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Releases: fwuffyboi/peek


17 Mar 10:52
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This is the 5th release of Peek.
Please keep in mind that this is an ALPHA RELEASE, and may be unstable, have bugs or crash.
ANY feedback is highly welcome, as well as pull requests.
If there are any issues with the application, feel free to also create an issue on GitHub and i will try my best to resolve it with you.


This release of Peek drastically changes the API routes, this WILL introduce BREAKING CHANGES to existing codebases that may rely on Peek.

What's Changed?

New features since v0.8.8-alpha:

  • You can now trust certain IP addresses in Gin, this allows for reverse proxying Peek, while keeping information such as client IP addresses accurate.
  • Basic username/password authentication to all appropriate endpoints.
  • Install instructions make more sense to users
  • Completely refactored the API to use a better base path (no base to "/api/v1/")
  • Code is more readable in general all over
  • If GitHub's rate limit was somehow hit by your IP during requesting new releases, it will now warn you instead of just saying a JSON unmarshaling error.
  • Added a server header to Gin
  • If an alert regarding a new update has been sent already, it will not be sent again
  • Added swagger UI at path "/swagger/index.html"
  • Temporarily disabled ServerPort field in the ratelimit message. (it caused server errors if rapid requests were sent, needs to be investigated)
  • Updated the README to make more overall sense, and to show off all the new changes in the API!


15 Mar 16:04
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This is the 4th release of Peek.
Please keep in mind that this is an ALPHA RELEASE, and may be unstable, have bugs or crash.
ANY feedback is highly welcome, as well as pull requests.
If there are any issues with the application, feel free to also create an issue on GitHub and i will try my best to resolve it with you.

What's Changed?

New features since v0.8.7-alpha:

  • API paths are clearer to see in the screenshots area of the README
  • It is now logged when an alert is added
  • When an alert is added, if telegram integration is enabled, the alert will be messaged to either a single direct message conversation OR a single group chat (dependent on chatID)


14 Mar 20:46
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This is the 3rd release of Peek.
Please keep in mind that this is an ALPHA RELEASE, and may be unstable, have bugs or crash.
ANY feedback is highly welcome, as well as pull requests.
If there are any issues with the application, feel free to also create an issue on GitHub and i will try my best to resolve it with you.

What's Changed?

New features since v0.8.4.3-beta:

  • Updated the README to have screenshots from this current version.
  • Cleaned up the README and added new things to the TODO
  • 1 security update from DependaBot
  • Changed the alpha/beta naming scheme from -rc to -alpha
  • WARN instead of INFO if running a version newer than released on GitHub
  • Swap memory usage is now viewable
  • CPU information, such as vendor, model name, etc can be viewed
  • Fixed the ratelimiter response to use mostly lowercase where possible for keys
  • Ratelimiter response returns server port and IP separately


12 Mar 02:09
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This is the 1st release of Peek.
Please keep in mind that this is a BETA RELEASE, and may be unstable, have bugs or crash.
ANY feedback is highly welcome, as well as pull requests.
If there are any issues with the application, feel free to also create an issue on GitHub and i will try my best to resolve it with you.

What's Changed?

so much stuff its insane for me to list manually.
please check the below list for available features:

  • Streamline the installation process to a single command.
  • Add support for a yaml config
  • Be able to get the server's country from the IP
  • Allow viewing every disk's usage
  • Allow seeing RAID array information (cached, done every half-hour at most) (?might be removed?)
  • Allow seeing the logs of Peek to a basic level
  • Allow (at least) seeing the config from api
  • Seeing the live system time and timezone
  • Ram usage
  • RAM information (speed in MHz, idk what else)
  • User friendly uptime
  • User unfriendly uptime
  • See hostname
  • Be able to shut down server
  • Custom rate limit to all API endpoints
  • Be able to stop Peek
  • CPU usage
  • CPU temperature
  • CPU information
  • System information (What should this include?)
  • Alerts endpoint (Info like new updates, etc.)
  • Be able to see if updates are available for peek
  • Be able to see if your os has updates available
  • Add screenshots to README
  • Add authentication on API - Note: This will be done after V1.0.0
  • Add support for a yaml config
  • Be able to get the server's country from the IP
  • Allow viewing disk storage
  • Allow seeing RAID array information
  • Ram usage
  • CPU usage
  • User friendly uptime
  • User unfriendly uptime
  • See hostname
  • Be able to shut down server
  • Custom rate limit to all API endpoints
  • Be able to stop Peek - Note: Kinda works. It shuts down but does not tell the client. It just closes connection on them.
  • CPU temperature
  • GPU temperature
  • GPU Usage
  • Auto-updating option
  • Allow selecting specific flag type (twitter, equal height, equal width, etc.)
  • Make the API easier to parse
  • System time and timezone
  • Change where the config is stored
  • Add a fallback if doesn't work
  • Create a better way to get the server's IP
  • See open sessions (ssh, etc.) and who/where they are from
  • Be able to log in and run commands as a certain system user
  • Email if a certain stat gets to certain level
  • Telegram bot integration for alerts
  • Be able to see if a certain port on the local network is responsive (ping)
  • Be able to see the logs of Peek
  • Improve viewing the logs of Peek
  • Be able to see the config from api
  • Be able to edit the config options from the api
  • Be able to see the logs of systemd processes
  • Be able to remotely update peek
  • Only ever return JSON from the whole API, no HTML
  • Be able to download the IP database if not present (from GitHub)
  • Be able to update the IP database if it is outdated
  • Be able to manually override the server's country

Full Changelog:


12 Mar 20:22
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This is the 2nd release of Peek.
Please keep in mind that this is a BETA RELEASE, and may be unstable, have bugs or crash.
ANY feedback is highly welcome, as well as pull requests.
If there are any issues with the application, feel free to also create an issue on GitHub and i will try my best to resolve it with you.

What's Changed?

New features since v0.8.4-beta:

  • The has been improved with wording, and new ideas
  • Fix: The PeekUpdateChecker now provides correct information if there are no available updates.
  • Fix: Censored server IP address's in logs now show up as "" everywhere.
  • Feat: There is a separate endpoint dedicated to only alerts at /api/alerts/.