited and important products and services
+ Up to spec
+ C&IA
+ v2.0
+ Theme page
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates
+ Theme page types and templates are user-tested pages which provide access to topics and destination pages that support task completion.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Topic page
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates
+ Topic pages help people learn everything the Government of Canada is doing in relation to a specific topic area.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Departments and agencies page
+ 2017-11-30
+ Templates
+ Provides links to all federal government institutions
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Institutional profile page
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates/Profile pages
+ An institutional profile page represents the landing page for a Government of Canada institution on Canada.ca.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Institutional profile page for arm’s-length institutions
+ 2018-03-21
+ Templates/Profile pages
+ An institutional profile page represents the landing page for a Government of Canada institution that meet the criteria for Arm’s Length on Canada.ca.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Organizational profile page
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates/Profile pages
+ Single landing page on Canada.ca for an organization that is associated with a Government of Canada institution.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Organizational profile page for arm's-length institutions
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates/Profile pages
+ An organizational profile page represents the single landing page on Canada.ca for an organization that meet the arm’s-length criteria.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Partnering and collaborative arrangement profile page
+ Templates
+ A partnering/collaborative arrangement profile page represents the single landing page on Canada.ca for an entity that is associated with 1 or more Government of Canada institutions.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Service initiation page
+ 2017-04-07
+ Templates/Service initiation pages
+ Focus on helping Canada.ca visitors start a task.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Service initiation page: single step only
+ 2016-11-04
+ Templates/Service initiation pages
+ Focus on helping Canada.ca visitors start a single step only task.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Institutional service performance reporting page
+ 2017-09-29
+ Templates
+ Institutional service performance reporting pages collect all service standards from an institution and provide annual performance reporting information, as per the requirements of the Policy on Service.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Program description page
+ Templates
+ A program description page provides information about an internal administrative activity that delivers a service.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Ministerial profile page
+ 2018-06-05
+ Templates
+ A ministerial profile page is the landing page for a minister in the Government of Canada, which includes biographical information along with links to initiatives and recent activities related to the minister.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Consultation profile page
+ Templates
+ Consultation profile pages provide access to Government of Canada consultations and engagement activities.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Act profile page
+ 2014-10-23
+ Templates/Laws and regulations pages
+ Provides access to Government of Canada acts.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Regulation profile page
+ 2014-10-23
+ Templates/Laws and regulations pages
+ Provides access to Government of Canada regulations.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Guidance on legislation profile page
+ Templates
+ Guidance on legislation provides information to facilitate awareness, understanding, and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and may also describe their administration. Guidance on legislation does not establish new requirements and is not legally binding.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Government-wide audience page
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates
+ Gives access to information and services relevant to a government-wide audience.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ News landing page
+ 2017-10-02
+ Templates/News pages
+ Landing page for displaying News.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ News results page
+ Templates/News pages
+ Search result pages when searching for news.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ News product page
+ Templates/News pages
+ Single news page template
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Campaign page - Example 1
+ 2017-10-02
+ Templates/Campaign pages
+ Campaign pages are time-limited, promotional pages that respond to the Government of Canada's desire to communicate, educate, influence, market, raise awareness and call to action.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Campaign page - Example 2
+ 2018-10-10
+ Templates/Campaign pages
+ Informational
+ v1.1
+ Promotional events page
+ 2017-10-02
+ Templates
+ A promotional events page is a destination page that describes and explains an official government-hosted event that occurs in a promotional context, such as a festival, a celebration and an awards ceremony.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Contact us page
+ 2017-12-05
+ Templates
+ Institutional contact page
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Search page
+ Templates
+ Provides the template for the search engine on Canada.ca
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Short index page
+ Templates/Index
+ Addresses lists of 10 to 50 items in length.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Long index page
+ 2018-06-27
+ Templates/Index
+ Lists that have over 50 items, requiring 3 or more screen-lengths of scrolling.
+ Incomplete
+ C&IA
+ v1.5
+ Finder page
+ Templates/Index
+ Common design template for filtering a large set of pages, documents or data with shared characteristics.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Faceted finder page
+ Templates/Index
+ Lists of over 100 items and for Canada.ca collections
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Content page
+ 2017-09-29
+ Templates
+ Generic destination pages
+ Up to spec
+ C&IA
+ v2.0
+ Content page - Limited width content
+ 2017-10-30
+ Templates
+ Generic destination pages
+ Up to spec
+ C&IA
+ v2.0
+ Content page - GCWeb 4.0.29 font style
+ 2017-11-29
+ Transitionary to C&IA v1.5+
+ Force a page or a section of a page to use the GCWeb 4.0.29 font style.
+ Informational
+ Archived page
+ 2016-10-06
+ Templates
+ Archived page
+ Informational
+ Content page - Signed Off
+ 2016-03-09
+ Templates
+ Signed Off/On
+ Informational
+ Content page - Signed On
+ 2016-03-09
+ Templates
+ Signed Off/On
+ Informational
+ Feedback form
+ 2014-02-28
+ Templates
+ Feedback form
+ Informational
+ Server message page
+ 2017-05-04
+ Templates
+ Server message page
+ Informational
+ Server message page - English/French
+ 2017-05-04
+ Templates
+ Server message page
+ Informational
+ 404 error page
+ 2017-05-04
+ Templates
+ 404 error page
+ Informational
+ 404 error page - English/French
+ 2017-05-04
+ Templates
+ 404 error page
+ Informational
+ Search results page
+ 2019-02-06
+ Templates/Search
+ For search results from across the Government of Canada.
+ Stable
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Contextual search results page
+ 2019-02-06
+ Templates/Search
+ For search results that are filtered to a search context.
+ Stable
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Search facets/filters results
+ 2019-02-06
+ Templates/Search
+ For search results that are accompanied by faceted filter boxes.
+ Partial
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Starting page for search
+ 2019-02-25
+ Templates/Search
+ For search results that are accompanied by faceted filter boxes.
+ Backlog
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Advanced search page
+ 2019-02-25
+ Templates/Search
+ For search results that are accompanied by faceted filter boxes.
+ Backlog
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Global header navigation
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ The top tasks from all Government of Canada websites are organized into topics and then grouped into the 15 main themes of Canada.ca, represented in the header.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Other header elements
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ In addition to the global navigation menu, the header includes additional branding and functional elements.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Main content footer
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ The main content footer appears after the main content of the page, and above the global site footer.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Global footer navigation
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ The global (site-wide) footer at the bottom of each web page contains links to Government of Canada corporate content, and to Government of Canada content repositories.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Reduced header and footer
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ Provides flexibility for specific situations in which full application of the global header and footer impede task success, while maintaining overall consistency in the experience
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Transactional scenarios
+ Header, footer, navigation
+ Pages where people are engaged in a transactional process.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ In-page table of contents
+ 2018-03-02
+ Header, footer, navigation/In-page navigation
+ List of links that lead to subsections of the same page.
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Ordered multi-page navigation (step-by-step)
+ Header, footer, navigation/In-page navigation
+ Group of several pages intended to be read in a preferred order.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Tabbed interface
+ Header, footer, navigation/In-page navigation
+ Separates related content into different panes that are viewable one at a time when the respective tab is clicked.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Buttons (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to encourage a person to take action
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Carousels (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to promote multiple different activities, initiatives, programs, and services
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Charts and graphs (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use as visualization techniques for communicating data or statistics
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Collapsible content (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to hide secondary content until requested.
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Contact information (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to present contact information on Canada.ca page
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Context-specific features
+ 2020-02-24
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to promote activities, initiatives, programs, and services
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v2.1
+ Contextual alerts (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to present important new information that needs to appear in a pre-existing context
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Contributors
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to link to institutions or organizations that support the content on the page
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Data tables (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to communicate data
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Disclaimer overlay (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to display privacy statements and similar forms of disclaimer
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Download links
+ 2014-08-26
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to reference and link to non-HTML files
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Icons (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use as symbols to communicate actions or states
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Images (WET alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to complement or enhance text
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Institutional byline (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to link to the institution responsible for the content
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Interactive questions
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to present a sequence of simple questions that leads to answer needed to continue or complete task
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Latest news (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to feature the most recent news items
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ More information for (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to connect to a related government-wide audience
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Most requested (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to feature top tasks related to the page it is on
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Multimedia (video and audio)
+ 2018-04-18
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to complement or enhance text
+ Need to revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ Promotional feature banner
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to promote government-wide and institution-specific activities, initiatives, programs, and services.
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Related links
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to list links to content related to the page
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Services and information
+ 2019-01-09
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to present sets of links with accompanying descriptions (Doormat link)
+ Up to spec
+ C&IA
+ v2.0
+ Social media channels block (follow box) (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to allow people to follow official Government of Canada social media accounts from various social media platforms
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Social media feeds widget
+ 2014-06-12
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to embed the latest posts from official Government of Canada social media accounts
+ Need to be revalidate
+ C&IA
+ v1.4
+ What we are doing (GCWeb alternative )
+ Common design patterns
+ Use to link to content that provides background or explanations of GC activities in support of creating or improving public policy
+ Informational
+ Backlog
+ C&IA
+ Notes and other resource
+ Evaluation and report
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-04-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/index-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/index-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e9b1843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1189 @@
+ Thème Canada.ca - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Thème Canada.ca
Les gabarits et les conceptions communes si dessous sont une référence d'implémentation du Système de conception de Canada.ca , incluant les exigences obligatoire de la spécifications du contenu et de l’architecture de l'information (C&AI) pour Canada.ca. Les ministères et organisme du gouvernement du Canada peuvent y contribuer en publiant leur modèle et leur conception commune via le dépôt github de GCWeb .
+Cette référence d'implémentaion correspond à la version 2.0 de la spécification du C&IA publié en janvier 2019 .
+Vous avez trouvé des problèmes d'implémentation par rapport au C&AI ou vous désirez contribuer au dévelopement, faites nous le savoir en soumettant une requête GCWeb , en envoyant une pull request ou en participant à un de nos code sprint hedbomadaire à chaque mardi .
+ Définition des états
+ Conforme
+ Conforme aux exigences définie par la dernière version publié des spécifications du C&AI.
+ Stable
+ Rencontre les exigences d'une spécification.
+ Information
+ It's for your information. It's complete and suggestive but not defined by and from a specification yet.
+ Revalidation requise
+ Précédemment conforme, mais requière une nouvelle validation manuel afin de s'assurer qu'il continue à rencontrer les exigences tel que définie par la dernière version publié de sa spécification.
+ Partiel
+ Partiellement conforme au C&AI ou partiellement stable car il inclus des modifications nécessaire afin d'obtenir une conformité aux norme web essentiel, tel que le WCAG 2.0 Niveau AA.
+ Désuet
+ N'est pas conforme à la dernière spécification, mais il l'a précedemment été. Son rétablisement à la conformité nécessite des changements immédiat.
+ Arriéré
+ Nécessite du dévelopement.
+ Incomplet
+ Incomplet car il ne se conforme pas complétement à toute les exigences de la spécification. Nécessite encore des travaux de dévelopement.
+ Obsolète
+ Ne pas utilisé car c'est obsolète, mais disponible pour votre information.
+Modèles et conception communes
Filtrer par catégorie:
+ Afficher toute les catégories
+ Modèles
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ Conception communes
+ Example pratique
+ Mise à jour
+ Catégorie
+ Description
+ État
+ Spécification
+ Version
+ Page d’entrée
+ 2017-05-04
+ Modèles
+ La page de renvoi initiale d'un visiteur à Canada.ca, offrant l'option d'entrer dans le site en français ou en anglais.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page d’accueil
+ 2019-05-09
+ Modèles/Accueil
+ Affiche les produits et services du gouvernement du Canada les plus vus et les plus importants.
+ Conforme
+ C&AI
+ v2.0
+ Page de thème
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles
+ Organise des sujets qui sont logiques pour les personnes afin qu'ils puissent accéder aux renseignements et services à l'échelle du gouvernement.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de sujet
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles
+ Aident une personne à savoir tout ce que fait le gouvernement du Canada dans un domaine précis lié au sujet
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page des ministères et organismes
+ 2017-11-30
+ Modèles
+ Fournit des liens vers toutes les institutions fédérales
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil institutionnel
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles/Profile pages
+ Page d’accueil unique d’une institution du gouvernement du Canada sur Canada.ca.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil institutionnel pour un organisme indépendant
+ 2018-03-21
+ Modèles/Profile pages
+ Page d’accueil unique d’une institution qui satisfont aux critères d’indépendance du gouvernement du Canada sur Canada.ca.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil organisationnel
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles/Profile pages
+ Page d’accueil unique d’une organisation associée à une institution du gouvernement du Canada sur Canada.ca.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil organisationnel pour un organisme indépendant
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles/Profile pages
+ Page d’accueil unique d’une organisation qui satisfont aux critères d’indépendance associée à une institution du gouvernement du Canada sur Canada.ca.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Profil de partenariat ou d’entente de collaboration
+ Modèles
+ Une page de profil de partenariat ou d'entente de collaboration représente une page d'accueil unique du site Canada.ca visant une entité associée à une ou plusieurs institutions du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page de lancement d'un service: étape unique
+ 2016-11-04
+ Modèles/Lancement d’un service
+ Aide les visiteurs de Canada.ca à lancer une tâche en une étape unique.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de lancement d'un service
+ 2017-04-07
+ Modèles/Lancement d’un service
+ Aide les visiteurs de Canada.ca à lancer une tâche.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de compte rendu du rendement des services institutionnels
+ 2017-09-29
+ Modèles
+ Les pages de compte rendu du rendement des services institutionnels rassemblent toutes les normes de service d'une institution et fournissent des renseignements sur le compte rendu du rendement annuel, conformément aux exigences de la Politique sur les services.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de description de programme
+ Modèles
+ Une page de description de programme fournit des informations sur une activité administrative interne qui offre un service.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page de profil des ministres
+ 2017-04-07
+ Modèles
+ Une page de profil de ministre représente la page d'accueil unique pour un ou une ministre du gouvernement du Canada et comprend des renseignements biographiques ainsi que des liens renvoyant aux initiatives et activités récentes du ou de la ministre.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil de consultation
+ Modèles
+ Les pages de profil de consultation offrent un accès aux consultations et aux activités de mobilisation du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page de profil d’une loi
+ 2014-10-23
+ Modèles/Lois et des règlements
+ Accès aux lois du gouvernement du Canada par l’intermédiaire de leur profil respectif.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil d’un règlement
+ 2014-10-23
+ Modèles/Lois et des règlements
+ Accès aux règlements du gouvernement du Canada par l’intermédiaire de leur profil respectif.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de profil de directive relative à la législation
+ Modèles
+ Les directives sur les lois fournissent des renseignements afin de faciliter la sensibilisation, la compréhension et la conformité en ce qui a trait aux exigences légales et réglementaire. Elles peuvent aussi décrire leur administration. Elles n'établissent pas de nouvelles exigences et elles ne sont pas exécutoires.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page des publics cibles du gouvernement
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles
+ Donne accès aux renseignements et aux services pertinents pour le public cible de l'ensemble du gouvernement.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page d’accueil des nouvelles
+ 2017-10-02
+ Modèles/Nouvelles
+ Agrégation de produits de nouvelles promus par l’ensemble ou la plupart des institutions du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de résultats des nouvelles
+ Modèles/Pages de nouvelles
+ Résultats de recherches parmis l'agrégation de produits de nouvelles promus par l’ensemble ou la plupart des institutions du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page de nouvelles
+ Modèles/Pages de nouvelles
+ Présentation d'une nouvelles promus par une institutions du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page d'une campagne - Exemple 1
+ 2017-10-02
+ Templates/Page d'une campagne
+ Les pages de campagne sont des pages promotionnelles à durée limitée qui répondent à la volonté de communication, de formation, de commercialisation, de sensibilisation et d'appel à l'action du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page d'une campagne - Exemple 2
+ 2018-10-10
+ Templates/Page d'une campagne
+ Information
+ v1.1
+ Page d’événements promotionnels
+ 2017-10-02
+ Modèles
+ Une page d'événement promotionnel est une page de destination qui décrit et explique un événement officiel organisé par le gouvernement et qui se déroule dans un contexte promotionnel comme un festival, une célébration ou une remise de prix.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de coordonnées
+ 2017-12-05
+ Modèles
+ Page de coordonnées d'une institution
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Page de recherche
+ Modèles
+ Fournit le modèle du moteur de recherche dans Canada.ca.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page d’index court
+ Modèles/Index pages
+ Les pages d'index sont des pages de navigation présentant une liste globale de titres assortis d'hyperliens menant à d'autres pages ou documents.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page d’index long
+ 2017-10-02
+ Modèles/Index pages
+ Contient une liste ayant plus de 50 éléments et nécessitant de faire défiler trois longueurs d’écran ou plus pour voir tout le contenu.
+ Incomplet
+ C&AI
+ v1.5
+ Page d’index avec filtres
+ Modèles/Index pages
+ Filtrer un volumineux ensemble de pages, de documents ou de données ayant des caractéristiques communes.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page d’index à facettes
+ Modèles/Index pages
+ Listes comptant plus de 100 éléments et pour les collections de Canada.ca
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Page de contenu
+ 2017-09-29
+ Modèles
+ Page de destination générique
+ Conforme
+ C&AI
+ v2.0
+ Page de contenu - Largeur de contenu limitée
+ 2017-10-30
+ Modèles
+ Page de destination générique
+ Conforme
+ C&AI
+ v2.0
+ Page de contenu - Police de caractère de GCWeb 4.0.29
+ 2017-11-29
+ Transitoire vers C&IA v1.5+
+ Force la page ou une section de la page à utiliser la police de caractère tel qu'il était dans GCWeb 4.0.29.
+ Informational
+ Page archivée
+ 2016-10-06
+ Modèles
+ Page archivée
+ Information
+ Page de contenu - Session Fermée
+ 2016-03-09
+ Modèles
+ Session Fermée/Session Ouverte
+ Information
+ Page de contenu - Session Ouverte
+ 2016-03-09
+ Modèles
+ Session Fermée/Session Ouverte
+ Information
+ Formulaire de rétroaction
+ 2014-02-28
+ Modèles
+ Formulaire de rétroaction
+ Information
+ Page de message du serveur
+ 2017-05-04
+ Modèles
+ Page de message du serveur
+ Information
+ Page de message du serveur - anglais/français
+ 2017-05-04
+ Modèles
+ Page de message du serveur
+ Information
+ Page d'erreur 404
+ 2017-05-04
+ Modèles
+ Page d'erreur 404
+ Information
+ Page d'erreur 404 - anglais/français
+ 2017-05-04
+ Modèles
+ Page d'erreur 404
+ Information
+ Page des résultats de recherche
+ 2019-02-06
+ Modèles/Recherche
+ Pour les résultats de recherche au travers du Gouvernement du Canada.
