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feat: Expand the functionality of the analysis script
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The script can now assess and update the range of priors needed to encapsulate the span of "good" models. An updated configuration file is output suitable for the next iteration of model optimization.
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abensonca committed Aug 6, 2024
1 parent f3e32f2 commit f6c72d2
Showing 1 changed file with 143 additions and 41 deletions.
184 changes: 143 additions & 41 deletions scripts/analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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import re
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lxml.etree as ET
from queue import LifoQueue
import os

# Make plots of all analyses that were output to a Galacticus model file(s).
# Andrew Benson (21-June-2024)

# Convert command line arguments to floats.
def restricted_float(x):
x = float(x)
except ValueError:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not a floating-point literal" % (x,))
return x

# Parse command line arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='',description='Make plots of all analyses that were output to a Galacticus model file(s).')
parser.add_argument('--outputDirectory', action='store' ,default='.',help='the directory to which plots should be output' )
parser.add_argument('--showFullRange' , action='store_true' ,help='show the full range of the y-axis, not just the target range')
parser.add_argument('--outputDirectory' , action='store' ,default='.' ,help='the directory to which plots should be output' )
parser.add_argument('--showFullRange' , action='store_true' ,help='show the full range of the y-axis, not just the target range' )
parser.add_argument('--factorLogLikelihoodAccept', action='store' ,default=0.5,type=restricted_float,help='the fractional shift in logℒ to accept when updating prior ranges')
parser.add_argument('--configFileName' , action='store' ,help='the name of the posterior sampling config file to modify' )
args = parser.parse_args()

# Open a file for reports.
reports = open(args.outputDirectory+'/report.txt','w')

# Open all files, and find all available analyses.
models = LifoQueue()
for filename in args.filename:
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groupAnalysis = analysis['group'][analysisName]
if "logLikelihood" in groupAnalysis.attrs.keys():
logLikelihood = groupAnalysis.attrs['logLikelihood']
analysis['logLikelihood'] = logLikelihood
logLikelihoodGlobal += logLikelihood
if logLikelihood > logLikelihoodBest[analysisName]:
logLikelihoodBest[analysisName] = logLikelihood
analysisBest[analysisName] = analysis
analysis['logLikelihood'] = -np.inf
if "logLikelihood" in analysis['group'].attrs.keys():
logLikelihoodGlobal = analysis['group'].attrs['logLikelihood']
analysis['logLikelihoodGlobal'] = logLikelihoodGlobal
analysis['logLikelihoodGlobal'] = -np.inf
if logLikelihoodGlobal > logLikelihoodBest['global']:
logLikelihoodBest['global'] = logLikelihoodGlobal
analysisBest['global'] = analysis
analysisBest['global']['isBest'].update({'global': True})
for analysisName in analysisNames.keys():
analysisBest[analysisName]['isBest'].update({analysisName: True})

# Report on likelihoods and models.
if not singleModel:
reports.write("-> Report on best fit models\n")
names = list(analysisNames.keys())
for analysis in analyses:
bestFor = []
for name in names:
if analysis['isBest'][name]:
if len(bestFor) > 0:
stateVector = analysis['group']['simulationState'][:]
parameterNames = list(analysis['group']['parameterNames' ][:])
for i in range(len(parameterNames)):
parameterNames[i] = parameterNames[i].decode('utf-8')
lengthMaximum = len(max(parameterNames,key=len))
reports.write(" -> "+analysis['filename']+" : "+analysis['groupname']+" - is best for:\n")
reports.write(" -> "+", ".join(bestFor)+"\n")
reports.write(" -> State:\n")
for i in range(len(stateVector)):
reports.write(" "+(" "*(lengthMaximum-len(parameterNames[i])))+parameterNames[i]+" = %+12.6e\n" % stateVector[i])

