In this project the microcontroller we are using has two chips integred. ATMega and ES8266. So we have two differente sketches.
Select the board ATMEGA2560.
PIN MODE: 1-2-3-4 ON Rest OFF RX/TX 0
Upload the corrrespondet sketch ATMEGA2560.ino
Select the board LOLIN(WEMOS) DR1 & DR2 mini (instruccions below to install it).
PIN MODE: 5-6-7 ON Rest OFF RX/TX 0
And upload the correspondent sketch Azure_IoT_ES8266.ino
Switch the pin modes to connect the two chips (ATMega and ES8266) PIN MODE: 1-2-3-4 ON Rest OFF RX/TX 3
And finally open the Power BI application to see the data streaming:
Instructions to install the ESP8266 boards:
- Start Arduino and open Preferences window.
- Enter into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas.
- Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and find esp8266 platform.
- Select the version 2.5.2 from a drop-down box.
- Click install button.
- Don't forget to select your LOLIN(WEMOS) DR1 & DR2 mini board from Tools > Board menu after installation.