+ Stable
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Page des résultats de recherche contextuelle
+ 2019-02-06
+ Modèles/Recherche
+ Pour les résultats de recherche filtrés avec un context de recherche.
+ Stable
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Résultats de la recherche avec filtre
+ 2019-02-06
+ Modèles/Recherche
+ Pour des résultats de recherche duquels des filtres sont aussi disponible.
+ Partiel
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Page de départ pour la recherche
+ 2019-02-25
+ Modèles/Recherche
+ Page d'acceuil afin d'amorcer une recherche sur le site.
+ Arriéré
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ Page de recherche anvancé
+ 2019-02-25
+ Modèles/Recherche
+ Page pour effectuer des recherches avancé sur le site.
+ Arriéré
+ Search template specification
+ v2.0
+ En-tête de la navigation générale
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ Les tâches principales dans tous les sites Web du gouvernement du Canada sont organisées en sujets puis regroupées dans 15 thèmes principaux du site Canada.ca.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Autres éléments de l’en-tête
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ Autres éléments d’image de marque et fonctionnels
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Pied de page du contenu principal
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ S’affiche après le contenu principal de la page, et au-dessus du pied de page global du site
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Pied de page de la navigation générale
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ Qui se trouve au bas de chaque page Web contient les liens au contenu organisationnel ainsi que les dépôts de contenu du gouvernement du Canada.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ En-tête et pied de page simplifié
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ Offre une souplesse pour des situations précises où l’application totale de l’en-tête et du pied de page généraux empêche la réussite de la tâche, tout en conservant l’uniformité globale de l’expérience
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Scénarios d’opérations
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation
+ Où les personnes effectuent un processus opérationnel
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Table des matières à l’intérieur de la page
+ 2018-03-02
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation/Intérieur de la page
+ Liste de liens dirigeant vers des sous-sections de la même page.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.5
+ Navigation dans plusieurs pages ordonnées (étape par étape)
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation/Intérieur de la page
+ Configurations de navigation dans plusieurs pages ordonnées à l’intérieur de la page.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Interface à onglets
+ En-têtes, pieds de page et la navigation/Intérieur de la page
+ Configurations de navigation qui répartit le contenu entre différentes fenêtres que l’on peut consulter une à la fois à l’intérieur de la page.
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Alertes contextuelles (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour présenter de nouveaux renseignements importants devant être affichés dans un contexte pré-existant.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Autres renseignements pour les (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour lier à un public cible à l’échelle du gouvernement
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Avertissement superposé (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Bannière promotionnelle
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour promouvoir les activités, initiatives, programmes et services des institutions ou à l’échelle du gouvernement
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Bloc des réseaux de médias sociaux (fenêtre « Suivez ») (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour permettre aux gens de suivre les comptes officiels de médias sociaux du gouvernement du Canada sur diverses plateformes de médias sociaux.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Boutons (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour inciter une personne à exécuter une action.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Carrousels (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour promouvoir de multiples activités, initiatives, programmes et services.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Ce que nous faisons (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour lier à du contenu qui fournit des renseignements généraux ou des explications des activités du GC à l’appui de la création ou de l’amélioration des politiques publiques
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Collaborateurs (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour lier aux institutions ou organisations qui soutiennent le contenu sur la page
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Collapsible content (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour cacher le contenu secondaire jusqu’à sa demande.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Coordonnées (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour présenter les coordonnées dans les pages de Canada.ca
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Diagrammes et graphiques (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser comme techniques de visualisation permettant de communiquer des données ou des statistiques.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ En demande (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour présenter les tâches principales liées à la page sur laquelle elle se trouve
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Icônes (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser comme des symboles pour signifier des actions à prendre ou des états.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Images (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour embellir ou rehausser un texte.
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Institution responsable (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour fournir un lien vers l’institution responsable du contenu
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Liens connexes
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour lier à du contenu se rapportant à la page
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Liens de téléchargement
+ 2017-12-05
+ Conception communes
+ Les liens de téléchargement servent à renvoyer ou à lier à des fichiers de format autre que HTML sur les pages Web de Canada.ca.
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Multimédia (vidéo et audio)
+ 2014-08-26
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour embellir ou rehausser un texte
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Nouveautés (GCWeb alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour présenter les nouvelles les plus récentes
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Promotions contextuelles
+ 2020-02-24
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour promouvoir les activités, initiatives programmes et services
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v2.1
+ Questions interactives
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour présenter une séquence de questions simples qui mènent à la réponse précise dont elles ont besoin pour poursuivre leur tâche ou l’achever
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Services et renseignements (en anglais)
+ 2019-01-09
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour présenter des ensembles de liens avec des descriptions connexes (Doormat)
+ Conforme
+ C&AI
+ v2.0
+ Tableaux de données (BOEW alternative )
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour communiquer des données
+ Information
+ Arriéré
+ C&AI
+ Widget des réseaux de médias sociaux
+ 2014-06-12
+ Conception communes
+ Utiliser pour imbriquer les plus récents messages affichés sur les comptes de médias sociaux du gouvernement du Canada
+ Revalidation requise
+ C&AI
+ v1.4
+ Notes et autres références
+ Évaluation et rapport
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-04-29
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/index/index.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/index/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23460b852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/index/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ [Long index page] - Meta information - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Long index page] - Meta information
+ Status
+ Incomplete, Partial
+ Type
+ Template
+ Last review
+ 2018-06-27
+ Conforming to
+ Content and IA spec 1.5
+ Specification
+ Index pages for Canada.ca
+ Short index page Backlog
+ Long index page Incomplete
+ Finder page Backlog
+ Faceted finder page Backlog
+Published templates
The following template only show what the HTML makup should looklike after a given filter was applied. The interaction feature (filtering) is missing and require to be developed. The following template include some ARIA
property that assume the filtering feature work as expected.
+Not evaluated for WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance
+Previous version
+[There is no previous version]
+ Develop a WET feature that allow the filtering as expressed by this design
+ Draft HTML for short index page, finder page and faceted finder page
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-06-29
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/index/longindex-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/index/longindex-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6082867d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/index/longindex-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ [Long index page] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Long index page]
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
+Enter a word, or part of a word, that might match in what you are looking for into the text area below. We will narrow down the list to show only items that contain the term you have entered.
+What are you looking for?:
+[List heading 1]
+Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum. Maecenas egestas arcu quis ligula mattis placerat.
No [List heading 1's] found
+[List heading 2]
+Nulla fringilla venenatis mi et iaculis. Donec feugiat felis at enim mattis eleifend.
No [List heading 2's] found
+[List heading 3]
+Cras hendrerit mauris est, nec commodo lorem venenatis eget. Maecenas consectetur augue eget metus sagittis sagittis.
+[List heading 4]
+Etiam et scelerisque nulla. Nulla tincidunt diam magna, quis dapibus ante gravida sit amet. In a mi dui.
No [List heading 4's] found
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-07-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/index/longindex-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/index/longindex-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69db99fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/index/longindex-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+ [Page d’index long] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Page d’index long]
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
+Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
+Que recherchez-vous?:
+[En-tête de la section]
+Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum. Maecenas egestas arcu quis ligula mattis placerat.
Aucun résultat trouvé
+[En-tête de la section]
+Nulla fringilla venenatis mi et iaculis. Donec feugiat felis at enim mattis eleifend.
Aucun résultat trouvé
+[En-tête de la section]
+Cras hendrerit mauris est, nec commodo lorem venenatis eget. Maecenas consectetur augue eget metus sagittis sagittis.
+[En-tête de la section]
+Etiam et scelerisque nulla. Nulla tincidunt diam magna, quis dapibus ante gravida sit amet. In a mi dui.
Aucun résultat trouvé
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-07-12
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-arms-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-arms-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a62e919f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-arms-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ [Institution Name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+[Institution Name]
We are a federal institution that operates at arm’s length from the Government of Canada.
[Institution name] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Latest
+ [News title]
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - Type of news product
Brief description of the news item.
+ [News title]
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - Type of news product
Brief description of the news item.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Corporate information
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-03-21
We are a federal institution that is part of the [portfolio name] portfolio. We operate at arm’s length from the Government of Canada.
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-arms-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-arms-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..972b5c875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-arms-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ [Nom de l’institution] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+[Nom de l’institution]
Nous sommes un organisme qui agissons indépendamment du gouvernement du Canada.
[Nom de l’institution] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Autres renseignements pour les
+ Ce que nous faisons
+ Renseignements sur l’organisation
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-03-21
Nous sommes une institution fédérale qui fait partie du portefeuille de [nom du portefeuille]. Nous fonctionnons sans lien de dépendance avec le gouvernement du Canada.
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-contact-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-contact-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58e8c2211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-contact-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Contact [Institution name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Contact [Institution name]
From [Institution name]
[Institution name] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ [Institution contact task 1]
+ [Institution contact task 2]
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-12-05
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-contact-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-contact-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ac2b508f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-contact-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Coordonnées [nom de l’institution] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Coordonnées [nom de l’institution]
De [nom de l’institution]
[Nom de l’institution] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ [Trouver un bureau]
+ [Tâche de communication 1]
+ [Tâche de communication 2]
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-12-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f288d95b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+ [Institution Name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+[Institution Name]
[Institution name] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Latest
+ [News title]
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - Type of news product
Brief description of the news item.
+ [News title]
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - Type of news product
Brief description of the news item.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Corporate information
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-12-05
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b37f1c88a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institution-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+ [Nom de l’institution] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+[Nom de l’institution]
[Nom de l’institution] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Autres renseignements pour les
+ Ce que nous faisons
+ Renseignements sur l’organisation
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-12-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/institutional-service-performance-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/institutional-service-performance-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53e366f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institutional-service-performance-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ [Institution] service performance reporting for fiscal year 2015 to 2016 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Institution] service performance reporting for fiscal year 2015 to 2016
+From [Institution name]
+This report covers the 2015 to 2016 fiscal year. A fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
+ On this page
+Service standards publicly state the level of performance that citizens can reasonably expect to encounter under normal circumstances. As part of its ongoing commitment to quality client service, [Institution name] has developed standards for its services.
+We have exceeded our performance targets in 89% of the services we offer. Our performance results are described in more detail below.
+ [Service name one]
+ We have met 100% of our performance targets for [Service name one] .
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
+ Application processing wait times
+ Applications submitted in person at a service office
+ Our standard: process application within 35 business days
+ Our target: meet the standard for at least 90% of applications
+ Our performance in 2015-2016: 96% of application were processed within the 35 business day standard
+ Applications submitted by mail
+ Our standard: process application within 40 business days
+ Our target: meet the standard for at least 90% of applications
+ Our performance in 2015-2016: 98% of application were processed within the 40 business day standard
+ [Service name two]
+ We have met 90% of our performance targets for [Service name two]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
+ Telephone wait times
+ Our standard: answer telephone calls within 10 minutes
+ Our target: meet the standard for at least 95% of calls received
+ Our performance in 2015-2016: 98% of application were processed within the 10 minute standard
+ Service performance from previous years
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..433a0042a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/institutional-service-performance-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ Compte rendu du rendement des services de [Nom de l’institution] pour l’exercice financier de 2015 à 2016 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Compte rendu du rendement des services de [Nom de l’institution] pour l’exercice financier de 2015 à 2016
+De [nom de l’institution]
+Ce rapport couvre l’exercice 2015 à 2016. Un exercice financier s’étend du 1er avril au 31 mars
+ Sur cette page
+Les normes de service indiquent aux citoyens le rendement auquel ils peuvent raisonnablement s’attendre à recevoir dans des conditions normales. Dans le cadre de son engagement continu à offrir un service à la clientèle de qualité, [nom de l’institution] a élaboré des normes pour ses services.
+Nous avons dépassé nos cibles de rendement dans 89 % des services que nous offrons. Nos résultats de rendement sont décrits plus en détail ci-dessous.
+ [Nome du service 1]
+ Nous avons atteint 100 % de nos cibles de rendement pour [Nome du service 1].
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
+ Les délais de traitement des demandes
+ Demandes de passeport présentées en personne à un bureau de Passeport Canada
+ Notre norme : traiter les demandes dans les 35 jours ouvrables
+ Notre cible : respecter la norme pour un minimum de 90 % des demandes présentées
+ Notre rendement en 2015-2016 : 96 % des demandes ont été traitées dans la norme de 35 jours ouvrables
+ Demandes de passeport soumises par courrier
+ Notre norme : traiter les demandes dans les 40 jours ouvrables
+ Notre cible : respecter la norme pour un minimum de 90 % des demandes présentées
+ Notre rendement en 2015-2016 : 98 % des demandes ont été traitées dans la norme de 40 jours ouvrables
+ [Nome du service 2]
+ Nous avons atteint 90 % de nos cibles de rendement pour [Nome du service 2].
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore.
+ Le temps d’attente au téléphone
+ Notre norme : dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium
+ Notre cible : aenean commodo ligula eget dolor
+ Notre rendement en 2015-2016 : vivamus elementum semper nisi
+ Comptes rendus du rendement des services des années précédentes :
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e97d82d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+ [Topic - Local navigation] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
[Topic - Local navigation]
This topic page shows child destination pages that have a local left navigation. Click on a task for an example. This would typically happen on a lowest-level topic page.
+ Services and information
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ 2018-06-05
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41336a91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ [Sujet - Navigation locale] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
[Sujet - Navigation locale]
Cette page de sujet comporte des liens vers des pages de destination qui ont une navigation locale. Cliquez sur une tâche pour voir un exemple. Normalement, cette situation devrait arriver sur des pages de sujet de plus bas niveau.
+ Services et renseignements
+ Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Autres renseignements pour les
+ Ce que nous faisons
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8cd1f4061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Task 1 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Task 1
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6beefb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Tache 1 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Tache 1
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9ed851fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task1/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 1 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 1
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e9ec22c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task1/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 1 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 1
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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+ Date de modification :
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7715d7f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task2/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 2 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 2
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea18f3d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task2/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 2 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 2
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..288a6f681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task3/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 3 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 3
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b28321498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task3/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 3 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 3
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e83e96db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task4/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 4 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 4
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09a84650e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task4/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 4 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 4
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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+ Date de modification :
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..184d7bd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task5/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 5 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 5
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee3ea0637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task5/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 5 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 5
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e42268f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task6/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 6 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 6
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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index 000000000..2174f911e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task6/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 6 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 6
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b8b7064e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task7/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub task 7 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 7
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c198fa13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task1/task7/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Sub Tache 7 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 7
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af1e9b596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task2/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Task 2 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Task 2
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82d200c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task2/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Tache 2 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Tache 2
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1812976b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Task 3 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Task 3
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dec54de91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ Tache 3 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Tache 3
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7ff4309e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task1/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ Sub task 1 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 1
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da6ce24b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task1/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ Sub Tache 1 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 1
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da2a451f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task2/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ Sub task 2 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 2
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..917808bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task2/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ Sub Tache 2 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 2
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7c2094a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task2/task1/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Sub sub task 1 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub sub task 1
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
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index 000000000..df26ebfe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task2/task1/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Sub sub Tache 1 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub sub Tache 1
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
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index 000000000..c86b9f6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task2/task2/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Sub sub task 2 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub sub task 2
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
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index 000000000..c6b031bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task2/task2/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ Sub sub Tache 2 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub sub Tache 2
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
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index 000000000..7cf0cd8aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task3/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ Sub task 3 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Sub task 3
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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index 000000000..2945ce917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task3/task3/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ Sub Tache 3 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Sub Tache 3
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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index 000000000..3e13ff57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task4/index-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Task 4 - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Task 4
+From [Institution name]
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
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index 000000000..3394cd6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/localnav/task4/index-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ Tache 4 - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Tache 4
+De [nom de l’institution]
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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index 000000000..6e65924e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/ministerial-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ The Honourable [Minister name], MP - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ The Honourable [Minister name], MP
Minister of [Portfolio name one] and [Portfolio name two]
Represents the riding of [Riding name]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore amet ducimus nihil, voluptate quibusdam? Excepturi in aspernatur rem ipsam aperiam voluptates fugit officiis culpa, ratione, et maxime impedit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique ex commodi autem laudantium aliquam id, voluptate possimus quod illo velit vero, at dolorum sequi ipsam culpa fugit, molestias quaerat vitae.
+ Contact information
+ House of Commons
+ Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
+ Telephone: 123-456-7890
+ Email: [first.last@canada.ca]
+ [Twitter feed]
+ Latest
+ [News title]
2018-06-05 19:00 - Type of news product
+ Brief description of the news item.
+ [News title]
2018-06-05 20:00 - Type of news product
+ Brief description of the news item.
+ Report a problem on this page
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e5b434cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/ministerial-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+ L’honorable [nom du ministre], député - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ L’honorable [nom du ministre], député
Ministre de [nom du portefeuille no1] et [nom du portefeuille no2]
Représente la circonscription de [nom de la circonscription]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore amet ducimus nihil, voluptate quibusdam? Excepturi in aspernatur rem ipsam aperiam voluptates fugit officiis culpa, ratione, et maxime impedit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore amet ducimus nihil, voluptate quibusdam? Excepturi in aspernatur rem ipsam aperiam voluptates fugit officiis culpa, ratione, et maxime impedit.
+ Coordonnées
+ Chambre des communes
+ Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6
+ Téléphone : 123-456-7890
+ Courriel : [prénom.nom@canada.ca]
+ [Twitter feed]
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79a757a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/news-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+ News - Canada.ca
+ News
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
+ Filter Options
+ Use filters to below options to change the focus of your results in following data table
+ Data Type
+ All news types
+ News Releases
+ Backgrounders
+ Media Advisories
+ Speeches
+ Statements
+ Department
+ From any department
+ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
+ Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
+ Canadian Heritage
+ Infrastructure Canada
+ Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
+ National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
+ Employment and Social Development Canada
+ Global Affairs Canada
+ Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
+ Competition Bureau
+ Canadian Grain Commission
+ National Energy Board
+ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
+ Public Health Agency of Canada
+ Correctional Service Canada
+ Parks Canada
+ Veterans Affairs Canada
+ Health Canada
+ National Film Board
+ Government of Canada
+ Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
+ Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
+ Fisheries and Oceans Canada
+ Canadian Institutes of Health Research
+ Transportation Safety Board of Canada
+ Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
+ Transport Canada
+ Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
+ Environment and Climate Change Canada
+ Finance Canada
+ Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
+ Minister
+ Related to any minister
+ Hon. Lawrence MacAulay
+ Hon. Navdeep Singh Bains
+ Hon. Amarjeet Sohi
+ Hon. Kirsty Duncan
+ Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos
+ Hon. Stéphane Dion
+ Hon. Carolyn Bennett
+ Hon. Jane Philpott
+ Hon. MaryAnn Mihychuk
+ Hon. Ralph Goodale
+ Hon. Catherine McKenna
+ Hon. Kent Hehr
+ Hon. Harjit Singh Sajjan
+ Hon. Dominic LeBlanc
+ Hon. Mélanie Joly
+ Hon. Marc Garneau
+ Hon. Scott Brison
+ Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau
+ Hon. William Francis Morneau
+ Right Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau
+ For
+ Everyone
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d3de90f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/news-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ Page de contenu - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Page de contenu
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
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+ 2016-07-20
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6045614f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-arms-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+ [Organization Name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+[Organization Name]
We are a federal institution that operates at arm’s length from the Government of Canada.
