Add imageManagerToogleTags option.
Add codeView.isActive method.
Add codeView.get method.
Typing in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
Missing translations for titles.
Dropdown icons are using tooltips.
Empty elements that have attributes are no longer being removed.
Detect Edge browser.
Paste from Microsoft Excel in Firefox on Windows 7.
Emoticon typing experience.
Tooltips were visible for inactive buttons.
Tooltips were falling out for window sometimes.
Dropdowns overflow when using the scrollableContainer option.
Add back buttons for colors picker and emoticon popups.
Horizontal line break page support.
Tab on multiple lines indents content instead of deleting it.
Code view is at least 150px tall.
Bug fixing
Inserting table was throwing a console error.
toolbarStickyOffset was not working correctly in fullscreen mode.
Init on image was not working correctly.
Edit link was not working when the editor was initialized on a <A>
chainTrigger method was breaking the chain sometimes.
tag before <TABLE>
tag was being removed.
Image resize and remove was not being saved in the undo stack.
New line was adding at the top when the editor was destroyed and initialized again.
List buttons were showing incorrect status when the editor was inside a list.
Styles containing quotes were broken.
Editing zones with contenteditable="false".
Video width was exceeding the editor size.
Image manager tags were working exclusively.
Scrollbar inside dropdowns could not be clicked.
Line breaker was appearing outside of the editing area.
IE drag&drop was not working correctly.
Videos were not loading on iOS.
Clicking a video while scrolling on iOS was breaking scroll.
IE was not preserving font size on color change.
Image resize with percent was working incorrectly when images were inside tag.
Videos could not be started in fullscreen mode.
Selecting bold when an element has the font-weight property set.
Using inputs inside the editor were throwing an error.
Image popup was not showing the layers correctly.
Fixing toolbar at the top was not working correctly inside a scrollable container.
Forms inside the popups were having a bad size.
You can’t perform that action at this time.