The project aims to control linear/nonlinear dynamical systems in model-free and model-based setting with SOTA deep reinforcement learning algorithms
Follow steps below,
1. Create Conda environment:
- 'conda env create --name rlcontrol --file=environment.yml'
2. Install OpenAI Gym Environment
- Install gym_control environment: `pip install -e .`
- Export conda env yaml: `conda env export > environment.yml --no-builds`
- Export conda env yaml as requirements.txt: `conda list -e > requirements.txt`
1. Activate rlcontrol environment
`conda activate rlcontrol`
2. Run streamlit app and watch app at `http://localhost:8502`
`streamlit run`
Build for docker based deployment
docker build -t streamlit .
The following open source packages are used in this project:
- streamlit
- torch
- ray
- rllib
- control
- gymnasium
- tensorboardx
- tqdm
- numpy
- matplotlib
- plotly
- pandas
- pickle5
- zipfile36
- Track experiments from db (postgresql)
- Fix seeds