[Institution name] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Corporate information
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+ 2017-12-05
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c636261b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-arms-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+ [Nom de l’organisme] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+[Nom de l’organisme]
Nous sommes un organisme qui agissons indépendamment du gouvernement du Canada.
[Nom de l’institution] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Autres renseignements pour les
+ Ce que nous faisons
+ Renseignements sur l’organisation
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-12-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4df7b17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+ [Organization Name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+[Organization Name]
[Institution name] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Latest
+ [News title]
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - Type of feature
Brief description of the news item.
+ [News title]
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - Type of feature
Brief description of the news item.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the destination page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Corporate information
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-12-05
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15f543cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/organizational-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+ [Nom de l’organisme] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+[Nom de l’organisme]
[Nom de l’institution] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor. Cras sagittis massa sed libero eleifend, ac iaculis urna tempor.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Autres renseignements pour les
+ Ce que nous faisons
+ Renseignements sur l’organisation
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-12-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/peers/esdc.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/peers/esdc.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87a2f64ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/peers/esdc.html
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ [ESDC peers template] - Meta information - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [ESDC peers template] - Meta information
+Campaign page - Example 2
+ Status
+ Informational
+ Type
+ Peers template
+ Last review
+ 2018-10-15
+ Conforming to
+ Developed in conformance to the Campaign template in Content and IA spec 1.3
+ Specification
+ There is no specification yet
+Published templates
+Not evaluated for WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance.
+Previous version
+ Create a corresponding specification (defining how to use)
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-10-15
+ About government
+ About this site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f0ff399c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/provisional-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+ Provisional functionality - GCWeb theme - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Provisional functionality - GCWeb theme
Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk . All functionalities described below can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the GCWeb public API.
Learn more about the design decision around provisional features.
The documentation and/or working examples for those features could be incomplete or not available.
+On this page
+Feature availability
+The following table describes until which version of GCWeb each provisional feature will be available. The features' availability will be re-evaluated at every release. A withdrawn provisional feature would be notified one version in advance.
is now deprecated and it will not be supported in 6 months.
+ It has to be replaced by .provisional
+ Status description
+ <not specified>
+ Provisional
+ Withdrawn
+ The feature are not available
+ Supported
+ The feature are included and supported by the GCWeb public API.
+ Withdrawn after v.Major.Minor
+ The v.Major.Minor represent the last version where that feature is available. Authors must consider an alternative or remove that feature.
+ Name
+ Description
+ Available in
+ Status
+ CSS .p-0
+ Set a padding of 0px
+ v5.1
+ Supported via wet-boew since v6.0
+ CSS .mb-sm-5
+ Set a margin bottom of 50px for view port from small screen and up
+ v5.1
+ Supported via wet-boew since v6.0
+ CSS .p-sm-3
+ Set a padding of 15px for view port from small screen and up
+ v5.1
+ Supported via wet-boew since v6.0
+ CSS .px-sm-3
+ Set a left and right padding of 15px for view port from small screen and up
+ v5.1
+ Supported via wet-boew since v6.0
+ CSS .bg-darker
+ Full black background color
+ v5.1
+ CSS .bg-gctheme
and .bg-gctheme.well.header-rwd
+ GCWeb theme default background color
+ v5.1
+ CSS .bg-pnkDy
and .bg-pnkDy.well.header-rwd
+ Pink day background color
+ v5.1
+ CSS .pnkDy-theme
set global
+ Apply global template color change for the pink day color, as that property is defined on the <html>
or <body>
+ v5.1
+ CSS .dark-theme
set global
+ Apply global template color change for full black, as that property is defined on the <html>
or <body>
+ v5.1
+ CSS .bg-cover
+ Background size cover
+ v5.1
+ Moved to WET-BOEW. Use of .provisional
is required in WET-BOEW
+ Plugin [data-bgimg]
+ Take the URL value and set it as the background image. To be replaced by CSS4 selector.
+ v5.1
+ Moved to WET-BOEW. Use of .provisional
is required in WET-BOEW
+ CSS .bg-img-hdng
+ Add a background image to a heading.
+ v5.1
+ CSS .stretched-link
+ Propagates the clickable area around an hyperlink tag up to a relatively positioned parent.
+ v5.1
+ Supported via wet-boew since v6.0
+ CSS .icon-warning-light
+ Change the color to #DF7200
+ v7.0
+ Template .gc-pg-hlpfl
+ "Page success widget" design pattern to let users share their experience on the page.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-danger
+ Adopt the new danger alert design, without a background colour.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-warning
+ Adopt the new warning alert design, without a background colour.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-success
+ Adopt the new success alert design, without a background colour.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-info
+ Adopt the new info alert design, without a background colour.
+ v7.0
+ Plugin .wb-chtwzrd
+ Transforms a simple form into a conversation like experience used as a wizard.
+ v7.0
+ CSS [type="checkbox"]
and [type="radio"]
+ Adopt the new large input touch targets for checkboxes and radio-buttons
+ v7.0
+Provisional feature documentation
+CSS provisional features must be accompanied by the class .provisional
within his context of use.
+Provisional feature working examples
+In this section
+Mostly for campaing pages with content-fluid width.
+<div class="provisional bg-cover" data-bgimg="demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg">
+ <div class="container p-0 p-sm-3">
+ <div class="well header-rwd mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md bg-dark text-white brdr-0">
+ <h4 class="mrgn-tp-md">Heading</h4>
+ <p>Secondary title</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Margin bottom small view port and up
Secondary title
+Theme template colors
+ Javascript code sample to schedule the CSS addition for pink day
+ The following script adds the CSS class only on April 10, 2019 based on local time.
+( function( d ) {
+"use strict";
+var t = new Date(),
+ msT = t.getTime(),
+ s = new Date( 2019, 3, 10, 0, 1 ),
+ e = new Date( 2019, 3, 10, 23, 59 );
+if ( s.getTime() < msT && msT < e.getTime() ) {
+ d.getElementsByTagName( "html" )[ 0 ].classList.add ("pnkDy-theme", "provisional");
+} )( document );
+Background image on headings
+Mostly for Services and information section.
Impact Assessment
Learn about the purpose and steps of impact assessments under the Impact Assessment Act .
Information on potential and current IAs of projects subject to the federal IA process.
How to get involved
Learn how the public can participate in impact assessments.
Learn about the Indigenous consultation process in impact assessments.
+Features section with stretched links
+In the following example, adding the .stretched-link
class to the hyperlink found inside the <h3>
tag will result in propagating the clickable area all the way up to the parent <div>
with the .col-xy-z
class because it has a "relative" position.
Learn how Canada’s Digital Charter will build a foundation of trust in a digital world.
Celebrate National Indigenous History Month in June
+Icon warning color
+Adding provisional icon-warning-light
in the class will change the color
+ Without "provisional icon-warning-light" class
+ With "provisional icon-warning-light" class
+Page success widget
+Planned to eventually replace Report a problem. Uses multiple features: wb-postbak
and data-wb-doaction
plugins, as well as nojs-*
styles and Font Awesome.
Did you find what you were looking for?
+ Yes
+ No
+ If not, tell us why:
Thank you for your feedback
+Alert designs
+ Danger alert
+ Optional alert details.
+ Warning alert
+ Optional alert details.
+ Success alert
+ Optional alert details.
+ Info alert
+ Optional alert details.
+<section class="provisional alert alert-danger">
+ <h3>Danger alert</h3>
+ <p>Optional alert details.</p>
+<section class="provisional alert alert-warning">
+ <h3>Warning alert</h3>
+ <p>Optional alert details.</p>
+<section class="provisional alert alert-success">
+ <h3>Success alert</h3>
+ <p>Optional alert details.</p>
+<section class="provisional alert alert-info">
+ <h3>Info alert</h3>
+ <p>Optional alert details.</p>
+Chat wizard
+There are two ways to implement the chat wizard. The more common way is to code a form, and add according classes and data attributes. The other way is to load it from a JSON file, which will generate both the form and the wizard, is useful in case one would want to implement the same chat wizard on multiple pages.
+1. Code a form
+ Code a form that has a decision tree logic, with the idea that an answer could affect what the next question would be. At the moment, all choices of answer to a question must be radio buttons only.
+ Wrap your form in a section, aside or div tag with a class named “.provisional.wb-chtwzrd”, along with the class “.hidden” to avoid the basic form to flicker on load. Other options are:
+ A data attribute named “data-wb-chtwzrd-avatar” can be added with a path to an image in order to change the default avatar in the bubble and the chat window. Recommended dimensions are 45x45 pixels.
+ A class named “.wb-chtwzrd-inline” can be added to have the chat experience inside the content and not in a separate window. This feature should only be used on a dedicated page, since it will start right away and steals the show to other content.
+ Give it a title (outside of you form) as an H2. That heading will be the title of the form, as well as the title of the chat window and the text of the notification message.
+ The action of your form will be the default destination page at the end of the flow. The method will define if the form will be submitted through the URL bar or in the body at the end. You can give it a name attribute too, for tracking purposes.
+ You will need to start your form with a greetings paragraph. That paragraph must have a “.wb-chtwzrd-greetings” class and will be the first message coming from the bot when the chat window is opened.
+ Same thing for the last message at the end of the conversation which is a farewell paragraph that you can put at the bottom of your form and that needs to have the “.wb-chtwzrd-farewell” class.
+ If you add a regular paragraph right after your greetings one, this will be considered as an introduction message, which will be mentioned by the bot right after the greetings.
+ The submit button is necessary as it indicates what the final submit button will show at the end of the conversation. Plus, you can add a data attribute there named “data-wb-chtwzrd-replace” that allows you to give a different value to your chat wizard than what’s in the form. This data attribute can be used on almost every textual tag inside the “.provisional.wb-chtwzrd” container to indicate what the chat wizard should display different than what the form displays.
+ In the form itself, each question must be wrapped around a fieldset tag, with a unique ID attribute. 10. The question has to be in a legend tag, to which for instance you can use the “data-wb-chtwzrd-replace” attribute to have a more conversation-based question for the wizard.
+ Choices of answer must be in an unordered list, with a class named “.list-unstyled” to not show the bullet points and a class “.mrgn-tp-md” for spacing at your own taste.
+ The label tag has to wrap your input of type radio, with the text value wrapped in a span tag.
+ The input itself has a name that represents that question in the final GET query string or POST, along with the value attribute for this input in particular. Also:
+ The data attribute named “data-wb-chtwzrd-next” must be used on the inputs to indicate the next question (fieldset ID) to present to the user. The last question of any possible conversation in the decision tree must have that data attribute set to “none”, in order to end the conversation.
+ The data attribute name “data-wb-chtwzrd-url” provides the plugin with the updated destination of the redirection at the final submit.
+ If you want an external button to enable the chat wizard in addtition to the chat wizard bubble, you can add a button with the class named .wb-chtwzrd-btn
+ If you only want external button to enable the chat wizard instead of chat bubble, simply add the class named .wb-chtwzrd-btn-extrnl
on your chat wizard and the chat bubble will not be displayed.
+There you have it! A conversational-like experience driven by a fairly simple form.
+2. Import a JSON File
+Accepting JSON File as an input for batch deployments. If you have a JSON file that follows the Data API logic shown below, it can be implemented as a chat wizard instance.
+ "header":{
+ "method": "GET (default) or POST [GET]",
+ "defaultDestination": "Default results page after submission [results-en.html]",
+ "avatar": "Custom avatar URL [https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/default-avatar.png]",
+ "inline": "If provided with any value, it will put the chat wizard inside the content instead of a seperate window [true]",
+ "first": "ID attribute of first question (will pick the first question in the form if not set) [q1]",
+ "formType": "formType dynamic (default) or static for the basic form [dynamic]",
+ "name":"Name attribute on the form for tracking purposes. Chat's form has -chat appended automatically [example]",
+ "form": {
+ "title": "Title for basic form [Help us help you]",
+ "instructions": "Introduction paragraph before basic form [If you are an employer or organization looking for funding, you can find relevant information on the <a href='pagex.html'>funding page</a>.]",
+ "sendButton": "Text for the submit button in the basic form [Search now]"
+ },
+ "title":"Title of wizard [I can help you find the information you need]",
+ "greetings":"Greetings message as first interaction with user [Hi! I can help direct you to programs and services you might be interested in. Let's begin...]",
+ "instructions": "More instructions or information before the questionnaire starts [First, if you are an employer or organization looking for funding, you can find relevant information on the <a href='pagex.html'>funding page</a>.]",
+ "farewell":"Farewell message as last interaction after last question is answered [Thank you. I have built a page with results you may find resourceful.]",
+ "sendButton":"Text for the submit button after last question is answered [Show results]"
+ },
+ "questions":{
+ "q1":{
+ "name":"Name of the question [describe]",
+ "input":"Input type [radio]",
+ "labelForm":"Question in the form [What would you describe yourself as?]",
+ "label":"Question in the wizard [Are you:]",
+ "choices":[
+ {
+ "content":"Choice of answer for an input [a young Canadian]",
+ "value":"Value for the submission [young-canadian]",
+ "next":"Next question ID [q2]",
+ "url":"result page if this answer is selected [results-en.html]"
+ },
+ {
+ "...":"More choices"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "q2":{
+ "...":"More questions"
+ }
+ }
+All you need on your page is to add a data attribute named “data-wb-chtwzrd-src” to your section, aside or div tag that has the “.provisional.wb-chtwzrd” class, and provide it with the path to your JSON file.
+Checkboxes and radio-buttons
+Large input touch targets support input and use
+A long time issue with checkboxes and radio buttons has been that labels don't look clickable to most people
+Even using designs that highlight the label text or put the input and label with a grey outline, studies showed that people still wanted to click the input design.
+Design specification
+ Question
+ Selected radio button
+ Unselected radio button
+ Radio button label
+Radio buttons are used in the following patterns:
+ Interactive questions
+ Forms
+Checkboxes are used in the following patterns:
+ Interactive questions
+ Forms
+ Fieldflow
+Demo and code
+How to implement
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-04-16
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/provisional-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/provisional-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f198458b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/provisional-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+ Fonctionalités provisoires - Thème de GCWeb - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Fonctionalités provisoires - Thème de GCWeb
+Dans cette page
+Disponibilité des fonctionalités
is now deprecated and it will not be supported in 6 months.
+ It has to be replaced by .provisional
+Le tableau suivant décrit jusqu’à quelle version de GCWeb chaque fonctionnalité sera disponible. La disponibilité des fonctionnalités sera réévaluée chaque fois qu’une version est publiée. Une fonctionnalité expérimentale retirée sera communiquée une version à l’avance.
+ Description des états
+ <non spécifié>
+ Provisoires
+ Retiré
+ La fonctionalité n'est plus disponible
+ Supporté
+ La fonctionalité est maintenu inclus et supporté par l'API publique de GCWeb.
+ Retiré après v.Majeur.Mineur
+ La version v.Major.Minor représente la dernière version que cette fonctionalité sera disponible. Les auteurs doit considérer une solution alternative ou de faire le retrait de l'utilisation de cette fonctionalité.
+ Nom
+ Description
+ Disponible dans
+ État
+ CSS .p-0
+ Fixer un remplissage (padding ) de 0px
+ v5.1
+ Supporté via wet-boew depuis v6.0
+ CSS .mb-sm-5
+ Fixer la marge du bas à 50px pour la vue à partir d'un petit écran et plus
+ v5.1
+ Supporté via wet-boew depuis v6.0
+ CSS .p-sm-3
+ Fixer les marges à 15px pour la vue à partir d'un petit écran et plus
+ v5.1
+ Supporté via wet-boew depuis v6.0
+ CSS .px-sm-3
+ Fixer le padding de gauche et de droite à 15px pour la vue à partir d'un petit écran et plus
+ v5.1
+ Supporté via wet-boew depuis v6.0
+ CSS .bg-darker
+ Couleur de fond noir complet
+ v5.1
+ CSS .bg-gctheme
et .bg-gctheme.well.header-rwd
+ Couleur de fond de base du thème de GCWeb
+ v5.1
+ CSS .bg-pnkDy
et .bg-pnkDy.well.header-rwd
+ Couleur de fond de la Journée rose
+ v5.1
+ CSS .pnkDy-theme
fixé globalement
+ Appliquer la couleur de gabarit « global » pour la couleur de la Journée rose de façon globale, comme cette propriété est définie sur l’élément <html>
ou <body>
+ v5.1
+ CSS .dark-theme
set global
+ Appliquer la couleur de gabarit « global » modifiée à noir complet de façon globale, comme cette propriété est définie sur l’élément <html>
ou <body>
+ v5.1
+ CSS .bg-cover
+ Image de fond de taille "couvrir"
+ v5.1
+ Moved to WET-BOEW. Use of .provisional
is required in WET-BOEW
+ Plugin [data-bgimg]
+ Prendre la valeur URL et la fixer en tant qu’image de fond. Il faut le remplacer par le sélecteur CSS4
+ v5.1
+ Moved to WET-BOEW. Use of .provisional
is required in WET-BOEW
+ CSS .bg-img-hdng
+ Ajouter une image de fond à un en-tête
+ v5.1
+ CSS .stretched-link
+ Propage la zone cliquable d'une balise hyperlien jusqu'au premier élément parent qui est de position relative.
+ v5.1
+ Supporté via wet-boew depuis v6.0
+ CSS .icon-warning-light
+ Change the color to #DF7200
+ v7.0
+ Gabarit .gc-pg-hlpfl
+ "Widget succès de page" configuration de conception pour laisser les utilisateurs partager leur expérience sur la page.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-danger
+ Adoptez la nouvelle conception d’avis de danger, sans une couleur de fond.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-warning
+ Adoptez la nouvelle conception d’avis d’avertissement, sans une couleur de fond.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-success
+ Adoptez la nouvelle conception d’avis de succès, sans une couleur de fond.
