Releases: froala/wysiwyg-editor
Releases · froala/wysiwyg-editor
Release 2.9.2
- Add 'aria' to htmlAllowedAttrs option.
- Expose showProgressBar in video plugin.
- Allow whitespace characters in embedded iframes.
- Update wordAllowedStyleProps to retain table borders.
- Add 'webp' to imageAllowedTypes option.
- Add inline alignment CSS property when the alinment is changed.
- Enhancements
- Keep format on drag&drop inside the editor.
- Enable multiple editors to use code view when using a shared toolbar.
- Use onload event instead of addEventListener to overcome loading problems in Ionic.
- Code view was not disabling the OL and UL toolbar buttons.
- Improve pasting lists from MS Word.
- Enable fullscreen option when using the editor inside Bootstrap modals.
- Reposition popups when they exceed the window on the right side.
- Improve plain paste in Chrome browser.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Improve PT_BR translation.
- Use times symbold instead of Font Awesome for the modal dismiss button.
- Use imageAllowedTypes option for the quick insert image button.
- Improve display of the inline styles in the toolbar dropdown.
- Hotfixes
- Shortcuts for quote were showing when shorcuts were disabled.
- New lines inside PRE tags were removed on paste.
- Applying inline style to links was creating an extra empty SPAN tag.
- Non breaking spaces were added when switching to code view for specific HTML.
- Font Awesome icons were duplicated on backspace.
- Pasting from Microsoft Excel was inserting an image instead of HTML.
- Pasting from Microsoft Word was adding empty anchor tags.
- Pasting large images (over 50Mb) was crashing the Chrome browser.
- Images were not draggable when selected.
- Toolbar was overlapping the editor body on iOS when height options were used.
- Disabling image uploads and manually setting imageInsertButtons to exclude imageUpload was causing an empty popup.
- Editor was scrolling to the top when using Enter/Delete on a long page on Android devices.
- Extra space was added in fullscreen on iOS.
- Inline toolbar was not accessible anymore after using the bold command in an empty editor.
- Removing horizontal line was causing an error on Windows 10.
- When using the iframe option, the size of the editor was not updated correctly after using Embedly plugin.
- Color popup was showing colors incorrectly sometimes.
- Default options where not working correctly for list styles.
- Changing list type in nested lists was creating a blank list item.
- Replacing video with an embedded iframe was causing an error.
Release 2.9.1
- Enhancements:
- Improve support for Font Awesome 5.
- Hotfixes
- Problems with rendering advanced list buttons.
Release 2.9.0
- Add listAdvancedTypes option.
- Add videoResponsive option.
- Add TUI Advanced Image editor.
- Add Font Awesome insert icons plugin.
- Add Line Height plugin.
- Add Inline Classes plugin.
- Add Export as PDF.
- Display shortcuts for quotes.
- Enhancements
- Text selection using keys.
- Using SHIFT key in blockquotes.
- Adding new lines at the end of PRE tags.
- Add translation for Save button.
- Improve Danish translation.
- Hotfixes
- Videos were not draggable in IE.
- Dropdowns were making the page scroll in IE.
- When using the ENTER_BR option, the inline styles were not applied correctly.
- Image caption was not working correctly in IE.
- Setting HTML was removing spaces between images.
- Image resizer was placed incorrectly in IE sometimes.
- Pasting SVGs in Safari was throwing an error.
- The html.insert was not scrolling to the insertion point on iOS.
- Progress bar was hiding when resizing during image upload.
- Pasting on iOS was triggering unwanted scroll.
- Iframe was not changing size when resizing images.
- Do not add target="_blank" for emails.
- Row insert was positioned incorrectly after scroll.
- Drag between blocks was turning editor into a disabled mode sometimes.
- Pressing backspace inside iframes was causing the editor to scroll up.
- Toggling caption was adding unwanted HTML markup.
- Quick Insert plugin was working incorrectly when using nested block tags.
- Add wordPasteKeepFormatting option.
- Enhancements:
- Improve Russian translation.
- Improve Chinese translation.
- Improve Persian translation.
- Improve Portuguese translation.
- Do not load Font Awesome when iframe mode is enabled.