# Report on update parameter ranges.
logLikelihoodAccept = -np.inf
if not singleModel:
reports.write("-> Report on updated parameter ranges\n")
# Get parameter names.
parameterNames = list(analysisBest['global']['group']['parameterNames'][:])
for i in range(len(parameterNames)):
parameterNames[i] = parameterNames[i].decode('utf-8')
lengthMaximum = len(max(parameterNames,key=len))
# Load the config file if available.
if args.configFileName:
tree = ET.parse(args.configFileName)
activeParameters = tree.findall(".//modelParameter[@value='active']")
# Find accepted ranges.
names = [ 'global' ]
for name in names:
# Find the best likelihood, and offset by our acceptance factor.
logLikelihoodAccept = logLikelihoodBest[name]*(1.0+args.factorLogLikelihoodAccept)
# Gather states and likelihoods across all analyses.
logLikelihoods = []
states = np.column_stack([analysis['group']['simulationState'][:] for analysis in analyses])
for analysis in analyses:
logLikelihood = -np.inf
if name == "global":
if "logLikelihood" in analysis['group'].attrs.keys():
logLikelihood = analysis['group'].attrs['logLikelihood']
groupAnalysis = analysis['group'][name]
if "logLikelihood" in groupAnalysis.attrs.keys():
logLikelihood = groupAnalysis.attrs['logLikelihood']
logLikelihoods = np.append(logLikelihoods,logLikelihood)
# Iterate over parameters, find the change in likelihood one step before and after the maximum likelihood.
for i in range(states.shape[0]):
order = np.argsort(states[i])
j = np.argmax(logLikelihoods[order])
if j > 0:
logLikelihoodAccept = np.min([logLikelihoodAccept,logLikelihoods[order][j-1]])
if j < len(order)-1:
logLikelihoodAccept = np.min([logLikelihoodAccept,logLikelihoods[order][j+1]])
# Find accepted states.
accepted = logLikelihoods >= logLikelihoodAccept
# Check if any best fit models were not accepted.
for analysis, analysisAccepted in zip(analyses,accepted):
if not analysisAccepted:
bestFor = []
for comparison, isBest in analysis['isBest'].items():
if isBest:
if len(bestFor) > 0:
reports.write("WARNING: "+analysis['filename']+" : "+analysis['groupname']+" was not accepted but is best for\n")
reports.write(" -> "+", ".join(bestFor)+"\n")
# Iterate over parameters, finding the range which are above the acceptance likelihood.
for i in range(states.shape[0]):
statesAccepted = np.sort(states[i][accepted])
stateAcceptedMinimum = np.min(statesAccepted)
stateAcceptedMaximum = np.max(statesAccepted)
reports.write(" -> "+(" "*(lengthMaximum-len(parameterNames[i])))+parameterNames[i]+": %+12.6e — %+12.6e\n" % ( stateAcceptedMinimum, stateAcceptedMaximum ))
if args.configFileName:
for activeParameter in activeParameters:
activeParameterName = activeParameter.find('name').attrib['value']
if activeParameterName == parameterNames[i]:
prior = activeParameter.find('distributionFunction1DPrior')
priorMinimum = prior .find('limitLower')
priorMaximum = prior .find('limitUpper')
if args.configFileName:
with open(args.outputDirectory+"/"+os.path.basename(args.configFileName), 'wb') as f:

