Tested with Pytorch 1.13.1 and CUDA 11.7 and Pytoch3d 0.7.8
git clone https://github.com/fzhiheng/RoGS.git
conda create -n rogs python=3.8.10 -y conda activate rogs pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117 pip install addict PyYAML tqdm scipy pytz plyfile opencv-python pyrotation pyquaternion nuscenes-devkit
Install pytorch3d.
Install the diff-gaussian-rasterization with orthographic camera
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fzhiheng/diff-gs-depth-alpha.git && cd diff-gs-depth-alpha python setup.py install cd ..
Install the diff-gaussian-rasterization to optimize semantic
In order to optimize the semantic and try not to lose performance (there is some performance loss in dynamically allocating memory when the channel does not need to be specified). We still use the library above. Only a few changes are needed.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fzhiheng/diff-gs-depth-alpha.git diff-gs-label && cd diff-gs-label mv diff_gaussian_rasterization diff_gs_label # follow the instructions below to modify the file python setup.py install
in filecuda_rasterizer/config.h
( 7 for nuScenes and 5 for KITTI) and change alldiff_gaussian_rasterization
. On the dataset KITTI, we changed the name of the library todiff_gs_label2
. In practice, you can setNUM_CHANNELS
according to the category of your semantic segmentation and change the name of the library.
In configs/local_nusc.yaml
and configs/local_nusc_mini.yaml
: Put official nuScenes here, e.g.{base_dir}/v1.0-trainval
: Put segmentation results here. We use the segmentation results provided by Rome. You can download here. -
:Put ground truth here. To produce ground truth:python -m preprocess.process --nusc_root /dataset/nuScenes/v1.0-mini --seg_root /dataset/nuScenes/nuScenes_clip ---save_root /dataset/nuScenes/ -v mini --scene_names scene-0655
In configs/local_kitti.yaml
: Put official kitti odometry dataset here, e.g.{base_dir}/sequences
: Put segmentation results here. We use the segmentation results provided by Rome. You can download here. -
: Put kitti odometry pose here, e.g.{pose_dir}/dataset/poses
python train.py --config configs/local_nusc_mini.yaml
title={RoGs: Large Scale Road Surface Reconstruction with Meshgrid Gaussian},
author={Feng, Zhiheng and Wu, Wenhua and Deng, Tianchen and Wang, Hesheng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.14342},
This project largely references 3D Gaussian Splatting and RoMe. Thanks for their amazing works!