+ v7.0
+ CSS .alert-info
+ Adoptez la nouvelle conception d’avis d’information, sans une couleur de fond.
+ v7.0
+ Plugin .wb-chtwzrd
+ Transforms a simple form into a conversation like experience used as a wizard.
+ v7.0
+ CSS [type="checkbox"]
and [type="radio"]
+ Adoptez les nouvelles grandes cibles tactiles d'entrée pour les cases à cocher et les boutons radio
+ v7.0
+Documentation des fonctionalités provisoires
+Les fonctionalités CSS provisoires doivent être accompagné avec la classe .provisional
au sein de leur contexte d'utilisation.
+Exemples pratiques provisoires
+Dans cette section
+Principalement pour des pages de campagne ayant une largeur adaptable au contenu.
+<div class="provisional bg-cover" data-bgimg="demos/tabs/img/investinourfuture.jpg">
+ <div class="container p-0 p-sm-3">
+ <div class="well header-rwd mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md bg-dark text-white brdr-0">
+ <h4 class="mrgn-tp-md">En-tête</h4>
+ <p>En-tête secondaire</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+Marge du bas pour la vue à partir d'un petit écran et plus
En-tête secondaire
Boîte grise secondaire
+Couleurs du gabarit de thème
+ Échantillon du code JavaScript pour programmer l’ajout CSS pour la Journée rose
+ Le script suivant ajoute la classe CSS seulement pour le 10 avril 2019 heure locale.
+( function( d ) {
+"use strict";
+var t = new Date(),
+ msT = t.getTime(),
+ s = new Date( 2019, 3, 10, 0, 1 ),
+ e = new Date( 2019, 3, 10, 23, 59 );
+if ( s.getTime() < msT && msT < e.getTime() ) {
+ d.getElementsByTagName( "html" )[ 0 ].classList.add ("pnkDy-theme", "provisional");
+} )( document );
+Image de fond sur l'en-tête
+Principalement pour la section Services et information.
Impact Assessment
Learn about the purpose and steps of impact assessments under the Impact Assessment Act .
Information on potential and current IAs of projects subject to the federal IA process.
How to get involved
Learn how the public can participate in impact assessments.
Learn about the Indigenous consultation process in impact assessments.
+Section Features avec des liens élargis
+Dans l'exemple suivant, ajouter la classe .stretched-link
à l'hyperlien situé à l'intérieur de la balise <h3>
résulera en une propagation de la zone cliquable jusqu'au <div>
parent qui contient la classe .col-xy-z
parce que celui-ci est en position « relative ».
Learn how Canada’s Digital Charter will build a foundation of trust in a digital world.
Celebrate National Indigenous History Month in June
Icon warning color
Adding provisional icon-warning-light
in the class will change the color
+ Without "provisional icon-warning-light" class
+ With "provisional icon-warning-light" class
+Widget succès de page
+Est prévu pour remplacer Signaler un problème ou une erreur sur cette page éventuellement. Utilises plusieurs fonctionnalités : les plugiciels wb-postbak
et data-wb-doaction
, ainsi que les styles nojs-*
puis Font Awesome.
Avez-vous trouvé ce que vous cherchiez?
+ Oui
+ Non
+ Sinon, dites nous pourquoi :
Merci de vos commentaires
+Conceptions des avis
+ Avis de danger
+ Détails optionnel d'avis.
+ Avis d’avertissement
+ Détails optionnel d'avis.
+ Avis de succès
+ Détails optionnel d'avis.
+ Avis d’information
+ Détails optionnel d'avis.
+<section class="provisional alert alert-danger">
+ <h3>Avis de danger</h3>
+ <p>Détails optionnel d'avis.</p>
+<section class="provisional alert alert-warning">
+ <h3>Avis d’avertissement</h3>
+ <p>Détails optionnel d'avis.</p>
+<section class="provisional alert alert-success">
+ <h3>Avis de succès</h3>
+ <p>Détails optionnel d'avis.</p>
+<section class="provisional alert alert-info">
+ <h3>Avis d’information</h3>
+ <p>Détails optionnel d'avis.</p>
Chat wizard
(Need translation)
There are two ways to implement the chat wizard. The more common way is to code a form, and add according classes and data attributes. The other way is to load it from a JSON file, which will generate both the form and the wizard, is useful in case one would want to implement the same chat wizard on multiple pages.
1. Code a form
+ Code a form that has a decision tree logic, with the idea that an answer could affect what the next question would be. At the moment, all choices of answer to a question must be radio buttons only.
+ Wrap your form in a section, aside or div tag with a class named “.provisional.wb-chtwzrd”, along with the class “.hidden” to avoid the basic form to flicker on load. Other options are:
+ A data attribute named “data-wb-chtwzrd-avatar” can be added with a path to an image in order to change the default avatar in the bubble and the chat window. Recommended dimensions are 45x45 pixels.
+ A class named “.wb-chtwzrd-inline” can be added to have the chat experience inside the content and not in a separate window. This feature should only be used on a dedicated page, since it will start right away and steals the show to other content.
+ Give it a title (outside of you form) as an H2. That heading will be the title of the form, as well as the title of the chat window and the text of the notification message.
+ The action of your form will be the default destination page at the end of the flow. The method will define if the form will be submitted through the URL bar or in the body at the end. You can give it a name attribute too, for tracking purposes.
+ You will need to start your form with a greetings paragraph. That paragraph must have a “.wb-chtwzrd-greetings” class and will be the first message coming from the bot when the chat window is opened.
+ Same thing for the last message at the end of the conversation which is a farewell paragraph that you can put at the bottom of your form and that needs to have the “.wb-chtwzrd-farewell” class.
+ If you add a regular paragraph right after your greetings one, this will be considered as an introduction message, which will be mentioned by the bot right after the greetings.
+ The submit button is necessary as it indicates what the final submit button will show at the end of the conversation. Plus, you can add a data attribute there named “data-wb-chtwzrd-replace” that allows you to give a different value to your chat wizard than what’s in the form. This data attribute can be used on almost every textual tag inside the “.provisional.wb-chtwzrd” container to indicate what the chat wizard should display different than what the form displays.
+ In the form itself, each question must be wrapped around a fieldset tag, with a unique ID attribute. 10. The question has to be in a legend tag, to which for instance you can use the “data-wb-chtwzrd-replace” attribute to have a more conversation-based question for the wizard.
+ Choices of answer must be in an unordered list, with a class named “.list-unstyled” to not show the bullet points and a class “.mrgn-tp-md” for spacing at your own taste.
+ The label tag has to wrap your input of type radio, with the text value wrapped in a span tag.
+ The input itself has a name that represents that question in the final GET query string or POST, along with the value attribute for this input in particular. Also:
+ The data attribute named “data-wb-chtwzrd-next” must be used on the inputs to indicate the next question (fieldset ID) to present to the user. The last question of any possible conversation in the decision tree must have that data attribute set to “none”, in order to end the conversation.
+ The data attribute name “data-wb-chtwzrd-url” provides the plugin with the updated destination of the redirection at the final submit.
+ If you want an external button to enable the chat wizard in addtition to the chat wizard bubble, you can add a button with the class named .wb-chtwzrd-btn
+ If you only want external button to enable the chat wizard instead of chat bubble, simply add the class named .wb-chtwzrd-btn-extrnl
on your chat wizard and the chat bubble will not be displayed.
There you have it! A conversational-like experience driven by a fairly simple form.
2. Import a JSON File
Accepting JSON File as an input for batch deployments. If you have a JSON file that follows the Data API logic shown below, it can be implemented as a chat wizard instance.
+ "header":{
+ "method": "GET (default) or POST [GET]",
+ "defaultDestination": "Default results page after submission [results-en.html]",
+ "avatar": "Custom avatar URL [https://www.canada.ca/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/default-avatar.png]",
+ "inline": "If provided with any value, it will put the chat wizard inside the content instead of a seperate window [true]",
+ "first": "ID attribute of first question (will pick the first question in the form if not set) [q1]",
+ "formType": "formType dynamic (default) or static for the basic form [dynamic]",
+ "name":"Name attribute on the form for tracking purposes. Chat's form has -chat appended automatically [example]",
+ "form": {
+ "title": "Title for basic form [Help us help you]",
+ "instructions": "Introduction paragraph before basic form [If you are an employer or organization looking for funding, you can find relevant information on the <a href='pagex.html'>funding page</a>.]",
+ "sendButton": "Text for the submit button in the basic form [Search now]"
+ },
+ "title":"Title of wizard [I can help you find the information you need]",
+ "greetings":"Greetings message as first interaction with user [Hi! I can help direct you to programs and services you might be interested in. Let's begin...]",
+ "instructions": "More instructions or information before the questionnaire starts [First, if you are an employer or organization looking for funding, you can find relevant information on the <a href='pagex.html'>funding page</a>.]",
+ "farewell":"Farewell message as last interaction after last question is answered [Thank you. I have built a page with results you may find resourceful.]",
+ "sendButton":"Text for the submit button after last question is answered [Show results]"
+ },
+ "questions":{
+ "q1":{
+ "name":"Name of the question [describe]",
+ "input":"Input type [radio]",
+ "labelForm":"Question in the form [What would you describe yourself as?]",
+ "label":"Question in the wizard [Are you:]",
+ "choices":[
+ {
+ "content":"Choice of answer for an input [a young Canadian]",
+ "value":"Value for the submission [young-canadian]",
+ "next":"Next question ID [q2]",
+ "url":"result page if this answer is selected [results-en.html]"
+ },
+ {
+ "...":"More choices"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "q2":{
+ "...":"More questions"
+ }
+ }
All you need on your page is to add a data attribute named “data-wb-chtwzrd-src” to your section, aside or div tag that has the “.provisional.wb-chtwzrd” class, and provide it with the path to your JSON file.
+ Cases à cocher et boutons radio
+ Les grandes cibles tactiles d'entrée prennent en charge la saisie et l'utilisation
+ Un problème de longue date avec les cases à cocher et les boutons radio est que les étiquettes ne semblent pas cliquables pour la plupart des gens
+ Même en utilisant des conceptions qui mettent en évidence le texte de l'étiquette ou mettent l'entrée et l'étiquette avec un contour gris, les études ont montré que les gens voulaient toujours cliquer sur la conception d'entrée.
+Spécifications de conception
+ Question
+ Bouton radio sélectionné
+ Bouton radio non sélectionné
+ Etiquette de bouton radio
+Les boutons radio sont utilisés dans les modèles suivants :
+ Questions interactives
+ Formulaires
+Les cases à cocher sont utilisés dans les modèles suivants :
+ Questions interactives
+ Formulaires
+ Fieldflow
+Demo et code
+Comment mettre en œuvre
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-04-16
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/redacted-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/redacted-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..869fb777d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/redacted-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+ Redacted text - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Redacted text
+Guidance on how to code redacted text.
+ Version: 1.0.1
+ Expert: @duboisp
+ Last updated: 2019-03-26
+ History:
+ (2019-03-26) Changed the redacted character for "Full block" (U+2588)
+ (2018-12-13) Initial draft
+Redacted text is a sub-section, often inline, of published content that are obfuscated and unreadable. For some case, the number of redacted character is included and visually represented.
+Make the redacted text to be sementically understood as an image and apply text alternatives techniques to ensure conformance with the web accessibility standard.
+This technique leverage WAI-ARIA.
+Technical specification
+ Number of redacted character (Full block U+2528) repeated.
+ There no such requirement because we transform the redacted content into an image. Usually the number of repeated full block character would be the same as the number of redacted character. In some cases it can makes sense to repeat the full block character to represent the width taken by latin character considering the width on one latin character is approximativly half the width of the full block character.
+ Note: Text alternative (aria-label
+ The label can be fully adapted to your context. In the redacted text context, it can makes sense to include an indication the following is redacted content (contenu caviardé ) and in some situation to include the number of redacted characters or redacted paragraph.
+ Redacted section (Multiple consecutive paragraph)
+ The whole section should be made as one big image. The semantic need to be removed for all elements which provide some semantic, like paragraph (<p>
) by setting their aria role to presentation (role=presentation
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ████████████████████ ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id█ est laborum.
+ Column 1
+ Column 2
+ 5. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
+ Empty column 2
+Source Code
+<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation <span role="img" aria-label="20 redacted characters">████████████████████</span> ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat <span class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="455 redacted characters">███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</span> cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id<span role="img" aria-label="1 redacted character">█</span> est laborum.</p>
+<p class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="Redacted paragraph of 460 characters">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</p>
+<p><span class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="460 redacted characters">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</span></p>
+<div role="img" aria-label="Redacted section of 2 paragraphs">
+ <p class="redacted" role="presentation">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</p>
+ <p class="redacted" role="presentation">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</p>
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Column 1</th>
+ <th>Column 2</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <p>5. <span class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="460 redacted characters">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</span></p>
+ </td>
+ <td>Empty column 2</td>
+ </tr>
+CSS Class
+ redacted
+ Style the consecutive obfuscated characters to don't overflow outside the container of the phrasing content and they start immediatly after the previous non-redacted character.
+Version notes
+ v1.0.1
+ The recommendation to use the redacted character "Dark shade" (U+2593) are changed for "Full block" (U+2588).
+ Migration instruction: Change the "Dark shade" character in your document for the "Full block" character
+ WCAG note: None
+ Rational: We received feedback saying the dark shade was not visually pleasant. Also the use of the full block on printed document is much more common than the dark shade character.
+ Feedback (for v1.0) The consensus feedback from employees in a small office was the "it hurts the eyes" or "it is headache inducing".
+ v1.0
+ Released on: 2018-12-13 and packaged with GCWeb 5.0
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-03-26
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/redacted-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/redacted-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7c5a425c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/redacted-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ Texte caviardé - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Texte caviardé
+Ligne directrice sur le codage de texte caviardé (ou expurgé).
+ Version: 1.0.1
+ Expert: @duboisp
+ Last updated: 2019-03-26
+ History:
+ (2019-03-26) Changed the redacted character for "Full block" (U+2588)
+ (2018-12-13) Initial draft
Redacted text is a sub-section, often inline, of published content that are obfuscated and unreadable. For some case, the number of redacted character is included and visually represented.
Make the redacted text to be sementically understood as an image and apply text alternatives techniques to ensure conformance with the web accessibility standard.
This technique leverage WAI-ARIA.
Technical specification
+ Number of redacted character (Full block U+2528) repeated.
+ There no such requirement because we transform the redacted content into an image. Usually the number of repeated full block character would be the same as the number of redacted character. In some cases it can makes sense to repeat the full block character to represent the width taken by latin character considering the width on one latin character is approximativly half the width of the full block character.
+ Note: Text alternative (aria-label
+ The label can be fully adapted to your context. In the redacted text context, it can makes sense to include an indication the following is redacted content (contenu caviardé ) and in some situation to include the number of redacted characters or redacted paragraph.
+ Redacted section (Multiple consecutive paragraph)
+ The whole section should be made as one big image. The semantic need to be removed for all elements which provide some semantic, like paragraph (<p>
) by setting their aria role to presentation (role=presentation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ████████████████████ ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id█ est laborum.
+ Column 1
+ Column 2
+ 5. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
+ Empty column 2
Source Code
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation <span role="img" aria-label="20 redacted characters">████████████████████</span> ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat <span class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="455 redacted characters">███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</span> cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id<span role="img" aria-label="1 redacted character">█</span> est laborum.</p>
+<p class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="Redacted paragraph of 460 characters">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</p>
+<p><span class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="460 redacted characters">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</span></p>
+<div role="img" aria-label="Redacted section of 2 paragraphs">
+ <p class="redacted" role="presentation">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</p>
+ <p class="redacted" role="presentation">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</p>
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Column 1</th>
+ <th>Column 2</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <p>5. <span class="redacted" role="img" aria-label="460 redacted characters">████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████</span></p>
+ </td>
+ <td>Empty column 2</td>
+ </tr>
CSS Class
+ redacted
+ Style the consecutive obfuscated characters to don't overflow outside the container of the phrasing content and they start immediatly after the previous non-redacted character.
Version notes
+ v1.0.1
+ The recommendation to use the redacted character "Dark shade" (U+2593) are changed for "Full block" (U+2588).
+ Migration instruction: Change the "Dark shade" character in your document for the "Full block" character
+ WCAG note: None
+ Rational: We received feedback saying the dark shade was not visually pleasant. Also the use of the full block on printed document is much more common than the dark shade character.
+ Feedback (for v1.0) The consensus feedback from employees in a small office was the "it hurts the eyes" or "it is headache inducing".
+ v1.0
+ Released on: 2018-12-13 and packaged with GCWeb 5.0
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-03-26
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/regulations-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/regulations-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c11591e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/regulations-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+ [Regulation name] ([NN-XX]) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Regulation name] ([NN-XX])
+ About this legislation
+ The [Regulation name] ([NN-XX]) lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque ad soluta rem assumenda excepturi! Temporibus ipsa qui suscipit, quidem dolorem, veniam iusto quasi eos voluptate aliquam alias modi veritatis nesciunt, aliquid illum quos nemo cumque eius omnis tempore cum repellat. Mollitia vel id, non. Fuga non, consectetur ad sunt.
+ Related institutions
+ Related regulations
+ Additional information
+ Read the legislation
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ Legislative change
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ News, notices, and recent amendments
+ Canada Gazette Part II
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat temporibus repellendus iusto cumque unde perspiciatis, quod illo.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestiae, unde vitae.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat adipisci libero distinctio sequi officiis provident tenetur ullam eligendi ipsum assumenda.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat reprehenderit est nisi sequi ea modi qui praesentium?
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit, labore quia!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Notices
+ Canada Gazette Part I
+ Planned changes and consultations
+ Recently tabled bills
+ Related forward regulatory plans
+ Related Red Tape Reduction responses
+ Upcoming opportunities to consult
+ Learn more about legislation in Canada
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-10-23
+ About government
+ About this site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02245b886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/regulations-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+ [Nom du règlement] ([NN-XX]) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Nom du règlement] ([NN-XX])
+ À propos de cette loi
+ Le [Nom du règlement] ([NN-XX]) lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque ad soluta rem assumenda excepturi! Temporibus ipsa qui suscipit, quidem dolorem, veniam iusto quasi eos voluptate aliquam alias modi veritatis nesciunt, aliquid illum quos nemo cumque eius omnis tempore cum repellat. Mollitia vel id, non. Fuga non, consectetur ad sunt.
