Images are uploaded to a local blob instead of by default.
Update SCAYT default path.
Allow translation of CTRL.
Add Greek translation.
Add Kurdish translation.
Add table.resized event.
Make sticky toolbar to behave the same way across browsers.
Insert Vimeo private videos.
Improve Font Awesome 5 compatibility.
Rename "Alternate Text" to "Alternative Text".
Improve Korean translation.
Show special characters plugin on mobile devices.
Improve pasting from Google Sheets.
Improve integration of Embedly to remove the branding when a correct key is used.
Allow tableEditButtons to be empty.
Image pasted from clipboard was not uploaded correctly.
Image was not deselected when clicking outside of the editor under certain situations.
Using http-equiv='refresh' was triggering a page refresh.
An error was throwing when removing an image sometimes.
The font size was not being displayed correctly when using PT instead of PX.
Nested lists were not being removed correctly on backspace.
Plain paste was not working with the iframe mode.
Alignment was incorrect when pasting from certain Microsoft Word files.
Table resize was not working correctly when first row was hidden or had cells merged.
ALT + D was removing the current selected cell.
Converting links while typing was making the cursor to jump incorrectly.
Inserting link with protocol was not working correctly.
Deleting inside a block element was removing it all together on last character delete.
You can’t perform that action at this time.