- Pasting from Word in Safari was taking a long time with specific documents.
- Use the fileAllowedTypes option as a restriction for the files to be chosen in the upload dialog.
- Improve the htmlUntouched option.
- Allow typing inside inputs on modals.
- Hotfixes:
- Command events were not triggered for code view in inline mode.
- Init on link was not allowing proper editing of the content.
- Editor was scrolling up when hovering a dropdown in IE browser.
- Long links where causing horizontal scroll in Edge browser.
- Double click on image popup buttons where blocking the upload actions.
- Calling the image.setSize method without clicking the image first would result in an error.
- Clearing text format was joining paragraphs together.
- Pasting in IE was throwing a JS error when pasting from Wikipedia.
- Typing in Korean was not working correctly for image captions in IE.
- < and > characters were wrapped incorrectly when converting inline links.
- The undo.reset method was not resetting stack fully.
- plugin was not loaded correctly when multiple instances on the same page.
- Pasting with ENTER_BR or ENTER_DIV enabled was joining new lines for specific HTML.
- Fix possible XSS in data attribute.
- Image upload to S3 was broken when the imageUploadURL was not changed.
Release 2.8.4
- Hotfixes
- Revert the previous way of building the code in order to fix Angular & React integration problems.
- Use jQuery AJAX instead of XHR requests.
Release 2.8.3
- Hotfixes
- Build was not working correctly with Webpack.
Release 2.8.2
- Images are uploaded to a local blob instead of by default.
- Update SCAYT default path.
- Allow translation of CTRL.
- Add Greek translation.
- Add Kurdish translation.
- Add table.resized event.
- Enhancements
- Make sticky toolbar to behave the same way across browsers.
- Insert Vimeo private videos.
- Improve Font Awesome 5 compatibility.
- Rename "Alternate Text" to "Alternative Text".
- Improve Korean translation.
- Show special characters plugin on mobile devices.
- Improve pasting from Google Sheets.
- Improve integration of Embedly to remove the branding when a correct key is used.
- Allow tableEditButtons to be empty.
- Hotfixes
- Image pasted from clipboard was not uploaded correctly.
- Image was not deselected when clicking outside of the editor under certain situations.
- Using http-equiv='refresh' was triggering a page refresh.
- An error was throwing when removing an image sometimes.
- The font size was not being displayed correctly when using PT instead of PX.
- Nested lists were not being removed correctly on backspace.
- Plain paste was not working with the iframe mode.
- Alignment was incorrect when pasting from certain Microsoft Word files.
- Table resize was not working correctly when first row was hidden or had cells merged.
- ALT + D was removing the current selected cell.
- Converting links while typing was making the cursor to jump incorrectly.
- Inserting link with protocol was not working correctly.
- Deleting inside a block element was removing it all together on last character delete.
Release 2.8.1
- Editor not showing toolbars in IE.
- Selecting text with the SHIFT key was working incorrectly.
- Free for students in educational domains (learn more).
- Improve Font Awesome 5 support.
- Add fontSizeUnit option.
- Add quickInsert.commands.before event.
- Add quickInsert.commands.after event.
- Add tableDefaultWidth option.
- Add autofocus option.
- Enhancements
- Ignore comments when applying inline formatting.
- Always keep image mime type when pasting from the clipboard and available.
- Keep space intentation when pasting from Microsoft Word.
- Keep link anchor tags when pasting from Microsoft Word.
- Improve editing when htmlUntouched option is used.
- Improve creating new lines around images with caption in Firefox.
- Improve pasting tabs from Apple Notes.
- Trigger of the blur event in Code View mode.
- Dragging elements with contenteditable="false" attribute.
- Pasting from Microsoft Word with remote URLs.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Improve destroying shared instances.
- Clearing formatting with selection collapsed.
- Navigating inside tables when the editor lives in a list item element.
- Improves pasting images from Microsoft Word.
- Bug Fixing
- Unwanted data attribute was added in Firefox sometimes.
- Resize handlers where showing for PRE tags in IE.
- IE was scrolling to the top of the area when selecting an image.
- Editor selection was lost when using SELECT fields in popups.
