Massive changes to the way requests and authorization is handled. This version adds support for Blink Mini Cameras as well.
NOTE: There is a known quirk where every 24hrs you will receive a new 2FA email from Blink. As long as you are logged in or use the credential file, this email can be ignored and you do not need to enter a new 2FA key. This only needs to be done once.
Breaking Changes
- Add arm property to camera, deprecate motion enable method (#273)
- Complete refactoring of the auth logic (#261)
New Features
- Add is_errored property to Auth class (#275)
- Add new endpoint to get user info (#280)
- Add get_liveview command to camera module (#289)
- Add blink mini support (#290)
- Add blink mini arm/disarm support (#300)
- Add option to skip homescreen check (#305)
- Add different timeout for video and image retrieval (#323)
- Modify session to use HTTPAdapter and handle retries (#324)
- Add retry option overrides (#339)
Bug fixes
- Handle json decode error (#268)
- Catch None responses from http requests (#272)
- Only refresh token on unauthorized response from request (#274)
- Fix missing sync arm method (#299)
- Add type check on temperature conversion (#301)
- Prevent sync module creation for minis already attached to one (#320)
- Remove reauth key from login payload (#308)
- Broke out homescreen call to prevent back-to-back api calls (#313)
- Fix error with updating mini info during refresh (#314)
- Remove reference to response on exception since it may be unbound (#328)
- Remove host from auth header (#331)
- Remove exc_info params during loggin (#337)
- Fix broken test and missing try/except (#338)
Other Changes
- Update string formatting (#265)
- Increase timeout from 2s to 5s (#269)
- Improve documentation (#278)
- Update camera retrieval method (#288)
- Bump pytest to 1.4.2
- Bump pytest-sugar to 0.9.4
- Bump coverage to 5.2
- Bump pre-commit to 2.6.0
- Bump pytest-timeout to 1.4.1
- Bump pytest-cov to 2.10.0
- Bump flake8 to 3.8.3
- Bump pylint to 2.5.3
- Bump pytest to 5.4.3
- Bump restructuredtext-lint to 1.3.1