Do not parse entities inside SCRIPT and STYLE tags.
Enable drop, dragenter, dragover, dragleave and dragend events.
toolbarInlineWithoutSelection is enabled by default.
Remove forms from popups.
Japanese typing.
Enter inside an empty heading with the option ENTER_BR enabled.
Hide popup after editing in popup.
Disable popup inputs so that they are not submitted with the parent form.
French translation.
Traditional Chinese translation.
Favicon and browser icons were refreshed when switching from code_view or when the HTML was taken from the editor.
Selection restore in Safari.
Cursor positioning in Safari.
Sync editor content before form submit.
Hide inline toolbar when starting to type.
Detect page only first time and then store the property.
IME typing when toolbar inline.
Bug fixing
AMD build.
Using CSS rules from remote files when HTTPS is enabled.
Image resize was not working correctly all the time.
Image resize on Windows Phone.
CSS3 pseudo element used incorrectly.
Bad closed SPAN tag inside the video popup.
Editor width was not set to 100% in fullscreen when the width option was present.
Cut action was removing the entire paragraph sometimes in Firefox.
Cursor was not visible after editing in IE.
Height sync error inside iframe when using the video plugin.
Font family style value was set incorrectly.
Table cleaning error.
You can’t perform that action at this time.