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connect-ios-sdk is a Swift library that makes it easier to generate valid Connect URLs that lets your users to link their accounts to Gandalf.


  • Generate valid Connect URLs
  • Parameter validation

Getting Started

This section provides a quick overview of how to integrate the library into your project.


  • Swift >= v5.3
  • Xcode >= 12.0
  • Git


Using Swift Package Manager in Xcode

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Go to File > Add Packages....
  3. Enter the repository URL:
  4. Choose the version rule (e.g., "Up to Next Major") and click Add Package.
  5. Select the GandalfConnect package for your target.

Using Package.swift

To integrate GandalfConnect into your project, add it to your Package.swift file:

// swift-tools-version: 5.9
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourProjectName",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
    targets: [
            name: "YourTargetName",
            dependencies: ["GandalfConnect"]

Then, run swift package update to fetch the dependency.


Importing the Library

In your Swift file where you want to use GandalfConnect, import the library:

import GandalfConnect


Create an instance of ConnectInput with the necessary details:

<!-- One service -->
let services: InputData = [
    "uber": .service(Service(traits: ["rating"], activities: ["trip"]))

<!-- Multiple services -->
let services: InputData = [
    "uber": .service(Service(traits: ["rating"], activities: ["trip"],  required: false)),
    "netflix": .service(Service(activities: ["watch"])),

<!-- styling parameters to modify the Connect UI -->
let style = StylingOptions(
    primaryColor: "#7949D1", 
    backgroundColor: "#fff", 
    foregroundColor: "#562BA6", 
    accentColor: "#F4F0FB",

let options = ConnectOptions(style: style)

let input = ConnectInput(
    publicKey: "yourPublicKey",
    redirectURL: "",
    services: services,
    // Optional styling parameter to modify the Connect UI
    options: options

Initialize the Connect class:

let connect = Connect(input: input)

Generating URL

To generate a URL, call the generateURL method:

do {
    let generatedURL = try await connect.generateURL()
    print("Generated URL: \(generatedURL)")
} catch {
    print("Error generating URL: \(error)")


The generateURL method performs several validations:

  • Public Key Validation: Ensures the public key is valid.
  • Redirect URL Validation: Checks if the redirect URL is properly formatted.
  • Input Data Validation: Verifies that the input data conforms to the expected structure and contains supported services and traits/activities.

Getting Data Key from URL

To extract the data key from a URL:

do {
    let dataKey = try Connect.getDataKeyFromURL(redirectURL: "")
    print("Data Key: \(dataKey)")
} catch {
    print("Error extracting data key: \(error)")

Error Handling

The library uses the GandalfError struct to represent errors, which includes a message and an error code (GandalfErrorCode).

Example of handling specific errors:

do {
    let generatedURL = try await connect.generateURL()
    print("Generated URL: \(generatedURL)")
} catch let error as GandalfError {
    switch error.code {
    case .InvalidPublicKey:
        print("Invalid Public Key: \(error.message)")
    case .InvalidRedirectURL:
        print("Invalid Redirect URL: \(error.message)")
    case .InvalidService:
        print("Invalid Service: \(error.message)")
    case .DataKeyNotFound:
        print("Data Key Not Found: \(error.message)")
} catch {
    print("Unexpected error: \(error)")


We would love you to contribute to connect-ios-sdk, pull requests are welcome! Please see the for more information.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License