eyeofsauron is a command-line tool designed to generate the necessary files that makes it super easy to interact with the Sauron API. It completely abstracts away the complexity of authentication and interacting with the GraphQL APIs.
- Generate necessary files required for interacting with the Sauron API
- Automatically install required dependencies
- NodeJS - version 18.x or higher
npm install -g @gandalf-network/eyeofsauron
eyeofsauron generate
-f, --folder [folder]: Set the destination folder for the generated files
-esm, --esModules : Generate JavaScript files as ESModules, utilizing
statements for module imports. -
-c, --commonJS : Generate JavaScript files as CommonJS modules, using
statements for module imports. -
-ts, --typescript : Generate TypeScript files.
Once you have successfully generated the necessary files and installed the required dependencies using eyeofsauron, you can proceed to use these files to interact with the API.
// Typescript
// Change eyeofsauron to whatever name you specified for the file generation
import Eye, { Source } from './eyeofsauron';
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
const eye = new Eye({ privateKey })
// ESModules
// Change eyeofsauron to whatever name you specified for the file generation
import Eye, { Source } from './eyeofsauron/index.js'
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
const eye = new Eye({ privateKey })
// CommonJS
// Change eyeofsauron to whatever name you specified for the file generation
const Eye = require('./eyeofsauron').default
const { Source } = require('./eyeofsauron')
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
const eye = new Eye({ privateKey })
// index.ts
try {
const { data } = await eye.getActivity({
dataKey: "MY_DATA_KEY",
source: Source.Netflix,
limit: 10,
page: 1,
limit: 10,
total: 3409,
page: 1,
__typename: "ActivityResponse",
data: [
metadata: {
title: "Judge Dee's Mystery: Season 1: Episode 3",
subject: [
{ value: 'tt31473598', identifierType: 'IMDB' },
{ value: '10296096', identifierType: 'TVDB'}
lastPlayedAt: '01/01/2024',
__typename: 'NetflixActivityMetadata'
__typename: 'Activity'
} catch (error: any) {
// index.ts
try {
const { data: activity } = await eye.lookupActivity({
dataKey: "MY_DATA_KEY",
activityId: "ACTIVITY_ID",
metadata: {
title: "Judge Dee's Mystery: Season 1: Episode 3",
subject: [
{ value: 'tt31473598', identifierType: 'IMDB' },
{ value: '10296096', identifierType: 'TVDB'}
lastPlayedAt: '01/01/2024',
__typename: 'NetflixActivityMetadata'
__typename: 'Activity'
} catch (error: any) {
// index.ts
try {
const { data: traits } = await eye.getTraits({
dataKey: "MY_DATA_KEY",
source: Source.UBER,
labels: [TraitLabel.RATING, TraitLabel.TRIP_COUNT],
id: 'TRAIT_ID',
source: 'UBER',
label: 'RATING',
value: '4.8',
timestamp: '2024-06-11T11:41:00.552647Z',
__typename: 'Trait'
id: 'TRAIT_ID',
source: 'UBER',
label: 'TRIP_COUNT',
value: '76',
timestamp: '2024-06-11T11:41:00.552647Z',
__typename: 'Trait'
} catch (error: any) {
// index.ts
try {
const { data: trait } = await eye.lookupTrait({
dataKey: "MY_DATA_KEY",
traitId: "TRAIT_ID",
id: 'TRAIT_ID',
source: 'UBER',
label: 'RATING',
value: '4.8',
timestamp: '2024-06-11T11:41:00.552647Z',
__typename: 'Trait'
} catch (error: any) {
Contributions are welcome, whether they're feature requests, bug fixes, or documentation improvements.