next-easy-s3-upload lets you handle S3 uploads in Next.js without the usual setup.
- ⭐ Very small: 6.91 kB unpacked
- ✅ Easy Setup: Designed to work out of the box with minimal configuration.
- 😍 Presigned Url's: Direct secure client uploads
- 📄 Server Actions: Easily create distinct server actions for different uploads
- Ꝏ Multi-Instance Support: Manage uploads across multiple S3 buckets and instances.
- 💾 Rich Upload Options: Configure expiration, file size limits, file types and folder paths.
- 💿 Metadata: Easily add custom metadata to files for enhanced data handling.
- ✂️ Built with Best Practices: Designed following industry best practices for secure, reliable, and scalable file handling.
'use server'
const s3Client = new EasyS3Client(
export async function uploadImage(formData: FormData): Promise<S3Result> {
return s3Client.handle(formData, {
expires: 60,
maxSize: 1024 * 1024, // 1MB
bucket: "bucket",
folder: "folder",
types: [
metadata: {
username: "username"
'use client'
export function UploadComponent() {
const {isUploading, startUpload, progress, error} = useEasyS3Upload(uploadImage)
return (
<div className="flex flex-col gap-2">
<p className="text-red-600">{error}</p>
<input type="file" disabled={isUploading} onChange={async e => {
await startUpload(![0]);
}} />
<p>Progress: {progress}</p>