A repository of my published articles
I've written a number of technical articles over the years, some of which are no longer available anywhere because where they were published no longer exist. For posterity if nothing else, I'm dropping them here. All of them are rather old now and of debatable value as technical resources, though there may still b
ajax-using-xmlhttprequest-and-struts - shows how to do AJAX in Struts 1 applications
cross-domain-ajax-with-pure-javascript - written for JSMag, this article describes the JSON-P technique using no libraries
far-out-fowl-an-exercise-in-webos-game-development - an article I wrote for the now-defunct Palm Developer Network that walks through creating a canvas-based game for webOS
reporting-for-the-web-with-datavision - teaches how to use the DataVision open-source reporting tool that I'm the steward of from a web application
the-ajaxparts-taglib-from-java-web-parts-ajax-for-java-developers-the-easy-yet-powerful-way - an article with an overly long title that introduces the AjaxParts taglib, a component of the Java Web Parts project I began that allows JSP developers to incorporate AJAX functions without actually writing any code (good for Java developers who like JSP coding but hate JavaScript)
webos-palms-game-changing-mobile-operating-system - an article written to JSMag that introduces Palm's "game-changing" (uhh, that didn't age well!) operating system
webos-wiki-the-merger-of-knowledge-mobile-and-cloud-computing - another article for the Palm Developer Network that shows how to build a personal wiki for webOS that stores its data in the cloud while making it available on-the-go