+ Établissements connexes
+ Règlements connexes
+ Renseignements supplémentaires
+ Lire le texte de loi
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ Changement législatif
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate, recusandae! Dolor aliquam, nostrum, velit inventore incidunt vero error at iste, sit, ut odit dignissimos ipsa sequi vel repellendus quis ratione esse debitis quas reiciendis minima eius quia! Necessitatibus molestiae eaque quia ullam ab. Deserunt, eveniet?
+ Nouvelles, avis et amendements récents
+ Amendements récents
+ Gazette du Canada, Partie II
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fugiat temporibus repellendus iusto cumque unde perspiciatis, quod illo.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Natus!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi molestiae, unde vitae.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Placeat adipisci libero distinctio sequi officiis provident tenetur ullam eligendi ipsum assumenda.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam.
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat reprehenderit est nisi sequi ea modi qui praesentium?
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Reprehenderit, labore quia!
+ 2015-01-01 08:00
+ Avis
+ Gazette du Canada, Partie I
+ Communiqués de presse
+ Consultations et changements prévus
+ Projets de loi déposés récemment
+ Plan futurs en matière de réglementation connexe
+ Mesures de réduction de la bureaucratie connexes
+ Possibilités de consultation à venir
+ Consultations antérieures
+ En savoir plus sur les lois du Canada
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eaque harum, nam, earum sed inventore!
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
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+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-10-23
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/index.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7daad022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+ Search template - Meta information - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Search template - Meta information
+Published: March 2019
+Working Example
+Test pages
+Their is not GCWeb corresponding template yet
+Usability Research
+Version history
+ 2020-02-12 Version 2.1 - Advanced search is added under pagination tab
+ 2019-02-06 Version 2 - Search results, Contextualized search result, Faceted results
+ 2013-01-01 Version 1 - Undocumented search results template. Associated with the version 1.x of the Canada.ca Content and IA specification
+Search template roadmap
+Last updated: 2019-02-06
+ Review each working example: Results, Result contextual and Result with filters
+ Collapsible/Expandable feature when multiple labels in a search result item.
+ Collapsible/Expandable available filters, add a "Show more" button
+ Perform WCAG 2.0 Level AA conformance check on each working example
+ Complete the Search Template Schemas and its Shapes graphs
+ The description should not surpass 4 rows of text on mobile screens. The description may be different in mobile than in desktop to accommodate. JS or CSS might be useful to ensure this rule are followed and enforced.
+ Provide instructions on how search result item are structured to ease navigation with an assitive technology software.
+Template component
+ Search bar (prop: isContextual)
+ Search result (prop: isContextual)
+ Search results item (prop: isContextual)
+ Search pagination
+ Search filters
+Note: visual example with styles applied: https://gc-proto.github.io/student-loans/scenarioA/services/search-results-visual.html
+See the image on github
+The CSS class page-type-search
must be added to the body element to every search result pages.
+Implementer need to properly configure forms and inputs.
+<h1 property="name">Search results</h1>
+<!-- Search bar (mendatory) -->
+<!-- Search filter (optional) -->
+<!-- Search result (mendatory) -->
+<!-- Advanced search link (optional) -->
+Search bar
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="sch-inp">Search Government of Canada websites</label>
+ <div class="input-group mrgn-tp-lg">
+ <input spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" id="sch-inp" class="form-control" type="search" />
+ <span class="input-group-btn">
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> <span class="glyphicon-search glyphicon"></span><span class="wb-inv">Search</span></button>
+ </span>
+ </div>
+Search bar contextual
+<div class="well">
+ <form class="mrgn-tp-sm">
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="sch-inp">Search Government of Canada websites</label>
+ <input class="form-control full-width" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" dir="ltr" id="sch-inp" name="q" type="search">
+ <div class="mrgn-tp-md">
+ <p class="wb-inv">See results from:</p>
+ <ul class="radio-inline list-inline mrgn-lft-sm">
+ <li><input type="radio" name="resultsfrom" id="opt-allresults" value="allresults" /> <label for="opt-allresults">All Government of Canada websites</label></li>
+ <li class="mrgn-lft-lg current" aria-current="location"><input type="radio" name="resultsfrom" id="opt-context" value="context" checked="checked" /> <label for="opt-context">Context label</label></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="pull-right">
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="wb-srch-sub"> <span class="glyphicon-search glyphicon"></span> Search</button>
+ </div>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ CSS is used to put the "see result from:" label in bold. The label is after the input to use CSS like "[checked] + label { font-weight: 600 }"
+ The server would add the attribute "checked" to the proper selected radio
+ should only be used for contextual search results from a single institution
+ until radio buttons pattern works, please simply include 'All government of Canada websites' link in the well, under the search box
+ The current context is identified by being bolded. The CSS class current
and the attribute aria-current="location"
must be added on the corresponding list item <li>
. Like in the example above, the current location is the "Context label"
+Potential concern
+ "See result from"
+ Selecting a "radio" should not "refresh" the page and creating a change of context issue.
+ Idea: Toogling the result set instead of refreshing the current page
+ If the whole page is refreshed, that design would need to incorporate a submit button to do the page refresh
+Alternate "See result from:" template
+This template leverage link instead of radio button
+<p class="wb-inv">See results from:</p>
+<ul class="inline">
+ <li><a href="[Link to all result search page]">All Government of Canada websites</a></li>
+ <li><a class="mrgn-lft-lg current" aria-current="location" href="[Link ot contextual search page]">[context label]</a></li>
+ The "current" CSS class is added server side and also set the property aria-current="location"
to add the proper semantic.
+Alternate "Search bar" with the alternate "See result from:" template
+The "All Governement of..." is the current location in that example.
+<div class="well">
+ <form class="mrgn-tp-sm">
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="sch-inp">Search Government of Canada websites</label>
+ <input class="form-control full-width" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off" dir="ltr" id="sch-inp" name="q" type="search">
+ <div class="mrgn-tp-md">
+ <p class="wb-inv">See results from:</p>
+ <ul class="list-inline mrgn-lft-sm pull-left">
+ <li class="current" aria-current="location"><a href="[Link to all result search page]">All Government of Canada websites</a></li>
+ <li class="mrgn-lft-lg"><a href="[Link ot contextual search page]">Context label</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <div class="pull-right">
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="wb-srch-sub"> <span class="glyphicon-search glyphicon"></span> Search</button>
+ </div>
+ <div class="clearfix"></div>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+Search result
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Search results</h2>
+ <p class="result-count">[number] search results for "[search term]"</p>
+ <!-- Search result item (Repeat block - max 10 times) -->
+ <!-- Search result pagination -->
+Search result contextual
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Search results</h2>
+ <p class="result-count">[number] search results for "[search term]"</p>
+ <p class="gc-byline"><strong>From [Institution name]</strong></p>
+ <!-- Search result item (Repeat block - max 10 times) -->
+ <!-- Search result pagination -->
+ byline is only included in contextual versions of the results page
+Search result item (with page breadcrumb)
+ <h3><a href="#">[Search result page title (not including '- Canada.ca' or other institutional suffix)]</a></h3>
+ <ul class="label">
+ <li>[institution name]</li>
+ <li>[institution name]</li>
+ <li>[institution name]</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ol class="breadcrumb">
+ <li>[domain name of search result]</li>
+ <li>[parent breadcrumb of page]</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p class="search-description"><time datetime="2018-01-01" class="search-result-date">[MMM DD, YYYY]</time> - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]</p>
+ A <section>
element is necessary because of the pagination. Without that, the pagination, which is at the ends, would belong sementically to the last result item, but we need it to belong to the h2 without considering the content identified by the h3 heading.
+Shemas information block:
+ <foaf:page> Link of the search result, required, only one
+ <dct:title> Title of the search result
+ Should not display "- canada.ca" or any departmental suffixes.
+ <wms:contextLabel> Institution in scope with this search result, optional, 0 to multiple
+ Note: if labels go past 1 row, then
+ cut off at end of row
+ do not show any labels beyond the first row. Text-overflow of the cut off label should be with an ellipsis. Expand/collapse to show all is not a requirement for Jan 2018 MVP
+ Note 2: First label should always be the label of the context the search is in (if contextualised). Not necessarily order of tags in page metadata.
+ The link should be followed by facet labels that indicate indicate the context(s)/facet(s) the page would appear in. Canada.ca and institutions’ contextual searches must display institution labels to indicate context.
+ Topic pages on Canada.ca should not be tagged to context labels, and should appear in all contextual search results sets.
+ Within a filtered/contextual search, the label associated to the context must appear first.
+ (Not implemented) If context labels would extend beyond a row, they should be cut off and hidden with an expand toggle.
+ The label that would have broken to the next line should still be displayed, but with an ellipsis where it is cut off, before the expand toggle.
+ When expanded, there should be a collapse toggle to reduce the size of the result back to a single row.
+ < Path of the result > Location of the search result, mandatory, 1 of the following options:
+ < Breadcrumb item > Path fragment of the location of this search result, mandatory, 2 items
+ First item: domain name of search result]
+ Second item: parent breadcrumb of page
+ Note: this always has 2 list items. Does not include other breadcrumb items.
+ Need clarification: Is the breadcrumb items are clickable or are static
+ < foaf:page > When the breadcrumb is unavailable, textual output of the page URL, mandatory
+ Notes: when the breadcrumb is not available to the search engine, use the URL instead
+ < dct:modified > Date modified of the page pointed by this search result
+ < contextualized description > Description excerpt that include highlight to the search term
+ Search terms found in descriptions should be bolded.
+ If the description is an excerpt that does not begin with a sentence, or end at a period, a … symbol should be added at the beginning/end.
+ (Not implemented) The description should not surpass 4 rows of text on mobile screens. The description may be different in mobile than in desktop to accommodate
+Search result item (with no breadcrumb)
+Same info as the preceding section
+<h3><a href="#">[Search result page title (not including '- Canada.ca' or other institutional suffix)]</a></h3>
+<ul class="label">
+ <li>[institution name]</li>
+ <li>[institution name]</li>
+ <li>[institution name]</li>
+<p><cite><a href="#">[url of the search result]</a></cite></p>
+<p class="search-description"><time datetime="2018-01-01" class="search-result-date">[MMM DD, YYYY]</time> - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]</p>
+Search result pagination
+ Each page of search results should have a maximum of 10 individual result listings.
+ If there are fewer than 10 results, the pagination should be removed.
+ Show "Previous" and "Next" button when available in the scope of the current page
+ Small device: Show up to 3 page more the previous and the next button if in scope
+ Small device: Current page will be lock at position 2 (in the middle) when navigating through multiple page.
+ Medium device: Show up to 5 pages more the previous and the next button if in scope
+ Medium device: Current page will be lock at position 3 (in the middle) when navigating through multiple page.
+ Large device: Show up to 10 pages more the previous and the next button if in scope
+ Large device: Current page will be lock at position 5 (in the middle) when navigating through multiple page.
+Test pagination scenario
+ Scenario 1 - The first page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ Scenario 2 - The second page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ Scenario 3 - The fifth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ Scenario 4 - The twelfth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ Scenario 5 - The forthy-eighth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ Scenario 6 - The last page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ Scenario 7 - The third page is current and there is 6 results page
+Source code for all search pagination scenario
+<!-- This is code sample from Scenario 2 -->
+<div class="text-center">
+ <p class="wb-inv">Search results pages</p>
+ <ul class="pagination">
+ <li>
+ <a rel="prev" href="#">Previous<span class="wb-inv"> page of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#">1<span class="wb-inv">: Page 1 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="active" aria-current="page">
+ <a href="#">2<span class="wb-inv">: Page 2 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#">3<span class="wb-inv">: Page 3 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">
+ <a href="#">4<span class="wb-inv">: Page 4 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">
+ <a href="#">5<span class="wb-inv">: Page 5 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
+ <a href="#">6<span class="wb-inv">: Page 6 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
+ <a href="#">7<span class="wb-inv">: Page 7 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
+ <a href="#">8<span class="wb-inv">: Page 8 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
+ <a href="#">9<span class="wb-inv">: Page 9 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md">
+ <a href="#">10<span class="wb-inv">: Page 10 of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a rel="next" href="#">Next<span class="wb-inv"> page of search results</span></a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+Advanced Search Link (optional)
+Advanced search link below the pagination tab will allow users to enhance the search result.
+<p class="text-center"><small><a href="[URL of the advance search page]">Perform an advanced search</a></small></p>
+Search filter (optional)
+Applying the require to wrap the search result into a columns, as described after the filter block code sample
+ <h2 class="wb-inv">Filters</h2>
+ <div class="text-right">
+ <button class="btn btn-link">Clear all</button>
+ </div>
+ <details open>
+ <summary>By department</summary>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><a href="#">Health Canada (471<span class="wb-inv"> results</span>)</a></li>
+ <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span><span class="wb-inv">Remove active filter:</span> <a href="#">Global Affairs Canada (403<span class="wb-inv"> results</span>)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Employment and Social Development Canada (130<span class="wb-inv"> results</span>)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Environment and Climate Change Canada (43<span class="wb-inv"> results</span>)</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#">Canadian Heritage (29<span class="wb-inv"> results</span>)</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <button class="btn btn-link small">Show more <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down small"></span></button>
+ </details>
+ Each separate filter should appear in its own expand-collapse with a label that clearly indicates what it filters.
+ (Not implemented yet) No more than 5 facets should appear when expanded. An option to see 'more' or 'all' options may be added below the top 5.
+ Ordering of facets:
+ by most relevant, when 5 or fewer, or collapsed
+ alphabetical, when all are shown.
+ Each facet should be followed by the number of results the facet applied to in brackets.
+ A 'clear all' button should be available to the top right of the facet boxes.
+ A checkmark should appear to the left of a currently selected facet. When a currently selected facet is clicked, it should remove that filter.
+ Specialised search option 1: Facets with children facets
+ If a facet has children, selecting a facet should:
+ hide all other facets at the same level as the selected facet
+ show the children facets indented to the right, below the selected facet
+ Specialised search option 2: Small number of very important facets
+ If there is a top level set of facets that is very important to the findability of results and there are 5 or fewer options, this set of facets should appear in labels, differentiated by colour underneath the search box instead of in a left hand bar.
+ Specialised search option 3: Facets that only apply to certain sets
+ If there are facet boxes that only apply to a subset of results based on selections in another facet box, they should not be displayed until those facets are selected.
+ Once selected, they should appear in a facet box with a label that is based on the condition that made it appear.
+Layout adjusted with the filter component
+<h1 property="name">Search results</h1>
+<!-- Search bar (mandatory) -->
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-4 mrgn-tp-md">
+ <!-- Search filter (optional) -->
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-8">
+ <!-- Search result (mandatory) -->
+ </div>
+Schema (Incomplete draft v2)
+# Schema for the Search template
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
+@prefix wms: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms> .
+@prefix tmpl: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/template> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+ dct:issued "2019-01-21"^^xsd:date ;
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Template ;
+ wms:templateName "gc-srvinfo" ;
+ rdfs:label "Search"@en ;
+ rdfs:label "Recherche"@fr .
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Search bar"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Search result"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Search result item"@en .
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:domains tmpl:SearchResult ;
+ rdfs:range tmpl:SearchResultItem .
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Search filters"@en .
+ a rdfs:Class, wms:Component ;
+ rdfs:label "Search pagination"@en .
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:domains tmpl:SearchBar ;
+ rdfs:domains tmpl:SearchResult ;
+ rdfs:range wms:Departements .
+Shapes graphs
+# Shape graph of the Search template
+@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
+@prefix comp: <http://vocab.canada.ca/wms/component> .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass tmpl:Search ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:in ( tmpl:SearchBar ) ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:in ( tmpl:SearchResult );
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ sh:severity sh:Violation ;
+ ]
+ )
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path tmpl:SearchFilters ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass tmpl:SearchBar ;
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path tmpl:searchContext ;
+ sh:in wms:Departements
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass tmpl:SearchResult ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path tmpl:searchResults ;
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:in ( tmpl:SearchPagination )
+ sh:maxCount 1 ;
+ ]
+ )
+ sh:property [
+ sh:path tmpl:searchContext ;
+ sh:in wms:Departements
+ ] .
+ a sh:NodeShape ;
+ sh:targetClass tmpl:SearchResultItem ;
+ sh:and (
+ [
+ sh:path dct:title ;
+ sh:uniqueLang true ;
+ sh:minCount 1 ;
+ ]
+ [
+ sh:path foaf:page ;
+ ]
+ # Context labels
+ # Breadcrumb text
+ )
+ #
+ .
