Telegram bot pour les etudiants de l'ESC à Université de Lausanne.
The bot can be installed in two ways, either using docker, or run directly via python
git clone
cd aesc_bot
To run the bot looks for the API Key under the API_KEY
environment variable.
Store your API Key in a file named .env
, a sample file .env-example
is provided.
Source and export the variable to the environment (not needed if using Docker-Compose)
source .env
export API_KEY
Ensure you have python 3.6 installed, no other version has been tested.
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the bot
Run either the latest version by building the image yourself, or use the included compose file to run the latest image from Docker Hub (Or edit the compose file to build from the local Dockerfile)
Build the image
docker build -t aesc_bot .
Create and run a container in background
docker run -d -e API_KEY --name aesc_bot aesc_bot
docker-compose up -d