This is a simple task tracker dapp powered by Ethereum, the main purpose of this dapp is to create a simple contract that tracks Tasks added to it. The contract has the following major functions;
1. Add Task
2. Create Task
3. Delete Task
4. Get all Task
5. Pause Smart contract
6. Unpause Smart Contract
This is a truffle Project, to run project follow the steps below;
- git clone
- cd blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project
- npm install
compile and deploy the contract to blockchain;
- truffle deploy --network rinkeby --reset --compile-none
Change Dir to the client and run serve to start interacting with the deployed contract;
- cd client;
- npm install
- npm run serve
Open http://localhost:8080/ URL to interact with the contract. MetaMask extension should be installed on your browser and you need to select the network which matches where the contract is being deployed. Furthermore, you can import your generated accounts in Truffle to cover the fees.
- From the root folder you can run the test by just using truffle like this ;
- truffle test