This is Carapas, an Orthopedic Surgery Simulator based on Artisynth.
git clone http://github.com/gaetanbahl/carapas
cd carapas
source setup.bash
To launch Carapas:
To launch the muscle mesh generator:
This is the general distribution of ArtiSynth.
For installation instructions, go to www.artisynth.org, and navigate to Documentation -> Installation
Other files in this directory:
.artisynthInit Default ArtiSynth initialization file
.demoModels List of "banner" demo models available when ArtiSynth starts up
.mainModels List of "banner" anatomical models in the ArtiSynth Models package (which must be installed).
LICENSE Licensing and terms of use
Makefile Makefile for compiling and doing certain maintenance operations in a shell environment.
Makefile.base Base definitions for Makefile and Makefile in subdirectories.
VERSION Current version
bin Stand-alone programs, mostly implemented as scripts. The program 'artisynth' starts up the ArtiSynth system.
classes Root directory for compiled classes
demoMenu.xml Default format for the Models menu
doc System documenation
eclipseSettings.zip Default project settings for the Eclipse IDE
lib Java libraries, plus architecture-specific libraries for native code support, mostly involving linear solvers, Java OpenGL (JOGL), and collision detection
matlab Matlab scripts for running ArtiSynth from matlab
scripts Jython scripts for basic testing, etc. Some of these may assume the installation of additional projects.
setup.bash Example ArtiSynth setup script for bash
setup.csh Example ArtiSynth setup script for chs/tcsh
src ArtiSynth source code
support Configuration information for external IDEs and support software, including default settings for the Eclipse IDE.
tmp Temp directory for operations like storing files when making movies.