+# TODO: tmpl:SearchFiltersShape
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-07-31
+ About government
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-contextual-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-contextual-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36938f042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-contextual-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ Search results (Contextual) - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Search results (Contextual)
+ Search Government of Canada websites
See results from:
+ Search
+ Search results
+ [number] search results for "[search term]"
+ From [Context label]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name 1]
+ [institution name 2]
+ [institution name 3]
+ [institution name 4]
+ [institution name 5]
+ [institution name 6]
+ [institution name 7]
+ [institution name 8]
+ [institution name 9]
+ [institution name 10]
+ [institution name 11]
+ [institution name 12]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
Search results pages
+Perform an advanced search
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2018-12-21
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59636a9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-contextual-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ Résultats de la recherche (Contextuel) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Résultats de la recherche (Contextuel)
+ Recherchez le site Web du Gouvernement du Canada
Voir les résultats pour:
+ Recherche
+ Résultats de recherche
+ [nombre de] résultats de recherché pour "[le terme recherché]"
+ [Nom de domaine du résultat]
+ [Fil d'Arianne parent du résultat]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/extrait du résultat de recherche. Les termes rechercher sont en mis en évidence]
+ https://www.canada.ca/en.html
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/extrait du résultat de recherche. Les termes rechercher sont en mis en évidence]
Pagination des résultats de recherche
+Effectuer une recherche avancée
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2018-12-21
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dadd83d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ Search results - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Search results
+ Search Government of Canada websites
+ Search
+ Search results
+ [number] search results for "[search term]"
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name 1]
+ [institution name 2]
+ [institution name 3]
+ [institution name 4]
+ [institution name 5]
+ [institution name 6]
+ [institution name 7]
+ [institution name 8]
+ [institution name 9]
+ [institution name 10]
+ [institution name 11]
+ [institution name 12]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
Search results pages
+Perform an advanced search
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-02-06
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-filters-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-filters-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db5085bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-filters-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ Search facets/filters results - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Search facets/filters results
+ Search Government of Canada websites
+ Search
+ Filters
+ Clear all
+ By department
+ Show more
+ Search results
+ [number] search results for "[search term]"
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name 1]
+ [institution name 2]
+ [institution name 3]
+ [institution name 4]
+ [institution name 5]
+ [institution name 6]
+ [institution name 7]
+ [institution name 8]
+ [institution name 9]
+ [institution name 10]
+ [institution name 11]
+ [institution name 12]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [institution name]
+ [domain name of search result]
+ [parent breadcrumb of page]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/highlight of search result. Search terms in strong]
Search results pages
Perform an advanced search
+ Report a problem on this page
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+ Date modified:
+ 2019-02-06
+ About government
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diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-filters-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-filters-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b15964eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-filters-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Résultats de la recherche (avec filtre) - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Résultats de la recherche (avec filtre)
+ Recherchez le site Web du Gouvernement du Canada
+ Recherche
+ Filtres
+ Effacer tout
+ Par département
+ Afficher davantage
+ Résultats de recherche
+ [nombre de] résultats de recherché pour "[le terme recherché]"
+ [Nom de domaine du résultat]
+ [Fil d'Arianne parent du résultat]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/extrait du résultat de recherche. Les termes rechercher sont en mis en évidence]
+ https://www.canada.ca/en.html
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/extrait du résultat de recherche. Les termes rechercher sont en mis en évidence]
Pagination des résultats de recherche
Effectuer une recherche avancée
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-02-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25b1d20b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/results-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ Résultats de la recherche - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Résultats de la recherche
+ Recherchez le site Web du Gouvernement du Canada
+ Recherche
+ Résultats de recherche
+ [nombre de] résultats de recherché pour "[le terme recherché]"
+ [Nom de domaine du résultat]
+ [Fil d'Arianne parent du résultat]
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/extrait du résultat de recherche. Les termes rechercher sont en mis en évidence]
+ https://www.canada.ca/en.html
+ [MMM DD, YYYY] - [description/extrait du résultat de recherche. Les termes rechercher sont en mis en évidence]
Pagination des résultats de recherche
+Effectuer une recherche avancée
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-02-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/search/test-pagination.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/test-pagination.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..62ff6683d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/search/test-pagination.html
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+ Test - Pagination for search template - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Test - Pagination for search template
+This is a test page to assess multiple search result pagignation scenario
+As per March 1, 2019
+ Show "Previous" and "Next" button when available in the scope of the current page
+ Small device: Show up to 3 page more the previous and the next button if in scope
+ Small device: Current page will be lock at position 2 (in the middle) when navigating through multiple page.
+ Medium device: Show up to 5 pages more the previous and the next button if in scope
+ Medium device: Current page will be lock at position 3 (in the middle) when navigating through multiple page.
+ Large device: Show up to 10 pages more the previous and the next button if in scope
+ Large device: Current page will be lock at position 5 (in the middle) when navigating through multiple page.
+ The first page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ The second page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ The fifth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ The twelfth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ The forthy-eighth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ The last page is current and there is more than 50 results page
+ The third page is current and there is 6 results page
+Scenario 1: The first page is current and there is more than 50 results page
Search results pages
+Scenario 2: The second page is current and there is more than 50 results page
Search results pages
+Scenario 3: The fifth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
Search results pages
+Scenario 4: The twelfth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
Search results pages
+Scenario 5: The forthy-eighth page is current and there is more than 50 results page
Search results pages
+Scenario 6: The last page is current and there is more than 50 results page
Search results pages
+Scenario 7: The third page is current and there is 6 results page
Search results pages
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-03-01
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-en-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-en-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..678f5d8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-en-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ Message title - Canada.ca theme / Titre du message - Thème Canada.ca
Message title / Titre du message
+ Message title
+ Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text.
+ Titre du message
+ Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef6b4c3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Message title - Canada.ca theme
Message title
Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-fr-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-fr-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b68fc6dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-fr-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ Titre du message - Thème Canada.ca / Message title - Canada.ca theme
Titre du message / Message title
+ Titre du message
+ Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple.
+ Message title
+ Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7a1ca2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/servermessage-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Titre du message - Thème Canada.ca
Titre du message
Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple. Texte d'exemple.
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/service-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/service-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..811832893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/service-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ [Service name] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ [Service name]
+From [Institution name]
[Service name], lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Unde ipsam deserunt, doloremque mollitia laudantium quas ut accusamus perspiciatis repellendus quaerat omnis corporis laborum quasi magni possimus qui necessitatibus, aperiam enim.
+ [Eligibility details]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [What you need before you start]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
[Apply now]
+ [Other ways to apply]
+ By phone:
+ 123-456-7890
+ In person:
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
+ 1234 street ave.
+ City, Province
+ A1B 2C3
+ By mail:
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
+ 1234 street ave.
+ City, Province
+ A1B 2C3
+ Related services and information
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2016-11-04
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/service-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/service-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ebeeee18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/service-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ [Nom du service] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ [Nom du service]
+De [nom de l'institution]
[Nom du service], lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Unde ipsam deserunt, doloremque mollitia laudantium quas ut accusamus perspiciatis repellendus quaerat omnis corporis laborum quasi magni possimus qui necessitatibus, aperiam enim.
+ [Détails sur l’admissibilité]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti cupiditate voluptatem praesentium, facilis corporis magni esse reiciendis distinctio. Vitae totam iste porro, esse facere obcaecati? Laborum earum minus harum enim.
+ [À savoir avant de commencer]
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa hic minima magni nesciunt nam. Facilis perferendis, adipisci voluptates, enim illo perspiciatis molestias itaque iste qui distinctio asperiores quidem voluptatum sunt.
[Faire une demande]
+ [Autres façons de présenter une demande]
+ Par téléphone :
+ 123-456-7890
+ En personne :
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
+ 1234, avenue de la Rue
+ Ville (Province)
+ A1B 2C3
+ Par courrier :
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
+ 1234, avenue de la Rue
+ Ville (Province)
+ A1B 2C3
+ Services et renseignements connexes
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2016-11-04
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/splashpage.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/splashpage.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28f75ea04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/splashpage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ Canada.ca
+ Government of Canada
+ English
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/tbl-floatcolumn-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/tbl-floatcolumn-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7681218c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/tbl-floatcolumn-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+ Float column in a data table - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Float column in a data table
+ Purpose
+A data table cell on a specific column floats under the preceding column.
Only supported by simple data table, structured with the explicit row group thead, tbody and tfoot.
+ Design and coding
+Basic use
+Use to display a table data in a user friendly manner.
+ Default
+Wrapping the following <td>
of the <th>
under that <th>
element. It is expected that the column header (<th>
in <thead>
) of the column being wrapped would be invisible to users but readable by screen readers.
+In order to float a <td>
element under the preceding <th>
element, CSS classes .table-columnfloat
and .table
must be set on the <table>
The heading of the floated column is hidden, so there is a risk where the column heading of the preceding column don’t represent the content that was floated under. Please set column title wisely or if that column is a column header (link to technique about column header) then it can be deducted the content that is moved under is a middle description for that row cell heading.
<table class="table-columnfloat table">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ Data Column 2
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ Data Column 2
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Total
+ Data Column 2
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Enhanced use
+ Striped rows (zebra stripe) and hover rows
+Use to add a zebra-striped hover effect to any table row within the <tbody>
<table class="table-columnfloat table table-striped table-hover">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Canada Revenue
+ 85% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Total
+ 95% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Bordered rows
+Use .table-bordered
to separate information when the table cells have a lot of data in them, and word wrap.
+This makes it easy for the user to tell what information belongs to which cell.
<table class="table-columnfloat table table-striped table-hover table-bordered">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Canada Revenue
+ 85% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Total
+ 95% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Known issues
+ Complex table structure – It is not supported
+ View example
<table class="table-columnfloat table">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ <table class="table-columnfloat table">
+ <caption>Top departments</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th rowspan="2">Departments</th>
+ <th colspan="3">Column 2</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Column 3</th>
+ <th>Coulmn 4</th>
+ <th>Coulmn 5</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>National Defence</th>
+ <td>3%</td>
+ <td>4%</td>
+ <td>5%</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Employment and Social</th>
+ <td>3%</td>
+ <td>4%</td>
+ <td>5%</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ Vertical alignment – The issue became prominent when a cell have variation for its height compare to the other cells in the table.
+ View example
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Parent HTML element that contains floated children elements is the resulting height is no longer auto
, but instead renders as height: 0;
+ View example
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-10-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/tbl-floatcolumn-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/tbl-floatcolumn-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7681218c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/tbl-floatcolumn-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+ Float column in a data table - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Float column in a data table
+ Purpose
+A data table cell on a specific column floats under the preceding column.
Only supported by simple data table, structured with the explicit row group thead, tbody and tfoot.
+ Design and coding
+Basic use
+Use to display a table data in a user friendly manner.
+ Default
+Wrapping the following <td>
of the <th>
under that <th>
element. It is expected that the column header (<th>
in <thead>
) of the column being wrapped would be invisible to users but readable by screen readers.
+In order to float a <td>
element under the preceding <th>
element, CSS classes .table-columnfloat
and .table
must be set on the <table>
The heading of the floated column is hidden, so there is a risk where the column heading of the preceding column don’t represent the content that was floated under. Please set column title wisely or if that column is a column header (link to technique about column header) then it can be deducted the content that is moved under is a middle description for that row cell heading.
<table class="table-columnfloat table">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ Data Column 2
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ Data Column 2
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Total
+ Data Column 2
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Enhanced use
+ Striped rows (zebra stripe) and hover rows
+Use to add a zebra-striped hover effect to any table row within the <tbody>
<table class="table-columnfloat table table-striped table-hover">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Canada Revenue
+ 85% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Total
+ 95% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Bordered rows
+Use .table-bordered
to separate information when the table cells have a lot of data in them, and word wrap.
+This makes it easy for the user to tell what information belongs to which cell.
<table class="table-columnfloat table table-striped table-hover table-bordered">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Canada Revenue
+ 85% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Total
+ 95% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Known issues
+ Complex table structure – It is not supported
+ View example
<table class="table-columnfloat table">
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Column 3
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ <table class="table-columnfloat table">
+ <caption>Top departments</caption>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th rowspan="2">Departments</th>
+ <th colspan="3">Column 2</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Column 3</th>
+ <th>Coulmn 4</th>
+ <th>Coulmn 5</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <th>National Defence</th>
+ <td>3%</td>
+ <td>4%</td>
+ <td>5%</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Employment and Social</th>
+ <td>3%</td>
+ <td>4%</td>
+ <td>5%</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ Vertical alignment – The issue became prominent when a cell have variation for its height compare to the other cells in the table.
+ View example
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Parent HTML element that contains floated children elements is the resulting height is no longer auto
, but instead renders as height: 0;
+ View example
+ Top departments
+ Departments
+ Column 2
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
+ Coulmn 4
+ Coulmn 5
+ National Defence
+ 65% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Employment and Social
+ 75% (normal)
+ 3%
+ 4%
+ 5%
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2018-10-10
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/test/test.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/test/test.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2134e89cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/test/test.html
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+ Mocha Tests - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Mocha Tests
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-04-24
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/theme-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/theme-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffa9ce416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/theme-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ [Theme title] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
[Theme title]
1-2 sentences that describe the topics and top tasks that can be accessed on this page.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-12-05
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/theme-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/theme-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5f95fd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/theme-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ [Titre du thème] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
[Titre du thème]
1 ou 2 phrases d’introduction qui définissent les sujets et les tâches principales qui peuvent être consultés sur cette page.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
+ Autres renseignements pour les
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-12-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/topic-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/topic-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5440b2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/topic-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+ [Topic title] - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
[Topic title]
1-2 sentences that describe the topics and top tasks that can be accessed on this page.
+ Services and information
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
Summary of the information or tasks that can be accomplished on the sub-topic page. Remove prose or promotional messaging. Use action verbs.
+ More information for
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2017-12-05
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/topic-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/topic-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93d2c1908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/topic-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+ [Titre du sujet] - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
[Titre du sujet]
1 ou 2 phrases d’introduction qui définissent les sous-sujets et les tâches principales qui peuvent être consultés sur cette page.
+ Services et renseignements
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
Résumé des renseignements disponibles ou des tâches pouvant être accomplies sur la page. Supprimez les longs libellés et les messages promotionnels. Utilisez une formulation basée sur l'action.
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Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2017-12-05
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c60ae5d1
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+ Video example - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Video example
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) source with inline HTML captions
+ This example illustrates the use of an inline transcript to provide captions. This example can also demonstrate the fallback mechanism in Web browsers that don't support HTML5 videos.
+ Looking for a Job - HTML5 Transcript/Captions
+ (Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Looking for A Job)
+ (Cut to a medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears and waves.)
+ Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.
+ You may have heard the old saying that,
+ when you're out of work, finding a job is your
+ full-time occupation.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person walks to right side of screen. Screenshot of job bank website appears in animated computer screen.)
+ Well, there's a lot of truth to that:
+ finding a job does take time… and effort.
+ (LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person rests head against computer screen in discouragement. But then perks-up.)
+ But don't get discouraged.
+ There are a number of online tools and programs available
+ to help you find a job.
+ (Close-up of the Host.)
+ No matter what you're looking for there are many Web sites
+ where employers post job notices looking for people
+ to fill vacant positions.
+ (Job Bank website reappears.)
+ One of these sites is called Job Bank.
+ It's updated every day, and lists job opportunities
+ that are available across the country.
+ (Close-up of the screen. Stick person’s profile. Words “Updated Daily and “48 Hours” appear on screen.)
+ Since the job ads on Job Bank are updated daily,
+ you should check them regularly.
+ And, you can search for jobs posted in the last 48 hours.
+ (Words “Advertise your Skills” and “Email your matches” appear on screen.)
+ On Job Bank you can also advertise your skills,
+ and even ask them to send you e-mails when jobs
+ that match your search criteria are posted.
+ (Close-up of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: of the Parliament Building. The web address jobs.gc.ca appears in large letters on the front lawn, stick person points to words.)
+ If you're thinking about working in the public sector,
+ jobs.gc.ca is the official Web site
+ for Government of Canada listings open to the public.
+ Keep in mind, that some departments,
+ like the Canada Revenue Agency and Parks Canada,
+ post jobs on their own sites too.
+ (Medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: stick person points to Job Bank web page, where words “User ID” and “Password” are highlighted.)
+ When you apply for jobs, potential employers might ask
+ you to send them your résumé and a covering letter.
+ Of course, you'll want to make a good first impression
+ on any potential employer.
+ (The text Résumé Builder appears across stick person’s screen.)
+ Here we can help too!
+ Check out our online Résumé Builder
+ on the Job Bank Web site.
+ It can show you how to create a first-class résumé
+ by giving you tips and different layout options.
+ (Medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: one stick person talks to another stick person behind a desk labelled Career Counsellor.)
+ And if you're not sure which jobs you'd like to apply for,
+ check out our Career Navigator tool to explore
+ occupations that you might be interested in.
+ As well, career counsellors are usually available through
+ your provincial or territorial government to help out.
+ (Close-up of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person take a bow. Service Canada logo appears.)
+ At Service Canada, we're people serving people.
+ (Dip to black.)
+ View code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+<video poster="demos/multimedia/demo/video1-en.jpg" title="Looking for a Job">
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-eng.mp4" />
+ <track src="#inline-captions" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="English" />
+ <h3>Looking for a Job - HTML5 Transcript/Captions</h3>
+ <p class="wet-boew-vd"><strong>(Animated pen draws a red line that leads into the text Looking for A Job)</strong></p>
+ <p class="wet-boew-vd"><strong>(Cut to a medium shot of the Host. LINE DRAWING GRAPHIC: Stick person appears and waves.)</strong></p>
+ <p><span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="2.50s" data-dur="3.84s">Hi, my name is Eric, and I'm a Service Canada employee.</span></p>
+ ...
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-09-06
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/video-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/video-fr.html
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/video-fr.html
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+ Exemple de vidéo - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Exemple de vidéo
+ MPEG4 (H264 + AAC) Source avec sous-titre intégré au HTML
+ Cet exemple illustre l’utilisation d’un relevé de notes en ligne pour fournir des légendes. Cet exemple peut également démontrer le mécanisme de secours dans les navigateurs Web qui ne supporte pas les vidéos HTML5.
+ Trouver un emploi - Transcription et Sous-Titres HTML5
+ (La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Trouver un emploi ».)
+ Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille
+ à Service Canada.
+ (Coupure et plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes apparaît à l'écran.)
+ Vous savez que trouver un emploi est un travail à
+ temps plein qui exige beaucoup d'efforts
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes penche la tête en signe de découragement, mais la relève ensuite avec énergie en regardant l'écran d'ordinateur qui apparaît à l'écran.)
+ mais il ne faut pas vous laisser décourager
+ par l'ampleur de la tâche.
+ Nous avons mis à votre disposition de nombreux
+ outils et programmes en ligne pour vous aider
+ à trouver un emploi.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Guichet emplois » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Peu importe l'emploi que vous cherchez,
+ vous trouverez sur Internet de nombreux sites Web
+ où les employeurs affichent leurs postes vacants.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes se place de profil. Les mots « mis à jour quotidiennement » et « 48 heures » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle sous « Guichet emplois ».)
+ L'un de ces sites, Guichet emplois,
+ est mis à jour quotidiennement.
+ Vous y trouverez des occasions d'emploi
+ partout au pays.
+ Et puisque le site est mis à jour quotidiennement,
+ n'oubliez pas d'y jeter un coup d'oeil régulièrement.
+ Vous y trouverez les postes affichés au cours
+ des dernières 48 heures.
+ (Les mots « faites valoir vos compétences » et « liste des emplois correspondant à vos critères de recherche par courriel » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle sous « Guichet emplois ».)
+ Guichet emplois vous permet également de faire valoir
+ vos compétences, et de vous inscrire pour recevoir
+ par courriel une liste des emplois qui correspondent
+ à vos critères de recherche.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une photo de l'édifice du Parlement apparaît en arrière-plan. DESSIN AU TRAIT : L'adresse « emplois.gc.ca » apparaît sur une pancarte plantée dans la pelouse devant le Parlement, et le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers la pancarte.)
+ Si vous voulez travailler a gouvernement du Canada,
+ consultez le site emplois.gc.ca,
+ qui répertorie les postes ouverts au public
+ dans l'ensemble de la fonction publique fédérale.
+ Notez que certains ministères,
+ comme l'Agence du revenu du Canada et Parcs Canada,
+ affichent aussi les postes vacants sur leur propre site.
