Lots of bug fixes and speed improvements for 2.4
There is a lot packed into this release - your app will be faster and more robust than ever before!
- Spaces could be appended to linux Exec command during packaging
- Secondary mobile windows would not size correctly when padded
- Setting Icon.Resource to nil will not clear rendering
- Dismiss iOS keyboard if "Done" is tapped
- Large speed improvement in Entry and GridWrap widgets
- tests fail with macOS Assertion failure in NSMenu (#4572)
- Fix image test failures on Apple Silicon
- High CPU use when showing CustomDialogs (#4574)
- Entry does not show the last (few) changes when updating a binding.String in a fast succession (#4082)
- Calling Entry.SetText and then Entry.Bind immediately will ignore the bound value (#4235)
- Changing theme while application is running doesn't change some parameters on some widgets (#4344)
- Check widget: hovering/tapping to the right of the label area should not activate widget (#4527)
- Calling entry.SetPlaceHolder inside of OnChanged callback freezes app (#4516)
- Hyperlink enhancement: underline and tappable area shouldn't be wider than the text label (#3528)
- Fix possible compile error from go-text/typesetting
Let us know if you have any feedback on this latest release :).