- Error when switching to fullscreen in Code View without Code Mirror included.
- Error when using with iframe mode.
- Inline formatting was not applied correctly next to HR tags.
- Popup container was set incorrectly when using shared instances.
- Uploading image by URL was throwing an error in IE.
- Backspace was working incorrectly on iOS in RTL mode.
- Safari was pasting plain text all the time.
- Modal close buttons where not working correctly after destroying a shared instance.
- An error was thrown when applying inline formatting for specific HTML structures.
- Table cell selection or typing was causing scroll and cursor moving incorrectly.
- Backspace was removing multiple adjacent emoticons.
- HTML entities were being converted when pasting in Google Chrome.
- Drag and drop text inside the editor was placing it at the wrong position.
- Blur event was triggered when uploading an image using the Quick Insert tool.
- Destroying the editor was not possible in editInPopup mode.
- Deleting link tags was leaving empty tags around it.
- $.FroalaEditor.ICON_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE was not being used.
- Unfocus the editor before it is destroyed in order to prevent stealing page focus.
Release 2.7.6
- Add support for Font Awesome 5 and iconsTemplate option.
- Add helpSets option.
- Add paragraphDefaultSelection option.
- Quick Insert plugin is available in ENTER_BR mode.
- Support for JAWS.
- Changing the toolbarButtons option will automatically change the options for smaller screens if no other specific option is used.
- Enhancements
- Do not add image classes when imageDefaultAlign and imageDefaultDisplay options are null.
- Space collapsing at the end of links.
- Possibility to define shortcuts for commands without buttons.
- Allow using BLOCKQUOTE inside paragraph tags.
- toolbarContainer option is now compatible with fullscreen mode.
- BR tag cleaning in Firefox.
- Collapsing spaces when pasting from Microsoft Word.
- Pasting nested lists from Microsoft Word.
- Improves typing in IE when ENTER_BR option is used.
- iOS enter and backspace improvements.
- iOS pasting was not working all the times.
- Convert tabs on paste when the tabSpaces option is enabled.
- Pasting in the editor from Outlook.
- Show error message when dropping a file with unapproved extensions.
- Edit the most inner text of links instead of replacing the text at the top level.
- Accessibility support for IE.
- Improvements for the HTML untouched mode.
- Modal and popup backgrounds when using dark themes.
- Typing in the editor when there is a non-editable text element.
- Improvements for RU, UK, NL, SV and PL translations.
- Copying images with caption.
- Support for text inputs inside the editable area.
- Scrolling page to follow the cursor when it goes out of the screenview.
- Improvements for nested contenteditable="false" / contenteditable="true".
- Do not remove links when clearing formatting.
- Bug Fixing
- Fullscreen on iOS.
- Sync code view size when toggling fullscreen mode.
- Pasting empty tags was removing them when copying between editor instances.
- The STYLE tag was always removed.
- The blur event was triggered on image upload sometimes.
- Fixes the size of images with caption when the imageResizeWithPercent option is used.
- Pasting image in an empty editor wouldn't add the action to the undo stack.
- plugin was not working inside iframes.
- Applying text format next to an HR tag was not working correctly.
- Keep format when backspacing to the previous line.
- Emoticons were removed when using the useClasses option.
- Dragging an image in a link and then out of it was moving the link as well.
- Selecting different videos would bring the editor in an unresponsive mode.
- Dropdowns were misaligned in RTL mode sometimes.
- Toggling fullscreen was leaving an empty tag in the editor.
- Dropping image with caption inside the container of the image would throw an error.
- Deleting tabs were removing one extra character.
- Aligning the image caption would result in bad formatted HTML.
- When an image is inserted from the same domain, ignore the imageCORSProxy option.
- heightMin was set on the body output when the fullPage option was enabled.
- The video.removed event was not triggered when using backspace/delete to remove it.
- Dropping files in Firefox was not showing the cursor anymore sometimes.
- Popups were showing for elements inside contenteditable="false".
- Removing an image was not possible when the keepFormatOnDelete was enabled.
- contentChanged was triggered sometimes after destroying the editor instance.
- Table resize was not working correctly when there was some scroll on the page.