+ (Plan moyen de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes pointe vers une page du site Guichet emplois où les mots « Nom d'utilisateur » et « Mot de passe » sont mis en évidence.)
+ Vous aurez fort probablement à préparer un curriculum vitae
+ et une lettre de présentation lorsque vous ferez
+ une demande d'emploi, et bien entendu,
+ vous voudrez faire bonne impression.
+ (Les mots « Concepteur de CV » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Nous pouvons vous aider!
+ Grâce à l'outil Concepteur de CV,
+ que vous trouverez sur le site Guichet emplois,
+ vous pourrez obtenir des conseils,
+ choisir un modèle et créer un curriculum vitae
+ d'allure professionnelle.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. Une page du site Guichet emplois apparaît à l'écran. Les mots « Navigation carrière » apparaissent à l'intérieur d'une bulle.)
+ Si vous ne savez pas quel type d'emploi vous intéresse,
+ consultez l'outil Navigation carrière,
+ qui pourra vous aider à choisir une carrière
+ qui vous convient.
+ (DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le bonhomme-allumettes parle à un autre bonhomme-allumettes assis derrière un bureau surmonté d'un panneau où figurent les mots « orientation professionnelle ».)
+ Aussi, le gouvernement de votre province ou territoire
+ offre sans doute un service d'orientation professionnelle
+ qui pourrait vous aider dans vos démarches.
+ (Gros plan de l'animatrice. DESSIN AU TRAIT : Le logo de Service Canada apparaît et le bonhomme-allumettes fait un salut.)
+ À Service Canada, nous sommes au service des gens.
+ (L'écran devient noir.)
+ Visualiser le code
+ <figure class="wb-mltmd">
+<video poster="demos/multimedia/demo/video1-fr.jpg" title="Trouver un emploi">
+ <source type="video/mp4" src="https://video2.servicecanada.gc.ca/video/boew-wet/te-lj-fra.mp4" />
+ <track src="#inline-captions" kind="captions" data-type="text/html" srclang="en" label="Français" />
+ <h3>Trouver un emploi - Transcription et Sous-Titres HTML5</h3>
+ <p class="wet-boew-vd"><strong>(La vidéo débute par une image de l'animatrice s'avançant vers la caméra. Un trait rouge suit le texte « Trouver un emploi ».)</strong></p>
+ <p><span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="2.34s" data-dur="3.04s">Bonjour, je m'appelle Amélie et je travaille </span>
+ <span class="wb-tmtxt" data-begin="5.37s" data-dur="1.50s">à Service Canada.</span></p>
+ ...
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-09-06
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/widgets-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/widgets-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..624e043aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/widgets-en.html
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+ Stay connected - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Stay connected
+Find the latest information on the National Conservation Plan, including announcements, Frequently Asked Questions and links to our social media channels.
+ Social Media
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2014-06-12
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/widgets-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/widgets-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e79954fe7
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+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/widgets-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ Restez branché - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Restez branché
+Obtenez les dernières nouvelles sur le Plan de conservation national, y compris des annonces, une foire aux questions et des liens vers nos comptes de médias sociaux.
+ Médias sociaux
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2014-06-12
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/checkboxes-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/checkboxes-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..504486f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/checkboxes-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ Checkboxes and radio buttons - Provisional feature - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Checkboxes and radio buttons - Provisional feature
+Lead: Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada
Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk . All functionality described bellow can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the gcweb public API.
The documentation and/or a working example for those feature could be incomplete or not available.
Views all the provisional feature.
+Checkboxes and radio buttons are form controls to select an answer to a question or confirm completion, such as in a checklist.
+The design for large checkbox and radio buttons makes it easier and quicker for users to select them, particularly on mobile devices.
+On this page
+ When to use
+ Checkboxes and radio buttons should be used in interactive questions, such as in application forms for a service or wizards.
+ Use of interactive questions is highly encouraged on Canada.ca.
+ What to avoid
+ Do not use checkboxes or radio buttons if presenting options that are not easily comparable. Consider using navigation patterns such as doormat links.
+ For a stand alone question with few options and a manageable amount of content per option that does not require separate pages, consider using expand/collapse or tabs.
+ How to implement
+ Large checkboxes
+ When to use: Large checkboxes are the default checkbox pattern. In particular, large checkboxes should be used when one or more selections can be made to answer a question.
+ What to avoid: Do not use the large checkbox design when making a checklist with items that break across multiple lines or when there is a single item that can be checked. For these situations, use the checklist pattern
+ Large checkboxes target with explicit labels
+ Choose your condiments:
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <legend>Choose your condiments:</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled lst-spcd-2">
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond1">
+ <label for="cond1">Ketchup</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond2">
+ <label for="cond2">Relish</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond3">
+ <label for="cond3">Mustard</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Large disabled checkboxes target with explicit labels
+ Choose your condiments:
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <legend>Choose your condiments:;</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled lst-spcd-2">
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond1" disabled>
+ <label for="cond1">Ketchup</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond2" class="disabled">
+ <label for="cond2">Relish</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond3" class="disabled" disabled>
+ <label for="cond3">Mustard</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Tickboxes (smaller checkboxes)
+ When to use: Only use tickboxes when there is a single item that can be checked, such as for confirmations.
+ What to avoid: Do not use the tickbox design for answers to a question or checklists. For these situations, use the large checkboxes.
+ Consider using a button instead of tickbox, particularly in cases where it is the primary action or next step on the page.
+ Single smaller checkbox target with explicit label in an inline form
+ <form class="form-inline" method="get" action="#">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="exampleInputEmail2">Email address</label>
+ <input type="email" class="form-control" id="exampleInputEmail2" placeholder="Enter email" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="exampleInputPassword2">Password</label>
+ <input type="password" class="form-control" id="exampleInputPassword2" placeholder="Password" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <input id="remember2" type="checkbox" class="checkbox-small"/>
+ <label for="remember2">Remember me</label>
+ </div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Sign in</button>
+ Radio buttons
+ Large radio buttons target with explicit labels
+ When to use: Use radio buttons when only one selection can be made.
+ Which is your favorite pet?
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <legend>Choose your condiments:</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled lst-spcd-2">
+ <li class="radio">
+ <input type="radio" name="animal" id="animal-1">
+ <label for="animal-1">Dog</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <input type="radio" name="animal" id="animal-2">
+ <label for="animal-2">Cat</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <input type="radio" name="animal" id="animal-3">
+ <label for="animal-3">Rat</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Large radio buttons target with explicit labels in an inline form
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio form-inline">
+ <legend>Choose an option</legend>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input id="inlineRadio1" type="radio" name="optradio">
+ <label for="inlineRadio1">Option 1</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input id="inlineRadio2" type="radio" name="optradio">
+ <label for="inlineRadio2">Option 2</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input id="inlineRadio3" type="radio" name="optradio">
+ <label for="inlineRadio3">Option 3</label>
+ </div>
+ Configuration options
+ Option
+ Description
+ How to configure
+ Large input targets
+ Design for large checkbox and radio buttons.
+ Add the wb-chckbxrdio
class to the fieldset
or the container element surrounding the checkbox/radio-button inputs.
+ Tickboxes
+ Small checkboxes when there is a single item that can be checked, such as for confirmations.
+ The class wb-chckbxrdio
has to be enabled on the container element surrounding the checkbox and the class checkbox-small
has to be applied to each checkbox input element.
+ Disabled state
+ Disabled inputs will not be clickable. Visual indications include greying out the control and adding a 'stop' cursor icon on hover.
+ To toggle a disabled state, add a disabled
attribute to the input field
+ Inline format
+ Inline radio buttons or checkboxes will display side by side on larger screens and wrap to new lines, rather than vertically.
+ Add the form-inline
class to surrounding container of the checkboxes or radio buttons. Also add the label-inline
class to each checkbox or radio button container.
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2020-05-11
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/checkboxes-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/checkboxes-fr.html
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+ Case à cocher et bouton radio - Fonctionalité provisoire - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Case à cocher et bouton radio - Fonctionalité provisoire
+Responsable: Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada
Fonctionalité instable
À être utilisé à vos propre risque . Toute les fonctionalité décris ci-dessous peut être retiré dans n'importe lequel version mineur/majeur et l'ensemble de ces fonctionalité sont exclus de l'API publique.
La documentation et/ou les examples pratique pourait être incomplete ou être non disponible.
Voir l'ensemble des fonctionalités provisoires.
+Les cases à cocher et les boutons radio servent de contrôles de formulaire et permettent de sélectionner une réponse à une question ou de confirmer des réponses, comme dans le cas d’une liste de contrôle.
+La conception des grandes cases à cocher et des boutons radio facilite et accélère leur sélection, en particulier sur un appareil mobile.
+Sur cette page
+ Utilisation
+ Les cases à cocher et les boutons radio doivent être utilisés pour les questions interactives, comme les formulaires de demande de service ou les assistants.
+ L’utilisation de questions interactives est fortement encouragée sur Canada.ca.
+ Quoi éviter
+ Ne pas utiliser de cases à cocher ou de boutons radio si les options présentées ne sont pas facilement comparables. Envisager d’utiliser des configurations de navigation telles que des modèles de liens de menu d’accueil thématique.
+ Pour une question autonome comportant peu d’options et une quantité gérable de contenu par option qui n’exige pas de pages distinctes, envisager d’utiliser des développements/réductions ou des onglets.
+ Mise en œuvre
+ Grandes cases à cocher
+ Utilisation : Les grandes cases à cocher sont les cases à cocher utilisées par défaut. À utiliser particulièrement lorsque l’utilisateur peut faire une ou plusieurs sélections pour répondre à une question.
+ Quoi éviter : Ne pas utiliser de grandes cases à cocher pour une liste de contrôle ayant des éléments qui nécessitent un saut de ligne, ou lorsqu’il y a un seul élément à cocher. Pour ces situations, utiliser les petites cases à cocher.
+ Grandes cases à cocher avec étiquettes explicites
+ Choisissez vos condiments :
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <legend>Choisissez vos condiments :</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled lst-spcd-2">
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond1">
+ <label for="cond1">Ketchup</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond2">
+ <label for="cond2">Relish</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond3">
+ <label for="cond3">Moutarde</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Grandes cases à cocher désactivé avec étiquettes explicites
+ Choisissez vos condiments :
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <legend>Choisissez vos condiments :</legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled lst-spcd-2">
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond1">
+ <label for="cond1">Ketchup</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond2">
+ <label for="cond2">Relish</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="checkbox">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="cond3">
+ <label for="cond3">Moutarde</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Cases à petite coche (petites cases à cocher)
+ Utilisation : Utiliser les cases à petites coches uniquement lorsqu’il y a un seul élément à cocher, comme dans le cas d’une confirmation.
+ Quoi éviter : Ne pas utiliser de cases à petites coches pour les réponses à une question ou les listes de contrôle. Pour ces situations, utiliser les grandes cases à cocher.
+ Envisager d’utiliser un bouton plutôt qu’une case à cocher lorsqu’il y a un seul élément à cocher, particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit de l’action principale de la page ou d’un élément permettant de passer à l’étape suivante.
+ Élément unique avec étiquette explicite dans un formulaire horizontal
+ <form class="form-inline" method="get" action="#">
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="exampleInputEmail2">Courriel</label>
+ <input type="email" class="form-control" id="exampleInputEmail2" placeholder="Entrez votre courriel" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group">
+ <label class="wb-inv" for="exampleInputPassword2">Mot de passe</label>
+ <input type="password" class="form-control" id="exampleInputPassword2" placeholder="Mot de passe" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="checkbox provisional wb-chckbxrdio">
+ <input id="remember2" type="checkbox" class="checkbox-small"/>
+ <label for="remember2">Se souvenir de moi</label>
+ </div>
+ <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Se connecter</button>
+ Boutons radio
+ Grands boutons radio avec étiquettes explicites
+ Utilisation : Utiliser des boutons radio lorsqu’une seule sélection peut être faite.
+ Quel est votre animal favori? :
+ <fieldset class="wb-chckbxrio">
+ <legend>Quel est votre animal favori? <small class="text-muted">(cases à cocher + explicit label, grande case)</small></legend>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled lst-spcd-2">
+ <li class="radio">
+ <input type="radio" name="animal" id="animal-1">
+ <label for="animal-1">Les chiens</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <input type="radio" name="animal" id="animal-2">
+ <label for="animal-2">Les chats</label>
+ </li>
+ <li class="radio">
+ <input type="radio" name="animal" id="animal-3">
+ <label for="animal-3">Les rats</label>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ Grands boutons radio avec étiquettes explicites dans un formulaire horizontal
+ <fieldset class="provisional wb-chckbxrdio form-inline">
+ <legend>Veuillez choisir une option :</legend>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="radio" id="inlineRadio1" name="optradio">
+ <label for="inlineRadio1">Option 1</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="radio" id="inlineRadio2" name="optradio">
+ <label for="inlineRadio2">Option 2</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="label-inline">
+ <input type="radio" id="inlineRadio3" name="optradio">
+ <label for="inlineRadio3">Option 3</label>
+ </div>
+ Options de configuration
+ Option
+ Description
+ Mode d’emploi de la configuration
+ Grandes cases à cocher
+ Conception des grandes cases à cocher et des boutons radio
+ Ajouter la classe wb-chckbxrdio
à l'élément fieldset
ou l'élément parent qui contient toutes les zones d'entrée de type checkbox/radio
+ Cases à petites coches
+ Petites cases à cocher lorsqu’il n'y a qu'un seul élément à cocher, comme dans le cas d’une confirmation.
+ La classe wb.chckbxrdio
doit être présent dans l'élément parent de la case à cocher et la class checkbox-small
doit être appliquer à chaque élément de type checkbox
+ État de désactivation
+ Les entrées désactivées ne seront pas cliquables. Les indications visuelles comprennent le grisage de la commande et l’ajout d’une icône d’arrêt lorsque le pointeur de la souris est placé au-dessus de la commande.
+ Pour basculer un état de désactivation, ajouter un attribut disabled
à la zone d’entrée
+ Format horizontal
+ Les boutons radio ou les cases à cocher en ligne s’affichent côte à côte sur un écran plus grand et se poursuivent sur de nouvelles lignes, plutôt que d’être alignés verticalement.
+ Ajouter la classe form-inline
à l'élément qui contient l'ensemble des cases à coher ou des boutons radio. Aussi ajouter la classe label-inline
à chaque élément parent de case à cocher ou de bouton radio.
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2020-05-11
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/dark-theme-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/dark-theme-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4490af36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/dark-theme-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ Provisional - Dark theme - GCWeb theme - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Provisional - Dark theme - GCWeb theme
Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk . All functionality described bellow can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the gcweb public API.
The documentation and/or a working example for those feature could be incomplete or not available.
Views all the provisional feature.
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-05-15
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/dark-theme-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/dark-theme-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6e4792e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/dark-theme-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ provisoires - Thème sombre - Thème de GCWeb - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ provisoires - Thème sombre - Thème de GCWeb
Fonctionalité instable
À être utilisé à vos propre risque . Toute les fonctionalité décris ci-dessous peut être retiré dans n'importe lequel version mineur/majeur et l'ensemble de ces fonctionalité sont exclus de l'API publique.
La documentation et/ou les examples pratique pourait être incomplete ou être non disponible.
Voir l'ensemble des fonctionalités provisoires.
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-05-15
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/pink-day-en.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/pink-day-en.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e479951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/pink-day-en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ Provisional - Pink Day - GCWeb theme - Canada.ca
+ You are here:
+ Provisional - Pink Day - GCWeb theme
Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk . All functionality described bellow can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the gcweb public API.
The documentation and/or a working example for those feature could be incomplete or not available.
Views all the provisional feature.
+ Heading 2 (h2
+ Heading 3 (h3
+ Heading 4 (h4
+ Heading 5 (h5
+ Heading 6 (h6
+ Paragraph - default appearance
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 1
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 2
+ unordered list (ul
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 1
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 2
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ ordered list (ol
) - level 3
+ Table caption
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table header (th
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ Table data (td
+ "blockquote
+Home page banner sample
+ Report a problem on this page
Thank you for your help!
You will not receive a reply. For enquiries, please contact us .
+ Date modified:
+ 2019-05-15
+ About government
+ About this site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/pink-day-fr.html b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/pink-day-fr.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b594e536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/unmin/xprmntl/pink-day-fr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+ Provisoires - Journée rose - Thème de GCWeb - Canada.ca
+ Sélection de la langue
+ Vous êtes ici :
+ Provisoires - Journée rose - Thème de GCWeb
Fonctionalité instable
À être utilisé à vos propre risque . Toute les fonctionalité décris ci-dessous peut être retiré dans n'importe lequel version mineur/majeur et l'ensemble de ces fonctionalité sont exclus de l'API publique.
La documentation et/ou les examples pratique pourait être incomplete ou être non disponible.
Voir l'ensemble des fonctionalités provisoires.
+ En-tête 2 (h2
+ En-tête 3 (h3
+ En-tête 4 (h4
+ En-tête 5 (h5
+ En-tête 6 (h6
+ Paragraphe - apparence par défaut
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 1
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 2
+ liste à puces (ul
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 1
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 2
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ liste ordonnée (ol
) - niveau 3
+ Légende de table
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ En-tête de table (th
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ Données de table (td
+ "blockquote
+Example de la page d'accueil
+ Signaler un problème sur cette page
Merci de votre aide!
Vous ne recevrez pas de réponse. Pour toute question, s’il vous plaît contactez-nous .
