Gatekeeping Flask app.
Be sure to use the same version of the code as the version of the docs you're reading. You probably want the latest tagged version, but the default Git version is the master branch. ::
# clone the repository
git clone
cd gatekeeping
Create a virtualenv and activate it::
python -m venv ~/envs/gatekeeping
source ~/envs/gatekeeping/bin/activate
pip install -r web/requirements.txt
Add email password::
echo "mail = ('[email protected]', 'pass')" > web/gatekeeping/
Generate SSL certificate::
sudo apt-get openssl
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out web/cert.pem -keyout web/key.pem -days 365 && \
Install gatekeeping::
pip install -e .
export FLASK_APP=gatekeeping
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask init-db # first run
flask run
Open in a browser.
pip install '.[test]'
Run with coverage report::
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report
coverage html # open htmlcov/index.html in a browser
export FLASK_APP=gatekeeping
flask init-db # first run
gunicorn -w 4 -b 'gatekeeping:create_app()'
Open in a browser.
docker-compose build --build-arg BUILD_DB=false # true if first run
docker-compose up
Open in a browser.