# Iterate over analyses making plots.
print("-> Generating plots")
reports.write("-> Generating plots\n")
for analysisName in analysisNames.keys():
print(" -> "+analysisName)
reports.write(" -> "+analysisName+"\n")
targetPlotted = False
axesCreated = False
for analysis in analyses:
if singleModel and "logLikelihood" in analysis['group'].attrs.keys():
print(" -> logℒ = "+str(analysis['group'].attrs['logLikelihood']))
reports.write(" -> logℒ = "+str(analysis['group'].attrs['logLikelihood'])+"\n")
groupAnalysis = analysis['group'][analysisName]
if "type" in groupAnalysis.attrs.keys():
if groupAnalysis.attrs['type'] == b"function1D":
Expand All @@ -102,7 +215,7 @@
if dataset['required']:
sys.exit("Error: attribute '"+datasetName+"' is missing from analysis '"+analysisName+"' but is required.")
for phase in range(4):
for phase in range(5):
if not axesCreated:
figure, axes = plt.subplots(tight_layout=True)
if groupAnalysis.attrs['yAxisIsLog'] == 1:
Expand All @@ -119,7 +232,7 @@
axes.set_ylabel(yAxisLabel )
axes.set_title (description)
axesCreated = True
if not targetPlotted and phase == 1:
if not targetPlotted and phase == 2:
# Plot the target dataset.
targetPlotted = True
if 'data' in datasets['yDatasetTarget']:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +272,7 @@
x = datasets['xDataset']['data']
xMinimum = np.min(x)
xMaximum = np.max(x)
if groupAnalysis.attrs['yAxisIsLog'] == 1:
if groupAnalysis.attrs['xAxisIsLog'] == 1:
xRange = xMaximum/xMinimum
xMinimum /= np.power(xRange,0.05)
xMaximum *= np.power(xRange,0.05)
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marker = 'o'
lineStyle = ''
label = "Galacticus (global best)"
elif analysis['logLikelihoodGlobal'] >= logLikelihoodAccept:
faceColor = '#cccccc'
edgeColor = '#bbbbbb'
marker = ''
lineStyle = 'solid'
label = None
faceColor = '#dddddd'
edgeColor = '#cccccc'
faceColor = '#eeeeee'
edgeColor = '#dddddd'
marker = ''
lineStyle = 'solid'
label = None
# Determine which datasets to plot:
# phase 0: analysese that are not a the best fit
# phase 1: nothing (this is for the target dataset)
# phase 2: analyses that are the global (but not local) best fit
# phase 3: the local best fit
# phase 0: analyses that are not a the best fit, and are not close to the best fit
# phase 1: analyses that are not a the best fit, but are not close to the best fit
# phase 2: nothing (this is for the target dataset)
# phase 3: analyses that are the global (but not local) best fit
# phase 4: the local best fit
# This ensures that z-ordering is as desired.
if phase == 0:
doPlot = not analysis['isBest']['global'] and not analysis['isBest'][analysisName]
if phase == 0:
doPlot = not analysis['isBest']['global'] and not analysis['isBest'][analysisName] and not analysis['logLikelihoodGlobal'] >= logLikelihoodAccept
elif phase == 1:
doPlot = False
doPlot = not analysis['isBest']['global'] and not analysis['isBest'][analysisName] and analysis['logLikelihoodGlobal'] >= logLikelihoodAccept
elif phase == 2:
doPlot = analysis['isBest']['global'] and not analysis['isBest'][analysisName]
doPlot = False
elif phase == 3:
doPlot = analysis['isBest']['global'] and not analysis['isBest'][analysisName]
elif phase == 4:
doPlot = analysis['isBest'][analysisName]
if doPlot:
nonZero = np.nonzero(datasets['yDataset']['data'])
Expand All @@ -219,25 +341,5 @@

# Report on likelihoods and models.
if not singleModel:
print("-> Report on best fit models")
names = list(analysisNames.keys())
for analysis in analyses:
bestFor = []
for name in names:
if analysis['isBest'][name]:
if len(bestFor) > 0:
stateVector = analysis['group']['simulationState'][:]
parameterNames = list(analysis['group']['parameterNames' ][:])
for i in range(len(parameterNames)):
parameterNames[i] = parameterNames[i].decode('utf-8')
lengthMaximum = len(max(parameterNames,key=len))
print(" -> "+analysis['filename']+" : "+analysis['groupname']+" - is best for:")
print(" -> "+", ".join(bestFor))
print(" -> State:")
for i in range(len(stateVector)):
print(" "+(" "*(lengthMaximum-len(parameterNames[i])))+parameterNames[i]+" = %+12.6e" % stateVector[i])

# Close the report file.

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