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Inverse Kirigami Design

Constrained optimization framework for inverse kirigami design

If you use this code in your work, please cite the following paper:

G. P. T. Choi, L. H. Dudte, and L. Mahadevan, "Programming shape using kirigami tessellations." Nature Materials, 18(9), 999-1004, 2019.

Copyright (c) 2019-2024, Gary P. T. Choi, Levi H. Dudte, L. Mahadevan


Main programs:

  • MAIN_quad.m: producing generalized quad kirigami patterns
  • MAIN_triangle.m: producing generalized triangle kirigami patterns
  • MAIN_hexagon.m: producing generalized hexagon kirigami patterns
  • MAIN_islamicquad.m: producing generalized ancient Islamic quad kirigami patterns
  • MAIN_islamictriangle.m: producing generalized ancient Islamic triangle kirigami patterns

In each main program, the following parameters can be changed:

  • width: the number of columns of unit cells in the kirigami pattern
  • height: the number of rows of unit cells in the kirigami pattern
  • shape_name: load a pre-defined target shape in the library
  • initial_map_type: the type of the initial map for the optimization in the deployed space (1: standard, 2: rescaled, 3: conformal, 4: Teichmuller)
  • (only for quad and triangle) fix_contracted_boundary_shape: enforce the desired contracted pattern to be rectangular (0: no, 1: yes)
  • (only for quad and triangle) rectangular_ratio: further specify the width-to-height ratio if the contracted pattern is required to be rectangular (0: no/not applicable, other positive number: the prescribed ratio)
  • (only for hexagon) fix_regular_shape: enforce the all angles to be $2\pi/3$ (0: no, 1: yes)


  • Some precomputed examples can be found in the results folder
    • All parameters used are encoded in the file names:
      • (For quad/triangle) unitcelltype_shapename_width_height_initialmaptype_fixcontractedboundary_rectangularratio_contracted/deployed
      • (For hexagon) unitcelltype_shapename_width_height_initialmaptype_fixregularshape_contracted/deployed
      • (For ancient Islamic) unitcelltype_shapename_width_height_initialmaptype_contracted/deployed
  • To create other user-defined target shapes, see the functions in the shapes folder
  • If the optimization terminates prematurely or does not produce a desirable pattern, please try:
    • Changing the algorithm used in fmincon (sqp or interior-point)
    • Changing other fmincon parameters (MaxFunctionEvaluations, MaxIterations, ConstraintTolerance, StepTolerance)
    • Using other types of initial map (standard, rescaled, conformal, Teichmuller)
    • Changing the kirigami pattern size (width, height)




Constrained optimization framework for inverse kirigami design







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