+ Date de modification :
+ 2019-05-15
+ Au sujet du gouvernement
+ À propos du site
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/cloud-popup-relative.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/cloud-popup-relative.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f7103354
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/cloud-popup-relative.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/fd-slider-sprite.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/fd-slider-sprite.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a7d42b9a
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/fd-slider-sprite.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/loading.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/loading.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb2e0b0a0
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/loading.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/mediacontrols.html b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/mediacontrols.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efbe617dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/mediacontrols.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ {{play}}
+ {{mute_on}}
{{position}} 00:00:00
{{duration}} --:--:--
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..273678b33
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/sprites_share.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-minus-mini.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-minus-mini.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6babf468
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-minus-mini.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-plus-mini.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-plus-mini.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..104b75b9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-plus-mini.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-world-mini.png b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-world-mini.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce49ffec4
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/assets/zoom-world-mini.png differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74faf2c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.css
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v4.0.35 - 2020-05-09
+ *
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.wb-overlay, .mfp-hide {
+ display: block !important; }
+ Plugins
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Mobile-friendly styles
+ */
+.wb-tabs > details, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details {
+ display: block; }
+ .wb-tabs > details[open] > summary, .wb-tabs > .tabpanels > details[open] > summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+.wb-tabs {
+ /* Only for backwards compatibility. Should be removed in v4.1. */ }
+ .wb-tabs.carousel-s2 {
+ background: transparent; }
+ .wb-tabs .out {
+ visibility: visible; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tablist"] {
+ display: none; }
+ .wb-tabs [role="tabpanel"] {
+ -webkit-animation: none;
+ animation: none;
+ display: block !important;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ opacity: 1;
+ -webkit-transform: none;
+ transform: none; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Menu Sass (noscript)
+ */
+#wb-glb-mn {
+ display: none !important; }
+@media screen {
+ #wb-srch, #wb-sm, #wb-sm .nvbar, #wb-sec, #wb-info {
+ display: block !important; }
+ #wb-sm .menu {
+ background: #0e4164; } }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Overlay Sass (noscript)
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Lightbox Sass (noscript)
+ */
+ Polyfills
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+details {
+ visibility: visible !important; }
+ details > *:not(summary) {
+ display: block !important; }
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.datepicker-format {
+ display: inline; }
+#wb-dtmd {
+ float: none !important; }
+.nojs-show {
+ display: block !important; }
+.nojs-hide {
+ display: none !important; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..437880075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/noscript.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+@charset "utf-8";/*!
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ * v4.0.35 - 2020-05-09
+ *
+ */.mfp-hide,.wb-overlay{display:block!important}.wb-tabs>.tabpanels>details,.wb-tabs>details{display:block}.wb-tabs>.tabpanels>details[open]>summary,.wb-tabs>details[open]>summary{display:list-item!important}.wb-tabs.carousel-s2{background:0 0}.wb-tabs .out{visibility:visible}.wb-tabs [role=tablist]{display:none}.wb-tabs [role=tabpanel]{-webkit-animation:none;animation:none;display:block!important;margin-bottom:.5em;opacity:1;-webkit-transform:none;transform:none}#wb-glb-mn{display:none!important}@media screen{#wb-info,#wb-sec,#wb-sm,#wb-sm .nvbar,#wb-srch{display:block!important}#wb-sm .menu{background:#0e4164}}details{visibility:visible!important}details>:not(summary){display:block!important}.datepicker-format{display:inline}#wb-dtmd{float:none!important}.nojs-show{display:block!important}.nojs-hide{display:none!important}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datalist.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datalist.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1f89f15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datalist.css
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.wb-al-cnt, .wb-al-cnt .wb-al {
+ max-height: 18em; }
+.wb-al-cnt {
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ margin-top: -6px;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 50; }
+ .wb-al-cnt .wb-al {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #666;
+ border-top: 0;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ overflow: auto;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ width: 100%; }
+ .wb-al-cnt .wb-al .al-lbl {
+ float: right;
+ padding-left: 10px; }
+ .wb-al-cnt .wb-al a {
+ color: #000;
+ display: block;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ text-decoration: none; }
+ .wb-al-cnt .wb-al a:hover, .wb-al-cnt .wb-al a:focus {
+ background: #406c93;
+ color: #fff; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datalist.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datalist.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcebf3a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datalist.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";.wb-al-cnt,.wb-al-cnt .wb-al{max-height:18em}.wb-al-cnt{border:1px solid transparent;margin-top:-6px;position:absolute;z-index:50}.wb-al-cnt .wb-al{background:#fff;border:1px solid #666;border-top:0;list-style-type:none;overflow:auto;padding-left:0;width:100%}.wb-al-cnt .wb-al .al-lbl{float:right;padding-left:10px}.wb-al-cnt .wb-al a{color:#000;display:block;padding-left:10px;text-decoration:none}.wb-al-cnt .wb-al a:focus,.wb-al-cnt .wb-al a:hover{background:#406c93;color:#fff}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datepicker.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datepicker.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d32218ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datepicker.css
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+ * Use this file to override Bootstrap variables and WET custom variables.
+ * If there is a Bootstrap variable not shown here that you want to override, go to "../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" to view the variables that you can override. Simply copy and paste the variable and its applicable section (if applicable) from the Bootstrap file into this override file and override the variables as applicable.
+ */
+.picker-overlay .cal-days a:hover, .picker-overlay .cal-days a:focus {
+ color: #fff !important; }
+.wb-date-wrap.input-group {
+ width: 10em; }
+.picker-overlay {
+ display: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 10000; }
+ .picker-overlay.open {
+ display: block; }
+ .picker-overlay .picker-close {
+ font-size: 1.7em; }
+ .picker-overlay .picker-close.mfp-close {
+ background: #333;
+ border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0;
+ opacity: 1;
+ right: -44px; }
+ .picker-overlay .cal-days a {
+ color: #111;
+ text-decoration: underline; }
+ .picker-overlay .cal-days a[aria-selected] {
+ outline: 5px solid #000; }
+ .picker-overlay .cal-days td > time {
+ color: #999; }
+.datepicker-format {
+ display: inline !important; }
+[dir=rtl] .picker-toggle {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 5px; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datepicker.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datepicker.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d0c1cb1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/datepicker.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";.picker-overlay .cal-days a:focus,.picker-overlay .cal-days a:hover{color:#fff!important}.wb-date-wrap.input-group{width:10em}.picker-overlay{display:none;position:absolute;z-index:10000}.picker-overlay.open{display:block}.picker-overlay .picker-close{font-size:1.7em}.picker-overlay .picker-close.mfp-close{background:#333;border-radius:0 10px 10px 0;opacity:1;right:-44px}.picker-overlay .cal-days a{color:#111;text-decoration:underline}.picker-overlay .cal-days a[aria-selected]{outline:5px solid #000}.picker-overlay .cal-days td>time{color:#999}.datepicker-format{display:inline!important}[dir=rtl] .picker-toggle{margin-left:0;margin-right:5px}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/details.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/details.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0221ea37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/details.css
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/* Details/summary polyfill */
+.no-details details[open] > summary:before, .no-details[dir="rtl"] details[open] > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BC\a0"; }
+.no-details details > summary:before {
+ content: "\25BA\a0";
+ font-size: 84%; }
+.no-details {
+ /* Right to left (RTL) CSS */ }
+ .no-details details > summary:before {
+ /* Add the closed pointer */ }
+ .no-details details[open] {
+ display: block; }
+ .no-details details[open] > summary:before {
+ /* Add the opened pointer */ }
+ .no-details details summary {
+ display: list-item !important; }
+ .no-details[dir="rtl"] details > summary:before {
+ /* Add the close pointer */
+ content: "\25C4\a0"; }
+ .no-details[dir="rtl"] details[open] > summary:before {
+ /* Add the opened pointer */ }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/details.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/details.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5e18cab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/details.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";.no-details details[open]>summary:before,.no-details[dir=rtl] details[open]>summary:before{content:"\25BC\a0"}.no-details details>summary:before{content:"\25BA\a0";font-size:84%}.no-details details[open]{display:block}.no-details details summary{display:list-item!important}.no-details[dir=rtl] details>summary:before{content:"\25C4\a0"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/meter.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/meter.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b849faac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/meter.css
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-eng.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fra.html
+ */
+meter {
+ border: 1px outset;
+ display: block;
+ height: 20px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ width: 100px; }
+ meter div {
+ background: #b4e391;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #b4e391), color-stop(35%, #4a0), to(#b4e391));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #b4e391 0, #4a0 35%, #b4e391 100%);
+ border-right: 1px solid #000;
+ display: block;
+ height: 20px; }
+ meter.meterValueTooHigh div, meter.meterValueTooLow div {
+ background: #ffd65e;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #ffd65e), color-stop(35%, #fbff47), to(#febf04));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffd65e 0, #fbff47 35%, #febf04 100%); }
+ meter.meterIsMaxed {
+ border-right: 0 none !important; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/meter.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/meter.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d776f6e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/meter.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";meter{border:1px outset;display:block;height:20px;overflow:hidden;width:100px}meter div{background:#b4e391;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#b4e391),color-stop(35%,#4a0),to(#b4e391));background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom,#b4e391 0,#4a0 35%,#b4e391 100%);border-right:1px solid #000;display:block;height:20px}meter.meterValueTooHigh div,meter.meterValueTooLow div{background:#ffd65e;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#ffd65e),color-stop(35%,#fbff47),to(#febf04));background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom,#ffd65e 0,#fbff47 35%,#febf04 100%)}meter.meterIsMaxed{border-right:0 none!important}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/progress.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/progress.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..148c28154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/progress.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+/* Progress polyfill */
+progress {
+ display: inline-block; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/progress.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/progress.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ef722d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/progress.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";progress{display:inline-block}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/slider.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/slider.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c8ee173a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/slider.css
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";
+ * Web Experience Toolkit (WET) / Boîte à outils de l'expérience Web (BOEW)
+ * wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/License-en.html / wet-boew.github.io/wet-boew/Licence-fr.html
+ */
+.fd-slider, .fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range, .fd-slider-handle {
+ display: block; }
+.fd-slider-wrapper, .fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range, .fd-slider-handle {
+ position: absolute; }
+.fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range, .fd-slider-handle {
+ margin: 0; }
+.fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range, .fd-slider-handle {
+ padding: 0; }
+.fd-form-element-hidden, .fd-slider-inner {
+ display: none !important; }
+.fd-slider-handle, #html5shim-4 {
+ width: 20px; }
+.fd-slider, .fd-slider-wrapper, input[type="range"] {
+ width: 100%; }
+.fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range {
+ height: 2px; }
+.fd-slider, .fd-slider-handle {
+ height: 20px; }
+.fd-slider-wrapper {
+ height: 100%; }
+.fd-slider-range, .fd-slider-handle {
+ z-index: 3; }
+.fd-slider, .fd-slider-handle, .fd-slider-handle:focus {
+ border: 0; }
+.fd-slider-range {
+ background-color: #165c91; }
+.fd-slider-wrapper, .fd-slider-handle {
+ top: 0; }
+.fd-slider-wrapper, .fd-slider-handle {
+ left: 0; }
+.fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range {
+ overflow: hidden; }
+.fd-slider-bar {
+ background-color: #ddd; }
+.fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range {
+ border-radius: 2px; }
+.fd-slider-bar, .fd-slider-range {
+ background-clip: padding-box; }
+.fd-slider-handle, .fd-slider-handle:focus {
+ outline: 0; }
+.fd-slider {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin: 0 0 10px;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.fd-slider-bar {
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#ececec), to(#ccc));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(#ececec, #ccc);
+ border: 1px solid #606060;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(187, 187, 187, 0.8);
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.8);
+ border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
+ border-right: 1px solid rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.8);
+ left: 10px;
+ line-height: 4px;
+ right: 10px;
+ top: 8px;
+ z-index: 2; }
+.fd-slider-focused .fd-slider-bar {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(10, 130, 170, 0.7);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(10, 130, 170, 0.7);
+ /* Not sure what to do with this
+ @include experimental(animation, fd-pulse 2s infinite, -moz, -webkit, -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official);
+ */ }
+.fd-slider-range {
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#89a5bd), to(#165c91));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #89a5bd, #165c91);
+ left: 11px;
+ line-height: 2px;
+ top: 9px; }
+.fd-slider-handle {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ background-image: url("../../assets/fd-slider-sprite.png");
+ background-position: 0 0;
+ cursor: W-resize;
+ font-size: 10px;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ /* Are these needed?
+ @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla {-moz-outline: 0 none;}
+ @if $experimental-support-for-webkit {-webkit-touch-callout: none;}
+ */
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+ .fd-slider-handle:focus {
+ /* Is this needed?
+ @if $experimental-support-for-mozilla {-moz-user-focus: normal;}
+ */ }
+/* Is this needed?
+@if $experimental-support-for-mozilla {
+ .fd-slider-handle:focus::-moz-focus-inner {
+ border-color: transparent
+ }
+.fd-slider-focused .fd-slider-handle,
+.fd-slider-hover .fd-slider-handle,
+.fd-slider-active .fd-slider-handle {
+ background-position: 0 -20px; }
+.fd-slider-no-value .fd-slider-handle {
+ background-position: 0 -59px; }
+body.fd-slider-drag-horizontal * {
+ cursor: N-resize !important;
+ cursor: W-resize !important;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none; }
+.fd-slider-disabled {
+ cursor: default;
+ opacity: .8; }
+ .fd-slider-disabled .fd-slider-handle {
+ background-position: 0 -40px;
+ cursor: default !important;
+ opacity: 1; }
+ .fd-slider-disabled .fd-slider-bar {
+ background-color: #555;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#666), to(#333));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #666, #333);
+ border: 1px solid #888;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(136, 136, 136, 0.8);
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #999;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.8);
+ border-right: 1px solid #999;
+ border-right: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.8);
+ cursor: auto !important; }
+ .fd-slider-disabled .fd-slider-range {
+ background-color: #222;
+ background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#222), to(#000));
+ background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #222, #000);
+ cursor: auto !important; }
+@-webkit-keyframes fd-pulse {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(100, 130, 170, 0.55);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(100, 130, 170, 0.55); }
+ 20% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6); }
+ 40% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65); }
+ 60% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(10, 130, 170, 0.7);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(10, 130, 170, 0.7); }
+ 80% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6); } }
+@keyframes fd-pulse {
+ 0% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(100, 130, 170, 0.55);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 3px rgba(100, 130, 170, 0.55); }
+ 20% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6); }
+ 40% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65); }
+ 60% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(10, 130, 170, 0.7);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(10, 130, 170, 0.7); }
+ 80% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(40, 130, 170, 0.65); }
+ 100% {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6);
+ box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(70, 130, 170, 0.6); } }
+#fd-slider-describedby {
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 3px solid #a84444;
+ border-radius: 8px;
+ padding: 1em; }
+#html5shim-2-out {
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: 400; }
+#html5shim-4 {
+ height: 400px; }
+.visu {
+ color: #6cc;
+ font: normal 3em impact, helvetica, sans serif; }
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/slider.min.css b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/slider.min.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efa72aec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/css/polyfills/slider.min.css
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@charset "UTF-8";.fd-slider,.fd-slider-bar,.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-range{display:block}.fd-slider-bar,.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-range,.fd-slider-wrapper{position:absolute}.fd-slider-bar,.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-range{margin:0;padding:0}.fd-form-element-hidden,.fd-slider-inner{display:none!important}#html5shim-4,.fd-slider-handle{width:20px}.fd-slider,.fd-slider-wrapper,input[type=range]{width:100%}.fd-slider-bar,.fd-slider-range{height:2px}.fd-slider,.fd-slider-handle{height:20px}.fd-slider-wrapper{height:100%}.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-range{z-index:3}.fd-slider,.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-handle:focus{border:0}.fd-slider-range{background-color:#165c91}.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-wrapper{top:0;left:0}.fd-slider-bar,.fd-slider-range{overflow:hidden}.fd-slider-bar{background-color:#ddd}.fd-slider-bar,.fd-slider-range{border-radius:2px;background-clip:padding-box}.fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-handle:focus{outline:0}.fd-slider{cursor:pointer;margin:0 0 10px;position:relative;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}.fd-slider-bar{background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,from(#ececec),to(#ccc));background-image:linear-gradient(#ececec,#ccc);border:1px solid #606060;border:1px solid rgba(187,187,187,.8);border-bottom:1px solid #aaa;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(170,170,170,.8);border-right:1px solid #aaa;border-right:1px solid rgba(170,170,170,.8);left:10px;line-height:4px;right:10px;top:8px;z-index:2}.fd-slider-focused .fd-slider-bar{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 6px rgba(10,130,170,.7);box-shadow:0 0 6px rgba(10,130,170,.7)}.fd-slider-range{background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,from(#89a5bd),to(#165c91));background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#89a5bd,#165c91);left:11px;line-height:2px;top:9px}.fd-slider-handle{background-color:transparent;background-image:url(../../assets/fd-slider-sprite.png);background-position:0 0;cursor:W-resize;font-size:10px;line-height:20px;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}.fd-slider-active .fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-focused .fd-slider-handle,.fd-slider-hover .fd-slider-handle{background-position:0 -20px}.fd-slider-no-value .fd-slider-handle{background-position:0 -59px}body.fd-slider-drag-horizontal,body.fd-slider-drag-horizontal *{cursor:N-resize!important;cursor:W-resize!important;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}.fd-slider-disabled{cursor:default;opacity:.8}.fd-slider-disabled .fd-slider-handle{background-position:0 -40px;cursor:default!important;opacity:1}.fd-slider-disabled .fd-slider-bar{background-color:#555;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,from(#666),to(#333));background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#666,#333);border:1px solid #888;border:1px solid rgba(136,136,136,.8);border-bottom:1px solid #999;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(153,153,153,.8);border-right:1px solid #999;border-right:1px solid rgba(153,153,153,.8);cursor:auto!important}.fd-slider-disabled .fd-slider-range{background-color:#222;background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,from(#222),to(#000));background-image:linear-gradient(to right,#222,#000);cursor:auto!important}@-webkit-keyframes fd-pulse{0%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(100,130,170,.55);box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(100,130,170,.55)}20%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6);box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6)}40%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65);box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65)}60%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 6px rgba(10,130,170,.7);box-shadow:0 0 6px rgba(10,130,170,.7)}80%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65);box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65)}100%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6);box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6)}}@keyframes fd-pulse{0%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(100,130,170,.55);box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(100,130,170,.55)}20%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6);box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6)}40%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65);box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65)}60%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 6px rgba(10,130,170,.7);box-shadow:0 0 6px rgba(10,130,170,.7)}80%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65);box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(40,130,170,.65)}100%{-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6);box-shadow:0 0 4px rgba(70,130,170,.6)}}#fd-slider-describedby{background:#fff;border:3px solid #a84444;border-radius:8px;padding:1em}#html5shim-2-out{font-style:italic;font-weight:400}#html5shim-4{height:400px}.visu{color:#6cc;font:400 3em impact,helvetica,sans serif}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot differ
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1413fc609
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf differ
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index 000000000..9e612858f
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff differ
diff --git a/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
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index 000000000..64539b54c
Binary files /dev/null and b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 differ
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index 000000000..b77df9212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/working-on/dist/wet-boew/js/MathJax/MathJax.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * /MathJax.js
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
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+ * See http://www.mathjax.org for details.
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+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium
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+ * Part of the MathJax library.
+ * See http://www.mathjax.org for details.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium
+ *
+ * Part of the MathJax library.
+ * See http://www.mathjax.org for details.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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+ *
+ * Part of the MathJax library.
+ * See http://www.mathjax.org for details.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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