whoami.tv is a fun web app that shows users all kinds of cool facts and stats about themselves based on their Netflix viewing history.
- Netflix Data Collection: Users authorize our application to collect their Netflix viewing data via Gandalf.
- Data Enrichment: We fetch additional show details such as actors, episode counts, Rotten Tomatoes scores, and images from TMDB and Rotten Tomatoes.
- Stats Calculation: We analyze the collected data to extract meaningful insights about viewing patterns and preferences.
- AI Generation: We use OpenAI assistants and Perplexity AI to generate witty quips based on the user's viewing stats & to generate some facts that reflect each user’s TV persona.
This section provides a quick overview of how to run this project locally and deploy your own instance!
git clone https://github.com/gandalf-network/whoami.git
cd whoami
yarn install
Create a .env file in the project root and add the following keys
Gandalf - https://dashboard.gandalf.network
OpenAI - https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
Perplexity - https://docs.perplexity.ai/docs/getting-started
Postgres - https://vercel.com/storage/postgres
Redis - https://vercel.com/docs/storage/vercel-kv/quickstart
TMDB - https://developer.themoviedb.org/reference/intro/getting-started
To run this project seamlessly on Vercel, install and configure these Vercel integrations in your deployment.
This section is an overview of the folder structure and key APIs, libraries etc used in the whoami.tv project. Understanding this should help you navigate and customize the project.
- Gandalf Connect: Connect is the client-side component that your users will interact with in order to link their accounts to Gandalf and allow you to access their data.
- eyeofsauron: Command-line tool designed to generate the necessary files that makes it super easy to query user data from the Gandalf Network.
- Next.js: The core framework that powers the server-side rendering and static generation.
- Inngest: Inngest helps create and manage serverless background tasks without needing additional infrastructure like queues or workers. It simplifies building and operating event-driven, durable functions directly within applications.
- Prisma: NodeJS ORM. This is how we speak to the Postgres database.
- TMDB API: Fetching detailed information about shows and actors.
- Rotten Tomatoes: Fetching tv show Rotten Tomatoes scores.
- OpenAI Assistants API: Used to generate witty quips based on the user's viewing stats & to generate some facts that reflect each user’s TV persona.
- Perplexity API: Used for their online models. whoami.tv needs to know the characters (& their personalities) of any TV show and that data needs to be grounded in real world information/be as updated as possible.
The codebase follows a well-organized folder structure to keep your codebase clean and maintainable:
|-- actions
|-- API - Contains all the logic for making API calls to OpenAI, RottenTomatoes, Perplexity, and TVDB.
|-- database - Contains all the database functions for creating new users, saving user Netflix data, and querying the data.
|-- eyeofsauron - This is generated by the eyeofsauron package for querying users' Netflix data from the Gandalf Network.
|-- inngest - Contains the functions we want to be triggered by inngest.
|-- lib - Contains logic for enqueing and tracking the jobs in the Redis store.
|-- store - Contains the logic for initializing the Redis store.
|-- app
|-- API - Contains all the serverless functions.
|-- callback - This is the endpoint the user is redirected to after connecting their Netflix account to the Gandalf Network.
|-- image - This endpoint returns the base64 value of an image.
|-- inngest - Contains functionality related to Inngest.
|-- og - This endpoint is for fetching generated OpenGraph images.
|-- user - This endpoint is for fetching the current user via session ID
|-- components
|-- icon - Contain the icon assets used throughout the application
|-- images - Contains the OpenGraph image assets
|-- loader - Contains components related to loading animations or visual indicators
|-- providers - This folder includes higher-level components for managing application context and state providers.
|-- screens - Contains components that represent different screens within the app
|-- stories - Contains components that represent individual user data stories
|-- themed - Contains components that are styled based on our theme
|-- helpers - This folder contains functions and other code snippets that assist with common tasks.
|-- hooks - This folder contains custom hooks designed to encapsulate reusable logic and improve code structure.
|-- types - This folder contains the TypeScript type definitions and interfaces used throughout the app
|-- ...
A detailed overview of how we are working with the limitations of Vercel's serverless functions can be found here: Workflows
We welcome contributions to make this app even better. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.